AEROELASTIC PROPERTIES OF STRAIGHT AND FORWARD SWEPT GRAPHITE/EPOXY WINGS by BRIAN JEROME LANDSBERGER B.S., United States Air Force Academy (1972) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February, 1983 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1983 Signature of Author Department of Aeronautics nd'Astronautics December 14, 1982 Certified by John 'Duqundji' Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ArchiveSChairman, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAR 3 0 1983 . r% it Harold Y. Wachman i i Departmental Graduate Comittee AEROELASTIC PROPERTIES OF STRAIGHT AND FORWARD SWEPT GRAPHITE/EPOXY WINGS by BRIAN JEROME LANDSBERGER Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics 14, in 1982, partial fulfillment of the and Astronautics requirements on December for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics. ABSTRACT The aeroelastic deformation, divergence and flutter behavior of rectangular, graphite/epoxy, cantilevered plate type wings at zero sweep and thirty degrees of forward sweep is investigated for incompressible flow. Since the wings have varying amounts of bending stiffness, torsion stiffness and bending-torsion stiffness coupling, they each have unique aeroelastic properties. A five mode Rayleigh-Ritz formulation is used to calculate the equation of motion. From this equation static deflection, steady airload deflection, divergence velocities, natural frequencies and flutter velocities are calculated. Experimental two dimensional lift and drag curve data and approximations to three dimensional aerodynamics are used to calculate the aerodynamic forces for the steady airload analysis. The Weissinger L-Method for three dimensional aerodynamic forces is used in the divergence analysis. The V-g method is used to make flutter and natural frequency calculations. Tests on a static loading apparatus gave static deflections, while wind tunnel tests gave steady airload deflections for the wings at zero sweep, and divergence and flutter behavior data for all wings at both zero sweep and thirty degrees forward sweep. Wings were tested from zero to twenty degrees angle of attack for airspeeds up to divergence, flutter or the thirty meter per second limit of the tunnel. Static deflection, natural frequencies, steady airload, divergence and flutter for the straight wing were predicted reasonably well by the theoretical calculations. For the swept forward wings, calculated flutter speeds were beyond the wind tunnel capabilities, while calculated divergence speeds were reasonable when divergence did occur. When swept forward, before reaching predicted divergence speeds some lightly bending-torsion stiffness coupled wings went into a torsional flutter, characterized by a large average bend which caused a high wing tip angle of attack. This flutter was not predicted by the theory used. The different ' wings exhibited markedly different stall flutter characteristics. Thesis Supervisor: John Dugundji Title: Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Professor John Dugundji for his continuous guidance during all phases of this project. I also thank Rob Dare, a fellow student, who assisted me during all experimental work. Finally, to all the staff of M.I.T. who's instruction and assistance made this project possible, and to the United States Air Force which funded my hearty thank you. education and the contract covering this project, a TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Figures..................................................6 List of Tables..........................................................7 List of Symbols..........................................................8 Chapter 1. Introduction........................................................ 11 2. Theory 2.1 Rayleigh-Ritz Analysis...................................12 2.2 Static Deflection Analysis.................................23 2.3 Steady Airload Analysis...................................25 2.4 Divergence Analysis.................................. 2.5 Flutter Analysis....... .... 34 ................................... 44 3. Experiments 3.1 Test Wing Selection............ ooooooooo 3.2 Static Deflection Tests ....... ooooooooo .. 0 . 3.3 Wind Tunnel Test Setup......... ooooooooe .. 0 . 3.4 Natural Frequency Tests*........ 3.5 ................ 60 . ................ 61 . . ................ 63 ..ooooooooo 0 . . . ................ 66 Steady Airload Tests........... ooooooooo .. 0 . . ................ 66 3.6 Flutter Boundary Tests........ ooooooooo 3.7 Flutter Tests.................. . . ........... ..... ... 67 .. .. ... 67 4. Results 4.1 Static Deflection..........................................70 4.2 Steady Airload Deflection...................................73 4.3 Divergence Velocities.....................................76 4.4 Natural Frequencies........................................78 4.5 Flutter Velocities.......................................79 5. Conclusions and Recommendations.....................................86 6. References and Bibliography....... ..................... 88 Appendices A. Mode Shape Integrals and Their Numerical Values..................... 90 B. Static Deflection Investigation Results.............................97 C. Steady Airload Investigation Results...............................105 D. Flutter Investigation Results......................... ............. 119 About the Author ............................................................................ 158 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Wing coordinate system............................................12 2.2 Graph of knT vs. 2.3 Flexible wing twist feedback system diagram.......................25 2.4 Lift and drag curves for a flat plate...............................26 2.5 Components of force for a wing at angle of attack.................27 2.6 Approximation to the C 2.7 Approximation for the C curve .................................... p 2.8 Center of pressure movement with changes in angle of attack.......30 2.9 Spanwise lift distribution for varius twist conditions for 22 ................................................ curve.....................................28 29 a straight wing...................................32 2.10 Changes in force due to drag with changes in angle of attack.....33 2.11 Lift distribution in the spanwise x direction using the Weissinger L-Method..............................................39 2.12 40 Swept forward wing coordinate system.......................... 3.1 Static deflection test appartus...................................61 3.2 Static test stand with a moment being applied...................62 3.3 M.I.T. wind tunnel setup..........................................63 3.4 Looking down on a test wing by using a mirror......................64 3.5 Equipment used to illuminate and record test data.................65 3.6 Double exposure showing extreems of flutterr motion...............69 4.1 Static deflection test results for [±15/0]s layup wing............71 4.2 Initial camber (exagerated) in the [±15/0]s layup wing............72 4.3 Steady airload analysis on the four wings with a 15 degree ply fiber angle...................................................73 4.4 Flutter analysis diagrams for the four wings with a 15 degree ply fiber angle................................... 4.5 ............... 82 Effects of ply fiber angle on flutter and divergence speeds ....... 84 B.1 - B.7 Static deflection theoretical analysis and experimental data.................. ................. C.1 - C.13 ..................... 98 Steady airload theoretical analysis and experimental data.........................................106 D.1 - D.8 D.9 - D.34 Flutter boundary curves.....................................124 V-g method flutter analysis diagrams......................132 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.1 Assumed modes used in the Rayleigh-Ritz analysis..................19 3.1 Different laminate layups used for the test wings ................. 4.1 Wing divergence speeds............................................77 4.2 Wing natural frequencies..........................................78 D.1 Flutter data, unswept wing.......................................120 D.2 Flutter data, swept wing..........................................122 60 LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol A stress-strain modulus matrix; aerodynamic matrix B stress-bending modulus matrix b semi-chord of the wing C compliance matrix c chord of the wing Cd Cf coefficient of drag coefficient of force C coefficient of lift Cm coefficient of moment about the quarter chord Cp coefficient of pressure cp center of pressure D moment-bending modulus matrix EL logitudinal Young's modulus ET transverse Young's modulus GLT shear modulus g structural damping h vertical deflection K stiffness matrix kiT non-dimentional torsional stiffness L lift P length of wing from root to tip LA lift associated with bending displacement LB lift associated with torsional displacement LC lift associated with chordwise displacement M moment per unit length; mass matrix m mass per unit area MA moment associated with bending displacement MB MC moment associated with torsional displacement moment associated with chordwise displacement N force per unit length; chordwise force NA NB chordwise body force associated with bending displacement NC chordwise body force associated with chordwise displacement P distributed force per unit length p distributed force per unt area Qi q generalized enternal force qi R generalized coordinate S matrix used to transform K T kenetic energy V potential (strain) energy; velocity V, W free stream velocity weighting matrix w deflection in the z direction chordwise body force associated with torsional displacement dynamic pressure matrix used to transform K x y cartesian coordinates z x spanwise axis y chordwise axis a angle of attack ai beam bending mode constant 0 warping stiffness parameter Yxy ° shear strain tensor at midplane Yi Rayleigh-Ritz mode 6ij EXo delta function SYo Ei strain tensor in the y direction at midplane beam bending mode constant strain tensor in the x direction at midplane 9 ply fiber angle; twist angle Kx Ky KXy A LT ( curvature strain tensors wing sweep angle Poisson's ratio chordwise deflection air density Rayleigh-Ritz mode shape part that is a function of x Rayleigh-Ritz mode shape part that is a function of y CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION of composite materials in aircraft structures has added The use Useful not only for another design dimension to the aircraft designer. their high strength vary ability to scheme, they the have In attractive. to weight but certain particular, by previously forward giving by behavior deflection force made ratio the designer layup the varying impractical design options gained renewed wings swept the have interest because their major drawback, low wing divergence speeds, can be by tailored using material composite in wing significantly improved construction. A good discussion of this is contained in reference 1. This project will draw on the work of four previous experimenters at M.I.T.; 5). Jensen, Hollowell, Selby and Dugundji (references 2,3,4 and Those men worked with some of the same wings that were used in project. They made calculations and ran experiments this the to determine wing stiffness and bending-torsion stiffness coupling, the steady airload deflection behavior and the flutter and divergence speeds at low and high angles of attack. range by Using their work as a foundation, investigating investigating several aeroelastic new ply at properties its we will extend angle layup 30 degrees patterns and forward by sweep. Primary interest is in the investigation of divergence and flutter speeds and the wing shapes during those conditions at both low and high angle of attack. Low angle of attack flutter is investigated both theoretically flutter and experimentally while high angle of attack experimental airload only. deflection We also analysis extend by the work including a of investigation Hollowell realistic on non-linear curve, drag and approximations to three dimentional aerodynamics. is steady lift CHAPTER 2. THEORY 2.1 Rayleigh-Ritz Analysis In this research both static and dynamic analysis are done using We therefore need to formulate an the Rayleigh-Ritz analysis technique. equation of motion for the dynamic analysis and then by setting the time derivatives equal to zero, analysis. Because of we can use the the same equation for the static complicated nature of anisotropic material, exact analysis is difficult and often