Race to the Top (RttT) Monthly Report for US Department... NC RttT August 2011

Race to the Top (RttT) Monthly Report for US Department of Education (USED)
August 2011
Please provide information in the following areas:
 Activities completed this month
 Activities projected for the month ahead
 Changes requested to plan or timelines outlined in state scope of work
 Changes being considered to key project personnel
 Areas in which Technical Assistance/USED support could be used
Activities Completed this Month
RttT Management (includes Project Management, Budget, Communications):
Conducted full-day RttT Team planning meeting (8/25)
Continued developing (and processing with USED) amendments to State Detailed Scope of
Work (DSW) and budget to submit to USED
Provided monthly RttT update to State Board of Education (SBE) on 8/4
Provided RttT update to Governor’s Education Transformation Commission (GETC)
Subcommittee on Program Management on 8/4
Conducted review and approval process for 8/3 Local Education Agency (LEA)/Charter
School DSW submissions; begin posting LEA/Charter School approved fully completed
DSWs to the website by 9/1
Began assembling RttT Annual Progress Report for USED (due 9/16)
Continued planning for building a cadre of teacher and principal ambassadors in each
school to help communicate the reasons and mechanisms for the changes under way in
curriculum, accountability and educator evaluation; participants will include at least 2
teachers per school, each school principal and superintendent
Continued preparations for the regional meetings for statewide rollout of the new
accountability program, (meetings planned for March 2012)
Continued developing promotional materials (videos and slide presentations) for use at the
statewide regional meetings, and toolkits to distribute at the meetings (toolkits will include
practical information about the new Common Core and Essential Standards, and the new
accountability program)
Continued distributing RttT Weekly Update to nearly 600 LEA and charter officials involved
with Race to the Top
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Continued Staffing for RttT Implementation (cumulative as of 8/26):
o Total positions to be filled: 109
o Total positions filled:89 (including 4 accepted offers/not yet started)
o Total positions with offers made (waiting on acceptance): 2
o Total applicants for RttT positions: 5,323
Standards & Assessments:
Released The Professional Teacher Standards module (8/11)
Released Understanding Standards module (8/29)
Continued development of Developing Local Curricula module (to be released in the fall)
Continued working on Graphic Organizer tool (to be completed by Feb. 2012)
Continued developing Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) module (to be released by 11/15)
Continued planning unpacking of Social Studies elective courses
Continued development of PD Map
Began delivering Common Core and Essential Standards training for Principals and Assistant
Principals (8/1-8/5)
Continued planning of Common Core and Essential Standards training for Institutes of
Higher Education (IHEs) -planned for 10/7, 10/10, 10/13
Data Systems to Improve Instruction:
Continued IIS Workgroup meetings
Continued developing “Using Data for Instruction” guide (completed by 12/31/2011)
Continue working with planning vendor to develop Background Information document,
Business Requirement document, Technical Requirements document, RFP, and
Comprehensive Plan (completed by 12/1)
Continued work on “Visions, Goals, Objectives,” ‘‘A Day in the Life,” “Roles Matrix,” AND
“Web” documents (documents to be finalized by 12/31)
Began development (Lead IIS Project Manager) of the master project plan document
Held four regional focus groups (8/2-8/5), gathering input from about 300 total local
educators regarding the desired business functions of the IIS
Great Teachers & Principals:
Revised publication for NCDPI website informing potential partners of the process for
approval to become an alternative licensure program (to be posted by 9/1)
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Began compiling working paper to guide conversations with IHE partners regarding how to
improve educator pipeline for high-need content and specialty areas (to be posted by
Began Northeast Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) Cohort 1 school year administrative
internships (8/1)
Continued training for Northeast RLA Cohort 2 participants
Began Piedmont-Triad RLA Cohort 1 participant clinical residencies (8/1)
Began Teach For America (TFA) 2011 corps members placements in schools (8/1)
Began ongoing TFA support for corps members as they enter classrooms
Began New Teacher Induction Program in four regions with first cohort training (August
through June 2012)
Continued convening Teacher Effectiveness Work Group to discuss links between teacher
