INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 427 CURRENT AMPLIFIER 0 1975, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A. DOCUMENTNUMBER29103 CONTENTS MODEL 427 CONTENTS 1. GF,Ng3,&.L DESCRIPT~ON-------------------------------.-------- 1 2. OPERATION-------------------------------------------------- 4 3. APPLICATIONS----------------------------------------------- 9 4. ACCESSORIES------------------------------------------------ 10 5. ClRC"IT 12 6. REp~Cp‘&LE 7. CALIBRATION------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION---------------------------------------- PARTS------------------------------------------ SCNEMATICS---------------------------------------------------- 17 26 33 1074 ILLUSTRATIONS MODEL 427 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1074 No. Title 1 Front panel. 2 Front pane1 3 Rear 4 shunt 5 Effect __-___---___-_____-___________________ 6 Compensation 6b Extended Frequency 7 Fee&a& Method. 8 Input 9 Bandwidrh 9b Effect of filter on Noise 9, Effect of Input Capacitance Controls. Panel Method 3 Voltage Shunt 4 ---------------------- Capacitance. Response. 4 --------------- 5 ---------------------- 5 _--__-_-__________-_______________ N&se. of -----------------__------ capacitance. for 3 - Measurement, Shunt 1 ________--______-____________ Controls. of Page 6 -------------___-------------- Feedback System. Compensafian. 6 --------------------- spectrum. 7 -------------- on Noise. 7 ------------- 7 10 Frequency 11 Plot 12 Block Diagram 13 Filter circuit. 14 power 15 current lb COmpOnent Layout - PC-291. ------------------------ 13 17 component Layout - pc-290, -----------------___---- 14 18 component Layout - pc-2?39. ---------_------___-____ 15 19 COmpOnenf Layout - P&292. ---------------__------ 15 20 chassis - Top vie”. 21 Chassis Assembly 22 Bottom 23 Measurement of Input 24 Measurement of Rise 25 Measurement of Filter of ---------_____--_-__------- Noise-Improvement s”pp~y of a High-Speed Current _____ -__-__ Amplifier, ------_______--_-__-_______________ Regulator. suppression. CO”er __- Contours. 7 --------------------------------------__---------------- ------------___--------------- Exploded Assembly. “few. Time. Rise Drop. 12 13 13 13 16 ----------------- -------------------------Voltage -- 9 19 19 ---------------- 27 -------_--_____-___-_____ 28 Time. ------------------ 29 iii MODEL 427 SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS RANGE: 10’ to 10” volts/ampere in eight decade ranges. (10-13 ampere resolution to 10.” ampere full output). OUTPUT: *10 volts at up to 3 milliamperes. OUTPUT RESISTANCE: Less than 10 ohms dc to 30 kHz. OUTPUT ACCURACY: 12% of reading to the lo9 vattsl ampere range, +4% of reading on the 1O’O and 10” volts/ampere ranges exclusive of noise. drift and current offset. RISE TIME (10% to 90%): Adjustable in lx and 3.3x steps from “Fast Rise Time” listed below to 330 rnsec. NOISE VS. RISE TIME’: FAST RISE TlML I STABILITY: Current offset doubles per 10°C above 25°C. Voltage drift is less than 0.005% per “C and less than 0.005%,- ,,er da” of full outDut after l.hour warmur,. OFFSET CURRENT: Less than lQLz am&e at 25”C’and up to 7001, relative humidity. CURRENT SUPPRESSION: lo-lo ampere to 10-a ampere in eight decade ranges with 0.1% resolution (lO.turn poten. tiometer). Stability is +O.Zo/. of suppressed value per “C bO.Z% per day. INPUT VOLTAGE DROP: Less than 400 /.IV for fullaxle output on the 10” to 10” volts/ampere ranges when properly zeroed. EFFECTIVE INPUT RESISTANCE: Less than 15 ohms on the 10” and 105 volts/ampere ranges. increasing to less than 4 megohms on the 10” volts/ampere range. MAXIMUM INPUT OVERLOAD: Transient: 1000 volts on any range for up to 3 seconds using a Keithley (or other 10 mA-limited) highaoltags supply. Continuous: 500 volts on the 10” to 1O’voltsjampere ranges, decreasing to ‘ZOO an the 10”. 70 on the lo5 and 20 volts on the 10’ volts, ampere ranges. OVERLOAD INDICATION: Lamp indicates pre-filter or post. filter overload. DYNAMIC RESERVE: 10 (20 dB). CONNECTORS: Input: (Front) ENC. Output: (Front and Rear) BNC. POWER: 90.125 or 180.250volts (switch selected), 50.60 Hr. 5 watts. DIMENSIONS; WEIGHT: Style M 3%” half.rack, overall bench size4’~highx8%‘widex12L/a”deep(100x217 x310 mm). Net weight, 7 Ibs. (3.0 kg). i” 1074 MODEL 427 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 1. GENERAL l-1. GENERAL; The Model 427 Current Amplifier is a high-speed, feedback-type amplifier with particular features useful for automated semiconductor testing, mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography applications. DESCRIPTION C. Built-in Current Suppression. Small changes in the signal level can be measured since large ambient current levels can be easily suppressed. d. Overload assured since l-2. are Accurate measurements are automatically indicated. FEATURES. a. Wide Dynamic low-noise operation current levels. Range. Selectable important when b. High Speed. out of a 10sSZpere rise time. Typical resolution is 20 picoamperes signal with a 100 microsecond 0471 Indication. overloads rise times permit resolving small e. Variable Cain. The GAIN Switch is designated in eight gain positions from lo4 to 1011 volts per ampere - therefore gain adjustment is straight forward. f. Variable Kise Time. Optimum response can selected for each gain setting since a separate TIME switch is provided on the front panel. be RISE 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION MODEL 427 Front TABLE 1-l. Controls and Terminals Panel Functional PUSH Power GAIN Switch RISE TIME Switch Controls (S302) sets (5201) power gain in Sets rise (5101) Description to Paragraph instrument. 2-4, al 2-4, a2 2-4, a3 2-4, a4 2-4, a5 2-4, a6 zero. 2-4, a7 connection. 2-3, a 2-3, b 2-5, d Volts time per ampere. Fn milliseconds. SUPPRESSION MAX AMPERES Switch FINE Control POLARITY Switch Receptacle Sets (5304) Adjusts (5202) Input ~ OVERLOAD Indicator Line Switch Terminal (5301) Power Receptacle Fuse Panel 0lJTPuTReceptacle (5103) Output suppression. connectFon. overload condition. TABLE 1-2. Controls and Terminals Description instrument Connection Type (F301) source Functional Sets (P305) of output Indicates (DS302) Rear or suppression. Output (5102) suppression. polarity (R235) OUTPUT Receptacle Control maximum Adjusts (R333) ZERO ADJ Control INPUT Sets (S303) to for line 3AG Slow-Blow, 117V or Paragraph 23411. power. 117V @ l/4 234V @ l/S 2-4, b 2-3, c 2-3, b A (w-17) A (w-20) connection. WARNING Using a Line Power Cord other than the one supplied with your instrument may result in an electrical shock hazard. If the Line Power cord is lost or only with Keithley Part No. CO-7. damaged, replace 0878 MODEL 427 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ,----SUPPRESSION-, GAIN SWITC S20 INPUT 5202 FINE ADJUST ZERO ADJ R235 FIG"RF OVERIDAD DS302 2. want Panel POLARITY SWITCH . Power S302 Controls. I FIGURE 3. 0471 Rear Panel Controls. P OUTFW 5102 OPERATION MODEL 427 SECTION 2-1. 2. MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS. Prom this equation it is irmnediately apparent that the m%QB”rement of emall current =equi=es large values of R, i.e., high impedance levels. Howwee, thfe gives difficulties for meas”=ements requiring wide bandwidths because of the RC time constant associated with a high-megohm resistor and even a few picofarads of circuit capacitance. Figure 4 shows a c”==ent s”“=ce generating a voltage across a parallel RC. The frequency response of this current measurement is limited by the RC time constant. Figure 5 shows this response end the -3 dB p”int “CC”=B at a frequency The DleasUrement of a. Current-Detection Devices. ‘small electrical c~rrent8 has been the basis for a number of instrumental methods used by the analyst. Ion chambers, high-impedance electrodes, many forms of ch=“metog=aphic detectors, phototubes and multipliers are coaronly-used t=ansduce=a which eequire the measurement of small currents. Devices used for this measurement a=e often called electraaeters. b.. In any measurement, if e”“=ce noise greatly exceeds that added by the inst=“mentatian, optimization of instrumenteti”” When source noise approaches theoretis unimportant. ical minimum, optimization of instrumentation characteristics becomes imperative. TO determine the category into which this meas”=ement falls. the researcher needs t” be familiar with the characteristics which impoee theoretical and practical limitations on his a=e familiar with the me*surement . Most researchers theoretical limitations present in voltage measueements The noise inceeases with 8”“=ce realstance, and the familiar equation for the mean-square noise voltage is q = 4kTRAf OPERATION Eq. a=e contradictory Lor* noise and high speed, therefore, requirements. TO optimize a current-measuring system, techniques must be used which obtain high speed “sing high-impedance devices. C. 1 whe=e k is the Boltzma”” Constant, T ia the absolute temperature of the s”“=ce resistance R, and Af is the the 3 dB bandwidth for a noise bendwidth( 3 times single RC rolloff.) In the case of cureent measurements it Is more appropriate to consider the noise current generated by the ~l”“=ce and load resistances. The mean squaee noise c”==ent generated by a resistor is given by Eq. 2. Hiah Speed Methods. 