Modeling of Contact between Liner Finish and Piston Ring in Internal Combustion Engines Based on 3D Measured Surface by Qing Zhao MASSACHUSETTS ITITUTE OF TECHNWOLOGY AUG 152014 B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering Purdue University, 2012 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2012 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 2014 @2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights Reserved. Signature redacted Signature of Author: Department of Mechanical Wngineering May 9, 2014 Certified by: Signature redacted, Dr. Tian Tian Principle Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Accepted by: The.supervisor ________Signature redacted David E.Hardt Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students Modeling of Contact between Liner Finish and Piston Ring in Internal Combustion Engines Based on 3D Measured Surface by Qing Zhao Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 9, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract When decreasing of fossil fuel supplies and air pollution are two major society problems in the 2 1 st century, rapid growth of internal combustion (IC) engines serves as a main producer of these two problems. In order to increase fuel efficiency, mechanical loss should be controlled in internal combustion engines. Interaction between piston ring pack and cylinder liner finish accounts for nearly 20 percent of the mechanical losses within an internal combustion engine, and is an important factor that affects the lubricant oil consumption. Among the total friction between piston ring pack and cylinder liner, boundary friction occurs when piston is at low speed and there is direct contact between rings and liners. This work focuses on prediction of contact between piston ring and liner finish based on 3D measured surface and different methods are compared. In previous twin-land oil control ring (TLOCR) deterministic model, Greenwood-Tripp correlation function was used to determine contact. The practical challenge for this single equation is that real plateau roughness makes it unreliable. As a result, micro geometry of liner surface needs to be obtained through white light interferometry device or confocal equipment to conduct contact model. Based on real geometry of liner finish and the assumption that ring surface is ideally smooth, contact can be predicted by three different models which were developed by using statistical Greenwood-Williamson model, Hertzian contact and revised deterministic dry contact model by Professor A.A. Lubrecht. The predicted contact between liner finish and piston ring is then combined with hydrodynamic pressure caused by lubricant which was examined using TLOCR deterministic model by Chen. et al to get total friction resulted on the surface of liner finish. Finally, contact model is used to examine friction of different liners in an actual engine running cycle. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Tian Tian, Department of Mechanical Engineering 3 Acknowledgements There are many people who I would like to thank for their contributions to this research, and to my past two years' study at MIT. These contributions have given me many opportunities for developments on both personal and professional level. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Tian Tian, for his support and guidance throughout my research and the course of my work. I have learnt a great deal through my exposure to his depth of knowledge, insight, experience and logical approach to problem solving. I would like to thank Professor Ton Lubrecht, for his guidance and help throughout my research at MIT. I couldn't have finished the work without his help. I would also like to thank my peer worker, Dallwoo Kim, who built the experiment aspect of contact model. I would also like to thank Yang Liu and Renze Wang, who made the part to predict hydrodynamic pressure between liner finish and piston ring and generated ideal rough surfaces based on measured liner surface. I absorbed numerous knowledge and ideas through the intense and inspiring discussions with them. I couldn't have finished the work without their continuous help in these two years. This work is sponsored by the consortium on lubrication in internal combustion engines with additional support by Argonne National Laboratory and the US department of energy. The current consortium members are Daimler, Mahle, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, Shell, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volve Cars, and Volve Truck. I would like to thank them, for their financial support, and more specifically, their representatives and others for their continued encouragement over the years, and for sharing their extensive experience with me. Our regular meetings provided not only a motivation for completing work, but also an invaluable opportunity to share knowledge and obtain constructive feedback. Without their help and guidance this research would not be possible. I would also like to thank the members of the Sloan Automotive Laboratory for their support and friendship. In particular I would like to thank students of the Lubrication Consortium and my office mates, Eric Zanghi, Pasquale Totaro, Renze Wang, Yang Liu, Camille Baelden, Mathieu Picard, Tianshi Fang, Kai Liao, Dallwoo Kim for their help to make the stressful time relieving. Finally, I would like to thank my parents and boyfriend for their great support and love throughout my stay here and all the friends I met at MIT that made my stay here more colorful. 4 Table of Contents Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Acknow ledges.............................................................................................................................................4 Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................5 List of Figures..............................................................................................................................................7 List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................10 Introduction....................................................................................................................................11 1.1 Project M otivation......................................................................................................................11 1.2 Piston Ring Pack..........................................................................................................................12 1.3 Cylinder Liner Finish............................................................................................................... 13 1.4 Surface Roughness M easurem ent Techniques................................................................... 14 1.5 Previous Work on Modeling Contact between Liner Finish and Piston Ring Pack........16 1.6 Scope of Thesis W ork............................................................................................................. 19 2 M easured Liner Processing M ethod...................................................................................... 20 2.1 M easured Liner............................................................................................................................20 2.1.1 M easured Liner Geom etry Profile.................................................................................... 20 2.1.2 M ean Plateau Height.......................................................................................................... 21 2.1.3 Asperity Height Distribution and Mean Plateau Height of Different Sample Liners...22 1 2.1.4 Plateau Surface Roughness - .......................................................................................... 24 2.2 M easurem ent Errors on M easured Liner............................................................................ 24 2.3 M easured Liner Processing M ethod.................................................................................... 26 2.3.1 Rem oving Unexpected Large Spikes................................................................................. 26 2.3.2 Plateau Surface Roughness u- of Different Sam ple Liners............................................ 27 2.4 M easured Liner M odeling M ethod..........................................................................................28 2.5 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... ........ 30 3 Statistical M odel and Hertzian Contact M odel..................................................................... 31 3.1 Challenges of Applying Previous Contact M odel............................................................... .... 31 3.1.1 Assum ptions and Equations of Previous Contact M odel............................................... 31 3.1.2 Correlation Function based on Gaussian Distribution.................................................... 33 3.1.3 Comparison of Previous Contact Model with Real Situation.........................................34 3.2 Statistical M odel..........................................................................................................................35 3.2.1 Assum ptions and Equations of Statistical M odel........................................................... 35 3.2.2 Application of Statistical M odel........................................................................................ 38 3.2.3 Results of Different Sam ple Liners by Statistical M odel................................................. 39 3.2.4 Application of Statistical Model based on Gaussian Distribution................................ 42 3.3 Hertzian Contact M odel....................................................................................................... 43 3.3.1 Assum ptions and Equations of Hertzian Contact M odel.............................................. 44 5 3.3.2 Application of Hertzian Contact M odel............................................................................ 45 3.3.3 Results of Different Sample Liners by Hertzian Contact M odel.................................... 46 3.4 Discussions of Results by Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners..............................................................................................................................48 3.4.1 Comparisons of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact M odel.................................. 48 3.4.2 Factors Influence Contact Pressure................................................................................... 53 3.4.3 Comparison of Previous Contact Model and Statistical Model based on Gaussian Distribution...............................................................................................................................53 3.5 4 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................54 Deterministic Contact M odel.....................................................................................................56 Approach of Deterministic Contact M odel......................................................................... 4.1.1 Assumptions and Formulas in Deterministic Model...................................................... 4.1 56 56 4.1.2 M ulti-level M ethod.............................................................................................................. 58 4.1.3 Application of Deterministic Contact Model.................................................................. 59 4.2 Results of Different Sample Liners by Deterministic Contact M odel............................. 60 Discussions of Results by Deterministic Contact M odel................................................... 62 4.3.1 Comparisons of Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model, Statistical 4.3 M odel........................................................................................................................................63 4.3.2 Com parisons of M odeled Liner Surface and Original Liner Surface............................. 66 4.3.3 Boundary Effect in Deterministic Contact M odel.......................................................... 68 4.3.4 Another Choice of Normalized Process............................................................................ 70 4.3.5 Influence of Level Size..........................................................................................................72 4.3.6 Relation between Contact Area and Contact Pressure................................................. 73 4.4 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................74 Evaluation of Contact M odel.................................................................................................... 5 5.1 5.2 75 Correlation Functions of Contact Pressure......................................................................... 75 Test Results in Cycle Model and Comparison with Experimental Results for Three 76 Different Contact Model....................................................................................................... 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Calculation Results of Sample Liner #1 1....................................................................... 76 Calculation Results of Sample Liner #2 2....................................................................... 79 Calculation Results of Sample Liner #4 3...................................................................... 81 5.3 Discussion.....................................................................................................................................82 5.4 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................83 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................85 6 6.1 6.2 Summary and Conclusion....................................................................................................... Potential Future W ork............................................................................................................ References................................................................................................................................................87 6 85 86 List of Figures Figure 1.1: Breakdown of Total Diesel Engine Energy, Mechanical Friction and Ring Pack Friction [1]............................................................................................................................................1 1 Figure 1.2: Position of Piston Ring Pack in Combustion Chamber of an Internal Combustion E ng in e.....................................................................................................................................12 Figure 1.3: New Cylinder Liner Finish Geometry Profile................................................................13 Figure 1.4: Worn Cylinder Liner Finish Geometry Profile..............................................................14 Figure 1.5: Schematic Drawing of Stylus Profiler Method [10]......................................................15 Figure 1.6: Schematic Drawing of Confocal Microscope [13]...................................................... 15 Figure 1.7: Schem atic Draw ing of W LI [17]...................................................................................... 