and principal effectiveness and student growth measures
Began designing protocols and templates for use by work groups who will design measures
of learning for non-tested grades and subjects
Began developing educator preparation program report cards after State Board certified
student achievement results at 8/4 meeting
Continued efforts to post Executive Director, Program Director, and Program Assistant
positions for NC Teacher Corps (delayed due to administrative challenges)
Developed 2011-12 Professional Development Calendar based on needs assessment results
from Summer Institute training
Established technology team (within Professional Development Initiative – PDI) to consult
and work with Project Coordinators on module development and PD System requirements
Released 2 of 5 additional professional development online modules (The Call for Change,
NC Professional Teaching Standards)
Continued to plan and implement (in partnership with Regional Education Service Alliances
- RESAs) next steps in job-embedded, blended professional development cycle
Continued meetings with IIS team to discuss development of professional development
learning management system
Continued interagency collaborative planning time with Professional Development (PD)
Team and Curriculum and Instruction to collaborate and deploy future professional
development based upon assessment feedback and the new Standard Course of Study
Deployed state-sponsored PD Leaders to provide training on the Educator Evaluation
Systems, Common Core and Essential Standards
Completed (current Distinguished Leadership in Practice (DLP) participants) on-line course
for Component 2 (Maximizing Human Resources for Goal Accomplishment) and collected
recommended updates and revisions to the curriculum based on second-round
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NC Virtual Public Schools:
Continued to determine professional development needs for project-based learning, STEM,
mobile teaching and learning, and blended teaching for all online and face-to-face teachers
in the three pilots
Developed professional development on the new blended STEM instructional model for
the first course development workshop (begin trainings September 2011)
Continued developing a STEM online teacher orientation and a face-to-face teacher
orientation (will include synchronous and asynchronous instruction); First professional
development sessions are virtual and will be conducted during early September; Face-toface professional development session will be conducted on September 20 on the NCSU
Centennial Campus
Worked on job postings for the Lead Project Director, Exceptional Children’s Coordinator,
Technology Infrastructure Expert and virtual teacher positions; when budget is validated,
these positions will be posted and hiring process will begin
Continued development of a course template and outline based on "chunking of material"
into project-based modules to align with the current Standard Course of Study and
Common Core standards
Continued development, design, and modification of virtual STEM core math and science
courses that provides access and targeted instruction to at-risk student populations for the
purposes of credit attainment towards graduation
Continued research of blended resources and training appropriate for support of teachers
and students in using the devices for STEM courses (these resources will help train teachers
on effective teaching and learning strategies for the devices); to be completed by 12/31
Continued writing criteria for the Mobile Web Application/Application development RFP
Worked on RFP for mobile devices
Continued development of LEA Technology Support Plan (to be completed by 8/31)
Completed identification of professional development and support needs for lead teachers,
face-to-face teachers, and district teams
Begin developing professional development modules and training sessions for lead
teachers, face-to-face teachers, and district teams
Turning Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools:
Completed the unpacking of a Comprehensive Needs Assessment report at Belvoir
Elementary and Farmville High School in Pitt County as well as Weldon City central office.
In addition, completed CNA Principal Orientation for all of Robeson County
Continued work on hiring for RttT positions:
o Hired School Transformation Coaches for Washington County and Warren County
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o Hired another Elementary Reading Coach in Halifax County, one English Language
Arts (ELA) Coach for each of the two high schools in Halifax, one Biology Coach for
Halifax, one ELA Coach for Robeson, and one ELA Coach for Thomasville/Anson
o Continuing weekly interviews for Instructional Coaches and School Transformation
Coaches (14 Instructional Coaches left to hire and 1 School Transformation Coach
left to hire.)
