Simultaneous Multislice Spiral and EPI Chemical Shift Imaging By Obaidah Anees Abuhashem B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ARHtU Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE at the OF TECHNOLOGY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 2 9 2013 September 2013 @MassachusettsJIstitute 9f Technology 2013. All rights reserved LIBRARIES ........................................................... A u th o r Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science September 3, 2013 C ertified b y .......................................................... ,....................................... . ..... ....................................... Elfar Adalsteinsson Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor of Harvard-MIT Division of Health, Science and Technology Institute for Medical Engineering and Science Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ....................................... ................................. Prof. Albert R. Meyer Chairman, Masters of Engineering Thesis Committee Simultaneous Multislice Spiral and EPI Chemical Shift Imaging By Obaidah Anees Abuhashem Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on September 3, 2013 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract The current prominent excitation methods of 3D slabs used for MR Spectroscopy Imaging (MRSI) include long dead times in each TR. This dead time is necessary for magnetization moments' longitudinal relaxation, and so a good SNR efficiency. The fact that SNR is one of the dominant challenges that MRSI faces makes it an expensive tradeoff to decrease the dead time in the 3D excitation methods. Therefore, I investigate the possibility of using 2D slice excitation methods with simultaneous multi-slice excitation and the associated reconstructions to address some of the limitations of 3D excitations with the goal of increasing the overall efficiency of the MRSI acquisition and acquiring one average in a much faster time. The benefit of using simultaneous multislice for 2D spectroscopy is explained, and it is shown how this method can accelerate the 2D acquisition with quantifications of the involved tradeoffs. Then the details of designing RF pulses for SMS spectroscopy imaging are explained, and a pulse to be used is proposed. I discuss the sequences used to encode the k-space, where spiral trajectories are an efficient choice. Therefore, a method that can be used for SMS spiral spectroscopy acquired data is proposed. The proposed method accelerates the minimum scan time of 2D excitation for a single average by a factor of four. This acceleration is possible with SNR degradation less than 7% of the ordinary 2D excitation method. Thesis Supervisor: Elfar Adalsteinsson Title: Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor of Harvard-MIT Division of Health, Science and Technology iii iv Acknowledgements Here, I would like to acknowledge the people who made this work possible. First, and most importantly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Professor Elfar Adalsteinsson for his guidance, supervision, assistance and encouragement during the times I worked with him. I have been grateful and honored to be a part of his group and to take the classes he teaches during my study time at MIT. Our discussions has taught me a lot, not only about research and MRI, but how to be a creative thinker and successful in life, THANK YOU. I feel very fortunate that I had the chance to work with Dr. Berkin Bilgic. He was always there to help me whenever I needed assistance since my first day at the MIT MRI lab. The work in this thesis would have not been possible without his assistance. I am very thankful to Professor Kawin Setsompop for his help in the work done in this thesis. I feel very honored that I had the chance to get advice and discuss my project with the man who founded the novel approach that I am building my thesis on. I am also grateful to Dr. Borjan Gagoski for teaching me about the foundations for some of the methods I am using in this thesis. He was a great source whenever I needed more information. It has been a pleasure to work and interact with students in the MRI lab. I learned a lot from Audrey about MR. Itthi's help was there whenever I needed it. I am glad to know Filiz, Jeff, Trina and Shao Ying. This thesis marks the end of the five years I spent at MIT for my undergraduate and masters educations. Thanks to my friends who were around me all the time, MIT became the most memorable and enjoyable place. I will not forget the joy of pulling all-nighters working on p-sets and projects, or just to chill out. It v will be one of the many unique things that remind me of MIT. I will not forget walking in the Infinite Corridor, Stata Center, RLE, or in libraries. It always made me feel home away from home. Finally, I would like to deeply thank my Mom and Dad for instilling in me the love of knowledge. This work would have not possible without their support, encouragement and love during my education years at MIT. Obaidah A. Abuhashem Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA vi Table of Content Abstract..................................................................................................................................... Acknow ledgem ent................................................................................................................... Table of Content.................................................................................................................... iii v vii List of Figures...........................................................................................................................ix List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... Chapter 1 Introduction and M otivation.................................................................... xv 1 1.1 The Im portance of M R Spectroscopic Im aging ........................................................ 1 1.2 M R Spectroscopic Im aging Challenges ...................................................................... 2 1.3 Excitation Sequences and Possible Solutions ........................................................... 2 1.4 Scan Tim e and SNR................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Simultaneous Multislice Imaging for 2D Spectroscopy....................................... 7 Chapter 2 Simultaneous Multislice Imaging.......................................................... 9 2.1 SM S Concept .............................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 SM S Theory ................................................................................................................................ 12 2.2.1 Blipped-W ideband Approach............................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Blipped-CAIPI Approach........................................................................................ 14 2.3 SM S Im age Reconstruction ........................................................................................... 19 2.4 SM S for spectroscopy ...................................................................................................... 21 SM S RF Pulse Design................................................................................. 25 3.1 Excitation Background.................................................................................................... 25 3.2 Design Param eters..................................................................................................................26 Chapter 3 Vii 3.2.1 Slice Thickness.................................................................................................................27 3.2.2 Separation Between Slices Excited Simultaneously .................................... 27 3.2.3 Spectral Bandw idth.................................................................................................. 27 3.3 Design M ethod..........................................................................................................................29 3.4 RF Pulse Design........................................................................................................................30 3.4.1 RF Sinc Pulse.....................................................................................................................32 3.4.2 Parks-M cClellan Pulse Design Algorithm ......................................................... 3.5 Bloch Simulator........................................................................................................................45 3.6 Sum m ary.....................................................................................................................................46 Chapter 4 SMS Spectroscopic Imaging: Data Acquisition ................................ 39 47 4.1 Spiral acquisition for CS1.................................................................................................. 48 4.2 Spiral with SM S ........................................................................................................................ 51 4.3 SM S acquired data synthesis......................................................................................... 53 4.4 Data Reconstruction .............................................................................................................. 54 4.5 Spiral SM S Simulations and Results.......................................................................... 55 4.5.1 Structural Data w ith one frequency.................................................................. 55 4.5.2 Spectroscopy Data..........................................................................................................59 4.6 EPI SM S Spectroscopy...........................................................................................................68 4.6.1 EPI SM S Spectroscopy Sim ulations..................................................................... 69 4.6.2 EPI SM S Spectroscopy Results ............................................................................. 70 4.7 Sum m ary.....................................................................................................................................78 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 81 Appendix A ............................................................................................................................... 85 Appendix B .............................................................................................................................. 87 Appendix C .............................................................................................................................. 91 Appendix D .............................................................................................................................. 95 Bibliography........................................................................................................................... 99 Chapter 5 viii List of Figures Figure 1.1: Encoding scheme for conventional 3D excitation, phase-encoded MRSI a cq u isitio n .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 1.2: Simulated SNR efficiency for different main field strengths...................... 4 Figure 1.3: Encoding scheme for conventional 2D excitation, phase-encoded MRSI a cq u isitio n .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2.1: The phase seen by each slice in SMS excitation and the phase difference in o n slice .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 2.2: Phase switching in the excited slices in SMS between Gz blips, and phase accumulation at the slice edge when blipped-wideband is used.................................. 13 Figure 2.3: Phase switching in the excited slices in SMS between Gz blips, and phase accumulation at the slice edge when blipped-CAIPI is used........................................... 15 Figure 2.4: The phase seen by each slice in SMS excitation when isocenter slice is not ex cite d .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 2.5: Phase switching in the excited slices in SMS between Gz blips when isocenter slice is not excited...............................................................................................................17 Figure 2.6: Gz blips when 2, 3 or 4 slices to be excited using SMS. In Addition to the caused Phase switching in the excited slices between Gz blips, and phase accumulation at the slice edge of each slice............................................................................18 Figure 2.7: The acquired data using SMS of two slices without recon for un-aliasing. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 2.8: The acquired slices using single slice excitation for each one................. 20 ix Figure 2.9: An illustration of the GRAPPA recon method used to un-alias the acq u ired d ata.............................................................................................................................................2 1 Figure 3.1: RF excitation and signal generation.................................................................. 26 Figure 3.2: Simulation of the metabolites spectrum ........................................................... 28 Figure 3.3: Shape of RF pulse used for 900 excitation of isocenter slice....................32 Figure 3.4: Shape of the z gradient used simultaneously with the RF pulse during excitation for slice selective excitation ..................................................................................... 33 Figure 3.5: A simulation of the excited slice location after 900 sinc RF pulse excitation. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the m agnitude in dB in blue........................................................................................................................34 Figure 3.6: 2D profile that relates the excited spectral frequency in each slice, to its lo catio n in z-axis......................................................................................................................................3 5 Figure 3.7: A simulation of the excited spectral frequency at z=O after 900 sinc RF pulse excitation. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the m agnitude in dB in blue........................................................................................................................35 Figure 3.8: Shape of RF pulse used for 900 excitation of 2 different slices............... 37 Figure 3.9: A simulation of the excited slices locations after 900 sinc RF pulse excitation. The simulation also shows how the non-excited slices are affected. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blu e ................................................................................................................................................................ 38 Figure 3.10: A simulation of the excited slices locations after 900 PM RF pulse excitation. The simulation also shows how the non-excited slices are affected. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in b lue ................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Figure 3.11: 2D profile showing the excitation in x-z plane at y=0 ............................. 41 Figure 3.12: 2D profile that relates the excited spectral frequency in each slice, to its location in z-axes after using a PM RF pulse for exciting 2 slices..................................42 x Figure 3.13: A simulation of the excited spectral frequency at z=O after 90 o PM RF pulse excitation for SMS of 2. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue ..................................................................................... 43 Figure 3.14: A simulation of the excited slices locations at echo time, when PM RF pulse is used. The simulation also shows how the non-excited slices are affected. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blu e ................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Figure 3.15: 2D profile, generated using Bloch simulator, which relates the excited spectral frequency in each slice, to its location in z-axes after using a PM RF pulse for ex citin g 2 slices.........................................................................................................................................4 6 Figure 4.1: The x and y gradients used for a spiral trajectory, this is for FOV of 12cm and resolution of 2.5m m ...................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 4.2: A spiral trajectory in the Kx-Ky plane .............................................................. 49 Figure 4.3: A spiral trajectory in the Kx-Ky-Kf space when the gradients in figure 4.1 a re ap p lied .................................................................................................................................................. 50 Figure 4.4: Encoding scheme for conventional spiral-encoded MRSI acquisition......50 Figure 4.5: Proposed z gradient blips to be used for SMS acquisition ....................... 51 Figure 4.6: The resulted k-space sampling locations when SMS of 2 is used with sp iral trajecto ry........................................................................................................................................ 52 Figure 4.7: The two different spirals used to sample the 2 Kx-Ky two planes in the ksp a ce .............................................................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 4.8: Two slices that are acquired with fully sampled k-space using spiral acq uisitio n .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 4.9: Two slices that are acquired with under sampled by a factor of two kspace using SMS spiral acquisition .............................................................................................. 56 Figure 4.10: The difference between the fully samples k-space and the half sampled. ......................................................................................................................................................................... xi 57 Figure 4.11: Four slices that are acquired with fully sampled k-space using spiral acq u isitio n.................................................................................................................................................. 58 Figure 4.12: Four slices that are acquired with under sampled by a factor of four kspace using SMS spiral acquisition ........................................................................................... 58 Figure 4.13: The difference between the fully samples k-space and the quarter sam p led ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 Figure 4.14: Reconstructing the under sampled k-space without using the proposed optim ization technique.........................................................................................................................59 Figure 4.15: The process of creating spectroscopy data similar to the one acquired using spiral SM S for M R SI....................................................................................................................60 Figure 4.16: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space using spiral acquisition is used. This is the ground truth ................................................ 61 Figure 4.17: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of spiral SMS spectroscopy excitation of four is used.............................................................. 62 Figure 4.18: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired kspace after reconstruction...................................................................................................................63 Figure 4.19: The image resulted after summing all the non-metabolite values for each v ox el. .................................................................................................................................................. 64 Figure 4.20: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space of noisy data using spiral acquisition is used ............................................................................. 65 Figure 4.21: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of spiral SMS spectroscopy excitation is used for noisy data............................................... 67 Figure 4.22: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired kspace after reconstruction for the noisy data ....................................................................... 68 Figure 4.23: An EPI trajectory in the Kx-Ky-Kf space that is used for EPI sp ectro sco p y.............................................................................................................................................. Xii 69 Figure 4.24: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space using EPI acquisition is used. This is the ground truth...................................................... 72 Figure 4.25: Collapsed K-space data resulted of EPI SMS acquisition of four slices..73 Figure 4.26: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of EPI SMS spectroscopy excitation of four is used ................................................................. 73 Figure 4.27: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired kspace after reconstruction...................................................................................................................74 Figure 4.28: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space using EPI acquisition is used w ith noisy data ....................................................................... 75 Figure 4.29: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of EPI SMS spectroscopy excitation of four is used with noisy data.................................77 Figure 4.30: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired kspace after reconstruction for the noisy data ...................................................................... xiii 78 xiv List of Tables Table 1-1: Ti values for the different Bo fields......................................................................... 4 Table 3-1: Spectral bandwidth for the different Bo scanners.........................................29 Table 4-1: The average amplitude for the different metabolites' signals and the correspondent SNR values based on the added noise..................................................... 64 Table 4-2: The SNR values for the different metabolites after spiral full k-space reconstruction and spiral SMS reconstruction................................................................... 66 Table 4-3: The average amplitude for the different metabolites' signals and the correspondent SNR values based on the added noise........................................................75 Table 4-4: The SNR values for the different metabolites after EPI full k-space reconstruction and EPI SMS reconstruction......................................................................... xv 76 xvi Chapter 1 Introduction and Motivation 1.1 The Importance of MR Spectroscopic Imaging Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), also known as chemical shift imaging (CSI), is an application of Magnetic resonance (MR). It is used in current clinical MRI machines to detect the metabolites in the scanned spatial location of interest, and gives a frequency spectrum of biochemical compounds, e.g. brain metabolites present in each spatial voxel of tissue. Detection of these signals is based on the MR phenomenon of chemical shift - a frequency shift in the spectrum that depends on the chemical structure of particular compound. MRSI measurements are used to understand the rule of the different metabolites, including N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA) - a neuronal marker, creatine (Cr) - one of brain's energy suppliers, choline (Cho) - an essential nutrient. For example, 1 deficiency in the amount of NAA is correlated to the presence of a neurodegenerative disease, like the Alzheimer's disease [1-4]. 1.2 MR Spectroscopic Imaging Challenges The major challenge for the current MRSI techniques is the low SNR of the metabolites. It is due to low metabolite concentrations of the order 1-10 mM, compared to water signal for MRI at concentrations -50M [5-7]. In structural MRI, where water is the primary signal source, scan time is in the order of minutes and resolution is within millimeters, however, MRSI scan times are in the order of tens of minutes and resolution is within centimeters. The reason for long scan time and low resolution is to help achieving a better SNR; relation is in the following equation [8]. SNR oc (Ax) (Ay) (Az) Vtotal readout interval 1.3 Excitation Sequences and Possible Solutions A time diagram of the excitation and encoding process illustrates how time is spent during the scan time. An example of a simple phase encoding sequence with RF excitation pulses for 3D slab is shown figure 1-1. 2 TR RF Gz Z z 0 0 Gy Gx ---- Magnetization relaxation X DAC -Acq. tim" X U Figure 1.1: Encoding scheme for conventional 3D excitation, phase-encoded MRSI acquisition. Linear gradients (Gx, Gy and Gz) are used to traverse to a particular location in the (Kx, Ky, Kz) space prior to switching on the analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which then acquires samples along the Kf axis. This RF pulses for 3D slab excites the entire spatial location of interest before encoding any point in the (Kx, Ky, Kz) space. However, time is wasted after the ADC finishes acquiring data for one period and before starting the RF excitation for the second period. This time is needed to allow the return of the magnetization moments along the main field (Bo) before the following excitation. The value of the magnetization moment along (Bo) before excitation is proportional to the acquired data's SNR, and so waiting is required here. The process where magnetization moments gain magnitude in the main field direction can be modeled as an exponential decay with time constant T1 . In order to find the best TR to use, TR is selected to be the time that maximizes SNR efficiency; plots of SNR efficiency are 3 shown in figure 1-2. SNR efficiency is a relation between the received signal SNR time spent, and so it and the time spent to acquire that signal; that is signal SNR/ is a good metric to relate the trade off between time spent and SNR. The optimal TR depends on T1, which depends on the main field strength, that TR is usually around 1.25xTi. The used values for T, in the different main field values are shown in table 1 below [23]. The values are chosen based on the metabolites with the longest longitudinal relaxation time constant for each Bo, which is NAA. Scanner Bo field strength T 1 value 1.5 Tesla 1.27 sec 3.0 Tesla 1.47 sec 1.73 sec 7.0 Tesla Table 1-1: T, values for the different Bo fields. SNR Efficiency Diagram E 1lEeslu *- -- rrele scmnnei scam.e . .1S.T, S1.5 2 2 2 TR time (seconds) .5 4 4.1 Figure 1.2: Simulated SNR efficiency for different main field strengths. 4 5 The key solution to avoid wasting time between two consecutive excitations is to avoid exciting the same spatial location in both periods. This solution suggests exciting one slice of the subject at the time and encodes one TR there, then excites a different slice in the following pulse, where magnetization moments are already relaxed "at equilibrium"; figure 1.3 illustrates the suggested scheme. If more than one TR are needed to encode each slice, then one TR is done for each slice before moving to the next one, so there is enough time for magnetization moments relaxation at each slice. TR 10 TR RF @1 @1 U U Gz ) g z Gy 0 0 z 0 is -I- I Gx V I- V X X DAC -- LU F-Acq. time-* L IAcq. J I Figure 1.3: Encoding scheme for conventional 2D excitation, phase-encoded MRSI acquisition. 