INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ISOLATED PULSE STIMULATOR MODEL 2100 Serial # Date A-M Systems, Inc. PO Box 850 Carlsborg,WA 98324 U.S.A. 360-683-8300 • 800-426-1306 FAX: 360-683-3525 Version 6.0 March 2001 Contents General Description Instrument Features Controls and Connectors Operating Instructions Theory of Operation Calibration Procedures Inputs Output Calibration Specifications Warranty and Service « Each Isolated Pulse Stimulator Is delivered complete with: Rack Mount Hardware Instructions & Maintenance Manual NOTE This instrument is not intended for clinical measurements using human subjects. A-M Systems, Inc. does not assume responsibility for injury or damage due to the misuse of this instrument 1 1 2 ..6 10 12 14 16 19 22 General Description ,A - M SYSTEMS HOLATID PUl.»I STIMULATOR MODEL2100 Instrument Features The Isolated Pulse Stimulator Model 2100 is designed for a wide variety of applications. It is highly flexible, being capable of delivering single pulses, biphasic pairs, or bursts of pulses. Pulses may be started manually or upon receiving a trigger signal from another instrument or computer. Two non-isolated trigger outputs are available for triggering other instruments. Four sets of timing controls provide comprehensive control over all aspects of pulse generation. Three digit accuracy is available over a 7 decade range for each timing function, using lever wheel switches. Pulse widths can be set over more than a 9 decade range, from 0.5 fjs to 999 seconds. Timing accuracy is assured through the use of a 10 MHz base rate crystal-controlled clock, digitally divided to provide accurate timing over the entire range. A timing overlap indicator will light if the timing controls are set inconsistently The output may be conveniently switched between current and voltage modes. Pulse and baseline amplitudes are independently presettable with lockable dials. An error indicator will light if the /Wocf©/2700cannot deliver the desired signal. WARNING The Model 2100 can produce potentially dangerous voltages up to 100 Vat the output connectors. The isolated output is not connected internally to safety (earth) ground in any way. Some part of the external circuit should be connected to safety ground. Use caution in handling any wires, connectors, or electrodes which may be directly or indirectly attached to the Model 2100 output. Some kinds of connectors such as BNC connectors have exposed metal parts which may float at dangerous potentials unless externally connected to safety ground. For greatest safety, turn the Model 2100 off before making any connections to the instrument. 131 Business Paik Loop, P.O. Box 850 Cattsborg, Wa 98324 ,T^aphone: 80O426-1306' 380683-8300' FAX: 36&683<352S E-mail: sales Oa-msyste)' Website: httpy/www,»< A-M Systems, Inc. 1 Controls and Connectors The controls for the Model2100 are grouped in three sections: START, controlling when a pulse or burst of pulses begins; TIMING, controlling the on/off timing of one or more pulses; and OUTPUT, controlling the amplitude of the output signal. Start TRIG SLOPE: This switch determines whether valid triggers occur at positive or negative edges in the trigger signal. MODE: This switch controls how waveforms are initiated. When set to FREE RUN one timing cycle immediately follows the last. When held in the MANUAL position, a timing cycle starts immediately. When the switch is in the center position, timing cycles start when valid triggering events occur. TRIG'D: This LED lights up when a timing cycle is in process, and continues until the burst is completed. TRIG: This BNC connector allows a signal from an external source to initiate timing cycles. It is set for standard TTL levels. GATE: This BNC connector allows a signal from an external source to restrict the final output signal. This input must be at a logical high (or open-circuited) in order for the Model2100X0 recognize either manual or automatic trigger events. "L Gate Trigger |~~^ ^ ~ ^ Valid triggers are represented by the arrows in the figure. Note that the up arrow would apply only if TRIG SLOPE is set to +; the down arrows would apply only if TRIG SLOPE is set to-. NOTE: Triggers have no effect if the system has not completed Its response to a previous trigger. 131 Business Park Loop, PO. Box 8S0 Carlsborg, Wa 98324 Telophone: 800426-1306' 360683-8300' FAX: 360683-352S E-mail: * Website: hltpy/ A-M Systems, Inc. TIMII Timing Four sets of controls govern the timing of pulse generation. Each set contains two values which are multiplied together to determine the actual timing value. The rotary knob (rate selector) provides the approximate timing value and the lever wheel switch bank (MULTIPLIER) provides a time resolution of three decimal digits. The following diagram shows most of the important relationships. r Output TRAIN BURST WIDTH 10 ' 1 0 ' ' Duration Delay t |4Period>j Burst width' Trigger event DELAY: These controls set the time between the initiating trigger event and the beginning of the pulse burst. If this rate selector is set to NONE or the multiplier is set to o.oo there is no delay. BURST WIDTH: These controls set the time period in which one or more pulses may be delivered. Once started a pulse may outlast the burst width. If this rate selector is set to SINGLE, or to any time shorter than the pulse duration, only a single pulse will occur. If the BURST WIDTH is longer than the period, pulses will be emitted at the PERIOD rate until the burst time ends. Pulses are never truncated by a short BURST WIDTH. DURATION: These controls set the length of each pulse. If this rate selector is set to SQUARE, the duration is set to half of the period, regardless of the MULTIPLIER setting. >nds) INTER-PULSE PERIOD PERIOD: These controls set the period of time between adjacent pulse events within the burst. It also forces a minimum "dead time" between recognized input triggers following a burst of one or more pulses. This can be used to prevent over stimulation of a tissue without requiring excessive delay between the triggering event and the stimulating pulse. 131 Business Paik Ijoop, PO, Box 850 Ca/lsboig, Wa 98324 80O426-1306' 360-683«300 - FAX: 380-683^3525 E-mail: sale60a-msystem3,com' Website: http:y/www, E-majl: sale A-M Systems, Inc.^^ • ' OVERLAP NOTE: If any of these timing controls are changed while a timing cycle is in operation, the results are undefined until the current cycle finishes. TIMING OVERLAP: This LED will light to indicate an inconsistency in the timing cycle settings. There are several ways to introduce such errors. The most common way is to set the inter-pulse PERIOD to be less than the pulse DURATION. T I M I N G (seconds)DTH TRIG OUT (UPPER): This BNC connector provides a signal which is coincident with the internal Burst timing signal (default). This means the signal starts at the end of the Delay time, and persists until the Burst time expires. This output may also be set to represent the delay time-out by setting the internal jumper J510 to the right two pins instead of the left two pins (Please see the Calibration section in this manual for jumper location; Directions are given as viewed from the front of the instrument). TRIG OUT (LOWER): This BNC connector provides a signal which is coincident with the Duration timing signal which controls pulse output. NOTE: Both trigger output signals slightly lead the isolated output signal. Output PULSE SIGN: This Switch sets the sign for the pulses to be generated. It also allows generation of biphasic pulses, thereby doubling the effective total period. Warning: the first pulse generated after changing the PULSE SIGN switch may have the wrong polarity. BASELINE: This switch sets the sign for the baseline signal. RANGE: This rotary switch allows one of three current or two voltage ranges to be selected for the output signal. BASELINE AMPLITUDE: This value IS independently set using a ten-turn counting dial. The maximum baseline amplitude is one tenth the value shown on the range amplitude switch. 131 Business Pai1( Loop, PO. Box 850 Caitsboig. Wa 98324 ,Telophore: 80O426-1306 • 360683*300 • FAX: 360-683-3525 E-mail: * Website: http://www, A-M Systems, Inc. PULSE AMPLITUDE: This value is independently set using a ten-turn counting dial. The maximum pulse amplitude is the value shown on the range amplitude switch. EVENT: This LED indicates when a pulse is ongoing. ERROR: This LED indicates when the internal output amplifier cannot output the pulse as desired. This is usually due to a short circuit while trying to output a voltage, or an open circuit while trying to output a current. The Pulse S/gfn control in the OutputsecWon directly affects waveform timing. When set to the Biphasic mode, a positive-going pulse is immediately followed by a negative-going pulse. This effectively doubles the pulse "duration". If a burst of biphasic pulses is being produced the period must be at least twice the single pulse duration. In the Square wave mode, the baseline disappears as long as the burst persists. B B A- | y | f k .._.*._..««.««. 1 . . , ^ 131 Business Paik Loop, P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg.Wa 98324 O V S i e m S . « I nC.''8'<=P' . l O» V"8:80O426-1308-360683*300-FAX:360683-3525 ^ <\J. "O. W « W - . t V ^ , www www \ A n r w w w w i ,-w.. w.#w www w. M . . ' E-mail:' Website: http://www.a-m3ystems.e0m http://www.a-m3yste Operating Instructions Examples Simple setup (and minimal instrument test) Connect the output of the Model 2100 to an oscilloscope. Before connecting the instrument, it is safest to turn its power off. Set the Output controls: Range: Pulse Sign: Baseline: Pulse Amplitude: 10V + Zero 2.00 Setting The Timing Controls: Delay: Burst Width: Duration: Period: none single 1.50M0-2 5.00*10-2 Setting The Start Controls: Mode: Free Run Disconnect any cables to the TRIG or GATE inputs. Note that the green Trig and Evenf indicators turn on as Free Run is turned on (and turn off otherwise). You should observe a 15ms duration, 20Hz rate pulse, of 2.00V above a OV baseline on the oscilloscope. 131 Business Pailt Loop, P.O. Box 850 Carlsborg, Wa 98324 Telophone: 800-426-1306 • 36O«83-8300 * FAX: 360683-3S25 E-mail:' Website: A-M Systems, Inc. Demonstration of Burst Mode Connect the output of the Model 2100 to an oscilloscope. Before connecting the instrument, it is safest to turn its power off. Set the Output controls: Range: Pulse Sign: Baseline: Pulse Amplitude: Baseline Amplitude 10V + 2.00 1.00 Setting The Timing Controls: Delay: Burst Width: Duration: Period: 8.80*10-2 1.20*10-^ 1.50*10-2 5.00*10-^ Set the START controls as follows: Mode: Free Run Disconnect any cables to the TRIG or GATE inputs. Trigger the oscilloscope from the St/rsf trigger out (upper Trig Ouf connector) for a stable display. In each burst (occurring every lOOms), you should observe a trio of 15ms duration starting 50ms apart. Try switching the Start/Mode \rom Free Run to the center (normal) position. The pulses will no longer be produced, and the Trig and Even? indicators will turn off. Pressing this switch once (to Manual) will cause a single burst to occur. 131 Business PaiV Loop, P.O. Box 850 Cai1sbora,Wa 98324 ,Telophone: 800426-1306 * 360683-8300 * FAX: 380683-3S25 E-mal:' Website: http://www.a-m5ystems.e0m A-M Systems, Inc. Problem Solving If the instrument appears to be not working properly, check all of the control settings and connections. Be sure to wait at least 5-10 seconds after turning the instrument off before turning it on again. The following summary of typical problems for the user (along with the most common solutions) may help: Problem Cause/Solution EVENT indicator never lights, even in FREE RUN mode. • Replace fuse, check power connection •Set DELAY or PERIOD to a shorter interval. • Power-on too soon after power-off. OVERLAP indicator is on. Set DURATION >0.00. DURATION is set to SQUARE, but PERIOD is 0.00. Increase PERIOD or set DURATION independantly. BURST and WIDTH are > DURATION increase PERIOD or decrease DURATION. BIPHASIC pulse output is on and PERIOD is not longer than twice the DURATION. Increase PERIOD or decrease DURATION. Free-run is on and BURST is < PERIOD (BURST off), DELAY is 0 and PERIOD is < DURATION. Add, delay or modify PERIOD. Free-run is on and BURST is > DURATION (BURSTON), and PERIOD is < DURATION. Increase PERIOD. For VOLTAGE outputs: the output is trying to drive too low a resistance or capacitance (e.g. a short circuit). Check by disconnecting the output. It is possible (and normal) that for the fastest cycles and largest amplitudes (close to 100 V and 1/7S) that the ERROR indicator might always come on during repetitive pulses. Fix output load or decrease amplitude as required. ERROR indicator is on. Time appears to be excessive B B A> | y | ^% J. O y S i e m S , I.-..—. Changed control in mid-cycle, (resets current status). 131 Business Park Loop. RO. Box 850 CaitsbotftWa 98324 E-mail: • Website: |nC.