Coal-bearing formations and available coal datain the eastern and southern San Juan Basin on the Navajo Reservoir, Chama, Abiquiu, Lo9 Alamos, Albuquerque, Acoma Pueblo and Fence Lake 1:100,000 quadrangles bY Gretchen X. Hoffman Open-file Report 369 August, 1990 Table of Contents Introduction Method of Work Conclusion Key to the coaldata files forthe 1:100,000 quadrangles References for 1:100,000 quadrangle compilations of coal-bearing formations and coal data, eastern and southern San Juan Basin 5 List of 1:100,000 Quadrangle 9 Maps Appendix A: Data printouts for each 1:100,000 qadrangle map, by formations plotted. Introduction: of Mines and Mineral Resources Part of the New Mexico Bureau contract with the U.S. Geological Survey National Coal Resource is to supply information on the outcrops of the Data System (NCRDS) coal bearing formations in New Mexico. Mostof the coals in New Mexico are lenticular and therefore plotting individual coal. bed done in some areas, is not feasible outcrops, although it has been for most of the states coal fields. Instead, the outcrops of the coal-bearing formations have been compiled from many sources onto 1: 100,000 quadrangle base maps.The seven maps included cover the southern and eastern San JuanBasin. It is hoped these maps and subsequent maps for other coal to the fields in New Mexico will allow the public greater access coal data files by giving them a visual representation of what information is available in the computerized data bases. Both this 3 6 3 will be updatedas information open-file and open-file report is added to the data base. Method of Work: Using the most accurate and/or the most recent geologic maps available (see References) coal-bearing formations were plotted by hand on 1:100,000 scale topographic maps. Active or permitted coal mine areas were also on putthese work maps. This information was digitized using a Rockware program (Digitize) to ASCII file of the digitizied points. The ASCII file was compiled using Rockware programs into a Binary Graphic file (BGF). This file to see how thedigitizedpointslook allowsthecompiler graphically. Any editing of the pointswas done on the ASCII file and then recompiled into a BGF. The program allows the user to create a text file after the BGF is displayed, which facilitates the labelingof township and range, mines, county boundaries, etc. This ASCII text file was converted to a BGF file and combined with the base map BGF. Computerizeddatabasefilesofall the coal-bearing formations were searched for the non-confidential points within th 1:100,000 maximum and minimum latitude and longitude of each quadrangle. ASCII files were created from these searches and Printouts of these files are compiled for each quadrangle. enclosed.Theseprintoutsincludeddataaboutthelocation, elevation, well name, source, formation, member, USTRAT number for the NCRDS, and the coal field. The printouts also contain the total coal thickness, maximum depth, and number of coal beds f o r each data point. From theseASCII files BGF's were created using maximum depthof the coal Rockware's Point Map programto plot the and total coal thickness at the specified latitude andof longitude each data point in the file. Plots of these points were made over a plot of the base map using the same dimensions for both plots. For each quadrangle the point locations were checked to ensure the latitude and longitudes ,coincided with the township, range and section information for each point. ' 1 Two final Sets of base maps with point-source data were for plotted for each quadrangle. Oheset shows the maximum depth the coal data points in orone more of the formations outcropping on the particular1:100,000 quadrangle. The maximum depth may or may not represent the maxiumum depth of all coals within the formation at the point, depending on the type of data, (i.e. drill hole or outcrop). The other set of maps has the total coal thickness data. The values on these maps represent the sum of all the coal bed thicknesses for each data point plotted. Conclusion: As a firstattempt to present the data the maximum depth was selected to show the availabilityof both the surface minable and deep coal datain the data bases. The total coal. thickness data shows some geographic trends within a formation, and when combined with the information supplied on the number of beds, gives an average coal thickness. These seven maps along with those in open-file report 3 6 3 of the San Juan Basin, except for the Magdalena cover the remainder and the Quemado 1:100,000 quadrangles which cover the southern portions of the Datil Mountains and Salt Lake coal fields, respectively. These two quadrangles and the the Raton 1:100,000 are the next major areas to compile and digitize. Future plans include the use of these to base plot maps points from the data bases within the different thickness and depth categories for coal resource evaluation. Along with these data, the quality information such as Btu and sulfur will be plotted use in evaluation of resources. Plotting this information on maps aids in cross checking of the computerized data for location and duplication, and also facilitates the use of the data in a way is more useful for the geologist and general public. 2 Key to the coal data files €or the1:100,000 quadrangles Each data file printout has a comment line at to the beginning indicate the quadrangle and formation coveredby the data. The next comment line is the name of the data file that follows and refers to the data base where the data points are located. The format for the data file name is *-*-* .prt. The first * is the * is the field name formation name abbreviated, the second abbreviation, and the third * is the 1: 100,000 quadrangle name abbreviation. There may be several of these .prt comments in one to field printout because the data bases are organized according and formation, and may overlap into several 1:100,000 quadrangles. The next comment line contains the titles for each data. The following isa short explanation of each column. column of x-coord, v-coord: The longitude and latitude of the data point in decimal form for the computer plotting program. Elev., Location. Sec. :T. . R of each data point. The elevation and geographic location Total Coal, Max Depth,# Seams: Total coal equals the sum of all the coal thickness for one data ooint and Max Depth tois the top of the 'aeepest coal fo; a data point. Both thesei'alues are plotted on the quadrangle maps. The # Seams is the total number of seams for a given data point. Each seam is entered separately into the data base. Latitude, Lonaitude: The actual latitude and minutes and seconds for each data point. Well Number: The name the data. or number of the longitude in the dept degrees, wellby given the sourceof USTRAT: The identification number assigned to the data point when coal Resource Data system. Not it was entered into the National all points listed are in the data system because some do not have enoughstratigraphicdatatowarrantentryorhavebeen (supposedly) entered by the original source (i.e. CROCDP project). Field, Fmtn. Member: "Field" is the designated coal field where thedataisgeographicallylocated."Fmtn"isthegeologic formation of the coal, and "Member" is the geologic member, if applicable, that the coal is a within. Source: The location, such as the NMBMMR Oil and Gas Library, or the published or unpublished source of the data point information Most of the points represent information from geophysical logs, b some is from measured sections, or log descriptions. Within the data itself there may"NA" beO K an "ND" indicating there is no data available or none has been entered into that fiel in theoriginal data base. All theinformation listed in the data file printoutsis nonconfidential. Further information on the data or sources of data is available upon request. 