Diagnostic Studies of ECHAM GCMs by Ji-yong Wang Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Meteorology at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1998 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Au th or ........................... ............... ................................................... Department of Earth, At ospheric and Planetary Sciences August 3, 1998 Certified by .................................. Peter H. Stone Professor DepartmepmLatthLAtmospheric, and Planetary Sciences A ccepted by ........................................................................................... Ronald Prinn Department Head Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE FTECHNOLOGY li9 Diagnostic Studies of ECHAM GCMs by Ji-yong Wang Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences on August 3, 1998, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Meteorology Abstract The two latest generations of MPI ECHAM AGCMs, ECHAM3 and ECHAM4, have been performed the test run in relatively high resolution (T106) with the prescribed AMI boundary conditions. There are major changes made in ECAHM4 T106 from ECHAM3 T106 in the radiation scheme, the treatment of radiation absorption by water vapor and cloud water and the calculation methods of advection of water vapor and cloud water, etc. It is shown that the simulation of annual mean heat balance at ocean surface has been greatly improved in ECHAM4 T106 with respect to the GEBA observations. While the annual mean state is important to the global climate system's heat and water balance, the distribution of global heat and water divergence determines the energy and water mass transport in the atmosphere and between the ocean and atmosphere. The diagnostic studies of ECHAM AGCMs' implied oceanic meridional heat transport and their comparison with available observational data, and the break-down of model annual surface heat balance terms highlight the importance of model's treatment in radiation absorption of atmospheric water vapor, the cloud radiation forcing calculation and latent heat contribution from hydrological balance requirement. The ECHAM GCMs' response with the ocean-atmosphere boundary condition is also investigated with MIT's ECHAM4 T42 datasets, which are obtained with the two different boundary conditions. The ECHAM4 model is capable in simulating the annual mean implied oceanic meridional heat transport with fare accuracy in T42 resolution, while the interannual variation is clearly shown. Thesis Supervisor: Peter H. Stone Title: Professor Contents List of Tables ........................................................................................................ 3 List of Figures ...................................................................................................... 4 A cknow ledgm ent ........................................................................................... 9 1 ntroduct1 n ...................................................................................................... 10 1.1 Background ................................................................................................. 10 1.2 M otivation .................................................................................................... 13 1.3 Thesis Structure ......................................................................................... 15 2 M odel D escription and D ata Sets ................................................ 16 2.1 Model History and Description ............................................................... 16 2.2 Data Set ......................................................................................................... 20 3 O ceanic H eat Transport C alculation ......................................... 21 3.1 M ethodology ............................................................................................... 21 3.2 Correction Scheme .................................................................................... 24 3.3 Heat Fluxes at Ocean Surface ................................................................. 25 3.4 M eridional Northward Oceanic Heat Transport ................................ 3.4.1 Results .................................................................................................. 3.4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................. 31 . . 32 36 3.5 Oceanic Heat Transport of Other Boundary Condition ................... 43 3.5.1 Ocean Surface Heat Fluxes .................................................................... 3.5.2 Oceanic Heat Transport ....................................................................... 44 46 4 Surface H ydrological B alance ...................................................... 48 4.1 Precipitable Water ..................................................................................... 48 4.2 Precipitation ............................................................................................... 50 4.3 Evaporation .................................................................................................. 51 4.4 Band Mean E-P .......................................................................................... 52 4.5 River Runoff ............................................................................................... 56 4.6 Atlantic Ocean Freshwater Fluxes ....................................................... 57 5 Sum m ary ............................................................................................................ 59 6 R eference ........................................................................................................... 63 A p p e n d ix ................................................................................................................ 67 Oceanic Heat Transport by Ocean Surface Heat Flux Components .............................................. 67 List of Tables Table 1 Information for ECHAM3 T42 and ECHAM4 T42 GCMs .................... 18 Table 2 Comparison of total oceanic heat transport calculation ......................... 40 Table 3 a Comparison of various estimates for Atlantic O cean heat transport ........................................................................ 42 Table 3 b Comparison of various estimates for Pacific Ocean heat transport ........................................................................ 42 Table 4 a Band mean hydrological balance for Land .......................................... 53 Table 4 b Band mean hydrological balance for Ocean ........................................ 54 Table 4 c Band mean hydrological balance for Global ...................................... 55 Table 5 Comparison of River runoff calculations ................................................ 102 Table 6 a Atlantic Freshwater Fluxes for ECHAM3 T106 ................................... 103 Table 6 b Atlantic Freshwater Fluxes for ECHAM4 T106 ................................... 104 Table 6 c Comparison of calculation of Atlantic freshwater fluxes ...................... 105 OWMNIMMMUM List of Figures Figure 2.1 Comparison of simulations of the surface heat balance by ECHAM GCMs together with various atmospheric GCMs and GEBA Observation ...................................................................... 19 Figure 3.1 Schematic of heat fluxes in the atmosphere-ocean system .................. 22 Figure 3.2 Annual mean net radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM 4 T106 .......................................................................... 69 Figure 3.3 Annual mean zonal mean net radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 .................................................... 70 Figure 3.4 Difference of net radiation flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean respectively ............................................................................... 71 Figure 3.5 Annual mean absorbed short-wave radiation at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ................................................... 72 Figure 3.6 Annual mean zonal mean absorbed short-wave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ......................... 73 Figure 3.7 Difference of absorbed short-wave radiation flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual m ean and zonal mean ........................................................................ 74 Figure 3.8 Annual mean downward longwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ........................................ 75 Figure 3.9 Annual mean zonal mean downward longwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ......................... 76 Figure 3.10 Difference of downward long-wave radiation flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean ...................................................................... 77 Figure 3.11 Annual mean global planetary albedo for ECHAM3 and EC HAM4 T 106 ................................................................................. 78 Figure 3.12 Annual mean zonal mean planetary albedo for ECHAM3 and ECH A M 4 T 106 ................................................................................. 79 Figure 3.13 Difference of global planetary albedo between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean ........................... 80 Figure 3.14 Annual mean total cloud cover over ocean for ECHAM3 and EC H AM 4 T 106 ................................................................................. 81 Figure 3.15 Annual mean zonal mean total cloud cover over ocean for ECHAM 3 and ECHAM4 T106 ........................................................ 82 Figure 3.16 Difference of total cloud cover over ocean between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean ..................... 83 Figure 3.17 ISCCP-C2 8 year mean total cloud amount observation ..................... 84 Figure 3.18 Annual mean latent heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECH A M4 T 106 .......................................................................... 85 Figure 3.19 Annual mean zonal mean latent heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM 3 nd ECHAM4 T106 .......................................................... 86 Figure 3.20 Difference of latent heat flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean ..................... 87 Figure 3.21 Annual net heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T 106 model ........................................................................................ 88 Figure 3.22 Annual mean zonal mean net heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM 3 and ECHAM4 T106 ........................................................ 89 Figure 3.23 Difference of net heat flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean .................... 90 Figure 3.24 Annual mean zonal mean meridional total oceanic heat transport for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ................................................. 33 Figure 3.25 The schematic of ocean basins .......................................................... 35 Figure 3.26 Annual mean zonal mean meridional heat transport in Atlantic Ocean and in Indo-Pacific Ocean for ECHAM3 and ECH A M4 T 106 .......................................................................... 35 Figure 3.27 The difference of implied total oceanic heat transport between ECHAM 3 and ECHAM4 T106 ........................................................ 37 Figure 3.28 Annual mean total northward atmospheric meridional heat transport simulated by ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 .................... 37 Figure 3.29 The "hybrid" total oceanic heat transport for ECHAM3 and ECHAM 4 T106 models ................................................................... 39 Figure 3.30 25 year mean net radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42 model, both annual mean and zonal mean ....................... 91 Figure 3.31 25 year mean absorbed shortwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, for both annual mean and zonal mean ........................................................................................ 92 Figure 3.32 25 year mean downward longwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, for both annual mean and zonal mean ........................................................................................ 93 Figure 3.33 25 year mean planetary albedo for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, for both annual mean and zonal mean .................................................... 94 Figure 3.34 25 year mean total cloud cover for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, for both annual mean and zonal mean .................................................... 95 Figure 3.35 25 year mean latent heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, for both annual mean and zonal mean ............................. 96 Figure 3.36 25 year mean net heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, for both annual mean and zonal mean ...................................... 97 Figure 3.37 Comparison of simulation of the global mean shortwave radiation flux absorbed at the surface (in (a)), and the downward longwave radiation flux at surface (in (b)) among AGCM s. Referring to Figure 2.1 ..................................................... 98 Figure 3.38 Annual mean meridional northward total oceanic heat transport for ECHAM4 Gisst T42 and ECHAM4 T106 ................................. 99 Figure 3.39 25 year mean northward total atmospheric heat transport for ECH AM 4 G isst T42 ..................................................................... 99 Figure 3.40 Annual mean total heat transport at the top of the atmosphere for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, T106 and ERBE observation .................... 100 Figure 3.41 Annual mean "Hybrid" oceanic heat transport for ECHAM4 Gisst T42 calculated from EABE observation .................................. 100 Figure 3.42 25 year mean meridional northward oceanic heat transport for ocean basins, ECHAM 4 Gisst T42 .................................................... 101 Figure 4.1 Annual mean precipitable water vapor for ECHAM3 T106 ................. 106 Figure 4.2 Annual mean precipitable water vapor for ECHAM4 T106 ................. 106 Figure 4.3 Annual mean zonal mean precipitable water for both ECHAM3 and ECH AM 4 T 106 .............................................................................. 107 Figure 4.4 NVAP analysis of annual mean precipitable water, and zonal mean .... 107 Figure 4.5 Annual mean total precipitation for ECHAM3 T106 ........................... 108 Figure 4.6 Annual mean total precipitation for ECHAM4 T106 ........................... 108 Figure 4.7 Annual mean zonal mean total precipitation for both ECHAM3 and EC HA M4 T 106 ............................................................................. 109 Figure 4.8 Annual mean total precipitation by Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) ..................................................................................... 109 Figure 4.9 Annual mean evaporation for ECHAM3 T106 ..................................... 110 Figure 4.10 Annual mean evaporation for ECHA T106 ........................................ 110 Figure 4.11 Annual mean global moisture flux for ECHAM3 T106 ..................... 111 Figure 4.12 Annual mean global moisture flux for ECHAM4 T106 ..................... 111 Figure 4.13 Annual mean zonal mean moisture flux for ECHAM3 T106 and ECH A M 4 T 106 ............................................................................. 112 Figure 4.14 Annual mean moisture transport for ECHAM3 T106, ECHAM4 T106 and for Baumgartner & Reichel .................................. 