Rapid detection of shallow penetration
between non-convex polyhedra
B. Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 1999 (Gold Medalist)
at the
24 September 2001
© 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
/) 24 September 2001
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-Prof. Sanjay E Sarma
Cecil and Ida Green Associate Professor,Dept of Mech. Engg
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by .......................................~ ___ .. _._ .. _______________________________ ....... .
Prof. Ain A. Sonin
Chairman, Department Committee for Graduate Students
[ JUl 0 8 2003
Rapid detection of shallow penetration between non-convex polyhedra
Krishnan Sriram
Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
Several engineering problems and applications in computer graphics, robotics and haptic
simulations are related to the problem of interaction between solids in the virtual environment. While collision "detection" refers to checking if two objects have a non-empty
intersection set, we are more interested in the topic of collision "avoidance" where correction measures are also proposed to remove two objects from collision. Some of the challenges in this topic include the computational complexity of existing algorithms for
handling non-convex polyhedra, the difficulty in implementing purely mathematical algorithms in an engineering problem and also in tuning the collision algorithm to match the
requirements of graphics and haptics applications.
Based on the real-world applications, we restrict our attention to shallow penetration
between solids. We use solid models in the form of a boundary representation. The data
structures are built, while being aware of errors introduced in floating point arithmetic. A
bounding volume hierarchy is introduced to identify locations where collisions are not
expected to occur, so that computations could be restricted to other specific locations.
Accuracy of any collision avoidance method is related to verifying proximity between the
various geometric entities. Proximity is determined by computing the Voronoi diagram in
the solids and we have incorporated Voronoi verification both implicitly and explicitly.
This has been the main contribution of this thesis where we have incorporated "depth
information" in the form of surface offsets and also identified the connection to Voronoi
diagrams. Wherever penetration occurs, we compute the depth of penetration and use all
the depth values to compute an overall collision avoidance schema. Our collision avoidance approach is based on a weighted correction method. Such a correction method
attempts to reduce the extent of penetration between the two solids and brings the objects
out of collision within a few iterations.
Our research has resulted in a new collision algorithm which is not dependent on the convexity of the objects and which matches the requirements of graphics and haptics applications.
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Sanjay E Sarma
Title: Cecil and Ida Green Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
This thesis is dedicated in fond memory of my physics teacher
Prof S. Balasubramaniam
This work was supported by the Suzuki Motor Corporation. I thank them for their
financial support.
It has been my privilege to have worked with Prof. Sanjay Sarma as my research advisor. Sanjay has been a friend, a motivator and a mentor to me; inspiring me to set the bar
high and guiding me in reaching the goals set forth. Sanjay's contagious enthusiasm at
work and his emphasis on professionalism have helped in molding me for the better. I am
greatly indebted to him for his patience and his encouragement during the entire course of
my Masters' work. I wish to express my gratitude to our research colleagues at Suzuki
Motor Corporation Mr. Yoshitaka Adachi, Mr. Akio Ikemoto and Mr. Takahiro Kumano. I
was moved by their hospitality during my stay at Yokohama during the summer of 2000.
Their constant support and hard work have contributed significantly to the successful
completion of this project. I thank Prof. Samir Nayfeh, Prof. David Trumper and Prof.
Krzystof Marciniak for their kind words of advice.
My labmates have been an integral part of my stay at MIT. I thank my lab seniors
Mahadevan Balasubramaniam, Stephen Ho, Taejung Kim, Seung-Kil Son and Elmer Lee
for educating me and taking me through the initial steps of research. Kirti Mansukhani
proof-read my thesis and I appreciate her kind assistance. I have enjoyed many spirited
discussions with Prahladh Harsha, Venkatesan Guruswami, Harish Rajaram, John
Dunagan, Kripa Varanasi and Laurence Vigeant-Langlois, which helped me in my
Appa, amma and Suji have always instilled faith and confidence in me and encouraged
me during my highs and lows. The Almighty God knows how many times they have
believed in me when I myself didn't. I am also happy to have great friends as Alan, Rama,
Amy, Jaya and Olga to egg me at all times to do things better.
Chapter 1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
1.1 Geom etric interference .........................................
1.2 Where do we apply 3D object separation? ..........................
1.2.1 Connection to Linear Programming .........................
1.2.2 Robotic Path Planning ....................................
1.2.3 Collision Free 5-Axis tool path generation ....................
1.2.4 Real time interaction with haptic systems .....................
1.3 Overview of the thesis .........................................
Chapter 2 Background - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
2.1 Real World objects vs. Mathematical models ........................
2.1.1 Object representations and their complexity ...................
2.1.2 Object as raw data ......................................
2.1.3 Representation of the surfaces of objects .....................
2.1.4 Representation as combination of solid shapes .................
2.2 Collision detection between solid models ...........................
2.3 Computationally efficient object representations .....................
2.3.1 Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy for convex objects ...............
2.3.2 Common Bounding volumes ...............................
Convex hull .........................................
Alpha shapes ........................................
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box ............................
Octree .............................................
Oriented Bounding Box ................................
K-Discrete Orientation Polytope .........................
2.4 History of Separation Algorithms .................................
2.4.1 Closest pair problems between pointsets ......................
2.4.2 Minkowski separation of convex objects ......................
2.4.3 Gilbert Johnson Keerthi algorithm ..........................
2.4.4 Steven Cameron's work on enhanced GJK ....................
Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy for overlap detection [Dobkin 85]
Edelsbrunner's idea of min/max distance between convex objects . . 39
Collision detection algorithms in robotic applications ........... 39
C J Ong's Growth Distances ...............................
Lin-Canny's algorithm for incremental distance computation ..... 41
Pseudo-Voronoi diagram idea of Ponamgi [Ponamgi 97] ........ 42
. . 39
2.4.11 Detection is easier than computation - the caveat ...............
2.4.12 Pellegrini's Batched Ray Shooting algorithm ..................
2.4.13 Mirtich's V-clip algorithm [Mirtich 98] ......................
2.4.14 Space-Time Bounds and 4-D Geometry ......................
2.4.15 Collision detection among multiple moving spheres [Kim 98]
2.4.16 Impulse-based approach ..................................
2.4.17 Adaptive Distance Fields and Volume rendering ...............
2.4.18 Real-time 5-Axis collision detection .........................
Idea of a generic tool model .............................
Modelling common milling tools with the same set of parameters 47
Constant shoulder diameter tools ........... .............. 47
Tools with taper .....................................
2.4.19 Collision Detection between 3D polyhedra ....................
2.4.20 Surveys of Collision Detection algorithms ....................
2.5 Motivation for our work .......................................
Chapter 3 Summary of Explored Concepts - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
3.1 Decomposition of the surface ....................................
3.2 Algebraic approximation of discrete points on a surface ................
3.3 Voronoi diagrams ............................................
3.3.1 Shell rather than a solid ..................................
Chapter 4 Our Approach - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57
4 .1 Input ........................................................
4.1.1 Solid models ..........................................
4.1.2 Algorithm input ........................................
4.2 Data structures and models .....................................
4.3 Pre-processing ..............................................
4.4 Homeomorphism and Shallow Voronoi diagrams .....................
4.4.1 W hy shallow penetration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 Voronoi diagrams as an expanding wavefront .................
4.5 Offset surfaces ..............................................
4.5.1 Offset of an algebraic surface ..............................
4.5.2 Offset of a triangulated surface .............................
Averaged surface normal approach .......................
Localized paraboloid normal ............................
Offset of planes approach ...............................
4.6 Bounding volumes with depth information ..........................
. . . . .
... 61
Where do the bounding volumes of surface representations fail? . . . 64
4.6.2 Add depth to bounding volumes using offset ..................
4.7 Implicit Voronoi Verification - Our Conjecture ......................
4.8 Explicit Voronoi Verification - A Robust Approach ...................
Chapter 5 Penetration detection and avoidance
- - - - - - - - - 69
5.1 Outline . . ..................................
.......... 69
5.2 Sizes of data structures ...........................................
5.2.1 Broad phase .................................
5.2.2 N arrow phase ................................
5.2.3 Adaptive approach in updating bounding volumes and object models 72
5.3 Collision Avoidance ................................
5.4 Measures of complexity of collision detection algorithms ... ...........
Chapter 6 Results- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 77
6.1 Implementation of our algorithm .......................
6.1.1 Philosophy of bounding volumes ................
6.1.2 On the choice of directions of a k-DOP ............
6.1.3 Shallow penetration ...........................
Efficient coordinate transformation ..........................
Transformation of the dynamic object .....................
Transformation of the bounding volumes...................
Broad decision trees ..................................
6.2 Applications ................................................
6.3 Scope for future work .........................................
References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85
Appendix A : Terminology ...........................................
Appendix B : Inaccuracy in the update of k-DOPs .........................
Appendix C : Tangency of Voronoi parabola in a tapered tool ................
List of Figures
Representation of a cube - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
Polygon soup model - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Voxel model of a hand and the actual geometric model - - - - - - - - 23
Binary Space Partition tree model of a cylinder capped with a hemisphere 24
CSG model of a cylinder capped with two hemispheres - - - - - - - - 25
Swept volume and Extrusion of a polygon in x-y plane moving along a line with
non-uniform velocity - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
Figure 7
Two objects don't overlap if their bounding volumes don't overlap - - - 28
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Convex hull of a set of points in R2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30
Axis-aligned bounding box tree - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
Quadtree representation of an object - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
An octree model and the corresponding tree - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
Oriented and Axis Aligned Bounding Box for the same shape - - - - - 35
The various k-DOPs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
8-DOP update between orientations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37
Minkowski difference between a pentagon and a triangle - - - - - - - 38
S-tope of two robotic arms [Pobil 96]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Parametrizing the growth and shrinking of a rectangle - - - - - - - - - 41
Boundary and Co-boundary for a vertex and a face - - - - - - - - - - 42
Common milling tools - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47
Modelling the cutter tip of milling tools shown in [Figure 19] - - - - - 48
Correction directions for various Voronoi regions within an axially symmetric
tool - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
Tapered portion of a cutting tool - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
Convex decomposition is not unique - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
Surface representation is a "Shell" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
STL file format and syntax - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59
A surface patch is homeomorphic to a planar triangulation - - - - - - - 60
Offset of a curve - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62
Localized paraboloid around a vertex in a tessellation. The normal for the vertex is found from the normal to the paraboloid. - - - - - - - - - - - 63
Objects are overlapping even though bounding boxes don't - - - - - - 65
When combined with offset surface, bounding volume carries depth information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66
Bounding box encloses the original triangle and its "image". It also implicitly
bounds the Voronoi planes the extremes.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 67
Very close to the surface, the Voronoi planes can be associated with a distinct
edge on the tessellation.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -68
The diagonals of the rhombus drawn with the two normal vectors as adjacent
sides are directly related to the Voronoi plane between the planes whose normals are n, and n 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 68
Figure 29
Figure 30
Figure 31
Figure 32
Figure 33
Figure 34 Broad phase and narrow phase of our collision detection algorithm - - - 71
Figure 35 Iterative nature of our collision avoidance scheme - - - - - - - - - - - 73
Figure 36 Voronoi diagram for the tapered portion of a cutting tool - - - - - - - - 97
Chapter 1
1.1 Geometric interference
The computation of spatial relationships between geometric objects is a fundamental
problem in many areas as robotics, computer-aided design, circuit design and layout, computer graphics and virtual reality. The problem of intersection detection has been the focus
of several algorithms and applications. Intersection detection amounts to determining
whether two geometric objects share a non-empty intersection and if so, to compute a
measure of the same. It is broadly classified into two realms: First, detecting whether two
geometric objects are intersecting and second, computing some measures of intersection
between the two intersecting objects. While there is extensive work in the area of detecting intersections between geometric objects, there has been very little work in the topic of
computing measures of penetration.
In this research, we study the problem of detecting penetration between non-convex
polyhedra in three dimensional space and computing measures of correction which shall
remove their state of overlap and intersection. We present a collision avoidance algorithm
which is oblivious to specific properties of the object such as convexity, size or shape etc.
We have used surface representations of objects as input and have invented techniques to
ensure accuracy when we handle surface representations in collision detection algorithms.
Several efficient optimization techniques have also been implemented in the algorithm to
increase the computational efficiency.
1.2 Where do we apply 3D object separation?
Detecting intersections, or Collision Detection has surfaced in several engineering
problems. Some of these problems, which served as motivation for the current research,
are presented here.
1.2.1 Connection to Linear Programming
The problem of detecting separation between three dimensional convex objects can be
modelled as a linear programming problem. If two convex objects are separated in Rd,
then there exists a hyperplane which separates the two objects. The problem of detecting if
a solution exists in Rd for a point satisfying simultaneous constraints against several
hyperplanes is equivalent to the problem of determining whether two convex bodies are
not intersecting in Rd. Megiddo [Megiddo 83] proposed that linear programming can be
solved in linear time when the dimension is fixed. Megiddo addressed the Separability
Problem, which is the problem of separating two sets of Rd by means of a hyperplane. The
separability problem in Rd is solvable by linear programming in d variables. Megiddo
[Megiddo 83] presents a linear time algorithm for linear programming when d 3.
Shamos [Shamos 1975] conjectured that "...the proper attack on a geometry problem
is to construct those geometric entities that delineate the problem... ". This is true in many
cases when fundamental geometric entities such as convex hull, the voronoi diagrams are
useful. Unfortunately, this conjecture led Shamos to the wrong result that linear programing necessitated constructing the convex hull and was not solvable in a time better than
Q(n log n). Megiddo contradicted Shamos' lower bound for linear programming in fixed
1.2.2 Robotic Path Planning
Collision detection is an essential component of robotic path planning and control,
where it helps to steer the robot away from its surrounding obstacles. In path planning, the
problem is one of finding a path for the robot through an environment of obstacles such
that at no instance does the robot collide with any object in the surrounding environment.
For the path planning problem, computing a feasible path amidst all the obstacles is itself
quite complex. Additionally, if one has to find the optimal path, the problem is more complicated.
A common approach is to detect collisions of the entire swept volume in a given time
duration against the environment. However, this approach proves to be ineffective when
multiple objects are moving simultaneously. Another approach proposed is an equivalent
4-dimensional problem which is very effective with elementary primitives such as
spheres. When we have complex objects, such an approach is exhorbitantly expensive.
Another solution to the problem involves the creation of the C-space (configuration space)
and identifying feasible regions in the same.
We observe that in all these approaches to path planning, detecting collisions and
intersections between the objects forms the crux.
1.2.3 Collision Free 5-Axis tool path generation
Balasubramaniam [Balasubramaniam 99] proposed the idea of Collision free 5-Axis
tool path generation. It amounts to generating tool paths for 5-axis machining such that at
any instant, the cutting tool or the holder and spindle does not collide with the finished
surface and remove material unnecessarily. Current tool path generation software suffer
from this problem, called gouging. Current commercial software packages create a toolpath without checking if the tool or any part of the tool holder gouges against the final fin-
ished product. A collision free 5-Axis toolpath will have to first check for collisions
between the tool, the tool holder, the spindle and other machine parts against the final
shape of the finished object. This is accomplished by checking for collision between the
solid model of the tool and the solid model of the workpiece, for each configuration of the
tool. Balasubramaniam and Ho [Balasubramaniam 00] present an integrated approach
employing a haptic interface to generate collision-free 5-Axis tool path generation software.
1.2.4 Real time interaction with haptic systems
Haptic systems mimic the sense of touch. A user holds the haptic probe or glove and
moves around in space and the haptic device provides force feedback at each location. Virtual reality simulations involving force-feedback devices depend immensely on collision
detection algorithms. These simulations attempt to create the forces which are typically
created in a physical system. Detecting collisions between the objects in the virtual world
and determining realistic contact forces are necessary in order to fake physical systems
using virtual reality.
Haptic systems impose strict conditions on the accuracy of the collision detection
algorithm, so that the forces generated are as realistic as possible. Research on human
interaction with haptic devices has proven that a force update rate of 1000 Hz is essential
for a vibration-free experience of the human operator. As a result, haptic systems are a
particular application of collision detection algorithms which impose very stringent
requirements on both the accuracy and speed.
In summary, the problem of detecting intersections between objects, though mathematical in nature, has a diverse set of applications. These applications, such as path planning, Separability problem, haptics are seemingly unrelated. Path planning algorithms
require mere reporting of the intersections while haptic applications require computing
measures of correction. However, cumulatively they refine the statement of the collision
detection and avoidance problem. We are able to better define our problem of detecting
penetration between non-convex polyhedra by understanding such requirements imposed
by the applications.
