__ _~_I__~_.I^IYi-_I-LI , *.--.~^-i-~-i~3 P-b( THE EFFECT OF WIND MEASUREMENT ERRORS ON LINEAR SIMULATICNS OF EQUATORIAL CIRCULATICNS by Robert Kuklinski B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1981) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METEOROLOGY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 1984 ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984 Signature of Author _ Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences May 11, 1984 Certified by I7 )1 / Mark A. Cane Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Theodore R. Madden Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students MASS A UGB AUG " ft p.; TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 6 CHAPTER 2: POINT FORCING 9 CHAPTER 3: RAY THEORY 20 CHAPTER 4: PATCH FORCING 29 CHAPTER 5: AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF MEASUREMENT ERRORS ON EXPECTED CIRCULATIONS IN THE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC 36 CHAPTER 6: AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF MEASUREMENT ERRORS ON EXPECTED CIRCULATIONS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN 50 CHAPTER 7: DISCUSSION 55 REFERENCES 62 APPENDIX 1 63 APPENDIX 2 64 APPENDIX 3 71 FIGURES 79 3 THE EFFECT OF WIND MEASUREMENT ERRORS ON LINEAR SIMULATIONS OF EQUATORIAL CIRCULATIONS by ROBERT KUKLINSKI Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences on May 11, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Meteoroloqy ABSTRACT This paper examines the response of the linear shallow water equations on a zonally bounded equatorial beta-plane subject to low frequency periodic zonal wind stress. The general solutions, following Cane and Sarachik [1981], consist of sums of the eastward propagating equatorial Kelvin mode and a number of westward propagating Rossby modes. To explore the response of a basin to small scale forcing the zonal wind stress is idealized as a delta function. The response is dominated by the sum of directly forced Rossby modes. It is demonstrated that ray theory can be used to duplicate the point source results. In both cases regions of intense response foci are found at a distance CT/4 westward of and at the equatorial image point of the forcing , where T is the period of the forcing and C is the Kelvin wave speed. Regions that experience a very weak response called shadow zones are also found. The point source solution is used as a Green's function to obtain the response of a basin to unit forcings over an area. We find that features predicted by point forcing and ray theory appear in our "patch" forced problem. As the area we force over grows the higher Rossby modes are damped and the important response becomes confined closer to the equator. We use the patch solution and superposition to examine the companion problem of the effect of forcing across a basin on a single observation point. The important influence on the observation point comes from four sources. 1. Strong influence from local effects. 2. Moderate influence from Rossby waves forced within 10* of the equator to the east of the observation point. 3. Intense influence from inverse focus points CT/4 east of the observation point 4. Moderate influence from Kelvin waves forced along the equator to the west of the forcing. J~CYI~~ ~_L^--C-I.L~_I ._.li.l.ii~U The patch influence functions for the first three baroclinic modes are used to examine the importance of wind measurement error in the modeling of sea surface height in the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans. The wind errors over the basins are represented by a difference field of two surface wind analyses. FNOC (Fleet Naval Oceangraphic Center) and NMC (National Meteorlogical Center) winds on a 2.5"x2.5" grid are used in the Pacific. ECM (European Meteorlogical ° Center) data and a wind analysis from Wiley and Hinton on a 2°x3 grid are used in the Indian Ocean. In the Pacific during the January 1982-June 1983 El Nino event, small sea surface errors are found in the eastern Pacific and within one degree of the equator. Serious errors are found north of the equator in the center of the basin near Fanning (9.1cm mean and 48.7cm variance deviation from zero sea surface error). North and south of the equator in the east the errors are also large; (near Rabaul 12.4cm mean + 101.4cm variance). In the Indian Ocean from December 1978 November 1979 large errors from the equator northward into the Arabian Sea are associated with the seasonal monsoon circulation. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Mark Cane Associate Professor of Meteorology ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Mark Cane for the guidance and freedom he provided me with during my stay at MIT. I would also like to thank Ed Harrison for serving as a substitute advisor when Mark was away. Members of the MIT staff and fellow graduate students Mike, Ron, Mark, Haim, Steve G., Steve Z., Wes, and Sean provided assistance and insightful disscusions. Most of all I would like to thank my wife Anne H. Kuklinski for the help, support, and love she has given me over the past two years. INTRODUCTION The theoretical study of forced planetary scale waves in the tropics has attention received considerable periodic horizontal wind stress are recently. These waves studied using the forced by equatorially scaled shallow water equations: Ut - Here U,V, height and H YV + Hx = e i wtJx(X,Y) (1.1) Vt + YU + Hy = eiwt .y(X,Y) (1.2) Ht + Ux + Vy = 0 (1.3) are the respectively. The zonal velocity, meridional velocity, and (1.1-1.3) can be dimensional equivalent to recovered with the scaling: T' 0 = TmT Tm = [1/)C] ' = LmX Lm = [C/)]0. 5 . 5 (1.4) (1.5) Here T' and X' are the dimensional time and distance; Lm and Tm the equatorial distance and time scales and C the Kelvin wave speed. If we confine our analysis to low frequency, small zonal wavenumber waves, the system (1.1-1.3) may be rewritten as: .. . ~_-PI L-~l TY-I^^-L^-~_ -~-P*I( WP-LIIIII ~I~*--L~___~- = ei YV + Hx Ut - w t JTx(X,Y) (1.6) (1.7) YU + Hy = 0 = Ht + U x + Vy We are We - <<1. find (1.7) equation the that and the (1.8) w = with motions examining only 0 forcing meridional 1/)x= O(v) must enter at in at 0(E) zonal forcing and O(E) equation ,here 0(1) So (1.6). in if stress components are assumed to act on a scale of 1 to 5 degrees of latitude only the zonal stress need be retained. Studies Cane [1983]; system sum meridional modes. that low frequency and others have explored Gent,O'Neill,and & 1981]; [1976,1977 by Cane and Sarachik constructed from are The solutions to this solutions the sum of the equatorial Kelvin mode and a sum of Rossby modes that have their turning points equatorward of frequency. bounded by play an important part X=0 and and Cane forcing X=Xe in solved Sarachik unbounded but the the turning latitude at solution (1.6-1.9) meridionally. The in that they in a the basin boundaries require return flow into the interior. This paper will use these earlier results to examine the response of the equatorial be idealized provide ocean to a periodic as a delta a Green's function function to zonal wind stress. to study examine more The stress will small scale general forcing forcings. and Forcing over an area is a more realistic situation but the response is more complex. Features from the simpler delta response will be useful in analyzing the more complicated patch forcing case. An analysis of the character of the response is an important first step in an attempt to understand how errors in the measurement of wind stress are transformed into errors in the equatorial height field. The is of height field model because in particular most cases interest the using a shallow water when simulates model the observed properties of the height field better than the observed properties of the currents. The paper is organized as follows: In chapter 2 the zonal wind streus is idealized as a delta function in both x and y. An analysis along with plots of the of the response of the U, V, and H fields fields in a 6000km wide basin is provided. Chapter 3 uses ray theory on Rossby waves and compares the solutions to the delta results. In chapter 4 the point source solution is used as a Green's function to solve for forcing over an area rather than at just a single point. The results of the previous chapters are used to analyze the effects of wind measurement error on sea surface height in the Pacific and Indian Oceans in chapters 5 and 6 respectively. The summarized in the seventh chapter and are important results followed containing notation and mathematical derivations. by are appendices POINT FORCING The problem of the response of a linear baroclinic equatorial ocean to a Cane by examined was constructed is solution Their (1981). stress wind zonal periodic the from and Sarachik forced periodic solution in the absence of boundaries plus a free wave solution added on to Kelvin and sums waves conditions. boundary the satisfy of The Rossby waves. long solutions These consist of boundary conditions are: at U=O fJ ay= means (2.1) Physically Kelvin boundary are reflected as a sum of boundary U=O boundary would Rossby waves. approximation (1977) have that would imply be reflected Since short shown our Rossby that the (2.2) X=O at that (2.1) X=Xe incident waves on the eastern long Rossby waves. At the western long waves Rossby incident on the the Kelvin wave and a sum of short solution makes use of the long wave as waves are not correct long present. Cane wave and Sarachik boundary condition for __I ___I~_~L this case is given by The short Rossby waves (2.2). form a boundary layer that when integrated meridionally can carry no net mass zonally, leaving the Kelvin wave as the only means of returning meridionally integrated zonal mass flux incident on the western boundary. We wish to examine the effect of a small scale periodic disturbance on a model basin. To accomplish this the model is forced by a zonal wind stress idealized as a delta function of the form: (2.3) Jx(X'Y) = 6(X-X,)6(Y-Y,) The general form of the solution may be expressed as the sum of forced and free terms: = H V + p (2.4) V H H -LoJcL F/F The free and forced solutions independently satisfy equation (2.1). p is a constant chosen to satisfy boundary condition at X=Xe, X=Xe; (2.2). Since U=O equation (1.7) implies that the height is independent of y at hence p determines the amplitude of the height field at the eastern boundary. The solution is derived write the complete result: in detail in appendix 2; here we simply U v = e 4 *-4x1 )( tR 4m(m+1)Rmu(Y )R e- m '' [ - M(Y)M ] (2.5) H + =iwXe (M + [ e' me 2 t t=i M Rmu [2_nRmu(Y*)e =iwe" =ix + M(Y)m rh(I) where M Rmh (2.5) is valid in the region west of the forcing the east of the forcing M iY (X < X,). To (X > X.) only the free term is nonzero and we are left with (2.6). U v = [ e -+ t (M + 2 m.Rme-2(m+1)( -@ ] ] (2.6) H the notatation for (2.5-2.6) is given in appendix 1 with R m and M denoting the Rossby and Kelvin modes. The Rossby and Kelvin terms are defined in terms of the normalized scalar function representing the mth Hermite polynomial. fm~(Y), with Hm(Y) ~II____ j_~/_ TM(Y) The complexity of the = [-F 2mm! solutions ]'Hf(Y)e makes them (2.7) - difficult to analyze analytically. An asymptotic form of the eigenvalue will simplify the analysis. Morse and Feshbach (1953) showed that for large N and near the equator TY,(Y) may be approximated by: Y = (42/7) (2m-Y 2 )cos[0.5Yi-2m-YL -MT/2 + msin (Y/fim)] (2.8) We may use (2.8) to see which terms in the solution are important if we consider several modes. The mth Rossby mode written in asymptotic form for U and H respectively are: .1 R, =4~(2m-Y 2 )1 [(-(2m+1) R, = 2 (2m-Y 2) ] + (2m+1) [D]sin[ [(2m+1-0.5(2m-Y2)-)Ycos[ 2) [D] = 0.5(2m-Y a -1)Ycos[ may also be expressed in - 0.5Y (2m-Y 2) ] + [D]sin[ ]] ]] (2.9) (2.10) ) I + m(2m-YX asymptotic form using Stirling's formula. 