TOC DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES February 2004 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. NARRATIVE JUSTIFICATION Introductory Statement .............................................................................. 1 Congressional Reporting Requirement ................................................................. 3 Appropriation Summary by Budget Activity and Activity Group (Exhibit O-1) ........................... 4 Appropriation Summary Level of Detail (OP-5, PB-31R, PB-31D, and OP-32) ............................. 5 Operation and Maintenance Detail by Sub-Activity Group (OP-5) Divisions ................................................................................ 18 Corps Combat Forces ...................................................................... 26 Corps Support Forces ..................................................................... 35 Echelon Above Corps Forces ............................................................... 44 Land Forces Operations Support ........................................................... 53 Force Readiness Operations Support ....................................................... 62 Land Forces System Readiness ............................................................. 71 Depot Maintenance ........................................................................ 77 Base Operations Support .................................................................. 84 Sustainment, Restoration & Modernization ................................................. 97 Additional Activities ................................................................... 107 Administration .......................................................................... 113 Servicewide Communications .............................................................. 122 Personnel and Financial Administration .................................................. 128 Recruiting and Advertising .............................................................. 136 SECTION II. DATA BOOK Summary of Funds Budgeted Environmental Projects (PB-28) .......................................... Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization, and Demolition Summary (OP-28) ............. Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization - Projects Costing Over $500,000 (OP-28P) .............. Depot Maintenance Program (OP-30) ................................................................. Spares and Repair Parts (OP-31) ................................................................... i 145 147 149 152 154 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT The continuing Global War on Terrorism and ongoing operations in the Persian Gulf illustrates the capabilities, relevance, and requirements of today’s Army Reserve. On December 7, 2003, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM found over 65,000 fully trained Army Reserve Soldiers in over 2,500 units fighting side-by-side with their Active and National Guard counterparts. The Army Reserve was fully engaged in training and operations worldwide well before September 11, 2001. Army Reserve Soldiers help to reduce Active Component personnel tempo (PERSTEMPO) while training for critical, deployable Army capabilities. Army Reserve Soldiers continue to serve in the Balkans, Southwest Asia and in a total of 70 countries throughout the world. In total, over 100,000 Army Reserve Soldiers have been mobilized in the support of contingency operations since 1995. As this high operational tempo (OPTEMPO) continues to place demands on the force, funding to maintain deployable readiness must increase commensurately. Since 1990 and especially since September 11, 2001, the Army Reserve has been an essential part of every Army operation at home and abroad, a repository of specialized, high demand capabilities and an enabling force augmenting America’s Army in the Army Reserve core competencies of Echelons Above Division Combat Service Support (EAD CSS) and Echelons Above Corps Combat Support (EAC CS). When the Army is ordered to deploy, the Army Reserve’s deployment support and transportation terminal units are called first, both for embarkation and debarkation; and the Army Reserve’s Combat Support and Combat Service Support forces open and operate the deployed theater base. The Army Reserve also provides critical day-to-day support to the Active Army and Combatant Commanders. For example, the Army Reserve Military Intelligence (MI) force is the most interoperable and continuously engaged of all the Reserve Forces. The five Army Reserve Intelligence Support Centers provide integrated, secure facilities with state-of-the-art automated data processing and communications links to the Department of Defense Intelligence Community. This contribution is the equivalent of three active battalions of intelligence production and contributory efforts in direct support of real-time, real-world missions. In meeting statutory and policy requirements, the Army Reserve supports the active force by enabling our Army to sustain DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE joint operations through a strategically responsive generating force capability and specialized, technologically advanced Soldiers. The Army Reserve’s resource requirements must be properly viewed in the context of the Army‘s daily dependence on the Army Reserve and the Army Reserve’s ongoing transformation from a force in reserve to a fully engaged auxiliary force for joint expeditionary operations and support to civil authorities. The Army Reserve is working to improve its efficiency and value to the Army through the Federal Reserve Restructure Initiative (FRRI). The Army Reserve is transitioning to a Train/Alert/Deploy model, which will improve mobilization and demobilization processes. It will maintain the capability to mobilize the Army in support of ongoing, enduring operations. This budget submission reflects manpower and force structure realignments to support these restructure initiatives. As these requirements are recognized, the Army Reserve has consistently delivered a high return-oninvestment with a force now at its highest state of readiness in recorded history. The Army Reserve continues to apply proper stewardship of allotted resources, and produce relevant, ready capabilities. The Army Reserve will use its allotted resources in the same manner it always has, to provide the best trained Army the United States has ever had. The Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve (OMAR) appropriation funds operational, logistical, administrative, engineering, and management support for the Army Reserve. Additionally, the OMAR appropriation supports America’s Army in areas including installation management, maintenance of real property, record maintenance, and personnel support to retirees, veterans, and their families. Costs incurred in providing the support include civilian pay, information systems, networks, telecommunications, supplies, fuel, equipment, and base operations support. Funding is provided in two budget activities. Budget Activity One (Operating Forces) consists of the following Budget Activity Groups: Land Forces, Land Forces Readiness, and Land Forces Readiness Support. Budget Activity Four (Administration and Servicewide Activities) consists of the following SubActivity Groups: Administration, Servicewide Communications, Personnel and Financial Administration, and Recruiting and Advertising. The FY 2005 OMAR budget request of $2,008.1 million provides training and support for a force of 205,000 Army Reserve soldiers and 11,115 civilian employees including 8,094 military technicians. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Congressional Reporting Requirement The following information is submitted in accordance with Title 10, United States Code Section 10216 (c) and 115 (c): FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2003 a. Number of dual-status technicians in high priority units and organizations: 1st Quarter (31 Dec) 2,634 2,681 2,814 2nd Quarter (31 Mar) 2,587 2,714 2,848 3rd Quarter (30 Jun) 2,533 2,747 2,882 4th Quarter (30 Sep) 2,668 2,780 2,917 b. Number of technicians other than dual-status in high priority units and organizations: 324 288 271 1st Quarter (31 Dec) 316 285 262 2nd Quarter (31 Mar) 3rd Quarter (30 Jun) 308 283 251 293 280 241 4th Quarter (30 Sep) c. Number of dual-status technicians in other than high priority units and organizations: 3,936 4,254 3,713 1st Quarter (31 Dec) 2nd Quarter (31 Mar) 3,698 4,029 4,292 3rd Quarter (30 Jun) 3,685 4,122 4,350 4th Quarter (30 Sep) 3,843 4,214 4,375 d. Number of technicians other than dual-status in other than high priority units and organizations: 1st Quarter (31 Dec) 630 597 567 2nd Quarter (31 Mar) 636 283 565 3rd Quarter (30 Jun) 613 278 562 4th Quarter (30 Sep) 597 570 561 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Summary of Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Funding ($000) FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 LAND FORCES DIVISIONS CORPS COMBAT FORCES CORPS SUPPORT FORCES ECHELON ABOVE CORPS FORCES LAND FORCES OPERATIONS SUPPORT 963,493 9,745 12,339 367,485 138,280 435,644 951,538 18,991 35,798 303,462 134,790 458,497 970,213 7,640 34,607 318,411 150,421 459,134 LAND FORCES READINESS FORCE READINESS OPERATIONS SUPPORT LAND FORCES SYSTEM READINESS DEPOT MAINTENANCE 283,402 137,509 97,442 48,451 244,813 122,020 59,846 62,947 290,225 153,475 65,202 71,548 LAND FORCES READINESS SUPPORT BASE OPERATIONS SUPPORT SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION & MODERNIZATION ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES 650,538 459,155 188,915 2,468 546,343 363,592 179,079 3,672 587,880 379,112 201,141 7,627 1,897,433 1,742,694 1,848,318 229,529 45,987 40,266 49,864 93,412 236,363 47,714 38,862 47,092 102,695 159,810 52,180 9,116 8,201 90,313 229,529 236,363 159,810 2,126,962 1,979,057 2,008,128 BUDGET ACTIVITY 1: OPERATING FORCES TOTAL, BUDGET ACTIVITY 1: BUDGET ACTIVITY 4: ADMINISTRATION & SERVICEWIDE ACTIVITIES SERVICEWIDE SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION SERVICEWIDE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONNEL AND FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION RECRUITING AND ADVERTISING TOTAL, BUDGET ACTIVITY 4: TOTAL, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Exhibit O-1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary I. Description of Operations Financed: The Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve (OMAR) appropriation finances all costs, except military (Active and Reserve) pay, of operating and maintaining the Army Reserve. It provides for the operations, operations readiness, training support and other operational support of a 205,000 Army Reserve Personnel end strength in the Selected Reserve. In addition to direct support of the Army Reserve, this appropriation provides functional support for communications, logistical functions, and recruiting essential to training and readiness improvement. II. Force Structure Summary: The FY 2005 Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) and civilian end-strengths supported by this appropriation are 14,970 and 11,115 respectively. Included are pay and benefits of civilian personnel and support for the operation of 56 Armed Forces Reserve Centers, 829 Army Reserve Centers, 82 Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), 30 Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS), 7 Regional Training Sites, 9 Aviation Support Facilities, 6 Installations, and 4 Battle Projection Centers. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual ____________ Budget Request 963,493 283,402 650,538 962,490 244,813 509,343 961,538 244,813 546,343 951,538 244,813 546,343 970,213 290,225 587,880 Subtotal: 1,897,433 1,716,646 1,752,694 1,742,694 1,848,318 BUDGET ACTIVITY: ADMIN & SERVICEWIDE ACTIVITIES SERVICEWIDE SUPPORT 229,529 235,363 236,363 236,363 159,810 Subtotal: 229,529 235,363 236,363 236,363 159,810 2,126,962 1,952,009 1,989,057 1,979,057 2,008,128 Activity Breakout BUDGET ACTIVITY: OPERATING FORCES LAND FORCES LAND FORCES READINESS LAND FORCES READINESS SUPPORT Total: B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 1,952,009 49,200 (2,600) (9,552) 1,989,057 (10,000) 1,979,057 1,979,057 1,979,057 1,979,057 FY 2004 ____________ Current Approp. Estimate Change FY2004/FY2005 1,979,057 1,979,057 1,979,057 27,443 1,628 2,008,128 FY 2005 Budget Estimate DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 1,952,009 $ $ $ $ 49,200 (2,600) (9,552) $ 1,989,057 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (10,000) $ 1,979,057 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO 2) Medical and Dental Readiness 3) Force Training Support 4) Consequence Management 5) Schoolhouse Support 6) Other Readiness Suppport 7) Fixed Wing Aircraft Maintenance 8) Information Management 9) Depot Maintenance - Other End Items 10) Base Operations Support 11) Sustainment Restoration and Modernization 12) Second Destination Transportation 13) Military Burial Honors 14) Information Management Headquarters Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 27,443 104,669 24,531 22,041 1,044 1,767 4,114 847 3,014 1,512 7,676 10,916 19,592 3,854 51 3,710 $ 1,979,057 $ 1,979,057 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO 2) Personnel Transformation 3) Information Management Headquarters 4) Recruiting, Retention and Advertising FY 2005 Budget Request Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Totals (103,041) (19,882) (65,682) (3,710) (13,767) $ 2,008,128 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: Additional Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary data appears at the Budget Sub-Activity Group level. Activity: Flying Hour Program Activity Goal: To operate, to maintain, and to deploy forces that support the National Military Strategy. Description of Activity: The Army Reserve Flying Hour Program funds day to day operational activities for fixed wing and rotary wind aircraft for MTOE and TDA units. Provides for POL, repair parts and spares. Excludes personnel costs. Aircraft Inventory Aircraft Authorized Aviators Authorized Flying Hours Flying Hours ($000) Average Cost Per Flying Hour OPTEMPO (Hours per Crew) FY 2003 Budget 148 148 442 44,419 56,295 2,265 9.0 FY 2003 Actual 139 139 402 30,311 23,897 1,686 6.8 FY 2004 Budget 154 154 406 43,861 56,913 3,027 9.0 FY 2004 Estimate 154 154 406 43,861 56,913 3,027 9.0 FY 2005 Budget 155 155 406 39,578 41,381 2,838 6.6 FY 2005 Estimate 155 155 406 39,578 41,381 2,838 6.6 Explanation of performance variance for FY 2003: Deployments/movement orders negatively impacted execution. New unit only received 8 of 16 UH-60 aircraft and did not receive AH-64D replacing AH-64A until late in the year. There was lower than expected execution of 4 C-12 aircraft deployed to Germany in support of OIF. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary (Continued): Activity: Land Forces Activity Goal: To operate, to maintain, and to deploy forces that support the National Military Strategy. Description of Activity: Provides Army Reserve direct Ground OPTEMPO for POL, repair parts (Class IX) and depot level repairables. Funds indirect Ground OPTEMPO for contractor services and supplies for AT/IDT, procurement of OCIE and Class II, IV and VIII. Provides travel and transportation for units during AT/IDT. Pays for maintenance of Military technicians. Ground OPTEMPO (Avg Truck Miles) Ground OPTEMPO ($000) FY 2003 Budget 198 581,628 Explanation of performance variance for FY 2003 : FY 2003 Actual 229 669,301 FY 2004 Budget 191 634,079 FY 2004 Estimate 191 634,079 FY 2005 Budget 199 670,911 FY 2005 Estimate 199 670,911 Funding/execution increased for mobilization requirements. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 260 56 204 260 56 204 260 56 204 - 192,425 32,076 160,349 182,626 33,092 149,534 182,030 33,050 148,980 5,393 8,000 8,000 - 14,072 3,866 10,206 14,374 3,961 10,413 14,970 4,005 10,965 596 44 552 9,531 2,022 7,401 108 11,712 3,772 7,844 96 11,115 2,948 8,094 73 (597) (824) 250 (23) (596) (42) (554) Notes: 1. Civilian totals include 188 US SOCOM spaces. Associated pay is in the Special Operation Forces appropriation. 2. AGR strength includes 119 in support of Combatant Commanders. Exhibit PB-31R Personnel Summary DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Appropriation Summary V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 234 50 184 234 50 184 234 50 184 - 13,379 3,688 9,691 14,222 3,924 10,298 14,820 3,994 10,826 598 70 528 9,981 2,632 7,253 96 11,496 3,704 7,695 97 10,638 2,878 7,687 73 (858) (826) (8) (24) Exhibit PB-31R Personnel Summary DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Summary Of Increases And Decreases FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a) Distributed b) Undistributed c) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d) General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 $ BA 1 1,716,646 $ BA 4 235,363 $ TOTAL 1,952,009 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 49,200 (3,600) (9,552) 1,752,694 (10,000) 1,742,694 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000 236,363 236,363 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 49,200 (2,600) (9,552) 1,989,057 (10,000) 1,979,057 $ $ $ $ $ 1,742,694 1,742,694 $ $ $ $ $ 236,363 236,363 $ $ $ $ $ 1,979,057 1,979,057 Exhibit PB-31D Summary of Funding Increases and Decreases DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Summary Of Increases And Decreases Price Change Transfers a) Transfers In b) Transfers Out 6. