Interdependency of Electricity and Natural Gas Markets in the United States: A Dynamic I MASACUSETSILiii-i Computational Model MASSACHUSETTS IT OF TECHNOLOGY By MAY 2 9 201 Sandra Elizabeth Jenkins B.A. in Electrical Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2012 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEERING SYSTEMS DIVISION IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2014 0 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature redacted Signature of Author: F gineering Systems Division May 15, 2014 Certifiedby:Signature redacted Anura~dia M. Annaswamy Director, Active-adaptive Control Laboratory Senior Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: Accpteby:Signature redacted_ I (Dava J. Newman Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems Director, Technology and Policy Program Interdependency of Electricity and Natural Gas Markets in the United States: A Dynamic Computational Model by Sandra Elizabeth Jenkins Submitted to the Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Technology and Policy Abstract Due to high storage costs and limited storage availability, natural gas is generally used as a justin-time resource that needs to be delivered as it is consumed. With the shale gas revolution, coal retirements and environmental regulations, the interdependency of natural gas and electricity has increased. These changes impact pipeline financing and power generation dispatch. Potential solutions to gas-electricity interdependency challenges such as mismatched market schedules are not too difficult to determine. However, a quantitative model is needed in order to evaluate these solutions in order to provide insights into which solutions to interdependency concerns offer the best outcomes. While it is clear that natural gas constraints will affect the cost of the electricity system, there is a need for modeling to explore the relationship between fuel uncertainty and system cost. In this thesis, a quantitative optimal flow model with a dynamic market mechanism is used to measure the effects of natural gas-fired power producer's fuel uncertainty on the net social benefit to consumers and producers. Modeling results indicate that fuel price uncertainty negatively affects social welfare while demand response, information availability and coordination improvements limit the impact of natural gas fuel uncertainty. To simulate improved coordination, a second model is developed which includes natural gas network constraints. The results of this model demonstrate how joint optimization of the networks could relax fuel constraints on gas-fired generators and improve social welfare. Thesis Supervisor: Anuradha M. Annaswamy Title: Director, Active-adaptive Control Laboratory Senior Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT 3 4 Acknowledgements There are many people to thank for their help on my journey to complete this thesis. First and foremost, I want to thank my wonderful advisor, Dr. Anuradha Annaswamy, for providing the guidance and academic support I needed not just for this thesis, but for this chapter of my life. You provided me with the opportunity to push the boundaries on my knowledge and refine what I had already learned. I enjoyed our conversations and I hope to continue them in the future. Next, thanks go to my research advisor during my first year at MIT, Melanie Kenderdine, for giving me the opportunity to work on this research topic in the first place. Working with you was a privilege and I enjoyed every minute of it. Furthermore I would like to thank all the wonderful people I worked with at the MITei, the Active Adaptive Control lab, and in the Technology and Policy Program, including the students, the staff, and professors who provide me with both invaluable knowledge and companionship; you know who you are and you have my eternal gratitude. This thesis could not have been completed without you. Never have I been among such a concentrated group of extraordinarily smart and welcoming people. Special thanks go to my close friends who have helped me enormously in the past two years, from having conversations about energy systems to making sure I always got a healthy meal. Finally, for my family, thanks goes to my father for always helping me with my math homework in grade school, and to my mother for always being there with endless encouragement and fortitude, I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you Sally for helping me proof read at terrible hours throughout my academic career, and thanks Heather and Kelly for being great little sisters. I also want to thank my grandparents for always checking in with me, it really meant a lot. 5 6 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 11 1.1 M otivation for research .................................................................................... 12 1.3 Thesis Outline ................................................................................................. 13 Background................................................................................................................ 14 2.1 Shale G as Revolution...................................................................................... 14 2.2 Coal Retirem ents and Em ission Regulations .................................................. 18 2.3 Renew able Energy Interm ittency.................................................................... 19 2.4 Energy security................................................................................................ 22 Overview of Electricity and N atural Gas M arkets .................................................... 24 3.1 Energy Regulation and Stakeholders ............................................................. 24 3.2 Electricity Sector............................................................................................. 26 3.3 Natural gas sector........................................................................................... 31 3.3.1 Operations of Interstate Pipelines ........................................................... 33 3.3.2 Shipment Nominations and Contract Priorities ...................................... 35 Interdependency Concerns .................................................................................... 37 4.1 Electricity sector reliance on natural gas......................................................... 37 4.2 N atural gas dem and changes........................................................................... 39 4.3 Pipeline financing concerns ........................................................................... 43 4.4 D ispatch concerns .......................................................................................... 46 4.6 Sm art Grid and D em and Response ................................................................. 48 7 5. 6. 4.7 Concerns of focus for m odeling...................................................................... 50 4.8 Conclusion....................................................................................................... 51 N atural Gas and Electricity Market M odeling ...................................................... 53 5.1 Need for gas-electricity market m odels ........................................................ 53 5.2 Electricity power m arket m odels..................................................................... 54 5.3 Natural gas market models............................................................................. 56 5.4 Prior Electricity and Natural gas Interdependency Models ............................ 57 5.5 M odel Descriptions ........................................................................................ 58 5.5.1 DM M model with natural gas uncertainty.................................................. 58 5.5.2 Optimization Model with natural gas network constraints..................... 64 5.6 Data sources and assumptions......................................................................... 65 5.7 Results and conclusions ................................................................................. 69 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 74 6.1 Summ ary of key findings ............................................................................... 74 6.2 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 76 8 List of Figures and Tables Figure 2-1: Henry Hub natural gas annual average spot prices.................................................. 16 Figure 2-2: Shale Plays in the United States, 2011.................................................................... 17 Figure 2-3: Projected Impacts of Proposed EPA Regulations.................................................. 19 Figure 2-4: 60 MW wind farm generation profiles in CA ............................................................ 20 Figure 2-5: A 2 MW Solar generation profile during 3 days in CA.................... 21 Figure 3-1: NERC Regional Entities and Electricity Balancing Authorities............................. 27 Figure 3-2: Electricity restructuring by state ............................................................................. 28 Figure 3-3: ISO-NE Wholesale Electricity Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets...................... 30 Figure 3-4: Structure of the U.S. Gas Industry after 1992......................................................... 32 Figure 3-5: Natural Gas Transmission Capacity Market Timeline........................................... 35 Figure 4-1: Electricity Consumption by Primary Fuel in the US ............................................. 38 Figure 4-2: Generation Mix by Fuel Type and Region in the United States ............................ 39 Figure 4-3: Natural Gas Consumption by End Use ................................................................. 40 Figure 4-4: Number of Forced Outages of Gas-Fired Generators due to Lack of Fuel............. 42 Figure 4-5: Changing Geography of Supply............................................................................. 44 Figure 4-6: Natural Gas and Electricity Market Schedules ...................................................... 47 Figure 5-1: Natural Gas and Electricity Market Schedule Coordination.................................. 61 Figure 5-2: Overall market mechanism timing ............................................................................ 64 Figure 5-3: Forced Outages due to Lack of Fuel...................................................................... 67 Figure 5-4: IEEE-4bus network............................................................................................... 68 Figure 5-5: A node pipeline network for the natural gas........................................................... 68 Figure 5-6: Awl Effects on Social Welfare............................................................................... 70 9 Figure 5-7: Awl Effects with Demand Response....................................................................... 71 Figure 5-8: Effects of Al Uncertainty ........................................................................................ 72 Table 5-1: Coefficients for Consumers...................................................................................... 66 Table 5-2: Coefficients for Generators...................................................................................... 66 Table 5-3: Including pipeline network constraints....................................................................... 73 10 1. Introduction The electricity sector's reliance on natural gas-fired generation and therefore on the natural gas sector has increased, and is going to increase in the foreseeable future. The Shale Gas Revolution changed both the availability and prices for the fuel in the past decade. Currently, coal retirements are creating a growing demand for new generation like gas-fired power plants. Due to concerns over climate change and renewable energy goals, flexible generation, a characteristic of gas-fired power plants, is needed to mitigate the intermittency of renewable resources in the future. Natural gas also has the added benefit of being a resource within the United States. Natural gas is a fuel that is not easily stored, and expensive to transport due to its relatively lower energy density than other fossil fuels like oil. Because of the high storage costs and limited storage availability, natural gas is generally used as a just-in-time resource, meaning that it needs to be delivered when it is consumed. Storage of large quantities of natural gas is costly, so gasfired generation plants use gas as it is delivered to them. This leads to one just-in-time resource (natural gas) being used by another just-in-time resource (electricity). The dependence between these two sectors has led to concerns over scheduling, transportation, and communication. In the United States, due to the increased demand from natural gas from gas-fired generators, the transportation contracts these generators have are of increasing concern. Specifically, interruptible contracts used by those generators are not as reliable as they once were due to increased risk of pipeline constraints and interruptible contract curtailment. The use of gas-fired generators comes with increased risk for curtailment due to fuel shortages at the same time as the use of natural gasfired generation is increasing in a number of regions in the United States. By understanding the complexities of the natural gas and electricity systems, one can understand why the challenges caused from the interdependency between the two energy sectors is a concern that has no easy solution. Both sectors are subject to an array of regulatory authorities and have distinct markets with their own set of rules which are not easy to change due to their intricacies. 11 With the growing need and push toward renewable energy integration, the ability of natural gas to coordinate reliability to compensate for the intermittency of such resources is necessary. The development of a more intelligent electricity system, or smart grid, can help with the changing needs of the two sectors. However, modeling between the industries and combined planning efforts are needed for fully realizing the benefits of natural gas, without incurring unnecessary risk. 1.1 Motivation for research The interdependency of the electricity and natural gas sectors is important to explore. As energy is one of the driving forces for economic growth, the proper operation of the electricity and natural gas systems is important to the economic stability and success of a country. In the United States, a rising percentage of power production is being produced by natural gas-fired power plants and it is a trend which is expected to continue in the coming decades. The historically low natural gas prices, an aging coal fleet, and the need for increasingly flexible and fast acting power generation plants due to the increased penetration of intermittent and uncertain renewable power generation, are necessitating the increased reliance of the electricity sector on natural gas. System operators need to know the availability of their generation plants in order to properly dispatch them in a manner that both assures system reliability and minimizes the total system cost. Without fully understanding how the natural gas and electricity system interact, it is very difficult to rely on gas-fired generators which could potentially be curtailed. Understanding the interactions between these two systems will help system operators to optimize their control in such a way that could benefit both sectors. Over the past decade, interest in the interdependency of natural gas and electricity has grown significantly. There have been a number of reports from government and industry on the topic [1][2][3][4]. The types of research being done on this topic are either qualitative or quantitative; however, there is a lack of a mix of both in the field. This thesis focuses on qualitatively exploring the interdependency of natural gas and electricity and then posing some potential 12 changes to policies and technologies that could help alleviate issues, and then modeling the system to give a quantitative analysis. An important problem facing regulators are system operators in the face of natural gas and electricity interdependency is how these qualitative problems can be measured quantitatively. While it is clear that natural gas constraints will affect the cost of the electricity system, there is a need for modeling in the area to explore the relationship between fuel uncertainty and system cost. Predicting when and where fuel transportation constraints will manifest in the future is extremely difficult and sophisticated modeling tools are slowly being developed that model both natural gas and electricity systems jointly, [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]. The models developed for this thesis explore two issues with natural gas and electricity interdependency. The first model will explore how changing the level of uncertainty in natural gas-fired generation costs, due to fuel constraints and the cost of over and undertaking gas from pipelines, affects the overall system cost for the electricity system. The second model will extend the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) model outlined in Hansen et al. [12] to include natural gas constraints. 