Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012, Article ID 653675, 17 pages doi:10.1155/2012/653675 Research Article Existence of 2m − 1 Positive Solutions for Sturm-Liouville Boundary Value Problems with Linear Functional Boundary Conditions on the Half-Line Yanmei Sun1 and Zengqin Zhao2 1 Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Weifang University, Shandong, Weifang 261061, China 2 Department of Mathematics, Qufu Normal University, Shandong, Qufu 273165, China Correspondence should be addressed to Yanmei Sun, sunyanmei2009@126.com Received 11 January 2012; Accepted 5 March 2012 Academic Editor: Giuseppe Marino Copyright q 2012 Y. Sun and Z. Zhao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. By using the Leggett-Williams fixed theorem, we establish the existence of multiple positive solutions for second-order nonhomogeneous Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems with linear functional boundary conditions. One explicit example with singularity is presented to demonstrate the application of our main results. 1. Introduction In this paper, we consider the following Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems on the half-line ptu t Φtf t, ut, u t 0, 0 < t < ∞, α1 u0 − β1 lim ptu t Tu, t→0 1.1 α2 lim ut β2 lim ptu t Ku, t → ∞ t → ∞ ≡ 0 on any subinterval of R , here where f : R × R × R → R is a continuous function, f / R 0, ∞; Φ : R → R is a Lebesgue integrable function and may be singular at 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics ∞ t 0; p ∈ CR , R C1 R , 0 ds/ps < ∞; αi , βi ≥ 0 i 1, 2 with ρ α1 β2 ∞ α2 β1 α1 α2 0 ds/ps; T, K are linear positive functionals on CR T, K which are called positive if Tu, Ku ≥ 0 for u ∈ CR . The theory of nonlocal boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations arises in different areas of applied mathematics and physics. There are many studies for nonlocal, including three-point, m-point, and integral boundary value problems on finite interval by applying different methods 1–3. It is well known that boundary value problems on infinite interval arise in the study of radial solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations and models of gas pressure in a semi-infinite porous medium 4–6. But the theory of SturmLiouville nonhomogeneous boundary value problems on infinite interval is yet rare. The linear functional boundary conditions cover some nonlocal three-point, m-point, and integral boundary conditions. In 7, Zhao and Li investigated some nonlinear singular differential equations with linear functional boundary conditions. However, the differential