THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONVECTIVE INSTABILITY DURING SESAME, 1979 by Frank Parker Colby, Jr. B.S., M.S., University of Michigan (1976) Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology (1979) Submitted to the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February, c Mas-s-a=chuset.ts 1983 Institute of Technology, 1983 Signature of Aut.ho-r Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography. 6 January 1983 Certified by Snders, Frede Accepted Thesis Supervisor by Ronald G. Prinn, Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Undgreh MASL STITUTE MAR 22 1983 I IRAARIR PAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT OF CONVECTIVE INSTABILITY DURING SESAME, 1979 by FRANK PARKER COLBY, JR. Submitted to the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography on 25 January 1979 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctorate in Philosophy ABSTRACT Convection in t-he Central United States is assumed to require the presence of convective instability and a triggering mechanism to release the instability. Often, a stable layer caps the PBL, preventing or delaying the release of convective instability. The development of both convective instability and convective inhibition (from the stable layer) is studied with data from three cases from the SESAME field project of 1979. The cases are: 19-20 April, 9-10 May. 6-7 June. The data are analyzed and both convective instability and inhibition are quantified. A one-dimensional thermodynamic model which includes radiation, a surface energy balance, and routines to predict soil and boundary layer characteristics is used as a tool to understand the imp-ortant physical factors involved in the development o-f convective instability and inhibition. The results show that some convective instability was present before dawn in all three cases. The boundary layer heating during the day added to the initial instability. Soil moisture, clouds, and changes in atmospheric structure above the PBL were all important Pactors controlling the PBL evolution. The modelled convective instability grew during the day as a result oF the boundary layer heating. Increased soil moisture sometimes exerted a positive influence on the growth of instability, but in other cases limited the growth by keeping the PBL from heating and deepening. Clouds gene-rally reduced. the convective instability growth, but in the June case, clouds had the opposite effect. The influence of changes above the PBL was stronger on the reduction o- convective inhibition than on the growtn of convective instability. For these cases, the inPluence on the growth of convective instability from changes above the PBL was stronger than the presence of clouds or the increase of soil moisture, but all o these Factors were able to modify the development of convective instability and inhibition. I. PAGE 3 The results of the modelling and the observations show that the convection occurred where and when the inhibition was reduced to low values. The convection began when the available forcing was sufficient to overcome the remaining inhibition. Therefore, the forecasting of convective outbreaks requires the ability to measure and predict the convective inhibition within the larger region of cbnvective instability. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Frederick Sanders Professor of Meteorology PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Abstract PAGE ........................................... Table of Contents ............................... List of Figures ................................. L ist of Tables ........ 1. Introduc-tion 2. Model ............ ............. 15 ................................ Introduction ............. Atmospheric Structure... Conceptual Model Run .... Radiation ................ A. Incident Radiation . IR Emission ......... B. 2.5 Radiation Data Comparison Surface Energy Balance .. 2.6 A. Sensible and Latent Hea B. Soil Heat Flux ..... 2.7 Ground Variables ........ 2. - Boundary Layer Variables 2.9 PBL Temperature and Moist ure 2.10 Initialization Procedure 2.11 Sensitivity Tests ....... A. TBAR Test .......... B. VS Test ............ C. WMAX and GWB Test .. D. GWO Test ........... 2.12 Comparison Runs ......... 2.13 Model Comparison Summary Tables for Chapter 2 ......... Figures for Chapter 2 ........ 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 ... • ... .. 3. 19 April Case St-udy I: 3.1 Introduction ...... Synoptic Analysis . 3.2 Mesoscale Analysis 3.3 3.4. Soundings ......... 3.5 Hybrid Modelling .. Summary ........... 3.6 lables for Chapter 3 ... Figures for Chapter 3 14 . ° • es ... • ... • 27 28 29 30 30 32 34 36 36 38 38 40 42 42 44 46 46 48 50 51 54 57 61 74 74 75 76 80 98 104 111 PAGE 5 4. 5. 6. Case Study II: 9 May 4. 1 Introduction ........ 4.2 Synoptic Analisis. ...... 4. 3 Mesoscale Analysis ........... 4.4 Soundings ....... 4.5 21 GMT Modelling ... ........ 4. 6 Summary for 21 GMT Modelling 4. 7 23 GMT Modelling ............ 4.8 Summary for 23 GMT Modelling Tables for Chapter 4 ............. Figures for Chapter 4 ............ 145 145 146 151 155 165 168 172 177 183 Case Study III: 6 June 5. 1 Introduction ...... 5.2 Synoptic Analysis 5. 3 Mesoscale Analysis 5.4 Soundings ......... 5. 5 Hybrid Modelling .. 5. 6 Summary ........... Tables for Chapter 5 ... Figures for Chapter 5 225 225 226 230 237 243 247 250 Conclusions ........... .. 280 of of of of of 290 295 298 300 304 Appendices 7. 1 Derivation 7.2 Derivation 7.3 Derivation 7.4 Derivation 7.5 Derivation References Radiation Parameterization ... Ekman Layer Similarity Equations Soil Heat Flux Parameterization Ground Variable Equations .... Inversion Equations .......... .................. ............ Acknowledgements ............................ ..... 305 ..... 309 PAGE 6 LIST OF FIGURES 2. 1 Q.2 2.3 Schematic diagram of model atmosphere. 61 .Comparison of model net radiation and soil fluxes with observations and modelling by Wetzei (1978) for O'Neill day number 2. 62 Comparison of model IR cooling rates with of Rogers and Walshaw (1966). calculations 62 2. 4 Comparison of model IR cooling rates with calculations of Brooks. (1950), Elsasser (1942), and ECMWF (1979). 63 2.5 Model IR cooling rates coverages. 2.6 Schematic diagram illustrating process of finding new PBL potential temperature from new inversion 65 calculations. 2. 7 Schematic diagram showing process of A~ from initial sounding. 2.8 2. 9 2. 10 2. 11 2. 12 only for cloud layer of variable 64 initialization of 66 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from O'Neill, Nebraska at 1200 GMT. Time variation model run. of pressure level Net radiation and sensible heat model run. Time variation run. Latent run. heat and of PBL top 67 for standard 67 fluxes for standard 68 of PBL mixing ratio for standard model 68 soil heat fluxes for standard model 69 2. 13 Time variation of ground temperature and temperature for standard model run. 2.14 Comparison of model sensible heat flux with observations and modelling by Wetzel (1978) day number 2. heat surface layer 69 flux with 2. 15 Comparison of model latent for O'Neill day number 2. 2.16 Comparison of model output and observed temperature for O'Neill sounding. for O'Neill 70 observations 70 ground 71 PAGE 7 2. 17 2. 18 2. 19 2.20 2.21 Comparison of.model output and observed temperature for O'Neill sounding. surface layer Comparison of model output and for O'Neill sounding. growth of PBL observed 71 72 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from, initial sounding from Barnard (1977). 72 Comparison of Barnard's (1977) model output with present model output for PBL moisture at 0700 LST. 73 Comparison of Barnard's (1977) model output with present model output for PBL moisture at 1000 LST. 73 3. 1 Map of SESAME region showing sounding stations in April, and two surface observation stations mentioned later in the text. 111 3.2 500 mb analysis for 3.3 500 mb 3.4 Synoptic-scale analysis for 12 GMT, 19 April. 114 3.5 Synoptic-scale analysis for 00 GMT, 20 April. 115 3.6 Photo.of low-elevation angle radar screen display at Garden City, Kansas, 2102 GMT, 19 April. 116 Photo of low-elevation angle radar screen display at Garden City, Kansas, 2122 GMT, 19 April. 116 3.7 19 April. 112 analysis-for 00 GMT, 20 April. 113 12 GMT, 3.8 Photo of low-elevation angle radar screen display at 117 Garden City, Kansas, 2140 GMT, 19 April. 3.9 Photo of low-elevation angle radar screen display at Garden City, Kansas, 2200 GMT, 19 April. 117 3. 10 Mesoscale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 19 April. 118 3. 11 Mesoscale surface analysis for 16 GMT, 19 April. 119 3. 12 Visible satellite 3. 13 Mesoscale surface analysis for 21 GMT, 19 April. 121 3. 14 Mesoscale surface analysis for 22 GMT, 19 April. 122 3. 15 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Dodge City, Kansas for 1115 GMI, 19 April. 123 3. 16 Sounding plotted photo for 1601 OMT, 19 April. on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from 120 PAGE 8 Dodge City, 3. 17 Kansas for 1415 GMT, 19 April. 123 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Dodge City, Kansas for 1715 GMT, 19 April. 124 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Dodge City, Kansas for 2015 GMT, 19 April. 124 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Goodland, Kansas for 1124 GMT, 19 April. 125 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Goodlandi, Kansas for 2007 GMT, 19 April. 125 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from model output for 20 GMT from GLD initial sounding. 126 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Concordia, Kansas for 1108 GMT, 19 April. 126 Sounding plotted om a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Concordia, Kansas for 2008 GMT, 19 April. 127 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from model output for 20 GMT from CNK initial sounding. 127 3. 25 Change in surface potential GMT to 22 GMT, 19 April. 12 128 3.26 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for initial h.gbrid sounding at 11 GMT, 19 April. 129 3.27 Map 130 3.28 Time variation of model output for HYB sounding, 19 April, 50-50 soil parameters with no extra factors. 131 Time variation of model output for HYB sounding, April, 50-50 soil parameters with morning clouds imposed. 19 132 Time variation of model output For CNK sounding, April, 70-80 soil parameters with no clouds. 19 3. 18 3. 19 3. 20 3. 21 3. 22 3. 23 3. 24 3. 29 3. 30 3. 31 3. 32 3. 33 of rainfall in Kansas on temperature and dewpoint 18 April. 133 Time variation of model output for CNK sounding, 19 April, 70-80 soil parameters with "all day" clouds. 134 Portion of sounding data from Dodge Citu, Kansas plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for ii GMT and GMT, 19 April. 14 135 Time -variation of model output for HYB sounding, 19 April, 50-50 soil parameters with inversion changes PAGE 9 imposed. 136 3.34 Time variation of model output for. HYB sounding, 19 April, 50-50. soil parameters with DDC and inversion 13"7 changes imposed. 3.35- Time vari'ation oF model output for HYB sounding, 19 April, 50-50 soil parameters with GLD and inversion 138 changes imposed. 3.36 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for model output for 21 GMT from HYB initial sounding with GLD 139 and inversion changes imposed 3.37 Time variation of model output for HYB sounding, 19 April, 50-50 soil parameters with DDC and inversion .140 changes and morning clouds imposed. 3.38 Time variation of model output for HYB sounding, 19 April, 50-50 soil parameters with GLD and inversion 141 changes and morninrg clouds imposed. 3.39 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for model output for 21 GMT from HYB initial sounding with GLD 142 and inversion changes and morning clouds imposed. 3.40 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for model output for 21 GMT from HYB initial sounding with modified GLD- and inversion changes and morning clouds 142 imposed. 3.41 Mesoscale analysis of convective instability and convective inhibition at 17 GMT, with 21 GMT radar echoes superimposed. 143 Mesoscale analysis of convective instability and convective inhibition at 20 GMT, with 22 GMT radar echoes superimposed. 144 3.42 9 May to 12 183 4. 1 Severe weather events during period 12 GMT, 10 May 1979. GMT, 4.2 Synoptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 12 GMT, 9 May. 184 4. 3 Synoptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 00 GMT, 10 May. 185 4. 4 Synoptic-scale surface 12 GMT, 9 May. 186 4. 5 Synoptic-scale surface analysis for 00 GMT, 10 May. 187 4.6 Locations 4.7 Mesoscale 500 mb analysis -For of radiosonde analysis for launch- sites for May. 188 G h T, 189 11 9 May. PAGE 10 4.8 Mesoscale 500 mb analysis 4.9 Change in temperature 12 to 20 GMT, 9 Mau. 190 for 20 GMT, 9 May. and mixing 4.10 Change in temperature and mixing 20 to 23 GMT, 9 May. 4. 11 Mesoscale 700 mb analysis for 4. 12 4.13 ratio at 500 mb from 191 500 mb Prom 192 ratio at 11 GMT, 9 May. 193 Mesoscale 700 mb analysis for 20 GMt, 9 May. 194 Change in temperature and 12 to 20 GMT, 9 May. mixing ratio at 700 mb from 195 4.14 Change in temperature and mixing ratio at 700 mb from 20 to 23 GMT, 9 May. 196 4. 15 Mesoscale surface analysis for 12 GMT) 9 May. 19 7 4. 16 Mesoscale surface analysis for 18 GMT,. 9 May. 19 8 4.17 Mesoscale surface analysis for 21 GMT, 9 May. 4. 18 Change in potential temperture and 21 GM-T,. 9 .May. 4. 19 Mesoscale surface analysis for 23 GMT, 9 May. 4.20 Photograph of lowu-elevation angle display from radar screen at -Amarillo, Texas at 2242, 2247, and 2254 GMT, 9 May. 20 2 4.21 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic Shamrockr Texas for 1143 GMT, 9 May. diagram from Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic Shamrock,. Texas for 1705 GMT, 9 May. diagram from Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic Amarillo, Texas for 2300 GMT, 9 May. diagram from Sounding plotted Childress, Texas diagram from 4.22 4.23 4.24 19'9 dewpoint from 12 to 20 0 on a pseudoadiabatic for 2006 GMT, 9 May. 20)oi 2C)4 2C 5 2C 6 20)7 4.25 Depth of nearly dry adiabatic K isentropes, 11 GMT, 9 May. layer between 319 and 31 -7 2C 8 4.26 Depth of nearly dry adiabatic K isentropes, 20 GMT, 9 May. layer between 319 and 31 7 2C.9 4.27 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Oklahoma City., Oklahoma for 2000 GMT, 9 May. 21 0 PAGE 11 4.28 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from MAYHYB hybrid sounding for 1100 GMT, 9 May. 211 4.29 Time. variation of model output for MAYHYB initial sounding, 9 May, 5-70 soil parameters, with no extra factors modelled (P). 212 4.30 Time variation of model output for MAYHYB initial sounding, 9 May, 5-70 soil parameters, with morning -clouds imposed (C). 213 4.31 Time va-riation of model output for MAYHYB initial sounding, 9 May, 5-70 soil parameters, with imposed changes (H). 214 4.32 Time variation of model output for MAYHYB initial sounding, 9 May, 5-70 soil parameters, with both morning clouds and imposed changes (HC). 215 4.33 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from model output at 2L00 GMT, 9 May from MAYHYB initial sounding, 5-70 soil parameters, and no extra factors modelled (P). 216 4.34 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from model output at 2100 GMT, 9 May from MAYHYB initial sounding, 5-70 soil parameters, with both clouds and imposed changes (HC). 217 4.35 Comparison between 5-70 HC model run and observatiGns ta-ken from analyses. 4.36 4.37 surface 218 Sounding--plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Amarillo, Texas at 1700 GMT, 9 May. 219 Mesoscale analysis of convective instability and convective inhibition at 17 GMT with 21 GMT radar echoes superimposed. 220 4.38 Time variation of model output for MAYHYB initial sounding, 9 May, 5-70 soil parameters, with clouds, imposed changes, and surface moisture advection (GCH). 221 4.39 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from model output at 2300 GMT, 9 May from MAYHYB initial sounding, 5-70 soil parameters, with clouds, imposed 222 changes, and surface moisture advection (OCH). 4.40 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from model output at 2300 GMT, 9 May from MAYHYB initial sounding, 5-70 soil parameters, with clouds, imposed changes, surface moisture advection, and modified for PAGE 12 surface temperature advection 4.41 223 (OCH modified). Mesoscale analysis .of convective instability and convective inhibition at 20 GMT with 23 GMT radar echoes superimposed. 224 5.1 Synoptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 12 GMT, 6 June. 250 5.2 Synoptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 00 GMT, 7 June. 251 5.3 Synoptic-scale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 6 June. 252 5.4 Synoptic-scale surface analysis for 00 GMT, 7 June. 253 5.5 Sounding network 254 5.6 Mesoscale 500 mb analysis for 15 GMT, 6 June. 255 5.7 Mesoscale 500 mb analysis for 18 GMT, 6 June. 255 5.8 Mesoscale 700 mb analysis for 15 GMT, 6 June. 256 5.9 Mesoscale 700 mb analysis for 18 GMT, 6 June. 256 for June 6-7 Case.. 5. 10 Mesoscale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 6 June. 257 5.11 Mesoscale surface analysis for 15 GMT, 6 June. 258 5. 12 Mesoscale s-u-rface analysis for 18 GMT, 6 June. 259 5. 13 Mesosca-l--e-surfac-e analysis for 19 GMT, 6 June. 260 5. 14 Change of potential temperature and and 19 GMT, 6 June. 5. 15 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram fror Oklahoma City-, Oklahoma for 12 GMT, 6 June. dewpoint betweeen 12 261 262 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram Hennesse, Oklahoma for 1312 GMT, 6 June. from Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram Elmore City, Oklahoma for 15 GMT, 6 June. from Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram Elmore City, Oklahoma for 18 GMT 6 June. from 5. 19 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram Sill, Oklahoma for 15 GMT, 6 June. from Fort 266 5.20 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic Sill, Oklahoma for 1 GMT, 6 June. 5. 16 5. 17 5. 18 263 264 265 diagram from Fort 267 PAGE 5.21 13 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Clinton Sherman AFB, Oklahoma for 18 GMT, 6 June. 268 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabati diagram from Wichita Falls, Texas for 17 GMT, 6 June. 269 Sounding plotted on a psuedoadiabatic diagram for. JUNHY3, 12 GMT, 6 June. 270 5.24 Rainfall 271 5.25 Time variation of model output for JUNHYB sounding, 6 June, 30-60 soil parameters, with no clouds or imposed changes aloft (plain). 272 5.26 Time variation of model output for JUNHYB sounding, 6 June, 30-60 soil parameters, with clouds. 273 5.27 Time variation of model output for JUNHYB sounding, June, 30-60 soil parameters, with imposed changes aloft. 5.22 5. 23 for Oklahoma for 5 June in inches. 6 274 5.28 Time variation of model output for JUNHYB sounding, 6 June, 30-60 soil parameters, with clouds and imposed changes aloft. 275 5. 29 Comparison -of TS and CS values from 30-60 model run with clouds and imposed changes aloft with values taken from Elmore City, Fort Sill, and Chickasha, Oklahoma 276 sound ing s. 5.30 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for model output at 15 GMT from JUNHYB initial sounding, 30-60 soil parameters, with clouds and imposed changes aloft. 277 5. 31 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for model output at 18 GMT from JUNHYB initial sounding, 30-60 soil parameters, with clouds and imposed changes aloft. 278 5.32 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram for model output at 19 GMT from JUNHYB initial sounding, 30-60 soil parameters, with clouds and imposed changes aloft. 278 5.33 Mesoscale analysis of convective instability and convective inhibition at 18 GMT with 19 GMI radar echoes superimposed. 280 PAGE 14 List of Tables 2.1 Schedule of 2.2 Model results for sensitivitu tests. 2.3 Model results for sensitivity tests 3. 1 Advection 3.2 Model results at 21 GMT, 19 April. 3.3 Clouds 3.4 Imposed changes from Dodge City, Kansas including inversion changes, for April 19. 107 Imposed changes from Goodland, Kansas inversion changes, for April 19. 108 3.5 model calculations. calculation imposed 57 for April 59 (continued). case. 104 105 in model runs for April results at 21 GMT, 60 case. 106 including 3.6 Model 19 April. 3.7 Sensitivity 4. 1 Model 4.2 Clouds 4.3 Imposed changes on model 4.4 Sensitiviztq values for 21 GMT, 9 May model runs. 179 4. 5 Model results at 23 GMT, 9 May. 180 4. 6 Model results at 23 GMT, 9 May, 4.7 Sensitivity values for 23 GMT, 9 May model runs. 5. 1 Clouds 5.2 Imposed 5. 3 Model 5. 4 Sensitivity 5. 5 Negative area for 30-60 model run with and clouds in June case. values for 21 GMT, 109 19 April model runs. results at 21 GMT, 9 May. imp-os-ed in model imposed 177 runs for May case. runs for May 178 case. 178 continued. 181 in model runs for June case. 182 247 247 changes on model runs for June case. results at 110 19 GMT, 6 June. 248 values for 23 GMT, 6 June model runs. imposed 249 changes 249 PAGE 15 INTRODUCTION The term "convection" •distinguish flows. As such, it includes a very contains both defined and will overturning broad class convection will in the-atmosphere. The intent be much more is to include only severe weather in the central section of the United.States. Although most severe weather is to buoyant overturning, the association Carbone of atmospheric be used to denote only buoyant convection associated with due to buoyant and non-buoyant motion. purpose of this thesis, narrowly in meteorology overturning motion in the atmosphere from laminar motion , which For the is used is not strict. (1982) reported on a case of nearly neutral stratification which produced heavy rain and tornadoes. Convecti-on in the- central to require the...ol-lowing: stra.tif-ication and an U. S. in the spring un-stable thermal vertical initiating (trigger) mechanism. expected sequence is approximately as follows: scale or mesoscale motion and/or heating and mechanisms, a unstable. boundary layer atmosphere. The Through large cooling section of the atmosphere becomes convectively This means that air positively is assumed (PBL), if parcels from the planetary lifted sufficiently, would become buoyant, and would continue to rise in the This requires abundant moisture, as the latent heat of condensation released in the parcel is needed to PAGE 16 (The atmospheric maintain the parcel's buouancy. is almost always more stable than over any appreciable layer.) the PBL which rest of separates the potentiallybuoyant air the atmosphere. central U.S. In the buoyant air potentially where it will actually is sequence of events lifted "through" that a part o-f the PBL from the this stable inversion. by a temperature cooling incorrect. Actually, no layer this expected parcels are What really happens is destabilized of the inversion. by is heating and/or This destabilization spat-ial scale, much convection "breaking through" the stable In a sense, layer. observational -etwork. differences through be buoyant. the stable occurs on a small of the above (trigger mechanisms) must act to forcing external dynamic adiabatic lapse rate for convection to begin, a combination of heating Therefore, lift the adiabatic exists a stable layer There is very often characterized layer and the dry lapse rate Hence, smaller than the scale the appearance of the the stable layer is due to in s-cales. Initiation of this type of convection has been studied varying emphases. Early for many years with focussed on the problems of forecasting this Convection is small presents very real Work scale in both space and work type of weather. time, which forecasting and observational by Fawbush et al. (195i) scale patterns which were generally diffi-culties. sought to characterize favorable to large convective outbreaks. PAGE 17 Their aids and included vertical wind shear, low level temperature moisture advection, and mid-level vorticity patterns. Darkow et al.(1958) found a convincing statistical between a. particular surface occurrence of tornadoes. often occurred temperature pattern and the They showed that severe weather to the east and near the axis of a tongue-shaped warm region. vertical correlation Other work sought to look at stratification, with the development of various indices to quantify instability or potential the atmosphere. Thus, the Showalter Index the Lifted (Galway, 1956), Index (Miller, 1972) were spawned as an-d- Moore in (Showalter, 1953), and the Total Totals Index forecast aides. analysis continues to the present, with et al. (198) instability This type of such work as Carlson (unpublished) in which new ways of quantifying vertical stratification have been developed which try to take into account more details in the structure. instance, simply compares the temperature the-Shoimalter Index of air at 850 .rb when lifted adiabatically to 500 mb, ambient temperature at 500 mb. an index called Lid Strength Index inversion which with (LSI) which includes in a measure of the caps the PBL. This index would show a difference between places which have equal amounts of parcel b-uoyancy resistance to initiating the Carlson et al. (1980) developed addition to the Shawalter type of buoyancy, strength of the For but have differing amounts of the overturning motion. PAGE 18 Much work has mechanisms focussed on determining what triggering are operating i.n various situations. The result has been the identification of several mechanisms, ageostrophic frontogenetical triggering, convergence, sea breeze convergence, gravity including wave and outflow boundary convergence. As described last of three groups of convection on 8 June 1974 seemed forced by by Koch and McCarthy frontogenetical motion along a cold front. instance the convergence and deformation along pre-existing front provided (1982) the to be In this the the vertical motion to set off the convection. Work (1930) by Uccellini implicated thunderstorms. Miller and tornadoes (1975) and gravity wave Uccellini Sander-s !o-k-ed on 3 :April later by Miller and forcing studied at 1974. for severe data from 18 May Both these packets with or waves in their Koch the study and McCarthy of the 8 June gravity wave radar initiate they moved across the also implicated second 1974 case. packets triggered large They the packets seemed to (1982) formation of the a tornado occurrence and enhance convective activity as country. the showed that of identified wave packets which section of the east and central United States. echo activity, and 1971 while the so-called super-outbreak seemed to have coherent surface signatures through correlated Sanders gravity convective outbreak in In all of these examples convergence in the PBL PAGE 19 which provided the lifting required Sea breeze circulations in triggering and Florida. have been shown to Cooper et al. (1932) convection. sea breeze showed clearlu type circulations can be Oklahoma on 8 June line 1966. in the vicinity emerged along breeze. This A very strong sea breeze" was a in examined several lifting cases They Sun and Ogura the same way as a sea factor in the to trigger more Maddox tornadic thunderstorms in the vicinity theorized of thermal that convergence and cyclonic the boundaries, although could not show this clearly. Matthews where the outflow from a large cloud embedded. formation Cooper in which et al. (198 current et al. (1980) vorticity were enhanced along arc from temperature gradient in the manner of a density in which intensified when they were boundaries. places where this case. lighter air up. pushing the late of Norman, Oklahoma, and a convergence Outflow- from other storms can act bodily peninsula type circulation using data triggering of the convection convection, through only important. this gradient in much "inland that in- sea breeze triggered Coastlines are not the (1979) modelled a sea breeze formed be important organizing convection, particularly scale convergence due to the daily morning to trigger the convection. (1981) convective they discussed a case storm triggered an small convective cells were ), in their examination of PAGE 20 Florida convection, convergence cell on a growth. showed that outflow contributed storm scale which was responsible A particular (1980). They showed that a tornado formed along an intersection cells, on the order of 10**-3 1/s. convergence of outflows from old In comparison to the work on dynamic creation of the convective instability attention in the published literature. generally quoted or referred (warm low level, (BLH). Modahl Of cold upper to are level) the two,- more work (1979) studied from 1972 - 1974, for new case from 1973 in Florida was analyzed by Holle and Maier with to forcing, the has received much The mechanisms differential advection and boundary layer heating on advection has been done. National Hail Research Experiment data for the occurrence of hail. two factors were most important: He showed increased southerly increase moist-u-re and heat in the PBL, and easterly sustain the storms Carlson e amount of potential above). For instability Scoggins (1981) Variability Experiment examine the creation of fields used winds to winds to give upslope triggering). capping inversion and (as discussed with 10 April their that to correlate convective strength of the the case of correlation between Davis and (and perhaps to al. (1980) attempted outbreaks with the less 1979, they of LSI and the the LSI found good the convection. data from Atmospheric IV (AVE IV, convective 24-25 April instability, 1975) wind to shear, PAGE 21 and vertical motion. They considered convective instability except BLH. discovered that all motions) contributed surface - 850 mb residual, could low level and This 1979), but some residual, included the important (as above in the Big Thompson Storm in moisture was crucial to the lifting. convection over an that the mountain was a large storms sustenance, Raymond and Wilkening isolated mountain, and source of heat which Although their case was speculated that an adequate moisture supply would certainly have led mountain. 1977. to thunderstorm formation Cotton et al. (1982) thunderstorm which level part of in the BLH as a factor too. helped drive an upslope circulation. July especially in mountains suggested that al. (1979) discussed low level they large scale implies that BLH, of convection (1980) examined dry dry, (eg. they have been the dominant term. upslope winds provided the found sources than the sources of Interestingly, advection of moisture was Caracena et which less layer. Some studies Modahl, of the other all formed They concluded over the studied a quasi-steady in the mountains in Colorado on that a combination of BLH, moisture advection, and upslope winds 19 low initiated the convection. These studies of convection in mountains have be more complete than those over the plains, seemed to although the BLH PAGE 22 contribution was still not clearly delineated. Ogura et al.