16 Figure 2.1: Sample Liner Geometry Profile in 2D and 3D View....................................................21 Figure 2.2: Sam ple Liner Surface Height Distribution..................................................................... 21 Figure 2.3: Plateau of Sample Liner Geometry Profile in 2D and 3D View..................................22 Figure 2.4: Sample Liners and Mean Plateau Height of Them......................................................24 Figure 2.5: Unexpected Large Spikes on Measured Liner..............................................................25 Figure 2.6: Unexpected Spikes along Border of Plateau and Valley............................................25 Figure 2.7: Flow Chart of Iteration to Remove Unexpected Large Spikes...................................26 Figure 2.8: Original Surface and Processed Surface without Large Spikes..................................27 Figure 2.9: Unexpected Spikes along Border of Plateau and Valley on Filtered Surface...........27 Figure 2.10: Original ap and Filtered up of Sample Liners.............................................................28 Figure 2.11: M odeled O ne Asperity................................................................................................... 29 Figure 2.12: M odeled a Sm all Patch of Surface............................................................................... 30 Figure 3.1: Ring in Contact with Liner Finish at Clearance Height h............................................32 Figure 3.2: Comparison of F 2.s based on Gaussian Distribution and Hu et al Correlation Function and New Correlation Function........................................................................................ 34 Figure 3.3: Comparison between Plateau Height Distribution of Liner Surface #1 with Normal D istrib utio n ............................................................................................................................ 35 Figure 3.4: Contact between One Rough Surface and One Smooth Surface............................. 36 Figure 3.5: Contact of One Smooth Surface and One Rough Surface..........................................37 Figure 3.6: Measured Liner Surface and Modeled Liner Surface................................................. 38 Figure 3.7: Relation between Contact Pressure and Clearance Height.......................................39 Figure 3.8: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Statistical Method.........................40 Figure 3.9: Comparison of F 1.5 with Gaussian Distribution and Correlation Function.............43 Figure 3.10: One Asperity and One Smooth Surface in Contact....................................................45 7 Figure 3.11: Measured Liner Surface and Modeled Liner Surface...............................................45 Figure 3.12: Relation between Contact Pressure and Clearance Height....................................46 Figure 3.13: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Hertzian Contact Model............48 Figure 3.14: Comparison of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Lin e rs......................................................................................................................................50 Figure 3.15: Asperity Size Distribution of Sample Liner #2.......................................................... 52 Figure 3.16: Comparison of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Generated Surface w ith Identical Asperity Size............................................................................................. 52 Figure 3.17: Comparison of Previous Contact Model and Statistical Model based on Gaussian 54 D istributio n ............................................................................................................................ Figure 4.1: Original M easured Liner Surface.................................................................................. 59 Figure 4.2: Deform ed Liner Surface......................................................................................... 60 Figure 4.3: Relation between Contact Pressure and Clearance Height.......................................60 Figure 4.4: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Deterministic Contact Model...........62 Figure 4.5: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Deterministic Contact Model, Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model............................................................65 Figure 4.6: Comparison of Original Liner Surface and Modeled Liner Surface...........................68 Figure 4.7: Constructed Liner Surface without Boundary Effect and Original Liner Surface with Boundary Effect.....................................................................................................................69 Figure 4.8: Comparison of Contact Pressure with Boundary Effect and Contact Pressure without Boundary Effect.....................................................................................................................69 Figure 4.9: Contact between Punch and Smooth Surface.............................................................70 Figure 4.10: Comparison between Different Normalized Process, Hertzian Contact and Punch 1 Co ntact...................................................................................................................................7 Figure 4.11: Comparison of Contact Pressure by Different Level Size.........................................72 Figure 4.12: Relation between Contact Area and Clearance Height of Sample Liner #2..........73 Figure 4.13: Relation between Contact Area and Contact Load of Sample Liner #2............... ...... 74 Figure 5.1: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #1 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 100*C..................................................77 Figure 5.2: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #1 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 40*C....................................................78 Figure 5.3: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #2 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 100*C..................................................80 Figure 5.4: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #2 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 40C.....................................................80 8 Figure 5.5: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #4 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 100*C.................................................81 Figure 5.6: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #4 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 40*C....................................................82 Figure 5.7: Discontinuous Spikes along Plateau/Deep Valley......................................................83 9 List of Tables Table 3.1: Statistical Data of Different Sample Liners....................................................................39 Table 3.2: Maximum Difference and Average Difference of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners.................................................................. 51 Table 4.1: Maximum Difference and Average Difference of Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners..................................................65 Table 4.2: Com parison of Different Level Size............................................................................... 72 10 1. Introduction 1.1 Project Motivation When decreasing of fossil fuel supplies and air pollution are two major society problems in the 2 1st century, rapid growth of internal combustion (IC) engines serves as a main contributor of these two problems. The challenge of energy demand and environmental protection can be alleviated by increasing the engine's efficiency and reducing its CO 2 emissions. These are the two demanding goals for the whole automotive industry. Among total consumed energy in a typical diesel automotive, mechanical friction loss accounts for approximately 10% of the total fuel energy, and of which around 20% is dissipated into friction between piston rings and liner finish, as illustrated in Figure 1.1 [1]. Meanwhile, oil control ring is responsible for more than half of the piston ring pack friction loss. As a result, there is still a space for automotive industry to increase energy efficiency by reducing piston ring pack friction. Total Engurgy Brmiadmwn Msc d Iechaneal Pricion Breakdown Pdc~m Ring Friction Breakdown Rigs r Top Rhig (13-40%1 .d Second R Rods 110-.22%) (0ing (19-44%) Figure 1.1: Breakdown of Total Diesel Engine Energy, Mechanical Friction and Ring Pack Friction [1] Asperity contact between liner finish and rings can occur due to a combination of limited oil supply and low piston sliding speed at top dead center (TDC) and bottom dead center (BDC) of the stroke among piston ring pack friction. Asperity contact occurs in a boundary lubrication regime, when asperities carry the entire ring load, and in a mixed lubrication regime, when the 11 ring load is shared by asperity contact and hydrodynamic pressure. Friction due to asperity contact has been identified as an important contributor to total ring pack friction [2]. 1.2 Piston Ring Pack In a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine, a piston ring is a split ring that fits into a grove on the outer diameter of a piston and the main functions of piston rings are sealing the combustion chamber so that there is no transfer of gases and oil from the combustion chamber to the crank case and regulating engine oil consumption [3]. The piston ring pack consists of three different rings (from top to bottom): top ring (compression ring), second ring (scraper ring) and oil control ring (OCR) in an internal combustion chamber, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. Combustion Chamber Top Ring Second Rine Twin Land Oil Control Ring Figure 1.2: Position of Piston Ring Pack in Combustion Chamber of an Internal Combustion Engine Twin land oil control ring (TLOCR) is widely used in automotive diesel engines, and it was focused in this work. In order to seal oil in crank case from combustion chamber, a high normal force is exerted by the oil control ring spring to conform the ring onto the cylinder bore, and consequently it results in a larger portion of the entire ring pack friction loss. Moreover, another function of oil control ring is to limit oil film thickness left on the liner which is the source of oil supply to top two rings. If the controlled film thickness by oil control ring is thicker, 12 it will increase oil consumption while result in less contact friction. The trade-off between the contact friction of the top two rings and oil consumption makes the design of oil control ring complicated. 1.3 Cylinder Liner Finish To guarantee reproducibility with efficient productivity in mass production, cylinder liners of internal combustion engines are finished using an interrupted multi-stage honing process, known as plateau-honing process. This process is a succession of three honing stages. The first stage categorized as a rough honing establishes the form of the bore. The second operation creates the basic surface texture and the third honing operation serves for removing surface peaks [4]. The whole honing process gives cylinder liner the desired finish, dimensional accuracy, form, and a surface with characteristic cross-hatch groove pattern [5]. A typical new cylinder liner finish geometry profile is shown in Figure 1.3. The plateau area is formed by the third honing operation and the deep valley part comes from second honing process. When piston runs in a cylinder, ring land surface slides over liner finish and it is in the plateau part that all asperity contact occurs. Consequently, surface roughness of the plateau part is the most important factor to determine asperity contact and o- which is root mean square (RMS) of the plateau area is used to define liner finish surface roughness. color scale length unit (um) 1400 1 1200 0.5 0 "0.5 10 0 600 1500 1000 Axial Cirecd on (prn) 2000 Figure 1.3: New Cylinder Liner Finish Geometry Profile 13 - 600 Surface topology of liner finish changes with time due to asperity contact between liner and piston ring pack in both break-in and wear process. Figure 1.4 shows a worn cylinder liner finish geometry profile. During break-in period, some asperity peaks due to honing process can be removed and thus reducing contact friction between liner and piston ring pack [6] [7]. color scale length unit (jpm) 1400 ,-%1200 6 Si1ooo 5100 Boo -0.5 c 600 E400 -1- 0200 ON 0 600 1000 1600 2000 Axial direction (pm) Figure 1.4: Worn Cylinder Liner Finish Geometry Profile 1.4 Surface Roughness Measurement Techniques There are different methods to measure surface texture and among them, stylus profiler method, white light interferometry (WLI) microscopy and confocal microscopy are widely used and provide higher accuracy. Stylus Profiler uses contacting method, while WLI microscopy and confocal microscopy are based on optical techniques [8]. The stylus profiler senses surface height through mechanical contact where a stylus traverses peaks and valleys of the surface with a small contacting force, as illustrated in Figure 1. 5. Vertical motion of the stylus is converted to an electrical signal by a transducer, which represents the surface profile. Vertical resolution of the stylus profiler can be very high, while the lateral resolution is limited by size of the stylus tip. One disadvantage of the stylus instrument, however, is that stylus may damage the surface, depending on the hardness of the surface relative to the stylus and tip size [8] [9]. 14 up I Ntemiurrc tolic ."in1m Figure 1.5: Schematic Drawing of Stylus Profiler Method [10] Confocal microscope uses aperture (pinhole) to scan surface relative to a finely focused spot of laser light. The transmitted or reflected light is then collected and focused onto a point detector, as illustrated in Figure 1.6. The resulting signal strength can be used to modulate brightness of the spot which can tell the height on the surface spot by spot [11]. Confocal microscope has the unique capability of creating a bright image of the in-focus region of the specimen while causing all out-of-focus regions to appear dark [12]. ronrs laser screen with pinhole detector (PMT) microscope fluorescent specimen Figure 1.6: Schematic Drawing of Confocal Microscope [13] WLI technique, as illustrated in Figure 1.7 is an established optical method to measure surface roughness. A Michelson interferometer is usually used to generate interferometry. The 15 interferometer is illuminated by a broadband light source such as a light-emitting diode, a super-luminescent diode, or an incandescent lamp. In the Michelson interferometer, light source is split into two parts through a beam splitter. One goes directly to the surface and the other travels onto a smooth reference mirror. The reflected two beams can produce interference fringes around the equal path condition. At the output of the interferometer, a CCD camera serves as a detector to record the fringe pattern. Scanning the surface vertically with respect to microscope and detecting the optimum equal path condition at every pixel in the camera result in a topographic image [14] [15] [16]. Detector Reference Beam mirror splitter White light z Reference mirror position lw tu h(xy) y z Surface x or y axis Figure 1.7: Schematic Drawing of WII [17] Optical Methods, including confocal method and WLI method, have the advantages that they are non-contacting and hence, non-destructive. Optical methods based on imaging and microscopy also have a higher measurement speed than contacting technique, stylus profiler method, which rely on mechanical scanning of a contacting probe [8]. However, accuracy of the optical methods is limited to moderate surface slopes. Sharp edges, inclusions, defects, and other peculiarities of the surface can scatter light away from objective and cause outliers and dropouts of data points in the topographic images measured with optical microscopes [8] [18]. 