Private Provision of Public Goods: Evidence from the Effect of Environmental Groups on Water Quality Laura E Grant – – Department of Economics & School of Freshwater Science, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Christian Langpap – – Department of Applied Economics, Oregon State University Abstract: A large literature has focused on explaining why individuals contribute to the provision of public goods. However, there are no direct tests of the effectiveness in actually providing a public good. This paper provides such a test. Specifically, we use a common form of environmental organization, watershed groups, to test if increased presence of and activity by these groups improves water quality. We find that increased presence of water groups results in fewer impaired water bodies in a watershed – roughly five fewer listed water bodies every two years, even after conditioning on group revenues and expenditures. The results give insight into the role that private groups may play in mitigating environmental problems, including promoting compliance with environmental regulations. Finally, our results provide empirical evidence of private provision of a public good by nonprofit organizations. Key Words: Public goods, Private Provision, Nonprofits, Water Quality, Environmental groups. JEL Codes: H41, Q25, Q53 1. Introduction The private sector makes significant donations to nonprofit organizations with the intention of providing public goods. In 2011 total giving in the US amounted to almost $300 billion, or 2 percent of GDP, of which 73 percent came from individual contributions. There were over one million 501(c)(3) nonprofits with gross receipts of at least $5,000. The average donation per household in 2006 was $2,213, with 65.5 percent of households making contributions (The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University 2010; 2012). A large literature in economics focuses on explaining why individuals contribute to the provision of public goods. Theoretical work establishes that donations may be motivated by pure altruism and warm glow, as well as social approval, public prestige, or a desire to signal income 1 (Bergstrom et al. 1986; Andreoni 1989; 1990; Holländer 1990; Glazer and Konrad 1996; Harbaugh 1998; Ribar and Wilhelm 2002). Empirical studies examine the determinants of donations to nonprofits, identifying the influence of household characteristics, fundraising expenditures, and the possibility of crowding out by public funding (Kingma 1989; Posnett and Sandler 1989; Smith et al. 1995; Payne 1998; Okten and Weisbrod 2000; Khanna and Sandler 2000; Kotchen and Moore 2007; Andreoni and Payne 2011). In this literature individuals express their demand for public goods through their donations, and hence the private provision of public goods is modeled through contributions to nonprofit organizations (Harbaugh 1998). The prevailing implicit assumption is that a donation to a nonprofit organization is equivalent to, or directly translates into, supply of the public good itself. Provision is measured through the inputs to the production process rather than actual outputs with little attention paid to how the public good is generated by the nonprofits receiving private donations. In both theoretical and empirical approaches the public good is usually measured as the sum of all individual donations to nonprofits, with applications that include public radio (Kingma 1989), rural health care (Smith et al. 1995), green electricity programs (Kotchen and Moore 2007), or charitable giving broadly defined (Posnett and Sandler 1989; Payne 1998; Okten and Weisbrod 2000; Khanna and Sandler 2000, Andreoni and Payne 2011). To the extent that a desire to increase provision of public goods motivates private donors, donations are only meaningful if they increase the supply of the public good (Duncan 1999). Yet, it is not clear whether and in what proportion donations to nonprofits or the amounts spent by these organizations translate into provision of public goods. There is a growing literature in economics that highlights several reasons why greater donations and increased numbers of 2 nonprofit groups may not necessarily lead to significant increases in the provision of public goods. First, a key characteristic of non-profit organizations is that they operate under a nondistribution constraint, which means that no one has a legal claim over the organization’s residual earnings. Nonprofits lack the traditional ownership structure and governance framework of for-profit firms, are highly dependent on non-contractible donations, and have managers whose objectives do not inherently match those of donors or society as a whole. These characteristics can create incentives for managers to distribute residual earnings through perquisite consumption expenditures that increase the utility of managers and staff, but reduce spending on program operations (Rose-Ackerman 1996; Glaeser and Shleifer 2001; Glaeser 2003; Desai and Yetman 2006; Castaneda et al. 2008; Werker and Ahmed 2008). Second, nonprofit organizations compete for donors. This competition may increase fundraising and other non-program expenses, and thereby reduce the potential production of the public good. Specifically, competition may lead to excessive fundraising and thus less time and resources devoted to programs and lower productivity of funds in program output (Rose-Ackerman 1982; Castaneda et al. 2008; Aldashev and Verdier 2010).1 Finally, compared to costumers of for-profit firms operating in conventional market settings, the beneficiaries of public goods supplied by nonprofits cannot rely on market forces to penalize or reward these organizations (Aldashev and Verdier 2010). As a consequence of these characteristics, nonprofits may not face adequate incentives to efficiently use donations to provide public goods. Given the predominant focus in the literature on understanding donations and the possibility that these contributions may not translate into significant public good provision, it is 1 Competition may also affect perquisite consumption, but this effect could be positive or negative. Aldashev and Verdier (2010) argue that, by lowering the productivity of funds in program