(1982) analyzed a convective 1.979 in the central United States. that BLH, inland sea breeze instability A study system on 9-10 May Their results suggested circulation and perhaps symmetric were responsible for the convection, a of thermodynamic and by dynamic combination factors The above discussion shows that initiation of convection by dynamic forcing occurs in many waus, the same place, within a few hours It (Koch and McCarthy, is apparent that the thermodynamic convection se-quence has not been well speculate as complex to the reasons for the large soil spatial variation Additionally, as soil some lack of work between BLH and in the physical constants The approach used (such as The problem is standpoint. observed, such moisture. this thesis the in this area: layer characteristics, plus from the theoretical temperature and One can surface of the factors are not well The intent of study quantified. composition, albedo, vegetation, etc.). certainly difficult 1982). contribution to the interactions between radiation, characteristics, and boundary sometimes many ways in development is a combined is to quantify of the relationship convective instability. observational and modelling of convective outbreaks occurring in three case studies from the Severe Environmental Storms and Mesoscale Experiment PAGE 23 (SESAME). The cases of 19-20 April; 9-10 May, and 6 June 1979 are examined to determine the role of BLH in the creation of convective instability. instability will The PBL air For this purpose, be measured by convective the PBL lifted of the PBL.. adiabatically to 500 mb, and its temperature 500 mb When temperature. The parcel instability is.lifted is compared with lifted, will be warmer than the ambient atmosphere. positive for (PLI). is taken as a parcel with the mean potential temperature and mixing ratio the ambient index unstable air The PLI unlike the operational is Lifted Index (Galway, -1956). The PLI (SLI, is- not the same thing as from Sanders, personal the surface lifted communication) are defined by the surface observations. in which index parcels The PLI measures a mean PBL convective instability, above any superadiabatic layers which may PLI be present. For a clear, can be as much as 4 degrees C Sill, Oklahoma sounding at although generally lower than the SLI 1800 GMT, 6 June the difference is responsible for the modellers generally question: convection? which On which initiate the other is difficult to envision that parcels can rise parcel Cloud large perturbations to convection, even with unstable soundings. it 1979, Fig.5.20), convective instability initiation of need very (Fort is closer to 2 degrees C. This difference raises an interesting really measures the cloud-scale well-mixed PBL, the hand, from the PAGE 24 surface layer through the entire turbulent PBL without dilution. Observations at the top show such large perturbations. that parcels with (mean PBL and I suspect that the answer characteristics surface layer), of the clear PBL do not in between the two surface layer this question, measure convective determine how much The Without attempting in stable layer is studied as well inhibition exists inhibition is is the region between the the ambient sounding The energy done by equal to this area T(This quantified by must be surpassed convective instability. unit mass, is prior to the This negative on the chart, and is negatively found by force to integrating the diagram.. parcel's path can . well which this negative area) immediately while the parcel the negative buoyancy S to settle this thesis. "negative area" on a pseudoadiabatic area being the result of use the mean PBL parcel definition to instability The role of the convection. parcels. I shall extremes are more representative of the cloud-scale convective instability, diluted buoyant. calculating the work per unit mass, = be regarded as an energy for the parcel to realize its If a PBL parcel were to rise through it must have sufficient or an updraft velocity equal to kinetic energy per (2*Negative area)**1/2. The model is used is to identify and quantify the role PAGE 25 various physical paramenters have one dimensional, and is designed to. model solar radiation on BLH. divided into soil on the BLH. heat, The model is only effects of Incident radiation on the surface is sensible heat and latent heat fluxes. The effect of soil moisture plays a prominent, role in this part.the The. fluxes into top of the the PBL drive turbulent entrainment at (assumed) well-mixed PBL , and the temperature height and moisture the PBL, atmospheric sounding data and content of the PBL are computed. changes are imposed inferred from observed on the model. The term PBL will be used extensively of this thesis. atmosphere. part As Above It is not a well-defined used in the of the atmosp-hee which following, throughout the rest term for the it will refer to the obtains most of its characteristics. rom its proximity to the ground. Physically, this will meant-hat part of the atmosphere which is heated during the day by adiabatic the fluxes from the ground surface. chart,- the- well-mixed PBL will be dry adiabatic mixing ratio In each nearby identifiable by a temperature lapse rate and a nearly constant (q) in the air nearest the ground. of the three cases studied, the to convection are analysed, and the pinpointed. On an The model location of the outbreak is then run using soundings and varying conditions prior initial data from the important parameters. PAGE 26 Various combinations of physical factors are applied and effects on convective physical instability are determined. changes in the atmosphere above te PBL. factors are tried separately to determine importance. Then combinations are tried, including all of the relevant factors. runs can reproduce moisture content, the sense that the the observed it will individual with the last runs one of these last be regarded as a "correct" run included effects is described If in detail in is a summary of the The surface temperature and PBL studies follow in chapters 3,4,and chapter 6, The factors which are varied are ground wetness, presence of clouds, and The model the in are modeled correctly. chapter 2. 5. The findings. The three case last chapter, PAGE 27 THE MODEL 2.1: Introduction One of the tools -used in this research one-dimensional boundary layer model. used to determine and heating The model illustrate the role of -boundary layer without various physical importance determine The model is.also used to the vertical structure of the atmosphere at times sounding data between stations and/or between sounding SESAME case stud-u days- were characterized soundings on a often sig.nificantly Because of this, statements about by 3 hourly. in some way (time or space or it was not possible to make the vertical The convection primarily of the BLH took itself had a Although smaller, the convection often structure of the atmosphere some kind of supplementary after much times). (i.e. rid spacing no larger than the normal synoptic broke out "between" soundings without is run instability and/or locations which did not have real both). It effects to quantify their in generating convective removing convective inhibition. grid and is primarily (BLH) in the time evolution of soundings. with and and is a information. studied place. in this thesis occurred This means that the PBL simple structure, and the fluxes at the top and PAGE 28 bottom of the PBL could functions. Although present by with strong horizontal the outbreak time, throughout most of that the be represented initial the thermal initial conditions at any The model then used layer is not of crucial of the atmosphere. is characterized by G constant q) its height and inversion which ), temperature all of the This is ( A& the surface layer (well-mixed in (well-mixed in moisture = The PBL is capped by ) and a depth. taken from the input inversion is held enough to absorb to exist. structure, but the in meters. has a strength is in heat and moisture. The PBL. above the its moisture inversion depth of the be specified importance in affecting its potential heat = constant top so these initial is assumed an ad hoc representation of the real initial to be small, Structure surface la-uer of five mb depth stability gradients the model run. Atmospheric surface thermal changes due to BLH for The PBL is assumed to be well-mixed A gradients were point could conditions and predicted the thermal 2. 2: known structure the SESAME area, tended some certainty. the rest of by The sounding. The constant until the PBL.grows inversion layer. The bottom of the inversion rises as the PBL grows by entraining air from the inversion is an layer into the PBL. taken directly from the data The structure above the PBL in the original sounding. The PAGE 29 assumed 2. 3: structure is illustrated Conceptual Model Detailed in Fig. 1. Run later are the various parameterizations used effect changes in outlined here. the initial atmospheric Table 2.1 operations in the structure. to They are contains a schedule of the order actually used by Radiative transfer is computed the computer. first. The incoming radiation at the top of the atmosphere is a function of time of day and geographic water vapor, COV scattered, emit some Radiation is absorbed location. and liquid water is reflected. (clouds). Some The atmosphere and infrared radiation, and the net radiation for each laye-r in the atmosphere and is the ground is calculated the ground surface. .The net absorbed radiation in the ground is partitioned parts: sensible heat flux 1) soil heat flux, 2) atmosphere, and 3) soil surface energy balance. change heat The air temperature the PBL characteristics, and determined by changed changes and virtual in the PBL the moisture the sounding are The inversion strength sensible is determined from (q) of the PBL is a budget calculation for the PBL. changes made to to the to reflect the new The PBL height and due to surface temperature flux. into.three Latent heat flux to the atmosphere. temperature and moisture are by The last imposed changes above the PAGE 30 PBL. These can be derived trom known data hourly SESAME soundings) or predicted analysis. The model different is on the basis three of current can be stopped and restarted to allow imposed rates of change or changes When a whole stable layer (such as lay-er incorporated is absorbed by in cloud cover. the PBL, a new stable from the next higher level in the sounding. 2.4: Radiation The radiation parameterization is taken (1972) and is a routine originally designed UCLA GCM. The model described is details are available and in in Appendix 7.1. layer. gives a mean temperature The model for specific content. The incident radiation The net flux incorporates an exponential included data of Yamamoto (I952), in a fixed and its and more change for each model humiditq to allow simple CO is for use in the brief here, IR emission ar-e calculated separately. divergence from Katayama fit to the data integration of water form based contribution on experimental is then a constant. A. Incident Radiation The influx of radiation solar constant and modifying is computed by starting with it for albedo at the top the of the PAGE 31 atmosphere. separately, Scattered and absorbable radiation are computed the fraction being for absorption, 65% scattered part of the assumed constant to the ground). incident radiation is corrected (35% available The scattered for multiple reflection between the atmosphere and the ground. Z .WDSt SZT*- GL S where S o = solar constant = f(day of year) -units of mcal/sqcm min XT = zenith angle for time of day and location (radians) cS = scattering albedo for atmosphere--if clouds are present they determine the scattering aledo = albedo of ground surface = f(hour angle) If a cloud layer is present, its presence scattered and abs-orbable components. enough, and off. covers enough sky, If the cloud of cloud is allowed, but atmospheric does not layer expressed incident radiation can be shut as a percentage. it may be composed in each one layer of one or several The model include any feedback mechanism to the cloud amounts, stoppped and restarted. water vapor is calculated, specific humidity. a method Only layers of various percentage coverage. hence these must be manipulated is both is thick The model allows for variable amounts of cloud atmospheric run is felt by from Wetzel using manually whenever the model Atmospheric absorption by the sounding data for Albedo at the surface (1978) w-hich allows is parameterized by for the change in PAGE 32 albedo depending absorbed in the energy at balance. the ground on sun angle. soil part of the = .391 = absorption So., IT - in atmospheric is (.) ABS layer i then IR Emission The the incident radiation is Total absorption at the ground B. is becomes one component of the surface The absorbed GLW where ABS(i) The radiation which finally equation of radiative transfer is boundary the top of co-d4-itions .that the atmosphere the earth's surface is temperature. corrected downward is zero, solved subject to infra-red and the (IR) flux at upward IR flux at t-he black body radiation at the surface We-ighted transmission functions are used, for the pressure dependence of absorption by defining an effective amount of an absorber. The total transmission function is assumed to be the product of the individual ones for CO and H O. upward and downward obtained The following expressions for fluxes at a particular height z are (see Appendix 7.1 for details). Downward flux is PAGE 33 IR where d = 7B z rnBL - rB tn(u c * c * Z ,T) * * - 7B )T(u-u , T ) (B c o c z * * B + fi oT(u - u , T) d (rB) iiB z u - ('LO TT S= Stefan-Boltzmann constant " = mean total transmission function for effective absorber u# at temperature T TC =-critical temperature which divides-the region of weak temperature dependence of T to that of strong dependence of T The weak region is 210 to 320 K for water vapor. = 220 K, the weak dependence region need only temperature specified = T . Similarly, So letting Tc have a mean the upward flux is 7B IRu and = irB z + f the net upward T -- d('B) T) (W'5) flux IR The only g((u z- U, -B z = IR diff-iculty - IRd *() is determining the transmission function near the particular varies exponerrtially. The model uses an proper level, where tau interpolation factor which is an empirical function of pressure, mixing ratio and layer thickness. This allows proper calculation of tau without a fine vertical mesh. are defined by The mean transmission functions empirical formulae at T,= 220 K and T = 260 K. Temperature dependence of tau for CO, is neglected, tau for CO is used based on pressure and so a mean amount of COi. The PAGE 34 distribution empirical Yamamoto of CO,at functions (1952). each pressure For thick temperatures, with no net the top fit to data from and bottom are body radiation at their flux of the respective inside. expressions used atmospheric absorption were After a) clouds, The Radiation Data Comparison All and is a constant. for both absorbers were assumed to radiate black 2.5: level the model was assembled, for transmission derived from empirical it was run on sounding allow comparison with radiation measurements, comparison with other more complex variation models, and of parameters such as aibedo and ensure reasonable in August and reported were available observations model. in Wetzel plotted The agreement forecast near data. data to b) allow c) allow cloud amount to behavior. Data for radiation measurements Nebraska coefficients taken at O'Neill, in Lettau and (1978). Davidson (1957), Fig.2.2 shows the over the radiation calculations is quite good, with a from the slight over 1200 LST of about eight percent. Three models were compared with the Katayama radiation routine. classic Rogers and Walshaw parameterization (1966) has been regarded as a for many years, so the IR PAGE 35 calculations were compared with it first. Fig. 2.3 shows the comparison for a sounding taken from Rogers and Walshaw. Notice that the agreement is very close. On Fig.2.4, three calculations are compared with the mod.el for an equatorial sounding from London (1952). Although differences exist above 8 km, below that level, the present model is nearly in the middle of the scatter of the rest of the calculations. A comparison is also made with a one-dimensional model.from Wetzel (1978). Wetzel's parameterization was run on the O'Neill data, and the comparison is shown for net radiation on Fig.2.2. Again, the agreement is quite satisfactory. The radiation model's cloud routine was tested for qualitative behavior for thin and thick clouds. for the IR cooling- only appear on Fig.2. 5. cloud, the top warms strongly. The results For a very thick -f th-e cloud cools rapidly, while the bottom The cooling occurs because the flux for the top of the cloud only co-mes from relatively cool layers aloft, while no contribution comes through the thick clouds below. The cloud top radi-ates strongly to all layers above, so it has a net flux divergence. The opposite is true on the bottom of the cloud, which gives a net warming effect. The clear and partly cloudy cases deviate from the extreme in the expected way, with both the warming and cooling peaks losing intensity. Notice, however, that the sensitivity of the warming peak is much greater than that for the cooling peak. The partly cloud PAGE 36 condition still little warming removed, all gives below. of the lagers above. Not radiation which cooling Presumably, cloud tends shown at cloud as the cloud is the absorption the cloud but very barrier is of incident extreme values of cooling, top of much lower magnitude. Surfa-ce Energy Balance The surface energy balance at the surface- has the form NR = SH + LH + GS where NR latent heat heat flux Fig.2.1 (7) is the net radiation incident on the the sensible heat flux upward NR top, to radiate strongly to the greatly reduces the giving net cooling at 2. 6: a strong flux upward from the surface, LH is the from the surface and GS is the soil downward into the ground which heats the soil. illust-rates the various fluxes and is already surface, SH is their directions. known via the radiation routine. The rest are parameterized as follows. A. Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes The sensible heat parameterized PBL. layer, The flux and latent heat flux theory for the using Monin-Obukhov similarity fluxes depend the depth upon the gradients in of the boundary layer, and (SH,LH) are the surface the incident PAGE 37 radiation . The theory assumes that the structure of temperature and moisture .in the PBL have focrms which can be described by universal structurTe functions when scaled equations are used. There are actually two structures involved, since the PBL contains at least two distinct layers: the surface layer and the well-mixed layer. If the functions are required to be matched at their common boundary, the following form results: where z = height above the ground zo ft = roughness length h = t-he .d-pth of the boundary layer L = Monir/bukhov length fl = uni-versa-! functions The form of the temperature function is taken from Arya (1975). Details are in Appendix 7.2. For stable boundarg layers, much scatter results when data are compared with theory . However, the present model used only for unstable, well-mixed conditions. is These conditions give quite good agreement between theory and observations (Businger, moisture function, f., and et al., 1971). Furthermore, the is not well defined in the literature, is usually assumed to be the same as the temperature PAGE 38 structure function. For-a well-mixed PBL this is decent assumption, since both @ and likely a q are nearly constant with height. B. Soil Heat Flux The soil (1975). heat flux (GS) is Assuming vertical variation of surface soil parameterized after Bhumralker heat flux only, and that the temperature from an average temperature is equation to give eventually an expression for flux sinusoidal, one can solve the heat conduction the soil heat Evaluated at the (see Appendix 7.2 for details). surface, LC C VI_ T c = volumetric heat capacity where ) T BA of the soil TG = ground temperature TBAR = some suitable average ground temperature I1 = thermal conductivity of soil S=-fre"uency of oscillation (= 2%/ 1 day) 2. 7: Ground Variables Two parameters are crucial to the calculation of all the components of radiation: parameterized (1975) by TG and "force-restore": and Deardorff (1977). q(ground). of These are methods from Bhumralker Details of the derivations are PAGE 39 in Appendix 7.3. solved for a surface. where To find TO the heat conduction equation lager between 50 cm and 1 cm below ground This gives a prediction equation t3 c, and k are as previously The soil moisture is for TO defined. found by assuming that moisture responds to three main processes: evaporation, (GWB) and is assumed DeardorffP flux surface soil precipitation, The bulk soil moisture to be constant over the period. (1977) the scale of a few weeks, for a from below. bulk soil so GWB 12 hour period with According to moisture changes over a time can certainly little loss of surface soil maisture is changed be assumed accuracy. according constant The to: where GWB GW di X 9s WMAX ' c Jc, = = = = = = = % bulk soil saturation (top 50 cm) " soil saturation depth of diurnal cycle (=10 cm) latent heat of evaporation density of H20 = 1 gm/cc field capacity soil moisture period of cycle are non dimensional constants Deardorff's values Jackson (1973), for c and is c 2were computed measurements taken over bar-e from data of soil near PA(GE 40 Phoenix, Arizona in March. Cwt .5 Notice the middle value of c the two 2.8: is a linear interpolation between extreme values. Boundaru Laer Variables The depth of the boundary inversion (1977). (A4) layer (h) and strength Their method assumes that the PBL depth No allowance is made for the The energy the surface, and strength energy of the changes due inversion into the late afternoon collapse of the PBL, since the convective outbreaks occurred time. of the are predicted according to Zeman and Tennekes to turbulent entrainment of air above the PBL. 7/o prior to this comes from the virtual SH flux at the change of inversion. depth with They time depends upon the use the turbulent kinetic budget to develop a simple set of equations to describe this process. The equations which result are: w *lr = T 9 h where TS h g w. = = = = surface temperature (top of surface height of inversion acceleration of gravity convective velocity scale layer) PAGE 41 VSH = virtual sensible heat flux at ground and, Wbv where W S T = temperature gradient above the inversion = Brunt-Vaisala frequency in the air above inversion \SH C the - Cd bh c wZ T t S gh AG 1+ 5 where VSH k = heat flux at the inversion (C 0 to give entrainment from above) are dimenrsionless coefficients which are c&,cf ,c Zeman, 1975) (1&) = 3. 55 c c& = O. 024 c. = O. 50 In the case where atmosphere 6 = O0 , no inversion exists and presents no barrier to inversion rise. case, the model A assumes a very small value fort8 (from the In this since the inversion must rise at a rapid but finite rate due to the turbulent entrainment. Finally, These equations will allow the PBL characteristics. calculation of the necessary See Appendix 7.4 ?or a discussion of PAGE 42 their derivation. 2.9: PBL Temperature and Moisture The final calculation to be performed values of T( i) and Q. is that for PBL These are found using the simple assumed structure in the PBL, and a budget for 0 and Q. pressure level of the top of the inversion is known. The The change in the height of the. inversion has just been calculated, so the amount of entrainment is known. This entrainment comes from the inversion layer, so the new depth of the inversion layer can be found. Ae, Using the new value for the potential temperature at the top of -the inversion, and the lapse rate of potential temperature in the inversion, the potential temp-era-t-ure -of the PBL can be calculated. gives the new TS value, the inversion hattom. This then and the hydrostatic pressure level of Since the pressure depth of the surface layer is fixed,-- the height of the surface layer can be computed hydrostatically. The process is illustrated schematically in Fig. 2.6. 2.10: Initialization Procedure The model requires the initial sounding specific form, to allow the model reasonably. to have a procedures to operate In particular, a thin surface layer and a PAGE 43 well-mixed PBL above are atmosphere later is uniikely in the morning, Nevertheless, immediately the both assumed. to possess especially initial to the model Realistically, the layers until either of these in the presence of sounding must be forced clouds. to conform requirements to prevent model collapse. initial sounding down to near the surface. The SESAME The tapes at 25mb (ie. within So 10 mb if level w hich this first GS in cannot handle very d ata point above pressure. it The C higher than to be 0. 1 deg is to the surface value. set equal initialized at 90 m, measured above 90 m, up to layer. is If this ground the first first set to a minimal at the top ground stable layer value to allow temperature The PBL depth is of the the surface from the ground. data point, is initial TS The moisture temperature to produce positive SH flux. PBL the thin is rejected. These values are set above the ground. surface layer, 5mb is always integral multiple of 25 observation is used to determine the model. initialized is an The model of the surface The surface is is available from the levels ! plus the surface-observation. 875mb or 950-Gb). layers. and The data first data point above- the surface on the tapes taken at a pr-essure mb i s input as available from 400 mb. the is neutral, for the is The atmosphere first stable the stability finite but fsst growth. PAGE 44 The delta theta extending the calculating on the potential and temperature. air used This for T procedure seems enough detectable when plotted to be barely chart. 15 minutes In addition: of ground with this For a typical changes are small on a results from a illumination, sounding, the change in the sounding study by layer appears so the errors initialization procedure should the adjusted portion of the dry is less static be small. energy of than 0. 1%. Sensitivity Tests 2. 11: There are a number of constants used of in the a major but the actual (1982) suggest that a small mixed associated layer are These changes allow the mixed layer to work properyi. within this new like sounding, Whiteman layer above lapse rate modification to the model is shown in the model. initialization pseudoadiabatic level, and isothermal the , by This process the characteristics of to determine the value stab.le is derived to the 90 m This operation creates an initial PBL, used iteration first data point down its Fig. 2. 7. for the first which are tests are not easily evaluated. performed to insure that in A number this model, of sensitivity these arbitrary are not controlling the results. The sounding purpose is project taken from a PBL Field many constants used for this at O'Neill, Nebraska PAGE 45 on 13 August 1953. (This is the same sounding which already been mentioned above. ) The sounding against which values cc in the radiation comparison discussion appears in Fig. 2.8. the others are TBAR = 296.5 K, soil, addition, initial standard value. GW PBL are and VS = The results of the imposed No 1000 cm/s. using (Fig. 2. 13 the other c.onditi6ns. rises rapidly 1400 local solar time (LST). (Fig. 2.10) is strongest at afterwards. The lag temperature peak soil to heat. is due to the incident solar radiation begins to fall in thermal surface up to about 825 mb equilibrium with the near midday, the PBL. is very reaching 9325 mb very the ground late the The PBL moisture The LH flux to strongly moisten off so continues to heat under strong radiation. sufficient silowly, peaking at finite time required for the is not (Fig. 2. 12). under The temperature of the 1200 and rises rapidly until latent heat flux strong heating during the day, The incident radiation at noon, and (Fig. 2. 11) in sensitivity runs. between the radiation peak and The soil decreasing but still 55% as the standard run appear The standard run is characterized by ground In clouds or other changes above the in this or any of moderately moist soil standard run GWB = 90%, WMAX = 0.80 (GWO) is varied, Figs.2.9 through 2.13. The compared uses the following for the various constants: H20/cc has in response to in this run The air above stable, and in the run. the is the the PBL grows The ground PAGE 46 temperature reaches 314 K, while the surface air temperature TS reaches 308 K shortly after. nearly A. The moisture at this time 14 g/kg. TBAR Test TBAR is the constant with diurnal time. diurnal average soil temperature, assumed depth. variation At a depth (about 50 cm), equal to the TBAR = T(soil) constant for the -iodel run. the standard of 296.5 K. The timing It The results appear of the peak values does not greatest response, particularly TBAR the for QS which not have a B. changes at all is change in to the ground temperature show little response, hardly (almost +/- soil heat flux responds noticeably, showing a response of +/other parameters 4 K from in Table 2.2. heat flux in the Furthermore, the +/- The fluxes show the quantity TG-TBAR, the model's response is expected. temperature, change over the range soil Since -one of the two factors independent of is varied of TBARs, only the values themselves do. 20%). L.imit of the So TBAR can be regarded as a 50 cm soil assumed the is 2 to 4%. particularly (+/- 0. 1 g/kg). The the value TBAR does great effect on the model output. VS Test VS is the magnitude of the wind speed at the top of the PAGE 47 surface layer. It is used in the calculations (SH) and sensible heat flux heat flux latent standard run uses a value consistent with The test varied speed. expected, observations. of the observed As in Table 2.2. the SH and LH change substantially, the VS= 200 run heat flux of the test appear The (LH). local this value from 20% to 150% The results for the about 20% for However, the soil (20% of the observation). (GS) changes more. than either LH or SH. The maximum value for GS for the VS=200 run is almost double the VS=1500 (150% of the observation) Since GS depends for its calculation, the soil heat flux. The ground is linked run. on SH and LH the changes in SH and LH are additive for temperature also responds strongly, to the so-il h-eat for the weakest wind runF VS=200. temperature rises rap-idly as it The changes are pronounced flux. The others cluster much the maximum-ground the wind •speed drops, As closer togetr-er. since does the soil heat real PBL with we-ak winds, the effective In a flux. surface layer in which the eddies remove the heat and moisture from the surface likely becomes smaller eddies (less frictional less vigorous and efficient. is left in the soil, contributing to a larger soil radiation effects are part of changes in wind both turbulence), So more heating heat flux. the parameterization. speed (+/- 50%) and the incident it and In the model, these For moderate the effect is not large. For PAGE 48 a factor of 5, in VS by a reduction the change becomes very important. The variation in The surface temperature is significant. the VS=200 run, and for is anomalous. other. a critical Usually, parameter, strength. C is 851 .mb, 30 but only Again this the standard run. closer to for very each speed becomes that the surface wind small values. deep PBLs, the wind in strong BLH and moderate in I deg lower by The other runs are all much true.. then, is It the PBL depth the surface moisture higher by nearly the atmosphere than higher in run is final PBL depth.for the VS=200 run The 1 g/kg. mb the surface parameters and So the VS parameter is at least does not require beyond choosing a value consistent with the extreme care, observations. C. WMAX and GiWB Test The bulk soil effects of the soil moisture (GWB) are discussed shows the results. of these two As (WMAX) and the together. one can see on the table, Table 2.3 the variation parameters produces results of similar magnitude. The runs with wide variation WMAX moisture capacity standard GWB (=90% the wettest GWB value) show over the range of WMAX. (=0.80 cc HIO/cc over the GWB values. soil) The The runs with standard show nearly the same variation only run which is not similar is the PAGE 49 wetter WMAX value (=1.00 cc H O/cc corresponding wetter GWB value; than the standard. cooler and The general wetter PDBLs, and soil). There is no all the GWB values are dryer trend for both parameters is lower inversions for wetter parameter values. The variation within each of the tests the TBAR test. the LH flux change is larger than in The SH flux almost doubles from wet to dry and drops by 30%. is 2 deg C The maximum surface temperature over the range of WMAX, a difference of more than 10% in the diurnal temperature change. The surface moisture also depends strongly on this parameter, varying by nearly 2 g/kg over the WMAX values. change drastically. The PBL characteristics The dryest WMAX run has a final inversion depth of twice th-at for the wettest run. significant and imply a sensitivity WMAX. These changes are in the model Fortunat-ely, the changes are similar for the two parameters, and hence a range of values for while holding the other constant. runs, the value for WMAX similar to a value used data. to GWB and The GWB is past rainfall. During the case study model is fixed at 0.50 cc b4 Deardorff then varied over a one can be used H.O/cc soil) (1977) to model Kansas large range depending on These results are then examined in the case studies to determine which are physically realistic. PAGE 50 D. GWO Test The results soil moisture tests. of the test (GWO), involving the can be anticipated The value of GWO makes a very model runs. surface from the GWB,.WMAX large difference These results are shown on Table 2.3. that the variation from standard values -50% initial (gWO=70%,25%), Notice in GWO runs just as for the WMAX tests. in the is +25%, This allows simple comparison of the magnitudes of the changes in model results. The flux variations are similar to the WMAX runs. nearly doubles The change almost 4 K, from wet t- dry, while the LH drops by 30%. in maximum surface temperature for the GWO runs The surface conditions are 2 to 4 times mor-e sensitive to the GWO values than WMAX parameters. The height of the is more than 3 times the height initial Pielke the PBL development (1981) found for the wettest run. in the model. that their model was which in In the case studies, a The parameter in McCumber and sensitive to soil moisture, and Cooper et al. (1982) also found important. to the GWB or inversion for the dryest soil moist-ure is clearly a crucial controlling is and the surface moisture changes more than 8 g/kg (change from-GWo = 25% to- 70%). run The SH soil moisture series of runs are made use a wide range of GWO values. The range is determined conjunction with the previous day's rainfall, but so many PAGE 51 other unknowns can precipitation, range can 2. 