impossible. Therefore I chose an approximate mode method Rayleigh-Ritz method. of This is and Selby (references 2, and in analysis, the assumed or so the same method used by Hollowell, 3 and 4) who were mentioned in called Jensen the introduction fact, due to the amount of work already done on these wings with this method I decided to use the same assumed modes im my analysis. analysis The is perpendicular to the wing in linear and assumes all the z direction as shown in deflections figure 2.1. G = PLY FIBER ANGLE V. Figure 2.1 Wing coordinate system. are Note that the ply fiber angle is measured in the opposite direction as compared to the standard composite material direction. The basic equation.for the assumed modes is: n Yi (x,y) q (t) w(x,y,t) = (2.1) i=1 Where Yi(x,y) are the modes. In our case we have five modes so n=5. To get the equation of motion we start with Lagrange's equation. d dt ST K 4 r av aT qr 3q - (2.2) at Where Q represents the applied loads. Now we need expressions for the kinetic and potential energies. For the kinetic energy of a plate we have: T = ff m (w2 dA (2.3) Where m = mass/unit area. Using equation (2.1) for w we get: i S=f f m I iAi TJ j jyj dA (2.4) Moving summations and grouping terms: = T i j (2.6) =f f M. where (2.5) Mqq The variational potential energy for a plate is: 6v = ff ( N Se x + N x oo + M xy 6 yo + M 6K + M 6K y y x x Y + N xy xy (2.7) 6K xy ) dx dy where using conventional displacement notation: * au ax x = av ay Yo K y xo 2 a2w ax 2 2 au XY ay + aw 2 - 2(2.8) 9v x xy axay To apply this to anisotropic plates we start with the modulus equations for the general laminate. {] M B D i K (2.9) N = Force/length vector M = Moment/length vector = strain vector K = curvature strain vector A,B,D are the appropiate modulus matrices Since this direction. is for a plate we assume no strain or shear in the z For a symmetric strain, only bending so direction so Mx Y yxy laminate, B = 0. moments about x any y do not cause In our analysis all loads are in the z N = 0, leaving us with, in expanded form: D11 D 12 D 16 Kx D2 D2 2 D 26 Ky 1 (2.10) D6 1 D6 6 xy Using equation (2.10) for M, integrating with respect to the variational terms and using equations (2.8) for the curvatures we get: D1 1 D 12 D 16 S-W, V = 1/2 ff [-w,xx -w,yy -2w,xy D2 1 D2 2 D26 XX yy (2.11) D6 1 D6 2 D6 6 -2w,xy where: 2 w, = xx w , etc. 2 equation and using expanding this D21Dx expanding this equation and using + 4D 16 w, xx w, We now substitute in xy and D2 6=D 62 2 x + 4D w, + 2 D 1 2 w, x1xyy , + D 22yy 2 2 w, y 66 xy f f{ D 11 w, =1 V D2 1 =D1 2 , D 16 =D61 + 4D 26 w, yy w, equation (2.1) xy j dA (2.12) for w bring sumations and q's out of the integral to get: i j V =I1 qq i 2 + D 22 + 4D j ff y., 1 xxY., yy I D Y Y , xx j 11 + 4D 66 Y., xx 1 xy y,j xy + 2D Yxx Y. 12 1'xx j'yy + 4D , y., 16 i xx 3 xy } dA Y., Y., 26 1 yy ] xy (2.13) Finally it is rewritten in the compact form: =-1 i j Kij qq (2.14) where = ff K D 11 Yi, Y., + D Yi' 22 xx ] xx + D1 2 i'xx' + 2D y, Y.( j'+ Y., 1 xx j xy 16 yy y., yy +4D y, , 66 i xy j xy xxj'yy + y,. Y., j xxI xy + 2D26 ( Yi'yyj xy ) (2.15) Yyyixy symmetric. Note that Kij is Now we can put our expressions for T and V in equation (2.2). First for kinetic energy: Tq r M.. 13 Mij 2 i. q qr a4 q'- using qi = ;q aqr M 3T aq is + arq. r r i ) j and expanding ir 1 i ;T -r = - IM q. + 2 rj i r 2 since qi Mir qi ir i (2.17) symmetric we can sum the two parts: = IMr rj q. (2.18) ] similarly for potential energy: S Krjq. (2.19) finally 3T d3T q= dt Mrj qj r We note that: aT these into Lagranges put and equation, using0 and put these into Lagranges equation, using M 1] q. + K.,. q. = Q. J 13 J 1 r=i: ( j = 1,2,...N) (2.21) in matrix form: M q+ rre Kq =Q me (2.22) r This equation will be used to derive all the displacements and motion of the wings. The five mode shapes used are listed on table the variables have been separated in the form: Yi(x,y) = 'i(x) *i(Y) (2.1) where Mode i. i (x) cosh ( - - - a cos ( -EX - ) { sinh Ex cosh ( 2. -) ) Ex - sin 3. sin (-) 4. 3ix sin ( -- ) Ex -cos ( - Sx - a2 ( - sinh sin ( (2 ex 22- 4y 5x A A c 1 2 3 where: El = 1.8785104 al = 0.734096 a2 = 1.018466 C2 = 4.694091 Table 2.1 Assumed modes used in the Rayleigh-Ritz analysis. The first two are cantilever beam bending modes the second two are beam torsion modes and the fifth is notice that modes 3 & 4 do cantilevered plate at the You may a chordwise bending mode. not meet the root where w, x boundary is zero. conditions But the for a error small away from the root and an aspect ratio correction for this is is made 3 goes Jensen in reference terms. matrix in the stiffness through in detail the algebra for working out the mass and stiffness matrix terms In this correction factor. torsion stiffness and he also derives the report only the results are stated. Mass Coefficients M 22 = mc£I mct I 12 3 M55 44 mc£ 12 12 M.. 13 =0 M 2 4mc£ I 45 I5 33 M =mctI M 4 i j Stiffness Coefficients D D c 11 K =-I 11 £3 K I6 22 = 2D 26 K =-I 2 23 K 12 =0 16 22 2D K 14 =- K3 4 = 0 10 4D 16 K 11 - 35 32 4D 16 2.2 24 7 K 25 =- 66 c2 33 4D K 55 = c 11 452. 3 22 c 3 20 64D66 I 5 + 3ck c 2T 37/2 2 16D 2 6 iw/2 64D 22 + 19 2 1T 26 I 17 2 + k 66 32 32. 45 k 15 16 2 4D 16 16 I 13 ci 4D 12 ct I9 16D I c£ 44 12 8D 16 I 8 2 8D 15 I 2D 2D 13 c 11 3 I 23 2 21 Where the original values for K33 and K44 were changed using the aspect ratio correction worked out by and Crawley Dugundji (contained in reference 4). where: D11c 8 = 2 48D 66 2 8 in figure 2.2. And the values of knT ( n = 1,2 ) are plotted vs. The integrals and their values are listed in table 2.1. using the The engineering constants are for Hercules ASI/3501-6 graphite/epoxy for For our particular wings, values of Dij calculated were material constants listed below. EL = 98 x 109 N/m2 2 ET = 7.9 x 109 N/m VLT = 0.28 2 GLT = 5.6 x 109 N/m wing thickness = .804 mm density of wing = 1520 kg/m 3 loading out-of-plane differences loading). in (see reference the engineering constants 5 for for in an explanation on the plane and out of plane 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.55 0 E-3 5 0 E-3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 E-3 30 35 40 45 50 E-3 BETA 7.5 7.0 65 S6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 10 15 20 25 BETA Figure 2.2 Graph of knT vs.8. 2.2 Static Deflection Analysis For static loading, all inertia terms in equation (2.22) are zero so we have left: (2.23) Kq = Q Q is the modal force where: Qr =ff py rdA Qr (2.24) r dA where p is a distributed load per unit area. For our tests the load was applied at c/2 Qr = -c/2 so we have: £ I f x = £ p(x,y) 6 (x-£) Yr(x,y) dA 0 c/2 = f P(£,y) Yr(£,y) dy (2.25) -c/2 where P is the load per unit length. For the bending load the apparatus used was assumed to apply a the y direction so we can take P out of the integral. load constant in c/2 Q = P r f Y (a,y) dy r (2.26) -c/2 Now we need only insert the five modes to get the five values of Qr. They are listed below. Q1 = 2Pc Q2 = -2Pc Q3 = Q4 = Q5 = 0 For the torsional load the test apparatus was assumed to apply load linear to y such that: p = ay where a is a constant. Our equation becomes: c/2 Q = af y y (,y) r r-c/2 -c/2 dy (2.27) Again, putting in the five modes we get: Q1 = Q2 = Q5 = 0 ac 12 Q3 2 2 ac 12 4 The values for Q were calculated solved for the vector q. The values to get the analytical (2.1) equation column (2.23) and put into equation of q were which was then put into The results are shown deflection. together with the experimental data on figure B.1 to B7. 2.3 Steady Airload Analysis. When put in airforces, generates an airstream indeed this at is a given angle its purpose. of attack a wing These airforces not only support the weight of the airplane but they also bend and twist the wing itself. This deformation of the wing, angle of attack, in return, changes the airforces on the wing. by changing The result, shown in figure (2.3) is a simple feedback system. a 0 c fopressure curve Figure 2.3 dynamic ressure force(a) wing stiffness stiffness Flexible wing twist feedback system diagram. the When the loop In deflection. increased beyond airforces and divergence. converges certain a to a deflection value increase the loop without we does have the when theory analysis linear critical certain value not limit. the final airspeed converge This is is and called In the real world there are limits to the actual increase in deflection and airforces. come They to distruction about due of the wing, non-linear stiffness of the wing or non-linear increase of airload with increases in the angle of attack. non-linearity, especially at With our wings the most important airspeeds at and below the divergence airspeed, is the non-linear increase of airload with angle of attack. For the steady airload analysis we put in this non-linearity by using the lift and drag curves for a flat plate from reference 10 shown in figure 2.4. reference 10 data 0.8 C 0.6 CD, C L 0.4 CD 0.2 0 4 8 12 16 20 angle of attack Figure 2.4 Lift ands drag curves for a flat plate. The force that deflects the wing is the force perpendicular to the wing (in the z direction). This force has a component from lift and drag dependent on angle of attack as shown in figure 2.5. Lift Resultant Force Vs Drag Figure 2.5 Components of force for a wing at angle of attack a. From figure 2.5 we get: Cf = CY cosa + Cd sin a For the lift component of force, I made a Cf(lift) vs. (2.28) a curve. This curve was approximated by a polynomial of the form: n Cf(lift) [ i=1 A a (2.29) For our purposes gave a sufficiently accurate curve. n = 4 Both the coefficient of force curve and the polynomial approximation are shown in figure 2.6. 4 C = -37.7072a f(2.30) 3 + 42.472a - 23.167a 2 {a + 6.6746a in radians} (2.30) 0.6r Cf(lift) reference 10 data approximation - 0.2 U I 20 16 12 8 4 0 angle of attack Figure 2.6 This gives the Cf curve. Approximation for the section coefficient of force from lift as a function of angle of attack but we also need to know the dependance on x and y, or in other words, force distribution on the wing. In reference 4 Selby showed the lift distribution of a rigid wing. guide for modeling the force distribution polynomial approximation was used. on our This.was used as a wing. Again a The distribution in the chordwise y direction and the approximation are shown in figure 2.7 as coefficients of pressure versus chord. equation Approximation in distribution force for the chordwise y direction: C 0 = C 3( 0.5 - y 2 (2.31) p avg p reference 4 data approximation 0.2 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 (y + 0.5)/cord Figure 2.7 Approximation for the Cp curve. Both the approximation and the theory give 25% chord as the center of pressure in the y direction. Reference 10 shows the coefficient of moment about the quarter chord vs. angle of attack. From this we can calculate the center of pressure movement with changing angle of attack by using: C =(py cp -y m .25c Cit where ycp is the center of pressure location. (2.32) To approximate center of a modification was made this, approximation are shown in pressure movement and its The (2.31). to equation figure 2.8. Approximation for equation distribution force in chordwise the y direction with a correction for cp movement: ( 3.5 - 5.71a )*( 0.5 - y C = C p avg p 2.5 (2.33) + 1.63a reference 10 data 0.4 - - approximation 8 12 16 20 angle of attack Figure 2.8 Center of pressure movement with changes in angle of attack. In the spanwise x direction, the lift distribution was calculated using lifting line theory. I used the matrix equation given in reference 7. rsinro i S 81 sin1+F N sinro l c I (2.34) a where: 0 = 2w c = chord £ = semi-span x m = cos - ( 2n r = ( - m 1 ) n = column number m = row number The lift at 2 degrees distribution was calculated for three cases, a rigid wing angle of attack, a wing with positive twist of 4 degrees with the root angle of attack at 2 degrees and a wing with negative twist of 4 degrees with the root angle of attack at 6 degrees. These three cases span a good part of the low angle of attack deformation conditions for our wings. The three cases along with the approximation used are plotted in figure 2.9. The same approximation was used in all cases. Note that C£a(root) = C/a(root) Approximation equation for force distribution in the spanwise direction: C f = C f avg 1.111 1 -( x R ) 9(2.35) } (2.35) x = 2 deg. constant lifting line - - approximation ( - 8 C (root) 4 0 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 x/length S C = 6 deg. root to 2 deg. tip lifting line approximation (root) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 x/length C t(root) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/length Figure 2.9 Spanwise lift distribution for various twist conditions for a straight wing (A = 0). for Finally, drag I used the figure 2.10 with its approximation. curve from reference 10 shown in Drag was assumed to be a function of angle of attack only and not of x and y . Approximation equation for force due to drag: Cd sina = 3.5a 3 d Cf. (drag) (2.36) 0.20 reference 10 data approximation 0.15 Cf (drag) 0.10 0.05 0 8 4 12 16 20 angle of attack Figure 2.10 Putting Change in force due to drag with changes in angle of attack all the approximations distribution on the wing where: p=Cp p p .Axy Z'c together we get a two dimentional force C 4 A = + A 3a 3 ( *1.11[ 1 - + A 2a 2 + A1 a ] { (3.5 + 1.63a 25 [ 0.5 - ( - 5.71a } 3 (2.37) + 3.5a For a, vast the majority the of twist () is the from first assumed torsion mode so I used equation (2.38) for a = aO + 0 * q3 ) sin( + sin- ( - a(x) = a ' ) (2.38) This completes the distributed force coefficient term. Multiply this by This dynamic pressure and we get the distributed force per unit area. was put in the Rayleigh-Ritz analysis to get the modal force Q. c/2 X Qr =f 0 f (2.40) f(x,y) y(x,y) dx dy -c/2 The equation was solved on a digital computer by numerical integration. Then equation (2.23) was solved for q. Solutions were calculated for three airspeeds 5, 11.5 and 16 meters per second at angles of attack from 2 to 20 degrees at 2 degree increments. If 16 m/s was higher than the wing divergence speed, I omitted the calculation at that speed. m/s three iterations were sufficient, for 11.5 m/s five iterations were sufficient and for 16 m/s up to seven iterations were used. for a straight wing (A = 0) For 5 The results are plotted along with experimental data in figures C.1 through C.13. 