1.3 Overview of the thesis
Chapter 2 presents the background for this research. While studying geometric interference between 3D objects, it is necessary to be familiar with geometric modeling techniques and the complexity involved with the collision detection problem. Section 2.1
introduces solid modeling techniques and Section 2.2 elaborates on the complexity of
using different solid models for the collision detection problem. The problem of geometric
interference detection and collision detection as it is more commonly referred to, has been
the topic of a great deal of contemporary research. Section 2.4 has a brief description and
comparison of the various algorithms that have been proposed for this problem.
Chapter 3 lists the initial concept development. Though most of these concepts were
not adopted in the final design of our algorithm, they played an important role in the
understanding of the problem, and are presented here for sake of completeness.
Chapter 4 explains the details of our algorithm. Chapter 5 includes the pseudocode for
the algorithm and the various analyses that were performed on the algorithm. Chapter 6
presents the conclusions and the main contributions of this thesis.
Chapter 2
The objective of our research has been to detect measures of penetration between two
generic three dimensional solids and to provide corrective measures to disengage two
objects under intersection. By the term "generic solids", we imply that no specific assumption is made about the solids or their mathematical representations thereof. The algorithm
should be able to receive as input any representation of the solids. No assumptions should
be made such as that the solid is a CSG model.
In the first half of this chapter, we introduce the notion of geometric modelling of three
dimensional solids. Understanding the applicability of various solid modeling techniques
for applications of collision detection and the optimizations that are done to save computational effort are detailed next. The remainder of the chapter discusses the bulk of research
that has been carried out in related areas. We provide a summary of contemporary research
and clearly delineate the uniqueness and importance of our research.
2.1 Real World objects vs. Mathematical models
Geometric modelling involves the mathematical representation of real-world solid
objects. The objects we are typically concerned with in engineering range from machine
elements having a simple geometry to complex assemblies such as ships and aircrafts
which have a very complicated geometry. Shapes and geometry, while being obvious for
human perception, have to be represented so that computers can recognize them and mathematical operations could be performed on them. Geometric modelling attempts to provide a complete, flexible and unambiguous representation of an object. We present here
the common methods of representing three dimensional solids as mathematical models.
Each object representation has its own set of applications.
We observe that there isn't "an exact representation" available for a generalized 3-D
solid. Even a simple part like a shaft has fillets, undercuts and chamfers, which are very
difficult to represent accurately. For most engineering applications, the exact representation turns out to be computationally complex and cumbersome. Since exact representa-
tions are generally too difficult to handle, mathematical models at varying degrees of
abstraction and complexity are used to suit the application.
2.1.1 Object representations and their complexity
Jordan Brouwer Separation theorem states that "any solid object divides space into
two regions the interiorand exterior". The boundary between the interior and the exterior
of the solid is the surface of the solid. Current mathematical models for solid object representation provide ways of representing geometric entities on the surface of an object or
provide a set of geometric primitives which combine to define the solid in three dimensional space. The following sections describe the various methods employed for object
representation. These methods are classified based on the level of abstraction and richness
of information about the object.
2.1.2 Object as raw data
In this method of representation, a lump-sum collection of entities represents the
object. There may not be an explicit relationship defined between individual data elements. The topology of the solid is not also explicit from the raw data set.
Point Cloud
A point cloud is an unstructured set of points, without any connectivity and topology
information. In three dimensions, a solid could be defined using a cloud of points scattered
on its surface. The point cloud would then typically consist of a set of n points, given by
their x,y,z coordinates. A point cloud has no additional topological information apart from
the location of points on the surface.
Given only the coordinates, one is not able to infer any additional detail about the surface. There is no topology information available because the set of points is stored in no
sequence or order. There is no distinct division between interior and exterior.In common
parlance, one finds that a point cloud is not a water-tightrepresentation. A water-tight representation of an object is one which makes a clear distinction between interior and exterior. Given a query point and a point cloud, one is not able to immediately tell if the point
is within the point cloud or not. Further, the query point could move between the points of
the point cloud and go undetected. The absence of connectivity and topology information
makes the point cloud unsuitable for many applications.
Point Cloud
Figure 1 Representation of a cube
Polygon soup
In a polygon soup representation, the surface of the solid is approximated with a set of
polygons. The surface itself is the union of all these polygons. The polygon soup is an
unstructured set and the representation carries no information on connectivity. The adjacency information of each polygon, edge or a vertex is not explicitly available. If it is
known apriori that the given surface has no abnormalities such as tears or holes, then a
polygon soup provides a clear demarcation between the interiorand exterior.It is similar
Array of pointers to Polygons
Vertex 1
Vertex 2
Figure 2 Polygon soup model
to a point cloud with the only difference that the point is replaced by a planar polygon.
Range Image
A range image is a set of points in three dimensions mapped to pixels of an image.
The object representation is obtained from an image processing tool such as a scanner.
This representation is particularly suited for applications in computer graphics, optical
scanning and imagery. Range images carry the information of distance from the graphics
viewport to the objects. While there isn't specific information about the interior of the
objects, it is possible to infer insideness and outsideness.
2.1.3 Representation of the surfaces of objects
Section 2.1.2 presented objects as an unstructured data set. Given the nature of such a
representation, one has to extrapolate all additional information from the data. In this section we discuss object representation methods which clearly delineate the surface of
objects. Surface of real world objects are smooth and continuous. Surfaces whose properties are known ahead, for eg. design surfaces, can be represented as a continuum in the
form of algebraic functions. Surfaces for which there are no properties known ahead, for
instance a mechanical assembly, are converted into tessellations and polygonal meshes.
This is a linear approximation of the surface where the curved sector between a set of
points is approximated with a polygon through those points. Such an approximation is
commonly carried out in engineering applications such as Finite Element method and
computer graphics rendering.
B-rep stands for boundary representation. Any closed homogenous 3-D solid could be
represented completely by its surface. Boundary representation is a set of adjacency relationships among the topological entities on a surface. The winged-edge representation is
one of the ubiquitous boundary representations. Another equally popular representation
scheme is the indexed mesh, where the surface is represented as a mesh passing through
vertices and carrying their adjacency information. Weiler [Weiler 85] and Woo [Woo 85]
discuss the efficiency of various B-Rep data structures from the point of view of spacetime complexity.
A mesh is a set of connected polygonally bounded planar surfaces. These polygons
could represent a part or the whole of the surface. The set of polygons sharing an edge or
a vertex is directly available in the form of adjacency lists. But there is no explicit information about surface abnormalities such as holes and tears. As such, a mesh need not represent a closed surface. If one is sure that the solid has no holes or tears, then the mesh
contains the unambiguous separation between interiorand exterior.If each edge is shared
by exactly two polygons and each vertex by at least three polygons, then it can be proven
that the surface has no abnormalities such as a tears or non-manifoldness.
Parametric surfaces
Parametric surfaces are continuous surfaces defined by coordinates of points on them,
which themselves are functions of a parameter. A parametric surface is represented by the
set of coordinates r = (x, y, z) of points on it such that x = x(t), y = y(t), z = z(t), where t is
any real parameter. Common types of parametric surfaces include Bezier surfaces, Bspline surfaces and tensor product spline patches, such as NURBS.
Implicit surfaces
An implicit equation is any algebraic equation defined on a set of variables, of the
form f( ) = 0. In R 3 , an implicit equation is of the formf(x,y,z) = 0 where x, y, z represent
the cartesian coordinates in space. Points (xo,yo,zo) that satisfy f(x,y,z) = 0 form a surface
in space. This surface is called an implicit equation defined surface, or implicit surface.
The advantange of implicit surfaces lies in the clear demarcation of interior and exterior.
Usually, f( ) > 0 refers to the exterior of the surface. Further, if f(x,yz)= 0 represents the
implicit surface, then
n =_
1A1(xo, YO, ZO)
represents the surface normal at a given point (xo, yo , zo). For a point not on the surface, f(xo, yozo) is the distance from the point to the surface.
Implicit surface representation could include a continuous algebraic surface or a set of
piecewise continuous algebraic surface patches. Implicit equations, while being excellent
tools for mathematical analysis of curves and surfaces, do not have a significant role in
collision detection applications. There are not many real world solids which can be very
precisely represented by a set of implicit surfaces. The problem of fitting a smooth surface
to a given set of points has been a topic of contemporary research [Krishnamurthy 98] .
When modelling interference detection between axially symmetric objects and an
unknown terrain (environment), implicit surfaces prove very useful and accurate[Ho 99] .
These problems have applications in numerically controlled machining, probing virtual
environments etc.
2.1.4 Representation as combination of solid shapes
In this section, we present object representation where three-dimensional entities serve
as building blocks. Some of these basic three dimensional entities include cube, sphere,
cylinder, cone and half-spaces.
The voxel model of solids is also referred as the Spatial Occupancy Enumeration
model. The solid is modeled by a uniform grid of volumetric sample cells, called voxels.
This object representation is memory intensive. Space is divided into voxels and the object
is classified by each voxel being inside/outside or partially inside the object. Each voxel is
characterized by the coordinates of a single point, either a specific corner or the centroid
of the voxel.
Figure 3 Voxel model of a hand and the actual geometric model
BSP tree
BSP tree, or Binary Space Partition tree, divides space in a binary fashion. The BSP
tree representation consists of a tree whose root node includes the universe of space available and each child node having of a set of decision equations progressively partitions
space. Such a division is carried on until the desired region occupied by the object is
reached. The union of all the leaf level nodes constitutes the object being modelled. Figure
4 shows an Binary space partition model of an object in the form of a cylinder capped with
a hemi-sphere. BSP trees need not be balanced, i.e., all the leaf level nodes need not be at
the same depth in the tree.
x =0
y +z
y +z
x2 +y 2+z2 -4
: intenio r]
exterio r
-6 >0
Figure 4 Binary Space Partition tree model of a cylinder capped with a hemisphere
Constructive Solid Geometry is a hierarchy of regularized Boolean operations applied
to a set of standard geometric primitives. The CSG model of a solid is in the form of a tree,
whose leaf nodes are the geometric primitives and internal nodes are Boolean operators.
In some variants of CSG, transformations in the form of rotation and translation are also
applied to the geometric primitives. Figure 5 has an example of a CSG model of a cylinder
with two hemispherical ends.
CSG is a useful and concise technique for solid modelling. The conciseness also
results in some of the shortcomings of this representation. Firstly, there is not an explicit
boundary information in a CSG model. The boundary information has to be specifically
extracted from the geometric primitives. The procedure becomes additionally complicated
when some parts of the geometric primitives get altered in the final solid model due to the
Boolean operations. Any overlap detection query requires boundary information of the
solid and hence, CSG yields itself unsuitable. Further, CSG has a limited range of solid
models that can be represented. The geometric primitives are typically bounded by a number of lower order algebraic surfaces. In particular, CSG can not be used to model freeform surfaces, which are commonly encountered in machining processes. Third, converting from a B-Rep to a CSG model amounts to "pattern recognition", which is a difficult
problem to solve.
As an attempt to use CSG models in overlap detection, Cameron introduced the idea of
S-bounds [Cameron 91] .
Figure 5 Constructive solid geometry model of a cylinder capped with two hemispheres
Swept volumes and extrusions
A swept volume is defined as the volume included within an object following a trajectory in space. It represents the region in space which is traversed by an object in motion.
With specific reference to robotic path planning, swept volumes are used to determine collision free paths and also to determine feasibility of a particular path.
Figure 6 Swept volume and Extrusion of a polygon in x-y plane moving along a line with
non-uniform velocity
For dynamic environments, overlap of swept volumes offers only a necessary condition for two objects to intersect. If two objects in a dynamic environment undergo collision, then their swept volumes over the time period involving collision must intersect.
However, the intersection of the swept volumes does not guarantee that the objects have
undergone collision.
Extrusions are created by adding the dimension of time to the object. As the object
moves, its configuration information (position & orientation) are time-stamped. The
extrusion of a 2-D object is a three dimensional solid and a 3-D object's extrusion is four
dimensional. Extrusion depends closely on the object's motion because the velocity of the
object is reflected in the shape of the extrusion. For the same path in space, a faster object
will have a smaller extrusion volume than a slower object. Figure 6 is a case of non-uniform velocity being reflected in the parabolic shape of the time stamp. In a dynamic environment, overlap of extrusions of two objects is a necessary and sufficient condition for
two objects to intersect. If the extrusions of two objects overlap, then at some instant of
time, there exists a region in space which is common to both the objects and this implies
that the moving objects are intersecting. However, detecting overlap in higher dimensional
space is very complicated.
2.2 Collision detection between solid models
Detecting intersections between geometric shapes is an oft repeated problem in robotics, path planning, computer graphics, virtual reality simulations of dynamic environments. The problem of collision detection addresses the question, "Given two solids
represented by their mathematical models, do they share a common interior?". At the very
least, the answer to this question is a BOOLEAN variable: yes or no. Typically, one is also
interested in the correction measures that have to be adopted once the occurence of collision has been reported. Measures of the extent of penetration between objects will have to
be found out, so that appropriate collision avoidance schemes could be developed. Our
research has focussed on the problem of penetration detection between non-convex solids.
This section presents the various methods of object representation and their effectiveness
for collision detection and avoidance.
Collision detection problems have two areas of applications: static and dynamic environments. The static case is encountered in mathematical problems when we check for
intersection among two sets. A static case algorithm is run once and it determines whether
the two sets are intersecting or not. The problem could involve constructing the intersection set as well. Engineering applications of collision detection typically involve a
dynamic environment. In a dynamic application, the collision detection algorithm runs
several times over and over. The static application of collision detection can be considered
as a restricted and particular case of some dynamic application. In a dynamic application,
we typically have a moving object interacting with a static object. Should both the objects
be in motion, we could alternately consider the relative motions, so that we end up with a
"moving" object and a "static" environment. The moving object's model is constantly
transformed, i.e., the position and orientation of the coordinate frame fixed to the moving
object changes with time. The geometric model chosen to represent the moving object
should be capable of handling these transformation operations rapidly and accurately. Our
discussion is restricted to collision detection in a dynamic environment.
For penetration detection, an indirect requirement would be that we have at least one
of the solid models being watertight,i.e., at least one of the representations should be able
to clearly demarcate interior and exterior of the solid so that we can check for intersection
infallibly. This observation negates using point cloud representation for both solids, as
there is no clear demarcation of the boundary. Given a query point P and a point cloud
object A, P could pass easily between the points of A without being detected for penetration.
Implicit surfaces, when used to represent solids clearly differentiate interiorand exterior Pentland and Williams [Pentland 89] proposed using implicit functions to represent
solids and evaluating inside-outside functions for collision detection. Krishnan et al have
presented efficient algorithms for curved models composed of either spline surfaces and
algebraic surfaces undergoing rigid motion [Krishnan 97] .
Intersection detection between parametric surfaces boils down to the question of
robust and accurate mathematical operations on polynomials. There are four common
techniques: subdivision methods, lattice methods, tracing methods and analytic methods.
There are several robust algorithms implementing interval arithmetic that solve the problem of intersection detection between parametric surfaces [Maekawa 99] [Patrikalakis] .
2.3 Computationally efficient object representations
Section 2.1 presented methods that are commonly used for modelling geometric
objects such as solids and surfaces. The spatial relationship between real-world solids that
we are interested in, collision detection, has been introduced in Section 2.2. Applications
of collision detection demand rapid and accurate mathematical operations to be performed
on the geometric models. These computations on solid models are limited to a particular
portion of the solid rather than the whole.
The models presented in Section 2.1.1 represent the objects reliably, but fail to accomodate fast computations and queries. One is faced with the task of performing computations on the entire object's representation rather than a part of it. Thus, alongside having
several object representations, there is also the need to have computationally efficient representations corresponding to each of these object models. Approximation has been an
abuse of terminology to refer to these representations. We prefer to use the term computationally efficient representations,to better emphasize the philosophy.
Merriam Webster dictionary defines approximationas "a mathematical quantity that is
close in value to but not the same as a desired quantity". In our problem, we like to have
representations of the objects which carry as much information about the object and yet,
are not so computationally complicated as the given object model. Approximations do not
imply that the representation is computationally less complex. And thus, to reflect the true
implication, we use the term computationally efficient representations.
