Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2013, Article ID 590421, 14 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/590421 Research Article A New Series of Three-Dimensional Chaotic Systems with Cross-Product Nonlinearities and Their Switching Xinquan Zhao,1 Feng Jiang,1 Zhigang Zhang,2 and Junhao Hu3 1 School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan 430205, China 3 School of Mathematics and Statistics, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China 2 Correspondence should be addressed to Xinquan Zhao; zhaoxq56@gmail.com Received 31 October 2012; Accepted 25 December 2012 Academic Editor: Xinzhi Liu Copyright © 2013 Xinquan Zhao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This paper introduces a new series of three-dimensional chaotic systems with cross-product nonlinearities. Based on some conditions, we analyze the globally exponentially or globally conditional exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of these chaotic systems. Moreover, we give some known examples to show our results, and the exponential estimation is explicitly derived. Finally, we construct some three-dimensional chaotic systems with cross-product nonlinearities and study the switching system between them. where π₯π = (π₯1 , π₯2 , π₯3 ) and 1. Introduction Since Lorenz discovered the well-known Lorenz chaotic system, many other chaotic systems have been found, including the well-known RoΜssler system and Chua’s circuit, which serve as models of the study of chaos [1–12]. The Lorenz system plays an important role in the study of nonlinear science and chaotic dynamics [13–18]. We know that it is extremely difficult to obtain the information of chaotic attractor directly from system. Most of the results in the literature are based on computer simulations. When calculating the Lyapunov exponents of the system, one needs to assume that the system is bounded in order to conclude chaos. Therefore, the study of the globally attractive set of the Lorenz system is not only theoretically significant but also practically important. Moreover, Liao et al. [19, 20] gave globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set for the classical Lorenz system and the generalized system by constructive proofs. In addition, Yu et al. [21] studied the problem of invariant set of systems, which was considered as a more generalized Lorenz system. In this paper, we consider the following three-dimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities: π₯Μ = π΄π₯ + π (π₯) + πΆ, (1) π11 π12 π13 π΄ = [π21 π22 π23 ] ; [π31 π32 π33 ] π1 πΆ = [π2 ] ; [π3 ] ππ11 ππ12 ππ13 π΅π = [ππ21 ππ22 ππ23 ] , [ππ31 ππ32 ππ33 ] π₯π π΅1 π₯ π (π₯) = [π₯π π΅2 π₯] ; π [π₯ π΅3 π₯] π = 1, 2, 3 (2) with πππ , ππππ , ππ ∈ π , π, π, π = 1, 2, 3. This second-order dynamic system may be regarded as the most general Lorenz system. For such system, we can choose Lyapunov function: π (π (π‘)) = 1 2 2 [(π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) + (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) 2 2 (3) +(π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) ] , which is obviously positive definite and radially unbounded, where ππ , π π , π = 1, 2, 3 are undetermined parameters. In this paper, we will study this more general Lorenz system (1) than the classical system and the generalized Lorenz system. The result obtained contains earlier results as its special cases. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we define the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant 2 set and the globally conditional exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of the three-dimensional chaotic systems with cross-product nonlinearities. In Section 3, the qualitative analysis of the exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of the chaotic systems has been done. In Section 4, we also suggest an idea to construct chaotic systems, and some new chaotic systems and switched chaotic systems are illustrated. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we present some basic definitions which are needed for proving all theorems in the next section. For convenience, denote π := (π₯1 , π₯2 , π₯3 ) and π(π‘) := π(π‘, π‘0 , π0 ). Definition 1. For the three-dimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities (1), if there exists compact (bounded and closed) set Ω ∈ π 3 such that for all π0 ∈ π 3 , the following condition: π(π(π‘), Ω) := inf π∈Ω βπ(π‘)−πβ → 0 as π‘ → +∞, holds, then the set Ω is said to be globally attractive. That is, system (1) is ultimately bounded; namely, system (1) is globally stable in the sense of Lagrange or dissipative with ultimate bound. Furthermore, if for all π0 ∈ Ω0 ⊆ Ω ⊂ π 3 , π(π‘, π‘0 , π0 ) ⊆ Ω0 , then Ω0 for π‘ ≥ 0 is called the positive invariant set of the system (1). Definition 2. For the three-dimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities (1), if there exist compact set Ω ⊂ π 3 such that for all π0 ∈ π 3 and constants π > 0, πΌ > 0 such that π(π(π‘), Ω) ≤ ππ−πΌ(π‘−π‘0 ) , then the threedimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities system (1) are said to have globally exponentially attractive set, or the system (1) is globally exponentially stable in the sense of Lagrange, and Ω is called the globally exponentially attractive set. Definition 3. For the three-dimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities (1), if there exist compact set Ω ⊂ π 3 , a constant πΌ > 0, and a bounded function π(π₯0 , π‘) > 0 on π‘, as π‘ ≥ π‘0 , such that π(π(π‘), Ω) ≤ π(π₯0 )π−πΌ(π‘−π‘0 ) , where π(π₯0 ) = sup π(π₯0 , π‘), π‘ ≥ π‘0 , then the system (1) is said to have globally conditional exponentially attractive set, or the system (1) is globally conditional exponentially stable in the sense of Lagrange, and Ω is called the globally conditional exponentially attractive set. In general, from the definition we see that a globally exponential attractive set is not necessarily a positive invariant set. But our results obtained in the next section indeed show that a globally exponentially attractive set is a positive invariant set. Note that it is difficult to verify the existence of Ω in Definition 2. Since the Lyapunov direct method is still a powerful tool in the study of asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear dynamical systems, the following definition is more useful in applications. Journal of Applied Mathematics Definition 4. For three-dimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities (1), if there exist a positive definite and radially unbounded Lyapunov function π(π(π‘)) and positive numbers πΏ > 0, πΌ > 0 such that the following inequality π (π (π‘)) − πΏ ≤ (π (π0 ) − πΏ) π−πΌ(π‘−π‘0 ) (4) is valid for π(π(π‘)) > πΏ(π‘ ≥ π‘0 ), then the system (1) is said to be globally exponentially attractive or globally exponentially stable in the sense of Lagrange, and Ω := {π | π(π(π‘)) ≤ πΏ, π‘ ≥ π‘0 } is called the globally exponentially attractive set. Definition 5. For the three-dimensional autonomous systems with cross-product nonlinearities (1), if there exist a positive definite and radially unbounded Lyapunov function π(π(π‘)) and a bounded function πΏ(π₯0 , π‘) > 0, on π‘, as π‘ ≥ π‘0 , and πΌ > 0 such that the following inequality π (π (π‘)) − πΏ (π₯0 ) ≤ (π (π0 ) − πΏ (π₯0 )) π−πΌ(π‘−π‘0 ) (5) is valid for π(π(π‘)) > πΏ(π₯0 ), π‘ ≥ π‘0 , where πΏ(π₯0 ) = sup πΏ(π₯0 , π‘), π‘ ≥ π‘0 , then the system (1) is said to be globally conditional exponentially attractive or globally conditional exponentially stable in the sense of Lagrange, and Ω := {π | π(π(π‘)) ≤ πΏ(π₯0 ), π‘ ≥ π‘0 } is called the globally conditional exponentially attractive set. 3. Qualitative Analysis We call the dynamic system (1) the first class three-dimensional chaotic system with cross-product nonlinearities (1), if there are some nonzero numbers {π 1 , π 2 , π 3 } so as to satisfy conditions π21 π111 = 0, π21 (π112 + π121 ) + π22 π211 = 0, π22 π222 = 0, π22 (π221 + π212 ) + π21 π122 = 0, π23 π333 = 0, π23 (π313 + π331 ) + π21 π133 = 0, π21 (π113 + π131 ) + π23 π311 = 0, (6) π22 (π223 + π232 ) + π23 π322 = 0, π23 (π323 + π332 ) + π22 π233 = 0, π21 (π123 + π132 ) + π22 (π213 + π231 ) + π23 (π321 + π312 ) = 0. Condition (6) is satisfied by some known three-dimensional quadratic autonomous chaotic systems, the wellknown Lorenz system [1–3], the RoΜssler system [5], the Rucklidge system [6], and the Chen system [7, 8]. Lorenz systems are widely studied and the references therein [9– 12, 19–21]. For example, consider the classical Lorenz system π₯Μ = π (π¦ − π₯) , π¦Μ = ππ₯ − πΎπ¦ − π₯π§, π§Μ = π₯π¦ − π½π§, (7) Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Lemma 6. Suppose π π > 0, π = 1, 2, 3, and the general Lorenz systems π21 π12 + π22 π21 + π 3 π3 (π312 + π321 ) = 0, π₯Μ = −ππ₯ + ππ¦ + π¦π§, π¦Μ = ππ₯ − π¦ − π₯π§, π21 π13 + π23 π31 + π 2 π2 (π213 + π231 ) = 0, (8) π22 π23 + π23 π32 + π 1 π1 (π123 + π132 ) = 0, π§Μ = ππ¦ − π§ + π₯π¦, (13) π11 + π1 < 0, π₯Μ = −π§, π¦Μ = −π¦ − π₯2 , π22 + π2 < 0, (9) π33 + π3 < 0. π§Μ = 1.7π₯ + π¦ + 1.7. The function (12) has maximum. Thus it can be seen that condition (6) is very important in qualitative analysis of the exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of Lorenz systems. We will research this dynamic system in two cases. First, supposing π111 = π122 = π133 = π211 = π222 = π233 = π311 = π322 = π333 = 0, ππππ = −ππππ , π, π = 1, 2, 3, ∃ππππ =ΜΈ − ππππ , π =ΜΈ π =ΜΈ π, the dynamic system (1) can be rewritten as Proof. Consider ππ₯σΈ 1 (π, π) = 2 (π21 π11 + π1 π21 ) π₯1 + (π21 π1 + π1 π1 π 1 − π1 π21 π1 − π 1 π1 π11 −π 2 π2 π21 − π 3 π3 π31 ) , ππ₯σΈ 2 (π, π) = 2 (π22 π22 + π2 π22 ) π₯2 3 π₯1Μ = ∑π1π π₯π + (π123 + π132 ) π₯2 π₯3 + π1 , + (π22 π2 + π2 π2 π 2 − π2 π22 π2 − π 1 π1 π12 π=1 3 π₯2Μ = ∑π2π π₯π + (π213 + π231 ) π₯1 π₯3 + π2 , −π 2 π2 π22 − π 3 π3 π32 ) , (10) π=1 ππ₯σΈ 3 (π, π) = 2 (π23 π33 + π3 π23 ) π₯3 3 π₯3Μ = ∑π3π π₯π + (π312 + π321 ) π₯1 π₯2 + π3 . + (π23 π3 + π3 π3 π 3 − π3 π23 π3 − π 1 π1 π13 π=1 (14) −π 2 π2 π23 − π 3 π3 π33 ) , The construction techniques of this kind of Lorenz systems are to pay attention to satisfing formula ππ₯σΈ σΈ 2 (π, π) = 2π21 (π11 + π1 ) , 1 π21 (π123 + π132 ) + π22 (π213 + π231 ) + π23 (π321 + π312 ) = 0, ππ₯σΈ σΈ 2 2 (11) (π, π) = 2π22 (π22 + π2 ) , ππ₯σΈ σΈ 2 (π, π) = 2π23 (π33 + π3 ) , 3 ππ₯σΈ σΈ 1 π₯2 where π π , π = 1, 2, 3 are parameters and (π, π) = ππ₯σΈ σΈ 2 π₯1 (π, π) = ππ₯σΈ σΈ 1 π₯3 (π, π) = ππ₯σΈ σΈ 2 π₯3 (π, π) = ππ₯σΈ σΈ 3 π₯2 (π, π) = 0. 3 π (π, π) = ∑π2π (πππ + ππ ) π₯π2 π=1 3 3 π=1 π=1 + ∑ (π2π ππ + ππ ππ π π − ππ π2π ππ − ∑π π ππ πππ ) π₯π 3 + ∑ (π π ππ ππ − π=1 Thus the Hesse matrix π»π of the π(π, π) is a negative definite matrix; furthermore maxπ∈π 3 π(π, π) exists. These parameters ππ , ππ , π π , π = 1, 2, 3 will be determined by solving the maximum of π1 (π, π) and formula (12), and let π+ = { π π ππ2 ) , (12) where ππ , π = 1, 2, 3 are undetermined parameters. And we always assume that the supremum π(π, π) < +∞ in the paper. π, π > 0, 0, π ≤ 0. (15) Theorem 7. If condition (6) exists, π = min{π1 , π2 , π3 }, π = maxπ∈π 3 π(π, π), π π > 0, π = 1, 2, 3, then the estimation [π (π (π‘)) − 1 1 + π ] ≤ [π (π (π‘0 )) − π+ ] π−2π(π‘−π‘0 ) 2π 2π (16) 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 holds, and the set π=1 1 Ω = {π | π (π (π‘)) ≤ π+ } 2π ≤ −2π [π (π (π‘)) − 2 2 1 + π ] ≤ 0, 2π 2 = {π | [(π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) + (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) + (π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) ] ≤ 2 ≤ −π ∑ (π π π₯π − ππ ) + π+ when π (π (π‘)) > 1 + π } π 1 + π , 2π (19) (17) is the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of system (10); that is, lim π (π (π‘)) ≤ π‘→∞ 1 + π . 2π (18) Proof. Differentiating the Lyapunov function π(π(π‘)) in (3) with respect to time π‘ along the trajectory of system (10) yields σ΅¨ πΜ (π (π‘))σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨(10) = π 1 (π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) π₯1Μ + π 2 (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) π₯2Μ + π 3 (π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) π₯3Μ 3 where ππ > 0, π = 1, 2, 3. Integrating both sides of (19) yields (16) and (17). By the definition, taking into account limit on both sides of the above inequality (16) as π‘ → +∞ results in inequality (18). Now, the characters of some of the chaotic systems known are analysed by condition (6). When π11 = −π, π12 = π, π21 = π, π22 = −πΎ, π33 = −π½, π213 = −1, π312 = 1, else πππ = 0, ππππ = 0, π1 = π2 = π3 = 0, and π 1 = √π, π 2 = π 3 = 1, π1 = π2 = 0, π3 = ππ + π, π1 = π, π2 = πΎ, π3 = min{π, πΎ}, π = π1 = π3 , π½ > π1 , system (10) can be rewritten as system (7): π (π (π‘)) = 1 2 [ππ₯12 + π₯22 + (π₯3 − ππ − π) ] , 2 π (π, π) = − (π½ − π1 ) π₯32 + (π½ − 2π1 ) (ππ + π) π₯3 (20) 2 + π1 (ππ + π) . 2 = − ∑ππ (π π π₯π − ππ ) + π 1 (π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) π=1 We have π = π½2 (ππ + π)2 /4(π½ − π1 ). Thus 3 × ( ∑π1π π₯π + π1 π−1 1 (π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) π=1 2 [π (π (π‘)) − π½2 (ππ + π) ] 8 (π½ − π1 ) π1 2 + (π123 + π132 ) π₯2 π₯3 + π1 ) ≤ [π (π (π‘0 )) − π½2 (ππ + π) ] π−2π1 (π‘−π‘0 ) , 8 (π½ − π1 ) π1 2 + π 2 (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) Ω1 = {π | π (π) ≤ 3 × ( ∑π2π π₯π + π2 π−1 2 (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) π=1 π½2 (ππ + π) } 8 (π½ − π1 ) π1 2 = {π | ππ₯12 + π₯22 + (π₯3 − ππ − π) ≤ + (π213 + π231 ) π₯1 π₯3 + π2 ) 2 π½2 (ππ + π) } 4 (π½ − π1 ) π1 (21) is the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of system (7). + π 3 (π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) 3 × ( ∑π3π π₯π + π3 π−1 3 (π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) π=1 Example 8. Further, taking ito accout π1 = π, π2 = πΎ, π3 = π½/2, π = π2 = min{π, πΎ, π½/2}, the estimate 2 + (π312 + π321 ) π₯1 π₯2 + π3 ) 3 2 ≤ −π∑ (π π π₯π − ππ ) + π (π, π) π=1 [π (π (π‘)) − π½(ππ + π) ] 4π2 2 π½(ππ + π) ≤ [π (π (π‘0 )) − ] π−2π2 (π‘−π‘0 ) 4π2 (22) Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 π2 = 0, π3 = π + 2π, system (6), π(π(π‘)), and π(π’, π) can be rewritten as system (8): holds and that 2 Ω2 = {π | π (π) ≤ π½(ππ + π) } 4π2 2 = {π | ππ₯12 + π₯22 + (π₯3 − ππ − π) ≤ 2 π½(ππ + π) } 2π2 π (π (π‘)) = (23) π (π, π) = − (π − π1 ) π₯12 + (π − 2π1 ) ππ₯1 − 2 (1 − π2 ) π₯22 − 2 (π + π) ππ₯2 − (1 − π3 ) π₯32 is the globally uniform exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of system (7). Proof. Again applying Lyapunov function given in (19) and evaluating the derivative of ππ1 /ππ‘ along the trajectory of system (16) lead to 2 π (π, π) = − π₯32 π½ (ππ + π) π½ + , 2 2 + (π + 2π) (1 − 2π3 ) π₯3 + π1 π2 + π3 (π + 2π)2 . (28) Thus 2 (24) 2 π½(ππ + π) . π= 2 (π − 2π1 ) π2 (π + π)2 π2 (π + 2π)2 (1 − 2π3 ) π= + + 4 (π − π1 ) 2 (1 − π2 ) 4 (1 − π3 ) (29) + π1 π2 + π3 (π + 2π)2 . The conclusion of Example 9 is obtained. We have Example 9. Furthermore, choose π1 = π, π2 = πΎ, π3 = π½, 0 < π1 < π½, π = π3 = min{π, πΎ, π1 }. Get π (π, π) = − (π½ − π3 ) π₯32 + (π½ − 2π3 ) (ππ + π) π₯3 + π2 (ππ + π) , (25) 2 π½ (ππ + π) π= . 