an **A p~ds AxVzq 4 *ao4Op* US tAPMfk"At~gevejo4"*A0~ 0T 2HZ 1 'ITIE~dso (run) otnwn Mopw p .weAz g '.8. u'dm A IRLuopurII Aft IIt TMc w"=uoo wunr V 01111 vZAof Xv Q'lWIM M'~ 4* TRE WIND WIL AT LEELS DU wm11 iG A COLD OUTSU"# cw by Attn7r A. NpUPa uhistted to the Deart of Noteorology on Janay 16, 1961 is Nrtatal Nifflttasat of tbe Zeqlflaate for the Degree of Master of Scios lhe ability of nrent dynsical modela to prediot In the vinnity of a colt front is asrkedly weak, %y te treat 'atel models lfor lO(DWb. *ndiate eight changes The forseasts yefld4d that oest of cold Is actually Sigpitisntly geatr than predoted by those model. the ara of greatest 1000-*.b* forecast rrPrS by the dynioaIa odls is in the Plaise state. frequnt cold outbeke he Te PLains States is also an area of Cnaa The rVIdae sems to aestia by the lrrtatiozal gat tbat the proesas of lawee ve4 (dinergat) wind field plays a large 2negh role, Uduing a cOld utbrak, to produce a signficaut soureo of erWr L the l000-ab. dycasloal foreaste. In tis study te adveetions of temperature, vrtictty, and lapse rat by tme zaocDdritrgent and irrotatie4 during a sold abarak, ith teir se-dinergt The irwetatloa wind field# aft evaluated adrections ae ten counterparts, to determine wtehbr ompared eomission ot the Tortatonal adreotima by the dPend'tmOdels is a signat saturo af error for dyMMiatl predictioans, in the vicinitir t a o. outbreak 1 ma ee in a is that the role of th, irrotatiemal vid 'field is large enuAgh, in a eold outreak, to 3.OOO-eb. predictioat erdnaal by the inotational wad Ibeats gaperviar ttt* produ iflat ewers In inodels whiob aegleot adrectionw ieL. Frederick Szdern Assento Professor of St.rology * on aoaad *Asses " owp nuttsx) asg mu * unswwrra so tomwaodao o*Ar n 01 V" 'stna nim aq eawq tn eow 3aysmesd uy nouvsew aq sqg .2"Iag asTrnmo To TreoqT e4 n'to en Iseow ftam'sqo t #1*g1 eg% "r *a4erat--s -dead sq, 3wap oenefm seq e P4fl474V *Apf# Syn 4fl q*uaafl U$ uap"tm oyfAj zo*;4 01 easengasyssag ensgan n qun V) uT -goi "Lq pawTO 0". "; n"eft is ""o Me~wxa 01 pnsennd eto t e P too-f nDYee S.Ue flS en "ae flqSa .tqtiw OVA nia on IrsrV 44w4. TAMAE Of 000irO Pp TAME OF 00W210 S 1. 4 Im2 U. P8OCEU V* D V. O00UM0N AND MSOW-8IQN 0 so 25 usTor fOIMS Fig* ag Surface ap, 00001 Nowaber 17, 1199 2 Chart illustratng grid ad frontl position's 5 Ohart Illustrating streaainae and velocity potential fields at 20004t. on 0000Z NOT' 14 17. 199 4a F7e4d of vorticity adveeted by non-divergent wind at 2000aft. at 00002, Not, 17, 1969 40 Field of vntioity adoted by irrotatUal wind at 20004%t, at 0000, Ga & 6b 2 ow 17,1960 Graphs illustrating variation of ratios of noe-divrget advetions to irretational adveotiona, ith alUtude, 1 . 16 18 I studies of te IfKWDUOTION results of dpamioal preditieon edela shoy that "old frontal situations are poorly handled by these adela. "M4 In the air insadiately behind the front, the actual heiht rises ane aigificantly larger tan those give by the 1000..b, dryeatoul pre. 4*fta eodei.(l) U the United 8atest, tbn area of largest 1000.abo errors by te dynauleal sedael is in the Plins States, () tih ay be responsible for this reult, do not Adeguately Ummb Sere are two tastOrs pirst, the ynUa models take into ascowit the terrain effects of the Rocky p and seond, e Plaine States is an area of frequent strong *old outreaks, ad the poor bandlng of the cold frontal situaten Is nesponsiblb* Ue second of these two consideration is mind in this study. se poer handling of the cold outreak is believed to be caused by the msien of the advetins of signifinot elements by te tand field ot 000, the strong 0ld NOv, 17, 1959 (se. irrotaional athrnak, in the Plains States area, tgol.) was selected for study because the wid fiel appeared to be fairly irrotational in the old air, eth the non-diergst and irrotatonal wind fields were determined fret the observed wind field. mso teir The adeotiems of te tmen eapted, and the irrotaional advetonUs signifiant wer eeapared a ith non-divergent counterparts, Altough the exact effect Inclusion of the omitted ir'tatioal adrectien would hare bad on the 1000-..b. dyamical prediction was ret -2- A.