12: affect the surface soil plant cover, be specified soil drainage, etc. ) that only a before the actual runs are made. is compared with observations O'Neill,Nebraska PBL field study, (1977). modeling by Barnard 0.80 cc shown H O/cc soil, and about 8% the detailed soil run uses the GWB = 45%, and GWO = 65%. The sounding in Fig. 2.8. incident radiation 2. 14 and 2. 15. (Fig.2.2) is (as alrea-dy noted above): integration. flux The soil heat by throughout most of the is just below on the plotted shown, to give some idea of the scatter first four hours of radiation to the the run. judging Indeed, soil flux. difference in net flux. The reason for The soil heat flux and one near actually 1200 LST. in the data. the model partitions 2. 15), figures for SH and LH (Figs.2. 14 and of the over predicted Notice The observations which are plotted have error bars same axes. heat during VS= 1000 cm/s, WMAX = The fluxes are shown in Figs.2. 2, the net taken then wi-th The O'Neill TBAR=296.5 K, following parameters: all (timing of Comparison Runs The model is moisture radiation is this model If the soil is too much from the similar it appears that given to the soil behavior has two peaks) For the is not clear. one near 800 LST initially very dry at PAGE 52 the surface, the earlier peak moisture the two peaks merge disappears. For very into one near 1100 LST. be evidence that the moisture dependent soil affecting the time much slower the observed (Fig. 2. 14). the observed flux, The latent the observed value very heat flux and flux is as big as is also much in falls 50% of bar value. different from it is within the the LH was not well so the observations are imprecise. fluxes is annoying, important fo-r this thesis as is moisture, which of the nearest error Evidently, anomalous behavior of the capacity the model in the afternoon, although large err-or bars. observed, The difference (Fig. 2. 15) This may has difficulties late flux falls, and and 25% bulk in the morning. The sensible heat flux modeling the day when heat behavior--depending on the soil itself changes rapidly with high the effects that This but is not as these flux errors have on the PBL characteristics themselves. As the graph effects are morning lower C. in (Fig.2. 16) these The soil temperature is the model than the observations, and The difference The effects on surface run temperature shows slight. temperature. (Fig. 2. 17). C of soil A 2 (700 LST), for the rest layer is oF the run until large, at most 2 deg evident very difference drops 1800 LST. the peaks at a temperature are even deg C difference but this is not higher during to less smaller early in the than 0. 5 deg At this time the PAGE 53 observations show cooling, which Wetzel (1978) attributes to large scale advection, not PBL dynamics. temperature is very well modeled. The height of the inversion is similarly well handled. within of the observations until 100 m the O'Neill atmosphere no So the surface Fig.2. 18 shows that the model 1400 LST. longer has a well is After this, defined PBL, so no data is available after this time. Barnard Comparison The model reproduces -the fluxes at O'Neill well, with certain exceptions. temperature, generally It also models the soil surface temperature- and PBL height with accuracy. To test the model a detailed soil moisture modeling study. an 80 layer model to further, is run with Barnard to soil moisture. Fig. 2. 19. For the present model, The sounding used data from (1977) uses investigate climatic sensitivity atmos.phere TBAR = 310.0 K, it some of the is shown in the parameters used are: VS = 1000 cm/s, WMAX = 0.50 cc. H,O/cc soil, GWB = 50%, and GWO = 6%. The model results are shown on Figs. 2.20 and 2.21 along with Barnard's results for comparison for two times. Notice that the values compare very well, well-mixed and the results of the modeling of the layer agree quite well excellent considering that form. of surface moisture too. These results are the present model is so simple in PAGE 54 2.13: Model Comparison Summary The model reproducing during a above is simple but effective the PBL characteristics as typical inversion, most outlined spring or summer parameters for instability and on other model temperature. The model results of PDL field studies detailed modeling work It could the model, surface moisture are (such be argued on soil such as These PBL moisture, and weakly surface wind speed as Barnard, detail reproduce the 1977). should different soil multiple soil layers and vegetation. for not doing so be included types, such unavilable and would require sweeping assumptions rendering the detailed balance complicated models Thirdig, work details are, moisture. the model Barnard's by McCumber and Pielke in They fact, less physics (1981) of soil the to duplicate more 1977 model) important than tested a model itself does seem able to model sufficiently well (e.g. in The most telling reason is that data to initialize parameterizations is generally surface energy or 50 cm (such as O'Neill, Nebraska) and that more Secondly, the of convective can successfully incorporating perhaps meaningless. time The height of the inhibition to convection. parameters change with the assessment characteristics depend strongly soil day. surface temperature and important they in and real data. indicates that the the surface soil characteristics which PAGE 55 included several soil types, and discussed moisture was much more type. Therefore, influential the model form to analyze SESAME, raw form and numbers for pressure level instability tabulated (TS), (PLI), and is used for each in the form of layer temperature for the fluxes than soil in its 1979 case study The modeling results that the soil present, simple dat.a. case are presented "sensitivity values". of the top PBL moisture of the PBL (GS), in both The raw (PH), surface convective convective inhibition (NA) are for each run in each case. The sensitivity values are referred and tabulated at to in the discussion the end of the tables. defined by referring to the model These values are run without any modifying physical factor-s. example, suppose the plain run for 50-50 soil This run parameters yielded are added to growth the models is called the of the PBL of the growth "plain" run. For moisture 159 mb. is reduced by When clouds 10 mb. The sensitivity value for PBL growth' for the addition of clouds is then: Sensitivity = (Growth with = growth TS, GS, and 10 mb clouds - Plain growth)/ / 159 mb = PLI are handled Plain "b%. similarly The convective PAGE 56 inhibition cannot be handled in this manner, since the initial NA is undefined, and henc.e the change in NA is undefined as well. So, the sensitivity values for the convective inhibition are defined by simple comparison of the values at the end of the model runs with those of the plain runs. examples For if the plain run discussed above had an NA of 20 and the run with clouds had a NA of 30, the sensitivity value would be: Sensitivity = (NA of run with clouds = 10/20 = 50%. Plain NA)/ Plain NA PAGE 57 Table 2. 1: SCHEDULE OF MODEL CALCULATIONS After initialization, the model runs as follows for each time step. New values for variables are labeled New (variable). Old values are left plain (variable). 1. Radiation Routine A. New IR flux = f(T i ,p qL ) -sounding data plus geographical location, time, day, etc. B. New Incident flux = f(Tj pq same extra items as for IR flux ) -- sounding data plus Results in AT at each model level due to net radiative flux divergence and the net radiation, NR, absorbed in the soil surface. The AT is not applied to the sounding until the end of the cycle. 2. Soil Heat -Flux A. New GS = f(TG, TGpastCone time step before], soil characteristics such as heat capacity, thermal conductivit. = fEground wetness] ) Results 3. A. New SH = f(T-G,GW, TSGSVS, B. New LH-= f(u* and constants VKZ GW,VS) in new values for SH,LH. PDL Characteristics A. New h = f(New SH, New LH, B. NewA& = f(Ae, Y Results 5. for GS. Surface Sensible Heat Flux and Latent Heat Flux Results 4. in a new-value in , New SH, new values for h, TS, h, Y New LH, ) h) &. Ground Variables A. New TO = f(T , New NR, New SH, New LH, TBAR (a ) PAGE 58 constant), and soil B. New GW = f(GW, and c ) characteristics) Jew LH, and constants WMAX: Results in new values for TG, 6. c = f(GW), GW. P3BL Variables A. New TS = f(New h, Newb, Y B. New GS = f(GS, qEinversion layer], ) h, New h, New LH) Results in new values for TS,GS. 7.. Change Sounding A. B. C. D. Change top of PBL -- New T,p f=(New h),q If current inversion is filled, find new stable layer (next layer above) and recompute . Fill in surface (TS,GS) and ground (TG,GW) variables. Compute imposed changes above PBL -- change Tq appropriately. If necessary, changeT" too. Results in new sounding at end of time step. 8. Output Variables PAGE 59 TABLE 2. 2: MODEL RESULTS FOR SENSITIVITY TESTS TBAR TEST TBAR SH LH OS 292. 5 294. 5 296. 5* 298. 5 300. 5 260 265 270 273 278 583 593 602 614 623 209 193 176 159 142 TO TS OS 36. 4 36. 7 37. i 37. 4 37. 8 32. 8 33. 0 33. 2 33. 4 33. 6 14. 4 14. 3 14. 3 14. 2 14. 3 833 828 822 816 807o 1108 1161 1233 1292 1388 PH(m) PH(mb) PH(m) VS TEST VS SH LH GS 200 600 1000* 1200 1500 224 262 270 269 270 540 582 602 610 618 296 201 176 168 160 TG TS GS PH(mb) 44. 8 39. 0 37. 1 36. 5 36. 1 32. 0 33. 0 33. 2 33. 2 33. 3 15. 2 14. 5 14. 3 14. 2 14. 3 851 830 822 820 817 928 1149 1233 1247 1281 Fluxes are in mcal/sq cm min. SH = sensible heat flux, LH = latent heat flx, OS = soil heat flux. TO = ground temperature (deg C), TS = surface layer temperature (deg C), QS = PBL mixing ratio (g/kg), PH = level of top of PBL. TBAR = 50 cm soil temperature (K), VS = PBL wind speed (cm/sec), GWB = bulk soil moisture (% of saturation), GWO surface soil moisture (% of saturation), WMAX = saturation soil moisture (cc H20/cc soil). * denotes standard run. PAGE 60 TABLE 2. 3: MODEL RESULTS FOR SENSITIVITY TESTS (CONT.) GWB TEST GWB SH LH GS 30% 50% 70% 90%* 374 330 292 270 464 511 558 602 226 203 188 176 TO TS GS. 41. 7 40. 2 34. 8 34. 3 33. 8 33. 2 12. 9 13. 3 13. 7 14. 3 38. 6 37. 1 PH(mb) PH(m) 730 763 797 822 2254 1871 1498 1233 WMAX TEST WMAX SH LH GS 0.40 0.60 0. 80* 1.00 426 303 270 261 455 552 602 633 256 191 176 169 TG TS GS PH(mb) PH(m) 42. 7 39. 1 37. 1 36. 0 34. 8 33. 9 33. 2 32. 8 13. 3 13. 7 14. 3 15.0 724 792 822 834 2321 1552 1233 1098 GWO TEST GWO SH LH 25% 35% 45% 55%* 70% 405 359 311 270 223 399' 234 461 216 529" 194 602 176 146 716 See Table 2. 2 GOS TO 42. 41. 39. 37. 33. for caption. TS 5 2 3 1 4 35. 1 34. 8 34. 1 33. 1 31. 3 QS 10. 11. 12. 14. 18. PH(mb) PH(m) 4 5 7 3 7 703 737 779 822 861 2569 2172 1691 1233 818 PAGE 61 5 -fa 6k talcp PrB JIG;S / &Wi' s6;l k~11,v-=BAI - --- - - Fig. 2. 1 JT 11 . Schematic diagram of model atmosphere. Hypothetical temperatures and dewpoints are shown by upright lines, while model layers are delineated by horizontal lines. Variables are defined in the text. Also shown is flux diagram showing positive direction of fluxes at the surface. PAGE 62 s eYAnos bE x-- x PREEawrrA 1000 - ' NR 900 800 700600 500 - 400 300 - / 200- / 100 GS / 6 Fig. 2. 2 / 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LST Comparison of model net radiation (NR) and soil (OS) fluxes (meal/ sq cm min ) with observations and modelling by Wetzel(1978) for O'Neill day number 2. b ... .... W6 o00 SMo ,, 10o0 + 0 Pqaef+tAdI1IOL4 3 ,.c/dLy Fig. 2. 3 Comparison of model IR cooling rates (solid lines) with calculations of Rogers and Walshaw (1966) (dashed lines). PAGE 63 ?l~c) c5 I' 'i 56) w 9 *--.c--u 0~ok = o,- oc O sse IOL EcA Lv I ~ / S ~1 I' Fig. 2. 4 2 Same as Fig. 2.3 for comparison with Brooks(1950) Elsasser (1942) (dashed (soLid line connecting *), line), and ECMWF (1979) (dash-dotted line). 2P(* 0o 2.00 too '60 700 oO ClO14J LA1O~t b. $ CLa 8cd CI'J Q)/2 4, O=Z~ ___ _ T. S Fig. 2. 5 ; 0 c\"' -- Y;-- -/ - 3 fc, - rsf -Y -5 -4 7 -8 Model IR cooling rates (only) for c loud layer between 880 mb and 820 mb, of 50% coverage (dott ed line), 100% coverage (solid line), and no cloud (dash-dotted line). -9 cIb -to 9 CT 6 elt3 aw e4' ~tw ~LrA) &LTOe . CO~di4La l&;ti~j 'y%5 CL cUwAs±r"& Fig. 2.6 ?EUJAB 1A 01,L p- S- 67 1) b Clriv'n t - C IkCL ,-tu.As'so,6- (OV'ornbb Pvtss Schematic diagram illustrating process of finding new PBL potential temperature from new inversion calculations. Horizontal axis is potential temperature. )J BLA \C fl . ope .'4 eoi0 L dr O obfl Fig. 2. 7 Schematic diagram showing process of initialization of S from initial sounding. Vertical axis is height. Horizontal axis on left side is temperature, and on right side is potential temperature. - PAGE 67 600 700 800 -900 1000; -40 -30 -20 0 -10 10 20 30 40 TEMP Fig. 2. 8 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Line connecting dots O'Neill, Nebraska at 1200 GMT. connecting * for line and C) (deg for- temperature deup-aint (deg C). RoO q5O L _ IL 6 Fig. 2. 9 L 7 1 i. it ~~~I-~~-- -- I t II 1 -------- . -- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1-7 18 Time variation of pressure level of PBL top standard model run. (PH) for j PAGE 68 FLUX 1000 900 800. 700 600 500 460 300 200 100 0 6 Fig. 2. 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LST Net radiation (NR) and sensible heat (SH) fluxes (mcal/-sq cm min ) for standard model run. P4-0 I1-0 Fig. 2. 11 A 10 .1 8 9 6 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 1"7 18 12 I 14 I I 7 11 I I 13 6 15 16 17 1 Time variation of PBL mixing ratio (GS) for standard model run. PAGE 69 FLUX 1000 900 800700 600 LH 500 400 300 GS 200 100 0 8 9 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 1"7 18 LST Fig. 2. 12 Same as Fig. 2.10 for latent heat (LH) and soil heat (GS) fluxes. 40F TG 36 34 32 TS Xx 30 28 26 y, 24 22 20 18 6 7 Fig. 2. 13 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LST Time variation of ground temperature (TG) and surface layer temperature (TS) for standard model run. PAGE 70 1000 900 800700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 7 6 Fig. 2. 14- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LST 17 18 16 Same as Fig.2.2 for sensible heat flux (SH). FLUX 1000- 900 800> LH 700. - fAEobL. 600 500 - 400: 400 200 . 6 Fig. 2. 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LST Same as Fig. 2.2 for latent heat flux (LH). PAGE 71 TG 4038 36 ,4 3432 I / / 28 I I 26. / / 24 I / / 22 20 18- / / -- --- 4 I " | 6 7 Fig. 2. 1.6 1% I 30 ~----- L - I I I - " I -- I l I | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LST Comparison of model output (solid line) and observed (da-shed line) ground temperature (TG) for O'Neill sounding. TS 40 38 36 34 32 3Q 28 I - II I 26 24 22 20 18 . i . - . a. -• F I . I . - I %' . _- # - ' TI ? : - _. .. . , . . . .. I . . .. " f . ._ I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LST Fig. 2. 17 Same as Fig. 2. 16 for surface layer temperature (TS). PAGE 72 tso 4500 1000 'Soo- I 6 Fig. 2. 18 I -- SI 7 . - i I 8 -I i I I I I I I -- L i I. i . I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Same as Fig.2.16 for growth of PBL (HOI in meters). P 600, 700; 800 900 100oo 40 TEMP Fig. 2. 19 Same as Fig. 2.8 for ( 1977). initial sounding from Barnard -( k, 3 I ! I I t I SI 7 0 1 1 3 / ,5S 7 I L 3 1600 kLr L 70o k- J , 1-4-2--- P Mo-l F'ig. 2. 20 Comparison of Barnard's (1977) model output (dashed line) with present model (solid line) for PBL moisture at 0700 LST. Fig. 2. 21 Same as Fig. 2. 21 for 1000 LST. PAGE 74 CASE STUDY I: 3. 1: Introduction The period 12 GMT April characterized by weak Fig. 3. 1. Most of the GMT, while one day on 3.2: constant in Some of- the outbreak that the During in many different areas at convection was ongoing at 12 occurred in western Kansas very 19 April. After a this last outbreak brief review of the is studied series of 500 mb analyses cyclonic vorticity late synoptic in detail. Nebraska by associated surface trough t-hough the just east forcing which had Nebraska, the surface trough 20 April 12 GMT moved (Fig. 3. 5). into western Fig.3.4 shows the stretched north/south across of the Rocky aloft shows (CVA) from a short wave OO GMT 20 April. Kansas and the country (Figs. 3.2 and 3. 3) advection Idaho west of the region at GMT, intensity. Synoptic Analysis The in throughout much large-scale features were nearly convection occurred different times. conditions, scale activity The SESAME region .is defined on stationary, and were nearly this period 19 to 00 GMT April 20 was synoptic of the SESAME region. in the 19 APRIL moved Mountains at 12 GMT. Even over western Kansas barely moved or deepened The SESAME region and by expe-rienced 00 PAGE 75 undisturbed this during 3. 3: southerly flow at the surface most of the 12 hours period. Mesoscale Analysis in The convection broke out almost instantaneously between and 22 GMT 21 in western this outbreak. Notice Kansas that the began earlier near Amarillo,. Texas located line is It the north in Kansas was not forced by and clear from storm. these Also, On GMT line clearly originated by the surface analyses, (Fig.3. 10) as a temperature 16 GMT in western convection (Fig. 3. 11), in the the convection to outflow from the Fig. 3.6 , as 100 km north of not an simultaneous. the "his independent mechanism. a warm tongue at was evident 12 large area of 298-300 K potential Kansas and the Texas Panhandle. tongue of warm air became Bu The squall if this had been redevelopment, outbreak would have been sequential squall convection only 20 minutes after Fig.3.7 was storm. (AMA). films that convection was beginning as far away the southern (OCK) at four along the 20-25 degree azimuth. southern is the northeast to 3. 9 large echo to the south was a hailstorm which was associated with which line Figs. 3. 6 through Kansas. show the radar film taken at Garden City, times during a warmer the cool Panhandle and better outflow from had distorted defined This with the active he shape o t'e time. PAGE 76 tongue. However, mostly clear to the north (Fig.3. 12) and (Fig. 3. 13) a strong in western Kansas, the BLH continued. By 21 GMT temperature gradient existed eastern edge of the intense warm convergence was evident in tongue. skies were on the Notice that the surface winds across this gradient. By 22 GMT (Fig.3. 14) the notice that the outbreak convection had erupted, was apparently on the warm side of the gradient, near the axis of the warm tongue, et al. (1958) found in convergence surface wind in the changes were clearlq 3.4: 11 (Fig.3. 15) showed a wet This was a region of weak field. The thermodynamic are examined here. the to a the (DDC) sounding the surface topped by an large, dry the bottom of the beginning to heat and An isentropic Kansas layer near gave way 14 GMT (Fig.3. 16), adiabatic layer. layer near the inversion was By surface lower and sharper. trajectory at 309 K showed 30 mb oF subsidence inversion air during this period. (Fig. 3. 17), had large and GMT the Dodge City, inversion which for study. just as Darkow Sounding.s At was their but very little had produced a deep, bu the inversion. changed well-mixed This trend By except boundary 17 GMT that the strong DLH layer, conrtinued through still capped the next three PAGE 77 hours. and 20 OMT the By likely contributed The PBL no dry earlier longer to hailstorm was the shown structure was well-mixed just to in q, although Goodland.. Kansas (Fig. 3. 19) a (OLD) soundings. showed a strong During Fig. 3. 18. it still was inversion, with a the next three hours while the Surface 7 11 GMT OLD sounding large dry adiabatic strong sharpened layer near the ground began to heat. a huge, layer wit#hout an inversion, advection was calculated at ea-ch: Tour. layer aloft. subsidence, as the inversion and (Fig.3.20), the GLD sounding had boundary The seen in the shallow moist layer near the ground capped trajectory analysis, V south, adiabatic. Another example of the BLH changes was by in the by shown by lowered it, By 20 GMT dry adiabatic due mostly to BLH. computing Tfere was very little V'-V and temperature advection, but the moisture drop at GLD had an advective contribution. there was dry advection at GLD. On Fig. 3. 11. Modelling was used to confirm this explanation of PBL development. The initial The 20 GMT model result is sounding was the parameters were 207 and 50% soil moisture respectively. of the drying actually very large PBL growth. shown on Fig. 3.21. 11 GMT OLD sounding, surface soil The model observed The model moisture and did although showed and the soil bulk not reproduce all it did duplicate the a dewpoint of about 7 PAGE 78 deg C , while the 20 GMT observation was about 3 deg advection must have been responsible for C. Dry the rest of the dr y ing. Notice that this sounding was moist convection. The sounding at Concordia, Kansas on the cool 'side of the gradient. showed a deep moist adiabatic GMT layer above layer aloft, with no (not shown) CNK had the dry adiabatic upward and too dry to support any At (Fig.3:22) it the surface and inversion a subsidence layer. 11 GMT During some downward vertical By 14 inversion below six hours, some motion could trajectories but all of modest amounts a dry in between. induced the next (CNK) was be seen on (less than 10 mb in three hours). The 20 G~T sound i-rng bourndary latyer emerging well-mixed saturated layer above. This incident radiation through boundary layer. hypothesis. reasonable numbers under the still nearly sounding never got enough the clouds to sufficiently heat the Modeling of The soil small (Fig. 3.23) showed a very this sounding confirmed parameters used were 50% and considering that the rainfall 50%, of the previous day was only between .02 inches and a trace The model was cloudy run produced all day) and saturation at the top of the cloud near CNK. the PBL (it the PBL moisture stayed very high, with a surface dewpoint of 16-17 deg C. The end result for PAGE 79 CNK was a cool, strongly capped-PBL, and no convection (see Fig. 3. 24). None of the soundings were convection actually broke out. between GLD and CNK, and north surface potential Fig. 3.25 for was in in The squall of DDC. the period 12 to 22 GMT. of strong heating experienced very developed field of change of is shown on The area of outbreak (not the strongest) the area of moderate drop convective region line The temperature and dewpoint the region was also in the region where the in dewpoint. The little advection. Calculations were made from hourly analyses at each outbreak area: Hill City, Kansas appear on Table 3. 1. 2 K to the change in potential this case. activity was weak, reports temperature was weak unlikely. As day. shown, synoptic-scale setting were examined the region, so that symmetric The most likely As already noted, surface analyses The results from trigger was an frontal The station for gravity wave found. Wind shear instability was inland across the remarkable temperature gradient which the of the 11 K. be eliminated but none of any consequence was in of and remained to the north. of altimeter activity, (HLC) and DDC. end The advection contributed between 0 and Many possible triggers could consideration in but sea breeze, formed during some convergence was seen on the (see Fig. 3. 13), although it was weak and did PAGE 80 not seem to change very much with (or any as the clear sea breeze) time. circulation should temperature gradient sharpens. source for the convergence. temperature gradient would, require an inland increase in The creation of through sea breeze intensity There was no thermal other the wind arguments, increase in the vertical shear. breeze circulation would have satisfied 3. 5: An An inland sea this requirement. Hybrid Modelling To test the impo.rtance--of various creation of convective instability and a hybrid factors affecting the convective sounding representing the outbreak area was constructed from nearby data. This construction was made for 11 GMT. Surface analysis was used for the and isentro-pic and both data. inhibition, isobaric Isobaric analyses were surface conditions, analyses for the upper air and 700 mb. done at 500 mb Most soundings from the eastern side of the network showed a nearly dry adiabatic 313 and 311 layer yielded Analyses were also above 500 mb were between 311 and 313 K. So analyses the top and bottom of this for layer. done at theta = 309, 305 and 301 K. Data interpolated from the three nearest soundings: CNK, DDC, and GLD. (APRHYB) is shown .'his It was used to in Fig.3.26. significance of various factors, important aspect of the hybrid 11 GMT hybrid as discussed sounding was sounding investigate the below. The most the prominent PAGE 81 inversion at 750 mb, thick, almost dru which represented adiabatic layer. This be a barrier to growth o2 the PBL above was responsible for the instability. The other was that the lower with cloud. the bottom of the and inversion proved the adiabatic large potential interesting aspect layer for convective of this sounding part of the sounding was very wet, This cloud layer was to significant filled in the time evolution of the PBL. The bulk and soil moisture was fixed error to some extent, over the past month. small, hence be near as well as This rainfall the expected bulk for the model by by considering trial rainfall was not unusually large or soil moisture was expected 50% and no higher than 80X integrations were perform-d with at the most extreme. both values, with expectation that the 50% bulk moisture would realistic results umiiss the soil proved to The the give more to have very poor drainage. The way initial surface but using The map soil moisture was the previous for Kansas is shown region around GLD was dry. to HLC was generall- much to more than .50 soil day's moisture inches in this set in a similar (April 18) rainfall in Fig.3. 27. The area Notice in some places. second area was that the stretching north wetter, with amounts pattern. from DDC over . 10 inches Clearly, the initial higher than that near PAGE 82 GLD. The rainfall very dry in an absolute statements, numbers sense, that the for the initial therefore used The model but beyond in was run first without any clouds or changes the PBL to establish th-e importance..of initial Several aspects of the model Table 3. 2, were the various soil surface behavior, shown on in this series of runs, there interesting. direct relationship between the final height surface temperature-, and the PBL was top A range of the modelling. moisture. top, these general soil moisture. combinations of bulk moisture and was a soil would not be it was difficult to be more precise about what to use values was above also implied (higher surface temperature), grew and understood. surface moisture. the dryqer the PBL was. The r-ise o-f the air. The warmer the higher the PBL This could be simply the PBL top depended upon the sensible heat f-lu-x from the ground, for heating of the PBL which was also responsible So warmer surface temperatures were correlated with deep-er PBLs other things staying the same. The PBL top rose by entraining air from above the, inversion. into the PBL. The initial hybrid sounding was dryer with increasing height from the atmosphere. surface to the top of the So as the PBL grew, dryer air was entrained and hence the PBL dried The deepest any out. of the PBLs grew was 751 mb; none of the PAGE 83 runs could penetrate the Fig. 3. 28 shows, the rate of rise tended almost to zero. heat flux and inversion at 750 mb. This was to drop due to both the the entrainment Indeed as off by 21 GMT, decrease in of stable a'ir sensible from the inversion. The model top predicted saturation or oversaturation at of the PBL. after 16-17 GMT in all runs, which could but the dryest of the have happened for two reasons. model assumes a perfectly well-mixed PBL, with ratio all the way to the t-p. especially with deep PBLs, in the model runs, Often, First, in reality, and q decreases with height. the saturation occurred with A second possible reason for the the PBL top ro-~e too quickly However, shallow PiLs, at relatively This would, in these saturation was that cool so that the saturation mixing ratio aloft was available PBL moisture. the constant mixing and was persistent enough to remain an inconsistency runs. the temperatures, too in reality, low for the lead to cloud formation at the top of the PBL, which was presumed not to happen in these runs. in judging Hence, the inconsistency was the realism of the results. The PBL behavior was understandable the various ground wetness parameters. initial the important soil surface moisture, drguest soil 50% bulk had the warmest, dryest, in relationship The 20-50 run, soil to (20% moisture) with and deepest PBL.. The PAGE 84 wetter soils, and 50-50 and 50-80 had successively shallower PBLs. The instability measured by PLI values behaved relationship to the ground wetness as well. 50-80, had had the lowest. Generally, effect overcame the PLI essentially controlled rose in response to both in these runs, by the soil and The drying the PLI was For these runs, moisture. the negative area calculation followed the same pattern as the The most stable run also had the most negative values. area, dryest run, 20-50, higher moisture values. the heating in direct The coolest run, the highest PLI value, while the warmer temperatures and PLI cooler, wetter, by more than 20%. Since no changes were allowed to occur above the PBL during these three runs, the only ways the negative area cou-ld a increase were for the PBL parcel "colder" psqtrdo-adiabat, leaving more otravel through. the (The parcels, when lifted equivalent So by for the parcel to for the PLI line of constant equivalent potential "colder"' pseudo-adiabat we mean a smaller potential temperature.) pseudo-adiabats for the wetter soil shallower PBLs, compared slightly more instability shallower, to be shallower, the PBL stable air above calculation, follow a temperature. or for the PBL to follow In these runs, the runs more than to the 20-50 run. than the giving a slightly "warmer" offset the The 50-80 run had 50-50 run, but was larger negative area. PAGE 85 When clouds model, (as without any shown on Table 3.3) were added other changes, but not in still in relation to the soil clouds were present. nearly as high qualitative terms. The PBL grew as by 21 GMT as Guantitatively, are shown in Table 3.2. 