1. High epeed can, af c”“=se, be obtained in . shunt-type meae”=eme”t by “sing a low value for the shunt resist”=. As pointed ““t above, such a srmll resistor value int=ad”ces excessive noise into the meQ8”rement. 2. A second method to achieve bandwidth is to keep R large, to accept the frequency roll-off starting at F”, and t” change the frequency eesponae of the voltage amplifier a8 ehown in Figure 6a. The combined effects of the RC time c”“sta”c folloved by this amplifier is shown in Pigure 6b and it is seen that the frequency response of the c”==ent measurement has been extended to Pl. The frequency at which the amplifier gain sta=‘ts to increase must be exactly equal t” the frequency F” determined by the RC time c”nstant in order for this approach t” result in a flat frequency respanse. Therefore, FO FIGURE 4. I In the shunt method c”=re”t is measured the voltage drop ac=“ee a resistor. by FIGURE 5. The frequency respanse of 1s limited by omnipresent LOG FREQUENCY the shunt method ahunt capacitance. 0471 MODEL 427 OPERATION this oethad is ueeful only far application* where the shunt capacitance C is constant. Aaide from thin drawback this is * 1eSitimste approach which is being wed in low-noise, high-speed currentmeesuring applicatians. In addition to current noise in the *hunt and in the amplifier input stage, B maJor source of noise in this system *ri*** from the voltage-noise generator ssaociated with thb input atage (reflected a* current noise in the shunt resistor) caused by the high-frequency peeking in the following stages of amplification. More will be said about this in the discussion on noise behavior. 3. A third method used for speeding up * current measurement asas guarding techniques to eliminate the effects of capacit*nces. Unfortunately only certain type* of capacitance*, such ** cable cap=itances, can be conveniently eliminated in this To eli,r,inate the effect of parasitic c*p*cmanner. itences associated with the *ource itself became* very cumbersome and m*y not be feasible in many inThe major *ourc** of noise in this *“*tern stsnces. *re identical to those mentioned in the second system. 4. A fourth circuit configuration combines the capability of low-noise and high-speed performance with tolerance for varying input C and eliminate* need for separate guard by making the ground plane *n effective guard. This is the current-feedback technique. This technique gives * typical improvement of 3 over shunt technique*. Again, the major sources of noise are identical to those mentioned in the second system. d. Noise in Current Measurements. Noise forms * b*aic limitation in *nv hinh-speed current-measurinn system. The shunt *y&m give; the simplest curren; measurement but does not give low-noise performance. A properly designed feedback *y*tem gives superior noise - bandwidth performance. Noise in these two systems will be discussed next. 1. Noise Behavior of the Shunt System. High speed end low noise *r* contradictory requirements in any current meesurement because *orw capacitance is always present. The theoretical performance limftetion of the shunt *yetem c*n be calculated ** The rms resistance thermal R is noise given current by FIGURE 0471 6. F> generated i UPP = 2 x 10-9 F, 4 (.f) of * parallel SC snd the eignal hand1/(2nRC). For practical is taken 88 5 times the noise current can now Eq. F 5 In practice, e typical value for shunt cape.cit*nce is 100 picofarads. With this value the following rule-of-thumb is obtained. The lowest ratio of detectable current divided by signal bandwidth using *hunt-techniques is 2-10-14 ampere/Hertz for B peakto-peak signal-to-noise ratio equal to 1. A corollary far this rule-of-thumb expresses the noise current in term* of obtainable risetime (lo-SO% risetime tr = 2.2 RC). The lowest product of detectable current and risetime using shunt technique* is 7 x lo-l5 ampere seconds. In this derivation it has been assumed that the voltage amplifier does not contribute noise to the measurement. 2. Noise Behavior of the Feedback System. There are three *ource* of noise in the feedback system that have to be looked at closely. The firat two, input-stage shot noise and current noise from the mea*urinS resistor, are rather straight-forward. The third, voltage noise from the input device of the amplifier, cau*e* *ome peculiar difficulties in the measurement. Any resistor connected to the input injects white current noise (Eq. 4). In the circuit of Figure 7 the only resistor that is connected to the input is the feedback resistor R. As in the shunt system, R must be made large for lowest noi*e. Beceuse this noise is white, the total contribution can be calculated by equ.,ting Af to the equivalent noise bandwidth of the system. The second *ource of noise is the current noise from the amplifier input. This component is essentially the shot noise asaociared with the gate leakage current (io) of the input device. Its rms value equals ... F, LOG FREQUENCY LOG FREWENCY ny tailoring the frequency response of the amplifier (Pig. 6a) the frequency response of the shunt method c*n be extended. by * Eq. The equivalent noise bandwidth combination is Af = 1/(4RC) width (3 dB bandwidth) F, = purposes peak-to-peak noise ml* value. The peak-to-peak be written a* FO FO (in) FIGURE 6b. Extended frequency response. OPERATION MODEL 427 T;; = J-zTpwhere e is the electronic charge. The contribution of this noise generator is also white. N*t only do these two noise sources generate white current noise, the noise in a given bandwidth is also independent of the input capecitence C. The mejor source of noise in e feedback current meesurement is the noise contribution aseocisted with the voltage noise of the input amplifier. The voltage noise ten be represented by a VOltage noise generator (0,) et the emplifier input es shown in Figure 8. This wise generator itself is assumed to be white. However, its total noise contribution to the current-measuring system is not white. Inspection of Figure 6 will reveal that et low frequencies P large em*u*t of feedbeck ie applied around the voltage noise source {en). However, the SC combination ettenuetes the highfrequency components of V,,t so that no feedback is present et high frequencies. Thus, the noise contribution to the output voltage V,,t from the valtage noise source a* is no longer independent of frequency. The noise is “colored” and increases in intensity for ell frequencies higher than F,. The resulting noise spectrum is shown in Figure 9b. The tote1 system noise is related to the are* under Because the logarithm of frequency is this curve. plotted on the horizontal axis, the eree under the curve et higher frequencies represents e significantly larger amount of noise then e similar eree For comparison, Figure 9a show *t low frequencies. the frequency response of the current measuring Figure 9e ia identical to Figure 6b. It is system. interesting et this point to compare this noise spectrum with the frequency response of the voltage amplifier in Figure 4 es shown in Figure 6a. A voltage noise eouec.e et the input of the amplifier would generate a noise spectrum according to the amplifier frequency response as shown in Figure 6a. The noise spectrum of such e system, then, is identical to the noise spectrum of the feedback system as given in This illustrates the well-known fact Figure 9h. that signal-to-noise performance of a measurement cen**t be improved by feedback techniques. At the high-frequency end the voltege noise is limited by the frequency FA which is the high-frequency rolloff point of the operational amplifier. It should FIGURE 6 7. Beslc circuit back method. configuration for the feed- he noted that even though the useful bandwidth of the system extends only t* Fl, there era noise components of higher frequency present. To obtain best widebend-noise performance, these high-frequency noise components have to be removed. This ca* be achieved by adding a low-pass filter section following the feedback input stage. If the band-pass of thin low-pass filter is made adjuetable this filter can nerve the dual purpose of removing high-frequency noise end of limiting the signal bandwidth of the system. 2-2. THEORY OF OPERATION. 