4 (π½ − π3 ) [π (π (π‘)) − 2 2 π½ (ππ + π) ] 8 (π½ − π3 ) π3 (26) 2 π½2 (ππ + π) ≤ [π (π (π‘0 )) − ] π−2π3 (π‘−π‘0 ) 8 (π½ − π3 ) π3 (30) 2 (31) is the estimation of the globally exponentially attractive and positive invariant sets of system (8). If π111 = π222 = π333 = 0, ∃ππππ =ΜΈ 0, π, π = 1, 2, 3, the dynamic system (1) is shown as 3 3 π₯1Μ = ∑ π1π π₯π + ∑ π1ππ π₯π2 + ∑ (π1ππ + π1ππ ) π₯π π₯π + π1 , π=1 holds and that π=2,3 3 π =ΜΈ π=1 3 ππ₯2Μ = ∑π2π π₯π + ∑ π2ππ π₯π2 + ∑ (π2ππ + π2ππ ) π₯π π₯π + π2 , 2 Ω3 = {π | π (π) ≤ Ω4 = {π | π (π₯ (π‘)) − π} = {π | (π₯1 − π) + 2π₯22 + (π₯3 − π − 2π) ≤ 2π} Then, the estimate 2 π (π₯ (π‘)) − π ≤ [π (π₯ (π‘0 )) − π] π−2π(π‘−π‘0 ) , then 2 2 1 2 2 [(π₯1 − π) + 2π₯22 + (π₯3 − π − 2π) ] , 2 π½2 (ππ + π) } 8 (π½ − π3 ) π3 π=1 π=1,3 3 2 = {π | ππ₯12 + π₯22 + (π₯3 − ππ − π) ≤ 2 π½2 (ππ + π) } 4 (π½ − π3 ) π3 (27) π =ΜΈ π=1 3 π₯3Μ = ∑ π3π π₯π + ∑ π3ππ π₯π2 + ∑ (π3ππ + π3ππ ) π₯π π₯π + π3 . π=1 π=1,2 π =ΜΈ π=1 (32) In this case, we can take into account is the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of system (7). Example 10. Taking π11 = −π, π12 = π, π21 = π, π22 = −1, π32 = π, π33 = −1, π123 = π312 = 1, π213 = −1 else πππ = 0, ππππ = 0, π1 = π2 = π3 = 0, and π 1 = π 3 = 1, π 2 = √2, π1 = π, 3 π (π, π) = ∑ [π2π (πππ + ππ ) + π [π+1]3 π[π+1]3 π[π+1]3 ,ππ π=1 +π [π+2]3 π[π+2]3 π[π+2]3 ,ππ ] π₯π2 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 80 π<π,1 60 + ∑ (π2π πππ + π2π πππ + π 1 π1 (π1ππ + π1ππ ) +π 2 π2 (π2ππ +π2ππ )+π 3 π3 (π3ππ +π3ππ )) π₯π π₯π 3 40 20 + ∑ (π2π (ππ − ππ ππ ) + ππ π π ππ − π1π π 1 π1 π=1 0 20 −π2π π 2 π2 − π3π π 3 π3 ) π₯1 10 0 3 + ∑π π ππ (ππ − ππ ) , −10 π=1 1 Theorem 11. Suppose that πΊ0 = (π₯10 , π₯20 , . . . , π₯π0 ) is the stable point of the π(π, π) defined by (33). If the Hesse matrix of the π(π, π) is a negative definite matrix, the π(π, π) has maximum πand the estimation 1 [π (π (π‘)) − π+ ] 2π ≤ [π (π (π‘0 )) − 0 −5 15 Figure 1: Simulation of system (40). (33) where [⋅]3 denotes modulo-3. −10 10 5 (34) holds; that is, lim π (π (π‘)) ≤ 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 1 + −2π(π‘−π‘0 ) π ]π 2π π‘→∞ 0.5 1 + π , 2π (35) −2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 10 5 0 15 Figure 2: Simulation of system (43). and the set Ω = {π | π (π (π‘)) ≤ The π(π, π) has the maximum π. Differentiating the Lyapunov function π(π(π‘)) in (3) with respect to time π‘ along the trajectory of system (32) yields 1 + π } 2π 2 2 2 = {π | [(π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) + (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) + (π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) ] ≤ 1 + π } π + π 3 (π 3 π₯3 − π3 ) π₯3Μ (36) is the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of system (32). 