13 alm a = [(2m+1)!][2m!I = [427r(2m+1) aq. in The formulae interested in ] e m (2.11) e (2.8-2.11) are valid for Y2 < 2m. Since we are only the response Order satisfactory. = 27r azr = 0 of in the magnitude equatorial statements regions using these are these asymptotic forms will highlight the structure of (2.5-2.6). The behavior of free waves was examined in Cane and Moore 1981. higher m terms in the sums were shown to be small least as fast as m " ). The (they decrease at This allowed the expressions to be accurately approximated as infinite sums which can written in closed form as: -itan[-2i(-c)] U e '(-iw V cos[-2i(- ]e- L- iwYsect [-2i( -Q)] (2.12) 0 H free p has a form which allows us to use the Cane and Moore sum to rewrite it in the simplier form: p TAN2 ] p = -we- cos2 [-2wX,] tan[-2wX ]e O(z 74n l ( (2.13) 14 (2.12-2.13) we observe that the free wave times p is an order From one except term where +-k=1,3,5... is problem near the zonal where wX= Rk/4 near forced is unbounded or velocity is p large Trk/4 w(X-Xe)= at points resonance (i) the and (ii) entire if the free wave term is important. All three fields oscillate rapidly away from the equator. Along the equator we find: M = R 0 = These allow the order of The terms terms FoflOE = ZO(mX) + =0 HFO = ZO(mM7) m" , [0.5; 2 1i2. (2.14) (2.15) V like M = 0(1) + 0(1) in the zonal velocity sums decay ) forced terms to be written as: 1. U O(m RM= O(m'1r) and meridional the while the height grow like m velocity is identically zero. The higher modes dominate the forced zonal velocity term. The U solution then should be very sensitive to the value we chose for N, the number of Rossby modes. Away from the equator we find: T= O(mi ) RM R O(m ) R O(m6' ) (2.16) 1_~ I~X___ r_~ ____;~1~__~~111_ The equator, while confined near Physically equator. the us tells this the response off is velocity zonal the of response principal the largest its experience will then field height would we that expect the group velocity of a packet of Rossby waves to speed up near the equator slow and turning the near down forced The latitudes. meridional velocity has terms which grow like m but are multipied by w which is assumed to be small. figures All [2.1-2.20]. figures grid. For a representative case will take C=1.0 speeds for 1.7, 2.8, the first 1.1, 0.8, baroclinic five 0.6 and (m/s) a from drawn are may be seen in solutions the delta forced The general character of modes 51 by X 41 by (typical Kelvin wave in the respectively); Indian Ocean are as N=50 large a (our number of Rossby modes, and we will examine a semi-annual forcing period T=186.2). north and south Our model basin size of equator the roughly or Ocean. In nondimensional units the 6000km east-west is basin the size 28.4 by is Y of and 2200km Indian the 10.4. We examine the response of the basin to delta forcings at various positions. The nondimensional which to relative amplitudes of the responses reveal regions the in basin are by influenced the degree forcings. the Dimensional values depend on scaling assumptions, such as the depth of the fluid over which the wind stress acts. the dimensional values here because the It is not necessary to use nondimensional values are adequate in our analysis. Figures [2.1-2.3] illustrate the amplitude of the free U, V, and H fields. The general response of the three fields is contained within a sinusoidal envelope that is T/4 periodic. The outer edge of this envelope represents the paths of the highest mode Rossby waves. The principal response of the height field is within the envelope. important and the response at the edge of The higher modes are less the envelope is smaller than in the interior of the envelope. We see equatorward that the latitudes turning the of is field height a constant at the eastern boundary. The shown by as velocity zonal [X-Xe]) times the height field. At and -itan(2w is just (2.12) equation (X-Xe)= - Tr/4w and - rr3/4w (=4000 50km) on the equator we see the singularity in the U field. At these points all Rossby modes are present and in phase. 've call this region of intense response the focus. We also observe that in regions where the of response the free height field important, is the amplitude of the free zonal velocity is small. The meridional free modes. equator along the is zero It the and is dominated velocity Kelvin wave because T equator is term by Rossby the higher has a zero on the by definition zero for the meridional velocity. Figure problem [2.4] were denominator of is a plot of the amplitude that p would have if the forced various at (2.13) appoaches plot looks like a constant field. The points 1 like m in the basin. Since the ; the structure of this (w2) times a displaced free zonal velocity frequency parameter wX, here replaces w(X-Xe ). All our solutions are a superposition of free and forced terms. If the problem is forced near XA = 7r/4w p will be large and the or Tr3/4w free wave ( 2000 or 5950km) on the equator, will dominate the solution. To examine the structure of the forced solution alone we need to force in regions where p is small. We will examine show the amplitude of the U, [2.5-2.7] Figures comparison in p is Here (X,,Y,)=(5000,0). for small free wave terms are small and the terms. the forced solution with the forced and H fields V, that result from forcing at this point. The general response of these that originate at the forcing points. fields are sinusodial envelopes These envelopes for waveguide a are sum The waves. Rossby the of forced Rossby modes dominates the solutions. While the Kelvin wave is small is it present the to compared zonal The Rossby modes. sum of velocity response is large near the equator. We observe a focus on the approximately equator 4000km east of forcing the point. The height field is characterized by large responses away from the equator at the peaks the curving U of and V V waveguides. exhibits a significant response along the entire waveguide with the exception of the equator along which the forced meridional velocity is zero. The position of the forced response pattern depends on the location of forcing the pattern entire point. We moves observe intact in with figures [2.5,2.8,2.9] forcing the point, that with the the westernmost portion of the pattern dissappearing as the forcing point is moved westward. We also observe that no important response appears east of the forcing point. This indicates response, of number the free modes wave or is for that relative to the forced inconsequential when considering a large forcings away from the resonance points. The temporal variations in the solutions are easily analyzed. For the real V field figures [2.10-2.12] show for the various times a qualitatively similar picture. Waves are forced at (5000,0) and travel north equator and toward the At (1000,0). the the waveguide. They are turned back following and south west are intense specified times near focus the the v at approximately while static is waveguide individual waves moving in it cause a rise and fall in the value of V at a specific point. Since our interest lies in the gross response of a a to basin forcing, we on attention concentrate will amplitude plots. of Results [2.13-2.15]. forcing the off equator are shown in figures The zonal structure of the response is the same as for the equatorial forcing but the meridional structure is altered. The forced solutions are image symetric about the equator. at a point response (X%,Y ) and observe a response W(X,Y) W(X,-Y) to forcing at a point (X, ,-Y,). So if we force we would observe a The fields still follow waveguides which demonstrate the dominance of the forced Rossby sums. The focus appears at the equatorial image point roughly 4000km east of the forcing point. The waveguides become contorted sinusodial patterns around a line that runs from the forcing point to the focus. The inviscid results are sensitive to the number of Rossby modes. Figures number [2.16-2.20] depict the delta forced solutions for a modest (N=7) of modes. Since the turning latitudes are lower for the lower modes, we observe that the responses are trapped closer to the equator. If we force poleward of the turning latitudes, the response is very weak. The contours used to plot figure stronger than those in figure [2.20]. (2.15] are ninety times In general equatorward of the 19 turning latitudes the response is also weaker but, the familiar pattern of curving waveguides still appears. The waveguides are not as compact as in similar. The response near the case height the of field the for turning higher modes example still latitudes of the but are qualitatively experiences highest modes. a strong In the U field we see the region 4000km east of the forcing point where a large sum of Rossby modes will create a focus. To this point singularities in the have only in the free wave forced Although we our solutions are understanding a of considered inviscid results. The and the dominance of the higher modes result how of our friction neglect works on of the friction. model is incomplete, we know it is present and should be accounted for. Adding a Rayleigh friction will keep our free U bounded and will damp the higher modes. We may accomplish this by replacing w with: w = w - iR As we stated the inviscid allowing higher modes focus. Figures is taken as unrealistic in to dominate and retaining a singularity at the [2.21,2.22] w/10 and results (2.17) are somewhat have friction in them. The spindown time R w/100 ( 5 and 50 years for this case). We see that friction acts to localize the response at the forcing point. When it is moderate, waves. When we R= w/10, the focus use a small amount of isn't reached damping; by w/100=R; most the of focus present, but is appreciably smaller than in the inviscid case. the is 20 RAY THEORY Ray theory problem. packet of provides us with The shows theory waves will an alternative way of asymptotically follow. Whitham trajectories the (1961) has the examining shown that that a these trajectories called 'rays' satisfy the equations: (3.1) DY Dt 31 DX Dt ak (3.2) (3.3) Dk Dt Here k is the ax Dl = -80a Dt 3Y Dw Dt at (3.5) the zonal wavenumber, 1 frequency. The rays are (3.4) is the meridional wavenumber and because they are important energy paths for a packet of waves. The physically theory only tells use where packets of wave will travel and doesn't distingush between free and forced waves. We will use the theory then to describe the 'action' of the packet of Rossby waves emminating from a forcing point. We begin with the system of equations which (1.1-1.3) can be combined into a single equation for V. -Vttt +Vxx t +Vyy t Equation (3.6) _y 2 Vt has a degenerate (3.6) =0 +Vx solution V = 0 which is the Kelvin wave. Ray theory won't provide us with any new information on it since it is non-dispersive and we know exactly how enerqy from east to west along the equator. it behaves: it carries Our asymptotic analysis has shown that the Kelvin terms are small compared to a sum of Rossby modes for large N so here we consider the behavior Rossby terms. By only considering variations in X are smaller than low of the dominant frequencies and those in Y, assuming the (3.6) can be simplified to: Vyyt -y 2 Vt +Vx =0 (3.7) we now use WKB theory and assume V has the form V=Aei (x y It (3.8) where the total phase c is the amplitude A is defined by = 1, cx =k, , and t = -w. If assumed to vary slowly compared to the phase we are left to highest order with the dispersion relation: W We = o(X,Y,l,k) substitute the dispersion = 2 -k/(1 relation + 2 ) (3.9) (3.9) into the ray equations (3.1-3.5) to obtain the set of equations; DY = 21w 2 Dt (3.11) DX Dt = Dk = 0 Dl = -21w k Dt Dw (3.10) k (3.12) 2 (3.13) k = 0 (3.14) Dt The solutions are easily found to be: W= k WO = k0 (3.15) (3.16) 23 X = wt/k + X 0 (3.17) Y = [-k/w] sin[2w 2 t/k + cO] (3.18) 1 = [-k/w] cos[2w2t/k + ao] (3.19) Each ray path then has a characteristic (3.17) that shows a disturbance may (3.15) and (3.16). w and k by only initial position since only negative k is move westward from its allowed by the dispersion relation. We want to examine rays from a point disturbance. That is to say given an initial position paths (X,Y) in space. (X 0 ,Y0 ) k, given a At t=0, to plot the ray ) we may determine the and w we want (X,Y 0 constant ao. 0a = sin-l[Yo(-k/w) ] (3.20) wt/k + X 0 (3.21) then X and Y may be determined by: X Y = = (-k/w) sin[2tw 2 /k + sin-l(yO(-k/w) t appears only as a parameter )] (3.22) and can be eliminated. Equatorial wave theory suggests the notation: -k/w = 2m + 1 (3.23) 24 so: Y = + sin- + [2m+1]ksin[2w(X-Xo) (3.24) (Y/(2m+1))] (3.24) may expressed in the simple form: (3.25) Y = + [2m+1-YO]zsin[2w(X-XO)] + Yocos[2w(X-XO)] The area over which a ray acts is called a 'ray tube'. Ray tubes are