8. Current Feedback Technique. The basic circuit configuration used in the current-feedback technique In this configuration the is shown in Figure 7. current-measuring resistor R is placed in the feedback loop of e* inverting emplifier with a gain of A*. The frequency response obtained with this circuit is identical to thet s+nvn in Figure 6b. F* agein is the frequency associated with the RC time constant: F, = SE The frequency frequency fl response where F, = AoF, of the syetem is extended Eq. 6 t* a Eq. 7 Note that the frequency rerponse is automatically flat without heving to match break points. However, the total bandwidth of the system (Fl) is still limited by the value of the ahunt capacitance C across the This improved frequency response of the feedinput. back technique avoids the use of low values for R which could generate exceesive current noise. . b. Refinements of the Feedback System. A major difficulty of the feedback system ariees from shunt capacitence esaociated with the high-megohm resiaeor R If the shunt cepacitence acroes in the feedheck path. the resistor is CFr then the bandwidth (FF) of the system is determined by the time COnstent RCF: FIGURE 8. The voltage noise associeted with the amplifier input device is en important eourc~ of noise in the high-speed feedback syatew 0471 MODEL 427 FIGURE 9. OPERATION The bendwidth of the high-speed feedback system (Fig. 9a) ten he limited by using e filter with either e -6 dB/actave or a -12 dB/octave roll-off. The effect of the filter on the noise spectrum is showwin Effect of input capacitance on Fig. 9h. noise is shown in Fig..9c. FIGURE FF FIGURE 9c. 0471 Effect Effect of of filter input on noise capacitance spectrum. on noise. Frequency compensation. 1 2 nllcp Eq. A slight modification of the feedback loop can correct this problem es shown in Figure 10. If the time constant RlCl is made equal to the time constent R.CF, it CB* be shown that the circuit within the dotted line behaves exactly es a resistance R. The matching of time constants in this cese does not become e drawbeck because the copscitances involved era all constant and not effected by input impedance. C. FIGURE 9b. = 10. -12 dB/actave Filter. 1. Theory. To obtain optimum widehand noise perfomence e filter with e single high-frequency roll-6 dB/octave) is not sufficient end -12 off (i.e., The effect of e -6 dB filter dB/octeve is required. is shown in Figure 9a end h. The filter is used to limit the system bandwidth to a frequency F2, smaller then Fl. The effect af this filter on the noise spectrum is shown in Figure 9b. It ten be seen that there ace egain high-frequency noise components above F2, the useable bandwidth of the system. These can he eliminated by using e filter with e -12 dB/octave roll-off. The result of such .a filter on noise performance is also shown in Figure 9b. 2. Model 427. The input smplifier 18 followed by en adjustable low-pass filter having e -12 dB/octeve roll-off end a valtage gain of 10X. The voltage gain in the low-pass filter avoids premature overloading in the input amplifier which ten be seen es fallows. The maximum output voltage V,,t is $10 The maximum signal level et the input of the volts. low-pass filter is, therefore, +l volt. At this point in the circuit, wide-band noise could still be present end exceed the l-Volt signal level. The voltege gain of 10 in the filter allows the total pre-filter wide-hand noise to exceed the full scale signal by e factor of 10 (20 dB). The frequency response of this filter is edjustahle for variable “damping” control. 7 OPERATION 2-3. MODEL 427 CONNECTIONS, 2-5. 8. The input receptacle (5202) is e SNC Input. type which metes with coaxial cables such es Keithley Models 8201 end 8202. The inner contact is circuit high. The outer shell is low or chassis ground. b. Output. (5102 on the era BNC type* end the outer Two outp,ut receptacles *re provided front, 5103 on the reer panel). These where the inner contact is output high shell is chassis ground. C. Power Input. The power receptacle rear panel is a 3-prong connector which Keithley pare number CO-6 line cord. 2-4. (P305) on the metes with OPERATING 8. Gain. The gein of the Model 427 is defined in terms of volts per *“pare. Since the output level is 10 volts for e full scale input, the gain could also be expressed e* sensitivity in emperes referred to the input BS in Table 2-1. Vout = - (Iin x GAIN) Eq. 9 Gain GAIN Setting Sensitivity Feedback Resistor 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 Front Panel. 1. Power Switch “PUSH ON” (5302). This switch controls the line power to the instrument. ‘The switch is a special pushbutton type with “Power On” indicated by a self-contsined pilot lamp. b. Rise Time. is listed in the These rise times switch is set to 2. GAIN (VOLTS PER AMPERE) (S201). This switch sets the overall gain in eight positions from 104 to loll. A “ZERO CHECK” position permits adjustment of zero offsets. 3. RISE TIME the lo-90% rise 300 milliseconds(for Switch (5101). This switch sets time in 10 positions from .Ol to the filter section only). 4. SUPPRESSION (MAX) Switch (S303). This switch sets the maximum current suppression in eight pasiis set tions from lo-10 to 10-3 A. When the switch to “OFF” the current suppression circuit is disabled. 5. SUPPRESSION (FINE) control (~333). This control permits adjustment of suppression with 0.1% resolution. 6. SUPPRESSION (POLARITY) switch set* the polarity of (referred to the input). Switch (S304). This the current suppression 7. ZERO ADJUST Control (R235). This control mits adjustment of zero offset through the u*e OVERLOAD indicator. b. Rear 1. perof the Panel. Line either Voltage 117 or Fuse 117V: 234V: 8 or CONTROLS. a. for CONSIDERATIONS. Switch (S301). 234 V operation. RequirP.ment* 1/4A l/SA 3AG, Keithley Keithley Sets Sla-Slo No. No. F”17 F”-20 instrument Switch GAIN Setti”g 104 105 106 107 1 10; 1oy 1010 loll TABLE 2-l. Referred to the Input Full Scale sensitivity (Amperes) 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 x x x x x x x x 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10‘7 10-g 10-9 10-10 Full Scale Output (Volts) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 The rise time for each gain setting specifications a* “FAST RISE TIME”. are obtained when the RISE TIME the positions indicated in Table 2-2. Settings Rise Time 15 15 15 40 60 220 400 1.5 ps us I*8 us ps &Is “S ps TABLE 2-2. for “FAST RISE TIME” RISE TIME Setti”g* DYlWl”iC Range .Ol “S .Ol ms .Ol “S .03 “9 .03 ms .l “S .3 ms 1 ms 2000 2000 2000 2000 800 400 200 100 J c. Suppressian. Current suppression is provided in the Model 427 for suppression of input currents up to By suppressing background currents, smell 10e3 amperes. variations in e larger signal can be observed. Currents of either polarity can be suppressed. To suppress an input current the SUPPRESSION should be *et to supply e current of apposite polarity. The FINE control permits adjustment up to 1.5 times the MAX setting. d. Overloads, The overload sensing circuit detects en overload et two places in the circuit: before end after the “RISE TIME” filter circuit. The OVERmAD lamp (DS302) will indicate whenever the voltsge sensed ia greater then full scale regardless of the RISE TIME setting or the frequency. a. Zero Adjust. The ZERO CHECK po*ition grounds the the input of the instrument and co”“ert* the cuerent amplifier to a high-gain voltage amplifier. The amplified offset voltage will turn on the OVERLOAD indicator whenever the input voltage offset exceeds 5100 t0l. Therefore the ZERO control should be adjusted so that the OVERLOAD indicator is off when in ZERO CHECK mode, yielding the specified input voltage drop. APPLIChTIONS MODEL 427 SECTION 3. APPLICATIONS 3-3. NOISE-IMPROVEMENT CONTOURS. The sensitivity and speed of the Model 427 (for either d-c or a-c measurements) can be compared to the best perfarmante obtainable with the shunt method of measuring current. The best “noise-risetime” product that can be achieved for d-c measurements (with 100 pF shunt capacitance) in a shunt system is 7 x lo-15 ampere-seconds. However the feedback system achieves 2 x lo-l5 ampere-seconds (also with 100 pF shunt capacitance). When used in a-c narrowband systems (lock-in, etc.) the-degree of improvement is a function of shunt capacitance and operating frequency. The achieveable imprownene over the shunt method can be plotted in a graph similar to a set of noise contours. Figure 11 shows the measured impravemene (negative dB) that can be obtained with the Model 427 at a given frequency and shunt capacitance when compared to an ideal (noiseless) amplifier Fn a shunt system. , 3-1. CURRENT~MEASURING SYSTEM. The typical current meaeuring system consists of a current source, a current amplifier, and a monitoring device, The current source could include an ion chamber, photomultiplier, The current amplifier or other high-impedance device, such as the Model 427 provides sufficient gain to drive a monitoring device such as a chart recorder or other readout. The Model 427 in this case provides an output voltage which is calibrated in volts per ampere a.3 in equation 10. Eq. 10 Iin = - (V,,t I GAIN) Example : GAIN = 106 voltslampe~e ” O”t = +500 In” The input current Iin would be: lin = - (5x10-~vo1ts/106vo1ts per ampere) Iin = - 5 x 10-7 amperes 3-2. Table 3-l illusNOISE BANDWIDTH CONSIDERATIONS. trates the trade-off between fast rise time and dynamic For this application dynamic range is defined range. a.s the ratio of maximum peak-to-peak current to peakPeak-to-peak current noise is to-peak current noise. taken as 5-times the rms current noise. The maximum peak-to-peak current is 2-times the maximum full scale current. NOTE When using current suppression the current-suppression resistor should be considered as an additional current-noise generator. The values given in Table 3-l do not include the contribution of the suppression resistor. Therefore the selected suppression resistor Rs, should be as large as possible to minimize the contribution to current noise. RMS’Noise Current (Typical)1 AMPERES 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 10-3 10-4 10-5 m-6 10-7 1 With KEY : x * 0471 up to = = of RISE TIME CURRENT VIA FIGURE TABLE 3-l. as a Function ,vL..I,.,“,., PULL SCALE GAIN FREOUENCY IHI1 I 300 100 30 10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2do-13 5~0-14 4x10-14 104’ : * 10-9 lo-1o * 2x10-15 100 pP input shunt 1x1:-14 4x10-15 *x1:-14 1x10-14 capacitance. Filter Bandwidth is greater larger Rise Times are useful They do not further improve exceeds 100 DF. Noise Gain Plot of noise-improvement and Rise-Time contours. Setting SETTING 3 * * * * MO-12 2d0-13 2do-13 1x10-13 increases 11. 