Held transition meetings with schools in Rowan-Salisbury Schools, Warren County Schools,
and Durham Public Schools
Identified interim support for selected schools/districts until hiring process is complete for
permanent positions
Continued PD and Coaching for currently served schools/districts
Continued assignment process for deployment of PD and Coaching staff in newly served
schools– includes ongoing work with Human Resources (HR) to align positions on
organizational chart
Continued planning for September follow-up to Professional Development for School
Delivered a week of professional development in Halifax County Schools with a strong
focus on literacy
NC Education Cloud:
Completed all Phase 3 Site Surveys except two (Clay and Rowan-Salisbury)
Participated in Regional Instructional Improvement System (IIS) LEA focus groups
Continued detailed work of these project teams and meetings of the
Consortium/Cooperative Purchasing LEA Advisory Working Group, Data Collection and
Analysis Working Group, Identity and Access Management Working Group and the Shared
Services Advisory Committee
Vetted draft Cloud plan with Shared Services Advisory Committee, NCDPI RttT Leadership
team, and the Governor’s Education Transformation Commission data systems
Presented the NC Education Cloud Blueprint, as well as policy implications, to the North
Carolina State Board of Education during its annual planning retreat (8/29)
Submitted Cloud Plan to NC State Board of Education for September Board Meeting
(formal submission of plan to NC State Board of Education, 8/29)
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM):
Continued to draft the DPI portion of the State STEM Strategic Plan; draft plan will be ready
for additional internal DPI and outside reviewers by September 15, 2011. Plan will be
combined with the Community College and University plans to form a joint plan and will
be submitted to the N.C. Education Cabinet for review)
Developed STEM Strategy Briefing paper for the State Board of Education
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Finalized contract with Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) NC STEM
Community Collaborative
Continued collaborative planning with New Schools Project (NSP) and MCNC NC STEM
Community Collaborative
Convened DPI internal STEM Strategic Planning Committee to discuss website needs and
get input on SBE STEM Briefing paper and NC Strategic Plan
Held premiere opening of NCSU STEM Early College High School Anchor School at NCSU
Celebrated new building opening of City of Medicine Academy, Anchor School, Durham
Trained (New Schools Project) 17 instructional coaches for anchor schools and affinity
schools. Training included 20 days for each coach on common instructional framework,
coaching model, adult learning, use of Edmodo and Google sites, project-based learning,
core plus math, modeling in biology, and observations of professional development
Conducted (New School Project) professional development on project-based learning for
seven schools with 54 teachers. Projects topics included:
o How can food and health affect our future?
o What is our "community's" carbon footprint, and how can we reduce it? How can
we educate our community about sustainable practices?
o How can life be sustained in our community?
Met with the Lieutenant Governor, Batelle, MCNC regarding establishment of State
website/portal for STEM
Cross-Cutting Evaluation Elements
Continued to collect responses (will collect through early September) to Omnibus Teacher
and Principal Survey
Completed Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observation tool training for 28
classroom observers; Staff began taking reliability tests for CLASS tool use
Worked (Carolina Institute for Public Policy- CIPP- data administrator) with DPI on data
needs for fall analyses
Teacher and Leader Effectiveness
Continued literature review
Continued to use historical data to compare different Value-Added Models (VAMs) of
teacher effectiveness to share with DPI
Designed sample selection for classroom observations
Met with DPI psychometricians and implementation team members about VAM
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Distribution of Teachers and Leaders
Baseline Teacher Quality Analysis
 Continued work on initial report (due fall 2011)
Continued work on VAM
Regional Leadership Academies
Observed Piedmont Triad Leadership Academy (PTLA) Summer Ramp-Up, School
Leadership Seminar, and Advisory Team Meeting; Sandhills Leadership Academy (SLA)
Summer Institutes and Principal Mentor Training; and NELA Mentor, Principal, and Coach
Training and Orientation
Teach For America (TFA)/NC Teacher Corps (NCTC)
Completed two-day visit to Northeast NC TFA’s final Summer Institute in Rocky Mount, NC,
