SUMMER 2016 SHORT COURSES STUDY IN THE USA THIS JULY! WHEN What’s Included ACADEMICS 6 ECTS (3 US credits) Small Class Sizes MSU Faculty Instruc on Academic Excursions Group Projects Applied Learning HOUSING July 3 ‐ 23 or July 10 ‐ August 6 Single Rooms in Owen Hall Meals Included WHERE CULTURE The American Semester Program at Michigan State University An American Summer Independence Day Picnics County Fairs Ac vi es with American Students East Lansing, MI USA REQUIREMENTS: Current Undergraduate Student Background in Course Topic College level English Language Proficiency (unless degree program taught in English) *ALC English Requirement is low ‐ must be learn‐ ing English as a second language Travel on a B/Tourist/Visitor Visa Excursions Lake Michigan Detroit Niagara Falls Chicago cost 3 weeks: $3,700 ‐ $3,800 4 weeks (ALC only): $3,900 Cost subject to change; does not include airfare, visa, personal expenses APPLY ONLINE AT: MSUASP.US Questions? Contact Kellie Clock: Big Data & Social Network Analysis SHORT COURSES SUMMER 2016 Deadline to Apply is For students who: For students who: International Litigation Explore the nature of diverse legal systems, transborder li ga‐ on, & cultural differen als Be able to be er understand the challenges in prac cing in‐ terna onal li ga on and arbi‐ tra on Learn analysis so ware and how to represent the data in re‐ search and business applica‐ ons Want to expand their knowledge of social media mar‐ ke ng & branding and underly‐ ing theories for use in business Students will: Develop a social media mar‐ ke ng campaign of their own Learn how to create & manage a variety of social media outlets for a business of choice MAKING THE FUTURE For students who: For students who: Students will: Be exposed to the fundamentals of Big Data and Social Network Analysis Contracts & negotiation & Arbitration For students who: Want to learn alterna ve dis‐ pute resolu on (ADR) and are interested in prac cing law in different cultures Are interested in business, mar‐ ke ng, and social media/ network analysis Students will: April 1, 2016 Social Media for Business & Digital Marketing Want to gain knowledge in Con‐ tracts, Nego a on, and Law from an interna onal compara‐ ve perspec ve Iden fy with the Maker culture and work with emerging con‐ sumer technologies such as la‐ ser cu ers and 3D printers Students will: Students will: Look at law from American, Aus‐ tralian, and Chinese perspec‐ ves Explore the Maker culture and tools exploring reali es, possi‐ bili es, and myths Examine common theories in law and how they func on in other cultures Conceive, design, and prototype hardware with cu ng edge technoogy Backward Design: American Language & Culture* New Theories in Education Film Production For students who: For students who: For students who: Are curious about new theories in educa on and crea ve ideas to use in the classroom Students will: Analyze contemporary issues in teaching and learning Discover the “flipped class‐ room,” backward design theory & prac ce, technology use in instruc on, and more Are learning English as a second language and wish to improve their skills while learning about American culture Want to build upon their film produc on experience and are interested in an American per‐ spec ve Students will: Students will: Take an English course involving prac cal vocabulary and language use Learn new techniques and methods in produc on and wri ng Learn about diverse aspects of American culture and experi‐ ence it on class excursions Visit American produc on com‐ panies for applied learning Complete a group film project APPLY ONLINE AT: MSUASP.US Questions? Contact Kellie Clock: