Document 10892362


AP  Lang/Comp.  


Welcome to AP Language and Composition!

Summer Reading and Writing Assignment


In order to get you prepared for the coming year, you will need to do the following:

1) Read ONE of the following novels (Don’t wait until the last week of summer; these are dense texts:)

• In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

The Strength in what Remains by Tracy Kidder

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

• Going After Cacciato by Tim O’Brien

2) Read these essays:

“Future Schlock” by Neil Postman

“What High School Is” by Ted Sizer

3) Write for 30 days 

• Pick 30 days and work on your writing voice. (Experiment with informal, formal, creative, etc.)

These days do NOT need to be sequential.

• Type or write 1-full page each day on any topic of your choice. If you type, double space; if you handwrite, use single spaces.

These writings can be on anything you want…Google “journal ideas” or go to my Moodle site to get more ideas.

These journal entries will be collected the first week of school. Make sure they are legible, dated and numbered 1-30. No late submissions.

4) After you are done reading a book:

Find 10 sentences or passages that were notable in terms of power and appeal. Record page number, passage, and why you selected this. If applicable, note rhetorical or figurative language device being used. o Make sure these sentences come from the entire book, not just one chapter or section.

5) After reading the essays:

Write a one-page response to the following prompt: Is there such a thing as an overeducated society? What are the dangers/benefits of such a place?

6) Read the back of this sheet!

AP  Lang/Comp.  


How to get connected to my Moodle page during the summer:

Go to the RHS Home Page

Click Academics>Faculty Web Pages> Dallas>AP Lang Moodle Page

Enter your username (your student ID number)

Enter your password (Unless you changed your password during

2010-2011, your password is the first 6 letters of your last name and the day you were born. For example, Lindsey Johnson born on

March 6 enters “johnso06”. If you do not know your password, contact Mrs. Johnson at to reset it.)

Enter the enrollment key: irish (You only need to enter this the first time you login.)

Problems: Email me at