1.4 Scan Time and SNR In this section, scanning parameters are proposed, then the scan time and SNR for both 2D and 3D excitations are calculated. This helps understanding the difference between the two scans and the advantages of each. 5 The timing proposed scan parameters are for isotropic voxel size of 1cc, ADC is on for 0.32 seconds, another 0.1 seconds is for excitation, 6 TRs per slice, 8 slices in the Z dimension. In 3D, TR is 1.8 seconds, 1.37 seconds are for relaxation. In 2D, TR is 0.42 seconds. A simple calculation shows that the total time needed for one full acquisition in the 3D case is 84.6 seconds, however, a single full acquisition for 2D needs 20.2 seconds. In addition to the time comparison, a SNR comparison in required here. Assume for the 3D acquisition SNR = X, then for the 2D case SNR = X/V. The reason behind the 1/V factor is the fact that 8 slices are acquired in the Z dimension. Basically, in the 3D scans, any point in the k-space is coded by exciting the entire space and so it has contributions from the 8 slices, where in 2D, the data for any point in the k-space comes from one slice only. For any different number of slices, the factor between 3D SNR and 2D SNR is 1/V# of slices in favor of the 3D. If the same time that is used for a 3D scan is used for a 2D scan, four acquisitions of the 2D scan can be averaged. This allows improving the 2D case SNR by a factor of V4. Therefore, the final SNR result for spending the same time in both scans is better for the 3D scan by a factor of VZ in the case illustrated here. The calculation above show that 2D scans makes it possible to get one acquisition in a faster time. However, the SNR will suffer degradation in compare to one acquisition of 3D scan. 6 1.5 Simultaneous Multislice Imaging for 2D Spectroscopy Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) is a technique that allows the excitation and acquisition of more than one slice simultaneously, without any degradation in SNR. SMS has been applied to many MR applications including structural imaging, and Diffusion imaging. This thesis studies the extension of SMS applications to include MRSI with excitation pulses 2D slices. The addition of SMS to the tools that can be used for the 2D scans, makes it necessary to revise the case analyzed in the section above. The 3D scan does not benefit from SMS, and so the time and SNR will be the same there. However, assume 2 slices are excited at the same time in the 2D case. We can do 1 and 5, 2 and 6, 3 and 7, 4 and 8 at the same time. The required time for one full acquisition in reduced to 10.1 seconds. The time between each two consecutive TRs for the same set of slices is 1.68 seconds, so it is enough for the magnetization relaxation in each set of slices. Looking at the SNR that can be achieved, 8 acquisitions of the 2D scan can be performed in the time needed for one 3D scan. This allows the 2D scan to attain the same SNR as the 3D scan. The benefit that 2D SMS scan offers over the 3D is that it is possible to get one average in a much faster time. In 2D SMS, if good SNR is the goal, then the same 3D SNR can be achieved in the same time. If it is impossible to spend the long time that one 3D acquisition requires, then one or more of the 2D acquisitions will be possible, e.g. infants and fetus scanning. Also, the 2D SMS scan will not suffer the 7 same degree of motion effects, because less time will be spent for each acquisition. Furthermore, different excitation pulses will be possible in shorter time, e.g. phase cycling and 2D spectroscopy [21]. 8 Chapter 2 Simultaneous Multislice Imaging Over the last three decades, MRI has gained a high importance to clinicians and researchers for its ability to produce high quality images non-invasively without the side effects of ionizing radiations. This importance comes from the numerous applications that MRI has in both medical diagnostic and research and perioperative clinical imaging. Despite the great success of MRI in the clinic, it still faces many challenges. The image encoding process is inherently time consuming, as different variations of the applied fields are required throughout the acquisition procedure for full sampling of the Fourier-space data. The scan time problem introduces motion artifacts, limits the images resolution, reduces the patient throughput, and can be a challenge for non-compliant or ill subjects who have problems to remain still for minutes at a time. Therefore, there is a great interest among scientists, radiologists, and manufacturers to achieve the fastest possible scan time while 9 maintaining image quality. Many techniques have been investigated to accelerate imaging process including parallel imaging, compressed sensing and simultaneous multislice (SMS) Imaging. In this chapter, the background behind SMS will be illustrated. Some of the techniques used for SMS imaging will be explained. In addition, the extension of SMS to include MR spectroscopy imaging is justified here. 2.1 SMS Concept Simultaneous multislice imaging accelerates the data acquisition by exciting and acquiring multiple slices simultaneously. This process is possible by manipulating the phase of the simultaneously excited slices differently, and so the received signal from all the excited slices can be separated into the contributions from each slice. Additionally, the fact that a larger number of coils are used in receiving the signal, with a better special sensitivity makes it possible to encode data that make the reconstruction possible. For example, if three imaging slices are excited and acquired per shot instead of one, the total acquisition time decreases directly by a factor of 3. Additionally, unlike standard parallel imaging techniques, simultaneous multislice acquisition methods do not neglect some k-space samples, or shorten the readout period. Therefore, they are not subject to a V\iY penalty on SNR (where R is the acceleration factor) faced in parallel imaging acceleration. Various methods have been proposed for single-shot simultaneous multislice methods using slice selection to excite multiple slices simultaneously including the 10 "wideband" imaging [9-11], simultaneous echo refocusing (SER) [12] sometimes referred to as simultaneous image refocused [13] and parallel image reconstruction based multislice imaging [14]. However, each of these methods has its limitations. They can be found in more details in the references. In this chapter, a method of class of simultaneous multislice methods that uses parallel imaging concepts to un-alias the pixels from slices excited and encoded simultaneously will be illustrated [14-15]. The "controlled aliasing in parallel imaging results in higher acceleration" (CAIPIRINHA) technique [14] introduces an in plane image shift between the simultaneously acquired slices to increase the distance between aliasing voxels and thus make them easier to separate. The technique uses a different radio frequency (RF) pulse for every other k-space line. The multiband pulse modulates the phase of the magnetization excited in the individual slices for each k- space line. For example, alternating the phase of every other k-space line's excitation by wr will result in a spatial shift of FOV/2 in the phase-encoded (PE) direction for that slice. Unfortunately, this technique is not applicable to where all the PE lines are read out after a single RF excitation, or spiral readout when no uniform sampling of the kspace is used. Alternatively, another approach was proposed on the basis of the wideband method, where a shift in the PE direction is also applied to introduce further distance between aliasing pixels. The shift is achieved by applying Gz blips. This chapter illustrates Kawin et al. [15] technique termed as "blipped-CAIPI", which is an extension of Nunes et al. [16] wideband method. 11 2.2 SMS Theory A brief explanation of the blipped-wideband approach will be given here for EPI scan, with its associated tilted voxel artifact. And then blipped-CAIPI scheme will then be explained as a solution to the blipped-wideband approach problem. The basic method of causing a FOV/2 shift in the PE direction will be described using an example of a two simultaneously excited slices, one of which is at isocenter, as shown in figure 2-1. z e 2----- ^- Slice 1 Figure 2.1: The phase seen by each slice in SMS excitation and the phase difference 2.2.1 in on slice. Blipped-Wideband Approach The blipped-wideband gradient scheme is shown in Figure 2-2. A train of constant gradient blips in the slice-select gradient (Gz) is applied simultaneously with the conventional y gradient (Gy) PE blips of the EPI readout. This creates an interslice image shift in the PE direction for the off-isocenter slice. 12 The amount of the shift depends on the distance of the slice from isocenter and the area of the blips. For a FOV/ 2 interslice image shift, yAblipZgap = IT, where AbIip = fbl 1p Gz dt is the area of each blip. So each Gz blip increases the phase of the spins at the center of slice 2 by 11, the outcome is FOV/2 image shift relative to slice one, where there is no shift at that isocenter slice. The voxel tilting artifact associated with this technique occurs as a result of the finite thickness of the slice (AZ). Each blip of Gz introduces a ±8 phase variation across the slice where 6 = y Abip A , that ultimately cases signal degradation, due to the accumulation after each blip. The prewind lobe, with the area of Aprewind is chosen to ensure minimum through- plane dephasing. GzAAAA center slice top slice --------- 0 0 ---------- Of / ------------------- 0 -------M0 I Phase at edge of slice Sir '~ 86 ------ 6 Figure 2.2: Phase switching in the excited slices in SMS between Gz blips, and phase accumulation at the slice edge when blipped-wideband is used. 13 2.2.2 Blipped-CAIPI Approach The goal of blipped-CAIPI [15] technique is to achieve a similar interslice image shift to the one blipped-wideband method does, but without the undesirable voxel-tilting artifact that causes signal degradation. This is accomplished using a modified "phase-cycled" Gz blips that applies the desired phase modulation along PE, but without causing significant phase accumulation over the full readout. Figure 2-3 shows the phase-cycled Gz blips, a sign reversal is now applied on every PE line to cause a phase difference of w between every two adjacent PE lines. Additionally, balancing blip (shown in red), of area Aprewind = - Abiip /2 replaces the prewinding lobe. As shown in Figure 2-3, the desired w phase difference is still achieved at the center of the top slice. However, the sign modulation of the Gz blips solves the phase accumulation problem during readout at the slices' edges. The new Gz blips make the edges' phase switch back and forth between two small states ±6/2, which are centered at zero. Therefore, the signal degradation due to phase acclamation does not exist here. 14 A Gz A V Balancing V center slice top slice o -11/2 kL-------- o n/2 o -n/2 \Wt/t o n/2 /p A/ o -n/2 Phase at edge of slice kx 6/2 -6/2 8/2 -6/2 6/2 V w -6/2 Figure 2.3: Phase switching in the excited slices in SMS between Gz blips, and phase accumulation at the slice edge when blipped-CAIPI is used. The case shown in Figure 2-1 illustrates a special case where on of the excited slice slices is at the isocenter position. However, for the rest of the scans neither slice is at isocenter, for example case 2 in Figure 2-4. For all the non- isocenter cases, Gz blip adds a phase of q5 to one of the slice close to center, and q + 7r phase to the farther slice. Where q5 = yAblipZoffset and Zoffset is the offset of the closer to the center slice from isocenter. 15 z case2 case1 01 40 iTr+4) Figure 2.4: The phase seen by each slice in SMS excitation when isocenter slice is not excited. The prewind blip continues to have the same area as in the isocenter case; it adds a phase of - q/2 to one of the slice close to center, and - (4 + n)/2 phase to the farther slice. The phase switch in the same slice after the consecutive blips is shown in figure 2-5. As the figure shows, the odd and even phase encoding lines don't have the same phase for the bottom slice, or exact difference of 7r phase for the top slice. This problem is addressed by adding 4/2 to the even PE lines and - q/2 to the odd PE lines, and then we have the same k-space configuration as the isocenter case. 16 Center slice Top slice Case 1 J2R/ -0/2 0/2 It Case 2 + Case 2 with added phase (T 0 \/ + 0) 2 JI Figure 2.5: Phase switching in the excited slices in SMS between Gz blips when isocenter slice is not excited. The last point to be addressed here is extending the SMS excitation of two slices into SMS excitation of more than two. The case of exciting three or fours slices simultaneously requires achieving multiples of FOV/3 or FOV/4 for the different slices based on the blipped-CAIPI technique. For example, a SMS of three introduces no shift to one of the three slices, a shift of FOV/3 to another one, and a shift of 2FOV/3 to the last slice. A SMS of four introduces no shift to one of the three slices, a shift of FOV/4 to another one, a shift of FOV/2 to the third slice, and a shift of 3FOV/4 to the last slice. This could be achieved by having PE line phase correction cycle in periods of 3 or 4 instead of 2. So instead of a phase difference of w between any two consecutive PE lines, there is 21/3 phase difference for any two consecutive 17 PE lines in SMS of 3, and r/2 phase difference for any two consecutive PE lines in SMS of 3. Figure 2-6 presents the Gz blips scheme for interslice shift of FOV/2, multiples of FOV/3 and multiples of FOV/4. It also shows the phase accumulation at the edges excited slice. The blipped-CAIPI technique does not allow significant phase acclamation to build up at the edges, and so avoiding voxel-tilting artifact that is caused by phase accumulation. Additionally, the balancing blips center the phase variations around zero. VA A FOV/2 btw slices A A btw slices A AA F3 V/3 OV/3btw slices /4 VA in slices A A In slices A A in slices 4 Figure 2.6: Gz blips when 2, 3 or 4 slices to be excited using SMS. In Addition to the caused Phase switching in the excited slices between Gz blips, and phase accumulation at the slice edge of each slice. 18 2.3 SMS Image Reconstruction The next step after exciting a number of slices simultaneously is to separate the data and reconstruct the slices. In SMS explained earlier, the acquired data is the summation of the k-space for the slices. For example, the acquired data for the excitation in figure 2-1 is the summation of k-space of slice1 and the k-space of slice 2 after the FOV/2 shift that is due to the applied Gz blips. Applying the inverse Fourier transform for the acquired k-space gives an image similar to figure 2-7. Figure 2.7: The acquired data using SMS of two slices without recon for un-aliasing. Using single slice excitation acquisition for the same slices results in the images shown in figure 2-8. The reconstruction step aims to separate the images from the collapsed data. The applied FOV/2 shift helps to minimize the error when separating the images. 19 Figure 2.8: The acquired slices using single slice excitation for each one. A method similar to parallel imaging GRAPPA reconstruction [17] is used to separate the collapsed images. The slice-GRAPPA uses kernels that are optimized using data acquired from separately excited single slice acquisition. For the SMS of two, two kernels iterate over the collapsed k-space after the SMS acquisition and each kernel builds the k-space for one of the two slices. Finally the inverse Fourier transform is applied to the two new reconstructed k-spaces. And the one of the image that has FOV/2 shift get shifted again to have it in the right orientation. Figure 2-9 illustrates the process. More details could be found in [15]. 