HST MOSES SMOV4 REQUIREMENTS REVIEW 21 MAR. 2007 1 SMOV4 REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AGENDA ITEM LEAD HST MOSES TIME (min) PAGE ======= ===== ======= ==================== Intro Carl Biagetti, Rick Burley 10 2 PCS Dan Smith 10 10 TCS Josh Abel 5 13 OTA/FGS Matt Lallo, Ed Nelan, Art Bradley 15 14 WFC3 John MacKenty 20 22 COS Alessandra Aloisi 20 33 ACS Kailash Sahu 20 52 STIS Charles Proffitt 20 60 NICMOS/NCS Tommy Wiklind 20 72 ERO Carl Biagetti 1 81 Closing Carl Biagetti, Rick Burley 9 ======= 21 Mar. 2007 2h30m 2 SMOV4 Level III Requirements Document -- SMR 4029, App. L HST MOSES ITEM REQUIREMENTS SEC. ========= =================== WFC3 L.10.4.1 COS L.10.4.2 ACS L.10.4.3 NICMOS/ NCS L.10.4.4 STIS L.10.4.5 ERO L.10.4.6 OTA/FGS L.10.4.7 PCS L.10.4.8 DMS * L.10.4.9 I&C * L.10.4.10 SIC&DH * L.10.4.11 S&M * L.10.4.12 TCS L.10.4.13 EPS * L.10.4.14 * No SMOV requirements identified. 21 Mar. 2007 3 SMOV4 Planning Schedule for Sep 2008 Launch Start* ====== Oct06 End* ====== Mar07 21Mar07 Mar07 Jun08 Oct07 Activity ========== ============================ Requirements Update SMOV Planning SMOV Project Review Aug08 Aug08 13Aug08 SMOV Implementation Phase - Proposal generation/iteration - Special Commanding Development (ASAP) - ERO program Test Calendar/SMS generation GSFC Launch Readiness (FRR) Aug08 STScI SM4/SMOV Readiness Review 11Sep08 19Sep08 MOSES SMOV Requirements Review 26Oct07 Oct07 HST SM4 Launch ~Jan09 Apr09 * Exact dates are TBD SMOV4 SMOV4 Closure Review 21 Mar. 2007 4 Current SM4 Plans HST MOSES • • • • • • • • • • WFC3 is installed (in place of WFPC2) COS is installed (in place of COSTAR) FGS3R replaces FGS3 STIS is repaired All six gyros are replaced All six batteries are replaced Overvoltage Protection (OVP) kit is installed Optical Control Electronics (OCE) is connected NOBL is installed on Bays 5, 7, 8 Soft Capture Mechanism (SCM) is installed – In parallel with EVAs • • Reboost Release on Flight Day 9 (Sep. 19) • Note: ASCS, which was to be attached to STIS & COS, is no longer manifested. 21 Mar. 2007 5 SMOV4 Concept GENERIC SMOV GOALS HST MOSES • Timely recommissioning of the Observatory for science operations – Commission newly installed science instruments – Recommission existing science instruments – Recommission restored science instruments • Recommission Observatory systems for normal operations • Validation of other on-orbit replacements & installations • Early Release Observations • Demonstrate upgraded science capabilities to astronomical community and general public 21 Mar. 2007 6 SMOV4 CONCEPT ASSUMPTIONS AND INITIAL CONDITIONS AT RELEASE • HST MOSES SPACECRAFT SUBSYSTEMS – PCS • 6 new gyros (uncalibrated) • • 4-gyro complement at least through gyro calibration activity CVZ pointing (North or South TBD) for Bright Earth Avoidance (BEA) – – EPS • – New batteries on line TCS • – NOBL installed in Bays 5,7,8 OTA • Normal operating mode – – – Heaters Off One new (uncalibrated) FGS DMS • • • – May entail some slewing restrictions DMU Side A HST486 in VSS mode SSRs configured for normal science ops I&C • • Normal TDRS configuration Unrestricted SSAT use 21 Mar. 2007 7 SMOV4 CONCEPT HST ASSUMPTIONS AND INITIAL CONDITIONS AT RELEASE (Cont’d) • MOSES Science Instruments – – – – COS in Safe WFC3 in Safe ACS in Safe NICMOS in Safe • NCC off • ESM in Safe – STIS (restored) in Safe – FGSs in Operate • Requirements Assumptions – ACS SMOV requirements assume fully restored ACS • Final requirements will be a function of specific repair mode – OTA SMOV requirements assume only ACS/SBC – These two assumptions result in the least amount of requirements rework once a course of action is known 21 Mar. 2007 8 SMOV4 CONCEPT HST OPERATIONS DRIVERS/RESTRICTIONS MOSES • Bright Earth Avoidance (BEA) – 30 days starting at Release • Driven by WFC3 CARD • Possible ramp-up of BE exposure starting at 21 days – End-BEA UV Check to be performed using TBD • NCS/NICMOS Cooldown – No ACS/STIS/FGS pre-requisites – NCS Idle/Cooldown testing not a SMOV requirement • Pending specifics of SI configuration and the HST power budget post-SM4 21 Mar. 2007 9 PCS Verification L.10.4.8 HST MOSES • L. Following release, the HST Pointing Control System will be returned to normal operations for SMOV with four gyros in the active control loop, (no shadow mode). A fine attitude reference will be uplinked to the spacecraft and the spacecraft will be maneuvered to point to the BEA attitude. The gyro biases will be determined and maintained to within 0.014 arc-seconds per second to allow successful guide star acquisition at the transition to the Science SMS. • L. If any gyros are changed out, the gyro to FHST calibration shall be updated to an accuracy that reduces the attitude error following a vehicle maneuver to one arc-second per degree of slew or less. This calibration will be performed immediately after the end of the BEA period. Until then, history has shown slew miss-distances of about six arc-seconds per degree of slew. • L. The PCS shall acquire guide stars in fine lock. 21 Mar. 2007 10 PCS Verification L.10.4.8 (cont.) HST MOSES • L. Once guide star acquisitions have begun, 2-FGS acquisitions will be scheduled such that the HST486 on-board gyro bias update algorithm will maintain the gyro drift rate bias to within 0.005 arc-seconds per second. • L. The vehicle jitter during periods of gyro hold shall be measured. • L. Perform a Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) to characterize HST lineof-sight jitter, structural dynamic responses, and disturbance sources. The VDT is a passive test (not a forced response test) using a low-bandwidth attitude control law during gyro-hold with the rate gyros in low mode. Obtain gyromeasured disturbance time responses due to SCM, SA-3, HGAs, RWAs, SSM thermal gradients, and COS and WFC3 mechanism articulation. The VDT shall consist of three separate tests that need not occur consecutively. The overall duration of the VDT is at least 12 orbits of spacecraft time including (1) at least 2 orbits at +V3 sunpoint while performing COS and WFC3 filter wheel articulation simulating routine flight operations, (2) at least 5 orbits at +V3 sunpoint after achieving thermal equilibrium (at least 36-hours at +V3 sunpoint), and (3) at least 5 orbits at –V1 sunpoint. 