in effect energy channels. Hence regions in which few rays penetrate called 'shadow zones' will be regions of a weak relative response to a forcing. Regions in which rays are packed together called then are expected to experience a strong response and 'caustics' if several adjacent rays come together and cross at a focus we could expect the wave amplitude to become immense. The foci may be found from (3.25) by finding points on the ray paths that are multivalued in M. Those are points on which: sin(2w(X-XO)) 2w(X-XO) = Nr = 0 (3.26) 25 The focus then is located at: (X - XO) = AX = NT/4 (3.27) or in dimensional units at: AX = CTN/4 (3.28) = YO(-1) (3.29) in terms of Y the focus is at: Y Figures initial [3.1,3.4] points are (5000,0) plots and of ray paths (5000,1000). that The emanate plots use from the scaling as the previous figures but the number of modes used is the same 30. We see that the rays are packed along the outer edge of the sine packet and congregate as they near the foci. We expect then to have our largest response at the focus and in the areas that are shaded in the figures. Ray theory tells us that forcing occur in two regions, one which energy streams north-west important adjacent to responses to the forcing and south-west of a point point the source in and a second region adjacent to the equatorial image point CT/4 km west of ~~~_~_li 26 the that implies theory also is energy in which source concentrated will energy at be absent a focus in point. the shadow Ray zone along the line connecting the focus and the source. These ray paths do not for account the behavior of the Kelvin wave term which will be important if the forcing is near the eauator. Ray theory may also be used to find an energy density in (X,Y) space for a packet of Rossby waves. Along a given ray the magnitude of the group velocity times the energy density is a constant. So the energy density may be expressed as: (kO)/ <E> Where IC) the group velocity and CD is (3.30) E(kg) is a constant for that ray. may be found from the dispersion relation (3.9). C, = i + j = -(1 1221 +Y2) 222 1 + 2kl(1 2 +Y22- j (3.31) then: <E> = e(k 0 ) [(12+y 2 ) - 2 + 4k 2 12 (1 2 +y 2 )- - (3.32) which may be simplified with (3.18-3.19) and (3.23) to become: <E>= (2m+1) [1+4w 2 (2m+1-Y 2 )]- (3.33) 27 Instead of using the mode number m , we could find expression for the energy density in terms of the initial position, space coordinates, frequency, and the initial energy. From (3.25) without quantization we find: Y + ((-k/w)-YO) sin2wAX = + Yocos2wAX (3.34) and see immediately that. -k/w = [Y-YOcos2wAX]2[sin2AX]- 2 (3.35) + The energy density defined only along a ray path then is given as: <E> If draw (Y S,.Jti we had an explicit a continuous expression energy using the discrete modes. The for E(ko) density approximation from modal theory for e(k + Y) 2 plot. C(ko). figures (3.36) 0) we could use We Figures have a (3.36) to discrete [3.3,3.6] are drawn show the energy density that would result from equally spaced rays. At the turning latitudes we see a lot of energy. This is time caused by the fact that the waves take a long to turn. Near the foci the actual amount of energy per ray is small because the waves move through these regions quickly. The total amount of enerqy here is expected to be large though because the ray tubes come together and the area over which the energy acts becomes _ 1_1_ --I~LIIIDLCII~IC_~--~II_~--- vanishingly small. In short the two factors that govern energy density are the area over which the ray tube acts and the intensity of the energy along the tube. Both factors are significant for our problem. Cane and Sarachik (1981) showed that ray theory is inadequate if the Kelvin wave or reflected Rossby waves are important. total [(U2 energy V2 + H2 + )/2] from modal The actual theory should resemble the ray theory results in our case since both the Kelvin and free terms Figures the are small [3.2, results compared to the sum of 3.5] are the total energy plots. is clear. We see in both forced Rossby modes. The agreement between plots that the largest concentration of energy is near the foci and turning latitudes. We also the of observe figures. regions in same location These plots illustrate how effective determining method. shadow the essence of the solutions with in both sets ray theory can be in a simple, analytic ^_U~__ 1______ ~*__~__~~___LI~I~_Fm____ 29 PATCH FORCING We have analyzed distrubance. the response of a model basin to a point source With the exception earthquakes or nuclear explosions, of cataclysmic events such as the forcing of long period waves in the real ocean occurs over a region rather than at a single point. The point forced solutions (2.5-2.6) may be used as a Green's function and integrated over a forcing region to obtain the response of the basin to a regional forcing. We will examined the response of the basin to a square patch of a unit zonal periodic wind stress. That is : U,V,H [X,Y] = ff TX(X,Y,)G,., (X,Y,X,,Y,)dX dY (4.1) < AY (4.2) FOCg¢N(r We take : T = 1 0 IX-X) < AX ; elsewhere IY-Yj The complete region X < U (X' derivation - AX) [ 2w- e V H [ [7, T' .)e Rsin((2m+1) (erf(Yn)-erf(Ys)) R e ( M + E 2a [-iw-e 3. The results - 2( -i W M sin. - for the 40 ] Yn = Y'+AY X'=X S= wax Ys = Y'-AY y' =y = -((Yn)-(Ys) [erf(Yn)-erf(Ys)]sin4,,+ + 4~( (4.3) - I' = iwX' I p =2ie [e E I S2w-7 e p Appendix are: 4t [ 2mlw = is given (2m+1)-F'f Isin(.,(2m+1))e for the region X > (X' + AX) U V H p"1 '4 )] (4.4) and for the region IV= H iw[-i I - (X' - AX) < X < (X' + AX) + Re ( M + E 2a T e J = i J )] Re i w- 1eor . -IP RA e4r Z I JRAdY i-le -I ]]i1e -7'[erf(Yn)-erf(Ys)]M[1-e J2 = -erf(Y) -7 [erf (Yn)-erf (Ys) ]e [erf(Yn) -erf (Ys) ] M[ 1-e -- ( ] iW--le4T The solution is defined in three distinct regions; for X < entire forced portion is (4.5) J2 + + Eelt; ~,r X-AX the X-AX <X <X+AX only a portion of the forced term is experienced ; and west of the forcing region only the free term remains. An asymptotic analysis will prove useful in illuminating the structure of the 'box' solution. The only new terms that appear in the solutions are the integral of the RR, and the R, terms. For large N using equation (2.8) we find that: (YT(Yn) - (Ys)+(2m+1)-fy) 1 %s O(mf) (4.6) The order of the forced terms that are the forced and observed on equator may be estimated using (4.6). We U = V = H = that note 0(1/wim) not (4.7) O(1/w m2 ) velocity field and like is as sensitive O(1/w) 0 modes higher the + to (m- 2) + 0(1/w) are damped the zonal the height field. The response then in higher modes the in (m-) like as the delta case is. By forcing over a patch rather than at a single point phase interference has destroyed the high frequency response within the forcing region. We are still left with an important forced reponse though because of the (w-1 ) factor which by assumption must be large. To obtain the box we performed solutions X, an introduced a [w(2m+1)]-1 factor to the Rossby terms. condition wavenumber (3.23) (2m+1) as a function which Our quantization the of meridional 1 ; and the distance from the equator Y. At the turning latitudes we know delta expresses integral, forced that Rossby Our 1=0. terms by box solution Y2 . This importance of the higher modes is reduced. then is equivalent It divided the to saying the has should be noted that the strongest response occurs very near the equator in the patch case. The sum of forced Rossby modes no longer completely dominates the solution.-The Kelvin wave term is the same order as the Rossby term as in if, and #g we assume that we force over a large box( (4.7), is an one order area is small( O(25x25km)) O(w-1). A small box case and solutions to see the Kelvin in both the U and H fields. If the forcing response on the equator delta expect term. We would 0(4°x4°)) order one and not the Kelvin wave term is in this case then should strongly resemble the by be dominated by normalized AXAY the Rossby approach the terms. The box delta forced forcing solutions (2.3-2.4) in the limit as AX and AY approach zero. a is multiplied by p instead of p . in the delta case. the same as the box case is The free wave in It p is simply the Kelvin wave and its Rossby reflection at the eastern boundary times a periodic function of the position forcing zonal and basin zonal the length. When we a integrate p and Y * to find p we again see that the higher over X, Rossby modes are attenuated. We expect then that p will be large only near the equator that and the focusing effect is tempered by the attenuation of the higher modes. The relative importence of the free wave much greater than in much smaller. in the box case should be the delta case because the forced box solution is p will determine how much the free wave contributes to the total response. Figures [4.1-4.12] illustrate the inviscid the box solutions. The amplitude of all fields are displayed. The box solution's sensitivity to AX and AY is examined along with the number of Rossby modes and the position of the forcing. The solutions are normalized by AXAY. ~ul~--rr.^--~-~~Y~LCaaaar*lh ii'~~ ~~LII--*-~-~~ * Figures first a [4.1-4.3] are the p terms for three different box sizes. is a very small non-dimensional units). box 20km by 20km (0.09 equator figure in [4.2] 0.09 in It is small enough to resemble p . We observe a weak focus and note the only real difference is the by The regions where p is shows a 2* by 2* box. small. As that p is an large on intermediate case Here the focus is weak as are the higher Rossby modes that allowed p to be large away from the equator. The last figure is for a 4" by 4 box (1.05 by 1.05 in nondimensional p is large only within 5° units. No evidence of a focus is observed. of the equator. Outside of the focus regions p is larger than near the equator. As the box size grows , parts of the box extend into regions where only high 2ossby modes are present. less energetic, p The high modes are so only the parts of the box in which the lower modes u6 are present contribute significantly to p . We see then that p will be large only near the equator no matter how large of an area we force over because forcing away from the equator can only produce weak influences. and H fields for a 4 The U, V, shown in figures [4.4-4.6]. The box centered at by 4' effect of the (5000,0) are of the attenuation higher modes is seen. The zonal velocity response is large west of the forcing across the equator. The maxima of the zonal response are still near the forcing point and at the focus. [4.7] has a equator. The forcing. The more main of the response equator. The response of extends focus and height field pronounced response The 2 ° by 2* box of the height farther is also field is large still in figure from the near the off the the meridional velocity is similar to the delta case but it is weaker by a factor of 10. rCL-rP ~V^-U4n+~-ura~~~~ response with The N=7 modes shown is in figures The [4.8-4.10]. general response is similar to the N=50 case. Unlike the delta case our the number to sensitive less is solution the of modes because higher modes are attenuated. Results of forcings in the western half of the basin are shown in figures [4.11-4.12]. see We appears to the east of the to contributes wave the part eastern superposition of of the free response velocity indicates that the Kelvin near response total equator. the The is difficult to see for forcings in basin and zonal free forcing. This contribution of the Kelvin wave the a that because forced it responses appears in as part the which of a forced response is very complicated near the equator. may add We given friction box solution with amount of friction will not alter results did in the damped. It will it to the delta still case because prove useful the to highest examine equation (2.17). A as impressively as modes what are already effect some arbitary spindown time will have on the model solutions. Figures [4.13-4.14] show the responses with friction, corresponding to a spindown time of 25 years. The zonal velocity response is only slightly affected indicating, that the higher modes don't contribute much to the solution. 