tional endowment.The endowmentand economic potential for each cost category is calculated.Technical reviewsof each area or property assessed reasonablyguaranteesthe (Blanchfield, repeatability of the assessments 1980). T. McLemore, byVirginia Geologist, NewMexico Bureau ol Mines andMineral Resources, NM New Mexicoincludesparts of four resource Socorro, regions and all or part of 22 topographic A function of the Department of Energy's are used in calculating the forward-cost cate- quadranglesat a scaleof l:250,000(fig.2). (DOE) National Uranium Resource Evaluagories. Cost categories do not represent the Most of the reservesand production from price at which the estimated resources would tion (NURE) program is to estimate the uraNew Mexico are from the Colorado Plateau nium resources of the United States. These be sold becauseexpenditures prior to reserve resourceregion.New Mexicocontainsapproxestimates are based on geological analogy of calculations (such as land acquisition, ex- imately 50 percentof the $30 reservesin the ploration, mine and mill development, profit, an unproductive area or environment with a United States,amountingto 338,500tons of productive or well defined ore deposit. This cost of money, and marketing) are not inUrO' (table 1). The Grantsuraniumregionin procedure involves a very large data base of cluded in calculating forward costs. Stressing the Colorado Plateaucontains22 percentof both known ore deposits and of favorable that the forward costs used in calculating cost the total resources(cumulative production, geologic areas or environments believed to categories include only those capital and $50 reserves,and potential resources)in the contain ore deposits. The Atomic Energy operating costs, in 1980 dollars, which have United States,amountingto 890,000tons of Commission (AEC), the Energy Resources not yet been incurred is important. In most U,O, (DOE, 1980b).Seventy-twofavorable and Development Administration (ERDA), situations, in today's dollars, forward costs areasare found in New Mexico (table 2) and and now the DOE have been accumulating are roughly one-half the actual price (neglect- are found in eachof the four resourceregions such a data base for over 30 yrs. In 1974, ing inflation) needed to sell U'O' at a profit (fie. 2). Many of the 72 propertiesor favorNURE was given the task of obtaining more (Cheney,1981). able areasin table 2 overlapin location bedata in the form of aerial radiometric and The estimation of potential uranium recauseof proprietorshipor different geologic magnetic surveys (ARMS) and hydrogeochemsources involves a complex methodology de- environments,resulting in only 32 areas ical and stream-sediment reconnaissance vised by the DOE (1980b) and Blanchfield shownin fig. l. Many of the favorableareas (HSSR) surveys for each l:250,000-scale l" (1980) and is only summarized in this report. coincide with areasof previously known urax 20 topographic quadrangle in the United The United States is divided into 13 resource nium production or uranium occurrences States. Specialstudies ofuranium deposits not regions by the DOE on the basis of geologic (Chenoweth,1976). Uranium resources in NewMexicoprogram discussion oftheNURE yet exploited in the United States are included as part of the data-gathering process. Finally, each quadrangle was to be fully evaluated and assessedfor uranium resources. The assessment and evaluation of the accumulated NURE data for the entire United States is described and summarized in a report by the DOE (1980b), from which most of the information for this summary is taken. The ARMS and HSSR surveys for all 