21 Mar. 2007 11 PCS Verification L.10.4.8 (cont.) HST MOSES • L. All gyros will be left in a powered on state through the gyro to FHST alignment calibration, if it is to be performed. Following the completion of the gyro to FHST alignment calibration, the two gyros not in the active control loop will be configured off. Following the gyro to FHST calibration, which ever occurs last, one of the four gyros will be removed from the control loop and powered off. – L. The time allowed for OBAD maneuver will be managed to aid in attitude maintenance until the slew missdistances and gyro biases are reduced to a sufficient level to permit successful FGS acquisitions. The time will be increased from 66 seconds for a 300 arc-second maneuver to 100 seconds for a 1000 arc-second maneuver if large attitude errors are anticipated prior to FGS acquisitions. 21 Mar. 2007 12 TCS Verification L.10.4.13 HST MOSES • L. Verify predicted temperature changes due to NOBL installation on SSM Bays 5, 7 and 8. Bay 7 components are predicted to drop 3-4°C with the installation of NOBLs. Bay 8 components are predicted to drop 2°C with the installation of NOBLs.Bay 5 components are predicted to drop 810°C (TBD) with the installation of NOBLs and removal of external MLI. • L. Verify predicted temperature changes on STIS MAMA components due to STIS Cooling System installation. 21 Mar. 2007 13 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES Combined OTA & FGS SM4 Requirements (L.10.4.7) comprise 3 areas: –L. • Cross-SI & Observatory Focus –Coordination of telescope focus with the new & existing SIs –L. • Positional Alignment –SI & FGS positions and orientations –L. • FGS commissioning/recommissioning –Calibration of FGSs as guiders & astrometer NOTE: Pre-existing numbering scheme for SMOV Requirements reserved L.10.4.7 for “OTA/FGS”. New OTA-level requirements subjugate FGS section one level down (e.g. old L. becomes L. 21 Mar. 2007 14 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES Basic Assumptions & Approach: • We will enter SMOV with HST Secondary Mirror position at best WFPC2/PC focus (+/– 1.5 microns) and with the WFPC2/PC-to-ACS/SBC focus offset well established. • We will enter SMOV with up-to-date FGS & SI V2,V3 locations. • this will improve initial SMOV ops and can minimize SMOV-related updates. • Cycle 15 CAL/OTA 11021 provides these data. Calibrations in place will be valid for SMOV epoch. • We assume that SBC will be the only available ACS channel before and during SMOV (i.e. that ACS will not undergo an SM4 repair). • If ACS is serviced on orbit, OTA focus determination procedures to support requirement L. will need to be reevaluated. • We assume in our wording of these requirements that the new FGS replaces FGS3, but plan is independent of particular FGS. • We do not discuss most contingencies here. 21 Mar. 2007 15 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES L. Cross-SI & Observatory Focus – L. After HST release, its focus state shall be welldetermined with sufficient ACS/SBC monitoring. If monitoring with SBC shows OTA defocus > 5 microns, and is consistent with STIS and NICMOS checks, then enter contingency to assess possible corrective actions based on balancing the needs of the SMOV schedule and science operations COS & WFC3 image quality requirement for SMOV is ~10 microns (Secondary Mirror equivalent). • • • • this tolerance is for commissioning only; later science calibrations would optimize the focus further more stringent confocality between all SIs, if needed, can be achieved also post-SMOV 21 Mar. 2007 16 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES L. Observatory Alignment – L. Confirm existing SIs (SBC, NIC, & STIS) postSM4 V2,V3 locations to within 2 arcsec & orientations to 0.2 deg of last pre-SM4 determination. • less stringent than the 1 to 2 arcsec, & 0.1 to 0.17 deg given by SBC, NIC, & STIS in their SMOV requirements (L., L., and L. • – higher quality astrometric determinations for these SIs may be performed as part of cycle 17 science calibration, or from data obtained during SMOV, if sufficient meet this goal. Perform and confirm FGS-FGS alignment. This requirement is fully addressed in L., and is only mentioned here for logical consistency. 21 Mar. 2007 17 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES L. FGS commissioning & recommissioning L. Verify Guide Star Acquisition with FGS1&2. Verify that FGS1&2 remain able to acquire guide stars and track them in finelock. • This test will acquire and track 2 unique pairs of guide stars, varying selection of primary and dominant FGS, and will also measure post-SM4 spacecraft jitter characteristics. L. Optimize FGS3r S-curves over its FOV. FGS3r interferometric performance across the FGS FOV will be optimized for operations (i.e. the guide function) via adjustment of the articulated mirror assembly (AMA). • The S-curves will be obtained at several locations in the FGS FOV via Transfer mode observations of a standard star. Several iterations of the sequence, which includes on orbit observations, analysis, and ground commanded AMA adjustments, will be invoked to optimize the performance of the new FGS across the FOV. This will compensate for internal alignment changes due to launch stress and gravity release. 21 Mar. 2007 18 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES L. FGS commissioning & recommissioning (cont.) L. Establish FGS-FGS alignment for all three FGSs • For FGS3r, derive (X,Y -> V2,V3) transformation by executing a FGS3r -> FGS alignment (using the M35 astrometric field). • For FGS1&2, determine validity of pre-SM4 alignment from residuals of FGS3r calibration. If the residuals are found to be greater than 0.1 arcsec, a SMOV contingency consisting of full FGS-FGS alignment calibration will be activated. Note, the Cycle 17 Calibration Plan may require much better accuracy. L. Calibrate Distortion & Plate Scale of FGS3r. • The geometric distortions and plate scale of the newly installed FGS will be calibrated via a mini-OFAD proposal (observations of stars in M35) L. Test FGS3r Guide Star Acquisition Capability. Verify that the new FGS can acquire and track bright and faint guide stars with acceptable performance. 21 Mar. 2007 19 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES L. FGS commissioning & recommissioning (cont.) L. Characterize FGS1r, FGS2r, FGS3 Pre-SM4. Measure Scurves, geometric distortion, and plate scale for all FGS for a pre-SM4 baseline characterization. L. Re-commission FGS1 & FGS2 (Operations & Science). Verify the stability of the S-Curves and the validity of the distortion and plate scale calibration of FGS1 & 2 post-SM4 by comparison to pre-SM4 observations. • This requirement will re-commission FGS1r for science. L. Check Near Term Stability of FGS3r. • Monitor S-curves to verify the values assigned to guide star acquisition and tracking parameters remain valid. • Verify that SMOV distortion & plate scale calibrations remain valid. 