™°»*0"»^80O426-1306-36O«8O8300-FAX:36O683-3525 8 Can't seem to get a full signal out • Load is not properly connected, repair wiring. • Too low a load impedance (VOLTAGE modes) or too high a load impedance (CURRENT mode). Incoming triggers not accepted frequently enough • PERIOD is set too long, (enforces "dead tinrie") followd by BURST set to SIGNAL. Reduce PERIOD time. Table 1.0 Problem Solving If you suspect that the Model 2100 may have completely failed, we recommend checking the basic level of functionality. If this fails, your instrument is defective and must be repaired. If this passes, either your experimental setup is incompatible or inconsistent; or there is a more subtle flaw in your Modei 2100. If the Model 2100 appears to be malfunctioning, contact A-M Systems, Inc., or your dealer. We will first attempt to solve the problem over the telephone, so have an exact description of your problem available when you call. You do not need to be within the warranty period to obtain over-the-phone assistance. 131 Business Park Loop, PO. Box 850 Carfsbofg, Wa 98324 Tatophone: 80O426-1306 • 360-68*8300 * FAX: 380683-3S25 E-mail:' Website: A-M Systems, Inc. Theory of Operation The operation of the Model 2100 is summarized in the block diagram (see the figure on Page 11). Not shown are all of the interconnections with the microcontroller. The internal microcontroler plays an important role in setting the signal path, but does not directly contribute to the dynamic characteristics. It scans the front panel switches, and sets the control values for the logic arrays. It programs the internal counters, which along with the other hardware achieve the necessary sub-microsecond speeds. All action starts either from an input trigger signal (from Trig In), or from an internal signal (in free Run mode. only). A Delay timer counts the 10MHz clock until its count value is exhausted. At this point, the Burst timer starts. Both Period and Duration timers are started at this time; If the Burst timer has not expired by the end of the Period, the Period and Duration timers are restarted. If the Biphasic mode has been set, the Duration timer is restarted at the end of the initial Duration, and the sign of the output pulse is reversed, doubling the total duration. The system state (pulse on, pulse sip, baseline sign [+/0/-]) is transmitted to the isolated section via optoisolator. The baseline and pulse amplitudes are selected by an analog switch. The resulting signal is amplified by a variable-power-supply discrete operational amplifier. The amplifier connections and gain is modified to provide two voltage and three current ranges. Timing overlap errors are detected by a logical decision computation rather than by testing for counter collisions. This provides instant feedback, rather than waiting up to an hour for such a collision to occur. Output errors are measured by sensing the output amplifier's differential input voltage. Under normal conditions, this is a negligible voltage. If the amplifier fails to deliver the requested signal the window comparator testing this voltage sends this message (via optoisolator) to the logic section, turning on a warning LED. 131 Business Paik Loop, P.O. Box 850 CailsboraWa 98324 ,Te(ophone: 800-426-1306 •36O683«00'FAX: 360683-3525 E-mail:" Website: httpy/www.a-m5ystems,com A-M Systems, Inc. i Q ' ^ c Amplitude (Pulse) OPTO ISOLATOR RANGE ) 1 Analog switch -D^:§li OUTPUT OH q ill C GATE IN C TRIG ^ OUT (burst) TRIG ^-<^ OUT (pulse) Amplitude (baseline) Baseline sign V) 5 o i^8 e a e fi -a a ) • o c ) M E o ts .>» < Calibration Procedures The calibration inten/al is the lesser of 1000 hours of operation or 6 months. Somewhat greater drift can be expected in the first 100 hours of operation as the semiconductors age. Adjustments should only be made after the instrument has been fully warmed up for at least 15 minutes. Full instrument calibration requires the following test equipment: digital multimeter (± 0.1 %), able to measure resistance to at least 10OMfl oscilloscope with at least 50MHz bandwidth true-rms voltmeter with 4MHz bandwidth universal counter (± 0.01%), able to measure single pulse widths and periods resistors (all ± 0.1%): 2kn, lOkO 1 watt, 20ka, 200ka alligator clip lead sets, banana plugs and BNC adapters Adjustment, integrated circuit, and test point locations are shown in the following figures. All adjustments are on the timing board unless otherwise noted. All voltages in the non-isolated section should be measured with respect to ground at TP510 unless othenwise stated. Some voltages are measured with respect to an internal "isolated ground" at TP650, or across the two output terminals. Occasionally the voltage at an IC pin must be measured; in these cases the reference designator is given, with the pin number in parentheses: e.g. U602(16). When it states within this procedure that a voltage is to be minimized, this means that the adjustment should be made such that the measured voltage is as close to zero volts as possible. Refer to the Specifications Section of this manual for acceptable tolerances. The sequence of this procedure is important. If any adjustment is made, all adjustments which follow must be made to ensure that the specifications will be met. These procedures require that all controls remain as set in previous steps unless otherwise indicated. WARNING The Model2100 has dangerous voltages throughout the instrument, even with the power is off. Servicing the Mode/2700 should only be done by qualified service personnel. Use caution in handling any wires, connectors, or electrodes which may be directly or indirectly attached to the instrument. Do not touch exposed connections or components. Disconnect power by unplugging the power cord from the receptacle. A B B ^ * . . _ . * _ — ^ _ . I».,«. 131SusinessParkLoop,RO,Box850CaitsborB,Wa98324 E-mail: S8le60a-msystems,com' Website: -JO CO > oo R503 TP501 O o a OTPsoo U560 D DDDQ:^ Trig DDID E!• U800 l O 'O' r v o w iV_X^TP510 a • U510 n Gate £ A, Timing > U520 U525 U570 Q U515 )' U530 Timing > OQ Q PI U505 Timing U500 irt U540 f^ A Timing ^ J510 Timing Burst Delay J400 d Q U535 r\ RZZ3 R737 c n V-, IJISOIS^ U550 !• U545 ^ U620 ^ U555 J420 IfYYYlDfYyYYYYYYYII Q Q O ^ CZJ • D''^ Otrsetl I p J Vlow an ^C-COMP Clock U508 o R742.^VWgh R619 ^ ^ • C=) cm J440 EXCT L J TP645 P650 • • fe^'elUOD o c E o 0) Power supply and bias voltages Power supply Controls POWER: ON Inputs / Observations Adjust/Check Observe voltage at P703 power supply wire, top of main board Check for+15 ± 0.50 V Observe voltage at P701 power supply wire, top of main board Check for-15 ± 0.50 V Observe voltage at U505(24) Check for +5 ± 0.25 V Isolated s u p p l y voltage Controls RANGE: 10 V TRIG: open circuit MODE: center position Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Alternately observe Vhigh from R742 to R740, and Vk}w _ from the U605(4) to U605(8) Adjust R773 so that 1 1 0 V < V , . , < 120 V and high 28V<V^^<34V Capacitance balance Controls Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Connect a x10 oscilloscope probe to TP650 and ground the Adjust R737 for minimum high frequency signal Inputs Gate f u n c t i o n Controls Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave Verify that the voltage to GATE switches states at the Observe voltage at U510(3) proper input levels with an oscilloscope Trigger slope Controls Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave Verify that the voltage to TRIG switches states at the Observe voltage at U51.0(1) proper input levels with an oscilloscope TRIG SLOPE:-I- Verify voltage is 180° out of phase TRIG SLOPE:- Verify voltage is in phase 131 Business Paik Loop, PO. Box 850 Cailsborg, Wa 98324 ,Tekvhone: 8004201306' 36O683«300 - FAX: 360683-3S2S E-mail: * Website: httpy/ A-M Systems, Inc. 14 Trigger and gate f u n c t i o n Controls Inputs / Observations DELAY: NONE BURSTWIDTH: SINGLE DURATION: SQUARE PERIOD: 1.00X10-3 Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave to TRIG Observe TRiG'oand EVENT L E D S TRIG: disconnect all Short the GATE connector to GND MODE: press to MANUAL Adjust/Check Verify LEDs extinguish Verify LEDs flash once Timing System c l o c k f r e q u e n c y Controls Inputs / Observations Observe the frequency of the wave atU555(17) Adjust / Check Verify 1.000 MHz ± 0.01 % Multipliers (Wheel Switches) Controls Inputs / Observations Observe the pulse width with the PULSE SIGN:+ counter at the location specified MODE: FREE RUN TRIG: disconnect all below TIMING MULTIPUERS: all Wheels set to zero except the one being tested TIMING OVERLAP: ignore Adjust/Check Verify pulse width is correct for each wheel as it is tested independently For each wheel of each MULTIPLIER, test each position to verify that the pulse width is correct. Observe the signal at the following locations: DELAY: U520(2); BURSTWIDTH: U530(2); PERIOD: U540(2); DURATION: U550(2) Rates (Rotary Switches) Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Controls Observe the pulse width with the TIMING MULTIPUERS: 0.01 TIMING RATES: all rotary counter at the location specified switches set to 10-4 below except the one being tested Verify pulse width is correct for each rotary switch as it is tested independently For each of the four rotary switches in TIMING, test each position to verify that the pulse width is correct. Observe the signal at the following locations: DELAY: U520(2); BURSTWIDTH: U530(2); PERIOD: U540(2); DURATION: U550(2) 131 Business Paik Loop, PO. Box 850 Caiisborg, Wa 98324 Telophone: 800-428-1306 • 3606808300" FAX: 360683-3525 E-mail: * Website: A-M Systems, Inc. 15 Trigger outputs Controls Range: 10V Pulse Amplitude: 5.00 Delay: 1.00x10-2 Burst: 1.00x10-2 Duration: 1.00 xlQ-^ Period: 4.00x10-3 Pulse sign: + Trig Mode: Free run Trig in: open Inputs / Observations Trigger the oscilloscope to the Burst Trig Out. Observe it, the Pulse Trig Out, and the isolated output. Adjust/Check Verify that the waveform consists of a burst of three 1 ms-on/3ms-off pulses. The burst trigger should be synchronous with the burst; the pulse trigger coincident with each pulse. Output Calibration Isolation Resistance (check) Controls Inputs / Observations Trig Mode: center position Trig In: open Measure the resistance between ground banana jack (front panel) and black banana jack of output with DMM Adjust / Check Resistance read > 10OMQ Amplitude Switch Offset (R640) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline: Zero Trig Mode: center position Trig In: Open Measure the voltage at TP645 vs. TP650 with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R640 (AmpI Sw Offset) for minimum voltage. Output Offset (R332: front panel board) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline: Zero Range: 10V Trig Mode: center position Trig In: Open Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R332 (Output offset) for minimum voltage. Positive Baseline Offset (R607) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline Sign: + Baseline Amplitude: fully CCW (0.00) Range: 10V Trig In: open Trig Mode: center position Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R602 (BSLN + offset) for minimum voltage. 131 Business Paik Loop. P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg, Wa 98324 Jelophone: 8004201306' 36O6834300 - FAX: 380«83-352S E-mail:' Website: A-M Systems, Inc. 16 Negative Baseline Offset (R619) Controls Baseline Sign: Baseline Amplitude: fully CCW (0.00) Range: 10V Trig In: open Trig Mode: center position Inputs/Observations Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R619 (BSLN + offset) for minimum voltage. Pulse A m p l i t u d e A d j u s t (R602) Controls Trig Mode: Free Mode Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00*1; Period =0.01*10-4 Pulse Sign: Trig In: open Range: 10V Inputs/Observations Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check The Overlap indicator should be on. Adjust R602 (Max Level) for -10.OOV out. Pulse Sign Gain (check) Trig Mode: Free Mode Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00* Is; Period =0.01 *10-4s Trig In: open Range: 10V Adjust/Check Inputs/Observations Controls Measure the voltage at the output with the DMM for the Pulse Sign at + and - positions The absolute values of the voltages should differ by less than 10OmV. Baseline Amplitudes (check) Controls Inputs/Observations flange: 100mA Trig Mode: center position Baseline Amplitude: fully CW (10.00) Trig In: open Measure the voltage at the output with the DMM with Baseline Sign in +, Zero, and - positions. Adjust/Check Gain the matching of current levels at = and - positions; and offset current in Zero position.. 131 Business Psik Loop, PO. Box 850 Caiisborg, Wa 98324 Telophone: 800426-1306 • 36O«8»8300 • FAX: 360683-3525 E-mail:' Website: http://www.a-msystems.ccm A-M Systems, Inc. 17 Output Range Amplitude and Drive (check) Controls Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Pulse Sign: + Trig Mode: Free Run Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00*1; Period =100*10-4 Trig In: open Inputs/Observations Load the output with a 10KV 1W 0.1% resistor. Measure the voltage at the output with DMM. Verify that full scale output is within specification: Scale: Range: 100V 100V 10V 10V 100mA IV 1mA 10V 10mA 100V Pulse Sign a n d Short Circuit Protection (check) Controls Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single: Duration =2.00*; 10-4 Period =0.01*10-3 Baseline: Zero Pulse Amplitude; 2.5 Range: 10V Trig Mode: Free Run Trig In: open Adjust/Check Inputs/Observations Measure the voltage at the output with the oscilloscope. Check for Pulse Sign set to each of: +, -, biphasic. Watch for Error indicator when shorting the output. Verify that pulses of approx. 