22 quadrangles in New Mexico are completed, although not all of the reports are yet available from DOE (appendix l). Only l0 quadrangles in New Mexico are fully assessedand evaluated; three additional quadrangles will be released in 1982. Six of the HSSR reports include concentrations of 42 additional elements. Uranium resourcesare defined by the DOE (1980b) as the sum of known uranium reserves and estimated potential uranium resources. Reservesare known quantities of uranium ore, defined by direct measurementsof known deposits; potential resourcesare the quantities of uranium believed to be present in areas of known uranium production or in areas of favorable geologic settings or formations of undiscovered deposits. Potential resources are divided into three classes-probable, possible, and speculative(fig. l). Reservesand potential resourcesare divided into selected maximum forward-cost categories ($30, $50, and $100 per lb of U,O,) to cover current economic conditions. Estimated operating and capital costs not yet incurred Reserves (Defined by direct sampling) = Potential resources lncompletely defined or undiscovered t t t Probable Possible Speculative FIGURE 1-DsnrNrrron November l98l and physiographic characteristics. Favorable areas are defined in each of the 13 resource regions as promising geologic environments that could contain significant resources of uranium at a minimum grade of 0.01 percent U.O, to a depth of 5,000 ft. Each favorable area is classified as probable, possible, or speculative by the final evaluation team, depending on the location and type of information available for each area. Thus, a promising geologic environment for a particular area possibly was not assessed. The amounts of uranium that theoretically could be produced from an ore deposit for each cost category ($30, S50, $100 per lb of UrO') are estimated using engineeringand cost modeling and probability theory. The endowment is an estimate of the amou,nt of all uranium-bearing material above a cutoff grade of 0.01 percent UrOr postulated to occur in a favorable area to a depth of 5,000 ft and is calculated using the following equation: u. = A'F'T'G, where Q is the conditional uranium endowment in tons, A is the projected surface area of the favorable area in sq mi, F is the fraction of A that is underlain by endowment, T is the tons of endowed rock per sq mi within A ' F, and G is the averagegrade of endowment. To account for the uncertainty of the existenceof uranium deposits in the favorable area, the conditional endowment (U.) is multiplied by a probability factor, Po, which is estimated or derived by the original evaluation team or principal investigator, resulting in uncondi- New Mexico Geology oF RESoURcECLASSES. Uranium resources rN Nnw MExIco as REsERVES TABLE l-Unerruv or JeNurnv l, 1980(from DOE' 1980a). Tonsore Percenl U'O. $30/lb 225,7@,000 0 . 1 3 $50/lb 482,400,0m 0.09 $100/lb 670.500,000 0.08 Tons u,o. 338,500 448,7W 5r2,300 Percenl aoaal No. of ploperlies U.S. resres 520/o 480/0 46qo l4O l8l 183 and potentialresources Most of the reserves (table 3) are found in the Colorado Plateau region (fig. 2) according to the DOE's assessments.Existing uranium deposits and potential uranium resourcesoccur mainly in Mesozoichost rocks of fluvial sandstones, (table4). Uramudstones,and conglomerates niferous limestones(Todilto Limestone)and tignites (MenefeeFormation) also are present in this region. Accordingto the DOE's calculations, the most favorablehost rocks in the NewMexicoportion of the SanJuan Basinincludethe Morrison, the Chinle,and the Baca Formations;all threeare potentialstratiform