21 Mar. 2007 20 OTA/FGS Verification L.10.4.7 (cont.) HST MOSES L. FGS commissioning/recommissioning – L. Calibrate FGS3r PMT. Data from the Mini-OFAD (L. will be analyzed to obtain the counts versus magnitude calibration for FGS3r. – L. Map FGS3r Obscuration Zone (OCS). NOTE: will be performed on the ground. – L. Calibrate FGS3r PMT Dark Count. Determine the average dark rate for each PMT (internal, performed during SM4). 21 Mar. 2007 21 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 HST MOSES Basic assumptions: – – – – Re-use as much as possible the ACS SM3B requirements Maintain three sections: engineering, optical alignment, calibration Avoid implementation details Add pointer to relevant CEIS spec requirements. This allows us to keep the SMOV requirements as a document standing on its own while maintaining the requirement traceability that independent reviews have asked the WFC3 project. – Unless otherwise stated the requirements can be implemented with SMS commanding. 21 Mar. 2007 22 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 HST MOSES • WFC3 SMOV requirements are basically unchanged since Fall 2003 Review – IR Operate Setpoint changed from 150K to 145K – May delete requirement to vary CCD and IR setpoints • Will want to revisit requirements once more after completion of SLTV#2 (August 2007) 21 Mar. 2007 23 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 HST MOSES L. Engineering Requirements • L. WFC3 entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. Relevant CEIS requirements: Observe modes • L. WFC3 entry into each of the defined detector states shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. 21 Mar. 2007 24 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 HST • L. WFC3 command and engineering data interface via the RIU and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF) shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. • L. Onboard memory shall be checked by performing a full dump of the CS (control section) EEPROM, PROM, and EXEC RAM, and verify a match with the ground image. MOSES » Special Commanding • L. The ability to read and write data from and to the science data buffer shall be demonstrated. • L. The performance of the Channel Select Mechanism, M1 and IM2 Alignment and Focus Corrector Mechanisms, UVIS Selectable Optical Filter Assembly, IR Filter Wheel, and UVIS CCD shutter shall be verified. Relevant CEIS requirements: Alignment modes 21 Mar. 2007 25 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 • HST MOSES L. The functionality of the WFC3 Tungsten and Deuterium calibration lamps shall be verified. Operation of the deuterium lamp shall be deferred for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD Relevant CEIS requirements: Internal Calibration Lamps • L. Functionality of the WFC3 UVIS CCD detector shall be demonstrated. This shall include the proper accumulation of signal over a specified time interval and data readout, readout of subarrays, and on-chip binning. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.10.2 CCD detector operations requirements • L. Functionality of the WFC3 IR detector shall be demonstrated. This shall include the proper accumulation of signal over a specified time interval and multiaccum data readout, readout of subarrays, and characterization of the reference pixels. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.10.3 IR detector operations requirements 21 Mar. 2007 26 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 • HST MOSES L. The ability of the TECs to cool and stably control the detectors shall be tested at a small number of temperature set points, in order to determine a cold stable operating point. The goal is to demonstrate that this point be at least as cold as –83C for the UVIS CCDs and 145K for the IR detector. WFC3 detectors cannot be cooled before 21 days in vacuum (CARD Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.7 CCD thermal control, 4.9 IR thermal control » Special Commanding? • L. The ability to perform a CCD anneal shall be demonstrated. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.7.2 CCD detector warm operations • L. WFC3 operations shall be managed to minimize risk of contamination of its optical surfaces by materials outgassed either internally or from other units installed during the SM as well as from the payload bay environment during servicing (CARD,, . A contamination monitoring program shall be initiated as early as possible after the SM. Relevant CEIS requirements: 6.4 Contamination control 21 Mar. 2007 27 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 HST MOSES L. Optical Alignment Requirements • L. The encircled energy and image diameter shall be measured over a grid of focus and tilt positions for both M1 and IM2 correctors. These measurements shall be used to set the nominal corrector positions. Relevant CEIS requirements: Alignment modes • L. The image quality at the detectors over the full field shall be measured via broad and narrow band imaging of stars. The requirement for encircled energy in the UVIS channel field center is 75% within a diameter of 0.25 arcseconds, through the F631N filter. The requirement for encircled energy in the IR channel field center is 75% within a diameter of 0.60 arcseconds, for a star observed through the F164N. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.3.2 Image quality 21 Mar. 2007 28 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 • HST MOSES L. The pointing stability of the OTA-WFC3 combination shall be measured over at least three orbits including hot and cold spacecraft attitudes. The purpose of these measurements is to confirm that the typical thermal environment after SM4 does not cause unacceptable image drifts. Relevant CEIS requirements: Image jitter, Image drift • L. The WFC3 Point Spread Function (PSF) shall be measured over a large dynamic range in order to study PSF wings and image ghosts. Relevant CEIS requirements: UVIS point source profile, IR point source profile, Ghost images, Large angle stray light 21 Mar. 2007 29 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 HST MOSES L. Calibration Requirements • L. The plate scale, orientation and geometric distortion shall be measured for each of the WFC3 channels by imaging an astrometric field. Relevant CEIS requirements: Pixel spacing, Field of view, Field of view distortion, Geometric distortion • L. The absolute FGS/WFC3 alignment shall be determined . • L. Dark rate, read noise and CTE shall be measured for the CCD detector. The hot pixel creation rate shall be assessed and the efficacy of the hot annealing cycle shall be demonstrated. The stability of these parameters over a 30 day baseline shall be determined. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.6.3 CCD readout noise, 4.6.4 CCD Dark current, 4.6.9 CTE and radiation damage, 4.7.2 CCD detector warm operation 21 Mar. 2007 30 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 • HST MOSES L. Dark rate, background level, and read noise shall be measured for the IR detector. IR bad pixels shall be characterized. The stability of these parameters over a 30-day baseline shall be determined. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.4.8 IR Background, 4.8.3 IR readout noise, 4.8.4 IR dark current, 4.8.5 IR amplifier glow • L. The behavior of both channels during SAA passages shall be characterized. The SAA afterimage shall be measured for the IR detector. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.6.15 CCD detector cosmic ray susceptibility, HgCdTe detector cosmic ray susceptibility Æ Special handling 21 Mar. 2007 31 WFC3 Verification L.10.4.1 • HST MOSES L. Instrument sensitivity vs. wavelength shall be measured for a subset of WFC3 spectral elements. Sensitivity measurements shall be performed using astronomical standard stars. The photometric stability shall be determined over several orbits. As part of this process, UV sensitivity measurements shall be obtained as early as possible, to enable early trending of UV sensitivity. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.4.1 wavelength range, 4.4.2 optics throughput, 4.4.3 spectral range stability, 4.6.2 CCD QE, 4.8.2 IR detector QE • L. The flat field uniformity per pixel and cosmetic defect fraction shall be measured for both WFC3 detectors. The ability to determine the residual response variation using the WFC3 internal calibration sources shall be demonstrated. The difference between sky flats and internal flats and temporal stability of the flat field correction shall be assessed. Relevant CEIS requirements: 4.6.11 CCD flat field, 4.8.11 IR flat field 21 Mar. 2007 32 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES L. Engineering Activities • L. Instrument States COS entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via RIU (Remote Interface Unit) commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. • L. Detector States COS entry into each of the defined detector states shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via RIU commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. NUV detector states: HOLD, Low Voltage ON (LVON), High Voltage ON (HVON), and High Voltage in SAA (HVSAA) FUV detector states: HOLD, BOOT, OPERATE, HV LOW, HV NOMINAL, HV SEGMENT A, and HV SEGMENT B 21 Mar. 2007 33 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES • L. Data Interface and Data Transmission Verification COS command and engineering data interface via the RIU, and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF), shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. • L. On-board Memory Check The ability to load and dump on-board memory shall be demonstrated. Special Commanding • L. Science Data Buffer Check The ability to read and write data from and to the science data buffer shall be demonstrated. The science data buffer shall also be checked for bit flips during SAA passage. Special Commanding 21 Mar. 2007 34 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES • L. Test of NUV Detector Initial Turn-on and Recovery after Anomalous Shutdown The procedure used for initial turn-on and recovery after anomalous shutdown of NUV MAMA detector shall be tested. Special Commanding • L. Test of FUV Detector Initial Turn-on and Recovery after Anomalous Shutdown The procedure used for initial turn-on and recovery after anomalous shutdown of FUV XDL detector shall be tested. Real Time Commanding • L. Functionality and Operations of Detectors Functionality and operations of the two COS detectors shall be demonstrated. This shall include: – the proper accumulation of signal over a specified time interval in ACCUM & TTAG readout mode; – readout of subarrays; – standard auto-wavelength calibration for ACCUM mode with the PSA and for TTAG and ACCUM mode with the Bright Object Aperture (BOA); FLASH=no – TAG-FLASH operational mode (standard wavelength calibration for TTAG mode with the PSA); FLASH=yes – on-board Doppler correction in ACCUM mode. 21 Mar. 2007 35 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES • L. QE Enhancement Grid Tests The functionality of the FUV detector shall be tested with and without the QE enhancement grid turned on. • L. Performance of Mechanisms The performance of the external shutter, Aperture Mechanism (ApM), Optics Select Mechanisms OSM1 and OMS2, and FUV detector door shall be verified either by execution of engineering tests or as part of normal SMOV operations. • L. Functionality of Lamps The functionality of the COS Pt-Ne and D2 calibration lamps shall be verified either by execution of engineering tests or as part of normal SMOV operations. 21 Mar. 2007 36 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES L. Contamination • L. Contamination Management COS operations shall be managed to minimize the risk of contamination of its optical surfaces by outgassing material. The COS external shutter shall be used to provide protection against illumination by the bright earth. A contamination monitor program shall be initiated as soon as possible after the servicing mission (COS CARD item 21 Mar. 2007 37 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. Upon release the COS instrument shall undergo a period of depressurization and decontamination. – The FUV detector door shall not be opened until the COS internal pressure is less than 100 micro-Torr for 12 consecutive hours. – The NUV MAMA detector HV shall not be turned on until the internal pressure is less than 20 micro-Torr for 12 consecutive hours. – The FUV XDL detector HV shall not be turned on until the internal pressure is less than 10 micro-Torr for 12 consecutive hours. – The D2 and Pt-Ne lamps shall not be operated until the internal pressure is less than 10 micro-Torr for 12 consecutive hours. (COS CARD items,,,, 21 Mar. 2007 38 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. Opening