Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 11:2 (1998), 193-208. OSCILLATION CRITERIA FOR HIGH ORDER DELAY PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1 XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 2 University of Waterloo, Department of Applied Mathematics Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 (Received October, 1996; Revised January, 1997) This paper studies a class of high order delay partial differential equations. Employing high order delay differential inequalities, several oscillation criteria are established for such equations subject to two different boundary conditions. Two examples are also given. Key words: Oscillation, Higher Order Delay Partial Differential Equations, Differential Inequality, Eventual Positive Solutions. AMS subject classifications: 35B05. 34L40. 1. Introduction The oscillation theory of delay differential equations has been studied by numerous authors and the number of papers published in this area is enormous. For an excellent exposition of the basic theory, see [5]. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in oscillation theory of delay partial differential equations, see [6-10] and references therein. However, the corresponding theory is still in its initial stage of development. In this paper, we shall investigate a class of high order delay partial differential equations which will be described in Section 2. In Section 3, we shall establish several oscillation criteria for high order delay partial differential equations subject to two kinds of boundary conditions, employing Green’s theorem and high order delay differential inequalities. We then develop, in Section 4, some results on eventual positive and eventual negative solutions of high order differential inequalities, which enable us, in addition to their independent interests, to obtain in Section 5, further oscillation criteria for high order delay partial differential equations. To illustrate our results, two examples are also given. 1Research supported by NSERC-Canada. 2On leave from Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong 250014, PR China. Printed in the U.S.A. ()1998 by North Atlantic Science Publishing Company 193 XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 194 2. Prehminaries We shall consider the following nonlinear high order delay partial differential equation ff-m[u + A(t)u(x, v)] + p(x, t)u + q(x, t)f(u(x, t = a(t)Au + E aj(t)Au(x, aj(t)),(x,t)e x R+ r)) G, (2.1) j=l where m is an even positive integer, > 0 and a > 0 are constants. Let fl be a bounded domain in R n with piecewise boundary OF/, A is the Laplacian in Rn; p,q C[R + x ,R + ], A E cm[R + ,R]; j 1, 2,..., a, aj C[R + ,R + ], t and lim r(t) in is < R nondecreasing t, R], + cx3, rj(t) f C[R, rj C[R +, + t--. + j 1, 2,..., We shall consider two kinds of boundary conditions " . ; Ou ON t- 7(x’ )u and 0, o, (, ) e O R + (, ) e 0e a +, (B1) (B) where N is the unit exterior normal vector to 0, 7(x, t) is a nonnegative continuous function on c3 x R +. Definition 2.1: The solution u(x,t) of system (2.1) satisfying certain boundary conditions is called oscillatory in the domain G if for each positive number #, there exists a point (Xo, to) 2 x lit, + cx) such