Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Differential Equations Volume 2009, Article ID 417606, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2009/417606 Research Article Existence of Solutions for Integrodifferential Equations of Fractional Order with Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions Ahmed Alsaedi Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia Correspondence should be addressed to Ahmed Alsaedi, aalsaedi@hotmail.com Received 13 August 2009; Accepted 12 November 2009 Academic Editor: Juan Jose Nieto Copyright q 2009 Ahmed Alsaedi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We discuss the existence of solutions for a nonlinear antiperiodic boundary value problem of integrodifferential equations of fractional order q ∈ 1, 2. The contraction mapping principle and Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem are applied to establish the results. 1. Introduction Recently, the subject of fractional differential equations has emerged as an important area of investigation. Fractional differential equations arise in many engineering and scientific disciplines as the fractional derivatives describe numerous events and processes in the fields of physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, electrodynamics of complex medium, polymer rheology, and so forth. For some recent development on the subject, see 1–15 and the references therein. Integrodifferential equations arise in many engineering and scientific disciplines, often as approximation to partial differential equations, which represent much of the continuum phenomena. Many forms of these equations are possible. For details, see 16–20 and the references therein. Antiperiodic boundary value problems have recently received considerable attention as antiperiodic boundary conditions appear in numerous situations, for instance, see 21–25. In this paper, we prove some existence and uniqueness results for the following antiperiodic fractional boundary value problem: c q D xt f t, xt, χx t , t ∈ 0, T , T > 0, 1 < q ≤ 2, 1.1 x0 −xT , x 0 −x T , 2 International Journal of Differential Equations where c Dq denotes the Caputo fractional derivative of order q, f : 0, T × X × X → X, and for γ : 0, T × 0, T → 0, ∞, χx t t 1.2 γt, sxsds, 0 t with γ0 max{ 0 γt, sds : t, s ∈ 0, T × 0, T }. Here, X, · is a Banach space and C C0, T , X denotes the Banach space of all continuous functions from 0, T → X endowed with a topology of uniform convergence with the norm denoted by · . 2. Preliminaries First of all, we recall some basic definitions 26–28. Definition 2.1. For a function g : 0, ∞ → R, the Caputo derivative of fractional order q is defined as c 1 Dq gt Γ n−q t n − 1 < q < n, n q 1, t − sn−q−1 g n sds, 2.1 0 where q denotes the integer part of the real number q. Definition 2.2. The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of order q is defined as 1 I gt Γ q q t 0 t gs − s1−q ds, q > 0, 2.2 provided that the integral exists. Definition 2.3. The Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order q for a function gt is defined by n t gs d 1 D gt ds, q−n1 dt Γ n−q 0 t − s q n q 1, 2.3 provided that the right-hand side is pointwise defined on 0, ∞. Lemma 2.4 see 8. For q > 0, the general solution of the fractional differential equation c Dq xt 0 is given by xt c0 c1 t c2 t2 · · · cn−1 tn−1 , where ci ∈ R, i 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 (n q 1). 2.4 International Journal of Differential Equations 3 In view of Lemma 2.4, it follows that I q c Dq xt xt c0 c1 t c2 t2 · · · cn−1 tn−1 , 2.5 for some ci ∈ R, i 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 n q 1. Now, we state a known result due to Krasnoselskii 29 which is needed to prove the existence of at least one solution of 1.1. Theorem 2.5. Let M be a closed convex and nonempty subset of a Banach space X. Let A, B be the operators such that iAx By ∈ M whenever x, y ∈ M; iiA is compact and continuous; iiiB is a contraction mapping. Then there exists z ∈ M such that z Az Bz. Lemma 2.6. For any ω ∈ C0, T , the unique solution of the boundary value problem c Dq xt ωt, 0 < t < T, 1 < q ≤ 2, 2.6 x 0 −x T x0 −xT , is given by xt T 2.7 Gt, sωsds, 0 where Gt, s is the Green’s function given by Gt, s ⎧ q−1 ⎪ − sq−1 T − 2tT − sq−2 ⎪ ⎪ t − s − 1/2T , ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ Γ q 4Γ q − 1 s ≤ t, ⎪ ⎪ T − sq−1 T − 2tT − sq−2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ − , ⎩ 2Γ q 4Γ q − 1 t ≤ s. 2.8 Proof. Using 2.5, for some constants b1 , b2 ∈ R, we have xt I q ωt − b1 − b2 t t t − sq−1 ωsds − b1 − b2 t. Γ q 0 2.9 In view of the relations c Dq I q xt xt and I q I p xt I qp xt for q, p > 0, x ∈ L0, 1, we obtain x t t t − sq−2 ωsds − b2 . 