112 Figure A. 1 Difference of total heat transport in Atlantic Ocean and Indo-Pacific Ocean for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ........................ 113 Figure A.2 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net shortwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Atlantic, with their difference ............. 114 Figure A.3 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net shortwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Indo-Pacific, with their difference ...... 115 Figure A.4 Heat transport carried by ocean surface downward longwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Atlantic, with their difference .............................................................................. 116 Figure A.5 Heat transport carried by ocean surface downward longwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Indo-Pacific, with their difference .............................................................................. 117 Figure A.6 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net latent heat flux in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Atlantic, with their difference ............ 118 Figure A.7 Heat transport carried by ocean surface laten heat flux in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Indo-Pacific, with their difference ....................... 119 Acknowledgment I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Peter Stone, for suggesting this study, for all the time and energy he has devoted. Special thanks to him for his patience. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background General Circulation Climate Models (GCMs) are believed to have the potential to simulate the global scale dynamic and thermodynamic processes, and to calculate explicitly the large-scale interactions such as exchanges of mass, momentum and energy across the interfaces of the earth's climate subsystem. In view of the GCM's high capacity to simulate the climate under a great variety of boundary conditions, the model constitutes a powerful tool for climate research studies. Many of the major operational weather centers around the world have been developing and using their GCMs in an attempt to explain the causes of climate variability, to obtain a better understanding of the observed climate changes, and to predict the possible climate state in the future. The core of all numerical models is a set of equations expressing the general physical principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, and the chemical laws that govern the composition of the components of the climate system. These three-dimensional equations are nonlinear and each variable in the equations is interrelated to the others. Any change in one of these variables may induce variations in others and in turn generate a feedback in the original variable. Normally, in passing from these governing equations to the working climate model several steps are followed: (1) the discretization and choice of resolution, (2) the parametrization of physics, (3) the integration in time, (4) the verification, (5) the model improvement. Each of these steps has its characteristic difficulties and thus may introduce errors and uncertainties that compromise the model simulated climate to a greater or lesser extent. While the numerical methods and resolutions used in the GCMs to solve the equations are relatively standard and well known, the same cannot be said for the parameterizations of a wide range of physical processes which occur on scales too small to be resolved by the models. These physical processes are referred to as subgrid-scale processes including, for instance, the occurrence of convection, cloudiness and precipitation. The subgrid-scale processes must be parameterized in terms of variables which are resolved by GCMs, and in principle it is this parameterization which makes GCMs different from each other. It may also account for some of the models' successes as well as some of their failures. For example, the study of GCMs' performance and limitations by Stone and Risbey (1990) "point[ed] out that the meridional transports of heat simulated by GCMs used in climate change experiments differ[ed] from observational analysis and from other GCMs by as much as a factor of two." In addition, they "demonstrate that GCM simulations of the large scale transports of heat are sensitive to the (uncertain) subgrid scale parameterizations." Besides, the earth's climate system is composed of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, land surface and biosphere and their interactions. These subsystems have very different response time scales and their interactions are not fully understood, but are known to be complex and to produce feedbacks. So, the solutions of the climate governing equations involve a great deal of computation, starting from some initialized state and investigating the effects of changes in a particular component of the climate system. Boundary conditions, for example the solar radiation, SSTs or vegetation distribution, are set from observational data or other simulations. These data are rarely complete or of adequate accuracy to specify completely the environmental conditions, so that there is inherent uncertainty in the simulation results. On the other hand, all the uncertainties inherent in GCMs leave room for model improvement. With the complexity and difficulties in simulating the climate system mentioned above, among many other reasons, together with the consideration of available computer resources, historically many GCM communities start with a component GCM such as Atmospheric GCM (AGCM) and Ocean GCM (OGCM) which may be coupled with other components in the future to simulate the whole climate system. The ability of current atmospheric models to simulate the observed climate varies with scale and variable. Given the correct sea surface temperature (SST), most models simulate the observed large-scale climate with skill, and give a useful indication of some of the observed regional interannual climate variations or trends, as well as the characteristic inabilities of a particular model. The simulation of clouds and their radiative effects remains a major area of difficulty, and AGCMs generally are not expected to simulate the local climate with fair accuracy (Risbey and Stone, 1996). The evaluation of the climate simulation capability of component Ocean GCMs (OGCMs) shows that they realistically portray the large-scale structure of the ocean gyres and the gross features of the thermohaline circulation. OGCM's major deficiencies are the representation of mixing processes, the structure and strength of western boundary currents, the simulation of the meridional heat transport, and the portrayal of convection and subduction. AGCMs are developed by using specified lower boundary conditions (SSTs, sea-ice extent, etc.), and OGCMs are integrated with specified surface wind stresses, and/or relaxation of surface temperature and salinity to climatological values. These models' behaviors are strongly constrained by the prescribed boundary conditions. Upon coupling, with the removal of the constraint of boundary conditions, the coupled GCMs are known to have a dramatic climate drift of its ocean-atmospheric system. Currently, most coupled models use "flux adjustment" whereby the heat and fresh water fluxes (and possibly the surface stresses) are modified before being imposed on the ocean by the addition of a "cor- rection" or "adjustment. It is expected that this conflict between the use of a fully physically based model and the use of a non-physical flux adjustment will be reduced as models are further improved. Some modelers even draw an encouraging analogy with the early development of numerical weather prediction when ad hoc corrections were used to improve forecasts. Later improvements in model formulation and initialization techniques made such corrections unnecessary. The purpose of model improvement and ultimately the understanding and predictive ability of climate may be achieved by the systematic model intercomparison and evaluation which can provide valuable information for model improvement with the in-depth diagnosis and interpretation of model results. (e.g., Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project; Gates, 1992). 1.2 Motivation According to "Climate Change 1995, The Science of Climate Change" (IPCC, 1995), "the major areas of uncertainty in climate models concern clouds and their radiative effects, the hydrological balance over land surfaces and the heat flux at the ocean surface", and "the comprehensive diagnosis and evaluation of both component and coupled models are essential parts of model development, although the lack of observations and data sets is a limiting factor." The heat flux at the ocean surface can be used to calculate the mean state of the implied meridional northward oceanic heat transport with the assumption that there is no heat transport across the sea shore. The discrepancy in the simulation of the ocean surface heat flux among the AGCMs would be exaggerated in the calculation of the oceanic heat transport. Further, the estimate of implied oceanic heat transport is also an important index of an AGCM's simulation abilities. Studies indicate that there are great discrepancies in the estimate of annual mean total oceanic heat transport by using various GCM models (this occurs even in the observational estimates). Few studies have further investigated the roles taken by the three major ocean basins: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean in contributing to the discrepancy. We will carry out the calculation for the Atlantic Ocean and Indo-Pacific Ocean based on a conceptual division of the total ocean, and seek a clearer picture of how the two major ocean basins contribute to the total oceanic heat transport. The surface energy budget is tightly related to the surface water budget, which is another major area of uncertainty in climate models especially over land surfaces; thus we are also motivated to carry out diagnostic studies of both ECHAM models's hydrological balance and compare with available data such as surface moisture flux, precipitation and evaporation, etc. Since the dataset we use is from two model runs, that is, the 10 year means for ECHAM3 T106 and ECHAM4 T106, the intercomparison between these two models and the comparison with other models and available observations will provide the useful information for model improvement. Thus, it will give us a clue of model behavior requiring modification, and portray possible reasons for model failure. Another calculation we carry out in this study is how much of the oceanic heat transport is explained (or carried) by the surface heat flux components. We would like to investigate, for example, how much heat would be transferred meridionally by the latent heat flux component alone. We should expect these flux components to act differently in the total oceanic heat transport, and in the ocean basins' heat transport as well. 1.3 Thesis Structure This section provides a brief overview of the thesis structure and organization. The thesis itself is divided into six chapters: - Chapter 1 introduces the background of the thesis work, the motivation of the study, along with this thesis structure introduction. - Chapter 2 describes the model history, structure and the improvements implemented in the two generations of models studied in the thesis. The description of datasets is included. - The calculation for the model implied oceanic heat transport will be presented in Chapter 3. There are five major sections - the methodology, the correction schemes, the annual mean of ocean surface heat fluxes, the model implied meridional oceanic heat transport (for ocean total, and ocean basins), the oceanic heat transport with other boundary conditions and horizontal resolution, and the oceanic heat transport carried by the different heat flux components. - The model's simulation of surface hydrological balance and related diagnosis would form Chapter 4. There are six sections in the chapter. - Chapter 5 will summarize the studies performed. Important conclusions will be drawn. - Chapter 6 is the major reference section. - Appendix includes the calculation of the meridional northward oceanic heat transport carried by the different heat flux components, and the discussion on their roles in transferring the heat for the energy balance of the climate system. Chapter 2 Model Description and Data Sets 2.1 Model History and Description The ECHAM atmospheric general circulation models are a series of models developed at MPI. The earliest version, ECHAMO, evolved from the cycle 17 version (operational in 1985) of the numerical weather prediction model at the European Center for MediumRange Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Since ECHAMO, the models developed at MPI are the second generation ECHAMI and ECHAM2, the third generation ECHAM3 and the fourth ECHAM4. The models we are using in this diagnostic study are ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 AGCMs. They have a horizontal spectral resolution with a 320 (longitude) x 160 (latitudes) Gaussian transform grid mesh and 19 vertical levels. The vertical coordinate used in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 is a hybrid -p-coordinate system, with smooth transition from G-coordinates at the surface to p-coordinates at the top of the atmosphere. The standard configuration of ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 GCMs are ECHAM3 T42 and ECHAM4 T42 respectively, whose horizontal resolution corresponds to a 128 (longitude) x 64(latitude) Gaussian transform grid. T106 are their test versions. The model formulation and parameterizations are identical for T42 and T106 versions for both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 except for two things: 1) the horizontal diffusion coefficients were made resolu- tion dependent such that the slope of the spectral kinetic energy comes closer to observations; 2) a rain efficiency parameter in the cloud scheme was made resolution dependent, which influences the cloud lifetime and thereby the associated planetary albedo, in order to match the global annual mean top of atmosphere radiative fluxes with the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) satellite observations. The formal documents for ECHAM3 T42 and ECHAM4 T42 have been published by MPI. In table 1, we outline the model configurations. More details can be found in the Max-Planck-Instutut fir Meteorologie Report No. 93 (Roeckner et al 1992) and Report No. 218 (Roeckner et al 1996). As the immediate preceder of ECHAM4, ECHAM3 T42 has been tested in many studies (e.g. Gleckler et al, 1995; Gaffen et al., 1996). It is also the AMIP (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) (Gates, 1992) MPI baseline model. The model has generally performed outstandingly in the studies (Lau et al. 1996). Most of the structure and parameterizations of ECHAM3 T42 have been carried forward to ECHAM4 T42, while they differ most sharply in the treatment of transport and diffusion, of chemistry and radiation, and of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The parameterization of convection, cloud formation and surface characteristics have also been modified. The author would like to highlight here the three improvements made in ECHAM4: 1) The advection of water vapor, cloud water and chemical species are calculated by the shape-preserving semi-Lagrangian transport scheme rather than a spectral transform method; 2) the shortwave radiation is treated by the two-stream method of Fonquart and Bonnell (1980), the long-wave radiation by the method of Morcrette (1991); and 3) the calculations of