COMPARATIVE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER PART OF THE CARBONIFEROUS-PERMIAN BIRD SPRING FORMATION, SPRING MOUNTAINS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA by Janine B. S., Massachusetts EARTH, Commerford Institute (1983) of Technology SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE. OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at MASSACHUSETTS the INSTITUTE May 0 Massachusetts Signature of Department of 1984 Institute of Author......... Earth, OF TECHNOLOGY Atmos v h iic .- Technology . and 9--....,.... glanetary 29 Certified Accepted 1984 Sciences May 1984 by....... ................................... John B. Southard ST"y'eis $upervisor by.......... Theodore Chairman, Department WM4IDRAWN JUN FRm MTLIt RARIES R. Madden Committee Table of Contents Page Abstract............................................2 Acknowledgements.. .. Introduction.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 3 ...................................... 4 Location.................... ...................... ....................... 8 Previous Work........................................7 Pa leogeo logic Me thods of Se tting...............................12 Study..............................................16 Lithofacies..........................................17 Depositional Synthesis Environment. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 30 and Discussion.............................32 Conclusions........ ................................. .39 Bibliography.............. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Appendix...............................................42 ... LOWER PART OF THE COMPARATIVE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE CARBONIFEROUS-PERMIAN BIRD SPRING FORMATION, SPRING MOUNTAINS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA by Janine Commerford Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geology ABSTRACT Two stratigraphic sections of the lower 200 m of the Carboniferous-Permian Bird Spring Formation were examined in the Spring Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. The Bird Spring Formation was deposited in the late Paleozoic Bird Spring Basin. Despite subsequent large-scale east-directed thrust faulting of Bird Spring basin, the two sections lie in the same thrust sheet and have retained their original separation of 40 km. Thin-section studies reveal five lithofacies common to both areas. The five facies are characteristic of a shallow-marine environment which was subjected to periodic sea-level fluctuations. Facies 1 is a carbonate-cemented siltstone, Facies 2 is a lithified carbonate mud, Facies 3 is a matrix-supported biomicrite, Facies 4 is a grain-supported biomicrite, and Facies 5 is a biosparite. Facies 1 and 2 were deposited in a quiet, anoxic environment, below wave base. Facies 3 was deposited near wavebase in an oxygenated environment, Facies 4 was deposited above wave base in an agitated, well oxygenated environment, and Facies 5 was deposited above wave base in a well agitated, well oxygenated environment. Facies 1 or 2 through 5 represent an ideal regressive sequence. Comparisons of stratigraphic columns, thin sections, gross lithologic features, and lithofacies succession reveals that the two sections are very similar. Sea-level fluctuations and consequent changes in depositional environments appear to have been felt equally at both locations. Since age constraints provided by fossil dating are not exact, such close similarity of two sections of Bird Spring located 40 km apart could mean several things. A very gently dipping basin floor might cause an area 40 km farther from shore to experience the same environments as one closer to shore, or the two areas may have been located roughly parallel to the paleo-shoreline at approximately the same depth. Given the poor age constraints, the sections may not be contemporaneous. Similarities in facies types and sequences may be due to facies shifts caused by sea-level fluctuations and not by contemporaneous deposition in uniform seas. Thesis supervisor: Department Dr. J.B. Committee: Southard Dr. T.R. Madden Acknowledgements I the would idea for enthusiastic I for like to this study, thank Prof. J.B. as well as Southard for his am indebted to many Wilcock, Roger Kuhnle, Klepacki. Thanks go at moments, crucial Bernward of the denizens to finish this and me excellent and sense thesis (by get a job). and Danny Orange to to administrative Finally, go to my Peter and Dave the comics officemate thoughtful comments. own the impetus thesis) time with friends. (and to for floor I wish I had them. the Department the 9th red Sheffels, lending me giving me been wonderful to staff for who financial guided me aid through the tape. I would long-suffering hardships he due 10th floor Jim Danna, Matt Kohn, Larry McKenna, spend more Thanks are and have thanks finishing his the Doug Walker, of humor and for of Barb Stein for special thank John Lambie helping me able Donna Blackman, to Judith Hay for his I want granted, giving teaching. providing encouragement and advice: been for like to express my gratitude field assistant for endured on my account. the to my long hours and great INTRODUCTION This study environment of examines two Spring Formation located their in the sections thrust relative of the of revealing comparison of the sheet relative depositional Carboniferous-Permian Bird Nevada. and separation Knowledge the stratigraphy and depositional in Clark County, same original the have lower Bird of of the Spring the late sections are apparently (Burchfiel positions environment The retained et al., 1963). sections permits stratigraphy Paleozoic Bird a and of Spring basin. Both sections lowermost part of one in Lee separated Canyon, by the delimited and the by the The the overlying measured descriptions other near thrust Pahrump, done steel each bed thrust during tape the