10%. almost exactly the surface and before and reached to soil 6%, and the moisture, adding surface temperature the 50-50 run without clouds had same surface temperature and PBL depth as The difference was only 0. 1 deg C the 20-50 run with clouds. at the just as when no The results for cloud runs For the same Notice that moisture, the PBL clouds behaved similarly soil. clouds cut the PBL growth by rise by That is, in the cloudless runs. the runs with cloudless runs with wetter in the results changed particulars, heated to the I mb in depth. The PBL m-i-stur-es for the runs with clouds were, however, only marginally bigger than for the same runs without clouds. The drop in GS was reduced by 7% for the cloudy runs. instance, the 20-50 cloudy run had a PBL moisture of while the cloudless 20-50 run showed. 10.0 g/kg. explanation for this behavior cloudless runs was only a used when comparing which This 10. 1 g/kg One is that the entrainment for the little greater than (PBL depth 7-13 mb greater). For the cloud runs But the same argument could be the 20-50 and 50-50 cloudless runs in the moisture difference was much more than 0. 1 g/kg. suggests that the ground wetness which is the .most PAGE 86 important factor in determining major controlling The initial the influence behavior subsequent moisture moisture. was low, lower the latent heat of layers. raising of period, surface moisture changed increased soil dropped heat flux the cloudy less quickly.) the P1L was growing little. the cloudless case, than the slowly so the When the clouds broke moisture available. were slightly wetter the latent the 50-50 runs, 50-50 run's surface soil moisture the cycle began as with the surface soil soil moisture rose due to flux from (In the case During this cloudy the the runs with clouds determined behavior by the surface was on the PBL moisture. When the clouds were present, and flux, up, but with an Hence the cloudy cloudless ones for cases the same soil moisture. The PLI The dryer showed run was the the greatest runs all in beh-ave d a similar way least unstable, instability. The increase when the clouds were added. wetter and while the wettest run Notice, showed less instability counterparts. as for the plain runs. in instability the was reduced by cloudy the additional 10% runs were heating cloudless runs was enough to give bigger values instabilitu. that the than their cloudless Although had shallower PDLs, however, of in the convective PAGE 87 The inhibition change between the cloudless and runs was variable, depending on soil moisture. soil, adding clouds more than soil was only greater wettest doubled by showed more than a 25% increase reasons for the had increased a smaller PLI and increased the PBL had There were two cloudy 50-50 run a shallower PBL, a: the two runs. the smallest Both of these Between the cloudy runs for the cloudless and the inhibition. about the same clouds reduced grew too still cloudy 50-50 run The last point concerning these runs showed satura-tion by The e followed a "colder" theor the neg.ative area. most unstable run had Although The stable run had the most necative area, The most The the negative area. the behavior was the same as themselves, For the dryest inhibition. inhibition. difference of nine mb between runs. in Also, the cloudy pseudo-adiabat. effects 11%. cloudy is that all of them time as the growth of in the plain runs. the PBL, the PBL quickly for the amount of heating, the top and became saturated or oversaturated at the time when the clouds were expected to dissipate. It was somewhat surprising that the cloudy runs were The clouds similar in some respects to the cloudless runs. which were added were meant to simulate the actual behavior the outbreak region during clouds broke up completely the day. by As noted 16-18 GMTI, already, of the low and this behavior was PAGE 88 incorporated in amounts were set by referring them to the surface The clouds were and the modeling with thinner at clouds. The actual cloud to the soundings and relating observations of clouds when available. thick in the 14 GMT. As initial sounding the PBL heated, (see Table 3.3) the cloud layers which were entrained into the PBL were assumed to dissipate, although itself could remain the PBL top This the model time variation of cloudiness was a crucial part of behavior. initial energy The clouds affected budget of the PBL for the whole day major portion the day. of the heating Additionally, heating, only halved clouds present. parameters it, and 3.31. rise in slightly, during not the PBL did since the the middle of shut off all heat even with the cloudy and Notice that the effect present for the whole day. cloudy for the whole cloudless runs are the net radiation than half that for of the PBL top was shown for cut by almost 50%. only The data day. The in Figs. 3.30 the cloudy run the cloudless run, surface temperature was case compared with clouds. run was made to document for CNK, which was results for height so place clouds did for the 50-50 run with clouds could have when was less the took only the Fig.3.29 shows the time variation of relevant A related model used was cloudy. and that the Similarly, 5.2 deg C for the the cloudy 8.2 deg C for the cloudless case. PAGE 89 The next physical changes imposed at sounding, the the the major and of subsidence at the A the DDC and changes and appeared to be thle result in the middle soundings at 11 and of the atmosphere. 14 GMT are illustrate the change. 50 mb at both of plotted The the 310 and 307 K subsidence isentropes, also occurred at CNK and GLD between these two times. similar change occurred This using the in 14 GMT, at LBF between effect was included in a The actual changes series of.integrations The results appear incorporated in sounding were +3 deg C at 775 mb and with appropriate drying of the moisture profile. the PBL top was 10-20 mb the runs made without the evolution part of is surface with +2 the deg about Notice 1530 GMT, identical to the plain run temperatures grew a little the hybrid C at 800 mb along By 21 GMT, changes, compared with inversion changes. shown on Fig. 3. 33. the run until changes was lower A 14 and. 17 GMT. same soil parameters as before. Table 3.2. In at and bottom (and perhaps throughout all) together on Fig.3.32 to was between 20 and hybrid DDC,GLDCNK and North The most significant dry-adiabatic layer portion of initial was significant changes occurred inversion. occurred between 11 large the model In the specifically Nebraska (LBF), just below the the inversion. in inversion was most prominent at 750mb. SESAME soundings, Platte, factor included that The time .for the early the run with in Fig.3.28. faster, by inversion The about 4%. The PAGE 90 height of the PBL top began to be different by and the difference was significant by 21 The biggest change appeared By 1530 GMT. for the end of the the run with changes run. The drying in about 1630 GMI, GMT, almost 20 mb. the PBL moisture, integration had dropped 33% starting at the surface mois since the other re more than the plain imposed above the PBL contributed PBL through entrainment, tu to a dryer parameters were unchanged. The PLIs varied with moisture before. the PLI The differences as expected. in PBL moisture had a big The 20-50 run with much more stable than its growth run, of almost 30%. but was and ground wetness as inversion changes was. plain counterpart, inversion changes. between 80% and showed the PBL and "cooler" the lessened convective had run. The difference large change the stability above Notice that the 50-50 run than either the 20-50 run effect of between This increased pseudo-adiabat which went with the The 20-50 run had a overcome the increase in instability. less negative area not the other aspect of The values had 180% over the plain runs. the effects of both for the 50-80 10%. The negative area changed more than any the runs with a reduction in The difference was less still more than effect on 15 mb higher a much inversion which "colder" the 50-50 and or the 50-80 could. pseudo-adiabat. 50-80 runs was only 6 mb, PAGE 91 but the "warmer" pseudo-adiabat for the 50-80 run could not overcome the effect of a s.hallower PBL. The other change which was apparent that the saturation was much reduced. inversion changes, none occurred. happened for two hours midway Fig. 3. 33 for the 50-50 run). to the enhanced In the 20-50 run with In the other two, through the The change integration it only. (see in PBL moisture due entrainment was enough to almost balance these runs with respect to this In addition in these runs was saturation condition. to the changes at the occurred above the inversion level inversion, changes between 14 and 17 GMT. Observations at DDC and GLD were used to determine appropriate changes to use for the m-odel similar at DDC and GLD, but GLD sounding. had differences in the middle-atmosphere cooled from 14 to both At DDC,- cooling 17 GMT. These changes were during 3.4 and The two sets of changes are 3.5, and were applied 11 only occurred 17 GMT, and was not as pronounced as at GLD. the GLD pattern. details. At to 14 GMT and from 14 to LBF also showed shown in Tables in separate runs to the hybrid sounding. The results shown of the runs with in Table 3.6. changes were The most the DDC changes added on are important part of the DDC those which occurred between 14 and 17 GlMT near PAGE 92 775 mb and 800 mb. When DDC showed cooling accompanied by moistening as well. entrainment in the PBL was lessened, So there, the effect and the amount of drying was the plain runs. more rise by 1% to Surface The PLI similar changes only. up 10% to in. moisture The convective computed no than this series the of runs, and and near the values This change in with the 50-80 run. the cooling above the the DDC run. For the 20-50 run was the most stable and had due entirely 50-80 runs exhibited the of the previous runs, However, less than half that "warmer" pseudo-adiabat of least negative area, The 50-50 for the 50-50 run. inhibition was the negative area was due to both the for the 50-80 run the PLI that than those with f-or -the plain model without clouds. inversion and 5% longer overcame the heating inversion changes, for the run from in moisture 15% higher Curiously, with DDC changes was now lower difference. to 30% the PBL growth was reduced s.trongly to this change responded The difference by 10% inversion inversion change only runs. to the with the DDC PLIs ending inversion reduced only temperatures were about the same, than the plain runs and 10%, of the PBL moistures in the DDC runs were- much higher than those with changes. it was following the to the higher PBL tops. same behavior as most trend in the PLI values. this series the 50-50 run had a higher PLI The extra moisture also gave a of saturation at the top of the PBL in than longer period the 50-50 and 50-80 PAOE 93 runs. With DDC hours instead of two The model to changes this was (see Fig. 3. 34). was next run with the inversion changes. the same as results the GLD changes except the GLD changes GMT and continued for the GLD runs are shown till in Table 3.6. development was that the 20-50 run growth. In fact, the PBL heated inversion at 775 mb, layer aloft. moisture enough and reached up low, due to the entrainment did not 775 mb inversion. almost duplicates of the The most showed so much to bypass into the dry adiabatic very of very heat up as much and As a result, The this run in The surface temperature was The wetter runs began with 17 GMT. striking the in addition The sense of the GLD changes was the DDC ones, cooling aloft at 11 present for three high, and dry air aloft. could not the 50-50 and fill the 50-80 runs were 50-50 and 50-80 runs with inversion changes only. This duplication was seen 50-50 runs were Figs. 3. 33 and identical, 3.35). saturated at 21 GMT, and just as negative 50-50 and even in The 20-50 run than the wetter soil runs. Both the in the PLI values too. time sequence (see had much less The instabilit The 20-50 run's PBL top was there was no neative area 50-80 runs were their counterparts with oversaturated left. for two hours inversion changes onll. area for the 50-50 run was 20% lower than just The the plain PAGE 94 50-50 without clouds. stability above the inversion. value were identical with This low value reflected the Both low the PBL depth and the PLI for the 50-50 GLD run and the 50-50 run inversion changes. On Fig. 3. 36 the sounding for the hybrid 50-50 run with GLD changes at 21 GMT is plotted. Notice that the layer from 775 mb to 750 mb was superadiabatic. having imposed changes at 750 mb and layer cooled, change at 775 mb. inversion between so that much indirect 17 GMT. it made sense to include a 14 and 17 GMT. of the The PBL temperature at to have enabled this inversion itself. ev-idence- to support This was the whole Additionally, the GLD PBL grew past its GMT at GLD was not high enough without cooling from not having any In reality, corresponding changes at 775 mb. adiabatic This resulted incorporated to occur Hence, there was cooling at 775 mb in a 17 from 14 to later run. The next series of runs added clouds to the DDC and GLD changes, to combine these effects. For the DDC runs, -shown on Table 3.6, the addition of clouds made a small but difference slightly grew 6% in the development cooler and wetter, to 16% and by 10% The PBLs were slightly shallower. The PBLs less than the plain runs, but the surface temperatures were nearly the less, of the PBL. important to 30% depending same. The PBL moisture on soil moisture. dropped The 50-50 and PAGE 95 50-80 runs developed more slowly saturated for two hours time, and were only instead of three. to the reduced heating. At cloudy 50-50 run was 20 mb run. and with This effect was due 1600 GMT, the PBL top for the lower than for the cloudless 50-50 the surface temperature more than 0.5 C cooler (see Figs. 3.34 and 3.37). Just as for the plain runs, the cloudy runs all showed less instability than the cloudless runs, although differences were small. Notice by comparison of Figs. 3.34 and 3.37 that the time evolution of the PLI fell behind the the for the cloudy case cloudless DDC 50-50 run at about 16 GMT and never quite ca-ught up. The negative area was about 40% higher than the comparable plain runs. The GLD run with cloudless counterparts totally different series. runs , differen.t from its than the DDC runs. The 20-50 run was but this run was an anomally in this Close e-xamination of the output showed that (cloudless and actually clouds was more cloudy 20-50 with GLD changes) were similar, but separated by time. The values of temperature, moisture and PBL depth at 21 GMT with virtually Even clouds were identical to those of the cloudless run at 20 GMT. the PLIs were almost the same, cloudiness delayed the heating cycle dvelopment the two back one hour. 4.0 and 4. 1. by The enough to set the PBL PAGE 96 The 50-50 and at 21 GMT 50-80 cloudy GLD runs were less than the 20-50 run. dropped 20% more than the 25% to changes. the 110% increase for almost development was almost C different. similar PLI about 2 by values. 10 mb. However, the same, and 5%, so that lower for the the instability the final values only just wet enough 0.1 to have The cloudy PBLs reached saturation for but delayed by just as the cloudless runs did. The saturation was, however, the presence of clouds in inconsistency. imposed imposed changes were warmer than the The cooler PBLs were hours, one hour. grew less, The heights of the PBL tops were cases by compared with the cloudless runs with temperatures cloudless runs with cloudy cloudy PBL's moisture the plain runs'moisture, The surface plain runs. The different the model, nearly consistent with so this was not an Th-e negative area for the 50-50 cloudy GLD run was higher tha-n t-he GLD clear runs, but much for the 50-50 p-ain GLD clear runs had run. The 50-50 GLD cloudy run similar PLI values, was responsible for the smaller than that and 50-50 so the shallower PBL larger inhibition (compare Figs.3.35 and 3.38). The final series of runs clouds and inversion changes, remove the superadiabatic used the hybrid plus GLD changes modified to layer above the modification used was a cooling of addition to the GLD changes sounding with shown inversion. 1. 5 C at 775 mb, in Table 3. 5. The The in results PAGE 97 of the runs are shown in Table 3.6. especially with the the 50-80 run. 50-80 run was The height of the PBL top for only three mb higher than for the comparable run without modification. same and The effects were small, The surface temperature the PBL moisture only slightly differences were greater for 20.-50 run was not greatly reduced. was the The the dryer runs, but even the different. The 20-50 modified run's PBL was 19 mb deeper, 0. 1 C warmer, and 0.4 g/kg dryer. The PLI values for the modified runs were all than those of the unmodi-f-ied runs, the 50-80 run. though only The modification had only these parameters due to the presence of layer between 775 mb and 800 mb. smaller slightly so for a slight effect on less stable air in the This difference was only realized by the model when the PBL top reached high. enough entrain thisair. So, the the runs, and especially change was only noticeable negative area for the 50-50 run was clear, from the plain run. the to the change.. The lowest of any run and The reason for this was since the inversion strength was much reduced modified run, and the late in late in the 50-80 run. The negative area responded strongly lower by 41% to instability was only slightly in the lower. Figs. 3.39 and 3.40 show the 21 GMT soundings for the modified and unmodified runs, with the negative area indicated on them. PAGE 98 3.6: Summary The final since series was the most realistic set of runs, it included clouds, initial changes above the PBL including superadiabatic layer. the period, have been too far The pattern the reduction of the Since the winds above the PBL were from the southwest throughout DDC would inversion changes, and the south any advective changes at to reach the outbreak area. of subsidence affected the CNK,GLDsand DDC soundings at the same time, and implying movement from the subsequently moved to LBF, southwest as well. Hence the GLD changes were more representative of the hybrid area than the DDC changes. GLD modified The surfac-e temperature and moisture from the runs were comparable analyses as well.' meter to the observations from the The model surface observa-tiCn temperature; layer was superadiabatic. since The model temperature was not a the 5 mb deep output did observation tempera-ture calculation which gave, surface include an for the GLD 50-50 modified run, a surface potential temperature The dewpoint in the model run was 13. 5 deg C. observations for C. little cold the analysis in the model, showed, 0-2 K outbreak region advection. of 307 K. The actual the region of the outbreak were 309 K and The dewpoints were very close. The 10 14 temperature was a but as the advection calculation in of the observed rise in the could be attributed to horizontal This would raise the model temperature temperature to 309 K, PAGE 99 the observed value. Some statements factors involved and can be made concerning the various in the development of convective instability negative area in this case. temperature rise in implied this, and the model results confirmed in determining affected the PLI values. the observed The observations it. On Table for the various parameters are As the modeling showed, important role most of the PBL was due to BLH. 3.7 the sensitivity values shown. Clearly, the ground wetness played an the PBL moisture, which strongly The wetter runs, although cooler, were often more-unstable. However, the wetter runs had larger negative areas, since the heights of the PBL tops were lower. The PB3L depth was l ower when clouds were present and for the inversion only changes. The changes aloft also contributed to shrallower PBLs except inversion was filled in the case when (20-50 run with GLD changes). the Aside from that one run, the changes in growth were not large either, at most 17% for the modified GLD runs. Soil bulk moisture variations were similarly much input surface moisture and ineffective in having on PBL growth. Surface presence of surface soil layer temperature was clouds reduced even less sensitive. the rise by moisture reduced 10%, and the the rise by The increased 11%, but the rest of PAGE 100 the variables had less influence. The PBL moisture values were much more sensitive to all of the soil moisture and (both at clouds. The factors except the bulk imposed changes above the PBL and above the inversion) contributed to drying while the increased soil increased surface moisture reduced the drying significantly. The convective instability in most of the runs. When drying values was reduced, often by a inversion changes series). moisture had convective a large varied with the soil moisture increased, significant amount Similarly, increased positive effect on the instability. growth of PLI The biggest instability was already present (e.g.the soil surface growth of part of the convective in the 12 GMT sounding, with a PLI of 3.0. The inhibit-ion to convection was the most variable parameter. and soil sensitive to all moisture. In some cases, of the factors, even the bulk the negative area responded different ways to the changes depending on characteristics. For increase generally cloudy runs, gave an increase however, the dryest negative area. inhibition, instance, the soil as changes aloft In general, did the individual surface moisture in negative area. soil run had the the presence of clouds imposed (DDC or OLD runs) in For the largest increased changes at the inversion. tended to strongly The decrease PAGE i01 convective inhibition, with We can realistically factor best by run which the runs with in this manner. Schematically, decreasing that factor in the This allows the in the the three case (The other factors in each the other case case studies.) the 50-50 model run with changes can be summarized as follows in order of importance. PLI = initial caond-itions + BLH + changes + clouds + bulk NA = initial soil surface moisture - soil moisture surface moisture - conditions - BLH + soil imposed change-s + clouds + bulk soil moisture The effects of clouds are reversed when considered in this manner. presence of clouds physical imposed changes and clouds are the results for and GLD imposed of each of factors to be present are not included in imposed the change in To allow comparison between studies, only clouds the effects includes all of the factors. comparison. study compare considering non-linear combinations examined some exceptions. clouds had led to lower PLI, to the run with imposed The presence of morning The while the addition of changes gave more instability. cloudiness exerted a strongly non-linear effect on the growth of convective instability, PAGE It was curious and intriguing that most realistic results also had the (for This was not conclusive, the the run which gave the smallest negative area, the 50-50 soil moisture) although unstable. 102 it was not the most it was suggestive that but out where there was substantial convection broke convective ins tability and where the inhibition was the weakest. convective The and analyzed at 18 and 21 GMT. Onig the new echoes and 3.42. plotted instability and on each figure. inhibition were shown on Figs. 3.41 These are see that the in an area where NA was a minimum and convection broke out convective instability a relative maximum. not analyzed time are from the next map On Fig.3.41, we calculated but the correlation in detail This outbreak in was this instance is illustrative of the relation between convective outbreaks, NA and PLI. Fig. 3.42 shows the outbreak which convection clearly detail. The moderate instability, Unfortunately, are in in in a region of but also a minimum of NA. both of these figures, the available data too sparse to allow precision However, coupled with the model run erupted has been analyzed in these conclusions. results for the "simulation" (50-50 run with modified GLD changes and morning clouds) the pattern of outbreak is well estab'lished in this case. The PAGE convection began where and when moderate instability coincided to start the levels of convective ,.ith low enough values of allow the available forcing convection. 103 inhibition to (surface convergence on Fig.3. 13) PAGE 104 Table 3. 1: ADVECTION CALCULATION FOR APRIL CASE DDC HLC Time Adv. Obs. 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 0 O0 <0 <O <0 (0 -CO 0 0. Total 0 <C 2. 2. 1. 1. -0. 9. a Adv. <-0. 2 0 0 0. 1 0. 4 0. 7 0. 5 0. 4 0. 2 Obs. unknown 1.0 2. 4 1.7 2. 4 1. 1 C- 1. 7 0 2. 3 11. 5 Advection calculated at Dodge City, Kansas (DDC) and Hill City, Kansas (HLC) from surface analuses. Changes are for surface potential temperature in degrees K. Time is GMT. PAGE 105 Table 3.2:MODEL RUN RESULTS AT PH 21 GMT, 19 APRIL QS PLI NA Cond Plain 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run 751 759 764 26. 0 25. 0 24. 5 10.0 10.9 11.1 5. 3 6.0 6. 1 20. 56 27. 39 28. 94 S+ S+ 758 768 777 25. 1 24. 1 23. 5 10. 1 11.0 11.32 5. 0 5.7 5.8 42. 79 34.66 32. 16 S S+ S+ 26. 5 9. 1 10. 2 10.7 4. 4 5.3 5.7 57.67 50.08 60. 82 Morning Clouds 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run Inversion Changes Only 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run 762 777 733 25. 4 24.8 21 GMT values -of : pressure level of inversion (PH), surface temperature (TS), surface moisture (OS), PBL lifted index (PLI), negative-area- calculation (NA), and condition at PBL S = S = nearly saturated, = unsaturated,1 top: blank saturated, S- = oversatura-ted. PAGE 106 Table 3. 3: CLOUDS IMPOSED IN MODEL RUNS FOR APRIL CASE 14-17 GMT 11-14 GMT P(mb) 800 825 850 875 900 80 % amounts Cloud cloudc over. are 0% 80 % 80 % 80 % 80 % 90 % 80 % SO %. expressed as percentages of complete PAGE 107 Table 3. 4: IMPOSED CHANGES (INCLUDES INVERSION FROM DODGE CITY. KANSAS CHANGES) FPR 19 APRIL 11-14 GMT P(mrb) T(deg 14-17 GlOMT C) T(deg C) 0 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 C 0 0 0 (DDC ) O(gikg) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 +0. 6 +0. 6 +3. 0 +0. +0. +0. +0. 0 -0. 9 -0. 9 -0. 6 +2. 0 0 -3. -8. O0 +0. 9 +0. 9 +1. 2 +1. 5 +1.8 00. 0 -0. 3 0 0 Changes taken fprom Dodge City, Kansas (DDC) soundings used in some model runs. Levels not mentioned or.times not covered had zero changes. PAGE 108 Table 3. 5: IIMPOSED CHANGES FRk(M GOODLAND, KANSAS (INCLUDES INVERSION CHANGES) FOR 19 APRIL P(mb) 500 525 550 575 11-14 T(deg C) T(deg 14-17 OMT Q(g/kg) C) -1.. -0. 6 -i.0 -0.0. 6 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 GM" Q(g/kg) .1 2 -1.2 -0. 8 -0. +0. 0 0 -1. 0 -3. +2.0 0 0 0 -0. -1. 0Oi -8. 0 0 Changes taken from Goodland, Kansas (GLD) soundings imposed on Levels not mentioned or times not covered some model runs. had zero changes. PAGE 109 Table 3.6: RUN MODEL RESULTS AT 21 GMT, 19 APRIL PLI NA 9. 4 10. 7 10.9 4.9 6.0 5.9 16. 15 19.42 31.83 7.8 10.2 10.6 2.9 5.3 5. 5 O 22. 12 24.63 PH Con d Inversion Changes + DDC Changes 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run 752 773 780 26. 7 25. 4 24. 8 Inversion Changes + GLD Changes 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run 694 778 793 27. 0 25. 3 24. 7 Inversion Changes + DDC Changes + Morning Clouds 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run 760 777 789 26. 3 25. 1 24. 1 9. 5 10. 8 11.0 4.8 5.9 5. 7 29. 3 31. 16 39. 59 Inversion Changes + GLD Changes + Morning Clouds 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run 776 786 792 256 24. 5 24. 0 9. 4 10. 6 10. 8 4.4 5.4 5.4 10. 84 24. 60 27. 33 Inversion Changes + Modified GLD Changes + Morning Clouds 20-50 run 50-50 run 50-80 run This table is 757 780 789 in 25. 7 24. 6 24.0 9.0 10. 4 10. 7 3.9 5.2 5.3 the same format as Table 3.2. 10.02 16.09 18.67 PAGE 110 Table 3. 7: Physical Factor SENSITIVITY VALUES FOR MODEL RUNS 21 GMT , 19 APRIL PH PLI NA -6 -10 +11 to +108 Morning Clouds Inversion Changes -10 Inversion Changes + DDC -1 to -10 Inversion Changes + GLD -12 to +36 Inversion Changes + DDC -6 to -16 Inversion Changes + GLD -17 +33 Changes +5 +10 +30 +83 to +180 to Changes +3 to +25 to +11 +110 Changes + Morning +3 to +5 to -4 +25 Changes + Morning -5 +20 -6 -19 to -77 Clouds -11 +10 -21 to -15 to -100 +40 Clouds -24 -6 to -42 Inversion Changes + Modified GLD Changes + Morning Clouds -4 to -4 +32 -32 -35 to - -6 -51 Soil surface mo-istur-e -7 -I! -31 +23 to -22 to +77 +61 Bulk soil moisture -4 -15 +3 to -8 to -3 +21 Sensitivity measured as percentage change of a given variable compared with maximum amount o- change in that variable after application of physical parameter. Variables as defined on TABLE 3.2. Application of soil surface moisture defined as increase from 20% to 50% of saturation. Bulk soil moisture application defined as increase from 50% to 80%. * r44F on * SEP 1 F vO-1 Fig. 3. 1 Map of SESAME region showing sounding stations in April, and two surface observation stations mentioned later in the text. I- -70 Fig. 3.2 Synoptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 12 GMT, 19 April. Heights in solid lines (dm) and vorticity in dashed lines (x 10**-5 sec*-1). h0 44 Same as Fig.3.2 Fig.3.3 Fig3 3 Sae s MT, for ig3.2fo #01 0 20 g .07 April. GT,20Apil TO Fig. 3. 4 Synoptic-scale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 19 April. Sea level pressure in solid lines (mb) with leading 5 or 10 dropped and 1000 to 500 mb thickness in dashed lines (dm). Fig. 3. 5 Same as Fig. 3.4 for 00 GMT, 20 April. 72 2 2 20 /" 154*1, 10 0: 0' 0: 0: O: O GCK 2102 Fig. 3. 6 Photograph of low-elevation angle display from radar i screen at Garden City, Kansas, 2102 GMT, 19 April. Range rings are 20 nm apart. 22 24 2 20 .ga 6 • . .'. 85 -S O: 0: 0: O0 0. GCK 2122 IuS Fig. 3. 7 Same as Fig.3.6 for 2122 GMT. G 5 PAGE 117 24 20\ -1 1 1to4 GCK 2140 •q I - Fig. 3. 8 -8 Same as Fig. 3.6 for 2140 GMT. 24 5 .15 0 000 0 0 00 G0 0 0 0 GCK 2200 1-01 S9 Fig. 3. 9 Same as Fig. 3.6 for 2200 GMT. PAGE Fig. 3. 10 118 Mesoscale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 19 April. Solid lines are surface potential temperatures (K) Winds are and dashed lines are dewpoints (deg C). Sky plotted in the convential manner (knots). condition is clear (open circle), scattered (single bar), broken (double bar), overcast (filled circle); Cloud type is plotted and obscured (x in circle). (if available) as is current weather according to conventional synoptic code. Radar echoes are cross-hatched irregularly shaped areas. aqq PAGE 119 /oc Fig. 3. 11 Same as Fig.3.10 for 16 GMT. a a a 3.'. '-a -j *0 '0 -I 0 3..b 0'~ 0 '-a -j 0 -b *0 .GI -S ~0 a at 0 ID at d. g~4 I-' a' at U' 3~8 U' 3.8. 'U Ca) 'Sm. a 0 B 00 r.l -ZJ §-.6 14 w,j! c0i U- 0 0 PAGE 12i K' I / 0- r-J,/ z Fig. 3. 13 ;3oo Same as Fig.3.10 for 21 GMT. PAGE ABA ;gs 26 (D2 \ 122 / /290 J 2q2 4: ~---O a 0 - j Fig.3.14 Same as Fig. 3. 10 for 22 GMT. PAGE 123 600 ~IC~ ++ 4t. 700 800 -30 -40 Fig. 3. 