Can alternative business models discipline credit rating agencies?∗ Dion Bongaerts† February 11, 2013 Abstract Could other business models for credit rating agencies (CRAs) than the current issuer-paid oligopoly lead to better social outcomes and if so, could those arise naturally? To answer these questions, I set up a theory model where all agents are rational and opportunistic. Due to a friction on the issuers’ side, CRAs misbehave and inefficient outcomes arise. I show that systems of investor-paid CRAs, issuer-produced ratings or mandatory coinvestments can all improve social welfare, but each in a different way. Moreover, I show that high to very high degrees of regulatory intervention are needed to make these alternative business models take hold. The model explains several empirical regularities such as profitability spikes and ratings failure leading up to the sub-prime crisis, the regulatory inability to punish inaccurate ratings and the failure of investor-paid CRAs to capture a meaningful market share. ∗ I would like to thank Mark Van Achter, Andrei Dubovik, Joost Driessen, Andrea Gamba, Frank de Jong, Volker Lieffering, Arjen Mulder, Frederik Schlingemann, Joel Shapiro, Marti Subrahmanyam, Dragon Tang, conference participants at the EFA 2012 annual meeting, the ESSFM Gerzensee 2012 and seminar participants at Erasmus University Rotterdam and The University of Hong Kong for useful discussions and helpful comments. This paper has been prepared by the author under the Lamfalussy Fellowship Program sponsored by the ECB. Any views expressed are only those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the ECB or the Eurosystem. All remaining errors are my own. † Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. e-mail: 1 1 Introduction After the financial crisis of 2007-2009, CRAs, like Moody’s, S&P and Fitch, have come under increased public scrutiny. Globally, estimated losses on structured products such as sub-prime residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs) average $4 trillion,1 about 10 times the face value of the Greek sovereign debt. Arguably, a substantial part of those losses could have been avoided if credit ratings had reflected the risks of these products more accurately. The fact that the peak in CRA profits was driven by the very same products that lay at the base of the sub-prime crisis, gives rise to suspicions of opportunistic behavior on the CRAs’ side.2 Indeed, several recent articles show that ratings on structured products were inflated (Griffin and Tang (2011) and Rösch and Scheule (2010)). In essence, the failure of ratings for structured products follows from (a slightly modified version of) a classical principal-agent model. One can see a CRA as an agent that on behalf of the principal, the investor, conducts a credit assessment by exerting costly effort. So far, the setting is comparable to an executive compensation problem (e.g. Jensen and Meckeling (1976)). Yet in contrast, the CRA is selected and paid by the debt issuer, which creates an additional possible friction, because the issuer may have a preference for high rather than accurate ratings. The fact that it is not the investor that compensates the CRA for its services, is in an idealized world not an issue because in a steady state equilibrium with rational investors, any expected losses are charged to the debt issuer in the form of high interest rates. Interestingly, the investor may even be indifferent about ratings quality as long as a minimum standard is met and more importantly, the ratings quality is according to expectation. However, in reality, the issuer-pays-model can create another layer of incentive distortions through frictions on the side of the investor (e.g. naive investors as in Bolton, Freixas and Shapiro (2012)) or the side of the debt issuer (private benefits of undertaking negative NPV projects, this paper). Hence, there is a high need for incentive alignment between investors and CRAs in order to obtain socially optimal allocations of (debt) capital. In the paper I explore alternative business models for CRAs that have the potential to improve the incentive alignment of CRAs. As such, I contribute to the growing literature on the role and functional design of CRAs in three ways. First, I analyze 1 IMF estimation. See For example, anecdotal evidence reports rating fees of 2 to 4 bps on corporate bonds compared to fees of 13 to 16 bps on structured products. For Moody’s, these products had a profit margin of around 50% and generated about 50% of total profit by the end of 2006. 2 2 the economics of investor-paid ratings, investor-produced ratings and mandatory co-investments for CRAs. All alternative business models improve on the status quo, but each in a different way. For example, investor-paid CRAs create a winner’s curse for non-subscribers, while mandatory co-investments directly align incentives of investors and CRAs. Second, I show that none of the welfare improving market structures would get hold without additional regulatory intervention. The degree of required intervention does differ however. Co-investments simply need to be imposed, whereas the possibility of investor-produced ratings in combination with the presence of a strong regulator can improve the behavior of issuer-paid CRAs. Third, the paper provides a number of novel results with respect to the effects of competition and reputation among CRAs on economic outcomes, particularly with respect to which equilibrium outcomes can arise, which underlying frictions drive the equilibrium outcomes, and how stable the equilibria are. As said, one of the contributions of this paper is to analyze the economics of market structures for CRAs that have the potential to better link CRA pay-off to CRA performance. A natural way to achieve this is by requiring co-investments from CRAs upon issuing high ratings. The idea of co-investments for CRAs stems from the desire to make CRAs more accountable for their actions. CRAs are commercial entities that express their opinions on the creditworthiness of debt issuers for a fee, to be paid by the issuer. The CRAs themselves claim that their ratings reflect ”mere opinions”, because of which, at least in the U.S., freedom of speech legislation waives them of any legal liability concerning the accuracy of their ratings. Yet, unlike other opinions in financial markets such as stock analyst recommendations, these opinions have an institutionalized regulatory function (see for example Bongaerts, Cremers and Goetzmann (2012)). Therefore, exemptions from legal liability may impose excessively large negative externalities on other market participants. Earlier work by Listokin and Taibleson (2010) has hinted at a solution by suggesting rating fees to be paid in kind (that is, the rating fee is paid by granting the bonds rated to the CRA). In this paper I extend their idea by allowing the size of the co-investment to exceed the rating fee. More precisely, I show analytically that the value of the co-investment must exceed the size of the rating fee in order to be effective. My analysis shows that co-investments are very strong commitment devices that are even guaranteed to lead to first-best outcomes if the required co-investments are sufficiently large and the market for credit ratings is characterized by a monopoly. For a competitive CRA market with mandatory co-investments, achieving an equilibrium with the first-best outcome is also possible, but not guaranteed, because captive equilibria may arise. 3 In addition, I show that the equilibria with mandatory co-investments are more resilient to information shocks on the CRAs’ behalf than equilibria without. As a consequence, co-investments would considerably reduce the risk of bubbles and consequent bursts, as witnessed at the onset of the sub-prime crisis. Despite the attractive features of the co-investments system, there may be practical hurdles or unmodeled frictions that prevent its practical implementation. For example, CRAs may argue that because of funding constraints, they would have to cut back on the number of issues to be rated, leading to inefficiencies due to market-wide under-investment. Therefore, I also explore the possibility that parties that naturally have skin-in-the-game (like banks3 and credit insurers), can start to offer credit ratings. Investor-produced ratings will be accurate if production costs of are low enough compared to the amount of skin-in-the-game. While this mechanism may sound appealing, it will be ineffective by itself in my model as debt issuers prefer high over accurate ratings. Rating producing investors may simply be ignored by debt issuers, while investors can endogenize the expectation of low rating accuracy by charging higher interest. However, in the presence of a regulator with the authority to revoke licenses of under-performing CRAs, the rating-producing investors can function as backups (i.e., raters of last resort) for the regulator (which is relatively powerless without these alternatives). Therefore, the regulator has a more credible threat to revoke CRA licenses and equilibria are possible in which CRAs conduct the ratings, but exert high effort. Banks or credit insurers are natural candidates to produce ratings in issues that they also have a stake in. Especially larger banks have proper rating technology available, because they have to comply with the Basel II advanced IRB approach. A concrete example of investor-produced rating-initiative is the French credit insurer Coface. On July 29th 2010, announced its ambition to become the first European Union based CRA. Interestingly, for this new entrant, selling ratings is not the core business. Rather, it sells the ratings that it uses itself for its own risk management. As the ratings producer is also an end-user, Coface states that4, 5 3 Of course, banks may have their own frictions that may induce rating biases, especially when leverage is high and the effective skin-in-the-game is limited. Yet the recent regulatory push towards increased capital buffers in for example Basel III, reduces these concerns substantially. Modeling these effects is a potential future extension of the model. 4 See documents/wwa_news_events/20100729CofaceCESR-HK_en 5 When contacted to give more information on this initiative, Coface responded that this initiative has been withdrawn for the time being. Unfortunately, Coface was unwilling to motivate this decision. 4 ”Coface only rates companies on which it has a significant credit risk exposure: credit insurance is the first customer for Coface ratings. This assures a strict alignment of Coface, and of Coface ratings’ users interests”. An even more indirect way of aligning incentives of CRAs and investors is to allow for investor-paid CRAs. This is a system that many academics as well as policy makers have been striving for (e.g. Pagano and Volpin (2010)). The intuition behind this thought is that if investors pay for ratings, investors will punish CRAs displaying low accuracy. The only credible punishment threat is going to a competitor. So for this system to work, at least two investor-paid CRAs are required. However, in order for investor-paid CRAs to have a reasonable chance to compete with issuerpaid CRAs, issuers should also prefer high over accurate ratings, otherwise they could only apply for funding at non-subscriber banks and force issuer-paid CRAs on their financiers. At first glance, it looks like investor-paid CRAs have a mechanism to overcome this problem. Given misbehaving issuer-paid CRAs, investor-paid CRAs could capture the whole market by creating a winner’s curse for the non-subscribing investors, thereby capturing the whole market. As subscriber-banks will only make offers to highly rated issuers, those issuers learn about their own type and will be unwilling to pool with low quality issuers. However, issuer-paid CRAs can also condition their behavior on the presence of investor-paid CRAs and increase their effort, consistent with the empirical results in Xia (2012). As a consequence, issuers and investors will at best be indifferent between issuer- and investor-paid ratings. The reason why issuer-paid CRAs will in the end dominate is that issuer-paid CRAs can be more competitive as they never generate a rating that will not be used, which in general is not true for investorpaid CRAs. Moreover, as issuers have higher utility in an equilibrium without investor-paid CRAs, they will most likely push investor-paid CRAs out. The only option is then to ban issuer-paid CRAs, which is a measure that goes very far. If issuer-paid CRAs are banned and at least two investor-paid CRAs are present, the aforementioned winner’s curse will induce all CRAs to exert maximum effort in equilibrium. However, this outcome is socially sub-optimal as at least twice as many resources are spent on producing ratings compared to the first best case. Moreover, this option is only feasible if free-riding problems are relatively small.6 Working out these alternative business models, I report several novel results 6 The maximum tolerable degree of free-riding problems is derived in the paper. 