deposits. sandstone The Morrison Formation consistsof four order)-the SaltWash, members(in ascending Recapture,WestwaterCanyon, and Brushy BasinMembers(fig. 3). The thick sandstones of the WestwaterCanyon Member contain largeuranium depositsin the Ambrosia Lake and Gallup areas.The greenmudstonesand claystoneswith interbeddedsandstones(includingthe JackpileBed)of the BrushyBasin Member containuranium depositsin the Laguna and Smith Lake areas.The Salt Wash Member consistsof interbeddedmudstones and containsuranium and fluvial sandstones deposits in the Carrizo and Chuska Mounof the RecaptureMemberin tains. Sandstones the Chuska Mountains also have produced uranium ore. The Morrison Formation also containsuraniumdepositsnearSanYsidro. 1977), although the DOE has not included theseareasin their assessment. The Basin and Rangeresourceregion (fig. 2) is oneof the most geologicallydiverseareas in the United States.This regionis characterized by fault blocks forming mountainsand valleysthat containrocks of many types and ages.In New Mexico, probable,possible,and speculativepotential uranium resourcesare present(tables 2 and 3). According to the DOE, potential uranium resourcesoccur as and contact-metasohydrothermal-magmatic matic veinsin the Madera Limestone,Popotosa Formation, Precambriangranitic rocks, and YesoFormation(table4). Roll-typesandstonedeposits(GalisteoFormation)and uraniferouslimestonedeposits(YatesFormation) alsoarepostulatedas occurringwithin this resourceregion(table4). A small areain the CaballoMountains(A, fig. 2) is identifiedby the DOE (1980b,fig. l3) as beinga speculativepotentialresourcearea, but the DOE doesnot includean assessment report on the area. The Caballo Mountains contains area, near Truth or Consequences, numerous uranium occurrencesin Precambrian rocks and the Abo (Permian), Mesaverde(UpperCretaceous), and McRae(Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary)Formations (Templain and Dotterrer,1978).The Thurmanand Palm Park Formations (Tertiary) were considered as hosts for speculativepotential uranium depositsby the DOE in 1979(DOE, 1979). Uranium- and thorium-bearing syenites (Staatzandothers,1965)and radioactivefault and shearzoneswithin granitic rocks (Templain and Dotterrer, 1978)occur in the Precambrianterrain. Radioactivityis associated with copper mineralsin the red beds of the Approximoleboundoryof resourceregion (potentiol Abo Formation, similar to many radioactive resource oreosos definedby DOE tl98Ob, fis. 131) red-beddepositsthroughoutthe southwestern United States(Gibson,1952).The unassessed Probobleond possiblepotenliol uroniumresources area specificallyidentifiedby the DOE coin! cideswith the outcrop of the Mesaverdeand pofenliol resources [3 Specutotive McRae Formations in the Cutter sag area (Kelley,1955).Bushnell(1955,p. 85) menI A r e o s h o w no n D O E m o p ( l 9 8 O b , f i g . l 3 ) , b u t f o r whichno ossessmenl reporl wosincluded tions reddish sandstonesin the uppermost bedsof the MesaverdeGroup unconformably overlainby the McRae Formation. The uraTopogrophicquodronglescoveringNew Mexico in theseformationsmay be nium occurrences similar to those found in the Red Basinarea, "*.?:"%'"r""?r',:1"r-'".:hodedoreosrererro Catron and Socorro Counties (Chamberlin, FIGURE 2-Rssounce REcIoNs AND FAVoRABLEAREASoF uRANruM porENTrAL RESouRcEsrN Nsw MExrco. l98l). This area probably will be dropped Numbered areas refer to approximate locations of potential uranium resource areas included in table 2. from future assessments by the DOE (J. A. Each area was located based on Chenoweth's (1976) map, becauseDOE did not give