2.5V amplitude (62.5V for biphasic mode) of the correct sign are produced every 10ms. Short output in biphasic mode. Output should return when opened. Output Transient Response (check) Inputs/Observations Controls Pulse Sign: + Timing: Delay =none; Burst: =single; Duration =2.00*10-4; Period =0.01*10-3 Pulse Amplitude: 2.50 Baseline: Zero Trig Mode: Free Mode Trig In: open Connect the oscilloscope to the output with a 310 attenuator probe. Test both 10V and 10OV ranges. Adjust/Check Verify that overshoot and risetime meet specifications. 131 Business Paik Loop, PO. Box 850 Cailsbora Wa 98324 ,Tetophone: 8004201306 • 36O€83-8300 • FAX: 360683-352S E-mail: * Website: hitpy/www.a-msystams.oom A-M Systems, Inc. 18 Specifications There are three classes of specifications. Class A specifications tested in all units, and are guaranteed. Class B specifications are inherent in the design; they are indirectly tested, and are guaranteed. Class C specifications are typical operating values which are occasionally tested-, these are typical values, given for your information but not guaranteed. The class for each specification is noted in the center column of the following sections. Inputs Switching level A 1.6 V (± 0.2 V) Hysteresis C approx. 50 mV Input equivalent circuit C lOOKfl to-1-5 in parallel with no more than 35pF Minimum duration (TTL-level signal) C >50ns. Open circuit condition B defaults to high/on level Timing and rate accuracy Rate selector steps B 100//S to 100s in 7 steps Timing multiplier steps B 1 % of rate selector step size. Maximum value is 9.99 X the rate selector step size Resolution B approx. 0.1% of the maximum value Timing error (second and later pulses after resetting controls) B < 0.02% of rate selector value + 0.15//S Timing error (first pulse after readjusting timing controls) an additional 0.25//s error may occur Timing repeatability < 0.01% settings-20 ns (mbnophasic) 131 Business Paik Loop, PO. Box 850 Caiisborg, Wa 98324 ,Telophone: 8004201306 * 3606808300' FAX: 3606803S25 E-mail: • Website: httpy/y(ww.a< A-M Systems, Inc. 19 TRIG IN to OUTPUT delay (DELAY set to 0), output set to 2V approx. 0.5 ps for a load of no more than 10 Kft in parallel with 50 pF Timing jitter from TRIG IN to OUTPUT (for TTL trigger input with risetime <10 ns) < 125 ns (all rates except 100s) <1.25/ys (100s rate) Timing jitter from TRIG OUT (either BURST or PULSE) and OUTPUT Less than 20 ns (all rates) Trigger output to pulse output delay approx. 350 ns Output characteristics Pulse level error (voltage mode: open circuit; current mode: short circuit < 0.3% of setting -i- 0.5% of r range (plus an additional 0.5/vA in 100 ywA range) < 0.3% of range (voltage modes: into open circuit; current modes :into short circuit) Biphasic level difference IV-H-i-V-l/2 Baseline level error (voltage mode: open circuit; current mode: short circuit) A < 0.3% of setting of setting -I- 0.1 % of range (plus an additional 0.5 pA in 100//A range) Risetime (2.5 V out) A = 200 ns into less than 30 pF Risetime (25 V out) A = 1.5 yws into less than 30 pF Transient response A < 8% overshoot into less than 30 pF for pulse voltages different than baseline voltage by at least 10% of range Output impedance (voltage mode) C = 50 ohms Output impedance (current mode) C » 1 0 G a (typically 200 GD) Isolation resistance A »100Mn Isolation capacitance C = 60 pF at 100 Hz BB A- I V l f^ _ M. 1 . ^ . ^ 131 Business Paik Loop, RO.BOx850Cai1sOorg,WaW3Z4 E-mai: salesO * Website: http j'/ o V7 S i e m S . • i•nC.' '8'0Ph0™:80O42O1308-36O683-8300-FAX:36O683-3525 ••^^*Website:hitpj'/www.a<nsyste 20 Noise (differential mode) = 1 mV rms (10 V scale; 10 Hz-4 MHz) Noise (common mode: earth to isolated ground) with no signal output - 8 mV rms (10 Hz-4 MHz); =«100mVp-p (200 Hz -10 MHz), measured withalOMn, 15pF oscilloscope probe Overload error indicator (low frequency, short circuited voltage mode) Turns on for set amplitude at or greater than approx. ±1 V (10 V range); or ±2 V (100 V range) Overload error indicator low frequency, open circuited current mode) Turns on for set amplitude at or above approx. 2% of range Overload error response time Flat to approx. 30 ps duration Decreasing sensitivity for shorter pulses Miscellaneous Power approx. 11 watts Fuse 1 amp 3 AG Operating temperature range 10-30°C Storage temperature range 0 - 50° C Operating humidity 5 - 80% RH Dimensions 17x4.75x11.25 (inches) 43.2x12.1x28.6 cm Weight 20 lbs (9 kg) 131 Business Paik Loop, PO, Box 850 Cartsborg, Wa 98324 Tekjptwne: 8004201306 • 36O«8O8300 • FAX: 360«8O3525 E-mail: * Website: http'y/www,a-msystems,com A-M Systems, Inc. 21 Warranty and Service What does this warranty cover? A-f^ Systems, Inc. warrants to the Purchaser that the Instrument, excluding cables, Headstage Probes and any other accessories shipped with the Instrument, (hereafter the "hardware") is free from defects in workmanship or material under normal use and service for the period of one (1) year. This warranty commences on the date of delivery of the hardware to the Purchaser. What are the obligations of A-M Systems, Inc. under this warranty? During the warranty period, A-M Systems, Inc. agrees to repair or replace, at its sole option, without charge to the Purchaser, any defective component part of the hardware. To obtain warranty service, the Purchaser must return the hardware to A-l^ Systems, Inc. or an authorized A-M Systems, Inc. distributor in an adequate shipping container. Any postage, shipping and insurance charges incurred in shipping the hardware to A-M Systems, Inc. must be prepaid by the Purchaser and allriskfor the hardware shall remain with purchaser until such time as A-M Systems, Inc. takes receipt of the hardware. Upon receipt, A-M Systems, Inc. will promptly repair or replace the defective unit, and then return the hardware to the Purchaser, postage, shipping, and insurance prepaid. A-M Systems, Inc. may use reconditioned or like new parts or units at its sole option, when repairing any hardware. Repaired products shall carry the same amount of outstanding warranty as from original purchase, or ninety (90) days which ever is greater. Any claim under the warranty must include a dated proof of purchase of the hardware covered by this warranty. In any event, A-M Systems, Inc. liability for defective hardware is limited to repairing or replacing the hardware. What is not covered by this warranty? This warranty is contingent upon proper use and maintenance of the hardware by the Purchaser and does not cover batteries. Neglect, misuse whether intentional or othen/vise, tampering with or altering the hardware, damage caused by accident, damage caused by unusual physical, electrical, chemical, or electromechanical stress, damage caused by failure of electrical power, or damage caused during transportation are not covered by this warranty. Products may not be returned to A-M Systems, Inc. for service, whether under warranty or otherwise, which are contaminated by Infectious agents, radioactive compounds or other materials constituting a health hazard to employees of A-M Systems, Inc. What are the limits of liability for A-M Systems, Inc. under this warranty? A-M Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for loss of data, profits or savings, or any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from breach of contract, negligence, or other legal action even if the company or its agent has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim brought against you by another party. THIS EQUIPMENT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CLINICAL MEASUREMENTS USING HUMAN SUBJECTS. A-M SYSTEMS, INC. DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE DUE TO MISUSE OF THIS EQUIPMENT. Jurisdictions vary with regard to the enforceability of provisions excluding or limiting liability for incidental or consequential damages. Check the provision of your local jurisdiction to find out whether the above exclusion applies to you. This warranty allocatesrisksof product failure between the Purchaser and A-M Systems, Inc. A-M Systems, Inc. hardware pricing reflects this allocation of ris1< and the limitations of liability contained in this warranty. The warranty set forth above is in lieu of all other express warranties, whether oral or written. The agents, employees, distributors, and dealers of A-M Systems, Inc. are not authorized to make modifications to this warranty, or additional warranties binding on the company. Accordingly, additional statements such as dealer advertising or presentations, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties by A-M Systems, Inc. and should not be relied upon. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from one jurisdiction to another. B B A- | V | #% J. O V S i e m S . ' ' l « » . ^ t3tBusinassParkLaop,RO.Box8SOCai1sbo(g,Wa98324 t3tBusinessPafkLoop,PO,Box850Cai1sbO(g,Wa98324 Telophone: 8004201306* 360683-8300 "FAX: 3606803525 E-maH:' Wetsite: http://www.a-msystem3.e0m |nC.''*'***™*'042O1306-36O68O8300-FAX:36O68O3525 E-mail: • Website: htto://www.a-msvste po ^ ^ mwal INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ISOLATED PULSE STIMULATOR MODEL 2100 Serial # Date A-M Systems, Inc. PO Box 850 Carisborg, WA 98324 U.S.A. 360-683-8300 • 800-426-1306 FAX: 360-683-3525 Version 5.0 May 1998 Contents General Description Instrument Features Controls and Connectors Operating Instructions Theory of Operation Calibration Procedures Inputs Output Calibration Specifications Warranty and Service i..;....4.. ; w...i iJ. i...i i,...,.i,..;.i i....l .......i.J..i i u..... [i.........i Each Isolated Pulse Stimulator Is delivered complete with: Rack Mount Hardware Instructions & Maintenance Manual NOTE This instrument is not intended for clinical measurements using human subjects. A-M Systems, Inc. does not assume msponsibility for injury or damage due to the misuse of this instrument. 1 1 2 6 10 12 14 16 19 22 General • ion M^' Instrument Features The Isolated Pulse Stimulator Model 2100 Is designed for a wide variety of applications. It is highly flexible, being capable of delivering single pulses, biphasic pairs, or bursts of pulses. Pulses may be started manually or upon receiving a trigger signal from another instrument or computer. Two non-isolated trigger outputs are available for triggering other instruments. Four sets of timing controls provide comprehensive control over all aspects of pulse generation. Three digit accuracy is available over a 7 decade range for each timing function, using lever wheel switches. Pulse wkiths can be set over more than a 9 decade range, from 0.5 [is to 999 seconds. Timing accuracy is assured through the use of a 10 MHz base rate crystal-controlled clock, digitally divided to provide accurate timing over the entire range. A timing overiap indicator will light if the timing controls are set Inconsistently. The output may be conveniently switched between cun-ent and voltage modes. Pulse and baseline amplitudes are independently presettable with lockable dials. An error indicator will light if the Model 2100 cannoi deliver the desired signal. WARNING The Model 2100 can produce potentially dangemus voltages up to 100 V et the output * connectors. The isolated output is not connected internally to safety (earth) ground in ahy way. Some part of the extemal circuit should be connected to safety gmund. Use caution in handling any wires, connectors, or electrodes which may be directly or indirectly attached to the Model 2100 output Some l<inds of connectors such as BNC connectors have exposed metal parts which may float at dangemus potentials unless extemally connected to safety gmund. For greatest safety, tum the Model 2100 off before making any connections to the Instrument 131 Business Park Locfi,P.O. Box BSOCarM)org,Wa 98324 800426-1308 •36O«S3«300*FAX: 3 6 M 8 3 ^ 2 5 E-malt uiittyBQaHiByBtuma.ooiTi "Wobsita HipJtwti.wiwftbM\iA.con\ fl-N SystQms, I n c ^ T Controls and Connectors The controls for the Model 2100 are grouped in three sections: START, controlling when a pulse or burst of pulses begins; TIMING, controlling the on/off timing of one or more pulses; and otJTPliT, controlling the amplitude of the output signal. Start TRIG SLOPE: This switch determines whether valid triggers occur at positive or negative edges in the trigger signal. MODE: This switch controls how wavefomris are initiated. When set to FREE RUN one timing cycle immediately follows the last. When held in the MANUAL position, a timing cycle starts immediately. When the switch is in the center position, timing cycles start when valid triggering events occur. TRIG'D: This LED lights up when a timing cycle is in process, and continues until the burst is completed. TRIG: This BNC connector allows a signal from an extemal source to initiate timing cycles. It is set for standard TTL levels. GATE: This BNC connector allows a signal from an extemal source to restrict the final output signal. This input must be at a logical high (or open-circuited) in order for the Model 2100 to recognize either manual or automatic trigger events. 