5 on the effects of competition and reputation among CRAs on economic outcomes. These results relate to 1.) which equilibrium outcomes arise, 2.) which underlying frictions drive the equilibrium outcomes and 3.) to how stable equilibria are. A popular proposal to fix the CRAs’ problem is to introduce more competition among rating agencies.7 However, recent theoretical literature has shown that competition among CRAs is likely to reduce social welfare, primarily because of rating shopping (e.g. Skreta and Veldkamp (2009) and Bolton et al. (2012)). A notable exception is Hirth (2011), who shows that a new entrant can discipline the incumbent CRAs. Empirically, Becker and Milbourn (2011) show that more intense competition in the corporate bond market reduces rating accuracy. In my baseline model, increased competition fails to discipline CRAs, but I do not need irrational investors as Bolton et al. (2012) do. On this aspect, my approach has more similarities with the setting of Winton and Yerramilli (2011) who study the originate-to-distribute market. This fundamental difference in underlying friction generates a need for different solutions. Additionally, I show that if competing CRAs receive a very small private information shock about reduced future issuance volumes or lower average credit quality, they will inflate ratings and trigger a bubble and a consequent burst as recently observed in the sub-prime crisis. My model also predicts that during such a bubble, issuance volumes peak as do CRA profit margins, which is again consistent with recent observations. The size of the private information shock required for a monopolistic CRA to engage in similar behavior is much larger. The reason for these different degrees of fragility is that in competitive equilibria, the incentive compatibility constraint binds, which means that future rents are just enough to enforce at least the minimum required effort to prevent markets from collapsing. An infinitely small shock about the relative value of exerting some effort compared to slacking altogether can immediately tip the balance to the wrong side. A monopolist on the other hand has higher future rents at stake and is therefore less easily tempted to misbehave. Interestingly, the fragility described above results from the fact that CRAs need reputation as a disciplining device in order to exert any effort at all. Hereby I provide additional evidence that, contrary to what CRAs claim, reputation is insufficient to enforce accurate ratings in line with Mathis, McAndrews and Rochet (2009) and BarIsaac and Shapiro (2010). The fragility largely disappears with the introduction of 7 See, for example, the testimony by SEC deputy director John Ramsay: ”The Commission’s efforts in this area have been designed to [...] and promote competition among rating agencies that are involved in this business.” ( 6 mandatory co-investments, because correct behavior in that setting is not enforced by reputation but by contemporaneously well aligned incentives. Finally, in my basic model, effort is perfectly ex-post observable. Yet, in the base case, the social welfare contribution of having CRAs falls short of the theoretical optimum by a large amount and is even negative. This indicates that measures beyond improving transparency (e.g. Partnoy (2009), Pagano and Volpin (2010)) are needed. A recent body of literature, inspired by the recent financial crises has linked the incentive problems of CRAs and their low ex-post accuracy to frictions induced by regulation. On the theoretical side, Opp, Opp and Harris (2011) investigate under which conditions regulatory importance of credit ratings leads to ratings arbitrage. Their model shares certain features with the model used in this paper, but has notable differences. These differences include the fact that competition in their paper is only modeled in a reduced form way, while their model allows the degree of regulatory importance and the degree of asset complexity to vary. On the empirical side, Bongaerts et al. (2012) show that only certification can explain the demand for an extra Fitch rating in the corporate bond market and that the extra Fitch rating at the margin only lowers credit spreads if it is pivotal from a regulatory perspective. Consistent with those findings, Kisgen and Strahan (2009) show that bond prices react to the qualification of Dominion as an NRSRO in the direction of the Dominion ratings relative to the others. Ellul, Jotikasthira and Lundblad (2011) indeed show that the interaction of regulation and rating downgrades can trigger fire sales with massive losses on the investor’s side. Yet, this paper shows that taking measures to remove regulatory importance will not guarantee efficient and accurate credit assessments. Instead, this paper shows that if anything additional regulation is required. The additional regulation can come in the form of explicit and stringent prescriptions of how CRAs should be structured. However, such measures can kill innovation and can easily go too far, thereby imposing high compliance costs and potentially unwarranted effects on an industry. A lighter form of regulation would be to instate a regulator as suggested by Partnoy (2009) that can condition a license going forward on past performance. Yet, my model shows that such a regulator by itself resorts little effect. The source of this limited regulatory power stems from the importance of financial intermediaries in an economy and the high barriers to entry. Restricting financial intermediaries too much can hamper credit supply, which immediately leads to real economic losses. This gives financial intermediaries a strong bargaining position against regulators. Accepting a limited amount of moral hazard may from a social 7 welfare perspective be preferable over a severely reduced credit supply. This model outcome is also consistent with patterns observed during the sub-prime crisis. For example, the SEC proposed to remove all references to NRSROs from a large number of regulatory rules, in response to the poor rating performance of RMBS ratings.8 Yet, most investors disapproved of the idea because of the lack of alternatives and the high costs if every investor were to conduct a credit assessment himself.9 Thus, such a regulator is only an option in the presence of a decent alternative such as accurate investor-produced ratings. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the players in my model and derives the first-best solution as a benchmark for model outcomes with respect to social welfare. Section 3 analyzes base case equilibrium outcomes. Section 3.3 analyzes the stability of the base case equilibria. Section 4 derives equilibria when co-investments or competition from bank-produced ratings are introduced. Section 6 analyzes model outcomes with three different forms of investor-paid ratings. Finally, section 7 concludes. 2 Model setup and socially optimal outcomes The baseline model consists of an infinitely repeated game that has three player types, namely firms, CRAs and banks. All players in this economy, also in later extensions are risk-neutral and all model parameters are known by all players. Moreover, at time t, the complete history of all actions and realizations, denoted by Ft−1 is observed by all players. Below I describe the players and their actions, a time line of each iteration of the game as well as a more detailed description of each stage of the game. As mentioned before, the game has three player types, issuers, banks and CRAs . First, there are infinitely many issuers. Each issuer j lives for one period, has an initial endowment β0 < 1 and has a project for which an investment of 2 units of capital is needed in order to be undertaken. The project has a quality qj ∈ {G, B}, where P (qj = G) = θ. Hence, θ measures market-wide average credit quality. If qj = G the project has a payoff R > 2, while if qj = B, it has a payoff of zero. Unconditionally, the project has a negative NPV, that is θR < 2. As in Mathis et al. (2009), the issuer does not know the quality of its own project. Moreover, 8 See See, for example, the response by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) on 9 8 the CEO of the issuer makes decisions, owns a fraction of the issuer and has a private benefit γ ≥ (2 + β0 ) of operating the issuer. This setup is equivalent to a more tractable one where the issuer has a private benefit β > 2 + β0 of undertaking the project and β = γ . For tractability reasons, I assume that the magnitude of and γ are negligibly small in the decision making processes for each type of player, except for the CEO of each issuer. After rating fees have been paid, the residual endowment is paid out to the shareholders as a dividend, such that it cannot be seized in case a issuer defaults. Each CEO maximizes his own utility. Second, there are N identical infinitely lived CRAs. Each CRA c can exert effort ec to obtain a signal sj,c ∈ {G, B} about issuer j, such that P (sj,c = G|qj = G) = 1 and P (sj,c = B|qj = B) = ec . That is, a good project is always correctly identified, but a bad project is only identified correctly with probability ec . Hereafter the CRA can issue a rating rj,c ∈ {G, B}. The CRAs have a marginal effort cost cc > 0. Each CRA discounts future payoffs with a discount factor δ ∈ (0, 1) and maximizes the present value of its contemporaneous and future expected cash flows. Finally, there are infinitely many banks that each live for one period. Each bank b has one unit of investable capital that can only be invested in one project. The amount of bank funds available for lending exceeds the amount needed to fund all projects such that banks compete and there is no shortage of capital. Each bank maximizes its own expected profit. Each stage t of the game then proceeds as follows. 1. Short-lived players are added and everyone observes Ft−1 2. Each CRA c quotes a rating fee fc and determines effort plans ec 3. All banks make a blacklist Zb and quote interest rates ιxb conditional on a rating rc = G from a CRA not on the blacklist 4. issuers select raters and banks conditional on G ratings. 5. Ratings are produced and issued, rating fees are paid and residual endowment is paid out, loans are granted and investments are made 6. Projects are realized, interest is paid, performance is observed 7. Start period t + 1 In stage 2 CRAs, publicly quote rating fees fc conditional on their information set FtC = {Ft−1 , ē}. As in for example Bolton et al. (2012), a CRA c is only paid 9 a fee upon issuing a public rating rj,c = G. Each CRA also plans to exert effort ec to obtain a signal sj,c and given this signal issue a rating rj,c for each issuer j that selects CRA c. In stage 3, conditional on the information set FtB = {FtC , fc ∀ c} each bank selects and announces the set Zb of CRAs it bans and quotes an interest rate ιcb at which it commits to fund one project with a rating rc = G, where c ∈ / Zb . In stage 4, each issuer selects one single CRA and two banks conditional on the C information set FtF = {FtB , ιcb , Zb ∀ b, c}. That is, each issuer j chooses Ij,c , ∈ {0, 1} P P P B B C B = 0 ∀ (j, b). = 2 and c∈Zb Ij,c,b = 1, c,b Ij,c,b ∈ {0, 1} such that c Ij,c and Ij,c,b 2.1 First best outcome In this section, I derive the first best outcome, that is, the outcome that a social planner would choose if he could control actions of all market participants perfectly. In the model, social welfare is created by implementing projects of quality G. Social welfare is destroyed by defaults and rating effort exerted. Naturally, the first best outcome is dependent on parameter values. Typically, if rating costs are relatively low, producing the ratings causes little social welfare loss and the social planner would let the most efficient party (the CRA) produce ratings with the highest possible accuracy, and thereafter will mandate (riskless) investment in all G rated projects as is shown below. Proposition 1. If cc ≤ 2(1 − θ) and cc ≤ θ(R − 2), the first best outcome generates a social welfare of θ(R − 2) − cc and is attained by letting CRAs rate all debt with effort ec = 1 and invest in all projects with rj,c = G, irrespective of whether banks can perform ratings or not. If those conditions are not satisfied, ”no action” is socially optimal. Proof. See Appendix. Typically, only situations in which investment has the potential to generate value are worthwhile analyzing. Therefore, for the rest of the paper, I assume that cc ≤ 2(1 − θ) and cc ≤ θ(R − 2), such that social welfare can possibly be improved upon by public credit assessment. 