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO 2) Medical and Dental Readiness 3) Force Training Support 4) Consequence Management 5) Schoolhouse Support 6) Other Readiness Suppport 7) Fixed Wing Aircraft Maintenance 8) Information Management 9) Depot Maintenance - Other End Items 10) Base Operations Support 11) Sustainment Restoration and Modernization 12) Second Destination Transportation 13) Military Burial Honors 14) Information Management Headquarters 7. Total Increases 8. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO 2) Personnel Transformation 3) Information Management Headquarters 4) Recruiting, Retention and Advertising $ BA 1 24,547 $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,531 22,041 1,044 1,767 4,114 847 3,014 1,512 7,676 10,916 19,592 3,854 51 100,959 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,710 3,710 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,531 22,041 1,044 1,767 4,114 847 3,014 1,512 7,676 10,916 19,592 3,854 51 3,710 104,669 $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ (19,882) - $ $ $ $ (65,682) (3,710) (13,767) $ $ $ $ (19,882) (65,682) (3,710) (13,767) 9. Total Decreases FY 2005 Budget Request $ $ (19,882) 1,848,318 $ $ (83,159) 159,810 $ $ (103,041) 2,008,128 4. 5. $ BA 4 2,896 $ TOTAL 27,443 Exhibit PB-31D Summary of Funding Increases and Decreases Appropriation: OMAR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) APPN: OMAR Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 409976 162728 3 303 4079 3521 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.77% 4.75% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19569 7735 0 0 0 0 23001 10081 -3 -192 -3518 124 452546 180544 0 111 561 3645 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.62% 2.23% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7352 4026 0 0 0 0 -30134 -11374 0 -77 -561 129 429764 173196 0 34 0 3774 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 580610 0 4.70% 27304 29493 637407 0 1.79% 11378 -42017 606768 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 114240 0 1.30% 1485 -1524 114201 0 1.40% 1596 1583 117380 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 114240 0 1.30% 1485 -1524 114201 0 1.40% 1596 1583 117380 9953 11 65644 273 20 62187 6724 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 824 1 2954 16 2 -1804 84 4579 15420 5538 1024 9420 6226 7922 15356 15432 74136 1313 9442 66609 14730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% 507 508 -1111 30 357 602 205 -254 536 2686 282 -1041 1398 385 15609 16476 75711 1625 8758 68609 15320 144812 0 1.43% 2077 50129 197018 0 0.56% 1098 3992 202108 7973 6 68 17243 14794 0 0 0 0 0 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 357 0 11 -497 189 22124 -6 1120 7882 10595 30454 0 1199 24628 25578 0 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% -455 0 45 222 358 1148 0 -21 296 -3208 31147 0 1223 25146 22728 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 40084 0 0.15% 60 41715 81859 0 0.21% 170 -1785 80244 0602 0603 0633 0634 0635 0637 0671 71504 39 7119 193 0 60 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 1.30% -2.00% -8.00% -2.60% -3.60% 0.00% 5935 0 -140 -15 0 -2 0 -11308 -39 1681 8155 2475 -25 -41 66131 0 8660 8333 2475 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.49% -6.30% 0.30% -2.30% 1.70% 12.69% -1.03% 985 0 26 -191 42 4 0 12691 0 616 504 139 -2 0 79807 0 9302 8646 2656 35 0 Line Item Line Description 0101 0103 0104 0106 0107 0111 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE WAGE BOARD FOREIGN NATIONAL DIRECT HIRE (FNDH) BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES VOLUNTARY SEPARATION INCENTIVE PAYMENTS DISABILITY COMPENSATION 0401 0402 0411 0412 0414 0415 0416 DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0502 0503 0505 0506 0507 ARMY EQUIPMENT NAVY EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT DLA EQUIPMENT GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE DLA DISTRIBUTION DEPOT (ARMY ONLY) DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: UTILITIES NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: PUBLIC WORKS NAVAL SHIPYARDS COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (DISA) TIER 2 Appropriation: OMAR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) APPN: OMAR Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 14 3438 0 0 0 0 3.00% 1.30% 1.50% 0 44 0 -14 -3078 3841 0 404 3841 0 0 0 0.00% 1.40% 8.40% 0 5 322 0 599 -316 0 1008 3847 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 82408 0 7.06% 5822 1647 89877 0 1.33% 1193 14231 105301 0725 MTMC (OTHER) (CANCELLED) 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 318 11052 0 0 0.00% 1.30% 0 143 -318 2250 0 13445 0 0 0.00% 1.40% 0 186 0 7115 0 20746 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 11370 0 1.26% 143 1932 13445 0 1.38% 186 7115 20746 7659 37536 25709 10686 6429 115488 25142 25445 200769 115455 0 53411 1075 913 451081 74966 1674 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.70% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 129 487 333 137 0 1499 326 331 2610 1496 0 694 14 73 5861 972 20 393 5077 1849 2965 -618 -55037 28610 -5642 -42443 -78573 10 -43241 78 2747 -153120 8829 4946 8181 43100 27891 13788 5811 61950 54078 20134 160936 38378 10 10864 1167 3733 303822 84767 6640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.50% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 123 604 391 193 0 866 758 280 2252 536 0 152 16 121 4252 1187 91 100 560 2353 -2354 -370 1359 -3856 -3635 7730 -1307 5 -391 19 255 12090 5846 105 8404 44264 30635 11627 5441 64175 50980 16779 170918 37607 15 10625 1202 4109 320164 91800 6836 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 1153438 0 1.30% 14982 -323170 845250 0 1.40% 11822 18509 875581 9999 GRAND TOTAL 2126962 0 2.44% 51873 -199778 1979057 0 1.39% 27443 1628 2008128 Line Item Line Description 0678 DEFENSE SECURITY SERVICE 0679 COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES 0680 BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE FUND 0912 0913 0914 0915 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0927 0932 0933 0937 0987 0989 0998 RENTAL PAYMENTS TO GSA (SLUC) PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) AIR DEFENSE CONTRACTS & SPACE SPT (AF) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS STUDIES, ANALYSIS, & EVALUATIONS LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for the operation of Army Reserve units specifically designated to support Active Component divisions and division level forces and deploy with their affiliated division or brigade on mobilization. Includes peculiar and support equipment, and the associated costs specifically identified and measurable to Modified Table of Organizations and Equipment (MTOE). Excludes Army Reserve combat and tactical support units not specifically designated to support division level forces. The units are fully capable of deploying to the battlefield, and engaging and defeating the enemy forces in the threat scenario described in current defense planning. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity resources Army Reserve units at Division level. The package provides for manpower authorization, individual and support equipment, and associated costs specifically identified and measurable to the units comprising the approved Army Reserve force structure including mobilization base units. It also provides for related individual training support activities and maintenance and repair of Army Reserve equipment performed at unit level, Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), and Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout DIVISIONS Total: B. _________ FY 2004 __________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 9,745 14,791 18,991 18,991 7,640 9,745 14,791 18,991 18,991 7,640 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 14,791 4,200 18,991 18,991 18,991 18,991 18,991 Change FY2004/FY2005 18,991 18,991 18,991 (33) (11,318) 7,640 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments 1) Extended Cold Weather Clothing System b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 14,791 $ $ $ $ $ 4,200 4,200 $ 18,991 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18,991 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO - Reduction in Flying Hour Program to 6.6 crew hours FY 2005 Budget Request Amount $ $ $ Totals $ 18,991 $ $ 18,991 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (33) (11,318) (11,318) $ 7,640 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: This budget sub-activity resources OPTEMPO. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary data appear at the Appropriation Level. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions V. Personnel Summary: Change FY 2004/ FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables - - - - 89 29 60 127 42 85 2,081 414 1,667 1,954 372 1,582 - - - - 65 23 42 39 19 20 35 15 20 (4) (4) - 6 6 - 7 7 - 18 18 - 11 11 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Divisions V. Personnel Summary (Continued): Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables Change FY 2004/ FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - - 65 23 42 39 19 20 35 15 20 (4) (4) - 4 4 - 7 7 - 18 18 - 11 11 - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 111 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 354 41 0 0 4.80% 0.00% 17 0 17 -41 388 0 0 0 4.64% 0.00% 18 0 609 0 1015 0 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 395 0 4.30% 17 -24 388 0 4.64% 18 609 1015 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 95 0 1.30% 1 443 539 0 1.40% 8 -354 193 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 95 0 1.05% 1 443 539 0 1.48% 8 -354 193 184 0 4549 701 29 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 15 0 205 -20 0 126 5 6202 -681 -10 325 5 10956 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% 11 0 -164 0 0 -220 -3 -6864 0 -12 116 2 3928 0 7 5463 0 3.66% 200 5642 11305 0 -1.35% -153 -7099 4053 53 0 55 10 0 0 0 0 4.50% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 2 0 -2 0 367 12 12 -10 422 12 65 0 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% -6 0 1 0 -309 -8 -43 0 107 4 23 0 118 0 0.00% 0 381 499 0 -1.00% -5 -360 134 6 234 645 6 0 2761 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 3 8 0 0 36 0 -6 3301 -653 108 587 -833 35 0 3538 0 114 587 1964 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 0 50 0 2 19 27 1 0 -2319 0 -76 -396 -1287 -36 0 1269 0 40 210 704 22 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 3674 0 1.28% 47 2539 6260 0 1.58% 99 -4114 2245 9999 GRAND TOTAL 9745 0 2.72% 265 8981 18991 0 -0.17% -33 -11318 7640 Line Item 0401 0402 0411 0415 0416 Line Description DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0502 0505 0506 0507 ARMY EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT DLA EQUIPMENT GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0914 0920 0922 0925 0937 0987 0989 PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for the operation of the Army Reserve at corps level combat units, such as Corps Aviation. In addition, Corps Combat Forces consist of peculiar and support equipment and the associated costs specifically identified and measurable to these units. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources Army Reserve Corps level combat units. The package provides for manpower authorization, individual and support equipment and associated costs specifically identified and measurable to the units comprising the approved Army Reserve force structure, including mobilization base units. It also provides for related individual training support activities and maintenance and repair of Army Reserve equipment performed at unit level, Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), and Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): _________ FY 2004 _________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate Activity Breakout FY 2003 Actual CORPS AVIATION CORPS COMBAT FORCES SEPARATE COMBAT UNITS 10,308 1,246 785 32,172 1,398 2,228 32,172 1,398 2,228 32,172 1,398 2,228 22,278 9,540 2,789 12,339 35,798 35,798 35,798 34,607 A. Total: B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 35,798 35,798 35,798 35,798 35,798 35,798 Change FY2004/FY2005 35,798 35,798 35,798 128 (1,319) 34,607 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 35,798 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 35,798 $ 35,798 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO - Reduction in Flying Hour Program to 6.6 crew hours FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ 35,798 $ 35,798 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 128 (1,319) (1,319) $ 34,607 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: This budget sub-activity resources the Army Reserve Flying Hour Program and OPTEMPO. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary data appear at the Appropriation Level. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - 10,569 2,780 7,789 10,665 2,818 7,847 10,306 2,840 7,466 - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 532 154 378 613 187 426 638 191 447 25 4 21 Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables 187 7 180 - 203 7 196 - 207 7 200 - 4 4 - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) Note: Civilian totals include 188 US SOCOM spaces. Forces (SOF) appropriation. Associated pay is in the Special Operation - (359) 22 (381) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Combat Forces V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 525 152 373 608 186 422 638 191 447 30 5 25 Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables 174 8 166 - 202 8 194 - 205 8 197 - 3 3 - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 112 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 1173 73 0 0 4.94% 0.00% 58 0 147 -73 1378 0 0 0 1.45% 0.00% 20 0 -223 0 1175 0 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 1246 0 4.65% 58 74 1378 0 1.45% 20 -223 1175 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 461 0 1.30% 6 9483 9950 0 1.40% 139 -494 9595 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 461 0 1.30% 6 9483 9950 0 1.40% 139 -494 9595 493 0 5154 32 6 1881 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 41 0 232 2 1 -54 0 614 637 7278 -25 6 3444 -39 1148 637 12664 9 13 5271 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% 38 21 -190 0 0 47 0 -67 110 -141 1 -1 -185 13 1119 768 12333 10 12 5133 15 7607 0 2.92% 222 11915 19744 0 -0.43% -84 -270 19390 110 4 0 76 23 0 0 0 0 0 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 5 0 0 -2 0 309 -4 3 -73 -22 424 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% -6 0 0 0 0 174 0 0 4 5 592 0 3 5 6 213 0 1.41% 3 213 429 0 -1.40% -6 183 606 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 1 0 1.30% 0 317 318 0 1.40% 4 91 413 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1 0 0.00% 0 317 318 0 1.26% 4 91 413 16 2412 0 26 39 76 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 31 0 0 3 1 3 -16 577 849 -26 -32 15 -237 0 3020 849 0 10 92 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 0 42 12 0 0 1 0 0 -916 204 2 53 7 44 0 2146 1065 2 63 100 52 Line Item 0401 0402 0411 0412 0414 0415 0416 Line Description DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0502 0503 0505 0506 0507 ARMY EQUIPMENT NAVY EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT DLA EQUIPMENT GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0914 0920 0922 0925 0937 0987 0989 PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 112 Line Item DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals Line Description 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 9999 GRAND TOTAL FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 2811 0 1.35% 38 1130 3979 0 1.38% 55 -606 3428 12339 0 2.65% 327 23132 35798 0 0.36% 128 -1319 34607 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for the operation of the Army Reserve at corps headquarters and corps level combat support units that provide critical support functions, such as engineer units for divisions and corps combat forces. These units provide command and control, combat service and combat service support functions, and other support required to establish and sustain a corps’ war-fighting capability in order to meet the threat scenarios described in Defense Planning Guidance. These forces are utilized to deploy, sustain, and command and control the combat forces. