Emission Permit Trading for Air Pollution Hot Spots By Werner Antweiler∗ A conventional emission permit market is inefficient for nonuniformly mixed pollutants that create geographic ‘hot spots’ of different ambient emission concentrations and environmental hazard. Economically efficient ambient concentration markets involve difficult interactions among multiple markets that makes them practically infeasible. This paper advances a novel type of single permit market with a hybrid price-quantity instrument that addresses the dual heterogeneity of firm-specific abatement costs and regional varation in hazard. An empirical measure of plant centrality is introduced that captures each plant’s strategic interaction potential. Analytic solutions and simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the market concept, which is then applied to analyze emissions of metallic air toxics (in particular mercury) in Canada. JEL: Q53,Q58 Keywords: emission permits; permit markets; air pollution; pollution hot spots; environmental policy While emission permit trading systems have grown in use over the last number of years, their application potential remains somewhat limited because such trading systems work well only for uniformly mixed pollutants such as greenhouse gases or widely dispersed pollutants such as sulfur dioxide. However, conventional emission permits for non-uniformly mixed pollutants such as air toxics are ∗ Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2, Canada. Phone: 604-822-8484. E-mail: werner.antweiler@ubc.ca. An earlier version of this paper was entitled ‘Smart Emission Trading for Toxics: Spatial Heterogeneity and Hybrid Regimes.’ This paper has benefited hugely from presentations at the University of British Columbia, the University of Kiel, the University of Cologne, York University, the University of Maryland, as well as the Canadian Economics Association conference in 2007. I am grateful to all the audiences and individuals who have provided feedback and comments. Special thanks to Till Requate for helping me appreciate the merits of hybrid policy instruments. 1 inefficient. Since the work of Montgomery (1972) it is known that the theoretically ideal alternative employs “ambient concentration contribution permits” in which permits are contracted in fractions of emission concentrations; see Tietenberg (2006, chap. 4) for an extensive discussion. In the presence of strong spatial heterogeneity, defined by the location of emission points (plants) and receptor points (people), ambient concentration permit markets suffer from practical limitations. Most importantly, such a system requires a large number of markets to work efficiently. As Atkinson and Tietenberg (1987, p. 372) point out: An ambient permit market is complex, because it involves a separate permit for each monitored receptor where air quality equals the standard. Any source seeking to increase its emissions would have to purchase sufficient permits from each of these monitored receptors. Since the source’s emissions would affect air quality differently in each of these markets, the interdependence of its decisions in these multiple markets creates a rather complex pattern of transactions. The multiplicity of markets implies high transaction cost and low liquidity of the traded permits. A further problem is the nature of the permit contracts. Unlike emission permits, ambient concentration contribution permits may be difficult to monitor and enforce as additional contributions to emission concentrations at a given receptor location may be subject to large stochastic variation. It is much easier to monitor emissions at the source. In the presence of these challenges, finding suitable practicable alternatives to implement a market solution for non-uniformly mixed pollutants has been elusive. Many of the alternatives suggested in the literature appear to offer very complex solutions. The key to a practicable alternative is simplicity and objectivity. A trading system is simple if it keeps transaction costs low, and offers verifiable and enforceable contracts. It strives for objectivity by basing any firm-specific rules on measurable quantities that are relatively immune to challenge or lobbying. In an UNCTAD report Tietenberg et al. (1999, pp. 105-7) comment on design 2 principles for a permit trading system: The emissions trading system should be designed to be as simple as possible. The historic evidence is very clear that simple emissions trading systems work much better than severely constrained ones. The transaction costs associated with implementing and administering an emissions trading system rise with the number of constraints imposed, and as transactions costs rise, the number of trades falls. As the number of trades falls, the cost savings achieved by the programme also decline. [...] Transaction costs play a key role in the success or failure of an emissions trading system. In the past, only emissions trading programmes with low transaction costs have succeeded in substantially lowering the cost of compliance. This paper proposes a new practicable emission trading system for non-uniformly mixed pollutants. It involves a single emission permit market with permits based on firms’ actual emissions. However, to provide the economically-efficient incentive for reducing emissions more aggressively in air pollution ‘hot spots,’ firms contributing emissions to ‘hot spots’ must face a higher effective permit price than firms outside these ‘hot spots.’ On the other hand, a unified permit market only has a single market-clearing price. The key insight to facilitate this effective price differentiation is to require firms to buy a number of permits that is proportional to their emissions rather than exactly equal to their emissions. The implicit adjustment factor reflects the firm’s contribution to the environmental hazard. For example, a firm contributing pollution to a hot spot may have to buy twice as many permits as their actual emissions, while firms outside the hot spot may have to buy permits for only half of their actual emissions. This adjustment factor, henceforth referred to as the hazard factor, can be determined scientifically and attributed to each firm prior to trading. With this adjustment in place, an individual firm faces an effective permit price per unit of emissions that is equal to the product of the market permit price and the hazard factor. Each firm buys 3 emission permits equal to the product of its emissions times its hazard factor at the prevailing permit market price. The intuition behind this simple concept is that price and quantity signals are both economically efficient (at least without uncertainty), and that both signals can be mixed in a hybrid fashion. Policy hybridization plays an important role in environmental policy discussions since the seminal work by Roberts and Spence (1976). In their work, price floors and price ceilings can improve the overall efficiency of the system by ensuring sufficient dynamic incentives to innovate (price floor) and relief from sudden price spikes (price ceiling, or allowance reserve). A hybrid price-quantity system is envisioned in this paper to overcome limitations of previously-proposed emission permit markets for ‘hot spots.’ While the use of multiple (hybrid) policy instruments has been considered extensively (e.g., Bennear and Stavins, 2007) in particular with respect to second-best approaches, the hybrid price-quantity mechanism proosed here aims at achieving first-best optimality, albeit sequentially rather than instantaneously. This paper also introduces a novel concept of ‘plant centrality’ that captures the potential for spatial interaction among firms. This measure is useful for identifying the potential usefulness of a hot-spot permit market that involves intra-regional as well as inter-regional trade-offs. The feasibility of the market concept is further explored in the context of metallic air toxics in Canada, in particular mercury. I. The ‘Hot Spot’ Problem in Environmental Economics With non-uniformly mixed pollutants, emission concentrations vary strongly across receptor locations. ‘Hot spots’ are localized areas with high concentrations of the pollutant. The efficacy of any policy intervention depends crucially on how it targets these ‘hot spots.’ The more localized these hot spots, the more localized the intervention needs to be, as the largest environmental benefits are generated by reducing the ambient concentrations in these hot spots. In the presence of information asymmetries between regulator and firms, emis4 sion permit trading systems (as well as pollution taxes) are demonstrably more efficient than conventional command-and-control regulation through emission standards. For non-uniformly mixed pollutants, ambient concentration permits are more efficient than simple emission permits. Nevertheless, the efficiency rank order of these regulatory interventions may be greatly affected by large differences in transaction costs. Stavins (1995) notes that even complicated trading systems with relatively high transaction costs will likely dominate command-andcontrol regulation because there is substantial heterogeneity in abatement cost (i.e., abatement technology) across plants. A trading system provides flexibility to plants in choosing the pollution abatement technology that is best suited for their particular environment. Transaction costs for permit trading systems consist of a variety of specific costs, which in turn are driven by particular economic factors (Egenhofer, 2003). Search costs, the cost of matching buyer and seller, are greatly reduced through organized exchanges, but crucially depend on the liquidity and transparency of the market. Negotiation costs arise from contracting and standardization of contracts through permit exchanges. These depend on the clarity of the property rights assigned by the contracts. Monitoring costs arise through verification of compliance, but are typically borne by the regulator. Similarly, enforcement costs arise in the case of non-compliance when the regulator needs to enforce compliance or fine violators. For individual firms there are also numerous types of information costs, for example the cost of monitoring permit markets, and the cost of involuntary disclosure of confidential technical information. Firms may also incur insurance costs to allow for the technical risk of accidental non-compliance (e.g., unpredictable leaks, spills, or accidents). While some of these transaction costs are similar across different types of regulatory intervention, different types of emission permit markets differ most strongly with respect to search and information costs. Potential illiquidity of the market may reduce trading opportunities, and in the extreme case may turn such a market into bilateral bargaining. 5 Trading costs, combined with market and regulatory uncertainty, may reduce the efficiency of permit trading systems. Montero (1997) shows that these frictions can have a non-negligible impact on abatement outcomes: trade volume decreases, and total compliance cost increases. They also find that in the presence of transaction costs the initial allocation is not neutral with respect to efficiency. Gangadharan (2000) considers a variety of the aforementioned transaction costs in the context of the RECLAIM market in the Los Angeles basin. Transaction costs influences the participation decision of plants; various types of transaction costs can be identified as the reason for an overall 32% reduction in the probability of trading in the RECLAIM market in 1995. A multiplicity of markets would be costly. This makes the Montgomery (1972) ambient-concentration markets highly impractical, as well as numerous alternatives that have been proposed in the past; see Atkinson and Tietenberg (1982) for a discussion. Among the most advanced second-best models that have been proposed are trading zones with a limited number of markets. Among the most prominent examples are Førsund and Nævdal (1998), who propose a zonal system with inter-zone exchange rates, and more recently Krysiak and Schweitzer (2010), who derive the optimal size of zonal permit markets in the presence of informational constraints. To make emission permit trading work for ‘hot spots,’ the trading system has to be as simple and transparent as the conventional cap-and-trade system for uniformly-mixed pollutants. The model proposed in this paper is appealing because it relies on a single integrated market, although one combined with plantspecific ‘hazard factors’ that are based on observables and which can be updated easily by the regulator prior to each trading period. This set up is able to achieve the first-best economically-efficient solution. 6 II. A. Model Regulator’s Objective Consider the regulator’s problem of controlling the ecosystem hazard emanating from emissions generated by plants i = 1, .., n. The regulator is concerned about the total ecosystem hazard Hj for regions j = 1, .., m. Ecosystem hazard includes the health risk of the population directly exposed to the emissions but may also include the negative impact on animals and plants, which (in addition to their intrinsic value) have an indirect effect on the health of the population through the food chain. Let Pj denote appropriate ecosystem weights (‘population’) for region j and define regions sufficiently small that emission concentrations can be thought of as homogeneous within that area. Let Aj denote measured ambient pollution concentration in region j in a reference period. As in Hoel and Portier (1994) and in line with Krysiak and Schweitzer (2010), hazard typically follows a quadratic dose-response function.1 The ecosystem hazard in region j can be defined as " (1) Hj = Pj Aj A j +ω n X # dij Ei ≈ Pj A2j i=1 where Ei is the emission from plant i and dij is the dispersion factor between firm i and location j (the fraction of firm i’s emissions deposited in region j) such that P j dij = 1. Aj captures ambient concentrations from natural or transboundary sources, and ω converts emission deposits into emission concentrations. 1 The P underlying structure of the model is quadratic in emission concentrations, that is j A2j . In a linear model inter-regional trade-offs between regions i and j would be ∂Aj /∂Ai = −1, suggesting that reducing emission concentrations in a ‘benign’ region i while letting them increase in a ‘hot spot’ j by the same amount would leave total hazard unchanged. By comparison, with a quadratic function the inter-regional trade-off is ∂Aj /∂Ai = −Ai /Aj . This means that to keep total hazard unchanged, an increase in ambient concentrations in ‘benign’ region i would only offset a smaller ambient concentration increase in ‘hot spot’ j to leave total hazard unchanged. As j is a ‘hot spot’ and thus Ai < Aj , the ratio Ai /Aj < 1. Earlier work on emission hot spots often posits a constrained optimization problem so that ∀j : Aj ≤ Ā. This set-up rules out any inter-regional trade-offs and implies ∂Aj /∂Ai = ∞, a very strong Rawlsian view of the world. I argue that the utilitarian approach with a weighted quadratic loss function that allows inter-regional trade-offs is more intuitive. 7 An important innovation in this model is that the non-linear dose-response function is captured through the product of an ex-ante (observed) emission concentration Aj and an ex-post (incentivized) emission concentration captured by the term in square brackets; thus Hj may be thought of as Pj,t−1 Aj,t−1 Aj,t for successive time periods t. Applying this temporal logic allows for a loss function quadratic in Aj while keeping the model effectively linear.2 The above hazard model (1) generalizes the existing literature on ambient emission level control. The total ecosystem hazard is not merely a function of ambient concentrations, but also a function of the number of people, plants, and animals that are exposed to the concentration. This implies a trade-off between higher ambient concentrations in losely populated areas against lower concentrations in densely populated areas. Different regulators may therefore rely on different weights Pj . For example, Pj could simply denote population, or it could capture pollution-related health care costs. The regulator is also concerned about the (expected) abatement cost B = P i Bi incurred by firms in meeting the desired environmental footprint. The regulator’s objective then is to minimize the expected ‘welfare loss’ L from ecosystem hazard H and abatement cost B (2) L= n X Bi + γ i=1 J X Hj j=1 where γ represents the marginal damage of a unit of ecosystem hazard. Alternatively, γ may also be thought of as a political preference parameter indicating the regulator’s weight on ecosystem hazard. Importantly, hazards are additive over regions, allowing inter-regional hazard trade-offs. 2 This property entails that the welfare loss is minimized only over time, not instantaneously. If one used a one-period instantaneous quadratic loss function instead, the resulting model becomes very complex because the optimal solution for firm i depends on the optimal solution for all other firms. This requires solving a system of n first-order conditions in n unknowns, rather than solving n firstorder conditions directly. Using temporal logic to linearize the economic decision problem comes at little economic cost because a regulator will phase in a cap-and-trade system gradually to allow firms to adjust. 