1.3 Thesis Outline The outline of the thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 gives a background on the developments in the United States, both technically and politically, which have brought about a sharp increase in natural gas and electricity interdependency. Chapter 3 gives an outline of the natural gas and electricity system. This includes information on the regulatory regimes and focuses on a description of the energy markets and their relevance to natural gas and electricity interdependency. Chapter 4 goes into detail on the scope of natural gas interdependency and the challenges it is presenting to the reliability of both systems, and outlines potential changes to the two energy markets which could alleviate some of the reliability risks. In order to further explore some of the suggested changes to market design suggested in the previous chapter, Chapter 5 includes a quantitative analysis of selected suggestions. Finally, Chapter 6 presents a summary of findings as well as a discussion and conclusion. 13 2. Background Natural gas has become an increasingly important energy resource in the United States. The Shale Gas Revolution changed both the availability and prices for the fuel in the past decade. Currently, coal retirements are creating a growing demand for new generation like gas-fired power plants. Due to concerns over climate change and renewable energy goals flexible generation, a characteristic of gas-fired power plants, is needed to mitigate the uncertainty and intermittency of renewable resources in the future, and natural gas has the added benefit of being a resource within the United States. 2.1 Shale Gas Revolution Prices for natural gas have dropped dramatically over the last several years in what has been dubbed the shale gas revolution, named for the rock which held previously inaccessible natural gas reserves. This revolution resulted from two major occurrences. First, the recent recession in 2008 decreased demand for gas, and second, advances in the unconventional gas extraction, such as horizontal hydraulic fracturing (horizontal high-volume slick water hydraulic fracturing) increased supply [13]. Horizontal hydraulic fracturing is a method for fracturing rock using high pressure liquids (typically water, sand, and a number of chemicals) in order to release trapped natural gas especially useful for rock formations like shale which have very low natural permeability. The key innovation is the ability to drill horizontally which decreases the number of surface drilling sites required. In addition to conventional reserves, the newly accessible unconventional reserves, including those from shale formations, have contributed to the second largest natural gas resource base in the world with 2,200 Trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of technically recoverable reserves in the United States [14]. 14 While this is generally thought of as beneficial to the environment due to the lower level of greenhouse gases emitted when natural gas is burned for fuel in the place of coal, there is still a significant controversy over the environmental effects of the extraction of the fuel using fracking. During the extraction process natural gas is released as methane, which is a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. For example, a Cornell University study concluded that shale gas produced more emissions than coal; although the study's models have been called into question for several reasons including the decision on the life cycle of the emissions in the atmosphere and the levels of leakage in the extraction process [15]. The Environmental Defense Fund released a study which examined the uncertainty of methane leakage and concluded that low leakage levels are critical to realizing the benefits of natural gas for climate change [16]. There is a lot of potential for natural gas to mitigate climate change, however due to the extreme levels of uncertainty associated with both the emissions of natural gas and their effect on the environment, it is necessary to closely monitor the industry and emission levels. The change in demand and the dramatic increase in supply of natural gas have reduced the prices for the fuel in the United States. Prices in natural gas have historically been volatile; however until the shale gas revolution they had been increasing steadily with the average price in 2008 was $8.86 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) with a high of $12.69/MMBtu in June. This began decreasing dramatically in 2009 to a low of $2.75/MMBtu in 2012. However, with the effects of the recession lessening and demand for gas increasing, the prices have risen slightly and the average price in 2013 was $3.72/MMBtu with a high of $4.24/MMBtu in December [17]. This is still significantly lower than the prices before the shale revolution and relatively stable, at least for the moment, which makes usage of the fuel attractive. The prices for natural gas are expected to change in the future, depending on the yield of the projected wells and the cost of extraction (see figure 2-1). The technology used to recover unconventional gas like that from the shale deposits is still fairly new and so price outcomes could vary. The EIA 2012 Energy Outlook discusses uncertainties both with regard to the size of economically recoverable shale resources and the cost of production. For example, the outlook estimates that depending on well productivity, prices could vary by about $3/MMBtu in 2035 [18]. These prices are also expected to rise due to increased regulation of the production of natural gas, such as fracking. For example, the EPA recently announced a rule that requires new 15 unconventional gas wells to use emission reduction technologies by 2015 [19]. This rule is a step in the right direction, and still gives the natural gas industry flexibility. 12.00 History Projections 10.00 - 0 Lo 8.00 - EUR High ec nomnic growt CL 6.00 - 4.00 - Re rence 0 daft High EUR Low economic growth 2.00 - . n~ nn 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Figure 2-1: Henry Hub natural gas annual average spot prices in five cases, 1990-2035. Historical data is represented for 1990 to 2010. From 2010 to 2035 are projections from the EIA Annual Energy Outlook for five cases depending on economic growth and shale gas well as estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) per well [18]. The prices for natural gas and estimates for future values are taken relative to Henry Hub, the major natural gas distribution hub in Louisiana on the Gulf of Mexico. The introduction of shale gas resources to the market has radically changed the geography of natural gas supply centers. Conventional gas reserves in the United States have been primarily from the Midwest and Texas near Henry Hub, while unconventional resources like shale gas have opened up access to reserves in locations like the Northeast (see figure 2-2). In 2000, the Gulf of Mexico supplied a quarter of the gas market. The same region provided just 6% in 2012 while the supply of gas from the Rockies and the Northeast doubled from 14% to nearly 30% of total supply [20]. 16 Umebe pw S~~m~sw.WyW'Yg. t shaftwV Yang" - - "O"MoIWt9 D""Wsww 0,hn Ut MN0 Sh., &Y b4a" 09M Figure 2-2: Shale Plays in the United States, 2011 [14]. A shale play is an accumulation of oil or gas in which is found in shale rock, which was previously unable to be extracted. New advances in unconventional drilling techniques have opened up previously unrecoverable reserves in many parts of the US, most notably the Northeast. While the shale gas revolution has greatly increased the available natural gas reserves, it is important to note that many of the drilling developments are focused primarily on extracting oil and liquid fuel, with natural gas extracted as a result of being in the same geological formations. This is in part why natural gas prices are so low at the moment, when oil prices are high. It is uncertain whether natural gas prices will remain as low as they have been in recent years; however, US dependence on the resource is not going to fade with increasing prices, especially in light of environmental regulations on emissions and energy security concerns. 17 2.2 Coal Retirements and Emission Regulations As the outlook for natural gas reserves continues to improve, emission restrictions have made other fossil fuel resources, such as coal, more costly. In the past decade, the power sector relied on natural gas to fuel around 20% of electricity generation while coal provided about 50%. In April of 2012, natural gas fired generation reached parity with coal generation, each providing 32% of the total electricity generated in the United States and, between 2010 and 2035, natural gas use for power generation is forecasted to double [21]. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a number of new environmental regulations which will affect coal retirements or curtailment. For example, Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), which will be enforced in 2015, requires all coal and oil-fired generating units to meet specified emission rates for mercury, acid gases, and other hazardous air pollutants. Many coal generation plants do not meet these requirements. As of July 2012 roughly 10% of the total coalfired generation fleet of the United States, approximately 30 GW of coal plant capacity, had announced plans to retire by 2016[22]. The three other major regulations that will affect coal plants in coming years are the following: the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) for Cooling Water Intake Structures, which pertains to cooling water intake restrictions for power plants drawing cooling water from lakes or rivers, Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) proposed rule and the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) as proposed in 2010 and finalized as the Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) in July 2011 [23]. In regions with traditionally large amounts of coal generation, like the Midcontinent ISO (MISO) these regulations affect an even larger percentage of their footprint. For example, out of the 295 coal units in the MISO footprint, which includes parts of Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Michigan, 247 are affected by the EPA regulations (see figure 2-3). 18 35 Units; 20,200 -MW " Impacted by 1 Regulation 0 Impacted by 2 Regulations * Impacted by 3 Regulations " Impacted by 4 Regulations Figure 2-3: Projected Impacts of Proposed EPA Regulations on Coal Units in the MISO Footprint and [23]. This study was conducted in 2010 and focuses on the Clean Water Act (CWA), Mercury Air Toxics Standards (MATS), Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) proposed rule, and the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) as proposed in 2010. For regions like MISO, natural gas is expected to fill much of the resulting base load gap from don't coal retirements. This takes a vast effort on the part of the electricity system operators who own power generation and instead operate an energy market. These operators have to find ways to properly incentivize investors build replacement power generation plants, such as natural gasmore fired generation, so that they coincide with the coal requirements. This task becomes new gas-fired complicated if there is not enough pipeline capacity in the area to support generation plants necessary to meet electricity demand. 2.3 Renewable Energy Intermittency In the wake of climate change and other environmental concerns, another fast growing energy secondresource in the United States is renewable energy. After natural gas, wind has been the 19 largest contributor of new capacity in many regions of the United States, especially in the last seven years [3]. A number of problems are encountered when integrating renewable energy sources like wind and solar onto the grid. The fast changes in power output from wind and solar generation requires other generation plants on the electricity grid to adapt just as quickly to changes, however many of the existing generation plants, like coal, are not able to change their power output at such time scales without sacrificing their fuel efficiency or damaging their machines. The rate of change for power (ramp) is particularly an issue for wind generation where there are high rates of change in MW/min. Wind generation consists of large turbines which are spun by wind currents to generate electricity. Because the power output of the turbines increases exponentially with wind velocity, weather conditions dramatically affect the power output. In order to compensate, fast ramping and power balancing is needed to make up for the change in power output (see figure 2-4). For example, in Texas on July 23, 2005, the wind power output for the region increased 646 MW in an hour and a half [24]. 60 - 50-S40CL 420 0 10 -10 0 1 2 3 4 Time in Days 5 6 7 Figure 2-4: 60 MW wind farm generation profiles during a week in southern California [25]. Wind speed can increase or decrease dramatically over just a few minutes or hours and requires grid operators to change the accompanying power generation within a similar timescale. 20 Solar energy from photovoltaic (PV) power production requires added attention from electricity system operators as well. PV panels are made of semiconductors and generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process called the photoelectric effect. Electrons in the PV panels are freed by solar energy and can be induced to travel through an electrical circuit into the electricity grid [26]. Because the panels rely on sunlight, weather conditions such as cloud cover and morning fog change the output of the solar resources in fast timescales (see figure 2-5). 2000 2 MW PV Plant Production 1800 1600 1400 0 1200 0 1000 800 0 600 400 200 0 8 -200 12 10 16 14 18 20 lime (Hour) - 5-Mar-09 - 19-Mar-09 24-Jun-09 Figure 2-5: A 2 MW Solar generation profile during 3 days in southern California in 2009 [25]. Moreover, as solar production facilities are frequently planned in close proximity, they are often connected to the same distribution feeder, which can cause high levels of voltage fluctuations and complex power management problems for the system [25]. This is also especially true for residential solar-PV installations. Intermittent resources like wind and solar offer a growing challenge to electricity grid operators because, like demand, they can fluctuate unpredictably. Short of major advances in storage capabilities, balancing these resources requires power generation that is responsive and load 21 following. The ability to compensate for dramatic load shifts is one of the key characteristics of many combined cycle natural gas power plants [27]. Right now, natural gas turbines are routinely used to meet peak demand levels, showing that they can be essential for the integration of renewables [28]. Natural gas power plants are already being used as power generation peaking plants to fill in the gap of renewable generation throughout the day. The two forms of energy appear complementary in many respects: natural gas electricity generation enjoys low capital costs with variable fuel costs, while renewable energy generators have higher capital costs but zero fuel costs (besides bioenergy). In some respects, natural gas has been thought of as a transition fuel to more renewable energy because of this. However, more capital investment and reliance on natural gas infrastructure will make an eventual transition away from the fuel to cleaner resources more unlikely. Only the most favorable wind sites are able to compete with the low costs of natural gas. Less favorable wind sites, solar, and other renewable energy technologies remain more expensive because of the many difficulties due to the relative inexperience of the industry as a whole. There is also higher costs associated with planning and permitting the new technologies [3]. 