DIFFUSION OF 10MENTUT4 AND SALIHITY IN LAKE MARACAIBO, VENIEZUELA by JOHN ROSS YEARSLEY S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1958) M.S., University of Washington (1966) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLM1ENT OF THE REQUIREENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSITUI'E OF TECHNOLOGY May 1968 Signature of Auth6r. . . . , , " .-. %-,, -. . . . .. [Department oi Geologya Geophysics A (May 23, 1968) Certified by . . . . . . . . -,... .... * C*/ Accepted by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thesis Supervisor . , . . . . . . . . . Chairman, Departmental Cormittee on Graduate Studonts Lindgren WIT (iqOM 1.\ 6 .t9. MITRAJinoAmlE (ii) ABSTRACT DIFFUSION OF MOM101, UM AND SAL-ITfCY IN LAKE MARACAIBO, VENEZUELA by John Ross Yearsley Submitted to the Department of Geology and Geophysics on May 23, 1968 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science A theoretical model of the time-dependent motion in a rotating stratified fluid, driven by a wind stress applied at the surface, is developed. Theoretical expressions for the radial, azimuthal and vertical velocities, and salinity are obtained. The steady-state velocity and salinity profiles predicted by the theory are compared to the results of a field survey made in Lake Maracaibo by Redfield et al (1955). No data is available from Lake Mbaracaibo to verify the validity of the time-dependent portion of the theory, which predicts that the velocity and salinity fields in the Lake require approximately 19 days to reach equilibrium a-fter a change in the applied wind stress. Thesis Supervisor: Arthur T. Ippen Title: Ford Professor of Engineering (iii) ACOTOWLEDGEIMITS Financial support for this research was provided by a Ford Foundation grant to the Inter-American Project in the Department of Civil Eigineering, M.I.T. Professor A. T. Ippen, who supervised the thesis, read the manuscript critically and offered numerous helpful suggestions and criticisms. Drs. Ralph H. Cross and Claes Rooth also read the manuscript and provided constructive criticism. (iv) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Description of the region . . . . . . 1 1 . . iii iv . . . . 1.1 Description of the problem . . . . . . . i . 1 . . 3 1.4 Development of the navigation channel. . . . . 4 1.5 Hydrologic conditions. . .. 1.3 Economic importance of the region. . . . . 1.6 Wind patterns over the Lake. . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . 9 9 1.7 Tidal characteristics. . . . . . . . . 1.8 Salinity intrusion . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Flushing time of the Lake. . . . . 1.10 Previous investigatidns . . . .&. .. . . . .. . 2.1 Equations of motion. . . . 2.2 Important assumptions. . . . . . - .. ... 2.3 Scaling the equations. . . . . . . 2.4 Perturbations expansion. . . . 23 23 . .. . 1.11 Scope of the present investigation. . II. DEVELOPMEN'IT OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL . 11 . . . . . 30 . 32 . . 32 .-.. 34 . ...... . .. . . 35 . . . 40 . . (v) Page 2.5 Interior expansion . . . . . 2.6-Boundary layer expansion . . . 2.7 Boundary conditions. . . . . .. 2.8 Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . 45 ........ . . . . . . III. APPLICATION OF THE THEORY TO LAKE MARACAIBO. . . . . . 3.1 Estimating the size of important constants . 3.2 Transient response . . .... .. . . . . . . 80 4.2 Inadequacies of the theory. . Summary. . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 . . . . . . . . . 95 . . . . . .. . . 5.2 Recommendations for further work BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIST . . . . . . SYrBOLS. . . . .. OF FIGURES . . . ... . . . . VII. LIST OF IX. 72 80 CONCLUSIONS. VIII. 56 4.1 Comparison of theory and data. . . . . . . . . 5.1 VI. 46 56 IV. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. 43 LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 . . . . . . . 97 .. . . 95 . . ... . . . . . . , . 99 . . 102 . . .0. . . . . . . 104 . . . . I. INTRODUCTION SDescription of the problem.-- Lake laracaibo is a large lake in northwestern Venezuela which is connected to the Gulf of Venezuela by the Straits of Maracaibo and Tablazo Bay (see In recent years a general increase in the salinity Figure 1). of the Lake, as well as a major sedimentation problem in the navigation channel connecting the Lake to the Gulf, has been observed. Because the Lake is a major national resource for Venezuela, research was begun 1963 to investigate these two problems. The resulting project has been a cooperative effort between M.I.T., the University of Zulia in Maracaibo, and the Instituto Nacional de Canalizaciones (I.N.C.), with M.I.T. conducting the basic research and acting as consultant to the I.N.C. in planning field investigations, analysis of field data and the construction of a hydraulic model of the Straits and Tablazo Bay. The University has been concerned primarily with measuring the fresh-water discharge from the Lake and the I.N.C. has been responsible for collecting the field data. 1.2 Description of the region.-- Important physical dimensions of the region, as given by Partheniades (1966), are as follows. The Lake has an oval shape with a north-south dinension of approximately 150 kiloneters and east-west dimension of 110 kilometers. The Lake bottom is relatively flat with a maximum -2- 1*00' 11000' Son Carlos Gulf of Venezuela Zapara Straits of Maracaibo -1030' 10*00' Lake Maracaibo 930' 9030' DEPTHS IN METERS 72*00' FIGURE I. LAKE MARACAIBO. 71*30' From Redfield et al (1955) 7100' M3- depth of 35 meters and an average depth of about 23 meters. The area of the Lake is about 10,000,square kilometers. The Straits of 11racaibo and Tablazo Bay both have an area of approximately 1100 square kilometers. The Straits are about 40 kilometers long and vary in width from 18 kilometers at the southern end to 7 kilometers at the northern end. A channel runs through the Straits and is about 1000 meters wide and 12 to 18 meters deep. The distance from the northern end of the Straits to the Gulf of Venezuela is about 24 kilometers. Tablazo Bay is extremely shallow, with depths varying between 1 and 5 meters, except in some natural channels where they may reach 7 meters. Tablazo Bay is separated from the Gulf of Venezuela by a series of shifting islands and bars, the largest of which is the island of Zapara. The major exchange of water between the Gulf of Venezuela and the Tablazo Bay-Straits of Maracaibo-Lake 4aracaibo system occurs through a natural channel about 2 kilometers wide between the island of Zapara and the penninsula of San Carlos. The Maracaibo Basin is separated from the rest of Venezuela on the east and south, and Colombia on the west, by the high mountain ranges of the Andes, whose altitudes reach a maximum of about 5000 meters to the south of the Lake. 1.3 Economic importance of the region.-- Because of large petroleum reserves located beneath the Lake and the area -14surrounding the Lake, the production of crude oil has been extremely important in the economy of Venezuela. However, the Lake also supports a fisheries industry and agriculture may become necessary in future years to support an increase in the population of Venezuela. Since an increase in Lake salinity may have an adverse effect on the fisheries and agricultural industries in the region it is important to understand the processes which control the diffusion of salinity in the Lake. 1.4 Development of the navigation channel.-- As mentioned in the previous section, the production of crude oil in Lake Maracaibo has provided a significant contribution to the economy of Venezuela. The oil is shipped to refineries in other parts of th.e world in large ships which enter the Lake by way of a navigation channel. The channel begins in the Gulf of Venezuela, passes through the natural channel between Zapara and San Carlos, and continues through Tablazo Bay and the Straits of Maracaibo into the Lake. Prior to 1938 the natural channel through this region was used, but continual shifting in its depth and alignment prompted the oil companies using the channel to begin a dredging program. Under this program the channel depth was maintained at 20 feet until 1947 when the Venezuelan Government recommended that the depth be increased to 35 feet. In 1952 the I.N.C. was formed and given the responsibility of maintaining the channel at recommended depth. depth to 45 In 1957 the I.N.C. decided to increase the feet to accomodate the deep-draught tankers which were coming into service. This work was begun in 1960 and completed in 1963. The dredging operations are presently performed by the dredge "Zulia" which maintains a channel 800 to 1000 feet wide and 45 feet deep. 1.5 Hydrologic conditions.