8 The permit market is structured as follows. The regulator issues permits equal P to the targeted total amount of emissions Ē ≡ i Ei . Market participants then determine the market price τ for these permits. Individual firms buy φi Ei permits, P and therefore Ē = i φi Ei must hold as well. B. The Plant Each plant i’s emissions affect the neighboring regions j through the dispersion P factor dij so that j dij = 1. These dispersion factors are determined by measurement or modeling of atmospheric disperson processes. Each plant has final emissions Ei and is required to purchase φi Ei emission permits at market price τ , where φi > 0 is each plant’s hazard factor as determined by the environmental regulator at the beginning of each trading period. Consequently, firm i faces an effective unit price for its emissions Ei equal to φi τ . Plant i’s final emissions are a function of its abatement effort θi ∈ [0, 1[ so that (3) Ei = (1 − θi )Ei0 with Ei0 denoting the original unabated emission level of plant i. The scale (output) of the firm is assumed to be fixed.3 It is useful to impose a specific and plausible single-parameter abatement cost function, in particular for the purpose of facilitating simulations later on. Abatement costs are given by the function (4) Bi = bi [− ln(1 − θi )]Ei0 with cost factor bi . The crucial information asymmetry between regulator and firm is that the regulator cannot observe bi ; the firm knows its true bi but not 3 This simplification rules out quantity adjustment in response to environmental price signals. This is a useful and plausible approximation when abatement costs play only a small part in the overall cost structure of a firm. 9 the regulator. Abatement cost function (4) has several desirable properties. As θ → 1 (complete abatement), abatement costs rise to infinity, which implies that plants are unable to ever completely abate emissions. Furthermore, B 0 (θ) > 0 and B 00 (θ) > 0 imply that abatement costs are increasing in abatement effort at an accelerating rate: abatement effort becomes increasingly costly. At low levels of effort, the cost function is almost linear, but as the effort level approaches total elimination of emissions, abatement cost starts to rise steeply. Abatement costs rise proportional with output, and there are no increasing or decreasing returns to scale in abatement activity. The firm’s objective is to minimize its environment-related costs (5) Ci = min {Bi + τ φi Ei } θi by choosing the optimal abatement effort θi in response to the effective price τ φi for buying permits for its (post-abatement) emissions Ei . Using (3) and (4) and solving the minimization problem (5) yields the optimal abatement effort θi∗ = 1 − bi /(τ φi ), which in turn implies Bi∗ = bi ln(τ φi /bi )Ei0 and Ei∗ = Ei0 bi /(τ φi ). (Star superscripts indicate the optimum solution.) After abatement, the firm buys φi Ei∗ = Ei0 bi /τ permits at price τ and thus overall expense Ei0 bi . As the P P regulator issues exactly Ē = Ei permits, it must hold that i φi Ei = Ē. Optimal abatement effort is conditioned on a participation constraint. The permit price needs to be sufficiently high (τ φi > bi ) to induce firms to engage in abatement effort. If a firm’s available abatement technology is too costly, it will rather buy permits than engage in any abatement effort. If the empirical distribution of bi is wide, non-abatement cases where bi ≥ τ φi may account for a significant share of firms. In numerical simulations it is important to allow for cases of non-abatement, in which case Ei∗ = Ei0 and the firm’s environment-related costs are the expense for buying sufficient permits Bi∗ = τ φi Ei0 . The participation constraint is conceptually equivalent to a fixed abatement cost, which would also 10 impose a participation threshold. C. Optimal Intervention With the above results the regulator’s consolidated objective function becomes (6) L= X bi Ei0 ln i " τ φi bi +γ X P j Aj A j +ω j X i bi Ei0 dij τ φi # The regulator’s problem is finding the optimal intervention that minimizes (6). Knowing the hazard factors φi with certainty then solves the ‘hot spot’ problem implicitly. The optimal intervention involves minimizing L with respect to an individual price for each plant, τi ≡ τ φi . This optimization yields prices τi∗ = γω (7) X Pj Aj dij = γQi j where Qi ≡ ω P j Pj Aj dij are hazard weights for plant i, and thus plant-specific hazard contribution is Hi ≡ Qi Ei . The next step is demonstrating that finding a single permit price τ replicates the first-best intervention (7). The first-order condition for minimizing (6) with respect to a single permit price τ , given hazard factors φi , yields P Hi H τ = γP i =γ E i Ei φi ∗ (8) where Q̄ ≡ H/E = (9) P i Qi Ei / P i Ei . Now consider the solution φi = Hi /H Qi = Ei /E Q̄ which defines the hazard factor as the ratio of hazard share to actual (postabatement) emission share. From this it follows immediately that τ ∗ = γ, and 11 thus τi∗ /τ ∗ = Qi /Q̄. As long as the regulator is able to determine φi = Qi /Q̄ reliably, the enhanced version of the permit market is able to obtain the firstbest solution for emission reduction. The simple modification that leads to this crucial result is to require firms to buy φi Ei permits instead of merely Ei as in a conventional cap-and-trade market. Thus, the ‘cap’ is effectively on hazard despite being nominally on emissions (Ē). D. Limiting Cases The emission permit market with hazard factors φi entails two limiting cases. First, setting φi = 1 replicates a conventional cap-and-trade market. This is a useful benchmark against which one can compare the benefits of introducing plant-specific hazard factors. This limiting case is also approached when the number of regions drops to m = 1, which implies that the world is a single ‘hot spot.’ The second limiting case involves plant-specific hot spots without interaction among firms. In this case there are as many regions as plants (n = m) with dij = 1 for i = j and dij = 0 for all i 6= j.4 The limiting case simplifies Qi = ωPj=i Aj=i but does not change the overall optimality of the market design. The hazard contribution factor Qi (and thus φi ) simply captures each plant’s unique impact on the surrounding environment. There are no strategic interactions among firms. Thus the permit market facilitates inter-regional trade-offs in emission and hazard reduction, rather than intra-regional trade-offs. Even in this limiting case the permit market with hazard factors accomplishes its goal of targeting hot spots because the effective permit prices φi τ equate marginal abatement cost to the marginal damage from environmental hazard (specific to each hot spot). 