15 -20 + + + + 900 1000 + 20 -10 30 40 TEMP Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Dodge City, Kansas for 1115 GMT, 19 April. Solid line connecting dots for temperature (deg C), solid line connecting * for dewpoint (deg C), dash-dotted line for 303 K isentrope and dotted line showing moist adiabat for mean PBL parcel (or selected parcel if PBL is not well-defined). Dewpoints colder than -40 C are plotted at -40 C. P + + + + + +--+\ . + + 4-. + 4- + + 600 + + 700 + + -80soo + +. 900 + + 1000 -40 TEMP Fig. 3. 16 Same as Fig. 3. 15 for 1415 GMT. K. Isentrope is for 313 PAGE 124 P 600 700 800 900 1000 i -40 TEMP Fig. 3. 17 Same as Fig. 3. 16 for 1715 GMT. P 600 700 800 900 1000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 TEMP Fig. 3. 18 Same as Fig. 3. 16 for 2015 GMT. 40 PAGE 125 P. 600 700 800 900 looc -40 -30 Fig. 3. 19 -20 -10 0 TEMP 10 20 30 40 Same as Fig. 3. 16 for Goodland, Kansas at 1124 GMT. 70( 800 900 1000 40 -40 TFMP Fig. 3. 20 Same as Fig.3. 19 for 2007 GMT. PAGE 126 P + + + + + + + + + +:K + + + + + + + + + + + + S+ + + I I . -30 -20 -10 LI -40 + I + + 700 + + 800 ,I 0 600 - 900 + 1000 , 20 30 40 TEMP Fig. 3. 21 Same as Fig. 3. 16 for model output at 20 GMT from GLD initial sounding. No moist adiabat is plotted, and data above- 600 mb is not shown. P -40 Fig. 3. 22 + + + + + + + .t + + + + + + + + + , + + + + + + + -20 -10 0 TEMP 10 20 30 -60 70C +0 0 900 1001 40 Same as Fig.3. 16 for Concordia, Kansas at 1108 GMT. PAGE 127 P 600 700 800 900 1000. -40 40 TEMP Fig-. 3. 23- Same as Fig. 3. 22. or 2008 GMT. P 600 700 800 900 1000. ) -40 TEMP Fig. 3. 24 Same as Fig.3.16 for model output at 20 GMT from No moist adiabat is plotted. CNK initial sounding. PAGE 128 0 ) 0/ / 0 0- - - -8 I 0o IJ / / o / I // /HLC GLD - CNK 0 P 0o 0 / 0 0 - 0 o GCK o / DPC/ o \ 4,t" I 0 I S\ j I I Fig. 3.25 I I Change in surface potential temperature and dewpoint between 12 and 22 GMT, 19 April. Solid lines for potential temperature (K) and dashed lines for dewpoint (deg C). PAGE 129 P 600 700 800 900 1000 4O -40 TEMP Fig. 3.26 Same as Fig.3. 16 for initial hybrid sounding, 11 GMT. I- )5 TH MERIDIAN "IME .;- L.% .. 4 IFrancis I 90TH MERIDIAWI * TIME ZONE . ZONE Ic rIed . cM . l. i AlmaI l sonville W I - Ie - ,uIe Sain l C... -*----£-- 4lVne -- o G.r ioPpr Jly O 5 owl~ad Gr -1 tt Fi 3 -I 0 a' 27 lac -l - 9 Corri * o CedarIlluf Map o " e l t ,Ia, 1p1. D a 1 e IC tr, A 0r - til 0be I 0.. ,, El,,,..-- in Kansas rainfall to n on ollos 1 .... o 1I$ % dc o 1 . r 18 April. . 1 0 1 . CWn 10 and E 2a c4r . rpt S< I E It .i. DContours (T), trace . . Dold-iPn. , .: o__,o_._oo C ,o Ale VN .nss ?m * sh- Imp r 1 .. IsEot do o,_I 0ioot < ooaO aa Crea Lois I0 inches s. tartso Edmett NW "0i -. <P I.Nr It-" f it* •f AO Cl Ite ,. l o -e ©L-0" Ie~d Jefterll 4 s o0I..n. o 1lll 7 th ml are0y ,n 2n... If or amounts as Sdran O . - L trr Or rn l P No a.. .l l 0 . 4* ro Il CliC-l Ciiton WNa a r)T cit 660 0ths L ke P ............. LrL pI .W ilh icoln lei t 81!-dUuat I r Po 21 P *.'_7 el r Ih Wqt Ref Uf CS1 NNW - illv ._..IO S- O111.8 ... .. L IlPawn....Ci -rr 00 0 " - - tsm l 0L CLodeW "I-- I SS ,.F..l Ilbroat ol.lrbur sl. o. su D 1sW. areo . 50 eAl vo) PAGE i31 TS NR 25 900. QS 24 80023 700, 22 600. 12 21 50020 400 11 19 300 10 18 200 17 100' 16 , C 9 PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 28 Time variation of model output for APRHYB sounding 19 April, 50-50 soil parameters# with no extra factors modelled (Plain). NR is net radiation into the surface (mcal/sq cm rin), TS is temperature at top of surface layer (deg C), OS is PBL mixing ratio (g/kg), PLI is convective instability (deg C), PH is pressure at top of PBL (mb). Condition at top of PBL is indicated above time axis: blank = unsaturated, S = nearly saturated, S = saturated S+ = oversaturated. PAGE TS NR25 900- 132 QS 24 80023 70022 600- 12 21. 500 20 400 11 19 300 10 18 200 17 100 16 9 ,C PLI PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 29 Same as Fig.3.28 for run with morning clouds imposed. PAGE 133 TS QS 25 24 23 22 12 21. 20 11 19 10 18 17 16 9 PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 30 Same as Fig. 3.28 for CNK sounding, parameters. 70-80 soil PAGE TS NR 25 900- 134 QS 24 80023 70022 600 12 21. 500, 20 400 11 19 300 10 18 200 9 .17 100 16- , C PLI 6.0 PH TIME 700 5.0 750 4.0 800 3.0 Ph 850 900 Fig. 3. 31 Same as Fig.3.30 for run with all day cloudiness imposed. PAGE DDC 135 11000- 14000- -0 600 700 800 900 1000 -40 Fig. 3. 32 0 TEMP 0 Portton of sounding data from Dodge City, Kansas plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram, 11 and 14 GMT, 19 .A4ril. Solid line connecting dots is 11 GMT temperatures, and dashed line connecting circled dots is i4 GMT temperatures, where they are different from the 11 GMT data. Dash-dotted line is 313 K isentrope. PAGE 136 TS NR 25 900 QS 24 800. - 12 23 700, 22 600 21 500 20 400 11 19 300 10 18 200 17 100 16 , ( 9 2021 PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 33 Same as Fig. 3.28 for model run with inversion changes imposed. PAGE TS NR 25 900- 137 QS 24 80023 700- 12 22 600, 21 50020 400 11 19 300 10 18 200 17 10016 , C PLI 9 PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 34 Same as Fig. 3.28 for model run with DDC and inversion changes imposed. PAGE TS NR 25 900. 138 QS 24 80023 70022 600 12 21 500 20 400 11 19 300 10 18 200 17 100 16 9 C( PLI PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 35 Same as Fig. 3. 28 for model run with GLD and inversion changes imposed. PAGE 139 P 600 700 -800 900 1000 -40 Fig. 3. 36 0 TEMP 40 Same as Fig. 3.16 bor model output from APRHYB initi-al sounding at 21 GMT with GLD and inversion thanges imposed. PAGE 140 TS NR 25 900- QS 24 80023 700- 12 22 60021 500- 11 20 40019 300- 10 18 20017 10016 0 9 PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3. 37 Same as Fig.3.28 for model run with DDC and inversion changes and clouds imposed. PAGE 141 TS NR QS 25 900 24 80023 700' 22 600, 21 500 12 bs -11 20 400 19 300 -10 18 200 17 100 16 - ( 9 2021 PH 700 750 800 850 900 Fig. 3.38 Same as Fig. 3.28 for model run with GLD and inversion changes and clouds imposed PAGE 142 P 600 700 800 900 1000 -40 -30 Fig. 3. 39 -20 -10 0 TEMP 10 20 30 40 Same as Fig. 3.36 for run with GLD and inversion changes and clouds imposed. Negative area is cross-ha tched. P 600 700 800 900 1000 -40 -30 Fig. 3. 40 -20 -10 0 TEMP 10 20 30 Same as Fig.3.39 for run with modified GLD and inversion changes and clouds imposed. 40 PAGE 143 Fig. 3.41 Mesoscale analysis of convective and S.i convective inhibi tion d lines are PLI (deg (NA) C) and instabilitu (PLI) or 17 GMT: 19 April. dashed lines are NA S(mn;+2/s*.2 Cross hatching is -or new radar echoes appearing between 18 and 2-1 OMT. Numbers in boxes are point vles of PLI, circled numbers for NA. points. circles denote da-t Filled PAGE 144 O0 0 . \00 f O LBF *o 350 - NK oo 0 O DDC 0 o 0 40 Po 0 100 0 Fig. 3. 42 Same as Fig. 3. 4 1 crm 21 to 23 -MT or 20 GMT, and new radar echoes PAGE 145 9 MAY CASE STUDY .II: 4. 1: Introduction On this day, afternoon in border. and two convective tornadoes as illustrated July and Turner details of formed (1980). on this day became severe and on Fig. 4.1 w hich is A brief discussion of taken from the synoptic The character of the soundings pertinent to this case are .included in Finallu, caused hail foliows, after iw-hich the mesoscale the case are described. discussion. in the the Texas panhandle region near the Oklahoma The convective activity organization outbreaks the mesoscale the modelling results for these two outbreaks are presented. 4. 2: Synoptic_ Analysis The synoptic importance On Fig. 4.2 to the convection. maximum could be seen near the base 500 mb at 12 GMT, 9 May. vorticity advection (CVA) Notice which -northeast into New Mexico. this area of CVA moved north near in this case organization By proved a strong vorticity wave trough at of the long the region stretched 00 GMF n to be of of cyclonic from Mexico 10 May, (Fig. 4.3 ) to the New Me:.ico/Texas border the Texas Panhandle, suggesting upper-level support for At the surface, at 12 OMi'T, cyclogenesis in that regionn. 9 May PAGE 146 (Fig. 4. 4) of low pressure a v-shaped region stretched northeast across the Texas panhandle, and reached Geostrophic into Mexico. most of Texas and trough had moved winds were slightly south-southwesterly By 00 GMT May Oklahoma. east. 10 and had moved northwest corner of the Texas panhandle by these synoptic-scale synoptic-scale forcing could Panhandle during the geostrophic laterT features have time. implied that Notice or southe.asterly 10 May The the Texas that the across most of (Fig. 4. 5). Mesoscale Analysis Using network, 700 mb the data available from the special radiosonde shown in Fig. 4.6, analyses were made at 500 mb and for each of the GMT, and 20 GMT. four nominal The 500mb shown on Figs. 4. 7 and 4.8. from El Paso, Texas winds changed slightly were this to the been important in Texas and Oklahoma even at 00 GMT, 4.3: this hours of 9 May. wind was south erly (Fig.4. 5) over Also, a cold front located northwest of Texas had sharpened presence of southeast in analyses for A band southwesterl Mississippi river. 11 11 between GMT, 14 (MT, 17 GMT and 20 GMT are of 50-70 knot winds curved (ELP) to Omaha, Nebraska little in direction speed times (OMA). or location, and the two times. Winds These increased in the network from the mountains in the west to the PAGE 147 At 500mb, approaching and 4. 10 ratio of the trough expected cooling occurred ields show the primarily of change 12 t o 20 GMT an-d from Nebraska (LBF), New Mexico sharply fell to (ABc) outbreak in a band Dodge City, temperature both We Fis. and 4. 9 mixing The magnitudes periods, but the from North Platte, Kansas after 20 GMT. thermodynamic changes in during the after 20 GMTl. from 20 to 23 GlT. moisture change were small temperatures associated with (DDC) to Albequerque, can conclude that at 500mb were small prior to the the of convection. At 700mb (Figs. 4. 11 and 4. 12), from the same direction although dramatic change to western in mois ture Illinois, from Amaril lo, Texas lower in gradient speed. essentially There was a from the Texas Panhandle by 20 GMT the moisture difference so that (A MA) winds were the to Oklahoma City, to 6 i1 g/kg. The Oklahoma panhandle (OKC) region grew from 2 .7 g/kg experienced a strong The fields change of temperature and mixing ratio at 700mb are of in crease in moisture through i shown o n Figs. 4. i3 and 4. 14. to two degr ees C occurr ed Notice in a band gradient no ted above by 20 GMT. that cooling along with moisture in creases whic h were responsible These this period. the for the changes of large increase in were likely resujlt of v ertical moti on associated with a frontal c irc ul1 at ion k irnematic a: low leve Is. vertical motion Ogura tor this et al. (192) case, and calculated their one results the PAGE 148 show upward motion along this At the band region. surface, the situation also showed change during this period. are shown on Fig. 4.15. 12 GMT conditions The to southeasterly flow over Texas and There was southerly southwesterly Oklahoma becoming in western Texas and the from front stretching There was a cold Mid-Panhandle region. the Panhandle northeast through Kansas, associated with a wind shift and a pool lay ahead (LBB). drop of the front centered 17-18 deg C and warming 15 GMT (not shown), (TCC). strong rises By tongue, in lost some of its 18. GiMT with (Fig. 4. 16), central warming covered a to Oklahoma, and showed evidence of to the north (+ 3 K at temperature, as much as 7 K at (CVS), and Consequently, the panhandle (CDS). The slopes of the Rocky Mountains Dalhart, Texas [DHT]). Clovis, New Mexico reported at or Childress, Texas the warm pool Texas moist, with or fog low cloud (up almost 2 K at LBB) and showed very near Lubbock, front was very stations such as AMA, LBB, By A warm in dewpoint and temperature.* The warm sid-e of the dewpoints of many sharp 4 K at Tucumcari, New Mexico temperature gradient in the strength. the warm pool warming of about had K become a warm from 15 GMT. large region from the mountains all north to K6nsas. The front retreated This the way to the PAGE 149 Oklahoma panhandle, the Texas located while the winds the on panhandle became easterly. slopes region of A wind shift line was near the Oklahoms/Texas Panhandle border (northerly winds at Gage, Oklahoma [GAG] and Canadian, Texas ECANJ), the temperature gradient was gradient was not available data, the mountains GMT value. sharp, at with a (CVS). At 21 GMT drying gradcual (Fig. 4. 17) convection began at GAG. of the up,-ind period warming of temperatures and and to 21 drying the convection warming of the tongue. northeast through along The the central little side of the wind GMT. were in broke out drying. in in resulting ranging drying can be 12 GMT and continued, intense to the north (southerly) to 9. 5 g/kg respectivel, of warming shift temperature of 306 to 310 K, mi.xing ratio of potential potential some source air for the convection must have had characteristics 13. 0 the wind To the southwest heating Oklahoma/Kansas- border, curving shift: its 12 still near reporting stratocumulus. temperature gradient was still The from COS to now mostly cirrus with only changes of 4 K/3 hours in the center Kansas. The moisture to west east Moisture at CDS was still line near CAN and with north. least within the resolution of the Cloud cover was Oklahoma stations farther but equivalent from 338 to 342 K. seen on Fig. 4. 18 for i'lotice that the western a region tthe major si-de of the of relativel The pattern the entire centers of region, moderate and PAGE 150 By 23 GMT, Fig. 4. 19, southwest the of the second April first. second convective outbreak began the The radar outbreak was separate pictures (Fig.4.20) that the and in this triggered outbreak line of echoes between points A would begin. convective outbreak second of 316 to 313 K and mixing likely The the way growing PBL, and dry observations: second The outbreak, occurring least +2 located at a clear wind shift convection, but forc ing. quantities The moisture inflow to inflow to the and 23 GMT. the second line. 12 and 23 GMT zero for the K for the between 21 the first outbreak, of a region of weak From the for moisture and of -1. 5 g/kg b.etween The temperature advection was Unlike dry were estimated on each analysis. first outbreak, and at The of available moisture into the temperature advection were estimated. at LBB. This to 346 K. entrainment from above the PBL. advection was on the order for this ratios of 8. 5 to 11. 5 g/kg. particularly at LBB.. the values and V' VT a gust temperatures had potential lower for a combination of reasons: advection, vertical mixi-ng V- V inflow air temperatures of 341 equivalent potential moisture was the sequence of B appeared simultaneousily, not sequentially front gave just as in the from the first Notice in chapter 3. 19 case film from AMA shows that outbreak was not There was some indication convergence on either side of the the data does not indicate strong dynamical PAGE 151 4. 4: Soundings For the 21 GMT outbreak) GAG and CAN at 20 oMT were th, closest sounding locations However both stations had to the actual outbreak been experiencing northerly flow, so these soundings were not representative air. Shamrock, Texas (SHM) was apparently although parcels would the wind shift line from SHM. GMiIT, 11 which (Fig.4.21). This was capped became almost dry adiabatic by a inflow inflow air, have r'equired about 3 hours At SHM at surface of the in the showed a moist layer near the ground extending 100 mb area. to reach the sounding upwards about dry stable above 700 mb. layer The PLI for SHM at 11 GMT was 4.5. By 17 GMT developed (Fig.4.22), an approximately well-mixed PBL had this PBL 25 mb higher, became from 800 to 700 mb. buoyancy, Parcels . lifted in the lowest 60 mb. saturated and After a brief region the parcels were buoyant past from the top of positively buoyant of small 500 mb, equivalent potential temperature of about 346 K.. higher equivalent potential surface observations at 21 km before over 100 wUarming and potential being temperature GMT, but this lifted drying took place, temperature. warm tongue showed at 21 than lowering This was a to travel during which time the equivalent Soundings closer to the less moisture and with an inferred from the air had GMT, negative center of the deeper PBL development. PAGE CDS at 17 GMT (not shown) depth, with slightly At 23 GMT, had a well-mixed PBL of over lower values of mixing ratio the nearest 152 100 mb in the PBL. soundings to the second convective outbreak were AMA and CDS. neither of which were actually upwind. warming The AMA sounding and drying were the result of BLH and layer up was downwind of pronounced at AMA during mixing. There was a very to almost 600 mb at AMA by 23 The CDS sounding layers aloft. A forcing -MT the deep day, The both dry mixed (Fig. 4. 23). at 23 GMT was noisy, with superadiabatic of the CDS 20 GMT sounding comparison (Fig. 4. 24) with the 23 GMT sounding dynamical the convection. (not shown) suggested had modified the vertical structure. structure at 20 GMT showed an almost perfectly that The dry adiabatic PBL from the surface to 725mb. This PBL was shallower by 50 mb the 23 GMT CDS sounding was on the 23 GMT sounding. not useful for the analysis. characterized about 342 K, moisture data by a surface although in The 20 GMT sounding was equivalent potential temperature of the value was uncertain due to missing (see Fig. 4. 24). This variability difficulty So, in analyzing structure accounted this case. Ogura for the et al. (1982), after studying this case to determine what trigger mechanisms were present, conclusions. could make only c:onjctura. There was a PAGE 153 noticeable of lack sufficient storms oF developed..." analyses, and "The lack the critical area where the the reason the upper air that their 307 data emerged examination, of the generallg be characterized 313, 317, and and 313 K usually 319 K. contained a strong sometimes layer was GMT. from The overall by layer pattern very slowly eastward with region. time at an average over the region in the layer. The depth on Fig. 4.26 at 20 depth through a each side. speed that height of temperature of 317 K). low) stCong inhibition of well il ustrated b Where the and moved of about this rather varied mostly the bottom of the This 10 lauer of air from the Mexican Plateau form of a finite pool of the pool the adiabatic The pattern on Figs. 4.2 5 and 4.26 suggests air was of the between 307 throughout the period, Ogura et al. (1902) determined been advected to of 4 size of the latter GMT and small depth seemed quasi-steady Snots. The The the heights inversion, while pattern was one of large strip and isentropic soundings. The considerable depth. plotted on Fig. 4. 25 at ii north/south conclusions ".. From 31i7 to 319 K represented a nearly dry layer of had data over subsequent could isentropes: is their analysis. in speculative" One aspect of soundings icity rawinsonde are admittedly layer speci pool pool than a continuous by the variation ( was deep convection existed. the O lahoma Cijt, that this Oklah oma potential (and therefore This point was (OC) 2) O IMT PAGE 154 • sounding shown the pool was over OKC. the on Fig.4.27. bottom of 100 mb, the nearly The low level large depth could pool as a result of the adiabatic bottom of have been the movement of the parcels following this of even buoyant low level of the layer from 317 to 319 K. the pool and the coincident the result of subsidence. pool was (500 to 700 mb), the deepest part on Fig.4.27 were negatively dry of the this time Notice that PBL 342 K pseudoadiabat for more than At independent of the winds Since in the pattern of movement and depth have been the result of a wave passing through could the middle troposphere. During the time period 11 to 20 GMT, the eastward shift of this feature left the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle regions with 317 to 319 K depth. This convection, lagers change was less the thinner higher bottoms of tWe layers. least by lid. the possibility frontal effect. below to surface convergence and movement aloft of the et al.(1982) also found evidence for of symmetric inland sea-breeze are examined OgLra of data analysis, seemed to have its associated vertical motion, 317 to 319 K initial layers were associated with been the result of PBL heating, with of their important to the outbreak since The convection, at than half instability and perhaps the The modelling results for this quantify the thermodynamic factors case PAGE 155 including 4. 5: GHMT BLH, clouds and 21 GMT Modelling The modelling was corresponding regions soundings, a hybrid sounding soundings were averaged isentropic analyzed, two two times, (MAYHYB) was and and were used to 21 GMT and outbreaks. represented interpolation. surfaces, the PBL. convective were not well isentropic analysis and above analyzed at to the convective the 4 changes by any created Since the of the using The AMA and CDS 11 GMT these data were plotted. Then theta = 307,313,317,319 K were interpolate the pressure levels for those 4 points for comp-arison with the averaged data. profile below the 307 K a moist adiabatic 23 isentropic lapse rate, level was adjusted since the corresponding The to give layers at CDS and AMA as well as other nearby soundings were also moist adiabatic. The profiles in the rest of the hybrid sounding needed this process was shown adjustment. sounding used in The result of for the modelling in Fig. 4. 28. The area was days, give the hybrid no such the layers so low soil without rainfall surface moistures the most realistic results. measurements Center during (GWO) were expected The lower moisture to two to few pan evaporation (not shown) available from sugqested the previous the National Climatic the west, but we can infer PAGE that the soil surface was fairly west of Arkansas and Missouri. dry over 156 the entire region The previous month's rainfall (not shown) was near normal.. suggesting moderate values of bulk soil moisture soil surface moisture were varied saturation and 70%. (GWB). With these aids. the values for between 5% and 30% of the bulk moisture was varied between 30% and One additional value for OWO was tried value, namely a 50% value (GWO = 50%, for the 70% GWB GWB = 70%).F to test the effect of a more moist soil, even though -this was unrealistic in this case. The model was first run plain (P), without clouds or changes above -the PBL to determine sensitivity to soil moisture parameters alone. an easily understood way. cooler, and we-tter PBLs as the PBL top PBL moisture (PH-)-, area Th-e wetter soil runs had shallower, evidenced surface layer (GS) behavior was high-e-r for sensitivity the All PBL characteristics behaved in the wetter soils, femperature indicating The sensitivity For OWO from 5 to 30% (TS), and the instability greater The negative in a complicated manner. surface moisture runs had moisture runs had The to the heating. (NA) varied with moisture, but higher bulk the pressure level of (see Table 4. 1). to the moisture than The higher soil by lower NA, while the higher NA. parameters explained what was happening. the sensitivity in GS was 20%. 0 157 PAGE However, the G-1WB range, for TS and PH sensitivity •airly small depended for .both (5-6%).. only allowed drop in PBL height and eff for the NA, wetter for soil bulk the GWB values was although only only 8%, while The run. remained for GWO it is shown The for the small the GWB, to overcome was an (as in the the other increase in the increase NA for in moisture of PLI to OWB was was 28. on Fig. 4. 29. through temperature quickly rose until 15 GMT. 21 GMT. Notice that the PBL As Table 4. 1 shows, only those with low soil continuously during rose The PLI top dropped After this time, briefly this surface the day, then little change in occurred. The addition Clinton overcome But The sensitivity while the moisture dropped. fog and sufficient to increase the PLI, slightly. unsaturted moisture. of QS sensitivity to Notice that true for all runs, instability similar The time variation of various parameters for one plain 5-70 P, wlas not High the result 11%. of NA must have sufficient values. only "W4B lwere sensitiity temperature. and was and additional moisture increase was not ects GW S. values. GWO) moisture the so on the the 0S sensitivity first modification made to of clouds. and stratus Sherman AFB The surface cloud the plain runs was observations showed in the vicinity of CDS, Oklahoma (CSM) through the evidence AMA, and 15 GMT. The PAGE 158 cloud amounts used amounts were based and the relative these in these runs are shown clouds was tested in in the soundings. of PBL tops averaged about 9% greater losses were 9% than the soil smaller. than cloud cover lower. clear runs. less sensitive to to soil moisture. The change less unstable, with PLI in NA was significant however. The NA for the .cloudy cases were roughly the and the less, moisture sensitivities discussed above The resultant PBLs were slightly growth 6% The change These sensitivities were TS, but the PBL moisture was for PH and to lower PBLs for all soil the temperatures rose 11% Similarly conditions. moisture clouds contributed and higher moisture values.- lower temperature in growth The importance of (C) of runs. this series As Table 4. 1 shows, the with on the surface observations, subjectively humidity The in Table4.2. The lower PBL tops and 35% higher than for lower surface temperatures were- sufficient to overcome the slightly higher OS values to give "cooler" pseudoadiabats for parcels combined with cloudy runs. The cooler pseudoadiabats greater depth in the atmosphere for parcels to travel, significantly higher NA. The time variation Fig. 4.30. of the cloudy 5-70 run Notice the response in the the is shown of the net radiation gave in to the PAGE 159 removal of clouds at 17 GMT. The morTe quickly afterwards, although the plain run. but was still temperature began it remained to rise lower than in The moisture began to drop faster at 17 GMT, higher at 23 GMT than that the diminution of PLI mirrored in the plain run. the moisture drop at GMT. The height of the PBL rose more slowly ended up leveling off at a slighlI Notice lower 17 under cloud and level than in the plain run. As already noted, during this period many changes occurred above the PBL. a series of model development. derived in These changes were incorporated runs to test their effect on mixed The changes used in the model runs the following manner. averaged at each (H) were 2 deg K. in terms of vertical These changes were time to give a profile of changes at deg K for the h ybrid the layer The changes between each sounding at CDS and AMA were determined motion of theta surfaces at each sounding. each 2 These were then plotted hybri.d sounding and the changes The changes in moisture were into for in temperature measured. taken directly from the average of moisture changes for the AMA and CDS soundings between each time. actual, Clearly, this method was an approximation but unknown changes which did occur. variabilitu in Since there was the changes over the SESAME region, linear variation scale. to the However, between AMA and CDS was crude on a assuming a small the important mesoscale changes related to PAGE 160 the movement of the pool stations. The resulting profiles of change in moisture are shown atmosphere lower The oscillated with tendencies Theu cooled aloft with moisture varied time. during the period. in Table 4.3. generally levels. pattern of Mexican air were similar at both show that the time, and warmed at by a large amount and Notice that a moistening over drying first period gave way of nearly to opposite the same magnitude during the next This wave-like behavior is more indirect evidence for a wave disturbance above the PBL which could responsible have been for the Mexican pool movement. The results from these runs 4. 1. (H series) are shown The PBLs were all deeper, with about 10% for all soil runs, but runs. (2% less growth) a large amount (almost a 20% larger drop). 5-70 runs (P and H) and is- clear- that the H runs showed a during the relatively 14-17 GMT period, low levels. out moistening time sequence when strong cooling lessened faster growth. took place early run was drying in The cooling above the PBL and allowed drying larger growth and the moisture Comparing the it in Table The temperatures were lower than the plain by a smal.l amount values were- doan b-y 4.31), temperature and (Figs.4.29 jump took place at the stability The accelerated since the change imposed low in the atmosphere in in the 775 to 825 mb further diverging until after in depth on the H the first period. The layers kept the two runs from 16 GMT when the PBL. in the H run PAGE grew past the moistening layers and began entraining 161 the dryer air above 750 mb. The accelerated growth responsible for the slightly the growth of the PBL and use smaller stability, expense of heat flux more growth the heating (i. e. for similar soil than the if Additionally, the PBL, the temperature of entrainment added the PBL With in the PBL will .occur at the moisture contents). plain runs in Both from the ground. the sensible heat flux parameters. the cooler PBL temperatures. the rise in temperature the available sensible cooler due to smaller stability was for the same since So is the same the H runs were soil moisture the stability was entrained air was less heat to the less above less, so that growing PBL, which then stayed cooler. These diff-erences, especially to a contributed instability. from In its initial large drop the lower OS values, in the development of convective three of the H runs, value of 4.0. The the PLI sensitivity value was 58%. The difference between the plain run and shown on Figs. 4.29 and 4.31 positively to the changes, moisture cases contributed higher PBLs and the "cooler" lessened the H run dropping by as The high soil 52%. to this began; The NA responded at about 15 GMT. strongly actually dropped percentage. stability aloft overcame pseudoadiabat effect as shown by The completely the PLI changes, PAGE 162 -and gave all of the H runs less higher PBLs also contributed all of the runs were inhibition to saturating to convection. the PBL tops, as oversaturated at 21 GMT. Finally, a series of runs was performed both morning Since many only the (C) clouds and the change at all the clouds (H series), effects was not The change in to 6% compared with the plain 5-30 run. lower The for the combined run by The 30-30 HC run ended less drying). understand. Both separately gave strange for height of up with the same GS as the 30-30 plain. The TS changes were the the clouds and the imposed lower PBL temperatures, the PBL was not combination tendencu was as (as simplest to changes so it would the combination to show anything produced a slightly namely by 8%. three runs all were wetter than the plain runs, much as 6% 12% The PBL moisture obeyed no clear trend. the 5-30 run, the net effect was greater drying, The other less the drgest soil run, 5-30 HC showed no net from the plain run. runs changes towards lower values (up temperature rises were all very imposed The results appear on Table 4.1. although (HC series). had opposite signs for the runs with PBL height was generally growth), incorporating changes aloft expected .outcome of their combined predictable. For imposed of the tendencies runs and The have been else. simple to understand, The since the H larger effect on the model.. but the in the towards lower PBL tops. direction of the C runs, Evidently, the loss of PAGE 163 incident radiation was sufficient to than -the reduced stability the could make up time variation of PH on Fig. 4. 