1 .3 .l .03 .Ol * * 1x10-8 1x10-9 1x10-10 1.5x10-11 5x10-12 2~0-12 2do-12 x 1.2x10-8 1.2x10-9 1.2x10-10 2x10-11 1x10-11 5x10-12 x x 4x10-8 4x10-9 4x10-10 1x10-10 4x10-11 x x x 1x10-7 1x10-B 1x10-9 x x x x x lx& 2x10-l2 5do-13 ~0-13 4x10-13 aa input than current-amplifier bandwidth. for increased filtering of the the instrument noise contribution shunt capacitance increases. signal arid noise inherent except when the input in the source. shunt capacitance 9 MODEL 427 ACCESSORIES SECTION The following Keithley 4-l. GENERAL. be used with the Model 427 eo provide venience and versatility. accesaaries additional Model 4. can con- 1007 ACCESSORIES OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. 4-2. Manual is supplied with each operating information. Rack Mounring A separate Instruction accessory giving complete hit Description: Application: The Model 1007 is a dual rack mounting kit with overall dimensions 3-l/2 in. (64 mm) high and 19 in. (483 The hardware included in this kit consists mm) wide. of two Angle Brackets, one Mounting Clamp, and extra mounting BCreWS. The Model 1007 co""erts any half-rack, style "M" instrument from bench mounting to rack mounting in a standard 19-inch rack. The kit may also be used for rack mounting 19-inch full rack width insfrultE"tS. The Model 1007 Rack Mounting Kit can be used to m"u"t instruments of 11 inch or 14 inch depth. The user should decide the position af the i"~tr"me"ts to be rack mounted. The Assembly Inaeructions refer co instruments positioned as shown and identified as instrument “A” and "B". 10 Parts List: Item NO. DWCl+ltiO” 22 Angle 23 Screw, Phillips 24 Mounting VY Keq'd Bracket 16-32 x 5/8, Pa" Hd Clamp %6-32 Pa" x 1, Hd Keithley Part No. 2 27410B 6 -_ 1 247988 1 __ 3 _- 25 Screw, Phillips 26 Kep Nut 27 Screw, Phillips 116-32 X l/2, Pa" Hd 2 __ 28 Screw, Phillips 116-32 x 718, Pa" Hd 1 __ 116-32 0877 ACCESSORIES MODEL 427 Model Assembly 1007 Dual MountinS Kit Instructions: 1. Before assembling the rack kit, determine the pasition of each instrwnent. Since the inserumenfs can be mounted in either location, their position should be determined by the user’s meas”rement. The following instructions refer to instruments “n” and UB” positio”ed as shorvn. For mounfinS 19-inch full rack Width instruments, disregard steps 2 through 5. 2. Once the position of each instrument has been determined, ebe “side dress” panels on both sides of each instrument should be removed. Renxwal is accomplished by looseninS the screwy (Item 8, oriSinal hardware) in two places. Slide the “side dress” panels co the rear of the instrument to remove. 3. The mountinS clamp is installed on instrument “A” using the oriSina1 hardware (Item 8). With the screws removed, insert the “mounting clamp” behind the “corner bracket” (Item 7) and replace the screws to hold the mounting clamp in place. 0777 Rack 4. Tighten the screwy (Item 8) on instrument Insert the “mounting clamp” behind the “corner bracket” (Item 7) an instrument “8” a8 shown. “B”. 5. When mounting instruments having the same depth, a screw (Item 25) and kep nut (Item 26) are required to secure the two instruments together. When ,,,ouneing instruments of different depth, da not use kep nut (Item 26) but substitute shorter screw (Item 28). 6. Attach an “anSle bracket” (Item 22) on each instrument using hardware (Item 23) in place of the original hardware (Item 8). For 14 in. long instruments use 116-32 x 518 Phillips screw (Item 23) with 116-32 kep “uf (Item 26). 7. The bottom cover feet may be removed if necessary. and tilt bail assemblies 8. The original hardware, side dress panels, and tilt bail assemblies should be retained for ure conversion back to bench mountine. feet fut- 11 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION MODEL 427 SECTION 6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 5-1. GENERAL. The Made1 427 is composed of a feedbeck amplifier, e X10 gain filter section, suppression .“d power supply circuits ee show” in Figure 12. The feedback emplifier is located an the “Amplifier Beerd”, The filter circuitry is located on the “Pilter PC-289. The power supply circuitry is Board”, PC-291, PC-292. located on the “Mother Board”, PC-290. a. +15 ” Reguletor. AC power ia tapped from one secondary of transformer T301. The ec ia rectified by P full-weve bridge rectifier (D301). Trensistor Q301 is the series pees reguletor. Integrated circuit QA 301 is . self-conteined reference end regulating ciralit. Potentiometer R304 is a” internal voltage edjustment. Resistor R307 serves as a current limit device. FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER (PC-289). The feedback empli5-2. fier is composed of e high-gain amplifier connected ee The feedbeck resietors R22o through e feedback emmeter. R227 are set by the GAIN Switch (SZOl). The high-gain emplffier is composed of a dual FET input stage (Q20IA end B), e differential amplifier (QAZOl), end en output The feedback is connected from stage (9203 end Q204). resistor R201 to the cutput stage et Q203 end Q204. Potentiometers R232, R233, and R234 ere internal frequency compensetion controls for leg, lOlo, end 1011 Potentiometer R235 is the ZBRO gains respectively. The full scale output of the feedback AD., cantrol. emplifier is 1 volt. b. -15 ” Regulator. AC power is tapped from one secondary of trenaformer T301. The ec is rectified by P full-wave bridge rectifier (D302). Trensietee Q302 is the series pees reguletor. Integrated circuit QA302 is e self-contained reference end regulating circuit. Potentiometer R309 is en internal voltage ad,ustment. Resistor R307 mrves as a current limit device. CURRKNT SUPPRESSION CIRCUITRY (PC-290). The 5-5. suppression is applied et the input es show” in Figure The N&X AMPERES Switch (5303) sets the current 15. suppression in decade steps from lo-3 te lo-lo *Slp.3=.3* (Resistors R325 through R332). Potentiometer R333 is the FINE Control which provides adjustment frnn 0 to 1.5 times the WAX setting. Switch S304 eete the polarity (either + end - 15 volt eource). Current suppresaionis e function of V,,&S, -- The filter circuit ie composed PILTBR (PC-292). 5-3. of e high-gain amplifier connected aa e 12 dB/octave low pass filter es sham in Figure 13. The amplifier consists of intel(rated circuit QAlOl end ~“tp”t stege Full scale output ie 10 ;olts. (QlOl end Q102).The gain is established et X10 by resistors RllO end Potentilnwtel: RlOS is en internal zero R112 + R113. Potentiometer R113 is en interns1 gain adjustment. adjustment. where “cS = Voltage et IQS = Series Exemple: If The pewer supply provides POWER S"PPLY (E-290). 5-4. +15 V dc et up to 70 mA for the amplifier circuits. The regulator circuits ere composed of identicel camponents end are connected ee shown in Figure 14. end the* the wiper Resistor of (R325 R333. through R332). MAX AMPEP.Rs = 10-b if “cS Its = cl5 = +15v 107n ” = +1.5 x 10-G amperes RISE TIME GAIN III r-5 I I FILTER 2!5 SUPPRESSION FIGURE 12 12. Block die‘rr of l hi‘h-‘peed current l mplifier 0471 Cl01 I, r--------1 RIOI 0 RI16 FIGURE 0471 16. component Layout - PC-291. 13 COMI 1 14 FIGURE 17. Component Layout - PC-290. MODEL 427 COMPONENTLAYOUTS ? FTGURE 18. component Layout - PC-289. 0471 component FIGURE 19. Layout - PC-292. 15 MODEL 427 COMFUNENTL4YOoTS PC-290 FIGURE 16 20. Chaaais - Top View. 0471 MODEL 427 SECTION 6. REPLACEABLE PARTS turer's Part Number, and the Keithley Part Also included is a Figure Reference Number applicable. The complete name and address Manufacturer is listed in the CODE-TO-NAME following the parts list. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST: This section contains 6-l. a list of components used in this instr"ment for user The Replaceable Parts List describes the reference. individual parts giving Circuit Designation, Description, Suggested Manufacturer (Code Number), Manufac- Number where of each Listing TABLE 6-l. Abbreviations and Symbols A ampere Cb"ar cem cefr* Cer Trimmer camp Carbon Variable ceramic Disc Ceramic Tubular ceramic Trin!mer Composition DCb twsig. Deposited Designation EAL ETB ETT Electrolytic, Elecrrolytic, Electrolytic, F Fig farad Figure GCb Glass k kilo I-I micro M Mfr. MeF MY ~~~ (106) Manufacturer Metal Film Mylar NO. Number Aluminum Tubular Tantalum HOW TO USE THE REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST. This 6-3. Parts List is arranged such that the individual types of components are listed in alphabetical order. Main Chassis parts are listed followed by printed circuit boards and other subassemblies. a. NOW TO ORDER PARTS. Replaceable parts may be ordered through Electrical the 0471 iloard Board (Power Board ohm & P0ly pica (10-12) Printed Circuit Polystyrene Ref. Keference TCU Tinner v volt w w/l WW"ar watt WiR?WO"nd Wirewound (103) (10-6) Sales Service Department, or your nearest Keithley b. When ordering formation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. parts, Variable Keithley Instruments, representative. include the following Inc. in- C, All parts listed are maintained in Keithley Spare Parts Stock. Any part not listed can be made available upon request. Parts identified by the Keitbley Manufacturing Code Number 80164 should be ordered directly from Keithley Instruments, Inc. TABLE 6-2. Schematics and Diagrams Schematic Supply) Copperweld Instrument Model Number Instrument Serial Number Part Description Schematic Circuit Designation Keirhley Part Number Description Amplifier Mother Filter Carbon Carbon 6-2. ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS AND DIAGRAMS. Schematics and diagrams are included to describe the electrical circuits as discussed in Section 5. Table 6-2 idencifies all schematic part numbers included. 6-4. enclosed n PC-289 PC-290 PC-291, PC-292 I 247660 247680 247671) 17 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL 627 TABLE 6-3. Designation PC Board 100 100 200 300 300 300 series 20 20 21 23 23 23 PC-291 PC-292 PC-289 PC-290 PC-290 PC-290 Filter Circuit Filter Circuit Amplifier Power Supply SuppressFan circuit Overload Circuit I TABLE 6-4. Mechanical Parts Itern NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 17 18 19 20 \ Qty. a Line Power Cord WARNING other Per Assembly Keithley Part No. Figure NC 21 Chassis Assembly Front Panel Assembly Front Panel Screw, Slotted, 6-32 x 318 Front Panel Overlay Rear Panel Side Exerusion Left Side Extrusion Right corner Bracket Screw, Socket, 6-32 x 114 Screw, Phillips, 6-32 x l/4 Clip for Side Dress Side Dress Panel Tap Cover Assembly Top CO"er Screw, Socket, 6-32 x 5116 Bottom Cover Assembly Bottom cover Screw, Socket, 6-32 x 5/16 Feet Assembly Feet Ball Tilt Bail Screw, Phillips, 6-32 Kep Nut, 6-32 f,k -\U'& Using Lise 247566 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 24758B 247608 24754C 24754C 247458 FA-101 24755B 24732C 1 4 24763B 2473X 1 4 243228 FE-6 171478 4 4 1 4 4 than the 22 one suppLied with your instrument may result in an electrical shock hazard. If the Line Power cord is lost or damaged, replace only with Keithley Part No. CO-7. 18 0878 MODEL 427 REPLACEABLE PARTS FIGURE 21. FIGURE 22. 0471 Chassis Assembly-Exploded Bottom Cover Assemblv. View. REPLACEABLE PARTS HOOEL 427 ("100" FILTER BOARD SERIES, PC-291*, PC-292) CAPACITORS circuit Ilesig. Value Cl01 Cl02 Cl03 Cl04 Cl05 150 680 .0022 6800 .022 oF ;i p pF @ 500 500 500 500 200 v " v v " Cl06 Cl07 Cl08 c109* c110* .068 .22 .68 2.2 6.8 uF 'b p pP @ 100 200 200 200 200 Cl11 Cl12 68 330 pF DF c115* Mfr. Code Mfr. msig. Keithley Pat-e No. Fig. Ref. P0ly Poly Poly POlY Poly 71590 71590 71590 71590 84171 CPR-15OJ CPR-68OJ CPR-22OOJ, CPR-68OOJ 2PJ-223G C138-15OP C138-68OP C138-.0022M C138-68OOP C108-.022M 19 19 19 19 19 " v v v v MY MY MY MY MY 88480 13050 13050 13050 97419 ~FR-683-1E WA-.22j,F SMlA-.68,,F SMlA-2.2,,F M2WF-6.LQF C146-.068M C47-.22M C47-.68M C47-2.m C203-6.&I 19 19 19 16 16 .Ol 500 500 500 500 200 v v " " " P0ly Poly Poly Poly Poly 71590 71590 71590 71590 84171 CPR-68J CPR-330.1 CPR-1OOOJ CPR-3300J 2PJ-10x C138-68P C138-33OP C138-.OOlM C138-.0033M C108-.OlM 19 19 19 19 16 Cl16 Cl17 Cl18 c119s c120* .033 .l .33 1 3.3 100 200 200 200 200 v v v " v MY MY MY MY MY 88480 13050 13050 13050 13050 3FR-333-1E SMlA-.lPF SMlA-.33pF SMlA-1pF SMlA-3.3,~F C146-.033M C47-.lM C47-.33M C47-1M C47-3.3M 19 19 19 16 16 Cl21 Cl22 Cl23 Cl24 5 5 33 100 CerIl CerD CerD &lZIl 72982 72982 72982 72982 m-050 m-050 DD-330 m-101 C64-SF C64-5P C64-33P C64-1OOP 19 19 19 19 Mfr. code Mfr. Lhsig. Keithley Part No. Fig. Ref. 22526 12040 01295 01295 04713 04713 80164 20052 LM301AN lN914 lN914 2N3903 2N3905 SW33S CS-237 IC-24 RF-28 RF-28 TG-49 TG-53 02660 31-2221 CAP-18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 3 Rating - \ 1000 " 1000 " 1000 " 100 " MISCELLANEOUS CiX”it ”“C3l.g. no1 QAlOl 0101 0102 QlOl Q102 SlOl 5102 _- Type connector, lo-Pin, Mini-w Integrated Circuit Diode, Rectifier Diode, Rectifier Transistor Transistor Switch, Rotary, RISE TIME Connector, BNC, UG1094A/U Cap, BNC, mates with 5102 ;;r;g RESISTORS Value RlOl R102 R103 RlO4 R105 20 7.78 8.41 51.7 51.7 10 Rating kn kn kn kR kn I%, l%, l%, 1%, l%, l/8 l/8 l/8 l/8 l/8 w W w w w Type Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keiehley Part No. Fig. Ref. MfF MtF MtF MCF MtF 07716 07716 07716 07716 07716 CEA-7.78KG CEA-8.41~Jl cm-51.7m CEA-51.7UJ CEA-lO* R88-7.78k R88-8.41k R88-51.7k R88-51.7k R88-10k 19 19 19 19 19 1072 FlLTER BOARD (cont'd) RESISTOR8 (cont'd) R106 RIO, R108 R109 RllO Mfr., Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley i'art NO. Fig. Ref. w w w w w MtF MCF Camp MCF MtF 07716 07716 80294 91637 91637 CF.&-lkn CEA-lkS2 3009P-200 Km-Ml MFF-536R R88-lk R88-lk RP-89-200 R169-1M R168-536k 19 19 19 19 19 10%. l/4 .l%, l/E .75 l%, l/8 10%, l/4 w w w W w camp MCF camp MtF camp 44655 91637 80294 07716 44655 RCO7-102 MFF-61.9kR 3009P-2k CPA-l.Okn KC07-471 R76-lk R168-61.9k K-89-211 R88-10k ,176.470 19 19 19 19 19 1%, 1%. lo%, l%, l%, w w W W W MU MU camp MtF Ml3 07716 07716 44655 07716 07716 CEA-1.RkR CEA-IOkR RC07-471 CEA-200n CEA-1Okn R88-L.8k R88-1Ok R76-470 R88-200 R88-IOk 19 19 19 19 19 RCltF"g 1 kfl 1 kil 200 n l%, l/8 1%, 1/B 75 :l%, l/2 .l%, 112 61.9 kS 2 kn 10 kn 470 !? 1.8 kfl 10 k0 470 R 200 iz 10 kR Rlll RI20 Type Value l/8 l/8 l/8 l/8 l/8 ‘WPLIFIER BOARD ("200" SERIES, E-289) CAPACITORS C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 c210 * C216 *C217 *C218 C219 c220 cG-5 c221 c222 C223 C224 **Nominal 1075 Value, S201. ) Mfr. Mfr. Keithley Pig. v " V " v CerD &l-D &t-T cem MY 72982 72982 71590 72982 13050 loss-D22 801000X5F0102~ TCZ-1R5 801000~5~0102~ SM2‘+.047IJF C22-.0022M C64-.OOlM c77-1.5P C64-.ool~ C143-.047M 18 18 18 18 18 MY CerD 13050 72982 SMZA-.047PF 00471 loss-"22 801000X5F0102K TSDl-20-low C143-.047M C64-47OP C22-.0022M C64-.OOlM C179-10M 18 18 18 18 18 801000X5F0102K TSDI-20-10°F 8omoox5Foio2K loss-D47 C64-.OOlM C179-LOM C64-.OOlM C66-.0047M** C22-.0047M 18 18 18 20 20 TCZ-IRS 3FR333-1E 801000X5F0102~ 1oss-033 loss-D33 wp c a-~w-r~s,fy C146-.003M 18 C64-.OOlM 18 C22-.0033M 18 C22-.0033M 18 p pF UF b ilF 200 1000 1000 1000 20 " v v ” " ” v v 72982 17554 ,001 LP 10 .OOl iJ.F UF 1000 20 1000 .oo47 .0047 ilF*" IiF 200 v 1.000 v 72982 17554 72982 97419 56289 470 47 5 1.5 1.5 ,033 .OOl .0033 .0033 pF pF PF DF 6F pF UF !,F 5 500 500 200 600 600 100 1000 1000 1000 71590 71590 00686 71590 71590 88480 72982 56289 56289 in on Switch 1000 1000 600 1000 200 .047 470 .0022 ,001 10 Selected ( * Located Factory " v v v " " " ” v Test 21 MODEL 427 FiXPLACEABLE PARTS AMPLIFIER CirCUit Desig. D201 0202 D203 D204 D205 D206 D207 D208 D209 D2lO Type Special Special Silicon, Silicon, NPN, case NPN, case TO-106 TO-106 SilkOn Silicon SiliCOtl Silicon BOARD (cont'd) DIODES Mfr. Code Mfr. msiu. Keithley Part NO. 80164 80164 07263 07263 01295 .?