4 Without loss of generality, smaller regions within each hot spot can be suitably aggregated to allow for ambient concentration variations within each hot spot. 12 E. Hazard Factor Determination Precise knowledge of dispersion factors dij is essential for any regulatory intervention that involves non-uniformly mixed pollutants. While pollutant concentrations can be measured at receptor locations, an atmospheric dispersion model is required to link emissions to emission concentrations. The widely-used model by Turner (1994) captures atmospheric dispersion through the equation (consolidated for expositional clarity) (10) F 1 x A(x) = exp − ζS(x)U 2 S(x) where A is the downwind concentration at ground level (g/m3 ), F is the emission flow rate of the pollutant (g/s), x is the distance from the plant (m), S(x) the plume standard deviation (m), U the wind speed (m/s), and ζ contains other plant-specfic information (m) based on stack height and vertical plume standard deviation. Attenuation over distance follows predictable patterns. Given distance x(i, j) between plant i and region (measurement station) j, it is possible to compute dispersion factors dij by integrating over suitable spatial areas. Conversely, it is possible to observe ambient concentrations Aj at measurement stations and concurrent emissions Ei at nearby plants, and use the data to estimate dispersion factors dij as a multi-parameter function of x(i, j). Spatial disaggregation identifies ‘hot spots.’ The granularity of this disaggregation matters. Enlarging the number of observation regions m increases the accuracy of the underlying hazard model. On the other hand, the limiting case m → 1 with a single hazard region reverts the proposed model to the conventional cap-and-trade model. The regulator’s main function in overseeing the permit market is to announce new φi,t = Qi,t /Q̄i,t at the beginning of each trading period t, based on measure13 ments from the previous period. It is useful to recall how Qi depends on emissions from neighbouring plants. As ambient concentrations Aj depend on contributions from all plants, the hazard summation factor Qi can be written as (11) Qi,t = ω X Pj Aj,t−1 dij = ω 2 j X Pj dij j X dkj Ek,t−1 k Equation (11) shows how emissions from other plants affect plant i through the network of dispersion coefficients dij . Scientifically accurate modeling of these coefficients is therefore critical to implementing the permit market. F. Plant Centrality Through equation (11), firms are interconnected participants in the permit market where actions by one firm such as increasing or decreasing emissions may influence neighbouring plants by raising or lowering their particular hazard factor φi . It is possible to capture the degree of interconnectedness through empirical measures of centrality, specifically eigenvector centrality. Equation (11) can be expressed in matrix notation as (12) Q = ω 2 DPDT E where Q and E are n×1 vectors of each plant’s (non-normalized) hazard factor and emission level, D is an n×m matrix of dispersion coefficients, P is an m×m diagonal matrix with region factors Pj , and the T superscript indicates the matrix transpose. S ≡ DPDT is a symmetric n×n matrix that captures the inter-firm influences weighted by P. Matrix S can be normalized through the transformation U ≡ RSR − I where R = [diag(S)]−1/2 and I is the identity matrix.5 Thus, all elements in matrix U identify the relative impact of one plant on another, scaled 5 This transformation is the same procedure that is used to compute a Pearson correlation matrix from a variance-covariance matrix. 14 to the range [0, 1[. Subtracting I ensures that the diagonal elements in U are all zero, as is required for adjacency matrices that are used to analyze networks. The influence of an individual plant in the emission market network can be captured by eigenvector centrality. First proposed by Bonacich (1972), the largest eigenvalue λ̄ that solves the eigenvector equation Uv = λv is associated with the principal eigenvector v̄, which can be obtained numerically through power iteration even for very large matrices. The centrality measure can be suitably disaggregated into plants with zero or postive centrality. For the n+ ≤ n firms with positive centrality, rescaling makes the measures easier to interpret. Let P χi ≡ (v̄i / k v̄k )/(1/n+ ) denote plant centrality with an average of 1. Values larger than 1 indicate above-average centrality, and values below 1 indicae belowaverage centrality. The plant-specific hazard factors φi will be strongly rank-correlated with the centrality measures χi . The firm centrality measure is useful in the context of spatially-interacting plants because it readily identifies which plants affect their neighbours more, and which less. For example, a centrality measure of χi = 1.5 suggests that plant i has 50% stronger influence on neighbouring plants than the average plant. By comparison, a plant with χi = 0.5 is much less spatially connected, influencing other firms 50% less than average. Plants that are far from any other plants have a χi equal or close to zero. For a hot-spot permit market to be effective, having a sufficient number of firms with inter-regional interaction is important. This means that regardless of their emission size, a sufficient number of firms need to have non-zero centrality. This in turn depends crucially on the average dispersion radius of the pollutant. Centrality can thus be used to gauge the interconnectedness of potential market participants, ignoring actual emission size, in oder to determine the feasibility of an emission market with plant-specific hazard factors. 15 G. Numerical Illustration A simple numerical simulation can help illustrate the key concepts in this paper. Table 1 provides a ‘sandbox’ for exploring the model with five firms (1–5) and four regions (a–d). Region (a) is densely populated and industrial, region (b) more suburban, region (c) large and rural, and region (d) a small industrial town. Parameter values for abatement costs bi and initial emissions Ei0 are given along with dispersion factors dij and regional weights Pj . The table also shows the initial ambient concentrations (prior to abatement) Aj and the corresponding hazard γHj , expressed in monetary terms using a hazard cost factor of γ = 1/200. Regions (a) and (d) are ‘hot spots’ as their initial ambient emission concentration is two or three times that of the neighbouring regions (b) and (c), and thus the regulator’s assessment of total hazard of regions (a) and (d) is about five times that of regions (b) and (c). The spatial interconnections among the five firms can be expressed through the centrality measure χi ; firms 1–3 have above-average centrality and firms 4 and 5 have below-average centrality. Table 2 shows the results of a market simulation where the number of emission permits is gradually lowered from 700 until the regulator’s loss function reaches a minimum. The first row shows the baseline (zero market price τ ) and intermediate steps are shown for ‘round’ permit prices. The final permit price turns out to be τ = 12.85, and the last row ∆[%] shows percentage changes of the optimal result against the baseline. While total emissions E are reduced by 36%, total environmental hazard is reduced by about 68%. The columns φ1 –φ5 show how the hazard factors evolve. In part, the changes are driven by neighbouring plants commencing abatement activity as the permit price reaches their participation constraint τ φi > bi , which is visible in the bottom right segment of the table for abatement effort θ1 –θ5 . Plant 3 has the lowest abatement cost and eventually reduces 73% of its emissions, whereas other plants only reach an abatement effort of between 12% and 60%. The hazard factors only evolve slowly. 16 Table 1—Numerical Illustration: Parameters Firm i bi Ei0 1 10 150 2 7 70 3 5 100 4 8 130 5 9 250 Weight Pj Initial Aj Initial γHj Region a b 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 24 18 210 86 5,292 666 j (dij ) c d 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.7 8 5 114 310 520 2,403 P j 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 30 — 8,880 χi 1.656 1.500 1.259 0.370 0.215 Table 2—Numerical Illustration: Simulation τ 0.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.85 ∆[%] τ 0.