Hierarchical representation is one such efficient method. The given object model is
represented by a hierarchy of shapes with progressive refinement and accuracy. Hierarchical representation has been used to coarsely represent the objects, to decompose the space
they occupy in a simplified manner and to consider accurate details only at certain specific
instances. The hierarchical representation of an object begins with a very coarse model of
the object. At each successive step, the representation gets refined to match the object's
surface and shape with an improved accuracy. A hierarchical representation allows for
both a recursive and an iterative programming technique.
In collision detection applications, hierarchical representations prove to be an efficient
mathematical tool because (i) in many cases, interference or a non-interference situation
can be easily detected at the first few levels of the hierarchy and (ii) the refinement of representation is only necessary in parts where collision could possibly occur. In essense, (i)
enables eliminating potential non-solution cases from being tested by the collision algorithm. Figure 7 shows an example of this case. (ii) provides for an adaptive and efficient
use of the computational power available.
Figure 7 Two objects don't overlap if their bounding volumes don't overlap
The computationally efficient representation should match the underlying object's
geometry as closely as possibly and should also be tight fitting. Alongside having a high
accuracy, one should consider other operational parameters such as the core and verbosity,
depending on the application. In collision detection algorithms, efficacy of the object representation and the bounding volume representation should be evaluated from the perspective of overlap detection as well as update time. The computational effort required for
determining whether representations of two objects are overlapping and the time required
for updating the object's representation from one orientation to another are the key criteria.
From the point of view of overlap detection, the object representation should yield
itself to answer the query whether two objects overlap, very fast and accurately. For overlap detection, basic geometric shapes such as spheres, cylinders and boxes require very little effort. Geometry of most objects is not as simple and as we try to bound the underlying
object more accurately, the time required for overlap detection increases. The trade-off
between accuracy and time for overlap detection is a topic for further investigation.
The other parameter of importance is the update time. Most collision algorithms have
applications in a dynamic environment, where the position, orientation and even size and
shape of the objects could vary with time. In a dynamic environment, the geometric models of the object should be updated to match the current configuration. This necessitates
that any efficient representation of the object thereof be updated. Even though the bounding volume normally has lesser number of primitives than the actual object, care should be
taken that at no stage in the hierarchy, the bounding volume takes more time to update
than the sub-set of the actual object that it encloses.
2.3.1 Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy for convex objects
Dobkin and Kirkpatrick developed a hierarchical representation for convex objects in
d- dimensions. At the highest level of the hierarchy, the convex object is represented by an
affine flat in d-dimensions. An affine flat is defined as the smallest independent set that
encloses the given set of points in d-dimensions. There are two types of hierarchies: vertex-adding-hierarchies and face-adding-hierarchies. In the vertex-adding-hierarchy, facets
of the affine flat are broken up progressively, with the addition of new vertices from the
object, until one reaches the object itself. In the face-adding-hierarchy, polygonal faces are
added to the affine flat sequentially, until the object model is obtained. At a fundamental
level, both these hierarchies are similar: they both start with the smallest enclosing set for
the given object and progressively add elements (vertices or faces) to it. It is easy to note
that this hierarchy is iterative for the sake of programming. At any stage in the hierarchy,
if no overlap is reported, then it is clear that the underlying objects are not overlapping.
This is the crux of the Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchical approach for overlap detection
among convex objects.
2.3.2 Common Bounding volumes
The term bounding volume applies to a volume which completely encloses an object
or its subset, and indicates the space occupied by the object using fewer primitives. The
bounding volume hierarchy is a powerful tool for performing collision detection between
objects. In general, the bounding volume hierarchy is applicable for object representations
in arbitrary n-dimensional spaces. But here, we restrict our discussion to objects in R3 , i.e.
real world 3-D solids.
We observe that if two bounding volumes don't overlap, then the underlying objects
can't overlap. This key idea behind bounding volumes is expressed in Figure 7. This helps
to identify cases of non-overlap and eliminate them from further consideration. If one can
sub-divide the bounding volumes and check repeatedly only for those areas where the
bounding volumes collide, there is substantial savings in the time and computational
effort. In programming parlance, this method falls into the recursive category.
From the point of view of geometry, the aspect ratio of a bounding volume is also
important. The aspect ratio compares how "fat" the volume is along two mutually orthogonal directions. It is usually preferable to have a bounding volume hierarchy with a near
uniform aspect ratio, i.e. the bounding volumes at various levels of the hierarchy are geometrically similar. Convex hull
For a set S c R , the convex hull CHs is defined as the smallest convex set CHs c R
such that S c CHs-
Convex hull is the tightest fitting bounding volume for a given object. In the case of a
convex object, its boundary and its convex hull coincide.
Figure 8 Convex hull of a set of points in R
Computation of convex hull takes O(n log n) time where n is the number of vertices in
the object [Shamos 85] . The Quickhull algorithm [Barber 96] is a robust implementation
for computing the convex hull of a set of points in arbitrary dimensional space. It is available as the software package QHULL. Convex hull is a powerful mathematical idea and
figures in a wide variety of applications. The convex hull is defined by a set of hyperplanes which define the boundary. Since the location and orientation of these hyperplanes
is arbitrary, the problem of overlap detection between convex hulls is computationally
intensive. Overlap detection among convex hulls is akin to overlap detection among convex objects and is an 0(n) operation. Update of a convex hull between orientations
amounts to transformation of all vertices (or at least the boundary vertices) and is an 0(n)
operation. Convex hulls, thus, have not been employed directly as bounding volumes.
Indirectly though, one finds convex hulls being applied to handle a few special cases.
Pobil's algorithm uses a convex hull of a set of spheres [Pobil 96] . Ponamgi computes the
convex hull to handle the initial stages of overlap detection among non-convex objects
[Ponamgi 97]. Alpha shapes
Alpha shapes are a generalization of the convex hull and a subgraph of the Delaunay
triangulation. Given a finite point set, a family of shapes can be derived from the
Delaunay triangulation of the point set; a real parameter, (X controls the desired level of
detail and abstraction. The set of all real (X values leads to a whole family of shapes capturing the intuitive notion of "crude" versus "refined" shapes of a point set. With the (X
value increasing from 0 towards infinity, the alpha shape migrates from a point set into the
convex hull.
Alpha shapes are useful mathematical tools in surface reconstruction and sub-surface
modelling. They are used in visualizing a point set or a solid with cavities. Alpha shapes
face the same problem as convex hulls in terms of overlap detection and update time.
Their use in collision detection is not very clear. Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB) are bounding volumes resembling rectangular
boxes ( i.e., rectangles in two dimensions and cuboids in three dimensions). Each axis aligned bounding box is infallibly represented as a set of intervals, along the defining
directions of x, y and z, because of their rectangular nature. The advantage of employing
axis aligned bounding boxes lies in their ease of overlap detection. The following lemma
leads to the reason why overlap detection is easy among AABB.
Lemma Two axis-alignedbounding boxes are not overlapping if their intervals along
any of the defining directionsare not overlapping.
Proof: If the intervals along a particular direction are not overlapping, then there
exists a plane normal to this direction which separates the bounding boxes and hence the
Interval trichotomy dictates that
given two intervals <a,, b1 > and <a2 , b2 > such that ai < bifor i = 1,2,
then one and necessarily only one of the following is true
(i) a1 > b2
(ii) a2 > b,
(iii) the two intervals overlap.
Thus, with sets of two comparisons between interval endpoints along each of the
defining directions, one is able to verify if the axis-aligned bounding boxes are overlapping or not. Update of axis-aligned bounding box is O(n) time, if one resorts to updating
all the geometric primitives and then keeping track of the extremes along the defining
directions. Figure 9 shows a bounding volume hierarchy with AABB such that at the leaf
level, we have the bounding box bounding a unique triangle. When we try to bound triangles, it is almost unavoidable that even leaf-level bounding volumes will not be disjoint.
Note that in Figure 9, bounding boxes at the same level in the hierarchy are overlapping.
This is a direct consequence of the convex nature of the AABB. The edge between two triangles is present in two different bounding boxes at the same level in the tree. The edge,
being a convex subset of each of the bounding boxes, proves the overlap between them.
Figure 9 Axis-aligned bounding box tree
32 Octree
Octree is an axis-aligned bounding box hierarchy specifically in R3. Each element box
of an octree consists of a cube. The root node is a cube enclosing the entire object array,
while the children of the root node correspond to the octants of the cube. As a result, all
the bounding volumes are similar in geometry and their linear sizes differ by powers of 2.
For the sake of sub-division, each cell has a label: FULL, EMPTY or MIXED. An octant
cell is labelled FULL if its entire volume is inside the object, EMPTY, when its entire volume is outside the object and MIXED, when the octant cell intersects with the object's
boundary and contains part of th e object's interior as well as exterior. Further sub-division
of an octant is suspended if it is FULL or if it is EMPTY. An octant cell is subdivided into
its children only if its label is MIXED. Octree is hence not a balanced tree.
Figure 10 illustrates this idea on a quad-tree, which deals with two dimensional spatial
divisions. For the sake of clarity, only one quadrant was divided. Figure 11 shows the first
three levels of an octree representation of a shape in space. Note that subdivision occurs
only when the cell's label is MIXED. The sub-division of octrees result in subsets which
are geometrically similar to the parent objects. This is because each element of octree is
divided equally along the three directions x, y and z. If the division along the individual
directions are not equal, k-d trees are obtained [Beckmann 90] .
The octree representation has much lower memory requirement compared to a spatial
enumeration representation [Section 2.1.4]. At the same time, it is more complex to access
the information about the object in an octree form.
Figure 10 Quadtree representation of an object
Actual Model
Tree representation
Figure 11 An octree model and the corresponding tree Oriented Bounding Box
Oriented bounding box, or OBB, is a rectangular bounding box which tries to match
and follow the geometry of the enclosed object to the maximum extent possible. The idea
of OBBs have been used before in ray tracing applications. The coordinate axes of the oriented bounding box for a set of points, are the same as the principal axes obtained from the
ellipsoid of inertia of these points. The OBB's shape for a particular object is independent
of its spatial orientation. By computing the mean and covariance of the set of all points on
the surface of the object, the three orthogonal axes of the Oriented bounding box can be
found. Since the presence of a dense cluster of points in the interior of the object could
skew the computation of the mean and variance, computing the convex hull and using the
vertices on the hull alone to compute the OBB has been suggested [Gottschalk 96] .
As noted earlier, choice of a particular bounding volume is decided based as well on
the complexity of overlap detection and on the complexity of transformation. Computing
and update in a dynamic environment of OBB runs in 0(n) time. Checking for overlap
among OBBs were carried out with 144 tests, by testing each of the 12 edges of either box
against the 6 faces of the other box. This method proved to be quite expensive. Gottschalk
[Gottschalk 96] have improved on the performance of the overlap detection algorithm
among OBBs by detecting overlap along a set of 15 directions and by applying a Separating Axis Theorem. A separating axis for a pair of convex polytopes is defined as an axis
such that a plane normal to this axis separates the polytopes. Two disjoint 3-D convex
polytopes can always be separated by a plane which is parallel to a face of either polytope
or parallel to an edge from either polytope. According to the Separating Axis theorem, two
convex polytopes are disjoint if and only if there exists a separating axis orthogonal to a
face of either polytope or orthogonal to an edge from each polytope. The publicly available collision detection library RAPID uses OBB trees at the heart of a collision detection
system. Gottschalk reports that using OBBs has a faster performance than AABBs for
collision detection [Gottschalk 96] .
Figure 12 compares OBB to AABB for the same object. The OBB tends to align itself
along a major dimension and follows the shape of the underlying object.
Figure 12 Oriented and Axis Aligned Bounding Box for the same shape K-Discrete Orientation Polytope
k-Discrete Orientation Polytopes (k-DOP) are a go-between to Axis-aligned bounding
boxes and Oriented bounding boxes. The axis aligned bounding boxes have a quick overlap detection test, but fail to bound the object shape very tightly. This leaves the collision
detection routine to check a large number of primitives at the leaf level of the bounding
volume hierarchy. The oriented bounding boxes are very tight and localize the collision
detection test among primitives to a small set, but they cost a lot of computation effort for
overlap checking and update.
The k-DOPs bound the object from a set of k-different directions. When k equals 6, we
get the axis-aligned box. Commonly employed k-DOPs have been 14-, 18- and 26- DOP
[Held 98] . If we consider a cube, it has 6 faces, 8 corner vertices and 12 edges. By having
the bounding planes associated with these faces, vertices, edges or unions of them we get
the various k-DOPs. For example, a 14-DOP has planes parallel to the 6 faces and one
plane along each body diagonal of the cube, corresponding to each vertex. Figure 13 carries images of the 6-, 14-, 18- and 26-DOP. These images illustrate the typical geometry
associated with the various k-DOPs. It should be noted here that the k-DOPs could be
skewed depending on the shape of the underlying object.
"Tribox" [Crosnier 99] is a synonym for an 18-DOP, involving the vertices and the
face diagonals of a cube.
While avoiding the inaccuracy of AABBs, the k-DOPs also overcome the shortcoming
of OBBs by having the directions for overlap tests known apriori.
Figure 13 The various k-DOPs
The main advantage of k-DOPs lies in their ease of update. When the underlying
object undergoes a transformation, the k-DOP is not recomputed for the entire object.
Instead, the k-DOP associated with the object alone is transformed and bounded along the
k-directions. Figure 14 shows an 8-DOP bounding the object and how the bounding volume is computed after a rotation. It can be proven that the newly computed k-DOP will
never be more accurate than the initial k-DOP [Appendix B]. There is definitely a tradeoff between this ease of update and the small loss of accuracy.
Held proposed the idea of k-DOPs and addressed some of the key issues involved in
using a bounding volume hierarchy of k-DOPs for collision detection. They report that a
hierarchy of 14-DOP and 26-DOP has a faster performance than OBBs for collision detection applications [Held 98] .
Figure 14 8-DOP update between orientations
2.4 History of Separation Algorithms
Historically, separation algorithms have been studied prior to penetration detection
algorithms. There isn't a common metric based on which one could compare the various
separation algorithms that have been proposed. There have been two kinds of algorithms:
for intersection detection - "Given two static objects, do they share a common interior?"
and collision detection algorithms - "Will geometric interference occur between two
objects in motion?" Distance computation algorithms have envisaged to compute the minimum separation between objects. As a direct outcome, one can infer that two objects are
under collision when the separation between them evaluates to zero. Each algorithm has
its own domain of operation and hence, there is no common metric to compare all the
algorithms. We present the various algorithms grouped according to their underlying philosophy.
2.4.1 Closest pair problems between pointsets
Geometric closest point problems have been a popular topic in computational geometry. We mention some of the popular problems here to provide a more complete overview
of separation detection algorithms. Given a set of points in a plane, the Closest pair problem tries to compute the pair of points which are closest among them. This amounts to
computing the minimum euclidean distance between any two points in the set. The Allpoints nearest neighbor problem tries to compute the nearest neighbor to each point in the
set. It is obvious to note that closest pair of points in a set is a subset of all the solutions to
the all-points nearest neighbor problem. The Post office location problem deals with
dividing a map into postal districts so that each districts represents all the points that are
closer to a particular point compared to any of the other points. For solving the closest pair
problem and other related problems, the Bentley-Shamos divide-and-conquer algorithm
and the planar sweep algorithm are commonly employed.
2.4.2 Minkowski separation of convex objects
For two convex sets A and B, the Minkowski difference is the set defined by
A-B =
x-yI(xe A)q(ye B)
Figure 15 Minkowski difference between a pentagon and a triangle
If A has m elements and B has n elements, then it is obvious that A-B has mn elements.
The Minkowski difference of two convex polyhedra is convex [Grunbaum 67] .
Cameron and Culley [Cameron 86] have given a proof that the minimum separation of
two convex sets A and B is the smallest distance from the origin to any point in the
Minkowski difference set A-B. Further, Cameron defines the Minkowski difference
method for distance computation as a configuration space problem [Cameron 96] .
The element of this set A-B which is closest to the origin could be found in 0(mn)
time. Though this result seems easy to understand and interpret, the computational complexity of this approach is O(n2 ) as Minkowski operator takes up to n2 time. A key result
here is that not all elements of the Minkowski difference will be on the boundary. Tracking
the closest point to the origin typically restricts our search space to the points on the
boundary. There are two well known algorithms which use this idea to expedite their
search - the GJK algorithm and the Cameron-Culley algorithm.