4 References for 1:100,000 quadrangle compilations of coal-bearing formations and coal data, eastern and southern Elan Juan Basin Abiquiu 1:100,000 Manleyd X., Scott, G.R., Wobus, R.A., 1907, Geologic mapof Aztec 1x2' quadrangle,northwesternNewMexicoandsouthern Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey, Misc. Geologic Investigations Map1-1730. Woodward, L.A., Gibson, G.G., and McLelland, D., 1976, Geology of the Gallina quadrangle, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources Geologic Map 39, scale 1:24,000. GM- Woodward, L. A . , McLelland, D., Anderson, J.B., and Kauffman, W.H., 1970 Geologic map of Cuba quadrangle, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral. Resources Geologic Map GM-25, scale 1:24,000. Acoma Pueblo1:100,000 Hunt, C.B., 1936, Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the San JuanBasin, New Mexico,Part 2. The Mount Taylor coal field: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 860-B plate19. Maxwell, C.H., 1977, Preliminary geologic map of the Los Pilares U.S. Geological quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico: Survey Open-file Report 77-240, sca1.e 1:24,000. Maxwell, C.H. , 1977, Preliminary geologic map of the Crow Point quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 77-323, scale 1:24,000. map of East Mesa quadrangle, Maxwell, C.H., 1979, Geologic County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1522, scale 1:24,000. Valencia Maxwell, C.H., 1986, Geologic map of El Malpais lava field and surrounding areas, Cibola County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Geologic Investigations Map 1-1595. Maxwell,C.H.,unpublished,Geologicmap quadrangle, Cibola County,New Mexico. of BroomMountain of Laguna Honda, Blue Mesa, Moore, S. L., unpublished, Geologic maps Sand Canyon, Cebollita Peak, and Mecate Meadow quadrangles, Cibola County, New Mexico. 5 Osburn, J.C., 1984, Geology of Pueblo Viejo Mesa quadrangle, of Bureau Socorro and Cibola counties, New Mexico: New Mexico MinesandMineralResourcesGeologicMapGM-55,scale 1:24,000. Osburn, J.C., 1905, Geology and coal resources of Wild Ilorse Canyon quadrangle, Catron and Cibola counties, New Mexico: New Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open-file Report 3.21, scale 1:24,000. Albuquerque 1:100,000 Hunt, C.B., 1936, Geology and fuel resources of the southern part 2. The Mount Taylor of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, Part coal field: U . S . Geological Survey Bulletin 860-B plate 19. Shoemaker, J.W., Beaumont,E.C.,andKottlowski, F.E., 1971, Strippable low sulfur coal resources of the San Juan Basin in New Mexico and Colorado: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir2 5 , p. 93. Kelley, V.C. , Northrop, S . A , , 1975, Geology of the and vicinity, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau Mineral Resources Memoir 29, map 1. Sandia Mountains of Mines and Black, B.A., 1979,Structureandstratigraphy of theHagan embayment: A new look:, New Mexico Geological Society 30th Guidebook, pp. 101-105. Bachman, G.O., 1975, Geologic mapof the Madrid quadrangle, Santa Fe and Sandoval counties, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle MapGQ-1268, 1:62,500 sca1.e. Chama 1:100,000 Manley K., Scott, G.R., Wobus, R.A., 1987, Geologic map of Aztec quadrangle,northwesternNewMexicoandsouthern Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey, Misc. Geologic Investigations Map 1-1730. ldX2' Dane, C.H. , 1948, Geologic mapof a part of eastern San JuanBasin, Rio Arriba Cbunty, New Mexico: U . S . Geological Survey Oil and Gas Preliminary Investigations Map 78. Fence Lake 1:100,000 Anderson, O.J., 1986, Geologic map of Fence Lake, New Mexico 1:100,OO metric sheet: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Resources Open-file Report 220. Mineral 6 Mexico Anderson, O.J., 1986a, Geology and mineral resources of York Ranch SE quadrangle, Cibola and Carton counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open-file 220, scale 1:24,000. Report Anderson, O.J., 1987, Geology and coal resources of Atarque Lake 1:50,000 quadrangle, New Mexico (NW quadrant of Fence Lake 1:100,000 sheet): New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Geologic Map GM-61. Arkell, B.W., 1984, Geology and coal resources of the Techado of quadrangle, Catron and Cibola counties: New Mexico Bureau 221, scale Mines and Mineral Resources Open-file Report 1:24,000. Arkell, B.W., 1984a, Geology of Veteado Mountain quadrangle, Catron and Cibola counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open-file Report 222, scale 1:24,000. Campbell, F., 1989, Geology and coal resources of Fence Lake 1:50,000 quadrangle, New Mexico (SW quadrant of Fence Lake 1:100,000 sheet) : New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Geologic Map GM-62. Mapel, W.J., 1985, Geologic map of the Nicoll Lake quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley counties, New Mexico: U S . Geological. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-1757 scale, 1:24,000. Mapel, W.J. ,. and Yesburger, W.L., 1985, Geologic map of the Red Lake Mission quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-1758, scale 1:24,000. , Mapel, W.J., and' Yesburger, W.L., 1985a, Geologic map of the Goat Hill quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico:U . S . Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-1727, scale 1:24,000. Los Alamos 1:100,000 Hunt, C.B., 1936, Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the San JuanBasin, New Mexico, Part2. The Mount Taylor 19. coal field: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 860-B plate Shoemaker, J.W., Beaumont,E.C.,andKottlowski,F.E.,1971, of the San Juan Basin in Strippable low sulfur coal resources New Mexico and Colorado: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir25, p. 93. Woodward, L.A., Anderson, J.B., Kauffman, W.H., Reed, R.K., 1973, Geologic map and sections of San Pablo quadrangle, New Mexico: 7 New Mexico Bureau of Mines GM-26, scale 1:24,000. and Mineral Resources Geologic Map Woodward, L,A., Schumacher, O . L . , 1973, Geologic map and sections of La Ventana quadrangle, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureauof MinesandMineralResourcesGeologicMap GM-28, scale 1:24,000. Navajo Reservoir 1:100,000 Manley K., Scott, G.R., Wobus, R . A . , 1987, Geologic map of Aztec quadrangle,northwesternNewMexicoandsouthern Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey, Misc. Geologic Investigations Map1-1730. ldXZo Dane, C.H. , 1948, Geologic map of a partof eastern San Juan Basin, U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Rio Arriba County, New Mexico: Gas Preliminary Investigations Map 78. a List of ~ : I O O , O O O Quadrang10 Maps* Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Abiquiu 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Fruitland Formation, Total Coal Thickness. 