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.85 ∆[%] B 0 179.1 378.1 659.4 967.4 1,228 1,516 1,842 2,266 2,662 Aa 210.0 194.8 180.8 163.3 145.9 132.8 121.6 111.6 102.7 95.88 -54.3 H 8,880 8,346 7,022 6,131 5,346 4,806 4,312 3,835 3,311 2,887 -67.5 Ab 86.00 82.64 77.68 72.04 66.65 62.58 59.30 56.57 52.75 49.26 -42.7 L 8,880 8,525 7,400 6,791 6,313 6,034 5,828 5,677 5,577 5,549 -37.5 Ac 114.0 111.2 109.8 107.7 105.5 103.9 100.5 95.45 88.89 83.01 -27.2 E 700.0 669.9 644.4 615.7 588.2 567.6 543.9 517.1 481.7 449.8 -35.7 Ad 310.0 295.6 287.7 282.5 278.7 275.8 269.3 259.7 243.1 227.0 -26.8 φ1 1.379 1.549 1.563 1.552 1.529 1.501 1.475 1.454 1.446 1.446 4.81 θ1 0 0 0 0.080 0.182 0.260 0.322 0.375 0.424 0.462 φ2 1.279 1.436 1.454 1.448 1.432 1.411 1.393 1.378 1.372 1.372 7.27 θ2 0 0.025 0.198 0.309 0.389 0.449 0.497 0.538 0.575 0.603 φ3 1.243 1.396 1.431 1.448 1.460 1.465 1.464 1.461 1.460 1.460 17.46 θ3 0 0.283 0.418 0.507 0.572 0.621 0.659 0.689 0.715 0.734 φ4 0.599 0.673 0.716 0.752 0.792 0.824 0.846 0.861 0.865 0.865 44.38 θ4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.055 0.155 0.230 0.281 φ5 0.499 0.561 0.607 0.648 0.696 0.735 0.763 0.785 0.792 0.792 58.62 θ5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.053 0.116 Table 3—Comparison with Conventional Cap-and-Trade τ 14.25 ∆[%] B 3,038 H 2,887 -67.5 L 5,925 -33.3 E 405.6 -42.1 θ1 0.298 17 θ2 0.509 θ3 0.649 θ4 0.439 θ5 0.368 Ambient emission concentrations in the four regions drop between 27% (regions c and d) and 54% (region a). This illustrates that the market helps reduce hazard more in the more populous regions (a) and (b), whereas region (d) with the highest original emission concentration has much smaller population, and consequently sees a lesser reduction. Of course, it also matters whether plants close to this region have affordable abatement ability. In the example, plants 4 and 5 contribute much to region (d) but have relatively high abatement costs. Table 3 provides a comparison to a conventional cap-and-trade market in which φi = 1. At its optimum level, the permit price is higher (14.25 versus 12.85) for a larger reduction in emissions (42% versus 36%) but about the same reduction in overall hazard. Comparing total losses (33.3% versus 37.5%), the conventional cap-and-trade market underperforms as expected, and generates a comparable level of hazard reduction at 15% higher cost. III. Practical Considerations A. Multiple Pollutants Environmental regulators have identified classes of toxic substances. For example, under the United States Clean Air Act of 1990, 188 substances were identified as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) with the potential for causing adverse health effects, such as cancer, reproductive and neurological effects, immune system damage and birth defects. This list also includes the metallic air toxics that are a specific target in this paper. An emission permit market has the potential to target multiple pollutants rather than just one. For example, greenhouse gas permit markets target carbon dioxide as well as methane and chlorofluorocarbons using equivalency factors. A metallic air toxics market could include a list of substances with similar characteristics. Including multiple pollutants in a single market can be very desirable when pollutants are substitutes for each other. Regulating only one pollutant may cause 18 undesirable substitution effects by shifting production to methods that use the unregulated pollutant. An emission permit system can be designed easily to cover multiple pollutants by assigning fixed toxicity factors to each pollutant. The USEPA’s (2004) Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) of Chronic Human Health provide suitable equivalence factors. Another important reason to consider a multiple pollutant permit market is that many toxics are only emitted by a small number of plants, and thus a single pollutant permit market would face relatively low liquidity. By covering multiple pollutants, more plants and firms will participate in the market, thus increasing liquidity and efficiency of the market. Different pollutants may disperse differently over distance. Thus a practical limitation for grouping air toxics is their similarity with respect to dispersion factors dij . B. Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification Many toxics have the tendency to bioaccumulate and biomagnify.6 For example, lead, mercury and cadmimum emissions from a smelter in a sparsely populated area may expose a much larger population far away if these air toxics find their way into the food supply through nearby agricultural production or fish habitat. It is possible to design ecosystem weights Pj for each region that allow for health hazards ‘imported’ from other regions. However, spatial models that take these types of second-order effects into account have not been widely developed yet. Nevertheless, the emission permit market envisioned in this paper is able to deal with such extensions because the regulator can calculate appropriate Pj , which are then imputed into specific hazard factors φi for individual firms. 6 Bioaccumulation is the process by which chemical compounds accumulate or build up in an organism at a rate faster than they can be broken down. More concisely, environmental scientists draw a distinction between bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Bioaccumulation occurs within a trophic (food chain) level in an ecosystem and captures the increase in concentration of a substance in an individual’s tissues due to ambient exposure to the substance. Biomagnification occurs across trophic levels and captures the increase in concentration of a substance when the substance moves from one trophic level to the next. 19 C. Transboundary Pollution A further complication arises from the problem that pollutants travel easily across national boundaries. Yap et al. (2005), a study commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, concluded that of the estimated $9.6 billion in health and environmental damages from ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter in Ontario in 2003, 55 per cent is attributable to U.S. emissions. Transboundary pollution, which in the model is captured through A j , is a spatial fixed effect that does not impact the design of the permit market. The term drops out in the first-order conditions of the model. It only matters insofar as the regulator sets more aggressive emission reduction goals in order to compensate for the transboundary pollution, in which case local firms bear the burdern of abatement that more efficiently could be borne by firms across the border. D. Initial Allocation: Grandfathering or Auctions? The method of allocating permits does not affect efficiency, except when transaction costs are significant and marginal transaction costs are decreasing in the volume of trades. However, whether permits are grandfathered or auctioned has important distributional effects that also touch upon the political feasibility of the permit system. Grandfathering, which allocates permits to existing polluters based on some formula, is often considered politically less onerous than an auction, which generates government revenue and looks more like taxation. On the other hand, grandfathering tends to lead to larger trading volume than auctions because the regulator’s formula for allocating permits will tend to be biased. Consequently, allocating permits through auctions implies lower transaction costs. E. Permit Banking and Borrowing Emissions of air toxics are often more variable over time than fundamental indicators of operational size, such as plant employment or value added. The 20 spatial ‘hot spot’ problem may thus get aggravated through temporal clustering. Permit banking and borrowing are methods to address temporal variability in emissions; see Rubin (1996), Cronshaw and Kruse (1996) and Schennach (2000). A permit system that is defined in terms of ambient concentrations cannot easily accommodate banking or borrowing because of potential temporal clustering of emissions. Temporal clustering would intensify ‘hot spots’ of very high peak concentrations, posing a significant health risk. The economic rationale for banking and borrowing is compelling: greater flexibility across time provides for a better allocation of abatement investments over time. Allowing consolidation of permits over a longer time horizon may contribute to intertemporal efficiency in the presence of high emission variability across years. F. Plant Entry, Exit, and Relocation In a permit market with differentiated hazard factors φi , the spatial dimension of firm entry and exit matters. The closer plants are located to each other, the more they care about each others’ actions. Entry of a new plant creates a negative externality on surrounding