October 17, 2012 If you know someone who would like to be on this list, please send their email address(es) to Michael.Yarbrough@dpi.nc.gov. ***PLEASE NOTE: Each entry in this Weekly Update features the email address of at least one contact person, department or website. For questions, concerns or technical assistance, please email the appropriate contact(s) directly. Thanks! ***LINKS: PC users might need to press the CTRL button when clicking on a hyperlink in this document. Archived Race to the Top Weekly Updates are available online at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/rttt/updates/ NEW THIS WEEK • Smarter Balanced Sample Items and Performance Tasks • Arts Education, Healthful Living and World Language Assessment Examples • Common Exams Webinar for School Administrators Available for Viewing • Resources for Extended Content Standards • Online Evaluation Tool Webinar: Observations • 2012‐13 READY NCEXTEND2 Online Assessments • NC Receives Grant for Aligning K‐12 and Postsecondary Standards IN CASE YOU MISSED IT • • • Inter‐Rater Reliability (IRR) Training Opportunities for Principals October Webinars for New Local RttT Coordinators ASCD Launches Free Digital Common Core Implementation Tool NEW THIS WEEK Smarter Balanced Sample Items and Performance Tasks The Smarter Balanced sample items and performance tasks were released Oct. 9. In less than a week, more than 45,000 people have visited the website. Public interest has been high, as indicated by numerous articles, blog posts, and a high volume of social media activity. The sample assessment items and performance tasks can be viewed on the Smarter Balanced website at http://www.smarterbalanced.org/sample‐items‐and‐performance‐tasks/. Help‐desk support will be provided through Friday, Nov. 2, between the hours of 7 a.m. 8 p.m. EDT, Monday through Friday. MORE INFO: Dr. Maria Pitre‐Martin, Director of K‐12 Curriculum and Instruction, maria.pitremartin@dpi.nc.gov Arts Education, Healthful Living and World Language Assessment Examples Arts Education, Healthful Living and World Language Assessment Examples were developed as part of North Carolina's Race to the Top plan to support standards implementation. These examples are not intended to be used as standardized statewide tests, but to serve as examples of some ways that standards (or parts of the standards) might be assessed in the classroom, by individual teachers. The examples are intended to help illustrate ways that the standards could be assessed, but are not required or mandated for statewide student or teacher accountability, and they are not Common Exams (formerly known as Measures of Student Learning). Teachers are encouraged to implement assessments in ways that make sense to their teaching situations and that best fit the needs of their students. The examples that have been reviewed and approved, along with a description of the development process, are accessible from the following web pages: http://ances.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/AEs+for+Arts+Education http://hlnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/AEs+for+Healthful+Living http://wlnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/AEs+for+World+Languages Additional examples are being refined and are expected to be available by mid‐December 2012. MORE INFO: Helga Fasciano, K‐12 Program Areas, helga.fasciano@dpi.nc.gov Common Exams Webinar for School Administrators Available for Viewing On October 10, the Department of Public Instruction and NC Principals and Assistant Principals Association held a webinar on educator effectiveness, with a focus on the Common Exams. While more than 700 school administrators tuned in to the webinar, we know that many of you were not able to join us. To ensure that you receive pertinent info on this topic, we have archived the recorded webinar online. To view it, please visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/142460961. You will be prompted to complete a form as if you were registering for the live webinar. This action will provide you with access to the recorded version. MORE INFO: educatoreffectiveness@dpi.nc.gov Resources for Extended Content Standards The NCDPI has received requests regarding resources around the Extended Content Standards for Exceptional Children's programs. The Standards can be found at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/acre/standards/extended/ Support Tools can be found here: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/acre/standards/extended‐tools/. This site is updated often as support tools are developed and should be referred to frequently. Additional information, including training information around the extended content standards is here: http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/disability‐resources/significant‐cognitive‐disabilities/nc‐extended‐ content‐standards A group email list for teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities features notifications about professional development and other pertinent information regarding the standards. To be added to this list, please contact Claire Greer at claire.greer@dpi.nc.gov. The website for the National Consortium on Deaf‐Blindness features a Literacy component. While this site is largely intended for students with duel sensory loss (vision and hearing), it also pertains to those students with significant cognitive disabilities: http://www.hknc.org/Literacy.htm An online Livebinder for information on the Extended Content Standards will soon be released. We will provide you with more information on this as it becomes available. MORE INFO: Claire Greer, Exceptional Children's Division, claire.greer@dpi.nc.gov Online Evaluation Tool Webinar: Observations The Online Evaluation Tool: Observations webinar will be offered two more times this month. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to review the process of completing the annual evaluation cycle for teacher with a focus on using the online evaluation tools to complete the observation rubric. The following topics will be addressed during the webinar: ∙ Review the North Carolina State Board of Education policy on the Evaluation Process ∙ Review Step 3 in the annual evaluation cycle ∙ Present strategies for managing observations ∙ Demonstrate copying an existing observation to inform the Rubric for Evaluating NC Teachers to complete a new observation ∙ Demonstrate accessing, notating and authenticating the observation rubric in the online evaluation tool ∙ Share resources, strategies, and best practices for coaching teachers for peak performance Please select a date and time that works best in your schedule to join us for this informative webinar. Online Evaluation Tool: Observations Wednesday, Oct. 24, 9 to 11 am https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/946291544 Online Evaluation Tool: Observations Wednesday, Oct. 24: 2 to 4 pm https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/670621216 MORE INFO: Eliz Colbert, Educator Recruitment and Development, eliz.colbert@dpi.nc.gov 2012‐13 READY NCEXTEND2 Online Assessments For the 2012‐13 school year, all NCEXTEND2 assessments will be delivered in an online format. This includes the NCEXTEND2 assessments for Biology, English II, Algebra I/Integrated I, Grades 3‐8 English Language Arts and Mathematics, and Grades 5 and 8 Science. Five years ago, the NCDPI conducted a feasibility study for both the end‐of‐grade and end‐of‐course assessments for online delivery of the NCEXTEND2 assessments. Teachers also suggested features that would ensure an optimal testing environment for the students. During the spring 2011 item tryouts, the NCEXTEND2 assessments were administered completely online. The successes observed and lessons learned with the administration of the NCEXTEND2 assessments helped move NC forward in the transition to online assessments. Note: Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) have the option of administering NCEXTEND2 assessments in the online or paper‐and pencil format. Online testing, however, is strongly encouraged. MORE INFO: Kayla Siler, Policy Analyst, kayla.siler@dpi.nc.gov or http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/testing/ NC Receives Grant for Aligning K‐12 and Postsecondary Standards The NCDPI, NC Community Colleges and the University of North Carolina System have received a three‐ year, “Core to College” grant. The $673,000 award aims to promote collaboration between higher education and NC’s public schools in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Educators from the three recipient agencies are working together to ensure a more seamless transition from high school to postsecondary education. One objective of the grant is to better align policies and processes to provide stronger support for career and college readiness. Core to College funding is provided by the Lumina Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. MORE INFO: Dr. Rebecca Garland, Chief Academic Officer, rebecca.garland@dpi.nc.gov IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Inter‐Rater Reliability (IRR) Training Opportunities for Principals The Inter‐Rater Reliability professional development will ensure that all observers are more uniform in their ability to identify and mark observations with consistency. Each session will examine a case study of a teacher. The deliveries will include profiles, scenarios and/ or video to provide a common lens of observation. These sessions are for anyone who evaluates teachers and seeks to build their expertise marking the rubric. Collaboration among participants will guide the facilitated process of examining teacher behaviors and data to ensure inter‐rater reliability. IRR Session 1: Evaluating and Coaching Teachers This 3‐hour refresher session is designed for experienced administrators to review the ratings, elements of a 21st century classroom, teacher coaching and using the online tool with Inter‐rater reliability. IRR Session 2: Teacher Evaluation Process This full‐day session will review the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and Teacher Evaluation Process. Participants will develop inter‐rater reliability of Standards 1‐5 through the use of classroom observation with video and a full scenario. Professional coaching techniques will be covered. Through the analysis of observation notes, observers can plan for crucial conversations with teachers to help them grow professionally. Please visit the RESA Calendar with all professional development opportunities. Users can search by region or by topic, at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/profdev/calendar/. MORE INFO: Dr. Lynne Johnson, Director of Educator Recruitment and Development, lynne.johnson@dpi.nc.gov October Webinars for New Local RttT Coordinators The NCDPI’s RttT Program Management team will provide two webinar opportunities later this month for new local RttT Coordinators with an overview of the RttT Program, particularly requirements and procedures for managing local plans. New Superintendents, Finance Officers, and other local district staff also are welcome to attend. To accommodate busy schedules, the webinar will be offered at two different times: Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 3 to 4:30 pm, and Thursday, Oct. 25 from 9 to 10:30 am. Content, which will be identical for both sessions, will include goals of RttT, the role and responsibilities of the local RttT Coordinator, the DSW and BUD processes, and procurement guidelines. Each session will provide time for discussion of participants’ questions. Space is limited, so please register now: Wednesday, Oct. 24, 3 to 4:30 pm https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/502383729 Thursday, Oct. 25, 9 to 10:30 am https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/121177032 MORE INFO: Adam Levinson, RttT Director, adam.levinson@dpi.nc.gov ASCD Launches Free Digital Common Core Implementation Tool ASCD introduces the new EduCore™ digital tool for educators implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in both mathematics and literacy. Funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the EduCore tool is a repository of evidence‐based strategies, videos, and supporting documents that help educators transition to the CCSS. The EduCore tool supports CCSS implementation for mathematics and features a variety of formative assessment lessons and videos ready for classroom use, including more than 20 formative assessment mathematics lessons. Developed by the Shell Centre, these middle and high school Classroom Challenges include problem‐solving and content‐development formative assessments on subjects such as solving linear equations in two variables and applying angle theorems. Useful plans, student materials, PowerPoint slides, and other materials round out the many mathematics resources available. Visit the EduCore tool at http://educore.ascd.org. Additional ASCD resources that aid educators who are implementing the Common Core State Standards can be found at www.ascd.org/commoncore. MORE INFO: Dr. Maria Pitre‐Martin, Director of K‐12 Curriculum, maria.pitremartin@dpi.nc.gov