equations were defined only in a finite interval. Recently, Liu et al. 6 studied multiple positive solutions for Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems on the half-line ptu t mtft, ut 0, 0 ≤ t < ∞, α1 u0 − β1 lim ptu t 0, 1.2 t→0 α2 lim ut β2 lim ptu t 0. t → ∞ t → ∞ However, the authors did not consider the case when Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems are nonhomogeneous. Therefore BVP1.1 is the direct extension of 7. So it is worthwhile to investigate BVP1.1. We denote t ds , ps ∞ ds , ps 0 t ut ρ−1 1 atbty1 t, u t y2 t, f t, u, u Ψ t, y1 , y2 , ∞ ds , a∞ lim at β1 α1 a0 lim at β1 , t → ∞ t→0 ps 0 ∞ ds b0 lim bt β2 α2 , b∞ lim bt β2 . t → ∞ t→0 ps 0 at β1 α1 bt β2 α2 1.3 1.4 In this paper, we always assume that the following conditions hold. H1 Ψt, ∞ y1 , y2 ≤ qtQy1 , y2 , qt ∈ CR , R , Qy1 , y2 ∈ CR × R, R and Φsqsds < ∞. 0 H2 For any constant τ ∈ 0, ∞, 0 < Taτ < ρ, 0 < Kbτ < ρ and ρ − Tbτ Taτ Δ > 0. Kbτ ρ − Kaτ 1.5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Motivated and inspired by 5–9, we are concerned with the existence of multiple positive solutions for BVP1.1 by applying Leggett-Williams fixed theorem. The main new features presented in this paper are as follows. Firstly, Sturm-Liouville nonhomogeneous boundary value problems with linear functional boundary conditions are seldom researched, it brings about many difficulties when we imply the integral equations of BVP1.1. To solve the problem, we use a new method of undetermined coefficient to obtain the integral equations of boundary value problems with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. Secondly, we discuss the existence of triple positive solutions and 2m − 1 positive solutions of BVP1.1. Finally, the methods used in this paper are different from 1, 6, 7 and the results obtained in this paper generalize and involve some results in 5. The rest of paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present some preliminaries and lemmas. We state and prove the main results in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4, one example with a singular nonlinearity is presented to demonstrate the application of Theorem 3.1. 2. Preliminary In order to discuss the main results, we need the following lemmas. ∞ Lemma 2.1. Under the condition 0 ds/ps < ∞ and ρ > 0, the boundary value problem ptu t yt 0, 0 < t < ∞, α1 u0 − β1 lim ptu t Tu, t→0 2.1 α2 lim ut β2 lim ptu t Ku, t → ∞ t → ∞ has a unique solution for any y ∈ L0, ∞. Moreover, this unique solution can be expressed in the form ut ∞ Gt, sysds A y at B y bt, 2.2 0 where Gt, s, Ay, and By are