2.4 Energy security The Obama administration has been very vocal in its support for the natural gas industry for a number of reasons including job creation, climate change mitigation potential, and energy security [29]. While prices abroad for natural gas remaining high, low prices in the United States has opened up important opportunities for trading liquid natural gas despite the high transportation costs. Most importantly, it opens up opportunities to decrease US dependence on foreign oil. In 2012, the United States imported about 40% of the petroleum it consumed, and transportation accounted for more than 70% of total U.S. petroleum consumption. With much of the world's petroleum reserves located in politically volatile countries, the United States is vulnerable to supply disruptions. However, because U.S. natural gas reserves are abundant, this alternative fuel 22 can be domestically produced and used to offset the petroleum currently being imported for transportation use [30]. The combination of newly available large supplies of natural gas reserves, changing electricity generation demands due to coal retirement, and energy security concerns, natural gas is a key aspect of US energy production and policies. The next section will go into more depth on both the electricity and natural gas markets and regulations. 23 3. Overview of Electricity and Natural Gas Markets By understanding the complexities of the natural gas and electricity systems, one can begin to understand why the challenges caused from the interdependency between the two energy sectors is a concern that has no simple solution. Both sectors are subject to an array of regulatory authorities and have distinct markets with their own set of rules which are not easy to change due to their intricacies. 3.1 Energy Regulation and Stakeholders In the United States, there are several levels of regulatory agencies with different levels of authority ranging from federal to local and from setting recommendations to requirements. While the natural gas industry has the same basic structure throughout the country, the regulation of the electricity sector varies by region and state. The system operation in the energy sector has as much to do with policy and regulation as it does with the physical design and control. Decisions to change the energy sector involve a wide number of stakeholders from the natural gas industry, the electricity industry, as well as state, federal, and regional regulators. The relevant energy regulatory authorities, as they relate to electricity and natural gas interdependency: The Department of Energy (DOE) is a department of the US government which is headed by the US Energy Secretary who is a part of the President's cabinet. The DOE is concerned with the federal policies regarding energy, especially those involving foreign policies, and safety in nuclear material. In relation to natural gas and electricity interdependency, most notably the DOE permits liquefied natural gas (LNG) export sites. With prices of gas significantly higher abroad, exporting large quantities of natural gas could change available supply and prices of gas domestically. The United States Congress is the legislative branch of the government and plays a significant role in making laws related to energy. Recently Congress has begun to consider gas-electricity 24 interdependency issues. Specifically, the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Energy and Power Subcommittee held two hearings in March of 2013 that considered the coordination challenges of natural gas and electricity interdependency, as well as possible federal solutions. The first was titled American Energy Security and Innovation: The Role of a Diverse Electricity GenerationPortfolio and dealt with looking at how the coal regulations proposed by the EPA will affect the diversity of generation and general concerns with the ability of the US to meet energy demand with significantly fewer fossil fuels [31]. The second, titled American Energy Security and Innovation: The Role of Regulators and Grid Operatorsin Meeting Natural Gas and Electric Coordination Challenges, focused specifically on concerns surrounding electricity and gas interdependency [32]. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is a federal agency which is a subset of the DOE which focuses on domestic regulation of energy at the federal level in the US and is responsible for regional electricity market operations, regulating wholesale power transactions and interstate pipelines, and setting cost-based transmission tariffs for gas transportation services. FERC also permits the siting and construction of LNG facilities used for importing and exporting natural gas, and certifies LNG facilities that are connected with interstate pipelines. State Public Utility Commissions (PUCs) are state level governing bodies that regulate public utilities including state owned, investor owned, or public owned utilities. Other names include utilities commission, utility regulatory commission (URC), and public service commission (PSC). Generally, PUCs have regulatory authority over the siting of power plants and transmission assets within their state and authority over the generation mix that is employed under their jurisdiction. However, the magnitude of the reach of each PUC varies greatly by state. In relation to gaselectricity interdependency, PUCs require local distribution companies (LDCs) to meet the "human need" customers (which include hospitals, residential homes, nursing homes, etc.) before other customers (such as natural gas-fired generation plants) [33] [34]. Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Operators (ISO/RTO) were created by FERC to administer the transmission grid on a regional basis and to operate bulk electricity power systems and account for about 60% of the US electricity power supply [35]. If the state has a deregulated market, ISO/RTOs promote wholesale competition in the electricity system through defining market rules, which have particular importance in gas-electricity 25 interdependency. Changing these rules is difficult, and the ISO/RTO must go through a lengthy stakeholder processes and receive approval from FERC to change or update market rules. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is a not-for-profit organization which develops and enforces reliability standards at the regional level, assesses electricity reliability, monitors the bulk power system and educates and certifies industry personnel. The standards that NERC develops that directly affect the operation of electricity systems, but NERC is prohibited by Section 215 of the Federal Power Act from setting reserve margin criteria or ordering the construction of transmission to address inadequate resources [36]. The North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) sets voluntary industry-wide standards, though some are made mandatory by various regulatory bodies such as FERC. For example, natural gas transmission capacity nomination deadlines have been set by the NAESB and are used throughout the United States to standardize when and how interstate pipelines accept requests to ship gas. These regulatory bodies have differing levels of state, federal and regional authority, as well as differing levels of priority and scope. There are times when it is unclear which agency takes priority on issues, especially when it concerns state and federal authority. At times this is a benefit because it allows issue to be examined by a number of different agencies; however it can also slow down the processes for adapting to change. 3.2 Electricity Sector The United States electricity system consists of three main interconnections: Eastern, Western, and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). The physical infrastructure consists of generators from which power is transferred via long distance, high-voltage transmission lines, with the voltage gradually stepped down through distribution systems to the end-user. The United States energy system has grown rapidly since it was first begun, and now includes over 3,200 electricity distribution utilities, over 10,000 generating units, tens of thousands of miles of transmission and distribution lines, and millions of customers [37]. Since electricity demand is 26 largely treated as an uncontrolled exogenous input, the electricity utilities have an assumed the "obligation to serve" in which generation needs to be operated to meet this exogenous load at all times[38]. The demand for electricity from consumers, the load, changes with human activity levels following daily, weekly, and monthly cycles [39]. For example, demand for electricity is generally higher during the day when businesses are drawing power, and less at night when more people are asleep and using less power. ISOs operate the electricity system by carefully balancing supply and demand of power. While FERC governs energy at the federal level, the regional level is broken up into regional entities that group balancing authorities by NERC which develops and enforces reliability standards (see figure 3-1). The system operations are controlled by the many different balancing authorities within these regions. The balancing authorities are typically referred to as RTOs or as ISOs. Regions and Balancing Authorities 'j NPCC J RFC SERC FRCC TRq -- - - DOmd R0 .AW.t .utwto amhour,m, v Ipj .o.d h-.N~ayk, w-w,W.d *Bubble size is determined by acronym width As of July 25, 2012 Submit changas to Figure 3-1: NERC Regional Entities and Electricity Balancing Authorities[40]. Map also shows DC connections between balancing authorities and regions. 27 The main difference between the two types of utilities is that RTOs tend to be state run vertically integrated utilities, which own both the transmission and generation of power, while ISOs are deregulated utilities that still own transmission, but have sold off their generation capacity. Deregulated utilities, such as ISO New England (ISO-NE), buy wholesale electricity in the markets where power and ancillary services (such as backup power capacity) are sold competitively. Different states and regions have different levels of deregulation that range from no deregulation (vertically integrated utilities) to those that have deregulated both power generation and distribution, which is electricity transmission at the consumer level (see figure 32). V'- Figure 3-2: Electricity restructuring by state [13]. In deregulated states, individual distribution companies work with an ISO to supply power to consumers. In other states, individual utilities or utility holding companies operate the electricity system or are a part of an RTO [35]. 28 The benefit of deregulation is that with the increased competition, the cost of electricity will be lower and generation companies will have more incentive to be efficient and implement cost saving measures. Another of the main benefits of deregulated markets is the opportunity to promote market-based solutions that provide strong incentives for efficiency. However, while their probably exist technological solutions for ensuring a completely adequate electricity system dependent on natural gas, the incentives to develop and deploy them are not fully in place or understood. Market operators face the challenge of how to enable those technical solutions in the bounds of complicated regulatory and market structures. Research and development priorities should be set in order to alleviate impending market constraints, and creating appropriate economic incentives will allow the market to discover technical solutions without the vertically integrated utilities method of picking winners which can lead to economic inefficiencies. The downside of deregulation is that the market rules need to be carefully considered and enforced to prevent market manipulation. A strong example of market manipulation in the electricity sector occurred during the California electricity crisis in 2000, where a few generation companies with large market shares were able to withhold generation capacity to artificially raise prices. Many of the issues with natural gas and electricity interdependency happen in deregulated regions where market planning is more difficult, if perhaps more cost effective. Vertically integrated utilities, like Tennessee Valley Authority, have a great deal of freedom in how they operate their electricity systems. Operators need to be concerned about sensitivities such as fuel neutrality, reliance on economic incentives, and complicated market participant involvement processes. This lack of constraints allows integrated utilities to address problems quickly and with certainty. In regional electricity markets, much more thought and due diligence is given to every market rule and regulatory change. In order to change a rule, ISOs have to go through a stake holder process. The stakeholder process, through which market operators engage market participants before submitting rule changes to the FERC for final approval, can be time consuming and cumbersome due to the large number of stakeholders and regulatory bodies. Due to the complexities of deregulated markets, problems with the interdependency between electricity and natural gas are most dominant in regions with ISOs and their wholesale electricity markets. Market planning and operation occurs on several time horizons. In the long term, ISOs conduct transmission and interconnection planning and deregulated utilities often operate a 29 forward capacity market (FCM). The FCM creates incentives for future power generation capacity build out to ensure an adequate level of installed generation in locations with high electricity demand. In the medium term, ISOs coordinate planned power plant outages to make sure that they do not all coincide in a manner that threatens system reliability. In the short term, ISOs coordinate the dispatch of power generation units to meet the day's electricity demand. Short term market operation and generator dispatch are where gas and electricity interdependence concerns are the most pressing, although long-term solutions are often needed to prevent shortterm issues. There is a day-ahead market (DAM) which secures the next day's generation based on a prediction of demand. The next day, the real-time market makes up for any short comings in the generation dispatch schedule created the previous days (see figure 3-3). Day-Ahead Market (DAM) el I / Real-Time Market (RTM) Figure 3-3: ISO New England Wholesale Electricity Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets in 2012 [41]. The generators are compensated based on the real-time locational marginal price (LMP). In the day-ahead market, generators "bid" the price and quantity of the power they can produce as well as their operating constraints, such as ramp up time and minimum output levels, to the ISO 30 which then computes the market clearing price. The dispatch is determined using a security constrained unit commitment model (SCUC model), that ensures that supply equals forecasted demand within a suitable reliability margin which limits the amount of non-served energy. During the operating day, system operators manage the electricity system using the real-time market. The ISO orders generators to change their output of electricity to make up for supply and demand imbalances in five minute increments. The generators are compensated based on the real-time locational marginal price (LMP) of their power[42]. LMPs are calculated based on how much electricity is worth in a specific location, called a node, based on the amount of electricity demand, the supply of electricity, and the level of transmission constraints. This method reflects the costs of the transmission system far more accurately than zonal pricing, and provides price signals for the additional costs of electricity caused by transmission congestion, line losses, and generation. In day to day operations, electricity system operators schedule and dispatch natural gas-fired generators without taking into account the adequacy of their fuel supply because they assume generators include price uncertainty in their costs. The problem occurs when there is quantity uncertainty and natural gas pipeline constraints manifest in real time that limit the amount of natural gas available to the gas-fired generators, threatening the reliability of the power they provide and subsequently the electricity system. 3.3 Natural gas sector The natural gas infrastructure consists of transmission (pipelines), producers (wells), storage, and consumers. Pipelines use compressors along the line to create the flow of the fuel from the injection point on the line to the consumer of the natural gas. Since the deregulation of the natural gas market in the United States in 1992 gas sales and pipeline transportation are sold in separate markets (see figure 3-4), the structure of the market has evolved more organically than regional electricity markets due to the lack of a central controller (like an ISO). This is in part because natural gas pipeline companies and natural gas marketers have fulfilled the role of a central controller after deregulation, albeit in a decentralized manner. Natural gas has three distinct markets: the commodity gas market, the transmission 31 capacity market and the financial market. The commodity market is where contracts for physical natural gas quantities are traded, while the transmission capacity market is where contracts for gas delivery are traded [43]. The financial market is similar to that in electricity and is used for risk hedging against price changes. An understanding of the commodity market and transmission market is most relevant for gas-electricity interdependency. r-Local distribtin r -onnuercial Sconpanies e Producers ne ~ *.