- (N N \ - -I \.A- -7 V-p Fri C2 1. to* o did *how tMt to* irava ere o*f ftttet pndttiaa It al advo"toes npitade to produ4. a sigpit"aatly better 1000o .. hey ew In&Lwle in tme eld tretal uitntiea. XU, 200U t a pre Tee gderiatom ati equatin for a dyaau uwdel paraflele ver 4losly the notes for a course an numerical watdbar prediotte by Prateseor 5, Piilipe of 5.1,?, (2), at te derivatios U formas, La siiaase of the adveotena at to sbe the ttetty, tanpnature, and lapse rate La obtaining 4dnaaiol . obtain a the purpwae tedel pdequation, censider te besic equation, prWSUnSe eW41dtatfl, below, is e simplified vrflity oquate sad .quatia(t.) (14) sen equaio e = r(g)", MeCo whre /(a C .e my be replaced by -7 in te had st 4. +V l- 7,47' sosdpsi ,asr ftirt two torms on te riglh ot egeaa (1.), and (4.) 7- " an tman be writtea =o(a +0 whe diabeticbeting Is omitted, fl te .qu.atiom af stae and the =-= 7 on aW be mitte; -(-and , droottio oqua-ang thre #0 y ,eo that W a bstution egtztion (Si,) 440. the tean 4 * can be ocasidered to be a fansoUs of presm e asWg since its tariatmes (4m a coastant pressure surface) fros a oliaaslegiesl serage are =mal, Since each derivative in the produet above to alUot *lwa* neAtve, it oan be written, S - 5 -As (r) - As an fiustratan of the gsmaral method of developing a prediction wind is asasad to be geestropbie, in a barootnic atmoe. te and neglectag abges in , , it as be sea that, so that (1$) can be writtsa; -T95 + tmitaattoA of e F S ( 5.) - between (4.) and (4$) givegj i Since ,. ) -A> Or is a slowLy varyng function of pressure, the left band side of (8.) am be written to resemble a three disesional laplacian, d with the subsituon " =- 8A, equation (6.) bo pnsion of the last term on the right band side of (7.) gives; u4a then ay a~r tw be two n U6 the1" kan~T, fltt* jtstiflntian for U.lst )mW$ a t=I 6Pp FIs(80W) apw ob sa 1f * so a qeffIcoat, The treatmet bore Is in Supp J10 gialar t Um tesawmt at f is tme a4uti4 vnttity .'aaqata, a A 4. d of (I), Za the first tea a tbe rigbt (ntuf-()) ast Ue ditterenuabad and *van tahou tAe variaios t my be sea-Us en Signfianty M rater apar# retritetd to rutivly .masl valnn. eansd is aaWa the Ir any ta. in f 1+ and tars m the right had aids of (1) f auituda. nu the s7 sea fnea et F -r, T =o by the toraXl wiad elatiao4up, = W-f 7,(:yj+f>)-, W so (74) b.nPseg .fatia (r. £Q 26 ald b stresed- that equatia sm% the most aes A d Mgt h tr, that as4 oer dsamiea 0e4rd ntios an (06) does show, hno" edeotia of vrti44y, Ia equation (s.) de my and lapse ate Iva uen (#,) is "t izteaded to repro- tis equatin. nerM t9 +RI$9) have In sensn with pretion models La that trza abor mentioned adveat o4 Iy awtAd Celd ;oan ivergenes L .i4e-r zero at sot reprewataUvre et the wAu1 dIWa*rg(*found in the. lowar levla, Ee 4uatter *bob Woe4inot Avaqti a reade, " Aang h d produwe te sae trdiniae in Lho graditfl aquation (S.) .s a rodl, it n saOe p4aial 9 .a b een that ponitive advteta Using of teperature and vrtiitys and the adveticn of more stable lapse rates weulA all tend to make the rigt hand side more positive* Sine in a region here the Lapla of a quanmtity is positive, the quantity itself is egative, the above mationed advections would tend to produce height fals. Coversely, when the adveetiona of teperature snd vorticity are negative, ad when less stable lapse rates are advected, the right hand aide becsee negative, and beaomes positive so that height rises are predicted, £nediately hda s adveeted are negative so ad temperaft and -IV .7r *Mke t gWaty * a cold fret in the Plains States, the vorticities * - ;- (x +1) e right bad side of (9.) sore negative, is iFegatve ehi Also, the old treat, so all three a md terms act in the same directimn in the cOld air* Mis direction is to produce height risesHowever, as was stated above, dynamical models earry out these adteetions with a wAnd fi2ld that is essentially ncsadivergant, In this study the non-divrgent and irretational advetimos are coaputed at four levels, sear the ground and in the vicinity of a cold front* The irrotatiaul advectins are then cowpared with their uao-divergent counterparts, e sigfcare of the nmisiou dynamical of the irrotatinal advections by the del is then evalated* "a". 