3 2 ≤ −π∑ (π π π₯π − ππ ) + π (π, π) π=1 3 2 ≤ −π∑ (π π π₯π − ππ ) + π+ Proof. If πΊ0 is the stable point of the π(π, π), that is, ∇(π)πΊ0 = (ππ₯σΈ 1 , ππ₯σΈ 2 , ππ₯σΈ 3 ) = 0, σ΅¨ πΜ (π (π‘))σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨(32) = π 1 (π 1 π₯1 − π1 ) π₯1Μ + π 2 (π 2 π₯2 − π2 ) π₯2Μ (39) π=1 (37) and the Hesse matrix π»π of the π(π, π) is a negative definite matrix, namely, σ΅¨σ΅¨πσΈ σΈ πσΈ σΈ σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨ π₯1 π₯1 π₯1 π₯2 σ΅¨σ΅¨ σΈ σΈ σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨ ππ₯1 π₯1 < 0, σ΅¨σ΅¨πσΈ σΈ πσΈ σΈ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ > 0, σ΅¨σ΅¨ π₯2 π₯1 π₯2 π₯2 σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨πσΈ σΈ πσΈ σΈ πσΈ σΈ σ΅¨σ΅¨ (38) σ΅¨σ΅¨ π₯1 π₯1 π₯1 π₯2 π₯1 π₯3 σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨πσΈ σΈ πσΈ σΈ πσΈ σΈ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨ π₯2 π₯1 π₯2 π₯2 π₯2 π₯3 σ΅¨σ΅¨ < 0. σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ σΈ σΈ σ΅¨σ΅¨ σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨π σ΅¨ π₯3 π₯1 ππ₯3 π₯2 ππ₯3 π₯3 σ΅¨σ΅¨ ≤ −2π [π (π (π‘)) − 1 + π ] ≤ 0, 2π when π (π (π‘)) > 1 + π . 2π The proof is complete. 4. Switched Chaotic Systems Condition (6) has helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the new chaotic systems. We construct a series Journal of Applied Mathematics 7 150 200 100 150 50 100 0 50 −50 100 0 20 50 0 −50 −50 −100 −100 50 0 100 0 −20 −40 −40 Figure 3: Simulation of system (44). −20 20 0 40 Figure 5: Simulation of system (46). 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 200 0 100 50 0 −50 −60 −20 −40 20 0 40 100 0 −100 + (− of new chaotic systems that the condition (6) is fulfilled and study the switching system between them. +( Example 12. Consider a Lorenz system shown in Figure 1: π₯2Μ = 28π₯1 − π₯2 − π₯1 π₯3 , (40) π2σΈ π₯1 (π, π) = 0, π₯3Μ = −3π₯2 − π₯3 + 10π₯12 + π₯1 π₯2 . 48 √ 112 √ 12.5 − 13.5) π₯1 25 45 168 √ 2643 39293196661 12.5 + ) π₯2 + , 25 2 405000 π₯1 = − 48 √ 112 √ 12.5 + 13.5) , 25 45 1 112 √ 48 13.5) ( √12.5 + 1250 5 9 ≈ 0.064, Solution. Here σΈ (π, π) = −13.5π₯2 + ( π2π₯ 2 π33 = −1, els πππ = 0, π123 = π132 = 0.5, π312 = π321 = 0.5, π 2 = √13.5, π3 = 440.5, π21 = 28, π22 = −1, π32 = −3, π113 = π131 = −0.4, π213 = π231 = −0.5, els ππππ = 0, π311 = 10, π 1 = √12.5, 6 , 25 π 3 = 1, π1 = − π1 = 2, 1 π2 = π3 = , 2 −200 −100 π2σΈ π₯1 (π, π) = −250π₯1 − ( π₯1Μ = −12π₯1 + 5π₯2 − 0.8π₯1 π₯3 + π₯2 π₯3 , π12 = 5, 100 Figure 6: Simulation of system (47). Figure 4: Simulation of system (45). π11 = −12, 0 π2 = 4 , 45 1 π= , 2 π2 (π, π) = −125π₯12 − 6.75π₯22 − 0.5π₯32 σΈ (π, π) = 0, π2π₯ 2 π₯2 = 30 56 √ 881 12.5 + ( ) ≈ 99.65, 135 25 2 σΈ (π, π) = −π₯3 , π2π₯ 3 σΈ π2π₯ (π, π) = 0, 3 σΈ σΈ π2π₯ 2 (π, π) = −250, 1 σΈ σΈ π2π₯ 2 3 168 √ 2643 12.5 + ), 25 2 π₯3 = 0, σΈ σΈ π2π₯ 2 (π, π) = −13.5, 2 (π, π) = −1, σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ π2π₯ (π, π) = π2π₯ (π, π) = π2π₯ (π, π) = 0, 1 π₯2 2 π₯1 1 π₯3 σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ σΈ (π, π) = π2π₯ (π, π) = π2π₯ (π, π) = 0. π2π₯ 3 π₯1 2 π₯3 3 π₯2 (41) 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics ×1011 15 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 −5 20 −50 100 10 0 −10 −20 −2 2 0 4 6 8 ×1012 50 0 −50 (a) System (40)–(43) −100 −100 −50 0 50 100 (b) System (40)–(44) 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 100 0 20 50 0 −50 −100 −15 0 −5 −10 5 ×1012 0 −20 −40 −20 (c) System (40)–(45) −40 0 20 40 (d) System (40)–(46) 150 100 50 0 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −100 −50 0 50 (e) System (40)–(47) Figure 7: Switched system between system (40) and others. The Hesse matrix of the π(π, π) is a negative definite matrix, max π(π, π) ≈ 164045.42. The set Ω = {π | (√12.5π₯1 + 5 2 4 2 ) + (√13.5π₯2 − ) 26 45 (42) 2 +(π₯3 − 440.5) ≤ 328090.84} is the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of system (40). Note. (a) If the Hesse matrix of the π(π, π) is not a negative definite matrix, the π(π, π) has no maximum π. (b) If ∃ππ0 π0 ≥ 0, limπ₯π → ∞ π(π, π) = +∞, this type of 0 chaotic system needs further research. (c) We call the dynamic system (1) the second class threedimensional chaotic system with cross-product