DoD Joint Service Chemical/Biological Defense Program Committee Staff Procurement Backup Book FY 2002 Amended Budget Submission Procurement Defense-Wide June 2001 Table of Contents DoD Joint Service Chemical and Biological Defense Program FY 2002 Amended Budget Submission TABLE OF CONTENTS CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE PROGRAM OVERVIEW CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE PROGRAM PROCUREMENT SUMMARY P-1 EXHIBIT FOR CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE PROGRAM PCN 007T PROCUREMENT FYDP ($$/QTY) FY02 PB LINE #63 - INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION LINE #64 - DECONTAMINATION LINE #65 - JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROGRAM LINE #66 - COLLECTIVE PROTECTION LINE #67 - CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE i i iii v ix xi 1 51 73 111 149 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ii Department of Defense Chemical/Biological Defense Program Overview FY 2002 Amended Budget Submission The DoD Chemical/Biological Defense (CBD) Program provides development and procurement of systems to enhance the ability of U.S. forces to deter and defend against chemical and biological (CB) agents during regional contingencies. The probability of U.S. forces encountering CB agents during worldwide conflicts remains high. An effective defense will reduce the probability of a nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) attack and enable U.S. forces to survive, continue operations, and win. This program supports U.S. counterproliferation policy. The program continues to implement congressional direction to improve joint CB defense capabilities and reflects an integrated DoD jointly developed program. This year's program continues funding to support counterproliferation initiatives within the passive defense area. This funding enhances and accelerates high-payoff technologies for advanced CB defense systems. This budget submission also includes increased funding for research, development, and acquisition of CB defense systems/equipment and vaccines. Moreover, the Department continues to procure new CB defense equipment for our forces, due in large measure to the May 1997 Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) recommendation to increase planned spending on counterproliferation by $1 billion over the FY 1999-2003 program period, of which $732 million was allocated to the DoD CBD program. The thrust of the CBD program is to deter the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) with an integrated systems approach to force protection on the battlespace. The DoD CBD program invests in technologies to provide improved capabilities that have minimal adverse impact on our warfighting potential. Joint and Service unique programs support the framework of the three tenets of CB defense: Contamination Avoidance (detection) and NBC Battle Management (reconnaissance and warning of battlespace contamination to enable units to maneuver around them), Force Protection (individual, collective, and medical support), and Decontamination. iii Within the area of Contamination Avoidance and NBC Battle Management, sensors for joint task forces, mobile CB reconnaissance and systems capable of detecting multiple agents and characterizing new agents are being developed. Technological advances are being pursued in remote detection, miniaturization, lower detection limits, logistics supportability, and biological detection capability. Within the area of Force Protection, technology is funded to pursue improved mask systems that provide fully compatible vision capabilities, laser/ballistic protection as well as further reduction in logistic burdens. Protective clothing is being developed under a joint program, which will reduce the weight and heat stress burden of current equipment for all services. Medical research will provide improved prophylaxes, antidotes, treatments, vaccines, and medical casualty management systems. Lightweight CB protective shelters and collective protection technology advances are funded. Within the area of Decontamination, sensitive equipment decontamination systems are being developed. Technology is funded to address advances in improved decontamination approaches to clean-up exposed personnel and equipment for all Services so they can be returned to combat. All of these capabilities integrated together as a system-of-systems are essential to avoid contamination and to sustain operational tempo on an asymmetric battlefield. Moreover, sound joint doctrine and realistic training remain fundamental to our defense against chemical and biological weapons. In summary, the DoD CBD program remains committed to establishing the correct balance between the near-term requirement to deliver state-of-the-art equipment to the field, and the need to protect and replenish our long-term investment in technology. iv PROCUREMENT, DEFENSE-WIDE Chemical/Biological Defense Program Summary ($ in Millions) FY 2000 Actual 379.927 FY 2001 Estimate 475.718 FY 2002 Estimate 348.709 Purpose and Scope of Work These funds provide for a fully integrated and coordinated Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense procurement program within the Department of Defense (DoD) that meets the intent of Congress and provides the best NBC defense for our service members and our nation. Joint and Service unique programs support the framework of the