1.5 Previous Work on Modeling Contact between Liner Finish and Piston Ring Pack In previous TLOCR deterministic model, asperity contact is based on Hertzian contact, Greenwood-Tripp model, and Hu et al asperity contact equation [19] [20] [21]. 16 Hertzian suggests contact force between two elastic solids has the following relation [19], 4 1 3 P = -E'Rfwf 3 1+ E' El 2 E2 In the above equation, P is contact force between two elastic spheres, El and E2 are young moduli of the two spheres, v, and v 2 are Poisson ratios of the two spheres, E' is combined modulus of two bodies in contact, R is combined radius of the two spheres, w is interference of the two spheres [19]. According to Greenwood-Tipp model, asperity contact force between two rough surfaces reads [20], P(d) = 2N2Af f Z1 Z2 P(w, r)0(z,)0(z 2 )rdrdzdz 2 In the above equation, P(d) represents contact force at nominal separation distance d between two rough surfaces, N is number of asperities on each surface, A is surface area (nominal contact area), P(w, r) is contact force on each asperity which depends on interference of two asperities and misalignment r, 0(zl) and O(z 2 ) are asperity height distribution on two surfaces [20]. Then based on the following assumptions, a. b. c. d. e. Two surfaces are covered with spherical asperities. Shape of each asperity is identical, at least the summit part. Deformation is constrained to elastic deformation and no plastic deformation exists. Asperity height distribution on each surface is Gaussian distribution. Interaction between asperities on same surface is neglected. Equation of contact friction between two rough surfaces has the form of [20]: P(h) = 1 f 0 C) 16AF J(NR-)2E' -/A !< 15R is N17r _- 17 h s - -> 0 s S2 e Tds In the above equation, a is standard deviation of asperity peak height which represents surface roughness. Greenwood-Tripp model is based on statistical analysis of all asperities on the surface. The real shape and height of each asperity is not important to apply this model, and as long as statistical radius of all asperities, number of asperities and roughness of the surface are available, contact friction can be obtained. Hu et al gave a correlation function to simplify Greenwood-Tripp model and suggested the approximated number for a rough liner surface. In Hu et al paper, he used contact pressure instead of contact friction [21], P = KE'F2 .5 K= 16,2T(NR)2_ ( F2.s h) 1 S2 f *c < s - h >2se-2ds= h - )z A(&) = _< -> 0 where w h 4.0, A = 4.4068 x 10- 5 , Z = 6.804, K = 2.396 x 10-4 [21]. According to experiment results of friction between liner finish and piston ring pack, a constant parameter, cfct = 20 [22] [23], has been added before the following equation. Then previous contact model can be expressed as h P = cfctKE' A(co - -)z a 0 h _ o ->to The previous contact model can be easily used due to its simplified form, but unfortunately it is not sensitive to surface geometry profile and asperity peak height distribution. The only parameter related to real condition is root mean square of plateau area on liner finish. As a result, root mean square of plateau area sometimes needs to be changed to match with experimental data in Tian cycle model. 18 1.6 Scope of Thesis Work The objective of this thesis is to model contact between cylinder liner finish and piston ring pack in an internal combustion engine. Three different approaches have been evaluated. The first one is based on Greenwood-Williamson statistical model [24]. The second one applies Hertzian contact to entire measured surface [19]. The third one is a deterministic contact model. All three models are based on measured liner finish and the assumption that ring surface is ideally smooth. Second chapter introduces measured surface of different sample liners and unexpected large spikes shown on measured surfaces due to measurement errors. It also discusses the methods to numerically remove unexpected large spikes which have a large impact on contact part. In order to apply Greenwood-Williamson statistical model [24] and Hertzian contact model, asperities should be in regular shape, such as spherical shape and ellipsoidal shape. An approach to fit irregular asperities to regular shape has also been included in this part. Third chapter introduces Greenwood-Williamson statistical model and Hertzian contact model which are based on modeled liner surfaces and neglect interactions between asperities on liner finish. Applications of the two models on different sample liners are demonstrated, as well as the comparisons between them. Fourth chapter presents deterministic contact model which is based on original measured liners instead of modeled liner surfaces. In addition, it doesn't neglect interaction between asperities on liner surface. Application of this model is also shown for sample liners and the results are compared with the results by Greenwood-Williamson statistical model and Hertzian contact model. Fifth chapter discusses applications of three contact models in cycle model to predict total friction between liner finish and piston ring pack. The first step is to fit contact pressure and clearance height into a correlation function, and then test it in cycle model. Comparisons between testing results by different contact models and experimental data are also shown in this chapter. Sixth chapter summarizes and concludes the thesis work and suggests potential future work on this topic. 19 2. Measured Liner Processing Method In this chapter, small patches of different sample liner finish measured by confocal microscope are used. Contact between liner and piston ring pack is dependent on surface roughness of plateau area, and thus the first step is to define mean plateau height (from where plateau area starts) according to asperity height distribution. Besides that the unexpected large spikes on measured surfaces caused by measurement errors are pointed out. Therefore, a measured liner finish processing method is introduced to numerically remove unexpected large spikes based on root mean square of plateau area. In order to apply Greenwood-Williamson statistical model [24] and Hertzian contact model, asperities should be in regular shape, such as spherical shape and ellipsoidal shape. An approach to fit irregular asperities to regular shape is also included in this chapter. 2.1 Measured Liner In this section, measured liner is demonstrated to clearly show surface geometry profile. Contact is highly dependent on plateau part on measured liners, and thus mean plateau height (which plane separates plateau and valley) needs to be calculated for each liner finish before applying contact model. In this section, a method to define mean plateau height is introduced and that of different sample liners are shown. An approach to calculate plateau surface roughness which is the most important factor influences contact is introduced after that. 2.1.1 Measured Liner Geometry Profile Sample Liner finish has been measured by confocal microscope. The resolutions of the confocal microscope are 0.37 micrometer in both axial and circumferential directions, and thus the height of every spot which has the area of 0.37 micrometer by 0.37 micrometer is recorded and represented by a number. Size of the small patch of measured liner surface shown below is 0.185 millimeter by 0.185 millimeter (500 spot by 500 spot). 20 Color scale length unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) 500 400 2,2 .t 0) .2 S200 400 100 C./ 200 7 0 100 200 300 400 0 .... /Oj. 0 'fee 500 C400t7 0 Axial direction Figure 2.1: Sample Liner Geometry Profile in 2D and 3D View 2.1.2 Mean Plateau Height In order to conduct contact model, height of each spot is important because contact pressure is dependent on compressed height of each asperity at different clearance height. Mean plateau height is the plane that separates area of plateau and valley on the surface. When height of each spot on liner is measured, a reference plane has been chosen and the height of each spot is relative to this chosen reference plane. This is not the real mean plateau height, and thus we need to find mean plateau height according to asperity height distribution. In this work and previous work by Chen [22], height on liner finish with the maximum asperity height distribution is defined to be the mean plateau height, which is shown below. For the following sample liner, mean plateau height is 0.063 micrometer. x 104 sample liner asperity height distribution L 12, 10k 8 .0 6 CL 4 2 06 -6 -4 -2 0 height (m) 2 4 6 X 10- Figure 2.2: Sample Liner Surface Height Distribution 21 Asperity contact highly depends on plateau of liner finish and the figure below shows plateau of the sample liner surface shown in Figure 2.1 (height of valley is set to zero). Color scale length unit (micrometer) 500 .6 0.5 C: 0 .5 C.) 0) .4 :05 .3 0..2 2) Q .2 6400 Qr'ec 40 017f'ee,20020 0 100 200 300 Axial direction 400 500 Figure 2.3: Plateau of Sample Liner Geometry Profile in 2D and 3D View 2.1.3 Asperity Height Distribution and Mean Plateau Height of Different Sample Liners In figure 2.4 below, five different sample liners and their relative asperity height distribution are shown, as well as tabulated mean plateau height. .1 10 2 I: I x 10 sample liner 1 asperity height distribution L L L L 1.5 -0 E 1 CL 2 0 Sbdng Dimcon (urn) 0.5 F -6 200 -4 -2 0 height (m) Sample Liner #1: 0.026micro//mean plateau height 22 2 4 6 x 10- .7 12 12 160 x 104 sample liner 2 asperity height distribution - 10 L 10- 140 8 E 100 80 0 ~60 91) 100 I 6 4 3 2 -5 -6 -4 -2 2 0 4 height (m) Sling Dirction (urn) 6 x 10-7 Sample Liner #2: 0.066micro//mean plateau height 10.7 200 16 X 104 sample liner 3 asperity height distribution L L L L 14 160 12 140 10 12D E 100 .5 0 180 CL 0 2 6D K 8 6 4 3 2 0 -6 -4 -2 Shing DcvIon (um) 0 height (m) 2 4 6 x 10- Sample Liner #3: 0.022micro//mean plateau height x 104 sample liner 4 asperity height distribution .10 8 I (D .0 E 6 M j 0 4 2 2 3 4 -5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 height Sliding DO ction (urn) 0.5 (m) Sample Liner #4: 0.010micro//mean plateau height 23 1.5 1 x 10 10 -7 15. IGO 1 X 104 sample liner 5 asperity height distribution 0 10 0 m -1 20-1.5 Shdai Dwhon urn)height -0.5 0 0.5 (in) 1 1.5 x 106 Sample Liner #5: O.O63micro//mean plateau height Figure 2.4: Sample Liners and Mean Plateau Height of Them 2.1.4 Plateau Surface Roughness crp, Contact is only dependent on plateau of liner surface and the influence of valley can be neglected because they don't have direct contact with piston ring pack, and thus surface roughness can be defined by Root Mean Square (RMS) of each spot in plateau area on liner surface and represented by o-,. 2.2 Measurement Errors on Measured Liner Different sample liners have been measured by confocal microscope. All surfaces are worn ones which are after break-in process, and thus large spikes cannot exist on surfaces and should be removed by contact with ring surfaces in break-in process. In addition, for many surfaces after interrupted multi-stage honing process, the height distribution tends to be Gaussian distribution and nearly no asperity is larger than 4a, [24]. But unexpected large spikes are still shown on some measured liners, as illustrated in Figure 2.5. Such large spikes are not on real liners and they will highly affect contact between liners and piston rings. Dusts on measured surfaces and dusts in the air through which light path travels in the confocal microscope can be reasons of this kind of measurement errors [11] [12]. Consequently, they should be removed before applying contact model. 24 100 Color scale length unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) 80 00 .60 2 2 40 E4 -10. 0 2010 00 20 0 40 60 80 100 6 Ccfir tiaent 0 0 ' ; tio -dtC Maa \ Axial direction Figure 2.5: Unexpected Large Spikes on Measured Liner Second type of measurement error is due to large slopes on measured surface, which means two adjacent spots on measured surface have a large height difference and one is in plateau part while the other is in deep valley part. If there is a large slope on measured surface, light of confocal microscope cannot be reflected vertically back to detector and it will cause measurement error. Some discontinuous spikes are shown along the border of valley and plateau and in reality they are not on the surface, as shown in Figure 2.6. Color scale length unit (micrometer) .6 1 .4 06..2 .2 .4 .6 s 200 c 0 0 100C 0 10 .8 pad Figure 2.6: Unexpected Spikes along Border of Plateau and Valley 25 2.3 Measured Liner Processing Method An approach to remove unexpected large spikes is introduced in this section based on plateau surface roughness up. Plateau surface roughness up of different sample liners after the process of numerically removing large spikes is tabulated. 2.3.1 Removing Unexpected Large Spikes Unexpected large spikes on measured liners should be numerically removed before applying contact model to predict contact friction between piston ring pack and liner finish because they will highly increase contact. The method is based on the assumption that, asperity height distribution tends to be Gaussian distribution and no asperity is larger than 4U, for surfaces after interrupted multi-stage honing [24]. First step is to remove obvious measurement errors on original surface which have much larger height than the other spots. Average height of the whole surface will be given for such spots. Second step is to calculate surface roughness up of plateau area without the obvious measurement errors and remove all the spikes larger than 4%p. Such kind of spots will be given a new value of the local average height around them. Then a new up is calculated based on new surface without spikes larger than 4%p. After that all the spikes larger than new up will be removed. Such iteration needs to be done for ten times to get final surface without large spikes. The process of removing unexpected large spikes is illustrated in Figure 2.7. Figure 2.8 shows the comparison between original measured surface and processed surface without unexpected large spikes. calculate ap of liner surface get the processed surface check height of each spot on liner surface 10 times I If it is larger than 10 replace height of it by total average height Calculate new a, of liner surface check height of each spot on liner surface replace height of it by local average height If it is larger than 4 ap Figure 2.7: Flow Chart of Iteration to Remove Unexpected Large Spikes 26 Color scale length AAJ unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) 200 150 150 10- 100 2 0 50 100 150 2 0 200 Axial direction 50 100 Axial direction 150 200 Figure 2.8: Original Surface and Processed Surface without Large Spikes Unfortunately spikes along borders of plateau and valley cannot be filtered by this method. This is because large slopes on measured surface may cause measurement and interpretation errors of spikes between 2r, and 4o, which cannot be numerically removed by the above method, but have a large impact on contact. Figure 2.9 shows a small patch of filtered surface after removing unexpected large spikes, but discontinuous spikes are still shown along borders of plateau and valley part. Color scale length unit (micrometer) 2.5 2.5 2 51. 