May 12, 2015 TO LEA Superintendents Charter School Directors FROM Rebecca B. Garland, Deputy State Superintendent Office of the Deputy State Superintendent Tammy L. Howard, Director Accountability Services KEY DATES FOR THE 2014–15 READY ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT, ANNUAL MEASUREABLE OBJECTIVES REPORT, AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADES This memo provides key dates for the 2014–15 accountability report, annual measureable objectives (AMO) report, and School Performance Grades (SPG) A–F. In September, summary data on all of the accountability indicators will be presented to the State Board of Education (SBE) for their approval. Once approved by the SBE, the data will be available in spreadsheet format on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s (NCDPI) Accountability web site. The specific dates are provided in the chart below: Month Activity(ies) June 1. June 30—Final data due to the NCDPI July 1. July 10—NCDPI submits end-of-grade (EOG) and end-of-course (EOC) data to EVAAS 2. July 21—NCDPI notifies selected local education agencies (LEAs) regarding the alternate assessment proficiency one percent cap 3. July 21— NCDPI completes test data analysis, applies quality control, and prepares READY accountability and annual measureable objectives (AMO) reports 4. July 30—NCDPI provides accountability audit files and internal reports to districts 1. August 3—NCDPI submits North Carolina Final Exam (NCFE) data to EVAAS 2. August 14—Option D Alternative Schools submit report to the NCDPI 3. NCDPI provides preliminary audit files embargoed until the September SBE meeting to districts (high school additional accountability indicators including SPG) 4. NCDPI provides the list of participation targets missed for any subgroup in Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 (pending SBE approval, beginning with the 2014–15 school year, The ACT is included only for the All Students subgroup for participation consequences; however, all subgroups’ participation will be reported) August DIVISION OF ACCOUNTABILITY SERVICES 6314 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6314 | (919) 807-3769 | Fax (919) 807-3772 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER LEA Superintendents/Charter School Directors May 12, 2015 Page 2 Month Activity(ies) August Cont. 5. Pending SBE approval, schools that earn an “A” designation and do not have significant achievement and/or graduation gaps will be designated as an “A+” school. Significant achievement and graduation gaps are defined as in-school gaps that are above the three-year state average when averaging gaps in the previous year and at least one of the two prior years between the highestachieving subgroup and lowest-achieving subgroup. September October 1. September 3—SBE approves the release of the READY Accountability, AMO, and SPG Results 2. September 3—SBE approves the release of the four-year and five-year Cohort Graduation Rates 3. September 4 through September 10—Data Correction Window. LEAs/charters submit final data corrections 4. NCDPI requires schools within 30 days after accountability results are approved by the SBE to send a letter to parents informing them of the inadequate participation rate for Year 1 and Year 3. Copies of each letter must be submitted to the Regional Accountability Coordinator (RAC) by October 2, 2015. 1. October 1—SBE approves final changes to READY accountability, AMO and SPG reports 2. October 15—NC School Report Card released OTHER ACCOUNTABILITY INFORMATION The accountability reports will provide data on the performance of North Carolina schools with EOG and EOC test scores in English language arts/reading, mathematics, and science. In addition, high schools will have the following data reported: four- and five-year cohort graduation rates, math course rigor, The ACT, ACT WorkKeys, and the graduation project. The reports include: 1. Status: Percent of students meeting proficiency on the EOG/EOC tests or meeting the identified benchmark for the high school indicators; 2. Growth: EVAAS generated school accountability growth which is reported as (1) Did Not Meet Expected Growth, (2) Met Expected Growth, or (3) Exceeded Expected Growth; and 3. Progress: AMOs for English language arts/reading, mathematics, science, math course rigor, The ACT, ACT WorkKeys, cohort graduation rates, and attendance for schools without a graduating class (disaggregated by subgroups). LEA Superintendents/Charter School Directors May 12, 2015 Page 3 PARTICIPATION As required by the initial ESEA Flexibility Waiver and as modified by the March 31, 2015, approved ESEA Flexibility Waiver, the consequences for not meeting participation rate requirements are delineated below. Please note the year 3 consequence is modified pending SBE approval. Year 1 consequence for not meeting participation rate requirements for any subgroup: Within 30 days after accountability results are approved by the SBE, the school must send a letter (text provided by the NCDPI) to all parents informing them of the inadequate participation rate. Each letter must also provide a plan of action for ensuring full participation for all subgroups, specifically targeting those that did not have adequate participation. Year 2 consequence for not meeting participation rate requirements for any subgroup: The school will be labeled as a "consistently low-participating school" and will be required to create and implement an intensive intervention plan aligned with ensuring participation rates for all sub-groups to reach 95%. At the state level, within the Statewide System of Support, these schools will receive the most intensive support with the issue of participation rates. Year 3 consequence (pending SBE approval) of not meeting participation rate requirements for any subgroup: Any school that does not meet the 95% participation requirement for any subgroup for three consecutive years for EOG tests, EOC tests, The ACT (only for the “all students subgroup”), and ACT WorkKeys will be identified as a Focus school. An additional letter (text provided by the NCDPI) must be sent home by the school indicating a third year of inadequate participation and providing a plan to ensure full participation for all subgroups. As part of the ESEA Flexibility Waiver, the NCDPI will work with the SBE to update current policies governing intensive intervention plans to ensure that they reflect participation rate performance as a factor, and that the rigor increases after multiple years of missing targets. Also, the NCDPI will continue to report the actual participation rates for all subgroups for The ACT but will apply the consequences to the All Students subgroup only. However, it will require the inclusion of The ACT participation for all subgroups in School Improvement Plans when participation is not being met. We appreciate your attention to all reporting and accountability activities. If you have questions regarding information within this memo, please contact your RAC. RBG:TLH:kbh c: June Atkinson, State Superintendent Regional Accountability Coordinators LEA Test Coordinators