36 AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF WIND MEASUREMENT ERRORS ON EXPECTED CIRCULATIONS IN THE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC To this point we have examined the effects of an isolated regions of periodic zonal wind stress on a model basin. We will use the results of the previous chapters to determine the response at a single point to lonq period waves allow us to gauge forced the throughout a basin. This analysis importance of errors in will the measurement of surface winds in the modeling of sea surface height in the equatorial Pacific. The forcing over the real ocean is basin wide. The response of the by a field of wind then is governed stresses. The model we developed is linear. Linearity allows us to represent the height or current at a single location as that which ocean at a single station would result from a sum of individual forcings. The delta case assumes an impulse forcing is representitive of the forcing that occurs within a region. The patch forcing assumes that the stress is uniform over a region. We will divide a basin into a discrete number of regions and use either the delta or patch assumption to examine the total effect of basin wide forcing at a station. The patch and delta solutions may be used to calculate a response (X,Y). The response function tells function for an observation point in the forced influence waves us how much will have basin the on observation point. We find the response function by first dividing the basin into a grid of forcing points. For the delta case each forcing point represents the forcing over the area between adjacent points. In the uniform of region rectangular that stress halfway extends grid each at to find ,Y,). W(w,X,Y,M,X, or ,X,Y,M,AX,AY,X',Y') point The the to function response the a (4.3-4.5) and adjacent grid points. We fix X and Y and solve equations (2.5-2.6) of center the is point forcing each case forcing patch W(w function response is and a single baroclinic mode defined for a single forcing frequency M. To solve the equations we could have taken our transform in space instead of time, but for the problem under consideration a frequency of analysis is errors wind a more insightful and straightforward approach. The time dependence of the problem is naturally periodic in the sense that We would seasonally cyclic. periodic winds the that hence spatially; not our are errors contain the measurement expect the wind errors analysis is done in the be to as frequency domain. In determining the response function we assumed a unit forcing over a region. It is necessary then to weight the response function by the observed forcing each at frequency to determine sea the surface height. By superposition the total sea surface error at a station will be a product stress summed of the over response function all forcing and frequencies, the error in the baroclinic zonal modes, and _i~~I-aU~ieriu~DI*O --- I- L~rxbnu forcing points. The total error, n ,at a station is written as: nj(X,Y,t) E7Z n W(w,Y,YX,,YM) T (W,X),,Y)e = A (5.1) nis the sea level scale that translates a height into sea level. We will model the Pacific Ocean as a rectangular basin with straight north- south unbounded aligned at the north for the Pacific this size coastlines to that 120E and 70W. from 30N to 30S. south available is be and at over a 2.50 by 2.5" The basin wind data Surface grid. is We will adopt case this based on observations of Eriksen et al 1983 of our forcing grid. In the patch yields 68 by 24 2.50 boxes of uniform stress. The scaling we use is using CTD casts to determine reasonable stratification profiles in the Pacific at 179W near the Equator. We scale distance by L T . The wind stress is of the mixed layer. these assumptions and time by assummed to act as a body force over the depth Below the the sea level mixed scale layer n is felt. With defined, following Cane no stress is (1983) by: n A,(O) is the surface = [T/(p, amplitude gD)] of A2(0) L.t the horizontal (5.2) structure function which is constant in the mixed layer, D is the depth of the ocean and p, is the density of the water. 39 The stress at the surface is parameterized with T V= (5.3) p CO U J Co is the drag coeffeicent taken to be 1.8X10-3, ),is U is the zonal component of the surface wind, the air density, and UIJ is the magnitude of the surface wind. With these assumptions and a zonal wind stress of one dyne we have the scaling parameters that appear in Table for 5-1 from any the first focus shows that away baroclinic modes will four baroclinic modes. Table points the first and second 5-1 dominate the sea surface height over most of the basin. TABLE 5-1 T (days) A"(0) C (m/s) L (km) 1 2.91 361 1.43 4.22 1.436 2 1.78 282 1.83 4.02 1.026 3 1.13 225 2.30 2.05 0.212 4 0.83 190 2.66 1.61 0.110 MODE We will examine the sea surface errors at 10 islands located near the equator in the Pacific. The names and location of these stations s~U_ ~_l_/i__lL _i~__l__ __II~_~_ I~IX~_ ~_ ~L___Z_~~1~ 40 are listed in Table 5-2 and illustrated in figure [5.1]. These islands have tidal gauges which recorded the sea surface height during the El Nino event of January 1982 - June 1983. TABLE 5-2 LATITUDE LONGITUDE GALAPAGOS iS 90W CHRISTMAS 2N 157W FANNING 4N 159W JARVIS .5S 161W CANTON 3S 172W 8.5N 168E NAURU 15 167E TRUK 7N 151E RABAUL 4S 152E MALAKAL 7N 134E STATION KWAJALEIN For each island we must develop a set of response functions (one for each forcing frequency). We will drive the model with a time series of 18 monthly mean functions stress are valid for errors at each a single forcing point. The frequency so the time response series of stress errors must be transformed into the frequency domain to find the magnitude of the forcing at that frequency. The time series is ____~~5~ah~ resolved in a dc(w=0), with 9 positive, and 9 negative forcing frequencies the Fourier transform. Since we negative frequency stresses are transforming real data, the are simply the complex conjugates of the positive frequencies. A Tx (X ,Y*,t) ----- (X AY',A W) Tx w=27/T T= ,+-18/n n=1,..9 4 X T = Forcing Periods = -,18,9,6,18/4,18/5,3,18/7,18/8,2 Months is W(w) = W* The response function also possesses this property, that (-w) Since the product of complex conjugates is the complex conjugate the of product, we need frequencies frequencies. by the consider positive and dc forcing for the negative frequencies when we sum over frequencies. We account all only introducing By symmetry the a factor of 2 response sums imaginary the in to positive zero and we are left with a real time series of sea surface errors. Figures Fanning for the forcing cases. typical show the amplitude of [5.2-5.16] first We baroclinic use this mode for station to response functions. We assume a the response functions both the delta and at patch illustrate the properties of spindown time of 5 years in 20. The number of modes is not a critical parameter except very close to the all the response observation assumption point. functions. points we used for long does 20 modes appear not The number forcing damp of periods. the modes Rossby The solutions is Rayleigh at the friction observation to be a value for N that keeps the importance ? .- of the response function near the obervation point reasonable. In any event the number of modes does not significantly effect our analysis. delta The patch and response similar are functions with the exception of the dc forcing. The dc response is a local phenomenom in larger over a much It is felt the patch case. region in the delta case. In the patch case we see that the only important forcing occurs a line about the Unless that wind runs north are errors south of and dramatically the observation point. incoherent meridionally, significant north south phase cancellation keeps the importance of the response about this line small. The delta case contains this feature along with a significant response to the east of Fanning. At the other frequencies the delta influence is felt further north and south of the observation point because as we discussed in the previous chapter the patch case attenuates the higher modes that are off important the equator. We observe at all forcing frequencies Fanning is significantly affected by forcing immediately adjacent to the island and from Rossby of the equator to the east of the island. For waves forced within 10 forcing periods shorter than 18/4 months we see a maximum in the response function at the equatorial image point to and CT/4 east of Fanning. This maximum, called the inverse focus, corresponds to the place where Rossby waves that focus at Fanning originated. For forcing periods shorter than 18/8 months we see a second inverse focus at the same latitude CT/2 eastward of Fanning. This maximum corresponds to the region in which Rossby waves that have their second focus at Fanning originated. The second inverse focus is weaker than the first because of the inclusion of friction. 43 To influence frequencies the for functions the height the at that several The response features similar influence in the basin that strongly the regions to To sum up the response those of those of the first baroclinic mode. function shows island. the reveal baroclinic modes other at boundary western field and Rossby Kelvin waves equator, the off reflected are that waves near of Fanning west the the station are: 1. a strong local response at the observation point 2. a moderate broad response to the east of the island within 10* of the equator 3. a moderate response west of the island along the equator 4. intense responses from inverse focus points east of the island importance The the location depends on Figures [5.17-5.22] For stations felt. For Galapagos, in show of of in Kelvin these the response the east away stations the each of the wave the and station functions for from the equator east near influence at contributions the is forcing some station each frequency. stations. other only local effects are at the off the equator, large. such as Stations equator in the central and western Pacific are influenced primarily by Rossby waves. Kwajalein, Truk, and Rabaul response functions show the strong influence of the Rossby waves. In the center of the basin near the equator at Jarvis we see that to the response. all four of the effects contribute ----I -~ir^L-rMa.C~ I---------------~ -~^~----- ---- 44 The errors surface sea be now may determined if we have a representation for the stress errors over the basin. We will take a field of two frequently utilized surface wind analyses to difference into the basin. These are translated over the wind error represent stress errors with the parameterization This parameterization (5.3). of the stress as the zonal velocity squared will likely lead to large stress errors in regions of strong zonal wind. The wind fields we used were the FNOC x2.5* grid Center) analysis on a 2.5" (Fleet Naval Oceanqraphic Center) (National Meteorlogical (120E-70W and 30N-30S) and the NMC surface wind over region same the on a 5"x5* grid. These analyses are monthly mean winds for 18 months from January 1982 - June 1983. The NMC data was linearly interpolated down to a 2.5°x2.5" grid to conform to the FNOC analysis. (in dynes) are shown in The monthly NMC surface zonal stress fields figures [5.23-5.31]. The negative sign indicates stress imparted on the ocean by an easterly wind. During the first six months of 1982 the Pacific was forced by a typical wind stress pattern. Strong easterlies between 5N-25N across the basin exert a strong negative zonal stress during the period. Near 15N 170W we see stress over 2 dynes in March. Near the equator the stresses are generally weak. South of the equator the easternly stress pattern is broken from the western boundary to approximately 170E. At the western oscillates from approximately 10S boundary moderate westerly stress to 10N during a typical yearly cycle. From July 1982 to April 1983 anomalous westerly winds are seen to extend far into the basin. These anomalous westerlies drove Kelvin waves across the basin that caused dramatic 30-40cm rises in sea surface height in the eastern Pacific during the El Nino event. The extent of the westerly stress was enormous. In September 1982 westerly mean monthly wind stress ranged from the western boundary to 120W. By April 1983 the forcing over the basin reverted back to a more normal condition. difference The representation the field of the wind of NMC and measurement difference field is not a true error FNOC zonal error over is stresses the basin. a The field. Small differences