2.4 Wing Divergence Analysis. Basically a wing diverges when the aerodynamic forces from increased angle of attack due to twist are stronger than the resisting forces from the wing's bending also causes torsional stiffness. When wings are swept, changes in angle of attack while bending stiffness resists these changes. To calculate divergence, therefore we need to relate the stiffness forces to the aerodynamic forces. In matrix form the torsional stiffness equation is : If ( = [ c zE { 0 [ C I M (2.41) the forces and moments can be combined to make a force at a specific chordwise point we get: S) = [C ( F ) (2.42) The aerodynamic forces for a station along the span are: a q = dynamic pressure = cC ,q ) (2.43) In matrix form we have: L } =q Where the [ W ] is appropiate cC } (2.44) a weighting matrix for the stations chosen and contains amount of spanwise length to make the running lift for the area covered by the station. in equation (2.42) so we have: lift .the In this case lift is the force So } = [ [ c ]q ] } cC (2.45) By use of an aerodynamic scheme we will get: (2.46) ) a =A(cC In matrix form: Where A is the aerodynamic operator. Sa = [ A] (2.47) cC or: (2.48) a C,}=[A] putting this into equation (2.45) we get: ) = Where a0 q[c[ a We note that [ a {a (2.49) +0 is the rigid or root angle of attack. To calculate divergence, Sa -1 [A] = {e } we set a0 = 0, so we get: (2.50) and -1 1 [ o }=[ C -{ q [ ] -1 (2.51) {}A This we recognize as a characteristic value equation where for the first characteristic value, say X, we have: = -- (2.52) (divergence) This is the form of the solution to the divergence problem. only determine the three matricies [ C ], [ W ] and [ A ]. We need Because the compliance matrix will be made to match the aerodynamic matrix we will determine the aerodynamic matrix first. To derive the aerodynamic matrix I used the Weissinger L-Method. This method and its theoretical foundation are outlined in reference 7. The final matrix form for lift symmetric about the fuselage is: a{ =[ A ] { } cCS (2.53) DeYoung and Harper is reference 11 write this equation in the form: (m-1)/2 a The avn v = a n=1 terms vn are G (2.54) n the form of the chord times terms the lift of the aerodynamic coefficient. matrix and Gn is a They have graphed values for the aerodynamic matrix terms versus wing geometry giving a 4 x 4 Although the swept wing was of primary interest in aerodynamic matrix. the divergence analysis, I constructed an aerodynamic matrix for both the straight wing and a 30 degree swept forward wing ( A = 0, -30 ). With the aerodynamic matrix and known angle of solution of the four equations gives attack, a simple simultaneous the section coefficient of lift. The results are shown for constant angle of attack for both straight and sweep forward wings in figure 2.11. The lifting line results for the straight wing are coplotted for comparison. The four stations used by Harper and DeYoung are the four so called Multhopp stations and are at: x = .9239, .7071, for the stations vortex .3827, 0.0 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. chord while at the quarter This method puts the bound meeting boundary conditions at the This is equivalent to saying the force is at the three quarter chord. quarter chord while the angle of attack is measured at the three quarter chord position. This gives us the necessary information to match the compliance matrix to the aerodynamic matrix. Also reference 7 gives the terms in [E] when using the Multhopp stations. To calculate the system in figure 2.12. compliance matrix we will use the coordinate x (root) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 x/length = constant m(root) i/length Figure 2.11 Lift distribution Weissinqer L-method in the spanwise x direction using the V, A --- y y Figure 2.12 Swept forward wing coordinate system. In our case all loads can be considered point loads applied at quarter chord in the y-axis and at the Multhopp stations in the x-axis. This reduces equation (2.24) to: 4 j=1 F.x.,y. expanding this: (2.55) \ 1 1(x , 1(x2 2 ). Y1( x4' 4) 2(x4 4) F Q2 2 x2' 2 "") 75(Yx2 2 .. 5 { Q} =[R] Now putting angle 0. e w 5 x4'y 4 {F}, [R], F so in 4 short form: F (2.57) that aside for the moment, get a let's relation for twist Using small twist angle assumptions we can say: = - (2.58) - = - For that premultiplies call the matrix Let's F2 cosA - a (2.59) sinA we substitute in equation (2.1) 5 yi (x,y) ai (x,y) a( 0=- - cosA + sinA ) qi (2.60) i-=1 To get the twist at the four Multhopp stations we use the x-axis position of the station for 3j and three quarter chord for index for the Multhopp station. This gives us: j where j is the e 5 j = - ay yi (x.,y ++cosA x.,y sinA)q. - (2.61) i= i=1 in expanded form a1(Xl, ay2(x1 ) I 01 ay 5 (x 2 ,y 2 ) ay2 (x2 f ) ay1x 1 x2 ay 2) ay 2 1xy 4) a2(x4 4 a5(x4,y .... cosA 4) ay e4 a 2(x IYl .... a5s(x11Y) ql ax a ay 2 (x 2 ,' 2) .... ax sinA a7 1a. (x2'Y 2) ay 1 (x 4 'y 4) ay 2 (x4'Y 4 ) a3E Calling the matrix .... Dy5(x4 93F 37' that premultiplies {q} in 4) equation 92 q5 (2.62), [S], we have in short form: S) =[ s] {q} (2.63) Now using equation (2.23) where we premultiply by the inverse of [K]. q}= [K (2.64) Q} SK putting this in equation (2.63) we have: { }= [s]] K {Q (2.65) putting equation (2.57) into equation (2.65) { }=[s][K] [R ]{F (2.66) We can now see that our compliance matrix is of the form: [c] =[s][K] [R] (2.67) Finally, we put equation (2.67) in equation (2.51) giving us: 1 ){ -1 [s][K] -1 [R][W][A] {} (2.68) q This equation characteristic was solved in a digital computer value gives the divergence velocity. and the first With some of the wings with negative bending torsion coupling, for the straight wing case, the divergence velocity was imaginary. This indicates that according to linear theory .the wing will not diverge. The results of the analysis are shown together with experimental data in table 4.1. 2.5 Flutter Analysis. For flutter analysis, this method, structural V - g I used the well known damping (g) is introduced into method. In the equation of motion. since solutions of the equation of motion represent the neutral When g solution, condition stability is positive we see when that Flutter occurs when g is stability. g is the negative damping is is wing required for stable. neutral equal to the actual damping of the structure. Assuming motion harmonic q(t) = q eiLt ), the equation of motion is: 2 - SK ist itQ ) M (2.69) First we need to derive the unsteady aerodynamic forces in terms of Q in equation work (W) (2.22). We will do this by deriving the variational and put that in terms of Q by using equation (2.70). 5 I Q q n-1 r 6W = (2.70) r The general form for 6W is: 1 6w = f 0 The term respective c/2 (2.71) f p 6w dydx -c/2 p6w can be displacements; separated lift, into moment three and components camber force and about their the midchord (L6h, M60 and N6). where: c/2 L = p dy f -c/2 c/2 yp dy M = - f -c/2 c/2 N = I -c/2 5 p dy (2.72) ~PI V +1 4-91?' Figure 2.13 convention. Swept wing coordinate system and the displacement sign Using figure figure 2.13 2.12 for (reproduced here) the h (x) q1 + = 1 =- 55(x) sign displacement assumed modes to the different 2 (x) 3(x)3 for the swept convention, wing geometry and then the displacements we can write: q2 + relating (2.73) 4( ) q4 dh cosA + d sinA } (2.74) (2.75) q5 Using equation (2.73) we can write equation (2.74) as: 8e - { [ 03(x) q3 + 4 (x) q4 + - q1 + - cosA q2 sinA } (2.76) Putting equation (2.72) in equation (2.71) we get: W = f L Sh dx + f M 6e dx + f N 6~ dx 0 0 Now putting equation (2.73), rearranging terms we get: (2.77) 0 (2,75), and (2.76) into equation (2.77) and d1(x) 6W = { fL 1 (X) dx sinA - fM d f 1 dx 6qi d 1 0 + f L 2 - (x) dx sd# 2 (x) sinAI M d dx } 6 q2 0 cosA f M43(x) dx 6q3 0 f M C 0 f + 0 4 (x) dx Sq4 (2.78) N t5 (x) dx 6q 5 Now, taking the relations worked out by Spielberg for 2-D incompressible aerodynamic theory in 12, and adapting them to our swept wing reference case, we get equations for lift, moment and camber force. B Ab M = wp2be N = Where p is wrp 2 3 it be ( M h + MB (N h Ab + N B the air density, a is Cb + MC ) cosA + N ) cosA Cb the (2.79) oscillating frequency, b is the functions the and semichord LA, LB , LC , non-dimentional complex functions of reduced frequency are etc MA , k = Wb/V, given by: L A L L i + k B C 2C (k) -i =1 k 2C(k) SC(k) X + k k2 i 1 12 = -i 2C(k) 2 C(k) 3k k C(k) k M M B NA N 1 i 8 2k C N N =--- B C +i C(k) C(k) 2 2k + k i -1 2k C(k) + 6k 1 12 C(k) 3k i 3k C(k) 6k =---- =-+i 1 =--i 36 j C(k) + 1 8k k C(k) 1 2 k C(k) 2 3k + 1 2k 2 C(k) 2 3k (2.80) where C(k) is the Theodorsen function. 49 These equations assume harmonic motion such that: h(x,y,t) h(x,y) e = iwt (2.79), Putting equations , etc. (2.73), (2.76) (2.81) and (2.75) in (2.78), equation using equation (2.70) and rearranging terms we get for Qi: Q = pw 2b I [ cosA 3 iwt LA - f * 2 ( ) (X) (x) d d - cosA sinA M dx A dx dx (x) 1(x) d - cosa sinA L B f 1 ((X) 0 ( ) i q1 0 #2(x) dx - cosA sinA LB f 1 (x) d#2 (x) d dx 0 da 1 (x) d 1( - cosA sinA M 2 dO (x) 2 l (x) dx + b cosA sin A M L + [ cosA dx 2(x) dx 0 Sd 2 + b cosA sin A M B 0 (x) d2 (x) d dx dx ] q 22 cos 2 A c LB f 2 cos ALB c L + [ cosA = Q2 I L b - (x) (x) 1 x) 3 ) f (x) 4 1 (x) dx - dx 2 -bcos 4 B dx d1 A sinA 5 (x) (x) B c f(x) d 4 dx (x) dx - cosA sinA Mc I d) C dx 05 dx ] q 5 2 3 iwt wpw b e d LA { (x) dx ] q 3 3 1 d (x) (x) d b cos A sinA c cosA - f 2(x) - cosA sinA MA W1(X) dx - cosA sinA LB d2(x) d02 Wd dx / I 2 (x) (x) dx dx 1(x) dx 0 d + b cosA sin 2 A M 2 L + [ cosA b - 2 (x) 2 - cosA sinA MA f B d2 dx - cosA sinA LB / LB J dx 2x 2 2 (x) d 0 (x) dx + bcosA sin 2 A % (x) x ] q 1 d rx d d d(x) dx (x) dx dx 1 dx ( d 2 (dx) ] q2 2 2 (x) x) A L LBB cos A L (x) dx 2(b b cos A sinA cos A sinAM 0 LC f f d(x) 2) f 3(x) dx .q 2 0 +[ cosA + MB 2(x) 5(X) d W do 22 (x) dx - cosA sinA MC f di 5 (x) dx ] q5 2 3 iwt - wPW Q3 b e 2 cA s E A S[ 3 x) (x) dx1 x)x 2 b cos A sinA £ dl (x) MB f 4)3(X) b cos A sinA MBB f c 0 X c1 (x) d + cos A M c 3 (x) A 2(x) 2 dx- 0 _ [ b cosAA - 2 M f 03(x) 0 dx ] q3 £ - b MB c f 0 3 (x) 4 (x ) dx ] q 4 3 )x) dx ] q1 d 2 d2 ) dx ] q2 + cos A c M f 3 (x) (x) dx ] q5 0 Q4= p2 3 iwt * Q 4 =-- Wpbe cos 2A 1BJ (x A MA f4 2 a (x) dx d ( 4 ] 0 2, 2 + cos A + MA f 0 (x) dx 2 t4(X) b cos A sinA c MB f 0 4 (x) _ 2(x) d dx ] q2 3 b cos A -2 B f *4() 3 b cos A --2 MB f ( 03(x) dx ] q 3 c 2 ) dx ] q4 c cos 2 A S MC f 0 + 4 () 5 (x)dx q 5 2 3 iwt 5 = WpW b e S cosA d NA 5 x) 1() I dx - cosA sin N 5 x x r d x i dx]q Sd2~(x) +[ sA f A 5 0 - [oL 2 NB (x) 4 2 (x) dx - cosA sinA NB f 0 5 3 (x) (x) 5) d dx ] q2 dx] q 3 (2.82) 0 2 [ cos A B 5 x) *4(x) dx ] q4 0 + Nc f 5 (x) dx] q5 0 to Inorder with integrate respect to the variable we x use the substitution; (2.83) x = E cosA This makes the limits of integration: 0 to