of FUV Detector Door The HV of the FUV XDL detector and the NUV MAMA detector shall be off when the FUV detector door opens in case of release of gases during the opening of the door. 21 Mar. 2007 39 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES L. Science Verification & Calibration • L. Internal NUV calibrations shall be conducted and measurements of the post-launch alignment of the optics shall be obtained. These include: – a detector dark image; – an internal wavelength calibration spectrum using each NUV grating at each central wavelength setting; – a TA1 image of the wavelength calibration lamp; – intensity of each lamp in a single mode. Special Commanding 21 Mar. 2007 40 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES L. The relationship between the HST coordinate system and the COS primary science aperture (PSA) shall be measured. The NUV channel in the TA1 mode shall be used to locate the PSA in the HST V2, V3 coordinates. This is accomplished by raster scanning in a 4x4 grid, monitoring the count rate in the NUV detector, and calculating the location of the HST OTA Point Spread Function (PSF) with respect to the PSA. The calculating is done on the ground after the observations are complete. 21 Mar. 2007 41 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES • L. The locations of the spectra for each NUV mode shall be measured. This is done by observing an astronomical target and acquiring a spectrum using G185M, G225M, G285M, and G230L gratings, as well as a TA1 image. • L. The NUV channel shall be focused. This is done by conducting a focus scan of each of the NUV gratings at one central wavelength setting and of the TA1 mirror while observing an astronomical target. 21 Mar. 2007 42 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. The target acquisition algorithms for NUV operations shall be tested and verified. – L. NUV undispersed light target acquisition in ACQ and ACQ/IMAGE mode shall be tested. – L. NUV dispersed light target acquisition in ACQ, ACQ/PEAKD and ACQ/PEAKXD mode shall be tested. 21 Mar. 2007 43 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. The imaging performance of the NUV channel shall be calibrated. – L. The PSF in NUV imaging (TA1) mode shall be measured. – L. The plate scale of the NUV detector in imaging (TA1) mode shall be measured. – L. The throughput of the NUV imaging (TA1) mode shall be tested both in mirror A and mirror B configurations. 21 Mar. 2007 44 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. The spectroscopic performance of the NUV channel shall be calibrated. – L. The zero point offsets in the dispersion relations for the NUV spectroscopic modes for each central wavelength setting shall be measured. – L. The spectral resolution of the NUV spectroscopic modes shall be measured. – L. The spatial resolution of the NUV spectroscopic modes shall be measured. 21 Mar. 2007 45 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES – L. The flat-field response of the NUV detector shall be measured. – L. The sensitivity of each NUV grating for each central wavelength setting shall be measured. – L. The stability of a single mode of the NUV channel over several orbits shall be characterized to determine if there are signatures of structural or thermal distortions in the data. – L. The acquisition of spectra having S/N>30 using normal data acquisition and reduction techniques shall be demonstrated for each NUV mode. Data shall be obtained which are capable of demonstrating spectra with S/N>100 for a single NUV medium resolution mode. 21 Mar. 2007 46 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. Internal FUV calibrations shall be conducted and measurements of the post-launch alignment of the optics shall be obtained. These include: – a detector dark image; – an internal wavelength calibration spectrum using each FUV grating at each central wavelength setting; – intensity of each lamp in a single mode. Special Commanding 21 Mar. 2007 47 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES • L. The locations of the spectra for each FUV mode shall be measured. This is done by observing an astronomical target and acquiring a spectrum using G130M, G160M, and G140L gratings. • L. The FUV channel shall be focused. This is done by conducting a focus scan of each of the FUV gratings at one central wavelength setting while observing an astronomical target. • L. The target acquisition algorithms for FUV operations shall be tested and verified. – L. FUV dispersed light target acquisition in ACQ, ACQ/PEAKD and ACQ/PEAKXD mode shall be tested. 21 Mar. 2007 48 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. The spectroscopic performance of the FUV channel shall be calibrated. – L. The zero point offsets in the dispersion relations for the FUV spectroscopic modes for each central wavelength setting shall be measured. – L. The spectral resolution of the FUV spectroscopic modes shall be measured. – L. The spatial resolution of the FUV spectroscopic modes shall be measured. 21 Mar. 2007 49 COS Verification L.10.4.2 HST MOSES – L. The flat-field response of the FUV detector shall be measured. – L. The sensitivity of each FUV grating for each central wavelength setting shall be measured. – L. The stability of a single mode of the FUV channel over several orbits shall be characterized to determine if there are signatures of structural or thermal distortions in the data. – L. The acquisition of spectra having S/N>30 using normal data acquisition and reduction techniques shall be demonstrated for each FUV mode. Data shall be obtained which are capable of demonstrating spectra with S/N>100 for a single FUV medium resolution mode. 21 Mar. 2007 50 COS Verification L.10.4.2 • HST MOSES L. The position and throughput of the BOA, and spectral resolution of the data acquired through this aperture shall be measured. This is done by observing an astronomical target in imaging mode and acquiring a spectrum in each NUV and FUV grating at a single central wavelength setting. 21 Mar. 2007 51 ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 HST MOSES • Basic Assumptions – Work is currently in progress to evaluate various repair solutions for ACS. – Here we assume a fully repaired ACS, where all the 3 ACS channels (WFC, HRC and SBC) are functioning. – However, in some of the repair scenarios, all the 3 channels may not be available, which would need some revision of these requirements (mostly, removal of the requirements for the unavailable channels.) – Some additional tests may be required depending on the adopted repair solution for ACS. 21 Mar. 2007 52 ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 HST MOSES • Basic Approach – Include the minimum set required for starting GO science. Where possible, do the tests as part of the regular calibration plan. – Maintain four sections: engineering, target-acquisition, optical alignment, calibration. – Use ACS/SBC for focus check, and BEA targets with SBC to monitor UV contamination. 