defined by Gt, s ρ −1 atbs, 0 ≤ t ≤ s < ∞, asbt, 0 ≤ s < t < ∞, ∞ T Gτ, sysds ρ − Tbτ 1 0 A y ∞ , Δ −K Gτ, sysds Kbτ 2.3 a 0 ∞ K Gτ, sysds ρ − Kbτ 1 0 B y ∞ . Δ Gτ, sysds Tbτ −T 0 b 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics Proof. at and bt in 1.3 are two linear independent solutions of the equation ptu t 0, so the general solutions for the equation ptu t yt 0 can be expressed in the form ut ∞ Gt, sysds Cat Dbt, 2.4 0 where C, D are undetermined constants. Through verifying directly, when C and D satisfy a and b separately, ut in 2.4 is a solution of BVP2.1. Now we need to prove that when ut in 2.4 is a solution of BVP2.1, C and D satisfy a and b separately. ∞ Let ut 0 Gt, sysds Cat Dbt be a solution of BVP2.1, then ∞ 1 1 asbtysds atbsysds Cat Dbt, ρ ρ 0 t a t ∞ Cα1 Dα2 b t t − u t asysds bsysds ρ ρ pt pt 0 t 1 −α2 t α1 ∞ asysds bsysds Cα1 − Dα2 , pt ρ 0 ρ t ut t 2.5 −α2 α1 α2 at α1 bt ptu t atyt − btyt − yt −yt. ρ ρ ρ That is, ptu t yt 0. By 2.4, we have β1 u0 ρ ∞ ∞ ds , ps 0 0 ∞ α1 1 u 0 bsysds Cα1 − Dα2 , p0 ρ 0 ∞ ∞ β2 ds , u∞ asysds Cβ1 Dβ2 Cα1 ρ 0 ps 0 α2 ∞ 1 u ∞ − asysds Cα1 − Dα2 , p∞ ρ 0 bsysds Cβ1 Dβ2 Dα2 2.6 then ∞ Dρ T Gτ, sysds CTaτ DTbτ, 0 ∞ Cρ K Gτ, sysds CKaτ DKbτ. 2.7 0 From 2.7, we obtain that C and D satisfy a and b separately. The proof is completed. Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Remark 2.2. Assume that H2 holds. Then 0 ≤ Ay < ∞, 0 ≤ By < ∞ for any y ≥ 0 and any solution ut of BVP2.1 is nonnegative. Lemma 2.3. From 1.3 and 2.3, it is easy to get the following properties. 1 Gt, s/ρ−1 1 atbt ≤ 1, at/1 atbt < 1/bt ≤ 1/β2 , bt/1 atbt < 1/at ≤ 1/β1 . 2 Gs limt → ∞ Gt, s β2 /ρas < ∞. 3 Gt, s ≤ Gs, s ≤ asbs/ρ < ∞. Lemma 2.4. For any constant 0 < a∗ < b∗ < ∞, there exists 0 < c∗ < 1, such that, for τ, s ∈ 0, ∞, Gt, s/ρ−1 1 atbt ≥ c∗ Gτ, s/ρ−1 1 aτbτ, at/ρ−1 1 atbt ≥ c∗ aτ/ρ−1 1 aτbτ, bt/ρ−1 1 atbt ≥ c∗ bτ/ρ−1 1 aτbτ, t ∈ a∗ , b∗ . Proof. By 1.3, it is obvious that at is increasing, and bt is decreasing on t ∈ 0, ∞; therefore, by 2.3, we have ⎧ aa∗ β2 atbs ⎪ ⎪ ≥ , t ≤ s, ⎪ ⎨ 1 atbt 1 ab∗ ba∗ Gt, s ⎪ asbt ρ−1 1 atbt ⎪ bb∗ β1 ⎪ ⎩ ≥ , s ≤ t. 1 atbt 1 ab∗ ba∗ 2.8 We take c∗ min{aa∗ β2 /1 ab∗ ba∗ , bb∗ β1 /1 ab∗ ba∗ }, then 0 < c∗ < 1; this is because that aa∗ β2 ab∗ ba∗ ≤ < 1, ∗ ∗ 1 ab ba 1 ab∗ ba∗ bb∗ β1 ab∗ ba∗ ≤ < 1. ∗ ∗ 1 ab ba 1 ab∗ ba∗ 2.9 By Lemma 2.31, we have Gτ, s/ρ−1 1 aτbτ ≤ 1, then Gt, s Gτ, s ≥ c∗ ≥ c∗ −1 , ρ 1 aτbτ atbt ρ−1 1 aa∗ β2 aa∗ at 1 aτ 1 ≥ > c∗ . ≥ c∗ 1 atbt 1 ab∗ ba∗ 1 ab∗ ba∗ β2 bt 1 aτbτ 2.10 Similarly, we can obtain that bt/1 atbt ≥ c∗ bτ/1 aτbτ. The proof is completed. In this paper, we use the space E |ut| u ∈ C R : sup −1 < ∞, sup u t < ∞ t∈0,∞ ρ 1 atbt t∈0,∞ 1 2.11 with the norm u max{ u 1 , u ∞ }, where u 1 supt∈0,∞ |ut|/ρ−1 1 atbt and u ∞ supt∈0,∞ |ut|, then E, u is a Banach space. 