10 0 0 0 0 -5(3 15%* Figure 2.9: Unexpected Spikes along Border of Plateau and Valley on Filtered Surface 2.3.2 Plateau Surface Roughness up of Different Sample Liners Contact is only dependent on plateau of liners, and thus surface roughness is defined by Root Mean Square (RMS) of plateau on liner surface and represented by up, as introduced in 2.1.4. 27 up can be obtained based on original measured surfaces, represented by original u-,, and filtered surfaces without unexpected large spikes, represented by filtered op, as compared in Figure 2.10. Surface roughness of original surface is larger than that of filtered surface and more difference, more unexpected large spikes on the measured liner surface. 1 10 30r. M:86 153 10 Io so S4 1se II 2 3 I2t so S"u D-0-~M 100 SWg DrntO-m~ "un 153 2W 0 S"u DWecuu (%04 Sample Liner #3 0.072micro//original 0.057micro//filtered Sample Liner #2 0.091micro//original up 0.055micro//filtered up Sample Liner #1 0.049micro//original ap 0.038micro//filtered UP 10 1154 2 Ix 1 -1 10C .2 -3 so 100 1W3 2 I Sb"g Due-n(u Sample Liner #5 0.162micro//original %p 0.120micro//filtered up Sample Liner #4 0.381micro//original ap 0.310micro//filtered up Figure 2.10: Original up and Filtered a, of Sample Liners 2.4 Measured Liner Modeling Method One attempt in this thesis work is to apply Hertzian ellipsoidal contact model to the measured surface. However, measured liner surface taken by confocal microscope reflects real geometry on the surface and the shape of each asperity is very random and irregular. There is no theory 28 Up predicting force between two asperities with random shapes, so before applying contact model, asperities with irregular shapes should be modeled into new asperities with regular shapes. By examining real asperity shape, it was found that ellipsoidal shape is a good approximation of real asperity and there is formula for moderately ellipsoidal Hertzian contact [25]. The first step of modeling real surface to new surface with ellipsoidal asperities is to define border of an asperity, i.e. the area covered by one asperity. The method is to find the maximum rectangle in which all of the spots are in plateau area (heights of all the spots in the area are larger than zero). Then width and length of the rectangle is known and half of them can be defined as semi-major axis and semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid. The maximum height in the rectangle area can be defined as height of the ellipsoid. By applying this method, each asperity can be explored and modeled into ellipsoidal shape by using width and length of the asperity area and maximum height in the asperity area, as illustrated in Figure 2.11. The real surface can be modeled into new surface with ellipsoidal asperities by checking each asperity, as illustrated in Figure 2.12. Contact between Liner finish and piston rings is only dependent on plateau part of liner finish, so only plateau part on measured liner surface is modeled. Because only if all spots in a rectangle area are larger than zero on real measured liner surface, it will be defined as an asperity, some area which is former plateau part will not be plateau anymore. After modeling real measured surface, area of the plateau part decreases. In addition, o of modeled surface becomes larger than that of real surface as a result of maximum height in a real asperity being set to height of the modeled ellipsoidal new asperity and the average height of the plateau part is becoming larger. color scale length unit (micrometer) 0.30 0 Fgctur color scale length unit (micrometer) 2 dA 0 Figure 2.11: Modeled One Asperity 29 0 Color scale length unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) 1.2 .1 Qv. 1.0 .6 .4 06 1000 so~ c~c 01> s ecPIS- Figure 2.12: Modeled a Small Patch of Surface 2.5 Conclusion In this chapter, different sample liners are shown and the method to find mean plateau height, as well as mean plateau height of different sample liner surfaces, has been demonstrated. However, real measured liner surfaces cannot be fully trusted and some apparant measurement errors due to dusts on measured surfaces and large slopes on measured surfaces have been pointed out. In order to remove measurement errors, a measured surface processing method has been introduced to numerically filter unexpected large spikes on measured surfaces. After applying measured processing method, plateau surface roughness up has been illustrated for different sample liners and compared with o-, of original measured surfaces. An approach to model irregular asperities into regular ellipsoidal shapes for applying Hertzian contact model is introduced in last section of this chapter and the disadvantages of using this approach are also indicated. 30 3. Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model In this chapter, challenges of using previous contact model based on Greenwood-Tripp model and Hu et al correlation function have been demonstrated [20] [21]. It also introduces Statistical Model based on Greenwood-Williamson Model and Hertzian Contact Model [19] [24]. Both models can be used to directly calculate pressure between liner finish and piston ring pack at certain clearance height based on measured liner surface on which unexpected large spikes have been numerically removed and asperities have been modeled to regular ellipsoidal shape, as introduced in Chapter 2. In addition, results of relation between contact pressure and clearance height by using both Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model have been given for different sample liners. 3.1 Challenges of Applying Previous Contact Model Details of previous contact model, including assumptions and equations are given in this section. Based on the assumption that asperity height distribution is Gaussian distribution, discussions about the inaccuracy caused by it are presented in two aspects. One is from Hu et al numerical correlation function to simplify relation between contact pressure and clearance height, and the other is from difference between Gaussian distribution and real asperity height distribution. 3.1.1 Assumptions and Equations of Previous Contact Model Previous contact model is based on Greenwood-Tripp Contact Model and Hu et al correlation function [20] [21]. It predicts relation of contact pressure P and clearance height h between liner surface and ring surface, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. Asperities which are above ring surface will be in contact with the ring surface and thus deformed. There are several assumptions of this model including: a. b. c. d. e. f. Deformation is constrained to purely elastic deformation Contact is between two equally rough surfaces There is no interaction between asperities on same surface Asperity height on both rough surfaces is Gaussian distribution Contact is based on statistical properties of asperities on rough surface, i.e. average asperity size, number of asperity and asperity height distribution. Asperities are in spherical shape [19] [20] [21] 31 Color scale length unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) 151 05 I] Sos 05 3- I D 45 06 1.6. I OcnfrentIa dir a trction 3M0 1ectilOO Aildf I I i 2W 2W0 IM i I so 10M III WO .1 4s L Axial direction Figure 3.1: Ring in Contact with Liner Finish at Clearance Height h Equations of the previous contact model are demonstrated below. Hu et al gave fitting values of A, w and Z based on Gaussian distribution and assumed value of K in the correlation function: w = 4.0, A = 4.4068 x 10- 5 , Z = 6.804, K = 2.396 x 104 [21]. In the equation which is used in Tian's cycle model, a coefficient cfct = 20 is added before Hu et al correlation function in order to match with experimental data [22] [23] [26]. P 2 .5 =KEF 1 1-vi E' El (h 1-v E2 16Kf rr(NRa) 2 15R K = F2.5 ((h) = __ f 0 <- h - 5 s 2 >2 e2ds= a _. Aw h a h h ->0 a* h h )P P = cfct K E' h ->) 10 UP 32 In above equations, E1 and E2 are young moduli of liner finish and piston ring, v, and v 2 are relatively Poisson ratios of them, E' is combined modulus, N is asperity density on liner surface, R is average radius of all asperities on liner surface, a is plateau surface roughness of liner surface [20]. 3.1.2 Correlation Function based on Gaussian Distribution The part F2 .5 in Greenwood-Tripp model which relates the probability distribution of asperity height has been fit into a correlation formula for convenience of numerical calculation. In this function: o = 4.0, A = 4.4068 x 10- 5 , Z = 6.804 [21] 1 F2.s=5- By comparing the real value of F2.5 A(-)z _a h 5 s < s - - >2 e--ids= h h 2 () and Hu et al correlation formula, there is still a difference which is not negligible, as illustrated in Figure 3.2. The red star indicates real value of F2 .5 (s) with Gaussian distribution and black cycle indicates Hu et al correlation function. As a result, a new correlation function represented by blue plus marker can be attained and it has the same form as Hu et al correlation function, but different values for o, A and Z. In the new correlation function, w = 4.0, A = 1.101 x 10-4, Z = 5.529. From the figure shown below, with Gaussian distribution than Hu et al correlation function. In the figure below, lambda = 33 . one can conclude that new correlation function fits better to F2.s 6x 10 e v Gaussian Distribution Hu et al Correlation Function New Correlation Function r 4 U- 3 p p 1 r r 2 2.2 r- -Ilnnq=tsx 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 lambda Figure 3.2: Comparison of F2 .5 h based on Gaussian Distribution and Hu et al Correlation Function and New Correlation Function 3.1.3 Comparison of Previous Contact Model with Real Situation For the real situation of contact between liner finish and piston ring pack in an internal combustion engine, piston ring surface can be assumed to be a purely smooth surface due to its manufacturing processing method. Therefore, it is more reasonable to model the situation into contact between a smooth surface and a rough surface, while the previous contact model is for two rough surfaces in contact with each other. The other ambiguity of applying previous contact model is related to asperity height distribution. In previous contact model, the assumption that asperity height distribution is Gaussian distribution was made, but real asperity height distribution is not normal distribution, as illustrated in Figure 3.3 for sample liner #1, especially in the area of 2a-, to 4%p which highly affects contact. 34 __ - - - - - - - __ - --- Sample liner surface #1 plateau height distribution x 104 4.5:- Sample liner surface #1 plateau height distribution 4000 Liner Surface #1 Normal Distribution -r - 4 Liner Surface #1 Normal Distribution 3500 3.5-- 3000- 32500 E - 2.5 . 2 2- *1 1.5 r 2000 1500 10001. 1 0.50o 0 -- _1 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 -_ --I -- 2 lambda - -r 2.5 _ 3 ___ _ .- 3.5 . ------------ Z__ 2 4 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 lambda 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 Figure 3.3: Comparison between Plateau Height Distribution of Liner Surface #1 with Normal Distribution 3.2 Statistical Model Measured liners with real geometry can be obtained by confocal microscope. Therefore, the assumption that asperity height distribution is Gaussian distribution can be discarded and more accurate and reasonable results based on real geometry can be obtained. In this section, Statistical Model which is based on Greenwood-Williamson Model and for the situation of contact between one rough surface and one smooth surface has been applied to measured surface, and relation between contact pressure and clearance height is demonstrated for different sample liners. 3.2.1 Assumptions and Equations of Statistical Model Statistical Model considers the situation of contact between one rough surface and one smooth surface, as illustrated in Figure 3.4, and predicts relation between contact pressure P and clearance height h. Asperities which are beyond ring surface will be in contact with ring surface and thus deformed. It is based on real asperity height distribution and not Gaussian distribution anymore. There are several assumptions of this model including: a. Deformation is constrained to purely elastic deformation b. Contact is between one rough surface for liner surface and one smooth surface for ring surface c. No interaction between asperities on same surface 35 d. Contact is based on statistical property of asperities on whole surface, i.e. average asperity size, number of asperity and asperity height distribution. e. Shape of asperity is ellipsoidal [24]. Color scale length unit (micrometer) 0% Crc, 200 100 Ccirect/ 0 0 pa\ 6ifection Figure 3.4: Contac between One Rough Surface and One Smooth Surface A rough surface is represented by an array of identical asperities (with average size of asperities) differing only in their heights above a reference plane, which is the zero datum plane on measured liner surface. The situation of one rough surface which is measured liner surface and one smooth surface which is piston ring surface has been considered, as shown in Figure 3.5. Suppose O(z) is distribution of asperity heights, N is surface density of asperity peaks on rough surface, h is clearance height between reference plane of smooth surface and reference plane of rough surface, A is nominal rough surface area. For contact, asperity height z above reference plane must be larger than h: z> h Interference, deformation height of asperity, can be defined as: w = z - h Number of asperities with heights in the range z to z+dz situated on rough surface is: ANO(z)dz 36 Therefore, expected contact force on rough surface due to compression of smooth surface is: P(w)0(z)dz P(h) = AN In the above equation, P(w) is contact force due to deformation of one asperity and based on Hertzian contact [19]: 1 3 4 P(w) = - E'Riwf 3 1 1 E22 R is radius of the deformed asperity. El and E 2 are Young Moduli of rough surface and smooth surface. v, and v 2 are Poisson ratio of rough surface and smooth surface. Thus, the expected total force between rough surface and smooth surface is, 1 4 P(h) = -NE'RA 3 f 3 fm(z - h)-f O(z)dz The expected pressure between rough surface and smooth surface will is [24], 4 1 Pressure(h) = -NE'R 3 3 (z - h)2 O(z)dz fh -Y clearance height h ,z I I \ I (N reference plane of smooth surface reference plane of rough surface Figure 3.5: Contact of One Smooth Surface and One Rough Surface 37 3.2.2 Application of Statistical Model In order to apply Statistical Model, modeled surface based on original measured liner is needed, as shown in Figure 3.6. The procedure to generate modeled surface is described in Chapter 2 and it just took the plateau into account. Based on modeled surface, asperity number and average asperity radius and asperity height distribution need to be calculated to apply in the statistical formula. Color scale length unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) JA 6 0 . 