20 Slice 1 Slice 2 Figure 2.9: An illustration of the GRAPPA recon method used to un-alias the acquired data. 2.4 SMS for spectroscopy The goal of this thesis is to accelerate Spectroscopy Imaging using image. In order to understand how that is possible to extend the technique explained above to spectroscopy, the MR signal equation is below. M1 (kx(t), ky(t), kf(t)) = f f fm(x, y)e-i2n[kx(t)x+ky(t)y+ftdx dy df Where kx(t) = 271 0 21 Gx(T) dr ky(t) = 2 f Gy (c) d-c kf(t) = t In the ordinary SMS case for MRI discussed in this chapter so far, Gz blips are applied to achieve the phase difference in the PE lines in the k-space. Adding the applied Gz blips to the signal equation adds the factor Kz to the exponent in the equation: Msms(t) = f f fm(x, y)e-i27[kx(t)x+ky(t)y+kz(t)z+ftdx dy df Where M(t) = M(kx(t),ky(t),kf(t)) Based on the description of the 2 slices excitation case, the following applied: Y ft Gz(-r) d kz (t)=-- 27r Now assume an odd number of blips kz(t) kz = 2)-1AiP w (A blip 22 - 2 Ablip) nt kz-(t) y' 4 - T = 7 y zgap 1 4 zgap The equation becomes Msms (t) = f f fm(x,y)e-i2z[kx(t)x+kY(t)y+ft] e-inr/2df dy dx So for odd PE lines Msms (kx(t), ky(t), kf(t)) = M1 (kx(t), ky(t), kf(t))e -i/ 2 And for even PE lines Msms (kx (t), ky t(t)) = M1 (kx (t),yky (t),Ykf (t)) e in/2 In conclusion, the phase modulation for SMS achieved in the basic case could be extended to the MR Spectroscopy without problems theoretically. The acquired signal's phase modulation does not depend on the value of kf, and so the phase modulation is applied to all values of kf. The result here is that the FOV/2 shift in the image will be applied to all frequencies. Therefore, after applying the 3D inverse Fourier transform to get m (x, y, f), the same process that is used in the ordinary case should be applied to all frequencies f One advantage here is that the kernel should be trained only on onefand then it could be applied to the other frequencies. 23 24 Chapter 3 SMS RF Pulse Design In this chapter, the work to design the excitation pulse for MR spectroscopy SMS is presented. The discussion includes the excitation specifications that are required for the MR spectroscopy SMS. In addition, methods used in the design are explained. The outcome of the different methods is examined using simulation tools. 3.1 Excitation Background In MRI machines, the main constant Bo field is always present and applied in the positive z-direction. Applying this field affects a part of the magnetic moments in atoms in the body causing them to align with it; this is called the equilibrium state. In order to generate a signal in the spatial location of interest, radiofrequency (RF) magnetic pulse B1 is applied in the x-y (transverse) plane using RF transmission coils. The result of B1 field is rotating the atoms' magnetic moment 900 away from 25 the equilibrium state (parallel to Bo). The field strength is usually a small fraction of a Gauss and has duration of few milliseconds. This filed is usually used to excite a slice of the scanned object. After applying the RF pulse, the magnetic moments start moving back toward equilibrium in the z-direction. These magnetic moments emit a signal that is used for the imaging of the excited spatial location of interest. More details can be found in [8]. Transmit coil(s) RF pL4se z Excitation of magnetic RF pulse moments via Receiver coil(s) BO Figure 3.1: RF excitation and signal generation. 3.2 Design Parameters The parameters for the RF pulse design should be chosen such that the purpose of the experiment is possible to achieve. This design aims for SMS excitation of two for MR spectroscopic imaging. 26 3.2.1 Slice Thickness The first parameter to decide here is the thickness of each slice. This variable depends highly of the nature of the scan we are running. For a structural imaging case, it can be 1mm. However, the main challenge in spectroscopy is low SNR. Based on the equation below, the slice thickness (Az) is proportional to SNR, and so 1mm slice thickness is not appropriate for spectroscopy. In this design, I decided to go with a slice thickness of 1cm. This thickness is used in some spectroscopy scan. In addition, it allows running fast spectroscopy with small number of averages to build a good SNR. SNR oc (Ax) (Ay) (Az) Vtotal readout interval 3.2.2 Separation Between Slices Excited Simultaneously The second parameter is the separation between the two simultaneously excited slices. This parameter is simply calculated by dividing the z dimension of the FOV over 2. In this design I propose a FOV of 10cm in z, and so separation between centers of simultaneously excited slices is 5cm. 3.2.3 Spectral Bandwidth The third parameter is the spectral bandwidth (BW) of the RF pulse. In spectroscopy, this depends on the metabolites the scan aims to detect. The frequency axis in spectroscopy is given in units of "parts per million", or PPM, relative to the frequency defined by the main field. PPM is a unit less entity and if one wants to convert the ppm axis in the units of Hertz (Hz), then 1ppm = (y 27 /2T)-Bo-10- 6 Hz. Here, (y/2n) is the gyromagnetic ratio and is equal to 42.576 MHz. Figure 3-2 shows a simulation of the spectrum of the three important brain metabolites: N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA), creatine (Cr), and choline (Cho). H20 Cr+Cho NAA Lac 5 4 4.5 ~ 3.5 Cho CrLa 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Chemical shift (ppm) Figure 3.2: Simulation of the metabolites spectrum. From the metabolites spectrum above, we can see that NAA signal is concentrated in the singlet peak at 2.01 ppm. Creatine has a distinct peaks located at 3.03 ppm, and Choline has a distinct peak at 3.21 ppm. A peak at 3.91 ppm is caused but both Creatine and Choline. Here, 10ppm of the spectrum will be excited, this value is used to ensure exciting the metabolites shown above even when there is a slight shift of the excited band for reason that is explained later. Table 3-1 below shows the spectral bandwidth of the RF pulse that should be used for the different Bo scanners, so 10 ppm are excited. 28 Scanner Bo field strength Spectral bandwidth in Hz 1.5 Tesla 600 Hz 3.0 Tesla 1200 Hz 7.0 Tesla 3000 Hz Table 3-1: Spectral bandwidth for the different Bo scanners. The last design decision here is the type of pulse to be used. Two different designs will be examined here; one uses the simple sinc pulse, and the other uses ParksMcClellan Pulse Design Algorithm [18]. The used pulses are 900 excitation; they excite the two slices simultaneously for SMS. A spin echo pulse sequence is used here, and so a 1800 pulse will follow the 90 0 pulse. The time between the 90 pulse and 180 pulses is in tens of milliseconds; it is called a half echo time (TE/2). 3.3 Design Method In general, the magnetization vector behavior is descried by so-called Bloch equation given by the following if relaxation is neglected [8]. m( My Mz y 0 G -B1,y -G 0 B1,, Bly -Bl,x 0 MX\ (Mi MZ B1 is the RF pulse, and Mx, My, and Mz are the magnetization moments in the x, y and z directions respectively, and G is the gradient amplitude. In designing the pulses here, Shinnar-Le Roux (SLR) algorithm [18] is used. SLR is an approximation of the Bloch equation. The method simplifies the solution of Bloch 29 equation to a design of two polynomials, and so RF pulse can be solved using known digital filter design problem, for example, Parks-McClellan algorithm. The SLR transform maps the RF field Bl(t) and the Cayley-Klein parameters a and P. The Cayley-Klein parameters are used to map the magnetization moments before and after the excitation based on the following equation. 2 M (a*) M') = y MZ+ (f#*) 2 -a*f#* _fl2 2a*# 0 -a# 2a#f* aa*-ft* MXY* Mz where Mx,y = M + iMy Therefore, running the SLR transform, and using the equation above allows to simulate the excited slice profile after applying any RF excitation pulse. 3.4 RF Pulse Design The first excitation pulse to be examined is the windowed sinc pulse. When a simple sinc pulse is used, it adds an undesired in slice and out of slice ripples as a result of Gibbs phenomenon. Therefore, a sinc pulse that is windowed using a hamming window to overcome this problem. All equations in this section can be found in [8]. In order to achieve the desired 900 flip in the magnetization moments, the following equations explain the relation between the flip angle 0 and the RF excitation pulse B1(t). 30 fw(s) f= ds Where w (t) = y B1 (t) The last step to be considered before applying and RF pulse is setting the z gradient (Gz) value during the excitation process. The Gz value is what decides the excited slice thickness based on the following equation Gz = 27* BW y *AZ Therefore, the applied Gz value during the excitation = 7.05 mT/m; here the used BW is 3000 Hz. At this point, a hamming windowed sinc pulse can be designed, however, this pulse excites the slice at the isocenter only. In order to excite a different slice, the designed pulse should be modulated. The following equation explains the relation between the modulation frequency Wd, and the slice offset d. d = * y * Gz 31 Thus, the modulation frequency cod = 94247.8 rad/s. when d = 5cm. 3.4.1 RF Sinc Pulse The first step is to test the design above on a single slice excitation. This slice is isocenter and the design parameters are the same ones indicated above. The pulse to be used is shown in figure 3-3. 90 degrees excitation puls 2X 10 - - I --.- 10 - --.... - - - - -- 15 .............---.......-- - Real(RF) Imag(RF) .- - - - -- -- - - - 0 0 05 1 1s 3 2 2. Trme(mrSeconds) 35 4 45 5 x 104 Figure 3.3: Shape of RF pulse used for 900 excitation of isocenter slice. The z gradient is applied simultaneously with the RF pulse for a selective excitation. After the RF pulse in turned off, a negative z gradient is applied to unwind the linear phase that has occurred over the slice width during the excitation; the process of applying this negative gradient is called the refocusing. For a maximum refocusing, the negative gradient must undo the phase shift by having the same magnitude as 32 the positive gradient and for half the time. The Gz for this case is shown in figure 34. GZefor 1Z 10 10 _0 . *. 1 3 2 mtcafte OxWOM 4 Time(milliSeconds) 5 6 . 7 . 6 x 10, Figure 3.4: Shape of the z gradient used simultaneously with the RF pulse during excitation for slice selective excitation. The SLR transform is used in order to evaluate the excitation profile for this RF sinc pulse and z gradient. Assuming that before excitation, the magnetization vector is only in the z direction, that is M- = (0, 0, Mo). Solving the equation using a and j, that gives the following output of magnetization after excitation M' = 2a*I3Mo Figure 3-5 illustrates the excited slice after applying the RF pulse. The excited slice is the one with log (IM,yI) ~ 0. 33 Mxy profile after refocus ..... s.....t..n ................................ Figure the T x i. .e s...e .. . xcited.... -5.C C .. 5. ..U.. -60 .. . .. . .$ >t x.......... ....... . .. . . .. ...... MM 01 .. .. I. ...... ...... ) .... Figure 3.5: A simulation of the excited slice location after 900 sinc RF pulse excitation. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue. We can see that the figure achieves the parameters chosen earlier, but we still cannot see the spectral bandwidth in this plot. Figure 3-6 demonstrates 2D plot of the excited bandwidth based on the z location of the magnetization moments. 34 Mo I. I I Z-Om Figure 3.6: 2D profile that relates the excited spectral frequency in each slice, to its location in z-axis. Looking at the center of the excited slice at z=O (blue line), the excited frequencies are between -1.5 kHz and 1.5 kHz to give the bandwidth of 3 kHz. This can be seen clearer in figure 3-7. 1 Mxy Bandwidth profile after refocus at z= -2 Sd -2 .... .. .. . . .. -.. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .... . . ...2 Ia .. ..... . .. .. -3 ... . . .. .. .. . ... . .. -.. 4. -.. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . ... -2 .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 4 a 16I Pr1q (IC d Figure 3.7: A simulation of the excited spectral frequency at z=0 after 900 sinc RF pulse excitation. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue. 35 The more interesting observation here is the excited frequencies at the edges of the slice, that is at z = -0.5 and z = 0.5. The bandwidth is still 3 kHz, however, it is not centered around zero. This effect is a result of the field modulation that is a function of the point in the space based on the applied gradients. This modulation has different effects for different points along z due to Gz. The z gradient is designed such that the resonance frequency for the magnetization at the center of the excited slice is what taken in account for the bandwidth. However, the changes of the applied magnetic fiend at the edges of the slice, as a result of Gz, causes a slight change in the resonance frequency for the magnetizations moments there, and so a shift in the excited frequencies. This phenomenon is known in MR spectroscopy and it is still possible to encode all the metabolites, since their spectrum is within the excited bandwidth over the slice. This is another reason for choosing a bandwidth that covers 10ppm, which is more than what is needed based on the spectrum in figure 3-2, and selecting a thick slice. One more observation is the phase at the excited slice. Based on the assumption used to add the refocusing lobe to Gz, the phase should be the same over the entire slice. However, it is linear with a slope here. The reason is the non-linearity of the Bloch equation, which approximated to be linear the approximations made earlier. Trying a refocusing lobe that is a bit more than 50% of the area of the positive z gradients could solve this problem. The problem solution will be implemented in the design of the RF pulses to be used in SMS excitation. 36 The next step toward our goal of simultaneous multislice excitation is to design the RF pulse that will excite the slice centered at z = 5cm based on the parameter choice earlier. The modulation frequency for the pulse to do that task was calculated earlier. After modulating the RF pulse shown in figure 3-3 with this modulation, it is added another RF pulse that is identical to the one in figure 3-3. The result pulse is presented in figure 3-8. 90 degrees SMS excitation pulse IMS S.. 11-1.1 ... .... ...... ........ .. iii I .......... ........... ............ ........ ........... 5.51 . .............. -~F ...... ........I E .. . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . . I 0 .6.5 ................. ............. - ................... .11 I ___ j 1.5s 2 1111111 I U Tbm.