shortwave absorption by atmospheric water vapor and longwave absorption by the 7-12 micron water vapor continuum are improved (Giorgetta and Wild, 1995). Figure 2.1 shows the result of one test integration completed at ETH, which demonstrates the improvement in ECHAM4 T42's simulation of the surface radiation fluxes. This improved treatment is significant for the calculations of model implied oceanic meridional heat transport. Table 1. Information for ECHAM3 T42 and ECHAM4 T42 GCMs. ECHAM3 T42 L19 ECHAM4 T42 L19 Dynamics/Numerics * Spectral (Baede, et al, 1979), but * With revised formulation of the pressure gradient term (Simmons and Chen, 1991) The same as in ECHAM3, except that * The horizontal advection of water vapor and cloud water are treated by shape-preserving semi-Lagrangian transport (SLT) scheme (Williamson and Rasch, 1994) * The vertical advection of positive definite quantities is treated by SLT scheme Horizontal diffusion * Enhanced scale selectivity (Laursen and Eliasen, 1989), * The diffusion coefficients were chosen such that the slope of the spectral kinetic energy is close to observations. * linear tenth-order horizontal diffusion is applied to all prognostic variables below about 150hpn, * in the model stratosphere, the order of the scheme is reduced incrementally to second-order at the upper two model levels Chemistry * AMIP C02 concentration * Trace constituents including methane, nitrous oxide, and 16 different CFCs are added Radiation * Hense et al., 1982; and Rockel et al., 1991. * Shortwave radiation is treated by the two-stream method of Fonquart and Bonnell (1980), * Longwave radiation by the method of Morcrette (1991). * In addition, further changes are made in the treatment of other gaseous absorbers, continuum absorption by water vapor, and cloud-radiative interactions. Vertical diffusion * Louis (1979), but * with low wind correction according to Miller et al. (1992). * The Richardson number is revised to include "moist" (cloud) effects. * A higher-order closure scheme after Brinkop and Roeckner (1995) to compute the vertical diffusion of momentum, heat, moisture, and cloud water. ECHAM3 T42 L19 ECHAM4 T42 L19 Convection * Tiedtke (1989) for deep midleval and shallow convection, * Stratocumulus convection according to Tiedtke et al. (1988) The same as in ECHAM3 * With modifications after Nordeng (1996) * The closure assumption is also modified: cloud-base mass flux is linked to convective instability instead of moisture convergence. Soil processes * Five layer model for heat transfer, * Refined bucket model for soil moisture; * Vegetation effects included (Blondin, 1989) * Sea ice temperature is calculated from the net heat fluxes including conductive heat transfer through ice The same as in ECHAM3, except that The heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and field capacity for soil moisture are prescribed according to geographically varying values derived from Ford and Agriculture Organization (FAQ) type distributions (Patterson, 1990, and Zobler, 1986). Surface LW down Surface absorbed SW 182 350 185 180 342 171 173 175 340 F 337 335 334 162 164 326 160 I320 147 F 315 142 140 311 F 300 F 120 F 100' U 91X = 0 K~ > X Figure 2.1 Comparison of simulations of the surface heat balance by ECHAM GCMs together with various atmospheric GCMs. On the left is the global mean annual mean shortwave radiation absorbed at the surface, and on the right the global mean annual mean longwave radiation incident on the surface. Observational values are based on the Global Energy Balance Archive (Ohmura and Gilgen, 1993; Wild et al 1995). 2.2 Data Set The data set used in this research is a part of the ten-year-mean output of the official ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 L19 model runs provided by Mr. Wild Martin at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. This data set is mainly confined to the model's simulation of surface energy budget and water budget. The main fields included are: * Annual mean global distribution of surface latent heat flux. - Annual mean global distribution of surface sensible heat flux Annual mean global distribution of surface short-wave radiation, including the upward - and downward partition. - Annual mean global distribution of surface long-wave radiation, including its upward and downward partition. - Annual mean global distribution of total cloud cover. - Annual mean global distribution of surface albedo. - Annual mean global distribution of vertically integrated precipitable water vapor. - Annual mean global distribution of evaporation. - Annual mean global distribution of precipitation. - Annual mean global distribution of river runoff Chapter 3 Oceanic Heat Transport Calculation In this chapter, we will first introduce the methodology and correction schemes we used, and present the simulated mean state of the total heat flux and the component fluxes at the ocean surface. The model implied meridional northward oceanic heat transport for the whole ocean and ocean basins will be calculated and compared with some other calculations and available observational study. 3.1 Methodology The estimation of global mean annual mean oceanic meridional heat transport can be obtained by several methods. Generally, the methods can be separated into three major categories: residual method, direct estimate and surface heat-balance method. All these methods have their associated advantages and disadvantages. The method used in this research is the so-called "classical method", i.e., the surface heat-balance method, which calculates the meridional northward oceanic heat transport from the heat balances at the ocean surface. A schematic of the atmosphere-ocean system is shown in Figure 3.1, with Fs as the net sea surface, downward heat flux, which includes the net sea surface radiative flux Rs, net sea surface latent heat flux LH and net sea surface sensible heat flux SH; and F0 , FA as the ver- tically integrated divergent heat fluxes in the Ocean and in the atmosphere respectively; R is the net radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere. The bracket in Figure 3.1 means the zonal average. All quantities are the annual mean. [R] Top of atmosphere Atmosphere [A] [F [A] Ocean -*4 [Fol] [FOJ North South Figure 3.1 Schematic of heat fluxes in the atmosphere-ocean system. Northward heat fluxes are defined as positive, as are downward vertical fluxes. The brackets are for the zonal mean. The energy equation for the oceans can be written as: S0 +VH* F 0 = Rs+ LH + SH (1) where: S, heat storage in the oceans VH- horizontal divergence In the annual mean, S, vanishes as long as no long-term temperature change is observed. The equation then becomes: VH F = R-VHeFA = F = RS+LH+SH (2) If we take the zonal average of equation (2), we have - -a[F ] coswp a cos~paqp = [Fs] (3) Since the northward oceanic heat transport at latitude (p is: T,(p) = 21cacosp[Fj(p)] (4) where a is the earth's radius, we have 1 a [T(p)] = [Fs] 2xta cosqp a( (5) = 2ta 2costp[Fs] (6) 2 i.e., Integrating equation (6) starting from the north pole, the implied meridional oceanic heat transport across a latitude circle (po is: IC p= -2 2 a2 [Fs]cos(pd(p T90(0 = - 90 (7) Equation (7) is the basic equation we will use to calculate the model implied oceanic meridional heat transport. This method implicitly assumes that there is no heat flux across the land-sea boundary. 3.2 Correction Scheme Because of the existence of an imbalance in global mean surface heat flux over oceans, the integration of equation (7) at the south pole will not result in zone transport, as it should be. We need to apply the correction method to correct it. As discussed in Carissimo et al., 1985, there are many correction methods based on different considerations. We will adopt here the same symbols as in Carissimo's work, where a subscript NP indicates the integration was carried out starting at the north pole, and a subscript SP represents a calculation starting from the south pole. A superscript * means the transport is uncorrected. (1) Standard method, which applies a constant correction to all the original values. TP 2 T0(y) - TONP = T ONP *() - - T 2 ONP -- l(1 2 2cos gdp - sing) (8) The calculation is uniformly applied to unit area at each latitudinal circle. So there is no bias between the high latitudes and low latitudes. We will apply this correction scheme to all the heat transport calculations in this thesis. (2) the correction varies with latitude as in Saunders et at., 1983, which mainly affects the low latitudes based on the consideration of reflected radiation associated with the diurnal cycle of the albedo: To(p) = TONP*(p ) cos (pd J 22 2 f9 a e ONP sin 2 e9 ONP*( (9) This scheme affects the tropical regions mostly since the mean surface albedo is highest over that region. (3) the correction weighted average of TONP* and Tos,* T9()) =TONP OSP (10) The effect of this correction schema depends on the distribution of the uncorrected heat transport. In our case, the correction of flux is larger in the midlatitudes than in the tropics. In this thesis, we use the standard method to correct the non-zero oceanic heat transport at the south pole induced by the imbalance of heat flux at ocean surface. 3.3 Heat Fluxes at Ocean Surface The surface heat fluxes across the surface, which is the boundary between the atmosphere and ocean or the land, is an essential part of the climate system as are the fluxes at the top of the atmosphere. The geographic distribution of the surface heat fluxes determines the distribution of surface temperature, the amount of energy flux available to evaporate the surface water and hence the intensity of the hydrological cycle. The understanding of the heat balance at the surface is a necessary part of understanding climate and its dependence on external constraints. Therefore, it is important for GCMs to simulate the surface heat fluxes accurately when attempting to simulate the past, current and future climate. The surface heat fluxes include the net radiative heat flux from the overlying atmosphere into the surface, the latent heat flux and the sensible heat flux at the surface, as expressed in the following equation: + LHsfC FSfc + SHsfc Fsfc net net net = -rad (1 where the superscripts sfc means surface, subscript rad means radiative, SH is sensible heat flux, LH the latent heat flux. Since the net input flux of radiative energy to the surface is the sum of the net shortwave and longwave heat fluxes, we re-write (11) as: " Fc Sfc1 FSfc = F fc -Ffc +F 1w sw sw rad (12) where T means upward, I means downward; subscript sw means the shortwave, 1w means the longwave. Here we define the downward heat flux as positive. Several key physical properties of the ocean let it play the critical role in the climate system: it has a low albedo when unfrozen; it has a large heat capacity; it is fluid and it covers most of the earth's surface area. Even overlain by the atmosphere, the ocean receives more than half of the energy entering the climate system. It also gives much of the ocean absorbed shortwave radiation to the atmosphere through evaporation, making the ocean the primary source of water vapor and heat for the atmosphere. To analyze the meridional northward oceanic heat transport calculated from the surface heat-balance, we present here the model simulated annual mean heat fluxes at the ocean surface in Figures 3.2 to 3.23, among which are figures for the annual mean, zonal mean and the corresponding difference between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4, together with some related fields. All these figures are positioned after Chapter 6. Both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 AGCMs show that, in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, the net radiation flux is greatest over the tropical oceans. In that region the net radiation flux 2 exceeds 150 w/m 2 , and in ECHAM3 in central tropical Pacific Ocean, it exceeds 200w/m . Along 60 N, there are minima showing in the global annual mean distribution and their corresponding zonal means, which are associated with the annual mean location of InterTropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The variation of the net radiation flux with latitude and surface conditions is systematic. The low latitudes have the higher radiation surplus, and the high latitudes have the lower one. In southern hemisphere, the radiation flux contours(eg., 100 w/m 2 and 50 w/m 2 ) are aligned along latitude circles, while in the northern hemisphere the contours are tilted due to surface effects. The net radiation variation with the latitude can also be clearly seen in the zonal mean figures. Because of the tilting in the northern hemisphere, the change of zonal mean net radiation flux with latitude is slower in the northern hemisphere. The difference of the net radiation flux at the ocean surface for annual mean and zonal mean between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 indicates the effect of the modification of the radiation scheme from ECHAM3 to ECHAM4. In Figure 3.4(a) and Figure 3.4(b), the most significant pattern is in the tropical Pacific Ocean. ECHAM4 has much less (more 0 than 50 w/m 2 ) net radiation flux input into the ocean than does ECHAM3 along 6 N in Pacific Ocean, and in Atlantic Ocean it is about 25 w/m 2 less. For the zonal mean, the dif- ference is more than 30 w/m 2 at 60N. On the other hand, in the zonal mean difference, the ECHAM4 ocean has a larger net radiation flux surplus in the southern hemisphere midand high latitudes and northern hemisphere high latitudes. The required heat transport by the ocean poleward from the tropics must be smaller in ECHAM4. If we break down the net radiation flux into its shortwave and longwave components and up- and downward directions, as shown in figures from Figure 3.5 to Figure 3.10, we can 2 see that the peak difference at 60 N with a value of -34 w/m 2 results from -46 w/m of zonal mean absorbed shortwave radiation component flux, and 17 w/m 2 of zonal mean downward longwave radiation flux component. To draw a conclusion on whether the air in the ECHAM4 model absorbs more incoming shortwave radiation, we need to look at the Top of the Atmosphere. Figure 3.11 to Figure 3.13 present the ECHAM models' mean state (annual mean and zonal mean, together with their difference) for planetary albedo. There is almost 1% change of the global mean value, with 32.43% in ECHAM4 and 33.35% in ECHAM3. Although the global mean value decreases in ECHAM4, the difference of the quantity for annual mean and zonal mean shows that the decrease occurs mainly in high latitudes while there is an increase in low latitudes in ECHAM4. The largest increase is over tropical Pacific Ocean along 60N; the tropical Atlantic Ocean has a minor contribution. Since both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 models use the same solar constant, the difference in the mean planetary albedo between the two models reflects the difference in the mean outgoing shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere. Therefore, over the tropical oceans at the top of the atmosphere there would be less net incoming shortwave radiation while there would be more net incoming shortwave radiation over other regions in ECHAM4. Together with the Figures 3.5 to 3.10, we may infer that, due to the radiation scheme modification in the ECHAM4 T106 AGCM, the atmosphere over the oceans absorbs or reflects much more incoming shortwave radiation in ECHAM4 than in ECHAM3. Consequently, the underlying ocean in ECHAM4 receives less incoming shortwave radiation but more downward longwave radiation from a cloudier atmosphere. The compensation makes the changes in the net radiation flux less than in the absorbed shortwave radiation. From the global