plants, while exit creates a corresponding positive externality. New entrants can aggravate the ‘hot spot’ problem through increased emissions. Concretely, a new entrant will contribute more emissions and larger hazard, which will be reflected in the reference period in an increase in Aj . As is visible in equation (11), this increases the φi that the regulator announces for firm i in the next period. The total effect is inversely related to firm centrality. An effective permit system may also help bring about beneficial relocation, as some firms may find relocation cheaper than abating emissions or buying emission permits. While relocating a plant does not reduce emissions, it can significantly reduce environmental hazard if the plant is moved out of a pollution ‘hot spot.’ 21 G. Constrained Hazard Factors The emission permit market with hazard factors introduced in this paper may involve a wide range of hazard factors. Firms that face a high φi would bear a large share of the financial burden of pollution abatement. This may not always be politically feasible. The hazard factors can be suitably constrained to an interval [φ, φ] that the regulator finds politically expedient with respect to distributional equity considerations. In particular, capping φi at a particular φ may help convince participating firms that the abatement burden is not distributed too unequally and thus may safeguard against distortions of their competitive position. A permit market with constrained hazard factors diminishes its costeffectiveness with respect to lowering environmental hazard, but this suboptimal solution may still be preferable if the alternative is either no regulation or economically inefficient command-and-control regulation. IV. Metallic Air Toxics in Canada How does an emission permit market with hazard factors work out in practice? Concretely, what hazard factors can one expect in a typical application to local pollutants with short dispersion range? This section explores the feasibility of a permit market for metallic air toxics, in particular mercury. The dispersion range around plants is varied extensively in order to understand how such differences affect the empirical hazard factors. Canada makes a good test case for probing the limits of feasibility for a mercury permit market with hazard factors. The country’s spatial expanse and mid-sized industrial base produce a mix of sites near densely populated areas as well as geographically more isolated areas. Countries with denser geographic and industrial activitiy (the United States, Japan, and European Union countries) will likely be better candidates for an emission permit market with hazard factors. Metallic air toxics account for some of the most significant airborne health haz22 ards. These substances are considered developmental and reproductive toxicants. Among the most important substances in this category are mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd), which are listed as toxic substances on Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) of 1999. Exposures to mercury can affect the human nervous system and harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system. Mercury in the air eventually settles into water or onto land where it can be washed into water. Once deposited, certain microorganisms can change it into methylmercury, a highly toxic form that builds up in fish, shellfish and animals that eat fish. Mercury remains a substance of great concern for regulators because it is emitted largely in the gaseous state and does not adhere to fine particles in emission streams to the extent that other heavy metals do. Due to its long atmospheric residence time, mercury is more mobile than most other heavy metals and can be deposited far from the source. Mercury emissions can be reduced with increasing efficiency. Sundseth et al. (2010) report a 2005 estimate of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of an abatement cost of about US$ 150,000 per kg of mercury to achieve a 90% control level using sorbent injection. More recent innovations have lowered this number to about $22,000 per kg using novel echologies. The Sundseth et al. (2010) study also reports estimates of the health and environmental cost of mercury exposures. Lead emissions have declined immensely over the last decades as a result of removing lead from gasoline. Industrial lead emissions are associated primarily with metals processing and waste incineration. Lead is persistent in the environment and accumulates in soils and sediments through deposition from air sources. Lead exposure has been linked to neurological effects in children and cardiovascular effects in adults. Cadmium emissions are associated with the burning of fossil fuels and the incineration of municipal waste. Inhalation exposure is linked to acute effects such as pulmonary irritation, while chronic inhalation or oral exposure to cadmium leads to a build-up of cadmium in the kidneys that can cause kidney disease. 23 Table 4—Sectoral Composition of Emissions of Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), and Cadmium (Cd) in Canada 2009-2010 3314 3315 2122 3311 2211 3221 2111 3273 3241 5622 2123 2213 Industry (NAICS-4) Non-Ferrous (exc. Al) Production & Processing Foundries Metal Ore Mining Iron & Steel Mills & Ferro-Alloy Mfg. Electricity Generation, Transmission & Dist. Pulp, Paper & Paperboard Mills Oil & Gas Extraction Cement & Concrete Product Mfg. Petroleum & Coal Products Mfg. Waste Treatment & Disposal Non-Metallic Mineral Mining & Quarrying Water, Sewage & Other Systems All Other Sectors Facilities Total Emissions Average Emission Median Emission Concentration Index Toxicity [Hg equiv.] % % % % % % % % % % % % % Hg 17.0 1.0 4.1 9.6 44.7 1.6 2.0 7.6 1.6 5.3 1.5 2.4 1.6 Pb 48.9 34.0 9.6 2.7 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.7 Cd 79.5 5.9 5.8 1.5 1.5 2.5 0.8 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.3 0.1 0.2 Load 48.8 33.3 9.5 2.8 1.7 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.7 — ton kg kg — — 209 7.119 34.1 5.1 .0437 1.000 415 389.9 939.6 6.6 .1825 1.467 258 34.46 133.6 2.0 .3639 0.167 507 584.7 1153.3 7.1 .1791 Note: Load is the sum of emissions across substances, adjusted for US-EPA (2004) toxicity scores (oral intake). Toxicity is expressed in mercury-equivalent units. Concentration is measured through the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. Table 4 shows the sectoral composition of emissions across the three air toxics. The key sector that accounts for most emissions is the non-ferrous/non-aluminium production and processing sector. Foundries also account for a significant share of lead emissions, and power plants account for the largest share of mercury emissions. Iron and steel mills, cement production, and waste incineration also contribute significantly to mercury emissions. Overall, mercury emissions are much less concentrated sectorally than either lead or cadmium. 80% of emissions are attributable to two sectors for lead, and one sector for cadmium. The total toxic load is calculated using US-EPA (2004) toxicity scores and closely follows the sectoral composition of lead due to the overall emission volume and the highest among the three toxicity scores. Emissions are also concentrated among a few large emitters; for all three substances, the mean emission per facility is much larger than the median emission per facility. 