Brian G. Keating

Brian G. Keating
Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California San Diego
Professional Preparation:
Brown University: MS, 1995, PhD, 2000 (Physics)
Case Western Reserve University: BS, 1993 (Physics)
Co-Director, Joan & Irwin Jacobs Program in Astrophysics, 2013-2015
Sackler Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2014
Co-Director, Ax Center for Experimental Cosmology, 2011-present
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, 2009-present
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, 2004-2009
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Physics, California Institute of Technology, 2001-2004
Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University, 1999-2000
Awards and Honors:
2007 White House Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists & Engineers (PECASE)
2006 UCSD Hellman Faculty Fellow
2006 NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER Program)
2005 First Prize, Metanexus Institute “Amazing Light” C. Townes Symposium, UC Berkeley
(Worldwide Young Scholars Competition in honor of Charles H. Townes’ 90th birthday)
2000-2004 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow
1995-1999 NASA Graduate Student Research Fellow
Recent Publications:
1. “BICEP2 I: Detection Of B-mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales, BICEP2 Collaboration,
arXiv:1403.3985, (2014)
2. “A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-Mode Polarization Power Spectrum at SubDegree Scales with POLARBEAR”, The POLARBEAR Collaboration : Ade, P. Akiba, Y., Anthony,
A. Arnold, K., Atlas, M., Barron, D., Boettger, D., Borrill, J., Chapman, S., Chinone, Y., Dobbs,
M., Elleflot, T., Errard, J., Fabbian, G., Feng, C., Flanigan, D., Gilbert, A., Grainger, W., Halverson,
N., Hasegawa, M., Hattori, K., Hazumi, M., Holzapfel, W., Hori, Y., Howard, J., Hyland, P., Inoue,
Y., Jaehnig, G., Ja↵e, A., Keating, B., Kermish, Z., Keskitalo, R., Kisner, T., Le Jeune, M., Lee,
A., Leitch, E., Linder, E., Lungu, M., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T., Meng, X., Miller, N., Morii, H.,
Moyerman, S., Myers, M., Navaroli, M., Nishino, H., Paar, H., Peloton, J., Poletti, D., Quealy, E.,
Rebeiz, G., Reichardt, C., Richards, P., Ross, C., Schanning, I., Schenck, D., Sherwin, B., Shimizu,
A., Shimmin, C., Shimon, M., Siritanasak, P., Smecher, G., Spieler, H., Stebor, N., Steinbach, B.,
Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Takakura, S., Tomaru, T., Wilson, B., Yadav, A., Zahn, O., arXiv:1403.2369,
Submitted to Astrophysical Journal (2014)
3. “Evidence for Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization from Crosscorrelation with the Cosmic Infrared Background” The POLARBEAR Collaboration : Ade, P. Akiba,
Y., Anthony, A. Arnold, K., Atlas, M., Barron, D., Boettger, D., Borrill, J., Chapman, S., Chinone,
Y., Dobbs, M., Elleflot, T., Errard, J., Fabbian, G., Feng, C., Flanigan, D., Gilbert, A., Grainger, W.,
Halverson, N., Hasegawa, M., Hattori, K., Hazumi, M., Holzapfel, W., Hori, Y., Howard, J., Hyland,
P., Inoue, Y., Jaehnig, G., Ja↵e, A., Keating, B., Kermish, Z., Keskitalo, R., Kisner, T., Le Jeune, M.,
Lee, A., Leitch, E., Linder, E., Lungu, M., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T., Meng, X., Miller, N., Morii,
H., Moyerman, S., Myers, M., Navaroli, M., Nishino, H., Paar, H., Peloton, J., Poletti, D., Quealy, E.,