output, additional fundraising reduces 3 important to examine the effectiveness of nonprofits in supplying public goods. A few empirical papers attempt to evaluate the efficacy of nonprofits in the context of international development non-governmental organizations (NGO) providing foreign aid. For example, Wane (2004) examines the effect of the design of foreign aid on aid quality and effectiveness. To measure project performance, he uses ratings by the World Bank that are based on development impact and likelihood of sustainability. Nunnenkamp and Öhler (2012) examine how the structure of financing and the degree of competition among NGOs affect the efficiency of aid delivery. Following the general literature in donor motivations, they measure efficiency in terms of the share of administrative and fundraising expenses in the NGO’s budget, rather than using a direct measure of efficacy in delivery of aid. Henderson and Lee (2011) analyze how different organizational structures for funding and implementing agencies affect the quality of aid delivered in the context of disaster relief following the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia. They measure effectiveness of NGOs in terms of delivery of “hard” aid by using survey data on quality of construction of housing provided by aid agencies to villagers and failure rate of fishing boats given to fishermen. However, to the best of our knowledge there have been no direct tests of the efficacy of nonprofits outside of the foreign aid context. In this paper we take a first step towards filling this gap by conducting a direct empirical test of the effectiveness of nonprofits in providing a public good. To conduct this empirical test we focus on environmental nonprofit organizations. Environmental groups are potential vehicles for voluntary provision of green public goods such as endangered species conservation, climate change mitigation, or improvements in the quality of water resources. Theory and anecdotal evidence suggest environmental groups are important in providing and protecting environmental amenities (Baik and Shogren 1994; Heyes, A.G. 1997; 4 Cronin and Kennedy 1999; Sundberg 2006; Langpap 2007; Albers et al. 2008). However, as is the case with nonprofits in general, little is known regarding how presence of and spending by these groups translate into supply of environmental public goods. Here we provide a direct, large-scale statistical test of the effectiveness of these organizations in providing a public good. Specifically, we use a common form of environmental organization, watershed groups, to test if increased presence of and activity by these groups improves water quality. Over the last decade and a half the number of groups across the US that act as stewards of local rivers has more than doubled, from 600 groups in 1992 to 1400 in 2008. Despite this extraordinary increase in the number and level of activity of environmental nonprofit groups, we know of no empirical investigation of the extent of their role in encouraging public good provision and mitigating environmental problems. Our analysis combines data on water quality, presence of watershed groups, and revenues and spending by these groups in the US over the period 1996 to 2008. We assess the impact of these nonprofits on water quality assessments through time. Specifically, we link spatially explicit information on bi-annual listing of streams as “impaired waters” as required by the Clean Water Act with data on watershed groups located near those streams, including the organizations’ characteristics and finances, such as funds raised and watershed-specific spending by year. We then examine whether these watershed organizations are effective at helping improve water quality. This paper makes important contributions to various strands of literature. By focusing on an output resulting from revenue of nonprofits, we make a contribution to the literature on private provision of public goods. By examining the impact of these groups on water quality we contribute to the growing literature on the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations. We also 5 provide the first empirical investigation of the role environmental groups play in mitigating environmental problems. Finally, this paper contributes to a growing literature on private enforcement of environmental regulations, which to date has focused almost exclusively on the role played by environmental nonprofits through citizen suits. In the following section we describe the data used in our analysis. Section 3 explains our empirical approach and identification strategy. We present our key results in section 4, and discuss robustness checks in section 5. In section 6 we discuss implications of our results. 2. Data We focus on water quality as a measure of output for a privately provided public good. A key step in constructing an empirical measure of any public good is to note the correct spatial scale. To account for the relevant factors affecting water quality, the appropriate scale for our research is land areas designated as watersheds. The definition of a watershed can be ambiguous because drainage basin sizes vary, and watersheds can be further subdivided into smaller areas defined by the forks of main rivers.2 Hence, we rely on US Geological Survey (USGS) methodology, which divides the entire country into successively smaller units embedded within larger units and identified by unique hydrologic unit codes (HUC). USGS names these units with two to fourteen digits based on the size class (Seaber et al. 1987). We use the 8-digit HUC (HUC8) designation as the definition of a watershed. We chose this approach for two main reasons. First, drainage basins correspond to the natural boundary for surface water flow. Second, nonprofit groups targeting water quality generally operate at a local scale and the HUC8 scale corresponds to the 2 Watersheds are delineated by geographic topography, defined by an outlet point on a river or into a lake/sea and outlined by a ridge of land such that precipitation falling within those boundaries that remains as surface water (rather than ground water) eventually flows through the outlet. 