TC-002 A MARINE BIOLOGICAL GIS FOR EUROPE, BASED ON OGC STANDARDS Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte, B art Vanhoorne, N athalie De H auwere, Francisco Hernandez Flanders Marine Institute, Oostende, Belgium, Corresponding author: Keywords: m arine biology, data integration, GIS, data portal, E urope A BSTRA C T in D ecem ber 2007 the European Parliam ent and Council adopted a com mon text for the M arine Strategy Fram ew ork Directive w hich aims to achieve environm entally healthy marine waters by 2020. This D irective includes a requirem ent for an overarching European M arine O bservation and D ata Netw ork (EM ODNET). The "proof o f concept" o f EM O D N ET is being tested through preparatory actions. Portals for a num ber o f m aritim e basins are being set up for biological, physical, hydrographic, geological, and chemical data as w ell as functional habitat maps. These portals will provide access to m arine data o f a standard format and know n quality and identify gaps in coverage. The biological data portal, launched in February 2011 aims to visualize and redistribute fragm ented m arine biological data for com plete maritime basins. The architecture o f the system, partly based on the European O cean Biogeographic Inform ation System (EurOBIS), is developed to meet the final objective o f EM O D net - that is to becom e an integrated and inter-operable network o f systems o f European m arine observations and data com m unications. The biological data portal is fully OGC com pliant, allowing com patibility with OGC com pliant data servers (like Geoserver). This allow s integrating and visualizing species observations served from different data providers and databases, and OGC com pliant geographic maps. Through OGC com pliancy, the m arine biological data portal can visualize also data products developed in the other them atic projects o f EM ODnet. The main functionalities o f the portal include viewing a catalogue o f the data available, data querying, data visualization and data downloading. In order to integrate m arine biological observation data, taxonom ic standardization is a key element. The taxonom ic standardization allows to detect and filter out spelling m istakes o f species nam es occurring in the contributing datasets, solve issues or am biguities related to the nom enclature o f a species and to search and browse data for aggregated groups. Therefore all species names are m atched w ith the W orld Register o f M arine Species (W oRM S) and its European component, the European Register o f M arine Species (ERM S). The biological data portal o f EM O DN ET can be consulted at http://bio.em 84