could occur in data poor regions where both fields are erroneous. The entire measurement error could be contained one in data set, but at present it is impossible to say which data set is better. The response then of field. wind the is basin to uncertain order the are likely to be These differences of this large in regions of high gradients, large wind variability where the wind difficult to measure, or where there is difference is inherently little data. The degree to which these are well correlated spatailly or temporally will determine the magnitude of the sea surface errors. The amplitude of the Fourier transform of the stress error 6]. are shown in figures[5.32-5.3 fields The largest errors appear from 10N to 20N across the basin in the dc frequency (the dc component is just the mean of the error time series). Some of the errors are over 1/2 dyne in this region. The errors for the higher frequencies are generally smaller than the errors frequencies we observe easterly wind belts at for the lower that the largest 15N and 15S forcing frequencies. errors occur across At all in the strong the basin. The largest errors on the equator are near 130W for the six month period forcing. _r____lU~IXXIII__~~-_~_ These transform plots are multipied point by point with the response function and and modes, baroclinic frequencies, all over summed forcing point to find the total error. Figures [5.37-5.46] show time series of predicted sea surface errors islands. each of the at In the sea surface error plots, the dotted line with the longer space is the error in the first baroclinic mode in the delta case. The dotted line with the shorter space is the error in the first three baroclinic modes in the delta case. The thin black line represents the patch error due to the first baroclinic mode. The thick black line to due the error is the sum of first the three baroclinic modes in the patch case. The first baroclinic mode in the patch case contains much of the information that is in the sum of the first three modes. We have seen that amplitude of the response functions for the delta individual stations however small forcing are similar. At and patch differences in the response functions cause significant variations in the sea total actually area Energetics obviously on surface averages smaller influence error. so scales Wind the stress data case patch than is the comparison of is resolved at grid more by the delta and patch points are appropriate. patch would results at a point station. At Nauru the error plots bear faint resemblence to each other. The delta response functions are inadequate for determining actual sea surface error and we will rely only on the patch case. The means and variances of the sea surface errors from zero at each island are listed in Table 5-3. The error in the first three modes is greater than in the first mode alone at each station. Rather than the ~ i~L il)*^--~--.--_1111*1~ Y -..IXUI.~IYil errors of the baroclinic modes summing out of phase to produce smaller errors, we see the opposite is true. TABLE 5-3 SAMPLE VARIANCE MEAN ERROR STATION 1st mode 1st 3 modes 1st mode 1st 3 modes GALAPAGOS 2.26 3.27 1.87 4.43 CHRISTMAS 3.99 6.14 5.00 10.76 FANNING 6.45 9.08 24.89 48.72 JARVIS 3.02 4.00 3.75 6.01 CANTON 4.44 7.13 10.34 27.63 KWAJALEIN 6.32 8.58 20.71 38.16 NAURU 2.92 4.99 6.63 16.71 TRUK 7.37 9.08 18.08 30.10 RABAUL 8.30 12.35 40.97 101.39 MALAKAL 9.47 11.48 31.98 62.31 The smallest sea surface errors occur over the eastern Pacific. Here the sea surface height is effected primarily by Kelvin waves. At the Galapagos the influence function for a 9 month period forcing shows that errors in the zonal stress near the equator from 130E to 70W will be important. The stress errors over the equator were generally small. The sea surface error at the Galapagos reaches a maximum of 8 jl__lU_~~ I~CI~I 48 cm in May of 1983. The maximum El Nino signiture in this region was over 35cm. Wind measurement errors are not important in the modeling of sea surface height in the eastern Pacific during this time. In equator. Fanning At are troublesome error. Pacific central the Nearer a mean error 9.08 of away important are errors is cm the cm variance and equator at Christmas the errors still significant. Within half a degree of found. are the equator the from Even more this variablity of 48.72 the the the but smaller in the same longitude belt the cyclic six months error pattern seen at Christmas at Jarvis but not nearly and Fanning is present Busalacchi important 1984 in a hindcast of discrepancies between the 1982-1983 El Nino event observed and and as large. Cane modeled sea found level at Fanning and Chirstmas. The results suggest that it is likely that the problems they had modeling sea surface at Christmas and Fanning were caused by an inaccurate wind analysis to the east of the stations. It is obvious from the fact that the errors in this longitude belt decrease as we near the equator that the important source of error at Fanning and Christmas comes from Rossby waves the islands. forced to the east of One wind analysis we used resolved the winds poorly to the east of the islands and this error manifested itself as large sea surface errors off the equator near Fanning and Christmas. If the wind errors came from west of the islands they be would carried by Kelvin waves and the maximum sea surface error would appear on the equator. I~~ "--I~4RII"*L~"LLL-I~X~Y"~I^-~ 49 Over the Western Pacific the errors are generally worse to the south of the equator and as we move away from the equator to the north. At large mean errors of 12.35 cm are seen. The Rabaul south of equator observed sea surface signal here ranged from 20 to we drove If event. with a model either of these 15 cm during the wind fields and compared the results to the observations wind measurement errors are large enough that it would be impossible to in any sense verify the model here. In general the sea surface errors are not significant in the eastern Pacific or near central and the equator. North and south of western Pacific regions that are primarily east of the stations. The the errors are the equator important. influenced by Rossby waves winds in the regions in the These are forced to the influencing these stations are generally strong easterlies. Large sea surface errors may result in regions influenced by areas of strong zonal winds containing relatively modest errors. 50 AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF WIND MEASUREMENT ERRORS ON EXPECTED CIRCULATIONS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN We will examine the sea surface errors in the Indian Ocean. Unlike the Pacific, the Indian Ocean is generally devoid of islands that serve as an observation network of sea surface heights. We have chosen 10 points near the equator scattered across the Indian basin to serve as our observation network. These stations are identified with a letter and their position is shown in figure [6.1]. The Indian Ocean is modeled from 20N to 20S and from 96E to 45E. Our forcing grid is a 20 latitude by 30 longitude grid. We have chosen our forcing grid to conform to available wind analyses. We use the same model and assumptions we used in the Pacific with the exception of a typical stratification value. This correspondingly changes several of the scaling parameters that appear in Table 6-1. The higher baroclinic modes are insignificant. The contribution mode appears to be the most important. of the second baroclinic TABLE MODE C (m/s) L (km) 6-1 T (days) A (0) n 1 2.80 356 1.47 3.9 1.104 2 1.73 280 1.87 5.5 1.726 3 1.11 224 2.34 2.5 0.286 4 0.80 187 2.75 2.1 0.168 represented by a difference errors will The wind stress field of two frequently The (5.3). wind fields again be used wind we used fields by equation parameterized used were a European Meteorlogical Center (ECM) analysis and a wind analysis from Wiley and Hinton. These analyses provided winds over the basin for the period December 1978 to November 1979 for a 20 x 3" dealing with a 12 latitude x longitude grid. Because we are month time series we will only examine a dc,12,6,4,3,12/5,and 2 month period forcing. The wind stress over land areas The (India, Africa, and Madagascar) was taken to be zero. ECM zonal wind stresses [6.2-6.13]. over the The dotted line shows stress easterly wind and the solid lines basin are shown in figures imparted on the surface by by westerly wind. South of the 52 equator the winds equator the are easterly stress wind pattern throughtout the shows the year. North strong seasonal of the monsoon circulation. In June we see zonal stress of almost 3 dynes at 10N near the entrance of the Arabian Sea. In the eastern Indian Ocean north of the equator strong cyclonic activity is present in May. The Fourier transform of the stress errors are shown in figures[6.14-6.17]. The errors are over 0.5 dynes in the Arabian Sea at all forcing frequencies. The ECM stress is calculated from 5 day averages while the Wiley and Hinton data comes from monthly means that supress short time cyclonic activity. We see errors in the mouth of the Bay of Bengal because of this. South of the equator in the strong easterly wind belt the errors are also large. Near the equator the errors are generally small. Table 6-2 lists the location and the mean and variance of the errors in the Kelvin Indian wave Ocean. terms By should locating be large the stations on because the the Kelvin equator wave the decays exponentially away from the equator. The first baroclinic mode in the Indian Ocean is not as important as it was in the Pacific as seen in the Table. 53 TABLE STATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE 6-2 SAMPLE VARIANCE MEAN ERROR 1st mode 1st 3 modes Figures 1st mode 1st 3 modes 0 91E 2.05 3.63 2.13 6.88 7N 91E 3.50 6.78 4.53 13.60 5S 91E 3.29 9.00 5.10 21.63 0 72E 1.39 2.98 1.51 13.51 5S 72E 4.14 11.01 5.83 19.78 6N 70E 4.38 11.39 8.78 42.19 0 54E 3.38 6.79 6.66 54.47 6N 52E 9.78 13.26 26.65 142.52 10S 49E 2.03 3.98 1.71 11.10 0 49E 3.06 6.29 5.09 44.86 response functions [6.18-6.39] are and sea surface error plots for stations in the Indian Ocean. The response function of the second baroclinic mode at station A shows the strong influence of the Kelvin waves. The response functions in the Indian Ocean posses the same properties that those in the Pacific did. The errors over the Indian Ocean are huge from the equator north into the Arabian Sea. The fluctuations in sea surface height are large 54 in the Arabian Sea. In some places as much as a meter. At stations Z, B, and W, Rossby waves forced north and east of the stations in the errors are very important. of large regions The sea surface errors reflect the monsoon cycle from April to July at each of the stations. Our use of only zonal stress in this region also poses a problem since the seasonal errors are Ocean. Here locally monsoon seen also circulation north of is the strickly not equator in the large Important central errors Indian are felt easternmost region of at the north central Indian station. At the equator in the the the zonal. central Indian Ocean at station X the cyclonic errors are felt. Rossby waves carry nonexistent large sea errors from surface error the plot east that in June distrubs a and July. The virtually smallest errors appear in the east where the winds are lighter. The errors are generally weaker near the equator and worse off the equator especially in the Arabian Sea. The than those seen in the Pacific. The errors Indian errors are larger are larger because the forcing over the basin is so much larger. In modeling the sea surface fluctuations in the Indian Ocean we have seen that wind errors can be serious. The wind analyses we used could be responsible for 13 cm mean errors in the Arabian Sea. r----I-~-Y-IV"-~~ IW - YY *-(-E-Ys~~~~n DISCUSSION We have explored the response of the linear shallow water equations in a unbounded meridionally basin to an oscillatory zonal wind stress. Solutions are found making use of the long wave assumption for a single low frequency w and include directly forced term. The free and both a free basin wave and a forced terms consist the of equatorial Kelvin wave and a sum of Rossby modes. The highest number of modes is a parameter we choose. The zonal wind stress is first idealized as a delta function in X and Y, to measure the