~et rMarketers - Residential Indutstrial Eeti spot market __ Gas transportaftok Bypass Pipeline - - - - - - -tlte Gas sales Figure 3-4: Structure of the U.S. Gas Industry after unbundling of sales from pipeline transportation, after 1992 [43] The physical commodity markets include participants from all over the natural gas industry including producers, pipelines, marketers, local distribution companies, and large end users. Transactions in the commodity market are conducted between the buyer and seller in spot markets and hubs, often with marketers as intermediaries, to minimize the costs and risks of natural gas supply[43]. When evaluating market coordination between gas and electricity systems based on economic efficiency, it is important to consider more than just simply aligning transmission deadlines of the two markets. For example, the gas market is most liquid between 8am and 9am[41], just before the start of the gas transmission capacity day, which begins at 10 am. If the timing of the markets is such that gas-fired generators are trying to buy gas outside of these times, it can be difficult or costly as there are fewer market participants. 32 Natural gas trade relies on long term contracts because of the high fixed costs for transportation compared to other resources. For example, low pressure piped gas has 180,000 Btu per cubic feet, while crude oil has on average 1,010,000 Btu per cubic feet, almost six times the value for the same volume [44]. 3.3.1 Operations of Interstate Pipelines Pipeline operators are concerned with providing their customers with gas transportation capacity while maintaining suitable pressure within the pipeline. There are definite opportunities for pipeline system operators to fulfill their primary goals of gas transportation and maintaining pipeline pressure and also offer additional services with increased flexibility for consumers. NAESB established the following pipeline capacity contract classifications and their relative levels of delivery priority [41][45]. Primary Firm Capacity is bought through long-term contracts with monthly service fees, and is what most LDCs rely on for gas delivery. LDCs supply natural gas to residential consumers and businesses within their distribution network. Primary firm customers have first priority to be served during constraints. Once a primary firm customer nominates its shipments of gas, they cannot be denied the delivery of that amount. If a primary firm customer needs to increase a previously established nomination, a shipper with an interruptible contract can be curtailed in order to satisfy this request. Any capacity that a customer like an LDC holds but does not use can be sold as secondary firm capacity. Secondary Firm Capacity guarantees delivery of the holder's initial nomination, but does not guarantee delivery of additional nominations during times of constraints. As holders of secondary firm capacity cannot be denied delivery in most cases, they can prevent primary firm capacity holders from scheduling additional gas transport in later nomination cycles, which are explained in the next section. Interruptible Capacity: Interruptible contracts offer the most flexibility because they are only paid for when used, but are limited to when excess system capacity is available after all primary 33 firm and secondary firm requests have been satisfied. As the name suggests, holders of interruptible capacity contracts are susceptible to be denied delivery when primary firm contract holders increase their nominations or when there are physical constraints on the interstate pipeline system. These are the contracts that most gas-fired generators use due to their flexibility and lower cost since gas-fired generators can submit the cost of these contracts into their electricity bid as a variable cost, however they often cannot do the same for firm contracts. Excess natural gas in the interstate pipeline that increases the pressure above the minimum that the customers require is called line-pack. Line-pack consists of gas that is injected at the well head, Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) storage, and pipeline interconnection points[46]. Line-pack gives pipeline operators considerable flexibility in the volume and timing of withdrawals and injections by their customers. As long as there is sufficient line-pack in the pipeline, contracts for natural gas transportation often allow customers the flexibility to overtake and undertake from the pipeline. Overtaking is taking more than the scheduled quantity and undertaking is leaving gas in the system that was previously scheduled to be removed. Pipeline operators will often resell this excess gas. The pipelines charge the consumer extra based on how much they over or undertake[47]. The added flexibility of line pack also allows for non-ratable takes, in which the customer consumes its contracted amount over any time period. For example, you can take all of your scheduled gas quantity over a specific time frame, such as the morning or the evening rather than in hourly increments. This is especially useful for gas-fired generators that have uncertain demand profiles as a result of gas and electricity market misalignment and regular demand fluctuations. Unfortunately, the sometimes excessive over and undertaking of gas has caused problems between generators and pipeline operators. Since pipelines generally schedule transmission assuming the gas is taken throughout the day in regular increments, when generators overtake gas expectantly, this creates balancing problems for the pipeline system operators[41]. When there are difficulties in maintaining appropriate pressure in the system, operators may limit the amount of gas allowed to be overtaken and undertaken, or only allow for ratable takes from the pipeline, restricting customers to take gas in 1/24th increments throughout the subsequent twenty-four hour period[46]. In anticipation of such restrictions, generators may over-nominate gas so that they have more than they need, knowing that they will be restricted to 1/24t of their 34 total nomination each hour, and sell the gas that they do not consume. In addition to the potential loss of value on the re-sold gas, power generators would also be faced with costly imbalance fees, making ratable take scenarios quite expensive. Shipment Nominations and Contract Priorities 3.3.2 Transmission capacity nomination cycles have been set by the NAESB (see figure 3-5). Generators, marketers, and other participants contact pipeline operators to nominate capacity, of specifying the amount of gas they would like to ship, the point of injection and the point receipt. 1230 TUIy Nogmi62 CirdeDaiim 1900 IT g NaoviueCyde DhuiuCdkhm 1100 IIO-Dtyl 10.00 S#tofN&4atuIGosDa D dreif hT 64 l iNEvoiu Cyd Doi"g iuab 18:00 Ddimv o 1 - htmuDa 2 22:00 DdofW yof I -DAT I Sccuhl~iSSvd Natural Gas Day Figure 3-5: Natural Gas Transmission Capacity Market Timeline[41]. The vertical dotted line in the timeline represents midnight. All times in EST. During the nomination process, pipeline operators take nominations first from holders of firm contracts. These holders of firm contracts nominate how much capacity they will be using the following period, up to their total allotted firm capacity. Any excess is sold on a secondary market as released capacity. This capacity is bought on the short term by power generators and industrial users as interruptible capacity. Pipeline operators schedule natural gas deliveries with successive rounds of capacity nominations, where capacity subscribers tell the pipeline operators the quantity of gas they would like to ship. 35 The priority of delivery is determined by the capacity contracts the subscribers purchase. There are two main types of capacity contracts relevant to gas-electricity interdependency. Firm capacity contracts, which are typically used by Local Distribution Companies (LDCs) as mentioned earlier, provide first priority gas transportation and are the most expensive capacity contract with monthly service fees. Natural gas-fired generators typically use interruptible capacity contracts, which are only paid for when used and has the lowest priority dispatch on the gas pipeline system. Gas-fired generators use interruptible contracts because not only are they the least expensive and offer the most flexibility, generators are often unable to recover the cost of a long-term firm contact in their electricity bid in energy markets. In wholesale electricity markets, generators are only allowed to bid their variable cost for generation, which include fuel costs and maintenance costs associated with the production of power, rather than their capital costs, which should be recovered by other means, in order to prevent market manipulation. If an LDC underestimates the amount of capacity they need to meet residential demand for the following period, firm transportation contracts allow them to call the pipeline operator and request more capacity, up to the total firm contract amount. Any capacity in the interruptible market can be bumped without notice in order for the pipeline to fulfill its contractual obligations to the LDC. This system is important to the operation of the pipeline, and allows pipeline companies to price transportation based on reliability, although it is a major concern for electricity system reliability in the face of natural gas interdependency, which will be the focus of the following section. 36 4. Interdependency Concerns Due to high storage costs and limited availability, natural gas is generally used as a just-in-time resource, meaning that it needs to be delivered as it is consumed. Storage of large quantities of natural gas is costly, so gas-fired generation plants use gas as it is delivered to them. This leads to one just-in-time resource (natural gas) being used by another just-in-time resource (electricity). The dependence between these two sectors has led to concerns over scheduling, transportation, and communication. The growing reliance on a single fuel in the electricity sector as well as the changing demand in the gas sector has profound effects on the operation of the two transportation systems. These changes affect how pipelines are financed and how electricity system operators dispatch the available generation. With the growing need for and push toward renewable energy integration, it is imperative for natural gas to coordinate reliably with the power sector in order for gas-fired generators to compensate for the intermittency of renewable resources. The development of a more intelligent electricity system, or smart grid, can help with the changing needs of the two sectors. However, modeling between the industries and combined planning efforts are needed to fully realize the benefits of natural gas without incurring unnecessary risk. 4.1 Electricity sector reliance on natural gas In the last decade, the power sector has relied on natural gas to fuel around 20% of electricity generation while coal has provided about 50%; however, the percentage of natural gas-fired generation in the electricity system has been increasing dramatically (see figure 4-1). In April 2012, natural gas fired generation finally reached parity with coal generation, each providing 32% of the total electricity generated in the United States. Between 2010 and 2035, natural gas use for power generation is forecasted to double[21]. New Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions regulations are expected to reduce roughly 10% of coal generation plants in the United States, with more expected retirements in the next ten to fifteen years [48]. Most of this capacity 37 is being replaced with natural gas-fired generation as recent developments in the extraction of unconventional gas have reduced gas prices dramatically. Natural gas prices directly impact unit commitment and economic dispatch. For example, the change in prices for the fuel is at times the difference between using a gas-fired generator and using other fossil fuel resources like oil. o Natural Gas * Coal * Conventional Hydro o Nuclear UOil U Wind U Other 4500 4000 3500 0 3000 0. E 2500 4A C 2000 0 Lm 1500 1000 500 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Figure 4-1: Electricity Consumption by Primary Fuel in the US from 1990 to 2012. This interdependency is growing mainly because there is an increased reliance on natural gas in the power sector. The growing reliance on natural gas for power production has led to the exacerbation of issues with resource dependence and scheduling for the natural gas and power sectors. With this rise in the use of natural gas for electricity production, problems with natural gas and electricity coordination have gone from a nuisance to major reliability risks, especially in times of peak demand or gas constraints. In some regions these problems are more prevalent than in others (see figure 4-2). 38 100% 90% - 80% - o Power Imports 70% 0 Renewables 60% 0 Nuclear 50% - 40% MCoal 30% - M Natural Gas 20% -MOil 10% 0% S Atlantic W S E S W North E North Mountain Central Central Central Central Mid Atlantic New England Pacific Figure 4-2: Generation Mix by Fuel Type and Region in the United States, 2012 [18]. In the United States, the various regions have vastly different levels of dependence on natural gas; some regions have almost no natural gas on their system, while others rely on natural gas for over half of their electricity production. Some regions, like the West Coast, are far from unconventional natural gas resources, like shale gas reserves, while others, like the New York and Pennsylvania areas, have enormous supplies in their backyard [13]. In some regions like New England, where there is a particularly heavy dependency on natural gas, electricity prices follow natural gas prices. This is because of the large percentage of natural gas fired generation on the system. 4.2 Natural gas demand changes Because the electricity sector is using more natural gas for power generation, the natural gas sector has had a growing demand from the electricity sector (see figure 4-3). This has an impact 39 on for the transportation and flow of natural gas in the pipelines, as well as the market operations. Natural gas consumers have to request to transport a specific quantity of gas over the day, called a nomination. The natural gas marketers, who coordinate the fuel delivery for many natural gas fired generators, as mentioned in the previous chapter, hold work hours typical to most of their customers. Many natural gas marketers close on the weekends, holidays, and overnight, leading many gas-fired generators to buy weekend packages. This can cause uncertainty in their supply because they are not able to properly adjust their fuel nomination, which can be especially necessary over holidays when consumer demand for electricity can be unpredictable. Increasing demand from gas-fired generators also changes how gas is shipped; previously, natural gas was not used by generators which demand large amounts of their nomination in only a few hours, but was instead used over the course of the day by residential and commercial consumers who use it for heating. In order to deal with the added level of uncertainty, some pipelines, like the Algonquin pipeline that services New England, requires gas-fired generators to provide hourly burn profiles of plants directly connected to the pipeline [49]. Natural Gas Consumption by End Use 10000000 - - Residential - - - - Commercial 9000000 - 8000000 - 7000000 -Industrial Electric Power 6000000 5000000 . .l. 4000000 3000000 -- 2000000 1997 2000 2005 2002 2008 2011 2013 Figure 4-3: Natural Gas Consumption by End Use [13]. The major growth in natural gas consumption in the US has been from the power sector. This change has important implications for how gas is transported. 40 Natural gas transportation contracts dictate transportation fees, and thus their design is important for investment in pipeline infrastructure. Power plants in many parts of the country rely on interruptible contracts for gas supply in order to adapt to changing market conditions because they are unable to recover the higher cost of long-term firm contracts through their electricity market bids. These short-term interruptible contracts are subordinate to firm contracts in delivery priority and do not contribute to the traditional pipeline financing and regulatory approval process. Specifically, pipelines are currently not built without a significant portion of their capacity being contracted out with firm contracts ahead of time to make sure there is sufficient demand to warrant the investment. For several years this system worked well: gas demand increases from LDCs that signed long term firm contracts that encouraged pipeline investment and regulatory approval [46]. The ample excess pipeline capacity that was not contracted, or capacity not used in the short-term, was used by natural gas power generators that relied on interruptible contracts. This system has been increasingly stressed in the last two decades. Now the growth in additional natural gas demand is largely from natural gas power plants that are averse to buying long-term firm contracts. The challenges from this demand shift are particularly pressing in NERC regions like RFC and NPCC where a significant portion of forced outages of gas-fired generators arise from a lack of fuel availability (see figure 4-4). A forced outage is when a generator that was previously available to supply power to the electricity system becomes unavailable. An outage can occur for a number of reasons, including fuel constraints and unscheduled maintenance. 