State Allotment Formulas Effective July 1, 2013 DIGIT A L L E ARNING PROGRAM REPORT CODE: UNIFORM CHART OF ACCOUNTS CODE: STATUTORY REFERENCE: 030 XXXX-030-XXX Session Law 2013-360 Section 6.11 (g) TYPE: Dollars TERM: July 1 - June 30 PURPOSE: Delivering educator professional development related to Home Base systems. The Home Base related training must be focused on using digital and other instructional technologies to provide high-quality, integrated digital teaching and learning to all students, and acquiring quality digital content to enhance instruction. ELIGIBILITY: Each LEA is entitled to funding. FORMULA: Fifty percent of the funds are distributed based on average daily membership. Fifty percent of the funds are awarded through an application process. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. Funds may be transferred without restrictions by submitting an ABC Transfer Form. 2. When possible, LEAs should incorporate the Home Base platform as a key component of instructional delivery. 3. LEAs shall ensure that charter schools, which are located within the district, are notified and have access to all trainings organized by utilizing these funds. Charter school personnel shall be permitted to attend all such trainings. 4. LEAs shall make available all digital content, purchased or subscribed, to the charter school, if the content is acquired with these funds. 5. Up to $1,000,000 may be used by the Department of Public Instruction to (i) Develop a plan to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital, to funding for digital materials, including textbooks and instructional resources and (ii) Provide educational resources that remain current, are aligned with curriculum, and are effective for all learners by 2017. The plan shall also include an inventory of the infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning in public schools. Public Schools of North Carolina North Carolina Department of Public Instruction FY 2013-2014 Digital Learning (PRC 030) SL 2013-360 Section 6.11 (e) & (g) Type LEA# LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 111 120 130 132 140 150 160 170 180 181 182 190 200 210 220 230 240 241 250 260 270 280 290 291 292 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 LEA NAME Alamance-Burlington Alexander County Alleghany County Anson County Ashe County Avery County Beaufort County Bertie County Bladen County Brunswick County Buncombe County Asheville City Burke County Cabarrus County Kannapolis City Caldwell County Camden County Carteret County Caswell County Catawba County Hickory City Newton-Conover City Chatham County Cherokee County Edenton-Chowan Clay County Cleveland County Columbus County Whiteville City Craven County Cumberland County Currituck County Dare County Davidson County Lexington City Thomasville City Davie County Duplin County Durham Public Edgecombe County Forsyth County Franklin County Gaston County Gates County Graham County Granville County Greene County Division of School Business Services School Allotments Section FY13-14 Allotted ADM 22,690 5,374 1,397 3,673 3,196 2,164 7,026 2,984 4,985 12,668 25,782 4,331 12,891 30,743 5,320 12,375 1,920 8,579 2,811 17,055 4,407 3,000 8,310 3,377 2,238 1,323 15,453 6,356 2,317 14,829 51,774 3,842 4,932 20,062 3,156 2,472 6,489 9,581 33,114 6,679 53,789 8,671 31,166 1,740 1,209 8,512 3,182 Amount $ 85,143 20,166 5,242 13,783 11,993 8,120 26,365 11,197 18,706 47,536 96,745 16,252 48,373 115,361 19,963 46,436 7,205 32,192 10,548 63,998 16,537 11,257 31,183 12,672 8,398 4,964 57,986 23,851 8,694 55,645 194,279 14,417 18,507 75,281 11,843 9,276 24,350 35,952 124,258 25,063 201,840 32,537 116,949 6,529 4,537 31,941 11,940 11/7/2013 Page 1 of 3 Public Schools of North Carolina North Carolina Department of Public Instruction FY 2013-2014 Digital Learning (PRC 030) SL 2013-360 Section 6.11 (e) & (g) Type LEA# LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA 410 420 421 422 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 491 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 681 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 761 770 780 790 800 810 820 LEA NAME Guilford County Halifax County Roanoke Rapids City Weldon City Harnett County Haywood County Henderson County Hertford County Hoke County Hyde County Iredell-Statesville Mooresville City Jackson County Johnston County Jones County Lee County Lenoir County Lincoln County Macon County Madison County Martin County McDowell County Charlotte-Mecklenburg Mitchell County Montgomery County Moore County Nash-Rocky Mount New Hanover County Northampton County Onslow County Orange County Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Pamlico County Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Pender County Perquimans County Person County Pitt County Polk County Randolph County Asheboro City Richmond County Robeson County Rockingham County Rowan-Salisbury Rutherford County Sampson County Division of School Business Services School Allotments Section FY13-14 Allotted ADM 72,895 3,427 3,116 978 20,813 7,564 13,547 3,041 8,247 566 