-- The hydrologic balance of the Maracaibo Basin is determined by computing: (1) the average runoff from the upland areas of the basin; (2) the average evaporation and transpiration of Lake Maracaibo and associated marshland; and (3) the average precipitation onto the marsh and water surface of the Lake. The hydrologic balance is then given by: S = - E + Pr (1.5.1) where S is the hydrologic balance, R is the average runoff, E is the evaporation and transpiration, and Pr is the precipitation over the Lake, all quantities having the units of cubic meters per second. The most comprehensive study of hydrologic conditions in the Maracaibo Basin was done by Corona (1964), who analyzed -6- rainfall and evaporation data for the period 1944-1960. Monthly averages of the hydrologic balance, S, were determined and then multiplied by the number of seconds per month, giving an estimate of the net monthly hydrologic balance: Ba = S x (60 x 60 x 24 x 30) (1.5.2) where Ba is the net monthly hydrologic balance in cubic meters. Ramon Cadenas (personal communication) has applied the same methods as Corona to data covering the period 1964-1967. The average net monthly hydrologic balance, obtained by averaging the results of the above investigators over the period 1944-1960, 1964-1967, is shown in Figure 2. The net monthly hydrologic budget of the Lake for individual years, during the same period, is shown in Figure 3. The long-term average hydrologic balance (Figure 2) indicates that the dry season extends through the months of January, February, Iarch and April, while the wettest period occurs during October and November. It should be pointed out that there is considerable spatial variation of rainfall within the Maracaibo Basin. The Catatuibo sub-basin, in the extreme southwestern portion of the Maracaibo Basin, has a mean monthly maximun rainfall of 500 millimeters in the month of October, whereas the same mean 0 40 0 8 4- 0D C .0 Jan. FIGURE 2. March May July Sept. Average net monthly hydrologic balance. and Cadenos (unpublished data). Oct. Jan. From Corona (1964) . 8- E Z .D U 4 0 a) cO 1945 FIGURE 1950 3. 1955 1960 Net monthly hydrologic balance for the period 1944-1960, 1964-1967. Corona 0964) and Codenas (unpublished data). 1965 From 1967 -9- monthly rainfall over the southern half of Lake Maracaibo is about 200 millimeters. 1.6 Wind patterns over the Lake.-- Lake YMaracaibo is located in the belt of the Northeast Trade Winds and because of this the winds over the northern half of the Lake are from the northeast about 70% of the time. As shown by Redfield et al (1955) the wind over the northern half of the Lake is predominantly from the northeast during the months January-April, July and December, being somewhat variable during the remaining portions of the year. The average monthly wind speed varies between 6 and 9 meters per second. Over the southern half of the Lake the wind regime is not well known. Redfield et al (1955) report that during their survey the wind was predominantly from the west, and local inhabitants indicated that this was the case for most of the year. The high mountain ranges to the west and south of the Lake apparently deflect the Trade Winds in such a way that the wind over the south end of the Lake is predominantly westerly. 1.7 Tidal characteristics.-- As indicated in an earlier section the Tablazo Bay-Straits of IHaracaibo-Lake Maracaibo system communicates writh the Gulf of Venezuela through the narrow -10- channels between the islands and sand bars along the northern boundary of Tablazo Bay. The most important of these is the 2 kilometer-wide channel between the island of Zapara and the peninsula of San Carlos. Two secondary entrances exist at the northeastern boundary of the Bay between the islands of Canonera, Canonerita, and the mainland on the east. The total width of these secondary channels is about 3 kilometers, but their depth is very small, ranging from practically zero at low tides to 3 to 5 feet at high tides. Therefore, the main tidal exchange occurs through the natural channel between Zapara and San Carlos, and only a small amount occurs through CanoneraCanonerita. The tidal range at Zapara is about 3 feet, the predominant constituent being the lunar semi-diurnal (N2) harmonic. Frictional effects reduce the amplitude of the tidal wave as it enters the Bay and the Straits of Maracaibo. At Maracaibo, approximately midway between the southern and northern limits of the Straits, the tidal range of the lunar semi-diurnal constituent is only 1 foot. The tidal range in the Lake is further reduced by friction, and, more important, as a result of the considerable change in width between the Straits and the Lake. Harmonic analysis of tidal records from the Lake, made by Redfield et al (1955), give a tidal range of 0.04 feet for the lunar semi-diurnal -11- constituent in the Lake. Tidal velocities at the northern entrance to Tablazo Bay, as given by Partheniades (1966), are of the order of 1.0 meters per second, whereas measurements in the Lake by Redfield indicate that tidal velocities there are of the order of 0.05-0.1 meters per second. 1.8 Salinit intrusion.-- Salinity surveys in the Lake have shown that the water of the Lake can, in a general manner, be characterized by two different parts: (1) The epilimnion, or upper layer, in which the chlorides vary only slightly from place to place and with depth, and which occupies more than 705o of the total Lake volume. (2)The hypolimnion, or lower layer, in which salt concentrations are generally higher and increase with depth. Its shape is conical and is located appromxiately in the center of the Lake. Chemical analysis of the Lake water indicates that practically all the salinity in the Lake is due to the entrance of Gulf water. Due to its higher density this water enters the Lake along the bottom. Long-term records of Lake chlorinity in the epilimnion have been made by the Creole Oil Company and the I.N.C. in unpublished form. Since the epilimnion comprises the major -12- volume of the Lake and because its chloride content is relatively uniform, these records provide a means of determining salinity changes in the Lake. Figure h shows the chloride content of the Lake epilimnion as a function of time for the period 1944-1966. From Figure 4 it can be seen that prior to 1958 the Lake chlorinity remained at about 0.700 parts per thousand (ppt) with the exception of the period 1948-1950 when the chlorinity rose to 1.200 ppt. Between 1958 and 1966, where the records end, the Lake chlorinity increased from 0.700 ppt to about 3.500 ppt. The present Lake chlorinity is probably in the neighborhood of 3.500-4.000 ppt, although no reliable data is available to substantiate this. Comparison of Figures 3 and 4 suggest that these increases are associated with two phenomena, abnormal hydrologic balance and deepening of the navigation channel. During the period 1948-1949.the channel depth remained at 20 feet, but the hydrologic balance was below normal, from which one would infer that the resulting chlorinity increase was caused by the low hydrologic balance. This is supported by the fact that in 1950-1951 the hydrologic balance was above average and a corresponding decrease in Lake chlorinity was observed. Beginning in mid-1957 and continuing into 1960, where, unfortunately, the hydrologic record ends, there was a period of extreme drought. Increase in the Lake chlorinity began in late 1958 and was, no doubt, associated with the drought. 2.0006 06 a. C - 1.00 1945 FIGURE 1950 4. 1955 1960 1965 1967 Chlorinity In the epilimnion of Lake Maracoibo during 1944-1960, 1964-1967. From unpublished data of the Creole Oil Co. and the I.N.C. -114- However, in 1960 the channel depth was increased to 45 feet and this could also have contributed to the change in Lake chlorinity. That the increase in channel depth may be responsible, in part, for the chlorinity increase is suggested by the fact that the hydrologic balance in 1964-1967 was above-average, yet the Lake chlorinity increased. To understand why changes in the hydrologic balance and channel affect the Lake chlorinity one must examine the physical processes governing the exchange of chlorides between the Gulf of Venezuela and the Tablazo Bay-Straits of MaracaiboLake Iaracaibo system. The chlorides enter the Bay from the Gulf of Venezuela primarily through the channel between Zapara and San Carlos, and diffuse southward through the Bay and Straits as a result of tidal mixing. This diffusion of chlorides into the Straits is balanced by the fresh water discharged from the Lake and flowing northward. The velocities associated with the freshwater discharge are determined by the fresh-water budget of the Lake and cross-sectional area of the channel through which the fresh-water flows. For a given cross-section the fresh- water velocity will vary directly as the fresh-water budget of the Lake, with high velocities occurring during wet periods and low velocities during dry periods. For a given fresh- water budget of the Lake increases in cross-section will reduce the fresh-water velocity, whereas decreases in the -15- cross-section increase the fresh-water velocity. Increase in the fresh-water velocity will tend to "push" the intruding chlorides northward toward the Gulf, and decreases in the fresh-water velocity will allow the chlorides to move south into the Straits and the Lake. The chlorinity gradients resulting from these processes are, in general, functions of both longitudinal and vertical coordinates in a long narrow channel. This type of partially mixed condition is typical of the Straits of Maracaibo and Tablazo Bay, as can be seen from Figures 5-9. These figures are north-south sections from the Gulf of Venezuela to the southern end of the Lake. These figures, as well as Figures 10 and 11, indicate that the chlorinity in the Lake has a different pattern and, therefore, the physical processes governing the diffusion of chlorides in the Lake are probably not the same as those in the Straits and Tablazo Bay. Figures 5-9 are also instructive in showing how the chlorinity in the Straits has been affected by seasonal and long-term variations in the fresh-water velocity. In March 1954 (Figure 5), when the fresh-water balance was negative, the 2.500 ppt line of constant chlorinity (isochlor) intersected the bottom of the Straits very near the northern entrance to the Lake. Since the chlorinity at the bottom of the Lake near the center was close to this value, it is reasonable to assume that the South North 0I Mt nAj _ Meters 9*00d FIGURE 5. 