Block 3. Domain Student Sports (264 grants) These are the associations, committees and the sports council liaised to the Tilburg University Sports Center. The main aim of this domain is to facilitate matches and events and create team spirit, have fun, and offer a friendly and sporty home. The domain Student Sports has an umbrella organization (Pendragon) with a predetermined number of 45 grants. In addition, 28 grants are awarded to Vidar rowing coaches. The remaining 191 grants are awarded based on the number of members of the sports associations. The Grants Committee determines the varying number of grants on the basis of criteria set for this purpose. 1. Fixed grants In the domain of student sports, the number of memberships determines a fixed number of grants. The reference date is 31 January of the current academic year. Proof of number of members is to be submitted with the realization. Grants are awarded according to the scheme below: Memberships 15-50 51-150 151-300 ≥300 Grants 2 6 10 18 In the application, the names of the umbrella organization (Pendragon), the Vidar coaches and the board members are presented. It is up to the associations to determine the division of the number of grants between their active members. Do note that there is a maximum application of 9 grants per person per year. If there are board members from other universities or universities of applied sciences in the umbrella organization or the associations, this should be indicated on the application. Students who are not enrolled at Tilburg University cannot apply for grants. Grants that become available can be divided variably in case more points are awarded than the maximum number of available grants. 2. Variable grants The variable grants are based on a point system and should be reapplied for each year. To apply for points for variable grants, proof of a committee needs to be provided. The associations fill in the application form on the basis of criteria (tick which criteria apply). a) Criteria: tournaments/ big events o Attendance ≤ 50 o Attendance 51-150 o Attendance ≥151 o Positive media attention o International target group / promoting integration o 50% external participants o ≥ 2 days 1 b) Other events o Attendance 30-100 o Attendance ≥101 o Positive media attention o International target group / promoting integration o 50% external participants o ≥ 2 days 2