41 SPP FRCC MRO 2%. 1% 0% Figure 4-4: Number of Forced Outages of Gas-Fired Generators due to Lack of Fuel by Region[50]. Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC), Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO), Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC), Reliability First Corporation (RFC), SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC), Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Texas Reliability Entity (TRE), Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Though power generators are a large and growing customer segment for natural gas pipeline companies, and the service that pipeline operators provide is immensely important to the operation of the electricity system, the contracts on which many generators rely simply do not encourage investment in pipeline infrastructure. Furthermore, the interruptible capacity contracts on which power generators are so dependent can threaten reliability of the electricity system. If LDCs underestimate the amount of capacity that will be required to meet demand in the shortterm, or if electricity system operators need an immediate influx of power from a natural gas power plant that does not have fuel nominated for delivery, interruptible capacity contracts often are unable to provide certainty that gas will be delivered for power generation. This is because of the lower priority of delivery, and results in difficulties in nominating for additional capacity. Worse, there is the threat of being "bumped", where a shipper with a higher priority contract decides to increase its receipt of gas, causing the loss of capacity to a lower priority interruptible contract holder [51]. 42 When LDCs need to increase their shipment nominations, pipeline operators recall interruptible shipment contracts and force generators to go without gas. Historically, there has been enough excess capacity for LDCs to increase their shipment nominations without recalling interruptible contracts, but with utilization rates approaching 100% in some areas, in order for an LDC to serve its customers, some users of interruptible service will have to be curtailed. 4.3 Pipeline financing concerns Some amount of new pipelines are needed to move gas from recently developed supply centers resulting from the shale gas revolution to traditional demand centers is necessary (see figure 4-5). While more expensive than dual fuel and demand response, pipeline expansion greatly increases the reliability of fuel delivery for generators, assuring they will be available for electricity system operators to call upon. Natural gas that is abundant in a certain region but lacks the infrastructure to move to where it is in demand can lead to price anomalies that diminish the economic value of the resource. For example, a substantial negative basis occurred for several years at the Opal Hub in the Rocky Mountains before new pipelines were built: gas producers were selling their natural gas at below market value at the Henry Hub because of lack of natural gas pipeline infrastructure. A price basis is the difference between the price of gas at a given location and the price of gas at the Henry Hub, the reference price for gas in the United States. A negative basis refers to the price of gas at a given location being below the price at the Henry Hub [20]. Often, oil and natural gas are in the same reserves, so when oil is produced natural gas can be a byproduct of that production, called associated natural gas. In the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota, producers flare associated natural gas that they are unable to move to market, which resulted in an estimated $1 billion lost in fuel through 2012 although the value in the loss fuel is far exceeded by the value of the extracted oil [52]. 43 1W I1VW Vn 20 00 21 Figure 4-5: Changing Geography of Supply. The figure shows the change in production output from 2000 to 2012. Regions like the Northeast show significant increase due to the shale gas revolution [20]. Firm capacity contracts are used to finance the expansion of natural gas pipelines and as natural gas demand in the power sector typically uses interruptible contracts, the build out of new pipelines needs to be addressed. Revising the FERC permitting rules, which require firm capacity as a primary way for investors to prove there is sufficient consumer demand to warrant the infrastructure expansion as mentioned earlier, could allow investors to consider the interruptible contracts as another way to prove sufficient demand. Encouraging gas-generators to sign firm contracts by allowing generators to bid the cost of the firm contract in their costs, which they are currently only allowed to do for their interruptible contracts, would increase the reliability of fuel delivery to vital gas-fired generators and would incentivize pipeline expansion where necessary without changing the FERC permitting rules. However, mandating purchasing of firm capacity would add an extra cost to some generators, but not for power generators who rely on nuclear, coal, or other fuels. Unique and flexible pipeline transportation contracts, beyond firm, secondary and interruptible contracts, can offer the gas and electricity industries more flexibility. For 44 example, as gas generators are called to balance renewable resources, they will require a fuel supply contract which offers greater flexibility for the timing of delivery, as mentioned in the previous section, such as "bandwidth" or "swing" type fuel supply contracts [41]. Another problem with requiring firm contracts is that during times of constraints on the pipeline, gas-fired generators could still be curtailed. There is a difference between generators behind the city-gate, who obtain their gas from the city's LDCs and those directly connected to the pipeline system. These generators manage imbalances with the LDC and are subject to any additional rules and regulations the LDC may have. For example, LDCs are obligated to serve their human needs customers first (which include hospitals, residential homes, nursing homes, and other critical consumers). So even if a generator behind the city-gate had a firm contract, it runs the risk of the LDC curtailing their gas during constraints [46]. It is clear that any solutions, mandates or otherwise, need to consider that not all gas-fired generators are connected directly to pipelines. While some new pipeline investment is necessary, the problem of underinvestment might be overstated. The worst natural gas constraints happen for only a few hours a year, and there does not need to be enough capacity to supply all gas generators with firm deliveries simultaneously because the cost would far outweigh the benefit from avoiding the occasional pipeline constraint. Although statistics from FERC suggest that few miles of new pipelines are under construction, many recent pipeline additions have been small feeder pipes needed to connect new supply sources to existing large interstate pipelines. Changing pipeline financing is not the only way to solve problems with gas-electricity interdependency. As regional power sectors become more reliant on natural gas as a main source of energy, it is important to look at ways to diversify resources. This can come in the form of diversifying the sources of natural gas and increasing fuel availability and flexibility. The development of distributed natural gas storage could allow for increased supply reliability during pipeline delivery constraints. LDCs also have fuel reserves that could be opened up to alleviate demand on pipelines during constraints, although LDCs tend to be extremely conservative with their reserves as they have a commitment to deliver to residential and human needs customers. Some of these reserves could be made available during times when a gas-fired generator is vital to system reliability to those same critical customers. Dual fuel capacity, demand response, and oilfired generation are all options that would be less expensive than building more pipeline capacity. 45 However, like mandating the purchase of firm capacity, mandating dual fuel capability would add extra costs to some generators over others, and so the implementation of these measures significantly affects their success and if done incorrectly, could lead to market distortions. 4.4 Dispatch concerns In order to optimize gas-electricity dispatch, the alignment of the markets needs to be addressed. The following figure is a simplified view of the New England ISO (ISO-NE) energy market and natural gas capacity market (see figure 4-6) . Natural gas-fired generators need to coordinate their dispatch and fuel delivery over two gas days (specifically, the gas intra-day market of the previous day, and the gas intra-day market of the current day) in order to meet their day ahead electricity obligations due to the timing of the markets and gas flow start times. Optimizing dispatch schedules, diversifying power system resources and addressing pipeline financing are important ways to address gas-electricity interdependency issues. 46 Electric Day E2Electric fnitial Offers Due Day E: Reofferm Cnuiafers Du~e nda M 0Nomn Noon 12AM Electric Day EO It 12AM NOOn w IDay 2Gas Noon 12AM Figure 4-6: Natural Gas Capacity Market and Electricity Energy Market Schedule Coordination. Note that the previous day ahead electricity market (E-0) does not post the dispatch schedule until well after both the Intra Day nomination (G-1) and the Day Ahead nominations (G-0) have closed. Market misalignment is not only a problem for ISO-NE. For example, in the New York ISO (NYISO) there are similar problems with misalignment. Generators are required to submit their electricity bid by 5am and the ISO posts the day-ahead schedule by 11:00am. Theoretically, this means that generators have an hour and a half between when the ISO posts the day-ahead schedule and the closing of the first day-ahead gas nomination cycle at 12:30pm. Since the gas market is most liquid between 8:00am and 9:00am and the NY facility system (the two LDCs) requires generators to announce the amount of capacity that they will use on the LDCs' systems by 9:30am, generators nominate the gas that they anticipate needing before receiving a dispatch schedule from the ISO. The timing constraints caused by the market misalignment has already led to generators making economically rational decisions to postpone announcing availability to avoid imbalance fees imposed by pipeline operators, even when they are most needed by the system operators during the morning load ramp up. 47 Market misalignment, in relation to its negative effects on system reliability, makes incentivizing flexible generation an important change in the operation of the electricity markets. Aligning schedules between gas and electricity markets can facilitate the ability of market participants to improve reliability; however, incentivizing flexibility can promote innovation and a more marketbased solution. If the right incentives are in place, innovations like virtual pipelines, which are simply the transportation of gas over short distances with a series of trucks rather than an actual pipeline, or dual fuel capability can add diversity to the fuel supply. In particular, there is a need to make improvements in how reliability and flexibility are priced into the wholesale electricity markets in the United States. Generator flexibility can provide opportunities for quickly shifting load, adding resiliency to the electricity system to better handle current and future supply diversity constraints and intermittency. 4.6 Smart Grid and Demand Response The term smart grid has a lot of different meanings. In its most basic form, it is the implementation of advanced electricity metering devices (smart meters) which allow consumers to react to the real time price changes of electricity. Conventional meters simply record the electricity consumption for a month. A profile is then used to estimate the time of use which is used in conjunction with average prices to bill the consumer. Advanced metering, or smart meters, generally refers to three types of meters: net metering, dual metering, and time of use metering. Net metering is often used in conjunction with residential solar installations and records the amount of power consumed minus the amount of power produced for a given period of time (generally a month) [53]. When the consumption is positive then the utility will price the power based on some profile, similar to conventional meters. These meters are typically used for houses with residential solar, and the profile used typically does not account for the intermittency of generation. If distribution companies use volumetric charges to recover their costs, then with this method consumers with net meters do not pay effectively for their use of the distribution system. 48 Since typically homeowners with higher incomes will adopt distributed generation first, the cost of the distribution network will increase for lower income residents. Dual metering is one attempt at preventing the distortions caused with net metering, as it records the amount consumed and the amount produced separately [54]. This allows distribution companies to price the consumer based on their overall consumption like a net meter. However, dual metering does not fully take into account the benefit of having generation close to the load, which significantly reduces electricity transmission losses. Also, the method still prices the consumer based on an estimated profile like the conventional and net meters, which is hard to predict and does not give the consumer any incentive to respond to the real time prices of power. Time of use metering records the amount of electricity consumption, and the time it was consumed. This allows for the use of a number of different pricing schemes including real time pricing [55]. There is the concern that using time of use metering at the residential level might cause an ineffective investment in distributed storage, but it also opens up the possibility for independent companies to put in more efficient levels of storage to aggregate demand response for groups of consumers. Demand side signals, enabled through smart meters, are a way of allowing the consumers to react based on their individual value of lost load, both for electricity and natural gas. The standard used to assess the basis of new regulations for most PUCs is safe and reliable service at just and reasonable prices [56]. While safety and reliability are worthwhile objectives, under this assessment framework the value proposition of providing service is ignored because consumers are unable to react efficiently to real time prices. With conventional meters, there is no way to reflect the value of service of an individual customer, so PUCs instead assume a common value of lost load across all their customers. With a smart grid system enabled through smart meters, the increased ability for consumers to react to high electricity and natural gas prices caused by high demand and pipeline constraints can mitigate supply scarcity problems. Regulators and market participants need to fully internalize that the electricity and natural gas systems are interconnected. In this regard, a smart grid with demand response for electricity can be a way to mitigate not just electricity price volatility, but also natural gas price volatility since the price spikes for gas and electricity often occur simultaneously. Specifically, it is worthwhile 49 to evaluate whether regulators should consider demand response or advanced metering with realtime pricing for natural gas at the residential consumer level as well. Giving consumers a realtime pricing option for electricity and looking into what demand response options for natural gas would entail will prove beneficial to both energy sectors. The role of demand response in electricity markets has been implemented in ISO-NE and NYISO to some extent[57]. Large consumers of electricity bid into the demand response market and system operators compensate them for reducing their consumption when electricity prices go above their offer prices. Currently, this method does not allow the growing demand of residential consumers the option to react to real-time prices [58]. Expanding demand response programs to residential consumers could introduce much needed flexibility and opens up opportunities for innovative uses of existing infrastructure. For example, the possibility of using electricity heating as a type of storage since it currently causes major peaks in electricity prices during cold snaps. Electric heating in both residential and office buildings, if dispatched during times when prices are lower, could heat rooms before prices spike. With adequate insulation and consumer tolerance for small temperature fluctuations in their home and work environments, this heat storage could open up a flexible way to reduce some of the impact of peak electricity prices when the effect is aggregated from numerous sources, although it is unclear how effective this would be. 4.7 Concerns of focus for modeling An important problem facing regulators and system operators in the face of natural gas and electricity interdependency is how these qualitative problems can be measured quantitatively. Unfortunately, the data on the circumstances that have led to emergency situations for the gas and electricity infrastructures is not widely accessible. While it is clear that natural gas constraints will affect the cost of the electricity system, there is a need for modeling in the area to explore the relationship between fuel uncertainty and system cost. Predicting when and where fuel transportation constraints will manifest in the future is extremely difficult and sophisticated modeling tools are slowly being developed that model both natural gas 50 and electricity systems jointly. These models are needed to address concerns such as investment in natural gas generation, firm contracts for pipeline capacity, and dual fuel capability's benefit to reliability. The next section will pertain to the models developed for this thesis which explore two issues with natural gas and electricity interdependency. The main focus will be on how changing the level of uncertainty in natural gas-fired generation cost, due to fuel constraints and the cost of over and undertaking gas from pipelines, will affect the overall system cost for the electricity system. Next, a combined model for gas and electricity optimization is explored. 