2014 Southeast Hay Convention Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers Bermudagrass Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers • Common (seeded) • Hybrids (sprigged) § Tifton (USDA-ARS & UGA) Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Specialist Crop and Soil Sciences – UGA Dr. Bill Anderson Biomass and Forage Breeder USDA-ARS Coastal Plain Exp. Station, Tifton Bermudagrass • Common (seeded) • Hybrids (sprigged) § Dr. Glen Burton “Father” of forage & turf bermudagrasses (1910-2005) Tifton (USDA-ARS & UGA) • Typically very drought tolerant • Aggressive and persistent • Requires high fertility (1936-1997*) Selecting the appropriate variety. Bermudagrass • Varieties differ in quality • Vigor • Coarseness & drying rate Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Agronomist 1 2014 Southeast Hay Convention Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers Coastal Coastal • Released 1943 hybrid forage bermudagrass) • F1 hybrid a South Africa x an ecotype found in a S. Georgia cotton patch. • Named for Exp. Station • On ~15 million acres in the SE US. • Gold standard against which other varieties are measured. • Tall-growing, intermediate coarse-stemmed type Tifton 44 Russell (1st § § § § Rhizomes and stolons Produces few viable seed Excellent drought tolerance. Moderate forage quality • Establishes well from both sprigs and clippings (tops). • Best adapted to the Coastal Plain and Piedmont areas. • Not as cold tolerant as Tifton 44 or Russell. • Winter-hardy hybrid released in 1978. • Natural hybrid found in a field in Russell Co., in eastern AL in 1970’s § Cross between Coastal and a winter-hardy bermudagrass from Germany. § CP & digestibility similar to or slightly lower than Coastal § Finer stems than Tifton 85, § Yields well but slightly lower than Tifton 85 • Produces rhizomes, but few stolons • Fine stems, dark green, and dense sod. • Higher quality than most • Slower to establish • Russell spreads very rapidly, with impressive establishment growth • Emerges early – similar to Tifton 44 What is the difference in Coastal and Tifton 85? Tifton 85 • Released in 1993 72.3 § Fast growing, § Highest yielding & quality 73 72 • Larger stems, wider leaves, and is darker green than other cultivars. • Tifton 85 is higher in digestibility than other cultivars, despite having higher fiber (NDF). NDF, % 71 68.9 70 69 68 67 68.6 66.9 66 6 wk 65 64 3 wk Coastal Adapted from Mandebvu et al. (1999). Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Agronomist 2 Variety Tifton 85 Harvest Interval 2014 Southeast Hay Convention Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers What is the difference in Coastal and Tifton 85? Ratio of Ester:Ether Ferulic Acid What is the difference in Coastal and Tifton 85? 64 IVDMD48h, % 62 61.7 60 56.9 58 56 54 52 50.8 51.4 6 wk 50 3 wk Coastal 2.04 2.2 2 1.8 1.39 1.6 1.4 1.31 6 wk 1.2 1 Tifton 85 Tifton 85 Adapted from Mandebvu et al. (1999). What is the difference in Coastal and Tifton 85? Coastcross II § CCII is a mutant of Coastcross I § Comparable to Tifton 85 65.0 60.6 NDFD48h, % 55.6 § Yields § Digestibility § Cold tolerance? 55.0 41.0 50.0 45.0 42.6 § Leaves and stem more coarse than Coastal but less coarse than Tifton 85 6 wk 40.0 3 wk Coastal Tifton 85 Adapted from Mandebvu et al. (1999). Tifton 85 Coastcross II Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Agronomist 3 wk Coastal Adapted from Mandebvu et al. (1999). 60.0 1.87 3 2014 Southeast Hay Convention Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers Clipping trials 2006-2008 Warm Season Perennial Grass Variety Trial – Tifton (avg. over 2006-2008) Hybrid Bermudagrass Yields at Calhoun 2003-2005 25000 Mean Annual Yield lb DM/acre Forage Yields (lbs DM/acre) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Ti<on 85 Coastcross II* Russell Coastcross I Coastal Ti<on 44 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 a* Tifton 85 b Russell bc Alicia cd Tifton 44 d Coastal Variety Varieties labeled with the same letter were not significantly different (α=0.05). Results: aa a 18% a 10 b 8 b b 16% Avg. Number of Infected Tillers/Pot Avg. Percent of Tillers Damaged/Pot a 14% 12% 10% b 6 b b 8% b 6% 4 c c c c 2 4% 2% s 85 ar gr as Columns followed by the same leHer are similar at the 0.05 level Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Agronomist 9 Recovery rating (1-10) Blairsville, GA 8 7 6 Coastal 5 Tifton 44 4 Tifton85 3 Russell CC II 2 1 0 2006 St -I I 68 fto n Ti on Ti ft a ro ss ici Co as tc Al el Ru ss m m ta Co as Co l 0% on 0 l Avg. Number of Infected Tillers/Pot 14 12 Avg. Percent of Tillers Damaged/Pot Effect of Cultivar on Number of Infected Tillers with Flies Present 4 2007 2008 2014 Southeast Hay Convention Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers Cheyenne II • Seeded variety cultivar § Good persistence, winterhardy, and consistent yields § The forage quality (protein, fiber, and digestibility) similar to Coastal. • Sold and used in seed blends such as Ranchero Frio. SEEDED BERMUDAGRASS Seeded Bermudagrass Blairsville, GA 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 a a 8000 a Cheyenne 7000 b Forage Yield (lbs DM/acre) Mean Annual Yield lb DM/acre Seeded Bermudagrass Yields at Calhoun 2004-2005 Wrangler P2 Exp Coastal Laredo 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 CD 90160 Cheyenne Wrangler Vaquero Blend 1000 Variety 0 Varieties labeled with the same letter were not significantly different (α=0.05). 2005 Warm Season Perennial Grass Variety Trial – Tifton (avg. over 2006-2008) 2006 2007 2008 Seeded bermudagrass 25000 Tifton Seeded Trial Forage Yields (lbs DM/acre) 20000 15000 P 2 10000 Coastal P2 5000 Blairsville Trial 0 P2* Cheyenne Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Agronomist Laredo Wrangler 5 Laredo 2014 Southeast Hay Convention Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers Palatability of Bermudagrasses Impaction on Bermudagrass Myth or Truth? Highly acceptable: Coastal = Tifton 44 = Tifton 78 (= Russell) • High NDF Content § Somewhat related to bermudagrass variety § As a rule of thumb for bermudagrass hay, keep NDF < 65%. • Insufficient Water Availability • Insufficient Mastication (chewing) Acceptable if given no other choice: § Tifton 85 § Coastcross § Fed only 1-3 times per day § Horses in stall • Inactivity/lack of exercise Questions? www.georgiaforages.com 1-800-ASK-UGA1 Dr. Dennis Hancock Extension Forage Agronomist 6