X/cosA or 0 to original distance in the unswept case. 1, which is the Now we write Q in the form: 5 q = wp2b3e i t I Aij q j=1 (2.84) where the terms of [A] are: 2 cos A b LA b A A11 11 I 2 - cos A sinA L 1 B I 2 - cos A sinA M I A 24 24 2 2 1 I + b cos A sin A M Bt 25 A A = = 12 - cos 2AsinA L I - cos 2 AsinA M I + B 26 A 27 13 3 cos A c 14 3 cosA c LB + 2 -9 B A22 22 2 - cos A sinA MC 134 34 33 I I 27 -cos 2 2 sinAM I + b cos A sin A A 26 MB X 2 2 - cos A sinA L 2 3 A 3 24 = = cos A -- 5 LLB B cos A -A L c B 28 30 B I 35 - cos 1 2 2 + b cos A sin2A M - I B 36 A2 MB 32 31 A2 1 = - cos 2A sinA L 21B 2 cos A b LA b A a 3 b cos A sinA 2 cos A b C 15 3 b cos A sinA M c B 2 2 b cos A sin A I37 37 I 3 b cos A sinA MB 138 3 + b cos A sinA M 39 c B 140 2 sinA M I A 35 28 I -I N VUTS V SOO N LSv q V SOD 0 - = sv0 V soo so V q 0 I W VUT s + 6£ V LE w 0 V£S o o V = 0 V W VI V Soo q V IOW = V soo 0 = VT V soo q = V~ 0 EI '6W 8EI HN ~ o S VuTs V soo q £ LEI 0£ I 6Z gW V u T s o + V soo q IVI3 vu '6vW V£ Soo 0f V soo Z V LE VSo£ ZI DN VUTS V ,soo LI DDq v q s O r _ Sq A5 2 = 52 2 cos A N b A b I 2 - cos A sinA N I24 B 42 41 53 cos A c B 43 54 cos 3 A N B c 14I 44 A A5 5 55 2 cos A bos NC C b I1 (2.85) 5 The integrals and their values are listed in table A.1. From this point on, the flutter analysis for the swept wing is the same as the analysis for the straight wing as give by Hollowell and Dugundji in reference 5. Equation is (2.84) put in (2.69) equation and both sides are devided by eiwt. K q - w In the damping normal 2 2 3 M q = wpw b A q fashion for the (2.86) V - g (g) is introduced by multipling flutter analysis, K by (1 + ig). structural We define a complex eigenvalue Z as: 1 + ig 2 (2.87) 2.7 we define a new matrix B as: B = M + rpb 3 A (2.88) Finally putting equations (2.87) and (2.88) in equation (2.86) we have, a standard form, complex eigenvalue problem: { -Z K I q = 0 (2.89) This equation was solved on a digital computer. of The Selected values reduced frequency k were used to calculate the aerodynamic matrix. eigenvalues Z were used structural damping required g, to get the frequency oscillating w, the and the velocity V, according to equations (2.90). W 1 Re(Z) g - Im(Z) (Z) Re(Z) (2.90) The flutter velocity was chosen as the velocity at which the structural damping required to maintain neutral stability became zero on any of the five modes. The associated simplify calculation of value of w is the flutter frequency. the Theodorsen function C(k), I used the R. T. Jones approximation given in equation (2.91). C 2 0.5 p + 0.2808 p + 0.01365 p + 0.3455 p + 0.01365 ( p = ik To } (2.91) Note that by using large values of k the output frequency will be the natural vibration frequency of the wing in an atmosphere of density p. This technique was used to get the theoretical natural frequencies. This analysis was done for all thirteen wings. plotted in figure D.9 through D.34. The results are CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTS 3.1 Test Wing Selection The criteria defining desireable characteristics of the test wings are the same criteria used by Hollowell in reference 2. they are: a) The wings should have a wide range of bending-torsion stiffness coupling. b) The wings should have constant chord, thickness, sweep and zero camber. c)The wings should flutter or diverge within the 0-30 m/s speed range of the available wind tunnel. d) The wings should be small enough to be made with the available equipment for manufacturing graphite/epoxy plates at M.I.T.. e) The wings should not sustain any damage under repeated large static and dynamic deflections. To bending-torsion give a coupling good and cross stiffness, section both of balanced laminates were made at three different ply angles. the range of and unbalanced In table 3.1 we can see the range covered. [ 02/90] s [+15 2 /0]s [±15/0]s [T15/0]s [-152/0] [+302/0]s [±30/0]s [T30/0]s [-302 /0 [+452/01s [±45/0]s [T45/0]s (-45 2 /01s increased negative bending-torsion Table 3.1 coupling s increased positive bending-torsion coupling Different laminate layups used for the test wings. --i.-- - . ~-------*--X--~X-l --.. ~-3~-C--C_- The [02/90]s - -~---- serves as I- the only uncoupled bending-torsion coupling means when the wing is direction the wing will twist is in the the same positive twist direction as twist direction attack. Because of the layup convention shown in on outside plies result in negative example. bent in positive the --- Positive the positive direction. positive z The angle of figure 2.1, +0 fibers bending-torsion stiffness coupling and vice versa. 3.2 Static Deflection Tests The goal for the static deflection tests was wings under static loads of pure force and pure moment. to test the Also the loads should be large enough to cause large deformations, inorder to identify any non-linearities in the stress-strain relations and thus identify the limitations of our linear analysis. The static deflection Figure 3.1 setup is shown in fig 3.1. Static deflection test apparatus. It is I constructed of sturdy wood with beams insides of the top horizontal beams. horizontal deflection vertical deflection. while a metal rulers to attached the These rulers were used to measure carpenters square was used to measure To minimize measuring error we extended pins from a balsa wood clamp at the wing tip. threads ran from two eyelets on the balsa wood clamp around pulleys clamped to the side of the test apparatus Figure 3.2 Static test stand with a moment being applied. and down to weight holders. One eyelet was at the wing leading edge while the other was at the trailing edge. and weights were put on the same side of To apply a force the pulleys the test apparatus while to apply a moment the pulleys and weights for the leading edge were put on one side and those for the trailing edge were put on the other side. (see figure 3.2) We applied force in then in cm. double increments increments of approximately 0.2 N up to 1.0 N till a bending deflection of approximately 12 Moment was applied in a similar manner with initial increments of .0075 NM till approximately 0.2 NM. This caused a twist of from 8 to 22 degrees depending upon the torsional stiffness of the wing. 3.3 Wind Tunnel Test Setup. We did the wind tunnel tests in This the M.I.T. tunnel has continuous flow with a 1.5 by Figure 3.2 acoustic wind tunnel. 2.3 meter free-jet test M.I.T. wind tunnel test setup. section 2.3 meter long, located inside a large anechoic chamber. tunnel speed range is continuously variable up to approximately Velocity was sensed by a pitot tube in The 30 m/s. the throat immediately before the test section and registered on a electrical baratron. The test setup is shown in figure 3.2. The wing mount consists of a turntable machined from alluminum and mounted on a rigid pedestal. mount for the wing is attached to the turntable allows rotation of the wing to top of the turntable. of 15 degrees from -45 to +45 degrees of sweep. sweep positions mounted increments The photo shows the wing In our testing only the -30 and 0 degrees of were used. Figure 3.4 Slightly below the base of the wing we Looking down on a test wing by using a mirror. a flat disk to provide smooth airflow background for the vertical photos, past the model, rod and also a place to mount a terminal wires. The disk was also labeled for each test to identify the still pictures. A typical photo a good a place to mount the angle of attack control video The angles of attack from -4 to 20 degrees while the top of the wing mount allows wing sweep in in -30 degrees of sweep. The taken during for the strain gauge a test is shown and in ;-- -- - -rr---- -- ~--r ,-----~-- ~--'i -- I; We hung a mirror over the wing to get the pictures looking figure 3.4. down on the wing. still camera, down" the -----r~rr - strobe motion were floodlights the location of the Figure 3.5 shows and floodlight. during a used. flutter By checking necessary to When it was test we the strobe, used a strobe video camera, frequency "slow otherwise we could determine the wing flutter frequency. The scale on the disk was used to measure wing tip bending and twisting. It is graduated in 1 cm increments. Since viewing angle and position affect the picture you see when looking at the test wing through the mirror, tests and calculations were made displacement to the actual displacement. These to adjust the apparent adjustments were then applied to the data readings off the pictures. Fig.3.5 Equipment used to illuminate and record test wing movement. - - I-------- - 3.4 Natural Frequency Tests. Hollowell, Jensen, and Selby (references 2,3 and theoretical analysis using the gives results accurate torsional natural test. natural frequency the for tests we and Therefore frequencies. simple did a wing mounted With the first five Rayleigh-Ritz modes and first second instead initial the wind for already Also they have tested many of these wings for their natural frequencies. shown that the 4), tunnel bending of doing extensive deflection vibration test we gave it an initial deflection in twist and bending, released the wing and recorded the oscillations on the strip chart recorder. The resulting oscillations contained strong first bending with weak second bending and first torsion oscillations. 3.5 Steady Airload Test. The steady airload tests were to be run at zero sweep and wind However after investigating the results and speeds of 5, 10 and 15 m/s. repeating selected tests we determined that the baratron on the original than the actual tests was indicating a lower airspeed Using a different tests we determined tests were 5, and accurately that the tunnel airspeed. calibrated baratron during the actual tunnel airspeeds on the repeat original 11.5 and 16 m/s within a tolerance of 0.5 m/s. To run the test, first we set the then using tunnel speed, the strain gauge readings we zeroed the angle of attack by setting it so that the average bending and torsion gauge readings were zero. (The tunnel, especially cause at higher irregular deflections speeds has enough in the wing causing even at zero degrees angle of attack.) turbulence to temporary non The wing was small zero readings then run through angles of attack from 0 to 20 degrees at two degree increments. We made records of each incremental stop by strip chart records of the strain gauge readings, still photos and video recordings. Following the completion of tests at one airspeed we repeated the procedure at the next higher airspeed. Once a wing showed moderate flutter, angle of attack was Some of the wings will flutter at 16 not increased at that speed. m/s at any angle of attack so that portion of the test for those wings was omitted. 3.6 Flutter Boundary Tests. A flutter boundary is graph attack invariably for the lower a flutter other is a a curve plotted on a airspeed vs. angle of particular airspeed Previous area. boundaries of many of the wings in experimenters had the of area sweep. flutter. run through the different found the flutter forward zero the angle of attack of angles When we encountered any flutter, the Our goal was to complete our tests. Our procedure was to set the airspeed, then graph, while tests for all the wings at both no sweep and 30 degrees these and side flutter free a is side, one where wing attack checking for either bending or torsion, we made strip chart recordings and checked the frequency with the strobe. After finishing tests at that airspeed the angle of attack was reduced, the airspeed was increased by 1 m/s and the test procedure was repeated. When airspeed is increased to the point where the wing flutters at all angles of attack or the maximum tunnel speed is are taken and the test for that wing is reached final readings complete. 