6 smallest area a single group will likely affect (a radius averaging 15 miles).3 There are 2,264 HUC8 watersheds in the US, averaging 700 mi2 in land cover size. To construct a measure of water quality, we use information generated as a result of regulatory requirements established by the Clean Water Act (CWA). Section 303(d) of the CWA mandates states to identify bodies of water (e.g. stream or river segments, lakes) for which current pollution controls are not sufficient to attain applicable water quality standards (impaired waters) or have declining quality trends (threatened waters). The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires each state to submit a list of all threatened and impaired waters (known as the “303(d) list”) to during even-numbered years (EPA 2009).4 We use these biannual listings of impaired water bodies, obtained from the EPA, ( and count the number of listed water bodies in each HUC8 watershed for every even year during the 1996 – 2008 period5. This is our measure of water quality and thus of public good provision. Figure 1 shows the locations of 303(d)-listed rivers and streams for our dataset; number listed is quite heterogeneous by state. Our unique data on water-focused nonprofit groups comes from several sources. An initial search in Guidestar,6 an organization that gathers information about nonprofits, yielded a comprehensive list of groups working in the area of “Water Resource, Wetlands Conservation, and Management.” The information retrieved includes date of incorporation, location, type of watershed group and, critically, the federal tax identifier, the Employer Identification Number 3 Personal communications with water group directors and researchers at USGS confirm that these groups carry out projects and engage the community within a relatively small area. 4 States must also prioritize waters on these lists and develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for relevant pollutants. 5 When a water body flows across HUC8 boundaries, we add fractions to the count of listed water bodies in each of the watersheds involved. For example, if a listed stream flows across three HUC8s, the listing count in each watershed goes up by one third. 6 The search was conducted with the advanced search function in 7 (EIN).7 We cross-referenced and supplemented this information with lists from EPA and River Network, a national group assisting over 2,000 regional and local organizations whose primary mission is protecting water resources. The two latter data sets do not contain the EIN number, so we manually searched for and added any missing numbers to our final list. The EIN number was then used to link this list to a database from the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and obtain tax return data for each group, including yearly revenues and expenditures. Figure 2 shows the location of the water groups in our data set. With these data, we can measure public good provision by assessing the impact of watershed groups on water quality in two ways.8 First, we assess the effect of the total number of groups that are active in a HUC8 watershed in a given year. Additionally, conditional on the number of groups, we examine the impact of total revenue and expenditures (net of fundraising outlays) in a watershed for each two-year period. Watershed group presence and level of activity can have two effects on the number of listed water bodies. More groups with higher revenues and expenditures could play a “watchdog” role by helping to identify additional impaired water bodies, thus leading to further listings. Additionally, through this oversight over time as well as through direct (e.g. river cleanups, habitat restoration) and indirect (e.g. advocacy, education) actions, increased presence and activity of watershed groups could lead to improvements in water quality and therefore reductions in listings. We view both listing and delisting streams as processes in provision of public goods – the former makes visible the lack of water quality and the latter remedies it. 7 The EIN number assures us of the legitimacy of a groups’ existence and its longevity. Watershed groups provide an appropriate context for assessing the effectiveness of environmental groups because geographical boundaries define a watershed rather than arbitrary political ones, and hence oversight by watershed groups takes place within the correct spatial scale to account for relevant factors affecting water quality. 8 8 We control for additional factors that could have an impact on water quality at the watershed level. First, we account for state and federal enforcement of the Clean Water Act by including the total number of discharge permit violations in a watershed in each two-year period. Information on violations and location of facilities was obtained from the EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database, then aggregated biannually to the HUC8 level. In a related paper, Grant and Grooms (2013) measure the annual effects of groups on numerous government enforcement actions. Land use is another factor affecting water quality. Agriculture is a leading cause of impairment of surface waters (Baker 1992). In urban areas, impervious surfaces contribute to increased pollutant loads and surface runoff of contaminants and sediment, as well as larger variances in stream flow and temperature (Tang et al. 2005). We control for these effects by including measures of urban and rural land cover from the Multi-Resolution Land Characterization Consortium (MRLC). Using maps of the contiguous U.S. at a 30 by 30 m. resolution, we derive proportion of each type of land in each HUC8 for each year. Another determinant of water quality is precipitation. Even relatively small amounts of precipitation feed pollutants into water bodies through runoff. Conversely, relatively large amounts of precipitation will accelerate dilution of pollutants. We account for this by including mean precipitation in a watershed for each year. The data used to construct this variable were obtained from the PRISM Climate Group (2013), which provides point measurements of precipitation for the entire U.S. in a continuous 4 km. grid. Finally, we control for a number of demographic characteristics that can