31W 20MW ~ISD 3W3 31 12W Sol em &e0 0 0 W Li Figure 3.6: Measured Liner Surface and Modeled Liner Surface Based on the modeled liner surface above, average asperity radius is 1.2505 micrometer and asperity number is 108. Height of each asperity can also be obtained, as well as asperity height distribution. After plugging into the equation relates contact pressure and clearance height shown below, results of contact pressure can be obtained in Figure 3.7. 4 1 Pressure(h) = 3NE'Ri 38 3 (z - h)f O(z)dz - 0.4 0.35 0.3 - - 2 0.12 - a- 0.25 0.1 0.05 0 -2 - - 0.1 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 4 Figure 3.7: Relation between Contact Pressure and Clearance Height 3.2.3 Results of Different Sample Liners by Statistical Model In Table 3.1 below, average asperity radius, asperity number and surface roughness of plateau have been tabulated for different sample liners. In Figure 3.8 below, relation between contact pressure and clearance height has been demonstrated for different sample liners. Statistical Method 1.40E+04 1.3763 0.038 1.08E+04 1.2569 0.055 1.15E+04 1.3434 0.057 2.42E+04 1.7362 0.31 1.97E+04 1.3313 0.12 Table 3.1: Statistical Data of Different Sample Liners 39 Sample Liner #1 10 5 4 I; I co 2o 4) CL I 3 2 1 0 1w ISO Mo 3 lambda 2.5 2 Sh mg Dvsw (Urn) 3.5 Sample Liner #1 Sample Liner #2 07 5 I I - - --- - - 4 ,D 3 CL 2 1 0 2 2.5 Sbd1g Drctif (n) 3 lambda 3.5 Sample Liner #2 Sample Liner #3 10 8 6 a 4 I -- -... ------2 0 2 2.5 3 lambda Srg DOeton (um) Sample Liner #3 40 3.5 4 Sample Liner #4 o60 50 0 1601 11 30 - 20 OD0 2 cc 40 - 300 0 so 100 ISO 2 00 Sldng Dved on (um) 2.5 3 3.5 4 lambda Sample Liner #4 ern F g0r .. : C.n.c P r ss r..D Sample Linerr #5 30 140~ a. 1210 400 Sk~noOndm(UM)lambda Sample Liner #5 Figure 3.8: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Statistical Method Contact pressure of sample liner 4 and sample liner 5 are much stronger than that of the other three sample liners, as shown in Figure 3.8. The first reason is asperity density of these two liners is larger, which means there are more asperities on these two liners. However, this is not the most important factor because contact pressure is proportional to asperity density in Statistical Model as shown in the equation above and asperity density of liner 4 and liner 5 is just around two times larger than that of the other three liners, as demonstrated in Table 3.1. The second reason leading-to the large difference is higher plateau surface roughness up of liner 4 and liner 5. Though the range of clearance height is the same for all sample liners from 2%p to 4-p, the one with a larger op has more deformed height on its asperities, which can cause much stronger contact. This is the main reason leading to the larger difference and it 41 gives the trend that contact increases with larger a.. Other factors, such as average asperity size and asperity height distribution also influence contact pressure. 3.2.4 Application of Statistical Model based on Gaussian Distribution In some situation when surface measurement techniques are not available and real liner surface geometry cannot be obtained, Statistical Model for contact of one rough surface and one smooth surface can still be used based on the assumption that asperity height distribution is Gaussian distribution. Therefore, contact pressure can be represented by, w1 4 Pressure(h) = -E'NRa 3 Pressure(h) h 3 s2 1-\~ir < s - - >2 e Tds <s = a hEF. g 4 K = -NRa43R F1; < s -- =--- h 3 s2 >2 e-2ds a For convenience of numerical calculation, the part related to Gaussian distribution in the pressure function can also be fit into a correlation function like that of contact for two rough surfaces. h A(o -)z h 3 s2 a < s- ->2 e~ 2ds ==-d F1s (-) =,-- f C h 0 ->0 where A = 1.844 x 10-4, w = 4, z = 5.133, as shown in Figure 3.9. 42 X 103 Gaussian Distribution - - 6 _- _ Correlation Function 4 U? 2- u-3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 lambda Figure 3.9: Comparison of F1 .5 with Gaussian Distribution and Correlation Function The value of K can be assumed based on statistical data of five sample liners. The average asperity density of different sample liners is 1.6 x 10 4 /mm 2 , the average asperity radius is 1.4088 micrometer and the average plateau surface roughness is 0.116 micrometer. Therefore, the assumed K value can be 1 x 10-3 3.3 Hertzian Contact Model Hertzian contact model is based on measured liner surface with real geometry, and the assumption that asperity height distribution is Gaussian distribution can be discarded like Statistical Method. After modeling the measured liner surface, the shape of asperities on the modeled surface is regular ellipsoid. Based on Hertzian contact theory, if deformation of an ellipsoid is known, the contact force caused by the deformation can be calculated based on deformation height, ellipsoid size and material property. All the asperities on the modeled surface can be regarded as separated ellipsoids. At certain clearance height, the deformation of each asperity is known if asperity height is larger than clearance height, and thus the contact force due to the deformation. Contact force on the whole surface is the sum of contact force at each asperity. In this section, Hertzian Contact Model has been introduced and applied to sample liners. The relation between contact pressure and clearance height by Hertzian Contact Model is also demonstrated. 43 3.3.1 Assumptions and Equations of Hertzian Contact Model Hertzian Contact Model predicts contact between one rough surface and one smooth surface. The difference between Hertzian Contact Model and previous contact model is that it is based on real asperity height distribution and not the assumption of Gaussian distribution. It also differs from Statistical Model because it calculates contact force of each asperity and sums them up to get contact force on whole surface. Statistical data, such as average asperity radius and asperity density are not necessary. There are several assumptions of applying Hertzian Contact Model: a. Deformation is constrained to purely elastic deformation b. Contact is between one rough surface for liner surface and one smooth surface for ring surface c. No interaction between asperities on same surface d. Shape of asperities is ellipsoid When one ellipsoid is in contact with a smooth surface at a clearance height h, as illustrated in Figure 3.10, it means the height of the asperity is larger than clearance height and the asperity is deformed. Assume semi-major radius of the ellipsoid is A, and semi-minor radius of the ellipsoid is B. The height of the ellipsoid above reference plane is L and clearance height is h. Therefore, the equivalent radius of the ellipsoid which can be used in formula for circular contacts is [27], R= (A x Bx ( 2 B) Elastic deformation of the ellipsoid is, hdeform = L- h Thus, contact force caused by the deformation is, 4 1 3 F = 3 E'Rhdeform2 Therefore, contact due to deformation of this ellipsoid is obtained by the above equation. When there are lots of ellipsoids on a surface like the condition of modeled liner surface, each ellipsoid can be regarded as separated ones. For each ellipsoid, equivalent contact radius can 44 41 be calculated by semi-major radius and semi-minor radius of the ellipsoid and deformation is from the height of the ellipsoid and clearance height between two reference planes on liner surface and piston ring surface. By plugging into the above equation, contact induced by each ellipsoidal asperity is known and thus the total contact between the two surfaces. Color scale length unit (micrometer) 0.51 .2 0 10 C41 "Mis Ile' 6 .1 o 4 2 C /06 Figure 3.10: One Asperity and One Smooth Surface in Contact 3.3.2 Application of Hertzian Contact Model The first step of applying Hertzian contact model is modeling irregular asperities into regular ellipsoidal asperities, as described in Chapter 2. A small patch of original measured surface and modeled surface based on it are shown in Figure 3.11. Color scale length unit (micrometer) Color scale length unit (micrometer) 1.5 0 (%liJ 5-0 (9^5O 4'.5- U 20 60 r 40 W""'- X&te PA'a Figure 3.11: Measured Liner Surface and Modeled Liner Surface 45 80 There are twenty ellipsoids on modeled surface shown above and when modeling measured liner surface, data of semi-major radius, semi-minor radius and asperity height of each asperity have been saved for further calculation. Results of contact pressure at different clearance height are shown below in Figure 3.12. 12 - 10 -- ------ ------- -- -------- ------ --- ---------- ------ ---- - -------------- ----------- 02 - --- ----- - - ---- - ---- - ---- - - C - 8 _- - - 2.5 3 3.5 4 lambda Figure 3.12: Relation between Contact Pressure and Clearance Height o.7. ISOA 3.3.3 Results of Different Sample Liners by Hertzian Contact Model In Figure 3.13 below, relation between 2-2 contact pressure and clearance height has been demonstrated for different sample liners. 200 Sample Liner #1 1 .... 1 6 20 ""---- 3 40 0 W0 1W Sh&dg Dnoln 1W 20 2 amb Sample Liner #1 46 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 4 Sample Liner #2 10 2w3 10 r 180 8 160 140 3 120 Cal 6 --K 41 4 80 so CL 0 2 zu 1i Slidw Oircton (uM) 150 - 0 u r 2 2.5 3 lambda - ___________________ 3.5 4 3.5 4 3.5 4 Sample Liner #2 Sample Liner #3 12 200 180 10 160 I 140 I I'I 8 IOD 820 CL 6 4 80 (-) 3 40 2 2DI n -5 2 2.5 Slidg DWcwon (um) 3 lambda Sample Liner #3 Sample Liner #4 107 IUU F- 80 CL I 60 (D 40 10 j 2 20 02 2 Sb" Netion (urn) Sample Liner #4 47 2.5 3 lambda Sample Liner #5 10 60 50 40 30 I IS MO2 2.53 3.4 - 20 10 0- n _0 o Sbdn Dwcten (um) ____ ____ ______ - _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ lambda Sample Liner #5 Figure 3.13: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Hertzian Contact Model 3.4 Discussions of Results by Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners Relation between contact pressure and reference height has been procured for different sample liners by both Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model. Though the results are based on same modeled surface of measured sample liners, Statistical Method requires asperity average radius, asperity density on surface and asperity height distribution to calculate contact pressure, while Hertzian Contact Model computes contact force on each asperity and uses total force to get contact pressure. Therefore, contact pressure is different for same sample liner by different models. Difference of contact pressure for same liner surface has been tabulated and reasons are given to explain the difference. Influence of asperity size, plateau surface roughness on contact pressure is also discussed. In addition, previous contact model and Statistical Model based on Gaussian distribution have been compared for application in case that measured technique is unavailable to get measured liner surface. 3.4.1 Comparisons of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model Results of contact pressure in relation to clearance height by Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model have been displayed in same figure of each sample liner to compare the two different methods, as illustrated in Figure 3.14. In addition, maximum difference and average difference of the results by different method are calculated in percentage of the result by 48 Hertzian Contact Model in clearance range of 2cr to 4%p to numerically compare the difference, as demonstrated in Table 3.2. Sample Liner #1 .7 7 Statistical Model Hertzian Contact Model ' 6 - 10 5 0M 3, 4 -D 3 2 2 3 0 0D 2 2.5 Sliding D~irm (urn) 3 lambda 3. 5 Sample Liner #1 Sample Liner #2 10 200 10 ' Statistical Model 180 160 I120 Hertzian Contact Model """ ' 8- 140 Cu 0~ 6 _ 11) 100 U) Cl) so0 w6 4- 2 2 3 S"dg Dircson (uM) ISO20 0 .. 2 2.5 3 lambda Sample Liner #2 49 3.5 4 Sample Liner #3 .7 10 Statistical Model Hertzian Contact Model - 10 S1 10 CL 2 3 D S"in In 28 --- -- } 0 -- O 2 a- Dircbinm) 2.5 3 lambda 4 r #3 Sample 10 C, Sample Liner #4 00 "" 80 (, 0) I'U 3. " Statistical Model Hertzian Contact Model 40 2 20-- 3 0 1(0 SdM D#Wm (um) - (.7 2 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 4 Sample Line Line r #4 Sample Liner #5 10 30 =---Statistical Model - 50 II 'U * i" -" Hertzian Contact Model 1 1430--'~ *2 0.) * 3 10 0 200 SWing Diciioan (urn) Sample 2 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 4 r #5 Figure 3.14: Comparison of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners 50 Compare of Statistical Method (SM) and Hertzian Contact Method (HCM) 29.94 29.67 30.47 30.13 30.53 30.22 39.64 37.9 34.96 34.22 Table 3.2: Maximum Difference and Average Difference of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners From the figures above, Hertzian Contact Model predicts larger contact pressure than Statistical Model for all sample liner surfaces. This is mostly caused by the part of asperity height distribution in statistical model. When numerically taking asperity height probability distribution, the asperities with similar height will be in the same small height range. When clearance height is classified, some asperities will be neglected for contact with liner surface, but they are actually in contact with liner surface. Another factor inducing the difference is average asperity size in Statistical Model. When average asperity size is taken in replace of exact size of each asperity, it will make contact force a little bit larger. But in real situation, there are not many large asperities due to existence of honing angle, and thus the influence of asperity size is negligible. Figure 3.15 shows asperity size distribution of sample liner #2 and the radius of most asperities are in the range of 1 micrometer to 2 micrometer. In order to ensure the difference by Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model is from statistical asperity height distribution on sample liner instead of statistical asperity size, a surface with identical asperity size is generated. The results of the generated surface by two different methods are shown in Figure 3.16. Statistical Model still predicts smaller contact than Hertzian Contact Model. 