and to were recorded collected. Five lithofacies environments of deposition were descriptions and km apart, spine they the Brunton and the lie 40 thrust summer form sections, which Canyon and The trending in Lee Pass m thick Formation. sheet underlying Wheeler with of Spring 180 northwest-southeast Field work was were approximately the Bird Spring Mountains. is are of of are to north 1983. compass. the located the (Fig. south 3). Sections Detailed samples were representing different thin-section distinguished using analysis. the field Vegas Location of Section 1 3 Fig. 1 Lee Canyon Section 4 5 Kilometers Jeep trail Location of Section 2 0 1 2 3 Kilometers Fig. 2 Pahrump Section 4 5 Fig. 3 Spring Mountains LOCATION The range Spring Mountains lying west mainly of is Mt. are upthrusted the with cactus, Outcrop generally forests may Section in Lee Canyon junction of lat. (Fig US 95 36*26'10" Quadrangle. on It is the NE The base of and remain pleasantly sparsely grasses, and commonly C at height the east side and Nevada N in tallest peak the of covered the higher summmer. reaches slopes. the 1). composed The higher regions regions are superb, except in the The trending of located 52, at quarter Section the 8 km long. of the 1 lies Spring east of Mountains, the 115*34'00" W and Charleston Peak at about 15' 1200 m above level. The Bird thickness faults, Spring of more but gently and is km east Formation than 2100 m. truncated by in this It is erosion area has broken by at the a measured only minor top. Beds dip uniformly NW 30*. Section 2 lies 11 Lower of 45* cover 1 lies height. pinon pine, mesquite, and dry temperatures They are carbonates. in and summer. experience is Nevada. Paleozoic Charleston, at 3574 m even in where a northwest-southeast of Las Vegas, forested with spruce cool sea are of the on town highway 16, section is at quarter of the Pahrump off an long. the west side of Pahrump. unnamed jeep 115*51'30" 15' of It trail W, lat. Quadrangle. is the Spring Mountains, located 7.2 shown in Fig. 36*13'00" N km NE of 2. in The the NE 9 The lower part of the Bird Spring Formation relatively intact, but upper parts faults folds. due and to erosion. The top of the in this area is are contorted by many formation is again missing PREVIOUS The by Bird Hewett deposits (1931) of the assigned the basis The of located sandstone. Fossils corals, abundant. The form slopes. This slopes from a Longwell in is including the thickens of Formation. rugose are found mainly corals, locally components varies shales and and dolostones siltstones Spring the section. and and makes the consists pattern Bird of easily distance. (1936) noted conspicuously to they of placed the the They extended the lower Bird base the Permian, that the 80 km northwest of Las Vegas. into the shale, limestones Springs, Pennsylvanian of common and terrigenous ledges ore Hewett Spring Range, crinoids resistant and characteristic weathering m section the Mississippian. part fusulinids, a study, Nevada. named the Pennsylvanian on fairly and and geology calcareous measured fusulinid the lower Bird The purer less and Dunbar 1575 described of to the the Chert to bed. while identifiable from brachiopods, ledges, Formation survey dolostone, percentage from bed alternating of a collected limestone, as nodules. colonial part first Goodsprings Quadrangle, section, calcareous Formation was Bird Spring Formation of 750 m of form as fossils type greatly Spring WORK the Bird Spring northwest. Spring On of near the lie Indian the basis of Bird upper part to They a Spring through below the in the Supai Spring in Mississippian, in the Pennsylvanian, and the middle the uppermost Langenheim et al. Spring Formation of Las Vegas, the upper Bird in Spring (1972), rocks Las the this basinal area 750 m the is the Range, m 80 Bird km northeast Spring Mountains. through 30 the Permian. 1050 m of truncated extends lowermost A the in 1350 m in Canyon east of section including Ledbetter done work from cratonal Formations the of authors, have Vegas. the Arrow Bird by Although erosion, the Permian Early age. Wolfcampian Other in place to the Lee Canyon, Nevada. measured (1962) and miles part led him study fusulinid detailed near Spring Mountains, the m section of measured a 2100 (1959) Rich and on the Bird platform (1970) Spring and sequences and correlative found The Pennsylvanian-Permian Callville are invariably Bird Spring much thinner and more sequence to the north. Smith southeast of and Pakoon clastic than PALEOGEOLOGIC The Spring Mountains are Paleozoic marine deposited In the on Paleozoic margin existed in geosyncline. Near shed in westward center of Davis, 1972). of the the Late an Davis, 1972). the the basin, end to in the rocks far enough The which any of of the sediment in to The while plate sequence of sediments were farther west formed in the (Burchfiel and time of the sequence Basin was the appearance craton margin (Burchfiel portion of the Spring the and Cordilleran transformed area Antler from Mountains were now known orogenic the belt western into a into as the formed near Great tectonic thickness of have received source (Fig 4). behavior, type depocenters of accumulated sediment smaller basin, Basin, to consisted of numerous area was not a uniform belt, differentiated elements. clastic the west Great A craton. north-trending Mississippian the duration, sedimentation, and 1959). in a broad limestones eastern Great Basin varied American shelf. composing east limestones, were (Stewart, 1972). belt pile of North-Atlantic- type geosyncline, purer a thick mostly craton margin, Eastern southeast margin if passive of the North the passive-margin the little of The miogeosynclinal unstable The a Devonian-Early marked mildly rocks, deposited Antler orogenic geosyncline These this area sediments was In composed the western margin early marine rocks. SETTING but rather platform, and (Steele, was positive Fig.4 