nonlinearities, if it does not satisfy condition (6). For this class of chaotic systems, π(π, π) is a cubic polynomial and there is not maximum if we choose energy function (3) differentiating this Lyapunov function with respect to π‘ along the trajectory of system (1). It is very useful to research these problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics 9 ×1011 15 ×1012 4 10 2 5 0 0 −2 −5 20 10 0 2 0 −10 −2 4 8 ×1012 6 −4 4 ×1012 2 0 −2 −4 (a) System (43)–(40) ×1011 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 10 5 0 −10 −5 −15 −6 −4 2 12 ×10 0 (b) System (43)-(44) ×1011 15 −5 15 ×1011 −8 −2 5 ×1012 0 −5 −5 20 10 0 −10 (c) System (43)–(45) −20 −2 0 2 4 6 8 ×1012 (d) System (43)–(46) ×1015 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 15 10 5 0 −5 0 2 4 6 8 10 ×1015 (e) System (43)–(47) Figure 8: Switched system between system (43) and others. Example 13. The new chaotic system shown in Figure 2 is π₯1Μ = −2π₯1 + 5π₯3 + 5.7π₯1 π₯3 + 4.7π₯2 π₯3 + 4, π₯2Μ = −π₯1 − 2π₯2 + 3π₯3 + 5, π₯3Μ = −6π₯1 − 2π₯2 − 4π₯3 + 0.2π₯12 + 3.4π₯1 π₯2 + 7. Example 14. The chaotic system shown in Figure 3 is π₯1Μ = −11π₯1 + 0.15π₯1 π₯2 + 1.38π₯2 π₯3 + 1, (43) π₯2Μ = 30π₯1 − π₯2 − π₯1 π₯3 + 0.1π₯2 π₯3 , π₯3Μ = 15π₯2 − 2.5π₯3 + π₯1 π₯2 . (44) 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics ×1012 3 100 2 50 1 0 −50 100 0 −1 100 50 0 −50 −100 −100 50 0 −50 50 100 0 −50 (a) System (44)–(40) −15 −10 5 ×1012 0 (b) System (44)-(43) 1000 150 800 100 600 400 50 200 0 −50 100 −100 −20 −5 0 −200 100 50 0 −50 −100 −3 0 −1 −2 1 ×1013 50 0 −50 −100 −150 (c) System (44)-(45) −100 −50 0 50 100 (d) System (44)–(46) 150 100 50 0 −50 100 50 0 −50 −100 −200 −100 0 100 200 (e) System (44)–(47) Figure 9: Switched system between Example (44) and others. Example 16. The chaotic system shown in Figure 5 is Example 15. The chaotic system shown in Figure 4 is π₯1Μ = 30 (π₯2 − π₯1 ) − 0.48π₯12 , π₯2Μ = 80π₯1 − 6π₯2 − π₯1 π₯3 , π₯3Μ = π₯1 π₯2 − 5π₯3 . π₯1Μ = −12π₯1 + 5π₯2 + π₯2 π₯3 , (45) π₯2Μ = 28π₯1 − π₯2 − π₯1 π₯3 , π₯3Μ = −3π₯2 − π₯3 + 4π₯12 + π₯1 π₯2 . (46) Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 150 ×1012 4 100 3 2 50 0 100 1 50 0 −50 −100 −10 −15 −5 0 5 ×1012 0 100 50 0 −50 −20 (a) System (45)–(40) −15 −10 0 −5 5 ×1012 (b) System (45)–(43) 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 −50 100 50 0 −50 −100 −3 0 −1 −2 1 ×1012 0 100 50 0 −50 (c) System (45)-(44) −100 −15 −10 −5 0 5 ×1012 (d) System (45)-(46) 150 100 50 0 100 50 0 −50 −100 −15 −10 −5 0 5 ×1012 (e) System (45)–(47) Figure 10: Switched system between Example (45) and others. Example 17. The chaotic system shown in Figure 6 is π₯Μ = ( 20 ) π₯ − π¦π§ + 9, 7 π¦Μ = −10π¦ + π₯π§ + 0.5π§2 , (47) π§Μ = −4π§ + π₯π¦ + π¦π§. Note. When we analyse Examples 13 to 17 by the previous means, for supπ∈π 3 π(π, π) = +∞, the globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of them have not been obtained. The globally exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set really exist by their trajectories. Particularly, by LuΜ et al. chaotic system [11] and Example 17 we conjecture that they have globally conditional exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set, according to preliminary study. These are waiting for us to do further research. Meanwhile, we can compute that the maximum Lyapunov exponents of Examples 12–17 are 1.06, 0.02, 1.84, 0.01, 0.92, and 0.95, respectively. 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics 200 ×1012 4 150 3 100 2 50 1 0 20 0 20 0 −20 0 −20 −40 −40 40 20 0 −20 −40 (a) System (46)–(40) 200 400 150 200 100 0 50 50 0 5 15 20 ×1012 0 1 ×1013 (b) System (46)–(40) 600 −200 100 −5 10 0 50 0 −50 −100 −100 −50 100 50 0 0 −50 −100 (c) System (46)–(44) −3 −2 −1 (d) System (46)-(45) 200 150 100 50 0 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −100 −50 0 50 (e) System (46)-(47) Figure 11: Switched system between Example (46) and others. 