4.8 Conclusion How the interdependency of the natural gas and electricity systems effects each sector is starkly different. The natural gas sector has increasing demand for gas by power producers; however, since these power producers mostly use interruptible contracts, the incentives to change their system structure to improve reliability of supply to those generators is lower than it would be if they had firm contracts. Firm consumers take priority, and provide the bulk of the investment remuneration for the pipelines. The electricity system operators, on the other hand, have the imperative to supply reliable power to electricity consumers, and their ability to do so is directly affected by their growing dependence on natural gas-fired generation plants. The policy recommendations from this chapter focus on mitigating market and fuel uncertainty for natural gas-fired generators in order to improve overall system reliability and efficiency. A wide range of considerations and solutions are necessary for addressing issues with natural gas and electricity interdependency in areas with different resources and political regimes. Coordinating market schedules, diversifying power system resources and addressing pipeline financing are the three main solutions needed to address gas-electricity interdependency issues in most regions. Market timing differences cause many power generators to incur price uncertainty in the electricity market and quantity uncertainty in the gas market. These uncertainties can lead to 51 inefficient markets and unavailability of generators which lead to reliability risks and price increases for the electricity sector. Besides improving the coordination and alignments of the natural gas and electricity markets, a way to decrease natural gas uncertainty to generators is for electricity system operators to incentivize marketers, which coordinate the fuel nominations, to stay open overnight and on the weekends. The interstate pipeline system that was designed to serve LDCs and their relatively predictable demands is increasingly being relied upon by power generators with highly variable demand profiles. State regulatory requirements for what qualifies as a human need customer should be revisited, considering that heating residential homes, which is the basis of the service obligation on the gas side, often requires electricity as an input. As LDCs have an obligation to serve human need first, generators are sometimes unable to secure affordable fuel supplies in times of most extreme cold weather events. It is unclear if the current pipeline regulation and financing structures is adequate to face impending electricity system challenges. Allowing gas-fired generators to pass on the costs of firm contracts into their electricity bids in the energy market or mandating firm contracts can be quick ways to increase the amount of pipeline capacity; however, it might not be the most economical solution in light of climate change concerns. Ultimately, system operators need to understand the financial value of reliability of generators on their system, and ensure that generator remuneration reflects this. Finally, using demand response and other smart grid building blocks to increase both the adaptability of the power system to changes, as well as to increase the amount of information available, will allow for better operation of both the gas and electricity systems. Expanding demand response programs to residential consumers could introduce much needed flexibility and opens up opportunities for innovative uses of existing infrastructure. 52 5. 5.1 Natural Gas and Electricity Market Modeling Need for gas-electricity market models The interdependency between the natural gas and electricity system increases as more natural gas generation plants are used for replacing coal and balancing intermittent and uncertain renewables. Integrated modeling between the two systems, which includes both the physical infrastructure and market structures, is needed to help predict how and when outages of gas delivery for generators or natural gas price spikes could affect electricity system dispatch and reliability. Currently both energy sectors model their systems separately and only use simple estimates for the actions of the other energy system, rather than creating more informed models which could allow for both systems, even if just market operations, to be optimized simultaneously. There are numerous examples of situations where demand for natural gas and electricity peak at the same time[59]. In July 2002, a pressure spike from efforts to repair a leak at the Collins generating facility near Chicago, IL lead to four of five generators to go offline which totaled 2,019 MW of generation. In this case there was no load shedding, which is deliberate switching off of electrical supply to parts of the electricity network due to lack of power supply. However, the fact that such a relatively small gas disruption caused such a large loss of capability demonstrates the significance of the risk to electricity system reliability [60]. There is especially danger during cold snaps which leads to spikes in gas prices and curtailment of gas-fired generators. In February 2006, record low temperatures in Colorado caused a high demand for gas by residential consumers for heating. More than 1,000 MW of power producers could not obtain natural gas, which resulted in load shedding of over 500 MW and causing more than 323,000 customers to be without power for several hours [61]. Electricity system operators guard against such unscheduled outages of generation with operating reserves. The overcapacity need, as well as the number of occurrences of coupled price spikes in gas and electricity, can be avoided by better understanding of gas-electricity interdependency through computational modeling. Gas-electricity models are also important for understanding how to integrate intermittent and uncertain renewables into the electricity grid. Natural gas power plants are already being used as 53 power generation peaking plants to fill in the gap of renewable generation throughout the day. Intermittent resources like wind and solar offer a growing challenge to electricity grid operators because, like demand, they can fluctuate unpredictably and due to their introduce significant levels of uncertainty into market models [62][63]. Short of major advances in storage capabilities, balancing these resources requires system operators to utilize peaking plants, like gas-fired generators, to compensate. Electricity models that do not include the natural gas market and network constraints will not be able to assess the reliability risk of fuel unavailability to gas-fired generators which will be used even more in the future. Combined models of gas-electricity systems and markets are important building blocks for smart grid research and development. Having integrated market modeling between the two sectors can enable better understanding of how to efficiently operate the increasingly complex energy systems with growing demand, changing supply, and progressive climate change goals. For example, the authors of [64] develop a transactive control architecture that incorporates the interaction between real-time pricing, physical constrains, and demand response based loads in the presence of uncertainty of renewables. Demand response for electricity can be a way to mitigate not just electricity price volatility, but also natural gas price volatility during times of coupled price spikes in gas and electricity, as described earlier. Current models, as described in the next section, do not include information that could enable new ways of using smart grid building blocks like demand response to solve problems arising from gas-electricity interdependency. 5.2 Electricity power market models Researchers and planners of electricity power systems rely heavily on engineering and economic models in order to test various designs for the network and market operations. Linear programming and optimization models have been used to determine least-cost designs and operation of the system while satisfying physical and economic constraints for generation and transmission system assets, as well as regulatory requirements such as reliability and environmental emission standards [65]. 54 Since deregulation of electricity power systems in many areas of the United States, there has been ample development of modeling in the electricity power system [66]. These models vary depending on the time scale and include electricity power system management models, operation planning models, unit commitment and dispatch models, and real-time operation models. Electricity power system management models are for resource planning and production pricing (10-40 years), long range fuel planning (10-20 years), transmission and distribution planning (515 years), and demand-side management implementation planning (3-15 years) [65]. These models differ across the two power system management paradigm: centralized planning versus decentralized market-based planning and investment. Market based planning relies on proposing incentives for generation investment, but still has the same centralized transmission and distribution planning. Operation planning models focus on modeling the required generation to meet electricity load demands in the power system. A key portion of these models involves calculating optimal dispatch of generators. The idea is that because electricity demand throughout the day varies significantly, if all the required generation units to meet peak load were committed or on reserves throughout the entire day the system would be enormously expensive. Turning units off when they are not needed saves a great deal of money. Besides physically supplying enough power, system operators need to satisfy load demands while operating the power system economically [66]. Unit commitment and dispatch models include maintenance and production scheduling (2-5 years), fuel scheduling (1 year), and unit commitment (8 hours to 1 week) [65]. Unit commitment models determine the optimal schedule of generating units over a set time period for a given system[66]. For example, Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) models are used by system operators in organized electricity markets like ISO-NE in order to determine the dispatch schedule of generators given a set level of system reliability. Real-time operation models are used to make up for any discrepancies between the predictions of the unit commitment and dispatch models and the actual real time load. This includes dispatching models at the economic dispatch level (1 to 10 minutes) and automatic protection 55 (fractions of a second) [65]. These maintain voltage and frequencies while minimizing cost and avoiding unnecessary equipment stress. 5.3 Natural gas market models Unlike the electricity system where there is a significant body of research and information available, the natural gas system is relatively lacking in independent study and publicly available information. In part, this is because of the decentralized nature of the industry itself which is largely deregulated. Some exceptions to this are academic papers that focus on the natural gas industry and modeling [67][68][69]. The types of models being developed fall into three main categories: investment models, value chain models, and transportation models. Investment models are used to inform decisions for field investments in oil and gas which can involve large cost and risk, especially with offshore investments [67]. What the majority of models share is a common function of allocating limited market opportunity in the sale of natural gas or oil amongst a set of gas fields in order to maximize profit [70]. With changes to the productivity of fields in light of the shale gas revolution, these types of models are very useful for analyzing future investment decisions in the face of uncertainty. Value chain models are used to help make decisions on the planning and operation of the natural gas supply chain. These models can consist of components like production, transportation, processing, contracts, and markets [68]. Value chain models are important because they incorporate the complete network and optimize it simultaneously, which is an important part of liberalized natural gas markets [67]. Because of the added complexity in market operations since liberalization took place, it is important for these models to capture the complexities of the different natural gas markets including transportation, commodity and financial markets. Transportation models model the flows in pipelines for a given system network and are important for studying the natural gas industry in light of gas-electricity interdependency. It is important that these models accurately describe the properties of the natural gas transportation network while remaining analytically tractable. Some components that are important for modeling 56 include network descriptions, descriptions of transient flows and the interaction of the gas with compressors. 