(OONSeconds) 2 U3 4 4S x1 Xl Figure 3.8: Shape of RF pulse used for 900 excitation of 2 different slices. The used Gz is similar to the one that was used before, shown in figure 3-4. However, the non-constant phase problem, descried earlier, is solved by extending the refocusing lobe to be 50.6% of the area of the positive z gradients. The same SLR process that is used before is used here to examine the excitation profile. Figure 3-9 illustrates the profile of M+ along z. 37 Mxy proile afer for SMS excitndon refocu I -P..ft(Xv i Md s5 .. . 4e - ... . .0.. - .. 4 -3 - -1 0 1 3 .. . . .. . .. 5 Z-ex13 (cm) of the excited slices locations after 900 sinc RF pulse excitation. The simulation also shows how the non-excited slices are affected. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue. Figure 3.9: A simulation The first observation is the constant phase along the excited slice, the solution proposed earlier by extending the refocusing lobe works well here. Also the second excited slice is centered at z = 5cm, and so it meet the specifications. The method of adding 2 sinc RF pulse to excite the 2 slices of interest is proven to work here, however some problems can be noticed. In the figure above, the out of slice ripples (circled in red) witness amplification when compared to the case of one slice only. When only 1 slice is exited, the out of slices ripples goes to -30 dB at 5mm away from the excited slice, on the other hand, for excitation of 2 slices, the out of slice ripples goes to -22 dB 5mm away from excited slice boundaries. The reason of this is the out of slice ripples from each slice is having an affect on the other one. This ripple interference is obvious, and could be problematic in some cases, in the transition regions. This problem gets worse if the slices get closer, due to the nature 38 of the sinc pulse ripples. That is, the out of slice ripples have a larger magnitude, as they get closer to the excited band. Therefore, the out of slice ripples will have more severe affect, as excited slices get closer. Also this effect will be much worse when the same method is used for more than two slices simultaneous excitation. 3.4.2 Parks-McClellan Pulse Design Algorithm The problem faced when more than one sinc pulse are summed for SMS excitation suggest that we need a design that can control the out of slice ripples everywhere. The benefit of SLR is it makes it possible to design the RF excitation pulse using any digital filter design algorithm. The Algorithm that is used when more than one band are to be excited and can control the in slice and out of slice ripples is ParksMcClellan Algorithm. In addition to the freedom the Algorithm gives in specifying the ripples, it makes it possible to specify the number of slices to be excited, the separation between them and their thickness. An RF pulse is designed using the Parks-McClellan Algorithm to satisfy the parameters specified earlier and used in the RF sinc pulse. The same z gradient that is used in the two added RF sinc pulses is used here. Finally, the same SLR process that is used before is used here to examine the excitation profile. Figure 3-10 illustrates the profile of M+7y along z. 39 Mxy profile after for SMS excitation refocuw a le ....... Fgr i. '6 . (.. Axs asshshof Fiue1:Asimulation the nexcited slices 90TMhple aion afeted. excitaxtsison hse in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue. It can be observed that the ripples problem is solved here. Although that the out of slice ripples value here is -23 dB, which is similar to the previous design, it is not a problem here. The out of slice ripples value is chosen in the design of the filter to be less than .5% of the in-slice signal. The out of slice ripples are the same no matter how far they are from the excited slice, and so there is no problem if slices number increase or they get closer. When looking at the phase, we can see that it is almost constant, however, it has small ripples. These ripples are due to the Parks-McClellan Algorithm which trade off the in slice ripple, out of slice ripple and transition region width, to output the optimal design based on the specified parameters. The in slice ripples are set to 1% of the in-slice signal. 40 Based on the simulated excitation for the two examined designs here, I decided to use Parks-McClellan Algorithm to design the pulses. More simulation for the RF Parks-McClellan pulse is illustrated below to assure that it meets the specifications. Figure 3-11 illustrates a 2D (x-z) profile of the resulting Mxy profile after excitation. E I x-cmI Figure 3.11: 2D profile showing the excitation in x-z plane at y=O. The simulation presented in the figure above shows that for any x, the two slices centered at z = 0 and z = 5 are excited. A cross section of this figure at x = 0 gives figure 3-10 shown before. Figure 3-12 illustrates a 2D (z-f) profile of the resulting Mxy profile after excitation. 41 50 44 -4 44 -4 4 4 45 4 -3 42 1 -1 2 3 4 U Figure 3.12: 2D profile that relates the excited spectral frequency in each slice, to its location in z-axes after using a PM RF pulse for exciting 2 slices. The simulation results in the figure above illustrates that the spectral bandwidth of 3 kHz is excited in both slices. The spectral bandwidth from -1.5 kHz to 1.5 kHz can be seen at the center of both slices (blue lines). Also it shows that the same excited spectral band shift, which is witnessed when only one slice is excited at z = 0, is happening here in both slices. The red lines show the excited slices boundaries. For a better visualization, a cross section of the simulation above at z = 0 is taken and plotted it in figure 3-13. 42 Mxy Bandwidth profile after refocus at z=O o - ...... .....-E.... .......... .......-........ ..... _ X O Ind O I S A W. dBinbl magnitudeOPX in Freq (kfW Figure 3.13: A simulation of the excited spectral frequency at z=O after 90 0 PM RF pulse excitation for SMS of 2. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue. The cross section plot demonstrated the phase in the excited spectral band; it is constant here with some ripples, the in-slice ripples are set to be .5% of the signal. The simulation that have been done so far are after the 900 pulse, however, we decided to use spin echo technique for a better signal acquisition. The technique applies a 1800 pulse at time T after the 900 excitation, and so it rotates the magnetizations around the x-axis. More details about the technique can be found in [8]. The task now is to find how this excitation profiles will change after the 1800 pulse. The pulse is similar to the one used for the 900 excitation, but has to be multiplied by 2, so it gives 6 = 180. The Gz has the same value that is used with the 900 RF pulse, the positive part is applied simultaneously with the 1800 pulse, but 43 there is no refocusing lobe here. Instead, crusher gradients are applied before and after the pulse by Gz for a better in slice signal and preserving the transition region. The excitation profile can be anticipated using SLR transform, same process used for the 900 pulse. Here crusher gradients are taken in account to get = -fl2Mxy* M+ Figure 3-14 illustrates the profile of log (IM' yI) along z. This is the profile at 2T (echo time). Mxy profile at echc 0-IMXY1I U1 - bM d ...... inepx ..... I I ... ........ 1 5 I I ....... ...... 2......0..................... ........... 0... -2 ...... .............. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . I . ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ........ ..... .... x.. ............. .. ..... .. .... Figure 3.14: A simulation of the excited slices locations at echo time, when PM RF pulse is used. The simulation also shows how the non-excited slices are affected. The right axis is for the phase in rad in green, and the left axis is the magnitude in dB in blue. We can see that the profile shares same shape when looking at slices thickness and position as the one after 900. The similarity between "after 900" and "echo time" is 44 the same for the other simulations, and so the figures and not shown here. One observation of the profile simulation at echo time is the magnitude of the magnetization moment Mx,y for the out of slice ripples. Here, they are significantly better than the case after the 900 pulse. Mx, is about -50dB here, where it is about 23dB after the 900. This means we go from out of slice ripples to be .05% of the inslice signal, to .0001% out of slice ripples at echo time. This is one reason why it is better to start the acquisition around the echo time. The extra degradation of the out of slice ripples is due to the crusher gradient used in Gz. 3.5 Bloch Simulator In addition to the simulations done using the SLR tools. Bloch simulator was used to confirm that the SLR approximations were valid. The 2D (z-f) profile of the Bloch simulator output is illustrated in figure 3-15. The figure shows that the result indeed meets what SLR tools have expected. 45 4 4 4 a. 4 a IL 4 a 2 4 6 Z - cm Figure 3.15: 2D profile, generated using Bloch simulator, which relates the excited spectral frequency in each slice, to its location in z-axes after using a PM RF pulse for exciting 2 slices. 3.6 Summary The group of simulations that is used to examine the RF pulse designed using ParksMcClellan algorithm assures that the pulse is good to be used in real scans. The pulse meets all the specification that were set earlier for MR spectroscopic imaging, and it is easy to be extended for more than SMS excitation of two, without creating any problem. Unlike the sinc RF pulse, which starts to face challenges, even with SMS of two. On the way to reach this conclusion, SLR pulse design technique is used; in addition, Bloch simulator is used to examine the designed RF pulse. 46 Chapter 4 SMS Spectroscopic Imaging: Data Acquisition The RF pulse excitation of the spatial location of interest is the first step to scan a subject in the MRI machine. In spectroscopy SMS, same as other scan techniques, the next step is to acquire the data. In the 2D excitation process, both x gradient (Gx) and y gradient (Gy) are used in the data acquisition process. The x and y gradients traverse the kx-ky plane in the k-space. After the gradients specify the k-space index to sample, the machine's analog to digital converted (ADC) is turned on to acquire the signal. Usually the z gradient (Gz) is not used during the 2D acquisition process of a slice, however, Gz in necessary in SMS acquisition. Chapter 2 illustrates the necessity of Gz during the acquisition process, and the use of blipped-CAIPI 47 technique to apply the required phase modulation. Many methods are used in the acquisition of K-space, some use uniform sampling -Echo planner Imaging (EPI)-, and others use non-uniform one, -Spiral Trajectories-. In this chapter, I propose a method that can use spiral trajectory acquisition for spectroscopy SMS. The acquisition steps and how to use the different gradients are explained. Also, simulations that produce the acquired data are implemented. Finally, I propose algorithm to be used in the reconstruction process of the collapsed acquired data, and the performance of this algorithm is tested on the simulated data. 4.1 Spiral acquisition for CSI Spiral acquisition is an efficient method for MR spectroscopy scans. It uses time varying gradients during the long acquisition readout periods, so that in addition to sampling the time (Kf) axis, samples are simultaneously acquired along Kx and Ky. The spiral CSI algorithm, introduced by Adalsteinsson et al [19], uses 2D spiralshaped k-space trajectories that are frequently played during the long acquisition window, to simultaneously collect samples in the 3D (Kx, Ky, Kf) space in each repetition period (TR). The spiral-shaped trajectories are formed by playing sinusoidal gradient waveforms simultaneously along Gx and Gy. Figure 4-1 shows the played gradients in Gx and Gy. 48 Gx and Gy during acquisition -Gx II ............... 10 . ......... U. ........ ........... ........... ...... ....... ............. .......... ........................ . ... .. . .. ... .. ............... S 0 . ............. -16 .... -15 a L ...... z ..... .................... 4 ... .... .......... ...... ......... ..... 4 .... ......... ....... ............. U is 9U ... ... U 12 U 14 EU go Nm.Cm.1 W I Figure 4.1: The x and y gradients used for a spiral trajectory, this is for FOV of 12cm and resolution of 2.5mm. Figure 4-2 illustrates the resulted spiral k-space trajectory that samples k-space here. Spiral K-Space Trajectory Kx Figure 4.2: A spiral trajectory in the Kx-Ky plane. Figure 4-3 shows the acquisitions of one spiral interleave in the 3D space of (Kx, Ky, Kf). 49 Kx II I]') nfl n((llnr(Yfl I Kf Ky Figure 4.3: A spiral trajectory in the Kx-Ky-Kf space when the gradients in figure 4.1 are applied. Figure 4-4 shows an encoding sequence scheme when spiral is used. TR RF Gz z 0 Gy Gx DAC 'U L~1 Acq. time Figure 4.4: Encoding scheme for conventional spiral-encoded MRSI acquisition. 50 P 4.2 Spiral with SMS Applying the SMS technique to spiral acquisition requires using a reconstruction method other than the one explained in chapter 2 for EPI acquisition. In EPI, SMS makes use of the phase difference of ir between every two consecutive Ky lines in the k-space. Due to the nature of the acquisition of spiral trajectories, this is not possible. Also, it will not be possible to apply the Gz blips when moving between PE (Ky) lines in spiral trajectories, since there are no PE lines here. Another method has been proposed to apply blipped-CAIPI SMS for spiral in [20]. A similar design for the blips used that method is proposed below. The phasing blips for SMS of 2 will be inserted in Gz as shown in figure 4-5. This will result in an under sampling by a factor of 2 of the k-space if we encode each phase in a different plane as shown in figure 4-6. Ox, Gy and Gz duung acquisition 4 U. 1 6 5 435 7 Figure 4.5: Proposed z gradient blips to be used for SMS acquisition. 51 The result will be k-space that is sampled in a spiral trajectory, and there is a phase difference of 7r between every two consecutive rotations. Therefore, the switching between -7/2 and 7/2 in every two consecutive full cycles could be represented as in figure 4-6. -0. ...-.. Ky e -2 x - Figure 4.6: The resulted k-space sampling locations when SMS of 2 is used with spiral trajectory. The acquired data in the scanner are one 2D k-space. However, it is possible to represent these data as an under sampled 3D k-space as shown in figure 4-6. The reason is that for any two consecutive full cycles in the acquired k-space, each cycle belongs to a different kx-ky plan. The goal after applying the acquisition with this similar blipped-CAIPI technique is to reconstruct the full 3D k-space. Here, the 3D kspace could be considered as an under sampled 3D k-space by a factor of two that was acquired using spiral trajectory. Therefore, it is possible to use a similar technique as the ones used in reconstructing under sampled spiral k-space. 