CREE schedule: FRIDAY OCT 3 TIME PLACE RECEPTION 6:30 ‐ 8:30 Delta Bessborough SATURDAY OCT 4 Continental Breakfast Session 1 Resource Theory Plenary coffee Session 2a Micro‐Environmental Economics Session 2b Empirical‐Econometric Lunch Session 3a Environmental Theory Session 3b Climate Policy and Drivers coffee Session 4 Policy Session 1: Environment Canada Plenary Reception and Dinner 8:00 ‐ 8:30 EDUC Student lounge 8:30 ‐ 10:00 EDUC 1004 EDUC Student lounge EDUC 1004 EDUC 1039 EDUC Student lounge EDUC 1004 EDUC 1039 EDUC Student lounge EDUC 1004 Delta Bessborough 10:00 ‐ 10:30 10:30 ‐ 12:00 12:00 ‐ 1:30 1:30 – 3:00 3:00 ‐ 3:30 3:30 ‐ 5:00 6:30 ‐ 10:00 SUNDAY Oct 5 Annual CREE Sunday Morning Run/walk Continental Breakfast Session 5a Policy Session 2: Environment Canada Session 5b International Environmental Treaties coffee Session 6a Environmental Empirics Session 6b Private Behaviour Lunch and Business Meeting 6:45 ‐ 7:30 8:00 ‐ 8:30 Delta Bessborough EDUC Student lounge 8:30 ‐ 10:00 EDUC 1004 EDUC 1039 EDUC Student lounge EDUC 1004 EDUC 1039 University Club 10:00 ‐ 10:30 10:30 ‐12:00 12:00 ‐1:30 Saturday Oct 4: 8:30‐10:00 Resources Theory Chair: Joel Bruneau (USask) Room: EDUC 1004 Robert Cairns (McGill) Green Paradox or Green Unorthodoxy? Discussant: Jason Stevens (UPEI) Brian Copeland (UBC) Trade and fisheries subsidies Discussant: Joel Bruneau (USask) Jason Stevens (UPEI) The debt‐resource hypothesis re‐examined with separate markets for unharvested resources Discussant: John Janmaat (UBC‐Okanogan) No parallel session Saturday Oct 4: 10:30‐12:00 Micro‐Environmental Economics Chair: Joel Wood (Thompson Rivers) Room: EDUC 1004 James Magnus‐Johnston (CMU) Sustainability through Song Discussant: Brett Dolter (York) Empirical‐Econometric Chair: Maxym Chaban (U Sask) Room: EDUC 1039 Olivier Beaumais, (UMR CNRS 6240 LISA; U Corsica) Rank‐Ordered Choice Data and Heterogeneous Ranking Capabilities: Why Not Allow Individuals to Rank Freely? A Scaled Rank‐Ordered Logit Approach Applied to Waste Management in Corsica Discussant: Patrick Lloyd‐Smith (U Alberta) Patrick Lloyd‐Smith (U Alberta) Jie He (U Sherbrooke) Spatial heterogeneity and transboundary pollution Endogeneity of Risk Perceptions in Water Expenditure Models in a cross drainage basin: a contingent valuation study on the Xijiang River drainage basin of Discussant: Olivier Beaumais (UMR CNRS 6240 southern China LISA; U Corsica) Discussant: James Magnus‐Johnston (CMU) Romain Crastes, (ESITPA AGRI'TERR & U Rouen) Soodeh Saberian Ranjbar (U Ottawa) Modelling price non‐attendants as true Behavioral Impacts of Air Quality Alerts: Cycling protesters in Discrete Choice Experiments and Ozone Alerts in Sydney Discussant: Janelle Mann (U Manitoba) Discussant: Jie He (U Sherbrooke) Saturday Oct 4: 1:30‐3:00 Environmental Theory Chair: Janelle Mann (U Manitoba) EDUC 1004 Bruno Nkuiya (UC Santa Barbara) Pollution control under a possible shift in system capacity Discussant: Hassan Benchekroun, McGill University Eftichios Sartzetakis (U Macedonia) Environmental Policy in the Presence of Corruption: An Alternative Perspective Discussant: Robert Cairns (McGill) Naima Farah (U Calgary) Elephants and Mammoths: Ice Ivory Changes The Story of Blood Ivory Discussant: Horatiu Rus (U Waterloo) Climate Policy and Drivers Chair: Donald Gilchrist (USask) EDUC 1039 Hongxiu Li (U Waterloo) Adaptation to Climate Change and International Mitigation Agreements with Heterogeneous Countries Discussant: Timothy Fitzgerald (Montana State University) Nic Rivers (U Ottawa) Vertical fiscal externalities and the environment Discussant: Randall Wigle (ULaurier) Saeed Moshiri (U Sask) Drivers of Canadian Energy Intensity Discussant: Soodeh Saberian Ranjbar (U Ottawa) Saturday Oct 4: 3:30‐5:00 POLICY SESSION 1 Chair: Joel Bruneau (USask) Room: EDUC 1004 Akio Yamazaki (U Calgary) On the Employment Effects of Climate Policy: The Evidence from Carbon Tax in British Columbia Discussant: Brandon Schaufele (Ivey Business School, Western) Paola Mellow (Acting Director, Environment Canada Current Analysis and Economic Research) Economic Analysis at Environment Canada Discussant: Joel Bruneau (USask) Justin Domareski (EC Current Analysis and Economic Research) Competitiveness Analysis at Environment Canada: Natural Gas Production Financial Model Discussant: Graham Davis (Colorado School of Mines) No parallel session Sunday Oct 5: 8:30‐10:00 POLICY SESSION 2 (note: 45 minute per paper) Chair: Joel Bruneau (USask) Room: EDUC 1004 Randall Wigle (U Laurier) Pulling the Plug: the Legacy of Renewable Support Academic Discussant: Joel Wood (Thompson Rivers) Policy Discussant: Yunfa Zhu (EC Current Analysis and Modeling) Brett Dolter (York U) Greening the Saskatchewan Grid Academic Discussant: Saeed Moshiri, Usask Policy Discussant: Jessica Norup (Acting Director, EC Current Analysis and Modeling) International Environmental Treaties Chair: Brian Copeland (UBC) Room: EDUC 1039 Leslie Shiell (U Ottawa) Should We Care About Carbon Leakage? The Economics of Border Tax Adjustments Under Incomplete Climate Treaties Discussant: Akio Yamazaki (U Calgary Horatiu Rus (U Waterloo) Adaptation, Mitigation and Trade: Addressing the Economic Effects of Climate Change Discussant: Brian Copeland (UBC) Hassan Benchekroun (McGill) Anticipated International Environmental Agreements Discussant: Eftichios Sartzetakis (U Macedonia) Sunday Oct 5: 10:30‐12:00 Environmental Empirics Chair: Leslie Shiell (U Ottawa) Room: EDUC 1004 Timothy Fitzgerald (Montana State University) Protecting rhinos through legal horn trade Discussant: Naima Farah (U Calgary Graham Davis (Colorado School of Mines) Mining, Oil, and Inequality Discussant: Jennnifer Winter (U Calgary) Jennnifer Winter (U Calgary) Alberta Oil & Gas Leases: Testing Competing Institutions Discussant: Leslie Shiell (U Ottawa) Private Behaviour Chair: Geoff McCarney (Sustainable Prosperity) Room: EDUC 1039 Martino Pelli (U Sherbrooke) The Effect of Deforestation on Time Allocation: Evidence from Indian Households Discussant: Romain Crastes (ESITPA AGRI'TERR & U Rouen) Maya Papineau (Carleton Universite) Setting the Standard: Commercial Electricity Consumption Responses to Energy Codes Discussant: Martino Pelli (U Sherbrooke) John Janmaat (UBC – Okanagan) Water Conservation and Persuasion in Kelowna: Persistence Pays Discussant: Maya Papineau (Carleton Universite)