21,452 6,000 3,645 33,786 1,169 9,918 9,079 11,688 4,402 2,602 3,473 6,430 144,470 2,018 4,158 12,828 16,369 25,815 2,121 25,428 7,501 12,256 1,282 5,794 8,691 1,811 4,739 23,811 2,303 18,399 4,798 7,664 23,915 13,388 19,925 8,650 8,661 Amount 273,534 12,860 11,693 3,670 78,100 28,383 50,834 11,411 30,946 2,124 80,497 22,515 13,678 126,780 4,387 37,217 34,068 43,859 16,518 9,764 13,032 24,128 542,115 7,572 15,603 48,136 61,424 96,869 7,959 95,417 28,147 45,990 4,811 21,742 32,612 6,796 17,783 89,349 8,642 69,041 18,004 28,759 89,740 50,238 74,767 32,459 32,500 11/7/2013 Page 2 of 3 Public Schools of North Carolina North Carolina Department of Public Instruction FY 2013-2014 Digital Learning (PRC 030) SL 2013-360 Section 6.11 (e) & (g) Type LEA# LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA 821 830 840 850 860 861 862 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 995 LEA NAME Clinton City Scotland County Stanly County Stokes County Surry County Elkin City Mount Airy City Swain County Transylvania County Tyrrell County Union County Vance County Wake County Warren County Washington County Watauga County Wayne County Wilkes County Wilson County Yadkin County Yancey County FY13-14 Allotted ADM 3,013 6,122 8,763 6,731 8,380 1,234 1,726 1,982 3,584 573 40,797 6,809 153,803 2,390 1,703 4,465 19,256 9,866 12,531 5,623 2,289 1,456,217 Amount 11,306 22,972 32,883 25,258 31,445 4,631 6,477 7,437 13,449 2,150 153,088 25,550 577,136 8,968 6,390 16,755 72,257 37,022 47,022 21,100 8,589 $ 5,464,368 Funding Factor $ Division of School Business Services School Allotments Section 3.75 11/7/2013 Page 3 of 3 Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Digital L earning A pplication North Carolina State Board of Education Deadline: December 13, 2013 5:00 P M Program Description Name of Program: Digital Learning F unding Source: State Lottery Receipts E ligible applicants: Individual LEAs or consortia of LEAs. Small LEAs are encouraged to form consortia to maximize the resources. 7KHWHUP³applicants´LQWKLVGRFXPHQWUHIHUVWRall eligible applicants, both L E As and consortia Deadline for Receipt of A pplications: Due to the nature of these grants, the deadline for applications cannot be extended. Applications must be submitted electronically to: Neill Kimrey Email Address Purpose: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction/State Board of Education 301 N. Wilmington St. Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone Number: 919.807.3270 Applications must be submitted electronically as a PDF. Complete applications must be received no later than 5:00 P.M . on December 13th, 2013. Session Law 2013-360 Section 6.11 (g) appropriates funds for Digital Learning. These funds shall be used to support grants to local education agencies for (i) Delivering educator professional development focused on using digital and other instructional technologies to provide high-quality, integrated digital teaching and learning to all students and (ii) Acquiring quality digital content to enhance instruction. F unds The statewide total available through this application process is $5,464,368 for fiscal year 2013-14. This application is for 2013-14 ONLY. Funds awarded for 2013-14 DO NOT carry over to the next fiscal year. Range of G rant Awards: SBE will award grants EDVHGRQDSSOLFDQWV¶WRWDOSRLQWVDFKLHYHGRQWKHVFRULQJUXEULF7KH maximum annual award available will be the higher of $25,000 or $7 per. If the SBE decides to allot a portion of the funding via another mechanism, the grant maxima will be recalculated to reflect available funding. Applicants are strongly encouraged to create a consortium. The funding maxima will be calculated for the consortium at the same as an individual. Eg. the maximum of the higher of $25,000 or $7 per allotted 2013-14 ADM. ! ! Plan Review F und Use: Collaboration of Resources Reporting Requirements: The plan must address the following requirements: 1) The target of the use of the funds. E.g., LEA-wide, school-specific, targeting specific population of student. 2) A detailed professional development plan for digital learning; 3) A description of the infrastructure already in place that will support the initiative; 4) Process of selecting digital content aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The review of proposals will undergo the following process: 1) DPI staff evaluate based on a scoring rubric. 