5.4 Prior Electricity and Natural gas Interdependency Models Despite the growing ties between natural gas and electricity systems, the academic literature contains relatively few articles on hybrid electricity-natural gas models which optimize the operation and flows of both networks simultaneously. Unlike many traditional electricity models that maximize net social benefit [65], these hybrid models recognize the costs and benefits of all agents in both systems when determining the optimal set of natural gas and power flows and corresponding marginal prices. Even so, there are still a number of articles on the area of hybrid electricity and natural gas models. The authors of [6] propose an optimal natural gas and power flow model that looks at equality constraints and the transformation between gas and electricity networks, which maximizes total Social Welfare by summing benefits for all electrical and natural gas consumers and subtracting the cost of all operations. Similarly, [7] propose an optimal natural gas and power flow model that minimizes costs of power and gas optimal dispatch. The security analysis in these models focuses on the short-term power system operation of the consequences of gas system failures on electricity market operation. In models that incorporate some representation of pipeline transportation, it is necessary to have the right amount of complexity to describe the system. There are a few examples of models in the literature which focus on the constraints of both the natural gas and electricity system. In [8], the scope is expanded to take into account natural gas flow constraints, both with active (with compressors) and passive (without compressors) pipelines with evaluation using a 4-bus network. The model proposed in [9] evaluates the maximum amount of electricity power generation possible from all of the combined-cycle power plants in a power system, taking into consideration natural gas demand by non-electricity customers, natural gas network, and availability. Traditionally, reliability analysis set the maximum output of power plants to constant parameters. However, this assumption does not hold under fuel uncertainty. In [10] the authors discuss the impact on the power system of different contingencies in the natural gas network that cut off the supply to gas-fired generation plants. This work is furthered with a unit commitment problem 57 subject to natural gas network constraints with the possibility of fuel switching solved in [71]. Finally, Correa-Posada and Sainchez-martin in [11] developed a stochastic contingency analysis for the unit commitment problem and analyzed the effects of network uncertainties in the shortterm operation of the integrated natural gas and electricity system. The development of a comprehensive electricity-natural gas model that accommodates the implications of delivery of natural gas, dominant contingencies that occur both in the electricity and natural gas networks, and poorly coordinated electricity and gas markets is currently not available, and the body of research in the area needs to be further developed. In the meantime, the focus of this thesis has been on optimal power flow models which determine the dispatch of generation with some level of integration between the natural gas system and the electricity system by extending the work currently available in the literature. 5.5 Model Descriptions The models developed for this thesis explore two issues with natural gas and electricity interdependency. The first focus will be on how changing the level of uncertainty in natural gasfired generation cost, due to fuel constraints and the cost of over and undertaking gas from pipelines, will affect the overall system cost for the electricity system. The model used for this method will be based on a Dynamic Market Mechanism (DMM) approach designed by Kiani and Annaswamy [72], and extended in Hansen et al. [12]. The second model will extend the OPF outlined in Hansen et al. [12] to include natural gas constraints. This model will be solved using the typical optimization approach [73], in order to explore how pipeline constraints can affect the dispatch of generation. 5.5.1 DMM model with natural gas uncertainty 58 In this section, an optimal power flow model is presented that captures important aspects of gaselectricity interdependency. This network model is expanded from the dynamic market mechanism which is an alternative way to solve the OPF, an approach designed by Kiani and Annaswamy [72], and extended in Hansen et al. [12]. The wholesale electricity market functions with each consumer demand company submitting the bidding stacks of its demand to the pool and each generating company submitting its own bidding stacks to the pool, which the ISO then clears though a negotiation process to produce prices, consumption and dispatch schedules based on the network constraints. First, the description of the consumer modeling is given, and then the description of the generator modeling and finally the network model is defined. Consumer Modeling: For each consumer company the consumption is divided into three classes: fixed, adjustable, and shiftable, denoted PDfj , PoDa and PDsj as in [12]. The consumer companies are defined as j E Da = {1,2,...., ND). Each consumer company is assumed to consist of one unit of each class of consumption, with P'Da1 = PDfj + PDa1 . The value of using each class of electricity for the consumer is represented by the associated utility functions in which the marginal utilities are decreasing linear functions of power consumption as follows: CDaUDaj(P'Daj) bDaj PDaj + p2 Da CDs -ip UDSJ(PDS) UDsjPDsj) =bDsj PDsj + P2Dsj The coefficients, bDaj , bDs, CDa and CDsj are consumer utility coefficients. In order to limit the amount of adjustable demand so that the effects of natural gas uncertainty can be studied better, the incremental cost coefficient CDaj is set at a high level. Generator Modeling: Generators are separated into two different categories, conventional dispatchable and nondispatchable. The difference between these two types is that non-dispatchable generators have 59 uncertainty in their fuel availability. The dispatchable generators are defined as i E G = {1,2,....,NGcJ and the non-dispatchable generators are defined as 1 E Gw = {1,2., NGw Ramp constraints, startup and shutdown costs are not included in this model. Operating costs of dispatchable generators is given by the following: CGcL(PGcL) = bGc i Gci + 2Gci Coefficients bGc, and CGc 1 are generator cost coefficients and power generation (PGc 1) is constrained between a maximum and minimum value. The operating costs of non-dispatchable generators, such as those with higher levels of uncertainty include a mechanism to account for this variability. These cost functions were developed in [72] and used to model the uncertainty of renewables like wind. In this thesis we modify the equations slightly to represent uncertainty in natural gas generation, which in times of constraints due to cold snaps, or from uncertainty due to scheduling mismatches between the two energy sectors, can act much like an intermittent and uncertain wind generator as discussed in the previous chapter of this thesis. This mechanism is to include the cost of supplying power from a reserve generator. The costs of operations are given by the following. CGj(PGwI) CGWI(PGWL) CGW 1 (PGWI) bGw PGw + C (Awl) = bw1 Awl + + w) 2 p2 Gw A2 W Coefficients bGwl and CGwl are generator cost coefficients, bw, and Cw, are reserve cost coefficients. The coefficients bw, and cw, incorporate the cost of over and under-taking fuel. The coefficient Awl denotes the percentage of power uncertainty of the generator, given by the following. Awl= PGwlAGwI The value for AGwi varies between 0 and 1 when the power is overestimated, and is negative if power is underestimated. Fundamentally, the greater the uncertainty, the more the cost of 60 generation for the gas-fired generator approaches the reserve generator costs. For natural gas generators, fuel uncertainty can result from pipeline constraints, scheduling uncertainty due to market timing mismatches, or unexpected power generation needs as discussed in the previous chapter of this thesis. For example, due to market timing, gas-fired generators do not receive their dispatch schedule from the power system operators until after the pipeline capacity market has already closed, as seen in figure 5-1. 2 3 *1E Electric DayE Electric Da yE2 Iitial Offers Due i *4 Initial leofers I nitial Offer Electric Day EO I'sDu u Intra Day 2 Nomination 1ntra DaV 1 Timel Nominations EveninNomnati on s I as Flow from CEvening Schedule Pos 12AM 12AM Gas Day GO Gas Day G1 Gas Day G2 12AM Noon Ahea Noon 12AM Figure 5-1: Natural Gas Capacity Market and Electricity Energy Market Schedule Coordination. The previous day ahead electricity market (E-0) does not post the dispatch schedule (*1) until well after both the Intra Day nomination (G-1), denoted as (*2), and the Day Ahead nominations (G-0), denoted as (*3), have closed. Even the new day ahead market enacted by ISO NE, (*4), does not post a schedule until after the Intra Day 1 Nomination (*2). The ISO proposed day ahead schedule would have solved this problem; however, it was rejected by the FERC during the stakeholder process in favor of the proposal of the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) [74]. 61 Market-Clearing: The proposed market-clearing method maximizes the utility for consumers while minimizing the cost of generation. This is done through optimizing a cost function subject to network constraints. The electricity network in this model includes the capacity through the lines in the network that are constrained and is congested when they approach their maximum limit. The proposed model clears the electricity market optimizing a cost function subject to network constraints, namely congestion due to line capacity limits and power balance. The ISO works through a negotiation process with the generators and consumers, using the gradient play described in Kiani et al. [72] , until a stable outcome is reached. A detailed derivation of this process can be found in Hansen et al. [75]. The cost function for the market clearing process is termed Social Welfare and it is defined as the following where Dq , G, , and G, are the set of indices of consuming units, dispatchable generating units, and non-dispatchable generating units, respectively. SW = { UDj(PDJ) CGci(PGC) - jEDq G ~ iEGc (PGw) 1EGw The optimization problem is to then to minimize -SW, and is subject to the following electricity constraints where (5, is the voltage angle of node n, and Bmn is the susceptance of line n to m. And where O, , t9, On , , and fln are the set of indices of dispatchable generating units, non- dispatchable generating units, consumer demand units, and connected nodes, respectively, connected to node n. The nodal power balance Vn E N =1, PGc iEOn (PGwI + ..., B} where B is the number of buses: AwI) Y ~ Bmn[1n - Sm]= 0; Dj -Z jE0n LEt9n Inn The transmission line limit, Vn E N, Vm E fn: Bmn(5n - Sm] < Pnmmx 62 The Demand constraints, where pref Dsi and pref Dfj are found through the process described in Hansen et al. [12] and dictate the desired demand profile, for Vj E Dq = {1, ..., ND} where ND is the number of consuming units: PDs, - = r pref pf pref Dfj 'Daj The generation limits the natural gas non-dispatchable generator V1 E G" = {I, ..., NGw} where NGW is the number of non-dispatchable generating units: PGw- I'GW In the DMM used for this portion of the modeling in this thesis, the LMP at each node is solved through an iterative approach through an exchange of price, power production and consumption between the ISO, generators, and consumers. The subgradient algorithm used was proposed in Kiani et al. [72]. Each market participant has an associated time constant r which correspond to the reaction time of different participants to the negotiation process. The coefficients rda and rds correspond to the adjustable and shiftable consumption time constants. The coefficients -r. and Tq correspond to the dispatchable generation and non-dispatchable generation. The ISO proposes an initial price of electricity, and generators give the power they can produce based on that price. The ISO then takes this power information and proposes a new price for electricity to the generators and consumers, which respond again with power quantities. Figure 5-2 gives a graphical representation of the market mechanism timing where T specifies the time period of interest and TdpC is time taken to calculate the desired demand profile given the percentage of demand response in the system, and Tneg is the time for the overall negotiation process as it converges toward equilibrium. 63 I T T ~neg Td pc time t t-T t+T Figure 5-2: Overall market mechanism timing where T specifies the time period of interest, TdPC is time taken to calculate the desired demand profile and Teg is the time for the overall negotiation process[12]. After a number of iterations, the quantity depends on the scale of the problem [76], the price that the ISO gives does not change the action of the generators and consumers, and a solution has been found. For the purposes of this thesis, the action of the generators and consumers are modeled through the cost ftnctions defined above. 5.5.2 Optimization Model with natural gas network constraints The following model has the same cost functions for the consumers and generators as outline in the previous section and follows the same optimization constraints with the following additional natural gas network constraints and changes to the constraint on PGwl. The natural gas nodal balance Vi E U = {t, ... , Y} where Y is the number of nodes in the pipeline network, Fij is the flow of gas into node i from node j, Fj is the flow of gas out node i to node j, and Fgi is the flow of gas to the gas-fired generator Gi. And a is the set of indices of gas nodes connected to node i. I jEati Fi - Fgj = - IFj gE01 jEati 64 0 The flow pressure constraints Vi E U = {1, ..., Y} where the constant C? depends on the composition and length, diameter, and absolute rigidity of the pipeline [69] [67]. sign(Fi) -Fzi = Cj(p? - However, this constraint is non-linear and so the substitution 7rc = pis made as presented in Urbina et al. [8] and the left hand side is represented as a simple linear approximation of the Weymouth equation F9 i = m - rwi + b, a simplification of what was presented in Correa-Posada et al. [5]. The pressure limits the natural gas generators for each line from node i to j: 0 s! Ir, :5 Apmax The generation limits the natural gas generators V1 E Dq where Eg is the efficiency coefficient for the natural gas generator, which is currently the same for all generators for simplicity: PGw 1 5 Eg - Fgi The OPF for this portion of the modeling for this thesis is found through a standard optimization approach modeled with the MatLab YALMIP tool box for prototyping optimization problems [77]. For our purposes, the action of the generators and consumers are estimated through the cost functions defined above. 5.6 Data sources and assumptions The coefficients bDa, and bDS are the base price the consumer utility function and cDa, and cDjS are the coefficients for the incremental utility price, which is the benefit the consumer gets from changing their consumption. The incremental and base price coefficients determine the behavior of the adjustable portion of the demand. The values for the consumer utility coefficients are as listed in table 5-1. The constants for the shiftable demand, UDpS, were used in Hansen et al. [12] as 65 well as the time constant for UDaj . In order to limit the amount of adjustable demand so that the effects of natural gas uncertainty can be studied better, the values in bold for UDaj have been modified from what was used in [12]. The incremental cost coefficient CDa is set at a larger negative value than the shiftable demand so that consumers have very little willingness to adjust consumption and have a higher base utility of using electricity, much like a data center which would not change their consumption of electricity even if prices rise to very high levels. Constants UDa. UDs. TdTime constant bDBase cost CD Incremental cost 0.8 75 -0.9 0.8 60 -0.21 Table 5-1: Coefficients for Consumers. Items in bold indicate changes made compared to [12]. Constants G1 Ig Time constant bG Base cost 2.8 31.89 0.7 35.67 G3 0.7 35.67 Reserve Base cost -- -- 50.9 Incremental cost 0.25 0.53 0.53 -- -- -- -- 0.7 0 to 0.25 b, cg cgu Reserve incremental cost AGW1 Uncertainty % G2 Table 5-2: Coefficients for Generators. Items in bold indicate changes made compared to [12]. The conventional dispatchable generators with no fuel uncertainty and are labeled as G1 and G2 The non-dispatchable generation unit, G3 , is natural gas-fired generator with fuel uncertainty. The coefficients for the generators are also based off of values used in Hansen et al. [12], however the base cost prices for the three types of generators modeled were changed to reflect current energy prices from the EIA's Electricity Power Annual report [78] and can be seen in table 5-2. Also, the value for the reserve base cost for the natural gas generator has been revised. The base 66 cost for is calculated by taking into account the penalties pipelines imposes on generators for taking fuel off of the Algonquin natural gas pipeline which services the New England area [47]. It was assumed that generators above 25 percent uncertainty will have difficulty competing economically, and so the range of fuel uncertainty for the model is from 0 to 25 percent. Determining the level of uncertainty that a particular natural gas generator faces can be difficult. The level of uncertainty for natural gas generators also varies throughout the United States due to market differences. For the purposes of this thesis, the values of uncertainty for the generator in this model are derived from data from NERC [50] on the natural gas capacity outages in 2010. For example, a value of 0.14 for AGw 1 is an average estimate for the uncertainty being faced in the United States by taking the forced outages due to lack of fuel (see figure 5-3) and dividing it by the natural gas-fired generation capacity for the electricity sector in the year 2010 [78]. Al I Forced Outages Due to Lack of Fuel 16000 14000 12000 0 10000 8000 (U 6000 -W 4000 0 2000 n A. all ill i ILJ Is Lm - 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 MFRCC *MRO MNPCC *RFC *SERC *SPP ETRE *WECC Figure 5-3: Forced Outages due to Lack of Fuel from data from NERC [50] Through changing the various generator coefficients, as described earlier (see tables 5-1 and 5-2), an analysis of the system can be conducted. The model for this thesis is demonstrated on a 4-bus 67 network which consists of three generators, two conventional (base unit and peaking unit) and one non-dispatchable, and two consumers who demand power from the system (see Figure 5-4). The electricity network data was chosen as it resulted in a typical LMP profile seen in ISO New England [79] and uses demand data from 07/19/13 NEMASSBOST and CT. Non-Dispatchable unit Base unit Peaking unit 2 3 1-2 3-. D1 D2 Figure 5-4: IEEE-4bus network with G1 and G2 being conventional generators and G3 being a natural gas-fired generator with fuel uncertainty from interruptible contracts and market misalignment. 