for additional informal observations to inform development of the NCTC Summer Institute
observation protocol
Induction Program for Novice Teachers
Surveyed comparison LEAs for baseline induction activities
Developed Summer Institute survey measures
Observed Summer Institute and administered pre- and post-Institute surveys
Met with NC-State SUCCEED measurement team regarding use of Perceptions of Success
Inventory for Beginning Teachers (PSI-BT)
Strategic Staffing/Incentives
Continued work on literature review
Observed blended-course orientation PD onsite in Person County and Montgomery County
Secured Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for PD observation protocols for future
course development and teacher training PD (to be offered by NCVPS in the fall)
Professional Development
Followed up with the selected sample schools to recruit for participation
Conducted initial baseline interviews will all schools who have agreed to participate
Began analysis of baseline interview data
Began analysis of PD observation data from regional institutes, as well as interview data
from participants at those institutes
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Conducted focus groups with NCDPI Curriculum & Instruction staff about regional institutes
and scheduled to conduct similar focus groups with NCDPI Regional PD Leads
District and School Transformation (DST) Including STEM Schools
Completed first draft of initial draft of pre-RttT qualitative report
Decided on analysis plan for quantitative impact assessment (difference-in-differences
model); Decided on sample – High school and middle (2006/07 – 2009/10), Elementary
schools excluded due to interrupted services from budget shortfall
Observed multiple PD sessions provided by New Schools Project (NSP) to STEM network
Developed or identified instruments and protocols for fall 2011: additional items for
observation tool, Focus Group/interview protocols, and student and teacher surveys
Monitored Edmodo, the online tool NSP is using to develop their community of practice
Local Spending
Completed internal report examining equity in the distribution of local funds
Selected sampling frame for site visits and interviews
Created survey instruments for quick survey of local finance officers (n~5) to understand
their thinking on RttT funds and changes in light of legislative budget cuts
Met with DPI RttT staff to discuss review of next round of DSWs
Overall Impact
Met with RttT Evaluation Project Leads about Scope of Work
Activities Projected for the Month Ahead
RttT Management:
Provide monthly RttT status report to State Board of Education, 9/1
Identify and prepare additional initiative budget and/or DSW amendments, as needed;
process submitted amendments with USED, as needed
Finalize approval of 8/3 LEA/Charter School DSW submissions; began posting LEA/Charter
School approved fully completed DSWs to the website by 9/1
Finalize and submit RttT Annual Progress Report to USED
Continue planning for building a cadre of teacher and principal ambassadors in each school
to help communicate the reasons and mechanisms for the changes under way in
curriculum, accountability and educator evaluation; participants will include at least 2
teachers per school, each school principal and superintendent
Continued preparations for the regional meetings for statewide rollout of the new
accountability program, (meetings planned for March 2012)
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Continue developing promotional materials (videos and slide presentations) for use at the
statewide regional meetings and toolkits to distribute at the meetings (toolkits will include
practical information about the new Common Core and Essential Standards, and the new
accountability program)
Continue distributing RttT Weekly Update to nearly 500 LEA and charter officials involved
with Race to the Top
Standards & Assessments:
Continue development of Developing Local Curricula module (to be released in the fall)
Continue working on Graphic Organizer tool (to be completed Feb. 2012)
Continue developing Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) module (to be released by 11/15)
Continue developing unpacking documents for all of Social Studies elective courses
Continue developing PD Map
Continue delivering Common Core and Essential Standards training for Principals and
Assistant Principals
Continue planning Common Core and Essential Standards training for Institutes of Higher
Education (IHEs) -planned for 10/7, 10/10, 10/13
Begin work to embed content classroom examples and video vignettes within NC FALCON
(to be completed May 2012)
Begin development of Learning Map exemplars
Begin curriculum and instruction content-specific "live chats" to provide support and
fidelity checks to district-teams, ERD, and DST (held quarterly).