that U(Xo, to) O. 3. Oscillation Criteria we shall establish oscillation criteria for problem (2.1) with boundary condition (B1) and (B2) separately. The basic idea of our approach is to reduce the study of high order delay partial differential equations to that of high order delay differential inequalities. Theorem 3.1: Assume that the following condition (H) holds. (H) f(u) is convex in R + and f( u) = f(u) < O, u E R + If the high order delay differential inequalities In this section d, d--t-[U(t + (t)U(t r)] + P(t)U(t) + Q(t)f(U(t o’)) _< 0 has no eventually positive solutions, then all solutions are oscillatory in G, where P(t) min_ p(x, t), Q(t) of the problem (2.1) under (B1) min_ q(x, t). xEfl be a nonoscillatory solution of the problem xEfl (3.1) Proof: Let u(x,t) (2.1) under (B1). We may assume that u(x,t)> 0 for (x,t)E x[it, +x), where it is a positive number t o > it, such that (, t -) > 0, (, t ) > 0 and u(x,rj(t)) > O, (x,t) e ]x[t o, +oo), j- 1,2,...,g. Oscillation Criteria Integrating both sides of system dm (2.1) + J u(x r)dx + t _ p(x, t)u(x t)dx q(x, t)f(u(x, t r))dx a(t)/Au(x, t)dx + E aj(t)J Au(x, j(t))dx, a j=l t 195 with respect to x over the domain f2, we obtain u(x, t)dx + a(t) dt m for High Order Delay PDEs t t 0. Ft From Green’s Theorem, it follows that (3.3) and / _ / <_ o, -/7(,j(t))(,y(t))d8 o j- 1,2,...,t, t where dS is the surface integral element on 0ft. Since using Jensen’s inequality, we have f (u(x, t )dx where a] _ f dx. Combining all [o1 (3.2)-(3.5) + P(t) u(x,t)dx + Q(t)f a(t) / 7(x, t)u(x, t)dS if(u) >_ to, is convex in u(x, t )dx (3.4) R +, then (3.) yields a E.aj(t) / 7(x, j(t))u(x, aj(t))dS <_O, t>_t o. Thus, we see that the function u(t) 1 al / u(x t)dx (3.6) XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 196 is a positive solution of the inequality of the theorem. (3.1) for t _> to, < 0 for (x, t) [#, + c), then set (., t) (., t), (., t) Note that since f(-u)= -f(u), u E (0, + c), it positive solution of the problem (2.1) under (B1) which contradicts the condition If u(x, t) [, + ). is easy to check that (x,t)is a which is impossible. This com- pletes the proof of Theorem 3.1. The following fact will be used in the proof of Theorem 3.2. Consider the Dirichlet problem in Au+u- 0 , ulo-O, ,- where constant. It is well known that the smallest eigenvalue 0 and the corresponding eigenfunction (x) are positive. Theorem 3.2: Assume that the condition (H) holds. If the high order delay differential inequality dm dt m [V(t) + A(t)V(t v)] + (A0a(t) + P(t))V(t) + Q(t)f(V(t r)) < 0 (3.7) has no eventually positive solutions, then all solutions of the problem (2.1) under are oscillatory in G. Proof: Let u(x,t) be a solution of the problem (2.1) under (B2) having no zeros in the domain fix[#, +c), for some #>0. Ifu(x,t)>0 for (x,t) EFt[#,+cx3), then there exists a t o > tt such that u(x, t r) > O, u(x, t r) > 0 and u(x, aj(t)) > 0, (x, t) flx [to, + j 1,2,...,t. Multiplying both sides of (2.1) by the eigenfunction to x over the domain fl, we have (I)(x) and integrating with respect d rn + I p(x, t)u(x, t)qP(x)dx + / q(x, t)f(u(x, t (r))O(x)dx E aj(t)] Au(x,rj(t))(x)dx, t > t a(t)J Au(x, t)(x)dx + 3--1 fl Using Green’s Theorem, we obtain