1_ Gate Trigger [~^ i I Valid triggers are represented by the arrows in the figure. Note that the up arrow would apply only if TRIG SLOPE is set to +; the down anrows would apply only if TRIG SLOPE is set to-. NOTE: Triggers have no effect if the system has not completed its response to a previous trigger 131 Business Park Loop. P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg, Wa 98324 600426-1306'3eO683«300'FAX 360683^525 E-maB: anBysQ»insyaleiTa.coni * Wsbalto: h^KAvww.a-(nsys(sms.oom fl-N SystQms, I n c . ^ Timing Four sets of controls govem the timing of pulse generation. Each set contains two values which are multiplied together to detennine the actual timing value. The rotary knob (rate selector) provides the approximate timing value and the lever wheel switch bank (MULTIPLIER) provkles a time resolution of three decimal digits. The following diagram shows most of the important relationships. r Output Delay n t -^ Duration -^ \<- Pnfe-tRAIM IBELAV BURST W I O t H i6Mo« |4Period>| FLJI Burst width Trigger event DELAY: These controls set the time between the initiating trigger event and the beginning of the pulse burst. If this rate selector is set to NONE or the multiplier is set to o.oo there is no delay BURSTWIDTH: These controls set the time period in which one or more pulses may be delivered. Once started a pulse may outlast the burst width. If this rate selector is set to SINGLE, or to any time shorter than the pulse duration, only a single pulse will occur. If the BURSTWIDTH is longer than the period, pulses will be emitted at the PERIOD rate until the burst time ends. Pulses are never truncated by a short BURST WIDTH. DURATION: These controls set the length of each pulse. If this rate selector is set to SQUARE, the duration is set to half of the period, regardless of the MULTIPLIER setting. iNT£A-PULSiE PBRiOb TlMtNQ OVERLAP PERIOD: These controls set the period of time mLiH\MPi between adjacent pulse events within the burst. It also forces a minimum "dead time" between 'V'"'V'""tJ' recognized input triggers following a burst of jiwaa. lasm n « i « . . u one or more pulses. This can be used to prevent over stimulation of a tissue without requiring excessive delay between the triggering event and the stimulating pulse. 131 Business Pofc Loop, P.O. Box 850 Carisborg, 1/^98324 600-426-1306 *36O6834300 *FAK 360683^525 E-mai: vrvysQfrflisysleraLOCni'WutiailQL N^jAww.a^iByslernUiOOni E<4nsfl: a m t^'fi SysUms, I n c . ^ ' NOTE: If any of these timing controls are changed while a timing cycle is in operation, the results are undefined until the cunent cycle flnishes. TIMING OVERLAP: This LED will light to indicate an Inconsistency in the timing cycle settings. There are several ways to Introduce such errors. The most common way is to set the inter-pulse PERIOD to be less than the pulse DURATION. TRIG OUT (UPPER): This BNC connector provides a signal which is coinckient with the intemal Burst timing signal (default). This means the signal starts at the end of the Delay time, and persists until the Burst time expires. This output may also be set to represent the delay time-out by setting the internal jumper J510 to the left two pins Instead of the right two pins (Please see the Calibration section in this manual for jumper location; Directions are given as viewed from the fix)nt of the instrument). TRIG OUT (LOWER): This BNC connector provides a signal which is coincident with the Duration timing signal which controls pulse output. NOTE: Both trigger output signals slightly lead the isolated output signal. Output PULSE SIGN: This Switch sets the sign for the pulses to be generated. It also allows generation of biphasic pulses, thereby doubling the effective total period. Warning: the first pulse genemted after changing the PULSE SIGN sv\ntch may have the wmng polarity. BASELINE: This switch sets the sign for the baseline signal. RANGE: This rotary switch allows one of three current or two voltage ranges to be selected for the output signal. BASELINE AMPLITUDE: This counting dial are independently set using ten-minute counting dials, with the baseline having one tenth the range of the pulse amplitude.. 131 Buskiess Partt Loop, P.O. BoK 8S0 Cailsbarg, Wa 96324 laophone: 8004201306 •36O68M300-FAX: 3eo«8M525 E-mat •msysflMnsyslerm.oom 'VMaHsr. Hlp.lhfim.nmyekm.oom A-N Syst«ms« Inc. PULSE AMPLITUDE: This counting dial EVENTS This LED indicates when a pulse is ongoing. ERROR: This LED indicates when the intemal output amplifier cannot output the pulse as desired. This is usually due to a short circuit while trying to output a voltage, or an open circuit while trying to output a current. One control from the Ot/^uf section directly affects wavefonn timing the Pulse Sign control When set to the Biphasic mode, a positive-going pulse is Immediately followed by a negative-going pulse. This effectively doubles the pulse "duration". If a burst of biphasic pulses is being produced the period must be at least twice the single pulse duration. In the Sgt/an? wave mode, the baseline disappears as long as the burst persists. 131 Bushass Park locp,P.O.Booi 850 C8ri9bcrg,MS8324 IMqphona: 800426-1306 •36O«83«3a0 *FAX: 360683-3529 E-nal:*WeMlK fl-N Systems, Inc. Operating Instructions Examples Simple setup (and minimal Instrument tost) Connect the output of the Model 2100 to an oscilloscope. Before connecting the instrument, it is safest to turn its power off. Set the Ou^uf controls: 10V Range: Pulse Sign: Baseline: Pulse Amplitude: + Zero 2.00 Setting The Timing Controls: Delay: Burst Width: Duratbn: Period: none single 1.50*10-2 5.00*102 Setting The Start Controls: Free Run Mode: Disconnect any cables to the TRIG or GATE Inputs. Note that the green Trig and Event Indicators tum on as Free Run is turned on (and tum off othenwise). You should observe a 15ms duration, 20Hz rate pulse, of 2.00V above a OV baseline on the oscilloscope. i A ^ M • P l ^ _ _ _ A ^ _ _ _ ^ y S W n i S f 1 ^ . 131BiiHnD8»Parttl.oop,P.O.BoxB50Car)sbcrB,\«»S8324 E-fnflk 9n^]fn*WDbs)tec H^.ff9N/w.^myStem9.oom |nC.^^'<V^>^8°<^^2O1306*380«8OS3a0*FAX:36O6BMS2S 6 Demonstration of Burst Mode Connect the output of the Model 2100 to an oscilloscope. Before connecting the instrument, it is safest to tum Its power off. Set the Output controls: Range: Pulse Sign: Baseline: Pulse Amplitude: Baseline Amplitude 10V + 2.00 1.00 Setting The Timing Controls: Delay: 8.80 1.20 1.50 5.00 Burst Width: Duration: *102 *102 *102 *102 Period: Set the START controls as follows: Free Run Mode: Disconnect any cables to the TRIG or GATE inputs. Trigger the oscilloscope from the Burst trigger out (upper Tr^ Out connector) for a stable display. In each burst (occum'ng every lOOms), you should observe a trio of 15ms duration starting 50ms apart. Try switching the Start/Mode from Free Run to the center (nomnal) position. The pulses will no longer be produced, and the Trig and Event indicators will turn off. Pressing this switch once (to Manual) will cause a single burst to occur. fleaff ' 131 Business Park Loop,P.O. Box 850 Carisborg, Vfe 86324 lUcphcna: 800426-1306 *36O«83«300 8»52 SySlQmSa |nCa^^'°E-maft l''*>^^<' <^^^^*^^^^°^^^°' '°''FAX '^^^'3^6^'0^6^^^^ • E-matmia tfii8ysOiHn^*1AWisJto. HSpit/w»M/.^wytAtii9.oom Problem SoMng If the Instrument appears to be not worthing properiy, check all of the control settings and connections. Be sure to wait at least 5-10 seconds after turning the Instrument off before tuming it on again. The following t6ef summary of typical problems for the user (along with the most common solutions) may help: Problem Cause/Solution EVENT indicator never lights, even in FREE RUN mode. • Replace fuse, check power connection •Set DELAY or PERIOD to a shorter interval. • Power-on too soon after power-off. OVERLAP Indicator is on. •Set DURATION >0.00. • DURATION is set to SQUARE, but PERIOD is 0.00. Increase PERIOD or set DURATION independantly • BURST and WIDTH are > DURATION increase PERIOD or decrease DURATION. • BIPHASIC pulse output is on and PERIOD is not longer than twice the DURATION. Increase PERIOD or decrease DURATION. • Free-run is on and BURST Is < PERIOD (BURST off), DELAY is 0 and PERIOD is < DURATION. Add, delay or modify PERIOD. • Free-mn is on and BURST is > DURATION (BURST ON), and PERIOD is < DURATION. Increase PERIOD. • For VOLTAGE outputs: the output Is trying to drive too low a resistance or capacitance (e.g. a short circuit). Check by disconnecting the output. It is possible (and normal) that for the fastest cycles and largest amplitudes (close to 100 V and 1 MS) that the ERROR Indicator might always come on during repetitive pulses. Fix output load or decrease amplitude as required. ERROR indicator is on. Time appears to be excessive ^ M A• p i • ' _ _ _ A ^ ^ _ _ i ^ — j^vswms* ' ' • Changed control in mid-cycle, (resets cunent status). 131BuslnessPai1<Loop,P.O.Box850Carlsborg,W&98324 iiic.^^'°<*^°^^°<^'*^^3°B*3^'^^°^^^^°°'^'^^°'^^°^^^^ E-msft flmsjoQfrfraystGfns.oom ^WobsltiK hl^Aiwv.9-fn9] E-mat iii.MOafflwstems.eom * WabaHe: Mtaffiww.tHtavsli 8 Can't seem to get a full signal out • Load is not properiy connected, repair wiring. • Too low a load impedance (VOLTAGE modes) or too high a load impedance (CURRENT mode). Incoming triggers not accepted frequently enough • PERIOD is set too long, (enforces "dead time") followd by BURST set to SIGNAL. Reduce PERIOD time. Table 1.0 Problem Solving If you suspect that the Model 2100 may have completely failed, we recommend checking the basic level of functionality. If this fails, your instrument is defective and must be repaired If this passes, either your experimental setup is incompatible or inconsistent; or there is a more subtle flaw in your Model 2100. If the Model 2100 appears to be malfunctioning, contact A-M Systems, Inc., or your dealer. Telephone numt>ers for A-M Systems, Inc., listed on the front cover of this manual We will first attempt to solve the problem over the telephone, so have an exact description of your problem available when you call You do not need to be within the warranty period to obtain over-the-phone assistance. A ^M V . - — A d B ^ K M I ^ M 131 Business Parfc Loop, P.O. Box 650 Cartsborg, VM9 0S324 131BuslnessPatfcLoop,P.O.Box6SOCai _ FAX:36(W8a.3525 E^nrt: flnsysQa-ntsyttanB-oom * Wsbsfte: hHp'iMNvw.a-nnystsnis.ooni -PI s y s i Q m s , inc-!*2'»«a22=M^^ 9 Theory of Operation The operation of the Model 2100 is summarized In the block diagram (see Fig. 3). Not shown are all of the interconnections with the microcontroller. The intemal microcontroler plays an important role in setting the signal path, but does not directly contribute to the dynamic characteristics. It scans the front panel switches, and sets the control values for the logic arays. It programs the intemal counters, which along with the other hardware achieve the necessary sub-microsecond speeds. All action starts either from an input trigger signal (from Trig In), or from an intemal signal (in free Run mode. only). A Delay timer counts the 10MHz clock until its count value Is exhausted. At this point, the Burst timer starts. Both Period and Duration timers are started at this time. If the Burst timer has not expired by the end of the Period, the Period and Duration timers are restarted. If the Biphasic mode has been set, the Duration timer is restarted at the end of the initial Duration, and the sign of the output pulse Is reversed, doubling the total duration. The system state (pulse on, pulse sip, baseline sign [+101-]) is transmitted to the isolated section via optoisolator. The baseline and pulse amplitudes are selected by an analog switch. The resulting signal is amplified by a variable-power-supply discrete operational amplifier. The amplifier connections and gain is modified to provide two voltage and three cunent ranges. Timing overlap errors are detected by a logical decision computation rather than by testing for counter collisions. This provides instant feedback, rather than waiting up to an hour for such a collision to occur. Output errors are measured by sensing the output amplifier's differential input voltage. Under normal conditions, this is a negligible voltage, if the amplifier fails to deliver the requested signal the window comparator testing this voltage sends this message (via optoisolator) to the logic section, turning on a warning LED. 131BusbnassPa(tLoop,P.O.Box6SOCari3boig,VMg8324 |TWoph0n8:80O426-1308'3eO6B«300'FMt36O«8i3525 E-nnl: anaysflfriinysleiiaoem'Wfcbslte: hllp:/hmw.»imyatenn.oom fl-N Systems, Inc. Hn ' " TRIG OUT (burst) 3HJ) *^ TRIG OUT (pulse) E Ml Calibration Procedures The calibration interval is the lesser of 1000 hours of operation or 6 months. Somewhat greater drift can be expected in the first 100 hours of operation as the semiconductors age. Adjustments should only be made after the instrument has been fully warmed up for at least 15 minutes. Full instrument calibration requires the following test equipment: digital multimeter (± 0.1%), able to measure resistance to at least lOOMfl oscilloscope with at least 50MHz bandwidth true-rms voltmeter with 4MHz bandwidth universal counter (± 0.01 %), able to measure single pulse widths and periods resistors (all ± 0.1%): 2kn, lOkH 1 waft, 20kn, 200kn alligator clip lead sets, banana plugs and BNC adapters Adjustment, integrated circuit, and test point locations are shown in the following figures. All adjustments are on the timing board unless otherwise noted. All voltages in the non-isolated section should be measured withrespectto ground at TP510 unless othenvise stated. Some voltages are measured with respect to an intemal "isolated ground" at TP650, or across the two output tenninals. Occasionally the voltage at an IC pin must be measured; In these cases the reference designator is given, with the pin number in parentheses: e.g. U602(16). When it states within this procedure that a voltage is to be minimized, this means that the adjustment should be made such that the measured voltage is as close to zero volts as possible. Refer to the Specifications Section of this manual for acceptable tolerances. The sequence of this procedure is Important. If any adjustment is made, all adjustments which follow must be made to ensure that the specifications will be met. These procedures require that all controls remain as set in previous steps unless otherwise indicated. WARNING The Model 2100 has dangerous voltages throughout the instrument, even with the power is off. Servicing the Model 2100 should only be done by qualified service personnel. Use caution in handling any wires, connectors, or electrodes which may be directly or indirectly attached to the Instrument. Do not touch exposed connections or components. Disconnect power by unplugging the power cord from the receptacle. 