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics Let P u ∈ E : ut ≥ 0, mint∈a∗ ,b∗ ut uτ ∗ . ≥ c , τ ∈ R ρ−1 1 atbt ρ−1 1 aτbτ 2.12 Clearly P is a cone of E. Lemma 2.5 see 10. Let M ⊆ Cl R , R {x ∈ CR , R | limt → ∞ xt exists}, then M is precompact if the following conditions hold: a M is bounded in Cl ; b the functions belonging to M are locally equicontinuous on any interval of R ; c the functions from M are equiconvergent; that is, given ε > 0, there corresponds Tε > 0 such that |xt − x∞| < ε for any t ≥ Tε and x ∈ M. We shall consider nonnegative continuous and concave functional α on P ; that is, α : P → 0, ∞ is continuous and satisfies α tx 1 − ty ≥ tαx 1 − tα y , ∀x, y ∈ P, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. 2.13 We denote the set {x ∈ P | a ≤ αx, x ≤ b}b > a > 0 by P α, a, b and Pr {x ∈ P | x < r}. 2.14 The key tool in our approach is the following Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem. Theorem 2.6 see 11. Let T : Pc → Pc be completely continuous and α a nonnegative continuous concave functional on P with αx ≤ x for any x ∈ Pc . Suppose that there exist 0 < a < b < d ≤ c such that c1 {x ∈ P α, b, d | αx > b} / φ, and αT x > b, for x ∈ P α, b, d; c2 T x < a, for x ∈ Pa ; c3 αT x > b for x ∈ P α, b, c with T x > d. Then T has at least three fixed points x1 , x2 , x3 , with x1 < a, b < αx2 , x3 > a, 2.15 αx3 < b. 3. Existence Results Define the operator T : P → P by T ut ∞ Gt, sΦsf s, us, u s ds A Φf at B Φf bt, 0 < t < ∞. 0 Then ut is a fixed point of operator T if and only if ut is a solution of BVP1.1. 3.1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 7 For convenience, we denote δ, αx by aa∗ bb∗ 0<δ≤ 1 ab∗ ba∗ b∗ a∗ Φsds, αu min ∗ ∗ t∈a ,b ρ−1 1 ut , atbt ∀u ∈ P. 3.2 Theorem 3.1. Suppose that H1 , H2 hold, and assume there exist 0 < r1 < b1 < l1 < r2 with l1 max{b1 /c∗ , supt∈0,∞ b1 /c∗ pt}, such that ∞ H3 Qy1 , y2 ≤ min{r2 / 0 Φsqsds AΦq/ρ−1 β2 BΦq/ρ−1 β1 , r2 / ∞ supt∈0,∞ 1/pt 0 Φsqsds AΦqα1 BΦqα2 }, 0 ≤ y1 ≤ r2 , |y2 | ≤ r2 , H4 Ψt, y1 , y2 > b1 /δ, t ∈ a∗ , b∗ , b1 ≤ y1 ≤ r2 , |y2 | ≤ r2 , ∞ H5 Qy1 , y2 < min{r1 / 0 Φsqsds AΦq/ρ−1 β2 BΦq/ρ−1 β1 , r1 / ∞ supt∈0,∞ 1/pt 0 Φsqsds AΦqα1 BΦqα2 }, 0 ≤ y1 ≤ r1 , |y2 | ≤ r1 . Then BVP1.1 has at least three positive solutions u1 , u2 , and u3 with u1 < r1 , b1 < αu2 , u3 > r1 , αu3 < b1 . 