9*3 0' 10'000 10* 30' North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Maracaibo showing chlorinity, C(ppt), 11000' Venezuela to the south end distribution in March 1954, of Lake From Redfield(1955). , o' South North 0 r-. 0 10 Meters i 20 30 9*00' FIGURE 9*30' 6. IOod 10*3' 11000' North- south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity, C (ppt), distribution in May 1954. From Redfield(1955). South North 0 rr- -iO - 10 10 Meters 20 - 20 SAA00- 30 I 9*30' 9*00 FIGURE 7. 30 I 10000 10030 II00' North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Moracaibo showing chlorinity, C(ppt), distribution in March of 1963. From unpublished data of the Creole Oil Co. South North 0 --- n 0 -10 Meters 20 -20 -3 30 9030' 9000' FIGURE 8. 10000' 11000' 10030' North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity, C(ppt) From unpublished data of the Creole , distribution in December Oil Co. 1963. North South 10 10 - ' - Meters 20- -20 30- -30 9*30' 9000' FIGURE 9. 10*00' 10*30' North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity, C(ppt), distribution in June 1966. From unpublished data of the I.N.C. 1000 20 0 60 e a Kilometers 40 80 a1, t00 A 10 9 -o Meters 20 20- 30- 30 Temperature - *C. Meters 20 30 Chlorinity - FIGURE 10. ppt Lake temperature and chlorinity along Section A A' from Redfield et al (1955). 20 40 60 Kilometers 8,0 a 1QO , Ig0 , 0 1O Meters 20 30 N) Temperature -a'C Meters 20 30 FIGURE 1I. Lake temperature and chlorinity along Section BB from Redfield et al (1955). -23- Lake was receiving water of this chlorinity from the Straits. In May 1954 (Figure 6) the 2.500 ppt isochlor moved north, almost to the Gulf of Venezuela, presumably as a result of the positive fresh-water balance during this month. A similar shift in isochlors is seen by comparing March 1963 (Figure 7), a dry month on the average, although no hydrological data is available for this period, and December 1963 (Figure 8), a wet month. The data from 1963 also show how the chlorinity increased both in the Lake and 'the Straits between 1954 and 1963. The most recent data is from a survey made in June 1966 by the I.N.C. (Figure 9), which give an indication of the present chlorinity distribution in the Straits and the Lake. 1.9 Flushing time of the Lake.-- The average time a molecule of salt remains in the Lake determines how the Lake water will react to factors altering the accession of water or salt into the Lake. This time is given'by the ratio of the Lake volume to the fresh-water discharge. The volume of Lake Maracaibo is approximately 25 x 1010 cubic meters. The total annual average fresh-water discharge, as determined from Figure 2, is about' 50 x 109 cubic meters. Dividing the Lake volume by the fresh-water discharge gives a value of about 5 years as the flushing, or residence, time for a salt molecule in the Lake. 1.10 Previous investigatons.-- Investigations of the salinity intrusion problem in the Straits of Haracaibo and Tablazo Bay were begun by Corona (1966) using the one-dimensional model for a long narrow channel originated by Ippen and Harleman (1961). In this method the salinity, S, and the longitudinal velocity, u, are taken as instantaneous, average values over each cross-section. For Lake Maracaibo the salinity, S, is related to the chlorinity, C, by the following formula: S = C 1.SOS +0.0 0.10.1) Because the channel is assumed to be long and narrow, variations across the channel are neglected, and therefore, variables are functions of time, t, and longitudinal distance along the channel, x, only. The one-dimensional conservation of salt equation for a channel of constant cross-sectional area is given by: LA CI/=. c (1.10.2) where DI is the apparent diffusion coefficient. This coefficient x includes the mass transfer by turbulent diffusion and the important nass transfer by internal currents caused by the density difference between salt and fresh water. The fluid velocity, u, is equal to the sum of the tidal velocity, u(x,t), and the fresh-water velocity, U, due to the outflow from the Lake. Equation (1.10.2) becomes: ~S (~t~-U~ K# (1.10.3) The negative sign in the fresh-water velocity term appears because the origin of x is taken at the ocean entrance and is measured positive in the landward direction. If the fresh-water discharge is relatively constant during a period of time of the order of several days or a week, a quasi-steady state salinity distribution should result in the estuary. That is, the one-dimensional salinity distribution at instants of time differing by one tidal cycle should be the This should be expecially true at low water slack (L.W.S.) same. since the salinity distribution at high water slack may be more influenced by daily variations in tidal amplitude. At the moment of low water slack, the salinity at any station should be close to its minimum value. low water slack both DS Z>t In addition, at and u(x,t) are momentarily zero. Equation (1.10.3) can then be written: ~U 0)SLWVS C) DS~ __ (1-10-4) vhere SLS = salinity at low water slack and is a function of x only. The second assumption is that the salinity distribution at -26- high water slack is given by the low water slack distribution curve displaced longitudinally by a distance equal to the tidal excursion. This is equivalent to stating that within one-half of a tidal period: + L = aA c (1-10-5) DX C)t Equation (1.10.4) can be integrated if the functional dependence of D1 and boundary conditions on the salinity, S, x are given. The functional dependence of DI on x is assumed to be the x following form: D C (1.10.6) Therefore, at x = 0 (ocean entrance), D' = D', while at 0 x x = -B (seaward of x = 0), D' -o oo , and for large x (in the x positive, or landward, direction), DI-->O. X That D. approaches an infinite value at x = -B is consistent with the fact that if the estuary was imagined to extend to x = -B, an infinite anount of mixing would be required to maintain a constant salinity at low water slack. The boundary conditions on the salinity are assumed to be that SU- -:l0,and dS tbLNS ->O0, as x ->OCC, and S- I = So at -27- x = -B, where S is the ocean salinity. The solution to equation (1.10.4) is then given by: _U 3 WS -- B (x,+) (1-10.7) so If the salinity is knom at low water slack for at least two points (values of x) the parameters DI and B can be determined from equation (1.10.7). For actual field conditions, where the basic assumptions used to derive the mathematical model are not exactly satisfied, it has been found that two dimensionless salinity parameters: and Dt 0 UB 2'B uOT mhere u0 is the maxmum flood tide velocity at the ocean entrance, and T is the tidal period, correlate with a dimensionless combination of variables known as the "estuary number". estuary number is defined as follows: P F Qf T The -28- where, = t F tidal prism, the volume of sea water entering the estuary on flood tide. = Froude number, uo , u being the maximum flood tide velocity; g, the force per unity mass due to gravity; and h, the mean channel depth. Qf = fresh-water discharge T = tidal period Using salinity measurements obtained from the Straits of Maracaibo and Tablazo Bay during surveys made by the I.N.C., Corona (1966) was able to calculate the values of D' and B from equation (1.10.7) for various values of fresh-water D discharge and tidal velocity. The two salinity parameters, D 2'i\'B , were calculated and plotted against the estuary and, number PT 2 , and the results are shown in Figures 12 and 13. From these Tigures estimates of DI and B can be obtained for given values of tidal velocity-and fresh-water discharge. 4aximum and minimum intrusion lengths for the Tablazo Bay-Straits of Maracaibo estuary can then be predicted as shown in Table III of Ippen (1966). It should be kept in mind that the analysis described above can be used with confidence only in the Straits and Tablazo Bay, and does not apply to the diffusion of salt in the Lake proper. It does however furnish information about the salinity at the northern end of the Lake where the Straits join the Lake. 40 -I----I----I--1 I I 40 ' I I -I--i--i-i-li- - ' I I I £I 1 -1s 0 0 1027rB uT 5 I I I1 A11 0.6 0.1 0.D 0.003 * (Estuary Number) OfT FIGURE 12. Basic salinity distribution parameters in the Straits of Marocaibo. From Corona (1966). 50 -- r r-rr- a h - I r I--r -r 0 tidal amplitude channel depth 10D' UB 0. a003 -- QT / 0.0 Pt 0.1 0.9 PQF2 (Estuary Number) FIGURE 13. Basic salinity distribution parameteirs in the Straits of Maracaibo. From Corona (1966). In this sense it gives a boundary condition for the diffusion of salt into the Lake, and will therefore be important in an analysis 'of the entire Tablazo Bay-Straits of Maracaibo-Lake Maracaibo system. An investigation which has bearing on the salinity problem in the Lake proper is a model study by Stockhausen (1964). In this investigation a scale model of the Lake was constructed and salt was added to simulate the salinity distribution in the Lake. The model was then placed on a rotating platform and a wind stress was applied. The resulting salinity distribution measured in the model agreed well with the prototype and indicated in a qualitative way .that the wind stress and rotation of the Earth play an important role in the dynamics of the Lake. These processes are considerably different than those acting in the Straits and Tablazo Bay, and any analysis of salt diffusion in the Lake must take into account these same processes. 1.11 Scope of the present investigation.