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources Army Reserve Corps level support units. The package provides for manpower authorization, individual and support equipment and associated costs specifically identified and measurable to the units comprising the approved Army Reserve force structure including mobilization base units. It also provides for related individual training support activities and maintenance and repair of Army Reserve equipment performed at unit level, Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), and Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) Activity Breakout CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS ENGINEERS MEDICAL SUPPORT FORCES SIGNAL FINANCE AND PERSONNEL GROUPS SUPPORT - OTHER UNITS MILITARY POLICE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT COMMAND Total: B. FY 2003 Actual ___________ Budget Request 29,553 9,304 98,962 376 7,898 24,027 746 268 196,351 40,573 19,203 88,581 403 6,358 40,254 895 1,217 111,978 34,573 19,203 88,581 403 6,358 40,254 895 1,217 111,978 34,573 19,203 88,581 403 6,358 40,254 895 1,217 111,978 42,211 19,049 87,255 372 7,867 49,496 2,158 1,957 108,046 367,485 309,462 303,462 303,462 318,411 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 309,462 (6,000) 303,462 303,462 303,462 303,462 303,462 FY 2004 ___________ Current Approp. Estimate Change FY2004/FY2005 303,462 303,462 303,462 4,108 10,841 318,411 FY 2005 Budget Estimate DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions 1) Sec 8126 Revised Economic Assumptions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $309,462 $ $ $ $ $ (6,000) (6,000) $ 303,462 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 303,462 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO Increased OPTEMPO requirements for POL, consumables, OCIE tentage, maps, civilian manpower and related travel, NBC supplies, medical supplies. 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,108 10,841 10,841 - $ 303,462 $ 303,462 $ 318,411 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: This budget sub-activity resources OPTEMPO. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary data appear at the Appropriation Level. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 - - - 90,901 10,141 80,760 86,514 11,258 75,256 78,808 10,527 68,281 - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 4,268 1,058 3,210 3,798 715 3,083 4,580 794 3,786 782 79 703 Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables 1,524 11 1,513 - 1,489 11 1,478 - 1,499 10 1,489 - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) - (7,706) (731) (6,975) 10 (1) 11 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Corps Support Forces V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 3,872 1,037 2,835 3,793 701 3,092 4,543 779 3,764 750 78 672 Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables 1,495 11 1,484 - 1,476 11 1,465 - 1,471 10 1,461 - (5) (1) (4) - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 113 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 61759 523 0 0 5.73% 0.00% 3536 0 16789 -523 82084 0 0 0 1.73% 0.00% 1424 0 -324 0 83184 0 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 62282 0 5.68% 3536 16266 82084 0 1.73% 1424 -324 83184 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 27853 0 1.30% 363 -16440 11776 0 1.40% 164 288 12228 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 27853 0 1.30% 363 -16440 11776 0 1.39% 164 288 12228 0401 0402 0411 0412 0414 0415 0416 3763 4 30898 237 5 35869 2620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 312 0 1392 14 0 -1041 33 6591 14087 8451 -251 8726 -3692 8014 10666 14091 40741 0 8731 31136 10667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% 352 465 -611 0 330 281 149 -252 416 4764 1 -1043 183 -50 10766 14972 44894 1 8018 31600 10766 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 73396 0 0.97% 710 41926 116032 0 0.83% 966 4019 121017 0502 0503 0505 0506 0507 3915 1 46 10652 2968 0 0 0 0 0 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 176 0 8 -308 38 -3405 -1 315 -4708 -2506 686 0 369 5636 500 0 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% -9 0 14 51 7 160 0 16 127 94 837 0 399 5814 601 17582 0 -0.49% -86 -10305 7191 0 0.88% 63 397 7651 40 73 3308 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% -2.00% 1.30% 1.50% 3 -1 43 0 -43 -65 -3330 3837 0 7 21 3837 0 0 0 0 1.49% 0.30% 1.40% 8.40% 0 0 0 322 1001 5 17 -316 1001 12 38 3843 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 3421 0 1.32% 45 399 3865 0 8.33% 322 707 4894 0725 MTMC (OTHER) (CANCELLED) 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 318 3181 0 0 0.00% 1.30% 0 42 -318 923 0 4146 0 0 0.00% 1.40% 0 58 0 3708 0 7912 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 3499 0 1.20% 42 605 4146 0 1.40% 58 3708 7912 11 0 1.70% 0 3989 4000 0 1.50% 60 -59 4001 Line Item Line Description DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS ARMY EQUIPMENT NAVY EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT DLA EQUIPMENT GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0602 0633 0679 0680 ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE FUND 0912 RENTAL PAYMENTS TO GSA (SLUC) Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 113 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 604 311 60 298 43665 67 940 5970 22420 6339 0 50 92853 5816 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8 4 0 0 568 1 12 77 291 82 0 3 1206 76 0 3307 -247 2903 -297 -43224 4071 2113 -2145 -22075 -1732 1167 593 -65873 13677 361 3919 68 2963 1 1009 4139 3065 3902 636 4689 1167 646 28186 19569 409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 55 1 41 0 14 58 43 54 8 66 16 21 395 274 5 1921 15 -1841 2 352 1952 -3026 -1244 167 118 19 195 66 3382 27 5895 84 1163 3 1375 6149 82 2712 811 4873 1202 862 28647 23225 441 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 179452 0 1.30% 2328 -103412 78368 0 1.42% 1111 2046 81525 9999 GRAND TOTAL 367485 0 1.89% 6938 -70961 303462 0 1.35% 4108 10841 318411 Line Item Line Description 0913 0914 0915 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0932 0933 0937 0987 0989 0998 PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS STUDIES, ANALYSIS, & EVALUATIONS LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for the operation of the Army Reserve at Echelon Above Corps Forces (EAC) units, separate from divisional and corps units, which directly support operations within the specified theater. This includes theater signal and logistics as well as military police and intelligence. It includes peculiar and support equipment and the associated costs specifically identified and measurable to these units. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources Army Reserve Echelons Above Corps (EAC) units. The package provides for manpower authorization, individual and support equipment, and associated costs specifically identified and measurable to the units comprising the approved Army Reserve force structure, including mobilization base units. It also provides for related individual training support activities and maintenance and repair of Army Reserve equipment performed at unit level, Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), and Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): A. Activity Breakout EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC - FY 2003 Actual THEATER AVIATION THEATER ENGINEER MEDICAL DEFENSE SUPPORT FORCES THEATER SIGNAL THEATER FINANCE AND SUPPORT PERSONNEL OTHER UNITS MILITARY POLICE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE THEATER LOGISTICS Total: B. ___________ Budget Request FY 2004 __________ Current Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 11,820 4,242 4,426 44,209 17,419 317 24,308 6,407 1,045 24,087 19,115 2,035 7,324 46,322 8,147 1,221 5,551 12,832 3,157 29,638 19,115 2,035 7,324 45,770 8,147 1,221 5,551 12,832 3,157 29,638 19,115 2,035 7,324 45,770 8,147 1,221 5,551 12,832 3,157 29,638 15,026 6,087 7,139 54,271 11,736 1,351 5,920 15,467 4,503 28,921 138,280 135,342 134,790 134,790 150,421 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 135,342 (552) 134,790 134,790 134,790 134,790 134,790 Change FY2004/FY2005 134,790 134,790 134,790 1,941 13,690 150,421 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions 1) Sec 8126 Revised Economic Assumptions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 135,342 $ $ $ $ $ (552) (552) $ 134,790 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 134,790 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO Increased OPTEMPO requirements for POL, consumables, OCIE tentage, maps, civilian manpower and related travel, NBC supplies, medical supplies. 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,941 13,690 13,690 - $ 134,790 $ 134,790 $ 150,421 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: This budget sub-activity resources the Army Reserve Flying Hour Program and OPTEMPO. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary data appear at the Appropriation Level. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - - 52,478 8,611 43,867 50,950 8,959 41,991 52,214 9,852 42,362 1,264 893 371 - - - - 1,824 461 1,363 2,383 598 1,785 2,655 696 1,959 272 98 174 858 33 825 - 872 33 839 - 956 33 923 - 84 84 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Echelon Above Corps Forces V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - 1,788 452 1,336 2,335 586 1,749 2,469 549 1,920 840 32 808 - 839 32 807 - 939 32 907 - - 134 (37) 171 100 100 - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 114 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 41357 326 1 50 0 0 0 0 4.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2019 0 0 0 3510 -326 -1 -50 46886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.95% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 915 0 0 0 5557 0 0 0 53358 0 0 0 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 41734 0 4.84% 2019 3133 46886 0 1.95% 915 5557 53358 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 14521 0 1.30% 189 -12929 1781 0 1.40% 24 482 2287 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 14521 0 1.30% 189 -12929 1781 0 1.35% 24 482 2287 0401 0402 0411 0412 0414 0415 0416 3315 0 14207 1 2 12391 1501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 274 0 638 0 0 -360 20 -1498 677 -12790 1229 675 -10157 556 2091 677 2055 1230 677 1874 2077 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% 68 22 -30 29 26 18 28 259 11 378 265 6 435 311 2418 710 2403 1524 709 2327 2416 31417 0 1.82% 572 -21308 10681 0 1.51% 161 1665 12507 2375 21 5514 2660 0 0 0 0 4.50% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 106 3 -159 35 4562 791 1685 4382 7043 815 7040 7077 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% -106 31 63 100 461 -29 294 237 7398 817 7397 7414 10570 0 -0.14% -15 11420 21975 0 0.40% 88 963 23026 23 39 42 60 20 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 1.30% -2.00% -3.60% 0.00% 1.30% 2 0 -1 -2 0 0 -25 -39 434 -58 -20 -29 0 0 475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.49% -6.30% 0.30% 12.69% -1.03% 1.40% 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 574 0 0 0 213 0 -0.47% -1 263 475 0 0.21% 1 98 574 1100 0 1.30% 14 -26 1088 0 1.40% 14 245 1347 Line Item Line Description 0101 0103 0106 0107 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE WAGE BOARD BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES VOLUNTARY SEPARATION INCENTIVE PAYMENTS DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0502 0505 0506 0507 ARMY EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT DLA EQUIPMENT GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0602 0603 0633 0637 0671 0679 ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE DLA DISTRIBUTION DEPOT (ARMY ONLY) DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE NAVAL SHIPYARDS COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (DISA) TIER 2 COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 114 Line Item Totals Line Description 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0912 0913 0914 0915 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0932 0937 0987 0989 0998 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) RENTAL PAYMENTS TO GSA (SLUC) PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 9999 GRAND TOTAL FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 1100 0 1.27% 14 -26 1088 0 1.29% 14 245 1347 139 17 686 171 62 12952 18 730 1198 3883 3801 308 8837 5892 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.70% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 2 0 10 2 0 168 0 9 16 49 49 25 115 77 0 -141 262 5481 -173 312 -12062 174 -283 27998 -2689 -1275 668 -2047 -4805 1237 0 279 6177 0 374 1058 192 456 29212 1243 2575 1001 6905 1164 1268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.50% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0 4 87 0 0 14 3 6 410 17 36 32 96 16 17 0 177 690 0 189 437 1374 193 -106 328 41 394 377 314 272 0 460 6954 0 563 1509 1569 655 29516 1588 2652 1427 7378 1494 1557 38725 0 1.35% 522 12657 51904 0 1.42% 738 4680 57322 138280 0 2.39% 3300 -6790 134790 0 1.44% 1941 13690 150421 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Land Forces Operations Support I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for the conduct of force related training for Army Reserve at Combat Training Centers (CTC), National Training Center (NTC), Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC), and Battle Command Training Program (BCTP). Funds Direct Support/General Support (DS/GS) maintenance of tactical equipment performed by Table of Distribution & Allowances (TDA) installation maintenance organizations. Funding for Depot Maintenance is not reflected in this section. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources Army Reserve land forces operations support units. The package provides for manpower authorization, individual and support equipment, and associated costs specifically identified and measurable to the units comprising the approved Army Reserve force structure including mobilization base units. It also provides for related individual training support activities and maintenance and repair of Army Reserve equipment performed at unit level, Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), and Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Land Forces Operations Support III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): Activity Breakout LAND FORCES OPERATIONS SUPPORT USAR LAND FORCES OPERATIONS SUPPORT COMBAT TRAINING CENTERS MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Total: B. FY 2003 Actual ___________ Budget Request 105,617 40,877 13,291 275,859 93,632 8,609 13,084 351,772 92,335 12,609 13,084 350,469 92,335 12,609 13,084 340,469 100,831 10,652 12,411 335,240 435,644 467,097 468,497 458,497 459,134 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 467,097 5,000 (3,600) 468,497 468,497 468,497 468,497 (10,000) 458,497 FY 2004 __________ Current Approp. Estimate Change FY2004/FY2005 458,497 458,497 458,497 7,882 (7,245) 459,134 FY 2005 Budget Estimate DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Land Forces Operations Support III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments 1) All Terrain Military Utility Vehicles 2) Equipment Storage Site Initial Operation b. Undistributed Adjustments 1) Military Technicians Cost Avoidance 2) Controlled Humidity Protection c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs i) Civilian Pay Reduction b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 467,097 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 4,000 1,000 (3,600) (7,000) 3,400 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (10,000) (10,000) - $ 468,497 $ 458,497 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces SAG: Land Forces Operations Support III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) OPTEMPO - Decrease due to change in training strategy reducing Contrator Logistical Support and civilian FTEs FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ 458,497 $ 458,497 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,882 (7,245) (7,245) $ 459,134 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: IV. BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Land Forces Operations Support Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: This budget sub-activity resources OPTEMPO. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary data appear at the Appropriation Level. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Land Forces Operations Support V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - - - 37,945 10,355 27,590 33,732 9,729 24,003 38,621 9,417 29,204 5,393 8,000 8,000 Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 2,097 561 1,536 2,229 797 1,432 2,341 778 1,563 112 (19) 131 Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables 5,402 580 4,822 - 5,861 583 5,278 - 6,023 580 5,443 - 162 (3) 165 - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) - 4,889 (312) 5,201 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Land Forces Operations Support V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 2,064 550 1,514 2,209 790 1,419 2,312 763 1,549 103 (27) 130 Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables 5,311 569 4,742 - 5,750 577 5,173 - 5,656 573 5,083 - (94) (4) (90) - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 115 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 140510 141633 0 601 3521 0 0 0 0 0 4.69% 4.85% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 6583 6876 0 0 0 5679 11566 6 -601 124 152772 160075 6 0 3645 0 0 0 0 0 1.70% 2.36% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2600 3782 0 0 0 -3759 -1347 0 0 129 151613 162510 6 0 3774 286265 0 4.70% 13459 16774 316498 0 2.02% 6382 -4977 317903 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 14848 0 1.30% 192 5998 21038 0 1.40% 294 -1174 20158 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 14848 0 1.29% 192 5998 21038 0 1.40% 294 -1174 20158 790 7 7355 2 0 8892 1214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 65 1 331 0 0 -258 16 -354 -7 -1649 45 17 6333 113 501 1 6037 47 17 14967 1343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% 17 0 -91 1 1 135 19 -10 0 199 1 -3 132 5 508 1 6145 49 15 15234 1367 18260 0 0.85% 155 4498 22913 0 0.36% 82 324 23319 1334 1 1 679 1717 0 0 0 0 0 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 60 0 0 -19 22 -448 -1 -1 217 758 946 0 0 877 2497 0 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% -14 0 0 8 35 33 0 0 6 10 965 0 0 891 2542 3732 0 1.69% 63 525 4320 0 0.67% 29 49 4398 324 26 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% -2.00% -8.00% -2.60% 1.30% 1.50% 27 0 0 0 0 0 -210 131 6346 816 5 4 141 157 6346 816 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.49% 0.30% -2.30% 1.70% 1.40% 8.40% 2 0 -146 14 0 0 1001 3 292 -6 0 0 1144 160 6492 824 8 4 353 0 7.65% 27 7092 7472 0 -1.74% -130 1290 8632 Line Item Line Description 0101 0103 0106 0107 0111 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE WAGE BOARD BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES VOLUNTARY SEPARATION INCENTIVE PAYMENTS DISABILITY COMPENSATION 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 0401 0402 0411 0412 0414 0415 0416 DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0502 0503 0505 0506 0507 ARMY EQUIPMENT NAVY EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT DLA EQUIPMENT GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0602 0633 0634 0635 0679 0680 ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: UTILITIES NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: PUBLIC WORKS COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE FUND 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 115 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 2829 0 1.30% 36 1331 4196 0 1.40% 59 -1060 3195 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 2829 0 1.27% 36 1331 4196 0 1.41% 59 -1060 3195 25 126 12 63 14243 235 18123 4903 28495 79 34059 8840 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 1 0 0 185 3 236 64 371 6 442 115 2 529 -36 -12 -61 3922 1167 -7864 120 -15507 786 -6500 -5129 -137 554 91 0 2 18350 1405 10495 5087 13359 871 28001 3826 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 8 1 0 0 257 20 147 71 187 29 392 54 0 3 -19 0 0 67 -69 -1035 19 52 -15 -713 12 1 565 73 0 2 18674 1356 9607 5177 13598 885 27680 3892 20 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 109357 0 1.30% 1425 -28722 82060 0 1.42% 1166 -1697 81529 9999 GRAND TOTAL 435644 0 3.53% 15357 7496 458497 0 1.72% 7882 -7245 459134 Line Item 0913 0914 0915 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0937 0987 0989 0998 Line Description PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Force Readiness Operations Support I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for the support of key activities essential to the training and operational readiness of the Land Forces. Includes operation of training ranges, training facilities, and associated activities. Also, includes operation of The Army School System (TASS), and Army Reserve Institutional Training Divisions to meet individual and professional development qualification, and reserve component support to the active component. Includes manpower authorizations, peculiar and support equipment and the associated costs specifically identified and measurable to these units. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources Army Reserve medical and dental readiness, force training support, training area management and operations to include subsistence support, reserve readiness support, and professional and skill progression training. It includes the operation of individual level training, installation range, and training area activities. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Force Readiness Operations Support III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout MEDICAL AND DENTAL READINESS FORCE READINESS OPERATIONS SUPPORT TRAINING AREA MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS FORCE TRAINING SUPPORT USAR FORCE READINESS SUPPORT ACTIVITIES FORCE READINESS INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT REDTRAIN COUNTER DRUG ACTIVITIES RESERVE READINESS SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL AND SKILL PROGRESSION TRAINING Total: B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate ___________ Budget Request FY 2004 ___________ Current Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 29,387 4,004 8,752 76,702 2,695 837 5,398 4,608 5,126 25,651 2,733 9,491 45,045 4,027 468 530 4,224 29,851 25,651 2,733 9,491 45,045 4,027 468 530 4,224 29,851 25,651 2,733 9,491 45,045 4,027 468 530 4,224 29,851 48,828 2,561 10,660 59,470 5,885 484 516 4,732 20,339 137,509 122,020 122,020 122,020 153,475 Change FY2004/FY2004 122,020 122,020 122,020 122,020 122,020 122,020 Change FY2004/FY2005 122,020 122,020 122,020 1,642 29,813 153,475 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Force Readiness Operations Support III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 122,020 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 122,020 $ 122,020 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Force Readiness Operations Support III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Medical and Dental Readiness Army decision to increase funding for medical/dental 2) Force Training Support Army decision to increase funding for Workman's Compensation 3) Consequence Management Army decision to increase funding for WMD and Homeland Defense 4) Schoolhouse Support Army decision to increase funding for Professional Development and Functional Training 5) Other Readiness Support Programs 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,642 29,813 22,041 $ 1,044 $ 1,767 $ 4,114 $ $ $ $ $ 847 - $ 122,020 $ 122,020 $ 153,475 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: IV. BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Force Readiness Operations Support Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: Provides funding for the school operating costs in support of Duty Military Occupational Skill Qualification (DMOSQ) and Professional Development Education (PDE) instruction. Examples of school operating costs include: applicable travel for instructors and support personnel, movement of borrowed vehicles and equipment to training sites and return, parts to repair borrowed vehicles from other sites, courseware printing/reproduction, and the procurement or rental of equipment or supplies. FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 Duty Military Occupational Skill Qualification (DMOSQ) Training Number of Soldiers Trained 27,321 26,941 28,750 19,323 25,734 34,410 Professional Development Education (PDE) Training Number of Soldiers Trained DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Force Readiness Operations Support V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 260 56 204 260 56 204 260 56 204 Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted 443 160 283 638 286 352 - - - - 3,276 1,459 1,817 2,681 1,375 1,306 2,233 1,288 945 (448) (87) (361) 315 228 55 32 317 237 46 34 270 216 21 33 (47) (21) (25) (1) Individual Mobilization Augmentee (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables - (638) (286) (352) - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Force Readiness Operations Support V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 234 50 184 234 50 184 234 50 184 - 3,095 1,327 1,768 2,655 1,375 1,280 2,385 1,459 926 (270) 84 (354) 304 223 49 32 323 240 49 34 268 214 21 33 (55) (26) (28) (1) Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 121 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 0106 BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES 16469 2288 -3 0 0 0 4.60% 2.05% 0.00% 758 47 0 441 -1179 4 17668 1156 1 0 0 0 1.40% 2.25% 0.00% 248 26 0 -3224 -105 0 14692 1077 1 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 18754 0 4.29% 805 -734 18825 0 1.46% 274 -3329 15770 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 17178 0 1.30% 223 27504 44905 0 1.40% 629 3426 48960 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 17178 0 1.30% 223 27504 44905 0 1.40% 629 3426 48960 223 0 888 1 0 694 209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% 18.30% -2.90% 1.30% 19 0 40 0 0 -19 2 -180 9 -150 10 4 1166 115 62 9 778 11 4 1841 326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 3.78% 0.90% 1.40% 2 0 -12 0 0 17 5 20 3 4276 6 0 755 106 84 12 5042 17 4 2613 437 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 2015 0 2.08% 42 974 3031 0 0.40% 12 5166 8209 0502 ARMY EQUIPMENT 0506 DLA EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 38 116 2405 0 0 0 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 2 -3 31 687 311 -1978 727 424 458 0 0 0 -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% -11 4 6 315 172 150 1031 600 614 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 2559 0 1.17% 30 -980 1609 0 -0.06% -1 637 2245 0602 ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE 0633 DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE 0679 COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES 153 3418 33 0 0 0 8.30% -2.00% 1.30% 13 -68 0 110 -846 243 276 2504 276 0 0 0 1.49% 0.30% 1.40% 4 8 4 1091 842 27 1371 3354 307 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 3604 0 -1.53% -55 -493 3056 0 0.52% 16 1960 5032 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 1033 0 1.30% 13 -429 617 0 1.40% 9 201 827 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1033 0 1.26% 13 -429 617 0 1.46% 9 201 827 12 667 12 54 0 0 0 0 1.70% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 0 9 0 0 -12 -610 -12 -41 0 66 0 13 0 0 0 0 1.50% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 0 1 0 0 0 21 0 1 0 88 0 14 Line Item 0401 0402 0411 0412 0414 0415 0416 0912 0914 0915 0917 Line Description DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS RENTAL PAYMENTS TO GSA (SLUC) PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 121 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals Line Item Line Description 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0932 0937 0987 0989 0998 SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 9999 GRAND TOTAL FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 7808 59 40 4364 5309 2582 27 51484 19934 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 101 1 1 57 68 33 2 668 259 0 -3597 -60 -4 -3354 -3327 -2615 47 -23164 -9231 2392 4312 0 37 1067 2050 0 76 28988 10962 2406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 60 0 1 15 29 0 2 407 154 34 1361 1000 11 347 671 0 23 14640 3425 252 5733 1000 49 1429 2750 0 101 44035 14541 2692 92366 0 1.30% 1199 -43588 49977 0 1.41% 703 21752 72432 137509 0 1.64% 2257 -17746 122020 0 1.35% 1642 29813 153475 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Land Forces System Readiness I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for organizational, Direct Support/General Support (DS/GS) for centrally managed maintenance and support of the fixed wing aircraft fleet. Provides for the sustainment of direct support and general support maintenance of tactical wheeled vehicles including costs for labor, repair parts and supplies; does not include normal recurring OPTEMPO. Provides civilian pay and military support costs in support of analysis, design, programming, and operation and maintenance of information technology systems to provide automation support, services and associated supplies, equipment, long haul communications and other costs necessary for the support of information technology mission data processing facilities. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources the Army Reserve fixed wing aircraft maintenance, sustainment direct support and general support of maintenance of tactical wheeled vehicles and land forces information management systems. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Land Forces System Readiness III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout TACTICAL WHEELED VEHICLES AIRCRAFT LIFE CYCLE CONTRACTOR SUPPORT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT MISSION AREA LONG HAUL COMMUNICATIONS Total: B. _________ FY 2004 _________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 4,314 20,661 17,772 54,695 3,231 12,176 25,234 19,205 3,231 12,176 25,234 19,205 3,231 12,176 25,234 19,205 1,959 16,564 27,435 19,244 97,442 59,846 59,846 59,846 65,202 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 59,846 59,846 59,846 59,846 59,846 59,846 Change FY2004/FY2005 59,846 59,846 59,846 830 4,526 65,202 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Land Forces System Readiness III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 59,846 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 59,846 $ 59,846 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Land Forces System Readiness III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Aircraft Life Cycle Contractor Support Army decision to fully fund fixed wing maintenance contract 2) Information Management Army decision to increase funding for infrastructure sustainment of the Reserve Component Automation System 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 830 4,526 - $ 3,014 $ $ $ $ $ 1,512 - $ 59,846 $ 59,846 $ 65,202 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Land Forces System Readiness IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY 2003 Long Haul Communications Long Haul Circuits Meshing/Redundancy Circuits/Sites Continuity Of Operations Plan DS-3 Circuits Asynchronons Transfer Model (ATM) Switches 900 0 12 39 Tactical Wheeled Vehicle DS/GS Maintenance ($000) Maintenance/Repair of Vehicles (Qty) Maintenance Assessment Program (Qty) Aircraft Life Cycle Contractor Support V. FY 2004 900 3/17 12 39 4,609 802 1,150 HRS/YR/ QTY AIRCRAFT FY 2005 900 3/17 12 39 3,231 165 632 1,963 89 383 HRS/YR/ QTY AIRCRAFT HRS/YR/ QTY AIRCRAFT UC-35 10 800 10 800 10 800 C-12 30 600 30 600 31 600 Personnel Summary: This Budget Sub-Activity has no personnel associated with it. Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 122 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 110 0 1.30% 1 -96 15 0 1.40% 0 2 17 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 110 0 0.91% 1 -96 15 0 0.00% 0 2 17 0401 0411 0415 0416 3 428 402 6 0 0 0 0 8.30% 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 0 19 -12 0 -3 -447 -390 5 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 3.30% -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 839 0 0.83% 7 -835 11 0 0.00% 0 0 11 0506 DLA EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 3 14 0 0 -2.90% 1.30% 0 0 -3 66 0 80 0 0 0.90% 1.40% 0 1 0 7 0 88 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 17 0 0.00% 0 63 80 0 1.25% 1 7 88 0602 ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE 0633 DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE 23202 112 0 0 8.30% -2.00% 1926 -2 -9361 1437 15767 1547 0 0 1.49% 0.30% 235 5 782 -102 16784 1450 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 23314 0 8.25% 1924 -7924 17314 0 1.39% 240 680 18234 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 241 0 1.30% 3 -176 68 0 1.40% 1 5 74 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 241 0 1.24% 3 -176 68 0 1.47% 1 5 74 0 6171 644 282 716 48 564 11649 2157 49062 1627 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 80 0 3 9 1 7 151 28 638 21 0 647 1181 -391 627 4850 2908 -233 -7501 -2185 -32945 894 647 647 7432 253 912 5575 2957 338 4299 0 16755 2542 648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 9 104 0 13 78 41 4 60 0 234 36 9 -213 853 38 -185 570 321 37 440 0 1925 258 -212 443 8389 291 740 6223 3319 379 4799 0 18914 2836 445 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 72921 0 1.29% 938 -31501 42358 0 1.39% 588 3832 46778 9999 GRAND TOTAL 97442 0 2.95% 2873 -40469 59846 0 1.39% 830 4526 65202 Line Item Line Description DFSC FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0913 0914 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0932 0987 0989 0998 PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Depot Maintenance I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for depot level maintenance for the recovery, repair and return to combat forces of major equipment components, and end items, as well as Test, Management, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) support including medical TMDE. Depot maintenance is the Army Reserve strategic maintenance sustainment base fund and is the only source of supply and maintenance dollars for fully reconditioned/overhauled end-items. These end-items fill equipment shortages, modernize the force, and ensure the equipment readiness within the Army Reserve for the Army’s Combatant Commanders warfighting. Provides for the depot level overhaul and sustainment of aircraft, communications and electronic equipment, calibration services, and tactical wheeled vehicles (trucks). Accomplishes work on combat vehicles as identified by the Combat Vehicle Evaluation Teams. In addition, evaluates and supports depot level maintenance on general support, construction equipment, and cyclic maintenance on watercraft. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources Army Reserve depot maintenance providing for the procurement of repair parts, materials, components, and services required for depot level repair and support of Army Reserve equipment. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Depot Maintenance III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout DEPOT MAINTENANCE Total: B. _________ FY 2004 _________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 48,451 62,947 62,947 62,947 71,548 48,451 62,947 62,947 62,947 71,548 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 62,947 62,947 62,947 62,947 62,947 62,947 Change FY2004/FY2005 62,947 62,947 62,947 925 7,676 71,548 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Depot Maintenance III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 62,947 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 62,947 $ 62,947 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Depot Maintenance III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Depot Maintenance - Other End Items Funding increase to reduce depot maintenance backlogs 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 925 7,676 7,676 - $ 62,947 $ 62,947 $ 71,548 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Depot Maintenance IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: Activity: Depot Maintenance Activity Goal: To provide maintenance necessary to sustain operational readiness and ensure safe and efficient operation of equipment. Description of Activity: The Army Reserve Depot Maintenance funds the overhaul, repair and maintenance of aircraft, vehicles and other equipment. Type of Maintenance Aircraft Overhauled Combat Vehicles Communications-Electronics (COMMEL) Other End Items Watercraft Construction Equipment Material Handling Equipment Support Equipment Tactical Wheeled Vehicles DEPOT MAINTENANCE TOTAL FY 2003 Budget Qty $ M 3 8.7 6 1.0 3,679 2.8 35.9 26 5 95 391 567 48.4 FY 2003 Actual Qty $ M 2 6.1 3,769 2.4 39.9 26 5 95 914 418 48.4 FY 2004 Budget FY 2005 Budget Qty $ M Qty $ M 2 6.7 2 6.8 3 1.3 3 1.3 1,019 2.6 993 2.9 52.3 60.5 22 24 40 101 160 160 12 80 718 991 62.9 71.5 Explanation of performance variance for FY 2003: The FY 2003 budget included AH64A aircraft rebuild, however, the maintenance program was canceled due to the AH64A conversion to D Model. The M578 Vehicle maintenance program was canceled when it was no longer authorized on the MTOE. Budgeted funds were transferred from both maintenance programs to Other End Items maintenance. FY 2004 and FY 2005 Estimates are same as Budget amounts. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness SAG: Depot Maintenance V. Personnel Summary: This Budget Sub-Activity has no personnel associated with it. Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 123 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 9 0 1.30% 0 23 32 0 1.40% 0 5 37 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 9 0 0.00% 0 23 32 0 0.00% 0 5 37 0401 DFSC FUEL 0411 ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0415 DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0 300 25 0 0 0 8.30% 4.50% -2.90% 0 13 -1 4 -313 -24 4 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% -1.50% 0.90% 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 325 0 3.69% 12 -333 4 0 0.00% 0 0 4 0602 ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE 47760 0 8.30% 3964 -1777 49947 0 1.49% 744 7816 58507 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 47760 0 8.30% 3964 -1777 49947 0 1.49% 744 7816 58507 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 0 0 1.30% 0 31 31 0 1.40% 0 4 35 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0.00% 0 31 31 0 0.00% 0 4 35 11 340 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 4 0 0 0 0 -11 -344 219 -6 12700 14 0 0 219 0 12700 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0 0 3 0 178 0 0 0 26 0 -178 3 0 0 248 0 12700 17 357 0 1.12% 4 12572 12933 0 1.40% 181 -149 12965 48451 0 8.21% 3980 10516 62947 0 1.47% 925 7676 71548 Line Item 0914 0920 0922 0923 0989 0998 Line Description PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 9999 GRAND TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support I. Description of Operations Financed: This sub-activity group funds Base Operations Support for Land Forces stationed at Army Reserve Installations and Army Reserve Centers. Significant categories of support are listed below: BASE OPERATIONS: Anti-terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP): Supports Law Enforcement, Physical Security, and Anti-terrorism operations. Supports Army initiatives to implement access control measures, and provide increased training of AT/FP personnel. Ensures protection of personnel and facilities, provides services related to vehicle registration, visitor pass control facilities and procedures; communications, lighting and security guard entry control point; vehicle inspection areas; controlled access to Mission Essential and/or Vulnerable Areas (MEVAs), High Risk Personnel (HRP), High Risk Targets (HRTs); and Antiterrorism training to support and test security procedures and installation defensive measures to protect from terrorist attack. OPERATION OF UTILITIES: Procurement, production and distribution of utilities including expenses for connection charges, purchased electricity, steam, water, fuels and other utilities; and operation of electrical, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, water distribution, and wastewater collection and treatment plants and systems. REAL ESTATE LEASES: leases. All direct and reimbursable costs for GSA and Corps of Engineers real estate MUNICIPAL SERVICES: Custodial, pest control, refuse handling operations, snow/ice/sand removal and street sweeping. Facilities engineer services which includes public works management, master planning, fire and emergency services, and real estate/real property administration or Real Property DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support I. Description of Operations Financed (continued): Exchanges (RPX). RPX is an initiative, where the Army Reserve partners with a developer who wishes to obtain Army Reserve property and facilities (not excess to Army Reserve requirements) for future development. The developer provides the Army Reserve with full requirement, modern, state of the art facilities in exchange for Army Reserve facilities in highly desirable locations across the country. Also includes resources for initial planning and coordination between the Army and developer. LOGISTICS SERVICES: Supports maintenance of material, transportation, supply, laundry and dry cleaning, food services. FAMILY PROGRAMS: Includes associated costs for family assistance during peacetime and mobilization to include training and travel for family program directors and volunteers in support of family readiness activities and salaries for family program directors and Army Family Team Building members. Provides for the purchase of family program informational and educational materials for Family Program Academies, Family Program Advisory Councils, and Army Family Team Building and Family Support Groups. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION/COMPLIANCE/PREVENTION: Environmental Conservation provides for protection and preservation of natural and cultural resources on Army Reserve controlled property. Compliance funds projects and activities implemented to correct deficiencies and achieve compliance with current or new federal, state, local, or final governing standards for environmental quality and management. Prevention funds projects and activities that implement prevention based solutions DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support I. Description of Operations Financed (continued): to correct deficiencies and to achieve and maintain compliance with environmental requirements, regulations, and executive orders, and policies at Army installations. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Resources for base communication to include resources for local telephone service, local dedicated circuits, WATS Toll charges, administrative telephone services and trunked radio systems. Includes installation, operation, maintenance, augmentation, modification, rehabilitation and leasing Army Reserve non-tactical communications support and services, and terminal and switching facilities. Includes communications in support of annual training activities. AUDIO VISUAL: Includes audio-visual and visual information support management, administration and operation of local, MACOM, Army-wide and joint service audio-visual activities. Includes motion picture and video production with sound as well as production of visual images, still and motion picture photography, multimedia, sound/aural, video without sound, graphic art presentation facilities, radio and TV closed circuit and broadcast (less Army Broadcast Service), repair and maintenance, visual information, library services, records holdings areas, combat and technical documentation and video teleconferencing terminals. Includes graphic training aids, training devices and maintenance of training devices. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources the base operation support for 56 Armed Forces Reserve Centers, 829 Army Reserve Centers, 82 Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), 30 Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS), 7 Regional Training Sites, 9 Aviation Support Facilities, 6 Installations, and 4 Battle Projection Centers. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): Activity Breakout FAMILY CENTERS (ARMY RESERVE COMMUNITY SERVICES) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION POLLUTION PREVENTION ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE (ECAP) BASOPS- FORCE PROTECTION REAL PROPERTY SERVICES AUDIOVISUAL & VISUAL INFO PRODUCTION TELECOMMUNICATIONS BASOPS (Minus) Total: B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate FY 2003 Actual __________ Budget Request 6,248 6,208 2,033 29,284 49,644 159,146 5,446 24,481 176,665 3,564 3,319 1,426 19,523 29,304 96,107 4,837 25,514 139,998 4,400 3,319 1,426 21,523 30,615 108,673 4,837 30,728 158,071 4,400 3,319 1,426 21,523 30,615 108,673 4,837 30,728 158,071 9,809 3,321 1,430 21,876 30,228 116,617 5,485 36,171 154,175 459,155 323,592 363,592 363,592 379,112 Change FY2004/FY2004 323,592 40,000 363,592 363,592 363,592 363,592 363,592 FY 2004 __________ Current Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate Change FY2004/FY2005 363,592 363,592 363,592 4,604 10,916 379,112 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments 1) Base Support/Unfunded Requirements b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 323,592 $ $ $ $ $ 40,000 40,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 363,592 $ 363,592 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Army decision increases base operations 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,604 10,916 10,916 - $ 363,592 $ 363,592 $ 379,112 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 A. Administration ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian Personnel FTEs Number of Bases, Total (CONUS) (Overseas) 7,283 6 6 - 7,207 68 6 6 - 7,359 70 6 6 - B. Retail Supply Operations ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian Personnel FTEs 14,394 109 12,245 169 12,009 134 C. Maintenance of Installation Equipment ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian Personnel FTEs 10,624 55 10,880 98 10,121 43 D. Other Base Services ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian Personnel FTEs Number of Motor Vehicles, Total (Owned) (Leased) 206,630 834 3,281 3,281 158,141 754 3,281 167,675 857 3,281 3,281 3,281 E. Other Personnel Support ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian FTEs 4,769 122 12,935 94 9,094 97 F. Payments to GSA Standard Level User Charges ($000) Leased Space (000 sq ft) Recurring Reimbursements ($000) One-Time Reimbursements ($000) 7,782 500 - 8,249 561 - 8,497 561 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support IV. G. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary (continued): Non-GSA Lease Payments for Space Leased Space (000 sq ft) Lease Charges ($000) Recurring Reimbursements ($000) One-Time Reimbursements ($000) FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 1,613 11,002 - 2,532 18,994 - 2,108 21,113 - H. Other Engineering Support ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian FTEs 112,721 354 64,181 251 69,876 201 I. Operation of Utilities ($000) Military Personnel Average Strength Civilian Personnel FTEs Electricity (MWH) Heating (MBTU) Water, Plants, & Systems (000 gals) Sewage & Waste Systems (000 gals) Air Condition & Refrigeration (Ton) 46,425 30 409,850 847,000 791,000 625,500 23,100 44,492 8 409,850 847,000 791,000 625,500 23,100 46,741 6 409,850 847,000 791,000 625,500 23,100 J. Activities, Centers and Facilities (Number) Armed Forces Reserve Centers Area Maintenance Support Activities U.S. Army Reserve Centers U.S. Army Reserve Training Facilities Equipment Concentration Sites Aviation Support Facilities Building Square Feet, K Acreage, Owned, K 56 82 829 7 30 9 38,693 228 56 82 829 7 30 9 38,693 228 56 82 829 7 30 9 38,693 228 Environmental Programs ($000) Civilian FTEs 37,525 45 26,268 40 26,627 33 K. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Individual Mobilization Augmentee - - - - 45 24 21 45 24 21 45 24 21 - 1,606 1,547 59 1,520 1,472 48 1,496 1,461 35 (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables (24) (11) (13) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Base Operations Support V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - - 45 24 21 45 24 21 45 24 21 - 1,549 1,501 48 1,482 1,433 49 1,441 1,406 35 (41) (27) (14) Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 131 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 70914 8904 3 305 3390 0 0 0 0 0 4.39% 5.18% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3111 461 0 0 0 -1158 1573 -3 -281 -2829 72867 10938 0 24 561 0 0 0 0 0 1.84% 1.