3.3 Proof. Firstly we prove that T : P → P is continuous. We will show that T : P → P is well defined and T P ⊂ P . For all ut ∈ P , by H2 , Φt and f are nonnegative functions, and we have T ut ≥ 0. From H1 , H2 , we obtain ∞ T Gτ, sΦsf s, us, u s ds ρ − Tbτ 1 A Φf 0 ∞ Δ Gτ, sΦsf s, us, u s ds Kbτ −K 0 ∞ T Gτ, sΦsqsds ρ − Tbτ maxy1 ∈0, u ,|y2 |≤ u Q y1 , y2 0 ≤ ∞ Δ −K Gτ, sΦsqsds Kbτ A Φq max y1 ∈0, u ,|y2 |≤ u A 0 Q y1 , y2 . In the same way, we have Q y1 , y2 . max y1 ∈0, u ,|y2 |≤ u B Φf ≤ B Φq B 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics By Lemma 2.31, A, B, and H1 , for all ut ∈ P , we have A Φf at Gt, s Φsf s, us, u s ds −1 ρ−1 1 atbt ρ 1 atbt 0 B Φf bt −1 ρ 1 atbt ∞ B Φf A Φf ≤ Φsf s, us, u s ds −1 −1 ρ β2 ρ β1 0 ∞ A Φq B Φq ≤ max Q y1 , y2 Φsqsds −1 −1 y1 ∈0, u ,|y2 |≤ u ρ β2 ρ β1 0 T ut −1 ρ 1 atbt ∞ 3.4 < ∞, t T u t 1 −α2 as Φsf s, us, u s ds pt 0 ρ ∞ α1 bs Φsf s, us, u s ds A Φf α1 − B Φf α2 ρ t 1 max Q y1 , y2 t∈0,∞ pt y1 ∈0, u ,|y2 |≤ u ∞ × Φsqsds A Φq α1 B Φq α2 ≤ sup 0 < ∞. 3.5 Hence, T : P → P is well defined. By 3.1, H1 , the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem and the continuity of pt, for any u ∈ P, t1 , t2 ∈ R , we have t1 T u t1 − T u t2 ≤ α2 a∞ 1 − 1 Φsf s, us, u s ds ρ pt1 pt2 0 α2 a∞ t2 Φsf s, xs, x s ds ρpt2 t1 1 ∞ α1 b0 1 − Φsf s, us, u s ds ρ pt1 pt2 0 3.6 t2 α1 b0 Φsf s, xs, x s ds ρpt2 t1 1 1 − A Φf α1 B Φf α2 pt1 pt2 −→ 0, as t1 −→ t2 . That is, T ut ∈ C1 R0 ; therefore, T ut ∈ E. Journal of Applied Mathematics 9 By Lemma 2.4, we have min ∗ ∗ t∈a ,b T ut min ρ−1 1 atbt t∈a∗ ,b∗ ≥c ∗ c∗ ∞ Gt, s Φsf s, us, u s ds atbt 0 btB Φf atA Φf −1 ρ 1 atbt ρ−1 1 atbt ρ−1 1 ∞ Gτ, s Φsf s, us, u s ds −1 1 aτbτ ρ 0 aτA Φf bτB Φf −1 ρ 1 atbt ρ−1 1 atbt 3.7 T uτ , ρ−1 1 aτbτ therefore T : P → P . We show that T : P → P is continuous. In fact suppose {um } ⊆ P, u0 ∈ P and um → u0 m → ∞, then there exists M > 0, such that um ≤ M. By H1 , we have ∞ 0 Φsf s, um s, um s − f s, u0 s, u0 s ds ≤ 2 ∞ Φsf s, us, u s ds 0 ≤2 max y1 ∈0,M,|y2 |≤M × ∞ Q y1 , y2 3.8 Φsqsds 0 < ∞. Therefore, by Lemma 2.31, the continuity of f and the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem imply that T um t − T u0 t ρ−1 1 atbt ≤ ∞ Gt, s −1 1 atbt ρ 0 × Φs f s, um s, um s − f s, u0 s, u0 s ds ∞ 0 Φsf s, um s, um s − f s, u0 s, u0 s ds −→ 0, m −→ ∞, 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics T um t − T u0 t ≤ sup 1 t∈0,∞ pt −→ 0, ∞ 0 Φsf s, um s, um s − f s, u0 s, u0 s ds m −→ ∞. 