Life Cycle Analysis of Waste Management Options for EBI in Quebec by Jaclyn D. Wilson Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013 Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ARCM"RIE June 2014 LBR @ 2014 Jaclyn D. Wilson. All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Signature redacted Departy nt of Ofll and Environmental Engineering May 21, 2014 Signature redacted Certified by: E. Eric Adams Senior Research Engineer and Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor gu A Signature redacted Accepted by : Heidi 1A: Nepf Chair, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students R IE Life Cycle Analysis of Waste Management Options for EBI in Quebec by Jaclyn D. Wilson Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 21, 2014 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering Abstract Quebec has issued a mandate requiring all waste management facilities to ban the landfilling of organic waste by 2020. EBI is considering Anaerobic Digestion as one of its alternative options, but is uncertain if it is the correct choice given its high costs. This thesis compares four alternative waste management options for EBI (Composting, Anaerobic Digestion, Incineration, and Microbial Fuel Cells) against the current Landfill situation. Environmental considerations are examined through GaBi Life Cycle Analysis software with a functional unit of 1 kg of organic waste, social considerations are assessed with the EPA/SETAC Social LCA Guidelines, and economic considerations are calculated on an annual basis. Anaerobic Digestion, while having a higher upfront investment of $770,000, has higher social and environmental benefits, with only one impressionable environmental impact, Eutrophication Potential. This cost also falls within EBI's constraint of the project costing under one million dollars. Composting is the second recommended option, with no initial investment due to its inclusion in the current infrastructure at EBI, and Global Warming Potential on a 100-year scale, Acidification Potential, and Eutrophication Potential as environmental impacts. Thesis Supervisor: E. Eric Adams Title: Senior Research Engineer and Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering Table of Contents A bstract ................................................................................................................................................... 3 List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ 7 List of T ables .......................................................................................................................................... 8 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 9 2 Life Cycle A nalysis O verview ................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Environm ental Life Cycle Analysis .............................................................................................. 11 2.1.1 Goal and Scope ...................................................... 11 2.1.2 Inventory Analysis .................................................... 12 2.1.3 Im pact Assessm ent .................................................... 12 2.1.4 Interpretation ...................................................... 12 2.2 Social Life Cycle Analysis ................................................................................................................ 13 2.3 Econom ic A nalysis ............................................................................................................................. 13 3 Landfi ll ............................................................................................................................................ is 3.1 Overview of Process ......................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 ProofofConcept ................................................................................................................................. 15 3.3 Environm ental LCA ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.4 Social LCA ............................................................................................................................................. 17 3.5 Econom ic Cost ..................................................................................................................................... 19 4 Aerobic D igestion (Com posting) ............................................................................................ 19 4.1 Overview of Processes ..................................................................................................................... 19 4.2 Proof of Concept ................................................................................................................................. 20 4.3 Environm ental LCA ........................................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Social LCA ............................................................................................................................................. 23 4.5 Econom ic Costs ................................................................................................................................... 24 5 Anaerobic D igestion ................................................................................................................... 24 5.1 Overview of Processes ..................................................................................................................... 24 5.2 ProofofConcept ................................................................................................................................. 25 5.3 Environm ental LCA ........................................................................................................................... 26 5.4 Social LCA ............................................................................................................................................. 27 S.5 Econom ic Costs ................................................................................................................................... 27 6 Incineration .................................................................................................................................. 28 6.1 Overview of Processes ..................................................................................................................... 28 6.2 Environm ental LCA ........................................................................................................................... 30 6.3 Social LCA ............................................................................................................................................. 31 6.4 Econom ic Costs ................................................................................................................................... 32 7 M icrobial Fuel Cells (M FC) ....................................................................................................... 33 7.1 Overview of Processes ..................................................................................................................... 33 7.2 Proof of Concept ................................................................................................................................. 33 7.3 Environm ental LCA ........................................................................................................................... 33 7.4 Social LCA ............................................................................................................................................. 35 5 7.5 Econom ic Costs ................................................................................................................................... 35 8 Options Comparison ................................................................................................................... 37 9 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 39 10 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 40 6 List of Figures Figu re 1. E B I's logo..................................................................................................................................................9 Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the projected anaerobic digester in the existing infrastructure. Developed by Olivier Sylvestre ......................................................................... Figure 3. Inputs and outputs of a Life Cycle Assessment................................................................. Figure 4. Process flow for a landfill that has leachate treatment and biogas collection........ Figure 5. Plan for Landfill, done in GaBi................................................................................................ Figure 6. Composting processes for a LCA. At EBI, natural gas is used instead of diesel....... Figure 7. Plan for Composting, done in GaBi........................................................................................ Figure 8. Process flow for anaerobic digestion LCA. FF is the fixed fraction with 30% dry matter, UF the ultra filtration, and RO indicates reverse osmosis.................................... Figure 9. Plan for Anaerobic Digestion, done in GaBi....................................................................... Figure 10. Anaerobic Digester Costs......................................................................................................... Figure 11. Process flow for incineration waste management, that presorts the waste, recovers energy, and treats the gas and ash............................................................................... Figure 12. Plan for Incineration, done in GaBi..................................................................................... Figure 13. Incinerator Costs............................................................................................................................. Figure 14. Process flow for a microbial fuel cell LCA....................................................................... Figure 15. Plan for Microbial Fuel Cell, made in GaBi...................................................................... Figu re 16. M FC C osts............................................................................................................................................ 7 10 11 16 17 20 22 25 26 28 29 30 32 34 34 36 List of Tables Table 1.EPA/SETAC 2009's breakdown of subcategories to assess social impacts of a p rodu ct's life cycle....................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 2. Social LCA for Landfill, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not app licab le................................................................................................................................................ 19 Table 3. Social LCA for Composting, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is n ot applicable........................................................................................................................................... 23 Table 4. Social LCA for Anaerobic Digestion, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not applicable......................................................................................................................... 27 Table 5. Social LCA for Incineration, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not ap plicable........................................................................................................................................... 31 Table 6. Social LCA for MFC, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not ap plicab le........................................................................................................................................................ 35 Table 7. Compiled environmental effects of each option, as done in GaBi............................... 37 Table 8. Average number of stars per social comparison for each waste management o ptio n ................................................................................................................................................................ 38 Table 9. Compiled economic information for each of the options............................................... 38 Table 10.Comparison of the different options, where one + is the worst option, five +'s is th e b est option .............................................................................................................................................. 39 8 1 Introduction This thesis is part of a three-person project regarding waste management at EBI. EBI is a family business with the mission of integrated waste management, their logo shown in Figure 1. The company collects and transports all the waste of municipal, commercial and industrial sectors, sorts them and disposes of them in the best possible manner using upto-date infrastructure.1 Figure 1. EBIs logo. EBI is located in Quebec, the largest province of Canada located in the eastern part of the country and covering almost 1.4 billion square kilometers. 2 Its land area is the equivalent of about seventy times the size of Massachusetts, 3 but the population is only over 8 million people. 4 Quebec faces similar challenges as North America in its consumption lifestyle, resulting in high production of waste per capita - 746 kilograms per capita and a total of 5.4 million tonnes of waste to be eliminated from the entire province in 2011.s The provincial government is aware of the problem and has set up regulations to reduce the quantity of eliminated material. One of the objectives is relatively ambitious: landfill of putrescible organic matter will be prohibited by 2020.6 As of 2012, only about 5 % of the households have access to organic waste collection, and very small services exist for institutional, commercial and industrial sectors.7 The two main solutions envisioned to respect the future regulation are composting and anaerobic digestion, though incineration and microbial-fuel cells are also options. Given the facilities already owned by the company, constructing an anaerobic digester is of high interest. 8 As illustrated in Figure 2, the site contains many interconnected plants such as a landfill, a wastewater treatment plant, a composting platform and a natural gas plant. Constructing an anaerobic digester enables the company to push integration of waste management further, and produce additional biogas for its natural gas plant. 1Groupe EBI, 2010 Canada, 2012a 3World Atlas, "Population, World Atlas, United States." 4 Statistics Canada, 2009 5Recyc-Quebec, Bilan 2010-2011 de la gestion des matieres residuellesau Quebec, p. 14-15 6 Direction des matieres residuelles et des lieux contaminds, Service des matieres rdsiduelles, p. VII ' Ibid., p. VIII-IX 8 Groupe EBI, 2010 2 Statistics 9 Biogas Purification Plant --- Bio as A Natural Gasl Eft.- icit LandfilCogeneration Plantfor Heat LeachatL Wastewater Treatment Plant Solid Waste Septic System Treatment Plant Liquid Waste Digestate Anaerobic Diiester (pro)ectr igs s Compost Composting Platform and en fFertilizere + Limestone Figure2. Schematic diagram of the projectedanaerobicdigester in the existing infrastructure.Developed by Olivier Sylvestre. Fulfilling the new regulation and increasing the usage of its existing facilities is a great advantage for EBI. With the present infrastructure and the electricity situation in Quebec, the digester has the potential to run on green energy and to produce energy, heat, and even fertilizer. Furthermore, the company currently receives sludge from food industries that it thickens with wood chips to produce compost, a costly and ineffective process. It is relevant for the company to explore if anaerobic digestion is more suitable and profitable to treat this kind of material. The anaerobic digester represents a potential source of revenue for the company. The investment has to be as low as possible combined with the highest potential income in order for the project to be considered by EBI. The three parts of this project, Feedstock Analysis, Anaerobic Digester Design, and Life Cycle Analysis aim to determine if an anaerobic digester is the most profitable option. This thesis focuses on the third of these topics, Life Cycle Analysis. If interested in the first two topics, please see Sylvestre (2014) or Bouaziz (2014). 10 2 Life Cycle Analysis Overview 2.1 Environmental Life Cycle Analysis A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is done to determine the environmental impact of a process, usually from cradle to grave.9 Many might be motivated to do a LCA in order to comply with certain regulations during the design process, though a LCA can also be done after the operation is already running to prove the process is environmentally friendly, or to improve on the process' environmental impact. There are four major phases of a LCA, "a) the goal and scope definition phase, b) the inventory analysis phase, c) the impact assessment phase, and d) the interpretation phase." There are a number of inputs and outputs that are taken from the inventory analysis phase and used in the impact assessment and interpretation phases, split into Economic and Environmental Flows for each stage of the process, as shown in Figure 3. UNIT PROCESSI INPUTS products PRODUCT SYSTEM goods services materials energy economic flows waste * (for treatment) environmental interventions abloticr esource biotic resources - OUTPUTS -4 goods -- services materials -- energy -- waste (for treatment) -+ chemicals to the air I chemicals to water chemicals to Vie sat -+ --- 4 land transformation --- 4 -4radionucldes liand occupation -+ functionalflows waste economic flows _environmental jitervenions -~sound * prOducts' -- heat -- casualtes -+ etc. Figure3. Inputs and outputs of a Life Cycle Assessment. 0 2.1.1 Goal and Scope As Canada will soon see the end of landfilling organic waste, EBI needs an alternative to the landfill." The option of greatest interest is an anaerobic digester, but as aerobic 9ISO 14040,2006 10 Castelo Branco et al., 2013 11 digestion (composting), incineration, and microbial-fuel-cells are also options for the organic waste, it's important to compare the environmental, economic, and social impacts of each of these options. A life cycle analysis of each of these options will therefore be done, as well as one of the site as it currently runs with the landfill as a base comparison. The scope of this study is the land that EBI owns, taking the waste from collection and running it through the processes that would be associated with each option. As collection is a common process for all five analyses, it will not be needed for comparison. The functional unit will be taken as 1 kg of waste processed, such that all analyses will examine the impacts per kg of waste. 