mean point of view, ECHAM4 has a more realistic (i.e., closer to the observations, see in Figure 2.1) radiation scheme. The mean state of model simulated total cloud cover in Figure 3.14 to Figure 3.15, together with their corresponding difference in Figure 3.16, also shows the effect of modification to the radiation scheme. We also include in Figure 3.17 the ISCCP-C2 8-year mean total cloud amount observation which is the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (established in 1982 as part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)) Stage 2 analysis for the months July 1983 through June 1991. Compared against the ISCCP data, ECHAM4 has simulated fairly accurately the total cloud cover distribution for the northern Atlantic Ocean, where the ECHAM3 apparently has too low total cloud cover. The similar too low total cloud amount pattern can be found in ECHAM3 southern Atlantic Ocean. For the Pacific Ocean, the large area of low cloud amount in the tropical Pacific Ocean is not shown in ECHAM4 but ECHAM3 has a good representation for this region. But the overall pattern matching in the Indo-Pacific Ocean is much better in ECHAM4 than in ECHAM3. The global mean total cloud cover is -50% in ECHAM3 and -59% in ECHAM4. The ECHAM3's total cloud cover is too low. If comparing Figure 3.10(a) with Figure 3.16(a), the total cloud cover increase in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in ECHAM4 corresponds to the increase of downward longwave radiation over those regions. The evaporative heat loss from the ocean surface (LH flux in Figure 3.18 to Figure 3.20) in both models has the greatest values over the midlatitudes and the warm western boundary currents. In the western region of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the latent heat loss may exceed 200 w/m 2 which is much greater than the local net radiation heating to the ocean surface. The latent heating cooling of the ocean surface is also large over the subtropical oceans, which offsets most of the heating to the ocean surface by the net radiation. Along the equator, there is a "tip" in the zonal mean latent heat flux (Figure 3.19) in both models, showing a greater reduction (-40 w/m 2 ) of evaporation heat lose to the atmosphere. It results from lower evaporation over the relatively cold ocean water flowing from the eastern ocean to the western ocean region (northern and southern equatorial currents). The pattern of the difference of zonal mean latent heat flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 is very different from those of the radiation fluxes. It goes up and down more frequently, and is mostly positive (more evaporative heat loss in ECHAM4). The value is greater in the Northern Hemisphere, indicating a larger modification effect there, though it is hard to say the modification is really an improvement. The sensible heat loss (figures not included in this thesis) from the ocean surface is small in both models, except over the warm western boundary currents of the midlatitude oceans. Over that region, when cold air from the continents flows over the warm ocean 2 surface (mainly during winter), a large sensible heat flux occurs. It may exceed 50 w/m in the annual mean. But it is still much less important to the mean surface net heat flux than is the latent heat flux. (The difference between the two models is small too!) Adding the net radiation flux, the latent heat flux and sensible heat flux together, we obtain the net heat flux at the ocean surface, as shown in Figure 3.21 to Figure 3.23. In both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 AGCMs, the net heat flux is large and negative over the western boundary currents, where the ocean is supplying the energy through heat transport by the ocean currents and then heating the atmosphere. In the equator and the eastern regions of the ocean, the atmosphere is heating the oceans (with positive net heat flux at the ocean surface) where upwelling brings the cold water from the deep ocean to the ocean surface. We have seen that in these regions the evaporative cooling in reduced and the net radiation is used to heat the ocean. Ultimately, the energy will be transferred to mid- and high latitudes and then lost back to the atmosphere. This heat transport from the tropical and eastern oceans to mid- and high latitudes plays a critical role in determining the energy cycle of the climate system. The difference of the net heat flux between the two ECHAM models (Figure 3.23) has negative values within ±300 latitude, and positive values over other regions. Since the net heat flux is positive in low latitudes and negative in mid- and high latitudes, the difference indicates that, in tropical regions the ECHAM4 model's ocean receives less net heat flux than does the ECHAM3's ocean; on the other hand, in mid- and high latitudes the ECHAM4 ocean loses less net heat to the atmosphere than the ECHAM3 ocean. We also notice the relatively large area of positive net heat flux around 500 S in ECHAM4, which may induce an equatorward heat transport. 3.4 Meridional Northward Oceanic Heat Transport The radiative energy budget of earth's climate system is characterized by strong input of solar energy at low latitudes and a back radiation to space which is more uniformly distributed over the globe. On an annual mean basis, the net radiative energy budget of the climate system must be balanced, which implies the existence of a net poleward heat transport by the atmosphere and oceans combined in both hemispheres. This combined atmospheric and oceanic meridional heat transport can be estimated with high accuracy from satellite radiation measurements of the net radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere. It is interesting to note that the apportionment of the meridional heat transport between ocean and atmosphere has been a matter of some controversy in history: meteorologists have tended to ascribe a greater role in meridional heat transport to the ocean than oceanographers (Bryden, 1993). Normally, meteorologists base their estimates of the oceanic heat transport on residuals of the satellite derived radiation budget and the AGCM 15 output calculated atmospheric heat transport. The value is nearly 4 PW (lPW=10 watts) in mid-latitudes. On the other hand, integrations of surface oceanic heat flux over ocean derived from bulk formulas by Budyko (1974) and Talley (1984) have much lower values, typically 1 to 2 PW. These uncertainties may come from the inaccurate simulations of the surface heat fluxes by the AGCMs, lack of data over oceans, errors in the bulk formulae, and instrumental radiation measurement uncertainty at the top of the atmosphere. With the improvement of data availability and treatment of surface heat fluxes, recalculations are needed and should contribute to a better understanding of the ocean's role in transferring heat poleward and in reducing the equator-to-pole temperature gradient. In this subsection, we will present the estimates of the global mean annual mean total oceanic meridional heat transports as a function of latitude based on ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 ten year runs. The respective estimates for the major ocean basins: Atlantic ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean have been carried out. Since the Indonesian throughflow has not been taken into account, the contributions from Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean in this research should be combined and then represented as Indo-Pacific Ocean. 3.4.1 Results The mean state of the meridional northward heat transport are calculated from the annual mean net heat flux at the ocean surface using the surface heat- balance method, and corrected with the standard correction scheme. The results for the ocean total and ocean basins are presented in Figure 3.24 and Figure 3.26. In the discussion section, some other model simulation results and observations are included in Figures and Tables. (1) Ocean Total The ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 implied annual mean meridional northward heat transport for ocean total are shown in Figure 3.24. In both models, the annual mean ocean transport shows a substantial asymmetry between the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. This asymmetry must be related to the difference in physiography of the more land-covered northern hemisphere and more ocean-covered southern hemisphere. In midlatitudes, the heating due to the convergence of the heat transport in northern hemisphere is larger than that in southern hemisphere in both models. The highest heat transport occurs at around 200 in both models. The variation in northern hemisphere is smaller than in southern hemisphere, and we can see that, in southern hemisphere ECHAM4, even the direction of oceanic heat transport changes to equatorward. Total oceanic meridional heat transport 2.5 -- 21.51D0.5U)0 0.5 fE A a E A TECHAM3 -1.5P at ECHAM4 -2-2.5 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 I 60 80 Figure 3.24 Annual mean zonal mean meridional total oceanic heat transport for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T 106. The implied heat transport in northern hemisphere mid-latitude ocean is of the order of 2 PW. ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 show their consistency in the estimate over this region. The value is much closer to the oceanographer's estimate (1-2 PW) than that of early meteorologists' (-4 PW). (2) Ocean Basins In order to calculate the heat transport for ocean basins, we need the proper boundaries to "separate" the ocean basins from each other, and then apply the surface heat-balance method to the ocean basin's annual mean zonal mean net heat flux. The calculations for the Atlantic ocean and Indo-Pacific ocean may be questionable in the southern hemisphere beyond the Cape of Good Hope (-350 S). There is a cross-basin heat transport which we totally ignore in the calculation. Generally, the calculation method used for ocean basins is only applicable to a basin which is wholly bounded by the land, or the western and eastern boundary conditions are well known. The conceptually separated ocean basins used in this calculation are shown in Figure 3.25. We did not take into account the Indonesian throughflow, so the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean should be considered as one, i.e., the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Because many other studies explicitly calculated the heat transport for the Pacific Ocean, we use the calculation from the Indo-Pacific Ocean to represent the value in the northern hemisphere for the Pacific Ocean since our calculation shows the heat transport in the northern hemisphere in the Indian Ocean is small. As we can see in Figure 3.26, the nature of the heat transport differs remarkably for Atlantic Ocean and Indo-Pacific Ocean. Northward heat transport is found at almost all latitudes in the Atlantic Ocean in both models. The difference of heat transport between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 is small compared with that for Indo-Pacific Ocean. The variation of total oceanic heat transport between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 is mostly explained by their corresponding variation in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, especially in the southern hemisphere. But the asymmetry of total oceanic heat transport between southern Schematic of Ocean Basins -20 -40 -60 -80 0 240 180 Longitude 120 60 300 360 Figure 3.25 The schematic of ocean basins. Ocean basin meridional heat transport -0.5 Atlantic, ECHAM3 Atlantic, ECHAM4 AtlndtPaic, ECHAM ... -.. Indo- P acific,.E C H A M 3 - .......... - -1.5 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.... -2 -Indo-Pacific, -2.5 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 ECHAM4 60 80 Figure 3.26 Annual mean zonal mean meridional heat transport in Atlantic Ocean and in Indo-Pacific Ocean for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. hemisphere and northern hemisphere mainly results from the contribution of Atlantic Ocean. Generally, in the northern hemisphere, the poleward heat transport is larger in the Atlantic Ocean than that in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, while in the southern hemisphere, the heat transport by the Indo-Pacific Ocean dominates over the Atlantic Ocean. 3.4.2 Discussion (1) Ocean Total In the previous section we presented the characteristics of the ECHAM AGCMs' implied mean state of oceanic meridional northward heat transport. The difference in this quantity (as shown in Figure 3.27) is of great interest and important to us for the purpose of model comparison and improvement. In Figure 3.27, at almost every latitude in both southern and northern hemisphere, ECHAM3 has the larger poleward heat transport than has ECHAM4, except in a small area at the equator in the northern hemisphere. In other words, Figure 3.27 suggests that the implied ocean in ECHAM4 plays a less important role in transferring heat poleward than does the ECHAM3 implied ocean. Consequently, since the total heat transport required for the balance of the earth climate system at the top of the atmosphere should be the same for both ECHAM models, the ECHAM4 model's atmosphere will transfer more heat poleward than will the ECHAM3's atmosphere. The calculation of atmospheric heat transport for the models does not support this inference, as shown in Figure 3.28. In Figure 3.28, the atmospheric heat transport simulated in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 are almost identical except a small difference (< 0.2 pw) spanning most areas in the southern hemisphere. Further investigation shows that the model's atmosphere seems "transparent" to the underlying ocean: the pattern of difference in oceanic heat transport between the Difference of Total Oceanic Heat Transport 0.5- 0 -0.5ECHAM4 - ECHAM3 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.27 The difference of implied total oceanic heat transport between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Atmospheric annual total heat transport (PW) Latitude Figure 3.28 Annual mean total northward atmospheric meridional heat transport simulated by ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. two models has been almost exactly copied to the top of the atmosphere, thus obtaining the same pattern of difference in total heat transport at the top of the atmosphere. Gleckler et al (1995) proposed that the implied oceanic heat transport was sensitive to the radiative effects of clouds to explain the large discrepancy of this quantity among current AGCMs. They computed a "hybrid" oceanic heat transport To which includes the cloud radiative forcing with the formula: TO=TA+O-TA~TO+ 6 TCRF (13) where: TA+o = the atmosphere and ocean combined northward meridional heat transport inferred from the observed 4 years net top-of-the-atmosphere radiation in the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) (Barkstrom et al, 1990). STCRF = the difference between the observed and simulated TA+O resulting from the effects of clouds; Their results show a remarkable improvement in the calculation of AGCMs' implied oceanic heat transport after the cloud radiative forcing correction. In Figure 3.29 we calculate and present the same "hybrid" oceanic heat transport as in Gleckler et al by using the same TA+o from ERBE observation. The improvement as compared with Figure 3.24 is also remarkable, the ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 have obtained a consistent (not necessarily correct) oceanic heat transport now! To verify the reasonability of these "hybrid" oceanic heat transports, let's make the comparison against other available observational data. Total "Hybrid" Oceanic