Late Daleozoic Paleogeologic Map (after Bissell, 1962) These uplift and as the area 1962). (Bissell, was Formation the forces Pioche Basin, The more Bird Spring than 2100 m of It covered (Steele, has roughly 1959). been southern Basin of carbonate sea, transgressive-regressive sea line, known as sediments level platform-affinity rocks Bird Spring and platform were its the south north deposited on correlative basin deposits, much generally and contain stable. Vegas, and 1962). facies the rocks are Carboniferous and Permian are dividing the from in basinal Formations, in runs (Bissell, Pakoon deposits accumulated resulting sequences, the formed sea. thickest part. fluctuated, platform the time through Las to Basin, shallow marine waters correlative platform during These in Their environments. Callville rocks to Spring Inyo-Panamint Vegas hingeline, rocks basin-affinity Basin Bird Spring the remained relatively northeast-southwest approximately separates the Paleozoic sedimentary the Las Great time Spring Basin." late line between platform and basin This and km 2 with warm 200,000 Although subsidence of the Bird called the name "Bird author prefers This depocenter in which The the the the west affected to deposited rates Paleozoic and early Mesozoic throughout late tectonic varying experienced depocenters Callville the (Smith, thinner 1972). than much more clastic material. The Mountains the type section of the Bird (as defined by Hewett, Las Vegas hingeline; these Spring in 1931) rocks lies have the to Bird the a more Spring south of platformal character than Mountains. the The Bird Bird Spring clastic components, primary dolomite, all nearer shore the Great Basin. type in area indicate Bird Spring the Spring contains more more a higher energy, the seas Formation and yellow silts sands the deposition of in the Supai belt in in the sedimentation the the the eastern basins with silt, of waters of the redbeds. the of Bird the red Continued uplift Permian eastern Great from deep-water deposition late of from normal marine restricted The withdrawal resulted orogenic from most separated and became ended Spring and time a sustained period of areas were deposits. Basin the Antler Permian of circulation and gypsum paleozoic seen cross-stratification, and retreat Several mud, of the of which to Medial caused open-water more in rocks environment. In Early uplift Spring finally Basin and ended (Steele, 1959). The the end rocks of affecting eventually southwest with later of Spring the Paleozoic the Mountains Era. The western margin of caused east-directed (Burchfiel episodes Basin and Range part. the and Davis, complex the 1972). of which all deposited tectonic North American thrusting of extension, Province, were led the to forces continent throughout This the by the thrusting, formation coupled of the Spring Mountains are a Two stratigraphic Bird Spring section County, Nevada, The sections the lie METHODS OF STUDY columns the lowermost one near were of studied, other near Pahrump, approximately 40 section was described, detailing grain color, and size, amount of type of were selectively thickness, visible sedimentary the five Standard thin types of of extent of Five of gross Each present Clark Nevada. bed in each characteristics, characteristics, type and amount of lithofacies sections were (if in prepared for any). type chert, and Both sections grains, cement, preservation grains, presence each different section. Each of major types of types and sedimentary amount from each each sample. of grains, texture, and of several relative amounts character and amount of non-bioclastic types bedding samples were collected, section was examined bioclastic of main thin components, km apart. the photographed. Representative of structure Canyon, Clark County, weathering fossils, Lee 180 m of amounts structure, of micrite matrix, and bioturbation. major lithologic lithologic units were description and stratigraphic columns were drawn between lithofacies (see thin-section on descriptions fig. 17,18,19). the basis study. compared and correlations them using field succession delineated The were and patterns of LITHOFACIES Permian rocks of Pennsylvanian and Indian Spring and finely purple-weathering locally abundant limestone with is calcite, and of cemented with orange-weathering, green-weathering, coarse-grained and in age, reddish fine-grained of dense sandstones laminated hereafter Formation, Spring Formation. the Bird consist mainly rocks the in character from markedly different the Morrowan Bird Chesterian is Member, Spring Indian the called Spring Bird the m of 30 bottom The in Spring Mountains. Bird the in examined Spring rocks identified were lithofacies Five fossil remains. environment and are 1 and Sections because types 2, they they are before deposited proper. Although below. Formation disconformable the A discussion the Depositional of formation Indian Environment the Cristo Monte rocks appear in both lithofacies included as major not basinal of with Indian Spring are not nonbasinal transitional, in a rocks were deposited These in character and were the Bird Spring Spring rocks is included in thesis. of this rocks is primary matrix is a very section Basin Matrix Matrix calcite or in the Bird dolomite. carbonate mud Spring Primary (micrite) which often appears or secondary fine-grained to be stained reddish or brownish. In constituent, whereas between larger precipitation grains, or by crystalline of it fills or dolomite recrystallization of or calcite micrite sparite, or is into the only interstices formed voids preexisting forms dolomite is the Secondary cement calcite cement, subhedral facies in others grains. of some by between the micrite. This an interlocking mosaic crystals. Grains Some examples entirely of micrite. contained at are especially amoing fossil common the stronger fusulinids. contain at quartz-rich facies siltstone, with thin for