-- It has been emphasized in previous sections that the physical processes affecting the diffusion of salt in the Lake are different from those in the Straits and Tablazo Bay. The diffusion of salt in the Straits and Tablazo Bay has been adequately described by Corona (1966) as indicated in a previous paragraph. To obtain a unified analysis of the entire system it is necessary to determine the nature of -31 the salt diffusion in the Lake. - The purpose of this work is to develop a mathematical model of the dynamical processes affecting the Lake circulation. The diffusion of salt will play an important part in this mathematical model, as will the effects of wind stress and the rotation of the Earth. The results of the theoretical investigation will be compared with the field data obtained by Redfield et al (1955). These data will be used because they provide the most complete information on velocity and salinity profiles in the Lake. That the dynamical picture has not changed appreciably since Redfield t s study is suggested by the shapes of the isochlors in Figures 5-9, however, more thorough field studies of velocity and salinity profiles would be helpful for establishing the validity of the theoretical model. II. DEVELOPIET OF THE IMATIEMATICAL MODEL 2.1 Equations of motion.-- The equations required to describe the diffusion of salinity and momentum in an incompressible rotating fluid are the momentum equations, continuity equation, equations of state, and salt diffusion equation. For axially symmetric flow, the momentum equations in the radial, azimuthal, and vertical directions, respectively, are: .. . Sr U LC) LA +4 .AA7 CL_ r (2.1.1) . L C)L. 37.tA -- - V5-iL C)r' Lk Ciif ,A-AY C) Mr C) t ns D-uX 3 3 ns LA Ir (2.1.2) 4 L-k qL r L) +JL L) + 2.1.3) 3 Aa V. C)e) LA y + C)-iIC') C) y -33- The equation of continuity: ) ( (2.1.14) O The equation of state: =- (2.1 I . P .5) The equation of salt diffusion: -t. .. C LA . m3 t Az (2.1.6) C) D.[S + D_rS \k The dependent variables, r, z, and t are the radial and vertical coordinates and time, respectively, where r is positive outwards and z is positive upward and parallel to the gravity force. The independent variables, u, v, w, , and S are the radial, azimuthal and vertical velocities, pressure, density and salinity, respectively. -\ and and vertical coefficients of eddy viscosity, are the horizontal and \R -34- the horizontal and vertical coefficients of eddy diffusivity. g is the force per unit mass due to gravity. Cx is a coefficient relating the density to the salinity and f is the Coriolis paramter, 2.0 sin the Earth and equator. , where .0 is the angular velocity of P is the latitude measured northward from the The 12KS system of units will be used throughout, except where noted. ant assumptions.-- The following assumptions will be 2.2 used in this work: (1) The motions are small enough so that the inertial terms will be negligible. (2) Frictional effects are confined to small boundarylayers on the top and bottom. (3) The major portion of the Lake is in geostrophic equilibrium, that is, the pressure is balanced by the Coriolis force. (h) The Coriolis parameter, f = 20 sin 4), is a constant. This implies that dynlamic effects due to the Earth's sphericity can be ignored. coefficients of viscosity and diffusion are constant. (5)Eddy (6) The variations in density are small enough to be negligible, except where they are associated with the gravity term. This is the Boussinesq approximation. (7) The density is a linear function of salinity. inplies that CK is a constant. (8) The Lake is initially at rest and stratified in such a way that the salinity is a linear function of the depth only. This (9) After the Lake has been set into motion the pressure field can be separated into two portions. One portion is a hydrostatic term resulting from the Lake's initial stratification, and the other a small perturbation caused by the motion. Mathematically, this can be stated: f(r, :) =f 0 (Z) f4(,,) (2.2.1) (10) The salinity can be separated into three components. The first two being a constant term and a tern which is a linear function of the depth only. This describes the condition of the Lake while it is at rest and is an exact solution to equation (2.1.6). The third component is a small perturbation resulting from the motion. Mathematically, this can be stated: S~ t, =so+ sS The first two terms, S. + -) v (2.2.2) , will be referred to in later sections as the long-term component. 2.3 Scaling the eouations.-- Exact solutions to the system of equations (2.1.1) - (2.1.6) are difficult to find. It has been found, however, that for certain scales of motion the complexity of these equations can be reduced while retaining the important features of the flow. A technique which has been successful is to first reduce the equations to dimensionless form, identify important terms in the scaled equations and then use the nethods of singular perturbation theory to find an approximate solution. -36- Several investigators have used this method in the study of diffusion processes in a rotating fluid. Howard (1.963) Greenspan and investigated the time-dependent motions of a homogeneous fluid in a rotating cylinder vhose vertical and horizontal dimensions were approximately the same. Barcilon and Pedlosky (1967a, 1967b) were concerned with the steady motion of a temerature-stratified fluid in a rotating cylinder of similar dimensions as Greenspan and Howard. Holton (1964) developed a model for the time-dependent motion of a thermally stratified fluid in a rotating basin with a large ratio of horizontal-to-vertical dimensions, but he rather arbitrarily ignored the effects of temperature diffusion. The following investigation will be concerned with the time-dependent motions of a salt-stratified fluid in a rotating basin of large horizontal dimensions and small vertical dimension. In this respect it is similar to Holton's work, the major difference being that the diffusion processes whnich Holton neglected will be taken into account. The appropriate scaling for a stratified fluid in neargeostrophic equilibrium, and subject to viscous forces, is as follows: -37- gAAY (f=V~f __ L V4P VfL % S' where the primed variables are dimensionless, L is a characteristic horizontal dimension, H is a characteristic depth, and V is a All other variables and characteristic azimuthal velocity. constants have been defined previously. Certain dimensionless numbers will occur in the equations: (1) Mechanical Rossby Number - = - 4L This is a measure of how much the fluid departs from a state of rigid rotation. 6 (2) Internal Rossby Number - = - 2 This is a measure of how much the fluid departs from the initial linear vertical stratification. (3) E Ekman Number - This is a measure of the thickiess of the frictional boundary layers at the top and bottom. (h) Aspect Ratio - / L (5) Rotational Richardson Number = - -- __V This is a measure of the initial stratification. (6)' Horizontal Prandtl Number (7) Cr . Vertical Prandtl Number - (8) This is a measure of the anisotropic nature of the turbulence. The quantities &SH and &Sv occurring in (2) and (5) are estimates of the total variation of salinity from the center of the Lake to the edge and the variation of salinity from the top to the bottom, respectively. In the perturbation expansion which follows it will be assumed that the internal Rossby number, 6, Rossby number, , the square root of the Elnan number, and the rotational Richardson number, of the same order. the mechanical There is, for these assumptions. ( , , are small and all of course, no a priori justification However, in Section III the theory will be compared with actual field data and the values of important constants estimated. The above dimensionless numbers can then be calculated, and it will be showrn that assumptions made as to their magnitude is, in fact, consistent with the observed behaviour of the Lake. The horizontal Prandtl number, , will be taken as -39- one (1), as suggested by Sverdrup (1942), and the vertical Prandtl number, CUI , according to Hunk and Anderson is about 10. The physical dimensions of the Lake determine the aspect ratio. Making use of the above, the dimensionless forms of the equations are: E b' QM~f Lt"uc'U' + )r' + -4+E 3- -L L 2.U - 2_u' .'L 32U, ~j (2.3.1) I-Cs= ~ I..' ~Y' r )I DY11 FZ 3nS5 Lk' + 8 + fols (2.3.2) 1+I r 4-3-.a yo 7 4. E.c~U3 ~t. 4+ ~I~'s'8 Ax-, + E 4-' I XL (U '- Iw (2.3.3) Jr yo)__ + xAY'~ (2-3-4) -40- E ;4A (2.3.5) 1LAC)Z -) t' + L[es" E_-_X -+- The equation of state, equation (2.15), has been eliminated by naking use of the Boussinesq approximation. 2.4 Perturbation expansion.-- Folloring the example of Holton (1964) and Barcilon and Pedlosky (1967a, 1967b), the independent variables, u, vp w, , and S are expanded in terms of the square root of the Ekman number, 0" = , which is a measure of the thickness of the frictional boundary layers at the top and botton, and, as mentioned previously, is assumed to be small: tA(4 -~ E E'' Fu{hI Lk IE ( V8 ) Lk n 5 ( V: !: ) + 8:E (2.h.1) -41- Z cir(v1'') = O2 E rir AAY' ('7 " l2. r,'i (nr t')+ ') c r ( -,a't) ( 24.2) 7; ' t') AY Yv- I (2..3) nh E (2.4-4) 'Ih81r V nhk n 5o (u , T (Y.t)4 (2.6) --- ) are the values of the variables in the interior of the fluid, and (u' B nB , ---- ) and V (ut nB nB are the correct'ions to the interior flow , in the bpundary layers at the top and bottom, respectively, and = E , = t, and the stretched coordinates, are functions of r, needed to . The boundary layer corrections are satisfy the boundary conditions at the top and bottom, and must vanish in the interior. 2.5 Interior expansion.-- The interior flow, to zero order, is obtained by substituting the expanded form of the variables (equations (2.h.1) - (2.h.5)) into equations (2.3.1) - (2.3.5) and collecting terms whose coefficients are of the order unity. The resulting interior equations are: -(1 ' OIL _ _(2.5.1) (2o.2 -L 0 (2.5.3) -h3- ')' 9TO Z~OL (2.5.5) =0 0 I2s I c3~ + 44 !4r 2.6 Boundary layer expansion.