Begin to include the Online Assessment Best Practice Guide in regional informational and
professional development sessions
Data Systems to Improve Instruction:
Continue IIS Workgroup meetings
Continue work on “Visions, Goals, Objectives,” ‘‘A Day in the Life,” “Roles Matrix,” AND
“Web” documents (documents to be finalized by 12/31)
Continue working with planning vendor to develop Background Information document,
Business Requirement document, Technical Requirements document, RFP, and
Comprehensive Plan (completed by 12/1)
Continue developing “Using Data for Instruction” guide (completed by 12/31/2011)
Continue development (Lead IIS Project Manager) of the master project plan document
Hold follow-up webinars for people who volunteered at the focus groups to provide
feedback on the revised business requirements documents
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Work with the NCPTA to set up a few parent focus groups to inform the business functions
of the IIS
Great Teachers & Principals:
Post publication for NCDPI website informing potential partners of the process for approval
to become an alternative licensure program (to be posted by 9/1)
Continue compiling working paper to guide conversations with IHE partners regarding how
to improve educator pipeline for high-need content and specialty areas (to be posted by
Select vendor (by 9/7) to develop and validate student academic growth factor
Begin holding teacher work group meetings to create measures of student learning for
untested courses (mid-September)
Continue Northeast RLA Cohort 1 school year administrative internships
Continue training for Northeast RLA Cohort 2 participants
Continue Piedmont-Triad RLA Cohort 1 participant administrative internships
Continue Sandhills RLA Cohort 1 participant clinical residencies
Continue ongoing Teach For America support for corps members as they enter classrooms
Continue New Teacher Induction Program in four regions with first cohort
Post vacancy announcements for NC Teacher Corps positions
Evaluate re-negotiated bids for Strategic Staffing Request for Proposals
Continue developing educator preparation program report cards
Continue deployment of state-sponsored PD Leaders to provide training on the Educator
Evaluation Systems, PD process planning, Common Core and Essential Standards
Continue meetings with IIS team to discuss development of professional development
learner management system
Initiate (by Sept.1 ) contract with TOPS to continue to host modules through NC Education;
these modules developed by the ERD module team include Data Literacy, Common Core
State Standards ELA: Content Area Literacy, Effective Use of Learning Progressions,
Embracing the Change: Embedding Digital Literacy in the Content Area (tentative titles)
Finalize revision for Component 2 of the Distinguished Leadership in Practice (DLP) and
submit to Learn NC. Preparations for the start of Component 3 (Building A Collaborative
Culture with Distributed Leadership) in September will take place throughout the month.
In particular, we will be working with the North Carolina Business Committee for Education
(NCBCE) to make final preparations for business visits made by DLP participants during the
face-2-face sessions at each of the four geographic locations
Release 2 additional online professional development modules (Understanding the
Standards, NC FALCON (Student Ownership component)
Deploy 10 graduates of the inaugural cohort of Distinguished Leadership in Practice (DLP)
to co-facilitate a DLP component starting in September
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Hold fidelity support meetings across the state with RttT Leadership Teams in collaboration
with RESA partners to ensure consistent and deliberate PD action planning
Hold Administrator (principal and assistant principal) and IHE training by Professional
Development Leads across the state to ensure consistency with the implementation of
Common Core and Essential Standards implementation
NC Virtual Public Schools:
Continue determining professional development needs for project-based learning, STEM,
mobile teaching and learning, and blended teaching for all of the online and face-to-face
Continue deploying professional development at the first course development workshop
and make note of continued PD needs
Hold professional development for teachers (will be virtual for 1st and 2nd sessions in Sept
with a face-to-face meeting 9/19)
Hire lead Project Director and Exceptional Children’s coordinator (pending validation of
budget line items and release of funds)
Continue development, design, and modification of virtual STEM core math and science
courses that provide access and targeted instruction to at-risk student populations for the
purposes of credit attainment towards graduation
Continue research of blended resources and training appropriate for support of teachers
and students in using the devices for STEM courses (these resources will help train teachers
on effective teaching and learning strategies for the devices) to be completed by 12/31
Continue development of LEA Technology Support Plan
Plan to post an Invitation for Bid ( IFB )for devices in September
Continued developing professional development modules and training sessions for lead
teachers, face-to-face teachers and district teams
Turning Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools:
Continue the unpacking of Comprehensive Needs Assessment reports with schools and
districts as reports become available. Also, commence Comprehensive Needs Assessments
with schools in Robeson.