3.9 Thus, T um − T u0 → 0m → ∞. Therefore T : P → P is continuous. Secondly we show that T : P → P is compact operator. For any bounded set B ⊂ P , there exists a constant L > 0 such that u ≤ L, for all u ∈ B. By Lemma 2.31, A, B, and H1 , we have T ut atbt ∞ Gt, s ≤ ρ−1 1 a∞b0 Φsf s, us, u s ds −1 ρ 1 atbt 0 B Φf bt A Φf at −1 ρ 1 atbt ρ−1 1 atbt ∞ B Φf A Φf −1 Φsf s, us, u s ds −1 −1 ≤ ρ 1 a∞b0 ρ β2 ρ β1 0 ∞ A Φq B Φq −1 Φsqsds −1 −1 ≤ ρ 1 a∞b0 max Q y1 , y2 y1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L ρ β2 ρ β1 0 T ut ρ−1 1 atbt ρ−1 1 < ∞, ∞ GsΦsf s, us, u s ds A Φf a∞ B Φf b∞ u∞ T 0 β2 ρ ≤ ∞ asΦsf s, us, u s ds A Φf a∞ B Φf b∞ 0 β2 a∞ ∞ Q y1 , y2 Φsqsds A Φq a∞ B Φq b∞ ρ y1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L 0 max < ∞. 3.10 Therefore, T ut ⊆ Cl R , R. By 3.4 and 3.5, we have T ut atbt t∈0,∞ ∞ A Φq B Φq ≤ max Q y1 , y2 Φsqsds −1 −1 y1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L ρ β2 ρ β1 0 T u 1 sup < ∞, ρ−1 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 T u max T u t ∞ t∈0,∞ ∞ 1 max Q y1 , y2 t∈0,∞ pt y1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L ≤ sup Φsqsds A Φq α1 B Φq α2 0 < ∞, 3.11 so T B is bounded. Given T > 0, t1 , t2 ∈ 0, T , by H1 and Lemma 2.31, we have Gt1 , s Gt2 , s Q y1 , y2 max ρ−1 1 at bt − ρ−1 1 at bt Φsf s, us, u s ≤ 2 y1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L 1 1 2 2 × Φsqs. 3.12 Therefore for any u ∈ B, by 3.1, the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem and the continuity of Gt, s, at, and bt, we have T ut1 T xt2 − ρ−1 1 at bt ρ−1 1 at bt 1 1 2 2 ∞ Gt1 , s Gt2 , s ≤ ρ−1 1 at bt − ρ−1 1 at bt 1 1 2 2 0 × Φsf s, us, u s ds at1 at2 A Φf −1 − −1 ρ 1 at1 bt1 ρ 1 at2 bt2 bt1 bt2 B Φf −1 − −1 ρ 1 at1 bt1 ρ 1 at2 bt2 −→ 0, 3.13 as t1 −→ t2 . By a similar proof as 3.6, we obtain |T u t1 − T u t2 | → 0, as t1 → t2 . Thus, T B is equicontinuous on 0, T . Since T > 0 is arbitrary, T B is locally equicontinuous on 0, ∞. By Lemma 2.32, H2 and the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we obtain T ut lim −1 t → ∞ ρ 1 atbt ∞ 1 β asΦsf s, xs, x ds A Φf a∞ B Φf b∞ s 2 −1 ρ 1 a∞b∞ 0 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics ∞ maxy1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L Q y1 , y2 Φsqsds A Φq a∞ B Φq b∞ β2 a∞ ≤ ρ−1 1 β1 β2 0 < ∞, T ut T u∞ − ρ−1 1 atbt ρ−1 1 a∞b∞ ≤ t 0 asbt t 0 1 1 Φsf s, xs, x s ds − 1 atbt 1 a∞b∞ as bt − β2 Φsf s, xs, x s ds 1 a∞b∞ ∞ |at − as| Φsf s, xs, x s ds 1 atbt t ∞ 1 1 Φsf s, xs, x s ds − asbs 1 atbt 1 a∞b∞ t ∞ as bs − β2 Φsf s, xs, x s ds A Φf |at − a∞| 1 a∞b∞ ρ−1 1 atbt t bs |bt − b∞| B Φf −1 A Φf a∞ B Φf b∞ ρ 1 atbt 1 1 × −1 − −1 ρ 1 atbt ρ 1 a∞b∞ ≤ max Q y1 , y2 y1 ∈0,M,|y2 |≤M t 1 1 Φsqsds × b0a∞ − 1 atbt 1 a∞b∞ 0 t ∞ a∞ bt − β2 Φsqsds b0 |at − as|Φsqsds 1 a∞b∞ 0 1 β1 β2 t ∞ 1 1 a∞b0 1 atbt − 1 a∞b∞ Φsqsds t ∞ a∞ bs − β2 Φsqsds A Φq |at − a∞| 1 a∞b∞ t ρ−1 1 atbt |bt − b∞| B