111, PhQODURZ A group af aarfae aps was inspected and the map of 0000 , Nov. 17, 1960 was selected baonse the flow is the cold air appeaed to have a The sext task was to determine the , fairly strong irrotatiaal ampeste of tia wind field in order to aona-dvergat ad irrotatnal evaldate the advetmis by each ompoent. of vector analysis (5), any vector feld with, zero Sy a thoas as be separated into twe atinuity (pieceuk.e dif i reatiable) arder vector fields, one field stristly nn.-divergeat, and te other purely Aeang the wind fields at 2OO, WO00 4000, and irtatiole OO.fnt into this category, this meae that the velocity at say point to fll o each level ca be represented by a veterj IV where and \%1 j + -VWmor lMJ z Vj0, V-. IVM4Or = rx (where hJ means a,o# and r.iv,1 itx..,. = ' I = 7 r ncfludivergeat) 147 , and 7k Wnyer = * This *eas that at each of the four levels chosen for investigation, there mut exist fields of stream funsti free (y), and veloity potential (x), hih the na-divergaat and irrotational wind fields can be determined, A rectangular grid with unfters distance of one halt inch a a map Of scale 1:10,000,000 (o8* nautial miles) was employed over an area eovering most of the U.8. (see ig.24) Strealine and isotach analyses were made at each of the four levels of interest# At points where a level of interest fl below the terrain, the wind at the first level wtia -1- FOO A. al0. was above the terrain was ued to represent the wind at all levels below, the atealine and isotach fielde rere interpolated to give wind directions and speeds at each grid point of each Level. Te wind directions were then adjusted to that they would be interpreted with repect to colun orientatie ramter than true north, (This was convenient for computatin of divergence and vorticity,) The correated vales of wind direction and the values of wind speed were then punched a cards and served as input to a computer routine developed by the Dpanioal Weather Prediction Project at M.I.T. The program first determined fields of divergence () and vortieity (Y)from the observed wind data, by the relationabips + , Next the program solved te two Poison equationa T= TV and CT '-or fields of Y ad j thecputed fieldAs of S and J as known quantities. using Boaver1 to determine unique solutions to these Poison equatioas, boundary conditions bad to be established, The boundary conditions used were, T V and X =4 o S wher repreeto the diretio along the boundary and to the boundary, the direction normal Tese conditions serve to maimize the kinetic energy of the rotational wind field, (4) Output of the program was fields of S, F, J and 7X Pields of temperature (7), at all four levels of interest, and ; at 50004ft. were determined by analysing values obtained directly from robs, Band oaloulatons ad a an aL sk calculator were used to deteraoa frtlf of of a ext AT at all four levels, sad also fielde - r and a at the SOOe*tt, lavol, Rand "alcutio were again used to detersine the, aon-divergent and trrotatiual adectims of temperature, vortioity, and lapse rate the expressions used were; flib.dlflrgat to 1 iity edvoc~aa irretattesnvritg adves = - Is- - 7S rr 7 -E T - = -7 a.a eat ge~i temperature adnetes =-ff4s Mie - vrr expreesionse were used to determtne the lapse mte advetion at 000ftt It should be noted that no adveotioas were computed in areas where to 1evel of intereat fll below the terrain, fieds were computed and apared in te Advetions by both wind entire area of te the leAel of Interest was above the groud. grid where To obtain the sawecoom partsoa of advootoae in an ares more nearly allied with the cold air, ratio of mnedtvergnt to irretatiemal adveotions were determined In te inwe restritted ara of res isantiatwo, through 12, and colums 9 through 14 (tee 7igg) Once te fields of the adveoted quantities were dtermied, a eoparisen of the nondivergnt and irretational advectios was mado SlmA the min area of lterest, and tin atrnget winds, was in the area behind the *old front, ad the adeatioas of temperature and v*rtdIty in this area an nagtiwve, only