131BusinesaPartcLoop,P.O.Box850Cartsborg,VWiB8324 ^>*-'—'80O426-1306'38Ofl8J«300'FAX36O683J52S E-maft BinsysQfrfn^islflnis.oom'VVfalislle. h^K/VfWMi.ft^iisystems.oani fl-N Systems, I n c . ^ 4n '*• CO TPSOlQ O OTPSOO !^t R503 DDID ^™EO^TP510 Omg^ Gate Trig 0 U560 U510 •nD • n. U505 Timing ^ h_ U520 Timing U570 bsoo Or ? U515 D ^25SE r " U540 I I ,T}mlng U506 > U550 ^ J510 Timlnff BurfiDelay !• U545 J400 13 iiiiiiiTrmra U535 D U620 Vlow O II3D a H = ) TP640^ ' ' ° I t I . U610 , ±«jUO ]]U632 J420 • Fo §737 lISOIsPjC-COMP n,rr^ U760 B Clock U555 o ^ R ^ P v h i g h Rfijn O [^ELIL Timing DO D Ol Q S riuGSO J440 miTi • • M l!!^el I Power supply and bias voltages Power s u p p l y Controls POWER: ON Inputs / Observations Adjust / Check Observe voltage at P703 power supply wire, top of main board Check for+15 ± 0.50 V Observe voltage at P701 power supply wire, top of main board Check for-15 ± 0.50 V Observe voltage at U505(24) Check for+5 ± 0.25 V Isolated s u p p l y voltage Controls RANGE: 10 V TRIG: open circuit MODE: center position Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Altemately observe V,^ from R742 to R740, and V ^ from the U605(4) to U605(8) Adjust R773 so that 1 1 0 V < V ^ < 120 V and nign 28V<V^<34V Capacitance balance Controls Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Connect a x10 oscilloscope probe to TP650 and ground the Adjust R737 for minimum high frequency signal Inputs Gate f u n c t i o n Controls Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave Verify that the voltage to GATE switches states at the Obsen/e voltage at U51G(3) proper input levels with an oscilloscope ^ ^ Trigger slope Controls Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave Verify that the voltage to TRIO switches states at the Observe voltage at US 10( 1) proper input levels with an oscilloscope TRIG SLOPE: + Verify voltage is 180** out of phase TRIG SLOPE: Verify voltage is in phase 131 Bushess Park Loop. PO. Bar 850 Carisborg, Wa 98324 8004201306 ' 3eO«S3e300 ' FAX 3606BV352S C-maftfliii8yBQfriii9yBluma.oam' fl-N Systems, I n c . , ^ 14 Trigger a n d gate f u n c t i o n Controls Inputs / Observations DELA\^NONE BURS1WII3TH: SINGLE DURATION: SQUARE PERIOD: 1.00X10-3 Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave to TRIG Obsen^e TRIO'D and EVENT L E D S TRIG: disconnect all Short the GATE connector to GND MODE: press to MANUAL Adjust / Check Verify LEDs extinguish Verify LEDs flash once Timing System c l o c k frequency Controls Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Observe the frequency of the wave Verify 1.000 MHz ±0.01% atU555(17) Multipliers (Wheel Switches) Controls PULSE SIGN: + MODE: FREE RUN TRIG: disconnect all TIMING MULTIPUERS: ail wheels set to zero except the one being tested TnmiNG OVERLAP: ^nOTB Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Observe the pulse width with the counter at the location specified below Verify pulse width Is correct for each wheel as it is tested Independently For each wheel of each MULTIPUER, test each position to verify that the pulse width is correct. Observe the signal at the following locations: DELAY: U520(2); BURSTWIDTH: U530(2); PERIOD: US40(2); DURATION: U550(2) Rates (Rotary Switches) Controls Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Observe the pulse width with the TIMING MULTIPUERS: 0.01 counter at the location specified TIMING RATES: all rotary below switches set to 10-4 except the one being tested Verify pulse width is conect for each rotary switch as it is tested independently For each of the four rotary switches in TIMING, test each position to verify that the pulse wkJth is correct. Observe the signal at the following locations: DELAY: U520(2); BURSTWIDTH: U530(2); PERIOD: U540(2); DURATION: U550(2) 131 Business Parti Loop, P.O. 809(850 Cartsborg, Wta 98324 8004201306 ' 3804806300 ' FAX 36068O3S25 E-maft ansysQa nvystems-oom * Wobste: hflp: Avww.a4nsy8(Qntt.oam E-maft emfl fl-N Systems, I n c . ^ ' 15 Trigger outputs Controls Inputs / Observations Range: 10V Pulse Amplitude: 5.00 Delay: 1.00x10* Burst: 1.00x10^2 Duration: 1.00 x 1 a ' Period: 4.00x10^ Pulse sign: + Trig Mode: Free run Trig in: open Trigger the oscilloscope to the Burst Trig Out. Observe it, the Pulse Trig Out, and the isolated output. Adjust / Check Verify that the waveform consists of a burst of three 1ms-on/3ms-off pulses. The burst trigger should be synchronous with the burst; the pulse trigger coincident with each pulse. Output Calibration Isolation Resistance (check) Controls Inputs / Observations Trig Mode: center position Trig In: open Measure the resistance between ground banana jack (front panel) and black banana jack of output with DMM Adjust/Check Resistance read > 100MQ Amplitude Switch Offset (R640) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline: Zero Trig Mode: center position Trig In: Open Measure the voltage at TP645 vs. TP650 with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R640 (AmpI Sw Offset) for minimum voltage. Output Offset (R332: front panel board) Controls I nputs/Observatlons Baseline: Zero Range: 10V Trig Mode: center position Trig In: Open Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R332 (Output offset) for minimum voltage. Positive Baseline Offset (R607) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline Sign: + Baseline Amplitude: fully CCW (0.00) Range: 10V Trig In: open Trig Mode: center position %M fl • P I Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. » _ _ _ A , « ^ _ i ^ ^ isVSiemSa |||Cg1Maphans:80O42O1306'38O68O8300'FAX36O«8»^2S * Adjust/Check Adjust R602 (BSLN + offset) for minimum voltage. 131Buslne«8Pari(loop.P.O.BoK850Cart8borg.WB96324 E-tiBft ana>»flwiisya>«m».aim'W6baHB: hHp:ffii(ww.»<nsy«lenii.eom 16 Negative Baseline Offset (R619) Controls i \ , • Baseline Sign: Baseline Amplitude: fully CCW (0.00) Range: 10V Trig In: open Trig Mode: center position Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R619 (BSLN 4 offset) for minimum voltage. Pulse Amplitude Adjust (R602) Controls Inputs/Observations Trig Mode: Free Mode Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Timing: Dialay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00*1; Period =0.01*10-4 Pulse Sign: Trig In: open Range: 10V Pulse Sign Gain (check) Controls Trig Mode: Free Mode Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00*1 s; Period =0.01*10-4s Trig In: open Range: 10V Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check The Overiap indicator should be on. Adjust R602 (Max Level) for -10.00V out. Inputs/Observations Measure the voltage at the output with the DMM for the Pulse Sign at -*- and - positions Adjust/Check The absolute values of the voltages should differ by less than lOOmV. Baseline Amplitudes (check) Inputs/Observations Controls Range: 100mA Trig Mode: center position Baseline Amplitude: fully CW (10.00) Trig In: open Measure the voltage at the output with the DMM with Baseline Sign in +, Zero, and - positions. Gain the matching of current levels at = and - positions; and offset current in Zero position.. 131 Business Partt Loop, P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg. Wa 88324 8004201306'360«8Oe300'FAX 360«8O362S E-maM: am8y8^o-mBy8tflmB.oom * WobaKo. hHp^/Awww.o-f i iBystonu.oom E-mal: am8 fl-N Systems, Inc.^^ • Adjust/Check 17 Output Range Amplitude and Drive (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Pulse Sign: + Trig Mode: Free Run Timing: Delay =none; Burst =8ingle; Duration =1.00*1; Period =100*10-4 Trig In: open Load the output with a 10KV1W 0.1% resistor. Measure the voltage at the output with DMM. Adjust/Check Verify that full scale output is within specification: Scale: Range: 100V 100V 10V 10V 100mA IV 1mA 10V 10mA 100V Pulse Sign and Short Circuit Protection (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Timing: Delay =none; Burst =8ingle: Duration =2.00*; 10-4 Period =0.01*10-3 Baseline: Zero Pulse Amplitude: 2.5 Range: 10V Trig Mode: Free Run Trig In: open Measure the voltage at the output with the oscilloscope. Check for Pulse Sign set to each of: +, -, biphasic. Watch for Error indicator when shorting the output. Adjust/Check Verify that pulses of approx. 2.5V amplitude (62.5V for biphasic mode) of the correct sign are produced every 10ms. Short output in biphasic mode. Output should retum when opened. Output Transient Response (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Pulse Sign: + Timing: Delay =none; Burst: =single; Duration =2.00*10-4; Period =0.01*10-3 Pulse Amplitude: 2.50 Baseline: Zero Trig Mode: Free Mode Trig In: open Connect the oscilloscope to the output with a 310 attenuator prolse. Test boVn 10V and 100V ranges. Adjust/Check Verify that overshoot andrisetimemeet specifications. 131 Business Parte Loop, P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg, Wb 98324 8004201306 ' 36O«83O300' FAX 36O680<352S E-mQ0: * VWriMtte: N ^ fl-N Systems, I n c . ^ 18 Specifications There are three classes of specifications. Class A specifications tested in all unHs, and are guaranteed. Class B specifications are inherent in the design; they are indirectly tested, and are guaranteed. Class C specifications are typical operating values which are occasionally tested-, these are typical values, given for your infomiation but not guaranteed. The class for each specification is noted in the center column of the following sections. Inputs Switching level A 1.6V(±0.2V) Hysteresis C approx. 50 mV Input equivalent circuit C 100K ft to+5 In parallel with no more than 35pF Minimum duration (1 IL-level signal) C > 50 ns. Open circuit condition B defaults to high/on level Timing and rate accuracy Rate selector steps B lOOps to 100s In 7 steps Timing multiplier steps B 1 % of rate selector step size. Maximum value is 9.99 x the rate selector step size Resolution B approx. 0.1 % of the maximum value Timing eror (second and later pulses after resetting controls) B < 0.02% of rate selector value + 0.15 ps Timing error (first pulse after readjustingtimingcontrols) an additional 0.25 ps error may occur Timing repeatability < 0.01 % setting + 20 ns (monophasic) 131 Business Parti Loop. P.O. Boot 850 Cartsborg, VM 98324 80O42O1308'38O08O8300'FAX36O«8O3S2S E-meU: anByafl^iiisyslaina.oom'WebsHe: hHp:ffliiww.»msys)ems.oom E-moU: ams fl-N Systems, I n c . , ^ • 19 TRIG IN to OUTPUT delay (DELAY set to 0), output set to 2V approx. 0.5 ps for a load of no more than 10 Kft in parallel with 50 pF Timing jitterft-omTRIG IN to OUTPUT (for TTL trigger input withrisetime<10 ns) < 125 ns (all rates except 100s) < 1.25 ps (100s rate) Timing jitterft^omTRIG OUT (either BURST or PULSE) and OUTPUT Less than 20 ns (all rates) Trigger output to pulse output delay approx. 350 ns Output charactsristics Pulse level enror (voltage mode: open circuit; cun-ent mode: short circuit < 0.3% of setting + 0.5% of r range (plus an additional 0.5 pA inlOOpArenge) < 0.3% of range (voltage modes: into open circuit; current modes :into short circuit) Biphasic level difference |V + + V-|/2 Baseline level error (voltage mode: open circuit; current mode: short circuit) A < 0.3% of setting of setting + 0.1 % of range (plus an additional 0.5 pA in lOOpA range) Risetime (2.5 V out) A « 200 ns into less than 30 pF Risetime (25 V out) A «1.5 ps into less than 30 pF Transient response A < 8% overshoot Into less than 30 pF for pulse voltages different than baseline voltage by at least 10% of range Output impedance (voltage mode) C « 50 ohms Output impedance (current mode) C » 1 0 Gft (typically 200 Gft) Isolation A »100Mft C « 60 pF at 100 Hz resistance Isolation capacitance 131 Business Partt Uxip, P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg, Wa 96324 8004201308 'SBOee^^SOO 'FAX 360«S3^52S E-mat BiBy»aiMii8y«liiiiis.eom'Wiljalte.HlpJV(ww.»4tgy8lena.oom fl-N Systems, Inc.^^ 20 Noise (differential mode) «1 mV rms (10 V scale; 10Hz-4MHz) Noise (common mode: earth to isolated ground) with no signal output « 8 mV rms (10 Hz-4 MHz); «100mVp-p (200 Hz -10 MHz), measured withalOMft, 15pF oscilloscope probe Overioad error indicator (low frequency, short circuited voltage mode) Turns on for set amplitude at or greater than approx. ±1V (10 V range); or ±2 V (100 V range) Overioad error indicator low frequency, open circuited current mode) Turns on for set amplitude at or above approx. 2% of range Overioad en'or response time Flat to approx. 30 ps duration Decreasing sensitivity for shorter pulses Miscellaneous fl Power approx. 11 watts Fuse 1 amp 3 AG Operating temperature range 10-30''C Storage temperature range 0 - 50° C Operating humidity 5-80%RH Dimensions 17x4.75x11.25 (Inches) 43.2x12.1x28.6 cm Weight 20 lbs (9 kg) m.m • > _ _ _ A ^ ^ _ _ •pi ^ysvems, L ^ 131Busines»Pari<Locp,P.O.Box850C8rtsborg,WS9e324 E-mei: flre^nQo 4n8yo( * Wsbsfle: hHp:/Awww.e-msy8Jems-Oom IIIC.