Geologic Processes Affecting the Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Acid Potential on Particle Size Fractions: Examples from Waste Rock Piles in New Mexico, USA Virginia T. McLemore New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 87801, PURPOSE • To describe the differences in mineralogy, chemistry, and acid potential between different particle size fractions from different materials • To discuss some of the geologic, geochemical, pedological or man‐influenced processes that controlled these changes between the different particle sizes IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING COMPOSITIONAL DIFFERENCES IN SIZE FRACTIONS • Help plan and assess reclamation procedures • Compare trace‐element concentrations in mined versus undisturbed areas • Determine background concentrations • Provide background data that can assist with the planning of future mining operations IMPORTANCE • Determine the best size fractions for prediction tests, such as humidity cell tests and understand the composition of the size fractions Humidity cell testing IMPORTANCE To understand shear strength results Shear strength is defined by the internal friction and cohesion within granular material and is in part controlled by particle size Shear Force Shear Zone Shear Force LOCATION OF STUDY AREAS Dam at San Miquel on the Pecos River. Pecos River area—stream sediments draining a VMS deposit Numerous discrete and diffuse seeps occur along the base of the mine waste Pecos River below Willow Creek and pile. the Pecos mine. Pecos Samples The finer-size fractions are typically the smallest proportion of the sample by weight (generally, <25% in the <2 mm fraction) Size fractions verses metal content—Pecos stream sediments Size fractions verses metal content—Pecos stream sediments Size fractions verses metal content—Pecos stream sediments Hillsboro—porphyry Cu deposit with veins, carbonate hosted Pb‐Zn deposits The finer-size fractions are typically the smallest proportion of the sample by weight (generally, <25% in the <2 mm fraction) Hillsboro—increase in metals with decrease in grain size (vein rock pile, FAAS, Munroe, 1999) Hillsboro—decrease in Cu and increase in Pb with decrease in grain size (vein rock pile, FAAS, Munroe, 1999) Hillsboro—increase in Cu, As with decrease in grain size (carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn rock pile, FAAS, Munroe, 1999) Questa project— porphyry Mo deposit Top (fine-grained, WR1) Intermediate-gradational (WR2) Toe (coarse-grained, WR3) Sampling a trench gypsum jarosite pyrite weathering Shallow Slope Failure After Rain on Sugar Shack West Questa rock piles—poorly‐graded or well‐graded sandy gravel with small percentage of fines Total Feldspar GHN-JRM-0001 GHN-JRM-0002 GHN-KMD-0088 MIN-AAF-0001 MIN-AAF-0004 MIN-SAN-0002 QPS-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0003 QPS-AAF-0005 QPS-AAF-0009 QPS-SAN-0002 SPR-SAN-0002 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 Pyrite Particle Size Fractions (inches) As the size fraction decreases Kfeldspar, pyrite decreases 6 GHN-JRM-0001 GHN-JRM-0002 GHN-KMD-0088 MIN-AAF-0001 MIN-AAF-0004 MIN-SAN-0002 QPS-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0003 QPS-AAF-0005 QPS-AAF-0009 QPS-SAN-0002 SPR-SAN-0002 5 4 Pyrite % K-feldspar + Plagioclase % 60 3 2 1 0 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 Particle Size Fractions (inches) 1.200 Gypsum vs. Size Fraction 6 5 Gypsum (%) 4 GHN-JRM-0002 MIN-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0001 SPR-SAN-0002 SSW-SAN-0002 3 2 1 0 1 0.75 0.5 0.187 0.0787 Size Fraction (inch) Gypsum decreases in concentration in the finer size fractions Sulfide 3.50 3.00 GHN-JRM-0001 GHN-JRM-0002 GHN-KMD-0088 MIN-AAF-0001 MIN-AAF-0004 MIN-SAN-0002 QPS-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0003 QPS-AAF-0005 QPS-AAF-0009 