52 4.3 SMS acquired data synthesis In order to demonstrate how the acquired data can be processed and un-aliased to reconstruct the real image, simulations of the acquired data are carried out here. The data sets used here are acquired on a machine of 64 coils. It is part of a structural scan. Two slices were taken in order to simulate the artifacts of the spiral acquisition proposed here. The spiral-acquired data are simulated by applying data acq = C mU.S S(FSi * img) Where, Si is the i coil sensitivity. C -+.s S is the process of converting the Cartesian data that we have, to under sampled data resulted using a spiral trajectory. Two different under sampled k-space trajectories are used in each k-space plane, so the fact that a different cycle is sampled for each plans is reflected. Figure 4-7 shows the two spirals that are used. Figure 4.7: The two different spirals used to sample the 2 Kx-Ky two planes in the k-space. 53 An important factor to consider when looking at the data we are using is the number of acquisition coils. A higher number of coils make it easier to reconstruct an image since there are more data to be used. That is, in multi coils systems, the data come from smaller coils in an array with special sensitivity profiles that are better separated than for arrays with smaller number of larger coils. In the simulations for spiral SMS here, the data were acquired using 64 coils. 4.4 Data Reconstruction In order to solve the data reconstruction problem for spiral SMS, I will implement optimization techniques that are used to solve under sampled k-space problems. The problem we are trying to solve can be represented in this cost function 11C --+. S(FSi * x) - data i 112 + A * TV(x) Where x is the image we are trying to find, C - ., S is the operation of transforming a fully sampled Cartesian k-space into an under sampled spiral kspace. F is the Fourier transform, TV is the total variation transform, A is a coefficient and Si is the i coil sensitivity. data i is the image data coming from coil i, and it is simulated in this work using the equation shown in the previous section. The solution of this optimization problem is implemented using the conjugate gradient method. 54 4.5 Spiral SMS Simulations and Results In this section, the results of applying spiral SMS reconstruction on simulated data are presented. 4.5.1 Structural Data with one frequency Figure 4.8 shows two slices that are acquired with fully sampled k-space using spiral acquisition. It is reconstructed using the optimization equation explained before. Figure 4.9 shows two slices that are acquired with under sampled k-space by a factor of two using spiral acquisition, that is spiral SMS acquisition. Each plane in the k-space was under sampled using a different spiral trajectory (as shown in figure 4.7) to simulate the SMS acquisition. It is reconstructed using the optimization equation explained before. Figure 4.10 shows the difference between the two different acquisitions after reconstruction. It is obvious that the difference is not in the brain details. It is just making some areas darker and others brighter randomly. The RMSE between the two reconstructions is 16% in the masked region of the head. This RMSE value is a result of the difference shown in figure 4.10, and so the reconstruction output is good since a large part of the difference is not in the image details. 55 Figure 4.8: Two slices that are acquired with fully sampled k-space using spiral acquisition. Figure 4.9: Two slices that are acquired with under sampled by a factor of two k-space using SMS spiral acquisition. 56 Figure 4.10: The difference between the fully samples k-space and the half sampled. The same method that is applied for two slices is applied for four slices now. The simulation is done by under sampling every plane in k-space by 4. Figure 4.11 shows four slices that are acquired using fully sampled k-space using spiral acquisition. It is reconstructed using the optimization equation explained before. Figure 4.12 shows four slices that are acquired using under sampled k-space by a factor of four using spiral acquisition. Each plane in the k-space was under sampled using a different spiral trajectory to simulate the SMS acquisition. It is reconstructed using the optimization equation explained before. Figure 4.13 shows the difference between the two different acquisitions after reconstruction. It is obvious that the difference is not in the brain details. It is just making some areas darker and others brighter randomly. The RMSE between the two reconstructions is 27%. Since this RMSE value is a result of the difference shown in figure 4.13, I can consider the output to be good because a large part of the difference is not in the image details. Finally, to appreciate the output of the proposed optimization method, figure 4.14 57 illustrates the simulated data for SMS of four if only standard gridding is used in solving k-space from the SMS spiral trajectories without optimizing the cost function in solving for the image. Figure 4.11: Four slices that are acquired with fully sampled k-space using spiral acquisition. Figure 4.12: Four slices that are acquired with under sampled by a factor of four k-space using SMS spiral acquisition. Figure 4.13: The difference between the fully samples k-space and the quarter sampled. 58 Figure 4.14: Reconstructing the under sampled k-space without using the proposed optimization technique. 4.5.2 Spectroscopy Data The motivation for the work done in this thesis is to apply SMS for spiral spectroscopy in MRSI. The benefit of using spiral SMS spectroscopy is accelerating the process of data acquisition for 2D spectroscopy excitations without causing degradation in SNR when voxel size and imaging time are kept constant. In the simulations in this chapter, SMS of four is used for spiral spectroscopy. This SMS excitation achieves an acceleration factor of four, and so it is possible to finish one acquisition in quarter the time that the normal 2D excitation takes, the associated SNR with this acceleration is quantified. The FOV for the 2D slice is 240mm. The slice size is 96x96 pixels, and so resolution is 2.5mm. The scanner gradients are specified to have maximum amplitude of 40 mT/m, and maximum slew rate of 150 T/m/s. In chapter 2, I have proved using the signal equation that in EPI, there is no problem in extending SMS to include the frequency (Kf) dimension. The same concept is used to prove that the spiral SMS could be used to acquire spectroscopy data using spiral trajectories. In order to show that this is possible, a simulation similar to the one 59 applied in the structural data in the sub-section above is used. However, the simulation is extended to include a number of frequencies, instead of one frequency only. Figure 4.15 explains the computations used to simulate the SMS spiral spectroscopy data from the scanner. I- 4D data (x, y, z, f) from 64 coils with estimated coil sensitivities 2- Use Fourier transform to get K-Space (Kx, Ky, Kz, KO) Ir 3- Under sample in every Kx-Ky plane by a factor of 4 using spiral trajectory (This data is to be used as the acquired data) 4) The output data now is 3D (Kxy, Kz, Kf) where Kxy is the acquired vector for a spiral in Kx-Ky plane Figure 4.15: The process of creating spectroscopy data similar to the one acquired using spiral SMS for MRSI. The same 3D data set acquired using 64 coils is used here. The addition of the frequency access is simulated by adding another 63 frequency points to each voxel. Therefore, there is 64 frequency points for each voxel now, one is used for H2 0, one for Cr, one for Cho and one for NAA. The decision of using 64 frequency points was made so that it is possible to run a large number of simulations in short time. The method has the same performance regardless the number of the frequencies used if run time is ignored. The simulation values for the metabolites are a function of the 60 index in x, y and the value of that voxel in acquired 3D data set. The values at the other 60 frequencies are set to zero for now. Figure 4.16 shows the ground truth for the spectroscopy simulations. It illustrates the four slices after reconstructing the acquired data using a fully sampled k-space spiral trajectory. The presented slices are the values of the H2 0 from each voxel spectrum. The spectrum of two voxel from each slice is presented under that slice. $AAA LAAL an ~ A U * Il AA A Figure 4.16: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space using spiral acquisition is used. This is the ground truth. Figure 4.17 illustrates the four slices after reconstructing the acquired data using the proposed spectroscopy SMS spiral acquisition. The same technique that was used for a single frequency in the previous sub-section is used here for all frequencies to simulate spiral SMS spectroscopy. The main observation that can be made here is that there is no aliasing between the different frequencies; that is non61 metabolite frequencies, where the signal is zero with fully sampled k-space in 4.16, continue to have a signal of zero after the spiral SMS spectroscopy. AA em- A 'AAt j hAA A., A Figure 4.17: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of spiral SMS spectroscopy excitation of four is used. The RMSE between the ground truth in figure 4.16, and the SMS acquisition in figure 4.17 is 27%. It is important to notice that this RMSE is the same as the one when only one frequency was for structural data; that means using spiral SMS for spectroscopy without the addition of noise does not change the RMSE. Similar to the case of structural imaging, I look at the difference between the two acquisitions before judging if this RMSE is good or bad. Figure 4.18 illustrates the difference between the two spectroscopy-data sets is shown in figure 4.16 and 4.17. It is obvious that the difference here is only where there are metabolites. Also, the value of the difference is proportional to the value of 62 the signal at that metabolite. Finally, the difference does not affect the details of the data, in a similar trend to the structural case where it only makes some areas darker and others brighter. Therefore, I can consider the reconstruction performance to be good here. B- - em I am 0 I se IB m am $AD 0"nI .. aI amI* a-s . B-* an enI .a * T1 1, AA JAA Figure 4.18: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired k-space after reconstruction. In order to confirm that aliasing is not happening between difference adjacent frequencies, the values from all the non-metabolite frequencies are summed to create the image shown in figure 4.19. 63 X 104 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Figure 4.19: The image resulted after summing all the non-metabolite values for each voxel. In the figure above, it is obvious that the signal is not zero, which means that it might be affected by the metabolites signal. However, this effect is completely negligible. In the data set used to compute figure 4.19, the max value for a metabolite signal in the (x, y, z, t) space is 1, however, the value in this summed nonmetabolite signal is less than 10-8. The next step of simulations, that examine the proposed method for solving spiral SMS spectroscopy, involves adding zero mean Gaussian to the entire data set. In order to decide the standard deviation of the noise, the average amplitude of each metabolite signal is calculated from the ground truth data as shown in table 4-1 below. The standard deviation is chosen to be 0.003 so it gives the SNR shown in the table. Metabolite Average Amplitude SNR H20 0.148 0.148/0.003=49.3 Cho 0.033 0.033/0.003=11.0 Cr 0.024 0.024/0.003=8.0 NAA 0.037 0.037/0.003=12.3 Table 4-1: The average amplitude for the different metabolites' signals and the correspondent SNR values based on the added noise. 64 Figure 4.20 shows the four slices of the noisy data acquired using a spiral trajectory for fully sampled k-space. The presented slices are the values of the H20 peak from each voxel spectrum. The spectrum of two voxel from each slices is presented under each slice. We can see that it is easy to recognize the four peaks for H20, Cr, Cho, NAA, and noise in other frequencies. saI ofa a so I aEM am am *A- *1 E I a" toI a am as Ia voxels when fully sampled k-space of noisy data using spiral acquisition is used. Figure 4.20: The simulated spectra for some Figure 4.21 shows the four slices after reconstructing the noisy acquired data using the proposed spectroscopy SMS spiral acquisition. It is obvious here that the metabolites signals can be recognized without difficulties in the reconstruction of spiral SMS spectroscopy with added noise. In order to quantify the changes in the SNR between the fully sampled spiral k-space and the spiral SMS sampling, SNR 65 calculations are done on both data sets illustrated in figures 4.20 and 4.21. The SNR results are presented in the table below. Metabolite SNR for figure 4.20= SNR for figure 4.2 1= Average Amplitude/noise std Average Amplitude/noise std H2 0 0.150/0.0037 = 40.5 0.142/0.0037 = 38.4 Cho 0.035/0.0037 = 9.5 0.033/0.0037 = 8.9 Cr 0.026/0.0037 = 7 0.024/0.0037 = 6.5 NAA 0.038/0.0037= 10.2 0.036/0.0037 = 9.7 Table 4-2: The SNR values for the different metabolites after spiral full k-space reconstruction and spiral SMS reconstruction. The table above includes the information needed to understand how the reconstruction method proposed here affects the SNR in the acquired data. First, one can see that the noise is the same weather spiral SMS acquisition is used, or fully sampled k-space spiral acquisition is used, it comes to be zero mean Gaussian with standard deviation of 0.0037 after the reconstruction in both cases. The average value for the signal amplitude changes within a range of 7% of its original value. For SNR, the degradation after spiral SMS spectroscopy is less that 7% in the worst case. The results above give the conclusion that the spiral SMS spectroscopy proposed algorithm could still function in the presence of noise without problems. In order to have a better understanding of the difference between the two acquisitions, fully sampled and SMS under sampled for spiral spectroscopy. The difference is computed, that is (Ifully sampled - SMS sampledi), and is shown in figure 4.22. Looking at the figure, the first conclusion is that the difference is proportional to the signal amplitude at a given frequency. We can see that whenever 66 the difference has a higher value at a specific frequency, then that is the H2 0 frequency. Also it is obvious that the signal difference at H20 frequency is higher, when the H20 amplitude is initially high, as seen in the 2 slices to the right. The conclusion is that the difference between the two acquisitions at any frequency is affected by the metabolite amplitude there. *A MS SM MS 62 WA an IA. MS an MS j Figure 4.21: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of spiral SMS spectroscopy excitation is used for noisy data. 67 m e am Figure 4.22: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired k-space after reconstruction for the noisy data. 4.6 EPI SMS Spectroscopy In the previous section, the performance of Spiral SMS for spectroscopy was tested by comparing it to the performance of ordinary spiral spectroscopy. Same data set was used in both computations, and spiral SMS for spectroscopy has shown promising results. In order to have another demonstration that SMS is possible for spectroscopy data, simulations of using EPI sequence for spectroscopy data are implemented here. The trajectory of EPI acquisition in the 3D space of (Kx, Ky, KfO is shown in figure 4.23. 