grain are the seen both major silt-size quartz grains one) angularity than detrital A few examples each were Ooliths constituted were The fragments. scattered examples of contained no of the quartz sparsely each quartz grains facies at all. suggest an origin. seen were seen a large grains. a micrite-cemented throughout, but a few size and lithoclasts. such as fragments forming fossil facies, fossils, some quartz basically quartz the quartz-rich eolian rather and never is least abundant angular sections and uniformly (except Crushed of examined Uncrushed matrix-supported types composed grainstones. Most facies In most fragments. in are thin sections through micrite matrix and constituents of The quieter-water facies However, most fairly brachiopods and scattered the least some fragments most of in of ooliths, the pellets, and higher-energy facies proportion of the grains. Fecal pellets facies, were were looking observed subangular partially occasionally like uniform in only one clasts are redeposited, atypically lumps case. composed consolidated seen the These had quieter-water of micrite. large of micrite, micrite possibly during in been (2 cm by formed torn a storm or Lithoclasts 1 cm) when up and then other period of strong water movement. FACIES Facies angular to 1 is a siltstone or subangular cryptocrystalline generally often poorly partly have pink, or no or of The few the fossils, Biogenic presence producing 10 of composed quartz grains (micrite). weathering. hidden; beds are cemented Beds This often or thick, locally They abundant, elongated fine grain size, facies carbonate production was abundant silt, which to contain rocks contain is often little seen to in gray bedding. lack of below wave probably tends is weathered parallel and by are fine-grained green casts. Chert, cm These indicate a quiet environment, organisms. of abundant where -float may or may not tan, debris. nodules, to beds beneath. orange, cross-lamination base. resistant slopes, the fossil black calcareous mud or wholly scree-covered examples silt-size shale, to retarded by stunt ca-rbonate- Fig. 5 Facies 1: Siltstone. Lee Canyon. with well sorted subangular quartz Crossed nicols. Fig. 6 Facies 1: Siltstone. Pahrump. Micrite with well sorted sub-angular quartz grains. Crossed nicols. Micrite grains. Fig. 7 Facies 2: Micrite. Lee Canyon. Rare quartz grains. Note large uncrushed shell fragment. Crossed nicols. Fig. 8 Pahrump. Facies 2: Micrite. grains, no fossil fragments. Crossed nicols. Few quartz Fig. 9 Facies 3: Matrix-supported biomocrite. Lee Canyon. Reworked fossil fragments (crinoids, echinoids). Crossed nicols. Fig. 10 Facies 3: Matrix-supported biomicrite. Pahrump. Few quartz fragments, reworked fossil fragments. Crossed nicols. I Facies 2 is a micrite, cryptocrystalline relatively rare, rugose or carbonate mud. though colonial small in some amounts, locally odor. expense micrite In of the field medium-gray do nodules and than but occupy these rocks fine-grained very are ledges. unbroken present in small fragments slide to are pieces crystals little area Chert Pyrite often grow unbedded, present area. bedding. broken dolomite large nearly are parallel are otherwise 5% of freshly fragments contain by pellets less Euhedral sulphurous beds Angular quartz covering present, almost entirely of Fossil blanketed Fecal beds. abundant in occasionally some corals fossil-free micrite. amounts composed at in in is is emit a the the slide. light-gray to Cross-lamination is not present. The of few micrite fossils, lack indicate and 3 is fine-grained both whole Angular and the area pellets In the medium-grained be visible and fossil It fragments Dolomite are present these form impressive is fossil matrix-supported, and make make up up rhombs fragments present. less than between 10% growing common as in at 5% of and the Facies 30% of expense 2. in small amounts. rocks and medium-gray on weathered presence anoxic fragments are present but not as field quiet, composed of Fossil fragments are a carbonate mud. on a slide. of micrite Fecal a biomicrite, quartz constituents. in and base. uncrushed silt-size cross-lamination, deposition environment, below wave Facies of are in surfaces. cliffs. fine-grained color. Beds are to Fossil fragments may generally massive Fig. 11 Facies 4: Grain-supported biomicrite. Canyon. Reworked fossils. Crossed nicols. Fig. 12 Facies 4: Grain-supported biomicrite. Pahrump. Reworked fossils (crinoids and fusulinids). Crossed nicols. Lee Fig. 13 Facies 5: Biosparite. Crossed nicols. Lee Canyon. I Fig. 14 Facies 5: Biosparite. Crossed nicols. Pahrump. MA Gray and black chert 'pods and nodules Cross-lamination is The presence environment, Facies both whole Fossils in and zone, fossils with a fragments are medium-gray on weathered 3 to 5 cm in a moderately active close scant thick and up to to wave base. composed of micrite trilobites, medium-grained limestone with surfaces. often matrix. and rare. is massive, Chert Large-scale cross-lamination is beds abundant. fragments, probably crinoids, brachiopods, Field appearence visible fossil a grain-supported biomicrite, Quartz coarse-grained abundant photic crushed include gastropods. fairly indicates deposition the 4 is locally absent. of somewhat reworked, are is present several to fossils present in some meters easily locally. beds, in with lateral extent. The well-washed and reworked fossils cross-lamination indicate deposition oxygenated environment, above wave Facies 5 is a biosparite, and an was sparry cement. Both whole equigranular mosaic of probably micrite formed matrix. Field The to sparkle secondary obliterated the presence of energetic, well base. of crushed crystalline is grains are fossil fragments fossils calcite. the absent a very massive coarse-grained in the are bound Sparry by cement recrystallization of a preexisting Quartz appearence medium-grained surfaces by in an composed and and in this unbedded limestone whose facies. medium-gray, fresh sun. recrystallization of this facies original grain/matrix composition. has However, 1 /- / ,--- --i Facies 1 Siltstone or shale: angular silt-size quartz grains in micrite. Fossils rare. Chert locally abundant. Below wave base. Facies 2 .Micrite: cryptocrystalline Fossils rare. Little or no Below wave base. Facies carbonate quartz. 