2.1.2 Inventory Analysis The first step towards completing a LCA once the goal and scope are known is to collect data from the different options. This includes determining what processes each option has, as well as what flows each of those processes have, both for inflow and outflow. Each LCA will use data that is either acquired from EBI itself, or from literature that will simulate the conditions of the site based on the current infrastructure. 2.1.3 Impact Assessment In order to assess the impact of each of the steps, software called GaBi Educational Software is used. 12 Like other LCA software, GaBi comes ready with environmental data, though data can also be imported from any available data set. GaBi allows for creation of flows, which are the basic units that make up the inputs and outputs to each step of the product's life cycle. These steps are ultimately connected in a plan and produce a "balance" to assess their combined environmental impact. The balance shows results for 100-year Global Warming Potential (GWP-100) in kg C02-equivalence, Acidification Potential (AP) in kg S02-equivalence, Eutrophication potential (EP) in kg P04-equivalence, and Ozone-Layer Depletion Potential (ODP) in kg R11-equivalence. 2.1.4 Interpretation The most common method of comparison in a LCA is to compare the GWP, in terms of C02-equivalent measurements. This is only applicable for emissions that have a global warming potential, and so other potential comparisons include AP in S02-equivalence, Photochemical Oxidant Creation Potential (POCP), and EP in P04-equivalence. 13 This analysis will focus on GWP-100, AP, and EP, as they are computed by GaBi, and there is no ODP calculated for any of the options. " Direction des matibres residuelles et des lieux contamines, Service des matibres residuelles, p. VII 12 GaBi Software, 2014 " GHK, 2006 12 2.2 Social Life Cycle Analysis As part of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) have developed a Social Life Cycle Analysis (S-LCA) that examines the social impacts of a product's life cycle, and their economic costs where applicable.14 A social Life Cycle Analysis (S-LCA) aims to examine the same parts of the life cycle as an Environmental LCA (E-LCA), but with a focus on the social implications on the "stakeholders" of the process. These stakeholders are divided into five groups- workers, local community, society, consumers, and value chain actors as shown in Table 1. Although the S-LCA follows the same general process of the E-LCA, it is more difficult to quantify the impacts per functional unit in a S-LCA. Thus, the impacts will be qualitatively determined, on a scale from "very bad" to "very good" for each process step and stakeholder. There are some clear subcategories of stakeholders that we can take into account for our assessment. Working hours and health and safety can be applied to all steps for workers, and health and safety and end of life responsibility can be applied to a few steps for consumers. Safe and healthy living conditions and local employment are of importance for local community, and public commitment to sustainability issues, contribution to economic development, and technology development are pertinent for society. Promoting social responsibility is applicable all around for value chain actors. 2.3 Economic Analysis In order to compare the five waste management costs, instead of a per kg scale a yearly scale is now used. As in Manesh et al. (2012), annualized cost can be determined by summing the operating cost per year and the initial investment scaled to a yearly cost.'s Since some of the options include the benefit of selling electricity produced from biogas, the amount of money made from that will also be included. In order to determine the annualized capital cost I, we use the capital recovery factor times the capital cost I i(1+ i)" (+ i)" - where i is the discount rate, n is the lifetime of the option, and C is the capital cost. A discount rate of 8% will be used for all cases, consistent with an average of real discount rates in Canada, and similar to the US EPA's real discount rate of 7%.1617 14 UNEP and SETAC, 2009 Manesh et al., 2012 16 Treasury Board of Canada Secreteriat, 2007 17 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. EPA, 2000 15 13 Table 1.EPA/SE TAC 2009's breakdown of subcategories to assess social impacts of a product's life cycle.' 8 Freedorr of Asuxcaatcn " Co cwve Bwrgainnrg Chea Labour Far "WhWWodung Saiary or Forced Labou Eowal opportuntes/D, Hema an dSatety Soca, Bon ernatwo )Caj Socurty HFeaftm &8aty Fedack Machansn Shinahokr wo-MUM9r C~aOxnrw Prvacy TraspWrMncy Eno of ife responmbiiy Access to mratera resrces Access to nmatona resurcos Dotoca zat cn and Migraton CUIUraf 40rlag Safe & realty wig concItons Respect of oogenous rghls Cornunity engaemet Local emoyment Sectro ivng condktons cornm ms to sustanabty 4ssm Ucrtiaon to ocannt evelopmn Pubic Staboh ma~ e VA*Ii-* i acW nr Prievwtu anbgaon of arm= confts TOChNIOI9Y dOwelopent Comptnn Far compeiton Prornot ng socal respons t> ty Suppior reationshops Respect of ritolctuae property r gts The following equation is used to calculate total annualized cost, Ca Ca = I +C, - PE* E where C. is the yearly operating cost, PE is the price of energy sold ($0.07 per kWh), and E is the amount of energy produced in a year for the option (using a conversion rate of 3.6MJ/kWh). 8 UNEP and SETAC, 2009 14 Average investment costs are taken from literature to determine the initial capital needed, and it is assumed in all cases that the company would want to pay off this investment in 10 years. Operating costs are also taken from averages in the literature. The amount of organic waste we want to process per year is assumed equivalent to that of Sylvestre's (2014) assessment for EBI, 1400 Mt, and the amount of energy produced per kg is determined by the GaBi projections.19 This analysis does not take into account other means of income including fees for waste collection that are assumed consistent across all five options. It also assumes that EBI can sell as much electricity as they produce. 3 3.1 Landfill Overview of Process Landfills can be used as the sole waste treatment option, or used in conjunction with other options as will be discussed. Anaerobic processes, a result of the depletion of oxygen in pockets of the waste, are the primary form of waste degradation in landfills. 20 Organic waste will break down to release methane and carbon dioxide, while inorganic waste will vary in how it will break down. For instance, sulfate will produce a metal sulfide, which can then produce hydrogen sulfide under acidic conditions, a hazardous material. Liners, both natural and synthetic are used in landfills to prevent the escape of hazardous materials from the landfill. 2 1Leachate that is collected via these liners must be treated. Landfill gas that is produced from the anaerobic processes must be controlled, to avoid health and environmental risks.22 The gas can either be controlled in the landfill itself through impermeable barriers, or collected for energy production, as done at EBI's site and shown in Figure 4. 3.2 Proof of Concept Though disposal via landfill has been the primary waste management since humans' beginnings, formal landfills have come into play in the past two-hundred years. 23 Until the 1970s, the perspective of "dilute and attenuate," allowing the leachate to be diluted by groundwater and attenuated as it travels down the layers of the landfill. 24 Containment has become the objective after this time, in which leachate is collected and treated, unless it is stored until better technology is developed for the treatment. 25 Sylvestre, 2014 Harrison, 1995, 21 Harrison, 1995, 22 Harrison, 1995, 23 Harrison, 1995, 24 Ibid., p. 45 21 Ibid., p. 48 19 20 p. 51 p. 57 p. 60 p. 43 15 I kS Restwaste 00W DislLA 016M 0.03m," li -W ENERGY 0.MRECOVERY P] NDFI LL 001 3 ' Collecd BCogas SYST EM ~~0.011,b Biogv, releawd it, almosphvc 4444a (1)$$.CH. * l ae ohr 0.0001 m 0.0003m LEACHATE Collected Leachat TREATMENT bIclt BOD -40mg dn (01) Itig dm Ucctnc cnergp 0.0036M) Figure 4. Process flow for a landfill that has leachate treatment and biogas collection. 2 6 In the 1980s, sustainable landfills became more common, with the idea of pretreating the leachate before storage increasingly put into practice. 27 "Fail-safe" landfills encompass this idea, by anticipating the eventual failure of the landfill, and putting measure into place to limit the risk of the leachate that would be released upon this failure. More and more landfills are now becoming more sustainable by being integrated with other types of waste management, as well as being linked with energy recovery. There are landfills in operation worldwide, being the oldest and most common method of waste management The US alone has over 2,000 landfills in operation, with waste to landfills consisting of over 50% of the waste generated, at least from 2008 and before. 