&5sk 2133565 2N3565 lN645 01295 01295 01295 01295 01295 lN645 lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 RF-14 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 18 18 18 18 18 Mfr. Code Mfr. tlesig. Keithley Pare NO. Fig. Ref. 07263 80164 @715C SW-337 IC-26 Jk: ;::c;,d SW-337 ? ,~> 02660 31-2221 cs-249 18 18 18 18 -2245&A Z2&55A TG-39 TG-39 RF-14 Fig. Ref. .2&l\;' (*‘4 18 ;> fj 3 :I ,~ c:Jj 1 S 18 18 18 MISCELLANEOUS Type QA201 s201 5201 5202 wegrated Circuit, Operational Switch, Rotary, GAIN Not Used Receptacle, BNC (UG1094AfU) Amplifier RESISTORS ( * Located on Switch 5201. ) Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keitbley Part No. Fig. Ref. RC07 EB-lM CBA-lOOki? CF,A-23.2kn CEA-22.lkn R76-10 RI-1M R88-100k R88-23.2k 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 10 1 100 23.2 22.1 n MCI kR k0 k0 lo%, l/4 lo%, l/2 I%, l/8 l%, l/8 ix, 118 w w W W w corn; MtF MW MtF 44655 01121 07716 07716 07716 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 10 18.2 10 12.1 499 ki? kn kfi kO n l%, l%, l%, l%, l%, 118 l/2 l/S l/8 l/S W w w W w MM MtF MtF MtF MtF 07716 07716 07716 07716 07716 CEA-1OM CEC-18.2kQ CEA-lOkS1 CBA-12.lka CEA-4990 R88-10k R94-18.2k R88-10k RS8-+,9- R211 R212 8213 R214 R215 499 10 470 10 470 n R n kn n l%, l/8 l%, l/S lO%, l/4 l%, l/S IO%, l/4 W w w w w MtF MtF 07716 07716 44655 07716 44655 CEA-499n CEA-lOS2 RC07-471 CEA-low2 RC07-471 R88-449 RSS-10 R76-470 RSS-10k R76-470 R216 R217 * R218 * R219 *R220 10 10 270 100 900 n D kn n a 10%. l/4 lO%, l/4 lO%, l/2 l%, l/2 l%, l/2 w w w w w COmp Camp camp Mm DCb '44655 44655 01121 07716 91637 RC07-100 RC07-100 EB-270kR CEC-loon DCF-l/2-90Ofi R76-10 R76-10 Rl-270k R94-100 812-900 18 18 20 20 20 * R221 "R222 9~R223 R224 R225 10 100 1 10 108 kn kR wl MS? n l%, l/2 l%, l/2 l%, l/2 1%,1 1%,2 w w w w w MtF MtF Mm DCb DCb CEC-1OM CEC-100kn CEC-lMn DC-l-lOM0 DC-2-1oSn R94-10k R94-100k 20 26 22 07716 07716 07716 91637 91637 3-01Lc 301& :i 18 18 18 18 18 1072' MODEL 427 REPLACEABLE PARTS AMPLIFIER BOARD (cont'd) RESISTORS (cont'd) Value R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 R235 h~ominal 109 1010 *15 10 220 330 100 1 1 500 value, n n R kn kn kfi kR Mn MCI n selected Rating Type Mfr. Code mr* Llesig. : 10%. l/4" 10%. 114 w lo%, l/4 w GCb GCb camp ComJ corn; 63060 63060 44655 44655 44655 lo%, camp 44655 80294 80294 80294 llelipot l/4 w l/2 112 ,,,,,,,,m;,,. 112 in E Keiehley Part NO. Fig. Ref. g::::;10 x07-150 RC07-103 RC07-224 RZO-109 R*l-rb20 R20-10lC$3~5-,&0 R76-15 R76-10k X76-220k 18 18 18 RC07-334 3068P-100k 3068P-Df 3068%1M 77PF.500 R76-330k RP89-10Ok RP89-lM RP89-1M RP-64-500 18 18 18 18 Mfr. Code Mfr. Lksig. Keithley Part No. Fig. Ref. 80164 04713 04713 04713 2N5452 2N50892N3903 2N3905 25099.4" 'X-62 w-49 z-53 18 18 18 18 Fig. Ref. 9 test. TRANSISTORS circuit iksig. Q201 Q202 Q203 Q204 *Selected Type Dual, PET, case TO-71 Silicon. NPN, Case TO-92 Silicon, NPN, Case TO-92 PNP. Case TO-92 X-70 MOTHER BOARD PARTS LIST ("300" SERIES, PC-290) CAPACITORS Type Mfr. Code Mfr. i%sig. Keiehley Part NO. " v " v ” EAL EAL ETT ETT CC?!2D 90201 90201 17554 17554 72982 MT”-200m MT”-ZOO!JF TSD1-20-10pF TSDI-zo-IO&IF m-222 C177-ZOOM C177-200M C179-10M C179-10M C64-2200P 35 35 20 1000 20 " " " " " EAL EAL ETT CerD ETT 90201 90201 17554 72982 17554 MTV-200UF MT"-200!JF TSDl-zo-10UF DD-222 TSD~-20-10uF C177-200M C177-200M C179-10M C64-2200~ C179-10M 35 20 20 20 500 " " " " " EAL ETT 90201 17554 MTV-200m TSDl-ZO-10pF Tml-20-.47UF TSDl-20-lO!JF 871-25u0-103M C177-200M C179-10M C179-.47M C179-10M C22-.OlM :: Keithley Fig. Value Rating c301 C302 c303 c304 c305 200 p 200 fl 10 llF 10 @ 2200pF 35 35 20 20 1000 C306 c307 C308 c309 c310 200 p 200 UF C311 C312 c313 c314 c315 10 GF 2200PF 10 fl 200 p 10 UF .47 pE 10 P O.Ol!JF Mfr. D301 D302 D303 0304 Four Wade Four Diode Silicon Not Used 0305 Silicon Bridge Bridge 17 17 17 17 17 17 83701 83701 01295 __ m-10 PD-10 lN645 __ RF-36 RF-36 RF-14 __ 17 17 17 -- 01295 lN914 RF-28 17 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL 427 MOTHER BOARD (cont'd) DIODES (cont'd) Cit-CUit rlesig. D308 0309 D310 0311 0312 Mfr. Code Type 01295 01295 01295 01295 01295 MISCELLANEOUS Silicon SiliCOll Silicon Silicon Silicon Mfr. Code Type CirCUFt Llesig. 22526 Connector, Mini-P" 22526 connector, Mini-P" Integrated Circuit, Voltage Regulator 07263 Integrated Circuit, Voltage Regulator 07263 07263 Integrated Circuit 80164 Switch, Line Voltage 80164 Switch, "PUSH ON" Power with lamp Switch, CURRENT SUPPRESS 80164 02735 Transistor 02735 Transiseor 04713 Silicon, NPN, TO-92 case Transistor, 80164 Switch, POLARITY 75915 Fuse, 117", .25A, Slo-Blo, 3 AG 71400 Fuse, 234", 1/8A, Slo-Ho, 3 AG 80164 Transformer 82389 Receptacle, AC Line cord, mates with P305 70903 08806 Pilot lamp, neon (replacement far 5302) 07294 Pilot Lamp, O"~RLOAD iESISTORS (*Located on Switch Mfr. Value Code Rating Type R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 634 8.2 1.37 200 1.24 0 a kfi 0. kfi l%, l/8 5%, l/2 1%, l/8 0.5 ix, ua w MtF R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 634 8.2 1.37 200 1.24 R n kn a k.Q 1%. 5%, l%, 0.5 l%, l/8 l/2 l/8 MtF COtlIp MtF l/8 W: w w W w R311 R312 R313 R314 R315 9.09 14 1 10 1 kfl kn kR n kfl l%, l%, l/8 l/S w W I%, ifa w R316 R317 R318 R319 R320 9.09 1 1 14 10 kR kfl kR kn R l%, l%, l%, l%, lO%, R321 R322 R323 R324 hR325 10 10 330 47 10 kn kfi R kfl kn 5301 5307. QA301 QA302 QA303 5301 S302 5303 Q301 4302 Q303 5304 F301 F301 T301 P305 __ DS-301 DS-302 24 w w w w lO%, l/4 w l%, l/8 w l/8 l/8 l/8 l/8 l/4 " w w W " Mfr. rJesig. Ketthley Part No. Fig. Ref. lN914 lN914 lN914 lN645 lN914 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-14 RF-28 17 17 17 17 __ Mfr. Desig. Keiehley Part NO. Fig. Ref. 47439 47439 UGA7723393 LEA7723393 A749C SW-318 PBL-5-BSA3C7A SW-339 40312 40312 2N3903 SW-236 313.250 MDL TR-138 AC3G 17258-S C/A(N&2P) CF03ACS1869 S303.) Mfr. LkSiE. CS-236 CS-236 IC-25 IC-25 x-27 SW-318 SW-340 SW-339 TG-54 w-54 TG-49 SW-236 F"-17 F"-20 TR-138 CS-235 co-7 PL-58 PL-51 17 17 17 17 17 3 3 ‘20 17 17 17 3 3 3 20 3 -_ 2 Keithley Pat-t NO. FFg. Ref. 07716 01121 07716 80294 07716 CEA-634n EB-8.2sl CEA-1.37kn 3329P-200 CEA-l.lkO R88-634 R19-8.2 R88-1.37k RP-88-200 Rae-l.24 17 17 17 17 17 MtF 07716 01121 07716 80294 07716 CEA-634n m-8.2$? CEA-1.37kR 3329P-200 CEA-l.lkR R88-634 R19-8.2 R88-1.371 RP-98-200 ~88-1.24 17 17 17 17 17 MtF MtF MtF CO*p MtF 07716 07716 07716 44655 07716 CEA-9.09kn CEA-14kfi CERlkR RC07-100 CEA-lkn R88-9.09k R88-14k R88-lk R76-10 R88-lk 17 17 17 I 17 17 MCF MtF MtF MtF 07716 07716 07716 07716 44655 CEA-9.09kn CFA-1kR CBA-1kR CEA-14kn a07-100 ,R88-9.09k RBB-lk R88-lk R88-14k R76-10 17 17 17 17 17 44655 44655 44655 44655 07716 RC07-103 RC07-103 x07-331 x07-473 CEC -1Okfl R76-10k R76-10k R76-330 R76-47k R94-1Ok COmp MtF 17 17 17 1Y 20 0574 MODEL 427 REPUCEABLE PARTS MOTHER BOARD (cont'd) RESISTORS (cont'd) circuit lksig. Value Rating 100 kn 1 10 100 109 hR331 *R332 F.333 R334 R335 1176 Mn Mn MO n 1010 R 1011 il 10 k0 33 kn 68 kSI Type l%, l/2 l%, l/2 l%, 1 1%,2 2 lO%, lO%, l/2 l/4 " w w w W w w Mfr. Code MtF MtF DCb DCb GCb CCb GCb ww Camp C0mp 63060 63060 12697 01121 44655 Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. Fig. Ref. CEOlOOI& CEOM-i DC-l-1OMn DC-2-100Mo Rx-l-1090 R94-look R94-1M 20 Rx-l-101On Rx-l-1olln 62JA-10kiI EB-33kn RC07-683 -to .rw-dl RP-YZ-10k Rl- 33k R76-6Sk f$e~-/“G 2. pw3~-@620 17 17 __ 25 MODEL 427 SECTION 7. CALIBRATION This section contains procedurea for GENERAI.. 7-1. checking the instrument to verify operation within specifications. The procedures and adjustments should be performed in the exact sequence given to obtain satisfactory results. 2. a. Preliminary 1. Power 427 line cord in Set the 117-234 a). volt position and plug 234 volt line. left volt the switch 42, line a "ariac to the 234 cord into the b). Check the 215 volt supplies. read i15 volts ?1O mV with less than to-peak ripple. Calibration. 4. Supplies. Overload Circuit a) f Connect Set the Model Connect Model 163 between the +15 volt test a). point and chassis and adjust the f15 volt potentiometer R309 for +15 Volts t10 "". "Sing the oscilloscope check for less than 1 m" peak-topeak ripple. b). Connect Model 163 between the point and chassis and adjust the -15 tiometer R304 for -15 volts ?lO mV. than 1 mV peak-to-peak ripple. to Check the il5 volt supplies with the "ariac b). adjusted for 90 and 125 volts. The voltages should be i-15V +20 m" with less than 1 mV peak-to-peak ripple. 3. 234 Volt Operation. PKOCED”RES . 7-3. Regulation. Plug the Model a). with Line Monitor. Use the test equipment specified 7-2. TEST EQUIPMENT. Equivalent instruments may be substiin Table 7-1. tuced provided the accuracy tolerances are equal to or better than the equipment specified. NOTE The Suppression Max. Amperes switch will be in the E posirion unless stated otherwise. Line b). Set the Check. Model 163 to 163 to the the 10 volt Model 427 controls GAlN : SUPPRESSION: RlSE TIME: -15 volt test volt potenCheck for less They should 1 mV peak- Model 427 output. range. as fallows: 106 "olts/amperes (-1 10-5 amperes 300 Ins c). Turn the Suppression Fine control a reading of approximately t9.5 V on the 163. The Model 427 overload light should to obtain Model be off. TABLE 7-l. Test Equipment I- 1nStr”ment Type Picoampere Digital 10-14 il to uv to Mfr. 1.1 x lo-4A lOOOV, Oscilloscope __ Function -_ Generator Microvolt-*meter 10 "V fO lOOOV, Variable 90-140V rms, 90-140V rms, Line True 26 source Voltmeter Specification Transformer Voltage RMS "TVM Monitor Keithley, 0.1% of reading Model -11 Hz X-60 Hz to 10-l* 261 Model Keithleiy, variac 163 Mod'+,~~ Wavetek, 10 No. Keithley,,,~Model Tektronix, 50-60 _- and Model or 111 or Model 5618 ,,~ 130 l?i -I ',l_ ~/,' -Ballantine, Model 320 1072 MODEL 427 CALIBRATION d). Slovly CW until the should occur e). switch on the 5. t”rn the Suppression Fine control overload light comes on. ~,,is between +10 and +11 volts. 