have an impact on water quality. Specifically, we include population density, per capita income, and percentage of population with a high school degree. This information was obtained at the census tract level 9 from the US Census for 1990, 2000, and 2010, interpolated for intra-census years, and aggregated to the HUC8 level based on the proportions of census tracts contained in a watershed. We construct a panel data set of these variables for 1,860 HUC8 watersheds in 39 states, with observations for every even year during the period 1996 – 2008. Summary statistics are presented in Table 1.9 Number of listings per watershed grows through time, from around 8 to over 38. The growth corresponds to increasing numbers of and spending by water groups per watershed, implying a negative relationship between groups and water quality. However, other characteristics like the growth in population density and urban footprint may be driving both. Or perhaps water groups simply locate where water quality is worse. We overcome these confounds through empirical estimation. 3. Estimation 3.1 Empirical Models For number of listings in watershed i in year t, our basic regression model is Listingsit = α 0 + α1 Water Group Activity it −1 + X itα 2 + ε it (1) We consider three alternative specifications, in which Water Group Activityit-1 is measured using lagged total number of groups, total revenues, or expenditures (net of fundraising) in watershed i, respectively. When using either revenues or expenditures, we continue to include the number of groups to reflect both total and per-group effects. The matrix Xit contains the explanatory variables discussed above (with lagged violations) as well as year fixed effects, state fixed effects, and trans-boundary fixed effects. We include state fixed effects because water body listing decisions are made at the state level. We also include trans-boundary fixed effects to account for watersheds that extend across state lines in the most flexible way possible. These are 9 States omitted due to insufficient data are UT, VT, PA, NY, NE, MS, MN, HI, CT, CO, AK. We also drop data from California for earlier than 1998 and New Hampshire for earlier than 2000 because of poor data quality. 10 additional fixed effects for the combinations of states included in these trans-boundary watersheds. We discuss the robustness of our results to alternative ways of accounting for such watersheds in section 5. 3.2 Identification A possible concern when estimating model (1) is the potential endogeneity of the number of water groups, revenue, and expenditure variables due to simultaneity. Summary statistics and Figures 1 and 2 suggest that water groups tend to be located where water bodies are impaired. This could be because these groups help identify imperiled water bodies, leading to their listing, or because water groups choose to locate where water quality is poorer to begin with, which may also lead to more donations and higher expenditures. The resulting bias in OLS estimates can understate or even entirely reverse any potential positive impacts on water quality (negative effects on the number of listings). Therefore, we use instrumental variables estimation to establish a causal connection between the water group activities and the number of listings. To construct instruments we rely on a growing body of evidence suggesting that culture, social relationships, and in particular social capital are associated with voluntary private provision of public goods and, more specifically, with pro-environmental behavior, conservation of resources, and environmental protection by local communities. Anderson et al. (2004) show that common measures of social capital, including attitudinal and behavioral trust, as well as measures of participation in voluntary activities such as membership in voluntary groups and attendance at religious services, have a significant impact on contribution levels in a public goods experiment. Owen and Videras (2007) use survey data from 14 OECD regions and find evidence that measures of social capital, such as involvement in religious groups and membership in civil or social organizations, positively influence pro-environmental behaviors 11 and attitudes. Bouma et al. (2008) find evidence that a measure of social capital generated using a trust game is associated with investments in soil and water conservation in rural villages in India. Videras et al. (2012) use survey data from the US to examine how social relationships are related to pro-environmental behaviors, and find that individuals with “green” ties are more likely to engage in behaviors such as donating to environmental organizations, volunteering to environmental projects, recycling, or working with other community members to solve environmental problems. The basic intuition underlying the relationship between social capital and pro-environmental behavior is that that social bonds and norms are important for communities, and that social capital lowers the transaction costs of working together, thereby facilitating investment in collective activities (Glaeser et al. 2002, Pretty 2003). Hence local environmental groups, and water groups in particular, may be more likely to form and effectively provide environmental public goods in locations where there is more social capital. Based on this evidence, we use two measures of social capital as instruments for the level of activity of private water groups. Our first instrument is the home ownership rate. DiPasquale and Glaeser (1999) argue that home ownership encourages investment in local amenities and social capital because it creates incentives to improve community and creates barriers to mobility. They use data from the US and Germany to show that home ownership is strongly correlated with social capital variables such as membership in nonprofessional organizations and involvement in local politics. We construct this instrument using census-tract level data on home ownership from the US Census for 1990, 2000, and 2010, interpolating for intra-census years, and aggregating to the HUC8 level. Our second instrument is the rate of membership in religious congregations and churches. Religious participation is one of the most commonly