Φq −1 A Φq a∞ B Φq b∞ ρ 1 atbt 1 1 −→ 0, as t −→ ∞. × −1 − −1 ρ 1 atbt ρ 1 a∞b∞ 3.14 Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 By 3.5, we know that limt → ∞ |T u t| < ∞, then T u t − T u ∞ ∞ 1 t −α as α1 bs 1 2 Φsf s, us, u s ds Φsf s, us, u s ds pt 0 ρ pt t ρ t α2 as 1 1 1 A Φf α1 − B Φf α2 Φsf s, us, u s ds pt pt p∞ 0 ρ ∞ α2 as 1 1 1 Φsf s, us, u s ds − A Φf α1 B Φf α2 p∞ t ρ p∞ p∞ 1 1 ≤ max − Q y1 , y2 pt p∞ y1 ∈0,L,|y2 |≤L t ∞ 1 1 α2 as α1 bs × Φsqsds Φsqsds ρ pt ρ p∞ 0 t ∞ 1 1 α2 as −→ 0, Φsqsds A Φq α1 B Φq α2 − ρ pt p∞ t as t −→ ∞. 3.15 Therefore, T B is equiconvergent at ∞. By Lemma 2.5, T B is completely continuous. Finally we will show that all conditions of Theorem 2.6 hold. From the definition of α, we can get αu ≤ u for all u ∈ P . For all u ∈ Pr2 , we have u ≤ r2 ; therefore 0 ≤ y1 ≤ r2 , |y2 | ≤ r2 . By 3.4, 3.5, and H3 , we have |T ut| ≤ −1 ρ 1 atbt max y1 ∈0,r2 ,|y2 |≤r2 Q y1 , y2 ∞ 0 A Φq B Φq Φsqsds −1 −1 ρ β2 ρ β1 ≤ r2 , T u t ≤ sup 1 max Q y1 , y2 t∈0,∞ pt y1 ∈0,r2 ,|y2 |≤r2 × ∞ 3.16 Φsqsds A Φq α1 B Φq α2 0 ≤ r2 , that is, T u ≤ r2 for u ∈ Pr2 . Thus T : Pr2 → Pr2 . Similarly for any u ∈ Pr1 , we have T u < r1 , which means that condition c2 of Theorem 2.6 holds. 14 Journal of Applied Mathematics In order to apply condition c1 of Theorem 2.6, we choose ut b1 ρ−1 1 atbt/ c , t ∈ R0 , then u ≤ l1 ; this is because ∗ u 1 b1 ≤ l1 , c∗ 3.17 −1 u sup u t sup b1 ρ a tbt atb t ≤ sup 1 b1 ≤ l1 , ∞ t∈0,∞ pt c∗ c∗ t∈0,∞ t∈0,∞ and αu mint∈a∗ ,b∗ ut/ρ−1 1 atbt b1 /c∗ > b1 , which means that {u ∈ φ. For all u ∈ P α, b1 , l1 , we have αu ≥ b1 and u ≤ l1 , thus P α, b1 , l1 |αu > b1 } / b1 ≤ ut/ρ−1 1 atbt ≤ l1 , |u t| ≤ l1 , that is, b1 ≤ y1 ≤ l1 , |y2 | ≤ l1 . By H4 , we can get 1 T ut ≥ min −1 ∗ ∗ t∈a ,b ρ 1 atbt atbt αT ut min ∗ ∗ t∈a ,b ρ−1 1 × a∗ 0 asbt Φsf s, us, u s ds ρ t b∗ asbt atbs Φsf s, us, u s ds Φsf s, us, u s ds ρ ρ a∗ t ∞ atbs Φsf s, us, u s ds ρ ∗ b aa∗ bb∗ > 1 ab∗ ba∗ > aa∗ bb∗ 1 ab∗ ba∗ b∗ a∗ b∗ a∗ Φsf s, us, u s ds Φsds b1 δ ≥ b1 . 3.18 Consequently condition c1 of Theorem 2.6 holds. We will prove that condition c3 of Theorem 2.6 holds. If u ∈ P α, b1 , r2 , and T ut > l1 , by H4 , we have aa∗ bb∗ T ut αT ut min > t∈a∗ ,b∗ ρ−1 1 atbt 1 ab∗ ba∗ b∗ a∗ Φsds b1 ≥ b1 . δ 3.19 Therefore, condition c3 of Theorem 2.6 is satisfied. Then we can complete the proof of this theorem by Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem. Theorem 3.2. Suppose that H1 , H2 hold, and assume there exist 0 < r1 < b1 < l1 < r2 < b2 < l2 < r3 < · · · < rm with li max{bi /c∗ , supt∈0,∞ bi /c∗ pt}, such that Journal of Applied Mathematics 15 ∞ < min{ri / 