3 Matrix supported-biomicrite: fossils somewhat reworked. Near wave base. Facies 1:1 4(y Z 4( mud. are 4 Grain-supported biomicrite: fossils are reworked. Ooliths and cross-lamination sometimes present. Above wave base. MR Facies 5 Biosparite: recrystallized fossil Above wave base. and micrite. Fig. 15 Lithofacies fragments the presence of fossils indicates oxygenated environment. deposition Reworked fossils in a well suggest an agitated environment, above wave base. The five sedimentary lithofacies cycle fluctuation. the An described above deposited ideal in response regressive quieter-water, deeper-water through increasingly conditions (Facies (Facies 4 contain the and 5). Although 3) to ideal Bird through level is often not did not 1." but in the ideal transgress of or the been preserved. This regressive sequences, where the conditions following previously finer-grained sediment. on depositional from the beds facies from 2) sequence would order. "Facies are as is 1 of facies through Facies common; far as it when had especially shallower, more the Another that not all elements is sea in deposited. 5 true of each for agitated tended deposited unconsolidated that are in an area. environment, bed analysis. 1 and quieter, deeper-water conditions to obliterate of progress environments sequence cycle were cycle have succession the recede incomplete cycles of (Facies opposite cycles reason for Analysis facies transgressive Incomplete past, not all members sequence would most agitated cycles, Facies sea-level Spring Basin experienced many transgressive-regressive deposited the elements the to elements of a shallower water and more agitated The same are preserved Since will facies are water depth can also reveal the dependent be inferred DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT Before the the Bird Spring end of Chesterian parts of the same area. Spring Formation was Spring time, Indian deposited constituents. reached a smaller, The Member contains a clastic Basin at Spring this time. deposited occurred Spring Member, the end sandstone and of the marine transgression, of Paleozoic, the Spring Member Spring ended marine of The the Bird Indian terrigenous Minor beds of of sea-level the Indian fine-grained coarse-grained biosparite. was to Period, last a large-scale to essentially the deposition of the shallow-water and began deposition of the deeper-water Bird the Bird Spring basin Pennsylvanian Period, water m; covered in a shallow, deposition Mississippian which sea end Indian Formation. Although 100 the producing alternating cross-laminated At during extent at Member large proportion of It was full shallower energetic, above-wave-base environment. fluctuations its Bird Spring deepened depth probably lithofacies are in the never exceeded characteristic of shallow deposited broad, seas. The Bird relatively Spring Formation was shallow, warm marine basin. provided nearly ideal conditions carbonate warm water, and sediments: for the temperatures, slightly agitated conditions. The in Bird a Spring Basin deposition of light, silt-free Wavebase5 1 and 2 Increasing Energy Fig. 16 Horizontal Interpretation of Facies Type These thousands basin. late favorable of meters Although for to They bed. debris, The five slightly in lithofacies in sea caused environment in in are any the entirely uniform percent of and many above were that are the from bed clastic other deposited produced factors. in the by the deposition in the of cyclic basin location changed as examined in this environments varied with time terrigenous the well. great while and basins. the some sedimentary between study; restricted Indian Spring Member, cross-stratification. induced by fluctuated, area few seas, climatologicical variation, or depth given of fluctuated Formation contains were not means not have the throughout type and amount of biogenic structures characteristic of exception of no of subsiding continued could the depositional slowly size, regression rate, As water facies grains, deposition level. subsidence level the the by grain described sequences. extremes are differing environments factor, Sea rocks sedimentary Transgression and other in deposition color, shape of of fluctuations variable carbonate Spring vary type allowed environmental conditions Bird constituents, of carbonate Paleozoic, static, conditions sea level, With the Bird Spring clastics and little all SYNTHESIS The of cyclic this facies record study is thick column of useful but is necessarily that occur sections time. and Tertiary complicated is were cut same the not uplifted in original The faults as a the the basin. the and extent of thrust areas Those basin has in of each the proved same of tieir separation. Spring Mountains well as numerous are cut by minor faults several major and folds, that by other may nothing retain been faults, now covered are original thus km 2 stratigraphic Spring Basin has low-angle within a few kilometers 200,000 resulting deformation The Bird the in Unfortunately, sections measured sheets column variations lateral into mountain ranges thrust The basin. by normal faults. stratigraphic different in east-directed difficult; on the horizontal tectonism and Reconstruction of level; stratigraphic of a great many problem. sea time-dependent. covered approximately alluvium. mountain range in a record environments occurred when, to discover places in many preserves changes vertical time Study environments greatly shortened by and one of Basin to vertical and in the is necessary depositional