32, plain run a 40 mb head After the clouds were removed, rose faster than the by 21 deficit but could entrained during the By the time thinly and the the the the rapid clouds were the OS value was higher than the plain run, concentration When the PBL grew to the the moisture was spread more (mixing ratio) was less. wetter runs, the PBL never grew quite deep enough effect For run was dryer due to 17-21 GMT period, total moisture content. level as not quite make up But the PBL was now shallower, and actually the plain run. same over the HC run. to the PH values. same P-values, the H from the combination run. less that of the !5-70 GIMT. period of -the HC run. removed of the combination run's PBL top the plain run, 5-30 run, with the growth A comparison the clouds were present start 'The GS variations were related dryer air for. with that while (Fig.4.29), shows the plain run built up had limit the PBL growth more to take place, and for the wetter soil runs had For the this slightly higher GS values. The instability than in differences rising values were all the plain runs. (PLI dropped for the 5-30 run) The dryer from its smaller for runs showed original while the wetter the HC runs the biggest value instead of runs showed onl PAGE 164 small differences run). This (10% behavior was clearly a result As a group, moisture. increase in PLI less and individually, for the 50--70 of the higher PBL the addition of significantly higher clouds to the H runs produced instability. The NA for.all plain runs, by an average of more than 60%. than less conve.ctive instability followed other to lower NA. to higher PBLs. due to their plain 4.34 the soundings result of shows diagram. that the On Figs. 4. 33 runs are of these A comparison difference in NA was a the HC run. in Fig. 4. 32 showed the very saturation flat of the PBL top at and after 21 convective instability entire heating cycle (.3S. left for the the different structure above the PBL in behavior of PLI and The lower or equal for the 5-70 P and 5--70 HC The time variation shown GMT. lower NA could not be the imposed above the PBL. plotted on a pseudo.adiabatic so did not only reason The and higher NA if all since the HC runs were all counterparts. two figures clearly gives This obviously Similarly, lower. NA was the changes and The HC runs had plain runs, the cooler pseudoadiabats, which aspects are unchang-ed. contribute lower than for the of the HC runs was changed little through despite the clouds and the changes in TS and PAG(E 1 '5 4.6: Summary for 21 GMT Modeiling The responses of the various parameters are Table 4.4 for the 21 GMT runs. insensitive changes to all 'The PH values wre-re of the effects, although (H) made a 10% summarized the in latively imposed increase in the growth of the PBL. The surface temperatures responded to the presence of cloud and this effect was changes aloft both enhanced (HC). slightly when coupled Surface soil moisture and to the imposed changes had a profound effect on the PBL moisture, 0S. The presence of clouds made a noticeable difference too, sensitivity was only The convective changes above area negative one half that and but the imposed changes.. instability responded most to the imposed the PBL, and also to soil p-roved surface moisture. to be sensitive to nearly all factors, particularly the imposed imposed of GWO and imposed changes seeme-d changes aloPt.. to be dominant the NA calculation, reducing both The of the In fact, the in both the PLI values instability and NA. The soil moisture parameters were the only positive contributors to convective The instabil.ity besides the basic other factors, clouds and changes aloft, tended the PLI. The NA tended to drop, increased soil surface moisture and addition of clouds and an increased inhibition. heating on the other hand, imposed increase in bulk changes. itself. to reduce for both .Both the soil moisture gave PAGE 166 The case. non-lineariaty As in the April opposite effects when of the problem becomes acute case, imposed the presence of clouds had considered alone and when examined connection with the other clouds and in this factors. in When the 5-70 run with changes aloft is compared with the same run without clouds, the results are as follows: the addition of clouds yields hig-her instability and lower inhibition. the 5-70 run, importance, the relation in decreasing order of For is: PLI clouds + = bulk NA = - soil initial initial moisture - imposed conditions - BLH - surface moisture - bulk The net effect lower soil conditions + BLH + soil for the soil changes imposed changes - clouds moisture sum of the factors convective ins-tab-.ility surface moisture + exchanged (HC runs) was a for a drastically reduced NA. The comparison with observations was reasonably when using shown the 5-70 HC run. in Fig.4.35. after 15 GMT. high. top This comparison of TS and QS is The model was slightly too hot.and This suggests that At Cheyenne, Oklahoma was near 800 mb, close dry the PBL depth was likely (CHE) and SHM at 20 GMT, compared with 725 mb too the PBL for the model at 20 PAGE However, the GMT. the region represent clouds used in hybrid sounding was designed in farther the model in southwest, and were not as thick the CHE and SHM soundings. The 167 originally to the particular, long or lasting as 17 GMT SHM sounding (Fig. 4.22) showed relative humidity >75% over a 100 mb depth some above the PBL implying (Fig. 4. 36) showed RH . 75% AMA at 17 GMlT cloudiness. everywhere. These observations gradients of cloudiness and hence PBL heating across implied the data void region where the convection broke out. passage of time, this translated into gradients of PBL depth The model PBL surface temperature differences. as well as With the depth at 21 GMT was therefore closer to the actual PBL depth in the Notice finally outbreak area. began at the wind shift 20 GMT.showed very instability line, low NA the convection the CHE sounding at even though (2.86),. and high convective (6.0 ). These results su-ggested that determining that the first the critical convective outbreak's timing location was the existence of the wind shift vertical motion was sufficient to remove present and release the convective the factor factors modeled were important and line. This the inhibition instability. Of course, in determining what inhibition was present for the vertical motion to remove, the model outbreak results but implied that the NA was greater at the area than to the east near CHE. Similarly, the CHE PAGE 168 region showed higher instability than the region of outbreak. Fig. 4.37 shows the analyzed fields of convective instabilitu 18 GMT, with the echoes at 21 inhibition at and Notice GMT superimposed. occurred west of the region of PLI. This figure agrees well basis of the model might be results. 4.7: with lower NA than showed the outbreak region. in in an area of low the conclusions made on the The model there clearly was The surface wind overcome this inhibition convergence was necessary to to release the lowest NA and from the analysis, but interpolated inhibition still of convection that the outbreak in order instability. 23 GMT Modelling The modelling performed for the 23 GMT outbreak was largely an was the extension of the 21 simulating dry advection in the PBL. observationsi. 1.5 g/kg simulated. sounding of the drop -As noted that of in the in mixing ratio at LBB was The temperature advection was not This omission was made much more intimately for initial One additional effect was addedi same. due to advection. The changes aloft and clouds amounts same and the imposed were also the GMT runs. involved since the temperature in the model parameterizations the PBL characteristics than the moisture. temperature advection would have required is To include significant model PAGE 169 changes, and this was deemed beyond The expected effects discussed below. the 21 GMT runs! discussed in were estimated, Many of so only the model the present scope of work. however, and are responses were similar to those which were different will be. detail here. The plain runs were used soil moisture. The results to determine the sensitivity for PH, TS, QS, and PLI essentially the same as for Table 4.5. The NA reaction was quite different. of the NA to the different 5-30run had additional less NA the 21 GMT runs, soil the NA. more NA than the 30-70 run, Similarly, suggesting the conflicting for NA, inhibition to to particular be seen that th-is trend combinations of continued Clouds were added as the results were similar The PBL growth as for Again, the drop 10% and cooler this ambiguity parameters. GMT runs surface It will (Table 4.2) and (see Table 4.5). temperature The PLI the 21 GMT runs, resulting lower The throughout the 23 GMT runs. the 21 less. results. convection can be very in all categories was 8% less, and PDL moisture exactly in that opposite tendency. discussed also showed sensitive The the 5-70 run had 21 GMT HC runs previously that the shown on The response implying However, the bulk moisture showed implying were moistures was variable. than the 30-30 run, GWO increased and are to rise 8% less values behaved in 6% less growth. PBLs were less unstable even PAGE 170 though surface moisture increased. runs by more than 40% over since all were of the in the inputs, direction of the plain runs. increasing NA. saturated (see Table 4.5). The One lower PBL top) other at the PBL top change was by 23 GMT, by 21 GMT. When changes above the PBL were results were again similar in these This was expected, (cooler pseudoadiabat, that 3 of the runs were saturated whereas only 2 were The NA was higher imposed (Table 4.3), the in most respects to the 21 GMT runs instability growth was reduced less for the 2 extra hours of integration, down only 47% from the plain run compared The NA change was with 58% for the 21 GMT runs. the most variable, ranging soil to a decrease of NA was very from an 100% for wet soil. for dry In these runs, the sen-sitive to the exact pseudoadiabat which characterized th-e instability. unstable enough The wettest soil run was just for PBL parcels to be able to miss the inversion- at 650 mb when zero NA. increase of 18% lifted moist adiabatically, yeilding Notice an Table 4.5, however, that all of the runs were saturated at the PBL top, too quickly suggesting that the PBL rose for the available PBL moisture, and GMT structure could not be realized The HC runs had both clouds and characteristics except the dependent on soil moisture. that this 23 in the real atmosphere. imposed changes. All PBL surface layer temperature were The range of variation for PBL PAGE 171 growth was 4% more growth to 3% less growth, The surface temperature was held back imposed changes, resulting in a The moisture change, varied The instability +/- was generally 10% 5% by both values than the dry duplicated depending on soil moisture. lower, although its behavior in almost no NA. Higher the H runs. just as with The dry unrealistic the wet soil runs had the H runs, all of the tops, a structure. The simulation of the dry advection produced drying in PLI soil HC runs PBLs in the HC series were oversaturated at their physically soil The NA variation essentially inhibition, and However, the amount of to their plain counterparts soil runs. had marginally higher clouds and smaller temperature rise. change also depended on the soil moisture. moisture runs were closer a small effect. by a factor of 30% (see Table 4.6). greater This did not affect either the PBL depth or the surface temperatures. change in QS was not significant energy balance, hence the flux distribution was the same, giving the same PBL depth and moisture reduced the growth less runs. in affecting the surface temperature. lower PBL for the dryer on NA was also important, order of 65% to the NA of the plain runs. also kept all The in PLI by almost 60%, yielding instability than the initial values The effect The adding soil on the The reduction of the runs from saturating at the PBL top. in aS PAGE 172 When dry changes advection was added to clouds and (GCH) the results were not surprising The temperature and PBL depth were and the PLI The behavior moisture dependent. plain run, while run remained pattern run in characterized 4. 8: this the PLI and the was physically However, (Fig. 4. 38), to 23 .MT. the This The so it was the only unrealistic. the modelling results -for 23 GMT. i;.n the NA calculations for most of the runs, variation in the HC run. The growth of the PBL surface lay.e.r temperatures were relatively of the physical depended mostly surface, and factors on the imposed soil included. unaffected Surface moisture changes aloft, dry advection at surface moisture. instability was affected except prior the important dif+-erences from the 21 GMT results were and the just of for 23 GMT M-odelling the variability by all 5-70 run shows until All the PBL top. saturation much earlier, Table 4. 7 summarizes The most over the the 30-30 and 30-70 runs as well. series which Summary had no NA at all. or oversaturated at subsaturated 50-70 run reached by 75% The 5-30 run had a NA 67% higher than the time variation of the the lower, the NA calculations was soil the 50-70 run runs were saturated as of (see Table 4.6). unchanged from the OH runs, values were consistently plain runs. imposed significantly The convective by all the presence of clouds, with only soil of the factors surface moisture PAGE 173 contributing depend positively in a very imposed complicated way changes. The NA seemed to on soil moisture and the It responded more consistently presence of clouds adding to the amount. (adding to NA) and dry advection (also inhibition). When the effects of the various factors in to the isolation, but discussed above in connection with change, just as each are examined, not other, the results in the previous cases. particular, the role of clouds reverses, and their contributed to Symbolically, run with in order clouds and PLI = clouds - less inhibition and more of decreasing imposed importance for the 30-70 changes: changes + bulk soil NA = initial- conditions - BLH - surface moisture - clouds - bulk Determining which run was temperatures as observations. (QCH) heated imposed changes - None soil of the runs with all to reach the low end This was actually reasonable since the moisture closest to a simulation of the enough high as 313 K, surface moisture + soil moisture inflow air was somewhat difficult. of the effects presence instability. initial condi-tions + BLH + soil imposed In potential of the implied fortunate and physically inflow air reached 313-316 K only with PAGE 174 the help of warm advection which was not model. simulated in the An estimate of the-ef^ect of 2 K of warm advection between 21 and 23 GMT was made by considering the mechanisms in the model. The sensible heat flux from the ground depends on the vertical gradient of potential atmosphere and the ground. temperature between the if warmer air location, the immediate result would heat flux. However, balance, letting heat the soil. this would is advected be a drop lead in sensible change the surface energy some of the available net This would over a solar radiation to a higher soil surface temperature, and an increase in the sensible heat flux. the first be no change order e-fect would Thus, in the sensible heat flux. The growth and the of the PBL depends on stability above the PBL. the effective stability the PBL would since b-e reduced. If the PBL is warmer, lead The PBL would then available sensible heat the entrained Feedback air up in the effect would tend level to the the low turbulence of of the PBL turbulence. limit the the of the PBL stability, because flux must bring to the grow faster, still be the same and However, the faster growth to an increase then inversion or stable layer above the sensible heat flux would stability reduced. would of an the sensible heat flux increased This growth rate. PAGE 175 To include the advection the of temperature in a crude way, opposing tendencies were assumed to balance, and the PBL temperature was simply raised 2 K without any height. The soundings for the QCH 5-70 run and the modified GCH 5-70 run (with the on Figs.4.39 and and temperature advection effect) are 4.40. the NA reduced by The PLI was increased 50%. It is safe in all to 3.9, the of the runs (see Table suitably modified temperature advection. Due to the available it was difficult surface data, run from the OCH group as being imprecision especially However) since there was no integration which most likely for the surface in the to pick a particular close to being a indication of a strong convergence line at the surface, it was the shown to conclude that the OCH integrations were reasonable simulations when simulation. from 3.1 The effect also removed overrsaturation at the PBL top 4.6). change in PBL expected that simulated reality would yield a- nearl-y s-aturated PBL top, with low NA and relatively high convective in-sta-bility. 50-70 run was best in this sense, except that it became before the The supersaturated at surf-ace advection acted. Both the 30-30 run and the 30-70 run gave reasonable results tops) with an equivalent potential discussed may well major second outbreak set (nearly saturated PBL temperature in the range in the observations and very low NA. explain the small 19 GMT, long This result radar echo at 23 GMT between the and CDS (see Fig.4. 19). More than one of PBL characteristics had become unstable and needed only PAGE 176 a small amount of forcing this case, the location and directlu related or no to become convective storms. dynamic release the timing of the outbreak were to the modeled parameters. forcing available to remove instability. There was little inhibition and The convection occurred when and where the convective inhibition was reduced to near convective instability and values were obtained large, one GMT). small) of minimum the analysis of The from 21 GMT soundings and the echoes are new echoes at instability zero. inhibition shown on Fig.4.41. Notice that the convection moderate by conclusion is reinforced This In (14.0) inhibition. the next map time (23 broke out in a region of and was contained within the area Just as in the April case, the observations show th-e pattern which the modelling results predicted. (one PAGE 177 Table Run Type 4. 1: MODEL RESULTS AT 21 PH GMT, 9 MAY GS PL I 10. 2 10.8 10. 5 11. 2 12. 1 4. 7 5. 2 4. 8 5. 4 6. 0 31. 17 20. 23 42. 38 29. 57 22. 71 10. 5 11.0 10. 5 4. 47. 29 41. 67 53. 22 49. 14 37. 55 CO ND Plain 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 693 702 705 716 728 30. 5 30. 0 29. 8 710 723. 29. 5 28. 28. 7 27. 9 28. 3 "-'SAT "SAT SdT Early Clouds 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 734 750 ?L. .i 11.5 12.5 7 5. 0 . , 5.2 ,. . - "SAT +SAT +C l I'l AN Imposed Changes 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 Clouds and 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50 -70 667 674 676 694 716 30. -. 29. 7 29. 6 29. 0 28. 3 9. 3 10. 3 9.5 10. 3 11.5 3. 5 3. 8 3. 5 9. 9 10.8 10.6 11. 4 12. 3 3. 3 4. 16 4. 3 5. 0 5. 3 23. 6. 28. 14. 4. 45 08 42 41 60 +SAT +SAT +SAT +'SAT 20. 40 6. 53 12. 83 8. 46 7. 44 +SAT +SAT 'SAT +SAT +SAT Imposed Changes 693 712 714 29. 2 28. 5 28. 4 728 737 27. 1 27.1 Run Type is soil surface moisture.-buk soil moisture. PH is pressure level in mb of top of PBL. TS, QS are temperature(deg PLI is C) and moisture (gikg) at top or sur face iayer. instability index (deg C). NA is necative area above PBL which a parcel must overcome to reach the level o, iree convection (m**2/g **2). PAGE 178 Table 4. 2: CLOUDS IN MODEL RUNS- FOR iMAY CASE IMPOSED Press ur e 1! 800 825 850 875 80 % 50 % 70 % 70 X 0 % rmbb mb mb mb GMT Percentage cloudiness used levels not listed had 0 %. Table Pressure 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 4. 3: 12-14 T 0.0 -0. 4 -0. 6 -0. 8 -1.0 -0. 6 0.0 0.0 0. 4 0.0 0.0 14 GMT 17, 20 Gi"IT 0 % 0% o0 in the early cloud runs. IMPOSED CHANGES ON MODEL RUNS FOR GMT G 0.0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 4 0. 4 0. 0 •-1. 0 -3. 4 -1. 4 -1.6 14-i'7 T 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 -0. -0. 9 -1. 2 -! - -0. -0. 0. 0. 6 6 0 0 P r essure MAY CASE 17-20 GMT GlMT G 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0. 9 -1.5 -1. 5 3.0 4. 5 1. 5 0.0 T 0.0 0.0 -0. 3 -1.2 0.0 0.9 1. 2 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 2. 1 2.1 3.0 3.0 0. 9 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Imposed, changes in temperature (deg C) and moisture (g/kg) between sounding times. Imposed linearly in the model with time. Pressure levels not listed have zern changes at all times. Times not covered also have zero changes. PAGE Table 4. 4. Changes Early in: SENSITIVITY VALUES FOR 2i MODEL RUNS PH @S OMT, i79 9 MAY PLI NA -- 6 +37 clouds -11 Imposed - 9 *i changes +10 -52 Both clouds and impose d changes 0 -1 t + 8 to - 6 to - 6 Soil Bulk surface moisture - 6 soil moisture - 7 - 6 -62 -21 -11 -.39 +11 +22 Sensitivitu measured as percentage change of a given variable compared with maximum amount of change in that variable after application of physical parameter. Variables as defined on Table 4.1. Application of soil surface moisture defined as increase from 5% to 30% of saturation. Bulk soil moisture application defined as increase from 30% to 70%. on saturation. PAGE Table 4. 5: Run Type MODEL RESULTS AT 23 GMT, GS PH PLI 9 MAY NA CONDI TION PI a in 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 5'0-70 Eariu 9. I 10. 4 711 30. 2 29. 4 687 697 701 716 733 10.9 11. 9 4.7 5. 2 4. 9 5. 4 6.2 12. 17. 23. 15. 10. 47 28 95 38 21 ' SAT +SAT "SAT +SAT +SAT 30. 7 30. 1 29. 9 29. 1 28. 0 10. 0 10. 6 10. 4 11.2 12. 3 4. 6 5. 0 4. 7 5. 3 6. 1 30. 23. 32. 30. 20. 63 2441 47 30 31. 30. 30. 29. 29. 9. 1 9.6 9. 4 10. 1 11. 1 - 4. 1 3. 7 4.4 5.3 15. 12 10, 29 15. 17 5. 72 "::0.0 +SAT +SAT +SAT 3. 9 4.4 4. 2 5.0 6. 0 12. 67 4. 48 7. 27 0. 30 ":O. 0 +SAT + AT +SAT +SAT +SAT Clouds 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 Imposed "'SAT "SAT +SAT Changes 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 Clouds and 655 661 663 670 686 Table 1 6 4 9 3 -7 +SAT +SAT Imposed Changes 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 See 31. 6 31. 1 671 681 685 4.1 665 672 676 697 717 30. 29. 29. 29. 23. for legend. 3 8 6 i 3 9. 6 10. 1 10. 9 12. 1 180 PAGE 181 Table 4.6: Type Sur:face MODEL RESULTS AT 23 GMT, 9 MAY CONTINUED oGS PH Moisture 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 PLI I 671 681 685 697 711 31.6 31. 1 30. 9 30. 2 29. 4 8. 7 9. 3 9.1 9. 8 10.8 664 672 674 695 718 30. 3 29. 8 29. 7 29. 1 28.2 8.6 9.3 9. 1 10.0 11.2 OCH Modified for Surface Temperature 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 See Table 4.1 664672 674 695 718 for CONDITION Advection Surface Moisture Advection, Clouds, 5-30 30-30 5-70 30-70 50-70 NA 32. 3 31. 3.1. 31. 30. legend. 8 7 1 2 8.6 9. 3 9. 1 10.0 11.2 3. 4 3.9 3.6 4. 1 5. 0 and 39. 08 43. 85 55. 62 46. 42 33. 48 Imposed Changes 2.7 3. 1 3. 9 5.0 37.93 27.93 30. 86 14.01 0.50 Advection 3.6 4.2 3.9 4. 7 5.8 18. 45 7. 62 15. 43 1.31 0.21 (OCH) #,SAT +SAT +SAT +SAT +SAT PAGE 182 Table 4.7: Changes in: SENSITIVITY VALUES FOR 23 GMT MODEL RUNS 9 MAY PH TS GS - 8 - 8 -10 - 6 +42 +10 - +21 -47 +18 to -I100 + 5 -26 +2 to -100 PLI NA Factor Early Clouds Imposed Changes Clouds and 4 Imposed Changes + 4 -10 to - 3 Surface Moisture Advection 0 0 Clouds, 5 +30- Imposed Changes, and Surface +27 + 4 -10 to - 3 Surface Soil Moisture -5 Bulk to - Soil Moisture - 6 -59 +65 Moisture Advection +67 -75 to -95 .- 5 -16 +30 - 7 -10 +14 + 3 to -'59 to -44 See Table 4. 4 for legend. PAGE 183 1URNAUOLS REPURiED SY -BSERVLRS ' ' sux *%0 5 5 7 TORNADOES REPORTED BY .RADAR FUINEL CLOUDS REPORTED BY OBSERVERS CV 555 HAIL WITH DIAMETER SIZE Il INCHES 0 AL 31RI 05z STRONG STRAIGHT LINE WINDS 0 SEVERE THUNDERSTORm INDICATED BY RADAR I OE'N 0467 OW 0 SQUALL COS P. SKF 0 SL QSLN O 04s4 ZONE O.x AL$ Cqu 0441 04S2 TAD 0460 p. 0 SAF NO 0 ODHT o18vo OTUL 0a" LVs 0 MKO 0 o357 CSOH 357 TIK QHB"R NLC 0 0 LTS .OOM 0 PVW 02ROW66 0 FSI DUA 0 LI67 02s? 0FWo SCH MWL O ABI 8 80 0026 YS 'GOP DAL GSW 0 0256 OFrw NBE 259 0 S'P 2;o OWAF 265 0 BWo OSJT 263 0262 O Fig. 4 1 RFP Severe T convective AOCT 257 OGRK OJT eriod eather;F- vents drring 10 ;,7. ul.' 1s one rTe out.-reaks during 24 hour 256 OTPL OCLL 2OUS 204U3s 12 GMT, 9 May ers to are op period. CTYR Fig. 4. 2 Synoptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 12 GMT, 9 May. Solid lines are heights (dm), and dashed lines are vorticity (10**-5 1/s). s 82, Fig. 4. 3 Same as Fig. 4.2 for 00 GMT, 10 May. 20 \ Fig. 4. 4 Synoptic scale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 9 May. Solid lines are sea level, pressure (mb), leading 9 or 10 digit(s) dropped and dashed lines for 1000 mb to 500 mb thickness (dm). p Fig. 4. 5 Same as Fig.4.4 for O0 GMT, 10 May. o0 PAGE 188 r -V- r -1 *469 *1553 *562 L I": * 53 21 456-- II 456. , i t -- I ---- * 349 _ ,- '- -I I *433 I *451 __ r -L *365 -r I *354 -- - *327 l _.-'340U *229\ 260* *265 %270 247* / e235 " S*240 -I 'T 26 -232 "- , 255 GAG 29 OSEL 36 CAN 22 0 SIM .37 CDS 25 CHE 23 OHEN 31 SUD OTVY 0 38 HNT 33 CSM 032 0 OUN 26 26 TV OCHK O 35 34 24 ADA LTS OFSI EMC 020 21 28 27 HEA 0 30 Fig. 4.6 Locations of radiosonde launch sites for this case. -"nJ C, %-t 4 \iV vv -ID, Fig. 4. 7 500 mb analysis using special network of Fig.4.6 for 11 GMT, 9 May. Solid lines for temperatures (deg C), and dashed lines for mixing ratio (g/kg). Winds plotted conventionallu (knots). -15 Its /I 0 L00 UMmN 4VA 0 -C *KC -1 a, - SAP ~ / a ^04F 7CT -/0 vtr ,4 4I W4 A .r*~r A 7 ~ bM u of e0 B 7 0neCe wup0E 00 3o oy UIOJ (U0 s.u I ue Paqsep P seurl t su Z .c8 pl~ ) stiu V~ ~ asUP .d 6 't - Drflt- LCi se 1 a. 1' 4-14.. 4. 0 o00 ' Fig. 4. 10 Same as Fig.4.9 for L C Li at 0 m= Ct) Fg. 4. 7 for 700 b. UyA b 3 TJ .'77 k O is 3O' S 12 Samee'as 4 -- 9YCi 1o0. / "I, aVA .4' o 5~- L-- / 0 w. I qo t .*/ / I . 'I i ( - a I g 8 4. measFi. or 70o mb.. lA iA vey + 6LPC TiC It UU I cu. 9 . 4 *1 3 S ! 0 me a 8 1 2-s-s .4) 0-1 i' i. 4. 14 Rame as F . 4 . 13 fPo 20 to 23 QMT. PAGE Fig.4.15 197 Mesoscale surface analysis for 12 GMTI 9 May. Solid lines are surface potential temperatures (K) and dashed lines are dewpoints (deg C). Winds are plotte conventionally (knots). Sky condition is clear (open circle), scattered (single bar), broken (double bar) overcast (filled circle), and obscurred (x in circle). Cloud type is plotted (if available) as is current weather accordina to conventional synoptic code. Radar echoes are cross-hatched irregularly shaped areas. Surface cold front is depicted by a line with triangles along it. PACE 198 e~q! _Q4- jv ae~S9~ '"4~Q 'LDr I Fig. 4. 16 Same as Fig.4. 15 for 18 GMT, 9 May. PAGE :t99 Fig. 4. 17 Same as Fig. 4. 15 for 21 GMT, 9 May. PAGE 200 OKC 0 O 0 0 0 -' O I 0 0 0 00 o00 I' / 0 o Fig. 4. 18 Change in potential temperature and dewpoint from 12 GMT to 21 GMT, 9 May. Solid lines for potential temperature change (K) and dashed lines for change in dewpoint (deg C). PAGE 201 Fig. 4. 19 Same as Fig. 4. 15 for 23 GMT, 9 May. PAGE 202 LE a Sa 9 0o0 @00 000 000 On . 30 -o a o osa 00 OO 000 \ - 1Z Fig.4.20 Photograph of low-elevation angle display from radar screen at Amarillo, Texas at 2242,2247, and 2254 OMT# 9 May. Range rings are 20 nm apart. 0 pau. 'T 0,' f {o. 0 0 o00i 0000 6 o PAGE 204 Pressure (mb) 400 500 700 1000 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 Temperature (deg C) Fig.4.21 Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Shamrock, Texas for 1143 GMT, 9 May. Solid line connecting dots for temperature (deg C), solid line connecting * for dewpoint (deg C), dash-dotted line for 313 K isentrope, and dotted line showing moist adiabat for mean PBL parcel (or selected parcel if PBL is not well-defined) Dewpoints colder than -40 C are plotted at -40 C. 4L PAGE 205 Pressure (mb) 400 500 802 -40 --308 -20 -10 0 Temperature Fig. 4.22 (deg C) Same as Fig.4.21 for 1705 GMT, 9 May. PAGE 206 Pressure (mb) 500 600 900 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 30 ' 40 Temperature (deg C) Fig. 4. 23 Same as Fig. 4.21 for Amarillos Texas 23 GMT, 9 May. PAGE 207 Pressure (mb) 400 BOO 88 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Temperature Fig. 4.24 10 20 30 (deg C) Same as Fig. 4.21 for Childress, Texas 2006 GMT, 9 May. Missing dewpoints between 825 and 725 mb are plotted as -40 C. 48 PAGE 208 1oo Fig.4.25 Depth of nearly dry adiabatic layer (mb) between 319 and 317 K isentropes, 11 GMT, 9 May. PAGF 209 00 0 oo 0 0 0 oo 0. 0 0 0 90 00 00 0 0 O 0 00 Fig. 4.26 Same as Fig. 4.25 for 20 GMT, 9 May. PAGE 210 Pressure (mb ) 500 600 700 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Temperature Fig. 4. 27 10 28 30 (deg C) Same as Fig. 4.21 for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 20 GMT, 9 May. PAGE 211 Pressure (mb) I U 500 600 - • 700 "" - -' sess a ssi n es . S. -5 n s ssi ns s ali ns a sia t a situ as alan ass taU 900 1000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Temper ature (deg Fig.4.28 20 30 C) Same as Fig. 4.21 for MAYHYB sounding at 11 CMT, 9 May. 40 PAGE 212 TS NR QS 30 29 28900 27 800. 14.0 26 700 25 600 24 500 13.0 12.0 11.0 23 400 22 300 10.0 9.0 21. 200 20 100 8.0 19 7.0 0 PLI 6.0 L I I L I I I I I I I I - 1 I I I 1 12 13 14 15 16 1"7 18 19 2021 22 23 TIME 0 PH 650 700 5.0750 4.0 PH 800 3.0 850 2.01 Fig.4.29 Time variation of model output for MAYHYB sounding, 9 May, 5-70 soil parameters, with no extra factors modelled (Plain). NR is net radiation into surface (mcal/sq cm mih ), TS is temperature at top of surface layer (deg C), GS is PBL mixing ratio (g/kg), PLI is convective instability (deg C), PH is pressure at top of PBL (mb). Condition at top of PBL is indicated above time axis: blank = unsaturated. "S = nearly saturated, S = saturated, S+ = oversaturated (P). PA G 2:13 TS NR QS 30 29 28 900 27 800. 14.0 26 700 13.0 25 600 12.0 24 500 11.0 23 400 10.0 9.0 22 300 21 200 20 100 19 0 PLI 6.05.0 8.0 7.0 I ' PH I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 3 I 1 I 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 TIME 650 - --- 700 91-7 750 4.0-800 3.0 850 2.0 Fig.4.30 Same as Fig. 4.29 for run with morning clouds imposed (C). PAGE r14 TS NR QS 30 29 28 900 27800 26 700 25 600 14.0 13.0 12.0 24 500, 11.0 23 400. 22 300 10.0 21 200- 8.0 20 100 19 0 7.0 PLI 6.0 9.0 PH 650 - 700 5.0 750 4.0 800 3.0 850 2.0 Fig. 4. 31 Same as Fig. 4.29 for run with imposed changes above PBL (H). PAGE 2-i. 5 TS NR QS 30 29 N 28 9002780026700 25 600 - 14.0 -13.0 -12.0 - 24 500- 11.0 10.0 23 400 22 300 // 21. 200 8.0 20 10019 0 PLI 6.0 5 I 9.0 IiI Ii 7.0 sPH 11 1 650 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 TIME 700 p 5.0o~ 1t 1 750 4.0° 800 3.0 850 2.0 Fig. 4. 32 Same as Fig. 4. 29 for run with both morning clouds and imposed changes (HC). PAGE 216 (mb) Pressure _ __ __ ___ _ _C __ 500 608 888 908 1888 K t i,, It. 1.1111 1111 1111 IIRII 1 ., nil ,l,,t .....tilltlllit II 11111 III11.111 1tI11.1L11I ILII, 1.,,1,i Itlilit -48 ll -38 I -20 -18 0 18 l,1111 38 Temperature (deg C) Fig.4.33 Same as Fig. 4. 21 for model output a t 21 GMT from MAYHYB initial soundings 5-70 soil parameters, and no additional factors modelled (Plain) . Negative area is cross-hatched (P). PAGE 217 Pressure (mb) 700 800 1000 -30 -20 -18 10 20 Temperature (deg C) Fig. 4.34 Same as Fig. 4.33 for model with both clouds and imposed changes (HC). PAGE 218 TS QS 30 29 MDEL- 28. 'TS - 27 14.0 /e.r 26: 25 -J 13.0 12.0 11.0 _OS_, ) 24 23' 22 10.0 9.0 21. 20 8.0 7.0 19 ' I.. -I II I I I .. ]t.. e• I I I I n= I iI , • ii i I 1 I-- - I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 TIME Fig.4.35 Comparison between 5-70 HC model run and surface observations taken from analyses. TS, OS as in Fig. 4. 29. PAGE 219 Pressure (mb) __ I _ _ __ L 988 10800 ti ll li tLI1IttIll ------~-------- , --~-I------- T--- lIII -t------- I~II ; -1~11111111111111111 --*------T I--;--- /!Illllllllllll( - ------ --- - '--1~~111~1 -20 -10 0 10 Temperature (deg Fig. 4.36 Same as Fig. 4. 