Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Cosmic Ray Acceleration: the need and ways of doing it faster M.A. Malkov University of California, San Diego Ackn: R.Z. Sagdeev, P.H. Diamond Supported by NASA and US DoE Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Outline 1 2 3 Why need faster acceleration? Benchmarks are challenging for acceleration mechanisms (DSA) DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings SNR and other large scale shocks NL shock modication Shock Rippling Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees institution-logo-./UCS 2 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Knee, Ankle and GZK cuto DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings Benchmarks CR spectrum: knee, ankle, GZK Possible interpretations of the breaks need single acceleration mechanism up to the knee for protons may argue then that the spectrum extends to the ankle because heavier nuclei superposition of sources, exceptional SNRs, pre-supernova dense wind (Völk & Biermann 1988) change in acceleration regime (M & Diamond 2006) diusive shock acceleration -DSA operating in SNRs embodies above ingredients thus appearing plausible, BUT... institution-logo-./UCS 3 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Knee, Ankle and GZK cuto DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings Maximum energy: knee predictions for maximum energy/knee for DSA in SNR are model dependent major problem: CR scattering environment: dominant turbulence mode and saturation level under optimistic assummptions might reach PeV ; -Bohm diusion of CR-κB ∼ rg c on resonant Alfven waves (e.g. Berezhko et al 90s); -spreading of short non-resonant waves to resonance at krg ∼ 1 -Bell 04; Bykov et all 11,13; Diamond & M 2007; Simulations largely supportive: Zirakashvili & Ptuskin, Spitkovsky+, Caprioli... pessimistic estimates: DSA falls short by one-two orders of magnitude (Laggage & Cesarsky 1983, partially also Bell 2014 recapitulates concerns) institution-logo-./UCS bottom line: DSA needs an order of magnitude boost to reach the knee during SNR active life 4 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Knee, Ankle and GZK cuto DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings DSA: operation and potential for improvement Linear (TP) phase of acceleration Downstream NL, with CR back-reaction Upstream U(x) shock Downstream Upstream U(x) x x Sub-shock Scattering Centers, frozen Into flow NL-modified flow In both cases momentum gain is small ∆p /p ∼ U /c can be deduced from adiabatic invariant I pk dl = const institution-logo-./UCS 5 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Knee, Ankle and GZK cuto DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings DSA: why slow? long waiting time upstream and downstream: number of scattering N ∼ c /U 1 needed before momentum is increased upon shock crossing by ∆p /p ∼ U /c acceleration time grows with momentum, as both the collision time ( in the linear case ωc−1 ∝ p ) and precursor crossing time [κ (pmax ) /U 2 =τacc in NL regime] increase institution-logo-./UCS 6 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Knee, Ankle and GZK cuto DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings DSA characteristic times cont'd τacc ' κ (p ) U2 ∼ λ c /U 2 ∼ τcol c 2 /U 2 = τcol N 2 λ -particle mean free path (m.f.p.) τcol -collision time (ωc−1 at least) DSA time hierarchy τacc : τcycl : τcol ∼ c 2 U 2 : c U :1 improvement strategy: decouple one of these ratios (or both) from the small parameter U /c institution-logo-./UCS 7 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Knee, Ankle and GZK cuto DSA sluggishness Selection of astrophysical settings Case studies for enhanced acceleration 1 DSA in large scale shocks such as SNR working hypothesis of CR origin DSA is robust and well established acceleration mechanism plethora of new SNR observations 2 Accretion ow on DM lament suitable site for UHECR acceleration weak magnetic and photon elds in accelerator surroundings synchrotron-Compton losses negligible pair production losses insignicant photo-pion losses are signicant but beatable institution-logo-./UCS 8 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary NL shock modication Shock Rippling Possible ways to accelerate DSA grows linearly (slow) both in unmodied and modied shocks but for dierent reasons p (t ) ṗ /p ∝ 1/τacc ∝ 1/p in modied shocks due to precursor ination Lp ∝ pmax , as τacc = precursor crossing time → attempt to prevent precursor from growing nonlinear shock modication with xed ṗ /p precursor scale ∝ U /Lp (pfixed ) = const -exponential growth of momentum shock corrugation resulting in partially quasi-perpendicular acceleration regime without particle loss downstream institution-logo-./UCS - reduction in acceleration time by making τcycle short 9 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary NL shock modication Shock Rippling Acceleration in CR shock precursor acceleration rate in CR modied shocks ṗ = 1 ∂ U ∼ U /L (p ) NL ∗ p 3 ∂z is the same as in ordinary shocks except LNL ∼ κ (p∗ ) /U instead of Lp ∼ κ (p ) /U p∗ is where CR partial pressure is at maximum if the spectrum is harder than p −2 p∗ ' pmax If p∗ is xed, p∗ pmax then p (t ) grows exponentially rather than linearly in the range p∗ < p < pmax institution-logo-./UCS 10 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary NL shock modication Shock Rippling Enhanced Acceleration Scenario 1 Initial linear growth 2 NL shock modication, Drury instability on ∇PCR (Drury & Falle 1986) 3 formation of multiple shocks in precursor and CR losses for p > p∗ → steeper spectrum for p > p∗ 4 change of CR connement regime to super-diusive for to make a steeper spectrum 5 precursor does not grow as max PCR (p ) is xed at PCR (p∗ ) particle momentum grows exponentially for p & p∗ 6 p ∝ t up to p = p∗ (M & Diamond 