^^'°(!'^°^B°<>^^^3°°*^'°'^^°^^^°°*'''^^I^°^°^^^^^ 21 Warranty and Service What does this warranty cover? A-M Systems, Inc. warrants to the Purchaser that the Instrument, excluding cables, Headstage Probes and any other accessories shipped with the Instrument, (hereafter the "hardware") is free from defects in workmanship or material under normal use and service for the period of one (1) year. This warranty commences on the date of delivery of the hardware to the Purchaser. What are the obligations of A-M Systems, Inc. under this warranty? During the warranty period, A-M Systems, Inc. agrees to repair or replace, at its sole option, without charge to the Purchaser, any defective component part of the hardware. To obtain warranty service, the Purchaser must return the hardware to A-M Systems, Inc. or an authorized A-M Systems, Inc. distributor in an adequate shipping container. Any postage, shipping and insurance charges incurred in shipping the hardware to A-M Systems, Inc. must be prepaid by the Purchaser and all risk for the hardware shall remain with purchaser until such time as A-M Systems, Inc. takes receipt of the hardware. Upon receipt, A-M Systems, Inc. will promptly repair or replace the defective unit, and then return the hardware to the Purchaser, postage, shipping, and insurance prepaid. A-M Systems, Inc. may use reconditioned or like new parts or units at its sole option, when repairing any hardware. Repaired products shall carry the same amount of outstanding wan^nty as from original purchase, or ninety (90) days which ever is greater. Any claim under the warranty must include a dated proof of purchase of the hardware covered by this wan-anty. In any event, A-M Systems, Inc. liability for defective hardware is limited to repairing or replacing the hardware. What is not covered by this warranty? This warranty is contingent upon proper use and maintenance of the hardware by the Purchaser and does not cover batteries. Neglect, misuse whether intentional or otherwise, tampering with or altering the hardware, damage caused by accident, damage caused by unusual physical, electrical, chemical, or electromechanical stress, damage caused by failure of electrical power, or damage caused during transportation are not covered by this warranty. Products may not be returned to A-M Systems, Inc. for service, whether under warranty or otherwise, which are contaminated by infectious agents, radioactive compounds or other materials constituting a health hazard to employees of A-M Systems, Inc. What are the limits of llabiiity for A-M Systems, inc. under this warranty? A-M Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for loss of data, profits or savings, or any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from breach of contract, negligence, or other legal action even if the company or its agent has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim brought against you by another party. THIS EQUIPMENT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CLINICAL MEASUREMENTS USING HUMAN SUBJECTS. A-M SYSTEMS, INC. DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE DUE TO MISUSE OF THIS EQUIPMENT. Jurisdictions vary with regard to the enforceability of provisions excluding or limiting liability for incidental or consequential damages. Check the provision of your local jurisdiction to find out whether the above exclusion applies to you. This warranty allocatesrisksof product failure between the Purchaser and A-M Systems, Inc. A-M Systems, Inc. hardware pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of liability contained in this wanranty. The warranty set forth above is in lieu of all other express wan^anties, whether oral or written. The agents, employees, distributors, and dealers of A-M Systems, Inc. are not authorized to make modifications to this wan-anty, or additional wan-anties binding on the company Accordingly, additional statements such as dealer advertising or presentations, whether oral or written, do not constitute wananties by A-M Systems, Inc. and should not be relied upon. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have otherrightswhrch vary from one jurisdiction to another. mm 6•Pl ^«__AaB^_ 1 A y S V e m S , l n C .T^M***: 8OO42OI3O6 '380683-8300'FAX 360^803525 ' ^ ^ 131 Business Parti Loop. P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg, W B 98324 E-msl: iiiisy80iHTBy8tenis.oom' Wsbsito. hnp/hww.frimysleiiis.oom OO ^^ A V / ISO INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ISOLATED PULSE STIMULATOR MODEL 2100 Serial # Date A-M Systems, Inc. PO Box 850 Carlsborg, WA 98324 U.S.A. 360-683-8300 • 800-426-1306 FAX: 360-683-3525 Version 7.0 February 2002 Contents General Description Instrument Features Controls and Connectors Operating Instructions Theory of Operation Calibration Procedures Inputs Output Calibration Specifications Warranty and Service 1 1 2 6 10 12 14 16 19 22 Each Isolated Pulse Stimulator is delivered complete with: Rack Mount Hardware Instructions & Maintenance Manual NOTE This instrument is not intended for clinical measurements using human subjects. A-M Systems, Inc. does not assume responsibility for Injury or damage due to the misuse of this instrument. General Description Instrument Features The Isolated Pulse Stimulator Model 2100 is designed for a wide variety of applications. It is highly flexible, being capable of delivering single pulses, biphasic pairs, or bursts of pulses. Pulses may be started manually or upon receiving a trigger signal from another Instrument or computer. Two non-isolated trigger outputs are available for triggering other instruments. Four sets of timing controls provide comprehensive control overall aspects of pulse generation. Three digit accuracy is available over a 7 decade range for each timing function, using lever wheel switches. Pulse widths can be set over more than a 9 decade range, from 0.5 ps to 999 seconds. Timing accuracy is assured through the use of a 10 MHz base rate crystal-controlled clock, digitally divided to provide accurate timing over the entire range. Atiming overiap indicator will light If the timing controls are set inconsistently. The output may be conveniently switched between current and voltage modes. Pulse and baseline amplitudes are Independently presettable with lockable dials. An error Indicator will light if the Mode/2700 cannot deliver the desired signal. r WARNING The Model 2100 can produce potentially dangerous voltages up to 100 V at the output connectors. The isolated output is not connected internally to safety (earth) ground in any way. Some part of the extemal circuit should be connected to safety ground. Use caution in handling any wires, connectors, or electrodes which may be directly or indirectly attached to the Model 2100 output. Some kinds of connectors such as BNC connectors have exposed metal parts which may float at dangerous potentials unless extemally connected to safety ground. For greatest safety, tum the Model 2100 off before making any connections to the instrument. 131 Business Parii Loop, P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg. Wa 98324 Telophone: 800-426-1306 • 360-68»«300 • FAX: 360683-3525 E-mal: sates@a-msystems.oom * VVfebsite: httpy/www.a^ fl-N Systems, Inc. 1 Controls and Connectors The controls for the Model 2100 are grouped in three sections: START, which controls when a pulse or burst of pulses begins; TIMING, which controls the on/off timing of one or more pulses; and OUTPUT, which controls the amplitude of the output signal. Start TRIG SLOPE: Determines the polarity of valid trigger pulses (positive or negative edges in the trigger signal). MODE: Controls waveform initiation. When set to FREE RUN, one timing cycle immediately follows the last. When momentarily placed In the MANUAL position, a timing cycle starts Immediately. When the switch Is In the center position, timing cycles start when valid triggering events occur. TRIG'D: This LED lights up when a timing cycle Is in process, and continues until the burst is completed. TRIG: This BNC connector allows a signal from an external source to Initiate timing cycles. It is set for standard TTL levels. GATE: This BNC connector allows a signal from an external source to restrict the final output signal. This input must be at a logical high (or open-circuited) in order for the Model 2100 to recognize either manual or automatic trigger events. 1_ Gate Trigger i |~~^ I Valid triggers (represented by the arrows in the figure) can occur only when the gate Is at logical high. Note that the up arrow would apply only If TRIG SLOPE is set to +; the down an-ows would apply only if TRIG SLOPE Is set to -. NOTE: Triggers have no effect if the system has not completed its response to a previous trigger 131 Business Park Loop. PO Box 850 Cartsborg, V\/b 98324 ,TelQphQne: 80O426-1306 * 360683-8300 * FAX: 360683-3525 E-mail sales^ * Wsbsite: httpy/ fl-N Systems, Inc. Timing Four sets of controls govern the timing of pulse generation. Each set contains two values which are multiplied together to detemnine the actual timing value. The rotary knob (rate selector) provides the approximate timing value and the lever wheel switch bank (MULTIPLIER) provides a time resolution of three decimal digits. The following diagram shows most of the Important relationships. Output r Duration Delay t |<Period>j Burst width' Trigger event DELAY: These controls determine the time duration between the initiating trigger event and the beginning of the pulse burst. If this rate selector is set to NONE or the multiplier is set to 0.00 there Is no delay. BURST WIDTH: These controls determine the time period in which one or more pulses may be delivered. Once started a pulse may outlast the burst width. If this rate selector is set to SINGLE, or to any time shorter than the pulse duration, only a single pulse will occur. If the BURST WIDTH Is longer than the period, pulses will be emitted at the PERIOD rate until the burst time ends. Pulses are never truncated by a short BURSTWIDTH. DURATION: These controls determine the length of each pulse. Ifthis rate selector Is set to SQUARE, the duration is set to half of the period, regardless of the MULTIPLIER setting. inds)- PULSE DURATION 10' 1 0 ' ,10 INTEB-PULSE PERIOD 1. 1 PERIOD: These controls set the period of time between adjacent pulse events within the burst. It also forces a minimum "dead time" between recognized input triggers following a burst of one or more pulses. This can be used to prevent over stimulation of a tissue without requiring excessive delay between the triggering event and the stimulating pulse. 131 Business Parti Loop. RO. Box 860 Carisborg. V\& 98324 |Telophone: 800-426-1306 * 360683-8300 • FAX: 3606aW525 E-mail: salea®a^nsystems.oom' V\feb5ite: http:/Awww.a^ fl-N Systems, Inc. .10 TIMING OVERLAP NOTE: If any of these timing controls are changed while a timing cycle is in operation, the results are undefined until the current cycle finishes. TIMING OVERLAP: This LED will light to Indicate an inconsistency in the timing cycle settings. There are several ways to introduce such errors. The most common way is to set the Inter-pulse PERIOD to be less than the pulse DURATION. T I M I N G (seconds)^ TRIG OUT (UPPER): This BNC connector provides a signal which is coincident with the Internal Burst timing signal (default). This means the signal starts at the end of the Delay time, and persists until the Burst time expires. This output may also be set to represent the delay time-out by setting the internal jumper J510 to the right two pins instead of the left two pins (Please see the Calibration section in this manual for jumper location; Directions are given as viewed from the front of the Instrument). TRIG OUT (LOWER): This BNC connector provides a signal which Is coincident with the Duration timing signal which controls pulse output. NOTE: Both trigger output signals slightly lead the isolated output signal. Output PULSE SIGN: This switch determines the polarity of the pulses to be generated. It also allows generation of biphasic pulses, thereby doubling the effective total period. Warning: the first pulse generated after changing the PULSE SIGN switch may have the wrong polarity. BASELINE: This Switch determines the polarity ofthe baseline signal. RANGE: This rotary switch determines if the output pulses will be constant current (3 ranges) or constant voltage (2 ranges). BASELINE AMPLITUDE: This value is independently set using a ten-turn counting dial. The maximum baseline amplitude is one tenth the value shown on the range amplitude switch. 131 Business Parti Loop, RO Box 8S0 Cartsborg, V\fa 98324 |Tetaphone: 80O426-1306 • 360683-8300 • FAX: 3606803525 E-mail: * Wbbsite fl-N Systems, Inc. PULSE AMPLITUDE: This value is independently set using a ten-turn counting dial. The maximum pulse amplitude is the value shown on the range amplitude switch. EVENT: This LED indicates when a pulse is ongoing. ERROR: This LED indicates when the internal output amplifier cannot output the pulse as desired. This is usually due to a short circuit while trying to output a voltage, or an open circuit while trying to output a current. /VOTE;The Pulse Sign control in the Ou/puf section directly affects waveform timing. When set to the Biphasic mode, a positive-going pulse is immediately followed by a negativegoing pulse. This effectively doubles the pulse "duration". If a burst of biphasic pulses is being produced the period must be at least twice the single pulse duration. In the Square wave mode, the baseline disappears as long as the burst persists. 