21 Mau. for Amarillo, 40 38 C) Texas at 17 GMT, 9 PAGE 220 0 O O Fig. 4. 37 Mesoscale analysis of convective instability and convective inhibition (NA) for 17 GMT, 9 Solid lines are PLI (deg C) and dashed lines NA (m*.2/s12 s). Cross hatchina is new radar Numbers in appearing between 18 and 21 GMlT. are point valuec o.F PLI, circled numbers for (PLI) May. are echoes boxes NA. PAGE 221 TS NR QS 30 29 28 27 14.0 26 25 24 13.0 12.0 11.0 23 22 10.0 9.0 21 20 8.0 7.0 19 PH 650 700 750 800 850 'i a as r-hances, i. .r .l, aud :rface run t moistur - clouds: imp o;e d advection (GCH). PAGE 222 Pressure (mb) 400 58800 880 900 108B8 -40 Fig. 4.-" -30 -20 Sa e e_s imp ose : ( ,'CH) -10 0 10 Temperature (deg 48 C) Fig. 4.33 for run at 23 GilT with clouds, chang es, and sur-.ce moisture advection PAGE 223 Pressure (mb) I I - 't- - --- -~ ' I 500 600 888 900 1I ;I I) II .L trtl .........---- -40 -30 I 1 1 1LL-III I II -r I..-I ) I I I I I II I I II) -28 1 I I -10 Temperature Fig. 4. 40 11111111111,,,,I,,,, ,It,ttI .-- ,,,2,1 L 30 (deg C) Same as Fig. 4. 33 for run at 23 OMT with clouds, imposed changes, sur face moisture advection, and modified for surface .emperature advection (QCH mnodiiied). lt.T. PAGE 22.. co 6 , SID 0 / f~ TCC OKC S0 0 0 0 0 10 oO 0 Oo 0 Fi .4 .1 Sa im rT'onr a; 2.1 Fiq. 4.37 fi.r to 23 G T;. 20. (iT. 0 0 0 New radar echoe- are PAGE 225 CASE STUDY 5.1: with a large number tornado the previous two, The (e.g.wail was which formed were this funnels sighted, size the SESAM E region. just northeast of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OKC) around 18 GMT, and The synoptic factors modeling Tresults are SYnoptic At High The 5 00 mb, shown and to the southwest From these cells. and soundings, 18 OMT before the convection, are 15 and 5.2: formed are discussed first, is documented. mesoscale analysis more formed line not Nevertheless, cells formed a squali but analysis did not isolated Eve-ntualiy 1. 5 was that the case any 19 GiMT. although was indicate by in No substantial, Morning out uneIxpectedly. convergence were Maximum hail interesting a-spect of convection broke was not associated severe hail. clouds) seen on radar. thunderstorms The severe. of tornadoes or precursors a mesocuc lone cm. Jurne Introduction This case, unlike or 6 iII: then the available discussed and finally interpreted. Analysis June, Piains area of 12 OiT the United (Fig. 5. i States.. at a with trough an lay in elongated the PAGE 226 vorticity weak maximum co-located with or zero had The weak, occurred. all of Texas and spread-out vorticity km. for 12 GMT, 6 June surface, the map only weak Oklahoma, south-southwest geostrophic Increased north to a low center (west of the There was still no in Canada. and organization of the synoptic-scale and both at 500 mb discontinuities well-defined 500 the geostrophic south-southwest, stronger than before. still the analyses, (Fig. 5. 3), over CO, as an extension of a trough which well-defined thickness gradient nearby, flow was flow flow over At 00 GMT, 7 June (Fig. 5.4) a low developed stretched The thickness gradient within with no well--defined CVA at 500 mb) 5.3: border. southwesterly over Oklahoma. At the showed had become localized with weak CVA extending northeast more from central Oklahoma to the Kansas/Missouri still Oklahoma at a significant change (Fig. 5.2), By O00 GMT, 7 June stronger and was CVA was There was eastern Kansas. flow over nearly southwesterly this time. axis. throughout most of the SESAME region with the of the weak CVA in largest the trough in the surface the wind suggesting Mesoscale Analysis field or that synoptic-scale in this features occurred case, but thermal there were no field in any of low-level convergence along front was not present. a PAGE 227 The anailyses of the mesoscale were fields of performed at 500 mb and 700 mb at available data consisted in Oklahoma, shown in Fig. 5. 5. and some cases in at any in clearly error. 15 GMT reported heights which af the (CHK) and Altus, Oklahoma the 18 GMT. The 15 stations The data were noisy, Fort Sill, Oklahoma (FSI) were about 6 dm lower than surrounding stations. other stations. and 15 and of soundings at mostly upper air data Winds at Chickasha, Oklahoma (LTS). were much stronger than at the were not associated with any discernible .height gradients. Some conclusions could the curvature of maximum, noted Oklahoma at be drawn from these data. the streamlines as a guide, the vorticity on the synoptic-scale analyses remained west of 18 GMT. Indeed, at 15 GMT there was more evidence for a mesoscale vor-ticity maximum as indicated by the curvature of the streamlines on Fig. 5.6 than at Fig. 5.7. Oklahoma The wind at Gage, Oklahoma (HEN) veered the flow at of Oklahoma uniformly from the 5.7. contribution to 18 GMT, southwest. The This cooling aloft represented a convective in the temperatures by comparing instability over the convection broke out near the edge of the strong rather thaTn leaving (including the dropped noticeably at 500 mb as can be seen Figs. 5.6 and 18 GMT on (GAG), and Hennessey, at 500 mb between 15 and 18 GMT over most central part) Using center of region. The cooling aloft the region of cooling. PAGE 228 The 700 mb field same tendencies for generally temperatures at Childress, The convection began at 12 GMT, 6 June, in the in the region from cool air, cooler air (HBR), in this air. To the the dewpoints were above they were 3-5 C lower. Weak radar No stations reported or even any visual of cumulus clouds. At 15 GMT (Fig. 5. 11) the cool existence, with slightly winds generally from the south Oklahoma although (SPS) skies pool was still higher dewpoints of stratocumulus clouds were still potential mostly from the south northerly thunderstorm activity however, sightings of covered and (CDS) northeast to Hobart, Oklahoma echoes were located northeast of OKC. any the edge the mesoscale surface surface were weak, southeast of this slightly but the coolest 500 mb A. cool pool was located Texas increased Notice the very moist conditions the winds were calm or weak 20 C, temperatures that Oklahoma was mostly cloud Winds at the or southeast. and the air. On Fig. 5. 10 at analysis showed 5.9) showed nearly field, same region as 18 GMT. this moist 700 mb and the wind over Oklahoma. which were in the foggy. (Figs. 5.8 and or southeast. in 18-19 C, and Stratus or covering most of the state of just over the border at Wichita Fails, Texas had cleared and BLH had temperature of begun 5.7 K between (increase 12 and in 15 GMT). PAGE.229 18 GMT At near OKC. and (Fig. 5. 12), towering cumulus clouds were The centered on LTS, although it was weaker cool strong the area was still pool southeast near FSI and over Oklahoma, and Notice that no south. than the warmer region to drger especially SPS. the precursors to At 19 GMT, shown on Fig. 5. 13. squall still observable, in Oklahoma at this time. convergence line was observed the cool and than at 15 GMT. at the surface was occurring all winds were generally moderate from the at FSI1 observed pool was Ardmore, Oklahoma (ADM). Heating echoes had appeared scattered weak the heavy line formed north of FSI and southwest of CHK. This broken line of radar echoes extended northeast past OKC, and was visible from Tinker AFB.. Oklahoma seeing a line of cumulonimbus clouds east and southeast. was reporting towering cumulus clouds. convection had a potential Warmer temperatures were north on, as seen on the radar sequence north of FSI and strong storms, The cooler and dryer. (not shown), the to a cool temperature trough by deficit to BLH. Later storms developed of which formed a mesocyclone after cooal pool was reduced lost much of its Notice the OKC, TIK, and SPS. southwest of CHK eventually one to the of HBR and Clinton Sherman AFB, while LTS was still (CSM), inflow air to 22 C. the observations at FSI uniformity of The FSI temperature between 305 and 306 K, the surface of 21 and a dewpoint at Oklahoma (TIK) which reported into 21 OMT. 19 GMT, having PAGE 230 Fi and . 14 shows dewpoint between temperature than 10 K, McAlester K rise. LTS, the rise, at temperature. the least than 11 this less period in terms large rise about in in in i C. This large change of surface equivalent be addressed detail in from less than 7. 5 The dewpoints suggested a in potential connection soundings. Advection was unimportant had an anomalouslu the K. in Nelw tongue extending northwest during This will changes Plains region of cool center, had a verg slightlg temperature Most of Oklahoma warmed in addition to heating, instabilit, largest to OKC and TIK showed temperature, more Oklahoma rose The the High and Texas. (MLC) up in potential 19 G1MT. and a significant ADM and potential changes i2 and occurred along Mexico., Colorado, with the net high potential gradient between SPS and in this analysis. convective The considered in of the Texas temperature and the Oklahoma parcels arriving outbreak region advection was weak. north The came the ignored initial of SPS, where impact of advection will connection with SPS dewpoint) so border was in the from east border. be soundings. 5. 4 Soundinns The special shown on Fiq. . radiosondes were at a ni 18 launched 7 prior to from the sites convection. lo 12 PAGE 231 GMT soundings were the regular OKC launched from these were also plotted at 12 GMT. and Dodge City, sounding at adiabatic less stable than a 500 mb. stable layer of 20 mb. layer from 650 mb to 600 mb, layer from 600 to 500 mb. showed a variation of this to 565 mb and a st-able The UMN capped by an additional The plot of the SEP pattern with one dry adiabatic layer above the inversion layer above 800 mb, up lagyer from 540 to 585 mb with inversion from 490 to 500 mb. inversion or stable layer. varied from 500 mb to no dry adiabatic UMN sounding All at sounding of these The height of 575 mb. layers, sharp soundings had this to an stable layer but the DDC sounding had two and the had one. the surface. had It had a 30 The OMC and SEP soundings had of these 12 GMT soundings had or near a simple, layers form the surface up moist adiabatic to 535 mb. and a second dry adiabatic All sounding inversion from 575 The DDC sounding was different in other respects. nearly At 12 GMT had a similar structure, but had a dry stable mb (DDC) (Fig.5.15) from the surface to lapse rate, there was a small Kansas The OKC sounding showed a very smooth structure, slightly 500 mb as.a Soundings from Stephenville.. Texas (UMN), Monett, Missouri moist adiabatic Additionally, 12 GMT sounding was available, as well 1312 GMT sounding at HEN. (SEP), sites. saturated Above layer the high surface, Above 500 mb, relative humidity only alJ the UIN o. the PAGE 232 soundings were layer except for OfKC which quite dry, just above 500 mb. 1312 GMT showed sounding. way features Aside temperature The pict to similar from a low level It had an to SEP, with only Just as very had a sharp upper in the just above 600 mb dry adiabatic the the similar layers at 860, 800 these speaking Using GMT. initial air analyses, changes of the All PIL from the were inversions sounding the was clear that examining the surface layer to 915 mb. top o: changes the (Fig. 5. 15), which preceded of verq convection. With only it is the and depth shaillow it had a At EMIC, were in 15 superadiabatic a well-mixed PI3L above values and the values at possible that the coarse surface entreiy FSI, hence were useful the sounding apparently the FEL, assuming 12 GMT 18 gone by Oklahoma (EMC) and of the convection, and (Fig. 5. 17), or the PBL top. Two soundings, Elmore City, upwind Generally inversion between 870 and 885 nib at HEN (Fig. 5. 16) was above located and GAG separating an sharply reduced smooth as OKC at was as except free atmosphere. as a guide, the HEN sequence in occurred 15 GtMIT soundings inversion between 800 and 900 mb, well-mixed apparently the the O\C 12 GMT* of inversion at 885 mb, inversion small the soundings as well. up those from HEN at 585 r.b. and GMT the soundinQ followed the 334 K moist adiabat all nearly to 400 mb. of had a moist PAGE 233 resolution the surface above An the well--minied PBL's beginning sounding missed layer. inversion capped the PDL between 915 and 875 mb. Another inversion was between, the located between 600 and lapse rate was conditionally 535 mb. unstable, and the relative humidity was over 70% for nearlu the whole existence of clouds, 600 and Fig. 5. 11 there should and 630 mb, suggested overcast, that cloud which agreed with cover was 301 K, mixing ratio of 16 g/kg) sounding was 3.3. to 895 mb, and Fig. 5. 18). the 500 mb still had The this indications. (potential When temperature of became saturated at 905 mb. to 775 mb. The PLI for this the well-mixed PBL extended inversion was up (see and gone as well, Clouds were the surface observations, and the relative When and was 4. 9. 7 hour period. almost indicated the lifted 870 mb PLI dropped taken place, so the convective during 5 tenths and 1. 5 C. the sounding at between from reports inversion had disappeared temperature saturated 20 mb. 18 GMT, level the PBL. top. about By The upper humidities in were buoyant up the lower indicated by above PBL parcels clouds present Surface the sounding adiabatically, negatively have been near 915 mb. lifted and were sounding: relative humidity above 75% implies the Assuming that between In presence of clouds adiabaticaiiY, PBL parcels were negativel y buoyant Dy 19 G1T, instability Notice that the for more heating had increased mixing rat-io onl had in PAGE 234 the PIBL decreased The slightly convective northeast of FSI. suggesting. either outbrek triggering mechanism 15 GMT FBI sounding sounding showed It 600 mb. mb temperature lifted, top), for By mb, and surface (Fig. 5. 19) were negatively than to at 865 mb, ratio of at 920 mb layer at 650 (potential 14. 5 g/kg) were (probably the PBL up 18 GMT, FSI had a well-mixed PBL extending lower inversion was layer was delineated by lapse rate, 600 mb, the The temperature and a strong FSI, the 500 mb adiabatically, mixing ratio negatively at gradient (potential of 14.5 g/kg) became buoyant for 50 mb. in mixing the upper dropped at EMC. temperature A traversed a cloud 500 mb PBL parcels Fig. 5. 20). level When lifted of 303. 5, saturated at 850 mb, sounding between only 0.5 C at temperature This to 875 sounding, with a Jwhich over-emphasized inversion. unlike (see gone Aloft, the sonde apparently 565 mb and The PLI 3. 6. sounding 'as the The another at and to about 800 mb. buoyant up The the east. defined PBL. When PBL parcels mixing the destabilize or that a wet, with one cloud near 885 mb. to just out around FSI a poorly had inversion became saturated superadiabatic ratio. to later at FSI acted of 303. 5 1K they and this slower also was fairly and another 19 GMT was convection broke was a strong at region Later, FSI 18 GMT at EMC. between 15 and was clearly and more PAGE 235 stable than that convective iess at EMC at inhibition. 18 GMT from The FLI than at EMC. instabilitg near 20 OMiT place f1or standpoint of the this sounding IMore heating convection when of was 3. 9, this began to air tool spread to the FSI area. As happened decreased absence surface in moisture latent heat example .luxes. of this it should have in ratio the difficult to re concile this It is of analtjses. change in the surface It well may the have been that lower part of the that must have existed to The 18 GOT was a good sounding at FSi at (Fig, 5. 20). advection will be The question give upward of moisture addressed again when the modelling results discussed. For comparison, the regions north at particularly in Fig. 5. 21. from the and Notice L up interestinq south of It examine convective that the PBL apparenti tothe scattered only the to 18 GMT sounding The base sur.ace values the morning. it is 18 GMT. surface case, reporting all as surface measurements were sampling gradient this heating, the apparent lack the the PBL mixing sounding, moist advection. of values from are the EMC the PBL during decrease with the for should sky have of a s al seem too conditions, lo', in area, at CSM is shCown exennded i00 mb inversion. In since and soundings had had a superadicabatic CSM was been warming surface PAGE 236 layer by this time. The PLI much negative area remained boundary the SPS at 17 GMT inversion ca.pping buoyant had a the PIL. 1. 7 and Parcels from the for almost (Fig. 5. 22) had a PLI significant amount of The CSM sounding sounding was above the PIBL. layer were negatively south, had a for this 00 mrb. of 4. 2, To and also negative area to overcome. deep but dry PBL, and still SPS was characterized by shallower. more moist PBL, but also had a stable had an a layer aloft. Although SPS had almost as much convective instability as EMC, convection was held inversion. As already noted, there were inversions (including SPS). between 15 and These inversions changed This three hours. During Convection broke little in 15 GMT. strength 15 GMT, and was steady for this time, cloud cover out at those soundings at suggests that a mesoscale into Oklahoma by strength depending on and/or the in almost all of the 18 GMT. inversion moved the next back by BLH took place) the and perhaps soil places where and a convective trigger released moisture. when the BLH the convective instability. The soundings showed that the convective the PBL increased during the period increase was modest, The convective considerable and due in part 12 0MT to instability of 19 GIT, to changes at inhibition changed relatively more, values at 15 GNMT to nearly zero by but the 500 mb. from 13 GMTI at EMC. PAGE 237 To quantifu the factors was constructed FSI, and time evolution. involved: to represent the the PBL model a -hybrid sounding inil.ow air was run with this (JUNHYB) EMC and between sounding to give the These results follow. 5. 5 Hybrid Modelling The hibrid sounding Notice that for it was quite amounts used initially values, and are 12 GMT is shown humid were at low derived levels. shown on Table 5. i. 1 to was weighted 3 to sounding. The position of be upwind of the middle of The at changes were Rainfall from to and EMC. (shown with 5 June. an asterisk Surface values analyses. The June) was plotted (5 _, on ig 5. 2) A tongue parameters. inch along region of on J- moisture The Table 5.2. day ore This area. from the three soundings of moderate precipitation extended northeast fell at OKC on chosen to in soil with amounts reaching over the OKC shown the previous help set the was The JUNHYB as _ Fig. 5. 24 to input to sounding from the surface interpolated and applied (FSI,CHK,EMC) profile. the convective outbreak 12 GMT were interpolated imposed initial the hybrid humidity 12 OMT OKC and SEP primarw between CHK, FSI was midway location ive The cloud from the relative soundings were averaged to derive the average in F-ig. 5.23. the was FTromi SPS to MLC, the axis. hybrid dry the Rain aiso sounding prev'ious da. PAGE 238 On 4 June.. one day stations soil in earlie-, rain had only Oklahoma, all in the southeast cornar. So surface moisture could not have been verg high region.. certainly no moisture for the higher than 60%. inflow air had The soil the for this surface to reflect a contribution from since the trajectories band of moderate rainfall, the fallen on four from 12 @1IT to 19 GMT crossed this band. The previous month, and were moderately wet to 60%. (soil So first 3 days of June values were used for the model runs: moisture) 10-30, 30-30, soil surface m6isture-bulk soil moisture was in the range of 30% should have been the following 30-60, 60-60 with the in Oklahoma, so the bulk Likely va-lues moderate. indeed, the expectation that the middle two runs woul.d be most rea-listic. The modeli-n-g results for the runs without clouds or the PBL presented no surprises. imposed changes above figures appear the deepest and In fact, the over The sounding. the range of soil lower for the top of large difference between the that for 30-60 run. instability. 10-30 run than for the PBL varied roughly almost 2 g/kg. PL.I value This difference 50 mb the PBL moisture values moistures, and showed a wide variation as well, (10-30) had soil run also the least dryest PBL, and the 19 GMT PLI w as initial The dryest in Table 5.3. The There was a for the 60-60 run and in convective instability PAGE 239 due to was the much higher PBL moisture content. both GS and PLI true for the surface temperature, but direction.. from the 30-60 run. "Jumped" the moisture temperature to give higher None coupled that all oversaturated by a The Fig. 5. 25. in Although the GS dropped that the model oversaturated lacked clouds were added, model behavior. Table 5.3. Generally: and more moist. That is, the PBL the plain runs. to The anount growth under The surface the clouds as well, clouds. of and The PBL moisture an effects. occurred in the in some form, The results are change in cloud was grew 25% less higher, of shown on shallower, cooler PBL growth was 33%. 1/3 less than that of temperatures were verY stayed the PBL unrealistic, the PBLs were of time, were thinner at the end for details). all shown in important physical The clouds were present. (see Table 5.1 the model the entire time. large changes throughout the run, although they is with quickly runs were all expected result, since they When throughout time of the 30-60 run to stay This was of the runs were large amount, and fast enough the cooler The runs were actually behavior implied the run oFfset of .the runs showed any negative area. at the PBL tops. This in the other convective instability. to the observation top rose This was also increase easily oversaturated runs. going Notice how sensitive than without the as expected. The PAGE 240 drying the PBL was reduced more than 25%. with run on Fig. 5. 25 that the plainT throughout the run. The the di ferences were built heating of the surface, drying as the moisture was mixed upwards. magnitude of the changes was instability! even decreased slightly. and moistening effects the same growth in In all PLI. As all unrealistic it the cooling yielding almost none of the runs had any were oversaturated throughout included in since clouds were predicted by the PBL growth the model yielding PBL tops much higher than The sensitivity but only higher with the saturation the by level of the unrealistic. imposed the opposite of the sensitivity in The results are shown shows the 30-60 run. However, excessive, of PBL characteristics to the (Table 5.2) was nearly to clouds. the runs. was still So these runs were still PBL parcels. runs, proved In this case, oversaturation was not obviously the run. changes balanced, before, 19 GMT, and negative area b-y however, of these runs, were nearly the clouds. For the wettest run, insensitive to the clouds. relatively and However "the drastically cut under of convective The growth compared behavior of the PBL. was the same rising PBL top, qualitatively: Fig. 5. 26 shows Notice, when time evolution for the 30-60 run. the up in Table 5.3 and Fig. 5.27 The PBL growth was slower than the plain about 7%. changes, by The surface temperatures were almost 10%, again not a large PAGE 241 impact. 6%. The PBL moisture The PBL responses resulting in from the run with imposed GMT, the to the closely, imposed changes C. After changes at 750 mb and growth, which warmer and wetter. 15 GMT. The Entrainment at the PBL top character of Between 12 and the 15 by more occurred in inversion seen inversion slowed the PBL became noticeable at the same sensible heat flux diverge the PBL top warmed This created This to began 15 GMT no further changes 15 GMT soundings. but by only imposed changes were minimal the plain run temperatures above the PBL. on the slower, explains what happened. layers between than 1 deg little PBLs which were shallower, When compared the dropped a 15 GMT. Slower growth for gave higher PBL temperatures. gave warmer values as well. of these effects contributed to higher TS values. moisture responded similarly, having less Both The PBL room for the spreading out of similar amounts of moisture, giving less PBL dry ing. The combination of warmer and wetter PBLs make a significant difference was enough in the PLI values. The tendencies for temperature and moisture were both direction the in of higher imposed changes instability. aloft growth of convective The resulted in instability. a significant effect onl'y small PBL more The on the PLI vaues. to in the changes under than a 40% increase imposed changes The negative had PAGE 242 area was zero For all unrealistically oversaturated When both clouds and .just as before. imposed changes aloft were added the model, the results were as tendencies for smaller PBLs combined more than 40% only lower than the reached above 820 mb, surface the clouds, which had themselves.. 35% shown lower than This was induced or oversaturated, and had no The The dryest soil 860 mb. run The in the plain runs, clearly such a due to the-effect large change by tendencies combined This resulted to to give PBL growth rates the wettest only The moisture value less drying. in Table 5. 3. plain runs. and temperatures stayed growing 20% more slowly. of and the runs were all the runs again in PBLs which were negative area to give saturated just as before. The PLIs responded to the higher IOS values, generally growing more than the-plain runs by 40% The time evolution The figure (Fig. 5.26), of the looks very much instability rose clouds and imposed clouds only run this like the run with except for the behavior convective during 30-60 run appears on Fig. 5. 28. time. between 16 and the PLI The other the period of heaviest The 19 GilT when both as opposed to the was appr'oximately level noteworthy aspect of Fig. 5. 28 was that the run showed oversaturation hours. of the PLI. changes aloft were added, in which clouds cloud only during the first three After that, the P1L PAGE 243 growth was balanced end of the run. This behavior was very realistic for convective region. the the first three hours and the growth two dryer soil runs, which the clouds and in these runs. oversaturated for changes were the This qualitative behavior was also present for Apparently conditions until the just.saturated giving last imposed The several were oversaturated 15 minutes of unable to control the run changes balanced the PDL. wettest soil hours, for only run, however, so that clouds and was imposed it. 5. 6 Summary The Values sensitivity are shown summarized on Table 5.4. values are moisture .for the soil parameters The ,bulk soil moisture (GWB) was generally nrot importance for a-n-y factor the of 2 of the parameters. (30% to 60%) surface temperature rise by 6%, and the PLI The surface although growth soil moisture GWO between the two from 10% to 30% was by only 5%, 5%, the PBL moisture drop by (GWO) was more important, its effect was less than the clouds or The GWO varied The two numbers for each difference growth by 6%. changes for some variables. 60%. great Changing GWB by a the PBL changed of as well. from 10% to 30%7 to PBL characteristic reflect the jumps. less imposed Curiousil, important the tripling than the doubling of from PAGE 244 30% to 60%. increases, The PBL growth was cut 5% and the rise to the additional moisture. budget. strongly. to the from 10% to 30%. to following changes, PLI imposed changes (+ added it for one of to the the runs. clouds and imposed importance: clouds + bulk surface moisture + soil moisture) exerted too weak an to show up is possible convective instability conditions + soil parantheses this series of runs for even for the change from the 30-60 run with initial The factors in PLI of in decreasing order of = the PBL responded the other case studies, in a conceptual manner is in grew 25% to almost 75% more for the summarize the sensitivity various factors The The PLI 12% to 30% a direct role surface moisture, As in the two understandable, The convective instability soil increased GWO. dropped This was since the surface soil moisture plays moisture by in temperature was affected similarly. "The PBL moisture was more sensitive, and less for 11% influence on in the non-linear comparison. imposed changes only was the same when clouds were for the 30-60 run. moisture were inferred The effects of clouds and bulk from the isolated runs ("plain", soil clouds only). In which this case it was fairly agreed with the simple to find a model run suirface observations. The only runs PAGE 245 which were not oversaturcted 10-30, 30-30 and changes aloft. clear PBL top for most of 30-60 runs with Of these, for any only period during soundings. excellent. Hence, changes simul.ated No dynamic start The comparable values taken from frrcing =e.emed to be Strong imposed convective inhibition at changes However, involved as a trigger the model negative areas were the 30-60 model EMC at had no 18 GIMT was close to data, what the PBL structure really output from the "simulation" run: calculated hourly but was 19 OMTI starting Notice at 15 GMT. that the negative positive before that. the amount of negative area was substantial, even by 18 GMT a :parcel wLould vertical velocity.i buoyancy. The run with clear from the coarse These values are shown on Table 5. 5. zero at to and no surface ("simulation" run) 19 GMT. of the sounding area went to imposed temperature gradients were not this condition, but it was not fact, on Fig. 5. 29, was the surface, wind shear was weak, Using not predict a reality quite well. clouds and was. imposed The 30-60 values comparison, shown convergence was disco-vered. resolution the run. the 30-60 run ,with clouds and the convection. observed at both clouds and the 30--60 run did for TS and GS were compared with the nearby the time were the so that have required almost 3 m/is to penetrate to sounding for In 15 GMT the level (Fig. 5. 3 considerable negative area at that t8ie. At of positive ) shows 18 the -MT (Fig. 5. 31) PAGE 2"46 there was still and any small small Fig. 5. 32, parcels. left, a region werT'e velocity vertical These conclusions are Fig. 5.33 and at appeared and were not case and . This pattern the April case. that confirmed fields Notice is the area was of the PBIL with as a trigger. by observations. of convective that the within echoesC same as instability wich the region the areas of greatest in for PEL o n egative perturbations 19 OMT were contained at inhibition, instabilit 18 GMT. buoyancy free to rise out shows the analyzed inhibition negativE OMT, shows at PBL par-cels of in of minimum convective the May 23 GMT PAGE 247 Table 5. 1: CLOUDS IMPOSED if'N MODEL RLUNS FOR JUiNE CASE 15 GiT 12 GlMT Pr e 18 giT sstr e 800 825 850 875 900 925 o 0 % X 10 30 50 PBL top PBL. top -25mb 0 0 0 POL top 30 PBL topC 30C 30 70 % % % 7. Xi/ 80 Cloud amounts expTressed as a percentage o complete cloud approfm ate pressure PBL tops are shown in their cover. depends on part.cular Trun. level s--a tual level Table 5. 2: IMPOSED CHANGES ON MODEL RULNS FOR JUNE CASE 12 - Pressure T(deg G(g/kg) 0. 0. 0. 500 525 550 575 T(deg 0. O. +1. -i. 625 650 675 700 725 75/ 775 800 825 850 +0 -0. +0. +1. +1 +i +0. 0. 0. O. -U. 0 I 0. + . +0 -,. +0. -0 +0. lever 0. O. -. +1 . 9 75 900 O. +0. +0 O. O. O. 0. G(g/kg) +0. +0. + 1 19 GiMT +2. +C0. -0. -0. C) -0. -0. 0. +0. O. +0. ou PT-essure; C) 15 - 15 GMT • nct PT~uc Ievl ore nrtment ha v. ca . ,c PAGE 249 Tabie R un 5. 3: PH(mb ) TS( MlODEL RES3ULT-I SC(g C) AT 19 GMT, 6 JUE PLI( kg) C NA CONDITION Plain 10-30 30-30 30-60 60-60 12. 13. 13. i4 30. 30. 29. 28. 724 733 745 772 S+ S+ S+ S+ Cloud 10-30 30-30 30-60 60-60 Imposed 10-30 30-30 30-60 60-60 800 809 820 844 5+ S+ S+ Er+ Y.- 14 27. 26. 15. Changes 31. 736 749 761 790 Clouds and 10-30 30-30 30-60 60-60 27. 30. 29. 12. i3. 13. 14. S+ 13. 14. 14. 15. S+ S+ S S+ S+ S+ S+ Imposed Changes 818 829 841 359 28. 283. 27. 