28 EBI itself has multiple cells of landfills, with four different cells used to date. BFI Canada has been in operation in Quebec as well for the past 25 years. 29 Their landfills operate with energy recovery, much like EBI's. 3.3 Environmental LCA The environmental LCA of the landfill has five processes- Compaction, Landfill, Leachate Treatment, Biogas Purification (or Natural Gas Plant), and Cogeneration, as shown in Figure 5.30 Since the landfill takes in all waste, organic or inorganic, sorting is not included in this LCA, though the distinction needs to be made for the other waste options. As in all LCAs in this thesis, the functional unit of the Landfill is 1kg of organic waste. Arena, Mastellone, and Perugini, 2003 Ibid., p. 49 28 EPA, 2009 29 BFI Canada, n.d. 30 Arena, Mastellone, and Perugini, 2003 26 27 16 U 4fpjion m> LNan 0a X <JJ> 1kg Leachate Treabt 4 Water (waste 0.44gwa1tetat) Xi 0. 12 m3 ioga(vokane) 0.03 m3 NaM GasMPant 0,Mm3 XA CogenratbnM ut XA Figure 5. Planfor Landfill, done in GaBL The second process, Landfill, takes in 2.6*10-2 MJ of natural gas and 3.8*10-2 MJ of electricity to process the input of 1 kg of organic waste. 3 1 The landfill outputs 0.12m 3 of biogas, 2.2*10-2 kg of C0 2, 2.75*10-2 kg of pure methane, and 4.0*104 m 3 of wastewater, or leachate. The wastewater goes on to Leachate Treatment, which uses 3.6*10-3 MJ of electricity to process the 4.0*104 M3.32 The output of Leachate Treatment for this amount of leachate is 3*10-4 m 3 of treated water with a BOD of less than 40 mg/dm 3 and a COD of less than 160 mg/dM3 , and 1*10-4 M3 of concentrated liquid being sent back to the landfill. Thirty-three percent of the biogas is routed to the Cogeneration process. 3 3 The processing of 4.0*10-2 M3 of biogas produces 0.3MJ of electricity and 0.42MJ of waste heat (1.4 times the amount of electricity produced). 34 Twenty-five percent of the biogas goes through Biogas Purification, or Natural Gas Plant (the remainder of the biogas is released to the atmosphere). 35 One m 3 of biogas, 1.1MJ of electricity, and 0.18 MJ of heat produce 1.6 MJ of natural gas. 36 When balanced in GaBi, the entire Landfill option shows a GWP-100 of 0.63 kg C0 2 equivalent and an EP of 4.4*10-6 kg S02-equivalent, with no AP or ODP. 3.4 Social LCA The major steps to look at for a landfill S-LCA are compaction, landfill, leachate treatment, natural gas plant, and cogeneration. 3 Arena, Mastellone, and Perugini, 2003 32 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 34 B6rjesson and Berglund, 2006 35 Arena, Mastellone, and Perugini, 2003 36 P6schl, Ward, and Owende, 2010 17 Compaction requires truck operators, and thus would seem to provide more working hours for employees. As far as health and safety is concerned, there would be normal safety risks associated with driving, but additional concern can be seen in the stability of the waste pile while it's being compacted.37 Consumer effect is not applicable to compaction, though the local community is affected in the potential for greater employment. Compaction reduces the volume of waste, and thus could be pertinent to all three categories of society- it commits to the sustainability issue of reducing overall volume of land used towards a landfill, contributes to economic development by providing jobs, and promotes technology development to make compaction more efficient. Finally, there is social responsibility associated with the above. The landfill itself will create jobs in all of the associated processes mentioned already, and those not mentioned such as closing up the landfill, though this is not as frequent a job as others. Consumer effect is once again not applicable, and though local community is positively affected by jobs for the community, there is also the potential negative impact if leachate were to leak out of the site into the groundwater, as well as the smell from the landfill. 38 This last factor can be mitigated by the sheer size of EBI's site, but should still be considered. Once again, all three factors can be relevant for society, though technology development perhaps less so due to landfills being a rather tried and true method. Social responsibility is more negative than the other aspects in this respect, as there are other methods that could be better used to dispose of waste, and the out of sight out of mind philosophy of landfills tends to encourage more waste production in the first place. Leachate treatment also creates jobs to handle the treatment, though exposure to loud noises during the leachate treatment could have negative impacts on the workers, even with protective ear gear seen in use at EBI. Consumers can include those who might drink the water down the road, or swim in it, and in this way leachate treatment has a positive impact, allowing the water to be released into a river for such eventual use. 3 9 Treating the leachate is positive for the local community's health, in line with the idea of its positive impacts for consumers, and the idea of recycling the water is a great sustainability impact for society and social responsibility for value chain actors. The natural gas plant, where biogas is converted into natural gas, is a source of working hours for workers and the local community. Health and safety for both workers and the local community should be relatively straightforward, and thus not an issue. Consumers are positively impacted with a cleaner burning energy source so long as the conversion is done properly (methane loss is anticipated to occur 2-3% of the time on average). 40 As it is a cleaner burning energy source than oil, it also shows a promotion of sustainability and social responsibility, and contributes to economic development. Waste Management World, 2014b et al., 2014 39 Ibid., 2014 40 B6rjesson and Berglund, 2006 37 38 Butt 18 Finally, cogeneration provides working hours for workers and the local community, with limited health and safety issues. Consumers include both EBI and those on the power grid, as a portion of the electricity produced is sold to the grid, and so consumers benefit from an energy that is produced from an otherwise wasted process. Since the local community is the consumer population, they also benefit. Again, this is a socially and sustainably responsible action, since otherwise the biogas would be released to the atmosphere and cause negative impacts on society as a whole. The results for the overall social analysis are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Social LCA for Landfill, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not applicable. Compaction Workers Local Landfill Leachate Natural Treatment Gas Plant Cogeneration ++++ +++++ +++++ +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ N/A N/A +++++ ++++ +++++ Community Society Consumers Value Chain Actors 3.5 ++ +++++ I I +++++ +++++ +++++ I I 1 _1 Economic Cost The initial investment in the Landfill to process organic waste is zero dollars. The company already has the infrastructure of the landfill in place, not adding something new for the sake of separating out organic waste. The operating costs of a landfill are about $18 per tonne.4 1 According to the GaBi model, the electricity produced is 0.3MJ, resulting in $0.006 per kg of organic waste processed. When annualized for the processing of 1400Mt of organic waste, the cost of a landfill is $17,000 per year. 4 Aerobic Digestion (Composting) 4.1 Overview of Processes The process of composting is characterized by the degradation of organic matter by a consortium of microorganisms with oxygen. 42 Its main environmental advantage is to produce carbon dioxide instead of methane, which contributes less to global warming. Feedstock may come from any of the agricultural, residential, commercial, institutional or industrial sectors. According to Luc Turcotte, from EBI, a company owning and operating a composting platform in Quebec, maturation of the material takes up to six months. After that period, a material rich in nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium is 4' Assamoi 42 and Lawryshyn, 2012 Direction des matieres residuelles et des lieux contaminds, p. 2 19 produced. 43 It can be used in agriculture or gardening as a fertilizer. To ensure a proper content of several components like nutrients, trace elements and pathogens, the compost produced has to be analyzed. 44 During the process, outlined in Figure 6, heavily charged wastewater is produced and it has to be collected and treated before it is released in the environment. It may also be mixed with limestone to increase the typical low pH of the wastewater and used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Important odors are also released when composting. Depending on the neighbors and the winds, measures to control odors may be necessary. Biogenic emissions I kg Organic Waste IElectric energ Electric - Electric Storage, Diesel mixing, screening & Composting Composting "intense" "curin " composting at storage Comosin piling r -Mature Steel Recycling g Synthetic fertilizer ec 1 Iectnc Figure 6. Composting processes for a LCA.4 At EBI, naturalgas is used instead of diesel. 