2.4.3 Gilbert Johnson Keerthi algorithm
The Gilbert Johnson Keerthi algorithm [GJK 88] is among the first linear time algorithms for determining the distance of separation between convex objects in d-dimensions.
The GJK algorithm computes distance between objects as the minimal Euclidean distance
between any pair of subsets, one belonging to each object. The algorithm is based on the
Minkowski difference between two convex sets and provides an efficient method for
tracking the closest point to the origin in the Minkowski convolution set. The GJK algorithm searches for a simplex, defined by vertices of the Minkowski difference set to identify the closest to the origin.
Cameron [Cameron 96] has shown a theoretical analysis of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi algorithm. The GJK algorithm has a "tracking step" when the closest point from the
Minkowski set to the origin is determined. Cameron has shown that the tracking step of
the GJK algorithm takes about a hundred arithmetic computations.
2.4.4 Steven Cameron's work on enhanced GJK
Cameron modified the GJK algorithm with the hill climbing algorithm and tracking
algorithm. Both these algorithms employ efficient techniques to compute the boundary
vertices on the Minkowski set difference for two convex objects in motion. One is able to
quickly identify the point on the boundary of the Minkowski difference that is closest to
the origin. As discussed in Section 2.4.3, the complexity of GJK algorithm is linear in the
number of vertices of the convex objects. By adding the result from coherence to it, one is
able to keep track of the closest point from origin in the Minkowski difference in constant
time [Cameron 97] . "Coherence" simply means that when the relative motion between the
two objects is very small compared to the principal dimension of the convex objects, then
the new closest pair is in the vicinity of the earlier pair. Applying the coherence idea to
GJK algorithm, Cameron proves that when the objects move incrementally relative to one
another, the point in the Minkowski difference closest to the origin is most likely to move
from its current feature to its neighbor and not too far. Thus the enhanced GJK runs in
expected constant time. The first computation does occur in linear time. It gets amortized
as we opt for a longer sequence of orientations to be tested for collision.
2.4.5 Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy for overlap detection [Dobkin 85]
Dobkin and Kirkpatrik [Dobkin 85] proposed a linear time algorithm for the separation of convex polytopes. The algorithm takes as input two convex polytopes in a static
environment. A hierarchy of convex objects is built and they are progressively tested for
overlap detection. This hierarchy has been discussed before in Section 2.3.1. The DobkinKirkpatrick hierarchy is an efficient approach to detect interference among convex
objects. However, the very mathematical nature of the algorithm makes itself difficult to
implement in common applications. The Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy is typically used in
a static case of collision detection [Refer "Collision detection between solid models" on
page 26.].
2.4.6 Edelsbrunner's idea of min/max distance between convex objects
Edelsbrunner discusses the problem of minimum and maximum distance between convex polygons [Edelsbrunner 85] . While the problem of minimum distance is one of O(log
n) time, the maximum distance between two convex polygons takes up O(n+m) time,
where n and m. An important result discussed here is that the closest pair of features
between two disjoint convex sets is unique, while there may be several farthest pairs
between two convex sets.
2.4.7 Collision detection algorithms in robotic applications
Angel Pobil's algorithm for collision detection for path planning applications computes the spherical extension of polytopes [Pobil 96] . Each polytope is enclosed with a
sphere and the entire object is represented as a convex hull of spheres. The ease of distance computation and penetration detection between spheres gives strength to this
approach. Spherical extension reduces the range of objects that could be handled by such a
system. Objects with sharp corners and a significant gradient along their surface can't be
very accurately modelled using spherical extensions.
Figure 16 S-tope of two robotic arms [Pobil 96]
It is obvious that spheres are very crude approximations for most objects. Considering
the time period of development of this algorithm - the 80's, we find that computation
power at that time was small enough to warrant such coarse approximations. However,
present day processors have a clock speed exceeding 1 GHz and can handle much more
complicated representations. In contemporary research, we are more interested in handling
near accurate object representations than coarse approximations.
For path planning for robotic applications, C-space representation too is used. The
configuration space (C-space) for moving objects is typically given by the time stamping
the coordinates. C-space is where we encounter swept volumes and extrusions [Section
2.1.4]. One has to search the C-space for collision free paths and it tends to be a laborious
process. Distance maps are bounded regions in the physical space, which correspond to
subsets of the feasible region in the C-space. Computing the distance maps and moving
sequentially along them is a proposed method for finding an optimal path from the source
to destination amidst moving obstacles [Kimmel 98] .
2.4.8 C J Ong's Growth Distances
Ong [Ong 93] studied the properties of penetration distances and proposed the new
idea of growth distances. In a single formulation of a growth distance, one is able to model
both the separation and penetration between object models. One of the restrictions in this
approach is that it is applicable only to convex objects. Convex objects in R3 are assumed
to grow out of a single point. A growth parameter cY parametrizes the size of the object.
The growth parameter cy = 1, for the actual size of the object. When (Y < 1, the object has
shrunk compared to its actual size and when Y > 1, the object has expanded compared to
its actual size. Figure 17 shows an example of parametrizing a rectangle by this growth
distance approach.
r ----------------------------
~= 0.8
0 0.6
= 0.4
I- - --
Figure 17 Parametrizing the growth and shrinking of a rectangle
Let PA be any point in the object A with respect to which the convex object is "grown".
Then the growth model A(Y) is given by,
A(s) = {PA + a(A -{pA})}
In such a parametric model, the two objects A and B are expanded or shrunk until
their boundaries just touch each other. Depending on whether the objects expand or
shrink, one is able to determine if the objects are under separation or under penetration.
An interesting challenge is to estimate the extent of separation/penetration from the
growth parameter. A common rule of thumb employed is to use the radius of minimum
enclosing sphere and scale it by the growth parameter. Ong's result indicate good correlation between such a scaling and the actual extent of penetration distance.
2.4.9 Lin-Canny's algorithm for incremental distance computation
Lin and Canny [Lin 93] provided an algorithm for finding the separation between convex objects in worst case linear time. Their algorithm detects the closest pair of features
between two convex objects in constant time for incremental changes in the positions of
objects. Their work has had an important role in exposing the power of convexity.
For each convex polyhedron, Lin computes the boundary and co-boundary of the various primitives, namely vertex, edge and face. During the pre-processing stage, the boundary and co-boundary of all the vertices, edges and faces are evaluated [Figure 18]. Should
the size of a particular face's boundary become large, or if the size of the co-boundary of a
vertex or edge is large, then the volume is sub-divided into smaller cells. This ensures that
the size of the boundary and co-boundary is small and hence, can be regarded constant.
Figure 18 Boundary and Co-boundary for a vertex and a face
The algorithm considers a pair of candidate features and computes the distance
between them. Then each feature is evaluated against the co-boundary of the other, to
determine if there is any other feature on the boundary that is closer still. Thus, the algorithm walks to a closer feature, if it exists. The algorithm continues thus and finally, we
end up with the pair of closest features between the objects. For a pair of features to be
nearest to each other, each of them must satisfy the conditions of the co-boundary of the
other. The above condition also ensures the termination of the algorithm, provided the initial pair of convex objects are not completely interwined. As seen from the description of
the Lin-Canny algorithm, the running time is related to the size of the boundary and coboundary of the pair of candidate features. The constanttime for the algorithm is obtained
by ensuring that any feature's boundary and co-boundary has near constant size.
The Lin-Canny algorithm has been used as part of various algorithms for detecting
collisions among convex objects. This algorithm is useful only to the extent of detecting
separation distance. The algorithm determines the separation between objects or returns
the information that the two objects are intersecting.
2.4.10 Pseudo-Voronoi diagram idea of Ponamgi [Ponamgi 97]
Ponamgi, et al [Ponamgi 97] have presented an incremental algorithm for collision
detection between general polygon models in a dynamic environment. In any dynamic
simulation, there are three distinct realms of computation - collision detection, contact
area determination and collision response. In essence, one has to identify a collision
between the objects, locate the zone of contact and then provide some means by which the
objects move away from collision. Ponamgi's work addresses the first two of these,
namely, collision detection and contact area determination.
Ponamgi et al have identified a potential flaw in an earlier algorithm [Lin 93] and have
proposed this algorithm as a correction to the same. This work draws strength from coher-
ence combined with incremental computation. The algorithm is capable of handling nonconvex polygon models also. The convex hulls of the objects are determined and bounding volume hierarchies of AABBs are employed to identify potential collision cases.
Additional data structures have been proposed to distinguish between the non-convex
objects and their convex hull. At a finer level, the areas of intersection are computed and
the features under collision are found out.
Pre-processing in this algorithm mainly involves finding the Voronoi regions on the
exterior of the polygon models. To handle cases of objects penetrating one another, a new
concept called pseudo internal Voronoi regions has been defined. These pseudo Voronoi
regions are crude approximations to the actual Voronoi regions in the interior of the polyhedron. These pseudo-voronoi regions help avoid the infinite loop in Lin's algorithm and
provide a useful technique for the "detection" problem.
2.4.11 Detection is easier than computation - the caveat
Dobkin explained that the problem of detecting intersection is much less complex
compared to constructing the intersection set [Dobkin 80] . This result is easy to understand as well. Detecting intersection between two objects amounts to identifying atleast
one witness such as a point or line which is common to the two given objects. Constructing the intersection region amounts to identifying all such witnesses which are common to
the objects. Hence, the computation of the intersection region to be computationally more
intensive than detecting intersection.
Based on a similar argument, we can expect the computation of a measure of intersection to be more complex compared to detecting intersection. The reason is that we have to
be aware of every witness such as a point or line under intersection to compute a measure
of intersection.
2.4.12 Pellegrini's Batched Ray Shooting algorithm
This algorithm reports the only sub-quadratic algorithm for collision detection
between two non-convex polyhedra.
In time 0 ((n + m)3
), it is possible to decide whether two non-convex polyhedra
of complexity m and n intersect. This is the only known sub-quadratic algorithm for nonconvex collision detection.
2.4.13 Mirtich's V-clip algorithm [Mirtich 98]
The Voronoi-clip algorithm performs collision detection between polyhedra based on a
boundary representation [Mirtich 98] . V-clip has been proposed as an improvement over
the Lin-Canny algorithm [Lin 93] . The V-clip algorithm avoids the case of infinite loop in
Lin-Canny algorithm when the two objects penetrate. It is also a more robust implementation. The Voronoi region in the exterior of a polyhedron is computed as a pre-processing
step. The V-clip algorithm relies on the following theorem:
Two objects are closest to one another if and only if they both satisfy the other's
Voronoi region's criteria.
Based on this theorem, one could start with a pair of features, one from each object
and progressively clip each feature to a more closer one, until we obtain the closest set of
features. If not, we obtain the information that the objects are penetrating. Mirtich has
compared the V-clip algorithm with the Lin-Canny algorithm [Lin 93] and the enhanced
GJK algorithm [Cameron 97] and has reported a better performance for V-clip based on
the number of floating point operations.
2.4.14 Space-Time Bounds and 4-D Geometry
Simulations of a dynamic environment involve computing the location of various
moving objects in a given time-period. A common approach to dynamic simulation is to
divide the time-period into a series of small time steps and then to compute the updated
locations and orientations of objects through numerical integration over these time steps.
At the beginning of each time step, the simulation has a collision detection routine that
checks if there exists collision between objects and alters their velocities accordingly. The
main concern is to develop techniques to speed up such simulations, while being realistic
at the same time, so that the simulation does not miss any collision between objects.
Canny [Canny 86] derives functions of a time variable that express how various convex polytopes change over time. When the function evaluates to zero, it implies that two
objects are under collision. By finding the roots of these functions, one is able to identify
all instances in time when there is a collision.
Hubbard's algorithm [Hubbard 95] detects collision between objects in an interactive
dynamic environment. It implements spatial representations based on space-time bounds..
Such an approach is also called four-dimensional overlap testing. To detect whether two
objects in dynamic motion are colliding, we have to find instances of time t when both
objects share some common point (x, y, z) in space. When we represent the objects in four
dimensions by including the time signature, we will have to find all common coordinates
<x, y, z, t > between them, and hence the name four-dimensional overlap testing.
Space-time bounds are four dimensional sets which enclose all possible configurations
of the object under a given time period. Hubbard proposes two heuristic algorithms for
computing intersection between the space-time bounds. When intersection is reported
between space-time bounds, a more refined intersection detection test is applied to a hierarchy of sphere trees which bound the object more accurately. Thus one is able to identify
intersections between the objects in four dimensions and report collisions in the dynamic
environment. Sphere tree, though very loose fitting as a bounding volume, has the advantage that the resolution of the tree is independent of the geometric complexity of the
Hubbard's algorithm implements time-critical computing, where there is a trade-off
between accuracy and computational resource (time) available. Based on the time available for computation, the depth of the sphere tree is decided and thus the accuracy of collision detection is based on it as well.
2.4.15 Collision detection among multiple moving spheres [Kim 98]
A dynamic environment could involve a set of objects moving along a pre-determined
time-dependent path, unless they undergo collision. The problem of a fixed time-step of
integration in a simulation of a ballistic system of spheres, has been circumvented by computing the earliest instance in future when two spheres could collide and advancing the
simulation until that time instance [Kim 98] . This algorithm draws strength from the fact
that collision detection between spheres is a trivial computation. Spatial tiling is used to
expedite the process of checking collision between spheres. Spatial tiling amounts to
dividing space into box-like elements, similar to the spatial occupancy enumeration
approach [Section 2.1.4]. Spatial tiling enables the simulation to maintain sets of spheres
which are in proximity and which could be expected to collide in the near future. Kim's
collision detection incorporates the kinetic theory of molecules to identify the appropriate
and efficient sub-space sizes for the tiling.
A dynamic simulation for spheres is efficiently created with such an approach. There
is difficulty to implement the same, for common three dimensional shapes as distance
computation between them is non-trivial. Relating the spatial tiling size to the kinetic theory of molecules is an interesting idea, which could be employed in other physics-based
simulations as well.
2.4.16 Impulse-based approach
Baraff has discussed the problem of computing contact forces between non-penetrating rigid bodies [Baraff 89] [Baraff 94] . Instead of adopting the conventional method of
computing contact forces by means of an optimization formulation, Baraff's algorithm is a
feature-based algorithm which maintains a separating plane that embeds a face of one of
the polyhedra, or one edge from each polyhedra. The polyhedra are disjoint if and only if
such a separating plane could be found. The algorithm performs a direct analytical calculation of the contact forces between non-penetrating rigid bodies which could have contact
friction as well.
Mirtich introduced a new approach to dynamic simulation, termed the impulse based
simulation [Mirtich 96] . Impulse-based simulation tries to achieve physical accuracy as
well as computational efficiency. Conventional approach to getting physical accuracy in a
simulation involves a constraint-based method, using Lagrangian formulation. Constraint
-based approaches often involve several variables and large number of computations
thereof. For some dynamic simulations involving frequently occuring collisions, constraint-based approaches could become very slow. Impulse-based simulation has been proposed as a way of overcoming the shortcomings of the constraint-based methods.
Impulse-based dynamics involves no explicit constraints. Collisions between objects
are modelled as an instantaneous transfer of impulse between objects. Continuous contact
is handled using trains of impulses applied to the objects.
Objects are assumed to be convex and as union of convex sets and at the heart of this
approach, the Lin-Canny incremental distance computation algorithm [Lin 93] is used to
compute the distance between pairs of objects. Based on this distance and on the relative
velocities between the objects, a conservative estimate is placed on the time of impact
(TOI). The TOI values for various objects are stored in a heap and one is able to identify
the earliest time at which a collision could possibly occur. The simulation is run using
numerical integration until this earliest time of impact is encountered. Collisions between
objects are modelled as a transfer of impulse under realistic conditions of friction, possible
sliding contact or static contact. During collision, the changes in velocity are instantaneous and the impulse transfer determines the new initial conditions for the next integration step, until the next earliest time of impact.
Impulse based simulation, as reported by the author himself, is not a panacea for
dynamic simulations. There are physical examples where impulse-based simulation would
be computationally inefficient and expensive. Depending on the actual physical system,
one should make a choice between an impulse-based approach and a constraint based
2.4.17 Adaptive Distance Fields and Volume rendering
Gibson [Gibson 00] studied the idea of rendering based on volume information. Traditionally computer graphics has used the surface information for rendering purposes. Volume information adds greater content in the information and also helps model properties
which behave as a field. For eg., refractive index of a solid could be a field g(x, y, z) in R3
Such a behavior is easily captured under volume rendering.