Heat Transport -2.5'1 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.29 The "hybrid" total oceanic heat transport for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 models. In Table 2, we present the oceanic heat transport calculation for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 before and after cloud radiative forcing correction, the results obtained by Macdonald and Wunsch (1996), and by Trenberth and Solomon (1994). The Macdonald and Wunsch's estimate was derived by integrating hydrographic velocity data over the rapid spatial variations that they show. Trenberth and Solomon used operational weather prediction analysis produced by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). These two data sets are believed to be reliable. Table 2. Comparison of total oceanic heat transport calculation (PW) Latitude hybrid ECHAM3 hybrid ECHAM4 ECHAM3 ECHAM4 Macdonald Trenberth 500 N 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.55 0.55±0.3 0.57 24-250 N 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.42 1.6±0.3 2.0 100 N 1.0 1.1 1.8 1.5 1.5 100S -1.7 -1.3 -1.1 -0.3 -0.7 300 S -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -0.4 -0.9±0.3 -0.8 In Table 2, the largest change occurs in ECAHM4 southern hemisphere low latitudes (100S and 300 S here, as included in Table 2). Note please in Figure 3.24, that the oceanic heat transport in the ECHAM4 southern hemisphere is small, and even equatorward around 400S. It suggests that the oceanic heat transport in the ECHAM4 southern hemisphere without cloud forcing correction is unreliable. On the other hand, when comparing the hybrid results with Macdonald's and Trenberth's, we may argue that this cloud radiative forcing correction which brings the consistency between ECAHM3 and ECHAM4 in estimating the oceanic heat transport is even worse in this case for the ECHAM AGCMs. The hybrid values at 100 S and 300 S in both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 are nearly 1 PW larger than those in Macdonald and Trenberth. In Figure 3.29, the asymmetry of oceanic heat transport between northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere disappears, and the distribution shows a nearly symmetric characteristic which is not appreciated due to the asymmetric physiography of northern and southern hemisphere. So, our calculation suggests that, the cloud radiative forcing correction scheme can explain only to some extent the discrepancy in estimating the oceanic heat transport, and in some cases the correction scheme may result in a worse estimate. There must be other factor or factors that may contribute and thus enhance the model's simulation ability. (2) Ocean Basins The intercomparison of ECHAM3 and ECHAM4's implied oceanic heat transport by Atlantic Ocean and Indo-Pacific Ocean with some other studies were carried out and the calculations can be found in Tables 3a and 3b. There are great uncertainties in determining the role of different ocean basins in transferring heat meridionally, although both ECHAM models and some other studies show that the Atlantic ocean transports heat northward in both southern and northern hemispheres which is consistent with the conceptual "conveyor belt" flow. As we mentioned in the previous section, the calculations for the Atlantic ocean and Indo-Pacific ocean may be questionable in the southern hemisphere beyond the Cape of Good Hope (-350 S), because we totally ignored the cross-basin heat transport in our calculation. In the Atlantic Ocean, however, most of the estimates are in better agreement with each other than in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Virtually, all the listed estimates in Table 3a shows the northward oceanic heat transport at all latitudes, with the most significant heat lose to the atmosphere in the midlatitude North Atlantic. The ECHAM4 has the smaller transport there than the ECHAM3, resulting from less input heat flux in the tropics and more heat supply in midlatitudes. Although both ECHAM4's and ECHAM3's estimates are smaller than other estimates except Hsiung's, ECHAM3 has the better representation than ECHAM4 in the North Atlantic. Table 3a: Comparison of various estimates for Atlantic Ocean heat transport (PW) Latitude ECHAM3 60 0N 50 0N 40 0N 300N 24-25 0N 100N 0 100S 20 0S 300S 40 0S 0.21 0.55 0.71 0.97 1.03 0.87 0.62 0.30 0.07 -0.02 0.14 ECHAM4 Trenberth (1994) 0.15 0.35 0.45 0.70 0.80 0.74 0.59 0.34 0.14 0.07 0.21 0.30 0.50 0.78 1.00 1.10 0.80 0.45 0.30 0.30 0.18 0.05 Macdonald (1996) Bryden (1993) 0.65+0.3* 1.10+0.3 1.40+0.3 1.22 0.88+0.3 0.4+0.3 Hsiung (1985) 0.24 0.45 0.63 0.95 0.96 0.80 0.54 0.23 0.15 0.04 0.09 Table 3b: Comparison of various estimates for Pacific Ocean** heat transport (PW) Latitude 60 0N 500N 40 0N 300N 24-250 N 100N 0 100 S 20 0 S 300 S 40 0 S ECHAM3 0.06 0.35 0.45 0.82 0.96 0.96 0.05 -1.34 -1.71 -1.43 -0.99 ECHAM4 0.03 0.20 0.22 0.53 0.62 0.74 0.22 -0.65 -0.81 -0.47 -0.18 Macdonald (1996) -0.1+0.3* 0.5+0.3 -1.3+0.3 Trenberth (1994) 0 0.07 0.30 0.82 0.90 0.70 0.30 -1.0 -1.2 -1.0 -0.85 Bryden (1993) Hsiung (1985) 0 0.55 0.76 0.32 -0.52 -0.24 0.01 Note: * The value is estimated at 47-48ON as in Table 2a in Macdonald ** The results presented for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 Pacific Ocean are for Indo-Pacific Ocean In the South Atlantic, ECHAM4 has a little larger northward heat transport than ECHAM3, and it is closer to Trenberth's estimate. Macdonald's calculation is too large comparing with all the others at 100 S, making its estimate questionable. There is a minimum at about 300S in both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 which is absent in Trenberth's, indicating the heat loss to the atmosphere. The northward heat transport from south of 300S also contributes to this heat lose. The Pacific Ocean is the place where generally the oceanic heat transport estimates of different datasets and methods differ greatly with each other, especially in the South Pacific. In the North Pacific, ECHAM3 has higher values than ECHAM4, and is higher than the others in the Table 3(b). ECHAM4 has a better estimate than ECHAM3, when compared with the other estimates. In the South Pacific, ECHAM4's estimate is too small while ECHAM3's is too high. At 20 0 S, ECHAM4 only transfers half of the heat poleward as in ECHAM3. Interestingly, Trenberth's estimates at 100, 200, and 300 S are just the mean of the values in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4. Other studies suggest that ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 set the upper and lower limit of model implied oceanic heat transport among currently-in-use AGCMs respectively. These two ECHAM models may thus serve as the bounds for guiding model heat flux related modifications. 3.5 Oceanic Heat Transport with other boundary Conditions The calculations in the previous sections are based on the ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 model runs with the monthly mean SSTs and sea ice extent as the surface boundary conditions, and with the mean solar constant as the external forcing at the top of the atmosphere. The boundary conditions are the same for every model year. Thus analysis of the annual mean state of the heat fluxes at the ocean surface and the model implied meridional oceanic heat transport will be smaller for the model years after the models' integrations converge. The ability and reliability of an AGCM to simulate accurately the interannual variation of the climate system are an important aspect for the validation of the model. One goal of a climate model is to predict the future climate change reasonably accurately due to a natural or human-induced perturbation (such as the increase of Greenhouse gases), thus serving as a guide for humans to adjust their behavior in time and avert the worst consequences of such a global climate change. The climate modeling community at MIT has run the ECHAM4 model at T42 resolution with the observed monthly mean SSTs and sea ice extent as the surface boundary condition. The total model run time is 25 years, including 7 El Nin6 events. We extract the same datasets as the T106 models and perform the same analysis to study the model's behavior. The model will be designated as "ECHAM4 Gisst" in this section. The analysis is for the 25 year mean. 3.5.1 Ocean Surface Heat Flux The 25 year mean analysis of the heat flux components and their corresponding zonal mean, together with the calculation of the 25 year mean planetary albedo and total cloud cover, for ECHAM4 Gisst are carried out and presented in Figures 3.30 to 3.36 (following Chapter 6). In Figure 3.37, we list the calculation of the global mean surface absorbed shortwave radiation and downward longwave radiation for ECHAM4 Gisst and the comparison with ECHAM3, ECHAM4 T106 and GISS models as in Figure 2.1. The simulation of these surface flux terms in ECHAM4 Gisst generally resemble the distribution in ECHAM4 T106, but there are some significant changes worth noticing. The zonal mean net radiation flux (Figure 3.30) at the ocean surface is smaller (-40 w/m2 ) in the tropical oceans in ECHAM4 Gisst than that in ECHAM4 T106. Outside of the trop- ics, the change is small. So the Gisst model tropical ocean would be less heated by the radiation. If not compensated by other flux terms, the implied poleward heat transport from the tropics will be smaller in the ECHAM4 Gisst model. The mean distribution of planetary albedo has a small difference between ECHAM4 Gisst and T106. The global mean is almost the same, reflecting the same radiation scheme implemented in the ECHAM4 models. In the annual mean, the boundary condition at the lower surface will have only a small effect on the distribution of planetary albedo. The total cloud cover calculation (Figure 3.34) shows the same distribution as in ECHAM4 T106 except over the warm pool region. ECHAM4 Gisst has a smaller area of high annual total cloud cover ( 80%) in the western tropical Pacific than ECHAM4 T106 (Figure 3.14(b)). We may also notice the eastward expansion of the 70% contour in the central tropical Pacific. It may result from the shift of strong convection from western tropical Pacific to eastern tropical Pacific during El Nin5 events. So, including El Nin6 events in the boundary conditions can affect the distribution of the clouds. Careful comparison of Figure 3.34(a) with Figure 3.17, which is the ISCCP 8 year mean from satellite data, suggests the close similarity between the two. In Figure 3.35, there is a large area of strong latent heat loss from the ocean surface at 201S in the Pacific Ocean, making the zonal mean value there to be -40 w/m 2 . This enhanced heat loss is not compensated by the heat supply to the tropics since we have noticed the reduced radiation flux in the tropical Pacific (Figure 3.30). We then expect a northward heat transport from the high latitude southern Pacific Ocean to provide the heat loss from the ocean surface at 20 0 S. In the Atlantic, the latent heat loss is enhanced in the north Atlantic near the Gulf region, so the northward heat transport from the south Atlantic may also increase. This situation is clearly shown in Figure 3.36, which is the annual mean and zonal mean of the net heat flux at ocean surface in ECHAM4 Gisst. The comparison of global mean annual mean shortwave radiation absorbed at the surface as simulated by ECHAM4 Gisst and by some other AGCMs are presented in Figure 3.37(a), and the corresponding comparison for downward longwave radiation is included in Figure 3.37(b). Comparing with ECHAM4 Gisst T42 with ECHAM4 T106, we may conclude that the simulation of global mean annual mean absorbed shortwave radiation and downward longwave radiation at the surface are not sensitive to the model's horizontal resolution and boundary conditions as they are using the same radiation schemes. The difference in Figure 3.37 between ECHAM4 Gisst T42 and ECHAM4 T106 are small, both are close to the GEBA observations. 3.5.2 Oceanic Heat Transport (1) Ocean Total The calculation of implied meridional northward oceanic heat transport in ECHAM4 Gisst T42 is presented in Figure 3.38. The most striking pattern is in the southern hemisphere. The equatorward heat transport at 400S has the same magnitude (-0.4 PW) as the poleward heat transport at around 200S. Notice our discussion in the previous section that the calculation in the southern hemisphere beyond 350S is questionable. The 0.4 PW heat transport at around 200S is too small. We can see the calculation from this ECHAM4 Gisst T42 dataset in the southern hemisphere for the implied oceanic heat transport is worse than in ECHAM4 T106. Nevertheless, the calculation in the northern hemisphere is better. We also calculate the portion of northward heat transport by the atmosphere (in Figure 3.39) and the total heat transport required at the top of the atmosphere, together with the total heat transport calculated from the ERBE satellite data (in Figure 3.40). Generally, the total heat transport at the top of the atmosphere is smaller than the ERBE observations. The largest deficit occurs at around 300 degree latitude in both hemispheres, with a magnitude of 0.8 PW. The "hybrid" oceanic heat transport for the ECHAM4 Gisst T42 is shown in Figure 3.41. This calculation is not satisfactory in the northern hemisphere with a too high northward heat transport. In southern hemisphere, the "hybrid" calculation seems close to Macdonald's and Trenberth's. (2) Ocean Basins In Figures 3.42(a) and (b), the oceanic heat transport in the Atlantic Ocean and IndoPacific Ocean for ECHAM4 Gisst is presented. Compared against the estimates in Table 3.(a), the calculation for the Atlantic Ocean heat transport is improved. In both the southern and northern hemispheres, the ECHAM4 Gisst estimate is close to that in Trenberth's. In the Indo-Pacific, the calculation in the southern hemisphere is not accurate with an equatorward heat transport in mid- and high latitudes. The poleward transferred heat has its peak (-0.65 PW) at 180S. It is too small. The magnitude of heat transport in the northern hemisphere is the right order, but it seems that the peak location has shifted equatorward to 80N. Chapter 4 Surface Hydrological Balance Besides the surface heat fluxes, another important surface process that is essential to the climate system is the moisture fluxes at the surface. Through the processes of precipitation, evapotranspiration and condensation, surface moisture fluxes are highly related to the redistribution of energy within the climate system. This chapter presents the ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 AGCM models' simulated hydrological forcing terms, precipitation, evaporation, and river runoff. Also studied is the vertically intergrated atmospheric water vapor (i.e. the precipitable water W). Because of the importance of and our interest in atmospheric freshwater fluxes and their effect on the thermohaline circulation, the calculation of simulated Atlantic freshwater fluxes is carried out. These calculations are compared with the available observations or analyses. 