68 Kx Ky Figure 4.23: An EPI trajectory in the Kx-Ky-Kf space that is used for EPI spectroscopy. 4.6.1 EPI SMS Spectroscopy Simulations The implementation process here requires the simulation of spectroscopy data, and then extension of the slice-GRAPPA algorithm introduced in [15] to work for spectroscopy data. In chapter 2, it has been proven using the signal equation that the phase modulation blips has the same effect in all Kx-Ky planes that are in the (Kx, Ky, Kf) space. Therefore, the process of simulating spectroscopy data needs only applying the appropriate FOV shift for all the x-y planes that are in the (x, y, f) space. In a method similar to the one used to create SMS spiral spectroscopy data, SMS EPI spectroscopy data will be created. In order to solve the aliased data, the same slice-GRAPPA algorithm is extended to include the frequency dimension. In this process, to build each slice (Kx, Ky, Kf) from 69 the collapsed data, it is enough to train the kernel at one Kf value, and then use this trained kernel in the reconstruction for all the other Kf point, of course only for the slice k-space where the kernel is trained. For example if the collapsed data set for 4 slices has Kx = 64, Ky = 64, Kf = 320, then only 4 kernels need to be trained, one for each slice. 4.6.2 EPI SMS Spectroscopy Results 3D data set with simulated coil sensitivity to create 8 coils acquisition is used here. The addition of the frequency access is simulated by adding another 63 frequency points for each voxel. For each voxel there is 64 frequency points now, one is used for H2 0, one for Cr, one for Cho and one for NAA. The simulation values for the metabolites are a function of the index in x, y and the value of that voxel in acquired 3D data set. The values at the other 60 frequencies are set to zero for now. SMS acquisition of four is used here; and so one slice is not affected, one is shifted by FOV/4, another by FOV/2 and the last by 3FOV/4. This shift is applied in all frequencies. Then the after shift slices are collapsed into one slice. Image reconstruction has been done on the simulated data to demonstrate how possibility of SMS with EPI spectroscopy. The benefit of using EPI SMS spectroscopy is accelerating the process of data acquisition for 2D spectroscopy excitations without causing degradation in SNR. In the simulations in this chapter, SMS of four is used for EPI spectroscopy. This SMS excitation achieves an acceleration factor of four, and so it is possible to finish one 70 acquisition in quarter the time that the normal 2D excitation takes, the associated SNR with this acceleration is quantified. It is important to notice here that SMS with EPI require a pre-acquired data set using single shot and SMS so that it can be used to train the kernel. In the work done here, the same set that is used to train the kernel is tested with this kernel. Therefore, the results might not be possible to achieve in real time, but the point here is to demonstrate the possibility of extracting the un-aliased data if the right kernel is used for EPI SMS spectroscopy. Figure 4.24 shows the ground truth for the EPI spectroscopy simulations. It illustrates the four slices after using a fully sampled k-space for each. The presented slices are the values of the H2 0 from each voxel spectrum. The spectrum of two voxel from each slice is presented under that slice. 71 $A *a as Wa 02 a." *'a. 6A M *1 0.06 0.1 00 AA MI L AA I 0. '531 A Figure 4.24: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space using EPI acquisition is used. This is the ground truth. Figure 4.25 shows the collapsed four slices when EPI SMS (blipped-CAIPI) is used to excite four slices simultaneously. Figure 4.26 illustrates the four slices after reconstructing the acquired collapsed data using the extended slice-grappa algorithm. The main observation that can be made here is that there is no aliasing between the different frequencies; that is non-metabolite frequencies, where the signal is zero with fully sampled k-space in 4.24, continue to have a signal of zero after the spiral SMS spectroscopy. 72 Figure 4.25: Collapsed K-space data resulted of EPI SMS acquisition of four slices. an AA an * IM a"] ILA Ma~L~K Ilj Figure 4.26: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of EPI SMS spectroscopy excitation of four is used. The RMSE between the ground truth in figure 4.24, and the SMS acquisition in figure 4.26 is 2%, which means a very good reconstruction. Similar to the case of spiral SMS spectroscopy imaging, I look at the difference between the two acquisitions. Figure 4.27 illustrates the difference between the two EPI spectroscopy-data sets is 73 shown in figure 4.24 and 4.26. It is obvious that the difference here is only where there are metabolites, and it is less than 2% of the signal value. .me A -A . *a M" a- I . --- A. I Figure 4.27: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired k-space after reconstruction. Similar to the spiral SMS spectroscopy, the EPI spectroscopy slice-grappa algorithm will be tested after the addition of zero mean Gaussian noise to the signal. In order to decide the standard deviation of the noise, the average amplitude of each metabolite signal is calculated from the ground truth data as shown in the table below. The standard deviation is chosen to be 0.006 so it gives the SNR shown in the table 74 Metabolite Average Amplitude SNR H2 0 0.317 0.317/0.006 = 52 Cho 0.037 0.037/0.006= 6 Cr 0.023 0.023/0.006 =4 NAA 0.111 0.111/0.006= 18 Table 4-3: The average amplitude for the different metabolites' signals and the correspondent SNR values based on the added noise. Figure 2.28 shows the four slices using a fully sampled k-space for each after addition of the zero mean Gaussian noise. The presented slices are the values of the H2 0 peak from each voxel spectrum. The spectrum of two voxel from each slices is presented under each slice. We can see that it is easy to recognize the four peaks for H20, Cr, Cho, NAA, and noise in the other frequencies. * an 0* 01 0a A* 0* 0.1 0* an &Is U Is I 5I a V Figure 4.28: The simulated spectra for some voxels when fully sampled k-space using EPI acquisition is used with noisy data. 75 Figure 4.29 shows the four slices after reconstructing the noisy acquired data using the proposed EPI SMS spectroscopy acquisition. It is obvious here that the metabolites signals can be recognized without difficulties in the reconstruction of EPI SMS spectroscopy with added noise. In order to quantify the changes in the SNR between the fully sampled k-space and the EPI SMS sampling, SNR calculations are done on both data sets illustrated in figures 4.28 and 4.29. The SNR results are presented in the table below. Metabolite SNR for figure 4.28= Average Amplitude/noise std SNR for figure 4.29= Average Amplitude/noise std H2 0 0.317/0.006=52.8 0.317/0.006=52.8 Cho 0.037/0.006=6.2 0.037/0.006=6.2 Cr 0.03/0.006=5.0 0.03/0.006=5.0 NAA 0.111/0.006=18.5 0.111/0.006=18.5 Table 4-4: The SNR values for the different metabolites after EPI full k-space reconstruction and EPI SMS reconstruction. The table above includes the information needed to understand how the reconstruction method proposed here affects the SNR in acquired data. We can see that the SNR in the same id EPI SMS spectroscopy is used, or full sampling is used. This means the extended to spectroscopy slice-grappa functions without any problem in the presence of noise. In order to have a better understanding of the small difference between the two acquisitions, fully sampled and SMS sampled for EPI spectroscopy. The difference is computed; that is (Ifully sampled - SMS sampledi), and is shown in figure 4.30. 76 Looking at the figure, the first conclusion is that the difference is proportional to the signal amplitude at a given frequency. We can see that whenever the difference has a higher value at a specific frequency, then that is the H20 frequency. The same conclusion reached in the spiral SMS spectroscopy can be confirmed here; that is the difference between the two acquisitions, fully sampled and SMS sampled, at any frequency is affected by the metabolite amplitude there. an C., em em n 8 *4 * U U U U S. ~ * * --j a -. . u a Figure 4.29: The simulated spectra for some voxels when acquisition simulation of EPI SMS spectroscopy excitation of four is used with noisy data. 77 an am am am T*at 9"W GM 04" am em 440*a '~ -w OM' saw em OM 6*0 s am Figure 4.30: The difference between the fully sampled k-space and SMS acquired k-space after reconstruction for the noisy data. 4.7 Summary In this chapter, I have demonstrated the technique that can be used to apply Simultaneous multislice acquisition technique to MR spectroscopy using spiral trajectory acquisition. After that, simulations have been done to implement the expected effect of the spiral SMS acquisitions on the data. The simulations were implemented first on collapsed two slices of structural imaging only. Then it was extended to include four slices, and finally to function with more than one frequency, so MR spectroscopy can be used. The data were un-aliased using an optimization method that is usually used to solve under sampled k-space data in MRI. The reconstructions of both EPI and spiral SMS spectroscopy has been quantified and compared to the ground truth data. The SNR for all reconstructions 78 was computed, and it is shown how spiral SMS spectroscopy degrades SNR by less than 7% of it initial value in the worst case, where EPI SMS spectroscopy does not change SNR. 79 80 Chapter 5 Conclusion The work in this thesis investigates the possibility of using simultaneous multislice acquisition with spiral trajectory for MR Spectroscopy. The SMS spectroscopy advantages include the acceleration of 2D excitation spectroscopy and the possibility of acquiring one average in a faster time than the current 3D excitations. The potential of using these advantages was the motivation behind implementing the work presented here. Signal equation was studied first to guarantee the possibility of applying SMS on spectroscopy acquisitions. The thesis has addressed the two important stages in using the MR scanner for MR spectroscopy SMS with spiral trajectory. In chapter 3, the first stage discusses the right method to be used for RF pulse design. Two methods, windowed Sinc and Parks-McClellan Algorithm, were used to design the RF pulse. Extensive simulations have been used to ensure that the better method is used, and the right pulse is 81 designed. The choice of RF excitation pulse parameter has justified for the goal of exciting multislice simultaneously for spectroscopy. The results have shown that Parks-McClellan Algorithm has advantages over the other designs for a more selective excitation. It made it possible to decide the maximum value for the out-ofslice ripples in the design unlike the windowed sinc pulse method. Also a multi band pulse is possible to design instead of adding modulated pulses to excite more than one slice. The second stage in using MR scanner is the data acquisition stage. This stage includes the design of the x, y and z gradients that are used to encode the k-space when the signal is received. In chapter 4, the discussion explains the basics of the spiral trajectory acquisition. Spiral with SMS is explained, and the design for the blips in the z gradient is justified. A demonstration of how the data are affected when Spiral SMS acquisition used is presented. Also, I have explained how the data can be treated as an under sampled k-space, and so optimization technique to be used in solving the problem. The algorithm used to solve such a problem was implemented here. Simulations have been used to implement the effects that SMS excitation and acquisition imposes on the data. Finally, a number of reconstruction examples have been presented to confirm that the proposed method is working. The used examples included spiral acquisition for structural scan, I illustrated that the design works for two simultaneously excited slices, then this was extended to four slices. After that, 82 the method is extended to included spectroscopy data for both spiral SMS and EPI SMS chemical shift scans. Overall, the possibility of using SMS with spiral trajectory for MR spectroscopy imaging has been investigated here. All simulations have confirmed that the proposed methods make it possible. Also the EPI spectroscopy sequence is proven to work with SMS excitation here. The future work that can be a follow up the work presented here is implementing the designed RF pulse and gradients on the scanner. Then use the technique explained in chapter 4.4 for data reconstruction. The implemented code used in running the simulations of this thesis is included in the appendix. The Parks-McClellan Algorithm to design the RF pulse for two slices excitation is in appendix A. The code implemented to simulate the SMS spiral spectroscopy data is in appendix B. The code used in solving spiral SMS spectroscopy data is in appendix C. Finally the extension to the current slice-grappa algorithm to work for EPI SMS spectroscopy is included in appendix D. Any prerequirements for the code to be used is stated in the appendix. 