Mesozoic at rocks response little Spring Bird in Carboniferous have beds the worker The in DISCUSSION Spring in determining which tells facies of Bird changes succeeding AND thrust but lie Sections 1 and et Deformation within al.) 2 lie in the same the thrust Lee Canyon Thrust to the north the south be minimal. position 1 and 2 appears of this seem separation of overall about of found both is identical. Chert is Indian and cross-laminated the made but Springs 30 sandstone, the Sections Indian many similarities. The the is same percentage appear the five of to be each nearly in both sections. of m thick, and reveals the Member, Bird very more Spring is present it is reddish in both composed of the fine-grained coarse-grained or purple-tinted biosparite. Spring Member a bed-by-bed comparison with impossible, to relative rocks: faunas types--dense the the original in both sections lowermost part orange-tinted, green-tinted preservation of by Thrust constrained, columns Approximately lithologic the 2 reveals areas. stratigraphic Formation, two delimited original similar abundant The same in similar, similarities. locations. their the beds of lithofacies the (Burchfiel the Wheeler Pass Although 1 and composed the sheet is poorly retained Sections are of and sheet 40 km. lithofacies Study sheet character of They are same. thrust to have Comparison The to thrust overall the character in Lee of the Pahrump Poor area Canyon area this member is the same. The 60 m of Bird Member Many of alternate between the ledges recrystallized fossils to see. Spring tend ledges in both calcite to weather directly above and the Indian Spring debris-covered sections contain slopes. uncrushed or silica-replaced brachiopods. out of the bed, which makes them These easy 60 60 30 30 4 a) 1 2 3 4 5 0 Pahrump Fig-. 17 1 2 3 4 Lee Canyon Lithofacies Succession Lithofacies types are represented by horizontal scale. Vertical scale represents distance above top of Indian Spring Member. 5 120 120 1 90 90 60 60 1 2 3 4 5 1 Pahrump Fig. 18 2 345 Lee Canyon Lithofacies Succession 150 150 a) a) a) 4-i 4-J) 0) 120 120 1 2 3 4 1 5 Pahrump Fig. 2 3 4 Lee Canyon 19 Lithofacies Succession 5 Chert nodules and Between resistant 90 to layers and weathering and are very thickness and lying In fossils the common in both 125 m from chert nodules megascopic are the from 0.3 ranging to present interval between in Section some 125 first the bottom. 165 10 to part of 180 m, in both 15 cm are of in few the beds section. in the Bird and sections. and both beds Layers Very slope-formers common the Some beds sections contain corals. The found is and 1 contain brachiopods, rugose from Chert from this of cliffs. 1 m apart. in Spring again alternate between ledge-formers. most form massive common, are base, sections. fusulinids m from In in Section Section 2, the bottom. the 1 were first found 120 m fusulinids Both were were identified as Millerella marblensis. Study of lithofacies another basis covered for comparison. intervals unless Poor preservation of made comparative impossible; Facies the to and be 150 m, similar. covered of of the Indian provides extrapolated interval exceeds lithofacies in have across 3 m. in Section 2 Spring Member starts the initially 12 m. high interval from although bed-to-bed little Curves are 17,18,19) Indian Spring Member analysis sections lowermost (figs. at the top of the Member. changes similar, the the comparison Indian Spring Both succession In similarity lithofacies the energies 0 to 60 correlations interval 60 between the successions two to of m are can be 115 m sections. again appear deposition. roughly drawn only in there ap'pears Between to be very 115 Although the two Bird few Spring character and them is the sections beds, appearence. they do not silt-size quartz uniformly and Eolian enough and the and the same fan such carry not form to distributed that The they were and deposited inner basin. but winds large amounts indeeed 50% layers. the such levels. angular suspension, create siltstone than are suggests transport was strong of silt for at localized the mechanism locations 40 km apart would likely for receive time. carried in deposit as to of are They possible, overall Both stratigraphic quiet waters of is beds. number do not in in between difference between fragments carried probably If eolian Detrital silt deposits particles enough would deposition, submarine these drawn similar of more sorted. bed and reached steady deposits. The transportation 160 km silt at of same composed the currents they are be 1 siltstone equivalent extremely well sorting up by at the very real Facies fragments. throughout only when silt the can are The only lie 1 siltstones subangular and least of they contain approximately but picked correlations sections, placement Facies size bed-to-bed those would seen suspension tend in to form Sections from a river relatively 1 and 2. or localized CONCLUSIONS its Despite great than probably never more the basin about 160 The to km the gentle responsive to be due floor might experience the two to an cause same the not A small that rule drop been as one located the the age out the depth. same were silts to the sea-level km apart to shore, or the to the These deposited provided that by fossil similar the caused by detrital level parallel roughly constraints possibility to closer facies of water in shore from sections but in lay gently dipping basin deposited non-contemporaneously Differences of basin very located 40 farther 40 km the the sections were shifts it probably affected and A very things. area distance large area. approximately at contemporaneously, do of a environment assume explanations floor made regression may have sections the of 1970). (Ledbetter, basin was shallow dip The estimate Spring sections several paleo-shoreline dating large Bird Similarity of could the environment depositional deep. paleo-shoreline, but level changes. sea Basin Spring to difficult the dip of Bird meters southeast a relatively caused the 100 it 2 from 1 and Sections makes floor size, in large-scale fluctuation. due to silt deposition are form relatively localized the tendency deposits. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bathurst, R.G.C., diagenesis. 1971, Carbonate Elsevier. sediments and their Bissell, H.J., 1962, Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks of the Cordilleran area, p 188-262 in Pennsylvanian System of the United States---a symposium: Amer. Assoc. of Petroleum Geologists, 508 p. Bissell, H.J., 1970, Realms of Permian Tectonism and Sedimentation in Western Utah and Eastern Nevada: Amer. Assoc. of Petroleum Geologists Bull., v 54, p 285-312. Burchfiel, B.C. Mountains, et al, 1964, Nevada. 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Basin: Stewart, J.H., 1972, Initial Deposits in the Cordilleran Geosyncline: Evide.nce of a Late Precambrian (850 m.y.) Continental Separation: Geol. Soc. of Amer. Bulletin, v. 83, p 1345-1360. Wilson, J., 1975, Carbonate Facies Springer-Verlag. in Geologic History. APPENDIX: DETAILED I Lee Bed # DESCRIPTION OF SECTIONS Canyon Section Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description 5.0 5.0 Massive coarse-grained mediumgray-weathering limestone with many crushed fossil fragments. Chertified brachiopods in some layers. One 2.5 cm layer of rusty brown chert. Ledgy. 1.0 6.0 Covered 0.3 6.3 Fine-grained reddish siltstone with some whole fossils. 0.5 6.8 Dense medium-grained, mediumgray limestone. Few large fossil fragments. 5.0 11.8 Covered 1.0 12.8 Fine-grained light-gray to medium-gray Limestone with few large whole fossils and scattered fragments. 5.0 17.8 Covered 1.5 19.3 Dense fine-grained medium-gray limestone. Some chertified brachiopods. Chert nodules, 15 by 30 cm. Dense 8 cm black chert layer at top. 3.5 22.8 Covered 2.7 25.5 Fine-grained medium-gray silty limestone. Abundant chert pods in layers 8 cm thick. A few brachiopods present. 0.5 26.0 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone with one bed of brown chert nodules, 30 cm diameter. interval interval interval interval in 2.7 28.7 Covered interval 2.0 30.7 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone with layers of black chert nodules. Bed # ABS 7 Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description 2.7 33.4 Covered 2.5 35.9 Fine-grained and mediumgrained light-gray to medium-gray limestone. Some layers are coarser grained fragments. fossil with visible Brownish chert nodules Ledgy. present. 3.5 39.4 Fine-grained to medium-grained light-gray, peach-weathering siltstone. 1.5 40.9 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone. 3.0 43.9 Covered 1.0 44.9 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone with abundant gray and black chert nodules and beds. 2.1 47.0 Covered 2.4 49.4 Fine-grained light-gray silty limestone. Weathers tan. 2.1 51.5 Medium-grained medium gray limestone with rust-brown chert nodules and beds. Some chert-replaced brachiopods. 2.7 54.2 Covered 1.0 55.2 Fine-grained pinkish siltstone with one layer of dense black chert, 8 cm thick. 5.4 60.6 Covered 3.0 63.6 Medium-grained medium-gray Coarsens near top limestone. Some chert-replaced brachiopods,some dark-gray chert nodules. 5.0 68.6 Covered interval interval interval interval interval interval Bed # Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description ABS 6.5 75.1 Bottom 2 m is fine-grained to medium-grained crystalline limestone with chert layers, 8 to 20 cm thick, and approx. 0.5 m apart. Middle 3 m is massive featureless finegrained medium-gray limestone. Top 1.5 m is composed of medium-grained medium-gray limestone containing crossstratified 1 cm thick chert layers. Cliff former. 2.1 77. 2 Covered 3.0 80.2 Fine-grained medium-gray to dark-gray limestone. Some beds of densely packed crinoid fragments. Chert nodules in beds 8 to 30 cm thick. Cliff former. 3.0 83.2 Medium-grained medium-gray to light-gray limestone. Some contain 1 cm diameter crinoid fragments. Chert nodules and beds present. Cliff former. 2.5 85.7 Covered 8 interval interval ABS 9 1.5 87.2 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone, some layers of coarse fossil hash. Some chert beds and chert-replaced rugose coral present. Cliff former. ABS 10 3.0 90.2 Fine-grained to medium-grained medium-gray limestone. Chertreplaced rugose coral present in two .5 m thick beds. Forms slopes and ledges. 4.0 94.2 Fine-grained medium-gray limestone. Weathers into layers 20 to 45 cm thick. Some orange chert layers present. Rough and craggy at top. Forms cliffs and ledges. Bed ABS # 11 Thickness in meters Cumulative Thickness in meters Description 10.0 104.2 Fine-grained to mediumgrained light-gray silty limeSome beds contain stone. coarse crinoid and brachiopod Black chert fragments. nodules are abundant. Forms slopes and ledges. 3.0 107.2 Covered 5.5 112.7 Fine-grained to medium-grained to medium-gray light-gray limestone with abundant silty black chert nodules in beds Weathers shaley. 15 cm apart. ledges. and Forms slopes 2.0 114.7 Medium-grained medium-gray Concentrically limestone. layered chert nodules 8 cm in diam. present in lower 1 m. Top 1 m contains dense orange Forms a ledge. chert layers. 2.0 116.7 Covered 2.0 118.7 interval interval Coarse-grained crystalline medium-gray to light-gray Several massive limestone. 15 cm thick. chert beds, Forms a ledge. ABS 12 12 .5 131.2 Fine-grained to medium-grained medium-gray to light-gray silty limestone with abundant Some beds of chert nodules. coarse fossil fragments. Forms slopes and ledges. 2.4 133.6 Coarse-grained medium-gray Thin chert beds limestone. accentuate large-scale cross-stratification. Forms a ledge. 7.5 3.5 141.1 144.6 Covered interval Fine-grained to medium-grained light-gray silty limestone with orange-brown chert beds. 46 Bed # - Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters 1.0 145.6 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone. Massive. Little chert, few fossils. Forms a ledge. 