The idea of Adaptive distance fields is applied on a layer of octree based divisions.
Each vertex of an octree cell is attributed a distance metric. The derivative of this distance
function gives the direction along which the distance is closest. Trilinear interpolation is
used to compute the distance of any point within a particular voxel. By this, we are able to
capture the distance values anywhere within a particular solid. This distance computation
could be suitably used in collision detection and avoidance algorithms.
2.4.18 Real-time 5-Axis collision detection
Ho [Ho 99] implemented a real-time haptic system between three-dimensional real
world solids. Haptic systems using force-feedback devices usually consist of a dynamic
object exploring a static terrain. In Ho's system, the dynamic object is an axisymmetric
object in the form of a cutting tool. The terrain is any generic three-dimensional solid.
Ho's approach involves collision detection of an implicit equation defined binary space
partition tree against a point cloud. A bounding volume hierarchy employing k-DOPs is
used to expedite the collision detection process. Ho's system makes efficient use of
Voronoi diagram in a plane. An axi-symmetric object can be modelled as the surface of
revolution of a two-dimensional curve. Proximity information of a query point inside the
three-dimensional axisymmetric object is obtained in the following manner. The query
point undergoes a transformation to the plane of the two-dimensional curve. Then, by
checking against a BSP tree composed of Voronoi equations, the portion of the boundary
of the tool nearest to the query point is obtained.
For the cutting tool vs. stock collision detection, the proximity information for all
points reported inside the tool is obtained. Then, a weighted, iterative approach is
employed to compute the collision correction scheme. Ho's algorithm is among the first
fully three-dimensional real-time collision detection systems. The accuracy of the algo-
rithm is guaranteed by using implicit equations, which clearly demarcate inside vs. outside.
Ho has also observed that triangle set methods such as those in [Ponamgi 97] [Held
98] are capable of collision detection, but fall short when we attempt to detect penetration. Idea of a generic tool model
As an extension to Ho's work, we implemented the idea to a larger set of cutting tools.
The motivation was primarily to prepare the geometric model of cutting tools, given the
geometric dimensions. Upon preparing the geometric model, the pre-processing defines
the Binary Space Partitioning schema for that particular cutting tool. Once these two steps
have been performed, we can apply Ho's collision detection algorithm as a black box and
we are able to perform collision detection between a large variety of cutting tools and any
generic three-dimensional terrain. Modelling common milling tools with the same set of parameters
Common milling tool libraries involve three large families: flat nosed milling tools,
ball end milling tools and bull-nosed milling tools. These three tools differ mainly in the
cutter tip geometry. In a flat nosed milling tool, the cutting edge is a flat surface of cylinder. The ball end milling tool has a hemispherical end at the apex of a cylinder, acting as
the cutting edge. In a bull-nosed milling tool, we find the geometry to be a go-between of
a flat nosed tool and a ball end tool. The end portion of a cylinder has its corners rounded
off, but not without retaining a small portion of the flat.
Flat end mill
Ball end mill
Bull-nosed end mill
Figure 19 Common milling tools Constant shoulder diameter tools
In the initial phase of this research, we extended Ho's algorithm to handle a library of
milling tools. Milling tools are classified into a set of families, namely Flat end mill, Ball
end mill and Bull nosed end mill. This classification is based on the cutter tip geometry.
Further we also classify tools in the way their diameters vary. Most tools have the shoulder
diameters monotonically increasing. However we do encounter the situation of the shoulder diameter decreasing. While is it not true for cutting tools that the shoulder diameter
should decrease, our modelling environment for the tool also includes the tool holder and
the spindle parts. As a consequence, our Tool could in theory have diameter decreasing in
between also.
For modelling milling tools, each portion of the tool where the diameter remains constant is modelled as a cylinder. Even though the cutting edge is not uniform throughout the
periphery, the surface of revolution is a cylinder because the tool is spinning. The tool is
an axi-symmetric surface of revolution of a planar curve. The cylindrical portion of the
tool will be a rectangle in this 2-D diagram. The three families of milling tools that we
modelled [Figure 19] differ only in their cutter tip geometry. We developed a common
methodology to model all three types. Consider the 2-D curve for the cutter tip. It resembles the curve shown in Figure 20.
Cutting edge
Axis of tool
Figure 20 Modelling the cutter tip of milling tools shown in [Figure 19]
For the cutter tip alone, we define three variables: the h, r . h is the height of the
curve. In actual dimensions, h will be the radius of the cutting tool. r is the corner radius. 1
is the length of the cutting portion of the cutter tip. Using such a model, it is obvious that
the three types of milling tools differ only in the way r compares with h. Table 2.4 summarizes the same.
Milling tool
Flat end mill
Ball end mill
Bull nosed end mill
0< r<h
Table 2.4 Mathematical model of the three milling tool families
Figure 21 Correction directions for various Voronoi regions within an axially symmetric
tool Tools with taper
Figure 22 Tapered portion of a cutting tool
A set of less common tools include those with taper. While their presence and applications are unique, their computational complexity is reasonably high. Figure 22 represents
the Voronoi diagram within a tapered region of the cutting tool. This Voronoi diagram
defines the local Binary Space Partition schema for point location and proximity queries.
Appendix C explains how the diagram in Figure 22 and Figure 21 truthfully represent the
Voronoi diagram within the respective cutting tools.
2.4.19 Collision Detection between 3D polyhedra
Collision detection between 3D polyhedra has surfaced as the title of several journal
papers and articles. However, on closer perusal, one finds that most of these algorithms
deal with convex polyhedra. In other instances, convex decomposition has been introduced to handle non-convex polyhedra. Dobkin [Dobkin 90] mentions a quartic upper
bound on collision detection between non-convex polyhedra.
2.4.20 Surveys of Collision Detection algorithms
Jimenez [Jimenez 00] provides a good window into existing collision detection algorithms. As noted in this survey, there isn't any algorithm for detecting actual contact points
between two non-convex polyhedra under intersection.
Lin [Lin 98] provide a comprehensive survey of collision detection between geometric
models. Both these surveys, independent in their own right, have focused on collision
detection and not much on penetration analysis and correction techniques. It adds further
weightage to the fact that there are very few algorithms which talk about Collision detection and correction. The term Collision detection has been quite frequently abused in literature to refer only to the problem of detecting penetration between objects and also
providing means of correcting. We propose the ideas of Collision Detection and Collision
2.5 Motivation for our work
In this chapter, we have presented a brief background about solid modelling with specific reference to interference detection applications, about efficient representations to
expedite the computations in an algorithm and also about a few algorithms proposed
towards other related problems. From the literature survey, we understand that the definition is unclear about "collision detection". Hence, for the discussion in the following chapters, we propose these definitions:
Collision detection amounts to detecting interference and overlap between solid
objects. These include a BOOLEAN response whether the objects overlap or not and also,
the spatial location of the various geometric entities in overlap. Distance computation
algorithms could also be classified as collision detection algorithms. These algorithms
attempt to compute the minimum distance between two objects. When it is reported that
the distance of separation is zero, overlap between the objects is reported.
Collision avoidance is the set of all actions taken upon detecting collision, so that the
extent of overlap is reduced.
Section 2.4 presents several key algorithms that solve related problems. Our focus has
been on collision detection and collision avoidance between non-convex polyhedra. We
made no specific assumptions or restrictions about the solid models used in our algorithm.
This way, we hoped to develop an algorithm which would handle convex and non-convex
polyhedra alike.
As a summary, we present here the key attributes of some of the earlier algorithms and
approaches. These algorithms enabled us understand the problem better. It is important to
Megiddo's algorithm
Linear programming
GJK algorithm
Minkowski difference between
convex objects
Space-time bounds
Four dimensional overlap test
Dobkin-Kirkpatrick's algorithm
Hierarchy of convex polytopes
Pobil's algorithm
S-topes, spherical extensions to
Ong's growth distances
Penetration distances and metrics
Lin-Canny algorithm
Constant time distance computation for incremental motions
V-clip algorithm
Robust implementation of LinCanny, convex decomposition
Convex hull computation of nonconvex polyhedra and pseudoVoronoi diagram
Keerthi-Sridharan algorithm
Negative distance between convex objects
Adaptive Distance fields
Distance fields and depth information
Ho's haptic system
Implicit equation defined axisymmetric objects
Main idea
Table 2.1 Summary of a few key algorithms
note here that there isn't a common yardstick to compare all these algorithms. Each algorithm employs a different combination of approaches and has a specific set of applications. These applications are varied for the algorithms and it is not practical to compare the
same algorithm's performance under different circumstances as well.
We attempted some of these methods as part of our initial concept development. Chapter 3 presents the highlights of these methods and also brings out the reason why they
weren't exactly applicable to our problem.
Chapter 3
Summary of Explored Concepts
This chapter presents several of the ideas which were attempted during the early stages
of our research on the problem of penetration detection between non-convex polyhedra.
These ideas served as the initial concept development and analyzing these ideas have
proven to be the foundation of our research. For the sake of completeness, we present
these ideas as a precursor to our algorithm and contributions.
In the initial phase of our research, we attempted to perfom point location of a set of
points within a tessellated surface. This attempt involved sorting the various vertices on
the surface along several directions and then performing point location of each query point
within these sorted arrays. However sorting alone takes O(n log n) time and hence we did
not pursue the idea further due to its enormous computational time.
3.1 Decomposition of the surface
A non-convex surface/solid is sometimes converted into a collection of convex surface
patches/solid sub-entities. This method is commonly referred to as decomposition. There
are many algorithms which perform collision detection by incorporating convex decomposition in the heart of their routine [Quinlan 94] [Mirtich 96] . Their typical approach is
to decompose the given objects into convex subsets and then to apply the known algorithms for convex object separation.
Convex decomposition, though ubiquitous, has some disadvantages. Firstly, convex
decomposition is not necessarily unique. A single solid could have multiple sets of convex
decompositions. For example, convex decomposition of a sphere could include anything
from the whole sphere to a collection of individual portions on its surface [Figure 23].
Figure 23 Convex decomposition is not unique
There are common engineering solids for which convex decomposition is not feasible.
For example, consider (i) the inside of a torus and (ii) a cube from which a cylinder has
been cut out.
Convex decomposition and subsequent distance computation between the respective
convex sub-sets detects collisions correctly. Computing an extent of penetration is not
very obvious though. There is not much information about the relative location of the various convex subsets in a particular solid. When we have many pairs of convex subsets
reporting an overlap, it is difficult to identify which of those overlaps are more significant
compared to the others. In these instances, estimating the extent of penetration is not so
Convex decomposition falls prey to the fact that the number of convex subsets in the
worst case could be 0(n2 ), where n is the number of geometric primitives of the non-convex solid [Chazelle 97] . Chazelle, et al have proven that the minimal convex decomposition of any non-convex solid is an NP-hard problem [Chazelle 95] . Based on these two
results, we decided not to adopt convex decomposition as part of our algorithm.
3.2 Algebraic approximation of discrete points on a surface
A common difficulty encountered in penetration detection is a closed form solution of
the depth of penetration of a point or a geometric primitive inside a surface represented by
a cloud of points. Since depth measures against algebraic surfaces (for both the cases of
implicit as well as parametric) are defined by closed-form equations, we attempted to create algebraic function approximations to surface patches. The idea was to come down to
the level of leaves in the bounding volume hierarchy and then use the algebraic function to
determine the depth.
Fitting algebraic surface equations to a set of discrete points has been solved recently.
Krishnamurthy has developed an energy-based formulation involving the points to obtain
the NURBS surface patches. This method is robust enough to handle millions of points
and obtain near-accurate surface fitting to it [Krishnamurthy 98] .
The trade-off in this approach is between the accuracy and the number of points for
which the surface fitting is performed. We like to narrow the search for possible collisions
to a highly localized region and hence will prefer a small set of points in the bounding vol-
ume leaves. The algebraic surface approximation is accurate and robust mainly when the
number of sample points is sufficiently large. Understanding of this trade-off is not very
clear and has a lot of scope for further investigation.
3.3 Voronoi diagrams
Voronoi diagrams are one of the fundamental data structures used in proximity queries. A Voronoi diagram is defined as the locus of allpoints which are closer to a particular geometric entity than any other The Voronoi diagram for points in a plane is easily
understood as the division of the plane into polygonal regions such that the interior of each
polygon is closer to a particular point in the plane than any other point. Extending this idea
to lines and curves in a plane, we obtain "entity Voronoi diagrams". A classic example for
the computation of an entity Voronoi diagram is in tool-path generation for contour milling operations [Sarma 99] .
Construction of the Voronoi diagram in R 2 is O(n logn) while it is more complicated in
higher dimensions. Further, it is a well known result that complexity of Voronoi diagram
in R 2 is linear in the number of vertices. Fortune's algorithm is a very efficient tool for
computing the voronoi diagrams in 2-dimensions [de Berg 97] . The problem of computing the Voronoi diagram in higher dimensions is usually tackled by converting it into a
problem in lower dimensions and then proceeding recursively [Shamos 85] . The computation of Voronoi diagram in 3-dimensions along with its maintenance in an efficient data
structure is a challenging problem.
Aurenhammer provides a comprehensive survey of Voronoi diagrams with particular
applications in geometric searching, file searching in databases etc [Aurenhammer 91] .
3.3.1 Shell rather than a solid
We chose surface representations as input models to our algorithm. The characteristic
of a surface representation is that its a two dimensional entity. Our research draws strength
from the finding we refer as "shell". It is common knowledge in computer graphics and
molecular modelling that a surface representation does not carry any information about its
interior. As a result, we realize that our data set is not evenly distributed in the R3 space.
The set of points is like a shell on an object. We conjecture that this point set would match
a two dimensional planar surface more than a three dimensional solid.
Figure 24 Surface representation is a "Shell"
For our problem we rely on Voronoi diagrams as a possible data structure for proximity queries. Our object models are surface representations instead of volume representations. Voronoi diagram on the surface of the polyhedron would be such a partition of the
space inside the polyhedron that each region inside will have a unique polygon on the surface which is closest to it compared to any other polygon. The complexity of a two-dimensional Voronoi diagram is linear in the number of vertices. From the resemblance to a
shell, we can expect our required Voronoi diagram also to have a linear complexity. Teller
et al have proposed algorithms for computing the Voronoi diagram for a set of triangles in
three dimensions [Teller 99] . We restrict our attention to areas very close to the surface
and we avoid the far-interior of the polyhedron. For a pair of planar surfaces the Voronoi
diagram between them is the angle bisector plane between them. The Voronoi diagram
close to the surface is linear in size compared to the number of vertices on the surface and
it involves a straight-forward computation, based on the given surface normal values. In
our algorithm, we employ the Voronoi diagram both implicitly and explicitly in the form
of angle bisector planes. Details of this pre-processing are described in Chapter 4.
Chapter 4
Our Approach
In Chapter 3, it has been shown that ideas such as sorting, algebraic function-approximation and convex decomposition, though common in computational geometry, are not
easily applicable to our problem of penetration detection between non-convex polyhedra.
In our research, we address the problem of collision avoidance. It involves the problem of
reporting collision between objects, identifying the locations of collision and then proposing correction measures. Given two solid models, we address the following questions: At
a given instant, with the position and orientation of one of the objects specified, do the two
objects share a common interior? If they do so, then what is the smallest translation
applied in any direction that will separate the objects from their state of intersection?
Chapter 2 has a brief discussion regarding the applicability of various solid models to
the problem of collision detection. In our proposed solution to the problem, we treat one of
the solids as a polygon soup and the other as a cloud of points. We have implemented a
collision detection scheme which is accurate to the resolution of the objects. No collision
goes unreported. False positives, i.e., when the algorithm reports a collision while in reality, there isn't one, are detected and appropriately handled. The collision avoidance
scheme involves computing the penetration depth of entities and implementing an iterative procedure for computing a global correction. The global correction vector is a translation which when applied to the dynamic object, reduces the extent of its penetration and in
a few iterations, brings the objects out of collision. Our algorithm is restricted to shallow
penetration and it assumes that the interpenetration is not larger than a pre-defined depth
value. Should the solids be penetrating more than this depth, the output of the algorithm
could become unpredictable.