1.) 2.) Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Abiquiu Fruitland Formation, Maximum Depth. 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Acoma Pueblo 1:100,000Quadrangle,CrevasseCanyonFormation,TotalCoal Thickness. 3.) 4.) Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Acoma Pueblo Crevasse Canyon Formation, Maximum Depth. 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Albuquerque 1:100,000 Quadrangle,MesaverdeGroupandCrevasseCanyon Formation, Total Coal Thickness. 5.) 6.) Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Albuquerque 1:100,000 Quadrangle,MesaverdeGroupandCrevasseCanyon Formation, Maximum Depth. 7.) Coal-bearingformationsandavailablecoal 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Menefee Formation, Total data, Chama Coal Thickness. 8.) Coal-bearingformationsandavailablecoaldata,Chama 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Menefee Formation, Maximum Depth. Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Fence Lake 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Moreno Hill Formation, Total Coal Thickness. 9.) 10.) Coal-bearing formations and available coaldata, Fence Lake 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Moreno Hill Formation, Maximum Depth. 11.) Coal-bearing formations and available coaldata, Los Alamos Menefee Formation, Total Coal Thickness. 1:100,000 Quadrangle, 12.) Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Los Alamos Menefee Formation, Maximum Depth. 1:100,000 Quadrangle, 13.) Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Navajo Reservoir 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Fruitland Formation, Total Coal Thickness. 14.) Coal-bearing formations and available coal data, Navajo Maximum Depth. Reservoir 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Fruitland Formation, * (Note: Formation referred to in map title is formation(s) with point-source data. Other coal-bearing formations may outcrop on the quadrangle and are indicated in the map t*Explanationtt.) 9 :Uesaver& Grwp, Hagan and Cerrillos fields, Albuquerque 1:100,000 :msa-c-ab.prt :x-coord y-cmrd elev Location Sec. 1. R. Total Coal Max Depth #seams ~ ” ” ” ” _ ””””” ”” -106.1589 35.3856 6364 -106.1422 35.3986 6137 -106.1639 35.4389 5788 -106.1633 35.4339 5809 -106.161735.42835878NESESE2314N -106.164435.42225940SUSESE2314N -106.1778 35.4250 5844 SUSESE 14N 23 -106.1572 35.3914 6286 -106.309235.31535840 -106.3103 35.3144 5850 ”””” ”” ”_ SESENE 2 13N NENESE 36 14N NESWSE 1414N NENESU 2314N ”_ 7E. 7E 7E 7E 7E 7E 7E NMUNU 1 13N 7E SMUNE 3133161E NUSUNE 8.7 13N 597.7 6E 33 ””””” ’ 6 2 3 1384.6 146 9.2 1108.1 120.08 7.5 1.5 ””””_ 117 148 60 63 550.3 ”””_ 2 1 1 4 5 4 2 3 1 4 , ~ Lat Long ”””” ”””” 352308 352355 352620 352602 352542 352520 352530 352329 351855 351852 1060932 1060832 1M0950 1060948 1060942 1060952 1061000 106G926 1061833 1061837 U e llNw&r .................... Field USTRAT ”””_ SF014 SFOW CERRILLOS CERRILLOS 2 3 DH 4 DH 5A DH 5C DH 8 PROS1 PROS2 SF005 SF007 CERRILLOS CERRILLOS SF008 CERRILLOS SF009 CERRILLOS SF011 SF012 S91 592 CERRILLOS CERRILLOS HAGAN HAGAN ~~~~~ Uember Source ””””””” ””””” ””””” ”””””””“~ DH 11 DH 1A DH DH Fmtn ~~~~~~~~ UESAVERDE UESAVERDE UESAVERDE UESAVERDE UESAVERDE UESAVERDE MESAVERDE UESAVERDE UESAVERDE UESAVERDE ~~ ~ HORIZON HORIZON HORIZON HORIZON , \ 1, UINING UINING MINING UINING HORIZUI .~ ~. MINING ~...~ HORIZON UINING HORIZON UINING HORIZON UINING HAGAN MAL UINES HAGAN COAL UINES .. :CrevasseCanyon Formation, Rio Puerco field, A l b u q w & 1:100,000 :crv-rp-a.prt :x-cwrd y-cwrd elev Location Sec. 1. R. Total Coal Max Depth #seems ~_____"" ______"" __" _"_________ ___ "_ "________ ______"_ " "_ -106.8206 35.4731 5720 SESWE -106.7969 35.4714 5700 -106.i767 35.4703 -106.7689 35.4764 5640 SYNUllE 3 NUNUSU 1 5720 NENUSU 6 6 1E14N 14N 1E 14N ZE 2E 14N . 9.2 2.3 3.2 1.3 60 60 60 60 Lat """" Long """" 2860-8-271-0(: 1064914 352823 1064749 1 352817 352813 1 1064636 1 860-B-276-OC 1064608 352835 Uell Nuher ".""""""".""""""""""" "_ 860-B-273-OC 860-B-275-OC SO86 USTRAT SOB7 So88 SO85 Field """"""" R l O WERW R I O WERW WERCU R10 R10 WERCO Fmtn H h r source -.----------"""- --".-----------CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON USGS BULL 860-6 USGS BOLL 860-8 USGS BULL 860-8 USGS BULL 860-8 :Fruitland Fomtion, :ft-sj-ab.prt :x-coord y-coord San J w n Basin, Abiquiu 1:100,000 ~_________ __________ ____ -106.8wB -106.9186 -106.9186 -106.9172 -106.9242 -106.9239 -106.9411 -106.9250 -106.9067 __" elev Location See. """" _" _" __"______ __"_____ T. R. Total Coal WBX #Seams Depth 36.3414 7140 SESME 1 24N 1Y 36.4100 7174 NMW 11 25N 1Y 36.3889 7144 SENENE 23 1U 25N 36" .30" 56" 7152 14 1U . .NEWW ."24N 36.2919 7202 NUSESE 1U 24N 22 ~~~~ ".". . ... 36.2992 7202 U T U 3 36.2783 36.3347 7174 _" ~~ 27 -. 2LU 1Y .-. 7107 WFUF 7348 NUSENE1Y 24N 21 C-SE 271Y 24N NUSESE 2 1U 24N i Wrangle. 10 2 4 11 10 4. 2985 14 2 264016 2316 27% 2474 2761 2830 2822 "~_ _" Lat """" 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2913 1 2 Long Well N h r """" .................... 362029 1065327 362436 1065507 362320 1065507 361820 1065502 361731 1065527 361710 1065526 361757 1065628 361642 1065530 1065424 SHAR-ALAN 362005 BENSON-WTIN GREER BOLACK GREER INC X12-11 CANADA OJlTOS BOLACK GREER INC #23-A CANADA OJlTOS EMPlRE STATES DRLG #1 JACKSON CUCClA SHAR-ALAN #1 E M A MCDANIEL SHAR-ALAN #1 UASSON FEOERAL SHAR-ALAN #I UENTZ FEDERAL SHAR-ALAN #2 DUFF #X LILLIAN STATE USTRAT Field ------"""----"-NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA SAW JUAN SAN JUAN ' SAW JUAN SAY JUAN SAW FRUITLAND JUAN SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN Fmtn Swrce , ---------........................ FRUlTLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLANO FRUITLAND CROCDP OF79-6D8 CROCDP OF 79-607 CROCDP OF 79-607 CROCDP OF79-6D8 CROCDP OF79-M)8 FPIIITI AND ". CPDPDP OF'IO-MLL ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ _... FRUlTLAND CROCDP OF79-608 FRUITLAND CRMDP OFi9-608 FRUITLANO CRDCOP OF79-608 :Hemfee Formation, Monero field, Chams1:100,000 :m-m-ch.prt :x-coord y-cocrd elev Location Sec. """"" """"" "" -106.9181 -106.9769 -106.9550 -106.8392 -106.8675 -106.8403 -106.9172 -106.8917 -106.7486 -106.8406 "106.8272 -106.9450 -106.9381 -106.8375 36.9181 36.9133 36.9181 36.8797 36.9339 36.9133 36.9139 36.9153 "36.7764 36.9028 36.9006 36.8978 36.8947 36.8592 ROO 6920 6940 7617 7447 7862 7387 7280 8755 8220 8230 7080 7440 7880 """" NESYWE NENEW ShWE nrmsY SWUNE NUNUW "" "_ "_ 1. "_ "_ R. Total Coal Max Depth #seams """"" 31N 10 1U 3.9 7 318 1U 2.8 8 31N 1U 6.5 31N 1E 21 3 1.5 6 1E 31N 9 1E 31N 3 165.5 6.55 NUNESE 31N 1U 10 NUW 4 31N 1U 12 ND nd 30N 2E 5 NUSUNU 31N 1U 16 1.9 NEW 3.1 31N 1E 16 1.5 NESU 16 3111 1U ... SUSE 31N 1U 16 2.6 NENUSU 31N 1E 16 1207.46 0 0 0 226.35 1% 172.5 0 50 480 .8 30 19 G.6 Lat Long """" """" 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 2 365505 365448 365505 365247 365602 . . ...365448 365450 365455 364635 365410 365602 365352 365341 365357 1065505 1065837 1065718 1065021 1065203 ... .-. . 1065025 1065502 1065330 1064455 1065026 1064938 1065642 1065617 1065015 Uell Nurber .................... 2121(RA 15) 2122 31076 31NlE21 31HlEb - ....-. 