2006) p > p∗ Limitation: rg (p ) κ (p∗ ) /U ∼ rg (p∗ ) c /U institution-logo-./UCS 11 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary NL shock modication Shock Rippling Switch to quasi-perpendicular geometry -No idling but short acceleration, Jokipii 1987+ V Field lines Quasi-parallel shock v Quasi-perpendicular shock B upstream E Stream lines shock rarefaction downstream -rippled shock surface may result in protracted particle interaction with shock compression but ordinary shocks are stable with respect to corrugations institution-logo-./UCS (LL, Mond and Drury'98 +CRs) 12 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Combined ⊥/k NL shock modication Shock Rippling acceleration scenario CRs destabilize shock surface particle return to shock since CR mirror force depends through quasi-parallel parts of on shock normal angle its surface perpendicular (fast) phase has no idling time Field lines v Quasi-parallel shock parallel (slow) phase has p-independent duration Quasi-perpendicular shock τacc . κ/U 2 with fast acceleration spikes in ⊥-regime set ripples in motion horizontally acceleration cycle comprises two phases: perpendicular and parallel bottom line: a factor of a few gain in acc'n rate institution-logo-./UCS 13 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary NL shock modication Shock Rippling Stronger acceleration speed-up by particle trapping shock Magnetic field Trapped particle - CR trapped between rapidly converging mirrors - trapping suggests I pk dl = const - promotes corrugations energy gain up to factor c /U in one trapping event (lmin ∼ rg , lmax ∼ rg c /U ) lmax may be longer if ripple dynamics results in their coalescence, akin 1D shock dynamics (bad for the previous ⊥ / k scenario) loss cone particles downstream have chances to reappear upstream on k shock region institution-logo-./UCS 14 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary NL shock modication Shock Rippling Evidence of shock rippling? Chandra SNR 1006 -may be interpreted as shock corrugation or projected radial shocks Tycho (Eriksen et al 2011) straiates appear to be more consistent with surface institution-logo-./UCS phenomenon 15 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees Why new UHECR acceleration mechanism? Proton Zevatrons in DM laments GRB origin of UHECR is likely ruled out: neutrino upper limit factor ~3.7 below predictions (Abbasi et al, IceCube, 2012) AGN scenario encounters problems with IC/synchrotron losses, photo-pion losses; powerful accelerators generate strong photon- and magnetic elds (Norman et al 95) large-scale structure shocks accelerate particles too slow to overcome losses (Norman et al 95, Jones 04) → BUT: seed population 1019.5 eV for the mechanism suggested here: operates inside accretion ow onto a lament between two nodes (M, Sagdeev & Diamond 2011) institution-logo-./UCS 16 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees Large-scale structure simulation DM web: laments and nodes accretion ow onto laments Schaal & Springel 2014 from voids institution-logo-./UCS 17 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees Acceleration mechanism Compare and Contrast with SDA starts similarly to shock-drift acceleration (SDA) in SDA part of the orbit is decelerating V change of orbit topology from drift to circumscribing the lament -betatron regime pure energy gain, no deceleration phase B E Seed ~10^19 eV B E=-VxB F V Exit > 10^20 eV institution-logo-./UCS 18 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees Accelerator setup ow pattern (solid lines) magnetic eld (dashed lines) magnetic eld increases towards lament −3/2 Bz ∝ r two nodes connected by a lament provide magnetic trap as the eld increases toward nodes initial drift acceleration 2 regime: p⊥ /Bz = const -slow phase change to betatron regime: explosive institution-logo-./UCS acceleration 19 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees Particle Dynamics 6 betatron regime Particle Potential Energy 5 % Escape 4 400 3 350 300 2 250 t 200 1 150 re Start 0 -3 -2 rs -1 rd -Particle Guiding Center 0 1 Distance from Axis ln r 100 50 0 6 4 2 0 acceleration control parameter v = − rur B RB cB∞ RB - Bondi radius -2 2 3 slow energy gain p⊥2 /Bz = const 0 1 drift motion toward lament, r -4 4 5 qr -6 explosive acceleration p (t ) = (P0 − vt )−1 P0 -canonical momentum institution-logo-./UCS 20 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Accretion ows and CR Acceleration in Cosmic Web Betatron inductive acceleration Evading photo-disentegration in accelerator and exit fees Why short explosive acceleration is critical? Overjumping the photopion wall 12 p(t) p ad invar Betatron acceleration 10 3 p(t) ~ 1/(t0 - t) 6 r pr rg / R B 2 8 1 separatrix 0 -1 -2 4 -3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 r / RB 2 0 0 ts 5 10 15 tc/R B 20 25 the photo-pion wall can be overjumped likely need tunneling with m.f.p γπ wall at E ' 1019.5 eV (Berezinsky et al 2006) BUT! betatron energy growth is explosive! lπ ∼ 10Mpc upon crossing separatrix particles institution-logo-./UCS escape immediately, thus evading high magnetic and photon elds 21 / 22 Why need faster acceleration? SNR and other large scale shocks Proton Zevatrons in DM laments Summary Summary Galactic CR, SNR, DSA NL shock modication speeds up acceleration in the smooth part of the upstream ow sizable fraction of Ushock /c 1 factor can be used to increase acceleration rate shock surface is shown to be corrugationally unstable due to CR shock reection acceleration at CR-corrugated shocks is signicantly enhanced UHECR betatron acceleration in DM laments suggested acceleration end-thrust overcomes losses, fatal for other mechanisms (e.g., DSA) mechanism is capable of proton reacceleration to the maximum energy & 1020 eV seed particles with energies ∼ 1019 eV are required institution-logo-./UCS 22 / 22