4.1 Precipitable Water Precipitable water W is the vertically integrated water content in the atmosphere: W = fpeqdZ = 1fPSqdp (14) where q is the specific humidity, p is the density of air, Z is height, p is the pressure and p, is the surface pressure, g is the gravitational acceleration. The hydrostatic principle has been applied. We show in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 the global distribution of precipitable water simulated in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, and their corresponding zonal mean (Figure 4.3). Also shown (Figure 4.4) is the recently compiled global precipitable water from the set of global analyses of water vapor called NVAP (Randel et al, 1996). Generally, both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 resemble the main pattern in the NVAP analysis, and successfully simulated the global precipitable water climatology features: the gradual decreasing of W from equator toward the south and north poles, the low values of W over high terrain and the desert regions, and the maximum W over the tropical western Pacific. Nevertheless, both ECHAM T106 GCMs tend to overestimate the precipitable water in the tropical convergence zones and in the south Pacific subtropical high. In ECHAM3, the pattern in the south Pacific is more zonal instead of extending southeastward from the tropical Pacific warm pool as in ECHAM4 and the NVAP analysis. It is also clearly shown in the zonal mean field that there is a second maximum located near the equator in the southern hemisphere in ECHAM3. We can expect there is a wet bias to the southern hemisphere (oceans) and tendency to overestimate the precipitation there. The improvement in ECHAM4 may be attributed to the new treatment of horizontal advection of water vapor and cloud water by the SLT scheme as highlighted in chapter 2. The global mean precipitable water is 25.47mm in ECHAM3 and 24.7mm in ECHAM4. The observed value is 25. 1mm which is computed using gridded analysis of radiosonde observations during 1979-88 produced by A. Oort. ECHAM3 tends to overestimate the global mean net precipitable water by 0.37mm (-1.5%). The percentage of reduction in global mean W from ECHAM3 to ECHAM4 is 3.0%. The statistics may suggest that while the SLT scheme improves the advection of water vapor and cloud water, it loses water too. Please note that the SLR scheme is not inherently conservative. In ECHAM4, the mass conservation is enforced at every time step through a variational adjustment of the advected field which weights the amplitude of the adjustment in proportion to the advection tendencies and the field itself. 4.2 Precipitation Figures 4.5 to 4.8 show the annual mean distribution of total precipitation for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, observations of annual mean total precipitation from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) (Arkin and Xie, 1994; Xie and Arkin, 1996), and their corresponding zonal mean distribution. Generally, the two ECHAM T106 GCMs are capable of simulating the main precipitation patterns. The ITCZ, the SPCZ, and the extratropical storm tracks are well defined, though the ECHAM3 shows a persistent deficiency in simulating the SPCZ. The second maximum over midlatitudes is also clearly shown. Noteworthy are the very high values (~10 mm/d) simulated in both models over the equatorial regions in South America (Amazon region), Africa, Indonesia, and in the central Pacific Ocean. The corresponding precipitation over these regions in GPCP are smaller. So, both ECHAM T106 models show the tendency to overestimate the precipitation compared with observations over these regions. Furthermore, both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 GCMs appear to overestimate the precipitation in the Pacific ITCZ and the maritime area. The effects of continents and mountain ranges are clearly shown in the ECHAM GCMs: the precipitation over land tends to be distribute along the coast line and large mountain ranges. (Risbey and Stone, 1996). A striking difference in the distribution of precipitation between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 occurs over the equatorial Pacific Ocean. ECHAM3 shows the zonal dipole feature over that region, and the SPCZ in ECHAM3 is not well defined. The wet bias in the equatorial south Pacific Ocean is clearly shown in the zonal mean figure (Figure 4.7). The zonal mean precipitation in ECHAM3 shows a pronounced second maximum around 80 S, and a dry belt along the equator. This feature is absent in ECHAM4 and in observations. As we have discussed in the previous section, this wet bias in ECHAM3 may come from a deficiency in ECHAM3's water vapor advection scheme (the spectral transform scheme). The global mean total precipitation in ECHAM3 T106 is 2.90 mm/day, and 2.76 mm/day in ECHAM4 T106. According to Baumgartner and Reichel, the observed global mean precipitation is 2.70 mm/day. If we refer to the global mean precipitable water discussed in the previous subsection, the mean residual time of water vapor in the atmosphere is shorter in ECHAM3 T106 (- 8.75 days) than that in ECHAM4 T106 (- 8.96 days). Generally, ECHAM4 T106 has a better simulation of the precipitation rate. 4.3 Evaporation In Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10 we present the global distribution of model simulated annual mean evaporation. Because the evaporation rate depends on the incoming radiation, temperature, wind speed, humidity, stability of the atmosphere and the availability of water, among others, it is influenced by local conditions. The evaporation rate may be of little use in the large scale considerations. We show the figures here in an attempt to point out that, due to the overestimated surface absorbed shortwave radiation in the tropics and subtropics in ECHAM3, the evaporation in ECHAM3 over these regions is larger than that in ECHAM4. Figures 4.9 and 4.10 also show that the oceans undergo greater evaporation than continents, the maximum values occurring in regions of relatively warm temperature. 4.4 Band Mean P-E After considering the annual mean precipitation and evaporation fields separately, it is useful to compare them and to look at the annual mean net surface water flux P-E. Thus we present in Table4 a-c, the annual mean band mean precipitation, evaporation, and P-E for 100 latitude bands over land, ocean, and the globe. Also included in the table are the quantities according to Baumgartner and Reichel. The hydrological indices evaporation ratio E/ P and the runoff ratio (P-E)/P are calculated and reported in the table. The P-E values in the table show an excess of precipitation over evaporation at mid and high latitudes as well as in the equatorial zone between 100S and 100N globally, while a deficit of precipitation is found in the subtropics of each hemisphere between about 100and 40" latitude. Over land area, the models and observation all show an excess of precipitation over evaporation at each latitude band. On an annual mean basis, the excess (deficit) of precipitation in each of the latitude bands must be compensated by the net meridional divergence (convergence) of water in that band in the form of river outflow and land runoff over land or flow of water in the oceans. The runoff ratio (P-E)/P reflects the fraction of the precipitation that is involved in runoff. The values of the evaporation ratio E/P show clearly the aridity of the subtropical oceans with the ratios greater than 1, while this ratio is smaller than 1 over all land areas. It is also interesting to see the different role taken by land and ocean, and northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere in the hydrological cycle. Generally, P-E is always positive over land globally, reflecting the land as a sink of water; the ocean as a whole acts as a source of water as expected. Northern hemisphere has mean positive P-E values while the southern hemisphere has negative P-E. Thus, we are led to the conclusion that a flow of water in the liquid form must take place across the equator from the Northern hemisphere into the southern hemisphere. Table 4 a For Land (Unit: mm/year) Latitude P E D 80-90 0N 70-80 0N 60-70 0N 50-60 0N 40-50 0N 30-40 0N 20-30 0N 10-20 0N 0-10 0N 0-10 0S 10-20 0S 20-30 0S 30-400S 40-50 0S 50-60 0S 60-700S 70-80 0S 80-90 0S E/P D/P P E D P E/P D/P E D 218 72 422 136 704 304 680 429 469 363 445 332 510 317 774 547 1785 1065 19901116 1333 839 884 685 646 527 849 520 447 310 407 55 228 29 119 14 145 285 400 251 106 113 193 227 720 874 494 199 119 328 137 351 198 105 33 32 43 63 77 75 62 71 60 56 63 77 82 61 69 14 13 12 67 68 57 37 23 25 38 29 40 44 37 23 18 39 31 86 87 88 141 298 598 671 527 516 500 852 1542 1560 1095 769 647 975 523 352 188 74 38 94 290 437 415 398 343 613 959 1052 804 595 533 604 383 70 19 8 103 27 204 31 307 49 233 65 112 79 118 77 158 68 239 72 583 62 508 67 291 73 174 77 114 82 371 62 140 73 282 20 169 10 11 66 E/P D/P (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) band B &R ECHAM4 ECHAM3 73 69 51 35 21 23 32 28 38 33 27 23 18 38 27 80 90 89 67 213 428 577 535 534 611 846 1724 1956 1184 564 660 1302 993 429 173 73 37 81 201 318 380 412 366 624 1080 1166 890 476 495 388 388 60 33 12 30 132 227 259 155 122 245 222 644 790 294 88 165 914 605 369 140 61 55 38 47 55 71 77 60 74 63 60 75 84 75 30 39 14 19 16 45 62 53 45 29 23 40 26 37 40 25 16 25 70 61 86 81 84 North Hemi. 698 435 263 62 38 681 452 229 66 34 678 435 243 64 56 South Hemi. 993 599 394 60 40 823 562 261 68 32 888 572 316 64 55 Global 846 517 329 61 39 752 507 245 67 33 746 480 266 64 55 Annual mean latitude-band mean precipitation (P), evaporation (E) and P-E (D), the ratio E/P and ratio D/P for ECHAM3, ECHAM4 and observation. Table 4 b: For Ocean (Unit: mm/year) Latitude P E D 80-90 0N 70-80ON 60-70 0N 50-60 0N 40-50 0N 30-40 0N 20-30 0N 10-20 0N 0-10 0N 0-10 0S 10-20 0S 20-300S 30-40 0S 40-50 0S 50-600S 60-700S 70-80 0S 80-900S E/P D/P P E D 352 64 288 527 219 308 1027 592 435 1209 807 402 1141 889 253 1017 1482 -464 981 1841 -860 1648 1838 -189 19981505 493 1418 1513 -95 1185 1815 -630 798 1696 -898 922 1336 -415 943 814 128 1026 578 448 902 299 604 530 122 408 70 158 88 18 82 42 58 58 42 67 33 78 22 146 -46 188 -88 111 -12 75 25 107 -7 153 -53 213-113 145 -45 86 14 56 44 33 67 23 77 56 44 E/P D/P 220 238 17 385 147 238 876 461 415 1119 669 450 1129 803 326 983 1351-368 814 1696 -881 14201738 -318 21161424 692 14281490 -61 10291723 -694 794 1637 -842 910 1314 -403 1007 825 182 1018 527 491 787 250 537 333 419 86 64 125 61 7 93 38 62 53 47 60 40 71 29 137 -37 208-108 122 -22 67 33 104 -4 167 -67 206-106 144 -44 82 18 52 48 32 68 20 80 48 52 North9Hemi. 1341 11382 -41 103 -3 1265 1275 -10 101 -1 South Hemi. 1035 1220 -185 118 -18 Global P E D 1006 1180 -174 117 -17 1188 1301 -113 110 -10 j 1136 1228 -92 109 -9 E/P D/P (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) band B &R ECHAM4 ECHAM3 43 195 694 1203 1258 931 715 1211 1943 1273 1090 841 906 1124 1001 562 388 - 35 146 455 622 920 1388 1557 1528 1303 1433 1684 1556 1274 877 555 244 104 8 49 239 581 338 -457 -842 -317 640 -160 -594 -715 -368 247 446 318 284 - - 1160 1198 -38 19 81 75 25 66 34 52 48 27 73 149 -49 218-118 126 -26 67 33 113 -13 154 -55 185 -85 141 -40 78 22 55 45 43 57 27 73 - - 103 3 996 1160 -164 116 16 1066 1176 -100 110 9 Annual mean latitude-band mean precipitation (P), evaporation (E) and P-E (D), the ratio B/P and ratio D/P for BCHAM3, BCHAM4 and observation. Table 4 c: For Globe (Unit: mm/year) Latitude P E D 80-90 0N 70-80 0N 60-70 0N 50-60 0N 40-50 0N 30-40 0N 20-30N 10-20 0N 0-10 0N 0-100S 10-20 0S 20-30 0S 30-40 0S 40-50 0S 50-600S 60-70 0S 70-80 0S 80-900S E/P D/P P E D 346 68 491 188 803 394 909 594 804 631 774 993 807 1272 1427 1493 19381404 1548 1426 12201601 819 1463 893 1238 939 805 1025 578 873 288 359 64 130 25 278 303 410 315 174 -219 -466 -67 534 122 -381 -644 -346 135 448 585 295 105 80 20 62 38 51 49 34 65 21 78 128 -28 158 -58 -5 105 28 72 8 92 131 -31 179 -79 139 -39 14 86 44 56 67 33 82 18 81 19 P E/P D/P E D 232 354 683 865 827 784 698 1276 1980 1459 1045 790 881 1006 1018 769 286 85 9 91 22 211 125 229 35 65 343 339 50 50 62 38 538 327 614 213 74 26 121 -21 946 -161 1190-492 171 -71 113 -13 1439 -163 1317 663 67 33 4 96 1394 65 1521 -476 146 -46 1396-607 177 -77 1217-336 138 -38 19 817 188 81 48 528 490 52 68 242 526 32 84 44 241 16 81 19 69 16 1038 953 85 8 92 E/P D/P (% M%) (%%) (%M%) band B &R ECHAM4 ECHAM3 46 200 507 843 874 761 675 111 1885 143 110 777 875 112 100 549 230 73 10 36 126 74 276 231 447 396 640 234 971 -210 1110-435 128 -167 1250 635 1371 64 1507-398 1305-528 118 -306 862 266 553 450 229 320 54 176 61 12 990 897 73 78 63 54 53 73 128 164 115 66 96 136 168 135 76 55 42 23 16 22 37 46 47 27 -28 -64 -15 34 4 -36 -68 -35 24 45 58 77 84 92 8 North Hemi. 1090 1012 78 93 7 South Hemi. 1031 1104 -73 107 -7 976 1064 -88 109 -9 975 1048 -73 107 7 3 100 0 1007 1009 -2 101 0 973 973 0 0 Global 1061 1058 100 Annual mean latitude-band mean precipitation (P), evaporation (E) and P-E (D), the ratio E/P and ratio D/P for ECHAM3, ECHAM4 and observation. 4.5 River Runoff ECHAM GCMs' runoff is calculated in a bucket type surface hydrology scheme as the amount of water that exceeds the bucket depth in the surface water balance equation. It is a more sophisticated scheme than the simple bucket scheme (e.g. Manabe, 1969) with a statistical relationship that considers the heterogeneities in a gridbox and their effects on the soil saturation. In this section, a GISS river-runoff routine was used to calculate for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 GCMs the corresponding annual mean river flow of the world's major rivers, the land runoff not related to a river, and a comparison with others' studies. The GISS river model includes 44 major rivers, and runs at a 144 (longitude) x 90 (latitude) grid. The river runoff data in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 were interpolated linearly to the GISS grid. The comparisons of river runoff calculations are reported in Table 5 (see in page 102), where both observations and model calculations are included. Perry et al (1996) compiled an extended data set of river discharges including 981 rivers from approximately 49 sources including B & R data listed here. We will use it here as a reliable observational data set. The GRDC (Global Runoff Data Centre) dataset (1994) is a dataset of discharges for the 20 largest rivers based on observations at hydrological stations. The GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) data is the calculation based on 25 years (1965-1989) observational data from GFDL Atmospheric Circulation Tape Library by Cecelia Deluca (Master Thesis, MIT, 1996). Our calculation of river runoff for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 is presented in Table 5. When compared with Perry et al. (1996), both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 show some problems in reasonably simulating the global river runoff. Among the 44 rivers whose name can be identified in Perry et al. 1996, ECHAM3 overestimates the total runoff (=2.08 x 104 km3 / yr) while ECHAM4 underestimates it (=1.51 x 104 km3 /yr). The Perry et al. (1996) compiled observational value for these rivers is 1.68 x 104km3/yr. This may also suggest that there is water loss in ECHAM4 as we discussed in the precipitable water calculation. On the other hand, the underestimation in ECHAM4 may not come from the model itself, but rather come from the interpolation which smears out the gradient and reduces the peak values (Risbey and Stone, 1996). It is interesting to point out that, while many rivers (31) decrease their runoff from ECHAM3 T106 to ECHAM4 T106, there are still 13 rivers which increase their runoff in ECHAM4. These 13 rivers are all in the northern hemisphere, mainly in southern and southwestern Eurasia. 