NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES 107°52'30"W 235000 236000 3766000 A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY 237000 107°50'0"W 238000 239000 240000 241000 3766000 QT A3 QT 234000 Qf1 Qf1 242000 Tvp QT Qf1 34°0'0"N 107°47'30"W 243000 244000 NMBGMR Open-file Geologic Map 218 Last Modified 23 January 2012 107°45'0"W 245000 246000 Qf1 34°0'0"N Tvp 14 13 Tbo QT Tvp 3765 000 16 Qf1 3765000 Qpy Qy QT Qf1 Qy Tvp QT Qy 3764000 3 QT 9 ! ! Qy ! ! Tsc 6 Qf1 Qc Tvo 7 Tvo ! Tvp Tvp H 6 ! 3 3 Tsc 11 65 7 Qy Qy ! ! Tsc QT Tj ! QT ! ! ! Tbo Qy Qc 13 H Qc Qf1 Td 7 Qc 3762 000 ! ! Qf1 Alluvial fan and piedmont deposits (Quaternary)–Deposits are typically incised <5m. Clasts are derived from a local source. Qfo Older alluvial fan and piedmont deposits (Quaternary)–Deposits typically incised >5m. Clasts are derived from a local source. Qc 23 Qc Td ! Baymouth bar deposits (Quaternary)–Sand and gravel composed mostly of sub-angular to sub-rounded pebbles and cobbles with sparse well-rounded pebbles. Qf1 Tvp Qy ! Qbm Qpy Tvo Qy QT Pluvial and lacustrine deposits (Quaternary)–Deposits are locally mantled with eolian sand. 4 6 Tvp ! ! Qpy Qc 4 Qf1 ! Colluvium and other slope deposits (Quaternary). 11 Tbo ! Qc 3763 000 Qc 13 ! Eolian deposits (Quaternary)– medium-grained sand) and silt (loess). 3764 000 Tsc Qe Tvp Tsc 3762000 Active alluvium (Holocene)–Active and recently active alluvium, typically incised <1m. 3 QT Qc QT Qy Tj Qe 4 Tvp Tsc QT Tsc 3763000 Qy Qe Tsc ! Man-made deposits (Holocene)–Earthen dams for tanks along active gulleys or valleys. QT Qy ! H QT Older alluvium and piedmont deposits (Miocene – Quaternary)–Containing clasts of rhyolitic Tvc Volcaniclastic conglomerate (Oligocene – Miocene)–Conglomerate containing boulders and ! ! ! ! 13 Qy ! ! Tvp ! ! ! Qf1 ! Qy 3761 000 Qpy 33°57'30"N 33°57'30"N 3761000 Qy Qb Tsc Qy Qy Qb Qfo QT Qy Qfo Qy QT Qy Qy 3760000 Qpy Qy Basalt (Oligocene)– Qe Qy Qy Tbo 3760 000 Qy Qy Qy Qy Qy Tvp Qb Qpy Qy Qfo Qy Qy Qy Qy Qy 3759 000 Qpy Tj Qfo 3759000 Qfo Tvo Older volcaniclastic conglomerate (Oligocene)–Conglomerate principally containing boulder and Tba Basaltic andesite lava (Oligocene)– 3758 000 Qf1 Qe 3758000 Qy Qfo Qf1 Td Tba Td Tvc Qfo Qc Thm Qc ! Qf1 QT 3757 000 Qy Qc 3757000 QT Tba Tbc Qc Tvc Qf1 33°55'0"N 33°55'0"N Trh 3756 000 Qfo Qc 3756000 Tba Qf1 H Tba Qy Qfo Tba Qf1 Tba Tba Qfo Tba Tba Tba Tba 3755000 Tba Tba Tba Tba Tba Qy Tba Tba Tba Tba Tba Tdi 3754 000 Qy Qfo Tdi Qy Tba Tba Tdi Qy Tba Tdi Tdi Tba Tba Tba Tdi Tdi Tba Thm 13 Tba ! Thm ! Tba Tba Tba Thm Thm Thm Tdi Tba Tdi Tba Qfo Tdi Tba Qy Tba 33°52'30"N Qfo Thm Tba 235000 107°52'30"W 236000 Tba Tdi Qfo Tba Thm Thm Thm Tdi Tba Tba Tdi Tdi Tdi Tai Tdi Tai Tdi 237000 Tba Tba Tj 33°52'30"N Tdi Tdi Tdi Tdi 000 Trh 238 107°50'0"W 239000 240000 241000 242000 0.5 1000 0 1 0 1000 2000 0.5 3000 1 MILE 4000 5000 0 6000 243000 107°47'30"W 1:24,000 1 ANDERSON PEAK Qfo Qfo Base map from U.S. Geological Survey 1981, from photographs taken 1973, field checked in 1975, edited in 1981. 1927 North American datum, UTM projection -- zone 13N 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid, zone 13, shown in red SUGARLOAF MOUNTAIN 3752 000 Qfo Qf1 Tdi Tdi Tbc Thm Tbc Geologic Cross Section Qy Thm A' Tba 7000 FEET LUERA MOUNTAINS WEST C-N C-N LAKE Lake LUERA MOUNTAINS EAST 245000 107°45'0"W H 246000 Qc Qe Qy Qbm Qpy Qfo by Charles A. Ferguson and G. Robert Osburn 2 QT 1 NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 KELLOG WELL Magnetic Declination April, 2010 9º 42' East At Map Center OAK PEAK 2 Open-file Geologic Map 218 119 North Fork Road, Centennial, WY, 82055 Earth and Planetary