4.2 Proof of Concept Prior to 1950, a very basic understanding of the composting process was made, but no real large scale practical application existed. 46 According to Golueke, Sir Albert Howard developed one of the firsts composting systems intended to improve the hygiene of sewage water in India in the early 20th century.47 During the 1950s and early 1960s, research started to study composting as a way to enhance the quality of soils and a pilot scale experiment was made at University of California. 48 Europe performed research more aimed towards survival of pathogens and Direction des matieres residuelles et des lieux contaminds, p. 2 44Ibid., p. 3 4 Adapted from Blengini, 2008 46 Bertoldi, 1996, p. 5 47 Golueke, 2009, p. 28 48 Ibid. 43 20 their potential impacts on health. 49 During that period, large hopes existed that composting would be an economically viable waste management solution.50 However, poor implementation of the process brought results below expectations. 51 A significant increase in research on composting occurred in the 1970s. 5 2 The process was well understood and further study was conducted on specific aspects of it. Still, its development was slowed by unfavorable economic returns.5 3 The 1980s saw three largescale projects fail in the United States mostly due to wrong localization and incorrect design, which resulted in odor problems.5 4 Many composting infrastructures are in operation worldwide. The present section is a brief overview of these projects with a specific attention to Canada and North America. A private company located a short distance from Montreal in a rural in Quebec currently operates a platform used to transform organic matter into compost.5 s Most of the inputs are leaves, grass, wood chip and several residues from food industries. Even if the facility is located in a low-density area, odors are monitored, the constraints of which are usually met. However, the compost produce has a relatively poor quality due to the presence of non-organic contaminants like plastic residue which reduces its value. Another similar open-air composting facility is operated by the city of Guelph in Ontario, Canada where odor emissions became a problem.5 6 Due to complaints from neighbors, the plant had to stop receiving organic waste for a certain period of time and plan for odor management before being allowed to treat material again.5 7 In Western Europe, specifically in Germany, successful covered composting plants exist both in rural and in urban areas which relies on a strategic location.58 A covered plant is located in Brampton in Ontario, Canada. It appears to be successfully operating with a 60,000 tonnes per year capacity. 59 Moving to a larger scale, Edmonton, Alberta has a plant treating municipal organic waste along with sewage sludge with a capacity of 200,000 and 25,000 tonnes per year respectively.60 Also with an annual capacity of over 200,000 tons, a 49 Golueke, 2009, p. 28 50 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 52 Bertoldi, 1996, p. 9 5 Ibid., p. 10 54 Ibid. 5 56 57 58 59 60 Dep6t Rive-Nord, n.d. City of Guelph, n.d. Ibid. Diaz et al., 2007, p. 95 BioCycle, n.d. City of Edmonton, n.d. 21 privately owned composting plant is located in Delaware, Maryland. 61 The treatment is partially indoor and covered during outdoor maturing. 62 4.3 Environmental LCA The four processes of Composting are Sorting, Bag Opening, Composting, and Leachate Treatment, as shown in Figure 7. This model will follow the current infrastructure EBI already has for composting on site. The organic and inorganic waste must be separated for this process, and so sorting is included. The functional unit is 1 kg of organic waste. lag opf*ig <u-o> 5ar~kv <U-50> X XCaWMOM~g-so> 6 LeadMteTriuit WP Figure 7. Plan for Composting, done in GaBL The Bag Opening process takes in an input of 1 MJ of natural gas, outputting 1 kg of total waste. 63 Sorting assumes 60% of the waste in the bag is inorganic waste, and 40% organic waste that goes on to Composting, with an input of 0.294 MJ of electricity for the sorting.6465 Composting itself requires 0.219 MJ of electricity and 1.63*10-3 kg of natural gas to produce 8.4*10-3 kg of fertilizer, 4.0*104 m 3 of leachate, 6.0*104 kg of ammonia, and 0.16 kg of carbon dioxide.66 As in the last case, to process 4.0*104 m 3 of leachate, 3.6*10-3 MJ is needed, producing 3*104 m 3 of treated water with a BOD of less than 40 mg/dM3 and a COD of less than 160 mg/dM3 , and 1*10-4 m3 of concentrated liquid which is sent to the landfill. The GaBi balance of these steps shows a GWP-100 of 0.16 kg C02-equivalent and an AP of 9.6*104 kg SO2-equivalent per kg organic waste processed. The EP is 2.1*104 kg PO 4 - equivalent per kg organic waste processed, and there is no ODP projected. Environmental Protection, 2011 62 Ibid. 63 Blengini et al., 2008 6 FCM, 2009 65 Blengini et al., 2008 66 Ibid. 61 22 4.4 Social LCA The major process steps for composting are sorting, bag opening, composting, natural gas plant, and cogeneration. As natural gas plant and cogeneration will have the same benefits as landfill, the focus is on sorting, bag opening, and composting, with the results shown in Table 3. Table 3. Social LCA for Composting, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not applicable. Sorting Bag Opening +++ +++ +++++ +++++ Workers Local Composting +++ +++ Leachate Treatment ++++ +++++ Community +++++.+++ Society ++++ +++++.. Consumers N/A N/A +++++ +++++ Value Chain ++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ Actors I I II The need to sort between inorganic and organic waste opens up job opportunities for workers, also helping the local community in this way. 67 Sorting should have no effect on the local community as it is not a loud venture. It has a positive effect on society as it shows a public commitment to the sustainability issue of waste management, as asked for in the mandate in Quebec, as well as promotes social responsibility for value chain actors. It is unclear whether this will contribute to economic development; sorting will cost more resources than simply dumping everything into a landfill, though there could be indirect effects by saving landfill space and other effects that are dependent on the method of disposal after sorting. Bag opening, as it is normally required for composting at EBI, is an automated process that would likely not offer any additional working hours, and would be neutral for worker health and safety. It should not affect the local community, but promotes the separation of organic and inorganic waste further by removing plastics that can reduce the purity of the compost. In this way it is both a public commitment to sustainability issues and promotes social responsibility. Economic and technology development are likely unaffected. With a greater quantity of waste being composted, this could also open up opportunities for workers, though it may be a null effect if these jobs are created from the lack of landfilling. The smell would also have a negative impact on workers, and likely the local community, although the size of EBI can help mitigate this effect for the local community. It promotes sustainability and social responsibility, while possibly contributing to economic and technology development with the production of the product of fertilizer. 6 FCM, 2009 23 4.5 Economic Costs As composting already exists on EBI's site, the capital investment in our analysis is $0.00. The annual operating cost of composting is approximately $39 per tonne of waste processed, and since there is no energy produced by biogas for this option, the income is $0.00 per tonne. 68 Processing 1400 Mt costs approximately $55,000 per year. 5 Anaerobic Digestion 5.1 Overview of Processes Anaerobic digestion is the degradation of organic matter by a consortium of bacteria in the absence of oxygen. Just like composting, this process can be used to transform organic matter from virtually any sector. The main difference from the previous method is that methane is produced during the reaction, which has a good energy potential. This process is slow because the microorganisms need a large amount of energy in the form of heat and nutrients to degrade organic matter. 69 Degradation can be divided in four main steps: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. 70 They are briefly explained below. In simple terms, hydrolysis is the degradation of large molecules into smaller compounds, hydrogen and acetic acid. 71 During the second step, the acidogenesis, the smaller molecules from hydrolysis are transformed into volatile fatty acids, hydrogen and acetic acid.7 2 Next, the acetogenesis implies the complete transformation of volatile fatty acids into carbon dioxide, hydrogen and acetic acid. 73 Finally, hydrogen and acetic acid are both converted into methane during the methanogenesis.7 4 Figure 8 shows the general process of an anaerobic digester. According to Cheng, the first anaerobic digester intended to produce energy was built in France in 1860.7s The first unit in the United States was made in 1926.76 North America and Europe did little work towards the development of anaerobic digesters in the late 1940s and 1950s, as the cheap price of fossil fuels limited the interest in the technology.7 7 The oil-crisis in the United States in the 1970s gave a second burst of interest to anaerobic digestion which only lasted during the crisis. 