response to very small scale forcings and to obtain a Green's function for more general types of forcing. Some ray theory results demonstrate that the essense of the delta solutions may be captured using simple asymptotic methods. The examining these solutions is useful insight gained in understanding the case in of a spatially uniform stress over a rectangular region. The point source solution is dominated by the sum of forced Rossby modes independent of forcing location. The free wave term is small enough that no important response east of the forcing is found. The important response is contained within a sinusoidal envelope whose )i- LI __U__XII~ _II_______Z-~-Ytiili~L 56 and outer edges represent inner the lowest and highest mode Rossby waves travel waves respectively. at originates envelope The the and point forcing westward in two branches toward the turning latitudes. At the turning latitudes the Rossby waves are forced to turn back toward the equator to conserve vorticity. All the modes in both branches come together at the equatorial image point of the forcing point. The envelope there is focus. The a single point called the of is a region focus intense response. Past the focus the envelope again diverges in two branches. the Between lowest in modes two the branches no Rossby waves penetrate. This region experiences a weak response and is called the shadow zone. The response of the U,V,and H fields within the envelope differ. The meridional velocity is dominated by the higher modes. The important response is found along the outer edges of the waveguide throughout three fields. The zonal modes. The response near is velocity response meridional the basin. The velocity is also the weakest of dominated the turning latitudes by the the higher is small. The height field is less dependent on the higher modes so the response is larger near the inner part of the envelope then in either of the current fields. The response of the height field is smallest near the equator and largest near the turning latitudes. Ray theory allows us to find the location of the focus relative to the location of the forcing. If the forcing is at a point (X,Y) then the first boundary, focus appears at C (X-CT/4,-Y): here is (X=O) is the western the Kelvin wave speed, and T is the period of the forcing. The shadow zone is shown to be centered about the line connecting the focus and forcing points. Ray theory was also useful in explaining the spatial energy density. We find (because many modes that influence energy is concentrated a small area) and at near the the focus turning latitudes (because the waves move so slowly here). While point forcing and ray theory provide simple solutions, they also posses some unattractive properties. The high mode response is very sensitive to the presence of a frictional mechanism. We added a Rayleigh friction term saw that it acted to localize the response near the source. The inviscid solution is sensitve to the number of Rossby modes and the viscid solution to the value of the Rayleigh damping term. The delta over an solution is arbitary function and used as a Green's rectangle to integration introduces a factor of derive the (2m+1)-1 patch integratred solution. The in the Rossby terms which damps the higher modes. This is equivalent, throught the quantization condition, to dividing the Rossby terms by Y 2 . The major response in the box solution is closer to the equator than it is in the delta case. Phase interference within the box has destroyed the higher mode response, and away from the forcing region the response is built principally from the lower modes. The box solution sensitivity to the number of modes included in the sums is less. The box size is a critical parameter that characterizes the type of response we expect to find. ILli _^llj~_~~XI~ ^E Il_ 58 Case 1: small scale forcing ; 25km > AX, 25km > AY: For forcings over areas this size or smaller the response is virtually identical to the predictions of ray theory or delta forcing. Case 2: large scale forcing : 40 < AX, 4* < AY: The foci no longer exist. The Kelvin and free wave terms are important. The important response independent of the forcing location is trapped near the equator. Beyond 100 north and south of the equator the response is insignificant. The reason is that parts of a patch that lie away from the equator respond only in terms of higher modes which are small. The only important response then occurs if parts of the box extends into the low latitudes. The response then is only felt in these low latitudes. Case 3: imtermediate forcing : 40 > AX > 25km, 4° > AY > 25km: The foci are observed but not as large as in the small scale forcing case. We also see traces of shadow zones. The response away from the equator decreases as the box grows. The size of the box used will be determined by the resolution of the available data. The resolution required by case 1 is difficult to find and since we are exploring a simple linear model it is doubtful the response of the real ocean is as simple as the point source solution. - ~II--LI-_III L_ rUI_ __ ~__1____1_1__111111_La~~-* 59 Case 3 with unrealistic. uniform Since forcing wind over stress a huge data at area 2.5* is also intervals somewhat is often available we conclude that the intermediate case is the most useful as well as the most practical to compare will observations. Linear dynamics allow us to examine the effect of basin wide forcing on a single point. The basin is assumed to be divided into a grid of boxes with uniform stress. A superposition of patch solutions yields the influence of response at baroclinic basin a single modes, wide forcing on is a sum over point and a stress We points. single point. all forcing find that The total frequencies, independent of station location four distinct regions in the basin strongly influence the height field at the observation point. Near the observation point any wind forcing will have a strong influence. A broad region to the east of the observation point within 10 influence on the station. This is the of the equator has a moderate region in which Rossby waves originated that pass through the observation point. CT/4 east of the observation point at the equatorial intense influence caused by the region where Rossby waves that image point to inverse focus is focus at the the forcing seen. This is observation the the point originated. Moderate influence is exerted on stations near the equator in the eastern part of the basin by Kelvin waves forced along the equator to the west. The Kelvin waves were more important than when we examined isolated forcings because each isolated patch near the equator excites Kelvin waves in the same location. In effect at the observation point we are seeing the evidence of a sum of Kelvin waves along the equator. ____l_~L_~_~~_~___I ~__lrr~ 60 We used the patch model to examine the problem of the effects of wind measurement error on predicted sea surface height. We took the Raleigh damping to have a spindown time of 5 years and used 20 Rossby modes in the sums. These parameters do not have an important effect on the results. As an estimate of the wind error we took a difference field of two common wind analyses. In the Pacific we used FNOC (Fleet Naval Oceanagraphic Center) and NMC (National Meteorological Center) monthly mean winds on a 2.5'x2.50 grid during the Jan82-Jun83 El Nino event. During the entire period insignificant errors are found in the eastern Pacific and within one degree equator. Moderate sea surface errors are present north of the equator in the western Pacific. In the central Pacific near Fanning and in the western Pacific near Rabaul large errors are present. The largest sea surface errors the stations. dynamics have The areas smaller are caused by poor wind analyses east of that errors are only because influenced the wind by Kelvin analyses over wave the equator are generally good. In the Indian Ocean we used ECM (European meteorological center) and WH (Wiley and Hinton) winds on a 3 x20 grid from Dec78-Nov79. Large errors are found from the equator northward into the Arabian Sea and along the equator in the central Indian Ocean. The monsoon circulation causes the large errors in the Arabian Sea. Tropical cyclones in the eastern Indian ocean are not resolved well in the ECM data. causes errors in the sea surface height on the equator This in the center of the basin. The errors in the winds south of the equator are large near 5S but decrease further south of the equator. 61 The important point to retain from the error differences that are present in frequently analyses is that the used wind analyses are significant enough to cause large spatially correlated differences in equatorial sea surface heights. These errors are large enough places to make the verification of numerical models impossible. in 62 REFERENCES Blandford, R. 1966. Mixed gravity-Rossby waves in the ocean. Deep Sea Res., 26a, 1033-1050. Bretherton, F. P. The general linearized theory of wave propagation. In: W. H. Reid (editor) Mathematical Problems in the Geophysical Sciences. Am. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 13: 61-102. Cane, M.A., 1983. 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Here () They are given by: -I IM ____ - and denotes the U or H V _I~L_~_~ __~_I X___~.. I 64 APPENDIX 2 The solution to the shallow water model (1.6-1.8) satisfying boundary conditions (2.1-2.2) is given in (Cane and Sarachik 81) as: L ~-- e CA(x\M/ uJ +M1 4 (-,, (A2.1) *~hl PL " ~o Li AO $ ~ 'Zo(m rC\= Here: (A ,C' e- [,.,] 11 "-"I o4 <I eC m N- 1_ ,,,jE (jXY -- eAe~cS'-f~ o (A2.2) 4('-sA ~(~rcs+l~ rcrl~u S, F 7 -0.R 0o (Am* 1) A, 1%d* [F(X', - ) I F(x; TIc (A2.3) (A2.4) (A2.5) We take the forcing to have the form: R F (,-1 S(b-X, 7\ = (A2.6) We now may evaluate (A2.1) explicitly beginning with (A2.4) and (A2.5). S0S(i-mA ( -X -'000 -, (~l- ×,y SH -1, A, , b,(;i) So: Similarly: = 5 (X t io I - X } M ( X) (A2.7) r- 'YXd 4, J st.. Xto) rr,'-~ (A2.7) (A2.8) Y2vk4~ and (A2.8) may now be used in (A2.2) find Ak(x) and Am(x) and (A2.3) to ab"~=----~I-"I~-UL"~-I ~-sllr~ T~YI)C II~-_ 66 r' (j - I" l(V/- X X) h, , H1 X) C Lt c '3 or equivalently: -5~E %OV eA'01/ x lu2,(yy\ ck ,()\ & e j X -Y)A/ (A2.9) Similarly: SO ~1V\ 0( 4r,% (r,14 L+M(M411 y(~. eAt-) l~tlw *-* jv Gtj) LY (A2.10) Expressions (A2.9) and (A2.10) are substituted into (A2.1) to obtain the solution: GJL1 )) ,I Ck2 -.A j-2m-fI)% UXXt -Aw M~4 R~ul ------. ~-~---i then becomes: N L ts =A e r(2*I Sw i, h/ I- I XA 3 -w e Z is%}tc e^ 2 * wk 4r -j (M+iVA 4 ~zo F\lrc\~(\ N .4 4-4L.JX4 -x S2 I- 4 Then for L }w e n o V ( ' AIK(I04. - 7 (A2.11) i e -(rV,(A? * e e;w(r~x\ 2' -42O ~-plc~z~ r i S* O ' - This is simplified with the definitions: and redefine j as -ZI ,~,R,,lr,\-l '""~dw k(1 r"L- XA-4 l e - I(1Pn+0 _I Wca~ --iu~i-~~ --m---ix~--L---u-~-n~- 68 obtained by -+(t ; this The final form using the above symbols is 4 - (PX front the common factor Q taking in leaves: For x<x* e t- x4) M I-,V% IEA2 (A2.12) v For the region x, <x Am=Ak=O so we are left with only the solution. 'free' For X : >It I"] 41 e ~2 t "B* -106.1l v%: I~ M~t (A2.13) _ C\ To calculate our V we use equation (3): HT4 UX lAJ & V = - SL \V/= o0: VI 2--()\ (m4' S V 6% ~ 4J9 ~ ? L~~t~Zlrr~C"(IM4 1 - I OX)l 3F~,(y\M *-OKIE~4 \ (A2.1 4) Ci~~XIII~-OYTL-YI--_I_~ ^_ Yllir -L '.?"~'--i~b"-L1-iri-- 69 (A2.14) may be simplified easily: n~JeQT-"''C ~ RMV~ ~=-S N -E4 (" (04- k -I(M-tII ( 0 - W) -4.(2r -+JjQMV I So V=*JPAJ e (A2.15) 4R J"r SLP t(2I\PI d .I Using the properties of Hermite polynomials we may solve the integrals exactly. S-j i~v*l'\,td,%J (A2. 16) -- ir:%--u,-jre, c-~e~l $O ThEt Fro X< , -- 2 VJ - , 4 (A2.17) ~~_ --~~ll_-_I~L~_ ~L._-Y-LUII ..- 70 And for x> x Am=Ak=0. e Jh(| e So w)mI (A2.18) ~rr-l-r - ^Lnmrr~arrrrr~r;slara~~.r~--,x~l. ~ r*PLI~-~I IU;I~X~-~N)-II~Ll~a_~--*1C~Y~ APPENDIX 3 We want to force in a box centered at a point (xy'). Take U=X First we will examine the response away from the forcing; that is in the regions x'+ - xx >x. and x'-x Then First solve for the U and H fields for x'- x zx. (A3.2) rY~;~C~C t~ 1-* Integrating over x x first 5~e O.J ' c-0\ _ ___ I111~. ~-LI--L-----L -LI _.-.~..I 1I~..-.li~.illX~i.