24 Based on these data it is possible to contemplate individual or joint emission permit markets. There are about 200 facilities emitting mercury, and just over 500 facilities Canada-wide emitting at least one of the three substances.7 A. Spatial Distribution and Hot Spots Emission dispersion can be modeled by projecting emissions from individual plants into air concentration plumes that decrease in intensity from the point of origin. Dispersion modeling was discussed earlier in section II.E. Here, the modeling is intended to establish the typical range and properties of hazard factors φi that are used in the proposed emission permit market. For this purpose it is sufficient to use a relatively unsophisticated approach with a symmetric radial exponential air plume, which requires a single parameter r (the mean travel distance of pollution particles).8 This simplified approach is purposefully trading off a degree of realism for the benefit of modeling how variation in dispersion distance affects the empirical distribution of the hazard factor. Al Razi and Hiroshi (2012) 7 In Canada, environmental matters are a joint federal-provincial responsibility with overlapping jurisdiction. Establishing a federal market is possible, although the provinces have often exercised leadership on environmental issues in many instances. Interprovincial coordination through the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) has led to the establishment of several cross-country environmental standards, including ambient air pollution standards for mecury. CCME policies for mercury were adopted in June 2000 and again in October 2006. Whereas the 2000 accord targeted base metal smelting and waste incineration, the 2006 accord set provincial caps on mercury emissions from existing coal-fired electric power generation plants by 2010. Both accords were without participation from the province of Quebec, which has endorsed neither the Canada-wide Accord on Environmental Harmonization nor the Canada-wide Environmental Standards Subagreement. Standards for incineration are typically maximum emission concentrations in exhaust gases (20-70µg/m3 ), and for base metal smelting the standard is defined in grams of mercury emissions per tonne of finished metal, with variations for existing versus new/expanding facilities and for different types of finished metal. 8 The following spatial integration method is used. Let r be the mean distance for pollutants to be carried through the air. A given emission load v can be allocated to grid cells or polygons by splitting the load v into w ≥ 10, 000 partial loads of weight v/w, and then distributing these partial loads at impact locations drawn from a suitable dispersion distribution, described below. Partial loads v/w are added up within each grid cell or polygon. To determine depositions by grid cell or polygon, a pair of random numbers (ω, d) is drawn comprised of compass angle ω (clockwise from North) and distance d, given average radial dispersion of r. Angle ω is drawn from the uniform distribution [0◦ , 360◦ [, and distance d is drawn from the exponential distribution with cumulative distribution function Ω(d) = 1.0 − exp(−d/r). The exponential distribution function has mean r, the average impact distance. The median impact distance is ln(2)r. In practical terms the distance d can be generated by first drawing z from a uniform [0, 1[ distribution and then transforming z through the inverse cumulative distribution function d = −r ln(1 − z). Given (ω, d) and the location of the emission source (φ0 , λ0 ) of latitude φ0 and longitude λ0 , the impact location (φ1 , λ1 ) can be calculated through loxodrome approximation, which is sufficiently accurate for small distances as φ1 = arcsin (sin(φ0 ) cos(d/D) + cos(φ0 ) sin(d/D) cos(ω)) and λ1 = λ0 + arcsin (sin(ω) sin(d/D)/ cos(φ0 )), where D is the earth radius of 6371km. 25 Figure 1. Pollution Concentration Plumes by Latitude-Longitude Squares for Mercury Emissions, Western Canada 58° 57° 56° 55° 54° Prince George Edmonton 53° Red Deer 52° <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 <1 <2 <5 <10 <20 <50 Saskatoon Calgary 51° Kamloops 50° Regina Medicine Hat Lethbridge Kelowna Winnipeg Vancouver 49° Victoria 48° 130° Thunder Bay 125° 120° 115° 110° 105° 100° 95° 90° 85° 80° Figure 2. Pollution Concentration Plumes by Latitude-Longitude Squares for Mercury Emissions, Eastern Canada 50° 49° 48° 47° Quebec Sault Sainte Marie Sudbury Trois−Rivières North Bay 46° Drummondville Montreal Ottawa Granby Sherbrooke 45° Barrie Peterborough Belleville 44° Kingston Oshawa Toronto Guelph Waterloo Kitchener Hamilton Brantford 43° Sarnia London <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 <1 <2 <5 <10 Windsor 42° 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° 79° 78° 77° 76° 75° 74° 73° 72° 71° 70° Note: Air pollution concentration plumes are computed using Gaussian plumes with mean dispersion range of 60 km. 26 Figure 3. Population-Adjusted Hazard by Latitude-Longitude Squares for Mercury Emissions, Western Canada 58° 57° <1 <2 <5 <10 <20 <50 <100 <200 <500 <1,000 <2,000 <5,000 <10,000 <20,000 <50,000 <100,000 <200,000 56° 55° 54° Prince George Edmonton 53° Red Deer 52° Saskatoon Calgary 51° Kamloops 50° Regina Medicine Hat Lethbridge Kelowna Winnipeg Vancouver 49° Victoria 48° 130° Thunder Bay 125° 120° 115° 110° 105° 100° 95° 90° 85° 80° Figure 4. Pollution Concentration Plumes by Latitude-Longitude Squares for Mercury Emissions, Eastern Canada 50° 49° 48° 47° Quebec Sault Sainte Marie Sudbury Trois−Rivières North Bay 46° Drummondville Montreal Ottawa Granby Sherbrooke 45° Barrie Peterborough Belleville 44° <1 <2 <5 <10 <20 <50 <100 <200 <500 <1,000 <2,000 <5,000 <10,000 <20,000 <50,000 <100,000 Kingston Oshawa Toronto Guelph Waterloo Kitchener Hamilton Brantford 43° Sarnia London Windsor 42° 85° 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° 79° 78° 77° 76° 75° 74° 73° 72° 71° 70° Note: Population figures in absolute numbers based on year 2000 reference data. Source: CIESIN (2005). Hazard (exposure risk) is calculated using equation (1) and utilizing the population and emission data as shown in figures (1) and (2). 27 provide a recent example of a sophisticated approach to modelling atmospheric mercury dispersion around coal-fired power stations in Japan. Cohen et al. (2004) estimates the transport and fate of mercury emissions in North America, and in particular the Great Lakes Region. That paper also discusses state-of-the-art modelling approaches. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency employs a number of sophisticated atmospheric dispersion models. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model is used to simulate the dispersion of air pollutants and has been widely adopted by other environmental agencies. The main application of CMAQ is to track multiple pollutants simultaneously across regions by projecting air plumes from multiple point sources on a spatial grid. A suitable geographic grid for modeling air toxics is provided by the CIESIN (2005) database of the Gridded Population of the World (version 3), which projects the population of the world into grid squares of 2.5 arc minutes of longitude and latitude. At 45◦ latitude, a typical grid cell covers about 15 square kilometers. Figures 1 and 2 show the result of dispersing mercury emissions from plants as reported to Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory for the years 2009-10, using r =60 km. Dispersion does not account for differences in stack heights, wind direction and other relevant factors. On the logarithmic scale that is used to depict ambient concentrations, the green areas indicate low emission concentrations, and the brown areas indicate high concentrations. While some of the plants are near heavily-populated urban areas (especially in Ontario and Quebec), several others are located in small industrial towns.9 Figures 3 and 4 show how ambient concentrations are mapped into hazard using the loss function Pj A2j that is quadratic in concentrations Aj and adjusted by the factor Pj , which here is taken as population. For loosely-populated grid cells a minimum population of 1,000 is assumed to account for other ecosystem characteristics. What is immediately apparent is that the hazard potential is 9 One 80-year old copper smelter in Flin Flon, Manitoba, that shows up on the maps has subsequently been shut down. 28 highly locally concentrated around major urban areas (the greater Montreal area and the ‘golden horseshoe’ of Southern Ontario) and a few select other hot spots in Western Canada. B. Centrality The centrality measure χi identifies a firm’s potential for strategic interaction with other firms independent of its emission size. Table 5 provides counts of plants for different levels of centrality based on different mean dispersion ranges, varied in approximate logarithmic steps from 2 km to 200 km. Table 5—Plant Centrality and Dispersion Range Dispersion Radius 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 =0 190 189 185 179 173 167 161 Facilities count for χi by range >0 ]0, 0.2[ [0.2, 1[ 5 1 1 6 1 2 10 5 1 16 9 2 22 10 6 28 11 10 34 15 11 ≥1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 The data in table 5 reveals clearly that the potential for firm-level externalities (and thus strategic interactions) among firms is very small when the dispersion range is low. At 2 km mean dispersion, only 5 out of 195 firms interact strategically at all. At 200 km mean dispersion, the number of strategically-interacting firms has risen to 34, but this amounts to less than 18% of the total. Among the firms with positive χi , a group of six plants in the Montreal area stand out as those with very high centrality.10 A simple regression analysis of the simulation data shows that among the plants with non-zero centrality, log centrality can be approximated closely (with an R2 10 These are the Raffinerie de Montréal-Est, Station d’épuration des eaux usées Montréal, Raffinerie de Montreal, Affinerie CCR de Montréal-Est, Anachemia Canada in Lachine, and the Centre d’épuration Rive-Sud in Longueuil. 