21 Mar. 2007 53 HST ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 MOSES L. Engineering Requirements L. Hot-pixel annealing: A hot pixel annealing procedure shall be executed just before CCD activation, and every four weeks thereafter, thus resuming the standard cadence in force before SM4. L. CCD Temperature: The ability of the TEC to cool and stably control the CCD at their nominal operating temperatures shall be tested and verified through the engineering telemetry data during the course of normal operations. Failure to reach the expected temperature will trigger an existing contingency program (CCD temperature set point determination) that was used successfully in SM3B. 54 HST ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 MOSES L. Engineering Requirements (Contd.) L. Detector characteristics: After reaching the appropriate operating temperature, a mini-functional test shall be executed for all ACS detectors to characterize their performances in the new thermal and electrical environment. However, the high voltage for the SBC detector shall not be activated until at least four days after release and not until the pressure in the aft shroud has been below 5e-6 Torr for at least 24 hours. The mini-functional test shall consist of an enriched version of the nominal daily/monthly monitoring program, and is to include bias, dark and flat field frames. The observations will be used to evaluate the noise characteristics of the detectors, which will be compared with pre-SM4 observations. L. UV Monitoring program: Following the successful activation of the CCD, the standard UV monitoring program shall resume as soon as possible, limited initially to the HRC. The SBC monitoring program will need a choice of appropriate BEA targets for which pre-SM4 observations are available. 55 HST ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 MOSES L. Target Acquisition Requirements L. Aperture locations: The location of a reference aperture shall be determined for all three ACS channels with respect to the FGS reference frame to within an accuracy of 1 arc second in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minute in aperture rotation angle by observing a well-observed dense stellar field. The same observations will be used to investigate any possible changes in geometric distortions. L. Coronographic spot location: The location of the coronographic spots shall be measured with one set of observations. 56 HST ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 MOSES L. Optical Alignment Requirements L. Image Quality: The camera mode image quality at the detectors over the full field shall be measured via broad and narrow-band imaging of a sparse stellar field. It will be verified that the encircled energy within a 0.25 arc second diameter (in broad-band filters for which pre-SM4 observations exist) is within 3 σ (5%) of pre-SM4 value. The observations in F550N filter will be used to complement the focus measurements. L. A decrease of the encircled energy by more than 3 σ will trigger an existing contingency program, successfully used in SM3B (ACS fine corrector alignment), whereby the encircled energy and image diameter are measured over a grid of focus and tilt positions for both IM1 and M1 correctors. These measurements shall be used to set the nominal corrector positions. L. Coronographic PSF: The ACS Point Spread Function (PSF) in coronographic mode shall be measured. 57 HST ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 MOSES L. Calibration Requirements L. Detector sensitivities and instrument configurations: Observations of reference stellar fields (e.g. 47 Tuc and NGC188 for the CCD, NGC6681 for the SBC) shall be obtained for a subset of the ACS imaging modes and filters. Through comparison with the existing pre-SM4 data, these observations shall be used to measure, for each ACS channel: 1. the detectors plate scale, orientation and geometric distortion; 2. the relative location of each aperture with respect to the FGS reference frame; 3. the instrumental relative and absolute sensitivity as a function of wavelength; 4. the uniformity of the flat field at low frequency. Discrepancies in key filter/modes exceeding those observed in the course of the preceding calibration cycles shall be promptly investigated and characterized through contingency calibration observations. 58 HST ACS VERIFICATION L.10.4.3 MOSES L. Calibration Requirements (Contd.) L. Pixel-to-pixel sensitivities: Variations in the ACS detectors' sensitivity on a pixel-to-pixel scale and cosmetic defects shall be measured for all three channels through observations with the internal calibration lamps. 59 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 • HST MOSES Basic Assumptions and Approach – STIS is an existing instrument, but due to a new circuit board and long inactivity, it will require extra checks. – Assume that the STIS AT/FT was completed during the servicing mission. – Re-use, where possible, previously defined SM4 requirements, supplemented with an updated subset of the original SM2 requirements. – Avoid including implementation details in requirements. – Check for problems which could impact the ability to obtain good quality science data. – Defer until after SMOV most calibrations that can be applied retroactively. – Unless otherwise stated, the requirements can be implemented with SMS commanding. – Most special commanding will re-use previous work. (Comments are in blue italics, and are not part of formal requirements) 21 Mar. 2007 60 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L.10.4.5 STIS Verification Requirements L. Engineering Requirements L. STIS entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. L. STIS entry into each of the defined detector states needed to support normal operations shall be demonstrated. L. STIS command and engineering data interface via the RIU and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF) shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. 