2) SBE will approve awardees. G rant F unds may be used for the following items in support of grant activities: 1. Contracted services to provide professional development 2. Technology facilitator salary and benefits 3. Purchase or subscriptions to digital content. G rant F unds may not be used for: 1. Pre-Award costs 2. Supplanting existing digital learning activities; Awardees shall ensure that charter schools, which are located within the district, are notified and have access to all trainings organized by utilizing these funds. Charter school personnel shall be permitted to attend all such trainings. Awardees shall make available all digital content, purchased or subscribed, to the charter school, if the content is acquired with these funds. Awardees will be required to provide an evaluation report. Specifications of the report will be provided Submission Requirements: A pplications must contain the following forms x Cover page x Program narrative x Budget Summary Estimated Program Start Date: February 15, 2014. Digital L earning A PP L I C A T I O N C O V E R SH E E T A pplying entity (complete one): Name of Local E ducation Agency: Name of Consortium: L E As in Consortium: F iscal Agent of the Consortium: Program Contact: A ddress: T elephone Number: F ax Number: E mail A ddress: A mount Requested 2013-14: Superintendent - Signature ! Printed Name ________________________________________________ Program Nar rative (No more than 2 pages) 1. T argeted population Will this program be system wide? If the program is targeted to specific schools, provide the criteria used to identify the schools. If the program is targeted to specific students, provide the criteria to identify those students What percentage of the DSSOLFDQW¶VVWXGHQWVEHQHILWIURPthe program? 2. Professional development How much of the total funds requested will be used for professional development? Describe the professional development plan that incorporates the use of these funds Include: x Use of current employees, contractors, new employees. x Specific focus of the professional development x Vendors x Time line of professional development x Types of Professional development (e.g., classroom, job embedded) 3. Digital Content How much of the total funds requested will be used for digital content? Describe the digital content that will be purchased or subscribed using these funds. 4. Describe how the plan incorporates the Home Base platform as a key component of instructional delivery. 5. W hat are the goals of the program? 6. W hat measures will be used to assess the success of the program? 7. How will you assure that charter schools located in your district are included, if applicable? ! ! ! B U D G E T SU M M A R Y 2013-14 Strategy # 1 M ajor M easurable Goals M ajor Strategies E xpenditure Description Purpose A ccount Code O bject A mount $ 2 3 4 5 6 Total $X X X X O ther F unds Low Wealth Small County At Risk DSSF Other Low Wealth Small County At Risk DSSF Other Low Wealth Small County At Risk DSSF Other Low Wealth Small County At Risk DSSF Other Low Wealth Small County At Risk DSSF Other Low Wealth Small County At Risk DSSF Other A mount $ $ $ $ $ ! D I G I T A L L E A R N I N G - G R A N T SC O R I N G R U B R I C Using the following rubric, reviewers will assign numerical scores and prepare comments. Plan C riteria L evel 3 M eets A ll or Most C riteria A . A ctivity description, need for the activity and alignment to the goals and objectives The proposed plans are thoroughly described, the need is clearly evident and it aligns with the DSSOLFDQW¶s goals and objectives as well as the digital learning legislation. 25 Points 25 B. Plan of O peration and T imeline 25 Points C . E valuation Plan, Data Collection, and Sustainability 25 Points D. Budget and Budget Nar rative 15 Points E . Need and focused population A detailed implementation plan and timeline are provided. Attainable outcomes that clearly demonstrate achievement. 25 The application clearly addresses how the program/initiative will be evaluated for success 25 Budget is clear, reasonable and cost effective. Budget narrative itemizes expenses in detail. Budget calculations are correct. 15 Program focuses on a lowperforming school(s) and/or student population(s). L evel 2 M eets Some C riteria There is a limited description of the proposed initiative, or the need is not well supported or clearly aligned. 10 The implementation plan and timeline address some of the items. Outcomes are realistic. 10 The application somewhat addresses how the program/initiative will be evaluated for success. 10 Budget is reasonable and cost effective. Budget narrative identifies expenses and provides general explanation. Budget contains a few errors. 5 Program includes some lowperforming school(s) and/or student population(s). L evel 1 M eets F ew or No C riteria The proposed initiative is not clearly identified and there is little evidence of need. There is no apparent alignment. 0 The implementation plan and timeline are limited and include few specific details. Outcomes not identified. 0 No evaluation plan is included in the application or it includes a minimal plan to evaluate success without including specific measurable data points. 0 Budget is not clear, reasonable and/or cost effective. Budget narrative does not provide detailed explanation of expenditures. Budget contains calculation errors and/or is completed incorrectly. 0 Program does not focus on a lowperforming school(s) and/or student population(s). ! 15 Points F . Home Base Utilization ! 15 Points! ! ! ! 15 Plan incorporates the Home Base platform as a key component of instructional delivery. 15 5 Plan mentions incorporating the Home Base platform, but lacks specificity. 5 0 Plan makes no mention of utilizing the Home Base platform. 0