QPS-SAN-0002 SPR-SAN-0002 S% 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 Partcle Size Fractions (inches) High sulfide concentration in the larger size fractions Paste pH 8 7 GHN-JRM-0001 GHN-JRM-0002 GHN-KMD-0088 MIN-AAF-0001 MIN-AAF-0004 MIN-SAN-0002 QPS-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0003 QPS-AAF-0005 QPS-AAF-0009 QPS-SAN-0002 SPR-SAN-0002 Paste pH 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 Particle Size Fractions (inches) As the size fraction decreases the paste pH decreases in some samples, but not all Calcite 1.2 GHN-JRM-0001 GHN-JRM-0002 GHN-KMD-0088 MIN-AAF-0001 MIN-AAF-0004 MIN-SAN-0002 QPS-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0003 QPS-AAF-0005 QPS-AAF-0009 QPS-SAN-0002 SPR-SAN-0002 Calcite % 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 Particle Size Fractions (inches) Calcite variable with size fraction sizes NP 30.00 GHN-JRM-0001 25.00 GHN-JRM-0002 NP (kgCaCO3/t) 20.00 GHN-KMD-0088 MIN-AAF-0001 15.00 MIN-AAF-0004 10.00 MIN-SAN-0002 5.00 QPS-AAF-0003 QPS-AAF-0001 QPS-AAF-0005 0.00 -5.000.000 QPS-AAF-0009 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 QPS-SAN-0002 SPR-SAN-0002 -10.00 Particle Size Fractions (inches) NP decreases in smaller size fractions indicating that as the grains become smaller the amount of neutralizing minerals reduces, thus reducing the capacity to neutralize acid FACTORS CONTROLLING PARTICLE SIZE COMPOSITION Primary igneous crystallization, pre‐ mining hydrothermal alteration and weathering GHN-NWD-0002-02 Pyrite cubes Clay Alteration—This is an intensely altered andesite rock as evidenced by the presence of hydrothermal clay in the hachured-looking areas. Also, pyrite cubes can be seen. FOV is 2.5 mm The breaking up of the rock material during blasting, hauling, and dumping during mining also contributes to differences in size fractions Weathering—In rock piles, the fine‐grained soil matrix is weathered, while interiors of rock fragments are not These are typical weathering textures. Note the lack of weathering of the rock fragments. GHN-NWD-0024-30-05 Gypsum Gypsum cementation in soil sample. FOV 2.5 mm Cementation=cohesion GHN-KMD-0051-31-07 Fe-oxide GHN-KMD-0051-31-07 Questa rock piles—Fe oxides (weathering) cement grains on the exterior and interior of rock fragment Bright areas represent Fe-oxide cement in rock fragment Precipitation of weathered minerals, such as gypsum, along fractures and veins, which increase the mineral volume and breaks apart the rock Other minerals can armor the original crystals and prevent further weathering of sulfides Ore material can be more friable and less cemented, compared to other more resistant, typically silicified material that can form the wall rock in many districts CONCLUSIONS • Primary igneous crystallization, premining hydrothermal alteration and weathering, and post-mining blasting, hauling, dumping, and emplacement into the rock pile and subsequent weathering affect the composition of each size fraction CONCLUSIONS • The finer-size fractions are typically the smallest proportion of the sample by weight (generally, <25% in the <2 mm fraction) • Paste pH values decrease from the coarser-size fraction to the finer-size fraction • The sulfur concentrations are higher and the NP lower in the finer sizes than larger particle sizes CONCLUSIONS • Weathering can be more pronounced in the finer-size fraction than the coarser-size fraction – Amoring – Cementation Acknowledgements • Funding – U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (cooperative agreement no. 3‐FC‐40‐ 13830) – U.S. Geological Survey – Chevron Mining Inc. (formerly Molycorp, Inc – NMBGMR • M.S. theses – Eric Munroe – Gabriel Graf – John Morkeh • Professional staff and many students who worked on these projects (Nelia Dunbar. Lynn Heizler, Lynn Brandvold, Kelley Donahue, Virgil Lueth)