average negative advectien were compared, At attempt was ad., by Sa i M0 is aps of the advowivo fields, to ne we" eeters of negatin temperature or Vorbioity advortia WhIk e4ul4 be ideettd from ace level to the adjacant levels, but the ptterns Were not consistent enough in detail to giv a somaistent pattvn, Tiw ratios of average negative trrtatianw on..odivergent to arage negative advctions were made for both temperature and vwrtity. (On* tor each area at all levels*) The ouly area where average non. divergat lapse rate advettoa was compared to avrage irrotatienal laps, rate advootten was in the restrioted area, behind the cold freut, and ten this ratie was dtermined only at 30004ft. We seaga the l-hour frontal displaement yielded by same dynamical mod4U wit te ta ges actual 12-heur dispacemeant, the front was moved with bait ph i%4hd .t 500-u.k. A the de breoliia n (This method f displacemnt is Sonsistent predietia givrn by the barotropic ad two level wodel.(f)) Position Do in Fig.2 is the displaaemsn* an.. ticipated by the dynaaio models, Position C is the actual 1-bour It earms that the large unpredieted movement of the front into the Gulf of Meico should be due at least in part, to advections by a northerly irrotational wind field within the oold air mass (see Fig. 1). IV The fields of strea Rt8ULTS fmtimon and velocity potential at the 2OOmufi level are illustrated 1% ig44 The magnitude of thetrrotatianl wind is proprtional to the grediet of the velocity potential lnAe (whieb are dashed) snd the directimn of the irrtational wind is norml to these linen Th. solid lines in figs5 are lime. of constant stream fUctimn vales. The megnitud. of the nsmodivergent wind is proportional to the gradient of tee lines and the direction of the one-divergent wind is parallel to these lines (with lower stream fumntion values to th lett), The adveotion of verticity by Us Q000-.ft, mn-divergent aind field is shos In Fig4 while the irrotational vortieity advection is ItlMstrated by Fig,4., The differene betwen successive contour lines n mape 4a ad 0 is the same. The ratios of the average negative vorticity and negative teprature adveeted by tbe na-4ivergent wind to those advoeted by the irretational wind are tabulated. -/4'- SOLID LINES - 2000' STREAM FUNCTION FIELD. DOTTED LINES- 2000' VELOCITY POTENTIAL FIELD. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ISOLINES IS THE\ SAME .bor7'Zb ro.i, ARi,'ow a4rrowUs /--Jr'!rT /LLUSr4Arg .br/qcr/o, Dacrio'r FOR BOTH FUNCTIONS og >oAT/oArnt. OP A*'A/'"~A W(tr.D -/i-- .4VV--"4dr&*J ON J'.f0t..IAol4F-r J'OV'OM4'b as &Y -10- "' XCc-a -/6- 2000' 0 aa 0 -3 -70 0 FIG. 48 2000' IRROTATIONAL VORTICITY ADVECTION FIELD og / SO'/!ocS .foyd.D G5 s *y g -- ' SE . -17For the entire area (where above ground) -,ATIO /AVG. MEG. M.D. EL Av Jaco-Pr ZRo7VoR 9VG. IVZG. TAeMp AV D. 9& ,VG. AEG. xRRo: /.-4(= /5 1.79 ./4 /= Sooo-Pr / AD wEG&. 000-p7 4looe- VORT. . 3. .. 413 3.5# 4. 70 AVG. ADV ADV. VoRr? . For the smaller area (rows 6-9, cols. 9-14, Fig.2.) (/ s LEVEL AVG. ME. AVG. 'VEG. ZMEoG 26oo-pr _____ . V ooo-r 19 VG, ADv VORr R. (AVG. /VGo. AVG. WEG. M.D. rTER R _ _ 93 __.__ 2,0 AD) /.75 2. 3.20 2.28 _.__ ADv. TsMR 413 -__ Scoo-r voRw m.. _ _ S -/I-LEVEL 5000 FT- 4000 FT - 3000 FT I- 2000 FT I- (AVG. ___a____I____IRATIO 1 2 FIG. 5 A. 3 (LARGER 4 5 NEG. N.D. ADV. AVG. NEG. IRROT. ADV AREA) LEVEL 5000FT r 4000 FT I- 3000 FT I- 2000FT Sm 1RATIO I I 2 FIG. 5B. 3 (SMALLER 4 5 AREA) IN BOTH FIGS. VORT ADV. RATIO - SOLID TEMP. ADV. RATIO - DASHED AVG. NEG. N.D. ADV ) (AVG. NEG. IRROT. ADV./ The result. tabulated above are shows graphically in Figs, 5% and Sb. The ratio of average son.divergent positive lapse rate adnctioa to average Srrtatenal positive lapse rate adventou na 1.47 Finally, as may be seen Fig,2, the actual U hour froutal displacement (position C) is swb greater than the displaemet given W half the ormal oo (position C)* e4 of the geostrophic wind at 500-m4b, eg0- 7. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIOi As would be sormally expected, the ratios of the aOn.divergent to irrotational adveotie of both temperature ard vortlaity inorease with height (with the eaptIon of the teperature advnotion ratio betweep 5000Ctf. and 4000ftt.), are all rather sml The isportat fact is that the ratios The arerag ratie for all levels indicates that *ore than twenty fttn per-omt of the height riss in the cold air at low levels behad a aold front are attributable to advections by the irrotationel wind fielA An toission of this sise by dy"Amical models is certainly sigificeat, Thle g rati obtained for the adretion of lapse rate elso tee that the omisiown of ta irrotatoial adrectia should also be as (proportioatedy) aplfiacnt as are the irrotatiema taaparatre and vortiity adveetiens, The surprisingly large displaceent of the fromt in it's southernmwt positimns an be attributed to the relatively strong iroatattna4wicd field is this area. (mw FIgt5) The purpoe of obtaining raMos in two areas was to compare the results of adveetisa over a less restricted area to those in an area more clos&y allied with the cold air, The di! erene in ratios ho1 twean the entire area (where te level was above ground) and the area restricted to the *old air was not significant. onever, the greatest of all negative tewperature and negative vrticity advetims lie in cad air along with the greater number of points, se the ratios are largely determined by the behavior of the advectitas in the o*d air* t wuid probabig bate ben suspeated that the ratios yielded should bhe. bee greater tn the larger area Anse the wiad should have bee sore irnotatiasai tere, uind Hwever, the analysis of e fields was subjeot to greater error tn tho Gulf oC Vezico beAus of the Sparsity of data i thi area, enalysis the greamtr error tn 4sd was s prebay reultt I a wind field hoe irrtationalep (Pecause of the inureed great as its no-dijvergent **%powt, n eewould tend to wweal- yandoe" et the sld field,) This tetOal4y dereese the raties Is the larger area, I^ both areas, greater thn bOeSe for vrtiity resuit is VId fields advetions, It is belired that this brOgt about by the different e-lignante of te sad vortdity field are he ratis for the temture adreotins osa.divnrget and irrotatiocal with ospest to the Rowever, no atem temperature to inveStgate thi was made feature, It should be stated that the ratios would have bees smaller if it was not to latrodne. assmptions of he nature of an the boundary of the grid, The boaeary coaditiss oboe f s/ d7 served to minimise the kinetic aergy of the irrotaional wind field, An iaterestiag featur, is illustrated by Fig4 5, 4a aAd 4b A large senter of Fsitive vrOUeity was located near the freptal sirfan at ea.dtvergst wind field, Th presenc either ide of the trot a Fig 4b, i thi ceater as advnsted br te f000l "-go 4.shows how tis of tie egative centers cn the reslt of a 'pinching' eater by te irre tatmlwiud field* of Vi SOURES OF ERROR Some error M have entered in the original streamline and ieotah aalysis, sad in the interpolation of wind speed and direction values to the grid poiat, A small error probably resulted in the determination of the temp. erature field at each of the four levels of interest, Bere the temp- natures were taken directly frwo the raobs in the area of interest. the temperatures at each level were determined from the standard atamphere values of height versus pressure, and no attempt was mad* to get a more accurate temperature at each level. Aother source of error probably resulted from the fact that there was only one digit available, in the output of the electronic computer, to nxpress a value for the velocity potetial, and only two digits to expess values for stream fuaction. It was feared that such poor resolution of these fields may have introduced some error. 42&. (1) katen, 4, P , L 00WAhrSlea Reewh aer , and G#7, Jenkins, 1966; No-* 46V AFORG4TR.6*200, GOWPhrIos0 Researdk Direetorste, Bedford, (a) smnups 1*1950 M*1 es., P.49, P.80 Gourse Notes, Lecture Notes an Mumertcal Weather Prediattoa, Uapubflshed, PP. S&4, (5) NA5 Phillips, 195 ;Law As&"- Joh Wiley and Sons Se Zork, Po4M (4) A *Iasa, 196; U,04A.4 Course Notes, Lectures an Phsioal Weather Preditton, bpablishsd, P,48 (8) RSBee4, 1980 Vol# 8, Number 4, uthly Weather bev., P#MM Jun. 1980,