51 x 10 3 3 -_-_ _ 2.5 ---- 2 E 1.5 1 0.501 3 2 2.5 asperity radius (micro) 1.5 3.5 4 Figure 3.15: Asperity Size Distribution of Sample Liner #2 _ 12 4 """ "Statistical Model --" Hertzian Contact Model 10 c~8' 26 CL, 2 n 2 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 4 Figure 3.16: Comparison of Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Generated Surface with Identical Asperity Size The differences between Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model of sample liner #1, #2, #3 are around 30 percent of the results by Hertzian Contact Model. Plateau surface roughness of such sample liners is around 0.04micro and 0.05micro. For sample liner #4 and #5 whose plateau surface roughness are larger and around 0.1 micro and 0.3 micro, differences between the two methods become larger. As a result, difference between Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model increases with plateau surface roughness. 52 Additionally, average difference and maximum difference for same sample liner are nearly the same which means the trends of Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model are similar. If the relation between contact pressure and clearance height has been fit into a correlation function, the difference of the correlation function by the two methods is just a parameter. 3.4.2 Factors Influence Contact Pressure Plateau surface roughness of liner surface highly influences contact pressure between liner surface and piston rings. From Table 3.1 and Figure 3.14, it is found that sample liner #1 has the smallest plateau surface roughness, and then sample liner #2, sample liner #3, sample liner #5, and sample liner #4 has the largest plateau surface roughness. Contact pressure predicts the same ranking no matter by Statistical Model or Hertzian Contact Model. Another observation is that trend of the plot of contact pressure and clearance height is not similar for different sample liners and this is due to different asperity height distribution. When contact pressure is calculated by Statistical Method, integration of asperity height distribution results in power of the trend between contact pressure and clearance height. 3.4.3 Comparison of Previous Contact Model and Statistical Model based on Gaussian Distribution When measured liner surface is unavailable due to lack of surface measurement techniques, real asperity height distribution is unknown and Gaussian distribution for that is a good assumption [20]. Previous contact model is based on the assumption of Gaussian distribution and Hu et al assumed values for asperity radius, asperity density and an experienced parameter added in Tian cycle model [22] [23]. In section 3.2.4, a statistical model based on Gaussian distribution has also been introduced, as well as the assumed values for asperity radius and asperity density based on sample liner surfaces. In Figure 3.17, the two different models are compared. 53 2.5 C - Previous Model Gaussian Distribution "" Statistical Model Gaussian Distribution - 2 .5 0.5 0 -- 2 2.5 _ 3 3.5 04 4 lambda Figure 3.17: Comparison of Previous Contact Model and Statistical Model based on Gaussian Distribution Statistical Model based on Gaussian distribution and average value of asperity radius, asperity density of sample liner surfaces predicts less contact than previous contact model. The power of trend of statistical model based on Gaussian distribution is smaller than that of previous model based on Gaussian distribution because the previous one is for two rough surfaces and new statistical one is for one rough surface and one smooth surface. 3.5 Conclusion In this chapter, the calculations by Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model are based on the assumption of no asperity interaction on same surface, which is the same as all Greenwood based models, including previous contact model. The first section evidently demonstrated limitations of the previous contact model when applied to different honing surfaces. Firstly, previous contact model is for contact between two rough surfaces while the real situation is contact between one rough surface and one smooth surface. Secondly, previous contact model is based on the assumption that asperity height distribution is Gaussian distribution, while real asperity height distribution is available through confocal microscope and the assumption is not necessary. Additionally Hu et al correlation function is not accurate. 54 In second part and third part of this chapter, Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model were introduced. The details of assumptions and equations in each model were clarified. Results of different sample liner surfaces by Statistical Method and Hertzian Contact Model were demonstrated. Comparisons between Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model were also given. Statistical Model always predicts less contact than Hertzian Contact Model due to integral of asperity height distribution in statistical model. The difference of two models depends on plateau surface roughness of sample liner and rougher surface will give larger difference. It was also identified that surface roughness and asperity height distribution highly influence relation between contact pressure and clearance height. In addition, statistical model based on Gaussian distribution is also given in case that measured liner surface is not available. 55 4. Deterministic Contact Model This chapter introduces Deterministic Contact Model which is originally proposed by A.A. Lubrecht [26]. In this model, modeled liners with regular asperities are not necessary for application and the effect of interaction between asperities is considered. Therefore, this model is more related to real situation and practical application. In this chapter, assumptions and equations of deterministic model have been demonstrated, as well as multi-level method which can save calculation time and simplify computation procedure. Results of contact pressure at certain clearance height are shown for different sample liners. Additionally, comparison between Deterministic Contact Model and Statistical Model, Hertzian Contact Model is discussed, as well as boundary effects, different dimensionless process, contact area, accuracy of modeled surface, convergence speed and influence of level size in deterministic contact model. 4.1 Approach of Deterministic Contact Model Measured liner surface is necessary for applying Deterministic Contact Model and serves as an input. Modeled liner surface described in Chapter 2 is not needed for application and thus deterministic contact model preserves real surface geometry and is more accurate than Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model introduced in Chapter 3. Additionally, asperities on measured surface cannot be regarded as separated ones because they will interact with each other. Contact pressure caused by deformation of one asperity will also deform other asperities on the surface. In Deterministic Contact Model, interaction between asperities has been considered which makes it closer to reality than the other two methods in Chapter 3. 4.1.1 Assumptions and Formulas in Deterministic Model There is an assumption of Deterministic Contact Model: a. Deformation is constrained to purely elastic deformation Because interaction between each asperity is identified in this model, elastic deformation w(x, y) of one point due to pressure distribution on whole surface needs to be calculated and it can be approximated by [28]: w(x'y) 2 TE' + +0oo00 _O p(x',y')dx'dy' _c, V(x - x') 2 + (y 56 - yf)2 where 2 _ E' V2 1+ 1-_V2 2 El E2 and v, and v 2 represent Poisson ratio of liner finish and piston ring. E1 and moduli of liner finish and piston ring respectively. E2 are elastic Defining height of point (x, y) above reference plane of liner finish surface as 1(x, y), finally gives gap between liner finish and ring surface as 2 +oo +oo_______________ rE' _00 _cO V(X _ XI2 + (y - y')2 h(x, y) = ho - l(x, y) +- I, where ho represents clearance height between liner and piston ring surface. When two surfaces are loaded together, the gap between them should become zero (contact, positive pressure: domain to), or remain positive (no contact, zero local pressure: domain w 2 ). The complementarity problem can be expressed as: h(x,y) =0 ,p(x,y) > 0 (x,y) E a) h(x,y) >0,p(x,y) = 0 (x,y) E 2 wE' h(xy) = ho - I(x,y) + 2I +oo _ 0 +o ( 2 p(x',y')dx'dy' _O V(x X')2 + (y _y) 2 In mathematical terms this is a complementarity problem. The two equations are valid on the sub domains w, and w 2 respectively, but the division of the domain w 1 and w 2 into the two sub domains is a priori unknown. A numerical approach is needed when liner surface is not smooth and geometry is random. For the numerical solution it is convenient to rewrite the equations introducing dimensionless variables [28]. The first choice is to use parameters of Hertzian contact solution. When a sphere with known radius or curvature R pressed together with a smooth surface, the contact area is a disc of radius a, so h(x, y) = 0 for (x)2 + (Z)2 < 1, and the pressure is given a by a semi-elliptical pressure distribution: 57 a p(x,y) = f(x)= fPh 2 2 2 0, otherwise and deformed distance is given by w, where variable ph is given by P = E'w 7ra Therefore, to normalizing the equation related gap between liner finish and ring surface and pressure distribution, introducing: - x y p h X = -; Y = -; P = -; H = a a Ph w The problem can be written as: H(x, y) = 0, P(x, y) > 0 H(x,y) > 0,P(x,y) = 0 H(x,y) = HO -L(x,y) + V2+w f+c ff contact no contact P(X',Y')dX'dY' (X'Y')dX+y' The objective of deterministic contact model is to solve the above equations numerically and find the pressure distribution on whole surface. An initial guess of pressure distribution is given and gap distribution can be obtained based on that. But for the points where pressure is larger than zero, gap has a positive or negative value instead of being exactly zero on them, and thus pressure needs to be adjusted. The core theory of numerically calculation is to achieve the balance, when there is contact pressure, the gap is zero and when there is no contact pressure, gap is larger than zero. 4.1.2 Multi-level Method In deterministic contact model, a multi-level method is used to find balance of the above equations and calculate contact pressure distribution. The approach is based on discretizing liner surface using a square grid of uniform mesh size in each direction, but it is not real grid on 58 measured liner surface. Grid size is dependent on user's indicated level size. For example, no matter what the size of the input surface is, level 8 gives a discretization of 2048 grids by 2048 grids. Therefore, when a liner surface is input, rearrangement of liner surface geometry will give a new surface with 2048 grids by 2048 grids if level size is 8. Then, a V-cycle multi-grid technique is employed to find contact pressure at each grid. In this particular case of the calculation of multi-integrals, the aim is to utilize coarser grids to decrease computing time without significantly reducing accuracy of the integrals. Larger levels will give more grids and more accurate results, while requires longer calculation time. Meantime more cycle results in more accurate results and also longer computation time. Results tabulated in 4.2 are all run at level 8 and cycle 8. This is because input surface has 3243 grids by 3243 grids on original surface and level 8 results in the smallest grid size which is larger than original grid size. 4.1.3 Application of Deterministic Contact Model In Deterministic Contact Model, original measured liner, shown in Figure 4.1, and clearance height are inputs, as well as number of level, number of cycle which decide accuracy and convergence. The output will be contact force on input surface at designated clearance height and deformed surface, as demonstrated in Figure 4.2. Color scale length unit (micrometer) 02 20 12 Ci150 enirci F agu r 1 a 0rc p Figure 4.1: Original Measured Liner Surface 59 Color scale length unit (micrometer) 0 2 -15 10 200 150 -0 r'CO 12 e/ -*frect 00 s 1%ctio d01 Figure 4.2: Deformed Liner Surface Result of contact pressure at different clearance height by deterministic contact model for 2.5 -____ ___ - - 2 - above measured surface is shown below in Figure 4.3. - - 1.5 U, 0 2 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 " 0.5 Figure 4.3: Relation between Contact Pressure and Clearance Height 4.2 Results of Different Sample Liners by Deterministic Contact Model In Figure 4.4 below, relation between contact pressure and clearance height has been demonstrated for different sample liners by Deterministic Contact Model. 60 Sample Liner #1 10 200 r 2.5;-- 2 1.51 I CD 1 2 0.5 3 A 2.5 2 SW"ing Dclion (um) 3 lambda 3.5 Sample Liner #1 Sample Liner #2 .0 3 2.5 10 cc 0 I Go) 2 F 1.5 U) 1 2 (-) 0.5 - 3 0 .5 2 2.5 SM"ing Oection (urn) 3 lambda i 'v vI Sample Liner #2 Sample Liner #3 10 3.5 3 3 2.5 2 Cu 0. I .1 2 U) U) 1.5 0. 1 -2 -3 0.5 -4 0 2 SWing Dirction (un) Sample Liner #3 61 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 v Sample Liner #4 10 10 8 0M 6 (n cn 10 Ia 4 CL 2 2 4 0 Si" ( -5 2 25 "edon 3 lambda 3.5 Sample Liner #4 Sample Liner #5 .0 6 2W 160 5 10 4 160 100 02 ~60 2 1 00 60 ndf 1 200 0 -6 2 23 lambda Sample Liner #5 Figure 4.4: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Deterministic Contact Model 4.3 Discussions of Results by Deterministic Contact Model Relation between contact pressure and clearance height has been procured by Deterministic Contact Model for different sample liners. In this model, input is original measured liner surface which is different from that in Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model as described in Chapter 3. Another difference is interaction between asperities has been considered in Deterministic Contact Model. In this part, comparisons between Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model, Statistical Model have been discussed to see the influence of interaction. Modeled liner surfaces which are used in Hertzian contact model and Statistical 62 Model are also examined by Deterministic Contact Model to test the accuracy of modeling. Boundary effect in Deterministic Contact Model is also discussed, as well as different dimensionless process which is based on contact of punch with smooth surface. Influence of level size and relative calculation time are also presented. 4.3.1 Comparisons of Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model, Statistical Model Results of contact pressure in relation to clearance height by Deterministic Contact Model, Statistical Model and Hertzian Contact Model have been displayed in same figure of each sample liner to compare the three different methods, as illustrated in Figure 4.5. In addition, maximum difference and average difference of the results by Deterministic Model and Hertzian Contact Model are calculated in percentage of the result by Hertzian Contact Model in clearance range of 2%- to 4%p to numerically compare the difference, as demonstrated in Table 4.1. Sample Liner #1 10 "" 6 " - Statistical Model Hertzian Contact Model " Deterministic Contact Model 0. 