Rebeiz, G., Reichardt, C., Richards, P., Ross, C., Schanning, I., Schenck, D., Sherwin, B., Shimizu,
A., Shimmin, C., Shimon, M., Siritanasak, P., Smecher, G., Spieler, H., Stebor, N., Steinbach, B.,
Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Takakura, S., Tomaru, T., Wilson, B., Yadav, A., Zahn, O., arXiv:1312.6645,
Phys. Rev. Letters (2014)
4. “Gravitational Lensing of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization” The POLARBEAR Collaboration : Ade, P. Akiba, Y., Anthony, A. Arnold, K., Atlas, M., Barron, D., Boettger, D., Borrill, J.,
Chapman, S., Chinone, Y., Dobbs, M., Elleflot, T., Errard, J., Fabbian, G., Feng, C., Flanigan, D.,
Gilbert, A., Grainger, W., Halverson, N., Hasegawa, M., Hattori, K., Hazumi, M., Holzapfel, W., Hori,
Y., Howard, J., Hyland, P., Inoue, Y., Jaehnig, G., Ja↵e, A., Keating, B., Kermish, Z., Keskitalo, R.,
Kisner, T., Le Jeune, M., Lee, A., Leitch, E., Linder, E., Lungu, M., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T.,
Meng, X., Miller, N., Morii, H., Moyerman, S., Myers, M., Navaroli, M., Nishino, H., Paar, H., Peloton,
J., Poletti, D., Quealy, E., Rebeiz, G., Reichardt, C., Richards, P., Ross, C., Schanning, I., Schenck, D.,
Sherwin, B., Shimizu, A., Shimmin, C., Shimon, M., Siritanasak, P., Smecher, G., Spieler, H., Stebor,
N., Steinbach, B., Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Takakura, S., Tomaru, T., Wilson, B., Yadav, A., Zahn,
O., arXiv:1312.6646, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters (2013)
5. “Degree-Scale CMB Polarization Measurements from Three Years of BICEP Data” Barkats, D., Aikin,
R., Bischo↵, C., Buder, I., Kaufman, J., Keating, B., Kovac, J., Su, M., Ade, P., Battle, J., Bierman,
E., Bock, J., Chiang, H., Dowell, C. D., Duband, L., Filippini, J., Hivon, E., Holzapfel, W. L., Hristov,
V., Jones, W., Kuo, C., Leitch, E., Mason, P., Matsumura, T., Nguyen, H., Ponthieu, N., Pryke,
C., Richter, S., Rocha, G., Sheehy, C., Kernasovskiy, S., Takahashi, Y. D., Tolan, J., Yoon, K. W.,
Astrophysical Journal vol. 783, 67 (2014)
6. Keating, B., S. Moyerman, D. Boettger, J. Edwards, G. Fuller, F. Matsuda, N. Miller, H. Paar, G.
Rebeiz, I. Schanning, M. Shimon, N. Stebor, K. Arnold, D. Flanigan, W. Holzapfel, J. Howard, Z.
Kermish, A. Lee, M. Lungu, M. Myers, H. Nishino, R. O’Brient, E. Quealy, C. Reichardt, P. Richards,
C. Shimmin, B. Steinbach, A. Suzuki, O. Zahn, J. Borrill, C. Cantalupo, E. Kisner, E. Linder, M.
Sholl, H. Spieler, A. Anthony, N. Halverson, J. Errard, G. Fabbian, M. Le Jeune, R. Stompor, A.
Ja↵e, D. O’Dea, Y. Chinone, M. Hasegawa, M. Hazumi, T. Matsumura, H. Morii, A. Shimizu, T.
Tomaru, P. Hyland, M. Dobbs, P. Ade, W. Grainger, C. Tucker “Ultra High Energy Cosmology with
POLARBEAR” Proceedings of the APS Division of Particles and Fields, ,astro-ph:1110.2101, (2011)
7. Feng, C., Keating, B., Paar H., and Zahn O. “Reconstruction of Gravitational Lensing Using WMAP
7-Year Data”, PRD vol.85 043513 (2012)
8. Smith, K., Cooray, A., Das, S., Dor, O., Hanson, D., Hirata, C., Kaplinghat, M., Keating, B.; LoVerde,
M., Miller, N., Rocha, G., Shimon, M., Zahn, O., “CMBPol Mission Concept Study: Gravitational
Lensing”,astro-ph:0811.3916, (2008)
9. Chiang, H.C., Ade, P., Barkats, D., Battle, J., Bierman, E., Bock, J., Dowell, C., Duband, L., Hivon,
E., Holzapfel, W., Hristov, V., Jones, W., Keating, B., Kovac, J., Kuo, C. L., Lange, A., Leitch, E.,