used measures of social capital, as 12 participation in religious groups is credited with promoting the creation of communication networks and fostering trust and reciprocity among members (Anderson et al. 2004, Gruber 2005, Owen and Videras 2007, Gerber et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2009). Robert Putnam, a leading proponent of the importance of social capital for societal performance, argues that religious organizations “are arguably the single most important repository of social capital in America” (Putnam 2000). We construct this instrument using county-level data on congregation membership rates for 1990, 2000, and 2010 (Association of Religion Data Archives 2013), interpolating for the remaining years, and aggregating to the HUC8 level.10 Home ownership and church membership rates are plausible instruments. These variables should not have a direct correlation with water quality, and hence arguably satisfy exclusion restrictions. As measures of social capital, we expect them to be highly correlated with private water group activity. The sign of this correlation, however, is undetermined a priori. Higher home ownership and religious congregation membership rates reflect more social capital, and thus should lead to greater private water group presence and activity. However, more social capital will lead to greater overall presence and activity of non-profit groups of all kinds, not just environmental or water quality-related groups. If there are any substitution effects between other non-profits and water groups, the net effect of higher social capital on water group activity is uncertain and could potentially be negative. Furthermore, both home ownership and church membership rates are higher in rural than in urban areas, whereas nonprofit groups tend to locate more frequently in urban areas. To verify this we use population density as a measure of the degree of urbanization and run regressions of 10 The data were downloaded from the Association of Religion Data Archives,, and were collected by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies in1990 and 2000, and by principal investigators Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E. Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley, and Richard H. Taylor in 2010. 13 the number of water groups on population density, population density on the home ownership rate, and population density on the church membership rate. These regressions include a time trend as well. The coefficients and t-statistics, presented in Table 2, confirm a positive and significant relationship between presence of watershed groups and population density, and negative and significant relationships between population density and home ownership and church membership rates.11 This could also lead to a negative correlation between the instrumental variables and water group activity. Hence, the expected sign of the instruments in first-stage regressions is undetermined. 4. Results 4.1. Presence of water groups We start by examining the effect of the number of water groups in a watershed on listed water bodies. We estimate a two-stage least squares (2SLS) model with the home ownership rate as the instrument for the number of water groups. 4.1.1. Determinants of number of water groups: First stage regression The results for the first-stage regression of the number of water groups on the instrument and the exogenous variables are presented in Table 3. The estimate on home ownership is negative and significant. This suggests that the social capital effect is dominated by possible substitution effects from other types of non-profits, as well as by the opposite correlations between increasing urbanization, home ownership rates, and location of water groups. The Stock-Yogo (2005) F statistic on the excluded instrument is 47.19, indicating a relevant instrument. 4.1.2. Effect of presence of water groups on water quality: Second stage regression 11 The negative and significant relationship between population density and home ownership and church membership holds even when these variables are conditioned on each other. 14 Table 4 presents our first key result for the effect of water groups on water quality and hence for the private production of a public good. For reference we report ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates, which do not instrument for the number of water groups, in the first column of the table. The second column shows second stage regression results for 2SLS. Estimated coefficients on the control variables generally are statistically significant and have the expected sign. Watersheds with more previous violations and a higher proportion of urban land have more impaired water bodies, whereas watersheds with more rural land and a higher proportion of high school graduates have fewer impairment listings. Watersheds where per capita income is higher also have more listed water bodies, possibly because environmental quality is a normal good and also because higher income areas tend to be concentrated in more urban watersheds. Finally, precipitation is positively correlated with the number of impairment listings, which suggests that on average precipitation contributes more to delivering pollutants into water bodies than to diluting them. The estimated coefficient on the number of water groups, the key regressor, is positive and significant for OLS. This highlights the confounding effects of the two-way causality of water group location decisions and the water quality impacts of these groups. Once instrumented, the 2SLS estimate is negative and significant, indicating a positive net impact of the presence of water groups on water quality in a watershed.12 Specifically, the estimated coefficient suggests that on average an additional water group active in a watershed reduces the number of listed impaired water bodies in that watershed by almost eleven. 12 We also estimated an overidentified model by using both home ownership and the church membership rate as instruments for the number of groups. The Stock – Yogo F – statistic for the instruments is 26.65, but church membership does not have a statistically significant effect on the number of groups. The second-stage results are consistent with those presented in Table 4: the coefficient for the number of water groups is negative and significant (p = 0.067) and of comparable magnitude. 