Block 3. Domain Job and Internship Mediation (105 grants) These are associations and activities aimed at preparing students for their future careers. This includes facilitation (social) internships and should concern non-commercial activities. For-profit associations and/or activities that might yield a profit (by a third party) are wholly or partially excluded. ‘Commercial’ is defined as follows: Commercial activities include those activities for which payment is asked or can be asked. In other words, agreements are entered into between students and a third party for which a kind of mediation fee might be required. Many activities and foundations in the domain Job and Internship Mediation fall into this category. This definition also applies to other foundations/associations in other domains if they enter into th ese kinds of mediations and were to apply for grants. 1. Fixed grants In the domain of Job and Internship Mediation, a maximum number of 20 fixed grants are available. Because Tilburg University greatly appreciates the efforts in the area of Job and Internship Mediation, the foundations may be awarded grants for the commitment of students. We assume that a solid basis is necessary to maintain the foundation. For commercial tasks (e.g. acquisition of internships / graduation assignments, networking, etc.) no grants are awarded. A maximum number of 20 fixed grants are available in this domain per foundation since they do not have any members and therefore also organize few to no activities as do board members of associations with members. The Grants Committee determines the number of grants awarded for each foundation. It is up to the foundations themselves to determine the distribution of these grants between their board members. 2. Variable grants The variable grants are based on a point system and should be reapplied for each year. To apply for points for variable grants, proof of a committee needs to be provided. The associations fill in the application form on the basis of criteria (tick which criteria app ly). The domain Job and Internship Mediation mainly aims to find internships and work orders (including exchange mediation) and match these with students to execute these assignments. Despite the fact that mediations are considered commercial activities, and are therefore not awarded points, extra points will be awarded for mediations for which a contract is signed. TiU considers internships, traineeships, work experience, and exchange important enough to stimulate foundations to find a maximum number of assignments. These grants should therefore be seen as an appreciation for the commitment of active students. Appreciation is measured according to this scheme: Number of Number of points mediations 0-10 0 11-50 5 51-100 10 ≥101 15 1 Please note: Where there is a demonstrably above-average time investment per mediation, the Grants Committee may decide to double the number of mediations in the scheme above. a) Criteria: Other events /symposiums/ activitities: o Attendance ≤ 50 o Attendance 51-150 o Attendance ≥151 o Organized in collaboration with other associations o Prominent external guests o Positive media attention (regional/national/international) o International target group / promoting integration o Industry presence o Collaboration TiU o Comments……………… b) Criteria: magazines o 1-4 issues o ≥5 issues o Number of pages….. o Circulation……. c) Criteria: excursion/trip o 1/2 days o 3/5 days o ≥6 days o National o Within Europe o Intercontinental o Number of participants……. 2