10 3 Baseline model equilibria In the rest of the paper, I will explore equilibria under different market organizations. However, before doing so, I will first define the type of equilibria I will look at. 3.1 Equilibrium definition Because the game is strategic in nature, I will look at Nash equilibria. More specifically, I will look for equilibria that do not differ from one period to the other, in other words, that are steady state, that are sub-game perfect and that are sequentially rational. The requirement for sequential rationality is similar to assuming rational investors in asset pricing studies. More concretely, I start with a belief set ζ for all players in the market. To simplify notation, I define êc as the belief about ec under the belief set ζ. Given this belief set and the respective information sets, I derive optimal strategies for each player. If these strategies generate the belief set I started with, I have a sequentially rational equilibrium. As I study an infinitely repeated game, I search for steady state equilibrium strategies, such that the equilibria can be characterized by a set of strategies and beliefs over one stage game. The sub-game perfect requirement is to avoid equilibria involving threats that are not credible. In the process of exploring equilibria, I will as much as possible try to derive general results that hold broadly and build towards more specific equilibria. To establish a benchmark to compare the alternative business models to, I first explore a base case equilibrium. 3.2 Base case In this section, I derive a strategic equilibrium in which banks, issuers and CRAs optimize their value over their possible strategies and show that in this case, social welfare is negative. In other words, if issuers want the ’wrong things’, financial intermediation destroys more value than it creates. Throughout the paper, I will try to give the intuition before stating the formal result. Given the belief set beliefs ζ, banks need to set interest rates ιcb and decide which CRAs to distrust (i.e., put on the blacklist Zb ). Because banks have a short-term horizon, are identical and operate in a market without transaction costs and entry barriers, they compete and employ identical strategies. Proposition 2. In any sequentially rational steady state equilibrium with investment 11 and a given a common belief set ζ, banks set identical blacklists and set interest rates ιcb = (1 − θ)(1 − êc ) . θ (1) Proof. See appendix. Banks will set interest rates and distrust CRAs in such a way that they at least expect to break even. That is, given êc and conditional on a rating rj,c = G their expected interest payments should at least compensate their expected losses: ιcb ≥ (1 − θ)(1 − êc ) . θ (2) In equilibrium, the actions should generate the belief set. Banks will only invest if there is enough pledgable income from projects with qj = G to make up for losses incurred on projects with qj = B. This pledgeability constraint leads to a minimum sustainable rating effort level in any equilibrium with investment (also in later extensions of the model): Proposition 3. In any sequentially rational steady state equilibrium with invest, which is ment, the minimum equilibrium effort level e∗ is given by e∗ = 1−0.5Rθ 1−θ strictly between zero and one. Proof. See appendix. Banks need to take a stand on how to handle CRAs not living up to their expectations. In principle, for banks the effort level exerted by a CRA does not matter as long as it exceeds e∗ and is expected ex-ante. Banks will adjust their quoted interest rates and break even. Thus, banks take the equilibrium effort ec that results from bargaining between the CRA and the issuers as the expected effort level. However, it is very likely that issuers and CRAs would prefer ec < e∗ . In this case, investment for banks would not be profitable as pledgable income would not be high enough to compensate expected default losses. However, as the CRA is long lived and ec is ex-post verifiable, a breakdown of credit markets can be prevented. Banks can take the strategy to boycott a CRA if it ever exerted ec < e∗ , leading to a reputational concern for the CRA10 . This punishment threat can overcome the In principle, any punishment-trigger larger or equal than e∗ would yield the desired type of equilibria, but those may be fragile, as conditional on many banks boycotting, a small fraction of 10 12 commitment problem on the CRA’s side as will be described below.11 CRAs are long-lived and identical. As such, they compete for business and are sensitive to losing future business. In particular, they optimize their total value: Vc,u (FtC , ζ) = X Ij,c ((θ + (1 − θ)(1 − ec ))fc − cc ec ) + δE(Vc (FtC , ζ)). (3) j Equivalently, we can divide this expression by the total size of the debt market to get Vc (FtC , ζ) = M Sc ((θ + (1 − θ)(1 − ec ))fc − cc ec ) + δE(Vc (FtC , ζ)). (4) where Vc (FtC , ζ) is the scaled version of Vc,u (FtC , ζ) and M Sc is the market share of CRA c. As CRAs, banks and issuers are homogeneous, there are no scale (dis)advantages and CRAs have infinite capacity, preferences of CRAs over actions are uniform and thus optimal CRA strategies are identical and we have that in equilibrium M Sc = N1 . Moreover, if N > 1, competition among CRAs makes sure that {ec , fc } are chosen such that Vj (FtF , ζ) is maximized while satisfying the pledgability and incentive-compatilbility (described below) constraints. issuers maximize the expected payoff after interest payments and redemptions, corrected for the rating fees spent and their private benefit. Thus, under a belief of effort levels êc exerted by the CRAs, the value of issuer j is given by Vj (FtF , ζ) = (β − X C fx Ij,x )(θ + (1 − êc )(1 − θ)) + θ(R − 2 − x X B ιxb Ij,x,b ), (5) (x,b) where X B C Ij,x,b = 2Ij,x ∀x (6) (b) X C Ij,x = 1. (7) x The first part of (5) gives the expected value of private benefits and fees due, i.e. banks (at least two) may find it profitable to accept ratings with a lower punishment trigger. With the punishment-trigger equal to e∗ , this is not possible anymore. Moreover, the issuers’ preferences for high rather than accurate ratings lead to additional pressure towards e∗ . 11 Note that there are either infinitely many ways to punish the CRA effectively or none, by varying the time period over which the boycott is implemented. I only look at the permanent ”grimm-trigger” version of this strategy as this maximizes the incentive for the CRA to deliver at least the minimum required effort level e∗ . 13 the probability of rj,x = G, multiplied with the payoff (private benefit minus the rating fee due). The second part consists of the the expected value of net profits, i.e. the probability of undertaking a project of quality qj = G multiplied with the payoff of that scenario (gross profit minus interest payments). Each issuer optimizes B C . Substituting (1) into (5) and using the fact that CRAs and Ij,x,b Vj (FtF , ζ) over Ij,x have identical optimal strategies, the issuer’s value function in equilibrium can be written as (1 − θ)(1 − êc ) F Vj (Ft , ζ) = (β − fc )(θ + (1 − êc )(1 − θ)) − fc + θ R − 2 − 2 . θ (8) Given fc , this value function is again linear in êc with a negative coefficient on êc , as β > 2 + β0 . Thus, issuers will prefer uninformative (but high) ratings.12 Now we know the demand of the issuers and the value function of the CRAs, we can fully characterize an equilibrium. Proposition 4. The following strategies and the belief set generated by those constitute an equilibrium: 1. CRA c is added to the blacklist Zb by every bank b if it ever exerted an effort level ec lower than e∗ or has quoted an incentive incompatible fee this stage game 2. Every bank b is willing to fund issuer j with a rating rj,c = G from any CRA c not the the blacklist Zb with an interest rate ιcb = ι∗ = (1 − θ)(1 − e∗ ) θ (9) 3. Every issuer j selects the CRA c and two banks b1 , b2 such that c ∈ / Zb1 ∪ Zb2 and it minimizes the combined interest and fee costs (θ + (1 − e∗ )(1 − θ))fc + θ(ιcb1 + ιcb2 ) (10) 4. Every CRA c exerts effort ec = 0 for a fee fc = β0 if it has ever exerted effort 12 Typically, in equilibrium fc < β0 , such that the bound on β can be tighter. Moreover, as will be shown later, fc is typically increasing in ec , leading to an even stronger pressure to demand (low-quality) ratings that always equal G. 14 ec < e∗ and otherwise exerts effort ec = e∗ for a fee 1 f ∗ = c e∗ (1 + A) if N > 1 c (1−(1−θ)e∗ (1+A)) fc = β if N = 1 (11) 0 where A = (δ −1 −1) . δ The equilibrium with investment is only feasible if f ∗ ≤ β0 . Proof. See appendix. In order to commit to exert effort, the incentive compatibility constraint (θ + (1 − θ)(1 − e∗ ))fc − cc e∗ ((1 − θ)fc + cc )e ≤ δ δ −1 − 1 ∗ (12) for CRAs should be satisfied. As can be seen from this constraint, effort will only be exerted if fc is high enough, in other words, if there are future rents to the CRA that can be lost. The equilibrium rating fees depend on the competitive setting. Under competition, each CRAs gets the minimum rents that still ensure incentive compatibility, while a monopolistic CRA will capture the full initial endowment. From Proposition (4), we see that the minimum incentive compatible rating fee is equal to its production cost plus a markup (1 + A) that is required to achieve 1 to incentive compatibility from the cost-side and another markup (1−(1−θ)e ∗ (1+A)) achieve incentive compatibility from the revenue side. These markups are increasing in discount rate, break-even effort level, unconditional failure probability and ratings production cost. The social welfare in these equilibria is easily calculated and is independent of the competitive structure of the market. As all surplus of good projects is used by the issuer to pay interest to the banks and the banks only use interest payments to break even on their default losses, the social gains of the projects with qj = G are exactly offset by the default losses on projects with qj = B that are still undertaken. Additionally, there is the effort cost for producing ratings which is equal to cc e∗ . Thus, in this case, total social welfare is reduced by cc e∗ and even having no investments would be better from a social welfare point of view. 15 3.3 Stability of base case equilibria The previous analysis shows that competition is an ineffective device to enhance reputation effects in the base case. In this section, I show that competition in interaction with reputation makes equilibria vulnerable to the types of bubbles we have seen in the sub-prime crisis. I also show that a monopolistic setting is much more resilient to such bubbles and bursts. The social welfare in the base case is negative, but anticipated. Yet, the setting with only rational investors prevents the model from generating bubbles and bursts such as seen in the sub-prime crisis. However, it turns out that a minor modification to the model can generate bubbles very easily. To this end, we need to introduce an unanticipated information shock to the CRAs in the model that is not observable by other market participants. In my model, I consider two types of information shocks, namely information about declining future issuance volumes and information on increasing (fundamental) default rates (lower θ). As the main business of CRAs is to do research about default rates and CRAs have a long-term view, it is plausible that CRAs at times have an informational advantage over investors. Both types of information shocks lead to bubbles but the two types differ in resistance to proposed solutions in section 4. The result of either type of friction is that the IC constraint will be violated, resulting in zero effort13 . Interestingly, this problem creates extreme instability under perfect competition, while a monopoly provides some resilience. The reason is that competition makes the IC bind while a monopoly does not (necessarily) do so. I work out the effect of both types of information asymmetry shocks below. Let us work out asymmetric information shocks on future issuance volumes first. We start from beliefs consistent with the base case equilibrium. However, CRAs know that from next period onwards, issuance volume will only be a factor g < 1 of current issuance volume. Proposition 5. Consider the equilibrium described in proposition 4. For N > 1, any private information shock g < 1 to every CRA c will lead to effort ec = 0 with 13 I am assuming that CRAs are unaware of each other having this information. Otherwise, the possibility of becoming a monopolist will give the equilibrium some resistance against this behavior. Yet, because of symmetry of CRAs, the probability of becoming a monopolist will typically be less or equal to 50%. Therefore, the temptation to misbehave will be larger for a competing CRA than for a monopolistic CRA. Therefore, even if CRAs are aware of each other’s informational advantage, bubbles are triggered more easily than in a monopolistic setting. 