4.1 Input
In this section, we discuss the input to our algorithm. Our algorithm attempts to detect
and correct shallow penetration between two generic solid models. The input to our algo-
rithm is of two kinds: one is the solid model input for the object models and the other is
the input of the motion of the dynamic object.
4.1.1 Solid models
We assume nothing about the geometry of the input solid models. This enables the
algorithm to accept both convex and non-convex objects. There are linear time algorithms
available for collision detection algorithms among convex solids [GJK 88] [Dobkin 85]
[Lin 93] [Pentland 89] . The requirement of convexity limits the number of objects to
which it can be applied. Most engineering solids are non-convex. The usefulness of the
convexity property has been the driving force behind collision detection approaches using
convex decomposition, as explained in Section 3.1.
The input solid model file format that we use is a Stereo-lithography Tessellation Language (STL). STL format is very common in applications such as 3-D Printing and Rapid
prototyping. Other popular file formats for 3-D CAD models include IGES, STEP, ACIS,
Parasolid and 2-D models such as DXF and DWG. The STL file format specifies the 3-D
object as a boundary representation constructed entirely of triangular facets. The triangulation might seem quite verbose; however, the efficiency of STL format lies in this simplicity. The most basic planar entity - a triangle is used to describe every detail.
The STL file format of an object contains a list of triangles, each triangle contains
information about its vertex coordinates and the outward surface normal. Each triangle is
represented by 9 floating point numbers corresponding to the x, y and z coordinates of its
three vertices and its outward surface normal. The representation has an advantage that the
triangles are independent of each other. The flaw in such a representation is that the vertex
coordinates are repeated for each triangle that they belong. A vertex shared by n adjacent
triangles is represented n times in floating point.
Floating point operations and their instabilities have been dealt with by a number of
researchers in the past decade. Figure 25 shows a section of an STL file, depicting the
schema of this representation. Repeated arithmetic operations on floating points accumulates error [Goldberg 91] . A single vertex could get duplicated because its coordinates
appearing as part of different triangles could get altered during computations. The error
accumulation causes geometric discontinuities in the 3-D object model in the form of
tears, holes and isolated vertices and the representation might no longer conform to that of
a closed 3-D solid. The inside-outside information of the object's surface is sometimes
lost, tripping the collision detection algorithm.
The problem was avoided by converting the representation into that of an indexed
mesh. This is explained in the following section on data structures used by our algorithm.
solid ascii
facet normal 0-.94280904.33333333
outer loop
vertex 0 -. 866-.50
vertex 0 +.866 -. 50
vertex 0 0 1.414
Figure 25 STL file format and syntax
Our algorithm is oblivious to the convexity property of the object and thus it handles
non-convex polyhedra as well.
4.1.2 Algorithm input
We assume nothing about the motion of the moving-object over the unexplored terrain. The collision detection algorithm compares a moving-object against a static terrain.
The initial input to the algorithm pertains to the modelling environment, where solid models of the objects are handled. The run-time collision avoidance algorithm follows the preprocessing stage. During run-time, the model of the moving-object has to be first
instanced. It requires as input the position and orientation of the object-specific coordinate
frame associated with the moving object. The position and orientation could be pre-speci-
fled as in the case of a path of a robot or it could be obtained in real-time from position
sensors. For our algorithm, we employ a haptic interface to provide the position and orientaiton information at each time step. As the user moves the probe around, the position and
orientation information is fed to the algorithm. Thus, the input to the run-time algorithm is
not pre-specified and we don't make any specific assumptions about the same.
4.2 Data structures and models
Our algorithm performs penetration detection between two polyhedral models, one of
which is a triangulation and the othe is treated as a point cloud. The input solid models are
in STL file format. Section 4.1.1 explains why we can't employ the same data structure as
is given in the input STL file. We avoid this problem of repetition of vertex coordinates
with an indexed mesh representation. The vertex coordinates of all the points are stored
just once. The indexed mesh representation contains the minimal storage of floating point
values necessary for the object model. Edges are stored in terms of pointers to their endpoint vertices and triangles have a list of pointers to their edges and vertices. Geometric
operations such as adjacency, vertex identification are all obtained from the pointers and
array indices. This way, we avoid errors introduced by floating point arithmetic [Goldberg
91] .
4.3 Pre-processing
Mathematicians look at pre-processing as a measure of overload on the algorithm. In a
purist's opinion, excessive pre-processing means an inefficient approach. The ideal goal
always is to develop algorithms which have efficient run-time performance while having
pre-processing limited to a very small value. Our research envisages to implement penetration detection algorithm on a haptic interface, which run in real-time computing environments. We transfer as much computation to the pre-processing phase as it saves on our
real-time algorithm's running time. There are several examples of collision detection algorithms which shift a bulk of the computation to the pre-processing stage [Dobkin 85] [Lin
91] .
We follow the oft repeated path of computing the relevant Voronoi diagram during the
pre-processing stage. Along with it, we also compute the bounding volume hierarchy for
the geometric models. Here, the assumption is that memory retrieval during run-time does
not take too much time compared to the rest of the computation.
4.4 Homeomorphism and Shallow Voronoi diagrams
Figure 26 A surface patch is homeomorphic to a planar triangulation
Voronoi diagram is a powerful tool for accurately detemining the closest neighbor.
Voronoi diagrams on the surface of a polyhedron have been regarded as quite complex.
While this is partly true, it is also true that the complexity of the Voronoi diagram is
largely due to the behaviour far in the interior of the polyhedron where the intersection of
several planes occur and the individual Voronoi cells become not so intuitively obvious.
When we consider a portion of the surface, a surface patch as we prefer to define it, it is
homeomorphic to a planar triangulation. Figure 26 displays this example of homeomorphism. As a result of this homeomorphism, we find that the Voronoi diagrams are not very
complicated when we restrict our attention to regions very close to the surface. We define
these regions as shallow regions, i.e., those regions where the depth from the surface is a
small fraction of a major dimension of the object. Further, we restrict our focus to shallow
depths inside the surface, and we are not interested in computing the intersections of the
various Voronoi planes deep within the object and avoid their complex behavior.
4.4.1 Why shallow penetration?
The problem of detecting large penetration values, though very challenging computationally, does not have very many applications. Penetration between real world objects is a
mathematical concept. When one considers real world solids, they collide and either (i)
break or (ii) undergo change of shape and size. Real world solids don't penetrate into each
other when they collide. Penetration is used as an efficient tool to model the contact forces
between colliding objects. Penetration detection combined with a penalty-based approach
is used commonly for computing contact forces between objects. While it is reasonable to
expect objects to collide near their surface, physical reality occludes real world solids
from interwining with each other. Based on this, we have addressed the problem of shallow penetration detection between non-convex polyhedra.
4.4.2 Voronoi diagrams as an expanding wavefront
Traditionally the construction of the Voronoi diagram has been regarded as an expanding wave-front originating simultaneously from each of the entities for which the Voronoi
diagram is constructed. In classical Voronoi diagram construction problems like the Post
Office Location Problem [Shamos 85] the wavefront begins at each of the sites of the post
office. The boundary of the postal districts is determined by the earliest instant when an
expanding wavefront encounters another wave from a different site. When such an
encounter occurs, the portion of boundary between these two sites is defined. Such a naive
approach helps us understand the true nature of the Voronoi diagram of a set of points in a
While we consider computing the Voronoi diagram of entities such as lines and curves,
we can adopt a similar wavefront approach. From each part of the lines and curves, we
construct expanding waves. When these waves intersect with waves from a different
entity, they merge, yielding the Voronoi diagram between the pair of entities. Other examples of the Voronoi diagram between entities is found in the grass burning algorithm (or
the lawn-mower's problem), tool-path generation algorithms for contour milling [Kim 01]
[Quinlan 94].
4.5 Offset surfaces
Offsets are defined as the locus of points at a signed distance along the normal of a
surface. The topic of offset surfaces has received considerable attention in the past decade.
Pham [Pham 92] and Maekawa [Maekawa 99] carry a detailed survey of research in the
past few decades on offset of curves and surfaces. For sake of brevity, this section presents
the offset of algebraic surfaces to introduce the concept and discusses the computation of
the offset of triangulated surface, a key idea employed in our algorithm.
4.5.1 Offset of an algebraic surface
For an algebraic surface, i.e., a surface represented by algebraic functions, including
parametric and implicit surfaces, the computation of the offset is a closed-form mathematical operation.
For a parametric surface, the offset surface is defined by,
r0 (t) = r(t)-dn(t)
where ro(t) is the equation of the offset,
r(t) is the equation of the progenitor surface, and
n(t) is the normal vector to the progenitor surface.
The offset surface is functionally more complex than the progenitor surface because of
the square root computation involved in finding the normal vector n(t).
Offset curve
Progenitor curve
Figure 27 Offset of a curve
For an implicit surface, f(x,y,z) = 0, the normal is obtained by taking Vf and normalizing it. This approach also involves square root computation in the normalization step.
Hence the offset surface is functionally more complex than the progenitor implicit surface.
Figure 27 provides an example of an offset curve, illustrating the idea of a signed distance
along the surface normal.
4.5.2 Offset of a triangulated surface
Offset is well understood for continuous representations such as algebraic surfaces and
parametric surfaces. However, offset of a tessellation has not received so much attention
and detail. A tessellation is a linear interpolation of points on a surface and hence to a
large extent, can be regarded as a discrete representation. We define the offset of a tessellation to be the locus of all points which are at a fixed signed distance away from the given
tessellated surface. The notion of surface normal is not well defined for a discrete set of
points. For a tessellation, we encounter two approaches to evaluating surface normals. For
each of the triangle on the surface, there is a surface normal associated with the plane of
the triangle. There is also the school of thought which tries to attribute an average surface
normal value to each vertex on the surface. The offset of a tessellation could be computed
based on either of these sets of normal values. Averaged surface normal approach
Lemma: A given vertex on the surface of a solid will have atleast three incident triangles if it does not have tears or holes.
From the first principles, a surface normal will be normal to the tangent plane. The
tangent plane is equiangular to each of the planes of the triangles sharing a given point.
We like to compute the surface normal at a point as such a vector that is equiangular to
each of the surface normals of the planes of the triangles sharing the point. There has not
been any algorithm reported for computing such a vector, given an arbitrary set of vectors. Localized paraboloid normal
This approach to compute an averaged surface normal value for each vertex on a tessellation involves computing a localized quadratic surface approximation. The adjacency
information for each vertex is first computed. For each vertex on the surface, we determine the list of all vertices which share a common edge with the given vertex. The given
vertex is assumed to be at the vertex of a paraboloid which passes through the vertices in
its adjacency list [Figure 28]. By least squares approximation, we are able to find the algebraic equation for the paraboloid and thence, we estimate the surface normal .
Figure 28 Localized paraboloid around a vertex in a tessellation. The normal for the vertex is found from the normal to the paraboloid.
It has been shown that the error in such a computation is of second order [Marciniak
01] . The localized paraboloid normal computation is a robust approach for approximating
the surface normal at a vertex. The offset of the initial tessellation is then computed as a
signed offset along each of these surface normals at the individual vertices. Offset of planes approach
A tessellation consists of vertices, edges and triangular faces. Each vertex can be
regarded as an algebraic solution of the planes which share it. Exception to the above
statement occur when the faces sharing a vertex are co-planar. Since surface normal for a
plane is well-defined, the offset of the vertices can be indirectly computed by offsetting
the planes and then computing their intersection. From an indexed mesh, for each vertex,
we have to find all triangles which share it. This is computed indirectly in the following
fashion: for each triangle, we find the indices of its three vertices. Then for each of the
vertex indices, we add the triangle's index in a list. Thus, by sweeping through the list of
triangles, we are able to identify all triangles which share a particular vertex. We then offset the planes corresponding to these triangles by a fixed distance and re-compute their
intersection. By identifying degenerate cases, we are able to robustly compute the offset
When the offset does not result in self-intersections, it is easily observed that the edges
on the tessellation will be moving along the entity Voronoi diagram in the interior of the
tessellation. When the original surface has self-intersection, some of the Voronoi planes
merge together and form new planes.
4.6 Bounding volumes with depth information
In our research, we decided to adopt discrete orientation polytopes as the bounding
volumes. Section has a discussion on k-DOPs as bounding volumes. We found that
their rapid overlap detection and their easy update between orientations, suit our requirements for a real-time collision avoidance system. We make no assumptions abou the
object models and their geometry. The dynamic object is modelled as a cloud of points
while the static terrain is modelled as a polygon soup. We model both these environments
using bounding volume hierarchies of k-DOPs.
This section presents a potential problem associated with discrete orientation bounding volumes and a solution for the same.
4.6.1 Where do the bounding volumes of surface representations fail?
We analyzed the role of bounding volumes with specific application to a surface representation. Bounding volume hierarchies are dependent on the idea that at successive levels
of the hierarchy, the bounding volume approximates the surface more accurately and thus,
the intersection detection query becomes refined.
From an abstract perspective, one uses bounding volumes for encasing solid objects.
These bounding volumes are three dimensional convex objects which are used to enclose
the whole or parts of a given object's surface. At a very localized level, with the exception
of sharp corners, the surface of an object would most likely match a planar surface. In
such a situation, the bounding volume would turn out to be too thin and also lose a dimension - its thickess along a direction normal to the bounded surface. The dimension lost
thus is referred as depth with specific reference to the depth of penetration from the surface of the solid. Ho has reported this problem as common among all triangle-set methods
[Ho 99] . Other researchers have observed this case when the bounding volume thickness
goes to zero, but they have presented it as a case when the algorithm actually speeds up
because of the lesser number of directions to check for overlap [Held 98] [Gottschalk 96] .
In our collision detection approach, one of the objects is modelled as a point cloud. At
every stage of the algorithm, we like to ensure that there is no collision between the
objects if the bounding volume overlap tests return a negative. Near the leaf-level in the
bounding volume hierarchy, we could possibly encounter a case where two bounding volumes could not be overlapping, but one of the bounding volumes could be completely
inside the other object and hence it will be a case offalse-negative result of the algorithm.
Figure 29 shows an example situation when the objects are colliding while their bounding
volumes indicate no overlap.
Bounding box
with points inside
Thin Bounding Box
Figure 29 Objects are overlapping even though bounding boxes don't
The Bounding Box here is axis aligned. One of the sides is nearly parallel to the
coordinate axis and it causes the bounding box to be extremely thin.
4.6.2 Add depth to bounding volumes using offset
The problem, as cited above in the case of bounding volumes is removed if we are artificially able to add the depth information in them. We create the offset surface of a given
object's surface at a specified depth and add the same depth information into the bounding
volumes. The reason is that, even in the earlier worst case of a facet being parallel to a
coordinate axis, the offset of the same facet would be adding the depth in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the facet. Hence, we can very easily observe the bounding volume having the depth information. Figure 30 indicates the adding of offset surface to
provide bounding volumes with depth information.
Progenitor surface
Offset surface
Figure 30 When combined with offset surface, bounding volume carries depth information
4.7 Implicit Voronoi Verification - Our Conjecture
The triangle on the surface as well as the triangle in the offset location, together define
a volume for which the given surface triangle is the closest among all other facets. When
this region is bounded by a k-DOP with a large set of directions, the inaccuracy between
the bounding volume and the enclosed volume is less. Some of the bounding planes
approximate the Voronoi planes between the triangles. This is the basic philosophy which
binds Offset of a triangulation and the entity Voronoi diagram. We conjecture that our
bounding volume overlap tests are themselves an approximate Voronoi plane checks for
the nearest neighbor. The k-DOP overlap tests mimic the proximity queries against the
Voronoi planes and add to the efficiency of our approach. Section explains how an
entity Voronoi diagram comes in play when two planes are offset. Figure 31 shows a 2-D
equivalent of this situation.
If a point is wrongly reported as inside a bounding volume of a region while it is actually not so, we find that such a point has to be inside the region common to two adjacent
bounding boxes. In Figure 31, the shaded region indicates the common region between the
adjacent bounding boxes. Any point which could wrongly get attributed to the other adjacent bounding box has to belong to this shaded region. We also find that such a region
should include the Voronoi plane between the two surface facets. As a result of this, the
given point will be close to the Voronoi plane and hence, the distance of this point from
the two adjacent planes will be nearly equal. Thus, even in the absence of an explicit and
accurate proximity check, if we use only the bounding volume overlap tests to determine
the closest feature, we will not be adding too much error in the computation of the penetration distance.