83 84 Appendix A The function below is the one implemented to design the Parks-McClellan RF pulse for excitation of 2 slices simultaneously. The code is an extension of John Pauly's rftools [18]. The installation of rftools is required to be able to run this code. The code is included in sms-spectroscopy/rf design. function [ rf ] = dz2rfpm( n,tb,ptype,dis,dl,d2) There are a lot of options, most of % % Designs an rf pulse. which have defaults. % % % % % % % % % % % % % Inputs are: (required) np -- number of points. (required) tb -- time-bandwidth product ptype -- pulse type. Options are: (default) st -- small tip angle ex -- pi/2 excitation pulse se -- pi spin-echo pulse sat -- pi/2 saturation pulse inv -- inversion pulse dis - for seperation between slices (default = 0.01) dl -- Passband ripple (default = 0.01) d2 -- Stopband ripple (default = 1.5) pclsfrac -- pcls tolerance if nargin < 5, dl = 0.01; d2 = 0.01; end; end; if nargin < 3, ptype = 'st'; if nargin < 4, dis = 0 ; end; if strcmp(ptype, 'st'), bsf = 1; elseif strcmp(ptype, 'ex'), bsf = sqrt(1/2); dl = sqrt(dl/2); d2 = d2/sqrt(2); elseif strcmp(ptype,'se'), bsf = 1; dl = dl/4; d2 = sqrt(d2); elseif strcmp(ptype, 'inv'), 85 bsf = 1; dl = dl/8; d2 = sqrt(d2/2); elseif strcmp(ptype,'sat'), bsf = sqrt(1/2); dl = dl/2; d2 = sqrt(d2); else ',ptype]); disp(['Unrecognized Pulse Type -disp('Recognized types are st, ex, se, inv, and sat'); return; end; di = dinf(dl,d2); w = di/tb; shift = dis*n/2; (1+w)*(tb/2) trans = - (1-w)*(tb/2); band = 2*(1-w)*(tb/2); f = [0 shift shift+trans shift+trans+band shift+2*trans+band (n/2)]/(n/2); m = [0 0 1 1 0 0]; w b [dl/d2 1 dl/d2]; firpm(n-1,f,m,w); = = if strcmp(ptype,'st'), rf = b; else b = bsf*b; rf = b2rf(b); end; end 86 Appendix B The output of this code is ZI, the simulation of the acquired data using spiral SMS spectroscopic imaging. It contains the data for the 4 slices, each slice has 64 frequencies in this simulation and each one of this comes from 64 different channels in this simulation. The code here creates spiral trajectories, then samples Cartesian x-y-z-f based of those trajectories. The code and data are included in sms.spectroscopy/spiralsim&recon. % 150 T/m/s % G/cm % Sampling time on GE scanners [Seconds] % No of Interleaves smax = 15000; gmax = 4; T = 4e-6; N = 1; Fcoeff = [6, -0]; % FOV im size = 96; FOV max = 240; res = FOV max / im size; % resolution in mm kmax = 5 / res; % cm^(-l), corresponds to rad = [0:.1:kmax]; FOV = zeros(size(rad)); for t = 1:length(Fcoeff) FOV = FOV + Fcoeff(t) .*(rad/kmax) 1mm resolution. (t-1); end figure(2), plot(rad, FOV) ,axis([O kmax 0 max(FOV)]) kvds = k-space trajectory (kx+iky) in cm-1. % [k-vds, g, s, time, r,theta] = vds(smax, gmax, T, N, Fcoeff, kmax); 87 figure(1), plot(real(kvds) / 1, imag(kvds) / .5] 1), axis([-.5, .5, -. 5, * kmax * 2) numchan = 64; %% Import data and build the x-y-z-f matrix % load SENS_96x96x64x57.mat; sens = imresize(SENS, [im size,imsize]); sensl = sens ./ max(abs(sens(:))); sensitivity maps % x-y-z data for different channels load img_96x96x64x57.mat imgs = imresize(img, [im size,imsize]); imgs = imgs / max(imgs(:)); mask = ones(96,96,64,2); y = 48.5:.5:96; for j = 1:64 for i=1:96 mask (:,i,j,1) = y; mask (i,:,j,2) = y.^2; end end mask(:,:,:,,1) = mask(:,:,:,1)/max(max(mask(:,:,1,1))); mask(:,:, : ,2) = mask(:,:,:,2)/max(max(mask(:,:,1,2))); num slices = 4; spectrumsize = 64; img-sens = zeros(imsize,imsize,numslices,spectrumsize,numchan); %zero noise case k_space sens = zeros(im-size,imsize,numslices,spectrumsize,num-chan); %add water img-sens(:,:,1,12,:) imgsens(:,:,2,12,:) imgsens(:,:,3,12,:) imgsens(:,:,4,12,:) %add Cho img-sens(:,:,1,40,:) imgsens(:,:,2,40,:) imgsens(:,:,3,40,:) imgsens(:,:,4,40,:) %add Cr imgsens(:,:,1,44,:) imgsens(:,:,2,44,:) imgsens(:,:,3,44,:) imgsens(:,:,4,44,:) %add NAA imgsens(:,:,1,56,:) img-sens(:,:,2,56,:) img-sens(:,:,3,56,:) imgs(:,:,:,18); imgs(:,:,:,28); imgs(:,:,:,38); imgs(:,:,:,48); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,18).*mask(:,:,:,1); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,28).*mask(:,:,:,1); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,38).*mask(:,:,:,1); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,48).*mask(:,:,:,1); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,18).*mask(:,:,:,2); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,28).*mask(:,:,:,2); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,38).*mask(:,:,:,2); 0.1*imgs(:,:,:,48).*mask(:,:,:,2); 0.25*imgs(:,:,:,18); 0.25*imgs(:,:,:,28); 0.25*imgs(:,:,:,38); 88 img-sens(:,:,4,56,:) = 0.25*imgs(:,:,:,48); for c = 1:size(kspacesens,5) k_spacesens(:,:,:,:,c) = (1/sqrt(length(imgsens(:,:,:,:,c))))*fftshift(fftn(fftshift(imgsens(: end %% find k-space on the spiral points using interp2 ZI = zeros(length(k vds), numslices,spectrumsize,numchan); [Y,X] = meshgrid(linspace(-kmax,kmax,imsize), linspace(kmax,kmax,im size)); XI = real(kvds); YI = imag(kvds); %different trajectories for the different Kz planes to simulate SMS XI_1 = real(exp(2i*pi/4)*k vds); YI_1 = imag(exp(2i*pi/4)*k-vds); XI_2 = real(exp(4i*pi/4)*k-vds); YI_2 = imag(exp(4i*pi/4)*k-vds); XI_3 = real(exp(6i*pi/4)*k-vds); YI_3 = imag(exp(6i*pi/4)*k-vds); XI_4 = real(exp(8i*pi/4)*k-vds); YI_4 = imag(exp(8i*pi/4)*k-vds); for f=l:spectrumsize for c = 1:size(kspacesens,5) ZI(:,1,f,c) = interp2(Y, X, kspace sens(:,:,1,f,c), YI_1, XI-1).'; ZI(:,2,f,c) = interp2(Y, X, kspace sens(:,:,2,f,c), YI_2, XI_2).'; ZI(:,3,f,c) = interp2(Y, X, kspace sens(:,:,3,f,c), YI_3, XI_3).'; ZI(:,4,f,c) = interp2(Y, X, kspace-sens(:,:,4,f,c), YI_4, XI_4).'; end end 89 90 Appendix C The function fnlCg_SENSE2DSMS() implemented here to solve for the image using spiral SMS spectroscopy data as input. The code below modifies the algorithm implanted by Lustig et al. [22] to solve image from sparse under-sampled k-space using conjugate gradient with line search method. The code and data are included in sms.spectroscopy/spiralsim&recon. %% spiral-sense recon for SMS oversamplingfactor = 1; param = init; param.FT k_vds.'); = Resampling2D(kmax, oversamplingfactor*imsize, num slices, param.XFM = 1; param.Itnlim = 5; param.numcoils = numchan; Res = zeros([oversamplingfactor*imsize, oversamplingfactor*imsize, numslices,spectrumsize]); = [I; param.sens = temp = zeros(im size, im-size, num slices ,spectrum-size) for c = 1:numchan{c} = ZI(:,:,:,c); for f=1:spectrumsize %add coil sensitivites for the diffetn slices ,1,f) = sensl(:,:,c,18); temp (:,: ,2,f) = sensl(:,:,c,28); temp (:,: ,3,f) = sensl(:,:,c,38); temp (:,: ,4,f) = sensl(:,:,c,48); temp (:,: end param.sens{c} = temp; 91 end for 1:1 Res = fnlCgSENSE2D_SMS(Res, param); %solve for the image n = end function x = fnlCg_SENSE2DSMS(xO,params) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % implementation of a Li penalized non linear conjugate gradient % reconstruction The function solves the following problem: % given k-space measurments y, a fourier operator F, and Cartesian to spiral operator C-->S, the function % finds the image x that minimizes: % Phi(x) = II(C-->S)F* C *x - y||^2 % the optimization method used is non linear conjugate gradient with fast&cheap backtracking % line-search. % params.sens : sensitivity maps, with size [im sizex, im-size-y, num coils] %---------------------------------------------------------------------x = xO; % line search parameters maxlsiter = params.lineSearchItnlim gradToll = params.gradToll ; alpha = params.lineSearchAlpha; beta = params.lineSearchBeta; to = params.lineSearchTO; k = t = 0; 1; % copmute gO = grad(Phi(x)) gO = wGradient(x,params); dx = -go; % iterations while(1) % backtracking line-search % pre-calculate values, such that it would be cheap to compute the objective % many times for efficient line-search [FTXFMtx, FTXFMtdx] = preobjective(x, dx, params); fO = objective(FTXFMtx, FTXFMtdx, DXFMtdx, 0, params); t = to; 92 [fl, ERRobj] = objective(FTXFMtx, FTXFMtdx, t, params); isiter = 0; while (fl > fO - alpha*t*abs(gO(:)'*dx(:)))^2 & (lsiter<maxlsiter) lsiter = isiter + 1; t = t * beta; [fl, ERRobj] = objective(FTXFMtx, FTXFMtdx, t, params); end if lsiter == maxlsiter disp('Reached max line search..... not so good... might have a bug in operators. exiting... '); return; end % control the number of line searches by adapting the initial step search if lsiter > 2 tO = tO * beta; end if lsiter<1 tO = tO / beta; end x = (x + t*dx); %--------uncomment for debug purposes -----------------------if mod(k,1) == 0 && (k > 0) disp(sprintf('%d , obj: %f, L-S: %d', k,fl,lsiter)); end %--------------------------------------------------------------- %conjugate gradient calculation gl = wGradient(x,params); bk = gl(:)'*gl(:)/(gO(:)'*gO(:)+eps); gO = gl; dx = - gl + bk* dx; k = k + 1; %TODO: need to "think" of a "better" stopping criteria if (k > params.Itnlim) I (norm(dx(:)) < gradToll) break; end ;-) end return; % --------------------------------------------------------------------- function [FCtx, FCtdx] = preobjective(x, dx, params) % precalculates transforms to make line search cheap tx = params.XFM'*x; 93 tdx = params.XFM'*dx; FCtx = FCtdx = []; for coil = 1:params.numcoils FCtx{coil} = params.FT * (params.sens{coil} .* tx); FCtdx{coil} = params.FT * (params.sens{coil} .* tdx); end % --------------------------------------------------------------------function [res, obj] = objective(FCtx, FCtdx,t, params) %calculates the objective function p = params.pNorm; obj = 0; for coil = 1:params.num coils temp = FCtx{coil} + t * FCtdx{coil} -{coil}; obj = obj + norm(temp(:))^2; end res = obj function grad = wGradient(x,params) gradObj = gOBJ(x,params); grad = (gradObj ); % --------------------------------------------------------------------- function gradObj = gOBJ(x,params) % computes the gradient of the data consistency tx = params.XFM'*x; temp = 0; for coil = 1:params.numcoils Res = params.FT * (params.sens{coil} temp = temp + conj(params.sens{coil}) end gradObj = params.XFM*temp; gradObj = 2*gradObj; 94 .* .* tx) -{coil}; (params.FT'*Res); Appendix D The code below is an extension of slice-grappa algorithm implemented in [15] to solve for EPI SMS. The implementation here makes it possible to apply slice-grappa for EPI SMS spectroscopy data. The code and data are included sms.spectroscopy/EPIsim&recon. load tse_27msdicom; img = tse_27msdicom; imagesize = 96; img = imresize(img, [imagesize,imagesize]); img = img / max(img(:)); mosaic(img(:,:,20:end),3,5,1, sens = (bl); load bl_8chan; sens = imresize(sens, [imagesize,imagesize]); sens = sens ./ max(abs(sens(:))); numchan = size(sens,3); spectrumsize = 64; mask = ones(imagesize,imagesize,38,2); y = image size/2+.5:.5:imagesize; for j=1:38 for i=1:64 mask (:,i,j,1) = y; mask (i,:,j,2) = y.^2; end end mask(:,:,:,1) = mask(:,:,:,1)/max(max(max(mask(:,:,:,1)))); mask(:,:,:,2) = mask(:,:,:,2)/max(max(max(mask(:,:,:,2)))); %csimg = normrnd(O, .006, [dim,dim,38,spectrum size]); % Gaussian noise % zero cs_img = zeros([imagesize,imagesize,38,spectrumsize]); noise %add cs img(:,:,:,1 2 )+ img; csimg(:,:,:,12) = water 95 in %add csimg(:,:,:,40) =csimg(:,:,:,40)+ .2*img.*mask(:,:,:,1); Cho cs img(:,:,:,44) = cs img(:,:,:,44)+.2*img.*mask(:,:,:,2); cs img(:,:,:,56) =csimg(:,:,:,56)+ 0.35*img; NAA training-slices = 10:6:30; % location of training slices num_slices = length(trainingslices); sliceshift = round(linspace(0, size(img,1) * , %add Cr %add (num slices-1)/num-slices numslices)); imgslices = []; for s = 1:numslices for f = 1:spectrumsize imgslices(:,:,:,s,f) = circshift( repmat(csimg(:,:,trainingslices(s),f), [sliceshift(s),O,O] [1,1,num-chan]) .* sens, ); end end kspaceslices = zeros(size(img slices)); % generate collapsed and individual k-space for s = 1:numslices for c = 1:numchan kspaceslices(:,:,c,s,:) = fftshift(fftn(fftshift(imgslices(:,:,c,s,:)))); end end kspacecollapse = (sum(kspaceslices,4)); % collapsed k-space%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % kernel training using individual k-space data %% train one set of kernels for each collapsed slice using onr frequency only %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% kernel sizeX = 5; kernelleftSizeX = round((kernelsizeX-1.1) / 2); kernel rightSizeX = round((kernel-sizeX-.9) / 2); kernel sizeY = 5; kernel leftSizeY = round((kernelsizeY-1.1) / 2); kernel rightSizeY = round((kernel-sizeY-.9) / 2); kxlimits = kernelleftSizeX + 1 : size(csimg,1) - kernel_rightSizeX; kylimits = kernel leftSizeY + 1 : size(csimg,2) - kernel_rightSizeY; 96 kspacetraining = zeros(length(kx limits)*length(ky limits), kernelsizeX*kernelsizeY*num-chan); kspace targets = zeros(length(kx limits)*length(kylimits), size(sens,3), num slices); ind = 1; for kx = kx limits(1) : kx limits(end) kylimits(end) for ky = kylimits(1) for s = 1:numslices kspacetargets(ind, :, s) = kspaceslices(kx, ky, 1:size(sens,3), s,spectrum-size/2); end temp = kspace_collapse(kxkernelleftSizeX:kx+kernel_rightSizeX, kykernelleftSizeY:ky+kernelrightSizeY, :,1,spectrum-size/2); kspacetraining(ind, :) = temp(:).'; ind = ind + 1; end end kernels = []; %% least squares kernel fit for s = 1:numslices kernels(:,:,s) = kspacetraining \ kspacetargets(:,:,s); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% recon collapsed slices with the trained kernels %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% testslices = training-slices; imslices = []; for f= 1:size(csimg,4) for s = 1:numslices imIslices(:,:,:,s,f) circshift(repmat(csimg(:,:,test-slices(s),f), [1,1,size(sens,3)]) sens, [sliceshift(s),O,O]); end end kspcslices = [1; % generate collapsed and individual k-space for s = 1:numslices for c = 1:size(sens,3) kspcslices(:,:,c,s,:) = fftshift(fftn(fftshift( im-slices(:,:,c,s,:) ))); end end 97 .* kspccollapse = (sum(kspcslices,4)); % Recon with convolution in k-space kspcrecons = zeros([size(kspccollapse(:,:,1)), size(sens,3), numslices,size(csimg,4)] ); ind = 1; for kx = kx limits(1) : kx-limits(end) for ky = ky-limits(1) : kylimits(end) for f= 1:size(csimg,4) temp = kspccollapse(kx-kernelleftSizeX:kx+kernelrightSizeX, ky-kernelleftSizeY:ky+kernel-rightSizeY, :,1,f); for s = 1:num slices kspcrecons(kx,ky,:,s,f) = (temp(:).') * kernels(:,:,s); end end ind = ind + 1; end end = zeros(size(im slices)); img true = []; []; imslicesreal = zeros(size(im slices)); im recons im-res = rmse = [I; for s = 1:numslices for c = 1:size(sens,3) templ = fftshift(ifftn(fftshift(kspc_recons(:,:,c,s,:)))); 1,1,:); im recons(:,:,c,s,:) = templ(:, :, temp2 = fftshift(ifftn(fftshift(kspace_slices(:,:,c,s,:)))); im-slicesreal(:,:,c,s,:) = temp2(:, :, 1,1,:); end for f= 1:size(csimg,4) im res(:,:,s,f) = adaptivecombine( circshift(imrecons(:,:,1:size(sens,3),s,f), [-sliceshift(s),0,0]), sens ); img-true(:,:,s,f) = adaptive combine( circshift(imslices real(:,:,:,s,f), [-slice shift(s),O,O]), sens ); end t2 = imgtrue(:,:,s,12); tl = im res(:,:,s,12); rmse(s) = 100 * norm(tl(:)-t2(:)) / norm(t2(:)); end 98 Bibliography 1- Pfefferbaum, A., et al., In vivo brain concentrations of N-acetyl compounds, creatine, and choline in Alzheimer disease. 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