29 of 0.81) by the log rank of centrality (coefficient –1.813) and the log dispersion range (coefficient +0.657). This suggests strongly that centrality follows a power law distribution, a feature that has also been observed for a variety of centrality measures in applications in different domains. C. Empirical Hazard Factors The discussion of centrality has shown that an emission permit market with hazard may be dominated by a small group of plants with high interaction potential. Combining the dispersion data with emission data using equations (9) and (11) confirms that a mercury market in Canada would concentrate abatement activity on a small number of plants in proximity to urban areas. Table 6—Plant Counts by Hazard Factor Range Dispersion Radius 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 φi for Pj =population = 0 ]0, 0.2[ [0.2, 1[ ≥ 1 96 80 14 5 91 84 14 6 86 86 17 6 74 97 18 6 56 106 26 7 31 125 28 11 12 139 33 11 2 134 47 12 =0 105 95 91 83 64 39 17 2 φi for Pj =1 ]0, 0.2[ [0.2, 1[ 80 8 90 8 95 6 101 8 118 10 142 9 164 11 176 13 ≥1 2 2 3 3 3 5 3 4 Table 6 provides plants counts for the empirical distribution of hazard factors where the dispersion range is varied from 2 to 500 km. This variation sheds light on the effect of dispersion range on hazard factors. The first group of columns shows results for the assumption that Pj captures population, while the second group of columns shows results for the assumption of neutral weights (Pj = 1). A value of less than 10−3 is assumed to be effectively zero. The majority of plants fall into that category when the dispersion range is small, and this shifts gradually as the dispersion range increases. The group of firms with a φi in excess 30 of 1 remains relatively small: it increases from five at 2 km mean dispersion to twelve at 500 km dispersion. Figure 5. Plant-Specific Hazard Factors (Dispersion Range 50 km) Plant−specific Hazard Factor (φi) .01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 Plant−specific Hazard Factor (φi) .005 .01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 Plants with zero centrality (χi=0) 5 Plants with positive centrality (χi>0) .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 Plant Centrality (χi) 2 5 .2 .5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 0 Plant Emissions [kg Hg] (E i) Figure 5 illustrates how the hazard factors vary across two key dimensions for a dispersion range of 50 km.11 The left panel shows only plants with positive centrality (χi > 0), and it is apparent that plant centrality largely explains the magnitude of the hazard factors. The right panel shows plants with zero centrality (χi = 0), which thus do not interact spatially. In this case, emission size weakly correlates with hazard factors. This visual inspection of the data is confirmed by a more systematic analysis of the simulated data across all dispersion ranges. Results from an ordinary least squares regression of ln(φi ) on logarithms of centrality, emissions, and dispersion radisus are shown in table 7. When centrality is positive, centrality explains most of the variation in the data. The elasticity of φi with respect to centrality is 0.851, whereas the corresponding elasticity with 11 Airborne mercury is considered a phenomenon on global, regional, and local scales, depending on the particular speciation of Hg; see Schroeder and Munthe (1998). Elemental water-insoluble Hg◦ can be transported for very long distances (tens of thousands of kilometers), while gaseous water-soluble Hg2+ and particulate mercury Hgp compounds are typically removed in the vicinity of a few tens to a few hundreds of kilometers. 31 Table 7—Regression Analysis of ln(φi ) for φi > 0 Variable intercept log centrality log emissions log dispersion range Observations R2 χi > 0 Estimate T value –1.607∗∗∗ (10.32) 0.851∗∗∗ (29.92) 0.115∗∗∗ (6.11) 0.035 (1.00) 120 0.901 χi = 0 Estimate T value –4.366∗∗∗ (25.47) 0.228∗∗∗ 0.182∗∗∗ 918 0.112 (10.53) (4.23) respect to emissions is only 0.115. Clearly, centrality has a much greater influence on hazard factors then emission size, while the dispersion range has no statistically significant effect on the hazard factor. When centrality is zero, however, emission size explains a larger share of the variation in hazard factors, and the dispersion range also has a positive effect on hazard factors. The latter is not a result from spatial interactions among firms (as centrality is zero), but instead reflects the fact that larger dispersion likely reaches more populated areas (and thus includes more regions with a higher Pj ). As figure 5 shows, the plants with the highest hazard factors are all plants with zero centrality; most high emission plants are spatially isolated. The above discussion reveals that an emission permit market with hazard factors would likely identify a relatively small group of ‘active’ participants with reasonably high hazard factors, while a large number of plants could be excluded from participation if they have small emissions or small centrality. Repeating the above simulations for lead and cadmium reveals that they are less likely candidates for a permit market with hazard factors. The hazard factors would single out a much smaller number of participants. This reflects the significantly higher concentration of emission volumes (second last row, table 4) for lead and cadmium compared to mecury. 32 V. Conclusion Emission permit trading for air toxics is made difficult by the fact that the dispersion of these toxics is geographically confined and impacts regions of varying population density or ecosystem importance. This is known as the ‘hot spot’ problem, and addressing it has remained a formidable challenge for market-based instruments. High transaction costs make it infeasible to operate a large number of regional ambient concentration contribution permit markets as envisioned in the pioneering work of Montgomery (1972). While numerous alternatives have been explored, a solution that is sufficiently simple and involves only a single market has been elusive. The permit market proposed in this paper has the desirable property of achieving the first-best economic outcome by way of introducing firm-specfic hazard factors. Firms buy permits in proportion to their emissions and their specific hazard factors. This amounts to a hybrid price-quantity instrument in which firms face an effective price per unit of emission that varies along with their specific hazard factor, while on a practical level they purchase and trade permits in a (liquid) market with a single price. This novel hybrid policy instrument has not been considered previously, and its simplicity is appealing. Determining the firm-specific hazard factors is feasible and practical using established methods of modelling the spatial disperson of air pollutants. Furthermore, the underlying model of environmental hazard generalizes ambient concentration targets by specifically allowing for population density or other ecosystem charateristics. Rather than targeting maximum ambient concentrations alone, the proposed system is sufficiently flexible to allow for the consideration of a variety of region-specific factors. 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