Mason, P. V., Matsumura, T., Nguyen, H., Ponthieu, N., Pryke, C., Richter, S., Rocha, G., Sheehy,
C., Takahashi, Y., Tolan, J., Yoon, K., “Measurements of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
Power Spectra from Two Years of BICEP Data”, ApJ, vol. 711, 2, (2010)
10. “BICEP2 and Keck Array Operational Overview and Status of Observations”, Ogburn, R., Ade, P.,
Aikin, R., Amiri, M., Benton, S., Bischo↵, C., Bock, J., Bonetti, J., Brevik, J., Bullock, E., Burger, B.,
Davis, G., Dowell, C., Duband,, L., Filippini, J., Fliescher, S., Golwala, S., Gordon, M., Halpern, M.,
Hasselfield, M., Hilton, G., Hristov, V., Hui, H., Irwin, K., Kaufman, J., Keating, B., Kernasovskiy,
S., Kovac, J., Kuo, C., Leitch, E., Lueker, M., Montroy, T., Netterfield, C., Nguyen, H., O’Brient, R.,
Orlando, A., Pryke, C., Reintsema, C., Richter, S., Ruhl, J. E., Runyan, M., Schwarz, R., Sheehy, C.,
Staniszewski, Z., Sudiwala, R., Teply, G., Thompson, K., Tolan, J., Turner, A. D., Vieregg, A., Wiebe,
D., Wilson, P., Wong, C., Proceedings of the SPIE, arXiv;1208.0638, (2012)
Other Significant Publications:
1. Barron, D., et al. “The POLARBEAR Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiment,”
J ournal of Low Temperature Physics, (January 2014)
2. Keating, B., Shimon, M., and Yadav, A. “Self-Calibration of CMB Polarization Experiments”. Astrophysical Journal Letters vol. 762, L23 (2013).
3. “Self-Calibration of BICEP1 Three-Year Data and Constraints on Astrophysical Polarization Rotation”, Kaufman, J., Miller, N., Shimon, M., Barkats, D., Bischo↵, C., Buder, I., Keating, B., Kovac,
J., Aikin, R., Ade, P., Battle, J., Bierman, E., Bock, J., Chiang, H., Dowell, C., Duband, L., Filippini,
J., Hivon, E., Holzapfel, W., Hristov, V., Jones, W., Kuo, C., Leitch, E., Mason, P., Matsumura, T.,
Nguyen, H., Ponthieu, N., Pryke, C., Richter, S., Rocha, G., Sheehy, C., Su, M., Kernasovskiy, S.,
Takahashi, Y., Tolan, J., Yoon, K., accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, 2 013arXiv.7877 (2013)
4. Suzuki, A., et al. “The POLARBEAR-2 Polarization Experiment,” J ournal of Low Temperature
Physics (February 2014)
5. Suzuki, A. and Keating, B. “Multi–chronic Dual-Polarization Bolometric Detectors for Studies of the
Cosmic Microwave Background,” J ournal of Low Temperature Physics, (January 2014)
6. Abazajian, K. N., et al. “Neutrino Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale
Structure,” 2 013arXiv1309.5383A (2013)
7. Abazajian, K. N., and Keating, B. “Inflation Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background and
Large Scale Structure,” 2 013arXiv1309.5381A (2013)
8. Yadav, A., Shimon, M., Keating, B., “Revealing cosmic rotation”, Phys. Rev. D., vol. 86, 8, (2012)
Graduate & Postdoctoral Advisors: Graduate advisor: Peter Timbie, (Brown), Postdoctoral advisors:
Andrew Lange (Caltech) and Sarah Church (Stanford).
Graduate Advisees: Current: Darcy Barron, Tucker Ellefot, Chang Feng, Jon Kaufman, Frederick Matsuda, Martin Navaroli, Praween Siritanasak. Former: Evan Bierman (Sempra Energy, Ph.D. 2011), Stephanie
Moyerman (Intel, Ph.D. 2013), Nathan Miller (NASA Goddard Postdoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. 2011),
Postdoctoral Advisees: Nathan Stebor, Amit Yadav. Former: Tom Renbarger (Foothill College), Meir
Shimon (Tel Aviv U,), Kam Arnold (UCSD, Research Scientist), Angiola Orlando (UCSD, Research Scientist)
Synergistic Activities
1. Outreach presentations to over 2150 Kindergarten-12th grade students (1994-2014).
2. Developed Low Frequency Radio telescope for education and Public Outreach (TRITON-Cam).
3. Board Member: Math for America, San Diego (2006-Present).
4. Board Member: San Diego Air & Space Museum
5. Trustee of the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath)
Technology Transfer:
United States Patent & Trademark Office Patent #7,501,909: Keating, B. and Lange, A., “A Wide-Bandwidth
Polarization Modulator for Microwave & MM-Wavelengths” (2009)
Provisional Patent # 12/259,672: Keating, B. “Wide-band Microwave Phase Shifter ” (2010)
Provisional Patent # 61/814,029: Moyerman, S. and Keating, B.. “Atomic Layer Deposition Method for
Superconducting Tunnel Junction Fabrication” (2013)
Collaborators and Co-editors:
Member of the BICEP1, BICEP2, CIBER, POLARBEAR1, POLARBEAR2 & Simons Array Collaborations
Collaborators: Ade, P. (Cardi↵), Aikin, R.(MIT), Akiba, Y.(KEK), Amblard, A.(CIT), Anthony, A.E.
(Colorado), Arnold, K. (UCSD), Barkats, D. (ALMA), Barron, D. (UCSD), Battle, J.O. (JPL), Bierman,
E.M. (UCSD), Bischo↵, C. (Harvard), Bock, J.J. (CIT/JPL), Boettger, D. (UCSD), Borrill, J. (LBNL),
Buder, I. (Harvard), Chapman, S. (Dalhousie), Chiang, H. C. (Kwazula), Chinone, Y. (UCB), Cooray, A.,
Culverhouse, T. (CIT), Dobbs, M. (McGill), Dowell, D. (CIT), Duband, L., Elleflot, T. (UCSD), Errard,
J. (UCB/LBNL), Fabbian, G., Feng, C. (UCSD), Filippini, J.(CIT), Flanigan, D. (Columbia), Gear, W.
(Cardi↵), Gilbert, A. (McGill), Grainger, W. (Cardi↵), Halpern, M. (UBC), Halverson, N.W. (Colorado),
Hasegawa, M. (KEK), Hattori, K. (UCB/KEK), Hazumi, M. (KEK), Hivon, E.F., Holzapfel, W.(UCB), Hori,
Y. (KEK), Howard, J., Hristov, V. (CIT), Hyland, P. (Austin), Inoue, Y. (KEK), Jaehnig, G.C. (Colorado),
Ja↵e, A. (Imperial), Jones, W.C. (Princeton), Kaufman, J.P.(UCSD), Kermish, Z. (Princeton), Kernasovkiy,
S.S. (Stanford), Keskitalo, R. (UCB/LBNL), Kisner, J.M., Kovac, J. (Harvard), Kuo, C. (Stanford), Le
Jeune, M. (APC), Lee, A. (UCB), Leitch, E.(CIT/Chicago), Linder, E.(UCB/LBNL), Lungu, M., Mason,
P.(CIT), Matsuda, F. (UCSD), Matsumoto, T. (JAXA), Matsumura, T. (KEK), Meng, X. (UCB), Miller,
N.J. (NASA/Goddard), Morii, H. (KEK), Moyerman, S. (UCSD), Myers, M.J. (UCB), Navaroli, M. (UCSD),
Nishino, H.(IPMU), Nguyen, H. (JPL), Orlando, A. (UCSD), Paar, H. (UCSD), Peloton, J. (APC), Polnarev,
A.(Queen Mary), Ponthieu, N. (APC), Pryke, C. (Minnesota), Quealy, E (UCB)., Rebeiz, G. (UCSD), Reichardt, C.L. (Melbourne), Richards, P.L. (UCB), Richter, S. (Harvard), Rocha, G. (CIT/JPL), Ross, C.
(Dalhousie), Schanning, I. (UCSD), Schenck, D.E. (Colorado), Sheehy, C. (Chicago), Sherwin, B. (UCB),
Shimizu, A.(KEK), Shimmin, C. (UCI), Shimon, M.(Tel Aviv U), Siritanasak, P. (UCSD), Smecher, G.
(McGill), Spieler, H. (UCB), Stebor, N. (UCSD), Steinbach, B. (UCB), Stompor, R. (APC), Su, M. (Harvard), Suzuki, A. (UCB), Takahashi, Y.D. (UCB), Takakura, S. (KEK), Tolan, J.E. (Stanford), Tomaru,
T. (KEK), Tucker, G. (Brown), Vieregg, A. (Chicago), Wilson, B. (UCSD), Yadav, A. (UCSD), Yoon, K.
(Stanford), Zahn, O. (UCB) Co-editors: none