3.7 Flutter Test. Our goal was to observe the actual shapes of the wing during both In particular we wanted to low and high angle of attack flutter. concentrate on observing the wing tip, getting not only qualitative data but actual measurements of the bending and twisting seen at the tip. We chose 1 degrees AOA for the low angle of attack flutter and 10 degrees AOA for the high angle of attack flutter. Using data from the previously run flutter boundary tests, we set the airspeed at the flutter speed and then set the angle of attack. small amplitude we increased If the flutter was intermittent or of very the airspeed by as much as one meter per second inorder to get a flutter motion visible on the video pictures. Of all the with the various wings, flutter cases the wings fell into two ones that had flutter dominated by torsion oscillations main categories; and ones that had flutter dominated by bending oscillations. The torsion flutter frequencies were in the area of 30 to 60 hz. is much to This fast to see clearly with the eye and even using a video camera the motion However since the motion is will come out blurred on each frame. in a periodic sense it can be captured by use of a strobe. steady The strobe flash frequency is set near the flutter frequency by visual observation, resulting in flutter motion that can be viewed at apparent slow motion. The strobe has The images also record relatively well on a video camera. a very fast flash during which the wing moves very little, giving a sharp elements, camera video the but brief image. have a however, certain amount of persistency, holding the image after the flash has stopped. when the video camera scans it an image has nearly all though the flash lasts less than 1/1000th of a second. the So time even For this reason the video pictures made using the strobe provided all the quantitative When the flutter-frequency was low, data on the high frequency flutter. as in bending flutter, and floodlight. we took video pictures Under floodlighting the video picture blank with an occational brief when individual frames were viewed in still motion, picture. However, the floodlight video another matter. When the strobe had flashed a single clear, it was blank. clear but The strobe lighted video pictures were pictures were easy to interpret. otherwise was strobe While recording under the strobe the still to fast to take measurements. video recording was using alternately video frame was With the strobe flashing at about 5 hz and the video camera scanning at 30 hz there is one clear frame followed by approximately 6 blank frames. This large spacing between good video frames along with the slow flash rate in relation to random turbulence induced motion picture video cases. of in the tunnel made it difficult to know when we had a the wing at maximum deflection. pictures provided the bulk of Therefore the data for the floodlight the bending flutter In all cases, down of the wing we took video pictures under both strobe and from the side and looking floodlight. By properly positioning the mirror we could change from the side view of the wing to the top view by merely changing the camera viewing angle. The side views are used for qualitative evaluation of the flutter motion. The side view can identify nodes in the vibration shapes and is especially helpfull to identify the presence of any second mode bending. The top view clearly showed the motion of the wingtip relative to the root. Using the scale on the background we were able to measure the deflection in both bending and torsion of both extremes frequency extremes set at of the approximately flutter twice the motion. flutter of the flutter motion could be captured Similarly by using a double exposure on the still With the frequency on the same strobe the picture. camera the two extremes are caught on the same picture. This is shown in figure 3.6. Figure 3.6 two Double exposure showing extremes of flutter motion. CHAPTER 4. RESULTS 4.1 Static Deflection Perhaps deflection the best way to Picking the is is looking by While the [02/90]s property at two that gives the wings the layup wing only and only twists under a moment load, this static layup wings [+152/0]s the [+152/0]s load or a moment layup wing both bends and twists under either a force It the The most striking thing we see is effect of bending-torsion coupling. load. of and B.2, we can compare the deflections produced under similar loading. under a force results and the [02/90]s results as shown in figures B.1 bends the and experiment analysis Rayleigh-Ritz typical examples. examine their interesting aeroelastic properties. Some of the noteworthy properties of all the wings are: 1) absolute of value the balanced and unbalanced of the outer with for plies increased both the fiber angle layups (balanced means that for every +0 ply in a -8 ply). the wing there is 2) increases Bending-torsion. coupling The bending-torsion coupling for a [+0/O]s layup is angle is opposite in sign from a [-0/Os layup, but equal in magnitude. 3) Bending stiffness decreases as ply fiber increased. 4) Torsion stiffness increases with increases in ply fiber angle up to 30 degrees. The 45 degree ply fiber angle layup reverses the trend and has a slightly lower torsional stiffness than the 30 degree ply fiber angle layup. With a few exceptions all wings deformed in close agreement with linear theory in the linear degrees. the so called small deflection range. range was At larger bending up deflections to 5 centimeters the wings become stiffer than linear theory predicts. and For these wings twist up show a general to tendency 6 to This was an expected result due to the increasing influence of non-linear factors in the wing and in the test procedure. For example, loads were always applied perpendicular to the wing undeflected position (force in the z direction and moments But with large deflections the loads were no longer about the x axis). at right angles to the wings new position. Therefore the amount of effective load was somewhat less that the actual applied load. The coupling deflections, that is, the twist due to applied force and the bending due to applied moment, held close to linear theory on the wings that had a large amount of coupling. The exceptions coupling deflections of bending due to moment for some of coupled wings. In the were the lightly particular, the two balanced layup wings with the [±30/0]s layup wings. [-+15/0]s and lowest bending-torsion coupling, the Both of these wings had large deviations from linear theory with bending due to expected moment in one bending direction. results examining the [±15/ 0 ]s in the other E 88 direction. E8 - In produced particular, F 2.880 R C 8.88 E R C 8.88 E N-2.88 -2.88 R-R Analysis Experiment O 4.88 O/ F 2. 88 0 0 -4. 0 -4.4.1 A I 1 -1.88 E-01 8.088 W(CM) 1.88 E 81 2.88 O 1 -1.88 1 .88 E- -T -2.88 -1.88 1 1.88 8.88 (RAD) 2.88 M 0 M E N 8.88 E-81 0 O N N M-2.88 figure 4.1 sign opposite layup wing test results, shown in figure 4.1, 4.08 M 0 M E N T of Moments -2.88 0.88 S(<CM) 1.88 2.68 E 88 -2.88 0.88 2.88 ~C (RAD) E- static deflection test results for [±15/0]s layup wing. we see that when a positive moment was applied the wing bent slightly in the Yet , direction opposite of the one predicted by theory. moment the wing bent as predicted. found in that its Upon close examination of the wing we state unloaded for a negative it had a slight as shown in negative looking down the wing from the wingtip, camber, chordwise figure 4.2. a certain minimum load must be applied in According to plate theory, the wing Figure 4.2 Initial camber (exagerated) in the [(15/0]s layup wing. negative direction to buckle the plate in the negative direction. Since the coupling force is moment the expected bending is only 0.3N) it apparently and therefore .the order to get any deflection in is (at 0.2 Nm of weak equivalent to that produced by a force of unable to "pop out" the wing does not deflect in camber in the wing the positive direction. The [±30/0]s wing had a similar problem although somewhat less severe. The orienting initial the plies camber exactly in at the the wings proper them to be cured slightly out of alignment. to avoid, and very small deviations will was probably angle during This is produce caused by not layup, causing not an easy problem significant warping. Nearly all wings had some inadvertent warp but the large coupling present in most wings could develop enough force to overcome the problem. It was the lightly coupled wings that initial camber caused significant only in deviation from linear theory. One point to note the camber and is that if we bent the wing enough to pop out then applied the moment, coupling behavior was normal. the wind tunnel the lift is strong enough to When airloads are applied in pop out the camber so the wing could still be expected to act according to the linear analysis. 4.2 Steady Airload Deflection Qualitatively, one would coupling than both logically expect. (positive bending their counterparts indicates and the wings with The produces negative test results were what negative bending-torsion twist) deflected much less bending-torsion coupling. with positive This that the negative coupled wing did reduce and redistribute the by airload the analysis decreasing the of attack of angle the wing sections. The video pictures confirmed the decreased angle of attack.of the wing tip. However, wing, we if we compare the [+152/01s see that the wing with layup wing with the [+30 2 /0]s the more negative layup bending-torsion coupling deflects more than the one with the less negative coupling. The reason is that as we increase the ply fiber angle we not only increase bending-torsion the also decrease coupling but we bending stiffness. Therefore, although the [+302/0]s layup wing may twist more and therefore lower the airload more than the [+15 2 /0]s layup wing the difference in bending stiffness offsets the difference in coupling. We can see the interplay between bending stiffness and bending-torsion coupling if we examine the steady airload deflection at one airspeed and no sweep particular degree ply calculations results (A = 0) fiber for angle. for the four 11.5 meters per second airspeed. the four wing Figure 4.3 layups shows 15 degree fiber angle The twist angles the that use a theoretical layup wings at follow directly the amount of bending-torsion coupling. The bending deflection (w) however, depends on the combined effects of bending stiffness and bending-torsion coupling. The (115/0]s layup bends wing 6 the least because of its 12 STEADY AIRLOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4 1 [+152/0]s 2 115/0] 3 [±is/o]s 4 [-15/01 s 4 s 8 U 4 1 3 2 3 3 0 _ 0 _ 0 _ 4 _ 8 _-4 12 16 20 0 4 8 ROOT AOA (DEG) Figure 4.3 12 16 20 ROOT AOA (DEG) Steady airload analysis on the four wings with a 15 degree ply fiber angle at 11.5 m/s and A = 0. The [+152/0]s bends higher bending stiffness and slight negative twist. just slightly more. Apparently its negative coupling could not completely The following two wings compensate for the decreased bending stiffness. follow in order of angles of attack Then at higher less than the bending-torsion coupling at [+15 2 /0]s the At a root angle layup wing. the slightly higher angle of results in a very minor attack of increase in at a fixed root angle coupling will cause a wing to both of the the Therefore, the higher wing stiffness dominates. that when of attack. layup wing bends a little [T15/0]s degrees only low angles attack of attack of [T15/0]s coefficient 20 layup wing of force. In general we can say negative bending-torsion lessen the total airload and also redistribute the airload toward the root, while positive bending-torsion coupling will cause a wing to increase the total load and redistribute it toward the wing tip. . One point worth noting concerning the [+15/0]s layup wing is the that fact it under airload force coupling had twist. little In case the cancel the this enough strong just approximately was to In twisting this particular the airload. generated by twisting force very It is easy to imagine a case where wing acted much like a rigid wing. this could be an advantage in a wing design. the higher airspeeds coupled wings showed a tendency At the in even that produce a coefficient the For example. of force the highly test at low root angles of positive attack to near the tip reached angles twisting until the wing sections continue force. used near the maximum coefficient of layup wing at 11.5 m/s at 4 degrees [-452/0]s root angle of attack had twisted an additional 6 degrees and reached a 6 of deflection of coefficient put there of percent 84 sense we divergence classical at tip the In a practical force. Unlike diverged. This cm. maximum can say the wing has limits are to the twist because we have used a realistic coefficient of force that has a maximum value. Comparing the analytical and experimental data quantitatively (see figures through C.1 than those had experimental layup wing at 16 m/s [±15/0]s In particular values much higher high experimental The analysis. by the predicted considering satisfactory [02/90]s layup wing at 11.5 and 16 m/s and at higher angle of attack the the is agreement measurement except for a few areas. accuracy in atainable the C.13) readings were coincidental with the appearance of torsional flutter of the wings. In other words once the wing started to flutter in This is a preliminary indication more than predicted by the analysis. that when in the flutter, torsional also bent torsion it wings a have higher average coefficient of force at a certain airspeed and angle of attack than they would without the flutter. both increase flutters. inorder to vibrations or redistributed are wings Clearly the sustain the cause increasing the some drag. This means that either the lift are These more taking vibrations. additional toward Also it disturbance reasons for the tip when out of energy seems to or drag or logical the the wing the air that the airstream thus the increased deflection are speculation, however, the would have were it steady analysis generated by the conclusion we can draw is: Once a wing does not vibrate about the steady state position it starts to flutter it airload one not fluttering. Therefore we also conclude that any that does unsteady airloads not include the in flutter will of average forces underestimate the average airload and therefore underpredict the average deflection. 