15 To provide some context for the magnitude of this effect, we note that the average watershed has less than one water group (0.73) and that, conditional on the existence of at least one group, the average number of groups in a watershed is only three. Hence, considering the effect of one additional group does not provide a meaningful context. Instead, we measure the impact of an additional 0.1 groups in a watershed because this is the average number of groups added every two years (see Table 1). The estimated coefficient for the number of groups indicates that an additional 0.1 groups in a watershed reduce the number of listings by about 1.1. In other words, as new groups become established in a watershed, the number of impaired water bodies decreases by about one every two years. This represents a 5% reduction in listings for the average watershed. 4.2. Activity of water groups: Revenues and Expenditures Identifying the effect of the presence of these groups on water quality provides some initial evidence that they are effective at providing the public good. However, there is considerable heterogeneity among water groups in size, budget, scope, and types of activities carried out. Hence, next we conduct a more nuanced analysis of public good provision by these groups. We examine the impact of their level of activity, conditional on the effect of their presence as identified in the previous section. We use groups’ revenues and expenditures as measures of their level of activity. 4.2.1. Determinants of water group activity: First stage regressions The estimated coefficients for the first-stage regressions of revenues and expenditures on the instruments and exogenous variables are shown in Table 5. The coefficient on home ownership is negative and significant in all three models. The coefficient on church membership is negative and significant in the revenue and expenditure models, but not significant in the regression for 16 the number of water groups. As in the case of home ownership, the negative sign suggests that the opposite correlations between increasing urbanization, church membership, and water group location, as well as substitution effects, dominate the impact of this instrument on social capital. Stock-Yogo (2005) F – statistics are 26.93, 45.61, and 44.69, respectively, which indicates that weak instruments are not a concern in either of the models. 4.2.2. Effect of water group activity on water quality: Second stage regressions Table 6 shows estimated coefficients for the effects of total water group revenues and program expenditures on water quality, conditional on the number of water groups present in a watershed.13 As before, for reference we present both OLS and 2SLS estimates for each of the two models. When using OLS the coefficients for revenue, expenditures, and number of water groups are positive and significant. With 2SLS the coefficient on the number of water groups is negative and significant in both models, whereas revenue and expenditures have positive and significant coefficients. Interpreting these results is challenging because the number of groups in a watershed is highly positively correlated with total revenue and expenditures in that watershed, yet estimated coefficients measure impacts conditional on all other covariates remaining constant. The estimated coefficients for revenue and expenditures indicate that, given the number of water groups in a watershed, a 10% increase in revenues for those groups leads to 1.3 additional water bodies listed, and a 10% increase in their expenditures results in 1.5 additional listings. This suggests that the major impact of additional funding for and expenditures by water groups may come through activities, such as monitoring to identify water quality issues, lobbying, advocacy, or legal action, that result in additional water bodies being listed as impaired. 13 We also estimated the model using total expenditures (including fundraising). The results are consistent with those presented here. 17 The estimated coefficients for number of water groups indicate that, keeping revenue and expenditures constant, an additional 0.1 groups reduce the number of impairment listings by roughly five water bodies, a 24% decrease for the average watershed. Alternatively, as more groups become active, the number of listed water bodies decreases by about five every two years. Hence, even after accounting for the effects of funds raised and program expenditures on the number of listings, additional groups in a watershed have a positive net impact on water quality. This suggests that a significant part of these groups’ activities may not be reflected in their revenues or expenditures. For instance, most of these groups have a relatively small staff and rely heavily on volunteers whose activities can have direct impacts on water quality, such as cleanup and restoration, or longer-term effects through outreach and education. The presence of additional groups in a watershed may also raise the overall level of awareness about water quality issues in the community, which could lead to indirect positive impacts on water quality. 5. Sensitivity 5.1. Identification We repeat our analysis with a reduced form regression of the number of listings in a watershed on the excluded instruments and the exogenous explanatory variables. Reduced form OLS estimates are unbiased, and the coefficients on the excluded instruments are proportional to the causal effect of interest (Chernozhukov and Hansen 2008, Angrist ansd Pischke 2009). Home ownership is negatively correlated with number of groups, revenues, and expenditures. The negative effect of number of groups on impairment listings dominates the positive impact of revenue or expenditures, so we expect home ownership to have a positive sign in the reduced form. Church membership is negatively correlated with revenue and expenditures, which in turn have a positive impact on impairment listings. Hence we expect church membership to have a 18 negative sign in the reduced form. The results of the reduced form regression are shown in Table 7. The coefficients on both instruments are statistically significant and have the expected signs, which supports our causal interpretations. 