-- The zero-order expansion for the corrections to the interior flow in the top boundary layer (zt = 1) is found to be: OT : _*S 8 411 0 .4T. (2.6.1) r t Q05 = ) (2.6.2) it (2.6.3) I L_ U* 775vo r) 0 c)~tLr' t (2.6.4) (2.6.5) Similarly, in the bottom boundary layer (zi = 0): =-- +A LAJL L08 (2.6.7) ii: - 0 (2.6.6) = 'e)M (2.6.8) . ,E8r\ D / A '3X + Jro P (2.6.9) (2.6.10) 2.7 Boundary conditions.-- The boundary condtions to be satisfied are: at zt = 0 u= 0 v at z' Ut =, (rt), w = 0, V' = 0, - 0 a)r0 at rt = 0 U1 , vt, I = 0= * Svt= =0 /C (rt)is the dimensionless wind stress. at rI = I u' 0 1 0 where = 0, wt = 0, t, 31 are finite .46- at t' u' = 0 = vt = W1 = St = 0 2.8 Solutions.-- The boundary layer equations (2.6.1) - (2.6.10) are the same as those first solved by Elonan (1905) with the exception of equations (2.6.5) and 2.6.10) involving the diffusion of salt, which were not used by Elnan because he was concerned with a homogeneous fluid. Since no solutions to equations (2.6.5) and (2.6.10) can be found which allow So S oB 0 to vanisa in the interior, except St and S' o13 oB oB the solutions to equations (2.6.1) - (2.6.10) for the boundary conditions given in paragraph 2.7 must be the same as those given by Ekman. Q#t These solutions are: )t ) e -47- =-of V,O,-' TlQ S (2.8.4) e The boundary conditions for the vertical velocity are obtained by integrating the continuity equations (2.5.4), (2.6.4) and (2.6.9): at z' = 0 (2.8.5) 0 Irl ) A 'w I at z, = 1 -05-1 O' 4.. JA K> (2.8.6) (iXT'r V ) a 7YL- -148- The results of the integration are: at zt = 0 _ - (2.8.7) at zI = 1 ,AAr Ox r aI'L (2.8.8) V.dyL~~J J For the interior it is evident from equations (2.5.1) and (2.5.3) that the pressure, p0 function, , can be treated as a stream- VI, which satisfies the equation: (2.8.9) + # L7- +2t. )r, ~a2. ft--ft-IPCM DI ) 0all ..-_.oarl I. with boundary conditions: at z, = 0 E 1- 2. 12 q)-) ~~i2~ CrIr )KA"~~TY __ V. (2.8.10) DYL dV.\c)21 ) I 7 Lv7J, ~ at z t = 1 ~jat( 'I, oI) (2.8.11) or + Dih.( -I ye ~ 5~LA ~4=0 at rt = 0 'Va' finite (2.8.12) at r' = 1 . . =0 (2.8.13) C)r at tt = 0 'T = 0 (2.8.11h) To complete the solution-it is necessary to specify the wind stress, i (rt,tl). For this investigation a particularly useful form of the wind stress is: r(P,-) =U Ia )i-( (2.8.15) where u1 (t') is the unit stop-function, J (kr") is the Bessel function of first kind and order one, and k is chosen such that Jj(k) = 0. Making use of Laplace transforms, the partial differential equation (2.8.9) reduces to: s C-) 1 + -f ah1. - -os (2.8.16) while the boundary condition at zt = 0, equation (2.8.10), becomes: 1/. L . 1'K t~K1~ OT. 4 I ?tc'f +] - - O:. (2.8.17) ihere: 1 P7-- (2.8.18) and: cit) 00 e 0~ (2.8.19) et I4- (2(I, e dt (2.8.20) 0 Inverting equations (2.8.16) and (2.8.17) leads to the solution: (t) - (z~ IL) (~t%) tLA t) ]LA (t-) (2.8.21) (2.8.22) From this the azimuthal velocity and the salinity perturbation in the interior can be determined. The baroclinic and barotropic modes of the azimuthal velocity are, respectively: CLSQ. 3x 1 (1)(2.8.23) (2.8.24) The baroclinic mode, equation (2.8.23), responds to that part of the pressure field for which the pressure is not a function of the density only, whereas the barotropic mode, equation (2.8.24), responds to that part of the pressure field for which the pressure is a function of density only. In a barotropic fluid the lines of constant pressure and constant density are everywhere parallel, which is not the case for a baroclinic fluid. In general, the pressure field of a fluid can be considered to be composed of a baroclinic and a barotropic component and the resulting velocity field uill have a barotropic and baroclinic component as was found above. For a fluid which is in quasi-geostrophic equilibrium, as Lake Maracaibo has been assumed to be, the barotropic velocity component will be independent of the depth, whereas the baroclinic mode irill have a dependence upon the depth. This is evident from equations (2.8.23) and (2.8.2). The salinity perturbation is given by: The zero order velocity and perturbation salinity fields for the entire fluid are: + ell _ Z e C = eI I LA e + (2-8.27 (2.8.27) 4T r T y-'t) E (2.8.23) - k#W4-iT + -Ar -o U V: ) LA Q ) 4e 4r( (2.8.2> -56- III. APPLICATION OF THE THSORY TO LAKE M1YAACAIBO 3.1 Estimating the size of important constants.-- The mathematical model derived in Section II characterizes the time-dependent flow of a rotating, stratified, and incompressible fluid for a rather specific set of conditions. These conditions are: (1) viscous effects are confined to thin layers at the top and bottom of the fluid; (2) the initial stratification of the fluid is small; (3) the fluid motion differs only slightly from a state of solid rotation; (h) the stratification due to the fluid motion differs only by a small amount from the initial stratification; and (5) the ratio of the horizontal to vertical dimensions is large. In order to determine if such a model can be used to explain the diffusion of salt and momentum in Lake H"aracaibo, it is necessary to compare the theory with actual field data from the Lake. The most exhaustive field study of Lake aracaibo was made by Redfield et al (1955) in the Spring of 1954. Figures 10 and 11 show Lake chlorinity and Figure 15 shows the azimuthal velocity profiles obtained during this survey. This data will be used to determinc the validity of the theory for tho steadystate case only, since no suitable time series is the investigation of tine-dependent motions. available for The theory can be compared ith the data only if numerical values of the constants, OC , f, & SH' 4 ' )., W., and, , are known. the g, H, L, V, ASv, These constants have determined in the following manner: C - f - the coefficient relating the density to the salinity is given by Lafond (1951) as 1 .53 x 1o-3 ppt- 1 . the Coriolis parameter, 2 C. sin 4 , is calculated for a latitude of 90 501, which corresponds, approximately, to the center of the Lake. -- , the angular velocity of the Earth, is 0.73 x 10-4 seconds- 1 . Therefore: f = 2 x 0.73 x 1oh~ x sin(9 0 501) = 2.48 x 10-5 sec.-1 g - the force per unit mass due to gravity is 9.81 meters 2 sec.~1 H- the characteristic depth of the Lake is approximately 30 meters. Actual depth and idealized depth are compared in Figure 14. L - the characteristic radius of the Lake is approximately 60 x 1o3 meters as shown in Figure 14. &SV- the variation in salinity from top to bottom is obtained from the Figures 10 and 11 the middle of the bottom about 0.20 salinity by means From data of Redfield et al (1955). the chlorinity, C, at the top in Lake is about 0.80 ppt, and at the ppt. Converting chlorinity to of equation (1.10.1): Sv = 1.805 x C(top) - 1.805 x C(bottom) = 1.805 x (-1.20) = -2.16 ppt 1 60 40 20 0 I I I I I I 80 I I 120 100 I I I I A Kilometers Meters I 0 I 10 10 20 II - 30 - FIGURE - - I -------------------------------- Meters 20 - 30 14. Comparison of idealized Lake (dashed lines) with actual Lkd (solid lines) along Sections AA' and BB.' the variation in salinity from the middle of the Lake to the edge of the Lake is also obtained from Redfield. SH- - Figures 10 and 11 show that the chlorinity varies from 0.80 ppt at the center to 0.70 edge, and, at the bottom, from 2.00 ppt at to 1.00 ppt at the edge. Again making use equation (1.10.1): ASH (top) = at the top ppt at the the center of (0.70 - 0.80) x 1.805 = -0.18 ppt ASH(bottom) = (1.00 - 2.00) x 1.805 = -1.81 ppt The average of these two values: ASH(top) + ASH(bottom) = -0.99 ppt 2 will be used. - the vertical eddy viscosity is determined by the size of the frictional boundary layers. For a rotating fluid the thickness of these boundaries is given by . the so-called Ekman depth, In Lake Maracaibo this depth is approximately as can be seen from Figure 15(c). Therefore: Elman depth = 4.0 4 meters =: and V - the characteristic velocity, and - the horizontal eddy diffusivity, are calculated in the following way: -60- From Figure 15(c) the azimuthal velocity at the surface, approximately midway between the center and edge of the Lake, is 0.55 meters per second. The dimensionless form of the theoretical steady-state (t = 00) = 0, = 10) azimuthal velocity at the surface (z' 1, and midway between the center and edge (r' equation (2.8.26), is: Recalling that: Y t~Ai = ), from Meters 20 . 0 FIGURE 0.2 (a) 0.4 15. Velocity profiles at various po sitions in the Lake as The sense of measured by Redfleld et al (1955). the motion is counterclockwise. 0.4 0.2 (b) Azimuthal Velocity, 0. 0 0.2 0.4 (c) meters/second 0.6 -62- then: 0 cr bE. OA TT~~ A' Applying the numerical values of C( , g, f, , and L SV calculated previously: S 2L(z x 155 x to _c(,131 A v. 2.&VS %i o*"S E'aX '2.A't Vo- 513.(0 x io The dimensional azimuthal velocity is related to the dimensionless velocity, as follows: r\' = V rro The dimensional azimuthal velocity at the surface, midway between the center and edge of the Lake is then: L 2 0,. -63- The constant, k, is the first root of the equation J (k) = 0. From Jahnke and Emde (1945), k = 3.83, ,and J1 (3.83) = 0.58. 2 IMatching the observed Lake velocity of 0.55 meters per second with the theoretical velocity: 0.55 j --. ____ Y. I 2- This equation contains two unknoims, *Ayand V. Therefore, a second equation is needed. The second equation is provided by the salinity perturbation term. From equation (2.3.29) the dimensionless form of the salinity perturbation is: 8.O x \O To Y Recalling the scaling procedure of paragraph 2.3, the dimensional form of the salinity perturbation is VF L S, <I H V - - .XO X-s .S xOS V 85-I The horizontal variation of the theoretical salinity perturbation, 6 (S Szi), from the center of the Lake to the adge is given by: 2,%8 11 eo~o3(32) 3 S-q4.