exact locations for personalcommunication,l98l). Olsen, each area. Also note that only 32 numbered areas appear above whereas 72 favorable areas are listed in Speculativepotential resourcesare postutable 2-a result of different proprietorship or stratigraphic unit. lated by the DOE as occurringin the Great The fluvial sandstonesof the Chinle and and Magdalena,althoughno DOE assessment Plainsand SouthernRocky Mountain (SouthBaca Formationsare consideredby the DOE report has beenmade for theseareas.These ern Rockiesof NURE) regionsof New Mexico to contain possibleand speculativepotential widespread occurrences aremost likely related (table3). The GreatPlainsregionis characteruranium resources.The Chinle Formation is to a regionalunconformitythat wasburiedby izedby a thick sequence of Paleozoicsedimenexposedalong the southernrim of the Colo- the BacaFormation(Chamberlin,l98l). tary rocks overlain by continentalsediments rado Plateauwhile the BacaFormationis exOther favorablehost rocks assessed by the derived from the Rocky Mountains (Laraposedin the Red Basin area near Datil (fig. DOE in the Colorado Plateauregion include mide). The SouthernRocky Mountain region 2). The Red Basin uranium depositwas pre- roll-typedepositsin the Burro CanyonForma- in New Mexico includesl-aramideuplifts, exviously assignedto the baseof the BacaFor- tion (Jurassic-Cretaceous) and the Ojo Alamo posinga Precambrianterrain cut by Tertiary mation (Bachmanand others, 1957) and is Sandstone(Tertiary) and sandstonedeposits intrusives.and basinsof the Rio Granderift now considered by Chamberlin(1981)to occur in the Dakota Sandstone(Cretaceous).The filled with sedimentaryand volcanic rocks. in an oxidized and bleached(weathered)zone Fruitland Formation (Cretaceous)northwest Potentialuraniumresourcesoccuras roll-type in the top of the CrevasseCanyonFormation ofFarmington hasproduceduranium ore and or stratiform sandstonedeposits in both (Cretaceous). Uranium anomaliesin a similar the SanJoseFormationin Rio Arriba and San regions(table 2) and occur in arkosic sandoxidizedzone are exposednorth of Quemado Juan Countiescontainsuranium (Chenoweth, 'G New Mexico Geology November l98l 55 >l =l a .v^ E ss E i ! ; ? e; 3 e € E zzE5a 3 ae.ea :gsts ata: ta a at zzziEi=zzlzz o 5h e- &22= ! l E g;;i5aEai35ii5i;e;5g3;eeg;e€3l5 ;;::ssxsi iaEsff i=g;*alfia*ffu55! "l f: II 5l FI iiiS Ha5s'nqeilssE€€+= = a R R = 5i:i3qnp:5' :3i 5$: 3$q-+ 9EH: ! 5*5i : iBT.q ds r -l d @ o g=S3$3:RS 9S I 38 6 r:==eee=3===ee!8e:1Eg::qe;;iq:l:Eq:qiq:;iq::E:=l:E:€iq:? = 6r 9?2 .=rY - EOO -Acd h = d 6 d - o = r q € O C h € o a - 6 6 o - N d E Q - ?L .l N 6 € O 6 6 0 0 6 6 d a { r r t s h 9 9 1'?a'1't'r'1a:"r':r':^:':^i-\'li{1i^t^i{i1^ii-i^i'iriid-i-ia-1'111"1'la'la"l'l'l 2Ye qa+,B3spFFgFSHFA$FSHARH: $RI6 . iFr : F Eg$.{*.8q:,q ; : RngnEd! e: EFi RE*.$ 6i - - - etet.ivt'd6{;.i.i +{+{{{t-iF:vijnioir:+oiE :qO=v 96Q I -l -l - c r r d r r 6 o € € o d h @ Q 9 { @ o o 6 { r d r n € r r d F g o F : F j i i : - - - - o o o 6 F oc 9 @ r d $ 6 t 6 6 o :1 o h @ h 6 ! 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EEs s ss E i s ss sI ggE3E ,gqt s9 t I ; ; l 9 l gE ;s : s : ! : ! ; * * t g : E E ? ? . 8 : ? ?i ;?i i E , Fr96, 62 r i3E i!Es€sgE EEs!EEgi i igi3F 3BU L)Q(J ;€ ll (.) >6 O -l I O 3 a i1 Ntra e+fi E5q s-- ati0rj ;t5i6 * ;, 4 CI -Fggt-EiEiE#-ez 4R , F i u i:-tt;EE , ,F =,$ E i E! ! i9 _E 4!!i!i;;;;t!eS EFfsi!ErziI!!re e;I!eaEFFaE 5;gi!eE $Eeg; 3;;eei se;;cf z ^o xz ? d< -o-rh€F@d=::reXFRsEg.S€Se;fr 981 d d o - € 6 n d o € New Mexico Geology - d - - s r - € od Ec t F i* ciCri xrl ;l zl f rc e G F F p F F F B ; s B E D s s S s S S S E g = i i 3 = = : 3 € F B ,a N 2 (J el F< u6 < z f E,? 