Science Dept., Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 63130 This and other STATEMAP quadrangles are (or soon will be) available for free download in both PDF and ArcGIS formats at: Tj Tvc Tvo Td Tdi Thm Tba Tbc Cross sections are constructed based upon the interpretations of the author made from geologic mapping, and available geophysical, and subsurface (drillhole) data. Cross-sections should be used as an aid to understanding the general geologic framework of the map area, and not be the sole source of information for use in locating or designing wells, buildings, roads, or other man-made structures. Oligocene Tvp A geologic map displays information on the distribution, nature, orientation, and age relationships of rock and deposits and the occurrence of structural features. Geologic and fault contacts are irregular surfaces that form boundaries between different types or ages of units. Data depicted on this geologic quadrangle map may be based on any of the following: reconnaissance field geologic mapping, compilation of published and unpublished work, and photogeologic interpretation. Locations of contacts are not surveyed, but are plotted by interpretation of the position of a given contact onto a topographic base map; therefore, the accuracy of contact locations depends on the scale of mapping and the interpretation of the geologist(s). Any enlargement of this map could cause misunderstanding in the detail of mapping and may result in erroneous interpretations. Site-specific conditions should be verified by detailed surface mapping or subsurface exploration. Topographic and cultural changes associated with recent development may not be shown. [575] 835-5490 Miocene-Quaternay Tbo COMMENTS TO MAP USERS New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources New Mexico Tech 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 QUADRANGLE LOCATION Quaternary Tsc 1 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Holocene Qf1 June 2011 1 KILOMETER AUGUSTINE WELL NEW MEXICO 244000 Geologic Map of the C-N Lake 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET LUERA MOUNTAINS NW A' Tba Tdi Qfo Tdi A Tba Tdi Tba Tdi 16 Qc Tba Tdi Qy Tba ! Tdi Tba 234000 ! 3753 000 Qy Tba 15 Thm ! ! ! ! ! ! QT ! ! ! ! Tdi Tba 3752000 ! ! 3753000 Tba ! Tba Tba Thm ! ! Tba Tba ! Qfo Tba Tba Tba Qfo Tba Tba Tdi Strike and dip of eutaxitic foliation Tba Tba Tba Strike and dip of bedding 60 Qy Qpy Tba Tba o 86 Qfo Tba Tba Tba Tba Tba Tba 3754000 Tba Tba Tba Tba MAP EXPLANATION Tba Tba Tba Qy Tba 3755 000 Qfo Trh The map has not been reviewed according to New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources standards. The contents of the report and map should not be considered final and complete until reviewed and published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the State of New Mexico, or the U.S. Government. Mapping of this quadrangle was funded by a matching-funds grant from the STATEMAP program of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Act, administered by the U. S. Geological Survey, and by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, (Dr. Peter A. Scholle, Director and State Geologist, Dr. J. Michael Timmons, Geologic Mapping Program Manager ). South North 3750000N 0237450E 3751730N 0237520E 10000 Luera Mts East Tba 5000 Trh C-N Lake Tba C-N Lake Tba Thm Tbc Tba Thm Thm Q Tbc Trh 6000 3765535N 0240750E 10000 Bend in section 9000 8000 feet 7000 3760000N 0237950E 3766780N 0241380E Trh Tba Thm Tba Thm Tba Tba Tvp Q Tco Trh Tbc Tba Td Tba Td Td Tba Tco Tj Tvp Tvp Tsc Tco 9000 Anderson Peak 8000 Tj Tsc Tvp Q Tj Tsc Tvp Tj Tvp feet 7000 Tj 6000 5000