0 Φsqsds AΦq/ρ−1 β2 BΦq/ρ−1 β1 , ri / H6 Qy1 , y2 ∞ supt∈0,∞ 1/pt 0 Φsqsds AΦqα1 BΦqα2 }, 0 ≤ y1 ≤ ri , |y2 | ≤ ri , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, H7 Ψt, y1 , y2 > bi /δ, t ∈ a∗ , b∗ , bi ≤ y1 ≤ ri1 , |y2 | ≤ ri1 , 1 ≤ i ≤ m − 1. Then BVP1.1 has at least 2m − 1 positive solutions. Proof. When m 1, it follows from H6 that T has at least one positive solution by the Schauder fixed point theorem. When m 2, it is clear that Theorem 3.1 holds. Then we can obtain three positive solutions. In this way, we can finish the proof by the method of induction. 4. Example Consider the following singular Sturm-Liouville singular boundary value problems for second-order differential equation on the half-line e−t 1 t f t, ut, u t 0, 0 < t < ∞, √ t m−2 1 i u0 − lim ptu t uξi , 0 < ξi < ∞, t→0 3 i1 ∞ 1 −s e 1 susds, lim ut lim ptu t t → ∞ t → ∞ 3 0 1 t2 u t 4.1 where ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ y2 , y14 ⎨ 550 f t, ut, u t Ψ t, y1 , y2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩1 1 y2 , 550 y1 ≤ 1, 4.2 y1 ≥ 1, √ Φt e−t 1t/ t pt 1t2 , α1 α2 β1 β2 1, at 2−1/1t, bt 11/1t, m−2 ∞ which is singular at t 0, ρ 3, Tu i1 1/3i uξi , Ku 0 1/3e−s 1 susds. Set qt 1 and ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ y2 , y14 ⎨ 550 Q y1 , y2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩1 1 y2 , 550 y1 ≤ 1, 4.3 y1 ≥ 1, ∞ then 0 Φsqsds < 3, a0 1, a∞ 2, b0 2, b∞ 1, 1/2 < Taτ < 1, 1/2 < Tbτ < 1, Kaτ Kbτ 1, Δ > 3, AΦq < 26/9, BΦq < 20/9. 16 Journal of Applied Mathematics Choose r1 1/3, b1 7/5, r2 19. When a∗ 1, b∗ 2, by the definition of δ, we may choose δ 8/5. By direct calculations, we imply that min ∞ 0 r1 , Φsqsds A Φq /ρ−1 β2 B Φq /ρ−1 β1 supt∈0,∞ 1/pt min ∞ 0 ∞ 0 r2 , Φsqsds A Φq /ρ−1 β2 B Φq /ρ−1 β1 supt∈0,∞ 1/pt Q y1 , y2 ≤ ⎫ ⎬ 3r1 ⎭ > 55 , Φsqsds A Φq α1 B Φq α2 r1 r2 ⎫ ⎬ 3r2 ⎭ > 55 , ∞ Φsqsds A Φq α1 B Φq α2 0 4 1 1 3r1 1 1 × < , 3 550 3 55 55 3 × 19 3r2 19 Q y1 , y2 ≤ 1 < , 550 55 55 7/5 b1 Ψ t, y1 , y2 ≥ 1 > , 8/5 δ for 0 ≤ y1 ≤ 4.4 1 1 , y2 ≤ , 3 3 for 0 ≤ y1 ≤ 19, y2 ≤ 19, for t ∈ 1, 2, 7/5 ≤ y1 ≤ 19, y2 ≤ 19. Therefore, the conditions H1 –H5 hold. Applying Theorem 3.1 we conclude that BVP4.1 has at least three positive solutions. Acknowledgments The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 10871116 and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China ZR2010AM005. References 1 J. Mao, Z. Zhao, and N. Xu, “The existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for integral boundary value problems,” Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 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