Collaborative Exploration by Energy-Constrained Mobile Robots Shantanu Das Dariusz Dereniowski

Collaborative Exploration by Energy-Constrained
Mobile Robots
Shantanu Das1
1 LIF,
2 Faculty
Dariusz Dereniowski2
Christina Karousatou1
Aix-Marseille University and CNRS, Marseille, France
of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of
Technology, Gdańsk, Poland
JGA 2015, Orléans, France
1 Introduction
The Problem
Related Work
Our Contributions
2 Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
GCT Eε ’s Properties
3 Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
Communication Between Levels
Distribution of Agents at the Global Root
4 A Lower Bound
5 Further Work
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The Problem
Graph Exploration
We have multiple energy
constrained mobile agents.
Each node has to be visited by
at least one agent.
Goal: Minimize the number of
agents used.
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The Problem
Graph Exploration
We have multiple energy
constrained mobile agents.
Each node has to be visited by
at least one agent.
Goal: Minimize the number of
agents used.
Real robots have limited energy!
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The Problem
The model
Anonymous rooted tree T with local port numbering.
Tree’s nodes are memoryless.
Root r0 contains an infinite supply of mobile agents.
But we will only use a few!
Each mobile agent has:
Limited energy B, 1 edge traversal = 1 energy unit.
Unique identity.
Unlimited memory.
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The Problem
We consider two communication scenarios:
Global communication model.
An agent can communicate with any other agent instantaneously.
Local communication model.
Any two agents must be simultaneously on the same node to
exchange information.
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The Problem
We consider two communication scenarios:
Global communication model.
An agent can communicate with any other agent instantaneously.
Local communication model.
Any two agents must be simultaneously on the same node to
exchange information.
Remark: Tree’s height has to be at most B!
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Related Work
Piecemeal Exploration
For a single energy constrained agent, where refuelling is allowed,
exploration can be performed in O(|E|) steps [C. Duncan et al.
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Related Work
Piecemeal Exploration
For a single energy constrained agent, where refuelling is allowed,
exploration can be performed in O(|E|) steps [C. Duncan et al.
Offline Multiple Agent Exploration
Exploration with k agents each having B units of available energy.
Optimizing either k or B is NP-hard. [P. Fraignaud et al. ’06].
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Related Work
Online Exploration
The competitive ratio is used to measure the efficiency of online
It is equal to the worst case ratio of the cost of an online algorithm
for some graph G over the cost of the optimal offline algorithm for
the same graph.
For a fixed number of agents k, the goal is to minimize the energy
needed to perform the exploration. [Dynia M. et al. ’07]
Proved a lower bound of 3/2.
Provided a 4 − 2/k competitive algorithm.
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Our Contributions
Our Contributions
We provide an online algorithm under the global communication
scenario with a competitive ratio of O(log B).
We modify the online algorithm to work under the local
communication scenario and prove that the competitive ratio is
We prove an Ω(log B) lower bound on the competitive ratio for
any online algorithm for the local communication model.
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Exploration with Global Communication
1 Introduction
The Problem
Related Work
Our Contributions
2 Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
GCT Eε ’s Properties
3 Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
Communication Between Levels
Distribution of Agents at the Global Root
4 A Lower Bound
5 Further Work
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Exploration with Global Communication
Main ideas of the algorithm:
Explore the tree by levels.
At each level expand the exploration up until a certain depth.
Recursively call the algorithm for each node at the next level.
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Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
GCT Eε (r, b) Algorithm, 0 < ε <
Uncover (r, b( 12 + ε)bc).
Let r1 , r2 , . . . be nodes at depth dε · be from r, such that Tri has
some unexplored edges.
For each ri call GCT Eε (ri , (b − dε · be)).
ri. . .
dε · bj e
b( 12 + ε) · bj+1 c
already explored part
j + 1 level’s exploration depth
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Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
U ncover(r, δ) Procedure
The agents explore the subtree using a DFS traversal.
The exploration is restricted to a depth of δ from r.
When an agent has x(ε) = 12 ( 12 − ε)b units of energy left stops the
The next agent continues the exploration according to the DFS
The procedure ends when all the nodes at depth δ or less have
been visited.
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Exploration with Global Communication
b( 12 + ε) · bi c
A Recursive Algorithm
current level’s depth di
b 12 · bi−1 c
already explored part
i level’s exploration depth
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Exploration with Global Communication
b( 12 + ε) · bi c
A Recursive Algorithm
current level’s depth di
b 12 · bi−1 c
already explored part
i level’s exploration depth
Any agent that reaches the unexplored part of a subtree Tr cannot
return to node r.