--~~X I~ LI i------YI*L~ 72 S'~ F(S"~r,~,\e'~*~d'\3~3, F(T XJ*~X r'-s x -ttr) i F('rY,%1f'\ kL& - x'-WC -e - t~ -J L:Z 7 Let: wSx= ( and since x' we will call: v "<)I, e~ 11)A is just the center of our 'no x'=. So F (1,x, e 2 " $1S', y (A3.3) Similarly 2 I4 IC (A3.4) The results of (A3.3) and (A3.4) Li/ are substituted into (A3.2). (su-(* ' i(,<e .J % (^-.11) e"'-,11 IE I-r (A3.5) xl-~X I~l~-L ~s~rrm1_LllliYYLi-(-ILII--\lillll-LL~ 73 Now integrate over y, "I S -?2 ~ HYo -~$ I c' IJ 1-1 1-1 = W1PI The integral is just an error function so -r4SI i l C1 * - Th\ ER ERF(Yu S1i'tr 1 'TE (A3.6) L W'N1 (~ Our final solutions are found by substituting (A3.7) and (A3.6) into (A3.5) and noting that Am=ak=O for (x'+ x) > to obtain: For x < (x'- U)Ar~J 5x) . e 0 -09 -r 1 -5 v Ct~uu-\t~r\ ~ 4 PI r1 ~4~115 t-~ :Pel~\-CF11 P sSvt. I ~Q (A3.8) i ~ ~ --- -------- Il^a~- rauiL1~ I~- 74 For x > (x'+ $ x): eOT llil=3 ~ - Cz- -2.c (A3.9) 'eAj R. Here -ECF(ti __________ e-z^t% p oV\ 11 I - (A3.1o) -i1 ( m The solution for V may be found using v-= CLSeL H This calculation was done with different constants in (A2.14)-(A2.16) and the results are analogous. The V solu- tions then are found by replacing to obtain for x 4(x'- 5 - 2 -A x) -2 1141 Cr -A:' (A3.11) 4 U - k, C< 'm, ur;r;i~c~ . I~..-^~-- --I---~-- 75 And for x)(x'+. x) V ^ * 2 C (A3.12) The solutions have been of the form: xZxt field = forced + x >x, field = free free So if we want a solution within the box we will have Field = For x'- 5 x- x< x'+ Forced N 't 5 ix~~ Free d 04 ~ x. Using the results from the previous calculation for (U,H) we see S) I~~ x4~cC ZKr k a a I-r!h &%--% THI Yt~n~ ~ 7,Jy\ hFF)fF( T 7 (A3.13) -Yizpe W. -It'' ".~\~~q* S c'' ~" 4 --X~'Lut ~r~-+- IUULI^-~I~-~ -;-;ululm-^xr-rc~~-XdrrY'X Il-~flll^--a~ 76 5 All we have to evaluate directly are the S Cb,4, integralsa. Qdxl 2-AC) A (A3.14) -,e Similarly t-2WV1' So substituting (A3.14) and (A3.1' 10) 1.i A V- (A3.15) into (A3.13) we have: 1 4EeF(wl- /%IY\ ~i~'"~'-li Zj f L (A3.16) Ff (%15MKI - 011- -- (4< The solution for V is complicated by the 1 that appears in the brackets but much of it has been calculated before in (A2.14-A2.16) r ,cJce ~-C-ii i .- L~-~gl I-r*LI---I..^~ --~~LC~X~1 77 For the Rossby terms in the forced part: (-I-4HtA -4 AJ k 1 c 24l\ -olW kWA H ~(2~n~~ R~ul -~W Y\ I ensy e/'g - Vr, '42.1-'. %~H gL- e F~ (A3.17) We also have a non-zero contribution from the forced Kelvin term. j -iv~r~ %Ad lv~A L n~ t~~L ( VK ) I - 3e Y( U"' 2.. which was shown in (A3.6) to be just an error function. So A VK ~ A (A3.18) I ;; __XX___n*_____lqiijjlL__~I_ I I~-_i_? DI(_.iC.... i^..-~ 78 So combining our results For x- 5x<x< x+ 5x: i \1~1~\I CY11T\~1 2v.Z4%\N SIv91,JK7 x 2~~~ 4' ('-') 4-1C 4p - OX) - OV j i CJ I-] K FI F -^l --FPFr N ---( 1 (A3.1 9) FIGURE 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2--8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 3-1 3-2 3-3 3--4 3-5 3-6 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 F IELD FREE U FREE V FREE H U V H U U REAL V REAL V REAL V U U U U V H U U U U RAY PATHS TOTAL ENERGY ;E> RAY PATHS TOTAL ENERGY U V H U U V H U U U U # MODES 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50o 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 7 7 7 7 7 50 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 7 7 7 50 50 50 50 X 5000 5000 5000 3500 1000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 1000 1000 5000 5000 TIME 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr/ 0 0 500 -500 1000 0 0 0 500 1000 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 1000 CONTOUR INTERVAL 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.02 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0. 1 4. 5 9.0 60. 0 60. 0 10 111. 2 222. 4 222. 4 222 4 222. 4 111.2 222 4 222. 4 222. 4 222. 4 222 4 222. 4 222. 4 25 25 60. 0 60. 0 0.04 0.04 0.04 1. 5 1. 5 1. 5 1. 5 1.0 0. 5 1.0 1. 5 1. 5 1.5 1.0 FIGURE 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-35 5-36 5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41 5-42 5-43 5--44 5-45 5-46 PLOT PACIFIC BASIN FANN I NG RESPONSE FUNCTION FANNING RESPONSE FUNCTION FA tN I I RESPONSE FUNCTION FANN INC RESPONSE FUNCTION FANNINGIO RFSPONSE FUNCTION FANIN ING RESPONSE FUNCTION I NO RESPONSE FUNCTION FAIN FANNING FANN I NG RESPONSE FUNCTION FANN I NG RESPONSE FUNCTION FANN I NG RESPONSE FUNCTION FANN I NG RESPONSE FUNCTION FANN I N RESPONSE FUNCTION FANNING RESPONSE FUNCTION F ANN I NG RESPONSE FUNCTION FA-N ING RESPONSE FUNCTION GALAPAGOS RESPONSE FUNCTION GALAPAGOS RESPONSE FUNCTION JARVIS RESPONSE FUNCTION KWAJALEIN RESPONSE FUNCTION TRUK RESPONSE FUNCTION RABAUL RESPONSE FUNCTION NMC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS NiC ZONAL STRESS NMC ZONAL STRESS STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM SIRESS ERROR TRANSFORM STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM GALAPAGOS SEA SURFACE ERROR CHRISTMAS SEA SURFACE ERROR FANNING SEA SURFACE ERROR JARVIS SEA SURFACE ERROR CANTON SEA SURFACE ERROR KIAJALEIN SEA SURFACE ERROR NAURU SEA SURFACE ERROR TRUK SEA SURFACE ERROR RARAUL SEA SURFACE ERROR MALAKAL SEA SURFACE ERROR TIME BAROCLINIC MODE PERIOD 18 9 .6 18/4 18/5 3 18/7 18/8 2 DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA CASE CASE CASE CASE CASE 18(months) 6 3 2 JAN MAR MAY JUL SEP NOV JAN MAR MAY CONTOUR INTERVAL 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0.25 0. 25(dynes) 0. 25 0. 25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0. 1 0. 1 FIGURE 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6--28 6-29 6-30 6-31 6--32 6--33 6-34 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-38 6-39 PLOT INDIAN BASIN ECM ZONAL STRESS ECM ZONAL STRESS ECM ZONAL STRESS ECM ZONAL STRESS ECHI ZONAL STRESS ECtI ZONAL STRESS ECtl ZONAL STRESS ECtl ZONAL STRESS ECHt ZONAL STRESS ECtI ZONAL STRESS ECMI ZONAL STRESS ECtM ZONAL STRESS STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM STRESS ERROR IRANSFORM STRESS ERROR TRANSFORM A RESPONSE FUNCTION A RESPONSE FUNCTION A RESPONSE FUNCTION A RESPONSE FUNCTION H RESPONSE FUNCTION X RESPONSE FUNCTION F RESPONSE FUNCTION F RESPONSE FUNCTION B RESPONSE FUNCTION B RESPONSE FUNCTION RESPONSE FUNCTION Q RESPONSE FUNCTION A SEA SURFACE ERROR T SEA SURFACE ERROR H SEA SURFACE ERROR X SEA SURFACE ERROR F SEA SURFACE HEIGHT SEA SURFACE ERROR B SEA SURFACE ERROR SEA SURFACE ERROR Z SEA SURFACE ERROR Z SEA SURFACE ERROR TIME BAROCLINIC MODE DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV PERIOD CONTOUR INTERVAL 0.25(dynes) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0.1 0.4 0. 1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0. 1 0.4 0.4 2200 1100 0 -1100 -2200 1000 2000 3000 X - KM 4000 5000 6000 0009 000S 000Y W)0 - X 000S 000z 0001 001- ON wrtt UoC 0009 000S 000* W)I - X 0001. 000a 0001 00 - 00I1 O Uot oo~1 9 e 2200 1100 I'd o H H c+ IR) mD -1100 -2200 1000 2000 3000 X - KM 4000 5000 6000 :*zJ *- 0009 000S 000* W)I - X 0009- 000a 0001 0011- a) ,I cJ o Hr'O 00\ 0 0011 00a 0009 000S 000t W)l - X 000S 0003 000! ooza- a, 00QI- r-p O O 4-' L 0 H II 0 Od o* 0011- OOze 2200 1100 CD -. CD 0 II H OFj oOH Oct p., 0 -1100 -2200 1000 2000 3000 X - KM 4000 5000 6000 4O 009 OOOS 000* W)I - X 000S O00 0 0001 0 00- , 0/0 O ° •I I 00( 00H0 )lllll \ *1 iJ 0009 000S ooot 101 - X 000a 009 0001 0 -4 4 0 H 0O H H* ooa; 2200 1100 -. '0 H 0 OCD OH 00 O %-H*,' CD -1100 II hi CO c+ -2200 1000 2000 3000 X - KM 4000 5000 6000 2200 1100 II px 'J OH0 OD 0 00 OH O H- c+ II -d -1100 4\4 -2200 1000 2000 3000 X --KM 4000 5000 6000 2200 1100 0 H OI-J 0 o 0 O P. 11-Fd C( IItd -1100 ci" -2200 1000 2000 3000 X - KM 4000 5000 6000 0009 000S 000* W)I - X o0or 0003 0001 OOZZ4'O RO r--I0 oaat 0011- C\l P c,' OOZ cd 0 •H II O o 3r ool o01aa 0009 00S 000* Wl-x 0009 0002 0001 oaa- 4-H0 -0 C~j 0 o oaa 0009 000S oo 000 9-00 000a 0001 0 0011 Id +30G -H 0 (7 IO C\J 0 0 ~D00 0~ Oil 0 /a FIGURE 2.16 Zonal Velocity Amplitude . - A (X.,Y,) = (5000,0) Modes=7 H)I 0 0 0 O 0 Lf 0 0 01 0 0 o 0 €3 m-q 98 FIGURE 2.17 0 c0 Meridional Velocity Amplitude (X ,Y ) = (5000,0) Modes=7 0 c2 HN - A O O O 0 O O 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 O 0O O O O S 0009 000S - 000t I Wl-x OOOS: I 0 of) I * 000 T I rd .H 2 cz 0 rdO0 c'J .HL oat 4,.O. 0-V 010 I * * oa I O OJ 10 - 0 0 0 0 A I I I o O O WN o (X.,Y,) = (5000,500) Modes=7 Zonal Velocity Amplitude FIGURE 2.19 100 3 Cu Cu 0 IHI)I- .j O LI .L I0 A I 0 I Zonal Velocity Amplitude (X.,Y.) = (5000,1000) Modes=7 FIGURE 2.20 101 0 ! Cu Cu 0 0 0 00 o 0 I 2200 * I * *- I * IIII * I * m I D.0 1100 a %so CD o- 00 O c+ O 3ct). i C)I-. co k-CFJ::L -1100 F- R/l -2200 ' 1000 -- lm. 2000 m m 3000 X - KM m N I| I 4000 5000 L 6000 2200 1100 C E0 0 0 oi -2200I. 0 . 18.000 , .. 2000 000 .. X -1100 - 0 1000 2000 5000 X - KM 600 KM - 1 835. . -2200 . 5000 4000 D 4000 5000 6000 0009 000S 000t H)I - X 0ot 0003 0001 00 - o co II *d 0011 ooa; 9 * /7" 105 FIGURE 3.2 Total Energy - ,- (X.,Y.) = (5000,0) C-c %-6 WN - A 7 c* 0/ Ito * 0 0 0O o C%.o 0009 000S 000* 14)1 - x 0001 000a 0001 OOZ?- 0011-P 0 02 0 (Do qL'\ 0 0 HX 0011 aON 0009 000S o00t H)I - X 000£ 000a 000! OOZa- 0 o o 0 o o It ** 31 I 0011 ONI2t 0009 0009 000* )0- X 0009- 000a 0001 001[- o0 o bOO p r- O II H 0 out 000 0 1?E w 0 2200 1100 0 0 tj II (D j q \j 0 -1100 -2200 os 1000 2000 3000 X - KM 4000 5000 6000 0009 000S 000* W- x 000i: 0003 001 ooaa- oatr- I -P0 0 c00 3C 0011 oaa 0009 000S 000) N)I -X 0009 000a 0001 ooaa- oorr-H 0 o C\J o 3r -P0 0011i -ooaa 9p 9 0009 ONGs 000* W)g - x 00o9- 000z 000? ooaa- (1) .-P0 H [xl rZ o'- 0 Fz~ 3C 100> C) 0 oaa 113 FIGURE 4.4 DV • "OI O 04 Patch Zonal Velocity (X',Y')=(5000,O) Box=(4 0 x40) 0 00 I! O O 0 "oO OO 3O 0 _ o0 I I ' o ' 114 FIGURE 4.5 0~ o I I i C> 0 (1, D I. o o I 0 1 Patch Meridional Velocity 0 (X',Y')=(5000,0) Box=(4 0 x4 ) ' o0 - IM HI - A a 0 -i i -1 €: 0) O 0c) O O 0 0 OI 0 " 41 8 i 1 0009 000G 00t W) - X 0002 0003 000! 1-% OOU00[1- (DO 0 0o II *H rzo bOO 0 -~1 -s 0 00t8 O- 116 FIGURE 4.7 Patch Zonal Velocity CO S00 0d 0 O b 0 ,l E 0 /o b/ -OO (X',Y')=(5000,O) Box=(2c x2o) 0 00 = i 0Ck WN - A -0 00 0 O 0 0 0 c- oo 0009 e 000S W 000* - X 0002 0003 000T 0 0011- c-II C)0 N DOlt%,.JQ Q)-J p~l pq3 F9w 0 oo9 ,t go C> -0 S r1 0" a oot'- Oj2 G 00~ 4' C~0LC2 Ith ~ r Ld 118 FIGURE 4.9 Co fl Patch Meridional Velocity (X',Y')=(5000,O) Box=(4 0 x40) Modes=7 1 /I i O O O O 0 0 0 Ocu o x 0009 00S 000) W)I - X 000S 000a 0001 oaatId 0 0 ol-C 1~ r~1 +bO d0 P-4Lr oaa 9 w 0 0 1-4 .14 120 FIGURE 4.11 A 1-4 1-4 a 0 Patch Zonal Velocity Box= (4 x40 ) (X',Y')=(1000,0) 0 HN- . Cu) 121 FIGURE 4.12 Patch Zonal Velocity I - (1 A °l SO0 OCQ (X',Y')=(1000,500) Box=(4'x40 ) 0 _C0 W .O O O 40 O O O U) 0 oE O 0O 0 O X SO O 0w O O C) o C) 0 122 FIGURE 4.13 0" , .0 O 0 ,0 Patch Zonal Velocity (X',Y')=(5000,0) Box=(4 x4 ) R=25 years S I 0 I 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 0 C- 123 FIGURE 4.14 Patch Zonal Velocity (X',Y ' )=(5000,1000) Box=(4 x40 ) R=25 years 0 CCo 0~0 ICd O O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0O O Cu 0O 0 30 t 5 H- , Hm 0 r d -5 a a -10 -15 0 c+ -20 -25 -30 - 120 137 154 171 222 188 205 EAST LONGITUDE 239 256 273 290 0 1 i 03 ei . - _ 125 FIGURE 5.2 Z~S~--------C---- _ aI -- _n~ iV7 _- ! CC I a Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function Forcing Period = DC 1 cl C) . 30ni I in w N Cm N 0- CD C, 0 126 FIGURE 5.3 " C iI I Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function Forcing Period = 18 Months I .) 0 C' C/' i 0 CC U I /1 / 127 FIGURE 5.4 f~~iC 000 o C /Q 1 0/) I 060 'd Fanning (4N, 159W) Response Function Forcing Period = 9 Months C3 C 0 CU C-i CUL Z/ (Id SI-q cn c1 UI 'T 128 FIGURE 5.5 II /7 ' I C:j I U II 00 OI11V VO Forcing Period = 6 Months Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function ~C3 ionlivi 0 or. CU LO I- 0 CU r Ln 0 Ci ¢1 I 0C )1/ 129 FIGURE 5.6 r Q4c j 7 r I I 3 C 0o I C OCD Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function Forcing Period = 18/4 Months ' p 0r3 3on11Y7 -I- r) 0 0 r 0 I 0 a a 130 FIGURE 5.7 0 a CV , / 0 1c.1 I 0~ a I Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function Forcing Period = 18/5 Months Prl 0 Cu U I I-. Lf 4n* LJ O0 c'J 131 FIGURE 5.8 0 cs U-, z -- I~~~V~4~Yn -- -~rrx.--;n--^~----1----- Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function Forcing Period = 3 Months O ganIUO 30.lh1*1v7 30 20 o 10 0 a H 0 1 C O -10 o- -20 0 -30 - 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 C PC) a CY 133 FIGURE 5.10 C3 a Ii C C Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function Forcing Period = 18/8 Months C r'J 3lI JOrllI1LY7 'C) 30 20 10 o0 0 oOd O -10 c+ CO ::s -30 '120 154 222 1 188 LONGITUDE EAST 256 290 135 FIGURE 5.12 _____I__UP__II__II~__..