~*x o V where the values of JO(3.83) and Jo(o.00) have been determined from Jahnke and Erde (1945). Equating the theoretical salinity variation to the actual average variation in the Lake, ASH = -0.99, as calculated previously: 0.9 4X3 .. 0 V IP\V 2.Lc0 x \ Solving the two simultaneous equations: o.90 = V Vas 4Kj 3\ 0 0-10-L 4 F -iT Xo-3 determines the values of %yand V: V = 0.03 meters per second 2 ,r= 3.17 x 102 meters seconds-1 In paragraph 2.3 it was pointed out that the horizontal is a out one (1), and -, = -Q. /v, Prandtl number, 6 /96, is about the vertical Prandtl number, C-A = 10, for most cases of geophysical interest. these ratios: Applying 1 y = 3.17 x 10 2 meters 2 seconds- reters 2 seconds = 1.98 x 10~ 1 The values of these constants as they have been computed above are given in Table 1. They can also be used to calculate ihe magnitude of the important dimensionless parameters: Rotational Richardson H4umber, 30.0 = oLLk ( -66-- Mechanical Rossby Nlunber,_C cE-v -0L 12.48k25P.16~5 = 0.L8I O.514 x 1c, x (o0o.ItoI Internal Rossby Numbe,±-r ET % 1- 53x. x.\x30.0 ( 2.&A8?%1\5~ fx(JOo =0.20O Ekman Number E (30.l = .89j 2.48 x %o-2- x \ O-5 (-0.C Symbol Parameter Name Value Units O< Coefficient relating salinity and density 1.53 x 10-3 ppt-1 f Coriolis paramter 2.48 x 10-5 seconds-1 g Force per unit mass due to gravity 9.81 meters-seconds-2 H Characteristic depth 30.0 L Characteristic radius 60.0 ASH Magnitude of top-to-bottom salinity variation -0.99 ppt as Magnitude of middle-to-edge salinity variation -2.16 ppt Y V meters x 103 meters Horizontal eddy viscosity 3.17 x 102 meters2-secondsl Vertical eddy viscosity 1.98 x 10~4 meters2seconds 1 Horizontal eddy diffusivity 3.17 x 102 meters2seconds1 Vertical eddy diffusivity 1.98 x 10- meters 2-seconds1 Characteristic azimuthal velocity 0.08 meters-seconds~1 TABLE 1. Numerical values of important constants. -68- Aspect Ratio, - L 30.0 (00. 0 xoK10: 5.00 x 16~ In paragraph 2.3 it was assumed that g , were small and of approximately the same size. C- E , and E. The above calcu- lations indicate that this is fairly consistent with actual Lake conditions. Applying the numbers in Table 1 to tho steady-state dimensional form of the equations (2.8.26) - (2.8.28) the theoretical velocity profiles for the Lake can be determined: LA 0.08[e l + 1) - (3.1.1) S(3.1.2) e WFT vA e 77L AK1> -69- VA -se Av = i.LA 3 Y,Ii (3.1.3) T r7"T4 ,&M a -VAI goL Using equations (3.1.1) - (3.1.3) the radial, azimuthal and vertical velocities at r = 30 kilometers have been computed for various depths. The results are given in Table 2 and Figures 16 (a), (b), and (c). Depth below surface (meters) z (meters) u (meters per second) v (meters per second) w (meters per second) 0,00 0 30 0,03 0,55 3 6 27 21 0.02 0.01 0.48 0.3 9 21 0.001 0.38 0.88 " 12 18 0.3 0.30 " 15 -0.001 -0.001 0.88 15 0.88 " 12 -0.002 0.27 0.87 " 21 9 -0.006 0.21 it 24 6 -0.02 0.16 27 3 -0.02 0.10 0.86 0.60 0.26 30 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 - 0.52 x 10~9 " 0.80 t " TABLE 2. Values of theoretical radial, azimuthal and vertical velocities at r = 30 kilometers. 0.5 0.0 0 , , , , , -0.05 0.0 0.05 ,2 10 10 - Meters 20 20- 300.0 0.5 (a) Azimuthal Velocity, v, meters/second FIGURE 16. -0.05 0.0 0.05 (b)Radial Velocit y, U, meters/second Theoretical velocity profiles at r = 30 kilometers. Sense of the azimuthal velocity Is counterclockwise. 0.0 30 (c) Vertical Velocityw, meters /second (x10 5 ) -71- The total salinity field is given by the sum of the longterm components: so .2.Z-a + E and the dimensional form of the perturbation component, equation (2.8.29): 0.95 .0(A Y) 'L' The sum of the long-term and perturbation components gives: S 2.7 - 2.1S Z-O.9 5 N4 (3.1.h) The salinity field has been calculated from equation (3.1.4) for: (a) r = 0 kilometers, (b) r = 30 kilometers, (c) r = 60 kilo- meters at various depths. The salinity has been converted to chlorinity, C, by equation (1.10.1): S -0-.03 I.805 and the results are shown in Table 3. (1.10.1) -72- Chlorinity, C, ppt Depth belor surface (meters) r = 0km. 6 9 12 30 27 2h 21 18 15 18 21 0 3 21t 27 30 TABLE, 3. r = 30 km. r = 60 lm. (n,-ters) 0.80 1.0 1.16 1.27 0.h3 0.5h 0.66 0.78 0.90 15 1.ho 1.02 0.6 12 1.52 1.15 0.60 9 1.65 1.27 6 1.77 0.93 1.38 1.oh 3 0 1.88 2.00 1.'1 1.6T 1.16 1.30 0.92 0.03 0.22 0.31 0.b6 0.53 Values of theoretical chlorinity. Figure 17 is a cross-section through the idealized Lake shoving the theoretical chlorinity distribution. Chlorinity has been used as the indicator of salt in all figures in order to facilitate comparison with the field data, which are given in terns of chlorinity. 3.2 Transient respQnse.-- Since there are no time series of salinity and velocity measurements in the Lake it is impossible to verify the validity of the time-dependent velocity and salinity fields predicted by the theory. However, it is of interest to determine the scales associated irith the timedependence, as given by the theory, so compirisons can be made 0 I I 60 40 20 a * a . a- 80 a a 100 I 120 Kilometers 0 10 Meters 20 20 30 30 FIGURE 17. Cross section through Lake showing theoretical chlorinity(solinity) prof ile. -74- when sufficient field data is available. In accordance with equations (2.8.23) and (2.8.24), and the discussion following (for definitions of baroclinic and barotropic modes), the transient mode of the baroclinic mode has the following tire--dependence: (2.8.23) The dimensional form of equation (2.8.23) is: V (if~VI t~cyE (3.2.1) From equation (3.2.1) it can be seen that the time-dependent term decays to 1/e of its initial value in the time: tQ'/e) H7- (3.2.2) Making use of the numbors from Table 1, this time is found to be: t (1/e) =. 0)L~o .5\xkto ' = x - x\o (5.00 xY\Idl q Seconds ( ' SiLX\.98 x to .% 8oacs The theory thus predicts that in approximately 19 days the salinity and baroclinic mode of the velocity field will have adjusted themselves to any change in the wind stress. The response of the barotropic mode for the azimuthal velocity (equation (2.8.24)), the radial and azimuthal velocities in the boundary layers, and the vertical velocity in the interior and the boundary layer is instantaneous in the theory presented here. This is because the time scaling used in this analysis has resulted in the time-dependence of the barotropic mode being filtered out. However, Holton (1964) has shown that the response of these velocities to changes in the wind stress is of the order of'E f- . Applying the values of Table 1: E -P= 0.9 '1 x 1O' 4.2ct x 10 x 2.48 x I O seconds 49 This means that the barotro-pic modes of the internal velocity -76- and the boundary layer velocities reach equilibrium much faster than the baroclinic mode. Other time-dependent motions which have been filtered out by the scaling procedure are the internal and external gravity wave modes wfich give rise to internal and external seiches. Little is known about the internal motions in Lake Maracaibo because there are no time series of temperature or salinity. However, the tidal gauge at La Ensenada, at the north end of the Lake, has provided sufficient data for determining the nature of some of the external motions due to seiching. Power spectrum analysis of tidal records from La Ensenada was performed on Lake surface records for the periods January 7 - February 3, 1966 and March h - March 31, 1966. The numerical method of spectral analysis described by Blackman and Tukey (1958) was coded in FORTRAN IV and the IBMI System 360 in the .I.T. Laboratory was used to compute the spectra. Civil Engineering These spectra are shown in Figures 18 and 19. The semi-diurnal and diurnal tides are present in the Lake as indicated by spectral peaks at 12 and 24 hours. The peak at 6 hours in both records corresponds to the fundamental seiche mode of the longest horizontal Lake dimension, the 5-hour peak to the seiche mode of the shortest Lake dimension. 9 hours has not been explained, although it The poak at has been suggestbed FIGURE 18. 0.5 Frequency, cycles/hour 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Spectrum of Lake level during the period January 7. - February 3, 1966, calculated from unpublished dato of the I.N.C. -1 10 l0~ - -10 -3 -3 1- o10 CD C - -4 -4 - 1o 1o-0- 10 o -5 z -a -5 -10 - 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Frequency, cycles/hour FIGURE 19. Spectrum of Lake level during the period March 4 -March calculated from unpublished dato of the I.N.C. 31, 1966., -79- by Professor A. T. Ippen that it may be a seiche mode of the combined Lake Ml-aracaibo-Tablazo Bay system. -80- IV. DISCIBSIUON 4.1 Comoarison of theory and data.-- Before beginning the discussion of the theoretical results it should be pointed out that the chlorinity has been assumed to be linearly related to the salinity by equation (1.10.1). As a result, lines of constant salinity will also be lines of constant chlorinity. Furthermore, the density has been assumed to be a linear function of salinity through equation (2.1.5) and lines of constant density will also be lines of constant salinity and chlorinity. In the following discussion the terms salinity, chlorinity and density will be used interchangeably. The theoretical results for the salinity and velocity profiles are compared with the field measurements made by Iedfield et al (1955) in Figures 20, 21, 22, and 23. The major discrepancy between theory hand field data is found in the vertical distribution of chlorinity. From Figures 20 and 21 it is evident that while the slopes of the isochlors as predicted by the theoretical analysis show fair agreont with the field data, the vertical distributions in Figuro 22 do not. This lack of agreement in the vertical chlorinity'profiles has a noticeable effect on the corresponding theorctical and actul aziruthal velocity profil3 0O 40 20 I I I I 60 80 100 120 . Kilometers 0 10 Meters 20 20 30 30 FIGURE 20. Theoretical chlorinity (solid lines) chlorinity ( dashed lines) along compared Section AA. with actual 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ki Iometers Meters 20 30 Chlorinity - ppt FIGURE 21. -O 0 Theoretical chlorinity (solid lines) compared with actual chlorinity (dashed lines) along Sec tion BB. Chlorinity, ppt .00 2.00 -, Chlorinity, ppt 1.00 Chlorinity, 2.00 1.00 ppt 2.00 10 Meters 20 20 30 1.00 (a) FIGURE 2 2. 