1> F 4 + F . ! e E . E t t E r + E s s; r t;rt dd 56 O .2a !'- T E-E F p,9 .9 E.e ( 5 d 8 ( 5 8 8 dE , 5, 5 c 5 C I 6 d i < 6> ts F 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. g 5 g 9, 9. 9. 9. l aP x c^o Y ,lI I E EE ,=o =6=d E E E E € C €= €. = = E E E E E E E EE E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E F e. C i . E . E . E . E . E . E " E " . E . E . E . E ".= q E E . E .eEa.E €€ = =" -8 " 0 .. q IEE 'a==-a=-=i==r'=5-iii: 6 6 ' 3 6 6 ' 16 ' 5 ' 3 iagsaF 6a66,h,5ao; 6; 6; 6s,r,66aaaaaasaaJ:aaaas,zsa3as,ssaaEaJaaiaasaaa o < 6 - - r s h i < - o F € - d r € 6 * { @ - @ ! € € € N 6 d : = 9 R F S F FRI a :l -l *lI ^ l some uranium deposits may have been inadequately evaluated or completely overlooked. Local problems such as rugged topography, lack of accessroads, and uncooperative landowners hampered field investigations' Not all of the geology in some quadrangles has been or if mapping has been completed, mapped BYPoRESoURCES TABLE 3-PoreNrre.l URANIUM the geology and structure of the area still may (from table2). rENrrALcLASS be poorly understood. Subsurface data in No, of Msn tons of Uros many quadrangles is incomplete. At times the propertres $50/tb $100/lb assessed $30,/lb Potential class ARMS and HSSR surveys were not completed Colorado Plateau in time for the final evaluation (for example, 20 492,179 probable 15 , 5 6 1 31 , 5 0 5 the Gallup and St. Johns quadrangles)...Some 22,031 312,483 34 possible 10,045 2 lo2 1,763 50 speculative of the HSSR data does not indicate from JO 861,025 53,6U 2s,656 total which aquifers or formations well-water samBasin and Range ples were taken. t 399 6,529 probable 185 40 2 Since the assessmentsare based on geologic 3 196 t2,4lo 402 speculailve analogy of promising environments with 6 r 8,979 1 ,r9 8 589 total known deposits, an understanding of the Great Plains probable promising environments and the known depossible posits must be achieved. Genetic models and 9 5,449 81,431 2,958 sPeculative 9 5,449 81.431 2,958 total favorability criteria, based on known uranium Southern Rocky Mountains deposits, have been subjectively employed to probable possible indicate favorable environments for uranium I 296 3,448 246 speculative deposits. Abrupt truncations of favorable I 296 3,448 246 rotal areas at quadrangle boundaries (DOE, 1980b, 60,587 970,883 12 29,M9 Total New Mexico 499,308 2l probable t5,146 3 l,904 fig. l3) illustrate the subjectivity involved in possible 10,047 22,040 312,523 36 delineating favorable areas. Thus, an area t5 6,643 99,052 3,656 lv€ may fit the model or favorability criteria, yet the probability of a uranium deposit occuring IN New Mrxrco gv Hosr RocK (from table 2). TABLE 4-PorENrrAL URANIUMRESouRcES within this favorable environment may be Mean tons of U,O. low. Such may be the case for the Sangre de No. of $r00/lb $30/lb Deposilclass $50rb Properties Cristo Formation in the Great Plains region of Age Formation/hosl New Mexico. Reid and others (1980) consider crLoRADo PLATEAU 2t,770 46,ffi6 765,061 stratiform Juassic the Sangre de Cristo Formation to be a favorWestwater Canyon Sandstone Member' 26,338 1 , 0 8 3 I,980 stratiform Tilassic Chinle Formation able environment for roll-type uranium depos15,299 1,205 802 stratiform Jurassic Jackpile Bed' 8,369 its. However, no broad areas of reduced rock 149 603 stra!iform Eocene Baca Formation 8,896 550 291 roll-type Jurassic-Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation have yet been delineated in this formation. 