5.2. Model specification – Poisson Our dependent variable is the count of listed water bodies in a watershed. Although the range of this variable (0 to 1,158) is sufficiently wide to justify use of a linear IV model, we assess the sensitivity of our results to estimation using a Poisson IV specification. The corresponding results are shown in the second and third columns of Table 7. The results are consistent with those from the liner IV model: The coefficient for number of water groups is negative and significant, while the coefficients for revenue and expenditures are positive and significant. 5.3. Trans-boundary watersheds Within the dataset, 74 percent of the watersheds are fully within the boundaries of a single state. However, the remaining 415 overlap two or more states. Our models include trans-boundary fixed effects to account for watersheds that extend across state lines. We verify that our results are robust to two alternative ways of accounting for such watersheds. First, we drop observations from watersheds that cross borders with states that are not in our sample. Second, we update trans-boundary fixed effects into state fixed effects based on the state responsible for the listing. For example, a trans-boundary fixed effect for a watershed that crosses the Oregon-Idaho border is added to the Oregon fixed effect if Oregon was responsible for the impairment listing.14 2SLS estimates for models of revenue and expenditures conditional on number of groups are presented in Table 8. The results are consistent with those from our preferred specification.15 6. Discussion and conclusions 14 The EPA provides information on which state is responsible for listing when water bodies cross state lines. We also performed this sensitivity analysis for the model that only includes number of groups. The results are consistent with those presented here as well. 15 19 The economics literature on private provision of public goods by nonprofit organizations has traditionally focused on donations, which are inputs to the public good production process, rather than on the output of the public good itself. However, little is known about the extent to which contributions to nonprofit organizations translate into increased supply of public goods. This paper provides the first large scale empirical assessment of the effectiveness of nonprofits at providing public goods. Our analysis indicates that increased presence of water groups results in fewer impaired water bodies in a watershed, even after conditioning on group revenues and expenditures. Specifically, we find that as the number of groups grows impairment listings decrease at a rate of roughly five fewer listed water bodies every two years. These findings reflect significant direct positive impacts of these groups on water quality. Additionally, we find that, conditional on the number of water groups, additional group revenues and expenditures results in further listings. This finding reflects the potential indirect effect of these groups on water quality through their monitoring role. By showing that watershed groups significantly contribute to improvements in water quality, our results provide some initial insight into the role that private groups may play in mitigating environmental problems. These findings also suggest that the role of the private sector in promoting compliance with environmental regulations may extend beyond litigation through citizen suits. Finally, and most importantly, our results provide empirical evidence of private provision of a public good by nonprofit organizations. 20 Table 1. Sample Means by HUC 8 Watershed Variable Number of Impairment listings Number of water groups Number of water groups conditional on at least one group Total revenues of water groups (1000s $) Expenditures by water groups (net of fundraising – 1000s $) Violations Percent rural land Percent urban land Population density (persons/mi2) Per capita income (1000s $) Percent of population with high school degree Mean precipitation (1000s mm) Home ownership rate Church membership rate 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 7.88 0.58 14.85 0.65 15.87 0.71 24.93 0.78 29.63 0.83 33.94 0.87 38.27 0.88 2.90 3.01 3.07 3.19 3.26 3.32 3.33 290.93 476.03 769.61 1231.41 774.05 999.79 81.87 973.12 0.07 0.33 0.05 54.57 15.10 838.62 0.07 0.31 0.06 55.76 16.12 1518.29 0.09 0.29 0.06 56.95 17.16 1641.42 0.10 0.27 0.06 57.86 18.33 1704.50 0.19 0.25 0.07 58.76 19.54 2107.32 0.20 0.23 0.07 59.67 20.76 200.74 0.15 0.21 0.08 60.58 21.99 0.37 98.37 0.61 0.47 0.36 100.94 0.61 0.53 0.35 83.00 0.61 0.59 0.35 88.11 0.61 0.57 0.34 94.30 0.60 0.55 0.34 85.85 0.60 0.53 0.33 89.48 0.59 0.51 Table 2. Relationship between Population Density and Number of Water Groups, Home Ownership, and Church Membership Coefficient Regression: Number of Water Groups on Population Density 0.006 Regression: Population Density on Home Ownership Rate -42.93 Regression: Population Density on Church Membership Rate -204.24 t - Statistic 53.70 -4.52 -11.15 21 Table 3. First – Stage Regression: Determinants of Number of Water Groups Explanatory Variables Home Ownership t – 1 Dependent Var.: Number of Water Groups -1.452*** (0.212) Violations t – 1 -0.049 (0.092) Fraction Rural Land -0.182*** (0.060) Fraction Urban Land 5.222*** (0.952) Population Density 0.001** (4.89E-04) Per Capita Income 5.21E-05*** (8.47E-06) High School Education -4.220*** (0.335) Ln Mean Precipitation 0.264*** (0.045) Year Fixed Effects Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Trans-boundary Fixed Effects Yes Constant -1.870*** (0.523) Observations R2 F – statistic Prob > F Stock-Yogo F – statistic Prob > F 12,560 0.57 70.55 0.000 47.19 0.000 * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. Std. errors in parentheses. 