7 8 British Columbia, 1996 69 Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel, p. 571-572 70 Cheng, 2010, p. 154 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 68 73 Ibid. 74 Ibid. Ibid., p. 152 71 76 77 78 Ibid. Ibid. Ibid., pp. 152-153 24 [IccmicitL nzi F-Pisto Pig manutc Poulttn mmnurc Vncrft matzc i ict D)ig~ -- ---- kxod % acs I. ker bulbs DigetateDocanter 0 V~~~ Ia o*D Transpor"to: Salland fitation, atr Fteuta dr Fiue8 and plant digestion wer rcsfofranaerobic Ln1cte c a Ce ReereOWosis. h n20in thperafration rdcn 30% wnErp qithen 2.3 million tonnes of petroleum annually.80 5.2 Proof of Concept Numerous plants are operational in North America. A facility with a 35,000 tonne per year capacity is located in Oakland, California reporting operating costs of about 40 to 55 US dollars (USD) per tonne.81 Biogas is used to produce electricity to fulfill the plant's needs and the surplus are sold to the local utilities.82 Water is partially removed from the digestate and it is either used as a fertilizer in agriculture or as a daily cover in a local landfill.83 The city of Toronto, Ontario owns two anaerobic digestion plants newly renovated in one case and newly constructed in the other.84 Their summed capacity is 110,000 tonnes Gebrezgabher et al., 2010 '0 Ibid., p. 153 8"ILSR, 2010, pp. 5-6. 12 Ibid., p. 5 79 83 I 84 City of Toronto, n.d. 25 annually and the city plans to expand to 180,000 tonnes per year.8 5 They treat municipal organic waste collected through a large municipal initiative. 8 6 Very recently, a large-scale organic waste digester started to operate in London, Ontario. 87 It has an annual capacity of about 65,000 wet tonnes and an electricity production of approximately 2.8 MW. The project is economically viable, but strict constraints have to be met. According to Alex MacFarlane from Harvest Power, the company owning the digester, electricity has to be sold at over 0.13 CAD per kWh and the company has to charge over 45 CAD per ton to collect the feedstock. The same company operates a large composting facility in Richmond, British Columbia where the first commercial high-solids anaerobic digester is installed in parallel to a composting facility. 88 The anaerobic digester can transform 30,000 tonnes per year.8 9 5.3 Environmental LCA Anaerobic digestion begins with the sorting process, which has the same inputs and outputs as that discussed in Composting, 0.294 MJ of electricity to sort out the 0.4 kg of organic waste per total waste. The Anaerobic Digestion process uses 5*10-4 m 3 of feed water to process 1 kg of organic waste, producing 0.13 m 3 of biogas and 4.0*104 m 3 of wastewater. The other three processes, Leachate Treatment, Biogas Purification, and Cogeneration as shown in Figure 9, have the same inputs and outputs as seen in Landfilling, with 25% of the biogas being used in Biogas Purification, and 33% in Cogeneration. Na Sar"ing <U-60> X ,ralGnant X1 0,0325m3 * (anwc waste -4 Anarobic Dogesan X <u-w> . 0.13 m3 k0.4kg I Water (waste ~ xt,, Pant ~Coganaration 0.0428 m3 watier, untreated) I Leadame Treatnment # Figure 9. Plan for Anaerobic Digestion, done in GaBi. The environmental impact of Anaerobic Digestion is an EP of 4.4*10-6 kg P0 4equivalent. There is no AP or ODP associated with Anaerobic Digestion. 85 86 ILSR, 2010, p. 7 City of Toronto, n.d. "Anaerobic Digest," 2013 88 Harvest Power, n.d. 89 Ibid. 87 26 5.4 Social LCA Anaerobic Digestion has several processes in common with landfill and compostingsorting, leachate treatment, natural gas plant, and cogeneration. As these will not be affected by anaerobic digestion itself, their analysis has the same results and so the focus of this section is only on the anaerobic digestion phase. The results for the social analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4. Social LCA for Anaerobic Digestion, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not applicable. Sorting Anaerobic Digestion Leachate Treatment Natural Gas Plant Cogeneration Workers +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ Local Community +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ Society +++++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ N/A ++++ N/A +++++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ Consumers Value Chain Actors I______ I______ I______________ I____I_ I _ Anaerobic digestion will create some additional working hours as there will be a new operation that needs to be considered, beneficial both to EBI's current employees and the community as a whole. Working and local conditions should have few, if any, health or safety concerns. It is a public commitment to sustainability, in addition to promoting social responsibility. Economic and technology development are possible within the realm of anaerobic digesters, especially economic development from the additional production of biogas. 5.5 Economic Costs The capital investment for an anaerobic digester has been estimated at 2.5 million dollars, for a digester that processes 6,000 tonnes per year. 90 A 200,000 tonne digester is 91 estimated at 86.5 million dollars, and a 10,000 tonne digester at 8 million dollars. In order to determine the capital cost for EBI's potential digester, the three are graphed out as shown in Figure 10, and a trendline determined, C =0.64* L94 where C is the cost in million dollars, and L is the loading. For EBI's digester of 1400 Mt per year, this would be a capital cost of 0.88 million dollars. The exponent of 0.94 suggests a mild economy of scale. If no economy of scale is assumed (C is linearly proportional to L) 90 ILSR, 2010 9' Ibid. 27 then the three digesters cited above yield scaled capital costs for the EBI plant ranging from 0.58 to 1.12 million dollars, with a mean of 0.77 million dollars. Assuming the lifetime of an anaerobic digester is 20 years, the annualized capital investment is 78,000 dollars. 92 The average operating cost for an Anaerobic Digester will be $55 per tonne of organic waste managed, and the amount of energy produced about 0.321 MJ per tonne of organic waste. 93 The annualized cost to process 1400 Mt of organic waste a year is then $147,000. Anaerobic Digester Costs 100 90 - y-066x -r 1%093W 80- 70 4WX60 50 Anaerobic Digester Costs 40 30 20 Power(Anaerobic Digester Costs) 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Loading (Thousands of Tonnes) Figure 10. Anaerobic Digester Costs. 6 Incineration 6.1 Overview of Processes Incineration involves the combustion of waste to reduce the overall volume of waste being landfilled, with an outline of the major processes in Figure 11. There are four steps to incineration: drying, pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion. 94 Drying removes a majority of the water vapor from the waste, while pyrolysis is for more specific types of waste, such as plastics, rubber, sewage sludge, or wood, thermally decomposing these wastes.95 Gasification produces carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane, flammable gases that under combustion produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. 96 92 93 Gebrezgabher et al., 2010 Ibid. 94 Buekens, 2012, p. ix 9' Ibid., p. x 96 Ibid. 28 Dust, HCl, HF, SO 2 , NO 2, Hg, Cd, TI, dioxins, and furans make up the majority of the emissions from incineration, as well as fly and bottom ash. 97 The dust must be removed from the flue gas, with nearly a 100% removal rate required. 98 All of the emissions must be removed with at least a 95% removal rate, in addition to any of a number of scrubbing processes to neutralize acid gas.99 Bottom ash and fly ash are separated out, either for use in construction as a replacement material in such goods as concrete, or to be further treated to remove volatile metals, respectively.100 Activated carbon Natural gas I rea 0,003kg 0,016M) 0 EFcoric energy -1.42MIJ 50kg X 0 I0mr, in C Ioa n H( I 0 032kg I0m lkg Pw eNENERGY son COMBUSTION RECOVERY FLUE GAS TREATMENT 6 'iihmir I, SOX Nll fmg II, Ju'l, 0 Ing "t Bottom ash it to landfill 1 ikg PCDP J Of i tcr dusts Watcr k ibcatl \aierum Water A ().0172kg A H0 11 CONDITIONING ::( )'k (Cmti iondiitoned ash to landfill 0 122kg (C) Figure 11. Process flow for incineration waste management, that presorts the waste, recovers energy, and treats the gas and ash.1 01 Incineration has always had an aspect of energy recovery, primarily in the form of heat.102 Traditionally it has been one of the three major options for waste managementlandfill, composting, and incineration. It's main goal has most often been to reduce the waste volume, especially in areas where land is highly valued for other purposes. The 1970s is known as the time for regulations on waste, with common knowledge of the hazards of certain materials becoming known, resulting in regulations primarily against landfilling certain waste.103 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is one of these hazards, known for encouraging incineration, especially of hospital waste.104 Many areas worldwide incinerate waste to this day. In Europe, incineration of waste has been on the rise since the mid-1990s, going from 13% to 21% of waste incinerated.105 97 Buekens, 2012, p. xiv Ibid., p. xiii Ibid., p. xv 100 Ibid., p.xi 101 Arena, Mastellone, and Perugini, 2003 102 Ibid., p. xvi 103 Ibid., p. 1 98 99 104 Ibid., p. 2 0' GAIA, 2013 29 China incinerates about 16% of their waste, while less than 5% of waste is incinerated in Canada, where our study takes place. 