4 Gas Supply 1 } G3 2 3 Gi G2 Figure 5-5: A node pipeline network for the natural gas constraint modeling. For simplicity natural gas compressors are not used. 68 For the last part of the modeling for this thesis a simple four node natural gas delivery system, also used by Urbina et al. [8] is used to model the natural gas constraints (see figure 5-5). The natural gas pipelines have a value of 0.15 for each C?. This value corresponds roughly to pipelines with a diameter of 625 mm and with a length of 20km [8]. The value for Ap!J" is set at 300k and the maximum and minimum node pressure squared are 100k and 400KPa 2 respectively. Finally, 0.16 is used for the coefficient Eg, which is the fuel efficiency of the gas-fired generator. This value is calculated using the 2012 heat rate for advanced combined cycle natural gas-fired plants reported by the EIA [80]. 5.7 Results and conclusions The results for the electricity without gas optimization, the first optimal flow model explored, show that small levels of uncertainty have little effect on the operation of the electricity system. However as this uncertainty grows, as it has in recent years, the Social Welfare cost increases dramatically (see figure 5-6). The figure shows two different points which give incite to how natural gas un[81]certainty due to market misalignment and pipeline constraints affects Social Welfare. By aligning the markets for gas and electricity and improving the reliability of gas fired generators the uncertainty will diminish and the overall Social Welfare will increase. However, there are diminishing returns for the market structure to eliminate all natural gas uncertainty, and so it is likely that the cost of completely eliminating uncertainty will outweigh the marginal benefit of further reducing the uncertainty. The US average, as calculated earlier, stands to make significant gains by addressing gas-electricity uncertainty. Certain regions, the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC), Reliability First Corporation (RFC) are regions of the United States which have the highest percentage of forced outages of gas-fired generators due to lack of fuel, as mentioned in the previous chapter and have significantly more to gain from improving market coordination between the gas and electricity sectors. 69 AGW, Effects on Social Welfare No uncertainty 1.92E+04 1.90E+04 1.88E+04 S1.86E+04 - 1.84E+04 US average 0 1.82E+04 1.80E+04 1.78E+04 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 awl 0.2 0.25 0.3 (%) Figure 5-6: The Social Welfare at each point Involves looking at a 24 hour period. The results show that as uncertainty in the cost of fuel increases, the effect on Social Welfare grows dramatically. Another method of addressing the level of uncertainty associated with natural gas fired generators is to adopt more demand response in the electricity system. Increasing the level of demand response through the shiftable demand response method outlined in Hansen et al. [12], even if only by 5 percent, dramatically increases the Social Welfare of the system, particularly for low levels of natural gas uncertainty (see figure 5-7). This shows that small problems with natural gas uncertainty do not need to be solved by changing the natural gas market structure, but can instead be solved through incentivizing demand response in electricity markets. 70 AGWI Effects with Demand Response - * - &- - 5% demand response - - 0% demand response 2.15E+04 2.10E+04 2.05E+04 2.00E+04 - +.. 1.95E+04 1.90E+04 "MM 01.85E+04 1.80E+04 1.75E+04 1.70E+04 0 0.05 0.15 Aw (%) 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 Figure 5-7: The addition of just 5% shiftable demand response dramatically increases Social Welfare, regardless of natural gas uncertainty levels. One of the main benefits of models that combine natural gas and electricity systems is that the uncertainty for generator fuel can become known to the electricity system operators ahead of time. To explore this in the model, the maximum output for the gas-fired generation was fixed and progressively reduced by the percentage uncertainty to make the graph in figure 5-8. This graph shows the comparison between having the generators with uncertainty fuel costs (maximum output with price uncertainty) which was introduced in figure 5-6, and having the uncertainty portion of the fuel removed from the optimization (recalibrated maximum output) so that other generation on the system meets demand instead. This is done through keeping AGwl at zero while instead reducing the maximum power output PGax by the percentage of uncertainty. Reducing the maximum power for the generator by the level of uncertainty effectively removes the need for the gas figured generators to pay for more expensive reserve fuel, however this requires that there is ample generators on the system to meet demand and that their costs are less than the cost of the gas-fired generator with fuel uncertainty. Due to the lack of information sharing between generators, pipeline operators, and electricity system operators, there are times when generators 71 buy more expensive fuel to increase their power output even though it is not economically optimal and there are other generators on the system. Effects of AGwj Uncertainty ------ Maximum output with price uncertainty - - Recalibrated maximum output 1.92E+04 1.90E+04 - 1.88E+04 1.86E+04 - 1.84E+04 1.82E+04 1.80E+04 1.78E+04 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Al 0.2 0.25 0.3 (%) Figure 5-8: This figure shows the comparison between allowing fuel uncertainty (maximum output with price uncertainty), and removing the uncertain fuel from the optimization by lowering the maximum output of the gas-fired generator by the percentage of fuel that is uncertain (recalibrated maximum output). The next portion of the modeling was to create an optimization problem which included natural gas constraints. The results from the power flow optimization model, rather than the proposed DMM model, shows that by optimizing both networks at once, the Social Welfare can increase, which is in line with the results from figure 5-8. For this model the three generators, G1 , G2 , and G3 , are all gas generators hooked up to the natural gas network in the configuration shown in figure 5-4. First to test the functionality of the optimization problem, two test runs were preformed: one where the optimization problem did not include natural gas constraints and another where the constraints for the gas network were added in. With very high limits on the maximum generation of the power plants in the first run, which did not have natural gas constraints, the two models had the same solution. When limits were imposed on the generation plants, the model with natural gas constraints added in performed better (see table 5-3). This is because it relaxes the constraint for the maximum output for the generators. 72 Power flow optimization Power flow optimization without gas constraints with gas constraints G, 60 69.0873 G2 30 25.4564 G3 30 25.4564 SW 779.4 800.6645 Table 5-3: Including pipeline network constraints can allow more flexibility for generators to be dispatched optimally for Social Welfare maximization. In conclusion, natural gas uncertainty can significantly affect Social Welfare, especially at higher levels (figure 5-6). Addressing information availability can reduce this dramatically (figure 5-8), but only if there is sufficient other generation to make up any lack of natural gas capacity, which is not the case in many regions. Demand response, even at small levels of penetration, can improve Social Welfare dramatically and make up the Social Welfare losses due to uncertainty (figure 5-7). Further work on this model would include research the effects of including more adjustable demand, and improving the linearization of the Weymouth equation for the flow pressure constraints closer to what was presented in Correa-Posada et al. [5] by making a piecewise linear approximation. Also, adding renewable generation into the model could allow for an analysis of how natural gas fuel uncertainty affects the dispatch of renewable generation and the cost to consumers and generators. 73 6. Conclusion First main contribution of this thesis is a qualitative analysis of natural gas and electricity interdependency in the United States and recommendations to address issues as well as take advantage of opportunities. The second main contribution is a quantitative analysis of select issues and recommendations previously discussed. 6.1 Summary of key findings In the United States, a rising percentage of power production is being produced by natural gasfired power plants and it is a trend which is expected to continue in the coming decades. The Shale Gas Revolution changed both the availability of natural gas and the prices so that it became an attractive fuel for investment. Coal retirements are creating a growing demand for new, cleaner generation methods, and renewable energy goals require the flexible generation offered by many gas-fired generators. The natural gas sector has increasing demand from power producers, a segment of consumers which they have not organized to supply in large quantities. Pipeline expansion procedures do not fully account for power producers which prefer to use interruptible contracts. Out of the limited types of contracts, gas-fired generators choose to use interruptible contracts which offer the most flexibility, something required for participants in the electricity market, but these contracts do not contribute to pipeline expansion. Changing the FERC permitting rules for pipeline expansion to include interruptible contracts is one way to solve this problem, but so would pipeline operators offering innovative capacity contracts, and electricity system operators allowing firm contracts costs to be included in generators electricity bids. Each of these solutions has reservations. Changing the FERC permitting rules might increase the build out of capacity, but there is still the question of whether excess capacity is really needed, especially in the long term with the goal of an eventual shift away from fossil fuels. Pipeline operators have a variety of customers besides 74 power producers, and need to consider their needs as well as the needs of gas-fired generators. Changing capacity contracts would complicate their current methods of operation, and it is unclear if all of their customers would benefit. Allowing power producers to include the cost of firm capacity contracts into their electricity bids would incentivize capacity expansion, but the added expense might be unjustified to the electricity consumers the cost is passed on to. Requiring firm contracts without allowing power producers to recover the costs through their bids would place an additional burden on gas-fired generators, but not other power producers like nuclear and coal. Marketers, which facilitate the movement of natural gas from producer to end user, often close on weekends and holidays. This is a definite problem for gas-fired generators, which are forced to buy gas in bundles for those days, but it is not necessarily a problem for the marketers, which do not wish to incur the cost of working on those additional days. In an age where technological solutions abound, it seems a simple task to find some way to work around this. Deciding how to incentivize marketers to remain open on additional days requires more consideration. Better market coordination between the two sectors could also improve the reliability of natural gas delivery to power producers. Market timing differences cause many power generators to incur price uncertainty in the electricity market and quantity uncertainty in the gas market. These uncertainties can lead to inefficient markets and unavailability of generators, which can in turn lead to reliability risks and price increases for the electricity sector. Electricity utilities are working to change their market schedules, but it is easier said than done with the tradeoffs of moving the day-ahead market earlier and a question of how and to what extent these changes will improve coordination and availability of gas-fired generators. Also, changing the electricity market timing could give an additional advantage to gas-fired generators over other types of generation, which could improve resource diversity for regions becoming more heavily dependent on a single fuel. Technical evaluation of these problems and possible solutions is necessary and constitutes the focus of the modeling section of this thesis. A quantitative OPF model was used to measure the effects of natural gas-fired power producer's fuel cost uncertainty on Social Welfare. The model was extended from Kiani and Annaswamy [72] and Hansen and Knudsen [12] by changing the 75 coefficients for the consumers and the non-dispatchable generator to reflect the constraints of natural gas-fired generators operating in an electricity system without adjustable demand response. These changes can be seen in tables 5-1 and 5-2. The results the simulations can be found in figures 5-6, 5-7, and 5-8 and show that fuel price uncertainty negatively affects Social Welfare, and demand response and information availability and coordination improvements can limit these effects. To simulate improved coordination, a second model is developed which includes natural gas network constraints. The results can be found in table 5-3 and show how joint optimization of the networks can relax fuel constraints on gas-fired generators and improve Social Welfare. 6.2 Discussion The electricity and natural gas sectors are becoming more interdependent during a time where the electricity industry is undergoing major changes due to technological advancements like smart meters and improved communications. This shift towards a smarter grid with demand response can dramatically change the extent of natural gas and electricity interdependency problems as well as open up numerous opportunities for combined optimization of the networks. Modeling improvements such as creating multiple time scales where reserve generation for natural gas uncertainty runs out over time could give better insight into some of the problems happening in New England, where successive cold weather snaps deplete oil reserves. Adding renewable generation into the model could allow for an analysis of how natural gas fuel uncertainty affects the dispatch of renewable generation and the cost to consumers and generators. While there has been tremendous enthusiasm for the development of natural gas, there are a number of concerns about the safety and health effects from extracting natural gas, specifically with hydraulic fracturing, and whether current regulation is sufficient. How natural gas can promote the integration of intermittent and uncertain renewables like wind and solar while also competing with them in the energy market is unclear, especially if the uncertainties associated with natural gas power generation prevent the fuel from being used to reliability balance supply of 76 power. Research into the benefits of having a more flexible demand, with demand response penetration, verses having more flexible supply, with more natural gas-fired generation would provide insight into how electricity system operators should organize their markets. 77 Bibliography [1] Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, "Coordination Between Natural Gas and Electricity Markets," vol. 2. Department of Energy, pp. 0-9, 2012. [2] P. J. Hibbard and T. Schatzki, "The Interdependence of Electricity and Natural Gas: Current Factors and Future Prospects," Electr. J., vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 6-17, May 2012. [3] A. Lee, 0. Zinaman, and J. Logan, "Opportunities for Synergy Between Natural Gas and Renewable Energy in the Electric Power and Transportation Sectors Opportunities for Synergy Between Natural Gas and Renewable Energy in the Electric Power and Transportation Sectors," no. December, 2012. [4] A. Lee, 0. Zinaman, J. Logan, and M. 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