21 Mar. 2007 61 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. Onboard memory will be checked by performing dumps of EEPROM, PROM, EDAC RAM and Buffer RAM. (Special Commanding) L. Conduct a test of the ability to write to and read from the CS (control section) Buffer RAM. (Special Commanding) L. Verify the proper functioning of all STIS mechanisms needed for routine operations (the three MSM wheels, the aperture wheel, CIM, echelle blockers, CCD shutter, aperture door, & mode isolation shutter) over the full ranges of motion needed for normal operations. Contingency: verification of the corrector alignment mechanisms will be done only as part of any alignment or focus adjustments. Movement of the corrector mechanisms should otherwise be avoided. 21 Mar. 2007 62 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. Check the functioning of the calibrations lamps used for routine science and SMOV operations (LINE, Tungsten, HITM1, & HITM2), at each of the current levels used for normal operations. Contingency: if one or more of these lamps either shows significantly degraded behavior or fails to function, then make those changes which are necessary to support science operations; this contingency may include changes to the ground system and/or onboard tables to allow substitution of one of the operable lamps for the critical functions of a failed one. Verification of the Krypton and Deuterium lamps may be deferred until after SMOV. 21 Mar. 2007 63 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. The CCD shall be annealed as necessary to ameliorate accumulated hot pixels. L. During the course of routine operations throughout SMOV, the temperature variations of each detector will be monitored and compared to previous side-2 values. The ability of the CCD TEC to cool that detector to the required operating temperature range will be evaluated. 21 Mar. 2007 64 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. Perform a mini-functional test of the STIS CCD. L. Verify the proper functioning of the MAMA detectors by following procedures similar to those defined for MAMA anomalous recovery (STIS ISR 98-03). A MAMA detector should not be otherwise used prior to completing this functional test. The high voltage for the STIS MAMA detectors will not be activated until at least four days after release and not until the pressure in the aft shroud has been below 5x10−6 torr for at least 24 hours. (Special Commanding. Four day wait to be confirmed based on contamination models). L. The STIS Deuterium and Krypton lamps will not be operated until 3 weeks after release. 21 Mar. 2007 65 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. Target Acquisition Requirements L. The location of a reference STIS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of 1 arc second in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. L. The ability to acquire and properly center targets with standard ACQs and the ability to center targets in small apertures with ACQ/PEAK exposures will be demonstrated for both standard and E1 aperture positions. (E1 aperture positions are defined near CCD readout; ~ 20” away from standard acquisition aperture. This requires a much larger pointing change after a standard ACQ than do other apertures). 21 Mar. 2007 66 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. Optical Alignment Requirements L. An aperture throughput test using a previously observed external point source calibration target shall be used to assess STIS focus. The slit plane encircled energy vs. wavelength shall also be measured using this external target. Contingency: if throughput is down by more than 3 sigma (7%), relative to the expected mean after correction for expected secular sensitivity changes, additional tests and perhaps a STIS corrector alignment and/or focus adjustment shall be done. This test is dependent on the setting of the HST secondary mirror position, which must have been first set to its expected nominal focus. (Contingencies to adjust alignment require special commanding. For STIS, best focus is set at the plane of the aperture wheel, not at the detectors.). 21 Mar. 2007 67 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. The positioning of the STIS aperture wheel should be checked for a representative subset of STIS apertures, and compared to previous side-2 measurements. Contingency: if operationally significant discrepancies are found in relative aperture positions, all aperture locations will be remeasured, and appropriate updates made to ground and on-board calibration tables. L. For each optical element in the MSM, (except for MAMA imaging modes), the location of a lamp spectrum or slit image on the detector appropriate for that optical element shall be compared to previous side-2 values. Contingency: operationally significant shifts shall be corrected by updating on-board mechanism calibration tables. Only one MSM position of each optical element need be tested. Checks of MAMA imaging mode alignments may be deferred until after SMOV. 21 Mar. 2007 68 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L10. The spectroscopic image quality and cross dispersion PSF at each detector will be measured as a function of position and wavelength using an external point source calibration target. This test is dependent on the settings of the HST secondary mirror position and of the STIS corrector mechanism, which must have been first set to their nominal values. L. The pointing stability of external targets on the STIS CCD detector, and the relative stability of the CCD detector with respect to the aperture plane, will be monitored over the course of the two orbits immediately following an attitude change that is expected to produce a significant thermal change in STIS. Separate test(s) will be done to measure the stability of at least one of the two MAMA detectors with respect to either the aperture plane or an external target, over two orbits following a similar large maneuver. 21 Mar. 2007 69 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L. Calibration Requirements L. The dark rate for each detector shall be measured for normal operating temperatures and conditions. For the CCD, bias and read-noise measurements will also be made. Sufficient CCD dark and bias measurements will be done to allow proper calibration of other STIS SMOV and ERO data. Sufficient NUV MAMA dark measurements will be taken to determine whether the phosphorescent window glow has declined to a level that will support expected GO observations. The FUV MAMA dark rate will be monitored over at least one 5 orbit interval to measure how the dark rate increases as a function of time after detector high voltage turn-on. 21 Mar. 2007 70 STIS Verification L.10.4.5 HST MOSES L10. A test will be done to check predictions for CTI losses on the STIS CCD detector. Results will be evaluated for any impact on planned GO observations. L For one wavelength setting of each STIS grating, the throughput will be checked using an external calibration target. 