9,121 695 438 Jurassic straiiform Salt wash Member' 'to4 Other areas in New Mexico contain favorable 10,479 392 stratiform Jurassic Recapture Member' l0 1 1, 4 1 5 1,Ol5 442 limestone Jurassic Todi.lto Li.mestone geologic environments for uranium deposits I 1 , 4 71 45 89 roll'type Tertiary Ojo Alamo Sandstone but because models are lacking or the probI , 4 1 0 44 8 7 9ndstone Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone 3,078 50 lignite Cretaceous ability of uranium deposits occurring is low or Menefee Fotmation' cannot be measured, these areas are not inBASIN AND RANCE cluded in DOE assessments.One area, the I I,136 7t3 310 hydrothermal-magmatic Pennsylvanian Madera Limestone 6,529 185 399 roll-type Eocene Galisteo Formation Costilla Peak massif in the Raton quadrangle 1,094 73 29 Precambrian contact-metasomanc Granite Precmbrian (Reid and others, 1980), was shifted from a fa180 19 3 Permian lim€stone Yates Formation 331 2 vorable to an unfavorable area classification hydrothermal-magmatic Tertiary Popotosa Formation 3 hydrothermal-magmatic Permian Yeso Formation becausegeologic data was insufficient to compare with available models. Gnenr PrnIns '17,210 2,8t1 5 , 1 6 8 roll-type Since the DOE's original purpose of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Sangre de Cristo Formation 2,521 164 99 stratiform Jurassic Motrison Formation program was to provide an estimate of NURE r,694 42 il1 Triassic stra!iform Chinle Formation the uranium resources in the United States, SoUTHERN ROCXY MOUNTAINS many of the calculations and assessmentsmay I,448 246 Pennsylvanian-Permian stratiform Sangre de Cristo Formation not represent actual economic conditions. The 'Morrison Formation DOE's assessmentsinclude all favorable en'Mesaverde Group vironments to a depth of 5,000 ft. The DOE assessmentreports include ore distribution at rN NEw Mnxrco AND THE UNIrno Srarns according to TABLE S-DrsrnrnurroN oF uRANruMRESouRcES various depths; many of New Mexico's favorDOE. Reservecalculations are from DOE, 1980a; probable, possible,and speculativecalculations for New able uranium resources(listed in table 2) are at Mexico are from table 2 (this report) and for total United Statesare from DOE, 1980b. depths greater than 2,500 ft. The DOE assessmentreports also indicate the endowment for various probabilities of Resources Reserves uranium exceedinga certain amount. This disSpeculative Possible Probable tribution is often several orders of magnitude; $50 $100 however, only the mean endowment is given in $50 $100 $30 $ 5 0 s100 $30 $30 $50 $100 s30 99 table 2. The distribution function for eco6 22 373 499 10 l6 32 449 512 339 New Mexico nomic potential also is given in the reports and Total orders of magni696 varies from zero to several 82 641 1,005 3 l l 645 936 1,r22 885 r,426 2,080 346 United States tude-only the mean is given in table 2. New Mexico as Another problem of the DOE assessmentsis percent of that the uranium deposits are classified,,in 1 4 1 4 1 . 3 J I 4 3.4 2.9 1.8 2.2 48 46 52 total stones and siltstones of the Sangre de Cristo, Morrison, and Chinle Formations (table 4). Table 3 shows the potential uranium resources by potential class and table 4 by the host rock. Most of the probable potential re- sourcesin New Mexico are found in the Colorado Plateau, although some probable potential resources occur in the Basin and Range region. Only speculative potential resources are found in the Great Plains and Southern Rocky Mountain regions. Most of the potential uranium resources in New Mexico are found in sandstone deposits in the Colorado Plateau, although limestone, lignite, hydrothermal-magmatic, and contact-metasomatic depositsdo occur. While the majority