131 Business Parti Loop. RO. Box 850 Cartsboig. V\te 98324 |Telophone; 800426-1306 * 360683-8300 • FAX: 3606833525 E-mail: sales@a-m5ystem5 com' Website: fl-N Systems, Inc. Operating Instructions Examples Simple setup (and minimal instrument test) Connect the output ofthe Model 2100 to an oscilloscope. Before connecting the Model 2100 to any other instrument, or the experimental preparation, It is safest to turn Its power off. Set the Oufpuf controls: Range: Pulse Sign: Baseline: Pulse Amplitude: 10V + Zero 2.00 Setting The Timing Controls: Delay Burst Width Duration Period none single 1.50*10-2 5.00*10-2 Setting The Start Controls: Mode: Free Run Disconnect any cables to the TRIG or GATE inputs. Note that the green Trig and Event Indicators turn on as Free Run is turned on (and turn off otherwise). You should observe a 15ms duration, 20Hz rate pulse, of 2.00V above a OV baseline on the oscilloscope. 131 BusinessPartiLoop, RO Box850Carisbcxg.Wa98324 |Telophone; 800426-1306 • 360-683-8300 • F/W: 360683-3525 E-mail: sales@a-msystems com * VVbbsite: httpy/www.a-msystems com fl-N Systems, Inc. Demonstration of Burst Mode Connect the output ofthe Model 2100 to an oscilloscope. Before connecting the Model 2100 to any other instrument, or the experimental preparation. It Is safest to turn its power off. Set the Outpuf controls: Range: Pulse Sign: Baseline: Pulse Amplitude: Baseline Amplitude 10V + 2.00 1.00 Setting The Timing Controls: Delay: Burst Width: Duration: Period: 8.80*10-2 1.20*10-^ 1.50*10-2 5.00*10-2 Set the START controls as follows: Mode: Free Run Disconnect any cables to the TRIG or GATE inputs. 131 Business Parti Loop, RO. Box 850 Cartsborg, Wa 98324 Telophooe: 8004201306 * 360683-8300 • FAX: 360683-3525 E^naii' sales@a-msystems com * Watjsite: http7/ fl-N Systems, Inc. Trigger the oscilloscope from the Bursf trigger out (upper Trig Out connector) for a stable display. In each burst (occurring every lOOms), you should observe a trio of 15ms duration starting 50ms apart. Try switching the Start/Mode from Free Run to the center (nonnal) position. The pulses will no longer be produced, and the Trig and Event Indicators will tum off. Pressing this switch once (to Manual) will cause a single burst to occur. Problem Solving If the instrument appears to be not working properiy, check all ofthe control settings and connections. Be sure to wait at least 5-10 seconds after turning the instrument off before turning it on again. The following summary of typical problems for the user (along with the most common solutions) may help: Problem Cause/Solution EVENT Indicator never lights, even in FREE RUN mode. • Replace fuse, check power connection •Set DELAY or PERIOD to a shorter interval. • Power-on too soon after power-off. OVERLAP Indicator is on. • Set DURATION >0.00. • DURATION Is set to SQUARE, but PERIOD is 0.00. Increase PERIOD or set DURATION independantly. • BURST and WIDTH are > DURATION increase PERIOD or decrease DURATION. • BIPHASIC pulse output Is on and PERIOD is not longer than twice the DURATION. Increase PERIOD or decrease DURATION. • Free-run Is on and BURST is < PERIOD (BURST off), DELAY is 0 and PERIOD Is < DURATION. Add, delay or modify PERIOD. • Free-run is on and BURST is > DURATION (BURST ON), and PERIOD is < DURATION. Increase PERIOD. • For VOLTAGE outputs: the output is trying to drive too low a resistance or capacitance (e.g. a short circuit). Check by disconnecting the output, ft is possible (and normal) that for the fastest cycles and largest amplitudes (close to 100 V ERROR indicator is on. 131 Business PartiLoop. PO Box 850 Cartsborg.Wa 98324 iTelophone 800-42O1306*36O6e3-8300*FAX: 3606B3-3525 E-mail' V\febslte: http7/ fl-N Systems, Inc. and 1 ps) that the ERROR indicator might always come on during repetitive pulses. Fix output load or decrease amplitude as required. Time appears to be excessive Changed control in mid-cycle, (resets current status). Can't seem to get a full signal out Load Is not properiy connected, repair wiring. Too low a load impedance (VOLTAGE modes) or too high a load impedance (CURRENT mode). Incoming triggers not accepted frequently enough PERIOD is set too long, (enforces "dead time") followd by BURST set to SIGNAL. Reduce PERIOD time. Table 1.0 Problem Solving If you suspect that the Model 2100 may have completely failed, we recommend checking the basic level of functionality. Ifthis fails, your instrument Is defective and must be repaired. Ifthis passes, either your experimental setup is incompatible or inconsistent; or there is a more subtle flaw in your Model 2100. If the Model 2100 appears to be malfunctioning, contact A-M Systems, Inc., or your dealer. We will first attempt to solve the problem over the telephone, so have an exact description of your problem available when you call. You do not need to be within the warranty period to obtain over-the-phone assistance. 131 Business Parti Loop, RO Box 850 Cartsborg. Wa 98324 iTetoptxme: 80O426-1306 • 360683-8300 * FAX 3606803525 E-mail sates@a-msystems.oom*\Afebsite.httpJ/ fl-N Systems, Inc. Theory of Operation The operation ofthe Model 2100 is summarized in the block diagram (see the figure on Page 11). Not shown are all ofthe interconnections with the microcontroller. The internal microcontroler plays an important role in setting the signal path, but does not directly contribute to the dynamic characteristics. It scans the front panel switches, and sets the control values for the logic arrays. It programs the internal counters, which along with the other hardware achieve the necessary sub-microsecond speeds. Pulse generation starts either from an Input trigger signal (from Trig In), or an internally signal (Free Run mode). A Delay timer counts the 10MHz clock until its count value is exhausted. At this point, the Burst, Period, and Duration timers are started. If the Burst timer has not expired by the end ofthe Period, the Period and Duration timers are restarted. If the Biphasic mode has been set, the Duration timer is restarted at the end of the initial Duration, and the sign ofthe output pulse is reversed, doubling the total duration. The system state (pulse on, pulse sign, baseline sign [+/0f-]) is transmitted to the isolated section via optoisolator. The baseline and pulse amplitudes are selected by an analog switch. The resulting signal is amplified by a variable-power-supply discrete operational amplifier. The amplifier connections and gain is modified to provide two voltage and three current ranges. Timing overiap errors are detected by a logical decision computation rather than by testing for counter collisions. This provides instant feedback, rather than waiting up to an hour for such a collision to occur. Output errors are measured by sensing the output amplifier's differential input voltage. Under normal conditions, this is a negligible voltage. If the amplifier fails to deliver the requested signal the window comparator testing this voltage sends this message (via optoisolator) to the logic section, turning on a warning LED. 131BusinessPart(Loop,RO Box850Carisboig.Wa98324 ,Tel0pri0ne;80O426-1306*36O683^300*FAX:36O683.3525 E-mail: * V^febsite: http7/www.a-msystems.oom fl-N Systems, Inc. 4 n ' ^ Si I --^^—o^M OUTPUT i l l til TRIG ^ OUT (burst) TRIG 3-<?) OUT (pulse) I « Calibration Procedures The calibration interval is the lesser of 1000 hours of operation or 6 months. Somewhat greater drift can be expected in the first 100 hours of operation as the semiconductors age. Adjustments should only be made after the instrument has been fully warmed up for at least 15 minutes. Full instrument calibration requires the following test equipment: digital multimeter (± 0.1%), able to measure resistance to at least lOOMO oscilloscope with at least 50MHz bandwidth true-mis voltmeter with 4MHz bandwidth universal counter (± 0.01 %), able to measure single pulse widths and periods resistors (all ± 0.1%): 2kn, lOkH 1 watt, 20kn, 200kn alligator clip lead sets, banana plugs and BNC adapters Adjustment, integrated circuit, and test point locations are shown in the following figures. All adjustments are on the timing board unless othenA/ise noted. All voltages in the non-isolated section should be measured with respect to ground at TP510 unless othenwise stated. Some voltages are measured with respect to an internal "isolated ground" at TP650, or across the two output temninals. Occasionally the voltage at an IC pin must be measured; in these cases the reference designator is given, with the pin number in parentheses: e.g. U602(16). When it states within this procedure that a voltage is to be minimized, this means that the adjustment should be made such that the measured voltage is as close to zero volts as possible. Refer to the Specifications Section of this manual for acceptable tolerances. The sequence of this procedure is important. If any adjustment is made, all adjustments which follow must be made to ensure that the specifications will be met. These procedures require that all controls remain as set in previous steps unless othenA/ise indicated. WARNING The Model 2100 has dangerous voltages throughout the instrument, even with the power is off. Servicing the Model 2100 should only be done by qualified service personnel. Use caution in handling any wires, connectors, or electrodes which may be directly or indirectly attached to the instrument. Do not touch exposed connections or components. Disconnect power by unplugging the power cord from the receptacle. HB^^ Systems, 131BusinessPartiLoop.PO Box850CartsbOig,W&98324 |Telophone:800-42013C6*360683-8300*F/0<:360683-3525 E-mail:' website http://www.aflisystems com inc.^°'°p*^°^'^' °-^^^''^'^'^'^^B3^^^°°'' ^'^^<^^^B^^^^ 4 9 ' ^ CO oo R503 TP501 O <0 g It DDID OTPSOO U560 !• U8QQ i Q VP510 n S fil TISOS" Trig 0 Gate - Timing 'p U520 Timing U570 U500 \ "''' b rR742rVhigh Vlow K U550 h d ^ O - - ' ' ^ ' Timin U535 > o X I I U540 > U550 • Timin Clock i_ U555 U508 U515 J510 O ^ B U620 ^ fJZ^ R737 1^13015 r j C - C O M P B nU770 a Timing U605 CD- QD .CZZl ^ ^ " ^ 5 ^ a • . L J TP645 O TP650 TPMOQ.^QS []U632 nnn Burst Delay J400 o R619^ <? U 5 4 5 J420 o E riueso J440 • • tl^iUDQ Power supply and bias voltages Power supply Controls POWER: ON Observe voltage at P703 power supply wire, top of main board Check for+15 ± 0.50 V Observe voltage at P701 power supply wire, top of main board Check for-15 ± 0.50 V Observe voltage at U505(24) Check for +5 ± 0.25 V Isolated supply voltage Controls RANGE: 10 V TRIG: open circuit MODE: center position Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Inputs / Observations Alternately observe V^^^, from R742 to R740, and V ^ from theU605(4)toU605(8) Capacitance balance Controls Adjust/Check Adjust R773 so that 1 1 0 V < V , . < 120 V and nigh 28V<V|^<34V Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Connect a xlO oscilloscope probe to TP650 and ground the Adjust R737 for minimum high frequency signal Inputs Gate function Controls Inputs / Observations Adjust/Check Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave Verify that the voltage to GATE switches states at the Observe voltage at U510(3) proper input levels with an oscilloscope Trigger slope Controls Inputs / Observations Adjust/Check Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave Verify that the voltage to TRIG switches states at the Observe voltage at U510( 1) proper input levels with an oscilloscope TRIG SLOPE:* Verify voltage is 180° out of phase TRIG SLOPE: Verify voltage is in phase 131 Business Parti Loop, RO. Box 860 Cartsborg, Wa 98324 Jelophone; 800-4201306 * 360683-8300 • FM. 380683-3525 E-mail: • V\tebsite httpVAirww.aflisystems com fl-N Systems, Inc. 14 Trigger a n d g a t e f u n c t i o n Controls Inputs / Observations DELAY: NONE BURS-nMDTH: SINGLE DURATION: SQUARE PERIOD: 1.00X10-3 Apply a 1 kHz, 0 - 5 V triangle wave to TRIG Observe TRIG'D and EVENT LEDs TRIG: disconnect all Short the GATE connector to GND MODE: press to MANUAL Adjust / Check Verify LEDs extinguish Verify LEDs flash once Timing System clock frequency Controls Adjust/Check Inputs / Observations Observe the frequency of the wave atU555(17) Verify 1.000 MHz ± 0.01 % M u l t i p l i e r s (Wheel S w i t c h e s ) Controls Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Observe the pulse width with the PULSE SIGN:-«• counter at the location specified MODE: FREE RUN t)elow TRIG: disconnect all TIMING MULTIPUERS: all wheels set to zero except the one being tested TIMING OVERLAP: ignore Verify pulse width is correct for each wheel as it is tested independently For each wheel of each MULTIPLIER, test each position to verify that the pulse width is correct. Observe the signal at the following locations: DELAY: U520(2); BURSTWIDTH: U530(2); PERIOD: U540(2); DURATION: U550(2) Rates (Rotary S w i t c h e s ) Adjust / Check Inputs / Observations Controls TIMING MULTIPUERS: 0.01 Observe the pulse width with the TIMING RATES: all rotary counter at the location specified switches set to 10-4 below except the one being tested Verify pulse width is correct for each rotary switch as it is tested independently For each ofthe four rotary switches in TIMING, test each position to verify that the pulse width is correct. Observe the signal at the following locations: DELAY: U520(2); BURSTWIDTH: U530(2); PERIOD: U540(2); DURATION: U550(2) 131 Business Parti Loop. PO Box 850 Cartsborg, Wa 98324 iTetophone: 8004201306 • 360683-8300 • F/OC; 3606803525 E-mail: * Wbbsite: httpJ/ fl-N Systems, Inc. 15 Trigger outputs Controls Range: 10V Pulse Amplitude: 5.00 Delay: 1.00 xlO'^ Burst: 1.00 x 10 ^ Duration: 1.00x10-^ Period: 4.00x10-^ Pulse sign: + Trig Mode: Free run Trig in: open Inputs / Observations Trigger the oscilloscope to the Burst Trig Out. Observe it, the Pulse Trig Out, and the isolated output. Adjust / Check Verify that the waveform consists of a burst of three 1ms-on/3ms-off pulses. The burst trigger should be synchronous with the burst; the pulse trigger coincident with each pulse. Output Calibration Isolation Resistance (check) Controls Inputs / Observations Trig Mode: center position Trig In: open Measure the resistance between ground banana jack (front panel) and black banana jack of output with DMM Adjust/Check Resistance read > 100MQ Amplitude Switch Offset (R640) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline: Zero Trig Mode: center position Trig In: Open Measure the voltage at TP645 vs. TP650 with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R640 (AmpI Sw Offset) for minimum voltage. Output Offset (R332: front panel board) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline: Zero Range: 10V Trig Mode: center position Trig In: Open Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R332 (Output offset) for minimum voltage. Positive Baseline Offeet (R607) Controls Inputs/Observations Baseline Sign: + Baseline Amplitude: fully CCW (0.00) Range: 10V Trig In: open Trig Mode: center position Measure the voltage across the outputwiththeDMM. fl-N Systems, Inc. Adjust/Check Adjust R602 (BSLN + offset) for minimum voltage. 