10” amperes and adjust the front mnel pot R333 for connect DVM (1OV range) CO a reading of l.OOOV. output of 427 and adjust Filter Amplifier gain pot (R113) for a reading of 10.00 volts. Set the Model 427 Suppression Polarity ta (+) and repeat steps & and c, Readings DVM will now be negative. current a). Set suppression Amplifier Set the Model 261 to N6 ampere and the a). Model 427 gain to 10’ V/A and connect the test set up as shown in Figure 23 using a BNC TEE connector on the Model 427 input. Zero. the Model 427 gain switch to E and Rise Time to to zero 30” ms. check, b). With no input connected set up, the Model 153 for CENTER ZERO and VOLT K-21%. Zero on the 100 pV range then set the range to 1. mV. b). Turn the 427 front panel zero control ccw until overload light comes an. Then very slowly turn the zero control cw until light goes off. C”“ti”“e turning c0*tr01 cw until light comes on again. Then slowly turn control ccw and set in region where overload light stays off. 6. Filter Amplifier Zero c). >ir&t$ Model 261 output OFF increase the -1 153 $ensftivity to 300 v” range while mai”camCig~ a “0” Indication on the Model 153 using the Model 427 front panel zero control. Correct drift with the Model 427 zero co”trol as needed during checks. and Gain. a). Set the Model 427 gain to lo4 V/A and Rise Time to 300 me. Connect the Model 163 DW to the Model 427 output. Set the Filter Amplifier zero pot (F.108) for 0 ilm” at the Model 427 output. d). Switch the Model 261 between ,..~as\p,eeded to obtain a steady reading ! 153.’ me reading should be leSS tha OFF and (+) on the Model 300 pv., Pe). Repeat step $ but witch befw:&,FF~%“d (-) on tiy Model 261. The reading should be less thqh +300 u”. Re-zero the Model 427. Set the 427 Gain to lo5 V/A and cmmect a b). DVM (1V range) to the OUtPUt Of the first stage amplifier (QA201, Q203, 4204) at location on PC-290 (mother baard) at jumper found directly below potset the Suppression to entiometers R232 and R233. FIGURE 23. 0877 Measurement of Input Voltage Drop. 27 CALIBRATION MODEL 427 TABLE 7-2. 427 GAIN V/A 427 RISE TINE 11 ;;10 1.0 .3 .l .03 .03 .Ol .Ol .Ol 109 108 107 106 105 104 8. Amplifier Rise WAVETEK FREQUENCY ms me ma ma me m me r@E 100 500 1 2 10 10 10 10 RISE TIME ADJUSTMENT MAX 10-90x RISE TIME Hz Hz kHz kHz kHz kliz kH* kliz 1.50 0.40 0.22 0.60 0.40 0.015 0.015 0.015 Time. 9. Connect Function Generator to the Model a). 427 input and connect the Model 427 rear panel output t" the Oscilloscope Using the test set up shar" in Figure 24. "Is m la8 me me Ins ms ms Amplifier Slider Slider Pot None NO"= NO"= Ncme NO"= 6 Pot 6 pot Noise. a) . Connect 427 input high B 1OOpF capacitor end ground. between Model Connect the TRMS VTVM to the Model 427 b). rear panel output and check the Model 427 BMS output noise for all settings in Table 7~3. 10. Adjust the 10' through 1011 ranges within b). the specified 10% to 90% rise time using the triangular wave frequency and adjustment listed in the table. Adlust the Function Generator as needed to obtain a 10 volt peak-to-peak output Check the 10 through lOti from the Model 427. rangea for the specified rise times. There should be no overshoot on any of the ranges. Filter Set 4. Rise the Time. oscilloscope VERTICAL INPUT: COUPLING: TRIGGER: COGPLING: controls as follows: ZV/Di". DC' Ext. AC Shielded / - ,I,,,1 ,r CAPA PUNCTION GENERATOR - _ I L-- I J FIGURE 24. , Measurement of I Rise I Time, TABLE 7-3. GAIN V/A (427) 11 ;;10 i 28 109 1oS 107 106 105 104 RISE TIME (427) 1.0 .3 .l .03 .03 .Ol .Ol .Ol ms In* ms me me ma ma m TRUE MS T 100 30 10 10 3 3 3 3 "I" mv mv mv mv mv mv rev MAX. RMS NOISE 40 20 10 5 2 2 2 2 mv mv mv mv nlv mv mv mv 0574 > MODEL 427 CALIBRATION TABLE 7-4. 427 Rise setting Wavetek Frequency 10 10 .l .l 1 1 10 1.0 10 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz 100 HZ 100 Hz 10 H7. 10 "7. 10 HZ !a pa Ins nla ms me me tn.5 FUNCTION GENERATOR .Ol .03 .l .3 1 3 10 30 SERIES RESISTOR 25. Ins me In* me me Ins Ills Ilie Measurement of b). Set the Model 427 gain to lo4 V/A. "sing the series resistor (104) and the square wave frequency listed, check the filter amplifier lo-90% Set the Function Generator amplitude rise time. as needed to obtain a 10 volt peak-to-peak ""tput The overshoot and dipping or from the Model 427. a combination of both should not exceed t 10%. Trigger the Oscilloscope from the Function Generator sync output. Filter Rise Max lo-90% RfSe Time .015 .040 .15 .37 1.1 3.7 11 37 MODEL 427 CURRENT AMPLIFIER 1om FIGURE Time In* me ms ma Ins Ins m me OSCILLOSCOPE Time. for .2V/Div and set c) . Set the Oscilloscope the Function Generator for 1 volt out of the "sing the square wave frequency listed Model 427. below check the lo%-90% rise time of the filter amplifier. “*“etek TABLE 7-5. OSCillO*COpe L 0574 .l .l eec set Frequency 1 HZ 1 HZ 427 Rise Time Setting Max lo-90% Rise Time 100 me 300 tns 110 Ins 370 Ills 29 CALIBRATION b. Final 1. MODEL 427 Calibration. 4. Accuracy. through on the Gain Step the Suppression and Cain switches the positions in Table 7-7. The readings Model 163 should be within the tolerance Connect the Model 261 Picoampere Source to 4. the input of the Model 427 and connect the Model 163 to the Model 427 output. Set the Model 427 Tima Co"sta"t to 300 Ins. TABLE 7-7. SUPPRESSION Set the Model 163 on the 1 volt range and b). step the Model 261 and Model 427 through the ranges The DVM readings must be within the in Table 7-6. For positive current inputs the voltrange given. age OUtpUt is negative. LO-lo 10-9 10-8 lo-7 lo-6 10-z TABLE 7-6. 427 Gain -261 IO-3 10 Model .98V .98V .98V .98V .98V .98V .96V .96V 2. Offset to to to to to to to to 1.02V 1.02v 1.02v 1.02V 1.02V 1.02V 1.04V 1.04V current b). Connect the Model 163 to the Model 427 output and set it to the 1 volt range. The reading on the Model 163 should be less than 100 mV. 30 current -lov -lOV -lOV -10" -lOV -lOV -lOV -lov t10 -i600 i-600 i600 t600 f600 C600 i-3 mv mV mV mV mV mV mV " 163 Re-check the current amplifier and filter a). amplifier zero. Place a CAP-18 on the Model 427 input and sat the Model 427 Cain to 1011 V/A and Rise Tim2 to 300 ma. 3. MODEL 163 suppression. Repeat stepa a and c with the d) polarity switch in the (-) position. 163 readings will now be positive. 4. suppression The Model Drift. 4. Set the Model GAIN: SUPPRESSION: RISE TINE: POLARITY: 427 controls as follows: LO5 V/A 1O-7 ampere 1 ms (+) or c-j* *POLARITY is (+) for setting recorder printer left of zero and (-) for setting printer right of zero. a). Place a CAP-18 an the Model 427 input and set the gain to lo11 V/A. Connect Model 163 to the Model 427 output and set it to the 10 volt range. Set the recorder sensitivity to 10 mV full b). scale and "sing the suppression FINE control set the recorder printer to a convenient spot for recording drift of the Model 427. Set the lo- b/6 , set the tral to obtain Model 163. a 1 hour warm-up the Model 427 c) . After should drift no more than t500 u" (five minor divisions) in any subsequent 24 h&r period *500 lJV/"C. Model 427 Suppression switch to Polarity to (+) and the Fine co"a -10 volt i10 m" reading on the 0574 - I’ / ’ : 0 ip A IT-----3-----J I I Y SERVICE Model FORM No. Serial No. P-0. No. Name Date Phone Company Address City State Zip List all control settings and describe problem. (Attach additional Show a block diagram of your measurement system including is turned on or not). Also describe signal source. Where is the measurement being performed? (factory, controlled Any additional Ambient (whether out-of-doors, etc.) power (If special modifications OF. Temperature? Other? OF. Rel. Humidity? information. laboratory, connected Variation? What power line voltage is used? Frequency? Variation? all instruments sheets as necessary.) have been made by the user, please describe below.) *Be sure to include your name and phone number on this service form. Addendum 29103-C-l u/a/a3 Instruction Manual Addendum Model 427 Current Amplifier The following change information is provided as a supplement to thk manual in order to provide the user with the latest improvements and changes to the manual in the least amount of time. It is recommended that this information be incorporated into the appropriate places in the manual immediately. Replace the information contained in step 8, page 28, under Amplifier Rise Time, with the following procedure: 8. Amplifier Rise Time a. Connect the Function Generator to the Model 427 input and connect the Modal 427 rear panel output to the oscilloscope using the test setup shown in Figure 24. b. Adjust the 109 through 101’ rangas within the specified lo%-90% rise time using the triangular wave frequency and adjustment listed in Table 7-2. Adjust the Function Generator, as needed, to obtain a 10 Volt p-p output from the Model 427. c. Without altering the test sat-up, verify that the 10 through to8 ranges meet the rise time specifications in Table 7-2. Adjust the Function Generator, as required to obtain a 10 Volt p-p output from the Modal 427. There should be no overshoot on any range. d. Remove the 1OOpFcapacitor from the test set-up and connect the Function Generator directly to the Modal 427 input. Verify the 101through 106 10% -90% rise time, using the square wave fraquency. per Table 7-2. There should be no overshoot on any range except for the 104 V/A which should be lass than 10% overshoot. . . m INSTRUMENTS Model 427 Current Amplifier Addendum INTRODUCTION This addendum to the Model 427 Current Amplifier Instruction Manual is being provided in order to supply you with the latest information in the least possible time. Please incorporate this information into the manual immediately. Page 3; Note that in Figure 2 the dials on the knobs are now black. 