5339 Trusts & Wills Section 12309 Spring 2016 Class Assignments and Policies Professor: Email: Phone: Class Time/Room: Dates: Gus G. Tamborello Gus@TamborelloLaw.com (please use this email address rather than my UH email) (713) 659-7777 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. in 144 TU II (5 of the classes will end at 5:30 due to cancellation of class on 2/4/16) January 19, 2016 through April 28, 2016 TEXTBOOK: DUKEMINIER & SITKOFF, WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES (9TH ED. 2013) (D&S) STATUTES: All references to the Texas Estate Code unless as indicated below. Fam.Tex. Family Code Prop.Tex. Property Code (which also contains the Texas Trust Code) Const.Tex. Constitution Ins.Tex. Insurance Code Class Date Assignments 1. 1/19 D&S 1-20 (skip 20-34) 2. 1/21 D&S 35-51 (skip 51-62) 22.001 22.008 22.009 22.012 22.015 22.018 22.020 22.021 22.031 22.034 101.001 101.003 101.051 205.001-205.008 3. 1/26 251.002 251.101 256.001 257.001 304.001 304.002 304.003 307.002 351.101 401.001-401.003 402.002 403.051 D&S 63-75 22.004 22.015 201.001 201.002 201.003 201.101 201.102 201.103 201.057 202.002 202.0025 Fam. 6.204 202.009 Prop. 71.001 Const. Art. I Sec. 32 Fam. 3.003 Fam. 4.202 Page 1 of 6 Class Date Assignments 4. D&S 75-91 1/28 121.052 121.053 5. 2/2 121.101 121.102 251.002 D&S 91-120 201.051 201.052 201.054 201.056 Fam. 160.204 Fam. 161.206 Fam. 162.017 Fam. 162.507 NO CLASS ON 2/4/16- PROFESSOR OUT OF TOWN 6. 2/9 D&S 120-145 New Chapter 240 Estates Code 201.062 201.058 201.151 7. 2/11 D&S 147-165 251.001 251.051 251.101 8. 2/16 201.152 Ins. 1103.151 Ins. 1103.152 251.102 251.103 251.104 251.1045 251.105 251.106 D&S 165-182 (skip 182-184) 254.002 254.004 256.153 9. 2/18 D&S 184-206 251.052 251.107 256.154 Page 2 of 6 Class Date Assignments 10. D&S 206-229 2/23 253.001 253.002 256.054 11. 2/25 D&S 229-256 123.001 123.002 123.051 12. 3/1 3/3 123.052 123.053 Fam. 9.301 Fam. 9.302 D&S 256-277 54.001 55.001 13. 256.152 256.156 55.002 254.004 D&S 277-309 254.003 254.005 Prop. 112.038 14. 3/8 D&S 309-337 258.001 258.002 15. 3/10 258.051 308.002 D&S 337-361 255.001 255.002 255.003 255.151 255.152 255.153 255.154 255.451-255.455 NO CLASSES ON 3/15/16 OR 3/17/16 DUE TO SPRING BREAK Page 3 of 6 Class Date Assignments 16. D&S 361-384 3/22 255.101 255.102 255.251 255.252 17. 3/24 255.253 255.301 255.302 355.109 D&S 385-400 Prop. 111.001 Prop. 111.002 Prop. 111.003 Prop. 111.0035 18. 3/29 D&S 400-420 19. 3/31 D&S 420-445 Prop. 112.003 Prop. 112.007 Prop. 112.034 Prop. 112.036 20. 4/5 255.401 Prop. 112.001-112.010 Prop. 112.031 Prop. 112.032 Prop. 112.034 Prop. 113.151 Prop. 115.001 Prop. 113.001 Prop. 113.002 Prop 112.037 Prop. 112.037 Prop. 112.038 Prop. 114.0031 Prop. 114.007 D&S 445-475 (middle) (skip 475 remainder-478) 123.052-123.055 245.001 255.153 Fam. 9.301 21. 4/7 D&S 478-506 (skip 507-510) 101.002 111.001 111.051 111.052 112.152 22. 4/12 113.004 113.052 113.102 113.103 113.151 113.152 113.154 113.158 New Chapter 114 Tex. Estates Code D&S 511-532 Page 4 of 6 Class Date Assignments 23. D&S 532-558 (skip 558-562) 4/14 102.002-102.006 112.051 112.052 112.054 112.152 201.003 353.051-353.056 24. 4/19 353.101-353.107 403.001 Const. Art XVI Sec 15 Const. Art. XVI Sec. 52 Fam. 3.001-3.003 Fam. 3.101 Fam. 3.102 Fam. 4.102 Fam. 4.202 Fam. 4.203 Fam. 7.002 Prop. 42.001 Prop. 42.002 D&S 562-593 255.051-255.056 Prop. 113.001-113.030 Prop. 113.051-113.057 Prop. 114.081-144.086 25. 4/21 D&S 594-614 Prop. 113.085 Prop. 114.006 Prop. 114.007 26. 4/26 D&S 614-649 Prop. Chapter 117 (Unif. Prudent Investor Act) 27. 4/28 D&S 649-678 (middle) Prop. 113.151 Prop. 113.152 Prop. Chapter 116 (Unif. Principal & Income Act) Page 5 of 6 GENERAL POLICIES ATTENDANCE POLICY: We will follow the school’s 80% attendance requirement. If a student does not attend 80% of the classes [21 of 27], that student will be dropped from the class. CLASS PARTICIPATION: Everyone should read all material (textbook and statutes) and be prepared to discuss issues raised by the readings. Your grade may be affected by class participation and attendance. I reserve the right to raise or lower your grade based upon class participation and/or absences. CONTACT: I am not setting any particular office hours at this time. However, you are welcome to contact me by email at Gus@Tamborellolaw.com or at my business phone number of 713-659-7777 and I will address your questions or set up a time to meet. FINAL EXAM The final exam is currently scheduled for May 12, 2016, from 2-5 p.m. The final exam will be a closed-book exam. That means: closed text book, closed rule book, closed notes. The format will be multiple choice questions and possibly essay. I will advise you if there is any change in format. Page 6 of 6