4.6 Atlantic Freshwater Fluxes Table 6a to 6c (in pages 103 -- 105) show the Atlantic freshwater budget due to its importance for forcing the oceanic circulation. Studies have suggested that oceans possess multiple equilibrium states with transients prompted by changes in oceanic freshwater budget (Marotzke et al. 1991). The change of freshwater input to the North Atlantic Ocean may induce abrupt climate change through the intensified or weakened thermohaline circulation (THC) (Manabe et al. 1995). The calculation of annual mean freshwater flux into the Atlantic Ocean is divided into three components: river runoff, land runoff which is the runoff from land not associated with any river basin, and the precipitation minus evaporation (i.e., net water flux) over the ocean surface. The results are listed in Tables 6a and 6b for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 respectively. The comparison of the calculation from the ECHAM models with B & R (1975), and GFDL (Cecelia's calculation) is presented in Table 6c. Our conclusion is that, at latitudes north of 40 0 N, the calculations of ECHAM GCMs are in fairly good agreement with other studies. Over other regions, the ECHAM models have problems in reasonably simulating the freshwater flux. Chapter 5 Summary Diagnostic studies of the MPI ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 AGCMs have been carried out and the analyses have been presented. The models' simulation of surface heat balance and surface hydrological forcing fields has been discussed. Their comparison with available observations has also been presented. For the purpose of assessing the model's behavior with the modifications from ECHAM3 to ECHAM4, some strengths and possible weaknesses in ECHAM4 T106 have been suggested. The main results are summarized as follows. - Surface absorbed shortwave radiative flux has been greatly improved in ECHAM4. This improvement comes from the improved radiative scheme and shortwave absorption calculation method applied in ECHAM4. ECHAM3 tends to overestimate the surface absorbed shortwave radiation up to 22.5W/m 2 when globally averaged, which stems from the model's overestimation of incident solar radiation at the surface. - The improved radiative scheme and improved longwave absorption by water vapor in ECHAM4 T106 improve the model's calculation of surface longwave upward radiative flux. ECHAM3 T106 tends to underestimate the surface longwave downward radiation by about 15.2W/m 2 . From the view of the net surface radiative flux, ECHAM3's overestimation of surface absorbed SW radiation is compensated by the underestimation of surface longwave downward radiation. This compensation feature is common in GCMs. - The overestimation of surface absorbed SW radiation is further compensated by the larger net surface latent heat (LH) flux in ECHAM3. The global mean imbalance of the net surface heat flux is 2.1 W/m2 in ECHAM4 and 3.7W/m2 in ECHAM3. ECHAM4 is "superior" to ECHAM3 in simulating the mean surface heat fluxes. A possible reason for the ECHAM3's deficiency in surface radiative fluxes is the models' underestimate of total cloud cover. - The analysis of the ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 implied total oceanic heat transport shows a larger heat transport in ECHAM3 than in ECHAM4 at almost every latitude. The difference between the two models is greater in the southern oceans than in the northern oceans. Comparison with other available analyses suggests that ECHAM3 T106 gives an upper bound while ECHAM4 T106 gives a lower bound for the calculation of the oceanic heat transport. - The "hybrid" oceanic heat transport proposed by Gleckler et al which includes the effect of errors in cloud radiative forcing for both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 models does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the large errors in the estimates of oceanic heat transport by AGCMs. Although this cloud radiative forcing correction scheme reconciles the ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 models, the corrected heat transport still suffers from a relatively large discrepancy with the available analyses. - The role of the ocean basins in meridional heat transport are very different. Generally, the Atlantic Ocean transports heat northward in both hemispheres. The Indo-Pacific Ocean transfers more heat poleward from the tropics in the southern hemisphere oceans than in the northern hemisphere oceans. The largest heat transport occurs at around 200 degrees latitude in both ocean basins and in both hemisphere. - The analysis of the oceanic heat transport with the interannual variations in the lower boundary conditions included and a lower horizontal resolution (T42) in ECHAM4 Gisst AGCM suggests that the total oceanic heat transport estimate for the northern hemisphere oceans is better while that for southern hemisphere oceans is worse. The ECHAM4 Gisst T42 oceanic heat transport estimate for the global ocean in the southern hemisphere lies outside the range set by ECHAM3 T106 and ECHAM4 T106. This estimate is highly inaccurate. For ocean basins, the estimate for the Atlantic Ocean is improved compared with the Trenberth analysis. For the Indo-Pacific, generally, the calculation and comparison suggest a worse result. ECHAM3 T106 shows a profound dry zone in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and a wet bias in the southern Pacific subtropics in its simulation of precipitable water and precipitation. These patterns are absent in ECHAM4. The advection scheme of water vapor and cloud water has been changed from spectral transform scheme to the SLT scheme in ECHAM4. The SLT scheme is not inherently conservative. We need to pay attention to mass conservation in ECHAM4 T106. - The calculation of 10-degree latitude band mean P-E shows that, the land area is a sink of water, and ocean is a source of water. The northern hemisphere, on an annual basis, is a sink of water while the Southern hemisphere is a source. There is a net transport of water in liquid form across the equator into the Southern hemisphere. - Both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 GCMs did not simulate the river runoff very well when compared to observations. This may be due to the models' inaccurate simulation of the precipitation distribution on the regional scale. In ECHAM4, most rivers reduce their runoff values from those in ECHAM3, while 30% (13 out of 44) rivers increase their runoff. The total runoff in ECHAM4 is smaller that in ECHAM3 and observations. ECHAM4 has the smaller departure from the observations. - The calculation of the Atlantic freshwater fluxes indicates that in both models the sim- ulations are in fairly good agreement with the observations at the latitudes north of 40 0N, i.e., in the northern North Atlantic. Over the total Atlantic ocean basin, neither ECHAM4 nor ECHAM3 gave a reasonable simulation of the freshwater budget. Chapter 6 References Arkin, P. A.,and P. Xie, 1994: The global precipitation climatology project: First algorithm intercomparison project, Bull. Amer. Meteor Soc, 75, 401-419. Baede, A.P.M., et al., 1979: Adiabatic formulation and organization of ECMWF's spectral model, ECMWF Tech. 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The calculations are presented in the figures from Figure A. 1 to Figure A.7 for the total heat flux, the net shortwave radiation, the downward longwave radiation, and latent heat flux. Our study suggests that, the incoming shortwave radiation, the downward longwave radiation and latent heat flux are the most important flux components that carry most of the total oceanic heat transport meridionally. (a) Annual Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM3 40 -5 100 100 -20 -0 -0 60 5 120 180 Longitude 240 300 360 Annual Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface (W/mf ECHAM4 (b) 80 - -0 -- O 6040 -201510 010 -40- 100~ -- 0 50 ---50- -60 -80 0 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 3630 Figure 3.2 Annual mean net radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T 106. Zonal Mean Annual Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM3 T1 06 -50 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Zonal Mean Annual Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 T1 06 -50 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.3 Annual mean zonal mean net radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. (a) Difference of Ocean Surface Net Radiation Flux ECHAM4-ECHAM3 80 60 40 20 -20 -40 -60 -80 60 (b) 120 180 Longitude 240 300 360 Diff. of Zonal Annual Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface (ECHAM4-ECHAM3) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.4 Difference of net radiation flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean respectively. Annual Absorbed Short-Wave flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM3 -20 -40 100 100 100 -60 -80 Izu S13u Longitude (b) Annual Absorbed Short-Wave flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM4 -20 -40 120 180 Longitude Figure 3.5 Annual mean absorbed short-wave radiation at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Zonal Mean Annual Absorbed Shortwave Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM3 T1 06 250 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Zonal Mean Annual Absorbed Shortwave Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 T106 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.6 Annual mean zonal mean absorbed short-wave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Difference of Ocean Surface Absorbed Short-Wave Flux ECHAM4-ECHAM3 (a) -4 -4 0 60 180 120 240 300 360 Longitude Diff. of Zonal Annual Absorbed Shortwave Flux at Ocean Surface (ECHAM4-ECHAM3) (b) 10 0* -1 0 . . . . . ... . . . . -200 -30 -40 -50 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.7 Difference of absorbed short-wave radiation flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean. Annual Downward Long-Wave flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM3 80 (a) 604 i TZU Longitude zou 300 Annual Downward Long-Wave flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM4 80 (b) 60 tju Longitude Figure 3.8 Annual mean downward longwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Zonal Mean Annual Downward Longwave Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM3 T1 06 E 250 - - - 100 - -. 150- 100 . 0 -80 -40 -60 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Zonal Mean Annual Downward Longwave Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 T106 450 (b) -- 400350 300 -CI E 250 - -- 100 - C - 50- 50- - 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.9 Annual mean zonal mean downward longwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. (a) Difference of Ocean Surface Downward Long-Wave Flux ECHAM4-ECHAM3 .I I 10 Longitude Diff. of Zonal Annual Downward Longwave Flux at Ocean Surface (ECHAM4-ECHAM3) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.10 Difference of downward long-wave radiation flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean. Annual Mean Planetary Albedo (%) (a) ECHAM3 T106 80 60 40 20 a> 0 - -20 -40 -60 -80 0 120 60 180 Longitude Annual Mean Planetary Albedo (%) (b) 240 300 360 Global mean: 33.35% ECHAM4 T1 06 80 60 40 4O 3 *o.3 20 -20 -40 -60 03 0. 4 0. ......... -80 1 eu I su 240 300 360 Longitude Global mean: 32.43% Figure 3.11 Annual mean planetary albedo for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. 0.8 0.7- 0.5 - . .. -. -- 0.3 -- 0.2- -80 I I -60 -40 I -20 0 Latitude 20 I 1 40 60 80 Annual Zonal Mean Planetary Albedo (%) ECHAM4 T106 0.8- (b) 0.6 -- 0.4 -- 0.3- 0.2- -80 I I -60 -40 I -20 0 Latitude 1 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.12 Annual mean zonal mean planetary albedo for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4. Difference of Annual Mean Planetary Albedo (ECHAM4 - ECHAM3) (a) 80- 60-*- 40 20 0.02 -20 o0 - -40-- -t -60 -0.05 -80 0ii 0 50 10 20 0 O 250 300 350 Longitude Difference of Annual Zonal Mean Planetary Albedo (ECHAM4-ECHAM3) (b) 0 .0 2 - - -.- -.- -.--.- --.- --.- - - - --.- - --.- -.. -.. . . . ..- . . -- .--.-.-. -.-.. .. . . --.- . --.-. .. -.-- - . -0.14 -0.12 -80 ~60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.13 Difference of planetary albedo between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T 106, for annual mean and zonal mean. Annual Mean Total Cloud Cover at Ocean Surface (%) ECHAM3 (a) C> -o 1zu L oU .5UU Longitude Annual Mean Total Cloud Cover at Ocean Surface (%) ECHAM4 (b) 804 604 120 180 Longitude 240 3o Figure 3.14 Annual mean total cloud cover over ocean for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. 360 Zonal Cloud Cover at Ocean Surface (%) ECHAM3 80 70 60 50 0 040 0 20 80 20 10 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 60 80 Latitude Zonal Cloud Cover at Ocean Surface (%) ECHAM4 80 70 60 50 - 8-0 040 0 05 30 20 10 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Latitude Figure 3.15 Annual mean zonal mean total cloud cover over ocean for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Difference of Annual Total Cloud Cover at Ocean Surface ECHAM4-ECHAM3 (a) 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 60 120 180 240 300 Longitude Difference of Zonal Ocean Surface Cloud Cover ECHAM4-ECHAM3 (b) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure 3.16 Difference of total cloud cover over ocean between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean. Figure 3.17 ISCCP-C2 8 year mean total cloud amount observation. Annual Latent (a) 60- 15 20 0D1 -20- 100 -100 9 -60 ADs 0 60 120 180 240 36 0 300 Longitude Annual Latent Heat Flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM4 (b) ~0 60 -50 -100 40 -- * soo -501 -50 -0 -80 0 -6 0 60 120 180 240 - 300 36 Longitude Figure 3.18 Annual mean latent heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Zonal Mean Annual Latent Heat Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM3 T1 06 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Zonal Mean Annual Latent Heat Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 T1 06 (b) Cj E §E L-i r-1 -1 -1 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.19 Annual mean zonal mean latent heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Difference of Ocean Surface latent Heat Flux ECHAM4-ECHAM3 (a) 60 m 0 *& o 60 120 240 180 300 360 Longitude 160 Duff, of Zonal Annual Latent Heat Flux at Ocean Surface (ECHAM4-ECHAM3) 14 (b) 0 - 8 -0 -- 4 - -- 8 - 12- 0 -8 - - - - -- -- - - - -- - -80 -60 -40 - - -3-6-0--- -- -- -- - .. . - -.. -20 - -- . -. 0 Latitude - -o-g- -....-.. -.-.. 20 - - 0 0 40 -t--e -.. -...-. ..-...-.. 60 80 Figure 3.20 Difference of latent heat flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean. Annual Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM3 0 60 120 180 240 300 Longitude Annual Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface (W/mA2) ECHAM4 120 180 Longitude Figure 3.21 Annual net heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 models. Annual Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM3 T106 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Annual Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 T106 -80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.22 Annual mean zonal mean net heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Difference of Ocean Surface Heat Flux ECHAM4-ECHAM3 (a) 0 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 360 Diff. of Zonal Annual Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface (ECHAM4-ECHAM3) (b) -10 -20 -30 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.23 Difference of net heat flux at ocean surface between ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106, for annual mean and zonal mean. 25-year Mean Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface(W/mA2) ECHAM4 Gisst -20 -40 -60 -80 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 360 Zonal 25 Year Mean Net Radiation Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 GISST (b) E -50 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.30 25 year mean net radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42 model, both annual mean and zonal mean. 25-year Mean Absorbed Shortwave Radiation at Ocean Surface(W/mA2) ECHAM4 Gisst (a) I I I I I 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 360 Zonal 25 Year Mean Absorbed Shortwave Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 GISST 250 (b) 200 ,150 1 LL 100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.31 25 year mean absorbed shortwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, both for annual mean and zonal mean. 25-year Mean Downward Longwave Radiation at Ocean Surface(W/mA2) ECHAM4 Gisst (a) 80~ 603035 40 0 20 40 0 -20 -40--60-- -80 60 0 120 240 180 Longitude 300 360 Zonal 25 Year Mean Downward Longwave Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 GISST 450 (b) 400 350 - - - - - -.