Exam PHYSICS 2Bb SPRING 2010 QUIZ 4 Name_Professor S.K. Sinha_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Figure 26.1 ~--------------J : 36.0V 40 : ~t--Wv-fb I I I I_______________ !I The emf and the internal resistance of a battery are as shown. 1) In Figure 26.1, when the terminal voltage Vab is equal to 31.6 V, the current through the battery, including direction, is closest to: rl~B 14 A) 1.2 AI from a to b B) 1.3 A, from b to a q 1.1 A, from a to b @.1 A, from bto a a..s:sLlrne CIAN'e" E+o A +..jOes f(-orn -I-~4JL +36/0\1 3/,6V E) 1.2 A, from b to a T LfSL== 414 V T =: I, I ctf}llflS Figure 27.1 0" 1S0V ... 0 II SiV)Le.. "I~ (- S ~s ;t1Ve. We choje JirtdtOA cort'tt!:J ~ Three light bulbs, A, B, and C, have electrical ratings as follows: Bulb A - 96 W, 2.0 A Bulb B - 200 V, 250 W Bulb C - 120 V, 0.5 A The three bulbs are connected in a circuit, which is across a 150-V line, as shown. Assume the filament resistances of the light bulbs are constant and independent of operating conditions. 2) ~re 27.1, the current through bulb B is dosest to: ~75A \!j ht 61 bs are C(re.- q B) 1.25 A bq,( Cq I~ 0V\..st-~Isks J (;L nJ tAJe-. neeJ. V-==-yR ~50::=:~ Ri3 j 'R A=-1- YQ \<-\-'-:::: \6CJJ2.. J.J L D == IS 12(.. tt ~?v40Jl A-I Til. "" +0 tittJ wh~t-~ ~::::TL-R-.:::: V/1<­ q 6::::: Lj ~1< 1\ \ E) 0.85 A D) LIO A 1.00 A ~f<.I-;: ~ n "- eJf::::' '-IF \So -"140..' R~ :;:, \'AP ~ I I r. \ i GD ~ -t[40 I){ -\: -------- rID L>'V~\6oqT~J5 B:::: 120 RB :::: V Figure 27.5 J1'~R1 3) In Figure 27.5, the circuit R is a variable resistance. As R is decreased ~ tt st -5 -+'he .fes,-,~<.e c+ -tie pleas ~n p:>t~Ile.t d..ecfeaft.$ t~K" fhe to-kl resis,kulte cLe.crea.$€. 5 ~ II dedeases,I2 deereases. o..s K-. C!0decreases,I2increases. .e II jncl'e:!te¥~. h dl""'11'8~.@iI. -OPt rt:meiTt!;ttft~~12 mereas@s. \JJ~ kh .in c..1)!""Se.S +~e ne.+ c~r;e(l +­ E) II hlCxea5e!, 12 HtaemJe!. '. ec j \f \> N.4<)tl c J (J- cl £Il c{ 1hl:fS b.j c,vt- J . 0 1.. i O\e c re 1l5~5. wl..-+",J,kc,,. " --, ~ 4 ~ ~"6 h ot"es J. t: 0 POll)+- P ~ rK.£ l4.L.? ~e V of ~ €... Cgr€4{'ir l=,!jr8;.[,.. J.e(rettsc:J.. IS nO +e +htt+ s'in c...e T ~ r b"~Ts~ .,""<" ""rOre.. .J I -j.clFIgure 27.10 U, ~e \ 15 p.F II'1e:FdJe 't't:J("l th~J h T' 20 l I MQ uV\..<A. f. " I1A. r ­ I 'Va I h.y~~ .".t.fcc.rc~~ r J 1'5 n Ol..v I "'. ower IS "'tJ I-je.,.... +Iz., I-io..J... 1:.z v e. \rte..{'e" 5 e, rnu.s.f­ Initially, for the circuit shown, the switch S is open and the capacitor voltage is 80 V. The switch S is closed at time t = O. 4) I~_27.1O, the charge on the capacitor, when the current in the circuit is 33 flA, in !-le, is closest to: ~ m~ V(+) - \} o e,- q~ -tRc :> ~B (fOA ~~ ~ -RQ(+)+ 9-~+-~ =0 ([ net \Je+):::: QC-B ~ 'RQ(+) ~ T(-8= \1C+1 L R 33»A -_go e-+/RC d/D =) 6 Q C+)::: 0. 0 e- fit<c.;::::. , e --tkc. 33 ~~~Z,c.? --~- 80 c.. V"e -+lac, 15 ~ t)f4, i-l 0- 6• ~ 33' Z. (}IO 6) Q C+)-- - - A-2 $8 -uC ~ qq() Ylbf- C