Block 3. Domain Culture (105 grants):

Block 3. Domain Culture (105 grants):
These are associations and activities aimed at facilitating cultural and artistic expression in the
broad sense of the word.
1. Fixed grants
In the domain Culture, there are a number of associations with members and a number of
foundations without members. That is why the committee has decided not to use the number of
members as criteria for the fixed number of grants. For existing associations, 9 permanent
grants are awarded. The committee feels this is necessary to maintain the cultural association.
This fixed number of grants includes the usual board positions (chairman, treasurer, secretary).
New associations will also have 9 fixed grants, possibly less by discretion of the Grants
Committee. More grants can be requested based on the criteria below. All board members
(including committee members) of the current cultural associations are part-time functions. This
means that per board/committee member, a maximum number of 3 grants can be applied for.
Therefore, when a board member does not study at TiU, (s)he cannot request grants and these
cannot be distributed among the other board members. Grants that become available because of
this are divided in the variable grants in this domain.
2. Variable grants
The variable grants are based on a point system and should be applied for every year. To apply
for points for variable grants, proof of a committee needs to be provided. The associations fill in
the application form on the basis of criteria (tick which criteria apply).
a) Criteria: activitites / events/ performances
o Attendance ≤ 30
o Attendance 31-100
o Attendance ≥101
o Positive media attention
o International target group / promoting integrating
o ≥ 2 days
b) Criteria: excursion / trip
o 2/3 days
o 4/5 days
o ≥6 days
o National
o Within Europe
o Intercontinental
o Number of participants…….
c) Criteria: magazines
o 1-4 issues
o ≥5 issues
o Number of pages…..
o Circulation…….