4.3 Divergence The Velocities can be considered the investigation divergence limit of the We are looking for the static stability steady airload investigation. linear feedback system mentioned in chapter limit, the point where the two no longer converges. The investigation pointed out the extreme differences between the due wings examining table 4.1 ply different to solely we see that fiber angle somewhere that of below On wing. coupled For a straight wing (A=O) The actual value of the crtitical coupling the wing will not diverge. lightly ranges With a sufficient amount of negative bending-torsion the rule is simple: is By patterns. for a straight wing divergence from a low of 12.4 m/s to a high of infinity. amount layup the the [-+15/0]s hand, other our layup wing, positive most bending-torsion coupling lowers the divergence speed in relation to its magnitude. For the 30 degree swept forward wing there showed is an divergence speed. due to geometry, optimum fiber angle (A=-30) the investigation layup pattern for increasing Because bending causes increases in angle of attack all the wings have a finite divergence speed. However, by using the optimum layup pattern the divergence speed can be more than doubled over that of the uncoupled layup wing. The optimum layup pattern among those we used was the [+152/0]s pattern. By examining the [02/90]s and the [+302/0]s wing layup results we can speculate that around a [+20 2 /0]s layup wing would have the highest divergence speed. Of all the analysis gave results that best done in agreed this project the divergence with experimental results. analysis This can WING A = 0 degrees A = -30 degree Theoretical Experimental Theoretical Experimental (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) [02/90] s [+1 52/01s [± 15/0] s 31.4 ****** [F 15/0]s 24.2 20.9 19 [-1 52/0] s 16.5 15.6 15 [+302/0] s 39.4 [±+30/0] s 26.1 [T30/01 s 24.7 18.5 [-302/0] s 14.2 12.4 [+452/0 s [±+45/0 s 18.4 [ 45/0] s 24.1 14.9 [-452/0] s 14.0 11.3 Table 4.1 Wing divergence speeds. probably be attributed to the use of three dimensional aerodynamics. For the experiments, the wings were said to have diverged when at near zero degrees root angle of attack, the wing bent to a large deflection. times this deflection was bending frequency. oscillatory range but fluttered. the divergence before low frequency below first This oscillation was due to non linear effects and was beyond the scope of our analysis. layup wing, at a Many reaching For a few wings, velocity was that speed within in the the like the [02/90]s wind tunnel experiment the speed wing Therefore those divergence speeds, along with the ones higher than maximum tunnel speed, were not verified by experiment. 4.4 Natural Frequencies from the initial deflection Ascertaining the natural frequencies tests is a skill that requires some fine discrimination. Due to the nature of composite material, vibrations are damped in relation to their frequency. For some of the wings the second bending and first torsion vibrations were detectable on the strip chart for only a fraction of a second. chart The fact that all three and frequencies complicated some for are the not wings very problem. the frequencies second a and bending different As are present on result and are for two the highly wings the same first torsion coupled we ascertain the second bending frequency and for all wings could also not the measured second bending and first torsion frequencies are no more accurate than within about 2 hertz. First Bending First Torsion Second Bending Theo. Exp. Theo. Exp. Theo. Exp. (hz) (hz) (hz) (hz) (hz) (hz) [02/901]s 10.8 10.5 [+15/0]s 8.5 [±15/0]s 9.9 [+302/0]s 6.0 7.1 [±30/01 s 7.8 8.0 [+452/0]s 4.6 6.2 [±45/01 s 5.7 6.0 WING _ 9.2 10.0 Table 4.2 Wing natural frequencies. The results of the test along with the analytic results are shown in table 4.2. As expected, since all wings the have same mass, the bending and torsion frequencies are directly related to the bending and Comparing the calculated to the measured frequencies, torsion stiffness. we have generally good agreement. For the three highly coupled wings, the [+30 2 /0]s [+152/0]s, and [+452/0]s, bending frequency the measured first was higher than calculated, while the measured first torsion frequency of the [+45 2 /0]s was lower than calculated. These differences are probably due to the bending-torsion coupling in the wings) vibration were present at the same time in since both modes of the test. 4.5 Flutter Velocities The data from the flutter boundary D. tests is plotted in Appendix Because of the way the boundaries are graphed we can see how the root angle of the flutter speed. attack changes From this table we can see table D.1. tests are shown in The results of the flutter the twist of the wing tip during flutter and therefore can calculate the tip angle of attack as well. For those wings before they diverge, change in that at zero degrees angle of attack flutter a few general statements can be made concerning the The type of flutter characteristics with root angle of attack. flutter changes from a bending-torsion to more of a pure torsion flutter as angle of attack is increased. This can be frequency increasing toward the first torsion amount of bending in the flutter. For example, the [02/90]s seen frequency by the and flutter a smaller Also, the flutter airspeed decreases. layup wing unswept went from 33 hz to 40 hz, from a Aw of 0.7 cm to 0 cm, and from an airspeed of 26 m/s to 13 m/s at 10 degrees angle of attack. These same trends were previous stall flutter work in reference 14. noted by Rainey in However as the wings become coupled in bending and torsion these trends are changed. In the case of the [+302/0]s layup wing there is no frequency change and the airspeed is nearly the same for both 0 and 12 degrees angle of attack flutter. If we examine the wing conditions we see that at 0 degrees angle of attack the twist is average +2.4 degrees, average twist is -4.8 degrees. angle of attack the while at 12 degrees Thus the tip is at an increased angle of attack of only about 4.8 degrees versus 12 degrees for This the root. could account for the similarity in flutter behavior at the two different root angles of attack. The wings that diverged at 0 degrees root angle of attack before angle attack of Generally increased. was flutter behavior flutter speed bending similar exhibited flutter all they would the as would the frequency would increase and the flutter would become more decrease, mild, making it more like a bending flutter and less like divergence. The wings were the the best at low angle that resisted flutter speeds were beyond In [±45/0]s layup wings. and the [+30/0]s their flutter However, tunnel. the wind the maximum speed of fact, of attack as angle of attack was increased their flutter speeds dropped below that of their unbalanced the [+302/0]s [+452/0]s the and layup Due to the light bending-torsion coupling of the balanced layup wings. wings counterparts, the they exhibited including decrease the normal in flutter flutter speed as about talked trends root angle of earlier attack is Among the wings with an unbalanced laminate layup pattern a increased. ply fiber angle of 30 degrees seems to give the highest flutter speed. When the wings were swept forward the addition to angle of attack Tfe [02/90]s layup wing made by bending had a strong effect on flutter. lower airspeed at 0 degrees angle of attack fluttered at a unswept, while at higher than about 8 degrees angle of attack it from a bending torsion flutter to a bending flutter. layup [+302/0]s increase in decrease in wings' tip angle attack. oscillation. bending-torsion of coupling attack due to bending flutter speed with an increase in [+452/0]s layup wing, of than when The being weak in frequency shown bending, in table Note that the average bending is The [+152/01s could so changed they not offset and the also showed a root angle of attack. The now diverged at all angles D.2 is nearly a post divergence 17 cm! The wings that had diverged at 0 degrees sweep also diverged at -30 degrees sweep, the speeds were just slightly lower. The differences in the low angle of attack behavior of the various In order to examine wings was also evident in the theoretical analysis. a typical cross section of the wings I have taken the graphs for the four wings with 15 degree fiber ply angles from appendix D and reproduced them the torsional branch will go unstable at 24 m/s method predicts frequency around 27 hz. change in approached the torsional branch has a Looking at the other frequency. bending-torsion flutter, the to the [+152/0]s layup wing. similar in the stable but stability then while The divergence. [-15 2 /0]s layup divergence speeds because layup wing also goes this at the goes main wing difference a has between slightly the lower goes This zero. to both go initially very is branch critical velocity it rapidly frequency the airspeed. layup wings [-152/0]s The first bending branch. very see behavior we [+15/0]s The the [P15/0]s and the The next two wings, unstable layup wing, [±15/0]s wing with negative the torsional branch, just at a slightly higher unstable in a at 25 m/s and 32 hz. values were The experimental Note that as flutter velocity is large the V-g [+152/0]s layup wing first, Looking at the figure 4.4. here in two to shows wings divergence neutral classical is that the The speed. indicated here are lower than the experimental values analysis not does consider finite in the the divergence and effects span aerodynamics. For 0 degrees angle V-g flutter analysis figure 4.5. of attack the results of along with experimental The unbalanced separate graphs. and balanced data points are shown in wings are shown laminate on For The [02/901s layup wing is plotted on both graphs. completeness the V-g flutter analysis for the wings at 30 degrees swept back is included. There is no experimental data for 30 degrees swept back. Let's look at the unbalanced unswept wing if the fiber angle is the limiting factor otherwise laminate wings first. below about -5 degrees the wing will flutter first. For the divergence is Despite the [15/1Os 2B 11 0 20 40 VELOCITY (M/S) 60 20 0.4 40 VELOCITY (M/S) 6( 0.4 -1 IT 0 40 1T 0 60 40 60 2B -0.4 2B -0.4 1B 80 80 r [F15/0]s 1B [-152/0]s 2B 1T 40 0 40 1B I It 20 0.4 2B 20 40 VELOCITY (M/S) 40 VELOCITY (M/S) 60 0.4 1T 0 60 -040 2B -0.4 -0.4 B Figure 4.4 Flutter analysis diagrams for the four wings with a 15 degree ply fiber angle. large variations in stiffness and bending-torsion coupling from the [0 2 /901s to the [+45 2 /0]s layup wings, flutter speeds were all within 5 m/s for the four wings. A ply fiber angle of +30 degrees seems to give the highest flutter speed both theoretically and experimentally. For 30 degrees swept forward, due to the effect of bending on angle of attack, divergence dominates for all ply fiber angles from [15 2 about /0]s +5 to +30 we could the available speed range of the wind tunnel. to note that the limiting speed degrees particular, swept region of not the get layup wings to flutter or diverge at low angle of and [+302/0]s attack in In degrees. except in the higher forward is It is worthwhile (either flutter or divergence) for than for the unswept wing 30 for fiber angles from -5 to +35 degrees according to the theoretical calculations was true for fiber angles of +15 and +30 degrees. and experimentally it The layup wing went into torsional flutter with a large (0 2 /90]s average bend at an airspeed below its calculated divergence speed. was not predicted bending by deflection the V-g analysis. the was wing Because actually in of the a high large angle is of attack high angle of attack flutter for the [02/90]s layup wing Also this type of