Au(x, t) ((x)dx O. (3.8) for High Order Delay PDEs Oscillation Criteria = / 197 (3.9) Au(x, crj(t)). (b(x)dx o i u(x, rj(t))(b(x)dx, 1, 2,..., j . (3.10) Using Jensen’s inequality, we have f(u(x, t cr))O(x)dx >_ Combining (x)dx. f (3.11) f ((x)dx (3.8)-(3.10) yields - i Ja(t) u(x, t)((x)dx, t >_ to, i.e., the inequality (3.7) has positive solution v(t) f r ((x)dx ] u(x, t)((x)dx, t >_ to, J which contradicts the condition of the theorem. -u is a positive solution of the If u(x, t) < 0 for (x, t) E x [#, + oc), then problem (2.1) under (B2) which also provides a contradiction. The proof of Theorem 3.2 is complete. 4. High Order Delay Differential Inequalities From the discussion in Section 3 it follows that the problem of establishing oscillation criteria for the system (2.1) can be reduced to the investigation of the properties of the solution of high order delay differential inequalities for the form XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 198 m -m[y(t) + (t)y(t and m d + (t)y(t d--[y(t 7")] + Q(t)f(y(t or)) <_ O, t >_ to, (4.1) O, t >_ t o. (4.2) 7")] + Q(t)f(y(t r)) Along with (4.1) and (4.2), we consider the high order delay differential equation TM d + (t)y(t dtm[y(t o, t >_ to, ’)] + Q(t)f(y(t )) (4.3) an even positive integer, > 0 and r > 0 are constants; " fo om R Q R], ), C[[, c), cm[[to,+ 0, + *o > 0, f e C[R, R]. We h + first consider the case A(t) >_ 0. Assume that y(t) is a nonoscillatory solution of equation (4.3). Let where m is z(t) y(t) + A(t)y(t- We shall use the following lemma. Lemma 4.1" If z(t) is of definite sign and not identically zero for all sufficiently large t; there exist a T >_ t o and an integer k, O <_ k <_ m, with rn + k even for z(t)z(m)(t) >_ O, or rn + k odd for z(t)z(m)(t) <_ O, then z(t)z(i)(t) > 0 on [r, + c) for 0 < <_ k, (- 1) i- kz(t)z(i)(t) > 0 on [7", + oc) for k <_ <_ m. Theorem 4.1- Assume that 0 f(- y) f(y) for y R +, and that _< A(t) <_ 1, Q(t) >_ O, t >_ to; f(Y) > e y constant > O, y (4.4) (0, + oz) (4.5) + cx, (4.6) If Q(s)[1 A(s cr)]ds then the inequality (4.1) has no eventually positive solutions; the inequality (4.2) has no eventually negative solutions; and all solutions of the equation (4.3) are oscillatory. Proof: Let y(t) be an eventually positive solution of the inequality there exists a t > to, such that (i) (ii) (iii) (4.1). Then, y(t) > 0, y(t- r) > 0 and y(t- r) > 0 for all t >_ t 1. Setting z(t) y(t)+ A(t)y(t- 7-), t >_ tl, we have z(t) > O, t >_ t 1. From (4.1), (4.4) and (4.5)it follows that (4.7) Oscillation Criteria z(rn)(t) <_ for High Order Delay PDEs _ -Q(t)f(y(t- r)) <_ -eQ(t)y(t- or) <_ O, t >_ t 1. Thus, it follows from Lemma 4.1, that there exists such that z()(t) > o, o <_ <_ , t an odd number k and a t 2 (-1) i-kz(i)(t)>0, k < <_ m, z’(t) > O, Using (4.5)and (4.7), z t1 >_ t and It is easy to see that _ 199 (m-1)(t) > 0, t >_ t 2. t (4.8) t 2. we have 0 >_ z(m)(t) + Q(t)f(y(t >_ z(rn)(t) + Q(t) y(t z(m)(t) + eQ(t)[z(t r) A(t r)y(t v r)], t _> t 2. r r)], t >_ t 2. Note z(t) >_ y(t) for t >_ t2, thus we obtain 0 Since _ >_ z(m)(t) + eQ(t)[z(t r) A(t r)z(t z(t) is increasing for t >_ t2, we have z(m)(t) + eQ(t)[1 Integrating both sides of z (m 1)(t) (4.9) from t 2 z (m 1)(t2) (t a)]z(t a) _< O, to t(t > t2) ez(t 2 r) we J t >_ t 2. (4.9) get Q(s)[1 A(s r)]ds. 2 a)(t) Since z (m> 0 for t _> t2, the above inequality leads to a contradiction in view of (4.6). This proves assertion (i). Assertion (it) follows from the fact that if y(t) is an eventually negative solution of (4.2), then y(t) is an eventually positive solution of (4.1). The proof of the assertion (iii) is obvious. Theorem 4.2: Assume that condition (4.4) holds; f(- y) f(y) > O, y E R +, and that f(y) is a monotone increasing function in R +. If for any c > O, Q(s)f([1 A(s r)]c)ds + oc, then conclusions (i)-(iii) of Theorem 4.1 remain true. Proof: Let y(t) be an eventually positive solution of inequality there exists a t I > t o such that y(t) > 0, y(t-r) > 0 and y(t-r) > 0 for all t _> ta. (4.10) (4.1). Then, XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 200 The following inequalities can be proved by the analogous arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.1: O, t 1; z(m)(t) z’(t) >0, with z (m-l) >0, t >_t 2 >_tl, z(t) defined by (4.7). We have z(t) > 0 for t >_ t I and z(t- r) < z(t) < y(t) + (t)z(t- r), t >_ t2, [1- (t)]z(t- r) <_ y(t), t >_ t 2. Choose a t* > t 2 such that z(t-r) > O, t>_t*. Since f(y) is increasing, we obtain 0 >_ z(m)(t) + Q(t)f(y(t o) >_ z(m)(t) + Q(t)f[(1 i(t er)]z(t r er)), t _> t*. Note that since z(t*-v- r) < z(t- t-r) for t > t*, we have z(m)(t) + Q(t)f([1 where c A(t r)]c) _< O, t >_ t*, z(t*-r- r) > O. Integrating the above inequality from t* to t(t > t*), we get z (ra z (m 1)(t*) + / Q(s)f([1 A(s r)]c)ds <_ O. t* This leads to a contradiction in view of (4.10), since z (m> 0 for t >_ t 2. This proves the assertion (i). We can prove assertion (ii) and (iii) by the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.1. This completes the proof. Theorem 4.3: Assume that f(- y) -f(y) .for y E and that (4.4) and (4.5) hold. If there exists a monotonically increasing function + oo), (0, + oo)] such that 1)(t) R+ cl[[t0, +oo [e(s)Q(s)(1 (s-r))-c’(s)]ds +oo (4.11) > O, then conclusions (i)-(iii) of Theorem 4.1 remain true. Proof: Let y(t) be an eventually positive solution of the inequality (4.1). Then, there exists a t I >_ t o such that for any number c y(t) > O, y(t- r) > O and y(t-er) > O for all t >_ t 1. The following inequalities can be proved by the analogous arguments as in the proof Oscillation Criteria of Theorem 4.1: __ tl; A(t a)]z(t a) _< O, t for High Order Delay PDEs z(’)(t) _< o, Z (m-1)(t) > O, z(t) > o, Z’(t) > O, z(m)(t) + eQ(t)[1 t t2 201 >_ tz. Thus, there exists T > t 2 such that z(T- r) > 0 and Z (m- 1)(t) _( Z (m- 1)(T), z(m)(t) + ez(T Set t >_ T; (4.12) r)Q(t)[1 (t r)] _< 0, t >_ t. (4.13) (m 1) (t). (t)_(t).z z(T r) then we obviously have (t) > 0 for all t >_ T. Note that obtain (t) is a montonically increasing functions and using 9’(t) < z(m z(T (4.12) and (4.13), we ’(t)z(m-1)(t) + (t)z(m)(t) z(T r) 1)( T) )’(t) + (t) z(T (r) ez(T r)Q(t)[1 A(t r)] z(T ) t > T. Set z(m-1)(T) =c>0; z(T (r) we have ’(t) <_ -[e(t)Q(t)(1 A(t r)) c’(t)], t >_ T. Integrating both sides to the above inequality from T to (t) <_ (T) / [e(s)Q(s)(1 t(t > T), we get A(s r)) c’(s)]ds, T which is impossible in view of assumption (4.11). This proves assertion (i). We can prove assertion (ii) and (iii) by the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.1. The proof of Theorem 4.3 is complete. Theorem 4.4: Assume that A(t) A constant > O, f(- y) f(y) > 0 for and that f(y) is an increasing function and satisfies: y R+ f(x + y) <_ f(x) + f(y), f(kx) <_ kf(x) for x > O, y > O, k > O. If Q(t) is periodic with period and satisfies (4.14) XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 202 Q(s)ds + oo, (4.15) then conclusions (i)-(iii) of Theorem 4.1 remain true. Proof: Let y(t) be an eventually positive solution of the inequality there exists a t I > t o such that (4.1). Then, y(t) > O, y(t- 7") > O and y(t-cr) > O for all t >_ t I and for v(t) + v(t- ). z(t) we have z(m)(t) <_ O,t _> tl; z’(t) >0, z (m-1)(t) > O, t_>t 2_>t 1. z(t) > O, Set a(t) Then, there exists z(t) + z(t- 7") a t3 y(t) + 2Ay(t- 7") + A2y(t 2v), t >_ t 2. (4.16) > t 1 such that .(t) > 0..(t- ) > 0..’(t) > 0. t >_ t and ce (m-1)(t)>0, c (m-1)(t-7")>0, t>_t3. From (4.1) and (4.16)it follows that .(")(t) v(")(t) + v()(t- ) + [v(’)(t- ) + v(")(t- 2)] <_ Choose T Q(t)f(y(t r)) Q(t r)f(y(t 7- r)). (4.17) >_ t 3 such that y(t- 27"- (r) > O, t >_ T. (4.14), (4.16) and (4.17)" a(m)(t) + a(m)(t r) + Q(t)f(a(t r)) < Q(t)f(y(t a)) 2AQ(t v)f(y(t v a)) A2Q(t 2v)f(y(t 2" + Q(t)f(y(t a) + 2Ay(t r a) + A2y(t 2r a)) < Q(t)f(y(t ag)) 2AQ(t)f(y(t r r)) A2Q(t)f(y(t 2r a)) + Q(t)f(y(t )) 2AQ(t)f(y(t r r)) + A2Q(t)f(y(t 2r )) O, t >_ T. (4.18) Since a and f are increasing, we have 0 < c(T- (r) < a(s- a), s > T Since Q(t)is periodic with period r, we get by and I(a(T- )) <_ f(a(s- a)),s >_ T. Oscillation Criteria Integrating both sides of >_ ce (m 0 1)(t) (4.18) from T to t(t > T), f c( m - ,kce (m 1)(T 7") 7") c( TM 1)(T 7") 7") Q(s)f(a(s-a))ds T 1)(t 203 get we 1)(T) -t- c (m 1)(t ce (m + _> c (m for High Order Delay PDEs 1)(T ce( TM + f(a(T- r)) 1)(t / Q(s)ds. T c(m-1)(t)>0 and This leads to a contradiction in view of (4.15), since (m Ce 7") > 0 for t _> t 3. This proves assertion (i). We can proves assertion (ii) and (iii) by the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.1. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.4. We shall consider next the case of A(t)< 0. The following lemma is a special case of Theorem 2 in [3]. Lemma 4.2: [3] Assume that fl E C[[t 0, + o),R +] such that --1)(t- lim inf _ /3(s)ds >- (4.19) t-5 and limt__,+inf / t_ Then, the inequality fl(s)ds > O. x(m)(t)- m(t)x(t- mS) <_ 0 has no eventually negative bounded solutions. We introduce the following notations: cQ(t) o + > Theorem 4.5: Assume that the condition (4.5) holds, > 7", f(-y)- -f(y) +, and that there exist constants ,kl,,k 2 and M such that for y 1 <_ "1 /(t) /2 < O, and Q(t) >_ M > O, t >_ t o if t >_ t o (4.21) XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 204 limt__,+ooinf J fl(s)ds > 1, t-5 then conclusions (i) and (iii) of Theorem 4.1 remain true. Proof: Let y(t) be an eventually positive solution of the inequality there exists a t I >_ t 0 such that (4.1). Then, y(t) > O, y(t- r) > 0 and y(t- r) > 0 for all t >_ t 1. Set y(t) + ;(t)y(t- r). z(t) We have z(m)(t) <_ -Q(t)f(y(t- r)) <_ -cq(t)y(t- r) <_ O, t >_ t 1. We claim that z(t) < O, If true, from (4.1) t >_ t 1. (4.23) it follows that z(m)(t) <_ eQ(t)y(t r) <_ eMy(t r), t <_ t 1. (4.24) Thus, we see that z (m- 1)(t) is strictly decreasing on (tl, + oo) and z(i)(t) are strictly It, + c), monotonically functions on 0, 1,..., m lim z (mor 1)(t) lim z (m If 1)(t) 2. Then, we have (4.25) oo r < + oe. (4.26) (4.25) holds, then we have lim z(i)(t) c, O, 1,..., m 1. Hence (4.23) is true. If (4.26) holds, then integrating both sides of (4.24) from t I to t and letting t---, + cx, we get eMy(s- a)ds <_ z( m 1)(tl)- r/, (4.27) I which implies that y E Ll[tl, + oo). In view of (4.2), zE we obtain Ll[tl, -t- oo). Note that z(t) is montonically function, lim we see that z(t) O. (4.28) Oscillation Criteria Thus r/- 0. From (4.28), for High Order Delay PDEs it follows that z(i)(t)z (i+l)(t)<O, Equations (4.28) 205 and (4.29)imply that i-0,1,...,m-1, t>t 1. (4.29) (4.23)is true. Now we have v() < which implies that y(t) ()v(- ) < v(- ) < v(- ), is a bounded function. Thus z(t)is bounded. Since +) ( + )(t ) + (t >_ (t- + )(t- ) o t >_ z(t + -) we h&ve Q() + r) < Q(t)y(t- ), (t-+r From (4.24) and (4.30), it follows that ).z(t-a z()(t) -(t- + ) ) t > t 1. (4.30) z(t-(q-v)) < O, t>tl, z(m)(t)- flm(t)z(t- mS) O, t t 1. (4.31) In view of (4.22), by Lemma 4.2 we see that the inequality (4.31) has no eventually negative bounded solutions, which contradicts the fact that z(t)< 0 and z(t) is bounded. This proves assertion (i). We can prove assertion (ii) and (iii) by the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.1. The proof is therefore complete. 5. Further Oscillation Criteria In this section we shall establish some further oscillation criteria for the higher order delay hyperbolic boundary value problem (2.1) under (B1)and (2.1) under (B2) using the results obtained in the last two sections. Theorem 5.1: Assume that conditions (U) and (4.5) hold, and that 0 <_ ;(t) <_ 1. II min_q(x,s)[1-)(s-)]ds- x then a omio. of . (5.1) (B) a ocilmou i. a.d ro6tm (2.) the under (B2) are oscillatory in G. of problem (2.1) Proof: Let u(x,t) be a nonoscillatory solution of the problem (2.1) under (B1). We may assume that u(x,t)>O for (x,t) Efx[#,+c), where # is a positive number. By the analogous arguments as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we can see that the function U(t) defined by (3.6) is a positive solution of the inequality (3.1) for t >_ t o >_ #, which implies that the function U(t) defined by (3.6) also is a positive (i) (ii) all solutions XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 206 solution of the inequality d+ A(t)U(t m[U(t) v)] + min_ q(x, t)f(U(t )) _< 0. (5.2) zfl However, by Theorem 4.1, we see that the inequality (5.2) has no eventually positive solutions. Thus, we obtain a contradiction. If u(x,t)<O for (x,t)x[#,+c), then -u is an eventually positive solution of the problem (2.1) under (B1) which is impossible. This proves assertion (i). The assertion (ii) can be proved by the analogous arguments as in the proof of (i). The proof of Theorem 5.1 is complete. Using Theorem 4.2-4.5, respectively, it is easy to obtain the corresponding results for problem (2.1) under (B)or (2.1) under (B2)also. We merely state them below. Theorem 5.2: Assume that the condition (H) holds, and that 0 < (t) < 1, f(y) is a monotone