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Exploration with Global Communication
GCT Eε ’s Properties
Properties of GCT Eε (r, b):
At each level the algorithm expands the explored part (dε · bi e).
The number of levels in GCT Eε (r, b) is at most log
( 12 −ε)
During each call of procedure U ncover(r, δ) at most
agents are used.
GCT Eε has a competitive ratio of
C. Karousatou
( 21 −ε)
· log(
· OP T
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Exploration with Local Communication
1 Introduction
The Problem
Related Work
Our Contributions
2 Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
GCT Eε ’s Properties
3 Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
Communication Between Levels
Distribution of Agents at the Global Root
4 A Lower Bound
5 Further Work
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Exploration with Local Communication
Adapting GCT Eε to the local communication model.
There are two issues to overcome:
How do the agents meet to exchange information?
During the U ncover procedure.
Between the levels of the algorithm.
How do the agents know when to start from the global root?
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Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
How to meet ?
Suppose that k agents (A1 , . . . , Ak ) are needed to perform the
U ncover procedure during a call of GCT Eε (r, b) with global
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Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
How to meet ?
Suppose that k agents (A1 , . . . , Ak ) are needed to perform the
U ncover procedure during a call of GCT Eε (r, b) with global
For each agent
Ami needed, we add a constant number of
c(ε) = 2 · 1/2−ε extra agents, called the i-th team.
(A1i , . . . , Ai
A team begins the exploration only if all the c(ε) + 1 agents are
located in the root and if the previous team has finished its
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Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
Each extra agent Aji follows Ai ’s movements until depth
dj (ε) = bj · x(ε)c.
When Ai interrupts its exploration, it heads towards the root.
When Ai meets Ai
Whenever an agent
towards the root.
, Ai
begins to head towards the root too.
meets its ancestor Aj−1
, they both head
Eventually, A1i reaches the root and the next team can resume the
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Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
b2 · x(ε)c
b(c(ε) − 1) · x(ε)c
bc(ε) · x(ε)c
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Exploration with Local Communication
Communication Between Levels
Communication between levels is performed by the managing agents.
Every subtree Tr has a managing agent A(r) located at the root r. Its
tasks are:
Redirect the agents to the correct subtree.
Once the exploration of Tr is finished, report it to its ancestor.
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Exploration with Local Communication
Communication Between Levels
A(r1 )
C. Karousatou
A(ri )
A(rj )
k-th level
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Exploration with Local Communication
Distribution of Agents at the Global Root
When to start ?
A(r0 ) has all the agents at its disposal.
To avoid using more agents than needed we introduce an artificial
delay d(ε) = (c(ε) + 2)B.
d(ε) denotes the time intervals during which a new agent will
start from the global root r0 .
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Exploration with Local Communication
Counting the number of additional agents used.
For each agent used in GCT Eε during the Uncover procedure, we
use a constant number of extra agents c(ε), to perform the
extended DFS traversal.
The overall number of managing agents is bounded by
log( 1 ) B · OP T
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Exploration with Local Communication
Counting the number of additional agents used.
For each agent used in GCT Eε during the Uncover procedure, we
use a constant number of extra agents c(ε), to perform the
extended DFS traversal.
The overall number of managing agents is bounded by
log( 1 ) B · OP T
Hence, the adaptation of GCT Eε under the local communication
scenario preserves the competitive ratio of O(log B).
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A Lower Bound
1 Introduction
The Problem
Related Work
Our Contributions
2 Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
GCT Eε ’s Properties
3 Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
Communication Between Levels
Distribution of Agents at the Global Root
4 A Lower Bound
5 Further Work
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A Lower Bound
A bad family of instances:
An offline algorithm will use exactly
k agents.
In any online algorithm at least
Ω(log B) agents are needed only for
carrying the information from the
node at depth B − 2 to the root.
For k = 1 we get an Ω(log B)
competitive ratio for any online
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Further Work
1 Introduction
The Problem
Related Work
Our Contributions
2 Exploration with Global Communication
A Recursive Algorithm
GCT Eε ’s Properties
3 Exploration with Local Communication
Extended DFS traversal of T
Communication Between Levels
Distribution of Agents at the Global Root
4 A Lower Bound
5 Further Work
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Further Work
Investigate whether more efficient algorithms are possible for the
global communication scenario.
Study the case of general graphs and other topologies.
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Further Work
Investigate whether more efficient algorithms are possible for the
global communication scenario.
Study the case of general graphs and other topologies.
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