flutter is lower than when at low angle of attack. not covered by our analysis. we see that when a wing is has average As we have flutter despite the root angle of attack being only 1 degree. seen previously, This Looking back at the steady airload analysis it below divergence speed, close to, yet still large deflection even at low angle of attack. In the swept forward case bending causes increases in angle of attack so we can see how when nearing divergence speed even with a low root angle of attack we can get a high tip angle of attack bringing with it the possibility of flutter. Switching now to the balanced laminate wings, for the unswept case we have divergence for outer layer flutter elsewhere. fiber angles below -10 tunnel maximum and These wings had the highest predicted flutter speed at a outer ply fiber angle of +45 degrees. the degrees speed so we could This speed was higher not determine its than accuracy. Experimental data was reasonable except for the [P15/01s layup wing which will be discussed in the next paragraph. VELOCITY (M/S) 60 - FLUTTER DIVERGENCE THEORETICAL ANALYSIS A A = 0 DEGREES DATA O * _A = -30 DEGREES DATA A= +30 -40 + I I" I =-+30 - TUNNEL SPEED LIMIT ~A= 0 DA A= -30 n2 -3 * -30 -= L -30 0 -15 PLY FIBER ANGLE (DEG) VELOCITY (M/S) 60 T FLUTTER DIVERGENCE THEORETICAL ANALYSIS = 0 DEGREES DATA = -30 DEGREES DATA S A = +30 - S= +30 40 -1A= 0 TUNNEL SPEED LIMIT A= -30 /1 -30 * I T45 ' +30 ' - :15 ' 0 ' ±30 PLY FIBER ANGLE (DEG) Figure 4.5 Effects of fiber ply angle on flutter and divergence speeds. For divergence 30 degrees the was forward limiting for the sweep instability balanced laminate wings, the throughout fiber angle We see a calculated best outer fiber angle of about +20 degrees. range. Experimental data was close to calculated with the following exceptions; the [02/90]s, [±30/0]s [±15/0]s, at [;15/0]s layup wing from the unswept wing case. The and sweep forward degrees 30 the [02/90]s layup wing was discussed previously and in fact what was said for the [02/90]s layup wing also applies to all Their these wings. torsional all cases are flutter characterized by high average bending and speeds below predicted suggesting a high angle of attack flutter at the wing divergence speed, By checking tip. for the [+30/0]s layup wing (wavg) in bending deflection the average (19.8 cm), table D.2 one could argue that in fact the wing has diverged and the calculated divergence speed is just too high. However I present the argument enough to allow for high angle that of before attack the wing diverged Once flutter. fluttering, the increase in average force caused by wing to bend average bend. even more (see discussion section the limit and it is 4.2), at a airspeed airspeed predicted by the theoretical analysis. bent wing is flutter caused the thus Whatever your point of view, one thing for sure is have reached a stability it the high that we lower than the CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS Having now investigated some of the many varied and interresting properties demonstrated by the graphite/epoxy composite material wings I will finish by pointing out a few of the conclusions we can make and offer some recomendations for follow up work. The wings showed very near linear bending and twisting behavior up to large deflections in the range in which we can apply our linear gives a This tests. static theory. large useful However, on bending-torsion coupled wings small imperfections in the wings warp can cause large deviations from linear theory lightly such as concerning the bending-torsion stiffness coupling reaction. The steady airload analysis gave good results angle of attack as long as the wing did not flutter. of a realistic lift curve, rather than a linear one, up to 20 degrees Certainly the use contributed to the accuracy of the results. Once the wings did flutter they had an average deflection the greater than steady airload theory predicted. This limited the useful range of the steady airload analysis and suggests the usefulness of investigation into the resultant average forces present during flutter, both lift and drag. The initial deflection frequency tests were a quick easy way to get approximate values for the natural frequencies. The divergence and flutter investigation once again showed the large variation in wing aeroelastic properties caused by changes in ply fiber angle. Straight wings can be made divergence free, while by proper selection of fiber angle, even a swept forward wing can have a divergence speed higher than a similar wing without bending-torsion coupling at no sweep. By using three dimensional aerodynamics the divergence speeds of the wings wings. were closly The flutter accurate. We were predicted calculations unable to for both straight and forward for the straight wings were check the accuracy of the swept resonably flutter calculations for the forward swept wings because of the wind tunnel's low maximum speed. However, by extrapolating to low angles of attack the experimental data we were able to obtain at high and moderate angles of attack, we can predict a calculated flutter speed. speed flutter close to the theoretically We did discover that the lightly coupled wings had a tendency to go into a torsional flutter, characterized by a high average bend and therefore a high angle of attack at the wing tip, when approaching but still below predicted divergence speed. deserves further investigation. This phenomenon A stall or high angle of attack, flutter analysis might give some insight here. Finally, a good follow on investigation would be to make and test some built-up wings versus the cantilevered plates used here. wing with a typical box-beam or honeycomb A built-up construction would smooth out any initial warp or twist in the laminate skin, thus eliminating one of the problems airfoil and we is had. the That type wing would be next logical step graphite/epoxy composite material wing. toward closer building to a pratical a functional REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Ricketts, R.H. and Weisshaar, T.A., 1. Hertz, T.J.; Practical Forward-Swept Wings", Astronautics and "On the. Track of Aeronautics Magazine, January 1982. 2. Hollowell, S.J., "Aeroelastic Flutter and Divergence of Graphite/Epoxy Cantilevered Plates with Stiffness Bending-Torsion Coupling", M.S. Thesis, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., January 1981. 3.Jensen, D.W., "Natural Vibrations of Cantiliver Graphite/Epoxy Plates with Bending-Torsion Coupling", M.S. Thesis, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., August 1981. "Aeroelastic Flutter and Divergence of Rectangular Wings 4. Selby, H.P., with Bending-Torsion Coupling", M.S. Thesis, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., January 1982. 5. Hollowell, S.J. and Dugundji, J., of Stiffness Graphite/Epoxy, Coupled, AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS "Aeroelastic Flutter and Divergence Structures, Cantilevered Structural Dynamics Plates", and 23rd Materials Conference, New Orleans, La., May 10-12, 1982, AIAA Paper 82-0722. 6. Tsai, S.W. and Hahn, H.T., "Introduction to Composite Materials", Technomic Publishing Co. Inc. 1980. 7. Bisplinghoff, R.J.; Ashley, H. and Halfman, R.L. "Aeroelasticity", Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1955. 8. Bisplinghoff, R.J. and Ashley, H., Dover Publications, Inc. 1962. "Principals of Aeroelasticity", 9. Dowell, E.H., "A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity", Sijthoff and Noordhoff 1980. F.W. 10. Riegels, "Aerofoil Sections", Butterworths Publishing House, 1961. 11. DeYoung, J. and Harper, C.W., "Theoretical Symetrical Span Loading at Subsonic Speeds for Wings Having Arbitrary Planforms", NACA Report 921, 1948. 12. Spielberg, I.N., "The Two-Dimentional Incompressible Aerodynamic Coefficients For Oscillatory Changes is Airfoil Camber", Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, June 1953. 13. Weisshaar, T.A. "Divergence of Forward Swept Composite Wings", Journal of Aircraft, June 1980. 14. Rainey, A.G., "Preliminary Study of Some Factors Which Affect the Stall-Flutter Characteristics of Thin Wings", NACA TN 3622, March 1956. APPENDIX A MODE SHAPE INTEGRALS AND THEIR NUMERICAL VALUES 2 d . using and dx i i 2 ( I II dx = 1.000 1 0 ( 1 I2 2 dx = 1.000 2 0 2 13 adx = 0.500 I ( * = 0 2 1 ( I4 = 4 ) dx = 0.500 0 2 I( 5I = 55 5) dx = .03333 0 12.36 S2 16 17 = £3 ) 2 I 0 dx= 12.36 3' dx = 3.744 = dx 2 I8 = 2 f ' dx = 3.249 1 "I 0 9 = f 0 45 1 dx = 0.4340 2 10 dx = 485.7 ) 2' 2 0 2 11= 2 , dx = -6.698 3 '3' ' 0 I12 13 2 £2 J 0 5 2 f dx = 63.55 4'4 2 dx = -2.868 0 2 f 114 ) 3 dx = 3.044 0 £ ) 115 0 2 dx = 1.234 2 I16 = dx = 0.4293 1 0 = 0.1739 5 dx 3 f 0 117 2 f 18 ) 4 2R I 1Q =zf( 2 2 dx = 11.10 4' dx = -6.712 5' 4' f 20 dx = 246.6 0 I 21 4' 9dx = -0.3023 0 2 22 = f 0 ) *5 £ 5 23 ) dx = 4.000 2 dx = 0.3334 0 It24 f 0 1 dx 2.000 £ 2 kJ ( 125 ' ) dx = 4.6478 0 26 f dx = -4.7594 ' 0 02 dx = 0.7595 1 f I27 0 x 28 f 2 ' dx = -7.3797 1 0 1 129 dx = 0.67786 = 0 3 dx = 1.5173 30= f 0 I31 31 1 a 1 4 4 dx = 0.146305 1 I32 = 4 dx = -0.19609 0 1 33 33 fI 1 1 0 5 dx = 0.12344 1f 134 92 dx = 2.000 2 f 0 I35 5 dx = 0.35466 2 36 I 2 ) dx = 32.4163 1 37 I = 2 )3 dx = 0.1936 0 I 39 = 1 1 3 dx = -2.7155 2 f 0 I38 f 2 dx = 0.61191 4 dx = 2.8612 2' 40 =I 4 0 1 41 I42 Y. I 0 2 2 5 dx = 0.13016 dx = -0.2524 1 I43 = f 43 15 dx = 0.11074 0 I44 = fI4 0 5 dx = 0.06414 APPENDIX B STATIC DEFLECTION INVESTIGATION RESULTS - E N0 R-R Analysis Experiment 0 4.09 4.00 F 2.00 0 R C 0.00 E 0.00 H -2. 00 N-2.00 S -4.00 1.00 0.00 W CM -1.00 E-01 2.90 E 01 -1.00 -Q.58 8.09 8.58 AHG RAC E-01 0 0 0 00 1.00 E-81 0 EI 0.09 T SOO 0 N o0 -2.90 -2.09 O • ON • • . -1.09 . . I a--- a- 8.0 1 (C1) Figure B.1 - I O 0 0 A -2.00 1.00 E GO [02/90]s layup wing, static deflection. 8.88 NG (RAOD) E-81 E 00 4. W E 00 4.00 O R-R Analysis Experiment 2.00 0.88 8.00 N-2. 8 -4.00 -2.80 6- -1.00 E-81 0.00 W (CM) 1.00 - E 1 -4.80 -4 .800 -2.00 6.88 2.00 E-01 ANG (RAD) 4.880 4.00 E-81 2.00 0 M E N 0.88 T S2.00 0 M E N 0.80 T N -2.88 H-2.80 *.mu~amaa -4.880 00' -O -2.00 Ml 8.00 W(CM) 2.80 4.00 E 88 -4.0 1 1a ll I l i -4.00 -2.80 08.8 2.00 ANG (RAD) Figure B.2 [+152/0]s layup wing, static deflection. ll 4. 00 E-al E 00 E gO 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 N-2.00 N -2.00 -4.00 -4.00 0.0 W(CM) -1.0088 E-01 1.00 -1.80 E 01 2.88 0.00 ANG (RAD) E-01 -2.00 8.00 2.08 ANG (RAD) E-91 E-1 2.00 M 0 M E N 6 .00 T 0 M E N 9.00 T N M-2 .00 N -2.00 oi m Ia -2.00 -1.00 Figure B.3 O R-R Analysis Experiment 0.00 I (CM) t Ia 1i mI 1.00 2.00 E 00 [±15/0]s layup wing, static deflection. E 06 R-R Analysis Experiment O 2. 6 00 8.0 -2.00 -0 -2.00 !o -1.00 0.00 E 1 W(aCM) E-01 2.06 4.00 -4.06 -2.66 0.06 E-81 ANG (RAD) E-1 E-01 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 0 1.00 M 0.00 N 0.00 T E M -2. 060 H-2.66 00 . -2.00 -m 0a HI i -6.00 -3.00 Figure B.4 0.00 W(CM) 3.00 6.00 E OB II . a. a. -4.00 I . a a . . 0.00 ANG (RAD) [+30 2 /0]s layup wing, static deflection. a. I. a. 4.80 E-BI1 E 0 E0 2.008 R-R Analysis Experiment 2.00 F 0 R C 0.00 E 0.00 N -2.00 -2.00 Ol I I I I -1.00 E-61 i i i I I 0.00 W(C) m -2.80 -1.00 0.00 1.00 E-1 ANG (RAO) 1.00 E 01 2.00 0 i e.00 T H M-2.00 -2.00 -1.00 N M-2.06 0.00 M (CM) 1.8 2.00 E 0G -2.0 Figure B.5 [±30/0]s layup wing, static deflection. 80.00 ANG (RAD) 2.00 2.00 E-01 E 00 E 00 R-R Analysis Experiment 0 1.00 0 0.00 -1 - O -1.00 _ a .. I_ I_ I_ A _ I_ -1.00 0.00 W (CM) E-01 I * ,., E M -2.00 * lI 4.00 E-01 M 0 1.06 M E 0 0 N 0.00 T N -1.66 " t -2.00 -6.00 -3.00 Figure B.6 I 2.00 M 0 1.00 -0 E -N 0.00 T -1 .00 ,u I1 I , 1 -4.00 -2.00 0.00 2.88 ANG (RAD) E-01 1.66 2.00 D M I I 0.00 M (CM) 3.00 6.8 E 0B -4.00 -2.00 0.00 ANG (RAD) [+45 2 /0]s layup wing, static deflection. 2.08 4.00 E-1 E O 2.00 F .. 0 R C E .ee N- .80 N-1 .0e -2.00 -1.00 E-01 0.80 W(CM) -2.00 1.80 E 81 E-1 1 0 M 0 M N 0.80 T 1.0E E-81 2.80 N N M-2. 800 Figure B.7 8.00 ANG (RD) E N T E -2.80 -1.00 mb -2.80 WO iIIo -1.80 0.80 U (CM) 1.80 2.00 E 0G -2.80 -1.00 8.80 1.80 ANG (RAD) [±45/0]s layup wing, static deflection. 2.08 E-81 APPENDIX C STEADY AIRLOAD INVESTIGATION RESULTS 105 E 00 E 00 eo, 2/903S 6.00 6.00 ---- V.. FLUTTER PRESENT EXPERIMENT o 5 M/S A 11.5 M/S 4 MOAMONv 4.00 Q 16 M/S T 4. 00 e T WA. A/W E 000 A6 C S 0 0.40 G 0 0 0.80 1.28 1.68 ROOT AM (DEC) Figure C.1 A Avv.e 10 0 0 0 0 .0 2.09. E aI [02 /90]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0 0 0 0 0.48 0.60 1.28 ROOT ABA (DEC) 1.60 2.0 E 81 E 00 6.00 E 00 2.00 E+15 ,2/8S ---- CW VvV FLUTTER PRESENT EXPERIMENT 0 5 M/S A 11.5 1/S O 16 f/S -A4 0.00 T N I S T 4.00 A -2.00 H G 0 E G 2.00 -4.00 000 0. .00 ~6.001L-4 0.40 0.80 1.20 RfT AA (OFG) Figure C.2 1.680 2.88 F Al [+152/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.08 0.40 0.80 1.20 RlT AMA (MfG) 1.680 2.00 E At E OO 6.08 E 00 2.00 C+-15/03S FLUTTER PRESENT vW 1.00 EXPERIMENT 0 5 /S A 11.5 IS o 16 W/S 0.00 T 4.00 I A I-1.00 S T A-2.00 N G D-3.00 E G A 2.00 A Aa -4.00 -5.00 8.40 8.88 1.20 RMT AA (DEG) 1.68 2.88 -6.00 8.00 E aI Figure C.3 [±15/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. I i a I , i II •I ,a a 1 I 0.80 8.48 I a a a a I i I I 1.20 RMT AnA (CDEG ) i a a 5 I I a1 i 1.68 s 1 1 II I 2.00 E at E 0 6.00 E 0 6.0 E-+15/03S ----MAL VWv FLUTTER PRESENT EXPER I ENT 0 5 IM/S A 11.5 S Q 16 M/S W I 4.00 S vvONw T A H 2.00 G D E G 2.00 0 0 -2.00 0.40 0.80 1.28 RMT AOA (DEC) Figure C.4 " 8.08 1.68 E l1 [T15/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 8.80 1.20 RO T AM (EG) 1.68 2.0088 E 81 E 01 E 0- ,,NV 6.00 FLUTTER PRESENT 1.2g E-15,2/3S i I-I M/S 00A 516 M/S 11.51,M/S T 0.80 S %MAW G C M 0AAAV 0.40 0 E 2.00 A G 0EG to .00 0B.0 1.40 0.80 oIa Q 1.20 ROOT AOA (DEC) Figure C.5 1.60 00.00 2.00 E at O O A "''0.00 [-15 2 /0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.408 .88 ROOT AD 1.20 (DE) 1.68 2.00 E 81 E 01 E 01 E+38,2/E3S e.e00 EXPERIEHT 0 5 M/S A 11.5 Mt/S 1.20 0 6 16 M/S T H - ACa W \ 0 0 A A 0 0 0 -, 0.8A A C 11 G 0D 0 E 4-8.88 0.40 a A A S 0.40 l 0.80 1.20 ROoT AA (EC) Figure C.6 1.60 2.00 E 8.0088 at [+30 2 /0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 8.40 8.80 1.28 ROOT AA (DEC) 1.68 2.00 E at E 01 E0 2.00 ---- C IAL \VVV FLUTTER PRESENT EXPERII'ENT 0 3 riS 1.28 A 11.5 M/S o 16 M/S 0.00 T w \m W 0.80 4 I S T A -2.00 C M D E G 0.40 A 0.00 A a J -4.00 'Pa 0.00 0.40 0.80 ROOT A Figure C.7 1.20 (DEG) 1.68 2.00 E 8I [±30/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 0.80 1.20 ROOT AA (DEG)) 1.60 2.00 E al E 00 6.00 E 01 E-+30/03S \AvV, 1.20 FLUTTER PRESENT EXPERIMENT o 5 IS A 11.5 M/S o 16 M/S VwVONV 0.80 vw*O^" 0.40 .00 0.00 e.40 0.80 ROOT Figure C.8 1.28 IO (DEG) 1.60 2.00 -2. 00 L0.00 E 81 FF30/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 0.8e 1.20 RFT A0A (DEC) 1.68 2.00 E al E 01 1.20 E 01 E-30 2/81S ---- **LY FLUTTER PRESENT WNVA EXPERIMENT 0 5 M/S 1.20 A 11.5 M/S 0.80 wA W 0.80 8.40 0.40 0.00 0 .0- 0.48 0.80 0 1.20 RMT AA (DEG) Figure C.9 0 0 1.68 0 2.00 E 0.00 I1 [-302/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.48 0.80 1.20 RfOT AM (MEFC) 1.68 2.008 E a1 E 01 E 01 E+45, 2/03S --.-- H \,V VV FLUTTER PRESENT EXPERIMENTI M/S 0.00 0 A, 0l 0 1.20 M/S o 11.5 A 16 I 4 0 0 0 0 , , 0 0 a T I W 0 G 0.40- 0.000.00 Figure C.10 G -0.80 0.40 0.40 0.80 ROOT A -,. 1.20 (DEG) 1.60 2.00 E al ,, , , sI .00 [+452/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 ,,i, 0.80 1.20 RKOT aA (DEG) ,,,, 1.60 2.00 E Iat E O1 E 00 2.00 . E+-45/3S WP/''t/ 1.20 - FLUTTER PRESENT E)PERIMENT o 5 M/S A 11.5 MS O 0 16 M/S O O 0 4 0. T N m A 0.4oG e - E G A A -4.00 I -6- e.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 ROOT AOA (DE Figure C.11 ) 1.60 2.00 0.00 E BI [±45/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 I 0.80 I 1.20 ROOT AM (CDEG) 1.60 2.00 E aB E 00 6.00 E 01 C-+45"83S --- AtAL ~W' FLUTTER PRESENT EXPERIMEHNT 1.20 - O 5 M/S A 11.5 M/S O 16 M/S 4.80 v0 O ' / T W I S T W 0.80 C A 2.00 14 G M A 0.40 0.800 - 0.00 0.88 0.40 0.80 1.2 ROOT AOA (EGC) Figure C.12 D E G 1.60 2.00 E 1I [F45/0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 0.80 1.20 ROOT ADA (OFG) 1.60 2.80 E 81 E 01 1.20 E 01 L-45 1 2/3- 1.20a 11. M/S a T 0.80- T C M 1 aG 0.40 E G A 0.40 0 0 0.00 0.40 0.80 ROOT A Figure C.13 1.20 (DEC) 1.60 2.00 E 0.00 I1 [-45 2 /0]s layup wing, steady airload deflection. 0.40 0.80 ROOT 1.20 M (Ef) 1.60 2.00 E 1t APPENDIX D FLUTTER INVESTIGATION RESULTS 119 Table D.1 FLUTTER DATA WING UNSWEPT WING (A = 0) (w and 0 are at the wing tip) V (m/s) [02/90] s [+152/0]s [+ 15/0]s [U15/01]s Aw 0 AG (cm) (cm) (deg) (deg) 10.3 a r w (deg) avg avg 26 1 0.5 0.7 1.0 13 10 2.4 0 3.5 9.8 25 1 0.2 0.2 0.7 8.1 24 10 5.1 0.2 -4.0 28 3 4.0 0.8 -0.7 8.5 16 10 3.8 0 0.4 5.0 4.3 0.5 4.8 14 2.8 7.0 21 10 10 2.2 0.1 18 1 4.7 9.4 13 10 3.3 29 0 -0.6 1.7 2.4 28 12 7.9 4.0 -4.8 [±30/0]s 27 10 11.7 1.2 -3.7 [F30/0]s 24 1 13.5 1.3 .13.5 15 10 8.4 0.2 [-152/0]s [+302/0]s 11.7 120 10.1 7.9 5.6 w (hz) 19.3 17.4 5.8 28.4 7.6 8.8 6.7 Table D.1 (continued) UNSWEPT WING (A = 0) (w and 0 are at the wing tip) FLUTTER DATA WING V (m/s) [-302/0]s [+45 2 /01s [±45/0]s [F45/0]s [-452/0 ]s a r w avg Aw 0 (deg) (cm) (cm) (deg) AO w avg (deg) (hz) 2.6 15 1 5.1 17.2 3.9 8 10 3.0 4.5 4.9 27 1 2.1 3.6 2.2 23 10 9.9 2.7 -2.7 25 8 13.1 0.4 -2.4 3.2 44 18 10 10.8 0.6 -4.2 6.8 49 22 1 16.0 0.9 9.0 1.5 40 14 10 12.2 0.1 6.3 6.3 55 14 1 10.9 9 10 5.2 12 10.3 121 10 5.2 4.9 5.8 20 14 9.1 26 - 3.5 4.2 Table D.2 FORWARD SWEPT WING (A = -30) (w and 0 are at the wing tip) FLUTTER DATA v WING (m/s) a r (deg) w avg (cm) Aw (cm) avg (deg) AO (deg) (hz) 20 1 8.8 0 6.1 1.5 18 10 8.3 11.0 1.5 3.0 21 10 25 1 18 10 19 1 6.2 11.9 4.8 9.5 4.7 15 10 5.2 12.8 4.7 9.3 7.5 15 1 3.2 15 8.3 23.4 4.0 12 10 3.9 12.9 7.7 18.1 6.8 [+30 2 /0]s 21 10 14.5 0.8 -18 12 59 [+30/0]1s 22 1 19.8 0.7 -6 44 33 20 10 21.5 1 -7 42 31 17 1 6.9 19.7 4.0 12 3 13 10 7.5 9.5 2.5 5 [02/90] s. [+15 2 /0]s [±15/0]s [15/0]s [-152/0] s [ 30/0] s 12.2 1.1 -10.7 16.7 40 7.8 0 -1.6 27 44 8 0 -0.4 14.3 50 122 5.6 Table D.2 (continued) FLUTTER DATA WING FORWARD SWEPT WING (A = -30) V a (m/s) [-30/0]s r (deg) 11 1 8 10 [+45 2 /0]s [±45/01s [F45/0]s [-4520]s w avg (cm) Aw (cm) (w and 0 are at the wing tip) avg (deg) 4.1. 18.1 7.0 3.7 10.9 3.5 16.9 0.2 6.9 14.5 AO (deg) 22 (hz) 2.7 4.6 15 10 16.9 0.7 20 1 19.5 3.0 -10.5 5.7 14 10 12.9 6.3 3.5 4.8 14 2 9.5 19 5.5 2.8 11 10 9 14 1.5 4.3 10 1 7.1 8.6 8.4 8 10 11.6 7.5 6.9 123 19.1 14.7 3.5 30 - 60hz A = 0 DEGREES 33 ++302/0]s 32v 38 20 5.9 52 1+152/0]s [+452/0]s >4 F-A-2 o 2.6 7.6 3.5 [-152/0]s 4.1 10 4.9 ANC;I.E Figure D.1 A=0, OF [02/90]s 12 8 4 0 39 [-452/0]s [-302/s ATTACK (DEC) crossection of test wings, flutter boundary curves. 16 20 20 [+152/0]s 448 5.9 7.6 53 [-152 /0]s - 1±15/0]s 10 1IT15/0s AN(GLE Figure D.2 A=0, 12 8 4 0 OF ATTACK 16 (DEC) 15 degree ply fiber angle layup wings, flutter boundary curves. 20 30 60 A = 0 DEGREES 60 40 [+302/s01 [4730/0]s 20 H H 7.2 2.6 54 130/O]s 547.5 10 4.9 [-3 0 /0]s 2 8 4 0 ANCIE Figure D.3 A=O, OF ATTACK 12 10 (DEC) 30 degree ply fiber angle layup wings, flutter boundary curves. 20 A = 0 DEGREES 52 20 [+452 /Ols 3.5 [±45/0]s -4.1 10 [-452/0]s AN Figure D.4 A=0, 12 8 4 0 CI.E OF A'I'TTACK 16 (DEC) 45 degree ply fiber angle layup wings, flutter boundary curves. 20 59hz A = -30 DEGREES [+ls,/O]s 20 4.0 U [+302/ O]s 59 42 44 [+452/0]s 00 2.7 8 6.8 0 ls [-1520]s [02/90]s 2.0 3.5 4.6 0 4 8 AN CI.E o1I ATTACK 12 [-45,/0ls [-302/01s lh (DEC) Figure D.5 A = -30, crossection of test wings, flutter boundary curves. 20 A = -30 DEGREES 35hz 43 4.7 [+152/0]s 4.0 53 [115/0 s 7.5 6.8 [-152/O]s 44 [TI5/0]s ANCLE Figure D.6 A OF ATTACK (DEC) = -30, 15 degree ply fiber angle layup wings, flutter boundary curves. A = -30 DEGREES 32 33 [+30 2 /0]s 3 6.4 Lt30/0ls ~ -- 2.7 S;30/01s 4.6 [-302/0]s I I AN:IE Figure D.7 I . F ATTA'I"I'CK (DEC:) A= -30, 30 degree ply fiber angle layup wings, flutter boundary curves. A = -30 DEGREES 40 5.7 [+452/0]s 2.5 2.0 4.7 -4.3j4 0 [T45/O]s [-452/Ojs ___ AN;:IE OF ATTACK Figure D.8 __ (DEc;) A= -30, 45 degree ply fiber angle layup wings, flutter boundary curves. 80 r- 2B 1T IB 0 0 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D. 9 A= 0O [02/90]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 132 60 N 40 z w 20 0 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.10 A= O, [+15 2 /0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 133 40 20 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.11 A= 0, [±15/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 134 80 2B 60 N - 40 B1T z 20 0 20 40 VELOCITY 0.4 - 0.2 - ( M/S 60 ) 1T 0o 00 20 40 z -0.2 IB = -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.12 A= 0, [:15/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 135 60 80 60 2B 1T N 40 -, z o 20 1B 0 20 440 VELOCITY 60 ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2. IT 0 U- 0 S40 60 Z -0.2 2B SI 1B -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.13 A= 0, [-15 2/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 136 80 r- I1T 2B 1B SI I I VELOCITY ( M/S I ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.14 A= 0, [+302/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 137 I 80 60 40 20 00 20 0 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.15 A= 0, [-30/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 138 60 1T z = c, 20 1B 0 0 20 40 VELOCITY 0.4 60 ( M/S ) IT 0.2 0 0 S20 60 z A -0.2 2B 3 -0.4 1B -0.6 Figure D.16 = 0, [F30/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 139 80 60 1T 2B N 40 Z m 20 IB 0 0 I 0 I- I 20 40 VELOCITY 60 ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 2B 2B 1B -0.4 -0.6 - Figure D.17 A= 0, [-302/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 140 40 T 2B 20 lB I 0 I I VELOCITY ( M/S I ) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.18 A= 0, [+452/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 141 I 2B 1T 1B VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.19 A= 0, [±45/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 142 60 N 40 20 0 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 0 40 -0.2 2B -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.20 A= 0, [:45/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 143 60 40 20 0 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.21 A= 0, [-45 2 /0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 144 2B IB I I I VELOCITY I I ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.22 A= -30, [02 /90]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 145 I r z a 20 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.23 A= -30, [+152/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 146 80 60 N 2B 40 z 3 1T 20 1B 0 0 20 40 VELOCITY 0.4 60 ( M/S ) - 0.2 S1IT 00 O 60 40 1 - 2B -0.2 3 -0.4 IB -0.6 Figure D.24 A = -30, [±15/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 147 2B 1T 1B VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 " I 20 I I i 40 6C 2B -0.2 1B -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.25 A= -30, [f15/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 148 1T IB " --------VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.26 A= -30, [-152/0s layup wing, V-g diagram. 149 z 20 00 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 1 Figure D.27 A= -30, [+302/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 150 20 0 0 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 00 -0 -0.2 B S-0.4 -0.6 Figure D.28 A= -30, [±30/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 151 80 1T 60 2B _ z 40 20- 20 0 20 40 VELOCITY 60 ( M/S ) 0.4 0.2 0 20 40 60 IT z -0.2 2B T 1B -0.4 -0.6 ,Figure D.29 = -30, [F30/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 152 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.30 A= -30, [-30 2 /0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 153 z 20 0 20 40 VELOCITY ( MIS ) 0.4 0.2 S 0 -0.2 S-0.4 -0.6 Figure D.31 fA= -30, [+45 2 /0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 154 = o" 04 20 0 rL 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.32 A= -30, [±45/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 155 IT 40 2B 20 IB 0, VELOCITY ( M/S ) U0. 0.2 - I S, 0 20406 1T -0.2 2B lB -0.4 *- -0.6 Figure D.33 A= -30, ['-45/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 156 40 20 00 0o 20 40 VELOCITY ( M/S ) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Figure D.34 A= -30, [-452/0]s layup wing, V-g diagram. 157 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Captain Brian an is Landsberger J. Air fighter Force pilot. in 1972, up Following graduation from the United States Air Force Academy is to April of 1981 he has been flying for the Air Force. His expertise OV-10 Bronco. in tactical aviation, having flown the F-4 Phantom and the he was a This includes two assignments to The Republic of Korea where forward controller, air Infantry Divison and a Squadron. Advances applications went to work from in Korea, he the the for officer 26th Korean 497th Tactical Fighter entered the Massachusettes under the sponsorship of the Air Force Institute While at M.I.T. he has worked in the M.I.T. Laboratory aeroelastic on concentrating (TELAC), Composites of Technology. for liason Flight Commander After returning Institute of Technology, air an for for composite the From M.I.T. material. Flight Test Center California. 158 Captain at Edwards Landsberger Air Force Base,