of the United States' potential resources are in Phanerozoic sandstones, some of the world's largest uranium deposits are found in Precambrian host rocks (both granitic and metamorphic). However' most of the NURE project emphasized Phanerozoic sandstone and volcanic deposits' In New Mexico, many isolated exposuresof Precambrian rocks were classified as "unevaluated." Detailed geologic mapping and detailed ARMS and HSSR surveys are neededto fully evaluate the Precambrian rocks in New Mexico. Other problems are apparent with the DOE study. The assessmentof l' x 2o quadrangles involves a\arge amount of territory to be evaluated in a relatively short period of time and New Mexico GeologY November l98l 57 Mountains area. west-centralNew Mexico (abstract): Albuquerque, New Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists,Rocky Mountain Section, April D A K O T AS A N D S T O N l98l E FORMATION Cheney,E. S., 1981,The hunt for giant uraniumdeposits: v. 69, no. |, p. 37-48 AmericanScientist, Jockpile Sondslone of New MexChenoweth,W.L.,1916, Uraniumresources B r u s h yB o s i n M e m b e r ico. n Tectonicsand mineral resourcesof southwestern BrushyBosin Member North America: New Mexico Geological Society, Spec. P u b .N o . 6 ,p . 1 3 8 - 1 4 3 M O R R I S O N Weslwoter Conyon Member -, 1977, Uranium in the San Juan Basin---anoverF O R M A T IO N view: New Mexico GeologicalSociety, Guidebook 28th (400-900 fr) Soll Wosh lrlember field conference,p. 257-262 Recoplure Member of somered bed copper Gibson, R., 1952,Reconnaissance depositsin the southwesternUnited States:U.S. Atomic EnergyCommission,Open-fileRept. RMO-890, 78 p. J U N C T I O NC R E E K S A N D S T O N E COW SPRINGS SANDSTONE Kelley,V. C., 1955,Geologicmap of the SierraCounty ( o - 3 5 0f r ) region, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook6th field conference,2 sheets,scaleI inch : S U M M E R V I L L EF O R M A T I O N 1 . 8 5m i ( 2 0 - I O Of r ) Molenaar,C. M., 1977,San Juan Basintime stratigraphic nomenclaturechart: New Mexico Geological Society, FIGURE 3-Srnerlcr,cpHlc NoMENcLATuns op Uppsn Junassrc-l-owrnCnrrnceous RocKSrNrsr SnN p. xii Cuidebook28thfieldconference, JueNBnsrN(Molenaar,1977).Thicknesses areshownin ft measurement. L. C., and Lessard, Reid,B. 8., Griswold,G. B., Jacobsen, R H., 1980, National Uranium ResourceEvaluation, part, according to their genesisor origin need further evaluation and exploration. FiNew Mexicoand Colorado:U.S. DeRatonquadrangle, (DOE, 1980b,appendixB). This type of classi- nally, the DOE has accumulated a large partmentof Energy,Open-fileRept.GJQ-005(80), 83 p. fication requires a prior knowledgeof the amount of new data (including HSSR and Staatz,M. H., Adams,J. w., and Conklin, N. M., 1965, Thorium-bearing microcline-rich rocks in the southern genesisor origin of the uranium deposit, ARMS studies) that still needs to be evaluated CaballoMountains,SierraCounty, New Mexico: U.S. which in many casesis not alwaysclear or is with incorporation of available geologic data. GeologicalSurvey,Prof. Paper525-D,p. D48-D5l sometimesbasedon an investigator'sinterAcrNowLEpcMENrs-R. M. Chamberlin Templain,C. J., and Dotterrer,F. 8., 1978,Preliminary study of the uranium favorability of the Jornada del pretation or speculation.In many areas of and F. E. Kottlowski are acknowledged for Muerto Basin and adjacent areas, south-central New uranium deposits,remobilizationof uranium their discussion and criticism of this manuMexico: U.S. Departmentof Energy, Open-fileRept. by meteoricwaters,which tendsto concealthe script. GJBX-8O(78),22 p. U.S. Departmentof Energy, 1979,National