ABIO 232 Anatomy (sec. 005) Instructor: Dr. Pam Steen Email: pams@usca.edu Lecture: MWF; 10:00am-10:50am; B&E 136 Lab: W; 1:00pm-3:40pm; SBDG 104 Spring 2012 Office: SBDG 111B Office Hours: MW; 9:00am-9:45am Lecture textbook: Human Anatomy, 6th Ed. by Marieb et al. Laboratory textbook: Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual (rat version), by Marieb et al. Course Credit: Four credit hours Course Description and Objectives: This course is a survey of the organization, structure, function and development of human anatomical systems. Students should become adept at identifying and describing the organization, structure and development of the human body across the hierarchy of cells, tissues, organs and systems. Grading: Five Lecture Exams 50% (10% each) Lecture Quizzes 10% Laboratory Grade 30% Final Exam (comprehensive) 10% Grading Scale: A (90-100%); B+ (86-89%); B (80-85%); C+ (76-79%); C (70-75%); D+ (66-69%); D (60-65); F (0-59%) Reading: You are expected to read the relevant chapter(s) / sections in both the textbook and laboratory manual prior to coming to lecture and lab. Policy for Portable Electronic Devices: The use of any portable electronic devices, including cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, iPods, etc., during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been given to a student from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you are planning to have any of these devices in class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of the class period. If you use a portable electronic device during a test, quiz, or other assessment, you are eligible to receive a failing grade on that assignment. Disability Statement: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 134 B&E, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible. The Disability Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation. Writing Center: USCA provides a Writing Center located in Room 112 of the Humanities and Social Sciences Building. If you need extra assistance on any writing assignment for this or any other class that you are taking, please try the Writing Center. Attendance: Attendance will not be taken. However, students are encouraged to be present at all lectures and labs. There will be no make-up quizzes. However, quizzes missed due to illness will be excused if documentation is provided. Lecture Quizzes: During the semester, 9 lecture quizzes will be given. These quizzes will cover material presented the previous week during lecture periods. Exams: For each exam, students will need to bring a Scantron sheet, which can be purchased at the bookstore. Make-up exams will only be allowed for a documented, excusable reason. ABIO 232 Anatomy (sec. 005) Spring 2012 Week Date 1 Jan. 9 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 16 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 Jan. 27 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 The Human Body: An orientation Cells: The living units Cells: The living units Martin Luther King Jr. Day – no class Basic Embryology (quiz 1) Tissues Tissues (quiz 2) The Integumentary System EXAM I Bones and Skeletal Tissues Bones and Skeletal Tissues/ Joints Joints Skeletal Muscle Tissue (quiz 3) Skeletal Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle Tissue EXAM II Fundamentals of the Nervous System and Nervous Tissue The Central Nervous System Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 Feb. 29 Mar. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 16 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Apr. 2 Apr. 4 Apr. 6 Apr. 9 Apr. 11 Apr. 13 Apr. 16 Apr. 18 Apr. 20 Apr. 23 Apr. 27 The Central Nervous System (quiz 4) The Peripheral Nervous System The Special Senses The Special Senses (quiz 5) The Special Senses EXAM III 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lecture Schedule of Topics Chapters 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 1-5 6 6, 9 9 10 10 10 6, 9 and 10 12 13 13 14 16 16 16 12-14, 16 Spring Break – no classes The Respiratory System The Respiratory System/ The Digestive System The Digestive System The Digestive System (quiz 6) The Urinary System The Urinary System The Reproductive System (quiz 7) The Reproductive System The Reproductive System EXAM IV Blood Vessels The Heart The Heart (quiz 8) Blood Blood The Lymphatic and Immune Systems (quiz 9) The Endocrine System EXAM V Return Exam V and Practical IV Final Exam (Comprehensive) at 8am 22 22, 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 22-25 20 19 19 18 18 21 17 17-20 1-25 ABIO 232 Anatomy (sec. 005) Spring 2012 Laboratory Schedule Each student will receive a lab grade that will constitute 30% of their final grade in the class. Laboratory Grading: (The instructor has the right to deviate from the stated grading policy.) Lab practicals 50% Entrance quizzes 25% Exit quizzes 25% Entrance Quizzes: During the semester, 7 entrance quizzes will be given. These quizzes will cover material learned during the previous lab period. Exit Quizzes: During the semester, 10 exit quizzes will be given. These quizzes will cover material learned during the current lab period. Note: Students will cover the designated lab material with their group members. As a group, students will determine when they are ready to take their exit quiz. All group members must take the exit quiz at the same time and then exit the lab. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Laboratory Schedule The Language of Anatomy/ Organ Systems Overview The Microscope/ The Cell: Anatomy Division/ Classification of Tissues Tissues/ Integumentary System/ Covering and Lining Membranes Overview of the Skeleton/ Axial Skeleton/ Appendicular Skeleton/ Fetal Skull Practical I (Exercise 1-4; 6-8) Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System Nervous Tissue/ Brain and Cranial Nerves/ Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Vision/ Hearing and Equilibrium/ Olfaction and Taste Spring Break – no lab Practical II (Exercise 9-12; 15; 17; 19; 21; 24-26) Anatomy of the Respiratory System/ Anatomy of the Digestive System Anatomy of the Urinary system/ Anatomy of the Reproductive System Anatomy of the Heart/ Anatomy of Blood Vessels Practical III (Exercise 30, 32, 36, 38, 40, and 42) Return Practical III to students Exercise 1 and 2 3, 4, and 6 6, 7, and 8 9-12 15 17, 19, and 21 24-26 36 and 38 40 and 42 30 and 32 Honor Code: Students are expected to abide by the Academic Code of Conduct as described in the Student Handbook. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if academic integrity is violated. The following honor pledge is to be signed and dated by the student on all exams. “On my honor as a University of South Carolina at Aiken student, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment / examination. To the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of academic honesty.”