- 300 ~250 - ---- 200 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.32 25 year mean downward longwave radiation flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, both for annual mean and zonal mean. 25 Year Mean Planetary Albedo (%) ECHAM4 Gisst -20 -40 -60 -80 60 0 120 240 180 Longitude 300 360 Global mean: 32.3% 25 Year Mean Zonal Mean Planetary Albedo (%) ECHAM4 Gisst 0.8 (b) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.33 25 year mean planetary albedo for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, both for annual mean and zonal mean. 25 Year Mean Global Total Cloud Cover (%) ECHAM4 Gisst (a) 80 60 40 20 -o 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 50 0 100 150 200 250 Longitude UU 35U Global mean: 59.63 Zonal 25 Year Mean Total Cloud Cover ECHAM4 GISST 1 (b) 0.9 0.8 0.7 o-0.6 a> 30.5 60.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.34 25 year mean total cloud cover for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, both for annual mean and zonal mean. 25-year Mean Latent Heat Flux at Ocean Surface(W/mA2) ECHAM4 Gisst (a) 8 6 4 2 CD -0 -2 -4 -6 -8 180 Longitude 120 60 0 300 240 360 Zonal 25 Year Mean Latent Heat Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 GISST (b) E -1 -15( -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.35 25 year mean latent heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, both for annual mean and zonal mean. 25 Year Mean Global Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface (w/mA2) ECHAM4 Gisst 80:: 60 40 20 0-20 -40-60-80 0 60 120 180 240 Longitude 300 36C Global mean: 0.14 W/mA2 Zonal 25 Year Mean Net Heat Flux at Ocean Surface ECHAM4 GISST 50 (b) 40 30 20 . . . . . --. ... . .. --. -----.....---... -- . ..... . . . . --------..... ---. .-..... --. . . . -.---.-.... . . . 10 . . . . ... . . -... . . . ... . . . ... .-- . .. . . . . . . . -... . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . .. . . . .... .-. .. . .. .. . .. .. . ...-.--.. . 10 - - - -. .. .. -.. ..- . -.--.-- -. . ... .. .. -- -. .---.- .-.-..- - -.-- -20 -30 -40 -50 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure 3.36 25 year mean net heat flux at ocean surface for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, both for annual mean and zonal mean. Surface LW downward (w/m2 ) Surface Absorbed SW (w/m2) 2001O 1 1 owl (a) I I I I (b) 173 164 142 0 14 mr 149 0 I 0 - | 0 Figure 3.37 Comparison of simulation of the global mean shortwave radiation flux absorbed at the surface (in (a)), and the downward longwave radiation flux at surface (in (b)) among AGCMs. Reference to Figure 2.1. Annual Oceanic Meridional Heat Transport 1.5 - i 0.5 0 0. ECHAM4 Gisst -1 -1.5 - - - ECHAM4 T106 - -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure 3.38 Annual mean meridional northward total oceanic heat transport for ECHAM4 Gisst T42 and ECHAM4 T106. 25 Year Mean Atmospheric Meridional Heat Transport -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure 3.39 25 year mean northward total atmospheric heat transport for ECHAM4 Gisst T42. Annual Heat Transport at the Top of Atmosphere - / ECHAM4 Gisst - ECHAM4 T106 - -60 -40 -20 ERBE Observation 1 I 1 0 20 40 I -80 - | 60 Latitude Figure 3.40 Annual mean total heat transport at the top of the atmosphere. Solid line is the 25 year mean for ECHAM4 Gisst T42, dashed line is for ECHAM4 T106, and dash-dotted line is for ERBE observation. "Hybrid" Oceanic Heat Transport of ECHAM4 Gisst -0.5 -1 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.41 Annual mean "Hybrid" oceanic heat transport for ECHAM4 Gisst T42 calculated from EABE observation. 100 - 25 Year Mean Oceanic Meridional Heat Transport Atlantic ECHAM4 Gisst (a) 00Co) C -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 25 Year Mean Oceanic Meridional Heat Transport Indo-Pacific 60 80 ECHAM4 Gisst (b) 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.42 25 year mean meridional northward oceanic heat transport for ocean basins: Atlantic Ocean and Indo-Pacific Ocean. 101 1 Table 5 River name Amazon Brahmaputra-Ganges Zaire (Congo) Danube Yenisey Fraser Magdalena Hsi Chiang (Xi) Indus Mackenzie Lena Mississippi Niger Ob Lapelled (Parana) Orinoco Irrawaddy St. Lawrence Yellow Yukon Mekong Columbia Amur Yangtze Zambesi Caspian Sea Elbe San Francisco Rio Grande Norton Indigirka Norwegian River Kolyma Loire Murray Nile Colorado Orange Rhine (Rhein) Severnaya Dvina Tigris Euphrates Volga Godavari Limpopo Comparison of River runoff calculations (Unit: km 3/year) ECHAM3 ECHAM4 8101 529 1497 81 571 207 529 239 50 282 531 344 546 456 1138 1268 253 187 95 310 633 322 147 1048 552 73 39 191 14 81 67 195 207 14 29 220 12 93 69 157 37 235 30 108 4006 582 1251 150 509 177 454 154 82 292 497 309 652 308 928 798 211 238 162 288 489 196 135 857 372 92 36 141 20 70 57 164 174 10 24 433 12 56 75 96 49 195 61 57 Perry et al (St.Dev.) 6001 1058 1268 198 571 112 228 299 189 281 507 507 172 396 510 963 418 356 42 199 462 232 317 898 128 (400) (109) (46) (4) (31) (7) (14) (59) (35) (33) (12) (65) (18) (17) (47) (119) (15) (46) (5) (17) (58) (14) (16) (111) (65) GRDC (t 6000 1120 1330 4901 1000 1269 565 558 4839 445 -42 -10 323 102 519 172 -376 206 349 120 -287 455 249 1404 187 83 -198 290 314 135 -24 772 279 -216 -11 -827 -65 112 10 110 69 39 -310 49 70 -289 -14 68 -524 291 -103 -132 395 615 915 440 330 267 524 464 35 394 516 980 258 250 500 294 350 1100 307 789 105 515 560 96 (11) 51 (3) 93 (23) 57 (24) 39 70 (2) 106 (3) 255 102 GFDL e. B &R (1058) (295) (636) (55) (119) (27) (109) (116) (128) (82) (109) (271) (213) (218) (714) (326) (112) (58) (78) (49) (214) (73) (182) (186) (231) (72) (17) (185) (55) (92) (27) (48) (45) (23) (154) (452) (72) (164) (33) (45) (165) (108) (181) (85) Table 6.a Atlantic Freshwater Fluxes (km3/year) (ECHAM3 T106) River Runoff Land Runoff Latitude ------------------------------------------------90 0.0 0.0 86 0.0 9.0 82 0.0 78 0.0 Total 89.4 89.4 279.7 288.7 40.0 452.3 492.3 65.5 670.2 735.7 2606.4 660.3 289.0 1657.1 74 Ocean P-E 85.7 941.3 399.8 70 455.8 66 156.6 175.7 610.2 62 276.1 216.4 608.3 942.5 1100.8 58 39.2 247.0 473.8 760.0 54 69.1 355.0 454.3 878.4 163.1 443.8 807.8 140.4 256.4 200.9 50 46 0.0 42 0-.0 84.2 396.8 -515.2 -431.0 4883.3 9609.1 -----------------------------------> 1871.0 2854.8 40 -----------------------------------38 0.0 34 0.0 357.5 30 90.7 -1177.1 -1086.4 10.1 -1577.3 -1209.7 37.1 -1677.7 -1640.6 -1279.3 26 0.0 22 0.0 144.7 -1424.0 18 0.0 191.9 -1169.0 0.0 10 545.8 6 8101.4 2 -977.1 . -635.6 328.3 1797.5 14 -853.9 -962.9 109.0 1490.2 918.0 959.4 1877.4 567.0 306.3 1419.1 289.8 -35.5 8355.7 -----------------------------------6095.2 -7393.4 2686.6 10802.0 40 to 0 ------------------------------------ 0.0 -6 -1625.5 -1955.3 329.8 270.0 -2231.8 -1770.6 -14 0.0 344.2 -2125.8 -1781.6 -18 0.0 186.1 -1950.0 -1763.9 -22 0.0 -1618.3 -1559.6 -1249.6 -1038.2 191.2 -10 92.9 -26 0.0 -30 1138.0 -34 0.0 -38 -40 1121.1 -848.1 471.6 1497.6 -2 to 118.5 132.1 -823.6 -955.7 94.3 -811.3 82.4 -253.4 421.0 -173.0 -8993.9 -14001.3 2087.7 2919.7 0 58.7 -----------------------------------339.6 404.8 745.9 877.3 910.8 932.4 9.4 857.5 866.9 0.0 0.0 873.8 873.8 -62 0.0 0.7 809.9 810.6 -66 0.0 0.0 653.0 653.0 -70 0.0 0.0 262.2 262.2 -74 0.0 0.0 -78 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.2 -82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -86 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -42 0.0 -46 0.0 -50 0.0 -54 0.0 -58 65.2 131.4 21.6 93.3 93.3 ------------------------------------90 to -40 to 0.0 -40 90 16576.5 228.3 6645.3 103 5547.2 -16511.1 5775.5 6710.7 Table 6.b Atlantic Freshwater Fluxes (km3/year) (ECHAM4 T106) Latitude River Runoff Land Runoff Ocean P-E Total 90 86 82 78 74 70 66 62 58 54 50 46 42 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1529.3 307.8 96.5 234.7 36.4 74.5 247.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 38.9 47.5 229.0 92.5 184.0 205.6 284.4 394.6 137.1 139.0 57.6 63.7 208.2 352.0 497.2 487.5 351.6 554.9 633.1 522.9 443.9 421.7 256.7 -461.7 63.7 216.1 390.9 544.7 2245.8 751.9 835.4 1073.4 843.7 913.0 806.5 395.7 -404.1 > 40 2526.9 1818.1 4331.7 8676.7 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 0.0 0.0 329.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1251.8 0.0 652.3 4006.4 46.5 46.1 15.5 46.1 104.0 151.6 531.7 987.5 408.6 152.6 -898.7 -1167.5 -1786.0 -2036.0 -1748.3 -1587.4 -1210.7 745.8 393.7 -141.2 -852.2 -1121.4 -1441.5 -1989.9 -1644.3 -1435.8 572.8 1733.3 1454.6 4017.8 0 to 40 6239.5 2490.2 -9436.3 -706.6 -2 -6 -10 -14 -18 -22 -26 -30 -34 -38 1251.4 0.0 141.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.8 0.0 928.4 0.0 97.6 91.5 143.7 222.9 189.4 48.2 155.5 141.4 62.0 89.2 -1088.0 -1721.3 -1889.7 -1802.7 -1660.3 -1397.1 -1054.7 -881.7 -758.9 -136.6 261.0 -1629.8 -1604.9 -1579.8 -1470.9 -1348.9 -843.4 -740.3 231.5 -47.4 2376.7 1241.4 -12391.0 -8772.9 -42 -46 -50 -54 -58 -62 -66 -70 -74 .-78 .- 82 -86 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.2 131.0 14.4 5.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 486.5 907.2 1044.6 922.9 828.0 667.3 499.0 196.1 64.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 569.7 1038.2 1059.0 928.7 828.0 667.7 499.0 196.1 64.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 -90 to -40 0.0 234.8 5617.2 5852.0 11143.1 10434.3 -17495.6 4081.8 -40 to 0 -40 to 90 104 Table 6 c: Comparison of calculation of Atlantic freshwater fluxes > 40 0 to 40 Runoff P-E Total Runoff -40 to 0 P-E Total Runoff -40 to 90 P-E Total Runoff P-E Total ECHAM3 4726 4883 9609 13489 -7393 6096 5007 -14001 -8994 23222 -16511 6711 ECHAM4 4345 4332 8677 8730 -707 3618 -12391 -8773 21577 -17496 4082 B &R 4634 2152 6786 6771 -19911 -13140 7357 -23816 -16459 18762 -41575 -22813 GFDL 5411 4650 10061 5951 -2340 -9436 -8291 -6740 -13139 -19880 4623 -16780 -12157 Precipitable water vapor (ECHAM 3) (mm) -0 O0- -20 - 34020 -40- -02 -60 -- - - -- -- - - - - - - 01 -80 O 60 120 180 240 300 Longitude Figure 4.1 Annual mean precipitable water vapor for ECHAM3 T106. Contour interval 5 mm. Precipitable water vapor (ECHAM 4) (mm) Longitude LOn Figure 4.2 Annual mean precipitable water vapor for ECHAM4 T106. 106 Annual mean zonal mean pecipitable water (mm) 45 36 30 . . . ........... . . . . . .... ......... ........... .... ... EC ... EC HA M 3: --So -60o 1 .. . .. . ECHAM 0 AM -4 -20 4: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.26E+16- 0 20 40 so s Latitude Figure and 4.3 Annual ECHAM4 mean T zonal mean precipitable water for both ECHAM3 106. Precipitable water (NVAP) Annual 1988-92 mean (mm) 90N 60N 30N 0 30S 60S- 90S0 30E 60E 1 1 1 T -I 90E 120E 150E 180 150W 120W 90W 60W TT* 30W r-r--1 - 0 P.....I....l 0 CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 Figure 4.4 NVAP analysis of annual mean precipitable water, with zonal mean. 107 30 so Total Precipitation (mm/d) (ECHAM3) -80 0 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 360 Figure 4.5 Annual mean total precipitation for ECHAM3 T106. Contour interval 2 mm/d. Total Precipitation (mm/d) (ECHAM4) 180 Longitude 240 300 Figure 4.6 Annual mean total precipitation for ECHAM4 T106. 108 360 Annual mean zonal mean precipitation (mm/d) 8 ECHAM3 ECHAM4 6 5 - - 4 .. 10 -- - - - -- -- - .. . . . . . . . - -80 --- - -60 - - - - - - - --- . . . . . ----- -40 -20 ---- --- -------- 0 Latitude 20 --- 40 - - 60 - -. 80 Figure 4.7 Annual mean zonal mean total precipitation for both ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. Precipitation (GPCP) Annual 1979-95 mean (mm-day1 ) 90N 60N 30N 0 30S 60S. 90S0 30E 60E 90E 120E 150E 180 150W 120W 90W 60W 30W 0 a CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 Figure 4.8 Annual mean total precipitation by Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) 109 4 a Annual mean evaporation (mm/d) (ECHAM3) Uizu i130 240 300 360 Longitude Global mean evaporation: 2.91 mm/d Figure 4.9 Annual mean evaporation for ECHAM3 T106. Contour interval 1 mm/d. Annual mean evaporation (mm/d) (ECHAM4) u Longitude 1g Global mean evaporation: 2.77 mm/d Figure 4.10 Annual mean evaporation for ECHA T106. 110 Moisture Flux (g/mA2 s) (ECHAM3) -20 -40 -60 -80 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 360 Figure 4.11 Annual mean global moisture flux for ECHAM3 T106. Moisture Flux (g/mA2 s) (ECHAM4) 0 60 120 180 Longitude 240 300 Figure 4.12 Annual mean global moisture flux for ECHAM4 T106. 360 Annual Mean Zonal Mean Moisture Flux U) 40 - E C,, 230 M 20 10- -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 80 60 Figure 4.13 Annual mean zonal mean moisture flux for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. 1 Annual Mean Moisture Transport x 109 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0~ -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure 4.14 Annual mean moisture transport for ECHAM3, ECHAM4 T106, and for Baumgartner & Reichel. (Calculated from Table 4 c, page 55) 112 Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 0 -20 20 40 60 80 Latitude Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 0 -20 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure A. 1 Difference of total heat transport in Atlantic Ocean and Indo-Pacific Ocean for ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106. 113 Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure A.2 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net shortwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Atlantic, with the corresponding difference. 114 Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -10- -15-20-25- -30-35-40 - -45-50 - -80 -60 -40 0 -20 20 40 60 80 Latitude Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -80 -60 -40 0 -20 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure A.3 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net shortwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Indo-Pacific, with their difference. 115 Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure A.4 Heat transport carried by ocean surface downward longwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Atlantic, with their difference. 116 Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) 0 -10-20E -30 -- --ECHAM 4 For Indo-Pacific -80- downward long wave -90 -100 - -80 -- -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) 0 -0.5 -- -2- (ECHAM4 - ECHAM3) For Indo-Pacific downward long wave -3- -3.51111 -80 -60 -40 0 -20 20 40 60 80 Latitude Figure A.5 Heat transport carried by ocean surface downward longwave radiation in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Indo-Pacific, with their difference. 117 MINK& Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 0 Latitude -20 20 40 60 80 Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 0 Latitude -20 20 40 60 80 Figure A.6 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net latent heat flux in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Atlantic, with their difference. 118 Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Diff. of Zonal Mean Annual Implied Oceanic Heat Transport (PW) -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Latitude 20 40 60 80 Figure A.7 Heat transport carried by ocean surface net laten heat flux in ECHAM3 and ECHAM4 T106 Indo-Pacific, with their differnece. 119