16 fee fc = f ∗ . For N = 1, ec = 0 with fee fc = β0 will only happen when β0 <cc e∗ (1 + A/g) 1 . (1 − (1 − θ)e∗ (1 + A/g)) (13) Proof. See appendix. For the banks the perceived IC is (12), while in practice, CRAs experience it as ((1 − θ)fc + cc )e∗ ≤ gδ 1 (θ + (1 − θ)(1 − e∗ ))fc − cc e∗ . N δ −1 − 1 (14) As (12) is violated, CRAs either slack or restore incentive compatibility by increasing fees. As increasing fees gives them a competitive disadvantage, they slack. Interestingly enough, conditional on slacking, CRAs cannot compete further on fees, as that would drive down fees below the incentive compatible level prescribed by (11) and deny investment.14 Thus, we see more high ratings. Since a higher fraction of applications gets a good rating, issuance volume goes up and profit margins for CRAs are unprecedentedly high 15 , as costs are extremely low (due to zero effort) and fees are high. After this period, higher downgrade/default frequencies are observed. Loss rates are higher than foreseen by investors, leading to severe losses on their investments. This is exactly the pattern described by Griffin and Tang (2011) and Rösch and Scheule (2010). Proposition 5 also shows that the only industry setup with CRAs that could have prevented this collapse from happening is a CRA monopoly and only for a sufficiently large initial endowment level β0 . In case N = 1, the CRA will not face any competitive pressure, so fc = β0 . Therefore, the perceived IC (12) does not bind. As long as β0 ≥ cc e∗ (1 + A/g) 1 , (1 − (1 − θ)e∗ (1 + A/g)) (15) (12) is still satisfied and effort ec = e∗ is still exerted. Thus, more competition among CRAs would leads to worse rather than to better outcomes. Note that this result corroborates other findings in earlier literature (e.g. Bolton et al. (2012) and 14 In other words, financiers would not believe incentive compatibility anymore. For example, Moody’s reported quarterly net profit margins rose sharply from below 25% in December 2003 to 47.2% in December 2006 and still a handsome 40% in June 2007. By December 2007, it had fallen to 25% and continued to do so to 20.1% by the end of 2009. 15 17 Becker and Milbourn (2011)) and invalidates recent calls from politicians for more competition among CRAs. Besides private information shocks about future issuance volumes, also private information shocks about average credit quality in the market can cause instability of (competitive) equilibria. Let us now assume that CRAs receive a the private information shock that the fraction of type G issuers is kθ instead of θ, with k ∈ (0, 1). This leads again to a violation of the IC constraint. The IC perceived by the banks is again (12), while in practice, CRAs experience it as ((1 − kθ)fc + cc )e∗ ≤ δ 1 (kθ + (1 − kθ)(1 − e∗ ))fc − cc e∗ . N δ −1 − 1 (16) By the same logic as before, competition among CRAs leads to a bubble, while a monopolistic CRA will maintain accuracy and effort e∗ as long as β0 ≥ cc e∗ (1 + A) 1 . (1 − (1 − kθ)e∗ (1 + A)) (17) Thus, the rating patterns observed recently in the market are consistent with CRAs abusing private information on market-wide trends. The analysis above shows that equilibria in a competitive setting are extremely fragile and can experience bubbles even with small informational advantages of CRAs, while a monopolistic setting has some resiliency. 4 Equilibria under mandatory co-investments The low accuracy levels in the base case equilibria result from a combination of perverse incentives for both CRAs and debt-issuers. The fact that only reputational concerns are used to discipline CRAs, leads to the fragility described in the previous section, in particular in competitive settings. While it may be hard to fix incentive problems on the issuers’ side, several suggestions have come up to fix the incentive problems on the CRAs’ side. One suggestion is to to give CRAs more skin-in-thegame, for example by having their fees paid in bonds they rated themselves. In the remainder of this section, I will explore the equilibrium implications for these suggested solutions and quantify the expected welfare improvements. 18 4.1 CRA co-investments The first suggested solution I will explore is requiring co-investments from CRAs. While the first amendment is a strong argument for CRAs against any litigation concerning liability for ratings they issued, a required co-investment for high (say investment grade) ratings will have a similar effect on CRA incentives, as in both cases low ratings accuracy leads to losses for the CRA. In this subsection, I show in a monopolistic setting, the first best outcome can be attained with certainty, while it is only one of the possible outcomes in a competitive setting. The reason for this is that in a competitive setting, issuers can enforce low effort by rating shopping, while the threat of boycotting the CRA in case of a monopoly is not credible. Moreover, I show that mandatory co-investments can make equilibria robust against private information on future issuance volumes, as it can render reputational concerns irrelevant. On the other hand, sensitivity to asymmetric information on aggregate default rates is still there, but cannot lead to bubbles anymore. In this section, I force long-lived CRAs to take on some co-investment in an attempt to discipline CRAs. In particular, I assume that a co-investment of ψj,c ≤ 1 must be made upon issuing a rating rj,c = G. An effort level ec = 1, corresponding to the first best outcome, can only be achieved if a CRA has a sufficiently large co-investment that leads to contemporaneously well aligned incentives. If we have a monopolistic CRA, it cannot commit to slack, even with high fees and will always exert the highest possible effort for a sufficiently high ψj,c . As issuers have no alternative for the CRA, there is no credible disciplining strategy possible from the issuer’s side. Proposition 6. In an economy with a monopolistic CRA c that is required to make a co-investment ψj,c in issuer j upon issuing a rating rj,c = G, any equilibrium with cc + β0 and β0 > cθc . investment must have ec = 1 if ψj,c > 1−θ Proof. See appendix. In a monopolistic setting with co-investment, reputational concerns play no role, cc which makes the condition ψj,c > 1−θ + β0 a sufficient condition to have ec = 1 in equilibrium (besides some regularity conditions that have been mentioned before). This is not necessarily the case in a competitive setting. Absent any pressure from issuers on the CRAs, the co-investments align CRA incentives with social welfare. Competition among CRAs then drives the rating fee down to expected production costs, as no rents are required to induce proper behavior. However, issuers prefer low 19 effort on the CRA’s behalf and can engage in a (grim-)trigger strategies to punish CRA that previously exerted high effort. This mechanism may even be at work when (1−θ)(ψj,c −fc ) > cc , which at first glance may be surprising. Crucial to realize here is that in the current period, we condition on ιcb , such that in the value function, current period profits are increasing in the long term effort level ec chosen, while for future periods, a low expected effort level translates into a higher interest rate. This prevents losses from showing up in the future cash flow part of the CRA value function. Moreover, future excess profits may even cross-subsidize contemporaneous losses for CRAs, leading to captive equilibria. However, in a captive equilibrium, CRAs that have co-investments need future rents in order to be willing to suffer contemporaneous losses. This leads to higher rating fees than in the equilibrium without ’pushy’ issuers. Additionally, lower effort induces higher interest rates, because banks still need to break even. Therefore, issuers trade off higher private benefits against higher interest rates and rating fees. As a consequence, certain conditions need to be satisfied for a captive equilibrium to exist. Below, I will give an example of such an equilibrium. The equilibrium described here is not the only possible captive equilibrium. The purpose is merely to show that captive equilibria can exist. Proposition 7. Given N ≥ 4, a required co-investment ψj,c upon issuing a rating rj,c = G, and the existence of a pair (f˜, ẽ) satisfying the following conditions ẽ = arg max (1 − θ)(1 − e)β − ∗ e [e ,1] cc (1 − θ)(1 − e) − f˜ + θ θ (18) subject to ẽ < 1, (19) cc Vj (ẽ, f˜) ≥ Vj (1, ), θ ((1 + A−1 + 1)cc − ψj,c (1 − θ))ẽ + (1 − θ)ψj,c − cc f˜ = (A−1 + 1)(1 − (1 − θ)ẽ) − θ cc ẽ f˜ ≥ θ + (1 − θ)(1 − ẽ) cc f˜ ≤ min(β0 , ψj,c ), 1−θ (20) (21) (22) (23) at each iteration t, the following set of strategies with the beliefs ζ̃ they generate constitute an equilibrium: 20 1. Each bank b offers a loan to each issuer j with rj,c = G, with interest rate ( ιcb = (1−θ)(1−ẽ) θ 0 if CRA c has always exerted effort ec = ẽ and Mt ≥ 2, otherwise, (24) and offers no funding otherwise. 2. Each CRA c exerts effort ec = ẽ for a fee fc = f˜ if it has always exerted effort ec = ẽ and Mt ≥ 2, and exerts ec = 1 for a fee fc = cθc otherwise, 3. Every issuer j selects the CRA c that quotes the lowest fee fc > f˜ that has only exerted effort ec ≤ ẽ in the past if Mt ≥ 2 and Vj (FtF , ζ̃, ẽ, fc ) ≥ Vj (FtF , ζ̃, 1, fs )∀s ∈ / Yt , and selects the CRA c that quotes the lowest fee fc otherwise, where any CRA c ∈ Yτ −1 is avoided if possible. where Yt denotes the set of Mt CRAs that have always exerted effort ẽ till iteration t and τ is the first iteration in which Mt < 2. Proof. See appendix. Thus, competition combined with reputational effects and rating shopping behavior can still induce CRAs to slack, even if they have aligned incentives due to co-investments. The prospect of the rents that are required for incentive compatibility will induce CRAs to accommodate such an outcome as much as possible.16 Concluding, with required co-investments that are sufficiently large, the first best outcome can be guaranteed in a monopolistic setting. In a competitive setting, captive equilibria may be possible that lead to socially sub-optimal outcomes. 4.2 Equilibrium stability with co-investments In subsection 3.3, I showed how the dependence on reputation to achieve incentive compatibility can lead fragility of equilibria, in particular with competing CRAs. In this sub-section, I explore whether and to which extent mandatory co-investments can reduce this fragility or mitigate the negative effects of it. Co-investments can increase stability because they reduce the contemporaneous benefits of low effort. For example, for a monopolistic CRA with co-investments, E.g., CRAs may signal they plan to end up in this type of equilibrium by quoting a fee f˜c and thereby facilitate coordination on such an equilibrium. 16 21 an information shock about future issuance volumes will be completely irrelevant as contemporaneous incentives make sure that maximal effort will be exerted. With respect to information shocks about θ, depending on the size of the co-investment, a monopolistic CRA c can be induced to deviate from ec = 1. However, it will most likely have some rents to be captured in the future and therefore exert effort e∗ to ensure future business. With mandatory co-investments, a competing CRA c in a first-best equilibrium will, after a private information shock about θ, be even less likely to exert effort ec < 1 compared to a monopolistic CRA. The reason is that fc for a competing CRA c is lower. Therefore, the benefit of getting fc in case of shirking is lower. However, in case of a sufficiently large information shock to θ, a competing CRA c has no or hardly any future rents to capture (due to the low fc ) and will most likely exert effort ec = 0. In case of a captive equilibrium in a setting with co-investments, a similar type of fragility as described in section 3.3 plays up. However, this time, fragility reduces the probability of socially sub-optimal outcomes. Because of this fragility, a small information shock can induce a deviation from perverse incentive compatibility and thereby trigger CRAs to exert ec = 1. So in case of a captive equilibrium, there is fragility such that information shocks can push CRAs from a captive towards a first-best equilibrium. 