1122D 2 slidig onetwa(um)lambda Sample Liner #1 63 2.4 . C-)U Sample Liner #2 10 Statistical Model Hertzian Contact Model Deterministic Contact Model 10 a) 0~ ~1) C.) (a (a a) a- 1P 4 2 2""4 0 2 2 5 3 .5 lambda SMing Dwon (r) Sample Liner #2 10 Sample Liner #3 .7 12. Statistical Model " Hertzian Contact Model " Deterministic Contact Model " 10 18 1" 6 10 Ca a) 8 4- is 2 2 3 > n Sing Dcbon 2 6 10 ---2.5 3 35 lambda ) 83 " i 8 U Sample Liner #3 Sample Liner #4 10 100 " 160 Statistical Model Hertzian Contact Model 80 " Deterministic Contact Model -too 60 10 160 ISO 10 Ca ca 40 2 40 3 0- 45 20 0 2 Sbdmg Diretion (un) 25 "3 lambda Sample Liner #4 64 v vN' Sample Liner #5 60 0 21 1 50 - 160 Statistical Model " Hertzian Contact Model """m"" Deterministic Contact Model -C 404- 140 120 30 - (, 100 CL 20 0 100 0 S""n DIf~h ISO 2 200 (Ur) 2.5 3 .6v V lambda Sample Liner #5 Figure 4.5: Contact Pressure of Different Sample Liners by Deterministic Contact Model, Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model Compare of Deterministic Contact Model (DCM) and Hertzian Contact Method (HCM) 93.09 64.31 99.09 68.97 92.73 65.96 97.50 86.57 99.80 90.18 Table 4.1: Maximum Difference and Average Difference of Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model for Different Sample Liners From Figure 4.5, it is noticeable that Deterministic Contact Model predicts much less contact than Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model. The large difference results from interaction between asperities on liner surface and it displays the significant influence of interaction. Meanwhile, Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model overestimate contact pressure because modeled surface increasing plateau surface roughness which serves as another important factor inducing the large difference. 65 As shown in Table 4.1, results by Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model show larger gap for sample liner #4 and sample liner #5 which are relatively rougher than the other three sample liners. This is due to more asperities and higher asperities on rougher liners which result in more interaction between asperities. Another behavior is that maximum difference and average difference between results by deterministic model and Hertzian contact model is not consistent. It indicates different trend for the results by two methods. 4.3.2 Comparisons of Modeled Surface and Original Surface As mentioned above, modeled liner surface serves as an important factor inducing difference of results by deterministic contact model and Hertzian contact model. Modeled liner surface only preserves roughness morphology on original surface and changes real geometry. Some small plateau area has been neglected due to modeling procedure and average height of an asperity is also changed because of shape limit. However, modeled liner surface is necessary for application of Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model which require less calculation time than Deterministic Contact Model. In order to examine accuracy of modeled surface, Deterministic Contact Model was applied to both original measured liner surface and modeled liner surface to compare the difference, as illustrated in Figure 4.6. 2 Sample Liner #1 3. Original Liner Surface ISO" 2. Modeled Liner Surface 1 1.5 - 1, 100 AIL 200 0 0020 2 2.5 3 lambda S"n DMIon (UM) Sample Liner #1 66 3 .5 V Sample Liner #2 3 10 Original Liner Surface IS' Modeled Liner Surface 14D2.5- - ------- 2 - 2D- too 1.5 GCL . 0 40 001- 0 15 0 2 2.53 3.5 lambda swng Oc6on () Sample Liner #2 o. Sample Liner #3 Original Liner Surface Modeled Liner Surface 3- 10 120 2 2- sio -V- 2 60 20 0 100 150 3 2002 3.5 . 1010 So 1W1 00 lambda Sample Liner #3 400 Sample Liner #4 10 200 ~2 252 10 v Original Liner Surface Modeled Liner Surface 10 u120 100 a 1a 5 40 0 0 100 1M 200 S e e 2 2.5 3 lambda Sample Liner #4 67 .5 Sample Liner #5 10 10 F Original Liner Surface """Modeled Liner Surface I"V 1 122 so 4- 1 4 100_ 0 Wo 100 shmg D"scion () ISO 2 200 2.5 3 3.5 lambda Sample Liner #5 Figure 4.6: Comparison of Original Liner Surface and Modeled Liner Surface In above figures, it suggests that modeled liner surface have larger contact pressure than original liner surface at same clearance height. It is consistent with the guess that modeling process gives modeled liner surface a comparatively large plateau surface roughness. This is also a reason of large difference between results by Deterministic Contact Model and Hertzian Contact Model. Meanwhile, it is observed that the above modeling procedure gives more accurate modeled liner surface for relatively smoother surfaces, such as sample liner #1, sample liner #2 and sample liner #3, while it is not accurate for rougher surfaces, sample liner #4 and sample liner #5. This is because for sample liner #4 and sample liner #5, there are more asperities with large height shown on surface. When modeling one asperity to ellipsoidal shape, the height of ellipsoid takes the maximum height on whole asperity region. In original asperity area, it has a high possibility that just one spot has very large height and all the other points are relatively low compared with that spot. However, lots of points have large heights which are similar to the maximum height on the modeled asperity and it makes the rough surface rougher. Therefore, smoother modeled liner surface, plateau surface roughness on the order of 0.01 micrometer, preserves better original surface geometry. 4.3.3 Boundary Effect in Deterministic Contact Model In deterministic calculation of contact between liner finish and piston ring surface, the boundary of measured liner surface is assumed to be purely smooth and has no contact with piston ring surface. However, boundary of measured liner surface has similar surface geometry as that inside of liner surface and contact pressure at boundary will also deform asperities 68 inside measured liner surface area, and thus boundary effect cannot be neglected. A surface with center area being real measured liner surface and the outside part being artificially smooth surface is constructed to see the influence of boundary effect, as indicated in Figure 4.7. Contact pressure on centered rough area of constructed surface neglects boundary effect. The other surface is the real measured liner surface and contact pressure is calculated just in the center part as indicated in Figure 4.7. This condition considers boundary effect which arises from the outer rough area in the second surface shown in Figure 4.7. Contact Pressure on centered part in constructed surface is compared with contact pressure on cycled part in original liner surface, as indicated in Figure 4.8. x 10 x 10 200 150 2 2 100 150 5o 10 12 10 0 50 0 100 150 20 Figure 4.7: Constructed Liner Surface without Boundary Effect and Original Liner Surface with Boundary Effect ' 2.5 - No Boundary Effect "'" With Boundary Effect 1.5 -- - 2 C,, ca- 1 - -- ---- - - - - - 0.5 n 2 2.5 3 lambda . 3.5 V v v v Figure 4.8: Comparison of Contact Pressure with Boundary Effect and Contact Pressure without Boundary Effect 69 In Figure 4.8, it indicates that boundary effect in Deterministic Contact Model is not negligible. Contact pressure due to asperities outside calculation area also deforms asperities inside calculation area and results in smaller contact pressure. By calculating the difference of contact pressure without boundary effect and difference of contact pressure with boundary effect numerically, the maximum difference is around 6 percent which is not small enough to be neglected. In addition, difference depends on area size outside calculation area and it increases with larger area outside calculation area. 4.3.4 Another Choice of Normalized Process The above dimensionless function relating gap between liner surface and ring surface and pressure distribution in Deterministic Contact Model is based on Hertzian contact solution between a sphere and a smooth plane. Another choice is contact between a punch and a smooth surface, as shown in Figure 4.9. Figure 4.9: Contact between Punch and Smooth Surface When a punch with radius a is in contact with a smooth surface, minimum pressure takes place in the center of punch area and it reads [19], E'w Pra where E' is combined Young's modulus of two materials and w is deformed distance on smooth surface. Therefore, to normalizing the equation related gap between liner finish and ring surface and pressure distribution, introducing: 70 x y p X=-;Y =-;P =-;H a a Ph =- h w The problem can be written as: H(x, y) = 0, P(x, y) > 0 contact H(x,y) > 0,P(x,y) = 0 P(X',Y')dX'dY' +x+ f f-+-0 (X - X') 2 + (y -x + -X0 +0 -Y) - 2 H(x,y) = HO - L(x,y) + no contact Contact pressure by different normalized process, with Hertzian contact and punch contact, is compared in Figure 4.10 for sample liner surface #2. Sample Liner #2 3 2.5 Hertzian contact Punch contact 7 2 Cu 0n -7 1.5 '7 ----- " -7---- C. 9) 1 7'7 I - 0.5 -7 0 '2 2 ,~' ,~,'~- -- 2.5 3 lambda 7 3.5 Figure 4.10: Comparison between Different Normalized Process, Hertzian Contact and Punch Contact Contact pressure given by defined dimensionless parameters of Hertzian contact and dimensionless parameters from punch contact is nearly the same and difference between two normalized processes is negligible. 71 4.3.5 Influence of Level Size Different level size discretizes liner surface differently. Larger level size gives more grids and smaller grid size, and thus more accurate results. However, it requires more calculation time. Level size 8 which gives 2048 grid by 2048 grid is used to obtain the results shown above, and this is because there are 3243 grid by 3243 gird on original input surface and level size 8 gives most grids which are less than original grid number on input surface. In order to compare results by different level size, contact pressure of sample liner surface #2 has been calculated at level size 6, level size 7, level size 8 and level size 9 to show the difference, as illustrated in Figure 4.11, as well as calculation time, as tabulated in Table 4.2. However, it is found that in smaller level size, more cycles are needed for convergence. 15 cycles operate at level 6, 10 cycles operate at level 7, 8 cycles operate at level 8 and 8 levels operate at level 9. 3.5 3 - -- Level size 6 I size 7 Level Size 8 Size 9 - -Le - 2.5 - - -Leel CU 2- 0.5 02 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 Figure 4.11: Comparison of Contact Pressure by Different Level Size Compare of Different Level Size 15 30 10 95 8 1215 8 5415 Table 4.2: Comparison of Different Level Size 72 4.3.6 Relation between Contact Area and Contact Pressure Contact area on measure liner surface at certain clearance height is another important phenomenon to examine. Deterministic Contact Model can also calculate contact area at each clearance height. Relation between contact area and clearance height ranging from 2c- , to 4rp for sample liner #2 is shown in Figure 4.12 and it indicates very small contact area in this range of separation. A A 0.12 I-- 0.1 0.08 0 0.06 C, 0.04 0.02 0 2 2.5 3 lambda 3.5 Figure 4.12: Relation between Contact Area and Clearance Height of Sample Liner #2 The relation between contact load and contact area for liner surface #2 is plotted in Figure 4.13, as well as linear fitting line between contact area and contact load. One can conclude that the relation between them is almost straight and this is consistent with Greenwood's theory that contact area is proportional to contact load [20]. 73 0.2 contact area -- S 0 .05 linear fitting line ------- -- ----- -- -------------- --------- - ---------- 0.5 1 1.5 2 ----------- 2.5 3 contact load (N) Figure 4.13: Relation between Contact Area and Contact Load of Sample Liner #2 4.4 Conclusion This chapter introduces Deterministic Contact Model to evaluate contact pressure between liner finish and piston ring pack. This model is an improvement from Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model. It considers interaction between asperities on liner finish and doesn't require modeled surface which changes real geometry of liner surface. Therefore, it predicts less contact than the other two models and thus more accurate. Contact pressure of different sample liner surfaces are demonstrated by Deterministic Contact Model and compared with that by Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model. Some other issues regarding Deterministic Contact Model are examined. It is found that boundary effect influences the results and cannot be neglected. Relation between contact load and contact area is consistent with suggestions in literature. Evaluation of modeled surface is also presented by using Deterministic Contact Model to compare with original liner surface. Influence of level size in the aspect of accuracy and calculation time is discussed. More level size can generate more accurate results while require more calculation time. 74 5. Evaluation of Contact Model In this chapter, different contact models are evaluated in Tian's cycle model and compared with experimental results for different sample liners [26]. Sample Liner #1, sample liner #2 and sample liner #4 are selected according to their plateau surface roughness. The first step is to correlate relation between contact pressure and clearance height into a function with same form as previous contact model. The correlation function serves as an input in cycle model. And then contact friction is combined with hydrodynamic friction due to lubricant between liner and piston ring to obtain total friction. The results of total friction between liner finish and piston rings are compared with experimental results at different temperature and piston speed. Other issues causing inaccuracy are discussed in this chapter. 5.1 Correlation Functions of Contact Pressure In order to compare computational results by contact model and experimental data, contact friction and hydrodynamic friction should be combined because experimental results are for total friction including contact part and hydrodynamic part. In cycle model, a function relating contact pressure and clearance height is required to predict contact friction and it should be in the same form as previous contact model, h P = a(b -)c By using least squares method, correlation functions of different sample liners by three different contact models can be obtained. Correlation functions of sample liner #1 by Statistical Contact Model, Hertzian Contact Model and Deterministic Contact Model are respectively, P(MPa) = 0.4512 * (4.157 h )2.993 - UP P(MPa) = 0.6404 * (4.158 h )2.998 - UP P(MPa) = 0.4687 * (4 h - )2.19 Up Correlation function of sample liner #2 by Statistical Contact Model, Hertzian Contact Model and Deterministic Contact Model are respectively, 75 P(MPa) = 0.4873 * (4.183 - P(MPa) = 0.7108 * (4.179 - P(MPa) = 0.2492 * (4.297 h -)3.171 h h)3.157 h - )2.92 UP Correlation function of sample liner #4 by Statistical Contact Model, Hertzian Contact Model and Deterministic Contact Model are respectively, h P(MPa) = 1.55 * (4.07 P(MPa) = 2.71 * (4.12 - - P(MPa) = 0.7361 * (4.04 )4.786 h )4.667 h -- ).p 5.2 Test Results in Cycle Model and Comparison with Experimental Results for Three Different Contact Model Correlation function of contact pressure and clearance height can be input into cycle model to get prediction of contact friction. Contact friction is then combined with hydrodynamic friction to present total friction between liner and piston ring. In this section, prediction results of friction between liner and oil control ring are compared with experimental results at two different temperatures 400C and 1000C. Piston runs at four different speeds ranging from 100 RPM to 700 RPM. 5.2.1 Calculation Results of Sample Liner #1 Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2 show the results of friction between liner and oil control ring at each crank angle (degree). The liner is a relatively smooth liner (, is 0.038 pum). Oil control ring 76 tension is 19.5N. OCR ring-land-width is 0.15 mm. Two different temperatures have been considered. The first one is 100*C, as indicated in Figure 5.1 and the second one is 40C, as shown in Figure 5.2. Different temperature will have impact on friction and higher temperature results in more contact friction. For each temperature, piston runs at four different speeds, 100RPM, 300RPM, 500RPM and 700RPM. Contact friction dominates at low piston speed and faster piston speed generates more hydrodynamic friction. Statistical Contact Model . ......... Hertzian Contact Model - Deterministic Contact Model ------ Experiment Results _ Sample Liner 1 OCR 100C 300RPM Sample Liner 1 OCR 100C 100RPM 20 20 10 K i, _ t 10'-7..1~ ' I-. J/ z C 0 0 0- 02 I~ 4 .10 r -200 0 crank angle 200 -20 -400 400 K- 20- 10 - - 10 li ' . 