uraniurnreorigin of the initial mineralization,has ocReferences sourceevaluation,interim report: Open-file Rept. GJOcurred. I I l ( 7 9 ) ,1 3 7p chman, G. O., Baltz, E. H, and Griggs, R L., 1957, In spite of shortcomings,the DOE assess- B aReconnaissance -, 1980a,statisticaldata of the uraniumindusrry: of geology and uranium occurrences of ments and evaluationsprovide a gross estiOpen-fileRept. GJO- 100(80),9a p. the upper Alamosa Creek valley, Catron County, New -, 1980b,An assessment report on uranium in the mateof the uraniumresources Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Rept. TEIin areasof preUnitedStatesof America:Open-fileRept.GJO-l I l(80), 521 viously known uranium occurrencesin New 150p. Blanchfield, D. M., 1980, Methodology for uranium ren Mexico (table S O UT H N ORTH 5). DOE estimatesconfirm that the San Juan Basinremainsone of the most favorable areas for uranium exploration in New Mexico, eventhough other smaller depositsdo occur in the state.This study (DOE, 1980b)and the individual quadrangleevaluation reports(appendixl) indicateareasthat source estimates and reliability: Grand Junction, Colorado, Uranium Industry Seminar, U.S Department of Energy, October 1980 Bushnell, H. P., 1955, Mesozoicstratigraphy of south- central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 6th field conference, p. 8l-87 Chamberlin, R. M., 1981, Unconformity-related uranium deposits in Late Cretaceous sandstones in the Datil Appendix NewMexico's minerals I Avelleslp NURE queoneNclE REpoRrs (DOE oeeN-nrlE npponrs); these reports are available at the NMBMMR in Socorro, NM, and the U.S. DOE in Grand Junction, CO. Preliminary reports for pubtic inspection are denoted by an asteriskr. Quadrangle Albuquerque Aztec Brownfield Carlsbad Clifton Clovis Dalhart Douglas El Paso Ft. Sumner Gallup Hobbs Las Cruces Raton Roswell SantaFe Shiprock SilverCity Socorro St. Johns Tucumcari Tularosa 58 November l98l HSSR ARMS Folio GJBX-145(79),2r('t7) cJBX-129(78) cJBX-103(78),60(76) GJBX-l l6(79) GJBX-6s(80) GJBX-33(76) PGJ-016(80)* PGJ-012(80)* GJBX-69(78) GJBX-6e(78), GJBX-23(79) (1e82) cJBX-207(80) GJBX-69(78),GJBX-244(81) cJBX-46(80) GJBX-69(78), GJBX-23(79) PGJ-081(81)* (l e82) GJBX-21(77) cJBX-186(80) GJBX-103(78) GJBX-l l6(79) cJBX-228(80) PCJ-013(80)* GJBX-138(78) GJBX-e(80) GJQ-005(80) cJBx-197(80),2l(77) cJBX-143(80) GJBX-69(78) PGJ-021(80X PGJ-024(80)* (1982) GJBX-12(81),2l(77) GJBX- 191(80),69(78),23(8l) GJBX-9(80) GJBX-l l6(79) GJBX-69(78), GJBX-23(79) GJBX-163(79) GJBX-126(79) PCJ-068(81)+ PGJ-011(80)* GJBX-104(78) GJBX-67(79) PCJ-004(80)* New Mexico Geology FluonrrE, CeFr. Cooxn's Prlx urNtNc otsrnrcr, LuNl CouNTY,New Mnxrco 4 isometric Hardness: Crystal system: Cleavage: { ll I } perfect Specific gravity: 3. I 8 Color: varies greatly; most commonly purple, blue, green, and yellow Fluorite also occurs as colorless, pink, white, rose, and brown. Specimen pictured is green with purple at the intersection of the crystal faces. Specimen pictured:25 x 7 cm Fluorite is a common mineral found throughout New Mexico. It is commonly associated in hydrothermal deposits with barite, galena, quartz, gypsum, sphalerite, calcite, and dolomite. Fluorite also is found in pegmatites associated with feldspar, quartz, and garnet. The name comes from the Latin "fluere," to flow, because fluorite melts more easily than other minerals that may otherwise be confused with it. The specimen pictured has octahedral crystals up to I inch (2.5 mm) on a side. The specimen was collected in 1980 by Dick Jones of Dick Jones Mineral Company from a new find of fine fluorite specimens. Photo by K. S. Rider