2.00 1.00 (b) 2.00 1.00 2.00 Vertical profiles of theoretical (solid lines) and actual (dashed lines) chlorinity at:(a) 60 kilometers, (b) 30 kilometers , (c) 0 kilometers, from the center of the Lake. Actual chlorinity from Redfield et at (1955). rrrm Position of actual bottom 30 0 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 0.4 0 . 0.2 0.4 0.6 . 9. .I . , 0 Meters 20 le 0 0 02 0.4 (a) 0.4 02 (b) 0 I I I 0.2 I 0.4 I- '130 0.6 (c) Azimuthal Velocity, meters/second FIGURE 23. Theoretical azimuthal velocity profiles(solid lines) compared with velocity profiles(dashed lines) measured by Redfield et al (1955). Station locations are shown in Figure I. rrm, Position of actual bottom given in Figure 23. Figure 23(c) shows that the actual azi- muthal velocity has a rapid increase in shear at about 17 meters which is not evident in the theoretical profile. This can be related to differences in the vertical chlorinity profiles in the following way. Differentiating equation (26.51) partially with respect to z, and equation (2.5.1) with respect to r, and eliminating the pressure, p, gives: Since the long-term salinity is equation (4.1.1) a function of z only, can be written in terms of the total salinity field, S: (.1. 2) For the steady-stato case, the following functional relationshio holds: s1 = S'('( .1.3) -86- Applying the chain-rule for partial derivatives: where the subscripts refer to the variable being held constant. Substituting equation (4.1.4) into equation (4.1.2): Equation (4.1.5) demonstrates the manner in which the shear of the azimuthal velocity depends upon both the vertical chlorinity distribution and the slope .of the isochlors. From equation (2.8.29) and Figure 22 it can be seen that in the theoretical analysis the vertical chlorinity, (,':-) is a constant. that the shear of the azimuthal velocity, This iplies , ill be a only. The function of the slope of the isochlors, , field measurements by Redfield shou that this is also true, in some areas, for the actua1 Lake. The regions in which the actual Lake chlorinity has an approximwtely constant gradient are near the edge of the Lake as illustrated by Figures 22(a) and 22(b). It is also near the outer parts of the Lake whoro the s e of -87- the theoretical and actual azimuthal velocity profiles show best agreement, as in Figures 23(a) and 23(b). must be treated with caution since it These comparisons is in this area that the geometry of the actual Lake differs considerably from the idealized right-circular cylinder of constant thickness used in the theoretical analysis. In the central part of the Lake where the theoretical and actual chlorinity profiles of Figure 22(c) do not agree well one would also expect a corresponding difference in velocity profiles. The sharp change in the chlorinity gradient which occurs at about 17-20 meters in the actual Lake should give rise to a correspondingly sharp increase in the shear of the azimuthal velocity, as can be seen from equation (4.1.5). The actual velocity profile from the central part of the Lake does, in fact, show this to be the case in Figure 23(c). The theoreti- cal profiles of both chlorinity and azimuthal velocity in this area, as seen in Figures 22(c) and 23(c), do not show this sharp change. One must conclude from this that the theoretical model represents the basic dynarics of the Lake correctly, but oversimplifies the vertical diffusion of salt by assuring a constant gradient for the long-term component. To obtain closer agree- ment botween theory and field data it would be necessary to assune a more conMlicated forn- for the long-term chlorinity distribution, or reexamine the assumption of a constant eddy -83- diffusion coefficient. Since the scale of motions at the bottom of the Lake is considerably smaller than at the top, it might be expected that the eddy diffusivity would decrease from top to bottom. 4.2 Inadequacies of the theory.-- While the theory described in the present study shows fair agreement with actual conditions in the Lake there are certain aspects of the problem for which the theory is either incomplete or unsatisfactory. The most important of these have to do with the wind stress, temperature effects, tidal effects and salinity diffusion advection. (1) Wind stress - In this analysis the wind stress was chosen to be of a simple axisyTmetric form. More complex forms of the wind stress could have been analyzed as long as they were axisymmetric. In view of the fact that there is very little wind data from th6 south end of the Lake it seemed pointless to make the problem more complex than available data warranted. It should be pointed out that the limited data available indicate that the wind over the south end of the Lake is from the west during most of the year. Since the wind over the north end of the Lake is predominantly from the northeast, the resulting wind stress over the actual Lake is not markedly different from the theoretical wind stress. Further refinements in the analysis could be nade by changing to a rectangular coordinate system, in which case, the deviations from axial syirmatry could be investigated. (2) Temperature effects - The effects of temperature upon the density field have not been included in this problem. The temperature-dependence of the density can be rritten approximateji: where (4.2.1) OCT I+o( ) =-.. eO is the density of water at 00 C., T is the temperature in OC. and O(- is the coefficient of thermal expansion. The Handbook of Physics and Chemistry (1964) gives 3.22 x 10~ OC1 for the value of M, at 290 C., which is a representative temperature of the Lake. Since the maximui variation of temperature in the Lake is of the order of 20 C., from Figures 10 and 11, the maximum density variation due to temperature differences is: LAz (-T)bffl (3?L- V.I -90- The maximum density variation due to changes in salinity can be determined using equation (2.1 .5) and the values of and ASy given in Table 1: V- = 3 x0 YOA S per cc. This result shows that the density variation due to temperature differences is nearly an order of magnitude less than that due to salinity differences. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that the Lake is essentially isothermal. However, it is noted that the shapes of the isotherms in the Lake, from Figures 10 and 11, are very similar to the shapes of the isochlors, and, therefore, the processes governing the diffusion of heat are probably similar to those governing the diffusion of the chlorides. (3) Tidal effects - The Lake communicates with the Gulf of Venezuela by means of the Straits of IMaracaibo and Tablazo Bay, permitting the tidal wave to enter the Lake. As a result of friction and the large size of the Lake compared to the width of tho Straits, the tidal effects are much smaller in the Lake than in the Straits of Haracaibo or Tablazo Bay. As pointed -91- out in paragraph 1.7, measurements by Redfield showed that tidal velocities in the Lake are of the order of 0.05-0.1 meters per second. This is almost an order of magnitude less than the wind-driven currents, which are of the order of 0.5 meters per second. The fact that the isochlors have a domed shape, which is very different from the shape of isochlors resulting from tidal mixing in estuaries or channels, also indicates that the tidal mixing does not play an important in the diffusion of salt in the Lake. (4)Salinity advection and diffusion - The theory, as developed in this study, has provided a rationalization for the domed shape of the isochlors observed in the Lake. It does not explain, however, the basic long-term stratification of the Lake. The long-term salinity stratification of the Lake is determined by the amount of salt intrusion from the Gulf into the Straits of Maracaibo. For a partially mixed estuary such as Tablazo Bay and the Straits of Maracaibo, the isochlors slope dowmward away from the source of high salinity, as can be seen in Figures 5-9. The water of highest chlorinity at the bottom of the Straits, at the north end of the Lake where the Straits enter the Lake, flows into the Lake along the bottom and provides the highest chlorinity :mter observcd there. Because the estuary is only partially mixed the chlorinity at the northern entrance -92- to the Lake varies with depth. If the Lake were motionless, that is there were no wind-driven currents, it would be expected that the Lake isochlors would be essentially horizontal and would reflect the conditions found at the northern entrance to the Lake. Water of a particular chlorinity would intrude into the Lake at a level appropriate to its density. When the Lake is set into motion these isochlors would then acquire the domed shape in order to balance the induced velocity field. In the theory, the mechanism by which this occurs is that of vertical advection and turbulent diffusion, and the theory predicts that balance will be achieved in approximately 19 days. As long as the stratification in the partially mixed estuary remains constant, sufficient chlorides will enter the Lake and maintain the conditions described above. However, the stratification does not remain constant, but varies considerably from wet season to dry season as the fresh-water velocity in the channel varies. It has also been suggested that the change in the depth of the navigation channel affected the amount of salt intrusion into the estuary and, therefore, into the Lake. If the salinity in the estuary decrease, as actually occurs during the wet season (see Figures 6 and 8), it would be expected that the mixing processes in the Lake would eventually result in a uniform chloririty throughout t'he Lake. The length of time required for this to occur can be estimated by considering -93- the characteristic time for the vertical diffusion of chloride. This characteristic time is given by the term: t(v e Ac Using the values in Table 1: -. 