29103-c-2 /7-90 Page 20; Replace Table with the following: FILTER BOARD (“100” SERIES, PC-291’, PC-292) CAPACITORS clrcult Deslg. Value Rating Type Cl01 Cl 02 Cl 03 Cl04 Cl05 Cl06 Cl07 Cl06 C109’ c110* Cl11 Cl12 Cl13 Cl14 Cl 15’ Cl16 Cl17 Cl16 Cl19’ Cl20 Cl21 Cl 22 Cl23 Cl24 15OpF 68OPF .0022pF 68OOpF .022pF .066pF .22kF .66PF 2.2kF 6.6pF 66PF 33OpF .OOlpF .0033pF .OQF .033pF .lj~F .33yF 1P 3.3pF 5pF 5pF 33pF 1OOpF 5oov 5oov 5oov 5oov 2oov 1oov 2oov 2oov 2oov 2oov 5oov 5oov 5oov 5oov 2oov 1oov 2oov 2oov 2oov 2oov 1ooov 1ooov 1oov 1 oov P0ly Poly Poly Poly Poly MY i; MY MY Poly Poly Poly Poly Poly MY 1; i; CerD CerD CerD CerD Mfr. Code Mfr. Deslg. Kelthley Pall No. Fig. Ref. 71590 71590 71590 71590 64171 68460 13050 13050 13050 97419 71590 71590 71590 71590 64171 66480 13050 13050 13050 13050 72962 72962 72962 72962 CPR-IBOJ CPR-660J CPR-2200J CPR-6800J 2PJ-223G 3FR-663-l E SMIA-.22kF SMlA-.66pF SMIA-2.2kF M2WF-6.6pF CPR-66J CPR-330J CPR-IOOOJ CPR-3300J 2PJ-103G 3FR-333-l E SMIA-.lkF SMIA-.33kF SMlA-IpF SMl A-~.~FF DD-050 DD-050 DD-330 DD-101 Cl36-15OP Cl36-660P Cl36-.0022M ‘X38-6800P C108-.022M Cl46-.066M C47-.22mF C47-.66mF C47-2.2M C203-6.6M Cl 36.66P Cl 38-33OP Cl 36-,001 M Cl36-.0033M Cl06-.OlM ‘2146..033M C47-.I M C47-.33M C47-1 M C47-3.3M C64-5P C64-5P C64-33P C64-IOOP 19 19 :i 1: 19 19 16 16 19 19 19 1: 19 1: ;: ;z 19 19 MISCELLANEOUS Circuit Deslg. Type Mfr. code Mfr. IJesig. Kelthley Part No. ii 19 19 19 2 3 - Flg. Ref. 22526 12040 01295 01295 04713 04713 60164 20052 LM30lAN 1N914 1N914 2N3903 2N3905 SW-336 J102 - Connector, IO-Pin, Mini-PV Integrated Circuit Diode, Rectifier Diode, Rectifier Transistor Transistor Switch, Rotary, RISE TIME Knob, Rise Time Connector, ENC. UGl094A/U Cap, BNC, mates with J102 02660 31-2221 CS-237 IC-24 RF-26 RF-28 TG-49 TG-53 SW-336 KN-46 cs-249 CAP-l 6 Clrcult Desig. Value Rating Type Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. RI01 R102 R103 RI04 RI05 7.76kR 6.41 kn 51.7kQ 51.7kn IOkn I%, I%, l%, 1%. 1-i; MtF MtF MtF M1F MtF 07716 07716 07716 07716 07716 CEA-7.76KR CEA-6.41 KR CEA-51.7KR CEA-52.7KR CEA-1 Om R66-7.76k R66-6.41 k R66-51.7k R66-51.7k R66-1 Ok JlOl QAIOI DlOl D102 a101 a102 SIOI 1/6W 1/6W 1/6W 1/6W l/SW Flg. Ref. ;‘z 29103-c-2 /7-90 Page 22; Replace Table with the following: AMPLIFIER BOARD (cont’d) DIODES Circuit Deslg. D201 D202 D203 D204 D205 D206 D207 D208 D209 D210 Type k Special Special Silicon, NPN, Case TO-106 Silicon, NPN, Case 80164 80164 07263 07263 01295 01295 01295 01295 Silicon Silicon Silicon Silicon 01295 01295 Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. Fig. Ref. 24555A 24555A 2N3565 2N3565 1N645 1N645 1N914 IN914 1N914 1N914 24555A 24555A TG-39 TG-39 RF-14 RF-14 RF-26 RF-26 RF-26 RF-28 18 1: 18 16 16 16 18 MISCELLANEOUS Chult Deslg. Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. Fig. Ref. i%,:“’ 07263 80164 %E IC-26 SW-337 KN-46 18 18 2 J201 J202 02660 31-2221 cs-249 18 Type Integrated Circuit, Operational Amplifier. Switch, Rotary, GAIN Knob, Gain Not Used Receptacle, BNC (UG-1094AIU) RESISTORS (*Located on Switch 5201) Circuit Lhig. VSIIJS Rating Type Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. Flg. Ref. R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R206 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218’ R219’ R220’ R221’ R222’ R223’ R224 R225 1on lfvm 1ookQ 23.2kn 22.lkn IOkn 18.2kR 1ok.Q 12.lkn 499n 4990 1on 47on 1okQ 470R IOR ion 270k.Q 1OOR 9000 1ok.Q 1ook.Q IMn IOMR 10BR IO%, 1/4W IO%, 1/2W I%, 1/8W. I%, 1/8W l%, 1/8W I%, 1/8W l%, 1/2w I%, 1/8W, I%, 1/8W I%, 1/8W I%, 1/8W 1%, 1/8W IO%, 1/4W, I%, 1/6W 1O%, 1/4W lo%, 1/4W, lo%, 1/4W lo%, 1/2W l%, 1/2w 1%, 1/2w I%, 1/2w, 1%. 1/2w l%, 1/2w 1%. 1w l%, 2w Comp Comp MtF MtF MtF MtF MtF MtF MtF MtF MtF MtF Comp MtF Comp Comp Comp Comp MtF DCb MtF MtF MtF DCb DCb 44855 01121 07716 07716 07716 07716 07718 07716 07716 07716 07716 07718 44655 07716 44655 44855 44655 01121 07716 91637 07716 07716 07718 91637 91637 RC07 ELI-1 M CEA-100kR CEA-23.2kR CEA-22.lkQ CEA-1 Okn CEC-18.2kQ CEA-1 Okn CEA-12.lkn CEA-499n CEA-499R CEA-1 OR RC07-471 CEA-IOkR RC07-471 RC07-100 RC07-100 ES-270kn CEC-IOOR DCF-l/2-900n CEC-IOkR CEC-IOOkR CEC-1 Ma DC-I-IOMR DC-2-l OQ R76-10 Rl-IM R88-1 OOk R88-23.2k R88-22.1 k R88-IOk R94-18.2k R88-IOk R88-12.1 k R88-499 R88-499 R88-10 R76-470 R88-10k R78-470 R76-10 R76-10 Rl -270k R94-100 RI 2-900 R94-10k R94-100k R94-1 M Rl3-IOM Rl4-IO8 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1: 18 18 :: 29103-c-2 I 7.90 Page 24; Replace Table with the following: MOTHER BOARD (cont’d) ClrCUlt De&g. TYPe D306 D309 D310 0311 D312 Silicon Silicon Silicon Silicon Silicon DIODES (co&d) Mfr. Mfr. Deslg. Code 01295 01295 01295 01295 01295 IN914 IN914 IN914 1 N645 IN914 Kelthley Part No. Flg. RF-28 RF-26 RF-26 RF-14 RF-26 17 17 ;: - Ref. MISCELLANEOUS CkUlf De&g. TYPO J301 J302 QA301 DA302 QA303 5301 5302 5303 Connector, Mini-PV Connector, Mini-PV Integrated Circuit, Voltage Regulator Integrated Circuit, Voltage Regulator Integrated Circuit Switch, Line Voltage Switch, “PUSH ON’ Power with lamp Switch. CURRENT SUPPRESS Knob Amperes Transistor Transistor Transistor. Silicon, NPN. TO-92 Case Switch POLARITY Fuse. tt7V. .25a, Slo-Blo.3AG Fuse, 234V, IIBA. Slo-Blo, 3AG Transformer Receptacle, AC Line cord. mates with P305 Pilot lamp, neon (replacement for 5302) Pilot Lamp, OVERLOAD Knob, Fine Adjust Q301 Q302 Q303 5304 F301 F301 T301 P30.5 DS-301 DS-302 Mfr. Code Mfr. Deslg. Ketthley Ftg. 22526 22526 07263 07263 07263 80164 60164 60164 47439 47439 UGA7723393 UGA7723393 A749C SW-316 PBL-5-BSA3C7A SW-339 17 02735 02735 04713 60164 75915 71400 90164 92369 70903 09806 07294 40312 40312 2N3903 SW-236 CS-236 CS-236 IO-26 IC-25 IC-27 SW-316 SW-340 SW-339 KN-46._ TG-54 TG-5* .-_. TG-49 SW-236 FU-17 FU-20 TR-136 CS-235 co-7 PL-58 PL-51 KN-58 Ei250 TR-136 AC3G 17256-S C7A (NE-2P) CFO3ACSl669 Part No. Ref. ;: 17 17 3 3 20 2 17 17 17 3 3 ;0 3 - 2 2 RESISTORS (*Located on Switch S303) Aatlng TYPO Mfr. Desig. Flg. VdUe Mfr. Code Kelthley Destg. R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R306 R309 R310 R311 R312 R313 R314 R315 R316 R317 R316 R319 R320 R321 R322 R323 R324 R325 634fl 6.2D 1.37k.D *oo* 1.24kn 634* 6.2n 1.37la 2oon 1.24kQ 9.09ko 14kR 1kfJ 1 OkR 1%. 1/6W 5%, 1/2w 1%. IIBW 0.5w 1%. l/SW 1%. 119w 5%. t /2w 1%. l,QW 0.5w 1%. l/SW l%, IBW 1%. 1/8W I%, 1/8W 10%. 1/4w I%, l/QW I%, l/BW I%, 1/6W I%, 1/6W 1%. 1/6W 10% 1/4w 10%. 114w IO%, 1/4w 10%. 114w 10%. 114w 1%. 1/2w MtF Comp MtF MtF MtF Comp M1F MtF MtF MtF MtF Comp MtF MtF MtF MtF MIF Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp MtF 07716 01121 07716 60294 07716 07716 01121 07716 60294 07716 07716 07716 07716 44655 07716 07716 07716 07716 07716 44955 44655 44655 44655 44655 07716 CEA-6340 EB-6.2n CEA-1.37kR 3329P-200 CEA-1.1 k.Q CEA-634n EB-9.2n CEA-t.37M 3329P-200 CEA-1 .I Icn CEA-9.09kR CEA-14kR CEA-1 kn RC07-100 CEA-1 kn CEA-9.09kR CEA-1 kn CEA-1 kR CEA-14kn RC07-100 RC07-103 RC07.103 RC07-331 RC07-473 CEC-lOk0 R66-634 RIQ-6.2 R&?-l .37k RP-98-200 R68-1.24 R98-634 RIQ-6.2 R88-1.371 RP-98-200 R68-1.24 R66-9.09k R99-t4k R66-1 k R76-10 RBB-1 k RBB-9.09k RBB-1 k RBB-I k R96-14k R76-10 R76-t0k R76-IOk R76-330 R76-47k R94-10k 17 17 17 17 17 &%n lk0 IkQ 14kfl IOCl 1 Okn 1 OkR 33on 47kn 10kQ Part No. Ref. ;: ;: 17 17 1: 17 17 ;: 17 17 17 ;: 17 17 20 29103-C-2 / 7-90 HOW TO CUT PIN 5 OF THE INSTALL IC-333 IC-333. ii. PIN 1 IXF THE Op AMP GOES INTO THE HOLE IOF PIN 2. 8. PIN 2 OF THE CIp AMP GOES INTO THE HOLE CiF pIN S.*j: C. PIN 3 Op AMP GOES INTO THE HOLE OF PIN 4. D. PIN 4 OF THE OP iiw GOES INTO THE HOLE OF PIIN 5. E. PIN & OF THE OP AMP cc GOES INTO THE HOLE OF PIN .5.X+ F. PIN 7 OF THE Op AMP GOES INTO THE HOLE OF PIN 3. G. FIN 3 OF GMF GOES INTO THE HOLE OF PIN 10. PIN OF THE OF THE HOLES ON THE REVERSE c-64-22pF CIRCUIT SEE WILL SIDE BETWEEN CHANGE REMOVE 1,7,9 R210 OF THE 3 AND R211 FORM BOARD. ATTACHED C-207,C-203 THEY ARE DRAWING. EMPTY. PC-&u=“9 FINS AND CAPACITORS REMAIN INSTkLL A CAPACITOR b OF PC BOARD. R-83-1K TO AND C-20’? NO LONGER %* R-38-3.01K. NEEDED. FROM THE COMPONENTUYOUTS MODEL 427 4 rR201-+201 --y-C2031 - -c107- FIGURE 18. component Layout - PC-289. FIGURE 19. Component Layout - PC-292. 15