31NlE9 31NlU10 A17885 MS-5 ROCHESTER NO 8 ROCHESTER NO. 10 .. ROCHESTER NO. 6 ROCHESTER NO. 7 ROCHESTER NO. 9 "_ USTRAT NA NA NA Re0 RA32 RA33 RAU RA024 NA NA NA NA NA NA Field Fmtn """"""" UONERO WERO WERO MMlERO MONERO WERO MONERO MONERO MONERO MONERO MDHERO MONERO MONERO MONERO ' """"" MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE " " __ M&r Scurce """""""""" USW TECH 569 USEM TECH 569 USBW TECH PAPER 569 NMRDI NMRDI NMRDl NMRDl USBM TECH HM8M BULL ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 569 89 ~. COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL 'cvasse Canyon Formation, D a t i l Wountains f i e l d , A c m Pueblo 1:100,000 quadrawle .v-d-ap.prt wmrd Location y-cwrd elev Sec. T. R. Total Coal Max Depth # s e a Lat ,"_"" 17.5853 17.6103 17.6125 17.7767 17.7419 17.7811 17.7456 """"" "" 34.5181 34.5489 34.5285 34.9214 34.8508 7825 34.8550 34.8419 6475 6600 6722 7800 7945 7830 """" "" WESME 5 SENENY 30 NENESU 31 NUNESU 15 SUNESW 12 NUNUNU 10 NUNUWY 13 "_ "_ N """"" 2862865.8 3N 4N N 6.7 4N 7U 319.5 1.2 2.7 8w W 150.5 150.5 7.1 7~ 4.7 7N 5U 3.3 7N 5U w " "_ 60 97 127.5 116.7 " "_ Long """" """" 4 1073507 343105 1073507 4 1073637 343256 1073637 1 1073645 343143 1 345517 1074636 1074636 ,1 3 1074431 345103 2 2 345118 1074652 1 345031 1074444 U e l l Nunber .................... 37-5-1 47-30-2 47-31-1 Pgn 2 PBM 3 PBM44 PBM Pgn 7 " "_ USTRAT NA NA NA CIOM C1005 DATlL ClOoC C1003 Field """"""" DATlL DATlL DATlL DATlL DATIL DATlL Fmtn source --"-----".""""""""". CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE CREVASSE NMBWR NMBUMR NMBMR NlCKELSMl NICKELSON NICKELSON NICKELSON ACWA PERMIT L :Moreno Hill Formation, Salt Lake f i e l d , Fence Lake 1:lOO.OOO :nn-sl-fl.prt :x-coord y-coord elev Location See. 5. R. Total Coal Max Depth #seams ”””” -108.5542 -108.5750 -108.5072 -108.5467 -108.5036 -108.5031 -108.5519 -108.5478 -108.5478 -108.5750 -108.5894 -108.5842 -108.5925 -108.5944 -108.MK16 -108.6911 -108.6642 -108.6678 -108.7311 -108.6972 -108.6772 -108.5092 -108.5653 -108.5633 -108.5825 -108.5783 -108.5731 -108.5939 -108.6103 -108.6208 -108.6683 -108.6236 -108.7589 -108.7528 -108.7706 -108.7411 -108.7783 -108.8836 -108.8450 -108.8425 -108.5556 -108.5242 -108.5203 34.5186 34.5136 34.5900 34.5686 34.5639 34.6014 34.5533 34.5917 34.5811 34.5758 34.5731 34.6067 34.5w4 34.5619 34.6017 34.5928 34.5708 34.5661 34.5600 34.5617 34.5606 34.6508 34.6300 34.6150 34.6431 34.6303 34.6367 34.6378 34.6361 34.6314 34.6239 34.6181 34.6589 34.6278 34.6192 34.6164 34.6867 34.6L42 34.6378 34.6242 34.6347 34.7w.9 34.7097 ______ ”” 6 3N 1 3N 10 4N 18 4N 22 4N 6980 NUNEW 3 4N 6790 C 31 4N 6850 SUNENE 7 4N 48 6845 SUSESE 7 6870 SUNUNE 13 4N 6810 SUSENU 14 4N 6910 SENUNE 2 4N 6895 SENUSU 2 4N 6740 SUNUNU 23 4N 6880 NUNEW 3 4N 7333 NESUSE 11 ‘4N 7000 NUNUSU 18 4N 6895 SESESE 13 4N 6764 NUSENU 21 4N 7040 SENUNU 23 48 6900 SUNENU 24 4N 7310 NUNUNE 22 5N 7300 NENESU 30 5N 7020 SUNUSE 31 5N 7225 SENESU 24 5N 7330 NUNUSE 25 5N 7240 NENENE 25 5N 7225 NENUNE 26 5N 71 72 SUNENE 27 5N 7150 SESUHU 27 5N 7155 NENENU 31 5N 6910 S W U 34 5N 7225 NUNEW 17 5N 7476 NESUSE 29 5N 7515 SESUNE 31 5N 7300 NUNEW 33 5N 7070 C-SU 6 5N 7190 S E N W 19 5N 7250 SUSEW 21 5N 7020 NUNUNE 33 5N 7302 SENENE 30 5N 7220 NESYWE 33 6N 7238 NENENE 33 MI 6680 6762 6920 6760 6810 SENENU NENW NVSYNU SUNESE NUNENU 16U 17U 16U 16U 16U 16U 16U 16U 16U IN _ _ _ ” _ ” ” ””””_ 9 9.6 2.1 3 7.2 3.6 11 2.4 4.8 7 17U 10.2 17U 17U 2 2.8 13.3 17U 17U 1W la 1BU 1W 1W 18U 16U 16U 16U 1N 1N 1N 17U 17U 17U 17U 17U 1W 18U 18U 18U 1W 19U 19U 19U 16U 16U 16U 5.5 7.8 3.6 7 1.5 1.4 9 5.5 10.9 1.5 9 13.9 7.9 6 2.2 5.7 9.2 5.2 2.3 7 1.5 4.1 2 2 1.5 5 7.4 10.3 1.4 50 148.95 252 38 244 106 66 53 127 168 213 1 1 107 49 432 1 1 1 1 15 175 268 104 101 194 154 188 137 99 643 191 322 178 129 250 106 167 310 1 256.5 111 129 ”_”” 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 3 4 3 2 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 Lat ”””” 343107 343049 343524 343407 343350 343605 343312 343530 343452 343433 343423 343624 343558 343343 343606 343534 343415 343358 343336 343342 343338 343903 343748 343654 343835 343749 343812 343816 343810 343753 343726 343705 343932 343740 343709 343659 344112 343839 343816 343727 343805 344225 344235 Long Well N h r ”””” .................... 1083315 1083430 1083026 1083248 1083013 1083011 1083307 1083252 1083252 1083430 1083522 1083503 1083533 1083540 1083631 1084128 1083951 1084004 1084352 1084150 1084038 1083033 1083355 1083348 1083457 1083142 1083123 1083538 1083637 1083715 1084006 1083725 1084532 1084510 1084614 1W28 1084642 1085301 1085042 1085033 1083320 1083127 1083113 316-6-1 3N17U1 416-10-1 416-18-1 416-22-1 416-3-1 ‘416-31-1 416-7-1 416-7-2 417-13-1 417-14-1 417-2-OCl 417-2-OC2 417-23-1 417-3-1 418-11-1 4NlN1SP18 4NlWl3P15 4N18U21A6 4N18U23P10 4N18U24P13 516-22-1 516-30-1 516-31-1 517-24-1 517-25-1 517-25-3 517-26-1 517-27-1 517-27-2 517-31-1 517-34-1 518-17-1 518-29-1 518-31-1 518-33-1 518-6-1 519-19-1 519-21-1 519-33-1 5N16VJO 616-33-1 6N16U33 USTRAT ”””_ CT042 CT49 C1025 CT007 CTO08 NA CTO06 VA003 VA005 CT025 CT004 NA NA CT005 VA002 KID26 NA NA NA NA NA NA VAO08 VAO04 VA016 VAOO6 VA007 NA NA NA CI024 CI023 Cl022 CI021 Cl020 ClOl9 VA017 c m CI017 NA c129 NA C130 Field ”“””””” SALT SALT SALT SALT LAKE LAKE LAKE LAKE SALT LAKE SALTLAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALTLAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE Fmtn “.”””” MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MDRENO HORENO MORENO .MORENO MORENO HDRENO MORENO MORENO MORENO HORENO MORENO MORENO HORENO MORENO MORENO HORENO MORENO HORENO MRENO MMIENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO MORENO HORENO HORENO MORENO MORENO HDRENO WENO MORENO MORENO MORENO Member ’ Swrce ””””” ”””””””” HILL L M R HILL HILL UPPER HILL L M R HILL UPPER HILL UPPER HILL HILL L M R HILL L M R HILL LWER HILL L M R HILL LWER HILL LWER HILLLWER HILL L M R HILL LWER HILL L M R HILL L M R HILL LWER HILL L M R HILLLWER HILL UPPER HILLLWER HILL HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HILL LWER HL IL LWER HILL HILL LWER HILL NMBM OF “NHRDI NHBM OF NHBM OF NHBM OF NHBM OF NMBM OF ‘NMBH OF NMEM OF NH8M OF NMEM OF NMBH OF NHBM OF NMBM OF NMBM OF 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 NMBMMR NMBWR NMBWR NHBMR NMBMR NHBMHR NHBM OF NMEM OF NHBM OF NMBH OF NMBM OF NHBH OF NMBM OF NHBM OF NHBM OF NMEH OF NMBM OF NMEM OF NHBM OF NHBH OF NMBH OF NMBH OF NMEM OF NHEH OF NHBM OF NMROI NHBM OF NMRDI 145 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 145 144 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 ., : M e w f e e Formation, La Ventana field, :nn-tv-la.prt :x-coord ____________" y-coord elev L o c a t i o n R.See. .__"_____ -106.9650 -106.9422 -106.9172 -106.9194 35.8661 35.9217 35.9314 35.8103 ________ Los Alamos 1:100,000 6740 6920 7120 7040 NUSENU SESVNE swysy NENENE NYSEW NESUSE NESESE SESESE NESESU NENENE NENENU NENENE SUSME SENENU NWME NWME SENESE NENUSU SESENE SUSENE NUNEW NWWE NENENU NENWE M E SENW NENUW NENUNU SUSUNE SWUNE SUSENU SUNUSE "" _" "_ ""_"_ T. C oTsott a l 19N 1u 20 33 20N 1U 26 ZON 1U 10 1811 1u 21 1% 1u 30 19N 1u 4 19N 1u 8 19N 1U 33 2ON 1U 1911 1U 5 5 19N 1U 6 19N 1U 19N 1U 6 1811 N 1 1 18N &! 1 18N &! 