106107 6.2 Environmental LCA The incineration process includes the Sorting the waste, Incineration, Flue Gas Treatment, Ash Conditioning, Cogeneration, and Biogas Purification, as shown in Figure 12.108 Sorting will follow the same as Composting in section 4.3, and Cogeneration and Biogas Purification will follow the same factors as seen in the Landfill in section 3.3. Incineration will use 7.94*104 kg of natural gas, 3.6*10-2 MJ of heat, and 3.0*10-3 kg of urea to incinerate 1 kg of organic waste, and produce 5.6 m 3 of biogas, 2.42 MJ of direct electricity, and 0.18 kg of ashes. Flue Gas Treatment will use 3.2*10-3 kg of calcium hydroxide, 2.5*10-3 kg of activated carbon, 2.5*10-3 kg of calcium oxide, and 1.6*104 m 3 of water to treat a cubic meter of biogas. The outputs for this process include 1 kg of ashes, 1 kg of carbon dioxide, 1.0*10-5 kg of carbon monoxide, 0.09 kg of dust, 1.0*10-5 kg of hydrogen chloride, 1.0*10-6 kg of hydrogen fluoride, 2*10-7 kg of metals, and 2*104 kg of sulfur oxides. Ash Conditioning uses 1.4*10-2 kg of cement, 0.09 kg of dust, 1.5*10-3 kg of sodium silicates, and 1.7*10-2 kg of water to treat 1 kg of ashes, producing 0.12 kg of ashes for landfill disposal. 10.6 k9 Orgaic waste Jnk%&atln <ua> F 3..%36 m39 F t+Gas Treamnt FA Diogas (voium) - 3.36%m3 asgh (mlme 1 Ash Condtin*g <u-so> O.84m3 NarGasPlant x Cogneamon 1.11m3 Ant XF Figure 12. Plan for Incineration, done in GaBi. The GWP-100 for Incineration is 5.6 kg C02-equivalent per kg of organic waste processed, and the AP is 5.0*10-5 kg S02-equivalent per kg of organic waste processed. There is no ODP or EP associated with the balance. 106 107 Zhou & Chen, 2012 Statistics Canada, 2012b 108 Ibid. 30 6.3 Social LCA The sorting, natural gas plant, and cogeneration plant processes for incineration would be the same as for landfill and composting. Thus, we focus on incineration, flue gas treatment, and ash conditioning which are singular to incineration, with the results in Table 5. Table 5. Social LCA for Incineration, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not applicable. Sorting Incineration Flue Gas Treatment Ash Conditioning Natural Gas Cogeneration Plant Workers +++++ ++++ +++ +++ +++++ +++++ Local +++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ ++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ N/A ++++ N/A N/A ++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ Community Society Consumers Value Chain Actors +++ ++++ I I +++ ++ III For the incineration process, additional jobs would be created since it is a new process on the site, helpful to current workers and the local community. Working and local conditions should be fairly safe from incineration, though the potential emission of toxins if anything inorganic is mixed in with the organic could have a negative effect on workers and the community.109 While incineration limits the volume of waste in landfills, due to the negative effects of emissions from incineration it is negative in terms of sustainability issues and social responsibility. It still can produce electricity and waste heat that might be used later, however, so it could still be seen as beneficial to economic and technology development. Flue gas treatment is an automated process and so would provide very few jobs if any in addition to the incineration process. The same could be said of ash conditioning. Working conditions should be fairly safe if the workers aren't directly in contact with the process. Both processes are beneficial to the local community and society as a whole, as they prevent a number of toxins from being released into the atmosphere (flue gas) and soil (ash). This promotes a social responsibility, and might promote economic and technology development. 109 Zhou and Chen, 2012 31 6.4 Economic Costs The capital investment for a large incinerator can be very high, on the order of 100 million dollars.110 An incinerator in Northern Ireland that can process 300,000 tonnes per year cost 240 million Euros (329 million dollars), while in London median values are estimated at 45 million Euros (62 million dollars) for an incinerator with a capacity of 100115 tonnes per year costs, or 82 million dollars for 150 tonnes per year'11112 When graphed out as in Figure 13, the trendline is C =0.02* L 7 suggesting a negative economy of scale which may be due to differences among the incinerators. If no economy of scale is assumed (C is linearly proportional to L) then the three incinerators cited above yield scaled capital costs for the EBI plant ranging from 0.77 to 1.54 million dollars, with a mean of 1.04 million dollars. Incinerator Costs 350 3 300 250 0-029xl.6761 R2 = 0.97133 200 150 100 50 1 Incinerator Costs -- Power(Incinerator Costs) 0 0 100 200 300 400 Loading (Thousands of Tonnes) Figure 13. Incinerator Costs. Assuming an incinerator's lifetime is twenty years, the annualized cost of investment is $106,000 per year.113 Operating costs are around $168 per tonne of waste incinerated, though the energy outputs are high, 8.34 MJ per tonne of waste.11 4 The overall annualized cost of incineration is $114,000 per year. 110 Platt, 2004 111 Waste Management World, 2014a 112 Greater London Authority, 2008 113 World Bank, 1999 114 Jackson, 2009 32 7 7.1 Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) Overview of Processes The other method taken into consideration is the microbial fuel cell (MFC), also called biological fuel cell. It utilizes electrogenic bacteria that oxidize a variety of substrates such as glucose, sulfides or acetate. The method involves conversion of chemical energy that is available in substrate and uses the bacteria as a catalyst in order to convert the substrate into electrons.115 The system commonly consists of a cathode, an anode, a proton or a cation exchange membrane and an electrical circuit.116 MFC research has seen a spike in interest since 2002, specifically due to the work of Kim et al.11 7 They reported the integration of dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria, which was a pioneer step in demonstrating electron transfer without mediators in a solution.118 MFC holds some advantages such as the applicability for treatment of low concentration substrates at temperatures below 20*C where regular anaerobic digestion fails. On the other hand, it involves a very high investment and MFC requires difficult maintenance due to the complexity of the system.119 7.2 Proof of Concept This process is not commercialized yet mainly because it is not ready. However, a demonstration MFC system operates since over a year to treat a part of the wastewater from a vineyard in Geyserville, California.120 Additionally, some large pilot-scale test were conducted like at the foster's brewery in Yatala, Queensland, Australia. Many researchers are trying to improve MFC as shown in Figure 14, and to prove that bioelectrical systems are the future.121 7.3 Environmental LCA MFC has four main processes, Sorting, MFC, Leachate Treatment, and MFC Construction, shown in Figure 25.122 Sorting and and Leachate Treatment have the same factors they do in Composting and Landfilling respectively. MFC uses 4.6*10-2 MJ of electricity to process 1 kg of organic waste, producing 0.21 MJ of electricity directly, 4.0*104 m 3 of wastewater, 0.7 kg of C-14, 0.15 kg of carbon dioxide, 8.7*10-5 kg of dust, 1.1*10-5 kg 115 116 117 Rozendal, 2008 Pham, 2006 Kim et al., 2002 118 Higgings, 2013 119 Pham, 2006 120 Rieger, 2013, p. 42. 121 122 Logan, 2010 Foley, et al., 2010 33 of ethane, 3.7*10-9 kg of hydrocarbons, 2*10-6 kg of phosphate, 1.9*10-3 kg of sulfur oxides, 7.5 kg of triethylene glycol, and 9.3*10-4-kg of vinyl chloride. IT oProN . .. --... ffTREATME2 4kW AC Odour From t T* ___________________To Air11 41 11 1 P wt-Troatet OAF ndS Abrdk Fuel coo ' 00 kw', W4 m' 94 kW powr con6~sua fo*r To d p wOp"ho 3) pupcrmtec(sP To lx Tar* F 1iak) Figure 14. Process flow for a microbial fuel cell LCA. wc coorun xWe XIP' ~F Sortma <u-go> 1kg I Orgari waste WCUo-so> I0.4kg Water (waste water,untreated) FI Leaftie Tamet 'Q Figure 15. Plan for Microbial Fuel Cell, made in GaBi. The construction of the MFC has been cited as the most impactful part of an MFC's lifetime, and so is taken into consideration in this analysis. 123 Material decisions can be seen in the supporting material of Foley et al, 2010, showing the use of 9.4*103 kg of carbon fibers, 3.8*104 kg of polystyrene compound, 7.8*103 kg of PVC compound, 6.5*104 PVC sheet, 489 kg of PVC tubing, and 4.4*104 kg of stainless steel.124 These materials have an output of 199 kg of ethane, 9.1*106 kg of C-14, 5.2*105 kg of carbon dioxide, 113 kg of dust, 0.47 kg hydrocarbons, 21 kg of phosphate, 1.8*104 kg o sulfur oxides, 6.4*107 kg of triethylene glycol, and 1.0*104 kg of vinyl chloride. The impact of the MFC just from operation is a GWP-100 of 0.15 kg C02-equivalent and an EP of 6.4*10-6 kg P04-equivalent per kg of organic waste processed. The GWP-100 of the construction is 524,000 kg C02-equivalent and the EP 21.2 kg of P04-equivalent. To be able to compare this to the other options, the total impact is averaged out over the anticipated amount of waste processed over the course of the MFC's lifetime. If the MFC 123 124 Foley, et al., 2010 Foley, et al. Supplementary Materials, 2010 34 processes 4 g/L and 2200 m3 /day, and has an anticipated lifetime of 10 years, the GWP-100 per kg of organic waste is 0.17 kg C02-equivalent, and the EP 6.6*10-7 kg P04-equivalent. This results in a total EP of 7.1*10-6 kg P04-equivalent per kg organic waste processed. 