5. Simulation of Switched System In this section, we will show some simulation results of the following switching system π₯Μ = π΄ π π₯ + ππ (π₯) + πΆπ , (48) where π₯π = (π₯1 , π₯2 , π₯3 ), π is the switching law, and π π π π12 π13 π11 [ππ ππ ππ ] π΄ π = [ 21 22 23 ] , π π π [π31 π32 π33 ] π1π [ππ ] πΆπ = [ 2 ] , π [π3 ] π₯π π΅1π π₯ [ ] ππ (π₯) = [π₯π π΅2π π₯] π π [π₯ π΅3 π₯] (49) π , πππ ∈ π , π, π, π = 1, 2, 3. Each pair of (π΄ π , πΆπ , π΅1π , with ππππ , ππππ π΅2π , π΅3π ) takes the form from Example 8 to Example 14. The switching law is that the system will stay in each subsystem for a constant time. In the following, we assume that (a, b) denotes a switched system which switches between system (a) and system (b). It can be seen from Figures 7 to 12 that the switched systems (18,20), (18,22), (18,23), (20,18), (20,22), (20,23), (22,18), (22,20), (22,23), (23,18), (23,20), and (23,22) can also yield chaotic systems. 6. Conclusion In this paper, the methods in [19–21] have been extended to study the globally exponentially or globally conditional Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 ×1012 4 150 3 100 2 50 0 100 1 0 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −100 50 0 −50 50 0 −50 (a) System (47)–(40) −100 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 ×1012 (b) System (47)–(43) 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 −50 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −50 −100 0 50 100 0 100 50 0 −50 (c) System (47)–(44) −100 −3 −2 −1 0 1 ×1013 (d) System (47)–(45) 200 150 100 50 0 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −100 −50 0 50 (e) System (47)-(46) Figure 12: Switched system between Example (47) and others. exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of the three-dimensional chaotic system family with cross-product nonlinearities. We have given two theorems for studying this question and given some examples to show that such system indeed has the globally exponentially or globally conditional exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set, and the exponential estimation is explicitly derived. We have also suggested an idea to construct the chaotic systems, and some new chaotic systems have been illustrated. The simulation results are given for switched system between these new chaotic systems. It is very interesting to further research that the Hesse matrix of the π(π, π) is not a negative definite matrix, and the dynamic system (1) is a second class threedimensional chaotic system with cross-product nonlinearities. Acknowledgments This work is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project under Grant 2012M511615, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 60474011 and 60904005, and the Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 2009CDB026. 14 References [1] L. O. Chua, “Chua’s circuit: an overview ten years later,” Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 4, pp. 117–159, 1994. [2] E. N. Lorenz, “Deterministic nonperiodic flow,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 20, pp. 130–141, 1963. [3] T. Lofaro, “A model of the dynamics of the Newton-Leipnik attractor,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 2723–2733, 1997. [4] N. A. Magnitskii and S. V. Sidorov, “A new view of the Lorenz attractor,” Differential Equations, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 1568–1579, 2001. [5] O. E. 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