36 9 n l N 30 19N 1u 8 19N 1U 19N 1U 8 1911 1u 9 18 19N 1U 1% 1u 6 12 1 w N 7 19N1U 16 1% 1u 11 ZON 1U 2 2011 1U 4 19N 1u 4 19N 1U 23 20N 1U 14 20N 1U 4.3 6 3.4 6 6.6 6.85 3.3 10.7 13.1 7.5 5.5 7.1 1.9 1.4 1.6 7.6 3.3 6.7 10 10 7.4 8.9 13 7.3 9.1 6.2 4.6 2 5.3 6 11.2 2 _______" " _ Max Depth #seams 120.4 103.8 90.4 569.3 198.9 212 117.5 184.85 258 472 718 966 966.9 0 2.2 174.5 42.9 23.3 282 416 78 522.2 752 967.2 762.9 39.4 0 0 0 0 10.1 0 Let """" Long 3 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 3 1 2 355158 355518 355553 354837 355130 355036 1 355445 1065816 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 Welt N h r """" .................... 1065754 1065632 1065502 1065510 1065647 1065833 150 86OC 156 86oC 157 86OC 165 86OC 19NlYZ1 19NlvJO 77-6 "_ USTRAT so62 SO71 SO72 So64 s106 S107 5104 5105 S103 sa42 sa40 SO38 SO35 HA NA NA HA NA SO32 SO30 SO33 SO34 so36 SO27 SO28 NA NA NA NA NA HA HA Field -------"--"~~ LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTAWA VENTAWA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA MNTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA VENTANA Fmtn --------" WENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE HENEFEE MENEFEE HENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE RENEFEE MENEFEE WENEFEE WENEFEE MENEFEE WENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE HENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE HENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE MENEFEE M&r """"" UPPER UPPER UPPER CLEARY CLEARY UPPER CLEARY UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER ALLISM( CLEARY UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER ALLISON UPPER ALLISON UPPER UPPER UPPER UPPER Swrce "---------""------""USGS BULL86OC USGS BULL 86OC USGS BULL 86OC USGS BULL 86OC NMRDI NMRDI NMRDI NMRDI NMRDI D IE A L BASIC .MINE PLAN IDEALBASICMINE PLAN IDEALBASICMINE PLAN IDEALBASICMINE PLAN DANE 1936. PL. 54 NO. 140 DANE 1936: PL. 54 NO. 146 DANE 1936; PL. 54 NO. 148 DANE 1936, PL.54 NO. 147 DANE 1936, PL. 54 NO. 141 IDEALBASICMINE PLAN IDEALBASICMINE PLAN IDEALBASIC MINE PLAN :Fruitland Fomtim, san Juan Basin Wavajo Reservoir 1:100,000. :frt-sj-n.prt :x-cwrd y-cwrd elev Location Sec. 1. R. Total Coal Max Depth #seem .""_"" .~ -107.7378 -107.6497 -107.0897 -107.1911 -107.5075 -107.3353 -107.3933 -107.8242 -107.8636 -107.4383 -107.4592 -107.5136 -107.5567 -107.5208 -107.7019 -107.7439 -107.9794 -107.3739 -107.9353 -107.5192 -107.9894 -107.9353 -107.9194 -107.8383 -107.7011 -107.7031 -707.7UO6 -107.7806 -107.3422 -107.5233 -107.7281 -107.8508 -107.2450 -107.7367 -107.2903 -107.6472 -107.8714 -107.5664 -107.7536 -107.5253 -107.9542 -107.4189 -107.3217 -107.6817 -107.7925 -107.4917 -107.2650 -107.2797 ~~ ~ ~ """"" "" 36.7928 36.8511 36.5486 36.6928 36.8536 36.9544 36.9325 36.8094 36.8725 36.9997 36.9853 36.9833 36.9761 36.9631 36.9664 36.9614 36.9947 36.6983 36.8944 36.8525 36.9231 36.8675 36.7658 36.7803 36.9361 36.8592 36.9508 36.9300 36.60% 36.9906 36.9433 36.9&4 36.9064 36.9311 36.9183 36.9719 36.9719 36.9403 36.8572 36.9131 36.9881 36.9544 36.5464 36.7139 36.6806 36.7950 36.9839 36.9547 6048 6300 7275 6980 6201 7107 6454 6330 6230 6194 MIW 6813 6856 6500 6812 6520 6435 6742 6235 6400 6300 5940 5940 5985 6700 6500 6240 6610 65W 6586 6542 66% 6735 65W 6480 6930 5950 6680 6210 6540 6512 6348 6565 6464 6218 6243 6798 7264 """" "" WESUSU WEWESU SUNEUE SUNUSE WNESU WUSEWU 24 35 25 30 31 26 U V S M 32 SUNUSU18 WUSEWE 27 SUNENE10 SEWUWE16 WESUUE 13 WESESU 15 SUUESU 24 SEUUSU 20 WUUEWE 26 WUSESU 10 SUSENE 30 WUSESE 6 WESUSE 36 NUSESE 4 WNESE 25 SUNESE31 SUUESU 25 WUSESU 32 SEWUNU 32 NUSESU 29 WEWNE 4 SEUUNE 3 WESUSU 12 NESUNE 36 NUWUSE 14 SUNENU 15 SENUNU 1 SUUEUE 7 NUSEWU 23 NUSENU 27 NUSEWE 33 UUSEWU 35 WUSESU 12 NUSENE 14 WESEWE26 NUSEWE 26 UUSENU 21 S E W W 33 S E N W 20 SEUUSU 16 SUNESU 29 _"30N "_ """"" 9U 31N 6U 27N 3u 29u 3u 31W 6u 32U 5U 32W 5U 30W 5W 3111 1W 32N 6U 32W 6U 32N 7U 32W 7U 32N 7U 32W 6U 32N 9U 32N 11U 29W 5u 31W 11U 31W 7U 318 11U 31N 11U 30N 1oV 30N 1W 32W 6U 31U 6U 32N 6U 3111 5W 27n 5u 32N 7U 32N 5W 32U 1 O U 3111 4U 3111 5W 31W 4U 32N 8U 32W 1W 32W 7U 31U 534 31U 7U 32N 11U 32U 6y 27N 5u 29N 6U 29N 5W 30W 6U 32W 4U 32N 4U 11 23 9 13.5 15 30 36 18.5 15.5 34 15 26.5 49 40 134 9.5 12 20 12 45 28 27 18.5 22.5 25.5 36.5 18 26.5 12 42 138 142 13 8.5 13 6 20 15.5 33.5 26.5 34 34 4 24 13 18 31 36 "_ 2855 3068 3869 3640 2982 3759 3425 3020 2956 2745 2629 2958 3554 3178 M64 3650 2970 3637 2409 3373 2739 2538 2387 2493 3525 3330 3103 3414 3431 3176 3415 3405 3535 3110 3314 3844 2757 3343 2800 3283 3205 3056 3236 3062 2503 3102 3646 4087 "_ Lat Long Uelf Nunber """" """" .................... 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 1 2 6 2 8 2 1 2 2 8 5 3 4 5 4 8 2 5 5 4 12 14 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 364734 365104 363255 364134 365113 365716 365557 3.54834 365221 365959 365907 365WO 365834 365747 365759 365741 365941 364154 365340 365109 365523 365203 364557 364649 365610 365133 365703 365548 363627 365926 365636 365904 365416 365552 365506 365819 365819 365625 365126 365447 365917 365716 363247 364250 364050 364742 365902 365717 1074416 107385.9 1070523 1071128 1073027 1072007 10723% 1074927 1075149 1072618 1072733 1073049 1073324 1073115 1074207 1074438 1075846 1072226 1075607 1073109 1075922 1075607 1075510 1075018 1074204 1074211 1074202 1074650 1072032 1073124 1074341 1075103 1071442 1074412 1071725 1073850 1075217 1073359 1074513 1073131 1075715 1072508 1071918 1074105 1074733 1072930 1071554 1071647 11327 11564 11901-173 12120-116 12278-69 12285-53 12288-52 13494 13876 14380-50 14382 14388 14391-47 14396-49 14401-46 14403 14445 14581-111 15796 19300 20385 20419 20501 20504 20580 20677 21163 22167 22397-168 22583-48 22740-45 22748-43 23149' 23250 24811 25467 25478 25480 25741 25753 26014 7834-51 8156-169 8815-108 8877-107 9020-90 9261-55 9298-54 "NA_USTRAT SAWField """"""" JUAW WA NA NA WA WA WA WA NA HA HA WA NA WA HA NA WA NA HA HA HA HA UA NA SAU JUAW SUI JUAN JUAW JUAN JUAW JUAN JUAW JUAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAW SAW JUAU SAN JUAW SAN JUAN SAU JUAN SAW JUAU SAW JUAW SAW JUAU SAN JUAW SAW JUAW SAN JUAN SAU SAU SAW SAY SAU SAW SAN SAW JUAW SAW JUAW JUAN JUAN NA WA HA NA NA SAW SAN SAU SAN WA SAW SAW SAN JUAW JUAN JUAW JUAW JUAU sAn JUW WA HA UA WA HA NA HA HA M NA HA HA WA HA NA UA HA UA SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAW SAW JUAN SAW JUAW SAU JUAN SAU JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN SAU JUAN SAU JUAW JUAN SAN JUAU SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAW SAW Fmtn -"-----" FRUITLAUD FRUITLANO FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAWD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAWO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAUD FRUITLAND SWrce "--"-"""""""""-. NMBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY NHBM OIL &'GAS LIBRARY UWW OIL &,CAS LIBRARY WMW OIL B GAS L I B M Y NHBH OIL & GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY UMBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY NMBM OIL & GAS LIBRARY NMBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY WMBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY WHBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY UMBH OIL &'GAS LIBRARY NHBM OIL B GAS LIBRARY NMBM OIL B GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL & GAS LIBRARY WMBM OIL g GAS LIBRARY WHBM OIL 8 GAS LIBRARY WMBH OIL & GAS LIBRARY NMBH OIL ii GAS LIBRARY. WMBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL B GAS LIBRARY UHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY WHBn OIL GAS LIBRARY WMBM OIL GAS LIBRARY UMBM OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBH 01L GAS LIBRARY NHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY WHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY GAS LIBRARY UHBH OIL GAS LIBRARY UHBH OIL NHBH OIL GAS LIBRARY WMBM OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY UMBH OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL GAS LIBRARY GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL NHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY NMBM OIL GAS LIBRARY GAS LIBRARY WHW OIL WMBM OIL GAS L IBRARY WHBH OIL GAS LIBRARY N H M OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBM OIL GAS LIBRARY NMBH OIL GAS LIBRARY NHBH OIL GAS LIBRARY ~ ~~ ~ -107.3803 -107.7994 -107.9272 -107.8858 -107.8139 -107.9050 -107.9053 -107.8403 -107.9331 -107.9694 -107.8872 -107.8253 -107.8181 -107.8181 -107.8403 -107.8617 -107.8347 -107.9300 -107.9931 -107.8569 -107.9794 -107.9483 -107.9622 -107.9792 -107.9700 -107.9792 -107.7994 -107.8972 -107.9239 -107.9406 -107.9483 -107.8069 -107.7811 -107.8953 -107.8231 -107.9608 -107.9419 -107.9108 -107.7806 -107.8975 -107.7522 -107.9217 -107.9036 -107.9311 -107.8764 -107.9964 -107.9964 -107.9322 -107.8833 -107.9133 -107.9100 -107.9303 36.8733 36.8578 36.9247 36.5272 36.7372 36.6367 36.5783 36.7300 36.6381 36.5081 36.6583 36.6722 36.6861 36.6861 36.6778 36.6642 36.6456 36.6500 36.5514 36.6850 36.5292 36.5797 36.5425 36.5514 36.5786 36.5628 36.6431 36.5853 36.5867 36.5306 36.5056 36.6603 36.6722 36.5125 36.6297 36.5225 36.5214 36.5439 36.6278 36.5289 36.6522 36.5075 36.5653 36.5728 36.5719 36.5119 36.5119 36.5342 36.7236 36.7067 36.7314 36.7369 6400 6440 5920 6707 5561 6142 5993 5740 5949 6433 5939 5831 5778 5841 5691 5646 591u 5924 6371 5678 6402 6020 6521 6415 6185 6333 6002 6339 5892 6701 6487 5950 6218 6701 5999 6434 5952 6050 6002 6174 6113 6582 6017 5917 6374 6374 6309 5818 5476 5719 5780 NUSENE 29 N E W E 32 SUNESU31N 6 NUSESU 34 WESE 7 N E W U 28 NESYWU 16 SUNENU 13 SENYWE 284 30 SENME 11 ~ ~~ " NESYSU 15 NENUSE SUNUNE SUSENE SUNENE NEWE SENW NUSENE SUNENU NUSENU SENUSV WENE 7 31 29N 10 28N 13 14 19 28N 19 27 35 27N 35 11U 27N 13 11U NYSVSV 25 SENUNU 27N 11U 26 NESME 14 NESMU 23 N E W 21 NESUSE27N9 SENYSU 1OU 27N8 NUSESE 6 NUSENE 12 SUNESE 17 NESUSU 10 NUSESE26N4 SUNESE 28N 30 SENYN11U U 26N1 SESUSU 19 SENESE 29 W .N E. .S.. .. 27 -. " 31N 5U 32N 5W 1W 2711 1W 29U 5W ZEN 1LlU .~~~ 27N 1W 29N 1W 1W 26N 11U 28N 1W 28w 5W 29N 5W 1W 1W 28w 1W 28N 5W 1W 27N 11U 2W 1W ~~~ 27N 11U 27N 11U 2% 11U 2811 W 1W 26N 1W 26N 11'4 28w 5W 28N 5W 1W 5W 27N 1W 27N 1W 28N ". . W ... 1W 288 5W 1W 27N 1W 27N 10'4 1W SENUSE 27N 33 SYNENE 23 SUNENU26N8 SUNENU 21 W E S E 18 NUSESE 27N 15 N E W 11U 26N3 NESW 3 11U 26N N E W E 31 27N 1W W E S E 16 29N 1W N E W 29N 20 1W SUNENU 17 29N 1W SENUSU 7 2911 1W 23 13 14 16 31 18 22 24 10 6 12 40 23 21 46 29 29 11 11 20 14 11 11 11 7.5 10 32 34 22 11 7 32 16 25 42 12 15 16 28 16 24 19 17 24 34 7 3 12 24 8 22 7 3264 3113 2664 1736 2008 2133 1798 2117 1w2 1732 2026 2010 2084 2254 1867 1782 2024 la22 1970 1904 1885 1749 208D 2013 1916 1984 2162 2164 1702 2055 1945 2180 2206 2254 2074 1920 1M)9 1722 2344 2353 2357 2081 1762 1629 no0 1761 1703 1614 2233 1707 2027 2069 6 4 3 2 4 5 3 6 2 2 2 8 3 5 8 3 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 7 6 3 2 5 4 6 8 2 5 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 1 1 3 5 3 8 2 1072249 281074758 1075538 1075309 1074850 1075418 1075419 364348 1075025 363817 1075559 363029 1075810 363930 1075314 364020 1074931 364110 1074905 364110 1074905 364000 1075025 363951 1075142 363844 1075005 363900 1075548 363305 1075935 364106 1075125 363145 1075846 363447 1075654 363233 1075744 363305 1075845 363443 1075812 363346 1075845 363835 1074758 363507 1075350 363512 1075526 363150 1075626 363020 1075654 363937 1074825 364020 1074652 363045 1075343 363747 1074923 363121 1075739 363117 1075631 363238 1075439 363740 1074650 363144 1075351 363908 1074508 363027 1075518 363355 1075413 363422 1075552 363419 1075235 363043 1075947 363043 1075947 363203 1075556 364325 1075300 354224 1075448 364353 1075436 364413 1075549 365224 365 1 365529 363138 364614 363812 363442 9394-71 9460 PRrnucTm #2 DAVIDW AllocO PRWUCTION x3 HARGRAVE AZTEC OIL 8 GAS # A-2 REI0 AZTEC OIL 8 GAS # l NEWAN "C" AZTEC OIL 8 GAS X1 X U T H KUTZ AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #lo-D CAIN AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #14 REID AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #17 CAIN AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #18-D HARE AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #18DHCCLANAHAN AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #19-D MCCLANAHAN AZTEC OIL 8 GAS #2l-D REID AZTEC OIL 8 GAS %-A NEWAN BETA X1DWTHITFEDERAL BETA # l HAMNER-FEDERAL BETA #4 DWTHIT FEDERAL BETA #4 HANCOCK FEDERAL BRITISH AMERICAN #11 SCOTT FEDERAL BRITISH AMERICAN #3-C DWTHIT BRITISH AMERICAN #8 GOVERNMENT FULLERTON BRITISH AMERICAN f19 SCOTT ELPASONATURAL # 8-9 LACKEY ELPASO NATURAL #2 HARGRAVE ELPASO NATURAL#2RWLEY ELPASONATURAL #259 HUERFANO ELPASONATURAL#264 HUERFANO ELPASONATURAL 114 JOHNSTON ELPASONATURAL #6-X JOHNSON ELPASO NATURAL#62 HUERFANO ELPASONATURAL #7 HANCOCK "B" ELPASONATURAL#73 HUERFANO ELPASO NATURAL #74 HUERFANO ELPASO NATURAL #75 HUERFANO ELPASONATVRAL #8 LACKEY ELPASONATURAL#96 HUERFANO ELPASONATURAL #A-2 WARREN ELPASO NATURAL GAS # 230 HUERFANO ELPASONATURAL GAS #1-B BRWLEY ELPASONATURAL GAS #6 RWLEY ELPASO NATURAL GAS CO 1 1 tlM(RIS ELPASO 0 8 G #l-D DELHI-TAYLCRPWLUNIT ELPASO OIL 8 GAS #1-DOELHI-TAYLOR F'WL EPNG #1 HUERFANO EPNG #1 TEXAS PACIFIC PWL UNIT EPNG #10 HUBBLE EPNG #2 HUBBLE EPNG #4 HUBBLE AI#XX) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA UA HA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA PA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SAW SAN SAN SAW JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN SAN JUAN S A W JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN FRUITMO NKBM OIL & GAS LIBRARY FRUITLAND NHBM OIL 8' GAS LIBRARY FRUITLAND NIIWOIL 8 GAS LIBRARY FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP ~ CROCDP CROCDP CRCCDP CRCCDP FRUITLAND CROCDP FRUtTLAND C R m P SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAW SAN SAN SAN SAN SAW SAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN SAN SAN SAN SAW SAN SAN SAW SAW SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAW SIN SAW SAW SAW SAW SAN SIN SAN SAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN JUAN FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITMD FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND CROCDP CROP CROCDP CRCCDP CROP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROP CRMX)P CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROP CROCDP CRCCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP FRUITLAND CRCCDP FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND CROP CRWP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP .. -107.9097 -107.7542 -107.8139 -107.7594 -107.m -107.9933 -107.8567 -107.9400 -107.9719 -107.9486 -107.9850 -107.9664 -107.9747 -107.7981 -107.7803 -107.9211 -107.8403 -107.7706 -107.8417 -107.9550 -107.9314 -107.8764 -107.9550 -107.9108 -107.9217 -107.8875 -107.8878 -107.9422 -107.9214 -107.9517 -107.9767 -107.7981 -107.7508 -107.8044 -107.9597 -107.8772 -107.9119 -107.9967 -107.9939 -107.9844 -107.9964 -107.9658 -107.9286 -107.9844 -107.9463 -107.9578 -107.8658 -107.8703 -107.8842 -107.9036 -107.9336 -107.9208 36.7161 36.6846 36.7122 36.7017 36.6942 36.5700 36.7211 36.6236 36.7158 36.7067 36.6575 36.6292 36.7378 36.7008 36.7422 36.6311 36.7094 36.7286 36.6922 36.7253 36.6722 36.6383 36.7253 36.6931 36.5589 36.7000 36.5508 36.6094 36.bQ28 36.5933 36.6133 36.7008 36.7367 36.7231 36.6078 36.6072 36.6714 36.5994 36.6717 36.5850 36.6283 36.6928 36.6806 36.6919 36.6378 36.6581 36.6981 36.6731 36.6872 36.6278 36.6644 36.6433 5608 5751 5621 5785 5699 6309 5Mo 5753 5482 5446 5514 5591 5590 5827 5739 6008 5614 5994 5567 556 5835 5930 5566 5545 5960 5486 6143 5761 5873 5BBo 5915 5827 5892 5649 5881 5990 5789 6202 5465 6209 5514 5578 5711 5512 5865 5854 5508 5642 5629 6101 5854 6020 SWENU SUNESU SESUNE SENENE SUNESE NUSESU NUSESU SUNENU SUNENE N E W NUSESE NUSESE SENUSE SENUNE NESUNE SUNESU SENUSU NUSENU NESUSU NUNESE NUSESE SUNENE NMESE NUSESU SUNEW NUSME SENWU SENUNU SUNESU NESUNE NUSESU SENUNE SUNESU SiiNESU NESWU NUSENE NUSESE NESUSU NUSESU NUSESE NESUSU NESUSU SUNESU NESUSU SUNENE NUSESU SVSENE SENUSU SUNENE SUNESU NESUNE NUSESU 20 35 19 27 28 15 14 31 22 24 15 26 10 29 9 29 24 15 25 14 7 27 14 29 29N 1w 29NW 29NW 29NW 29NW 27N 11u 29N 1 w 2ffl 1 w 29N 11u 29N 11u 2ffl 11u 28N 11U 29N11U 29NW 29NW 28N 1W 29N IOU 29N W 2911 1w 29N 11u 284 1 w 2ffl 1Gn 29N 11u 29N 1w 20 28 27 6 5 12 35 29 11 17 27N l o y 29NO U I 27N IOU 27N 1w 27N 1w 27N 11U 28N 11U 1 27N 11u 27N 1 w 28N 1OU 27N11U 28N 11U 27N 11U 2ffl 11u 29N 11u 29N 1w i9N 11U 2ffl 11U 2ffl 11U 3 8 3 10 10 27 26 31 27 25 13 27 11 33 33 18 20 29NW W 29N W 29N 1w Z e n 1w 2% 1w 2ffl 1w 29N 28n 2811 1w 1w 9 22 27 31 25 17 29 13 6 5 8 3 14 35 27 15 20 23 20 2 14 21 2 20 16 21 10 8 29 20 19 3 41 24 20 25 27 20 7 10 8 7 7 6 17 9 20 28 26 8 20 16 1864 2108 1985 2202 2059 1987 2000 1679 1698 1530 1490 1506 1824 2162 2270 193b 1912 2464 1852 1816 1935 1954 1648 1779 1672 1765 1880 1648 1831 1666 1782 2009 2459 2078 1806 1907 1891 1495 1953 1658 1715 1858 1629 1803 1851 1767 1810 1861 2029 1822 2003 3 3 4 4 4 3 7 1 2 2 3 1 5 3 5 3 5 4 4 1 4 4 1 5 3 5 2 1 5 4 4 364258 364050 364244 364206 354139 363412 364316 363m 364257 364224 363927 363745 364416 364203 364432 363752 364234 354343 364132 364331 364020 363818 364331 364135 363332 364200 363303 3 6 3 6 % 7 1 363610 363536 363648 364203 364412 364323 363628 363626 364017 363558 364018 363506 363742 364134 364050 364131 363816 363929 364153 364023 364114 363700 4 363952 2 M3836 1 8 3 3 4 6 6 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 NA JACINTO 1075435 EPNG NA 1074515 E F M 0 X20 SANJUAN NA 1074850 EPNG m w, LACKEY NA 1074534 EPNG m f l GRAMBLING NA 1074638 EPNG m YP GRAMBLING NA 1075936 HUSKY OIL m XZ-D BOLACK NA TURNER #1-14 HARE 1075124. J GLENN NA 1075624 KlNGYODO O I L W XI-B KNAUF NA 1075819 HANANAGAS X1 FINCH GAS MANANA X1 GIG1 NA 1075655 NA 1075906 MARATHON #2-15 OHIO COVT NA 1075759 MARATHON O I L #3-26 OHIO G W T . MOsIL X1 JULANDER NA GAS 1075829 OIL NA 1074753 PAN AM WRP #B-1 L.V. HAMNER GAS UNIT 8 NA 1074649 PAN AM PETRO X1 HEATH HUBBLE GAS UNIT NA 1075516 PAN AM PETRO #l 1075025 PAN AM PETROCDRP #1 HARTINEZ GAS UNIT " NA NA 1074614 PAN AM PETROCORP #2 A.L ELLIOT "C" GAS UNIT NA 1075030 PAN AM PETRO CMIP #C-1 HARE M. X1 GAS HARE UNIT "D" NA 1075718 PAN A PETRO #1 GAS DAY UNIT NA 1075553 PAN PETRO. XI-D USA KUTZ DEEP TEST NA 1075235 PAN NA 1075718 PANAMERICAN X1 HAREGAS UNIT "D" NA 1075439 PANAMERICAN # l KEYS-D NA #I nc ADMS~1 1075518 PAN AMERICAN NA 1075315 PANAMERICAN X1 SANCHEZ "B" NA 1075316 PANAMERICAN #2 FROST "B" NA 1075632 PAN AljERlCAN #2 GAULT NA 1075517 PANAHERICAN X2 MC ADAMS AMERICAN PAN #2 PIPKIN NA 1075706 NA 1075836 PANAMERICAN #9 E.H. PIPKIN NA YB-1 L.V.HAMNER 1074753 PANAMERICANCORP 1074503 PANAMERICANPETROLEUM X2 A.L. ELLIOT "D HA AMERICAN PETROLEUM #3-X U.D. HEATH NA 1074816 PAN NA 1075735 PANAMERICAN PIPKIN #8-Y KUTZ GOVERNNA 107523 PETROLEUMCORPOFTEXAS NA 1075443 PETROLEUMOF TEXAS#3R-DAY "J" NA 1075948 R&G DRILLING # l o R&G NA 1075938 REDFERN & HERD #5 REDFERN NA 1075904 SINCLAIR O I L & GAS X7 SCHLOSSER 1075947 SINCLAIR O I L & w\S #8 SCHLOSSERFEDERALNA NA 1075757 SOUTHERN UNION # l CALVIN NA 1075543 SOUTHERN UNION #1-B REID GARLAND 1075904 SOUTHERN UNION # I - R NA PEAK "B" NA 1075654 SOUTHERN U N I W # l 2 ANGEL NA 1075728 SOUTHERN UNION X24-B ANGELPEAK NA 1075157 SOUTHERN UNION GAS W X1 ARRENTA NA 1075213 SOUTHERN UNION GAS W X18 ZACHARY GAS IY8 ZACHERY NA 1075303 SOUTHERN U N l W CO 1075413 SUNSET INTERNATIWUL X13-33 S I P W KUTZ F NA 1075601 SUNSET INTN'L PETRO WRP #lo-18 S I P W KU NA 1075515 SUNSET INTN'L PETRO WRP #11-20 S l P W KU NA AM. AM. SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAN JUAN SAN JUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SAW JUAN SANJUAN SANJUAN SAW J M SAW JUAN SAN J M SAN JUAN FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLANO FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND FRUITLAND CROCDP CROP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CRDCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP cRomP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CRDmP CROCOP CROCDP cRomP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP 1 CROCDP , CROCDP CRWP CRDCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP cmmp CROP CRMXIP cRomP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CRDOP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CROCDP CRDCDP CROCDP FRUITLAND CROCDP' FRUITLAND CRDCDP FRUITLAND CROCDP FRUITLAND CROCDP ~ -107.9364 36.6917 -107.7651 36.7153 5712 -107.8611 36.6364 5760 55R NUSESE 25 SUNENE 21 NESUNE2BIl26 1739 29N141%' 29N W 1W 2155 19 21790 13 5 4 364130 1075611 TENNEM X1 W W I S 0 EATON GAS UNIT "A" 364255 1074710 TENNEM #41 FLORENCE 363811 1075140 TENNEM OIL #1 CHLER "A" NA PA NA JUANSAW SAW JUAN SANJUAN FRUITUND FRUITUND FRUITUND CRmP CROCDP CRDCDP ' I T25N I I I T24N T23N EXP! ANATION T22N KkF-KIrt lond-frur t lond formot, und I FFerentI oted Kmv-Mesoverde Group, und I [pent I ated T21N R3E MAP 1 R6E COAL-BEARING FORMATDNS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, ABlQUKJ 1:1OO,OOO QUADRANGLE, FRUITLAND FORMATION, TOTAL COAL THICKNESS. c T26N T25N T24N I T23N EXPLANATION KkF-K I rt I ond-Fru It londFormotI T22N Kmv-Mesoverde Group, T21N '1E L MAP 2 R5E COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, ABlQUlU 1: 100,000 QUADRANGLE, FRUITLAND FORMATION, M A X I M U M DEPTH. R7E 1 R9W Clbola R7W R8W R5W R6W R41.1 R3W I RlOW Nat I ona I r Forest II I ~ Laguna Ind I an T8N Reservat I on Kth V Kcc --"-- \ Kth T7N K , t I I !EXPLANATION ii I Acoma I n d ~ a n Reservat I on C: T i /Tb-Tert I ary basa I t s I /Kcc-Crevasse Canyon Fbrmat I on 1 iKg-Ga I I up Sandstone Laguna Ind I an I \ Reservat on I T6N r I \ iKmd-Mancos Shale, D-C oss Tongue I I I I \ I I :Kth-Tres Hermanos F o r h a t I on I I I1 KtF-Tres Hermanos, F ~-;eRanch SS Member 'Ktc-Tres Hermanos, Cakthage Member 1 j ~ I 1I 9 ~ I I I 9"'"G T5N Kth c; Kcc I I i 1 , 1 , + I Socorro i I II Co I I ~ Socorro Co I I I I I JZ Puertoc I t o 9 ---.