Conservatory of Music ARTICLE VII: SELECTION, RETENTION, PROMOTION AND/OR TENURE OF FACULTY MEMBERS Updated 3-1-06 A. Selection: 1. The Dean shall inform the Chair of the appropriate divisions whenever a new faculty member is being sought. (see Article II., B., 4) 2. Upon notification that a new faculty member is being sought in his/her division, the appropriate Division Chair shall meet with the members of his/her division and those of any supporting divisions to draw up criteria for the hiring of the new faculty member. 3. The above-mentioned faculty shall then participate in the selection of the new faculty member, as provided for in Section 300.020 E.3.c. of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations. B. Retention: 1. The Promotion and Tenure Committee as provided for in Article IV., C., shall review the work of all the Conservatory faculty annually and shall use the procedures and materials that are a part of the Conservatory's Faculty Evaluation Program in so doing. 2. The results of this review process, along with recommendations concerning retention, promotion and/or tenure, shall be forwarded by the Promotion and Tenure Committee to the Dean. 3. If it is determined by the Dean that a faculty member is to be considered for a terminal contract, he/she then shall notify the individual and inform him/her of his/her right to rebuttal within 14 days of said notification.