increasing function in R +. If for any c > O, assertion min_ q(x, s)f([1 A(s r)]c)ds + oc, then all solutions all solutions of the problem (2.1) of the problem (2.1) under under (B1) (B2) are oscillatory in are oscillatory in G and G. Theorem 5.3: Assume that conditions (H) and (4.5) hold, and that 0 <_ A(t) <_ 1. exists a monotonically increasing function E CI[R there If + (- ,-t-cx)] such that [(s)min_ a(x, s)(1 i(s )) c’(s)]ds 4- c, xE (5.4) any number c > O, then all solutions of the problem (2.1) under (B1) are oscillatory in G and (i) (ii) all solutions of the problem (2.1) under (B2) are oscillatory in G. Theorem 5.4: Assume that condition (H) holds, A(t) =_ constant > O, and that f(y) is an increasing function and satisfies (4.14). /f q(x,t) is periodic in t with period r and satisfies for . +oo min_q(x,s)ds-+oc, (5.5) x then all solutions of the problem (2.1) under (B1) are oscillatory in G and all solutions of the problem (2.1) under (B2) are oscillatory in G. Theorem 5.5: Assume that conditions (H) and (4.5) hold, > v, and that there exist constants "1,’2, and M such that (i) (ii) -l <_ and min xEft _< (t) _< 2 <0, tER+ q(x,t) > M > O, t R +. lirinf+ fl (s)ds > 1, Oscillation Criteria for High Order Delay PDEs 207 then () all solutions all solutions (ii) of the problem (2.1) under (B1) of the problem (2.1) under (B2) are oscillatory in are oscillatory in G and G, where cmin_ q(x, t) xEft ’(t) -a(t-+-) and m Finally, we discuss two examples. Example 5.1" Consider the equation Ot6 + (1 -e )u(x,t- -)] + 3u + 2u(x,t- )exp[3t + x + u2(x,t-)] Xu + (2 + ), os t)x(, t (, t) e (0,,) (0, + ) (B1) ,,(o, t) + (o, t) 0, (,, t) + ,,(,, t) and a boundary condition of type Here, A(t) m- 6;n- 1 e t; o, t > o. ;7(x,t)- 1 X;,g- 1;gt- (0,’);r- ’;a (5.8) for q(t)--2eat; f(u)--ue u q(z,t)--2e z +3t,min : t>0; 2 [o,] It is easy to see that the function f(u) satisfies condition (H) -boo / Then, all conditions of Theorem 5.1 are fulfilled. (5.7) and (5.8) are oscillatory in(0, rr) x (0, Example 5.2: Consider the equation (9 4 -[u and a boundary condition of the type ,,(o, t) f(u) m u. 4;n 1;e and 4(t)- + oo. Hence, all solutions of problems sin x)u(x, t 4’) (x, t)i(O, 7r) (0, q- oo) (B2) 1;f2 -(0, 7r); A(t) 5 gds (5.9) ), u(,, t) In this case, _s+ n" + oo). u(x, t 2r)] + 2u + 4(2 etAu -k 3An(x, t Here, 2e 3s. e .q(x,s)[1-A(s-r)]ds- and r- r m o, t > 0. 1;r 2rr;r rr --2 emin q(x, t) e [0,,] A(t- O" q- 7") 71"4’ (5.10) 4rr;q(z,t) r4(2 sinx); XINZHI LIU and XILIN FU 208 where e 1. It is easy to see that lim fl (s)ds inf t- + oo t-r rds lim inf t + oo _" 2 - > -. The hypotheses of Theorem 5.5 are satisfied and hence all solutions of the problem (5.9) and (5.10) are oscillatory in (0, r) x (0, / c). References [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] Fu, X. and Liu, X., Oscillation criteria for a class of nonlinear neutral parabolic partial differential equations, Appl. Anal. 58 (1995), 215-228. Georgou D. and Kreith, K., Functional characteristic initial value problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 107 (1985), 414-424. Grace, S.R. and Lalli, B.S., Oscillation theorems for certain delay differential inequalities, J. 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