26. Run ID is expressed in form: Surface Soil Moisture/Bulk Soil Moisture. PH is pressure level of PL__ top. TS is temperature at the top oF the surface laer. GS is PL moisture. PLI is convective instability. NA is ne gative area (convective instabilit)., in mr**2/s*2 (energM/mass). C ondition refers to the saturation condition at the top of the PBL: blankunsaturated, oversaturated. "'S = nearly saturated S = saturated, S+ = PAGE 5. 4: Table Change in: SENSITI:VITY YAL.UES MOCDEL R UNS OR 23 C4T PH 6 2L49 UN PLI Fac tor +10 Cl ouds to -08 Imposed Changes + Clouds and Imposed -41 Changes -- 22 Soil Surface Moisture 10 to 30% - 5 30 to 60% -1i i Bulk Soil Moisture 30 to 60% - 5 9 - - li 5. - 6 +44 -35 +40 -12 +25 +73 -- 56 - , + 6 Values are percen-tage changes of normal variation of parameters, expressed in relation to the maximum change in the plain runs. PH is the pressure level of the top of the PBL, TS is the temperat:ure at the top ofi the surface layer, S5 is the PBL moisture value, and PLI is the convective instability. Table 5. 5: NEGATIVE AREA FOR 30-60 RUN WITH CLOUDS AND IMPOSED CHANGES Time 15 GMT 16 17 18 19 GMT OMT GiMT GiMT Negative Area (m**2/s**2) 17. 20 12. 96 4. 92 3. 78 0. 00 Negative area is related to needed updraft velocity to reach tion v = (2*Neqative bjuogancu bu rei level of positive Area)*1 /2. PAGE 250 55f, Fig. 5. 1 Sy.noptic-scale 500 mb analysis for 12 GMT, 6 June. Solid lines for heights (dm) and dashed lines for varticity (10**-5 1/sec). PAG 251 55s 5E7- 56e Fig. 5. 2 Same as Fig. 5.1 for O0 GMT, 7 June. PAGE 252 Fig. 5. 3 Synoptic-scale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 6 June. Solid lines for sea level pressure (mb) with leading 9 or 10 digit(s) dropped, and dashed lines for 1000 to 500 mb thickness (dm). PAiGE 253 ./ Fig. 5. 4 Same as Fig. 5.3 for 00 GMT) 7 June. PAGE 225 Fig. 5. 5 Sounding network for June 6-7 case. PACE 255 * I, K0 MLC 0 CDS 0 0 Mesoscale 500 mb analysis for 15 GMT, 6 June. Solid lines for temperatures (deg C) and dashed lines for mixing ratio (g/kg). Wind plotted conventionally (knots). Fig. 5.6 0 ob MLC 7o cqs OO -%14 Fig. 5. 7 Same as Fig. 5.6 for 18 GMT, 6 June. PAGE 256 ' 0 MLC 0 00 Fig. 5. 8 Same as Fig. 5.6 for 700 mb. MLC 0 00 0V Fig. 5. 9 Same as Fig. 5.8 for 18 GMT, 6 June. PAGE 2,57 dS y"P 3 0 3DO DDC 7r- I'R UMI r~- ---S ~ 'A 0* % EN SEP t Fig. 5. 10 0 K Solid Mesoscale surface analysis for 12 GMT, 6 June. and (K) temperature lines are surface potential Winds are dashed lines are dewpoints (deg C). Sky condition is plotted conventionally (knots). clear (open circle), scattered (single bar), broken (double bar), overcast (filled circle), and obscurred Cloud type is plotted (if available) (x in circle). as is current weather according to conventional Radar echoes are cross-hatched synoptic code. irregularly shaped areas. PAGE 258 Fig. 5. 11 Same as Fig. 5. 10 for 15 GMT, 6 June. P AAGE 259 Fig. 5.12 Same as Fig. 5.10 for 18 GMT, 6 June. P AGE Fig.5. 13 Same as Fig. 5.10 for 2r0 19 GMT, 6 June. PAGE 26. -Th UMN MLC EMC 0 0 ADM oo 0 )o / (.P r fo Fig. 5. 14 Change of potential temperature and dewpoint between Solid lines are change in 12 GMT and 19 GMT, 6 June. potential temperature (K), and dashed lines are change in dewpoint (deg C). PAGE 262 Pressure (mrb) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Temperature Fig. 5. 15 20 (deg 30 C) Sounding plotted on a pseudoadiabatic diagram from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for 12 GMT, 6 June. Solid line connecting dots for temperature (deg C), solid line connecting * for dewpoint (deg C), dash-dotted line for 313 K isentrope, and dotted line showing moist adiabat for mean PBL parcel (or selected parcel if PBL is not well-defined). Dewpoints colder than -40 C are plotted at -40 C. PAGE 263 Pressure (mb) __ _I ___ _ _~ _ _ 888 I~ti;1lllllI l lit 5 lit---LI - II----I it -48 : -3Z 1 I If ~Ltil lit iiit Ill~lr llllllllTllllll~l1ll1111111111 LItlllii- LYI--lII -- t II-- LL~UILLLLLLLL~ ~ ii~111111111111 28 -20 38 Temperature (deg C) Fig. 5. 16 Same as Fig. 5. 15 from Hennesey, Oklahoma for 1312 GMT 6 Jun-. PAGE 264 Pressure (mb) __ __ 400 ____ ~ __ __* __ _ _ ___ _____L ___ 500 600 700 900 ;Iltillltl~llllllttl111 III1I1I1I1II11IIIII1LIIIIIL1LI1IL -- ~l--~'-~t~-"~~--- ~'----------~~LI~---C- -------- -40 -30 -20 -10 ILuntantIL 1-11 -- ~-------------C-- '--- 10 Temperature (deg Fig. 5. 17 20 C) Same as Fig.5. 15 from Elmore City. Oklahoma for GMT, 6 June. -1 40 PAGE 265 Pressure (mb) 4008 - - -- I I ---~I 688 *ol 98800 900 (Itt~ll(Llllillllll~1111111111 h-111 .l----- ..... 11 -----------i , --.ti .,I -----------/~I.----.J,, ... l.....L ---- -- -- ---- ---- -~~--~--~---- I- ---.i... - -~------ -40 -38 -20 -10 Temperature Fig. 5.18 38 (deg C) Same as Fig. 5.17 for 18 GMT, 6 June. PAGE 266 Pressure (mb) 400 500 600 -48 -33 -2 -10 0 18 Temperature (deg Fig. 5. 19 20 48 C) Same as Fig. 5. 15 from Fort Sill, Oklahoma for 15 GMT6 June. PAGE 267 Pressure (mb) 4008 - ---- -- - -- - ---- ---- 608 800 98800 "i 111 --!~-~1~"~' IIf - - l~'''~-~- 1ffi!1 II 11. 1 -''"Y U'Y" 11 1. 111111 111"'"'' II'I "" ""U"~' -- _ --. - . .. . ....... . -.----. ' L- -h,, ,-i,,,. .,, -,, ,! , , I,,.,, -.,: .--,,"., ,_ , , -48 -30 -20 t -~ ~ 1: :-1 .:7- 1-:: -10 Temperature Fig. 5.20 -I. I IILLIIILIII1(111~11:LI11111111;Y I 28 (deg Same as Fig. 5.19 for 18 GMT, C) 6 June. 11-.- -1-1-1. -1 ..- PAE 268 Pressure (mb) 400 I -- ~--II~-- -- - I~~----- -- -- - - ---- ; - 600 800 IIll II L t tlln I:.I1 . -u ~-----,,~l~----*rrrr~ ---- n-- --- -40 -30 -20 ill, --L,,I ~ -- L .I.LIitt r ---------- -10 Temperature Fig. 5. 21 l tltti 30 (deg C) Same as Fig. 5. 15 from Clinton Sherman AFB, Oklahoma for 18 GMT, 6 June. -i 40 PAGE 269 Pressure (mb) --- , -- --- I I _ _ ._ ee 9088 IIItII 1000 aminninh -48 -38 th iu hnoubol S-108 haimbniub 8 18 Temperature (deg Fig.5.22 28 i 38 4 C) Same as Fig.5.15 from Wichita Falls, Texas, 17 GMT, June. 6 PAGE 270 4- v + + 600 + + 700 + - 800 '+\ -900 -40 0 + + - 1000 20 30 40 TEMP Fig. 5.23 Same as Fig. 5. 15 for JUNHYB, 12 GMT, 6 June. .. 9 OKLAHOMA j,,.. ,- . .5 *... PACH90TH "- 4........* intU ME r "I p -" , 9'9*,.9 . RAL ,_, '!' 4. . .. . T. 0 .44) .J , . T. 9- j9.r -A .. too k, . ' ,.^ , for t 'drawn . ...... 10, . 50,,. 1I.-r ok It ., N oo. S A W- 4. to 2 k, • , - -. o. I~ inches. ' to r ... - IV. , ... 1 1 ". .. '9.4)9, r " ". ,:, - I.... . 1.. - ... / ADS 's.I . ......A op ,. _ SADP.L A.,ND -W '81 .. ... d ,, 3n., L AV I.A.,TkNE . 9 Lr.' _ ... .0,444, I .ITH ".FAA )CEN rf ........ ANTWEZONE M Io ;O . ' Th FIT.. . It.40 OO~j : PA.E 272 TS NR 30 100029 900 - QS -17.0 28 800- -16.0 27 700 26 600 -15.0 25 500 24 400 23 300 - 14.0 22 200 - -13.0 21 100 20 C 5+ k PLI s+ -t - 12.0 I . - 6.0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TIME 5.0 - -,- PH 9 750 P 800 4.0 - 850 3.0 - 900 - 950 Fig. 5. 25 Time variation of model output for JUNHYB sounding, 6 June, 30-60 soil parameters, with no clouds or imposed changes aloft (Plain). NR is net radiation into the surface (mcal/sq cm rmni), TS is temperature at top of surface layer (deg C), GS is PBL mixing ratio (g/kg), PLI is convective instability (deg C) and PH is pressure at top of PBL (mb). Condition at top of PBL is plotted above time axis: blank = unsaturated, "S = nearly saturated, S = saturated, and S+ = oversaturated. PAgE 273 TS NR 30 1000 29 900 QS 17.0 F 28 800- 16.0 27 70026 600 - 15.0 25 500 24 400 - -14.0 23 300 22 200 21 13.0 100 20 -12.0 PLI I I ( I I 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 6.0 TIME- PH 750 4.0 850 3.0 - 900 " 950 Fig. 5.26 Same as Fig. 5.25 for run with clouds. PAGE 274 TS NR 30 100029 90028 800- QS -17.0 ls -16.0 27 70026 600 - 15.0 25 500. 24 400 - S -14.0 23 300 22 200 - -13.0 21 100 20 -12.0 PLI I I I 6.0 , 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 197 TIME 5.0 - PH 800 4.0- - 850 3.0 - 900 950 Fig. 5. 27 Same as Fig. 5. 25 for run with imposed changes aloft. PaGE 275 TS NR QS 30 1000 - 17.0 29 900 28 800.- as 16.0 27 700-26 600 - 15.0 25 500 24 40023 300 -14.0 22 200 - -/13.0 21 100 - 20 5 t PLI 6.0 I i s I. 5 i I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TIME - 12.0 I' PH 750, 5.0 800 4.0 - 850 3.0 - 900 950 Fig. 5. 28 Same as Fig. 5.25 for run with clouds and imposed changes aloft. PAGE 275 QS 30 17.0 29 28 16.0 27 r/i- 26 15.0 25 24 14.0 23 13.0 22 H 21 20 12.0 I ! I * i S12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TIME Fig. 5. 29 Comparison of TS and OS values from 30-60 model run with clouds and imposed changes aloft with values taken from Elmore City. Fort Sill, and Chickasha, Oklahoma soundings. PA E. :77 SP + -40 -30 Fig. 5. 30 + + + + + 700 + soo 00 -600 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + > 1000 -20 -10 0 TEMP 10 20 30 40 - 900 Same as Fig. 5. 15 for model output at 15 GMT from JUNHYB initial sounding, 30-60 soil parameters, with clouds and imposed changes aloft. Negative area is cross-hatched. PAGE 278 P 600 700 -800 900 1000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 TEMP Fig. 5. 31 Same as Fig. 5. 30 for 18 GMT. P 600 700 800 1000 -40 -30 -20 Fig.5.32 -10 0 TEMP 10 20 30 Same as Fig. 5.30 for 19 GMT. 40 PAGE 279 GAG G ... C cs T -Tl Fig 5. 33 Mesoscale analysis of convective instabilitu (PLI) and Solid convective inhibition (NA) for 18 OMT, b June. lines are PLI (deg C) and dashed lines are NA Cross hatching is new radar echoes (m.n*2/s**2). appearing by 19 GMT. PAGE 280 COINCLUSIONS The three cases from SESAME, 1979 were analyzed in detail to determine where and when afternoon convection broke out. The surface and PBL characteristics were delineated as clearly as the The model data allowed. the results were tabulated and case, and summarized used Concordia, Kansas in all As temperature rose enough output and and bu entraining Hence and The case, at The (GLD). observations was the moisture it three dryer.. warmer dropped the needed dropped.. air temperature unless m,isturo. cases was grew in depth, the PBL moisture the PBL average to supply (1977). cases. the PBL heated, rose, data from from the April behavior of the PBL in all follows. above. data It was layer. boundary (CNK) and Goodland, Kansas between model satisfactory depth They are predicts the results from Barnard compared with model was also in in each discussed. and results were compared with tested O'Neill, Nebraska and model as involved one-dimensional, and is (assumed) well-mixed evolution of an The in chapter 2 was used here. The model agreement factors the various physical to quantify carefully outlined the from 'ose soil generallu its 1he PBL grew the inversion as the PBL suT'+ace was wet PAGE 21 Clouds cut the incident radiation, slowing the heating and PBL growth, and thereby contributing - values. to higher moisture Changes aloft tended to be influential as well. Strengthening of the inversion slowed PBL growth, allowing PBL to heat more from below. less moisture the Dry advection a loft contributed from entrainment and gave lower PBL moisture contents. Soil moisture, especially surface influenced the PBL by controlling the soi moisture surface energy balance. High moisture values gave we t t er, shallower, and cooler PBLs. Dry soil PBLs were high) dry and hot. In each case, the initial conditions were convectively unstable. The 12 GMT data generally showed PLI values which indicated significant instability. The subsequent BLH contributed to an increase in convective instability, but the increase was usually of less magnitude These results suggest that the initial was the result of large scale forces than the initial value. stratification, which tas the most important contributor to convective instability. Just as the various factors contributed to PBL changes they exerted influence on the growh instability. The BLH by: itse. Individual y the othecr factors tended (cept convective to increase the PLI. soil moisture) almost PAGE 282 always reduced the wettest soil. convective The one of any of the runs exception to this was the June throughout the Convective soil run least inhibitio-n involved. for a given case. The generallyt least negative area. in an The dryest It was "clouds only" PBL height* surface temperature others the model changes parameters, An runs were of this type. same, combination of gives in response to inhibition. keeping However, the soil moisture affected all lower PBL potential temperatures. depended on details moisture involved; inhibition was very etc. three in a non-linear way. gave higher PBL moisture, but of the changes values of soil convective less temperature) one parameter, in different directions, and height and magnitudes (PBL potential increase in any increased soil moisture PBL the wh-en other factors besides BLH were The negative area depends on the three way the sometimes that the most unstable runs also had Some of the and PBL moisture. involved a "plain" runs soil moisture variation. often had the case, however, the most the June case. values in inhibition responded, opposite manner to the had case which integration. lowest PLI the actually had Increased soil "plain" run usually instability cloud cover the ins.tability. "plain" runs gave increased PLI values, so in the moisture that the convective lower the of the sounding, So the behavior of comraplicated 1with respect to 4 -- PAGE: 283 soil moisture. Th e Apr il and May cases were similar in the sense that c Iuds were only present during the early morning. Thi determined the effect clouds had on the growth: of c:onvective instability and inhibition. reduce th.e growth of instability by almost I0. were added to the runs which however, .:he Clouds by: themselves tended to included imposed changes aloft) effect of the clouds was instability. When clouds to increase the This .was true for both April. and May cases. reason for this behavior is as follows. The When clouds are added their effect .is to reduce the 'net radiation,. and to the. mod:el, so reduce the gro wth of the PB3L. When added tothe "plain". runs, the reduced growth gave increased PBL mi.xing ratios but cooler PBLs, and. the net result was slightly, lower convective instabilities. The imposed changes usually lead to higher- o the "plain" runs, and. so much.dryer growth rates wh-e-n added to PBLs due to the entrainment of dry air' alof.t lower PLI values. imposed changes0 When clouds were added This produced to the runs with the the result- was less growth of the PBL-(than the imposed. changes only runs),. and so higher mixing ratios, but only slightlg cooler temperatures in the PBL. The net result of these changes: was an increase in PLI due to the higher mi x ing ratios. ailthough the high as in the "plain" runs. .finalvi.ues. w1er e not as. Hence the clouds exerted a positive influence on co nverctive instabiiit wn~en added to the PAGE 284 runs with imposed I changes. This non-linear result for both cases can be stated symbolically in the April and May 23. MT decreasing order of. importance: PLI clouds - = Initial conditions + BLH + soil impos-ed changes + bulk surface moisture + soil moisture. I The 21. GMT May case symbolic relation is ientical order of As. can imposed changes and be seen, surface soil the growth have only and bulk bulk soil moisture is switched. early morning cloudiness. moisture were much conditions which The imposed changes aloft less important. The convective inhibition was more variable in its response. The relation can I moisture was very influential on of conv.ective instability under soil except the.. be stated for the April I and May cases as: NA = Initial conditions - BLH + ... The order and signs and of the other - Imposed factors were changes + case dependent, so cannot be generalized without more case studies. I __ _ .PAGE 285 The June case was at least partially cloudy throughout the days and so its behavior was different cases. The symbolic relations will Suffice it to say, however, not be repeated inhibition was decreased by all changes- led and the convective of the applied factors. layer to lower boundary tops effect was to increase the PBL mixing ratios of dry air) special in June changes which PBL, or the present. The nature of the too. All of the initia-l conditions had The April and May later imposed an changes was imposed inversion already cases also had changes aloft later strength of the The June. case did not have this aloft). effect, so the (less entrainment an inversion above the in the runs which tended to reduce the inversion .(coolin so the cases either had led to the creation. of The. temperatures, thereby and raise the surface layer increasing the PLI. here. that the convective instability was reinforced by all of the factors, imposed from the other two imposed changes had an effect opposite in sign on the PBL evolut-ion. Many of the runs without clouds grew fast enough to create oversaturation at the PBL top. This suggests that in the real atmosphere, the cl ou d s act as a feedback mechanism on PBL. development. The PBL can groa enough to produce saturation at the PBL :top. speeds up. the growth control only If fast the growth the cloud cover. increases, and slows growth-. is t o slow and the P.L top is not saturated If then PAGE 286 the clouds may until (depending upon larger scale conditions) thin, speeds up the PBL growth again. enough to produce saturation i This balance between clouds and PBL growth was required to allow the model to simulate the case study outbreaks, even those with only early morning clouds. The model was able to successfully especially.for region PBL behavior, These results convective indicated that in to very seemed to start convective inhibitin. run that the showed about 16 m*a*2/s**2 morning clouds inhibition in the outbreak I region was only (50-50 run with modified GLD changes and The analysis of observed values Table 3. 6). inhibition less than 50, with convergence began in a region of the nearest observed value being The mesoscale surface analysis outbreak region. The In tre April case, the "simulation" showed that the convection there was low levels. the in the areas' of lowest (Fig. 3.42) 26. forcing, in regions of maximum convection did not necessarily begin but 4 the April and June cases. fact, for weak inhibition was reduced instability simulate the outbreak (Fig.3. 13) showed that in the surface wind field The model results and in the the analysis showed that the negative area was reduced by thermodynamic processes to a minimum value which allowed the available forcing initiate to the convection. In the May case, the 21 GMT outbreak was strongly C linked . ".- I I I e . PAGE 287 to a wind shift line (see Fig. 4. 16). Fig. 4. 37 showed that the convection began just west of a minimum in inhibition.: "simulation'" run for the outbreak (5-70 run with The clo.uds and imposed changes, Table 4. I) had an inhibition of about. 13 mr*2/s**2., a low value compared with the .observations. Again, the thermodynamic processes lowered the inhibition enough to to initiate the convection. allow the available forcing The 23 GMT outbreak obvious wind shift the Mai in line or convergence at inhibition of b-e-tween 30-70 GCH runs modified Table 4.6. In the June case, on Fig.5.31 The inhibition of zero enclosed by "simulation" run showed (30-60 run with In cIoud's and this b a region zero. the pattern was repeated. to be in case The analysis the 10 convectiv. imposed changes, the forcing was complete by thermodynamic processes had taken place. pattern also as analyzed (30-30 and and corvection did not begin until nearly destabilitation This in th.e area for this outbreak 1 m+*2/s**2 in this case nearly Table 5.3 and also Table 5. 5. very weak. (no and the surface) the convection broke out showed the outbreak m**2/s**2 line. and forcing for surface temperature advection, Once again: of minimum inhibition, the "simulation" run The of minimum inhibition. less the o tbreak occurred analysis on Fig. 4. 40 showe showed case had occurred San ders (19 in the 10-11 April Hin work e). 1979 SESAME case showed that the PAGE .268 initial convection began in a region of minimum convective inhibition and modest instability. A The major finding of this thesis is simply stated. Convection requires convective instability convective inhibition. and low values of When the inhibition can be overcome by the available forcing or trigger mechanisms (21 GMT May case, for example) or the thermodynamic evolution of the PBL reduces 4 the convective inhibition to near zero, the convection will start. The forecasting of afternoon convection is then, the forecasting of the removal might prove to -be a useful of convective inhibition. forecast aid, but the model used in this research required much runs. This labor to produce data simulation Models -which use available data such as rainfall amounts, climat ological soil satellite data to predict operational use -o data: past weather and possibly soil moisture would allow this model. The rest of the input parameters are readily available in real time for forecasting purposes. It would also be possible to use the model local mode, allowing local moisture data they would be forecast offices to deem appropriate. make a forecast based input the soil A third mode to run the mdel with a. range of in. a of usage soil moistures, an-d on the range of output. • .• .• .. PAGE 289 PBL behavior is clearLy a complicated phenomenon, central and is to the understand:'ing of initiation of convection especially when dynamic forcing is weak or ill-defir'ed. The. interaction b etwen PBL variables and the effect on convective instabilitu and inhibition has been quantified for these three cases., but more work is needed before a complete understanding is obtaine.d. Intees in ths problem i gr owing as evidenced by recent work by McCumber and Pielke (1981) (1982), and Garrett (1982). . Cooper et .. As the importance and nature of the interractions of these variables becomes better defined. accurate short term forecasting of convective outbreaks will become possible. I I III I I I - :r -. L . PAGE 290 .' . ' Derivation of Radiative Parameterization APPENDIX 7. 1: The following is taken from Katayama (1972). IR RADIATION I The downward flux at level z is T dB (T)• fRd I. dT d tf{v + z 4 IwrB (Tz)dv . irB (T )T {i (u -u ) dv - f V 0 z V where the second .and third of (u-uz)}dTdv 0 integrals correct for the endpoints the first and B (T) f=lux V- u(z Y of black body radiation of frequenc y temperature T 4 -amount of-absorbing medium in the vertical air column from the ground I to height z IV4 = the generalized absorption coefficient u. fri = the transmission function of a slab at frequenc y V Subscripts g z represent the ground the atmosphere respectively. dependence amount on pressures, K To tayama height. z and correct the top of for absorption defines an effective absorber Si PACE 291 U PoO 1 p(Z) where 2) dp Vqj density of absorber a empirica constant q- = mixing ratio of absorber i absorb er identifier He defines two types of weighted mean transmission functions as follo .1s: d * T(u ,T) 1 dB(T) dT(u Jo T) wh ere and t. wB(T) = iB r dB( (T)3 T X u) dv ( ,u)dv T (T)dv Dv is the Ste an-B ltz.. ann constant. It i as.:asued that the total transmission function is a product of the indiv idual transmission functions. and 1( u, T) r(ut T) The used hereafte-r will be assumed to be the total transmission functions. U sing these Mean functions simp li fies the equations for the fluxes greaty.AI becomes. .. S. z d c I.. . + T (u iB z where i B. T. u , d)a() . (A vs) PAGE 292 Similarly. IRu = the g f oJ equation for upward flux. at a height T dB (T) dT + f{Z v(Uz-u) }dTdv z z fI B (T )dv (61-4) b ec omes r'lB IR = u wB z + (U* - u z , T) d(wB) z These are the equations in the text, a-4 and 5. Incident Radiation Sa , the solar constant is taken to Ly/min. The hour angle H compared with the is computed be equivalent to 1.94- from the time of day as length o-f day. at the particular location. albedo is modified for the sun angle by a method The ground from Wetzel (197-). (eo- H where H is O( , So =So* (ZT)(SMOD) (oO-oQb in degrees limits specified for each site. where ZT = zenith angle, a function of H, SMOD = correction S is divided day of year for the distance to the sun into scattered and absorbable parts, 65% 4 PAGE 293 scattered, 35% absorbable. the scattering albedo The scattered 0- 2'7 lo, , foo d S- . the The scattered scattering albedo depends on them. Clowd4op a orabove (oo 06 0D t radiation incident on the ground is modified Absorptian S 46 +p beour (oDo 00 1o multiple reflection between the ground and * A) T surface pressure (t6h) If clouds are present, for modified .for of the atmosphere, 035 where PG is part the atmosphere: by water vapor is calculated using effective absorption of H20 as aiready the values computed for the IR Fractional :absorption for the whole atmosphere Anu . clouds encoun ter ed absrb accorud ing to their . .. . .. . the level i is: flux. • utpe.'0eto where i. ewe hegon n for h down to topee is taken f&om the top of the atmosphere down to level Absorption of a given layer is then a function of available radiation ad EH20 in the layer. PAGE 294 thickness absorbable ground yield and height. radiation. (GLW,) is cloud tops also reflect some of the An absorbable radiation combined the incident modified for The with solar radiation on the the ground soil. is This is then RB AI-IS) MR' ~;I radiation to albedo to give the ground absorption The net radiation at the ground I. the scattered left at the G8 tT~llreruI I I I 1- PAGE 295 APPENDIX 7.2: Derivation of Ekman Laer Similarity. Equatiions The Ekman layer similarity theory is used to find SH and LH as follows. The equation for PBL wid. is k V SCA . (from Ara. 1975... . where v Von Karman constant u. friction velocity zo. roughness length. OT = structure-funt tion For :unstable condition-s.. (lrf2) Sao letting VS ind The sensible heas su ! at .speed th e. ta-p of the PB-L*I 91ux into the PBL: is :given. by •. .. G : .. • .(A .f) . . . . . where density of air c 0 .specific heat of.air . (ground) - (PBL) 0 r:::~ I . PAGE 296 (Az2 s) -L where . , ( 2.() which gives , Jk '(pt~ L C,3-~ Monin/Obukhov similarity theory defines the M/O length L as: v where g - (426) .3 acceleration of gravity TS = surface temperature (airnot ground) Solving for SH gives l 3 TS . C llll1 Z,) l p- Equating.k*? and W2,, gives anCl L5 Vcj . - %Ig Inserting for u /41 loS , I Ts from U-*3 and rearranging L-O ~idi LL ~ L e ~ _0 CA Z.I I I - ---------- - ----- ---------- -----II-- ~ -~~-~--~-I-~ ~~~~ I-~- ----- PAGE 297 For a given 8tVS this equation is in one variable, L. solved by iteration to yield the correct value of L. value is then inserted in This V.3 to find u , and L u* are inserted in ~1*. to find SH. Finally, where the companion equation for LH is solved X = latent heat of evaporation 9q = q(PBL) - q(purface) q at the surface is found according to Wetzel (1978) where OSAT = saturation value of q for ground conditions (TQ,PG). 6w It is o 4%m4+ S 4u YwKL50; TUY U'W &C PAGE 293 APPENDIX 7.3: Derivation of Soil Heat Flux Parameterization- i• The following is from Bhumralker(1975). Heat conduction is described by vr (zt .I T5 C. where T (zt) = soil temperature at depth z, time t::- I1 : it = thermal conductivity of soil Ivolumetric heat capacity c Assume that the surface soil temperature T (Ot) is described L - - T TBAR + AT, sin(4et) T (O t) 3.2. a.verage- temperature of the soil. assumed to be where TBAR invariant with -depth I. vamplitude of the variance ATo- 2T/period ) = frequency of the variance The solution -of 43 T where d = negligible. (z.t) C2c/c] is A3.3) : = TBAR + bTexp(-z/d)Esin(bt-z/d)3 = depth at which the amplitude of A ,is thin soil For an infintesimally layerp the heat. flux into the soil is " Combining 43-3 and A%3. k .i) (A "p I gives I~i 'i .A CDS .T c4)) e .. , . .. . .. . . . . ... : I1 _____1 _ ~__ __I ___I_ ~ ~ _1~~_1__ _ ___~ PAGE 300 APPENDIX 7.4 Derivation of Ground Variable Equations The following is from Bhumralker (1975) and Deardorff (1977). Consider a layer of soil from the surface (z=O) to some depth ( =z). The time rate of temperature change for this layer is given by where c is volumetric heat capacity and all other variables are as previously defined. G(O.t)-= soil heat flux at the surface (4 Z) NR - SH - LH G(z,t) s-oil heat flux at depth z from Appendix 7.3 If the approximation is made that T (z=I then A4I becomes, with A4-7 and AI.3 = where -HA = NR - LAq') cm,t) = T (0.t) = TGO -,- SH - LH Rearranging, gives the equation 2-10 in the text, (4 4) W PAGE 301 -Y. 44- = (&= -c (f&r (4 (A4.,) to From Appendix 7.3, d is defined as : t2 Kz -- - / o i'" 7( A -7) The denominator can then be written (Aq-8) Let lcd = c(-2cm) for d _5 2C cd , where 1 +4 cm, 1 = 1.04 4L.(, is then A_ a76-- LatS ( 4)(F1 Ll) Using 44.7 for the second term, this becomes 3T(.- . 'aa. Since &= . Y T • 24/' , we have wA (Y,) pe eAod t' 2R - C,, _ C,,. ( -T-,-'ra) cI C di S0 t )+ PAGE 302 Deardorff (1977) suggests that a similar equation be written for soil moisture where density of water d = depth of diurnal moisture cycle E =-evaporation P = precipation- WG = volumetric soil content WBAR-=-bulk moisture in soil S p= eriod- of diurnal cycle c ,c are constants Dividing through by--field capacity moisture, WMAX and taking E = LH/ P=O where GW W=G/W X GWB = WBAR/WMAX = latent heat of evaporation This is the equation used in this model, using (from Deardorff. 1977) d, = 10 cm = 1 gm/cm II I 1 T I 1 I PAGE 303 = 1 day I . ,W 5. I~/ c. =0.9 Datea for these constants comes from Jackson (1973). I I I . III I I I -- PAGE 304 APPENDIX 7. 5: Derivation of Inversion-:Equations The following is taken from Zeman and Tennekes (1977). A complete discussion of the equations would be lengthy and unnecessary. It mentioned above. is found in its entirety inthe source Briefly, the equations result from. consideration of the turbulent energy budget at the inversion. This balances kinetic energy change with buoyant production# turbulent flux divergence, mechanical production# dissipation. For a convective boundary layer and such as will be considered for this model. mechanical production can safely be ignored. Buoyant pro-tctian is proportional: to temperature and heat flux &t already. the inversion. The temperature is modeled The sensible heat flux at the inversion is equal to the temperature jump AG8times the rise of the inversion h/bt. as proposed by Ball (1960) and Lilly (1968). where H according ( = sensible heat flux at the inversion) is changed to Tennekes (1973) where ea /It is a function of etentrainment of stable air from above, and net sensible heat transfer inside the boundary layer The turbulent transfer is parameterized according to Tennekes I PAGE 305 (1973). He maintained that the large eddies which transfer most of the kinetic energy scale on h and aw, the inversion height and the convective velocity scale. i 44 'V*4 Zilitinkevich ~T 3 TST -54k g is LJk.~ Shk -e(3) ~ ~Mewi~(cL ~aLC~bSI (1975) showed that the time rate of change of TKE should be parameterized as - C 4 - wkre. % s q~ Cusr~bw+ Part of the dissipation at th-e inversion scales on h, and can be included with tie turbulent flux term. The rest, according to Zeman and Tennekes (1977) can be written as Uh*, Ubvuwhere wb= Brunt-Vais'al ( CS -S) frequency in the air above the inversion. The parameterization is based on a mixing length which depends on the stability above the inversion. 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I am to Jane McNabb, last possible moment before 1982-1983. appreciation 16th Floor to the for an enjoyable and in b;uildin fr me conferences to which Thesis Committee and For helping me end supported end ship: 54. 1 especlallh support and t hank _ ____ __ _~~____~ ~~___ _ _ _1 _____1___1_~__~_1________ ___~___~_1 PAGE 312 Finally, allowed me I I am grate-ful to begin finished my thesis post-doctcral at MIT. to Don Grantham rese; of AF(L who at AFGL while ____I~