5 Investor-produced ratings Politicians have repeatedly made statements that CRAs have become too powerful and that the world needs to get used to living without CRAs. Yet, anecdotal evidence such as the aforementioned opposition to the SEC proposal to remove regulatory references to CRAs indicate that such measures may lead to under-investment. Yet, the previous analysis on the effects of co-investments indicates that the idea of letting end-users should also produce the credit assessments is not unreasonable as it aligns incentives much better. Therefore, in this subsection, I analyze what happens if banks are allowed to issue ratings for the loans that they fund. As banks have the technology available to perform ratings, this idea is not unrealistic. If banks are efficient enough in producing credit assessments, they may even crowd out CRAs. Moreover, in the presence of a regulator, they can serve as an alternative to CRAs and thereby overcome limits to regulatory power. 22 5.1 Without a regulator Now we add banks that can also produce a rating for a fee fb using the same technology as a CRA. As for CRAs, a bank b is only paid a rating fee fb conditional on producing a rating rj,b = G. 17 However, they are less efficient in producing ratings as is indicated by their higher marginal effort cost cb > cc . Additionally, they are required to make a co-investment of 1 unit of capital if they issue a rating rj,b = G. If rating production costs for banks are sufficiently low, the skin-in-thegame leads to bank ratings that are always fully accurate when they are observed. Banks offer quotes for rating fees and make effort plans at the same time as CRAs and produce ratings at the same time too. Proposition 8. In any equilibrium in which banks issue ratings, every bank b that conducts a rating exert effort eb = 1. These equilibria can only arise when cb ≤ θ(1 − θ)(R − 1). For every bank b that conducts a rating, the rating fee fb and interest rate ιbb on the co-investment satisfy θ(ιbb + fb ) = cb in equilibrium. Proof. See appendix. Note that in an equilibrium with bank ratings, issuers only care about θ(ιb + fb ) and not about the individual components. Therefore, without loss of generality, I can continue my equilibrium analysis for the other players under the assumption that for any bank b that conducts a rating, ιbb = 0 and fb = cθb if eb = 1. Looking at competitive outcomes, issuers will prefer CRA ratings when Vf (FtF , ζ, e∗ , f ∗ ) ≥ Vf (FtF , ζ, 1, cb /θ) (β − f ∗ )(θ + (1 − e∗ )(1 − θ)) + θ(R − 2 − 2ι∗ ) ≥ βθ − cb /θ + θ(R − 2 − 2 × 0) β(1 − e∗ )(1 − θ)) − (θ + (1 − θ)(1 − e∗ ))fc − θ2ι∗ ≥ −cb /θ, Acc e∗ ∗ − (β − 2)(1 − θ)(1 − e ) ≤ cb . θ 1 − (1 − θ)e∗ (1 + A) (25) Thus, competition from banks may drive CRAs out of business. The reason is that the efficiency advantage of CRAs over banks and the private benefits of lower effort for issuers may not be able to compensate the required fee premium to enforce incentive compatibility from CRAs. Aggregate welfare can then be improved by allowing banks to conduct ratings if in equilibrium, rating production costs for banks 17 If the fee is paid irrespective of the rating issued and not only upon issuing rj,b = G, banks would not exert any effort, always give a rating B and pocket the fee. This behavior results from their short horizons and lack of reputational capital. 23 are lower than the combination of rating production costs for CRAs and expected default losses. This is the case when cb ≤ cc e∗ + 2(1 − θ)(1 − e∗ ). (26) So if the probability of a bad project (1 − θ) is relatively large compared to the CRA rating production cost cc , private benefits for issuers are relatively small, discount rates for CRAs are relatively large and bank rating production costs are relatively small, the mere addition of banks as raters will improve social welfare. It is straightforward to see that social welfare in this setting will equal θ(R − 2) − cb , which may still be negative. 5.2 With a regulator In the previous subsection, we saw that only for a very limited range of parameter values, investor-produced ratings would generate natural demand in the presence of the traditional CRAs. One solution to force investor-produced ratings on the market would be to ban issuer-paid CRAs altogether. This measure however is very drastic and may suffer from other problems beyond the scope of this model, for example relating to independency of ratings. Therefore, one may want to impose a lighter form of regulation, in which traditional CRAs are only banned in case they misbehave. To this end, we need to extend the model setup with an active regulator. Below, I first show that such an active regulator has little power on its own. Thereafter, I will show that the availability of investor-produced ratings as an alternative for CRA ratings can substantially increase regulatory power. As a result, at least the same level of social welfare as with only investor-paid ratings can be achieved, while interfering less with the market. As a result, CRAs will, under a certain range of parameter values, continue to conduct all ratings, but at a higher effort level. 5.2.1 Base case with a regulator In this section, I introduce a regulator that can set a regulatory hurdle and revoke rating licenses in case of CRA misbehavior. We will see that this instrument has only limited usability. The regulator I consider here can revoke CRA licenses if the number of realized defaults exceeds a threshold, which is pre-specified by the regulator himself. The 24 regulator maximizes social welfare. More specifically, the regulator sets sets a hurdle ē ∈ [0, 1] every stage game in between phases 1 and 2. Between stages 6 and 7, the regulator compares the observed ec and eb to ē and decides whether or not to revoke the license of any rater x with ex < ē . The base case equilibrium is worse for the regulator than no investment at all, as social welfare in this equilibrium is negative. A regulator can try to enforce a higher effort level ē > e∗ by punishing a CRA c if it exerts effort ec < ē. It would however be irrational for the regulator to use this tool to shut down all CRAs in case they create social welfare. It would also be irrational for the regulator to put its future threat of revoking licences at risk to achieve a minimal improvement in CRA effort. Thus, because of limited credibility of this threat, sub-game perfect equilibria are required. Using these insights, one can show that only sub-game perfect steady state equilibria are possible that yield zero social welfare. Because in these equilibria the regulator is always indifferent between revoking all licenses and allowing all CRAs to continue, these equilibria are weak form. Proposition 9. Let us assume that 1 , (1 − (1 − θ)e∗∗ (1 + A)) (27) 2 − θR . 2(1 − θ) − cc (28) β0 ≥ cc e∗∗ (1 + A) where e∗∗ = For any N , there is a sub-game perfect (weak form) steady state equilibrium characterized by the following strategies and the belief set those strategies generate: 1. CRA c is added to the blacklist Zb by every bank b if it ever exerted an effort level ec lower than e∗ or has quoted an incentive incompatible fee this stage game 2. Every bank b is willing to fund issuer j with a rating rj,c = G from any CRA c not the the blacklist Zb with an interest rate ιcb ∗∗ =ι (1 − θ)(1 − e∗∗ ) = θ (29) 3. Every issuer j selects the CRA c and two banks b1 , b2 such that c ∈ / Zb1 ∪ Zb2 25 and it minimizes the combined interest and fee costs (θ + (1 − e∗∗ )(1 − θ))fc + θ(ιcb1 + ιcb2 ) (30) 4. Every CRA c exerts effort ec = 0 for a fee fc = β0 if it has ever exerted effort ec < e∗ and otherwise exerts effort ec = e∗∗ for a fee 1 c e∗∗ (1 + A) if N > 1 c (1−(1−θ)e∗∗ (1+A)) fc = β if N = 1 (31) 0 5. Every period, the regulator sets the regulatory threshold ē = e∗∗ and always enforces that. These equilibria yield zero social welfare irrespective of N . Any out-of-equilibrium behavior by a single CRA in a single period is followed by a similar steady state equilibrium in the next period, possibly with a lower N . Proof. See appendix. Proposition 9 quantifies the welfare that a regulator can enforce in equilibria that are long-run consistent. While results from such equilibria typically provide guidance for fundamental economic structures, they may be limiting in a sense that using non-steady state strategies may be able to enforce strictly higher social welfare. For example, if N = 1, the maximum effort a regulator can achieve in equilibrium is ec = 1 in exactly one period and e∗∗ in all others.18 However, equilibria in which every sub-game is a steady state equilibrium yield in zero social welfare. 5.2.2 Investor-produced ratings as an alternative When banks can issue ratings, the regulator may have a more credible threat to revoke CRA licenses. Now the welfare losses in case all CRA licenses are revoked merely boil down to the production costs cb for bank ratings instead of losing θ(R−2) due to under-investment. 18 An effort level ē > e∗∗ cannot be achievable in more than one period as the value that will be created in the last compliant period makes the threat to revoke a license in any earlier period not credible. Exploring the maximum achievable welfare when N > 1 requires the specification of a discount factor for the regulator, as not only steady state strategies will be involved. Such an exploration will be included in a future version of this paper. 26 Thus, with the threat to leave all the rating business to the banks, the regulator can enforce an effort level e∗∗∗ ≥ e∗∗ from the CRAs. Proposition 10. If banks can issue ratings, a regulator can enforce a minimum 2(1−θ)−cb in any equilibrium with investment. effort level e∗∗∗ = 2(1−θ)−c c Proof. See appendix. To see whether CRAs will get perform all ratings in equilibrium or whether banks will take over, we have to fill in (11) to get the incentive compatible rating fee and see whether issuers prefer CRAs or banks. 5.3 Stability Competition from bank-produced ratings19 will naturally remove any equilibrium fragility if banks completely take over the rating business. If banks conduct the ratings in equilibrium, there are no conflicts of interest and maximal effort is always exerted. This scenario is however unlikely, as banks will crowd out CRAs only for a very limited range of parameter values. When CRAs produce the ratings in equilibrium, competition from bank-produced ratings will also reduce fragility problems when the number of CRAs compete, i.e. when N > 1. In this case, the incentive compatibility constraint for CRAs still binds and bubbles and burst may arise. Yet, without bank-produced ratings, no investment takes place anymore after a bubble. With the availability of bank-produced ratings, continued credit availability is ensured, which after a burst prevents bad social outcomes due to underinvestment. The story is more subtle when N = 1. As with N > 1, bank-produced ratings still ensure the continuation of credit availability. Yet, at the same time, the competition from bank-produced ratings will put downward pressure on fees and upward pressure (through the regulator) on effort to be exerted by the CRA. Therefore, future rents are reduced and the incentive compatibility constraint tightens, thereby increasing fragility. 