--4 I n d I an Reservat I on MAP 3 I ~ i T4N I T3N I I I I 1 i I I I COAL-BEARM FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, ACOMA PUEWO 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, CREVASS CANYON FORMATION, TOTAL COAL TMCKNESS. jI I I I II I I R9W R7W R8W ~ R3W R4W R5W R6W ! Clbola i RlOW Nat I ona I Forest I I Valencla Co Laguna Ind I an T8N Reservat I on \\ \ \ \\ \ \ " aT7N 5 Kth KCC Kcc Ktt t EXPLANATION Acoma Indlan Reservat I on A Laguna Ind I an \ \ Reservat on \ I Tb-Tert I ary basa I ts Kcc-Crevasse Canyon F Kg-Ga I I up Sandstone mat I on Kmd-Mancos Sha I e, D-C 15sTongue T6N /Kth-Tres Hermanos For I t I on KtF-Tres Hermanos, F I Ktc-Tres Hermanos, Cc ! Ranch SS Member -hage Member T5N 1 - Valencla Co Clbola Co " " Socorro Co Socorro Co T4N Puertoc I to " T3N Ind I an Reservat I on MAP 4 COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, ACOMA PUEBLO 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, CREVASSE CANYON FORMATION, M A X I M U M DEPTH. ___ r SANTO DOMING0 R1W INDIANRESERVATION / / / / Z I AI N D I A N SANTA ANA SAN FELIPE RESERVATION INDIANRESERVATION INDIANRESERVATION T14N \ \ I I -? I I I I i Kav Kav / / f f ;ANDIA I N D I A N / i R I O RANCHO -LAGUNA T12N ri t 3ESERVATION - 7 ORTIZMINE \ SANDOVAL COUNTY c SAM PEDRO \ \ / EERNALILLO COUNTY t \ I N D I A N RES I I TllN I I 1 / CANONCITO I N D I A N IXPLANATION ;mv-Mesaverde Group, PRESERVATION ;I I ALBUQUERQUE I N D I A N RES MAP 5 TlON TOWN OF ATRISCO GRANT Y LAGUNA und I FFerent I a t e d ~ SANTA FE COUNTY / I TORRANCE COUNTY i I i t ==+ - i KIRTLAND I I I A I R FORCE BASE R5E R6E COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVARABLE COAL DATA, ALBUQUERQUE 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MESAVERDE GROUP AND CREVASSE CANYON FORMATUN, TOTAL COAL THICKNESS. R7E I i I R8E 1 R9E \'\\.\\ i Li I R4E R3E R1W 1 SANTO DOMING0 Z I AI N D I A N SANTA ANA SAN FELIPE RESERVATION INDIANRESERVATION INDIANRESERVATION I --x -" INDIANRESERVATION T14N T13N / ORTIZMINE T12N SANDIAINDIAN / i\' RESERVATION I SANDOVAL COUNTY LAGUNA \ i BERNALILLO COUNTY SAN PEDRO \ I N D I A N RES / i TllN I :XPLANATION / TO I N D I A N (mv-Mesaverde Group, TION und I FFerent I a t e d TlON ALBUQUERQUE TOWN OF ATRISCO GRANT SANTA FE COUNTY / / L1 1 I '1 MAP 6 ~ TORRANCECOUNTY KIRTLAND I N D I A N RES R5E J - R6E I COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, ALBUQUERQUE .1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MESAVERDE GROUP AND CREVASSE CANYON FOR,MATION, M A X I M U M DEPTH. R7E R8E R9E I T32N T31N BI I I HurnphrIes ” State UI Id1 IFe Area I i”-J t Knv J J TIERRAAMARILLA T30N LAND GRANT EXPLANATION KkF-K I r t I and-Fru I t I and Format Ions, und 1 v I ded KF-Fru I t I and Format I on K I -Lew r7 \ Heron Lake IS Sha I e Inon-coa I -bear I ngl T29N Kmv-Mesaverde Group, und I v I ded ‘ Kmu-Mancos Sha I e, upper sha I e member, hon-coa I -bear I nal J / T28N RIO Chama State I 7 Recreat I on Area I Knv T27N 7 R5E MAP 7 COAL-BEARM FORMATIONS A N 0 AVAILABLE COAL DATA, CHAMA 1:1oO,OOO QUADUANCLE, MENEFEE FORMATION, TOTAL COAL THICKNESS. R6E R7E R8E r: T32N T31N B I I I Hunphrles - State WI Id1 rFe Area 4 1 Kav TIERRAAMARILLA \ \ T30N LAND GRANT EXPLANATION KkF-K I r t I and-Fru It I and Format ~ons, i und I v I ded KF-Fru I t I and Format I on T29N K I -Lew I s Sha I e (non-coa I -bear I ngl Knv und I v I ded Kmu-Mancos Sha I e, upper sha I e member, hon-coa I -bear I nal Kmv-Mesaverde Group, JICARILLA APACHE INDIANRESERVATIOI T28N T R I O Chama State Recreat Ion Area / Knv R2E MAP 8 1 J- T27N 7 I -l R3E R4E R5E COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, C H A M A 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MENEFEE FORMATION, M A X I M U M DEPTH. R6E R7E R8E 7 R20W R19W T R18W R14W R13W R12W MCKINLEY CO CIBOLA CO e c Kth T7N ?PLANATION SALT LAKE FIELD KJNI-DATIL MTNS FIELDS (mhu-Moreno H I I I Format I on, Upper Member kc-Crevasse CanyonForma(DIIco Coal Memberl (9-Ga I I up Sandstone (th-Tres Hermanos Format I ( (Carthage Member) (mhl- Moreno H I I I Format I on, Lower Member T6N Krnh I i Jhhu I MAP 9 COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, FENCE LAKE 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MORENO HILL FORMATION TOTAL COAL THICKNESS. R20W R14W R19W R13W R12W MCKINLEY CO CIBOLA CO I e G Kth c T7N ;XPLANATION ;ALT LAKE FIELD IUNI-DATIL MTNS FIELDS (mhu-Moreno H I I I Format I on, Upper Member :cc-Crevasse Canyon Format I c (D I I co Coa I Member) :g-Ga I I up Sandstone :th-Tres Hermanos Format I on, (Carthage Member) (mhl- Moreno H I I I Format ion, Lower Member I T MAP 10 COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, FENCE LAKE 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MORENO HILL FORMATION M A X I M U M DEPTH. - -t I ESPANOLA I i ("+ r-------\ LOS ALAMOS CO RIOARRIBA CO 1 SANTA FE CO T T CANON SANDIEGO JEMEZ I N D RESERV T18N I EXPLANATION 1 Kmv-MesaverdeGroup, KmF-MeneFee Format I on und I Yded T17N 1 RESERV SANDOVAL CO SANTA FE CO \ L I T i j/ I Z I AI N 0 T16N RESERV T15N I I Kmv R1W R1E \ R3E R5E COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, LOS ALAMOS 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MENEFEE FORMATION, TOTAL COAL THICKNESS. R7E I ESPANOLA . " I I T20N LOS ALAMOS CO RIOARRIBA CO - SANTA FE CO 4 t i CANON SANDIEGO / I JEMEZ I N D RESERV T18N I EXPLANATION Kmv-Mesaverde Group, und I KmF-MeneFee Format I on v/ded T17N I ,( JEMEZ I N D RESERV r i SANDOVAL CO SANTA FE CO i/l T16N I Z I IAN D RESERV 'I T15N Kmv R1W R1E R2E R3E R4E R5E L MAP 12 COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, LOS ALAMOS 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, MENEFEE FORMATION, M A X I M U M DEPTH. R7E T R6W R7W R8W RlOW 642 0 4331 0 65 0 P9 0 d20 0 634 0 P5 436 0 638 655 25 5 ;XPLANATION - -x=-"- 26 5 10 (F-Fru 1 t 1 and format (Fp-Fru 1 t 1 and Forma Pictured Cl I F und I v I ded SANJUAN COUNTY f 655 d33 5 630 T31N 26 5 230 RIOARRIBA COUNTY T30N 22 5 dl8 5 JICARILLA APACHE 6 4 0 d31 0 0 d22 0 24 0 d24 0 429 INDIANRESERVATION d24 0 0 69 0 d27 0 i d24 0 L3 5 T29N 0 $1 0 630 i $4 e9 0 d332 0 PZ 0 UG 25 T28N 0 e9 0 0 T27N 66 0 T26N MAP 13 COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS A N 0 AVAYABLE COAL DATA, I NAVAJO RESERVOIR 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, FRUITLAND FORMATION, TOTAL COAL THICKNESS. I I RlOW R8W R9W 2176 0 R7W 43405 0 29: 2554 0 2757 0 43844 0 2664 0 2178 0 43650 0 43103 0 2343 0 2525 0 R4W 2646 0 2799 0 A087 0 2314 0 EXPLANATION KF-Fru i t i and Format KFp-Fru i t i and Forma SAN JUAN 3 2 R3W 2425 0 1 64 0 2739 0 R5W Pictured Cl I F und I v I ded COUNTY 42956 0 e I T31N 43330 0 2800 0 2113 0 2982 0 43068 0 RIOARRIBA COUNTY !O 0 43102 0 2855 0 42493 T30N 42387 0 42270 0 41824 0 1069 0 42008 0 422117 0 42027 0 2464 0 lE1U648 0 42078 0 42000 0 2233 O 6864 0 dl698 0 41530 0 6985 0 6912 0 41707 0 JICARILLA APACHE 2459 0 INDIANRESERVATION 2155 0 43062 0 216u009 0 6767 0 ~22020 2637 0 2059 0 (3640 0 T29N Q254 0 2108 0 42503 0 - " 6495 0 6822 0 - 6782 0 ~21800 r2026 0 41851 41490 0 "" 3 42367 0 41822 0 2024 0 42003 0 4 p658 0 03 0 6902 0 '6790 0 2133 0 6936 0 41506 0 42162 0 42074 0 42029 0 2346 0 1 it679 0 - 6782 0 U 6806 I 6907 0 6831 0 d988 0 T28N 10 &E 41702 0 6953 0 49 0 6916 0 2164 0 41798 0 41629 0 &987 0 42300 0 6762 0 6984 0 41672 0 19700J0435Q 41880 0 2236 0 6722 0 d2080 0 T27N 6885 0 4 m AbUY U r- 1 " 2254 0 b761 0 6732 0 d MAP 14 45 0 T26N 42081 0 COAL-BEARING FORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE COAL DATA, NAVAJO RESERVOIR 1:100,000 QUADRANGLE, FRUITLAND FORMATION, M A X I M U M DEPTH.