131 BusBiess Parti Loop, P O. Box 850 Cartsborg. Wa 98324 Telophone: B00-42O1306 • 360683-8300 • FAX: 3 6 0 6 8 0 3 5 2 5 E-mail:* V^tebsite: httpy^vww.a-msystems com 16 Negative Baseline Offset (R619) Controls Baseline Sign: Baseline Amplitude: fully CCW (0.00) Range: 10V Trig In: open Trig Mode: center position Inputs/Observations Measure the voltage across the outputwiththeDMM. Adjust/Check Adjust R619 (BSLN + offset) for minimum voltage. Pulse Amplitude Adjust (R602) Controls Inputs/Observations Trig Mode: Free Mode Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00*1; Period =0.01*10-4 Pulse Sign: Trig In: open Range: 10V Measure the voltage across the output with the DMM. Pulse Sign Gain (check) Controls Trig Mode: Free Mode Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00* 1s; Period =0.01 *10-4s Trig In: open Range: 10V Adjust/Check The Overiap indicator should be on. Adjust R602 (Max Level) for -10.OOV out. Inputs/Observations Measure the voltage at the output with the DMM for the Pulse Sign at + and - positions Adjust/Check The absolute values ofthe voltages should differ by less than lOOmV Baseline Amplitudes (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Range: 100mA Trig Mode: center position Baseline Amplitude: fully CW (10.00) Trig In: open Measure the voltage at the output with the DMM with Baseline Sign in +, Zero, and - positions. Adjust/Check Gain the matching of current levels at = and - positions; and offset current in Zero position.. 131 Business Parti Loop. PO. Box 850 Cartsboig, Wa 98324 ,Telophone 800-4201306 * 360683-8300 * F/kX: 3606803525 E-mail * website: http^^ww.aflisystems.ccm fl-N Systems, Inc. 17 Output Range Amplitude and Drive (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Pulse Amplitude: 10.00 Pulse Sign: + Trig Mode: Free Run Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single; Duration =1.00*1; Period =100*10-4 Trig In: open Adjust/Check Load the output with a 10KV 1W 0.1% resistor. Measure the voltage at the output with DMM. Verify that full scale output is within specification: Scale: Range: 100V 100V 10V 10V 100mA IV 1mA 10V 10mA 100V Pulse Sign and Short Circuit Protection (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Timing: Delay =none; Burst =single: Duration =2.00*; 10-4 Period =0.01*10-3 Baseline: Zero Pulse Amplitude: 2.5 Range: 10V Trig Mode: Free Run Trig In: open Measure the voltage at the output with the oscilloscope. Check for Pulse Sign set to each of: +, -, biphasic. Watch for Error indicator when shorting the output. Adjust/Check Verify that pulses of approx. 2.5V amplitude (62.5V for biphasic mode) of the correct sign are produced every 10ms. Short output in biphasic mode. Output should return when opened. Output Transient Response (check) Controls Inputs/Observations Pulse Sign: + Timing: Delay =none; Burst: =single; Duration =2.00*10-4; Period =0.01*10-3 Pulse Amplitude: 2.50 Baseline: Zero Trig Mode: Free Mode Trig In: open fl-N Systems, Inc Connect the oscilloscope to the output with a 310 attenuator probe. Test both 10V and 100V ranges. Adjust/Check Verify that overshoot and risetime meet specifications. 131 Business Parti Loop. R O Box 850 Cartsborg, W a 98324 , Telophone: 8 0 0 4 2 0 1 3 0 6 • 3 6 0 6 8 0 8 3 0 0 • F/«( 360«83<J525 E-mail: sales@a-msystems.ocm * V^febsite: http^/ 18 Specifications There are three classes of specifications. Class A specifications tested in all units, and are guaranteed. Class B specifications are inherent in the design; they are indirectly tested, and are guaranteed. Class C specifications are typical operating values which are occasionally tested-, these are typical values, given for your information but not guaranteed. The class for each specification is noted in the center column ofthe following sections. Inputs Switching level A 1.6 V(± 0.2 V) Hysteresis C approx. 50 mV Input equivalent circuit C lOOKH to+5 in parallel with no more than 35pF Minimum duration (1 IL-level signal) C > 50 ns. Open circuit condition B defaults to high/on level Timing and rate accuracy Rate selector steps B lOOpsto 100s in 7 steps Timing multiplier steps B 1 % of rate selector step size. Maximum value is 9.99 X the rate selector step size Resolution B approx. 0.1% ofthe maximum value Timing error (second and later pulses after resetting controls) B < 0.02% of rate selector value + 0.15 ps Timing error (first pulse after readjusting timing controls) an additional 0.25 ps error may occur Timing repeatability < 0.01% setting + 20 ns (monophasic) fl-N Systems, Inc 131 Business Ram Loop, R O Box 850 Cartsborg, V\fa 98324 pTelophone: 8 0 0 4 2 0 1 3 0 6 • 360683-8300 • FAX: 360683-3525 E-mail: sales@»flisystems c o m " Wabsite: httpJAnww aflisystems com 19 TRIG IN to OUTPUT delay (DELAY set to 0), output set to 2V approx. 0.5 ps for a load of no more than 10 KH in parallel with 50 pF Timing jitter from TRIG IN to OUTPUT (for TTL trigger input with risetime <10 ns) < 125 ns (all rates except 100s) < 1.25 ps (100s rate) Timing jitter from TRIG OUT (either BURST or PULSE) and OUTPUT Less than 20 ns (all rates) Trigger output to pulse output delay approx. 350 ns Output characteristics Pulse level error (voltage mode: open circuit; current mode: short circuit < 0.3% of setting + 0.5% of r range (plus an additional 0.5 pA in 100 pA range) Biphasic level difference IV + -^ V-1 /2 < 0.3% of range (voltage modes: into open circuit; current modes :into short circuit) Baseline level error (voltage mode: open circuit; current mode: short circuit) < 0.3% of setting of setting + 0.1 % of range (plus an additional 0.5 pA in lOOpA range) Risetime (2.5 V out) A = 200 ns into less than 30 pF Risetime (25 V out) A = 1.5 ps into less than 30 pF Transient response A < 8% overshoot into less than 30 pF for pulse voltages different than baseline voltage by at least 10% of range Output impedance (voltage mode) C = 50 ohms Output impedance (current mode) C » 1 0 GH (typically 200 GO) Isolation resistance A »100Mn Isolation capacitance C = 60 pF at 100 Hz 131 Business Peril Loop. P.O. Box 850 Cartsborg, V\6 98324 |TelCf)hone: 8 0 0 - 4 2 0 1 3 0 6 ' 3 6 0 6 8 0 8 3 0 0 • FAX: 360683-3525 E-mal; sales@aflisystefns.oom' Website; hnpyMVfW.afllsystems.oom fl-N Systems, Inc. 20 Noise (differential mode) = 1 mV rms (10 V scale; 10 Hz-4 MHz) Noise (common mode: earth to isolated ground) with no signal output = 8 mV rms (10 Hz-4 MHz); == 100mVp-p (200 Hz -10 MHz), measured withalOMH, 15pF oscilloscope probe Overload error indicator (low frequency, short circuited voltage mode) Turns on for set amplitude at or greater than approx. ±1 V (10 V range); or ±2 V (100 V range) Overload error indicator low frequency, open circuited current mode) Turns on for set amplitude at or above approx. 2% of range Overioad error response time Flat to approx. 30 ps duration Decreasing sensitivity for shorter pulses Miscellaneous Power approx. 11 watts Fuse 1 amp 3AG Operating temperature range 10-30°C Storage temperature range 0 - 50° C Operating humidity 5 - 80% RH Dimensions 17x4.75x11.25 (inches) 43.2x12.1x28.6 cm Weight 20 lbs (9 kg) 131 Business Parti Loop, RO. Box 850 Cartsborg, Wb 98324 |Tetcphone: 8004201306 * 3606808300 • F/Ot 360683-3525 E-mail. sates@amsystems com'V^febsite: httpy/ fl-N Systems, Inc. 21 Warranty and Service What does this warranty cover? A-M Systems, Inc. warrants to the Purchaser that the Instrument, excluding cables, Headstage Probes and any other accessories shipped with the Instrument, (hereafter the "hardware") is free from defects in workmanship or material under normal use and service for the period of one (1) year This warranty commences on the date of delivery ofthe hardware to the Purchaser What are the obligations of A-M Systems, Inc. under this warranty? During the warranty period, A-M Systems, Inc. agrees to repair or replace, at its sole option, without charge to the Purchaser, any defective component part of the hardware. To obtain warranty service, the Purchaser must return the hardware to A-M Systems, Inc. or an authorized A-M Systems, Inc. distributor in an adequate shipping container Any postage, shipping and insurance charges incurred in shipping the hardware to A-M Systems, Inc. must be prepaid by the Purchaser and all risk for the hardware shall remain with purchaser until such time as A-M Systems, Inc. takes receipt of the hardware. Upon receipt, A-M Systems, Inc. will promptly repair or replace the defective unit, and then return the hardware to the Purchaser, postage, shipping, and insurance prepaid. A-M Systems, Inc. may use reconditioned or like new parts or units at its sole option, when repairing any hardware. Repaired products shall carry the same amount of outstanding warranty as from original purchase, or ninety (90) days which ever is greater Any claim under the warranty must include a dated proof of purchase ofthe hardware covered by this warranty. In any event, A-M Systems, Inc. liability for defective hardware is limited to repairing or replacing the hardware. What is not covered by this warranty? This warranty is contingent upon proper use and maintenance ofthe hardware by the Purchaser and does not cover batteries. Neglect, misuse whether intentional or othenwise, tampering with or altering the hardware, damage caused by accident, damage caused by unusual physical, electrical, chemical, or electromechanical stress, damage caused by failure of electrical power, or damage caused during transportation are not covered by this wan-anty. Products may not be returned to A-M Systems, Inc. for service, whether under warranty or otherwise, which are contaminated by infectious agents, radioactive compounds or other materials constituting a health hazard to employees of A-M Systems, Inc. What are the limits of liability for A-M Systems, Inc. under this warranty? A-M Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for loss of data, profits or savings, or any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from breach of contract, negligence, or other legal action even if the company or its agent has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim brought against you by another party. THIS EQUIPMENT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CLINICAL MEASUREMENTS USING HUMAN SUBJECTS. A-M SYSTEMS, INC. DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE DUE TO MISUSE OF THIS EQUIPMENT. Jurisdictions vary with regard to the enforceability of provisions excluding or limiting liability for incidental or consequential damages. Check the provision of your local jurisdiction to find out whether the above exclusion applies to you. This warranty allocates risks of product failure between the Purchaser and A-M Systems, Inc. A-M Systems, Inc. hardware pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of liability contained in this warranty. The warranty set forth above is in lieu of all other express warranties, whether oral or written. The agents, employees, distributors, and dealers of A-M Systems, Inc. are not authorized to make modifications to this warranty, or additional wan-anties binding on the company. Accordingly, additional statements such as dealer advertising or presentations, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties by A-M Systems, Inc. and should not be relied upon. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from one jurisdiction to another 131BusinessPartiLoop, RO Box850CartsbOfg.Wa98324 |Telophone: 8004201306 • 360683-8300'F/OC: 3606830525 E-mail: * Wbbsite: httpV/ fl-N Systems, Inc. pO ^ ^