0.5 146.1 Covered 0.5 146.6 Medium-grained to coarsegrained medium-gray limestone. Massive. Ledge former. 2.5 149.1 Covered Description interval interval Pahrump Section Bed # Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description BS 1.8 1.8 Coarse-grained crystalline medium-gray limestone with some large calcite-replaced fossils. Ledge former. 0.6 2.4 Covered 0.6 3.0 Fine-grained to medium-grained medium-gray crystalline limestone. Forms a ledge. 0.6 3.6 Covered 0.6 4.2 Fine-grained to medium-grained medium-gray crystalline limestone. Forms a ledge. 1.0 5.2 Covered 0.3 5.5 Fine-grained to medium-grained medium-gray crystalline limestone. Forms a ledge. 0.6 6.1 Covered 0.3 6.4 Fine-grained crystalline limestone at bottom, coarsegrained crystalline limestone at top. Medium-gray. Some coarse fossil fragments. Forms a ledge. 3.0 9.4 Covered 1.5 10.9 Fine-grained light-gray silty limestone, grading up to fine-grained medium-gray to dark-gray unsilty limestone. Forms a prominent ledge. 1.0 11.9 Covered 0.6 12. 5 Fine-grained medium gray to light-gray limestone, slightly silty. Few large fossil fragments, some chert nodules. Forms a ledge. BS BS 8 9 12 interval interval interval interval interval interval Bed # BS BS BS 13 14 15 Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description 0.5 13.0 Fine-grained dark-gray limeOne dense black chert stone. bed, 15 cm thick. Forms a ledge. 1.5 14.5 Covered 1.8 16.3 Fine-grained to medium-grained pinkish-weathering silts tone. Forms a ledge. 0.6 16.9 Medium-grained limestone. Forms a ledge. 0.6 17 .5 Covered 0.6 18. 1 Fine-grained slightly light-gray limestone. Forms a small ledge. 1.5 19 .6 Covered 1.2 20.8 Fine-grained slightly silty dark-gray limestone with some chert nodules and beds. One 15 cm layer of calcite replaced brachiopods, 15 cm from top of bed. Ledge former. 3.6 24.4 Fine-grained pink-brown weathering siltstone. Slope former. 4.2 28.6 Covered 1.0 29 .6 Fine-grained to medium-grained light-gray to medium-gray limestone. Dense black chert layer at top, one bed of brachiopods present in center of bed. Forms a small ledge. 1.5 31.1 Covered interval 0.3 31.4 Fine-grained medium-gray limestone. Forms small ledge. 6.0 37.4 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone with chert. Ledge. interval dark-gray interval silty interval interval Bed BS BS # 16 17 Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description 3.0 40.4 Covered 2.4 42.8 Fine-grained light-gray limestone. Some chert nodules, a few layers of brachiopods. Ledge and slope former. 3.0 45.8 Fine-grained to medium-grained dark-gray to medium-gray limestone. Chert is common. Forms slopes and ledges. 1.5 47 .3 Covered 4.5 51.8 Fine-grained to medium-grained dark-gray to medium-gray limestone. Contains some concentrically layered chert and a few layers of coarse fossil fragments, including Brachiopods. Forms ledges. 3.0 54.8 Covered 6.0 60.8 Alternating layers of brown chert and light-gray to medium-gray limestone. Chert seen both as beds and as hollow balls, 5 cm diam. Brachiopod fragments are present. Forms a cliff. 1.2 62.0 Covered 1.0 63.0 Fine-grained light-gray silty limestone with some beds of brachiopods and crinoid stems. Forms a small ledge. 5.4 68.4 Covered 4.5 72.9 Fine-grained blue-gray limestone with many layers of dark-gray dense chert pods. Very pure, semi-crystalline. Cliff former. 3.0 75.9 Fine-grained pink and orangeweathering siltstone. Few Chert nodules. Fresh surface is dark-gray. Forms slopes. interval interval interval interval interval Bed # Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description 22.5 98.4 Fine-grained to medium-grained blue-gray very cherty semicrystalline limestone. No silt. Forms massive cliffs. 2.4 100.8 Fine-grained to medium-grained medium-gray limestone with several beds of orange-brown chert balls. Smells of sulphur when freshly broken. 1.5 102.3 Covered Fine-grained light-gray to medium-gray slightly silty limestone with 3 cm thick chert beds accentuating largescale cross-stratification. Cliff former. Fine-grained semi-crys talline blue-gray limestone. Few beds of chert nodules. Some beds contain coarse fossil hash. Forms Ledges and slopes. interval BS 20, 21 4.5 106.8 BS 19 9.0 115.8 BS 22 3.0 118.8 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone with abundant chert nodules and beds. Some layers contain coarse fossil hash. Forms cliffs. 1.5 120.3 Covered 1.8 122.1 BS 23 interval Fine-grained semi-crystalline medium-gray limestone with large chert-replaced colonial corals. Ledge former. BS 24 1.5 123.6 Covered 1.5 129.2 Fine-grained medium-gray limestone, weathers rough and craggy. One brown chert bed in middle, 0.5 m thick. Forms a small cliff. 1.5 126.6 Covered 2.1 128.7 Fine-grained light-blue-gray limestone, few fossil hash. Dark gray chert in beds and nodules. Some chert replaced colonial coral. Forms a ledge. interval interval Bed # BS 25 Thickness in meters Cumulative thickness in meters Description 6.0 134.7 Fine-grained light-gray limestone with dark-gray chert Slope former. nodules. 1.0 135.7 to Medium-grained light-gray medium-gray limestone with several beds of dense brown chert. 1.5 137.2 Fine-grained orange-brown- with weathering siltstone Slope former. chert nodules. BS 26 0.3 137.5 Coarse-grained tan-weathering semi-crystalline fossil hash. Ledge former. BS 27 4.5 142.0 Fine-grained light-gray siltyweathering limestone with many chert nodules. Ledge former. BS 28 4.5 146.5 Medium-grained medium-gray limestone with several beds of coarse grainstone. Some chertreplaced fossil fragments. a cliff. Forms 1.5 148.0 Covered 4.0 152.0 Coarse-grained medium-gray limestone with beds of fossil hash. Chert nodules and beds are common. Forms a cliff. 3.0 155.0 Covered interval interval