6 The Use of Investor-Paid Ratings One often proposed solution to poorly performing CRAs is to instate more investorpaid CRAs. Interestingly, this was the general business model before the ’70s, 19 or rather the threat of entry 27 basically until copiers became too cheap. Indeed, after the sub-prime crisis, there have been investor-paid CRAs entering the market (e.g. Rapid Ratings) and some of them even obtained an NRSRO qualification (Kroll, Egan-Jones). The fact that those CRAs are investor-paid is often used as an argument why their ratings should be more independent and more accurate than issuer-paid ratings. Yet, as I show below, both issuers and existing issuer-paid CRAs may put up barriers that prevent investor-paid CRAs from entering the market and make it impossible for investorpaid CRAs to survive in the long run. To assess the competitive strength of investor-paid CRAs within the framework of this paper, I investigate two extensions of the model in which investor-paid CRAs compete head-on with issuer-paid CRAs. Under mechanism 1, there are M ≥ 1 investor-paid CRAs in addition to N issuer paid CRAs that function exactly the same way as issuer-paid CRAs, except for the fact that they are selected by the banks rather than the issuers (the issuer will still pay for the rating). More concretely, in phase 4 of each stage game, each investor j can choose not to select a CRA and instead make an application with a bank that will select a CRA. The issuer is obliged pay the rating fee of the selected CRA. Under mechanism 2, there are also M ≥ 1 investor-paid CRAs in addition to N issuer paid CRAs that have access to the same technology at the same cost as the other CRAs. In phase 2 of every stage game, every investor-paid CRA m rates all issues with effort em and makes offers to sell ratings to investors for a fee fm /MˆS(m) before interest rate quotes rate issued, where MˆS(m) is the expected market share of CRA m. Banks can decide between phases 2 and 3 to purchase investor-paid ratings and become a subscriber-bank. Subscriber-banks pass through the rating fees paid with a transaction fee that is paid from the initial endowment β0 . This transaction fee is quoted along with the interest rates in phase 3. Under mechanism 3, only investor-paid CRAs are allowed, but there is a freeriding problem. Basically, the model-setup is as under mechanism 2, but N is set to zero. Moreover, for each issuer, all non-subscriber banks learn the rating without paying for it, with probability φ. I work out the equilibria under those three mechanisms below. However, before doing so, I need to make one change to the basic setup to prevent spurious conclusions about business models. This change is motivated first. 28 6.1 Payment schedules for CRAs The assumption of payment conditional on a rating rx,j = G has been maintained throughout the paper, to level the playing-field for issuer-paid CRAs and ratingproducing investors. Investors that only live for one period would otherwise have no incentive to ever give out a low rating. However, for investor-paid CRAs, the assumption of receiving a fee conditional on a high rating may be less realistic. Therefore, in this section I will impose a payment system such that investor- and issuer-paid CRAs get paid for a rating irrespective of the outcome. This change is rather innocent as it only changes the exact numbers of the incentive compatibility constraint, but does not make it redundant. In other words, the base case results are qualitatively similar to those obtained without conditional fee payments. The main reason for imposing this change in structure is that flat fees are more realistic for investor-paid CRAs and I want to prevent attributing the effect of different fee structures to different business models. 6.2 Equilibria with investor-paid CRAs Under mechanism 1, issuers still prefer high over accurate ratings and banks can commit to not use investor-paid CRAs, for example by quoting negative interest rates.20 Therefore, issuers can push banks to avoid investor-paid CRAs if the expectation is that investor-paid CRAs exert more effort than issuer-paid ones. Banks would not select investor-paid CRAs if they believe those CRAs would exert lower effort than e∗ because of the pledgability constraint. Therefore, the only way in which investor-paid CRAs would get any business is to behave exactly the same way as issuer-paid CRAs. Proposition 11. Under mechanism 1 and N > 1, an investor-paid CRA m will in equilibrium act exactly the same as an issuer-paid CRA in a setting with N + M competing issuer-paid CRAs or have no business at all. Proof. See appendix. Mechanism 1 shows that the mere fact that the investor is the one hiring an investor-paid CRA is insufficient to make it behave well. Yet, the simple structure sketched here is far away from reality. Investor-paid CRAs typically rate all, or at 20 Banks could commit to a negative interest rate for a G rating from an investor-paid CRA. This would clearly make it sub-optimal for the bank to use that CRA’s ratings. 29 least very many securities without specifically being asked to do so. Mechanism 2 models that situation and is therefor a lot more realistic (it conforms to the business model of for example Kroll bond ratings). On first glance, it looks like a business model that could survive and even drive traditional CRAs out of business. However, we will see that in the long run, it will be hard to sustain such a business model and except for very specific parameter values, one would not expect such a CRA to survive in a long-term steady state equilibrium. The intuition for this is as follows. Under mechanism 2, subscribers could signal to issuers that they have a positive signal about the issue by their quote setting, thereby triggering positive selection. As a result, any of the non-subscribers would suffer from a winner’s curse and be presented with a negative selection of low quality firms. However, an issuerpaid monopolistic CRA would react by increasing effort for solicited ratings and match the effort level of the investor-paid rating, while lowering the fee below the investor-paid fee. This would drive the investor-paid CRA out of business. In the case of competing CRAs this is also possible, but only to the extent that higher effort than e∗ can be committed to. If competing CRAs cannot deter entry, then one possibility is that all but one of them should go out of business leading to the situation where N = 1 and the investor-paid CRA would be unable to survive. One might suspect that under some conditions, equilibria can be found in which both issuer-paid and investor-paid CRAs have some market share. Below, I show that such conditions cannot be satisfied. The simple reason is that if such an equilibrium existed, under the equilibrium beliefs, for each of the issuer-paid CRAs, it would be optimal to try and capture the whole market by lowering fees. This attempt would be incentive compatible, because in the next period the aggressive CRA would become a monopolist. Finally, in addition to the equilibria described above, there are also the ’trivial’ equilibria where there is no confidence at all in investor-paid (issuerpaid) without any strategic behavior of the issuer-paid (investor-paid) CRAs and that therefore, for investor-paid (issuer-paid) CRAs it is optimal to never exert any effort. Proposition 12. If N = 1, the issuer-paid CRA can perfectly prevent entry from investor-paid CRAs. Proof. See appendix. Proposition13. If N > 1, issuer-paid CRAs can prevent the entry of an investorcc A(1+A−1 ) β0 paid CRA if 1 − 2(1−θ) min cc A(1+A−1 ) , 1 < e∗ . 30 Proof. See appendix. Proposition 14. An equilibrium with both types of CRAs cannot be sustained. Proof. See appendix. Proposition 14 crucially depends on the ability of a CRA to ’strike’ before any of the other CRAs can react. If rating purchase decisions are sticky, for example due to switching costs (which conforms better to reality), issuer-paid CRAs will prevent each other from attempts to capture the whole market by the implicit threat of cut-throat competition in which no issuer-paid CRA will survive. Therefore, if switching costs are high enough, it may not be credible to make an attempt to capture the whole market and an equilibrium with both investor-paid CRAs and issuer-paid CRAs may arise, satisfying the conditions outlined in the proof of proposition 14. Issuer-paid CRAs in such an equilibrium will also need to exert higher effort than in an equilibrium without investor-paid CRAs, but this effort level will be lower than the effort level employed by investor-paid CRAs. Such equilibria are in accordance with the empirical results in Xia (2012). An additional problem for the investor-paid CRAs in such an equilibrium is that they need to charge a fee that is disproportionately high compared to effort exerted, because many ratings they produce are not used in the end. These high fees in the end create a strong incentive for free-riding. The effects of free-riding will be incorporate in the analysis of mechanism 3. Thus, even without taking information-leakage of investor-paid ratings and the resulting free-riding into consideration, issuer-paid CRAs can successfully deter investor-paid CRAs from entering the market or at least obtain significant market share. Policy makers could prevent this from happening by banning issuer-paid CRAs altogether. As also investor-paid CRAs are disciplined by reputation (effort is costly), this mechanism will only work when there are multiple investor-paid CRAs. This is what mechanism 3 aims to achieve. Under mechanism 3, high accuracy could be enforced, but only when leakage and free-riding is sufficiently low. The leakage decreases the ex-ante expected profitability of purchasing ratings by investors. This has to be compensated for with a higher transaction fee in order to make purchasing these ratings worthwhile. If the required transaction fee exceeds the initial endowment β0 , then no ratings are purchased. Thus, at some point competition and accuracy would decrease as the leakage probability relative to the initial endowment β0 decreases, up to the point that the business model is not sustainable anymore. 31 Proposition 15. Under mechanism 3 when M > 2, equilibrium rating effort equals −1 ∗ β0 em = min( A(1+A−1 )M , 1) when φ ≤ 1 − A(1−A β0 )M cc e and no competitive cc (1−φ)−1 equilibrium materializes when φ ≥ 1 − A(1−A−1 )2cc e∗ . β0 Proof. See appendix. In addition to the setting under mechanism 3, there could be situations (outside of the model) such as segmentation under which investor-paid CRAs could attract business, but would not become dominant and most likely would not induce materially higher effort from issuer-paid CRAs. For example, there could be a situation in which investors can be hit by random liquidity shocks inducing them to trade in the secondary market. Because issuers will have less or no influence on the selection of secondary market buyers, there is room for investor-paid ratings. This setting would be consistent with the market segmentation findings reported by Cornaggia and Cornaggia (2011). 7 Conclusion In this paper, I have explored the potential of different business models for CRAs to improve on the status quo with respect to social welfare maximization. Systems of co-investments, investor-produced ratings and investor-paid ratings all have the potential to improve social welfare and equilibrium stability, but each in its own way. The system of mandatory co-investments to be made by CRAs upon issuing high ratings can even lead to first best outcomes in equilibrium. Interestingly, for all of these business models to take hold, a substantial amount of regulatory ’push’ is required. These business models are unlikely to take hold by themselves as if there were an invisible hand leading all agents to socially optimal outcomes. While the model predictions are largely in line with recent observations in the markets for credit ratings and credit risky debt, some concessions in the model have been made, which provides avenues for further research. For example, one could verify how results change if debt issuers have (noisy) information about their own quality, when exerted effort is not perfectly verifiable and when perfect accuracy is not achievable. Finally, one could criticize the lack of internal frictions that banks experience, especially in view of recent events. Therefore, in order to assess whether private party ratings are viable, more theoretical research needs to be done on the incentives banks experience and more empirical research on how these incentives influence internal rating systems. 32 References Bar-Isaac, H. and Shapiro, J. D.: 2010, Ratings quality over the business cycle. Working Paper. Becker, B. and Milbourn, T. T.: 2011, How did increased competition affect credit ratings?, Journal of Financial Economics Forthcoming. Bolton, P., Freixas, X. and Shapiro, J.: 2012, The credit ratings game, Journal of Finance 67(1), 85–111. 