4.52 x 0- = 518 ag = LA \O Secoitis jears The cycle associated with wet-dry periods is predominantly annual, writh the wet season lasting 6 to 8 months, as given in Figure 3. Because the time required for complete mixing of the Lake is relatively long compared to the period during which the chlorinity in the Straits would be expected to be lower (the wet season), the long-term chlorinity profile in the Lake would remain fairly constant. Another reason for a decrease in chlorinity in the Lake would be dilution by fresh-water run-off and prdcipitation over the Lake. In paragraph 1.9 the time required to dilute the Lake in this .rmOr was calculated to be about 5 years. Hence, to produce an effect on the Lake it would be necessary -94- to have a long-term change in the hydrologic balance, or to construct a device which would permanently inhibit the intrusion of chlorides from the Gulf of Venezuela into the Straits. The converse problem, associated with a large increase in the chlorinity of the Straits as was observed between 1958 and 1966, cannot be adequately treated by the methods described in this study. However, this study does provide estimates of the coefficients of eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity which would be of value in any investigation relating to the rapid increase in Lake chlorinity. V. CONCLUSION 5.1 Sumay. -- Using perturbation techniques, an analytical model of the diffusion of salt and momentum in Lake has been established. aracaibo This model gives estimates of diffusion time scales and predicts chlorinity and velocity in the Lake as a function of position and time. The time required for the velocity field to reach equilibrium after a change in the applied wind stress has been found to be about 19 days. The steady-state solutions for the velocity and chlorinity show fair agreement ith et al (1955). data obtained in a survey made by Redfield No field data are available to determine the validity of the theoretical time-dependent motions. 5.2 Recommendations for further work.-- One of the most important areas in which work is needed is that of deterining the actual conditions in the Lake. An annual survey, in which temperature, salinity and velocity are determined, would be extremely useful. Such a survey would be desirable for determining the changes in the salt content of the Lake and the effects which these changes might have on the dynuamics of the Lake. information from various parts of the Lake, Ieteorological particularly fro the south end, iTould also to esential for' det err.ining the wind stress. -96- Another important aspect of the problem is that of matching the salinity intrusion in the Straits with the mixing of the salt in the Lake. This analysis might begin with the one- dimensional method of Ippen and Harleman (1961) Section I. described in The work of Corona (1966) has indicated that this method can be used with confidence in the Straits of Maracaibo and Tablazo Bay. Using the results of this work, the salinity distribution along the channel can be estimated for a given fresh-watcr discharge and channel geometry. Knowledge of the salinity distribution along the channel provides the necessary boundary conditions for the diffusion of salt into the Lake. An analysis concerned with salt flux into the Lake could expand the theory described in Section II of this study and, in this manner, a unified analysis of the Lake MaracaiboStraits of Maracaibo-Tzablazo Bay system would be achieved. Such an analysis would provide a means for predicting changes in Lake salinity as a result of changes in the hydrologic balance and channel geometry. It would be extremely useful, for example, in evaluating techniques for reducing the chloride content of the Like, such as those mentionod by Partheniades (1966). -97- VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY Barcilon, V., and Pedlosky, J. 1967a. Linear theory of rotating stratified fluid motions. J. Fluid Mech., 29, 1-19. 1967b. A unified theory of homogeneous and stratified rotating fluids. J. Fluid Mech., 29, 609-621. Blacka1an, R. B., and Tukey, J. W. 1958. The measurement of power spectra. Dover Publi- cations, New York. Corona-Chuecos, L. F. 1964. Balance hidrologico del Lago de 'Maracaibo. 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Prentice-Hall, New York. 1964. The handbook of physics and chemistry (R. C. Weast, ed.). The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio. -99- VII. LIST OF SYMBOLS* Subscrits B - indicates a boundary layer variable I - indicates an interior variable n - an integer, 0,1,2,----; and indicates the order of the perturbation expansion Superscripts - indicates a dimensionless quantity (1) - indicates the baroclinic mode (2) - indicates the barotropic mode I II - indicates the boundary layer at the top of the Lake indicates the boundary layer at the bottom of the Lake Prefixes S - indicates a perturbation quantity - indicates the maximum variation of a quantity * Symbols used in Section I (Introduction) are not listed. -100- Symbols S - 0.03 C - chlorinity = E - Ekman number = )% f - Coriolis parameter = 2.0. sin 4 g - force per unit mass due to gravity H - a characteristic depth of the Lake k - 1.805 the first root of the Bessel function of first kind and order one (1), J, (k) = 0. Jo - Bessel function of the first kind and order zero (0) Ji - Bessel function of the first kind and order one (1) L - a characteristic radius of the Lake p - pressure r - radial coordinate S - salinity = 1.805 C + 0.03 t - time u - radial velocity 0, for t (0 U_1 (t) - the unit step function 1, for t > 0 v - azimuthal velocity w - vertical velocity z - vertical coordinate CK - coefficient relating the density to the salinity - rotational Richardson nunber =L IAk -101- - ratio of horizontal to vertical eddy viscosity - horizontal Prandtl number = - vertical Prandtl number = E - mechanical Rossby number = 0 - internal Rossby number = - horizontal eddy diffusivity - vertical eddy diffusivity - aspect ratio 0 4- = - = 4 . horizontal eddy viscosity - vertical eddy viscosity - stretched vertical coordinate in the top boundary layer = stretched vertical coordinate in the bottom boundary layer = */t - density - wind stress applied at the surface of the Lake - latitude as measured from the Equator - stream function - Laplace transform of the stream function - - angular velocity of the Ear th = J e -102- VIII. LIST OF FIGUIRES Title fgu ae're a 1 Lake Maracaibo. 2 2 Average net monthly hydrologic balance. 7 3 Net monthly hydrologic balance for the period 1944-1960, 1964-1967. 8 h Chlorinity in the epilimnion of Lake Maracaibo 13 during 1914-1960, 1964-1967. 5 16 North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity distribution in March 1954. 6 North-south cross-section from the Gulf of 17 Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity distribution in May 1954. 7 18 North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity distribution in March 1963. 8 19 North-south cross-section from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity distribution in December 1963. 9 20 North-south cross-s'ection from the Gulf of Venezuela to the south end of Lake Maracaibo showing chlorinity distribution in June 1966. 10 Lake temperature and chlorinity along Section AA' from Redfield et al (1955). 21 11 Lake temperature and chlorinity along Section BB' from Redfield et al (1955). 22 12 Basic salinity distribution parameter's in the Straits of aracaibo. 29 13 Basic sali nity distribution paraecters in the Straits of ,aracaibo. 29 -103- Figure Title Page 14 Comparison of idealized Lake with actual Lake along Sections AA and BB'. 58 15 Velocity profiles at various positions in the Lake as measured by Redfield et al (1955). 61 16 Theoretical velocity profiles at r = 30 ki. 70 17 Cross-section through the Lake showing theoretical chlorinity (salinity) profile. 73 18 Spectrum of Lake level during the period 77 January 7 - February 3, 1966. 19 Spectrum of Lake level during the period March 4 - March 31, 1966. 78 20 Theoretical chlorinity compared with actual chlorinity along Section AA'. 81 21 Theoretical chlorinity compared with actual chlorinity along Section BB. 82 22 Vertical profiles of theoretical and actual chlorinity at: (a) 60 km., (b) 30 km., (c) 0 km., from the center of the Lake. 83 23 Theoretical azimuthal velocity profiles compared with velocity profiles measured by 84 Redfield et al (1955). -104- IX. LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 1 Numerical values of important constants. 67 2' Values of theoretical radial, azimuthal and vertical velocities at r = 30 km. 69 3 Values of theoretical chlorinity. 72