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1340 123 0 0 0 4607 -5677 0 -13 -561 78814 5384 0 11 0 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 83516 0 4.28% 3572 -2698 84390 0 1.73% 1463 -1644 84209 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 15230 0 1.30% 198 -6494 8934 0 1.40% 125 347 9406 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 15230 0 1.30% 198 -6494 8934 0 1.40% 125 347 9406 873 0 1864 0 1295 1085 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% 8.30% 4.50% 6.10% -2.90% 1.30% 72 0 84 0 -38 13 -434 12 -1157 16 9254 -845 511 12 791 16 10511 253 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.30% 3.30% -1.50% 2.40% 0.90% 1.40% 17 0 -12 0 95 4 11 -1 65 8 -68 8 539 11 844 24 10538 265 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 5117 0 2.56% 131 6846 12094 0 0.86% 104 23 12221 0502 ARMY EQUIPMENT 0506 DLA EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 93 148 2331 0 0 0 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 4 -4 29 20109 10195 7966 20206 10339 10326 0 0 0 -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% -303 93 145 314 -74 -128 20217 10358 10343 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 2572 0 1.13% 29 38270 40871 0 -0.16% -65 112 40918 2 488 193 0 0 21 14 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.30% -2.00% -8.00% -2.60% -3.60% 0.00% 3.00% 1.30% 0 -9 -15 0 0 0 0 1 -2 263 1144 807 33 -21 -14 36 0 742 1322 807 33 0 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.49% 0.30% -2.30% 1.70% 12.69% -1.03% 0.00% 1.40% 0 2 -30 14 4 0 0 1 1000 37 99 31 -2 0 0 555 1000 781 1391 852 35 0 0 655 780 0 -2.95% -23 2246 3003 0 -0.30% -9 1720 4714 1119 0 1.30% 14 -255 878 0 1.40% 12 33 923 Line Item Line Description 0101 0103 0104 0106 0107 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE WAGE BOARD FOREIGN NATIONAL DIRECT HIRE (FNDH) BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES VOLUNTARY SEPARATION INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 0401 0402 0411 0412 0415 0416 0602 0633 0634 0635 0637 0671 0678 0679 DFSC FUEL SERVICE FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS ARMY DEPOT SYSTEM COMMAND: MAINTENANCE DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: UTILITIES NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: PUBLIC WORKS NAVAL SHIPYARDS COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (DISA) TIER 2 DEFENSE SECURITY SERVICE COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 131 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 1119 0 1.25% 14 -255 878 0 1.37% 12 33 923 7497 36889 16728 10425 3689 15804 3205 2123 88076 35215 7379 254 316 101060 20766 1395 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.70% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 127 479 217 135 0 205 42 28 1146 457 97 3 26 1314 268 18 -3443 314 -5374 265 -1640 -7894 -3062 -1311 -59570 -27329 -3876 -257 76 -24194 -4728 62 4181 37682 11571 10825 2049 8115 185 840 29652 8343 3600 0 418 78180 16306 1475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.50% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 63 528 162 152 0 114 3 12 415 117 50 0 14 1095 228 21 159 -1328 450 -513 72 316 1006 24 2659 325 -550 0 9 7484 154 58 4403 36882 12183 10464 2121 8545 1194 876 32726 8785 3100 0 441 86759 16688 1554 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 350821 0 1.30% 4562 -141961 213422 0 1.39% 2974 10325 226721 9999 GRAND TOTAL 459155 0 1.85% 8483 -104046 363592 0 1.27% 4604 10916 379112 Line Item Line Description 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0912 0913 0914 0915 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0932 0933 0937 0987 0989 0998 RENTAL PAYMENTS TO GSA (SLUC) PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS STUDIES, ANALYSIS, & EVALUATIONS LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization I. Description of Operations Financed: The Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (SRM) program involves the maintenance and repair of the real property infrastructure on Army Reserve Installations and Army Reserve Centers. Includes the Army Reserve’s “Get The Red Out” (GTRO) program. GTRO is the cornerstone of the Army Reserve's analysis to improve readiness, training, and maintenance facilities for our Army Reserve Land Forces in a three prong approach. The GTRO analysis determines whether a facility is sustained, renovated, disposed (through RPX), or replaced by construction (MCAR). SRM has two distinct categories: Sustainment, and Restoration/Modernization. Additionally, the Demolition program supports the reduction of the sustainable inventory. SUSTAINMENT: Sustainment provides resources for maintenance and repair necessary to sustain facilities in its current condition. It includes regularly scheduled adjustments, inspections, preventive maintenance tasks, emergency response, and service calls for minor repairs. RESTORATION/MODERNIZATION: These resources, typically programmed as focused facility initiatives, are used for repair/replacement work, restoration of facilities damaged due to lack of sustainment resources, excessive age, natural disaster, fire, accident, alteration of facilities solely to implement new or higher standards (including regulatory changes), accommodation of new functions, or replacement of building components that typically have extended life expectation (such as foundations, structural members, and major utility systems). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization I. Description of Operations Financed (continued): DEMOLITION: Demolition of excess facilities supplements the SRM program. The demolition program supports the goal of reducing economically non-repairable or excess infrastructure, which in turn, reduces the resource burden for sustaining such facilities. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources the maintenance and repair of buildings, structures, grounds and roads for 56 Armed Forces Reserve Centers, 829 Army Reserve Centers, 82 Area Maintenance Support Activities (AMSA), 30 Equipment Concentration Sites (ECS), 7 Regional Training Sites, 9 Aviation Support Facilities, 6 Installations, and 4 Battle Projection Centers. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): Activity Breakout REAL PROPERTY MAINT ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF REAL PROPERTY DEMOLITION/DISPOSAL OF EXCESS FACILITIES Total: B. FY 2003 Actual __________ Budget Request 186,423 2,492 188,915 182,079 182,079 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 182,079 (3,000) 179,079 179,079 179,079 179,079 179,079 FY 2004 __________ Current Approp. Estimate 179,079 179,079 FY 2005 Budget Estimate 179,079 179,079 Change FY2004/FY2005 179,079 179,079 179,079 2,470 19,592 201,141 197,648 3,493 201,141 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions 1) Sec 8126 Revised Economic Assumptions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 182,079 $ $ $ $ $ (3,000) (3,000) $ 179,079 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 179,079 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Army decision increases sustainment 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount Totals $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,470 19,592 19,592 - $ 179,079 $ 179,079 $ 201,141 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: IV. BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: Activity: Facilities Sustainment Activity Goal: To provide operationally effective facilities that adequately support missions, training and personnel while obtaining the optimum expected service life from the facilities inventory thereby and major repairs minimizing costs over a full service life cycle. Description of Activity: Provides resources for maintenance and repair activities necessary to keep an inventory of facilities in good working order. Includes regularly scheduled maintenance and major repairs or replacement of facility components that are expected to occur periodically throughout the life cycle of the facility. FY 2003 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2005 A. Sustainment ($000) Utilities ($000) Buildings (KSF) Pavements (KSY) Land (Acres) Other Facilities (KSF) Railroad Trackage (KLF) Recurring Maintenance ($000) Major Repair ($000) B. Demolition ($000) C. Administration and Support Number of A&E Contracts Planning and Design Funds ($000) Civilian FTE Number of Installations Budget Actual Budget Estimate Budget Estimate 159,955 7,252 55,500 1,210 175,960 470 13,560 146,275 6,428 2,539 180,270 11,187 55,500 1,210 175,960 470 13,560 147,525 21,558 2,492 169,147 1,049 55,500 1,210 175,960 470 12,560 148,248 19,850 - 169,147 1,049 55,500 1,210 175,960 470 12,560 148,248 19,850 - 186,957 1,101 55,500 1,210 175,960 470 12,560 166,981 18,875 3,493 186,957 1,101 55,500 1,210 175,960 470 12,560 166,981 18,875 3,493 350 14,000 164 6 350 6,153 162 6 305 9,932 166 6 305 9,932 166 6 300 10,691 98 6 300 10,691 98 6 Explanation of performance variance for FY 2003: Funding was increased by $12,421 and reprogrammed from Planning and Design funds in order to pay for utilities, maintenance and needed major repairs. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Individual Mobilization Augmentee - - - - - - - - 164 164 - 164 164 - 98 98 - (66) (66) - (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SAG: BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - 162 162 - 166 166 - 98 98 - (68) (68) - Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 132 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 2494 7968 0 0 0 0 2.33% 3.90% 0.00% 58 311 0 -1183 -831 15 1369 7448 15 0 0 0 1.75% 1.21% 0.00% 24 90 0 2 -3537 -7 1395 4001 8 10462 0 3.53% 369 -1999 8832 0 1.29% 114 -3542 5404 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 811 0 1.30% 11 46 868 0 1.40% 12 119 999 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 811 0 1.36% 11 46 868 0 1.38% 12 119 999 61 0 29 2 0 0 0 0 8.30% 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 5 0 -1 0 -18 31 978 -1 48 31 1006 1 0 0 0 0 3.30% -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% 2 0 9 0 5 5 144 0 55 36 1159 1 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 92 0 4.35% 4 990 1086 0 1.01% 11 154 1251 0502 ARMY EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 55 4 0 0 4.50% 1.30% 2 0 -57 -4 0 0 0 0 -1.50% 1.40% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 59 0 3.39% 2 -61 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0634 NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: UTILITIES 0635 NAVAL PUBLIC WORK CENTERS: PUBLIC WORKS 0679 COST REIMBURSABLE PURCHASES 0 0 3 0 0 0 -8.00% -2.60% 1.30% 0 0 0 665 852 -3 665 852 0 0 0 0 -2.30% 1.70% 1.40% -15 14 0 113 114 0 763 980 0 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 3 0 0.00% 0 1514 1517 0 -0.07% -1 227 1743 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 13 0 1.30% 0 9 22 0 1.40% 0 5 27 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 13 0 0.00% 0 9 22 0 0.00% 0 5 27 1 6 9465 11 95408 367 167 591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 0 124 0 1240 5 2 8 15 -6 8342 9 -25190 -98 -169 -599 16 0 17931 20 71458 274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0 0 251 0 1000 4 0 0 1 0 2465 2 6405 37 0 0 17 0 20647 22 78863 315 0 0 Line Item Line Description 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 0106 BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 0401 0411 0415 0416 0913 0914 0920 0922 0923 0925 0932 0933 DFSC FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS STUDIES, ANALYSIS, & EVALUATIONS Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 132 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0 70709 740 10 0 0 0 0 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 919 9 0 26 3680 961 1 26 75308 1710 11 0 0 0 0 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1 1054 24 0 3 13479 236 1 30 89841 1970 12 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 177475 0 1.30% 2307 -13028 166754 0 1.40% 2334 22629 191717 9999 GRAND TOTAL 188915 0 1.43% 2693 -12529 179079 0 1.38% 2470 19592 201141 Line Item Line Description 0937 0987 0989 0998 LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Additional Activities I. Description of Operations Financed: SECOND DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION: Provides funding for the operations support for the movement of supplies and equipment, to include delivery of new equipment to units (except first destination transportation). This SAG also includes direct equipment redistribution, Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) equipment moves on direct unit Permanent Change of Station (PCS), and commercial transportation. OTHER ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES: Provides funding for the operational support during the preparation for and the rendering of military funeral burial honors as part of the Army Military Funeral Honors Program. Provides funding for the costs of supplies, equipment, and training materials and other costs necessary in support of the Funeral Honors Program. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group provides resources for the transportation of supplies and equipment to units, except first destination transportation. It also provides resources for the Army Reserve participation in the Army Military Funeral Honors Program to ensure honors are provided to all deserving veterans. Provides funding for the operations support to special Army Reserve activities when costs are not captured elsewhere. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Additional Activities III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): Activity Breakout SECOND DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION USAR SUPPORT TO COMBATANT COMMANDER COUNTER-DRUG ACTIVITIES OTHER ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES (MILITARY BURIAL HONORS) Total: B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate FY 2003 Actual _________ FY 2004 _________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 1,357 1,883 1,883 1,883 5,782 57 1,054 2,468 113 1,676 3,672 113 1,676 3,672 113 1,676 3,672 115 1,730 7,627 Change FY2004/FY2004 3,672 3,672 3,672 3,672 3,672 3,672 Change FY2004/FY2005 3,672 3,672 3,672 50 3,905 7,627 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Additional Activities III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Totals $ 3,672 $ 3,672 $ 3,672 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Additional Activities III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Second Destination Transportation Amount $ $ $ Totals - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 50 3,905 3,854 $ 51 $ $ $ $ - $ 3,672 $ 3,672 $ 7,627 Army Leadership decision to increase funding for Army Reserve Logistical Readiness. 9. 2) Other Additional Activities Army decision to increase funding for Military Burial Honors Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Operating Forces BAG: Land Forces Readiness Support SAG: Additional Activities IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: Units FY 2003 ($ in 000) Units FY 2004 ($ in 000) Units FY 2005 ($ in 000) Second Destination Transportation (by mode of shipment): Military Sealift Command: Regular Routes (MT) Commercial: Surface (ST)(Highway) TOTAL SDT 425 325 750 560 900 550 12,100 1,032 15,700 1,323 37,600 5,232 12,525 1,357 16,450 1,883 38,500 5,782 12,285 240 1,332 25 16,100 350 1,843 40 38,150 350 5,657 125 12,525 1,357 16,450 1,883 38,500 5,782 Second Destination Transportation (by selected commodities): Cargo (Military Supplies/Equipment) Subsistence TOTAL SDT V. Personnel Summary: This Budget Sub-Activity has no personnel associated with it. Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 135 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 336 0 1.30% 4 792 1132 0 1.40% 16 36 1184 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 336 0 1.19% 4 792 1132 0 1.41% 16 36 1184 0411 ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0416 GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0 0 0 0 4.50% 1.30% 0 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 -1.50% 1.40% 0 0 1 0 17 16 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0 0 0.00% 0 32 32 0 0.00% 0 1 33 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 1359 0 1.30% 18 501 1878 0 1.40% 26 3849 5753 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1359 0 1.32% 18 501 1878 0 1.38% 26 3849 5753 33 138 9 127 220 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 2 0 1 3 3 88 19 7 -70 -36 -160 121 159 16 58 187 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 2 2 0 1 2 1 5 5 0 1 4 4 128 166 16 60 193 94 773 0 1.16% 9 -152 630 0 1.27% 8 19 657 2468 0 1.26% 31 1173 3672 0 1.36% 50 3905 7627 Line Item 0914 0920 0923 0925 0987 0989 Line Description PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 9999 GRAND TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration I. Description of Operations Financed: OFFICE CHIEF, ARMY RESERVE (OCAR): The Headquarters, Department of the Army Staff Agency responsible for the overall planning and policy coordination for the Army Reserve. Included in this responsibility are the functions of personnel management, logistics, operations and training, mobilization planning, and resource management for the three Army Reserve appropriations. This request provides for civilian salaries, travel support for full-time staff, automated systems, and other information mission area support in such functional areas as program and financial management, force costing, and unit equipment management. UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE COMMAND (USARC): The USARC is a major subordinate command that commands, controls and supports assigned Army Reserve units. Its mission is to command, organize, train, and prepare Army Reserve units for mobilization missions in support of the War-fighting Combatant Commanders. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources those activities that provide policy guidance, command and control, training, supervision, and administrative support for accomplishing US Army Reserve training, training support, readiness evaluations, current operations, Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA), public affairs, and community relations functions. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout FIELD ACTIVITIES, PUBLIC AFFAIRS STAFF MANAGEMENT HEADQUARTERS Total: B. _________ FY 2004 _________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 186 45,801 129 47,585 129 47,585 129 47,585 6 52,174 45,987 47,714 47,714 47,714 52,180 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 47,714 47,714 47,714 47,714 47,714 47,714 Change FY2004/FY2005 47,714 47,714 47,714 756 3,710 52,180 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 47,714 $ $ $ $ $ 47,714 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,714 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 1) Information management support for headquarters transferred from SAG 432. 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 FY 2005 Budget Request Amount $ $ $ Totals $ 47,714 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 756 3,710 3,710 $ $ $ $ - $ 47,714 $ 52,180 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: IV. Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: No Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary associated with this budget Sub-Activity level. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Individual Mobilization Augmentee - - - - - - - - 415 398 17 402 388 14 377 372 5 (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables (25) (16) (9) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Administration V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - 406 390 16 391 377 14 369 364 5 Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables (22) (13) (9) Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 431 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 32618 402 0 0 4.28% 2.49% 1397 10 -1545 -193 32470 219 0 0 1.68% 2.28% 544 5 -1255 0 31759 224 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 33020 0 4.26% 1407 -1738 32689 0 1.68% 549 -1255 31983 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 3523 0 1.30% 46 -1006 2563 0 1.40% 36 849 3448 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 3523 0 1.31% 46 -1006 2563 0 1.40% 36 849 3448 0411 ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0415 DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0416 GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 1 0 7 0 0 0 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 0 0 0 16 3 7 17 3 14 0 0 0 -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% 0 0 0 6 2 4 23 5 18 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 8 0 0.00% 0 26 34 0 0.00% 0 12 46 0506 DLA EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 -2.90% 1.30% 0 0 2 20 2 20 0 0 0.90% 1.40% 0 0 0 6 2 26 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0 0 0.00% 0 22 22 0 0.00% 0 6 28 0633 DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE 10 0 -2.00% 0 9 19 0 0.30% 0 9 28 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 10 0 0.00% 0 9 19 0 0.00% 0 9 28 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 117 0 1.30% 2 3 122 0 1.40% 2 41 165 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 117 0 1.71% 2 3 122 0 1.64% 2 41 165 116 30 1184 18 641 0 3911 0 2 3105 297 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1 0 15 0 8 0 51 0 0 40 4 0 1573 118 318 293 -194 484 -2695 10 -2 1361 1572 -1 1690 148 1517 311 455 484 1267 10 0 4506 1873 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 24 0 21 4 6 7 18 0 0 63 26 0 558 43 495 100 152 158 422 5 0 1493 620 2 2272 191 2033 415 613 649 1707 15 0 6062 2519 6 Line Item 0914 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0927 0932 0987 0989 0998 Line Description PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) AIR DEFENSE CONTRACTS & SPACE SPT (AF) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 431 Line Item DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals Line Description 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 9999 GRAND TOTAL FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 9309 0 1.28% 119 2837 12265 0 1.38% 169 4048 16482 45987 0 3.42% 1574 153 47714 0 1.58% 756 3710 52180 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Servicewide Communications I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides funding for information technology support and services, electronic business technologies standards and electronic data interchange to include Common Access Cards (CAC), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Defense Message System (DMS), information assurance, information system security, record management, printing, reproduction, publication and postal program management. Includes funding for civilian manpower, military support costs and related costs incurred in the process of analysis, design, programming, web enabling, operations integration and maintenance of information technology systems that provide automation support. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources those activities that provide policy guidance, command and control, training, supervision, and administrative support for accomplishing US Army Reserve training and readiness objectives and information technology requirements. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Servicewide Communications III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout INFORMATION AUTOMATION SUPPORT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT/ SYSTEM SECURITY Total B. _________ FY 2004 ___________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 35,125 5,141 35,273 2,589 35,273 3,589 35,273 3,589 6,864 2,252 40,266 37,862 38,862 38,862 9,116 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 37,862 1,000 38,862 38,862 38,862 38,862 38,862 Change FY2004/FY2005 38,862 38,862 38,862 535 (30,281) 9,116 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Servicewide Communications III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments 1) Software Engineering Institute c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 37,862 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000 1,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 38,862 $ 38,862 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Servicewide Communications III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) Personnel Transformation - Army decision to consolidate the Army Reserve Personnel Command with the Human Resources Command. 2) Information management support for headquarters transferred to SAG 431. FY 2005 Budget Request Amount $ $ $ Totals $ 38,862 $ $ 38,862 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 535 (30,281) (26,571) $ (3,710) $ 9,116 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: IV. Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Servicewide Communications Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 Network Sites 1,100 1,100 1,100 Network Users 81,500 81,500 81,500 Integrated Client Server (HW) 16 16 16 Integrated Client Server (SW) 22 22 22 Client/Server Application Maintenance 22 22 22 Legacy System Maintenance 5 5 5 Mainframe Software 2 2 2 Firewalls 19 19 19 Cybercop NW Vulnerability Detector/Scanners 10 10 10 Information Automation Support Information Assurance Management (IAM) Training DOD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP) Training V. Personnel Summary: This Budget Sub-Activity has no personnel associated with it. 8 Iterations/ 8 Iterations/ 24 Students 24 Students 8 Iterations/ 24 Students 8 Iterations/ 8 Iterations/ 8 Iterations/ 24 Students 24 Students 24 Students Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 432 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 347 0 1.30% 5 -65 287 0 1.40% 4 -226 65 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 347 0 1.44% 5 -65 287 0 1.39% 4 -226 65 7 4 0 0 18.30% 1.30% 1 0 -8 -4 0 0 0 0 3.78% 1.40% 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 9.09% 1 -12 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0506 DLA EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0 2662 0 0 -2.90% 1.30% 0 34 242 1910 242 4606 0 0 0.90% 1.40% 2 64 -190 -3588 54 1082 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 2662 0 1.28% 34 2152 4848 0 1.36% 66 -3778 1136 44 44 211 13 2097 19 2668 30295 1850 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1 0 2 0 27 0 35 394 24 0 183 198 169 -13 -1489 222 1693 -3711 -1633 379 228 242 382 0 635 241 4396 26978 241 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 3 0 5 0 8 3 61 377 3 5 -177 -188 -300 0 -496 -190 -3428 -21009 -190 -299 54 54 87 0 147 54 1029 6346 54 90 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 37246 0 1.30% 483 -4002 33727 0 1.38% 465 -26277 7915 9999 GRAND TOTAL 40266 0 1.30% 523 -1927 38862 0 1.38% 535 -30281 9116 Line Item Line Description 0414 AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0416 GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0914 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0987 0989 0998 PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration I. Description of Operations Financed: Provides for personnel, rentals, supplies and services for personnel administrative services to Army Reserve Troop Units and the Individual Ready Reserve. This activity includes the automated systems which project Army Reserve training requirements and determines the allocation and reservation of training spaces at Army service schools for the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) training of Army Reserve personnel. This request also provides for the Office Chief, Army Reserve (OCAR) and Human Resources Command St. Louis. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources those activities that provide policy guidance, command and control, training, supervision, and administrative support for accomplishing US Army Reserve training and readiness objectives, public affairs, and community relations functions. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout PERSONNEL/FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Total: B. _________ FY 2004 __________ Budget Current Request Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 49,864 47,092 47,092 47,092 8,201 49,864 47,092 47,092 47,092 8,201 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 47,092 47,092 47,092 47,092 47,092 47,092 Change FY2004/FY2005 47,092 47,092 47,092 220 (39,111) 8,201 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 47,092 $ $ $ $ $ 47,092 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,092 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration III. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) Personnel Transformation - Army decision to consolidate the Army Reserve Personnel Command with the Human Resources Command. FY 2005 Budget Request Amount $ $ $ Totals $ 47,092 $ $ 47,092 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 220 (39,111) (39,111) $ 8,201 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 Personnel Records Management (Total) Electronic Database Records Digital Image Records (PERMS) 5,126,286 4,064,148 1,062,138 5,181,286 4,064,148 1,117,138 - Customer Contacts (e.g. telephone calls, mail, e-mail, walk-ins, Congressional Inquiries) 8,710,800 8,076,400 - Other Related Actions (e.g. evaluation actions, retirement point updates, awards processing, promotion packets, board actions, security clearance actions) 1,784,544 1,790,403 - 130,705 131,055 - 2 2 2 98,237 94,276 116,329 Total Orders Published Note: FY 2005 Mission transferred to Army effective FY 2005 Number of Regional Civilian Personnel Office sites (Average Number of Customers serviced by Personnel Specialist: Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) - 200:1) Total Records Processed for veterans and retirees DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Individual Mobilization Augmentee - - - - - - - - 781 781 - 785 785 - 79 79 - (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables (706) (706) - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Personnel and Financial Administration V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - 766 766 - 770 770 - 83 83 - Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables (687) (687) - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 433 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 37269 565 0 13 0 0 0 0 4.74% 5.31% 0.00% 0.00% 1768 30 0 0 -499 113 65 -13 38538 708 65 0 0 0 0 0 0.29% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 112 0 0 0 -32124 -708 -57 0 6526 0 8 0 37847 0 4.75% 1798 -334 39311 0 0.28% 112 -32889 6534 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 1138 0 1.30% 15 -144 1009 0 1.40% 14 -807 216 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 1138 0 1.32% 15 -144 1009 0 1.39% 14 -807 216 0633 DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE 4 0 -2.00% 0 -4 0 0 0.30% 0 0 0 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 4 0 0.00% 0 -4 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 1 9 665 19 1 37 5653 4486 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 0 9 0 0 0 73 58 0 -1 -9 -306 -19 -1 -8 -577 -3319 -3 0 0 368 0 0 29 5149 1225 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0 0 5 0 0 0 72 17 0 0 0 -294 0 0 -23 -4119 -979 0 0 0 79 0 0 6 1102 263 1 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 10875 0 1.29% 140 -4243 6772 0 1.39% 94 -5415 1451 9999 GRAND TOTAL 49864 0 3.92% 1953 -4725 47092 0 0.47% 220 -39111 8201 Line Item Line Description 0101 0103 0106 0107 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE WAGE BOARD BENEFITS TO FORMER EMPLOYEES VOLUNTARY SEPARATION INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 0914 0917 0920 0921 0922 0925 0987 0989 0998 PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising I. Description of Operations Financed: RECRUITING AND RETENTION and PERSONNEL READINESS STRENGTH MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: Provides operational support for enlisted, medical, and chaplain recruiting operations; travel and per diem for all recruiting and retention personnel; and other costs incurred in support of the Army Reserve personnel readiness strength management program. Personnel readiness is measured by duty military occupational specialty, deployability, and overall personnel readiness. Provides for a military recruiting and retention force to include local and temporary duty travel; reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket expenses for production recruiters and retention personnel; transportation, meals, and lodging for applicants being processed at Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS); General Services Administration (GSA) lease of vehicles and other miscellaneous support for local recruiting and retention campaigns. Provides for compensation and benefits for civilian recruiting personnel. Provides databases used for multiple strength management applications, to include historical retention trends, incentives programming, manpower programming, recruiting needs, recruiting results, reenlistment results, officer accessioning results, etc. ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES: Provides for costs specifically identified and measurable to the design and implementation of advertising campaigns for both paid and non-paid media, and the purchase of advertising time/space in any media, with the expressed purpose of stimulating interest in enlistment/retention in the Army Reserve. Includes resources for all advertising programs designed to support the accession and/or retention of military personnel in the Army Reserve. II. Force Structure Summary: This budget sub-activity group resources the Army Reserve military recruiting and retention program. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising III. A. Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): FY 2003 Actual Activity Breakout RECRUITING & RETENTION ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES Total: B. __________ Budget Request FY 2004 ___________ Current Approp. Estimate FY 2005 Budget Estimate 43,133 50,279 39,491 63,204 39,491 63,204 39,491 63,204 37,056 53,257 93,412 102,695 102,695 102,695 90,313 Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provision) FY 2004 Appropriated Amount Emergency Supplemental Fact-of-Life Changes (FY04 to FY04) Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Revised FY 2004 Estimate Less: Emergency Supplemental Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY2004/FY2004 102,695 102,695 102,695 102,695 102,695 102,695 Change FY2004/FY2005 102,695 102,695 102,695 1,385 (13,767) 90,313 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: III. Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising Financial Summary ($ in Thousands): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: FY 2004 President's Budget Request 1. Congressional Adjustments a. Distributed Adjustments b. Undistributed Adjustments c. Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent d. General Provisions FY 2004 Appropriated Amount 2. Emergency Supplemental a. Emergency Supplemental Funding Carryover b. FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-106) 3. Fact-of-Life Changes a. Functional Transfers 1) Transfers In 2) Transfers Out b. Technical Adjustments 1) Increases 2) Decreases c. Emergent Requirements 1) Program Increases a) One-Time Costs b) Program Growth 2) Program Reductions a) One-Time Costs b) Program Decreases Baseline Funding Amount Totals $ 102,695 $ $ $ $ $ 102,695 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 102,695 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: III. Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising Financial Summary ($ in Thousands) (cont.): C. Reconciliation: Increases and Decreases: 4. Reprogrammings (Requiring 1415 Actions) a. Increases b. Decreases Revised FY 2004 Estimate 5. Less: Emergency Supplemental Funding Normalized Current Estimate for FY 2004 6. Price Change 7. Functional Transfers a. Transfers In b. Transfers Out 8. Program Increases a. Annualization of New FY 2004 Program b. One-Time FY 2005 Costs c. Program Growth in FY 2005 9. Program Decreases a. Annualization of FY 2004 Program Decreases b. One-Time FY 2004 Costs c. Program Decreases in FY 2005 1) Recruiting, Retention and Advertising Army decision to fund higher priority bills FY 2005 Budget Request Amount $ $ $ Totals $ 102,695 $ $ 102,695 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,385 (13,767) (13,767) $ 90,313 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: IV. Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY2003 Recruiting (number of personnel accessed) Non-Prior Service Prior Service Total Number of Accessions GSA Leased Vehicles to support Army Reserve Recruiters FY2004 FY2005 22,579 19,272 41,851 16,200 18,604 34,804 18,175 18,604 36,779 1,198 1,198 1,198 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising V. Personnel Summary: FY 2003 FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 Active Military End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Reserve Drill End Strength (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted - - - - Individual Mobilization Augmentee - - - - 1,965 126 1,839 2,423 161 2,262 2,321 136 2,185 92 92 - 92 92 - 92 92 - (E/S) (Total) Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (E/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian End Strength (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables (102) (25) (77) - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE BA: Administration and Servicewide Activities BAG: Servicewide Support SAG: Recruiting and Advertising V. Personnel Summary (Continued): FY 2003 Active Military End Strength (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Reservists on Full Time Active Duty (A/S) (Total) Officer Enlisted Civilian FTEs (Total) Direct Hire (U.S.) Military Technicians Reimbursables FY 2004 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 FY 2005 - - - 1,925 123 1,802 2,375 158 2,217 2,274 133 2,141 90 90 - 90 90 - 90 90 - - (101) (25) (76) - Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 434 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 0101 EXEC, GEN, SPEC SCHEDULE 0103 WAGE BOARD 0107 VOLUNTARY SEPARATION INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 5059 5 25 0 0 0 5.22% 0.00% 0.00% 264 0 0 803 -5 -25 6126 0 0 0 0 0 1.75% 0.00% 0.00% 107 0 0 0 0 0 6233 0 0 0199 TOTAL CIV PERSONNEL COMP 5089 0 5.19% 264 773 6126 0 1.75% 107 0 6233 0308 TRAVEL OF PERSONS 17780 0 1.30% 231 -8639 9372 0 1.40% 131 -916 8587 0399 TOTAL TRAVEL 17780 0 1.30% 231 -8639 9372 0 1.40% 131 -916 8587 248 0 8 6 0 0 0 0 8.30% 4.50% -2.90% 1.30% 21 0 0 0 -269 50 -8 -5 0 50 0 1 0 0 0 0 3.30% -1.50% 0.90% 1.40% 0 -1 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 46 0 1 262 0 8.02% 21 -232 51 0 -1.96% -1 -3 47 0506 DLA EQUIPMENT 0507 GSA MANAGED EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 -2.90% 1.30% 0 0 2 13 2 13 0 0 0.90% 1.40% 0 0 0 -1 2 12 0599 TOTAL STOCK FUND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 0 0 0.00% 0 15 15 0 0.00% 0 -1 14 0633 DEFENSE PUBLICATION & PRINTING SERVICE 2946 0 -2.00% -59 322 3209 0 0.30% 10 -276 2943 0699 TOTAL INDUSTRIAL FUND PURCHASES 2946 0 -2.00% -59 322 3209 0 0.31% 10 -276 2943 0771 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION 59 0 1.30% 1 21 81 0 1.40% 1 -7 75 0799 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 59 0 1.69% 1 21 81 0 1.23% 1 -7 75 0 787 6 1536 6085 20792 46 252 1342 30984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 0 10 0 0 79 270 1 3 17 403 3 -350 -6 1193 -4885 21209 59 19224 951 -31387 3 447 0 2729 1279 42271 106 19479 2310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0 6 0 0 18 592 1 273 32 0 -1 -43 0 -527 -125 -9789 -11 -355 -225 0 2 410 0 2202 1172 33074 96 19397 2117 0 Line Item 0401 0411 0415 0416 Line Description DFSC FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS GSA MANAGED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0499 TOTAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASES 0913 0914 0915 0917 0920 0921 0922 0923 0925 0932 PURCHASED UTILITIES PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS RENTS (NON-GSA) POSTAL SERVICES (U.S.P.S.) SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (NON FUND) PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NON FUND) MGMT & PROFESSIONAL SPT SVCS Appropriation: OMAR SAG: 434 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE OP32 EXHIBIT ($ 000) Totals FY 2003 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2004 Program Foreign Curr Adjust Price Growth Percent Price Growth Amount Program Growth FY 2005 Program 230 94 907 4208 7 0 0 0 0 0 1.30% 8.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 3 8 12 55 0 -233 -4 1704 8232 -6 0 98 2623 12495 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.40% 3.30% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 0 3 37 175 0 0 -11 -257 -1220 0 0 90 2403 11450 1 0999 OTHER PURCHASES 67276 0 1.28% 861 15704 83841 0 1.36% 1137 -12564 72414 9999 GRAND TOTAL 93412 0 1.41% 1319 7964 102695 0 1.35% 1385 -13767 90313 Line Item Line Description 0933 0937 0987 0989 0998 STUDIES, ANALYSIS, & EVALUATIONS LOCALLY PURCHASED FUEL OTHER INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASES OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SUMMARY OF FUNDS BUDGETED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS ($ in Thousands) FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1. Recurring Costs - Class 0 a. Manpower b. Education and Training 9,619 7,587 2,032 6,290 4,651 1,639 7,084 5,532 1,552 794 881 (87) 2. Environmental Compliance - Recurring Costs (Class 0) a. Permits & Fees b. Sampling, Analysis, Monitoring c. Waste Disposal d. Other Recurring Costs 8,765 378 864 1,536 5,987 4,640 238 607 1,104 2,691 6,221 318 688 1,053 4,162 1,581 80 81 (51) 1,471 3. Environmental Pollution Prevention-Recurring Costs (Class 0) 1,017 1,375 1,430 55 4. Environmental Conservation - Recurring Costs (Class 0) 4,510 2,521 2,225 (296) 23,911 14,826 16,960 179 117 1,300 274 6,435 302 2,293 10,900 2,689 69 1,155 683 3,493 1,252 1,252 10,593 2,682 68 1,153 683 1,486 1,250 1,249 8,571 Total Recurring Costs 5. Environmental Compliance - Nonrecurring Costs (Class I/II) a. RCRA Subtitle C - Hazardous Waste b. RCRA Subtitle D - Solid Waste c. RCRA Subtitle I - Underground Storage Tanks d. Clean Air Act e. Clean Water Act f. Planning g. Other Total Nonrecurring (Class I/II) 2,134 (7) (1) (2) (2,007) (2) (3) (2,022) Exhibit PB-28 Funds Budgeted for Environmental Quality DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SUMMARY OF FUNDS BUDGETED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS ($ in Thousands) FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 6. Pollution Prevention - Nonrecurring Costs (Class I/II) a. RCRA Subtitle C - Hazardous Waste b. RCRA Subtitle D - Solid Waste c. Clean Air Act d. Clean Water Act e. Hazardous Material Reduction f. Other Total Nonrecurring (Class I/II) 293 154 1 1 567 1,016 51 51 7. Environmental Conservation - Nonrecurring Costs (Class I/II) a. T&E Species b. Wetlands c. Other Natural Resources d. Historical & Cultural Resources Total Nonrecurring (Class I/II) 338 212 745 403 1,698 102 28 357 311 798 118 27 639 312 1,096 37,525 26,268 26,627 GRAND TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - Change FY 2004/ FY 2005 (51) (51) 16 (1) 282 1 298 359 Exhibit PB-28 Funds Budgeted for Environmental Quality DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM), and Demolition Summary (Dollars in Thousands) 1. FY 2004 Estimate FY 2005 Estimate 186,423 179,079 197,648 Funded Program a. Program Category (1) Sustainment (2) Restoration & Modernization Projects (3) Demolition 2,492 Total - 3,493 188,915 179,079 201,141 BA-1 188,915 179,079 201,141 Total 188,915 179,079 201,141 164 164 98 131,000 131,000 131,000 b. Budget Activity c. Staffing (in end strength) (1) Military personnel (2) Civilian personnel 2. FY 2003 Actual Annual Deferred Sustainment Exhibit OP-28 Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization, and Demolition Summary DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM), and Demolition Summary (Dollars in Thousands) 3. FY 2003 Funded Program FY 2004 FY 2005 Operations and Training Maintenance and Production Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Supply Hospital and Medical Administrative Family Housing Unaccompanied Personnel Housing Community Utilities and Ground Improvements 138,271 5,698 1 2,992 194 6,153 5 8,848 3,934 20,327 146,434 1,124 1,528 9,932 949 19,112 164,591 1,152 1,714 10,691 969 18,531 Total 186,423 179,079 197,648 Facility Type Exhibit OP-28 Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization, and Demolition Summary DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM) Projects Costing Over $500,000 (Dollars in Thousands) State CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CT CT CT FL HI HI ID IL MA MA MA MD MD MD ME MO MT NJ NJ Location/Installation Ft. Hunter Liggett Ft. Hunter Liggett Mountain View PRFTA PRFTA PRFTA Sacramento Vallejo Vallejo Vallejo Vallejo Vallejo Fairfield Milford New Haven St. Petersburg Hilo Honolulu Pocatello Chicago Boston Hanscom AFB Springfield Baltimore Owings Mills Rockville Auburn Columbia Fort Missoula Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Project Title Repair Sam Jones Bridge Repair NAC-FERG Bridge Constuct storage building Repair B302 Repair B303 Repair B304 Constuct room B650 Construct kitchen Repair ADA compliant Repair HVAC Repair flooring Seismic upgrades Construct high maintenance bay Repair parking lot Constuct high maintenance bay Constuct medical equipment storage facility Repair facility Install sprinker system B1575 Repair exterior - OMS Full Facility Restoration Repair parking lot Construct heated storage fire trucks Full Facility Restoration Repair HVAC Full Facility Restoration Full Facility Restoration Construct expanded parking Full Facility Restoration Alter B25 for AMSA needs Repair dining facility B5434 Install fire protection system B5521 Cost 850 978 500 640 640 640 712 500 550 600 661 1,000 500 500 510 750 2,000 500 536 7,536 681 616 4,875 746 4,300 2,500 520 2,195 500 650 500 Remarks Failed or failing facility Failed or failing facility Required to meet current standards Facilities have multiple failed components Facilities have multiple failed components Facilities have multiple failed components Required to meet current standards Quality of life Failed component System failed or failing Failed component Required to meet current standards Required to meet current standards Failed component Required to meet current standards Expanded mission Facilities have multiple failed components Required to meet current standards Failed component Facilities have multiple failed components Quality of life Required to meet current standards Facilities have multiple failed components System failed or failing Facilities have multiple failed components Facilities have multiple failed components Quality of life Facilities have multiple failed components Required to meet current standards Facilities have multiple failed components Life, health, safety Exhibit OP-28P Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization - Projects Costing Over $500,000 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM) Projects Costing Over $500,000 (Dollars in Thousands) State NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ Location/Installation Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Project Title Repair potable water distribution Repair sanitary sewer system Repair AC 3rd floor B5418 Repair potable water distribution Repair sanitary sewer system Repair AC 2nd floor B5418 Repair potable water distribution Repair AC 1st floor B5418 Repair potable water distribution Repair bathrooms B5506 Repair bathrooms B5515 Repair bathrooms B5501 Repair AC B5523 Repair HVAC B5508 Repair HVAC B5435 Repair HVAC B5501 Repair dining facility B5640 Repair dining facility B5610 Repair dining facility B5985 Repair roof B5606 Repair roof B5611 Repair roof B5612 Repair roof B5641 Repair roof B5642 Repair roof B5910 Repair roof B5912 Repair roof B5913 Repair roof B5989 Repair roof B5990 Repair roof B5952 Repair roof B5992 mains WAT46 mains mains mains WAT44 Cost 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 525 525 525 540 1,200 1,200 1,200 775 775 775 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 Remarks Life, health, safety Life, health, safety System failed or failing Life, health, safety Life, health, safety System failed or failing Life, health, safety System failed or failing Life, health, safety Quality of life Quality of life Quality of life Failed component System failed or failing System failed or failing System failed or failing Life, health, safety Life, health, safety Life, health, safety Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Roof has exceeded life expectancy Exhibit OP-28P Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization - Projects Costing Over $500,000 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM) Projects Costing Over $500,000 (Dollars in Thousands) State NJ NJ NY NY OH PA PA PA PA TX TX TX TX VA VA VA VA VA WA WA WA WA WA WI WI WI WI Location/Installation Ft. Dix Ft. Dix Fort Totten Fort Totten Bellaire Bethlehem Fort Indiantown Gap Harrisburg Johnstown Conroe Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Houston Covington Ft. Belvoir Galax Norfolk Richmond Bothell Renton Spokane Spokane Spokane Ft. McCoy Ft. McCoy Ft. McCoy Ft. McCoy Project Title Install water supply line for irrigation B3175 Repair building ext/int B5165 Repair HVAV distribution B200 Repair HVAC B200 Full Facility Restoration Full Facility Restoration Repair roof Repair heating/electric system Install oil/water tarmac Repair roof Repair interior B176 Demolish B12 Repair mech sys/interior finish Repair training center Repair roof Alter shop bay AMSA #89 Repair interior B176 Repair roof Repair exterior - OMS Repair exterior Full Facility Restoration Repair exterior - OMS Repair exterior - CTR Repair HVAC Repair B454 Repair B107 Repair Senior NCO & Officer quarters B2007 Cost 920 975 523 546 1,700 3,876 550 530 500 675 500 520 600 940 500 500 500 600 536 556 3,786 536 536 740 750 750 750 Remarks Required to meet current standards Facilities have multiple failed components System failed or failing System failed or failing Facilities have multiple failed components Facilities have multiple failed components Roof has exceeded life expectancy Failed component Required to meet current standards Roof has exceeded life expectancy Failed component Excess facility Required to meet current standards Facilities have multiple failed components Roof has exceeded life expectancy Required to meet current standards Failed component Roof has exceeded life expectancy Failed component Failed component Facilities have multiple failed components Failed component Failed component System failed or failing Facilities have multiple failed components Facilities have multiple failed components Facilities have multiple failed components Total 86,321 Exhibit OP-28P Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization - Projects Costing Over $500,000 Exhibit OP-30 Depot Maintenance Program Operations and Maintenance, Army Reserve Maintenance Activity Maint. Type Resource Type Aircraft Airframe Funded Units Required Units Units Delta Combat Vehicles Other Vehicle FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 2 4 -2 2 3 -1 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 6,467 15,546 -9,079 6,129 8,763 -2,634 6,653 6,653 0 6,772 6,772 0 6,893 6,893 0 7,017 7,017 0 7,144 7,144 0 7,273 7,273 0 Funded Units Required Units Units Delta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Funded TOA Required TOA TOA Delta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Funded Units Required Units Units Delta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Funded TOA Required TOA TOA Delta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 -13 0 0 0 3 7 -4 3 7 -4 3 7 -4 3 8 -5 0 3 -3 0 3 -3 Funded TOA Required TOA TOA Delta Other FY 02 Funded Units Required Units Units Delta Exhibit OP-30 Depot Maintenance Program Exhibit OP-30 Depot Maintenance Program Operations and Maintenance, Army Reserve Maintenance Activity Maint. Type Combat Vehicles Vehicle Other Resource Type Funded TOA Required TOA TOA Delta Other Funded Units End-Item Required Units Units Delta Funded TOA Required TOA TOA Delta FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 72 3,469 -3,397 0 2,434 -2,434 1,251 1,976 -725 1,276 2,340 -1,064 1,301 2,388 -1,087 1,328 2,953 -1,625 0 920 -920 0 937 -937 17,915 49,642 -31,727 5,227 49,300 -44,073 1,971 3,252 -1,281 27,061 48,682 -21,621 37,239 48,872 -11,633 10,836 48,649 -37,813 37,712 49,566 -11,854 27,771 49,795 -22,024 42,322 55,043 55,931 77,675 -13,609 -22,632 63,500 86,506 -23,006 71,744 93,230 -21,486 90,594 101,530 -10,936 94,113 104,636 -10,523 88,549 98,251 -9,702 52,080 57,367 -5,287 Exhibit OP-30 Depot Maintenance Program DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2005 BUDGET ESTIMATES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE SPARES AND REPAIR PARTS (Dollars in Millions) FY 04-05 FY 2003 Qty FY 2005 FY 2004 $ Qty $ Qty CHANGE $ Qty $ DEPOT LEVEL REPARABLES (DLRs) COMMODITY: Ships - - - - - - - - Airframes - - - - - - - - Aircraft Engines - - - - - - - - Combat Vehicles - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missles Communication Equipment Other Misc. Total 1.11 3.64 1.57 4.31 1.58 4.95 0.01 0.64 35.88 32.78 50.71 38.78 50.64 44.54 (0.07) 5.76 36.99 36.42 52.28 43.09 52.22 49.49 (0.06) 6.40 Exhibit OP-31 Spares and Repair Parts