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(32) (32) is linear and increasing in ec if 2(1−θ)−cc > 0, in which case it is maximized when ec = 1. Producing ratings and investing in projects with rj,c = G is only socially optimal if this produces positive social welfare, i.e. ∆SW > 0. This is exactly the case when θ(R − 2) − cc . A.2 Proof of proposition 2 Because of the over-supply of capital (which is equivalent to completely free entry), the absence of scale (dis)advantages for any player type, the uniformity of beliefs and the fact that all banks are identical, all issuers are identical and all CRAs are identical, the preference ordering of actions is uniform across banks and across issuers. Therefore, their optimal actions are identical. Moreover, because banks maximize profits, they compete perfectly, which means that they set expected marginal costs equal to marginal benefits. In this setting, expected marginal costs are given by c) and marginal benefits are given by ιcb . This, in expected default losses (1−θ)(1−ê θ combination with ec = êc implied by sequential rationality, leads to 1. A.3 Proof of proposition 3 Assume we are in an equilibrium with investment. From proposition proposition 2, we know that banks compete with each other for investment opportunities and break even, making (2) bind. A loan with an interest rate ιxb will only be offered 35 when conditional on qj = G, ιxb is pledgable. That is, a loan offer is only made when expected profits from a project of quality qj = G are sufficient to pay ιxb : (R − 2) ≥ 2ιb , 0.5θ(R − 2) ≥ (1 − θ)(1 − êc ), 1 − 0.5Rθ ec = êc ≥ e∗ = , 1−θ (33) (34) (35) where the last equality is due to sequential rationality. Because θR < 2 and R > 2, e∗ is always strictly between zero and one. A.4 Proof of proposition 4 Let us start with the belief set ζ generated by the strategies described. Given ζ, every bank b expects a CRA c that has ever exerted effort ec < e∗ to exert effort ec = 0 and therefore, it is optimal to add c to Zb . Given ζ, êc = e∗ for every CRA c that has always exerted effort ec ≥ e∗ and therefore, by proposition 2 ∗) . every bank b quotes ιcb = ι∗ == (1−θ)(1−e θ Given ζ, applying for a combination of banks b1 , b2 and a CRA c such that the CRA is on the blacklist of one of the banks gives a payoff of −fc to issuer j, which is always worse than not applying at all. As êc = e∗ ∀c, the only dimension issuer j can optimize on are the expected costs of the CRA/bank combination. Those are given by (θ + (1 − e∗ )(1 − θ))fc + θ(ιcb1 + ιcb2 ). (36) Given ζ, it is pointless for a CRA c to exert any effort if it has ever exerted effortec < e∗ , as it would be costly and will not affect current income and current or future market share. It is then optimal to quote the maximum possible fee such that profits are maximized if any firm j deviates form the equilibrium strategy. Even if CRA c has always exerted effort ec ≥ e∗ , it is suboptimal to exert effort ec > e∗ , as it is costly and does not affect future or current market share, nor the fee level that will be paid. For a CRA that is boycotted, exerting zero effort for a rating application is optimal as that minimizes contemporary gains while it has no effect on future cash flows under the belief that it will be boycotted for ever. If the CRA has never exerted effort below e∗ , it will not exert more than e∗ as its value and investor demand are decreasing in ec as long as it exceeds e∗ . If exerted effort is lower than e∗ , then the 36 value of future cash flows is equal to zero and it is optimal to set ec = 0 as that maximizes contemporaneous gains. Given the strategy to exert effort e∗ at every period in the future, the CRA contemporaneously exerts ec = e∗ if that is more valuable than exerting ec = 0: Vc (ec = 0) ≤ Vc (ec = e∗ ), ((1 − θ)fc + cc )e∗ ≤ δ A.5 (θ + (1 − θ)(1 − e∗ ))fc − cc e∗ . δ −1 − 1 (37) (38) Proof of proposition 5 Consider the equilibrium belief set ζ from proposition 4 and an information shock g < 1 for all CRAs without being aware that the others also have this information. For the CRAs, the incentive compatibility constraint changes to (14), while under ζ the CRA beliefs that the other players consider it to be given by (12). If N = 1, slacking will not happen as long as (14) is satisfied. In that case, it is still optimal to quote fc = β and exert effort ec = e∗ . Because β is finite, (14) cannot be satisfied if (13) is violated as too little resources on the issuers’ behalf are available for future CRA rents. Therefore, it is optimal in that case for the CRA to quote fc = β and exert effort ec = 0. If N > 1, each CRA expects under ζ that next period when g has been revealed and is public knowledge, the equilibrium rating fee fc = f ∗ as before, as both sides of the IC will be multiplied with g, such that the effect neutralizes. As before, competition makes the IC bind going forward. One possibility to restore incentive compatibility would be to lower fc in the current period. However, under ζ banks will not fund an application with a rating from a CRA that does not quote an incentive compatible fee, such that in the current period, sales and profits will be zero. Moreover, as the IC is violated, the present value of future income is by definition lower than the profit from having regular market share and exerting zero effort. Thus, reducing fees to restore incentive compatibility is suboptimal. Therefore, the optimal CRA strategy in this case is to quote fc = f ∗ and exert effort ec = e∗ . A.6 Proof of proposition 6 The proof consists of showing that i) the value of the CRA increases in ec , irrespective of ιb , ii) that for banks, given the belief ec = 1, investment will be undertaken, iii) 37 that given the belief ec = 1 and the associated interest rate, it is optimal for firms to apply for a rating and funding, and (iv that it is optimal for the CRA to conduct any ratings at all. With the co-investment ψj,c , the value function of the monopolistic CRA changes to Vc = ((θ + (1 − θ)(1 − ec ))fc − cc ec − ψj,c (1 − θ)(1 − ec ) + (1 − θ)ψj,c ιb ) + δE(Vc ), (39) where I is the interest paid on the co-investment and will be set such that in equilibrium the co-investment yields zero profit. As ιb is committed to ex-ante and the effort decision is only made after a rating application, ιb can be conditioned upon. Differentiating (39) with respect to ec , yields ∂V = (1 − θ)(ψj,c − fc ) − cc . ∂ec (40) cc Because the CRA is a monopolist, fc = β0 . If ψj,c > 1−θ + β0 , then substituting ∂V gives that ∂ec > 0, such that it is optimal for the CRA to have ec = 1. So, the co-investment aligns contemporaneous interests of investors and the CRA better, reducing the incentive to slack and reducing the need for an excess profit to achieve incentive compatibility. Because we assumed a sequentially rational steady state equilibrium, banks have the belief that ec = 1. As 1 ≥ e∗ , such an equilibrium is feasible for the banks and by competition they will charge an interest rate ιb = 0. The firms would prefer ec = e∗ < 1 in equilibrium. However, the project can not lead to losses for the firm, only the rating fee fc can. But we have that β > β0 ≥ fc , such that the private benefit of undertaking the project is always larger than the rating fee and under the belief that a firm with a rating of type G is funded, it is always optimal to apply for a rating and funding. The only thing required for this to happen is that for the CRA it is optimal to do any rating business at all. This is only the case if every period profits are positive, i.e., if (θ + (1 − θ)(1 − ec ))fc − cc ec − ψj,c (1 − θ)(1 − ec ) + (1 − θ)ψj,c ιb ≥ 0. Substituting fc = β0 , ec = 1 and ιb = 0 and rewriting gives β0 ≥ cθc . A.7 Proof of proposition 7 In order to have a captive equilibrium, we need to have the following: 38 1. Firms find it worthwhile to pay for lower ratings, i.e., they should prefer some low effort level equal to or exceeding e∗ over high effort, incorporating the required fee markup and the higher interest due 2. Low CRA effort now should be rewarded with high future profits, in other words, ”perverse” incentive compatibility for the CRA should be satisfied 3. Conducting the rating should be profitable for the CRA in each period as we look at a steady state equilibrium 4. The rating fee should be affordable and therefore bounded from above by the initial endowment The existence of a solution to the optimization problem (18) to (23) ensures the preference of firms for some low effort level, which should exceed e∗ as otherwise no equilibrium with investment is possible (by proposition 3). Given the belief that any CRA that has never exerted other effort than ẽ again exerts ẽ, choosing the cheapest among those is optimal for the firm. For the banks, given those beliefs and competition among banks, interest is set such that all banks break even given their beliefs. In order for reputation to work, we need to have that the benefits from exerting high effort are more than offset by the loss of future business due to the boycott. In other words, we need to have that given f˜c Vc (ec = 1) ≤ Vc (ec = ẽ) ((1 − θ)(ψj,c − f¯c (ẽ)) − cc )(1 − ẽ) ≤ δ (θ + (1 − θ)(1 − ẽ))f˜c − cc ẽ . δ −1 − 1 (41) (42) Rewriting this expression and substituting in A gives ((1 + A−1 + 1)cc − ψj,c (1 − θ))ẽ + (1 − θ)ψj,c − cc ˜ fc ≥ (A−1 + 1)(1 − (1 − θ)ẽ) − θ (43) Due to competition among CRAs, this constraint will bind, such that incentive compatibility is enforced by condition (21). Moreover, it could be that incentive compatibility is satisfied, but that rating fees are lower than expected rating production costs, in which case it is better for the CRA to do no rating at all. Condition (22) rules out those cases. Note that unconditionally, the co-investment does not lead to losses even with low effort as the interest rate will exactly compensate for expected losses. 39 Finally, the rating fee cannot be more than the initial endowment, which is ensured by (23). A.8 Proof of proposition 8 Any equilibrium for which bank ratings are observed have positive investment, otherwise for the firm it would not be optimal to apply for a rating and pay a rating fee. As the bank lives for only one period, it has no reputation to worry about and optimizes, conditional on a rating application w.r.t. eb . Since conditional on the quoted interest rate, its marginal utility w.r.t. eb is given by (1 − θ)(1 − fb ) − cb , which is linear. Therefore, either eb = 0 or eb = 1. Since for the other investing bank an effort of at least e∗ is required, eb = 0 cannot occur in a sequentially rational equilibrium. eb = 1 if marginal utility is positive, i.e. if (1 − θ)(1 − fb ) − cb >0, (44) (note that fc can be negative which will be compensated with a higher interest rate in the future). As banks are short-lived and compete, they make zero profit in equilibrium, such that conditional on eb = 1, the other bank will set a zero interest rate and for the rating bank we have cb = θ(ιb + fb ) ≤ θ(R − 2 + fb ). (45) Combining (45) with (44) and realizing that θ (0, 1) gives cb 1 1−θ = cb 1 + θ 1−θ < cb + θ (1 − fb ) ≤ θ(R − 1). 