0 Γ q−1 2.10 4 International Journal of Differential Equations Applying the boundary conditions x0 −xT , x 0 −x T , we find that b1 1 2Γ q T T − sq−1 ωsds − 0 1 b2 2Γ q − 1 T T 4Γ q − 1 T − s q−2 T T − sq−2 ωsds, 0 2.11 ωsds. 0 Thus, the unique solution of 2.6 is t 1 T T − sq−1 t − sq−1 ωsds − ωsds 2 0 Γ q Γ q 0 T 1 T − sq−2 T − 2t ωsds 4 0 Γ q−1 T Gt, sωsds, xt 2.12 0 where Gt, s is given by 2.8. This completes the proof. 3. Main Results To prove the main results, we need the following assumptions: A1 ft, xt, χxt − ft, yt, χyt ≤ L1 x − y L1 χx − χy, for all t ∈ 0, T , x, y ∈ X; A2 ft, xt, χxt ≤ μt, for all t, x, χx ∈ 0, T × X × X and μ ∈ L1 0, T , R . Theorem 3.1. Let f : 0, T ×X ×X → X be a jointly continuous function satisfying the assumption A1 with L1 γ0 L1 ≤ Γq 1/T q 3 q/2. Then the antiperiodic boundary value problem 1.1 has a unique solution. Proof. Define Θ : C → C by Θxt t t − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s ds Γ q 0 1 T T − sq−1 − f s, xs, χx s ds 2 0 Γ q T 1 T − sq−2 T − 2t f s, xs, χx s ds, 4 0 Γ q−1 3.1 t ∈ 0, T . International Journal of Differential Equations 5 Setting supt∈0,T ft, 0, 0 M and choosing r ≥ MT q /Γq 13 q/2, we show that ΘBr ⊂ Br , where Br {x ∈ C : x ≤ r}. For x ∈ Br , we have Θxt ≤ t t − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s ds Γ q 0 1 2 T T − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s ds Γ q 0 1 |T − 2t| 4 ≤ T − sq−2 f s, xs, χx s ds 0 Γ q−1 t t − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s − fs, 0, 0 fs, 0, 0 ds Γ q 0 1 2 T T − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s − fs, 0, 0 fs, 0, 0 ds Γ q 0 1 |T − 2t| 4 ≤ T T T − sq−2 f s, xs, χx s − fs, 0, 0 fs, 0, 0 ds 0 Γ q−1 T 1 t 1 L1 γ0 L1 r M t − sq−1 ds T − sq−1 ds Γ q 0 2Γ q 0 1 |T − 2t| 4Γ q − 1 ≤ L1 γ0 L1 r M T q−2 T − s ds 0 q Tq ≤ r. 3 2 2Γ q 1 3.2 Now, for x, y ∈ C and for each t ∈ 0, T , we obtain Θxt − Θy t ≤ t t − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s − f s, ys, χy s ds Γ q 0 1 2 T T − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s − f s, ys, χy s ds Γ q 0 1 |T − 2t| 4 T T − sq−2 f s, xs, χx s − f s, ys, χy s ds 0 Γ q−1 6 International Journal of Differential Equations t T 1 1 q−1 ≤ L1 γ0 L1 x − y t − s ds T − sq−1 ds Γ q 0 2Γ q 0 T 1 q−2 |T − 2t| T − s ds 4Γ q − 1 0 L1 γ0 L1 T q q x − y 3 ≤ 2 2Γ q 1 ≤ ΛL1 ,L1 ,γ0 ,T,q x − y, 3.3 where ΛL1 ,L1 ,γ0 ,T,q L1 γ0 L1 T q /2Γq 13 q/2, which depends only on the parameters involved in the problem. As ΛL1 ,L1 ,γ0 ,T,q < 1, therefore Θ is a contraction. Thus, the conclusion of the theorem follows by the contraction mapping principle Banach fixed point theorem. Theorem 3.2. Let f : 0, T × X × X → X be a jointly continuous function mapping bounded subsets of 0, 1 × X × X into relatively compact subsets of X, and the assumptions A1 -A2 hold with L1 γ0 L1 T q /2Γq 11 q/2 < 1. Then the antiperiodic boundary value problem 1.1 has at least one solution on 0, T . Proof. Let us fix q μ 1 T q , r ≥ L 3 2 2Γ q 1 3.4 and consider Br {x ∈ C : x ≤ r}. We define the operators Φ and Ψ on Br as t 1 Φxt t − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s ds, Γ q 0 1 T T − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s ds Ψxt − 2 0 Γ q T 1 T − sq−2 T − 2t f s, xs, χx s ds. 4 0 Γ q−1 3.5 For x, y ∈ Br , we find that q μ T Φx Ψy ≤ L1 3 q ≤ r. 2 2Γ q 1 3.6 International Journal of Differential Equations 7 Thus, Φx Ψy ∈ Br . It follows from the assumption A1 that Ψ is a contraction mapping for L1 γ0 L1 T q /2Γq 11 q/2 < 1. Continuity of f implies that the operator Φ is continuous. Also, Φ is uniformly bounded on Br as q μ 1 T Φx ≤ L . Γ q1 3.7 Now we prove the compactness of the operator Φ. In view of A1 , we define supt,x,χx∈Ω ft, x, χx fmax , Ω 0, T × Br × Br , and consequently we have 1 t1 t2 − sq−1 − t1 − sq−1 f s, xs, χx s ds Φxt1 − Φxt2 Γ q 0 t2 q−1 t2 − s f s, xs, χx s ds t1 3.8 fmax q q ≤ 2t2 − t1 q t1 − t2 , Γ q1 which is independent of x. So Φ is relatively compact on Br . Hence, by Arzela Ascoli theorem, Φ is compact on Br . Thus all the assumptions of Theorem 2.5 are satisfied and the conclusion of Theorem 2.5 implies that the antiperiodic boundary value problem 1.1 has at least one solution on 0, T . Example 3.3. Consider the following antiperiodic boundary value problem: c Dq xt x 2 1 x t 4 1 t e−s−t xsds, 0 16 x0 −x1, t ∈ 0, 1, 1 < q ≤ 2, 3.9 x 0 −x 1. Here, ft, x 1/t 42 x/1 x, γt, s e−s−t /16, T 1. 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