The discussion so far indicates that there could be cases offalse positives. For an accurate collision avoidance algorithm, there is the need to have explicit and accurate proximity checks so that the measure of penetration could be computed accurately. In the
following section, we explain how we also compute and maintain a data structure of the
actual Voronoi diagram between the various triangles. By computing the Voronoi diagrams, we achieve complete accuracy in our algorithm. This enhances the implicit
Voronoi verification already achieved during the bounding volume overlap tests.
Point on surface
Image Point
Voronoi Plane
Figure 31 Bounding box encloses the original triangle and its "image". It also implicitly
bounds the Voronoi planes the extremes.
4.8 Explicit Voronoi Verification - A Robust Approach
In the following discussion, facet refers to a triangle of a tessellation. Computation of
the offset of a tessellation assumes that the connectivity information amongst vertices still
remains unaltered. For each facet of the tessellation, there exists a corresponding facet on
the offset surface. The offset surface and the original surface facets combine to provide an
implicit representation of the Voronoi diagram in the shallow region beneath the surface.
Accurate penetration detection and avoidance makes it necessary that we verify explicitly
against the equations of the Voronoi planes surrounding each facet.
For a pair of planes which intersect along a line, the voronoi plane between them is the
angle bisector plane [Figure 32]. Thus, for a tessellation, we can associate each Voronoi
plane uniquely with an edge of the tessellation.
The fact that the voronoi plane is the angle bisector plane between two facets on the
surface enables its easy computation. We use the fact that the longer diagonal of a rhombus is the angle bisector between the non-parallel sides. If n, and n 2 define the surface
normals of two planes, we find that n, - n 2 defines the surface normal for the bisector
plane. This approach, however does not yield the correct answer when the two planes are
co-planar. The above method will yield a zero vector [Figure 33]. We use the direction of
the edge between the two facets to robustly compute the surface normal of the Voronoi
plane associated with that edge.
\ x
Voronoi plane's normal
Figure 32 Very close to the surface, the Voronoi planes can be associated with a distinct
edge on the tessellation.
n, + n2
Figure 33 The diagonals of the rhombus drawn with the two normal vectors as adjacent sides
are directly related to the Voronoi plane between the planes whose normals are n1 and n 2
Chapter 5
Penetration detection and avoidance
5.1 Outline
Penetration detection amounts to quantifying the extent to which two objects intersect,
while keeping in mind that suitable correction measures should be developed so that the
objects move out of intersection. The problem of an optimal measure of correction to two
penetrating objects is still open. We adopt a translational correction measure at the heart of
our algorithm.
From the background presented in Section 2.4, there has mostly been an emphasis on
collision detection. Our research attempts to detect a measure of penetration and also propose an avoidance scheme. Chapter 4 presents the various theoretical ideas developed as
part of this thesis. The data structures have been built keeping in mind the potential pitfalls associated with floating point arithmetic. As in common practice, we employ a
bounding volume hierarchy to expedite the detection of collisions. k-DOPs are the bounding volumes used and as explained in Section 4.6, they are modified to carry depth information. Voronoi diagram between the surface triangles in a tessellation is computed for
verification of the closest pair of features.
Alongwith the pre-processing stage, most collision detection algorithms that use
bounding volumes can be considered as having two phases, called the broadphase and
narrowphase. The broad phase and narrow phases have distinct characteristics, and often
have been treated as independent problems for research. Even in this research, we attempt
to specifically optimize the computations in the broad phase and narrow phase separately.
5.2 Sizes of data structures
The input to the pre-processing stage are two solid model files in STL format. The data
structures built are thus: a linear array storing the indices of the vertices, an array for storing the indices of the edges and an array for storing indices to the triangles are built com-
monly for both objects. Though the dynamic object is treated as a point cloud; but it does
carry its polygon soup information which could be used, should the need be.
Let V be the number of vertices, E be the number of edges and F,the number of triangles in our solid model. Assuming we have no abnormalities such as holes and tears, we
find that
E = 1.5F
There are three edges for each triangle and each edge gets counted twice when we
count all edges of all triangles. By Euler's equation,
-E+V+F = 2
As a result,
F = 2V-4 and E = 3V-6
The total number of Voronoi planes between the triangles equals the total number of
edges and hence, it is linear in relation to the number of the vertices. The Voronoi planes
are also stored as a linear array, with each plane uniquely being represented by its surface
normal and the projection distance from the origin. Additional information in the form of
the two triangles sharing each voronoi plane are also stored for ease of computation during
run-time of the algorithm.
5.2.1 Broad phase
In the broad phase, collisions between the bounding volumes are detected rather than
the underlying geometric primitives. Across various collision algorithms, the broad phase
is nearly similar. They might differ only in the choice of the bounding volume type. In the
broad phase, we find all pairs of intersecting bounding boxes. In our algorithm, the broad
phase is recursive. The pseudo-code for the broad phase is given below.
Pseudo-code for broad phase algorithm
Input: object 1, object 2
output: Pairs of bounding volume leaves, one each of object 1 and
object 2, which are reported to be under overlap.
01 collision-detect( object 1 Bounding volume, object 2 Bounding volume){
02 if ( bounding volumes of object 1 and of object 2 overlap)
03 then
if object 1 is not a leaf
collision detect( object 1's left child, object 2);
collision detect( object l's right child, object 2);
else if object 2 is not a leaf
collision detect(object 1, object 2's left child);
collision detect(object 1, object 2's right child);
report collision between bounding volume leaves;
12 1
. M
The above bounding volume hierarchy is binary in nature. Similar implementations
are possible for broader tree versions, with each node having more than two children.
5.2.2 Narrow phase
For each intersecting pair of bounding volume leaves as reported by line 11 of the
broad phase, we perform a detailed intersection test on the corresponding objects. In the
narrow phase, the spatial interactions amongst the geometric primitives are explicitly
detected for computing penetration values.
The performance of a narrow phase algorithm does not depend on the total number of
vertices in the object, but on the complexity of each object. If the geometric primitives
enclosed by the leaf-level bounding volumes in the hierarchy are complex for computing
the penetration, it would reflect in the narrow phase algorithm taking up too much computation time. In our algorithm, we have a set of points as part of one of the bounding volume's primitives and a triangle as the other object's primitive. Thus, for each point in the
first bounding volume, we first check if the triangle in the other bounding volume is
indeed the closest feature. This query is performed by checking the point against the three
Voronoi planes associated with each of the three edges of the triangle. Once the Voronoi
planes indicate the triangle to be the closest feature, then we compute depth of the point by
evaluating the distance from the point to the plane of the triangle.
Broad phase
Narrow phase
Figure 34 Broad phase and narrow phase of our collision detection algorithm
Pseudo-code for narrow phase algorithm
Bounding volume leaf from object 1 and from Object 2
Penetration depth of each point reported under intersection
and the direction along which this depth is computed.
01 Narrow phase {
for each geometric primitive in object l's bounding volume
if the primitive in object 2's bounding volume leaf is the
compute the exact extent of penetration;
compute an over-all correction measure based on all these
individual correction measure values;
5.2.3 Adaptive approach in updating bounding volumes and object models
Section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 discuss the collision detection algorithm and its implementation. Collision detection algorithms run in a real-time scenario, where computational time
is sparingly available. A direct approach to the collision algorithm would be to transform
the entire object to the new position and orientation, and then build the bounding volume
hierarchy. Such a difficulty is encountered if we use OBB or AABB as the bounding volumes. In essence, the bounding volume depend on the underlying object's position and
When using k-DOPs as the bounding volumes, the object is bounded once and all further transformations are applied to the initially created bounding volume hierarchy [Figure
14]. When the new position and orientation of the moving object's coordinate frame are
known, the bounding volume hierarchy is updated first. For the narrow phase of the algorithm, the object's coordinates are transformed only when it is reported that the bounding
volume leaves are under overlap. Only those portions of the object that are most likely to
be under collision are selectively transformed. Proper book-keeping also ensures that the
coordinates of the object are not transformed over and over again.
As an improvement, an adaptive approach is used for updating the bounding volume
hierarchy as well. As we traverse the tree in a top-down fashion from the root, we update
the children of a node only when that node is reported under overlap. The algorithm thus
updates only those bounding volumes which could possibly be under overlap.
5.3 Collision Avoidance
Most collision detection algorithms till date have stopped with reporting collisions.
Keerthi [Keerthi 89] provided the first work on the concept of negative distances between
two convex polyhedra in intersection. Ong [Ong 93] tries to quantify penetration and provides a measure of penetration between convex polyhedra. These measures, called Growth
distances are very useful in the case of convex polyhedra to quantify both separation as
well as interpenetration. These provide insight into quantifying the extent of collisions,
leaving the idea of collision avoidance still open.
We have invented a method of accurately computing the penetration depths of all
points under intersection. The direction along which these penetrations are minimum are
also found. Taking all these values into account, we propose an overall correction scheme.
We have a weighted approach, with each correction vector being additionally weighted by
the depth of penetration. The overall translation correction vector e is given by,
d 2ini
where n is the direction alongwhich a particular point has to be moved to bring it out
of penetration, and
d; is the penetration depth of that particular point.
The scheme shown above is an averaged collision avoidance scheme. It is iterative in
nature. For an example, we present a test case of a circle vs. a pair of intersecting lines. At
each stage, the correction vector is applied to the circle object and finally the intersection
is eliminated after 7 iterations.
Figure 35 Iterative nature of our collision avoidance scheme
We implemented this scheme to a few test cases and found the number of iterations to
remove penetration to be between 4 and 8.
5.4 Measures of complexity of collision detection algorithms
A complete understanding of any algorithm necessitates the analysis of its computa-
tional complexity. Collision detection and avoidance algorithms fall under a special category of algorithms which are output sensitive, i.e., the computational effort involved in the
algorithm depends not only on the size of the input, but also on the size of the output. Consider the case of two polyhedra which are separated in space. The collision detection algo-
rithm will stop once non-overlap is reported from the tests in the bounding volume
hierarchy. Consider another instance when the two polyhedra are under overlap. The
bounding volume hierarchy will report the overlap and then appropriate penetration computation and avoidance measures are adopted. Clearly the latter case involves more computations than the former. The difference between these two cases illustrates the output
sensitive nature of the time complexity of the algorithm.
At the very basic level, the complexity of our collision detection algorithm can be represented as a sum of the time taken for the broad phase algorithm, the time taken for the
narrow phase algorithm and the time taken for computing an overall correction measure.
T = Nb xb+Nnx tn+D(Nn)
where T is the total time taken by the algorithm,
Nb is the number of bounding volume pairs intersecting in the algorithm,
tb is the time taken for an overlap test between a bounding volume pair,
Nn is the number of primitives under overlap at the leaf level of the hierarchy,
b is the time taken to compute a measure of penetration from an overlap at the leaf
1D(n) is the time taken to compute an overall correction from the individual penetration
Such a time computation is more, qualitative in nature and is useful to understand the
true behavior of the collision detection algorithm.
To better understand the time of computation involved while using bounding volume
hierarchies, we can rewrite the equation for the time complexity of the algorithm as
' (Nb -ij))
XIb+ Nn xrn + D(N
where Nb-ij is the number of bounding volume pairs intersecting in the broad phase
such that one of the bounding volume is that of the static object's hierarchy at a depth i and
the other bounding volume belongs to the dynamic object's hierarchy at a depth j,
J. is the height of the static object's bounding volume hierarchy,
X is the height of the dynamic object's bounding volume hierarchy.
This approach helps us understand the trade-offs involved in using a particular bounding volume as compared to another. When we use a bounding volume which encloses a
large number of primitives and whose overlap test is easy, for e.g., an AABB, Nb is very
small, but at the same time, it increases N, and Tn also.
Suri et al, have proposed a model to analyze the time involved in a collision detection
algorithm with a bounding volume hierarchy [Suri 99] . They compare the total number of
object pairs that are tested for collision against the total number of object primitives under
collision. The total number of object pairs that are tested for collision, Kb is the computational effort taken by the algorithm. The total number of object primitives under collision,
K, is the minimum effort necessary to be taken for the specific instance of the input. Suri
et al, have proposed bounds for the ratio between the two values Kb and K0 , based on the
bounding volume's aspect ratio and the scalefactor in a bounding volume hierarchy.
Chapter 6
The objective of our research has been to detect measures of penetration between two
generic three dimensional solids and to provide correction measures to disengage two
objects under intersection. We have proposed an algorithm to this effect and Chapter 4 carries the description of the algorithm. In Chapter 5, we provide the pseudo-code and
address some of the important issues in programming this algorithm. While understanding
the efficiency of our algorithm, we also reiterate that the implementation of the algorithm
through programming is another equally challenging problem.
In this chapter, we present the results from implementing our algorithm. Alongside the
programming implementation, we have also discovered two important ideas which will
improve the performance of bounding volume hierarchies using k-DOPs. Section 6.1.1
provides details of these ideas. Section 6.1.3 is a recap of "shallow penetration", which
has been the backbone of our algorithm. In Section 6.1.4, we discuss some of the findings
from our research which helped in optimizing the computational effort. We conclude this
chapter with a section on applications of our algorithm and suggested future work arising
from our work.
6.1 Implementation of our algorithm
We implemented our collision detection algorithm on a SGI Octane with two 250MHz
R10000 CPUs. The dual processor environment was useful particularly to expedite the
computations and the graphics rendering at the same time. Our test cases involved static
objects having around 2400-2500 triangles and the moving object composed of 500-600
points. For the bounding volume hierarchy, we employed a 26-DOP and at the leaf level of
the static object's hierarchy, a single triangle was enclosed while the leaf level of the
dynamic object's hierarchy enclosed not more than 20 points.
Relative position of
Number of points of
dynamic object under
Time (ms)
Large overlap
Grazing contact
No overlap
Table 6.a Timing of our penetration detection and avoidance algorithm on an SGI
Octane dual 250 MHz R10000 processors
The timings shown in Table 6.a vary a little depending on the input solid models and
also on the input motions of the objects. It is also important to note here that the time taken
by the algorithm is also dependent on the clock-speed of the processor. With 1.5 GHz processors available currently, we can get faster implementations of our algorithm.
6.1.1 Philosophy of bounding volumes
In this research, we found an important characteristic of bounding volumes. Bounding
volume hierarchies should be created bearing in mind that at no stage should the bounding
volume become computationally more intensive than the object or part thereof, that is
enclosed. Should due consideration not be given to the above condition, one would find
that the algorithm performs unnecessary computations. It is for this reason that we refer
bounding volumes as "Computationally efficient object representations". The depth of the
bounding volume hierarchy should be decided based on the comparison between the complexity of the leaf level bounding volumes and the geometric primitives enclosed at the
leaf-level. Held reports the use of a threshold value of 1 triangle for the environment hierarchy and 40 triangles for the flying hierarchy [Held 98]. While it is said that these values
work well on a large variety of data sets, there is no mathematical argument to support this
empirical choice.
While implementing our collision detection algorithm on a SGI Octane with two
250MHz R10000 CPUs, we tested the times for transforming a k-DOP from one orientation to another. We ran the simulation updating the k-DOP bounding volume hierarchy in
a dynamic environment and specifically computing the times of update when the bounding volume is a 6-DOP, 14-DOP, 18-DOP and 26-DOP. Table 6.b shows these timing
results. These values are not constant and fall within a range..
time (Rs)
Table 6.b Time required for transforming various k-DOPs between two orientations
The difference in timing is mainly because of the number of corner vertices present in
each of the k-DOPs. A 6-DOP has 8 vertices, a 14-DOP has 24 vertices, an 18-DOP has 32
vertices and a 26-DOP has 48 vertices. Transformation of the k-DOP bounding volume
hierarchy amounts to transforming the corner vertices of the initial k-DOPs [Figure 14].
This gives a metric for the minimum number of vertices needed in the leaf-level geometric
primitives so that using a k-DOP is efficient. For example, if we are using a 14-DOP, then
there must be atleast 24 vertices enclosed in the leaf-level geometric primitives. Otherwise, the leaf-level k-DOP transformation and subsequent transformation of the underlying primitives amounts to unnecessary computations.