22 Table 4. Effects of Presence of Water Groups on Water Quality Dependent Var.: Number of Impaired Water Body Listings Explanatory Variables OLS Number of Water Groups t - 1 3.058 -10.606*** (0.409) (3.984) Violations t – 1 Fraction Rural Land Fraction Urban Land Population Density Per Capita Income High School Education 2SLS *** 6.489 5.622*** (1.595) (2.116) 0.474 -3.283** (0.925) (1.545) *** 61.379 128.695*** (9.102) (26.428) *** -0.013 0.004 (0.004) (0.009) 3.79E-04*** 0.001*** (8.11E-05) (2.67E-04) *** -13.201 ** (5.716) Ln Mean Precipitation -72.823*** (19.124) 4.341 7.905*** (0.525) (1.304) Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes Trans-boundary Fixed Effects Yes Yes -55.082*** -73.171*** Constant Observations R2 F – statistic Prob > F Wald χ2 – statistic Prob > χ2 *** (6.826) (14.987) 12,560 0.46 35.03 0.000 12,560 0.19 5944.11 0.000 * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. Std. errors in parentheses. 23 Table 5. First – Stage Regressions: Determinants of Number of Water Groups, Total Revenue, and Total Expenditures Explanatory Variables Dependent Var.: Number of Water Groups Dependent Var.: Ln Total Revenue Dependent Var.: Ln Program Expenditures Home Ownership t – 1 -1.450*** -4.232*** -4.282*** (0.213) (0.609) (0.598) Church Membership t – 1 -0.184 -2.184 -2.037*** (0.120) (0.373) (0.369) Violations t – 1 -0.053 0.227 0.098 (0.092) (0.217) (0.213) Fraction Rural Land -0.161*** -0.415*** -0.513*** *** (0.061) Fraction Urban Land (0.158) 5.198*** (0.956) Population Density Per Capita Income High School Education 0.001 (1.387) 12.852*** (1.342) 0.001 0.001 (4.91E-04) (0.001) (0.001) 5.24E-05*** 7.67E-05*** 7.99E-05*** (8.47E-06) (1.22E-05) (1.20E-05) -4.154 ** *** -16.047 *** (0.329) Ln Mean Precipitation (0.156) 12.084*** -16.113 (0.819)*** 0.717 0.875 (0.045) (0.099) (0.100)*** Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Trans-boundary Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes -1.720*** -0.640 -2.361 (0.533) (1.157) (1.161)** Constant Observations R2 F – statistic Prob > F Stock-Yogo F – statistic Prob > F 0.257 (0.825) *** 12,557 0.57 70.92 0.000 26.93 0.000 *** 12,557 0.36 28.97 0.000 45.61 0.000 12,560 0.39 39.74 0.000 44.69 0.000 * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. Std. errors in parentheses. 24 Table 6. Effects of Water Group Activity on Water Quality Dependent Var.: Number of Impaired Water Body Listings Explanatory Variables OLS Ln Total Revenue t – 1 1.307 2SLS *** OLS 13.989 (0.123) (4.361) Ln Program Expenditures t – 1 Number of Water Groups t – 1 1.876 *** (0.395) Violations t – 1 Fraction Rural Land Fraction Urban Land 6.107 Per Capita Income High School Education Ln Mean Precipitation (17.293) -0.231 (1.598) (5.478) 1.372 (0.911) 52.188 (9.076) Population Density -52.296 *** *** *** 2SLS *** 1.052*** 15.543*** (0.125) (5.235) *** 2.060 -57.880*** (0.412) (20.412) *** 1.150 (1.605) (5.749) -1.605 1.280 -0.337 (3.494) (0.909) (3.782) 173.281 *** (60.212) *** -0.013 0.040 (0.004) 6.326 *** 53.419 171.470*** (9.057) (64.623) *** 0.045 (0.031) (0.004) (0.034) 3.46E-04*** 0.002*** 3.51E-04*** 0.002*** (8.04E-05) (0.001) (8.06E-05) (0.001) 4.076 -13.904 0.577 -11.331 (5.426) (38.737) (5.437) (42.035) 3.632 *** 7.714 ** -0.013 *** 3.603 5.501 (3.471) (0.524) (3.242) (0.526) Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Trans-boundary Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Constant Observations R2 F – statistic Prob > F Wald χ2 – statistic Prob > χ2 -75.297*** -117.166*** -71.099*** -98.726** (8.290) (39.452) (8.064) (40.276) 12,557 0.47 35.57 0.000 12,557 12,560 0.46 35.09 0.000 12,560 2789.53 0.000 2525.17 0.000 * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. Std. errors in parentheses. 25 Table 7. Sensitivity – Identification and Model Specification Dependent Var.: Number of Impaired Water Body Listings Explanatory Variables Home Ownership t – 1 OLS Reduced *** Form 16.773 Poisson IV (4.892) Church Membership t – 1 -20.922*** (2.728) 0.183* Ln Total Revenue t – 1 (0.100) 0.162** Ln Program Expenditures t – 1 (0.076) *** Number of Water Groups t – 1 -0.215 (0.024) Violations t – 1 Fraction Rural Land *** 5.736 *** 0.840 (0.213) 1.027 -0.026 -0.026 (0.963) (0.100) (0.097) *** *** (9.965) (0.000) Population Density -0.006 0.006*** (0.005) (0.002) *** 0.001 (8.74E-05) Ln Mean Precipitation 0.813*** (0.204) 70.447 High School Education (0.025) (1.646) Fraction Urban Land Per Capita Income -0.210*** *** 0.456 *** 2.60E-05 (9.45E-06) 1.028*** (0.000) 0.005*** (0.002) 2.69E-05*** (1.00E-05) -21.109 0.069 0.018 (5.361) (0.716) (0.690) 4.265*** 0.471*** 0.417*** (0.536) (0.059) Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Trans-boundary Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes -2.435 *** -0.934 (0.895) (1.187) Constant -56.617*** (7.424) Observations R2 F – statistic Prob > F 12560 0.45 33.10 0.000 12557 (0.064) 12560 * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. Std. errors in parentheses. 26 Table 8. Sensitivity – Trans-boundary Watersheds. Dependent Var.: Number of Impaired Water Body Listings Explanatory Variables Ln Total Revenue t – 1 Use only trans-boundary watersheds for states in sample 15.040*** 10.767*** (5.245) (3.212) *** Ln Program Expenditures t – 1 Number of Water Groups t – 1 Incorporate transboundary FE into state FE 11.690*** 15.819 (5.716) *** -58.831 *** -62.192 (3.669) *** -32.942*** (8.523) (9.592) -30.377 (21.408) (23.332) Violations t – 1 -1.077 -0.721 5.435 7.118 (6.350) (6.580) (5.674) (6.108) Fraction Rural Land -2.256 -1.023 1.657 2.642 (3.914) (4.065) (2.596) (2.893) 189.640*** 202.683*** 65.270 68.313 (69.007) (73.434) (49.660) (50.099) 0.044 0.041 0.074** 0.074** (0.035) (0.036) (0.034) (0.036) *** *** *** 0.002*** (4.13E-04) (4.46E-04) Fraction Urban Land Population Density Per Capita Income 0.003 0.003 0.001 (0.001) (0.001) -34.151 -34.993 6.511 14.708 (44.336) (46.274) (31.146) (34.156) 8.853** 6.542* 4.814** 2.788 (3.806) (3.833) (2.327) (2.766) Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes No No High School Education Ln Mean Precipitation Trans-boundary State Fixed Effects Constant Observations Wald χ2 – statistic Prob > χ2 For states in sample only For states in sample only -125.823** -103.873** -77.570*** -62.045** (50.756) (48.813) (23.553) (24.769) 11557 1921.64 0.000 11560 1921.64 0.000 12557 1537.12 0.000 12560 1406.47 0.000 * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. 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