Continue hiring for RttT positions (interviews continuing weekly)
Hold transition meetings with schools and districts
Deliver ongoing PD and coaching for currently served schools/districts
Continue to assign PD and coaching staff for newly served schools - working with HR to
align positions on organizational chart
Conduct follow-up to Professional Development events for school leaders that were held in
the summer (will take place in late September)
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NC Education Cloud:
Aggregate all the surveys and begin in depth analysis (goal to complete by end of month)
Continue to work with IIS Planning Process
Continue meetings of the Consortium/Cooperative Purchasing LEA Advisory Working
Group, Data Collection and Analysis Working Group, Identity and Access Management
Working Group and the Shared Services Advisory Committee
Establish Instructional Content Learning Systems Working Group
Begin developing specific procedure for the Identity Access Management (IAM) RFP
Work with Consortium Buying Working Group to identify and be working on any needed Erate strategies related to NC Education Cloud in order to be ready for fall E-rate
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM):
Meet with Discovery.com on STEM programming
Meet with US NAVY collaborative STEM efforts on STEM teacher fellowship recipients
Meet with NC STEM Advisory Panel
Meet with K-12 program area to better link the work with the STEM philosophy
Brief Academic Services and Instructional (ASIS)directors on STEM Strategic Plan
Cross-Cutting Evaluation Elements
Continue collecting responses to Omnibus Teacher and Principal Survey through early
Begin analysis of data
Attend additional online CLASS training for additional classroom observers
Continue taking reliability tests for CLASS
Complete (Management Team) design of protocols for classroom observations
Continue (CIPP data administrator) to work with DPI on data needed for fall analyses
Arrange (CIPP data administrator) for secure data access to relevant Evaluation Team
Teacher and Leader Effectiveness
Submit for IRB approval for classroom observations
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Continue analysis – Use of historical data to compare different VAM of teacher
effectiveness to share with DPI
Distribution of Teachers and Leaders
Baseline Teacher Quality Analysis
Continue work on report due in the Fall
Continue work on VAM
Regional Leadership Academies
Observe Piedmont Triad Regional Leadership Academy (PTLA) Internship Seminar,
Curriculum Writing Session, and public kick-off event; Sandhills Regional Leadership
Academy (SLA) activities; and Northeastern Regional Leadership Academy (NELA)
Distinguished Leaders in Practice
Present to Quality Assurance Committee
Hold mid-month meeting of the entire NCTC/TFA evaluation team to strategize for fall 2011
o Identify schools for TFA focus groups
o Plan TFA survey items
o Establish protocols for NCTC recruitment observations and TFA focus groups
o Decide to what extent to pursue classroom observations
Induction Program for Novice Teachers
Conduct 60 treatment and control classroom observations
Strategic Staffing/Incentives
Develop plan to review final LEA-level SOWs
Make initial contacts with three sample LEAs (Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Pitt, and RowanSalisbury), and, if possible, with the other three target LEAs (Craven, WinstonSalem/Forsyth, New Hanover), pending verification of local strategic staffing plans in these
Identify that the above-listed LEAs will be carrying out strategic staffing plans and whether
other LEAs need to be included on the list
Visit the first formal PD sessions on course design, pending finalization of VPS contract
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Professional Development
Construct baseline report draft
Prepare for school/LEA Fall site visits
Revise logic model
Revise external scope of work
Create detailed 2011-2012 School Year (SY) Plan of Work
District and School Transformation Including STEM Schools
Continue work on draft of report for DPI
Complete draft of STEM School Baseline Scan
Finalize school sample for evaluation
Finalize instruments/protocols for Fall site visit
Create detailed 2011-2012 SY Plan of Work
Local Spending
Meet with DPI RttT staff to review LEA-level DSWs once they are finalized
Conduct interviews with select districts to understand responses to state budget
reductions in light of RttT plans
Overall Impact
Begin drafting Scope of Work
Changes Requested to Plan or Timelines Outlined in State Detailed Scope of Work (DSW)
Submitted to USED
o Distinguished Leadership In Practice Program – budget adjustment
o Evaluation of Professional Development – eliminate duplication
o Professional Development Learner Management System – add to scope of IIS
o Teacher Effectiveness – funding to support developing measures of student growth
in “non-tested” areas
In development
o RttT Management – add project coordinator and communications position
Changes Being Considered to Key Project Personnel
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