21 Mar. 2007 71 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES Basic Assumptions and Approach 1. Re-use as much as possible the NICMOS SMOV3b requirements/proposals 2. Perform NICMOS SMOV4 to verify operation and basic performance 3. Move some SMOV3b verification requirements to regular (extended) calibration programs to follow immediately after SMOV4 NICMOS SMOV4 activities partially based on recommendations from the NICMOS group following the NCS/NICMOS safing in August 2003 (scenario 3). Potential problems associated with the thermal cycling include mechanical and optical misalignments and increased particulate matter (‘Grot’). 21 Mar. 2007 72 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES Basic Assumptions and Approach (cont’d) • Minimize NCS off–time in order minimize dewar warm–up • NICMOS SMOV activities have to wait until the dewar, VCS and filter wheels reach nominal operating temperatures (detector temp ~ 77.1 K) - Estimated dewar temperature with NCS off and NICMOS in safe mode T = 176[1 - exp(-t/183)] + 80 K (t in hours) - Warm–up rate varies from event to event (Aug 2003/ Jan 2007) NCS off for ~9 days –> detector warm–up ~120K (final temp: ~200K) Cool–down rate uncertain, but 7–12 days reasonable, based on 2003 and 2007 NICMOS safing event (nb. uncertain). 21 Mar. 2007 73 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES August 2003 January 2007 21 Mar. 2007 74 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES SMOV4 + post-calibration issues • Define minimum verification activity – – – – Engineering and target acquisition Optical characterization Calibration (NICMOS–specific capabilities: coronagraphy) Thermal characterization • post-SMOV Calibration – Most calibration verification/tests – Science operation may start before calibration complete 21 Mar. 2007 75 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES L.10.4.4 NICMOS Verification Requirements L. Engineering Activation Requirements L. The ability to command NICMOS via the RIU, science data transmission via the SDF, and the ability of NICMOS to transition between primary operational states (HOLD, BOOT, SAA-OPER, OPERATE and OBSERVE) shall be verified. This test can be done before reaching nominal operating temperature. L. Operation of the NICMOS mechanisms (PAM, FOM, and filter wheels) shall be tested. PAM motion over the range needed to assure focus in all three NICMOS cameras (best achievable focus for NIC3). The ability to reposition the field offset mirror (FOM) over the range needed to remove vignetting in NIC3 shall be demonstrated. Filter wheel motion shall be verified for each camera. L. Verify the basic operating characteristics of the flight detectors through a series of multiple non-destructive readouts as a function of bias voltage. 21 Mar. 2007 76 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES L. Target Acquisition Requirements L. The location of each NICMOS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of +/-2 arcseconds in V2-V3 coordinates and 7 arcminutes in aperture rotation angle for Camera 2 and 1 degree for cameras 1 and 3. L. The Mode-2 coronagraphic target acquisition shall be characterized and measured with a precision of ~1/10 of a pixel. Acquisition of the target and the coronagraphic hole shall be shown to be repeatable, within the precision given, using the onboard flight software. 21 Mar. 2007 77 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES L. Optical Requirements L. The optical plate scales at each of the detector focal planes shall be measured, with a precision of better than 0.1% in each camera. L. PAM focus setting should be measured to establish the best focus focus for each camera. The encircled energy within 100 mas (200 mas for camera 3) radius of an unresolved point source shall be measured. In case the total wavefront error exceeds λ/14 for NIC1 and NIC2 at 1.1 and 1.6 microns, respectively, a fine optical alignment program will be implemented. L. The best coronagraphic focus shall be determined. The purpose of this test is to establish the PAM position to optimize the contrast in the coronagraphic image. 21 Mar. 2007 78 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES L. Calibration Requirements L. The performance of the NICMOS coronagraph shall be characterized. The goal is to provide the best achievable target/background contrast ratio. L. NICMOS geometric stability will be characterized by measuring the lateral motion of the image in the Camera 2 focal plane. L. Detector noise, read-noise and dark current shall be measured throughout the SMOV period through a series of dark exposures. L. HST+NICMOS thermal emission will be characterized in a subset of spectral elements over the duration of SMOV. 21 Mar. 2007 79 NICMOS/NCS Verification L.10.4.4 HST MOSES L. NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) Engineering Verification Requirements L. Configure the NCS to re-cool NICMOS detectors. The goal during SMOV is to verify the capability to maintain the weighted average of the neon inlet and outlet temperatures at a desired setpoint in the range 72-73 K. L. Verify the capability of the NCS to achieve a NICMOS Cold Well temperature (as measured by the 1-1 temperature sensor) of 77+/-1 degrees Kelvin (nominal 77.15K) and maintain it within 0.1K. L10. The NICMOS cooldown profile shall be characterized. L. NICMOS/NCS calibration and Performance Requirements L. The temperature of each NICMOS detector, along with its range of variation and the timescale of variation, shall be determined. Detector temperature stability shall be characterized over periods of 60 sec, 2000 sec, 24 hours and 30 days using available temperature sensors and temperature from detector bias. 21 Mar. 2007 80 ERO Program L.4.5.6 • HST MOSES L.10.4.6 Early Release Observations. SMOV activities shall include early release observations with at least the COS, WFC3, STIS, and, if restored, ACS science instruments. – The resulting science data products shall be released into the public domain to demonstrate the improved/restored HST capabilities. 21 Mar. 2007 81