1−θ (46) Rewriting gives cb < θ(1 − θ)(R − 1). A.9 (47) Proof of proposition 9 I will first prove existence of such equilibria. The proof for arbitrary N is done by induction. Thereafter, I will prove uniqueness. Let us assume N = 1 and the belief set that the monopolistic CRA every period exerts effort e∗∗ , that the regulator shuts down the CRA after it ever exerts effort 40 ∗∗ ) ec < e∗∗ , that banks fund upon a rating rj,c = G at interest rate ι∗∗ = (1−θ)(1−e θ and firms always apply for a rating. Given this belief set, it is optimal for the CRA to at least exert effort e∗∗ every period, as an incentive compatible fee is charged. As its utility is decreasing in effort level, the optimal effort is given by ec = e∗∗ . For the regulator, its strategy is weakly optimal given the belief set, as given the belief set the maximum achievable social welfare is zero. If the CRA adopts a steady state strategy in which it exerts effort ec > e∗∗ , setting a threshold ē > ec and enforcing that is sub-optimal and hence this threat is not credible. Therefore, such a strategy cannot be part of a sub-game perfect equilibrium. If the CRA adopts a steady state strategy in which it exerts effort ec < e∗∗ , revoking its license is optimal, as social welfare will be negative. In any given period, conditional on the belief that the CRA will in all future exert ec = e∗∗ , both revoking and not revoking the CRA license are weakly optimal for the regulator, irrespective of the CRA action in the current period. Now consider the case for N > 1. Let us assume that for any number of CRAs less than N there is a weak steady state equilibrium with equilibrium strategies as described above. Moreover, let us assume the belief set that each CRA every period exerts effort e∗∗ , that the regulator shuts down a CRA after it ever exerts effort ec < e∗∗ , that banks fund upon a rating rj,c = G at interest rate ι∗∗ and firms always apply for a rating. For the regulator, its strategy is weakly optimal given the belief set, as given the belief set the maximum achievable social welfare is zero. If one of the CRAs adopts a steady state strategy in which it exerts effort ec > e∗∗ , setting a threshold ē > ec and enforcing that is sub-optimal and hence this threat is not credible. Therefore, such a strategy cannot be part of a sub-game perfect equilibrium. If one of the CRAs adopts a steady state strategy in which it exerts effort ec < e∗∗ , revoking its license is optimal, as social welfare will be negative and at least zero welfare is achievable. In any given period, conditional on the belief that all CRAs will in the future exert ec = e∗∗ , it is weakly optimal to revoke a license of any CRA that contemporaneously exerts effort ec < e∗∗ , as under these beliefs and by the assumption made at the start of the induction step, for any number of CRAs smaller than N social welfare in all future periods will be zero, which is not lower than the status quo and therefore weakly optimal. The proof of existence for any N then follows by induction. Next, we prove uniqueness of the sub-game perfect steady state equilibrium. In any steady state equilibrium, the number of CRAs in equilibrium should remain constant, in other words, in equilibrium, no licenses are revoked. For the regulator, 41 it is only optimal to continue licenses from period to period if each period at least zero social welfare is produced. Therefore, it is optimal for the regulator to revoke the license of any CRA employing a steady state strategy involving an effort level ec < e∗∗ . Suppose now that for a given N there is a steady state sub-game perfect equilibrium in which at least one CRA exerts effort ē > e∗∗ every period and a regulator revokes a license of any CRA exerting effort lower than ē (clearly, exerting effort more than the regulatory threshold is suboptimal for the CRA, so such a case can never be an equilibrium and need not be considered). The rest of the proof is again by induction. If N = 1 and the threat of the regulator to revoke the CRA license if the CRA in a single period exerts effort e∗∗ < ec < ē is not credible and hence, for N = 1, such an equilibrium is not sub-game perfect. Thus, for N = 1, uniqueness is proved. Now suppose that N > 1 and that for any number of CRAs smaller than N , the only sub-game perfect steady state equilibrium yields zero social welfare. If one of the compliant CRAs in any given period exerts effort ec < ē, revoking that CRA’s license yields zero welfare in all future periods, which is strictly sub-optimal to keeping the compliant CRA under the belief that it will exert effort ec > e∗∗ in at least one future period. Therefore, the threat of the regulator is not credible and the equilibrium is not sub-game perfect. If the regulator sets a regulatory level ē ≥ e∗∗ , but does not enforce it for the compliant CRA, compliance is sub optimal for that CRA. The proof is then completed by the induction. A.10 Proof of proposition 10 Suppose we are in an equilibrium with positive investment. This means that either the banks or the CRAs issue ratings. If banks issue ratings in equilibrium, eb = 2(1−θ)−cb and social welfare is given by θ(R − 2) − cb . Now suppose that 1 ≥ 2(1−θ)−c c CRAs issue ratings and exert effort ec . The associated social welfare is given by θ(R − 2) − 2(1 − θ)(1 − ec ) − cc ec . The increase in social welfare that a regulator can achieve if all CRA licenses are revoked is given by ∆SW = 2(1 − θ)(1 − ec ) + cc ec − cb , (48) which is linear and decreasing in ec . If ∆SW < 0, for a regulator, revoking all rating licenses is always better than taking no regulatory action. If in equilibrium CRAs conduct the ratings, ∆SW has to be positive and setting (48) to zero and solving 42 gives ec ≥ e∗∗∗ = A.11 2(1 − θ) − cb . 2(1 − θ) − cc (49) Proof of proposition 11 Take the equilibrium from proposition 4 with N > 1. If M > 0 investor-paid CRAs are added, utility in equilibrium for issuers will not increase. Under the belief that em < e∗ , banks will not select m. Under the belief êm > e∗ , utility for issuers only increases if fm << f ∗ . However, this in equilibrium will not happen as m is subject to the same incentive compatibility constraint as every issuer-paid CRA c. Therefore, it is sub-optimal for an issuer j to select a bank b that does not exclude m. Under the belief generated by this issuer strategy, it is optimal for a bank b to put m on the blacklist Zb . Hence, issuer j will only consider selecting bank b when êm = e∗ , ∀m ∈ / Zb . As fm = f ∗ by competition and the incentive compatibility constraint, m completely mimicks an issuer-paid CRA in equilibrium or has no business at all (in an equilibrium where issuers never select banks that do business with investor-paid CRAs). A.12 Proof of proposition 12 It is sufficient to show that there is no equilibrium in which m has a strictly positive market share. Suppose there is some equilibrium belief level êm ≥ e∗ for effort from m, in which m has strictly positive market share. For c is it always strictly optimal to exclude m from the market as in the presence of m, future fees will be lower, future volume will be at least 50% lower and current volume will be at least 50% lower. Now assume (i) c can commit to always match the êm upon observing presence of m and when doing so charges a fee fc infinitesimally smaller than fm and (ii) incentive compatible fees are quoted by m, (iii) c and m have never exerted effort below e∗ and (iv) given that eˆc = eˆm issuers have a preference for the CRA with the lowest fee and (v) investors only purchase ratings from m if they expect to use them and recover the rating fee from a transaction fee. Conditions (ii) to (v) need to hold for any equilibrium set of strategies to be optimal and the equilibrium to exist. Under these conditions, c can conditionally on observing the presence of m match by setting ec = êm and fc infinitesimally smaller than fm . Because of (i) it can commit to do so. Because of (iv) all investors will apply for ratings from c and êc = êm because c can commit to set ec = eˆm . As a result, (v) dictates that 43 no investor will buy ratings from m, because of which the equilibrium cannot exist. The only thing left to show is that assumption (i) is valid. Letting m enter would cost c at least half of its value due to lost business. Because incentive compatibility of c is satisfied in the setting without m, this means that the loss in value would exceed one period of monopoly profits. Playing the strategy outlined above would in the current period yield more than a profit of zero, such that the strategy can be committed to. A.13 Proof of proposition 13 The proof runs along the same lines as the proof of proposition 12. Assumption (iv) needs to be sharpened however. Instead we need that (iv.a) issuers choose any CRA that has always maximized issuer value in the past according to the equilibrium beliefs if there is at least one of those. The only thing left to show then is that the strategy of matching effort of m is committable. This is only true if the present value of the equilibrium profit without m is high enough. The issuer indifferent if fm + 2(1 − em )(1 − θ) = fc + 2(1 − ec )(1 − θ). fm is incentive compatible if fm ≥ M cc em A(1+A−1 ). As more than 1 investor-paid CRA entering the market will make it even harder for an investor paid CRA to gain any market share, it is sufficient to show when under which conditions one investor-paid CRA can be prevented to enter the market. Therefore, I only consider the case M = 1. m will maximize em and minimize fm in order to make it as hard as possible for issuer-paid CRAs to β0 outbid it. The maximum affordable em is given by em = min cc A(1+A −1 ) , 1 . Issuerpaid CRAs can only credibly outbid m if they can match effort, while satisfying the IC for the situation without m, i.e. cc ec ≤ A(fc∗ − cc e∗ ), which implies that ec ≤ e∗ . They can set the instantaneous fee fc = 0 as that one will not influence the IC and satisfying the IC ensures that this strategy over-all has a positive payoff. Working everything out, we get that investor-paid CRAs can be prevented to enter by competing issuer-paid CRAs if fm − 2em (1 − θ) > fc − 2ec (1 − θ), β0 −1 , 1 ) > −2(1 − θ)ec , (cc A(1 + A ) − 2(1 − θ))(1 − min cc A(1 + A−1 ) cc A(1 + A−1 ) β0 1− min , 1 < ec ≤ e∗ . −1 2(1 − θ) cc A(1 + A ) (50) 44 (51) (52) A.14 Proof of proposition 14 For such an equilibrium to exist, specific conditions need to be met. First, conditions (ii), (iii), (iv.a) and (v) need to be satisfied, but as before, in any equilibrium these conditions are trivial. Moreover, for such an equilibrium to exist, equilibrium effort from each CRA needs to be optimal, committable and such that the issuer is indifferent between using investor-paid and issuer-paid ratings in equilibrium. Condition (iv.a) means that for each issuer that has received an interest quote from a subscriber bank (i.e. when the private benefit β is secured) fm − 2êm (1 − θ) = fc − 2êc (1 − θ). (53) Moreover, incentive compatibility and competition imply that fm = (N + M )cc êm A(1 + A−1 ), fc = cc êc A(1 + A−1 ). (54) (55) As profits (rents) of all CRAs are increasing in the equilibrium effort levels, m will exert maximum effort, thereby by invoking a winner’s curse and push all c to also β0 exert higher effort. Setting ēm = min 1, (N +M )cc A(1+A−1 ) implied by the budget constraint, we have that f¯m = (N +M )cc ēm A(1+A−1 ). Substituting everything into +M −1)(1−θ) . One necessary condition for a co-existing (53), we get ēc = N +M + cc2(N A(1+A−1 )−2(1−θ) equilibrium to exist is that the calculated ēc ∈ [e∗ , 1] as in other cases, issuer-paid CRAs strictly dominate investor-paid CRAs. Another necessary condition is that ēc is committable. This is never the case because given the equilibrium belief êc , it is optimal for an issuer-paid CRA to set a fee that is infinitesimally smaller than cc ēc A(1 − A−1 ). This strategy is committable, because with this strategy this CRA would become a monopolist next period. A.15 Proof of proposition 15 Investor-paid CRAs are identical and will therefore obtain identical market shares, everything else equal. Banks again compete and break even. If a non-subscriber banks get access to ratings, they quote break-even interest rate quotes and quote no transaction fee. For the issuer it is optimal to take the offer with the lowest expected cost. As banks need to at least break even in equilibrium, issuers will typically end up with a break-even interest rate and zero transaction fee, conditional on leakage. 45 To compensate for the fact that a fraction φ of the purchased ratings turns out to be of no added value to a subscriber bank, it needs to ask a transaction fee of fm (1 − φ)−1 M in order to make purchasing ratings worthwhile for the subscriber bank. Competition will make this inequality bind. When investor-paid CRAs compete, their incentive compatibility constraint binds as before. Therefore, in equilibrium fm = A(1 + A−1 )M cc em . Subscriber banks will offer competitive interest rates to issuers. For issuers it is optimal to choose the bank offering the lowest rate 21 and therefore negative selection happens for the subscribers of the less reputable investorpaid CRA. As a consequence, the CRAs will exert maximal effort, which is equal to one, unless the budget constraint of the issuer is violated, in which case an effort level is chosen that matches a fee level such that the budget constraint binds. Of course, the pledgability constraint need to be satisfied, such that it is only possible −1 ∗ to have competing investor-paid CRAs in equilibrium if φ ≤ 1 − A(1−A β0 )M cc e . If the budget constraint is violated, but M > 2, the it is possible to reduce the number of CRAs (reduce the amount of double work) in the economy such that the budget constraint is satisfied again. Maintaining a competitive equilibrium when M = 2 and the budget constraint is violated is impossible, so in such a case a monopolistic equilibrium will arise in which em = e∗ as before and fm = β0 if the incentive compatibility constraint can be satisfied that way. 21 as long as θ(1 − θ) ≥ A(1 + A−1 )M cc 46