0 0 200 ii 4 -10 - -10- -20 --400 0 - z 400 200 0 crank angle Sample Liner 1 OCR 100C 700RPM Sample Liner 1 OCR 100C 500RPM 20 -200 - -20'-400 -10- -200 0 crank angle 200 -20 -400 400 -200 0 crank angle 200 400 Figure 5.1: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #1 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 100*C 77 Sample Liner 1 OCR 40C 300RPM Sampl e Liner 1 OCR 40C 100RPM 20 20 10 10 * I C 0 - 0 C .2 . p - I " ~..d I .-. i-- 0 0 -0 . iI -10 H -10 1~~~ -200 -400 -200 0 crank angle 200 -20'-400 400 Sample Liner 1 OCR 40C 500RPM 20 10 10 C: 0- 200 400 V N 0 -10V - -10 -20 -400 0 crank angle '1 Sample Liner 1 OCR 40C 700RPM 20 - C: 02 -200 I I~ I 0 -200 crank 200 -20 K-400 400 angle -200 0 crank angle 200 400 Figure 5.2: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #1 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 40*C For sample liner #1, Deterministic Contact Model predicts well for contact friction between liner finish and oil control ring. When piston is at top side or bottom side in combustion chamber where piston speed is very low, contact friction dominates and it is in the region of boundary friction. With increasing of piston speed, it goes to the region of mixed friction where contact friction and hydrodynamic friction are equally important. When piston speed is very high and temperature is relatively low, hydrodynamic friction plays more important role. As shown in Figure 5.1, contact friction by Deterministic Contact Model matches well with experimental data in the region of both boundary friction and mixed friction, especially for the conditions of 100RPM and 300RPM. Another phenomenon is that Deterministic Contact Model predicts less contact than Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model and this is consistent with the conclusions in Chapter 4. When piston runs at relatively high speed, difference of total friction by different contact model reduces because hydrodynamic pressure is more important 78 and contact friction part is getting less. In Figure 5.2, it shows more hydrodynamic friction because temperature is reduced to 40C from 100C. Results from cycle model also predicts well compared with experimental data. When piston runs at speed equal to or larger than 300RPM, hydrodynamic friction plays an important role and contact friction falls at nearly same line by different contact models. 5.2.2 Calculation Results of Sample Liner #2 In order to test the accuracy of contact models, friction prediction and comparison with experimental data are conducted to another sample liner #2. Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4 show the results of friction between liner and oil control ring at each crank angle (degree) for this sample liner. The liner is also a relatively smooth liner (o-, is 0.055 pm), but rougher than sample liner #1. Oil control ring tension is 19.5N. OCR ring-land-width is 0.15 mm. Two different temperatures have been considered. The first one is 100'C, as indicated in Figure 5.3 and the second one is 40*C, as shown in Figure 5.4. For each temperature, piston also runs at four different speeds, 100RPM, 300RPM, 500RPM and 700RPM. Statistical Contact Model Hertzian Contact Model Deterministic Contact Model ----- Experiment Results ........ Sample Liner 2 OCR 100C 300RPM Sample Liner 2 OCR 1OOC 100RPM 20 2010 o- I 10 - z I - 0 -10 -20 -400 -10\ -200 0 200 -20 -400 400 crank angle -200 0 crank angle 79 200 400 Sample Liner 2 OCR 100C 500RPM Sample Liner 2 OCR 100C 700RPM 20 20 101- 101 i~*-~~ I I I ~I/ I i 1 ~%... ~.# 3 I 1 1 I z z 0 0 I% I I -101 101- 9. -. -200 0 crank angle -20 -400 400 200 -200 .%. ~I I ~ I -.- -20-400 - I 4, 'I ~ 'I - 0 crank angle *% 400 200 Figure 5.3: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #2 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 1000C Sample Liner 2 OCR 40C 100RPM Sample Liner 2 OCR 40C 300RPM 20 20 1 I1 10r 10 C z 0 0 .0 -10k- 0 -10p -2-00 1- 0 -200 -400 -200 400 200 -200 -400 crank angle Sample Liner 2 OCR 40C 500RPM 400 200 Sample Liner 2 OCR 40C 700RPM 20 20r I' ~J 10 h I 1 1 p.J - 10 0 crank angle ~~ Il C C 0 0 I' ji 1' 0 F=) % '9. -101- -20 -- -400 3 -10- -200 0 crank angle 200 20 400 -4C -200 0 crank angle /A' 9. I 1 1 9.11~'-'i--I 1 I 200 / .2 400 Figure 5.4: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #2 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 400C 80 For sample liner #2, though Deterministic Contact Model gives smaller contact than the other two contact models, all three contact models predict much stronger contact compared with experimental data. 5.2.3 Calculation Results of Sample Liner #4 The third input is a relatively rougher liner (up is 0.31 pm). Results of total friction by different contact models are plotted at each crank angle, as illustrated in Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6. They run at same condition as that of sample liner #1 and sample liner #2. All contact models predict larger contact than experimental data. -- Statistical Contact Model ......... Hertzian Contact Model --- '--- Deterministic Contact Model ----- Experiment Results Sample Liner 4 OCR 100C 100RPM Sample Liner 4 OCR 1OOC 300RPM 30 30 r- 20 A 20 10- 10 0 I -10 I - -10- 0 - U - 0 0- -20 -400 -200 0 crank angle 200 -20 -4 00 400 0 -200 200 400 crank angle Sample Liner 4 OCR 100C 700RPM Sample Line r 4 OCR 100C 500RPM 20 20. 10 z 0 I 101, 'I -20' -400 -200 0 crank angle 200 -20 -400 400 \ - 10F - I - 0 0I * C 0 -200 0 crank angle 200 400 Figure 5.5: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #4 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 100*C 81 Sample Liner 4 OCR 40C 100RPM Sample Liner 4 OCR 40C 30ORPM 30 30 20 20 ---------- 10- 10 C 0 0 0 0 -10 F -10 -20 -400 -200 0 200 -20 400 -400 0 -200 Sample Liner 4 OCR 40C 500RPM Sample Liner 4 OCR 40C 700RPM 20 207 Lf % ft 1oF 1oo -- ]IN 0-10 1by -200 0 crank angle 200 -20 L 400 lj 6 - 0 -20 -400 N/ V~%. c z 0) 400 200 crank angle crank angle -400 -200 0 crank angle 200 400 Figure 5.6: Comparison of Friction between Sample Liner #4 and Oil Control Ring by Different Contact Models and Experimental Results at 400 C 5.3 Discussion Deterministic Contact Model predicts less contact than Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model, and is closer to experimental data. For sample liner 1, it gives good prediction, while for the other two sample liners, it results in stronger contact. By examining surface geometry of the three liners, more discontinuous spikes along deep valley are found for sample liner 2 and 4 which show larger contact compared with experimental data. Such discontinuous spikes are not real parts on surfaces and are from measurement errors, as indicated in Figure 5.7. In chapter 2, it mentions that optical equipment cannot give accurate measured results when there are large slopes on surfaces. But for sample liner 1, there are not many discontinuous spikes along borders of plateau and valley and the results by Deterministic Contact Model match well with 82 experimental data. As a result, one can conclude that using deterministic hydrodynamic and contact models match experiment fairly well for the friction of the TLOCR when surface measurement is free of errors, as sample liner #1. Color scale length unit (micrometer) 0.4 3 Figure 5.7: Discontinuous Spikes along Plateau/Deep Valley 5.4 Conclusion In this chapter, different contact models are evaluated in cycle model. In order to be easily used in cycle model, trend between contact pressure and clearance height is correlated to a formula which has the same form as function of previous contact model. Contact friction is then combined with hydrodynamic friction to generate total friction between liner finish and piston ring (oil control ring) as an output of cycle model. It can be compared with experimental data to see accuracy of different contact models. Three sample liners have been tested at different piston speeds and different temperatures. Results of one sample liner match well with experimental data, especially with Deterministic Contact Model, while the other two liners show stronger contact by simulation. Deterministic Contact Model predicts less contact than the other two models because it considers interaction between asperities and applies real surface geometry. Therefore, Deterministic Contact Model is more accurate than Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model which overestimate contact. By reexamining surface geometry of the three liners, more discontinuous spikes along 83 plateau and deep valley are observed on the two surfaces which predict much more contact than experimental data. Such kind of discontinuous spikes cannot be filtered by the method introduced in Chapter 2 because they are not apparently large spikes that can be numerically removed. However, they highly influence the prediction of contact. As a result, one can conclude that using deterministic hydrodynamic and contact models match experiment fairly well for the friction of the TLOCR when surface measurement is free of errors, as sample liner #1. 84 6. Conclusion 6.1 Summary and Conclusion The objective of this thesis is to develop a contact model based on 3D measured liner surface to simulate contact friction between piston ring pack and liner. Two different kinds of contact models are introduced. The first type requires modeled surface with regular asperities and neglect interaction between asperities on liner. The second type which uses deterministic method is dependent on real surface geometry and considers influence of interaction. Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model are developed based on Hertzian theory of ellipsoidal asperities, and thus liner surface with regular ellipsoidal asperities is a desired input. Chapter 2 introduces the procedure to model liner surfaces. Chapter 3 presents application of Hertzian contact model and Statistical model to different liner surfaces and makes comparisons between them. Deterministic Contact Model introduced by Lubrecht is introduced in Chapter 4 which is an improvement of Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Model. It considers the effect of interaction and can be applied to any surface with randomly irregular asperities, and thus preserves the original surface geometry. Application of Deterministic Contact Model to different liners is also shown in this chapter. It is found that interaction between asperities highly influences contact pressure in comparison with results by Hertzian Contact Model. Boundary effects, influence of level size are also discussed in chapter 4. It seems that boundary effect is not negligible and larger level size is required for deterministic model. Relation between contact area and contact pressure, as well as accuracy of modeled surface, is examined in chapter 4. It is found that contact area is nearly proportional to contact pressure as suggested in literature and modeled surface is more accurate for smooth surfaces. In order to test the accuracy of three different contact models, they are evaluated in Tian's cycle model and compared with experimental data. It is shown that Deterministic Contact Model is better than Hertzian Contact Model and Statistical Contact Model and predicts less contact. When compared with experiment data, one liner surface demonstrates good match, while the other two liners display stronger contact. By examining surface geometry of the three liners, discontinuous spikes along plateau/deep valley on surfaces is a factor causing large and inaccurate contact. Such discontinuous spikes do not exist on real surface and are measurement errors due to optical measurement techniques. As a result, one can conclude that using deterministic hydrodynamic and contact models match experiment fairly well for the friction of the TLOCR when surface measurement is free of errors. Errors introduced by either 85 measurements or interpolation for the locations with large slope can greatly inflate the magnitude of contact prediction while hydrodynamic prediction is less affected [23]. 6.2 Potential Future Work One potential future work of this project is to verify accuracy of measured liner surface. Contact pressure is highly dependent on spikes on surfaces which occupy a small portion of area, and thus contact is very sensitive to spikes. If some spikes are from measurement errors, they will significantly change the results and predict much larger contact. However, if measurement errors are inevitable, especially in the region along deep valley, a reasonable method to filter such spikes without changing other surface geometry is needed before applying contact model. Another potential future work is to consider plastic deformation. All three contact models are based on the assumption of purely elastic deformation, while plastic deformation exists in reality. In addition, evolution of surface geometry can be another potential project because when piston ring slides on liner surface, it scratches liner surface and takes away some peak asperities. 86 Reference [1] Richardson, D.E., "Review of Power Cylinder Friction for Diesel Engines", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2000, Vol. 122, pp 506-519 [2] J. Jocsak, V. W. Wong, T. Tian, "The Effects of Cylinder Liner Finish on Piston Ring-Pack Friction", Proceedings of ICEF04, October 2004 [3] Burscheid, "Piston Ring Handbook", Federal-Mogul Burscheid GmbH, August 2008 [4] L. Sabri, S.Mezghani, M. El Mansori, H. Zahouani, "Multiscale Study of Finish-Honing Process in Mass Production of Cylinder Liner", Wear, March 2010 [5] D. Lawrence, "An Accurate and Robust Method for the Honing Angle Evaluation of Cylinder Liner Surface Using Machine Vision", Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 2011 [6] P. 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