The size of the dynamic object (i.e. the flying hierarchy) is limited by the processor
speed. We should not naively compute the transformation of the entire object. Instead, we
focus only on those portions of the object which are most likely to be under collision. The
object's size is indirectly reflected in the size and the depth of the bounding volume hierarchy. In our algorithm, we have employed a 26-DOP. We notice that a 26-DOP could contain a maximum of 48 extremal vertices. Figure 13 presents an example of each type of kDOP and shows the number of corner vertices thereof. Section 5.2.3 presents the adaptive
approach, where the children of a bounding box are transformed only when the parent
reports an overlap. While using such an approach, we analyzed the typical number of
bounding volume corner vertices that are transformed when collision detection query is
performed on a moving object.
Relative object position
Total number of corner
vertices transformed to
answer overlap query
Depth of hierarchy
needed to answer overlap
Grazing contact
No overlap
Table 6.c Number of bounding volume vertices transformed to answer an overlap
detection query
Table 6.c presents data for an overlap query involving a static object involving 2400
triangles and a moving object with 600 points. At the leaf level, the static object bounding
box had one triangle while the moving object had less than 20 points. The bounding volume tree is not a balanced tree and it is clearly seen in the depth of the bounding volume
hierarchy needed to answer the overlap detection query.
The number of bounding volume corner vertices that are transformed is a substantial
portion of the actual number of vertices in the moving object itself. This number will
increase when the size and complexity of the moving object increases. All these vertices
need to be transformed for each run-time query. The more the number of bounding volume
vertices, the more the computational time required. Thus the size of the dynamic object is
limited by the availability of computational power, i.e., the processor speed.
6.1.2 On the choice of directions of a k-DOP
Having employed the aforesaid k-DOPs as part of our algorithm, we come up with the
following conclusion. The choice of directions in a k-DOP, though obvious for human perception (slicing the vertices or edges or both from a cube) has no mathematical reason or
metric supporting it. A k-DOP is a k-Discrete Orientation Polytope. Any set of k directions could be used to create our bounding volume. The only requirement for creating a kDOP is a set of k different normal vector directions and k projection values which define
the locations of the planes in space.
For the sake of application as a bounding volume, these k directions should be such
that the number of corner vertices formed during the intersection of the planes is a minimum. Minimizing the number of the corner vertices improves the time taken to transform
the bounding volume hierarchy and hence, enhances the speed of our algorithm. Our conjecture is that these k directions be chosen such that they span the unit sphere of directions
in a uniform manner. An example of such a set of directions which span space uniformly
are found in Platonicsolids. Platonic solids are polytopes, whose polygonal faces are all
regular polygons of the same kind. There are 5 platonic solids - tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron. The platonic solids could be used to define a 4-DOP,
6-DOP, 8-DOP, 12-DOP and a 20-DOP.
Given the number k, we can choose the optimal set of directions by equally spacing
them on a unit sphere. One could look at the problem as akin to that of placing k equally
charged point charges on a unit sphere such that their configuration minimizes the Coulombian potential [Edmundson 92]. Obviously, the relative configuration of all these
charges on the unit sphere is not altered by the rotations of the sphere. The basic set of k
directions should be chosen such that the bounding volume hierarchy around the objects
and their subsets thereof is the tightest.
6.1.3 Shallow penetration
Our research objective is to detect and correct shallow penetration between non-convex polyhedra. Collision detection in its broader sense is applicable for penetration to any
degree or extent. But then, these involve applications with real world solids. Apart from
recognizing that shallow penetration is the scope for most collision detection and avoidance systems, we have identified a potential lacuna in using bounding volume hierarchies
to enclose surface elements. We present an example situation where a bounding volume
has an almost-zero thickness along a particular direction. Such a bounding volume would
yield a false-negative: a case where the algorithm would indicate a potential collision case
as though there were no collision. Held reported this case of zero thickness as one that
involves lesser overlap tests [Held 98]. They have not presented the possibility of a collision going unnoticed. Ho has reported the above situation as a potential problem with triangulated methods, and hence presents a method involving implicit surfaces [Ho 99].
We have invented a methodology for including a depth information in the bounding
volumes. As a suggested topic for future investigation, one could explore metrics for relating the depth to some geometric property of the surface.
6.1.4 Efficient coordinate transformation
Real-time collision detection necessitates very efficient and specifically, sparing use of
computational power in terms of processor speed and computer memory. A dynamic environment needs update of its orientation map at each instant for the collision detection
query. We identify that the dynamic environment needs to be computed only at those locations in space where there is maximum probability of collision. Further, one needs to
employ optimization methods for computing the transformation of the object representations. In our case, the dynamic object is represented as a connected set of points, for which
the coordinate information needs to be updated at each instant. A coordinate transformation typically consists of a rotation and transformation. Transformation of a vector typically is computed by a homogenous matrix transformation or by means of Rodrigues
transformation involving an axis of rotation. In this section, we present some of our
results in optimizing the computations involved in transforming the objects. Transformation of the dynamic object
We had written our programs in C++ and object oriented programming paradigms
were used to handle vector algebra and matrix operations. We find that the overhead
encountered because of using the matrix class and the vector class results in the transformation due to matrix multiplication to be not too efficient as one would otherwise expect.
In Rodrigues transformation, one evaluates the sine and cosine trigonometric functions. In
computers, evaluation of trigonometric functions is carried out using a Taylor series
expansion. The sine and cosine functions typically cost about one hundred multiplication
operations. As a result, for repeated transformations of several vectors given the same axis
angle values, we optimize on the computations by pre-computing sine and cosine values
and then passing these values as parameters to the function call. Transformation of the bounding volumes
The use of k-DOP is justified by the ease of update between orientations. Unlike
OBBs [Ponamgi 97], one does not bound the object in their new position to compute the
bounding volumes. Instead, the bounding volume hierarchy is computed around the object
in its initial orientation. At every later instant, depending on the transformation undergone
by the coordinate frame attached to the dynamic object, we update the bounding volume
hierarchy alone. This has been referred as tumbling by Held [Held 98]. Tumbling typically
results in a bounding volume whose volume is greater than or equal to the original volume
[Appendix B]. This could reduce the accuracy of the bounding volume. This amounts to a
trade-off between accuracy and computational time available for the collision detection
The k-DOP, an intersection of a discrete set of half-spaces defined by planes, is a convex object. Any mathematical operation on the boundary of a convex set can be obtained
by the same operation on its extremal points [Grunbaum 67]. So, the transformation of a
k-DOP in effect is carried out by the transformation of its extremal vertices. However, the
k-DOP is represented by its interval projections along the discrete set of k directions.
Rotation of a k-DOP necessitates the computing of the rotations of all its extremal vertices, and then the computation of the projections. Translation of a k-DOP can be computed
easily, if one identifies that a translation of a k-DOP only results in the increase/decrease
of the interval endpoints by the same amount, along the various directions. Thus for translation of the k-DOP we need not translate each of the individual corner vertices again.
This result provides us with a small saving in computations. We find that when the translation of all corner vertices are computed and then, when the projections alone are changed
for the case of translation, we end up with a savings of about 10% in the latter case. This
improvement, though small, is significant in real-time applications. Broad decision trees
The choice of the bounding volume hierarchy is a design choice based on the type of
application and the choice of the geometric model. In our algorithm, the dynamic hierarchy is computed as a set of points. While we use k-DOPs as bounding volumes, care is
taken to ensure that we don't perform an excessive number of coordinate transformations
involving the corner vertices of the k-DOPs. This reason leads us to the requirement that
we rapidly traverse down the bounding volume hierarchy to the level of leaves, so that as
few number of bounding volume corner vertices are transformed. This is achieved by
using a broad tree. We employed a binary tree initially. A 4-tree and an 8-tree were subsequently employed. Table 6.c presents a comparison of the total number of extreme vertices
computed in various decision tree models for a typical object. A broader tree ensures that
not many bounding boxes are tested for each collision query. It might be possible that a
broad tree results in a large number of collision queries than necessary. This is a trade-off
that could be investigated for future work.
6.2 Applications
Collision detection algorithms usually find applications in robotic path planning, force
feedback systems and in dynamic simulations. We present some of the applications possible by employing our algorithm with force feedback systems, or haptic systems. With the
possibility of integrating our collision detection algorithm with a force feedback device,
i.e., a haptic device, we find a range of applications possible.
The first of these is in simulating a virtual factory environment. Consider a production
line where people work on a specific set of tasks such as tightening a set of bolts on a car
chassis, assembling a set of IC chips on a mother board, moving a particular piece
between various machines in a Cellular Manufacturing System etc. Our collision detection
algorithm could be used to create such a virtual factory, using head-mounted sensors,
gloves and force feedback devices. Being able to handle any non-convex polyhedral
model, our algorithm is not limited to a particular set of objects and can suit a variety of
Collision algorithms integrated into haptic systems can be used to perform tele-virtual
surgery. Several expert surgeons could bring together their expertise in operating a patient
through tele-virtual surgery. A remotely located surgeon could operate on a virtual patient
and can instruct the surgeon performing the operation about specific tasks to be done. The
force feedback system enhances the touch and feel experienced by the remote surgeon and
his instructions are more accurate than being guess-work.
Force feedback devices find an important use in training dentists. Dentists, in the current times, start their training by observing a senior dentist perform the various operations.
After a certain period of learning, the apprentices start hands-on training with dental operations of low or moderate complexity. This method is resorted to in order to avoid the mistakes made during the learning period of the apprentices. Using force feedback devices,
dentists could be trained to do complicated operations quickly. By using a virtual set of
dentures, there is no fear for mistakes and the apprentice can have a hands-on experience
in dental operations of varying complications.
Video gaming industry is extremely popular among all ages. Their main advantage has
been the fast graphics card to enable very rapid graphics rendering. Combining a generic
collision detection algorithm such as ours to video games could greatly enhance their marketing potential.
6.3 Scope for future work
Specific to our algorithm, there have been a few new problems that surfaced during
our research. We present them here as a suggestion for future research and investigation.
Our algorithm relies mainly on the offset approach for a triangulation. We expect the maximum offset depth to be dependent on some of the geometric properties underlying the triangulation, such as local curvature, minimum edge length, average area etc.
Understanding this dependency and proposing a useful metric for the same is a suggested
area for further research.
As noted in our finding about the choice of directions for a k-DOP, we leave open the
problem of choosing the particular rotated configuration of the k-different directions
which form the tightest fitting bounding volume hierarchy around the given object.
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Appendix A : Terminology
affinely independent set
A set of points T c R d is affinely independent if no point x e T is an affine combination of T - x.
Axis-Aligned Bounding box. A bounding volume whose six boundary planes are normal to the three coordinate axes.
Boundary Representation. A solid model representation where the geometric primitives on the boundary is used to represent the solid.
Binary Space Partition. A scheme of dividing n-dimensional space in a binary fashion
using primitives in n-i dimensions.
An open d-ball in Rd with radius p and center a is the set of points with Euclidean distance less than p from a. For example an open 2-ball in R 2 is an open disk.
convex set
A set X in Rd is convex if, for any two points a and b in X, the line segment ab is completely contained in X.
convex hull
The convex hull of a point set S in Rd is the smallest convex set in Rd containing S. The
convex hull of a set S is sometimes written as conv S.
Connectivity of a set S is defined by the set of all geometric primitives sharing a common element with the set S. For eg., connectivity of a triangle T includes the set of all triangles which share an edge or a vertex with T.
Constructive Solid Geometry. A solid model representation where a set of Boolean
operations performed on a set of common solids and shapes defines the solid.
Delaunay Triangulation
The Delaunay triangulationis a triangulation of a point set S in Rd where each simplex
s has the open ball property, i.e. there exists an open d-ball with the points defining s on its
boundary which contains no points in S.
The dimension of a k-simplex is k. The dimension of a simplicial complex K is equal to
the maximum dimension of any simplex in K.
The face of a simplex s is a simplex defined by a subset of the points defining s. For
example a triangle has 3 vertex and 3 edge faces, as well as itself.
general position
In the description of geometric algorithms, it is common to explicitly assume that certain degenerate cases do not occur in the input, this is known as assuming general position. The particular assumptions depend upon the algorithm under consideration, for
example when computing Delaunay triangulations of points in the plane one typically
assumes that no 3 points are colinear and no 4 points are cocircular.
interval tree
The interval tree is a data structure designed to handle intervals on the real line whose
extremes belong to a fixed set of N abscissae.
A polyhedron is a three dimensional solid whose boundary features are polygonal and
also contain the edges and the vertices in the boundary.
Rd denotes d-dimensional Euclidean space.
regular triangulation
A regulartriangulationis a generalization of the Delaunay triangulation where there
is a real weight associated with each site in the input. The dual to a regular triangulation is
the power diagram.
The shape of a simplicial complex is defined by the union of its simplices.
A k-simplex is the convex hull of k+1 affinely independent points. A 0-simplex is a
point, a 1-simplex is an edge, a 2-simplex is a triangle, and a 3-simplex is a tetrahedron.
k-Discrete Orientation Polytope. A bounding volume whose boundary planes are normal to set of a k-discrete directions respectively.
Oriented Bounding Box. A bounding volume with six boundary planes which are oriented normal to the three principal axes of inertia of the enclosed set of points. The Oriented Bounding Box follows the shape of the underlying object to the maximum extent
Sphere trees
Sphere trees are a bounding volume hierarchy in three dimensions where each bounding volume is a sphere. The tree is usually built in a bottom-up fashion, with each parent
node being the smallest enclosing sphere of its two children. The popularity of sphere
trees arise from their ease of distance computation and overlap detection.
Voronol diagram
The Voronoi diagram of a finite point set S C Rd subdivides Rd into regions such that
for each point a in S, there is a Voronoi cell V such that every point in V is at least as
close to a as any other point in S.
Appendix B : Inaccuracy in the update of k-DOPs
Update of the bounding volume hierarchy of k-DOPs is different from conventional
methods of update. In a conventional update method, an object is transformed first and the
bounding volume hierarchy is computed based on the new position and orientation of the
object. For a k-DOP, the update is based on the initial bounding volume hierarchy and not
the object that it encloses. Figure 14 shows how this update is carried out on an 8-DOP.
Here, we give a proof that such an update results in a slight decrease in accuracy.
We first prove that k-DOP is a convex object. k-DOP is defined by the intersection of
a finite number of half-spaces in R3 . Half-spaces are convex sets and therefore their intersection is a convex set. The boundary of the k-DOP will then coincide with its convex
hull, by property of convex sets [Grunbaum 67].
During update, when we bound the initial k-DOP Q with a set of k-hyperplanes, we
get a new convex object Q' for which K is a subset. Of all objects Q', the tightest fitting
one is the convex hull, which in this case is Q itself. Thus, Q' can at best be as tight fitting
as Q. Hence, in most cases, the newly updated k-DOP Q' will be less tight compared to the
initial k-DOP f.
This completes the proof why the k-DOP update method adds a small amount of inaccuracy to the bounding volumes.
Appendix C : Tangency of Voronoi parabola in a
tapered tool
For the cross section of the tapered tool, we discuss the voronoi diagram here. Our discussion is limited to the tapered portion ABCDEA. The cross section of the tapered portion alone resembles a trapezium. The Voronoi diagram among the various entities is as
shown in Figure 36. The limits of the Voronoi diagram is given by the polygon ACDE.
Region 1 is the locus for all points which are closer to the point B compared to the line
CD, and hence is bounded by parabola. Region 2 is the locus of all points which are closer
to the line BC compared to the line CD. Region 2 is bounded by the angle bisector line
between BC and CD. Region 2 is also bounded by the line BO which demarcates points
which are closer to the line BC than the point B. Point 0 will be equidistant from BC, CD
and the point B and hence will be at the intersection of the two lines and the parabola. In
order for this diagram to represent the voronoi diagram, we observe that the line OC has to
be tangent to the parabola OF at 0. Only then will the correct proximity information will
be carried in the vicinity of point 0. This can be proved from the converse of the following
result in coordinate geometry.
Region 2
Region 1
Region 3
Figure 36 Voronoi diagram for the tapered portion of a cutting tool
Let a tangent be drawn to a parabolaat a point X. Extend this tangent till it meets the
directrix at point Y If F is the focal point of the parabola, the line segment XY subtends
and angle 90 degrees at F
By definition for region 1, CD is the directrix for the parabola OF and B is the focal
point. OB and BC are perpendicular and hence it is proven that OC is tangent to the parabola OF at the point 0.