7.4 Social LCA As Sorting and Leachate Treatment are in common with landfill and composting processes, the focus of this section is on the construction and MFC processes. Working hours are provided for the construction of the microbial fuel cell, benefiting the workers and local community; however, this is a short term benefit, its benefit dropping to zero as soon as the MFC is up and running. The same holds true for working conditions- while dealing with materials it can be potentially dangerous, but this cannot be scaled to the entire lifetime of the MFC. The local community should not be affected by the construction of the MFC, at least in terms of health and safety. Construction of the MFC could benefit technology development as it might aid in the understanding of the best way to build one, and it also benefits sustainability issues and social responsibility. The MFC process itself should provide some working hours as it is a new process; it is unclear how the working conditions would be as this is currently not in practice. Its production of electricity benefits the consumer. It is a more sustainable option than the base case of the landfill, and could benefit economic and technology development. The final results of the MFC social analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6. Social LCA for MFC, where one + is very bad, five +'s is very good, and N/A is not applicable. Process Step +++ +++ +++++ +++++ ++++ ++++ Leachate Treatment ++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ Construction Workers Local Sorting MFC Community Society Consumers N/A N/A +++++ +++++ Value Chain +++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ Actors 7.5 Economic Costs The capital investment for a MFC has been estimated at $31 million for a 337.8m 3 plant. 125 This plant is 4.2 times the capacity of our anaerobic digester so, if the through flow rates are similar and no economy of scale is considered, this translates to a capital cost for 12 Zielke, 2006 35 the 1400 Mt/yr of EBI waste of 7.4 million dollars.126 Another estimate indicates $3 per kg of waste processed, giving a capital cost of $4.2 million for 1400 Mt.12 7 As graphed in Figure 16, the cost for a microbial fuel cell of 1400 Mt is determined by C =2.6* L!.5 again, suggesting a negative economy of scale. Assuming there is no economy of scale (C is linearly proportional to L), the average capital cost for the two MFCs indicated above is 5.8 million dollars. If the lifetime of the MFC is estimated to be 20 years like the other options, its annualized capital cost of 591,000 dollars per year.128 Operating costs are approximately 8 Euros per 0.4 kg of waste processed.129 With a conversion rate of about 1.52 dollars per Euro, this translates to 30 dollars per kg of organic waste processed. For other operations, the treatment and disposal of sludge is estimated to be about 50-60% of the total operating costs.13 01 3 1 Sludge treatment and disposal is estimated to cost 500 euros per tonne, or $683 per tonne.132 Estimating the total operating cost to be 55% sludge treatment and disposal, this would be $1.24 per kg waste, much lower than the $30 per kg estimate. The electricity produced by the MFC is 0.2 Mj. The range of total annualized costs for these two operating cost estimates is from 2.3 to 43 million dollars. For this assessment, the smaller of the two numbers, 2.3 million dollars will be used. MFC Costs 35 30 y R2 25 i 2.56 20 * MFC Costs 15 U 10 --- 5 0 0 2 4 Power(MFC Costs) 6 Loading (Thousands of Tonnes) Figure 16. MFC Costs. 126 Bouaziz, 2014 Li, Yu, and He, 2014 128 Ibid., 2014 129 Ganesh, 2012 130 He, Zhang, and Ge, 2013 131 Huggins, et al., 2013 132 Rabaey and Verstraete, 2005 127 36 8 Options Comparison To compare these five waste management options, environmental, social, and economic considerations are taken. Table 7 shows a summary of the environmental impacts of each of the options per kg of organic waste processed. We can see that Incineration has the worst GWP-100, with the other options following behind at an order of magnitude or greater. Landfill is second worst, with Composting close behind. For the options with AP, Incineration is better than Composting by an order of magnitude. Anaerobic Digestion only has a discernable EP, for which it is tied as the second best for EP with Landfill. Since Anaerobic Digestion has such low visible impacts, it is ranked the highest with five "stars." Microbial Fuel Cells also have a relatively limited impact, only coming in second with four stars because it has an additional factor of GWP-100. Composting comes in fourth behind Landfill at third. Their GWP are on the same order of magnitude even though Landfill's is higher, but Composting's EP is two orders of magnitude higher than Landfill's, and it has an AP impact. Although Incineration has no discernable EP, its GWP-100 is at least an order of magnitude greater than the rest of the options. Although its AP is an order of magnitude lower than that of Composting, it is still considered the worst option based on its high GWP-100. The social aspects of the processes are very similar as they all have a few of the same processes. In order to better distinguish between them, Table 8 shows the average number of stars each option had for each social aspect examined. The sum of the average is then added up, with Anaerobic Digestion with the most, followed by Landfill, MFC, Composting, and finally Incineration. Table 7. Compiled environmental effects of each option, as done in GaBi. Landfill Composting Anaerobic Incineration MFC Digestion GWP-100 (kg C02-equivalent per kg organic 0.63 0.16 N/A 5.6 0.17 N/A 9.6*10-4 N/A 5.0*10-5 N/A 4.4*10-6 2.1*10-4 4.4*10-6 N/A waste AP (kg S02equivalent per kg organic waste) EP (kg P0 4 - equivalent per kg organic waste) 7.1*10-6 37 Table 8. Average number of stars per social comparison for each waste management option. Composting Landfill Anaerobic Incineration MFC Digestion Workers Local Community Society 4.6 3.75 4.8 4.2 4.0 4.6 4.6 4 4.75 5 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.25 4.75 Consumers 4.7 5 4.7 4.3 5 Value Chain Actors Total 4.4 22.9 4.5 22 4.8 24.1 4.5 21.8 4.75 22.75 The comparison for the economics is that of the annualized cost of each of the options. Table 9 shows the three main features used to calculate the annualized cost, Initial Investment, Operating Costs, and Energy Produced, with the Annualized Cost as the final calculation. Landfill, as expected, is the least expensive since there is no initial investment required. Composting, which has the same feature, is close behind, only beaten by Incineration due to the amount of energy it produces. Anaerobic Digestion is fourth of the costs due its high initial investment and higher operating cost than the first few options. Even using the smaller of the two operating costs that research to date has examined, MFC is at least three orders of magnitude more expensive than all of the options because of its high initial investment, and especially due to its higher operating costs. Table 9. Compiled economic information for each of the options. Landfill Composting Anaerobic Incineration MFC Digestion Initial Investment (M$) Operating Costs ($/kgorganic waste) 0 0 0.77 1.04 5.8 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.17 1.24 0.3 0 0.32 8.3 0.21 0.017 0.054 0.078 0.106 2.3 Energy Produced (MJ/kg-organic waste) Annualized Cost (M$/yr) Table 10 summarizes these three factors, environmental, social, and economic. Each option is ranked 1-5, with 5 stars being the best option. The highest score is considered the best option, in this case Anaerobic Digestion with 13 stars. Landfill follows closely behind with 12 stars, but since that will no longer be an option by 2020, the best option after 38 Anaerobic Digestion is MFC and Composting with 8 stars. Incineration comes in last at 4 stars total for all three considerations. Table 10.Comparison of the different options, where one + is the worst option, five +s is the best option. Landfill Composting Anaerobic Incineration MFC Digestion Environmental Benefits +++ Social Benefits Economic + ++ ++ +++++ + +++++ ++++ +++ ++ + 12 8 13 4 8 Benefits Total 9 Conclusion As we can see from each type of analysis, the different waste management options have their strong points in different areas. Anaerobic digestion has high economic costs due to its initial investment, but the cost falls within EBI's desired investment of one million dollars, and the environmental and social benefits outweigh this high initial cost. 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