-~XI^-ii Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function , I 0' C;l , I I I I Delta Case - Forcing Period = DC II 3on1l1¥7 I C3Q CU LO IC) 0 C' CU1 C3C3 136 II _i~l/~_~_~____~ _1~1 Response Function FIGURE 5.13 Fanning (4N,159W) (. 5_ 3 ------ /Z o I I 3aniavi tofl1EJto C3 1I I Delta Case - Forcing Period = 18 Months C3 C _^__~_ LLn Q C". UD CU CU . OD 137 FIGURE 5.14 Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function i II-- 1/ ' 0nIII I C3, 1 .CU Delta Case - Forcing Period = 6 Months CU 0 C* 0 cu 138 FIGURE 5.15 Fanning (4N,159W) Response Function II I Delta Case - Forcing Period = 3 Months 0 ! t K) SI- C 30 20 C+ C1) 10 (D hj O -- 0 (D (D -10 r-o -20 Oc+ c+O :v: -30 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 I" C 140 FIGURE 5.17 --- ' Q 00 I I I C,, 0I Forcing Period = 9 Months Galapagos (1S,90W) Response Function I 03 ~Oflhi1Y I I a *- CU 0 3 3 141 FIGURE 5.18 C3 0 cow cD CUJ CU C In O I_1114L__Y_____I~~C__~~ II1 CO( Galapagos (1S,90W) Response Function Forcing Period = 6 Months 3 3aI It /3 j, 142 FIGURE 5.19 OOC ( I' IIN 0o ' -" IJ U Jarvis (O.5S,161W) Response Function Forcing Period = 6 Months /I t C 0 ow C 0 0 0 143 FIGURE 5.20 Q40 0 P C 0 0 il Kwajalein (8.5N,168E) Response Function Forcing Period = 9 Months - SCU 3Dnli1vi 0 /t) 1 CU I-C3 CM In- O I O ) , 144 FIGURE 5.21 I 4. I 0 I 0 0 CUo ICU I Truk (7N,151E) Response Function Forcing Period = 9 Months I O 0 C 0 I- 3-1 Uo UD )P to CU 145 FIGURE 5.22 DCd I I Co Rabaul (4S,152E) Response Function Forcing Period = 18 Months 3Orit1¥7 I in 0 CD CU o z -j 30 20 10 -10 -20 -30 - 120 154 188 222 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 40 4 30 20 10 0 CD F-- P, CO (D -10 -( -20 -30 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 255 290 30 20 10 o 0-\ tI CD coc -10 CO p- -20 -30 120 154 188 222 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 I In-, I ,_..__._--'- C3n II im~ I oht 149 FIGURE 5.26 It /1 /. , In'/ ~ - Il I,/ ~li (ca I 3oninyii C3 -i .- "s / jC3 L I I OF -x NMC Zonal Stress (dynes) July 1982 d/ N / \ )-~~~C~t " Ln 7 I to "m is I * CS . -*-., - il "I / cIJ "' 0 0 I cdI cDJ~ 30 20 10 N cnr 0 C,~ CD SCI) CC CD -10 Fj OD (D -20 -30 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 30 o -. 20 I-- 0 Co .-o- -0-0 s a- I5 -10--1 EAST LNGITUDE C, 0 (Dg -20-/ 20 ( 154 ... ...,d -2.0 ~ AST 222 LnGITUDE~ ~05Oa[7 25 290 Y( t 30 20 10 0 o 0 p- D LH -10 LA -20 -30 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 L 20 10 0 0 CD H CD -10 " P, C C U) -20 -30 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 30 20 10 z0 CD Co Ll o Lc L) -10 C (12 -20 -30 120 154 : 188 222 •lEAST LONSITUQE 290 256 *..- ; I-. C 062 301IS9N7O 99 IS3 991 /" ) 1Srt OU K-1 ,- ., , .. H oU 0 0 UN r> Y S02 I a ,I r- I I .. O 9 S6e 0 e 30 20 10 0 O ct O(D 0 0 co I-d -10 co 0 C') ::: -30 120 154 188 222 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 v 30 20 10 o c O m Ho 11 -10 0 Ci 2 C+ -20 -30 120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE 256 290 0 30 20 oFt F- (1 lc+ Q (Di -O ol c II i -10 oO -2 0 120 154 222 168 EAST LONGITUDE 255 290 =xi w e 4 4 30 C 20 ~J 10 od aia (ev< -,/" (7Q .," ) 01 0I t 0 <C 1J c (D 0 l-~ Oct a' 0II H 00 -10 tG ' Ct o2 CL0 0 -20 -30 -120 154 222 188 EAST LONGITUDE LtZ 256 290 40 I 25 -i* * * * * 20 15 10 5 ( H 0-10 co -15 -20 -25 1 2 4 5 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS 12 13 14 15 1 17 18 d 25 20 15 10 a 5 p c+H" FjS -5 0 " o -21 -10 -15 -20 5 -25 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 FO? 91 LI 91 ST Vt £1 Z SHLNOH NI 3HIL It 01 6 9 L 9 S V Z 1 0 0;3St01- :3: 0 at c3 -T Fc e S \ M' s : t m ~~ I, IZG)f ~t-o \5/ /~/J\ I r 0 9 w 25 20 15 10 5 p -10 -15 -20 5 -15 . O i 1 .-. i 2 3 . i 4 i. . 5 .i 6 7 . . i i . s 9 10 11 8 TIME IN MONTHS • . 12 i 13 . ... 14 15 .• . s 15 17 • 18 25 20 15 10 CDO c4 -5 - -10 -15 -20 • I 1 - 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 6 *• • *. • 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS k i 12 I . 13 14 * I I 15 • I 15 I 17 18 H 25 20 15 10 CJ 5 0 oo 0 (X -15 -20 k -25 0 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 MNH 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS 8 12 15 14 15 16 17 16 0H U' 0 25 20 15 10 CDZ -5 Ii 0- Fj -10 -15 -20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 m 91 Ll 91 ST tI t 1t t SHINOH NI 3HIL 01 6 9 L 9 S 9t 8 0 08- St0 ot ST 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 e-,d -5 rCo -15 o -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 O kI 1 2 3 kk 5 4 k- 6 7 I. Iak 8 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS 12 13 1415 16 17 18 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 -30 o -5 - 4 CDZ -10 o' -15 -20 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 6 9 10 11 TIME IN MONTHS 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 -- 20 T,1 - • " . I 15 F * * ow- 10 H ,G 51 0o 0o -s I- ct 0 SQ -10 F C1 -15 -20 45 I ,. 48 51 54 57 60 63 I , 56 69 72 . 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 a ___ _ ___ ____ ____ 20 1. . , _ _____ ., - - - _ _____ _ _ I . . . " _ __ " " " __ " I " I D-_o 0.0 15s I / I -0.4 . I 10 F 1 I I /-0.4 \ 5 / -- 1I 5 / I Q / /t/ . / // // i/ i , 0.0 // / CD tjo 0oI, (D r IFm CDIllic+ CD d Wd • /\ I / -5 jr / -1 " -10 '* CD Eo - -15 -- - -- ------S- 0.4 -- -- - -0I.8 - - - - - I \ /I -20 __ 45 .[ / _ _ 48 I ', I k _ . II I I_ 51 54 S 57 . I i 50 55 ~~~-cI. 55 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE ... 78 L. L. 81 U 84 - U 87 - I 90 ., U 93 . 96 c., 20 -0 -1 / S-, / / NI LsJ ) I 0 I 4 / - 51 , - II -ll/ I- . - 4 S 0 I 7 0EST / LONGIT . (. 5 4, 51 / 20 I • I 1. 1 I. ~I , I I I I I I 00 -0.4 S I 10 , 9-. -s I 0.0 / // 5 t-9 / - 0 N I / .9 - .9 -0.4 - s (D IiH CD 0.0j -5 C 1C1 -10 . (a 15 , 45 -a --- 46 51 54 57 50 55 65 59 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE " 78 81 64 87 90 93 96 20 0.0 15 I 10 i / I 9' -j 0.0 ~( ~ _ ___ -a~4 ) 0 -. 00 C!) 02 r30-~(D R I , I ED 0.0 -10 0CD cD ..- - -0.4 -15 *~c-, c/ -20 I . 45 48 - , I I I 51 - -.--#9-.' I .I 54 I I 57 .I.- 50 63 * I 4 1 I I 1. 66 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 ~ . 84 -- 87 = - . -,' I 90 I 93 96 q Fxj 'Ji 20 0.4- 15 - 10 0 0.00 00 -10 -5 -- " .I - - -_ - -0.4 20 45 . 46 S . . 51 54 57 50 65 c -- - . 566 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE -0 .8" 78 81 .I - . . - . 84 87 90 ('D 93 96 • 20 15 10 5 -5 -10 -15 -20 45 48 51 54 57 50 553 66 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 C3") cu V" Q W" 177 FIGURE 6.8 a i) I -'-' I II_ 0tn EMC Zonal Stress(dynes) June 1979 fn 3 nI 30flhtIY7 -,-. f3 i O Z uC cD L VJ; 20 15 10 5 -5 -10 -15 -2 0 1 45 48 51 " I I I"I '' ' 'i 69 72 75 54 57 60 563 6 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 20 15 10 5 0 ct c+ -5 c (8 O -10 -15 45 48 51 54 57 60 53 6655 569 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 0 -O c I C0 CII S I n " I C 180 FIGURE 6.11 0 / 1t I / / I ( I II / I ! /I I (I tI ' Il 1 / ' l t *I5 I 4 IL I/ 1 / 't It I / / \I / JI i j° '\ I t 1I \ \ l \ I I/ I I I1 I I I I I 0 i ' / -' -- I i l \r % I I 1 , / I\I ' / \ / 1 j 1I' I t / I I i - ' LI J, II , r t ;f11 / , ( / I I t I I//f , I I !1I ~. 1I I I It lI L 1 1.It LIt\L \., 1 I 1' I I. I I/ / t " !. / I I ft It r I i / It tI I t In I l l •, I I ' EMC Zonal Stress (dynes) September 1979 '<r-I ti 3onh[i17 1 \ ,'_ c I I , , , -- " . ,. N ,,, t _ -. r M- / It I I It / CI I W) L I- r- C t-i CUZ LC ) LD U) rl Ln 0 L) U)4 U) - - -- - -~" I I I I I I I I " I " I l i " I 0.0 O 0 o0p 0.0 0 (Dc+ -5 cD --..2 cN "N N N -~ a -10 N01 --- N - N .- - CD 02 , N L4 LI -08 \ -15 ,, N -4 'I' S\ c, I N I -20' 45 51 54 57 60 L N % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 - EAST LONGITUDE i *NJ m 48 "(- N 1 L C I I 87 90 93 96 20 . J. * . ., . - I I -1 , • • - 1 -. | i ,." -. - / - '4 tJ-0:- %, " "" .-" I I I J .4 --- 0.. '/ - - -- - \ ... .. I I I 04- e -~4- p . 1 jl - I / j 10 U I / I f 15 / * -r 0.4 .,.c - - 5 0 oj (D1 /2"1 / D.D -5 0.11 4 (D ct (D .... -- -10 ------ A A. -0. 4 - -- -n - .--- -- -15 L LI LII -20 45 L 48 RA v -0. .4- 4, -- _ -LL~ 4 CrC r, - -- - " s cc 4 C r. -r Z z T C~ s s. I 51 s, - s B Sa-0. I- co 02 I U. I - 54 57 60 53 -. I.-I.'1-.2JJ. 55 59 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE S 78 i 81 • .I- 84 , I 87 ,, -A ., 90 93 02 96 20 15 5 c+ 0H Fmo H H i (Do0 I-CY OM -5 otj -10 -15 -20 ' l " 45 48 51 54 * 57 * 63 66 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 . ' ' 1 50 81 84 I ' 87 90 93 f 96 40 15 2 10 )/3 ( (Di 0 -1 , 02 . 00 - -15 ( -20 45 46 51 - 54 57 60 63 55 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 4 4 15 aN S 1 0 ID(D-j N 1 04 .2 15 0 c'- -'0 ScE r 0000 5d "H 0,HMN -10 t 'In -10 45 0.22 48 51 54 57 60 53 66 69 72 75 . EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 -j \I 20 15 10 5 0OC o c+ F0 co co -5 -10 OH MO -15 I -20 45 48 1 . 51 •. a.-I---- I 54 57 60 63 e I I . A 56 69 72 75 I EAST LONGITUDE A 78 ,I 81 * 84 87 90 93 96 4 4 *4e 4 20 15 10 C) ct 0 5 0 Oq --) -5 0 O -10 o C+d P. o -15 -20 I I. 45 48 1. 51 * . 54 * I 57 . ** I 50 53 a *. . * 66 59 72 75 EAST LONG ITUDE 78 81 04 07 90 . , 93 96 20 15 10 0 ct- .l e 0.2 ,j 0 S- 0.2 -15 45 -4 54 IC.(D Cl) co 57 60 55 05 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 ~ o -s--------a21 51 . 81 84 . 07 90 95 96 c o 4 * 15 20 0.4 ct -5 I- w C+ 45 4 51 54 57 '0 5 5 9 72 EAST LONTDE 75 78 1 64 7 90 9 96 ,,D ( Id) -15 45 48 51 54 57 50 53 5 69 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 '' 84 87 90 ' 93 95 03' 190 FIGURE 6.21 'AIC Cu nolfV 0 I I Station A (0,91E) Response Function Forcing Period = 2 Months CU 3aninvi I CP O CP D UD I- rC1 cD n n In CU I 0 In CU I" I in - 191 FIGURE 6.22 0 I in I iI A I O I in I Station H (5S,91E) Response Function Forcing Period = 4 Months 0 y1 ~~Ir OJqq LO C W I-- m CUc l-F*0 z mo UD C I Lln I 20 15 10 Iz c+ H 00 5 0 (D -- H o -5 IICD \j4Fd -10 o0". : -15 -2 0 45 I . 48 51 54 57 . I 50 . II 553 . I I . . 9 72 75 55 EAST LONG ITUDE 78 . .. 0 A. 81 84 87 90 93 96 m r) 0 inI iI , - 193 FIGURE 6.24 i . II IC3 I in= 0 In L) . I Forcing Period = 12 Months Station F (5S,72E) Response Function , Mode = 1 I) 30nlIIyV1 Q c1 tn " u, - 194 FIGURE 6.25 Response Function in Qi in Forcing Period = 12 Months Station F (5S,72E) Mode = 2 0 W" 3aonvi r- C L" LU 0 z C"r-L re** UDLL WD -. UD ~jLn I C3 o W/ pc- 10 ctd 00 15 C30..II =3 011 012 0 -1 45 48 51 54 57 50 53 55 59 72 75 EAST LONGITUDE EAST LONGIUDE 78 81 84 07 90 93 96 20 15 0ow 10 CD P H II c+ 0 5 I OY (d -5 o 0 Pc -10 o -15 -2 0 45 . 48 I I . 51 54 S e.... I . I 57 60 • . 53 I 69 72 75 65 EAST LONGITUDE 78 81 84 87 90 " 93 96 Q Cu Ifl U'W SI 197 FIGURE 6.28 I I I I I Station W (6N,52E) Response Function Forcing Period * 6 Months 0 I Ln C) to I- Lf Lt 0 Cu n - U, 198 FIGURE 6.29 0 I re O0 K) a' 0 W) W et IhcD z CU 0 CI-WP CO r- In V) 0*I Ln It) In in I reCU I Station Q (1OS,49E) Response Function Forcing Period = 3 Months 0 - 3anhr1nV 30 25 20 iS 10 (D c+ c+ 5 o 0 CD -5 -10 0L' '-1'j -15 -20 -25 -30 0 I I 1 2 . I I I 3 4 I. I I 5 6 7 TIME IN MONTHS I 8 9 10 11 12 4 30 25 20 15 Cl 10 Sc+ 5 P- -b-3 0 '' CD-) -5 o Iij~ .j 01 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 FzJ I I S1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME IN MONTHS 8 9 10 11 12, Qr v II 1 O 6 SHINOH NI 3HII S 9 L a O0 SI- iZ- o S0 E 0 0 H U *H 0 C\j O al o 0! 6 a SHiNUN NI 3HIi 9 L g v 1 0 03-St- *0 0o St I-I *U) st 0? S NO Ln CU o Cd .- 203 FIGURE 6.34 n a I 1n C Station F (5S,72E) Sea Surface Error a W3 n CdI SLIn I a M1 UDZ I Z 0 zW 25 CC 10 -5 -20 0 , ]I • I . I . | , i , Ii TIME 1 2 5 4 . I . I . I , , .I , IN MONTHS 5 5 7 TIME IN MONTHS 8 9 10 11 12 (DN 4 6 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 I -30 ST 2 4 5I 6 7 TIME IN MONTHS 8 9 10 11 12 O L m 10 m L 206 FIGURE 6.37 uO 0 -II iMm ) a0 ! I Ll 0 Station W (6N,52E) Sea Surface Error C) m M wr )qr w mf m l w I m I m I 3 I cn LOZ U.J w 2 0 K) Ll CU C CU W - 207 FIQURE 6.38 KLI 0 I3 n I C3 C I Station Q (10S,49E) Sea Surface Error C3 r NW3 ) I I C3 CU Ln CU I 0 tn I ci I.- z UO) 0 I LDZ w, zc __~_ _ _Il~q 25 20 15 iCf C) 10 c+ l0 -S O -0 -5 Ob -10 - -20 -25 -30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME IN MONTHS 8 9 10 11 12