three tenets of Chemical Biological (CB) defense: Contamination Avoidance (detection) and NBC Battle Management (reconnaissance and warning of battlespace contamination to enable units to maneuver around them), Force Protection (individual, collective, and medical support), and Decontamination. Justification of Funds · Funding for this program was transferred from individual Service NBC defense procurement programs pursuant to Public Law 103-160, Title XVII. · NBC Contamination Avoidance/Battle Management - Procurement of equipment to enhance U.S. capability to detect, collect samples, identify and provide warning of eminent weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats on the battlespace. v · · FY02: Continues procurement of the Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS), the Critical Reagents Program (CRP) to ensure the quality and availability of reagents critical to the successful development, test and operation of biological warfare detection systems, installation of the Improved Point Detection System (IPDS) on amphibious, combat and sele ct combat support ships, and Coast Guard vessels. Also continues Low Rate of Initial Production (LRIP) of the Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS) in preparation for transition to full rate production. Initiates procurement the Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (JSLSCAD), a chemical vapor detection system that will furnish 360-degree on-the-move coverage from ground, air, and sea-based platforms at distances of up to five kilometers. · FY02: Completion of the production of the Air/Base Port (Portal Shield) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) program. NBC Force Protection - Procurement of Individual/Collective protection equipment and Vaccines troop equivalent doses to protect the soldier, sailor, airman, or marine allowing the personnel to operate in a contaminated CB environment. · FY02: Continues procurement of the Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) modifications, individual protective gear for naval construction forces and naval shore activities, protective clothing to include the Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST) protective ensembles, the CB respiratory system, the Chemical Biological Protective Shelter (CBPS) for Army me dical units, the Collective Protection System backfit installation on three Navy amphibious ship classes (LHA, LHD, and LSD), and the Joint Collective Protection Equipment (JCPE) improvements to currently fielded systems. Continues the Biological Defense Vaccine program that protects U.S. forces with FDA approved vaccines to protect against current and emerging WMD threats, which could be deployed against maneuver units or stationary facilities in the theater of operations. Initiates production of Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) and the Second Skin Mask (MCU-2/P) that protects the mask material from agent contamination. · FY02: Completion of pro duction of the M45 Aircraft Protective Mask, the Chemical-Biological Protective Field Mask M40/M40A1, and the Collectively Protected Deployable Medical System (CP DEPMEDS). vi · NBC Decontamination Systems - Procurement of a more transportable, less labor intensive, and more effective system for applying decontaminating solutions, removing gross contamination from vehicle and equipment surfaces, and maximizing the ability of units to remove contamination both on the move and during dedicated decontamination operations. · FY02: Continues procurement of the Modular Decontamination System (MDS) which provides high-pressure hot water, powered pumping, and scrubbing capability for application of decontamination agents, and the Sorbent Decontamination System (SDS) which provides a reactive Sorbent for immediate decontamination for equipment wipedown. Initiates the Joint Service Fixed Site Decontamination (JSFXD) that provides the warfighter with a family of environmentally friendly de contaminants and application systems to remove, neutralize, and eliminate NBC hazards posing threats to military operations. vii THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK viii DEFENSE-WIDE FY 2002 PROCUREMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATION: 0300D PROCURMENT, DEFENSE-WIDE BUDGET ACTIVITY 03: CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE EXHIBIT P-1 DATE: JUNE 2001 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS LINE NO. ITEM NOMENCLATURE IDENT CODE FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 QUANTITY COST QUANTITY COST QUANTITY COST CBDP 63 INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION - GP1000 124.8 120.6 114.3 64 DECONTAMINATION - PA1500 12.3 6.7 15.2 65 JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROGRAM - MA0800 106.3 143.7 155.9 66 COLLECTIVE PROTECTION - PA1600 24.3 40.4 38.9 67 CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE - GP2000 112.3 164.4 24.3 TOTAL CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE 379.9 475.7 348.7 ix THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK x UNCLASSIFIED SCENARIO - FY02 AMENDED PB MODE - BLDOVR 9-JUL-2001 15:36:16 PCN 007 - PROCUREMENT FYDP (DOLLAR/QUANTITIES) FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 AF0015 AIRCREW EYE/RESPIRATORY PROT (AERP) $$ 0 0 1,479 1,822 JA0002 JT SVC AVIATION MASK (JSAM) $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JA0003 JOINT SERVICE GENERAL PURPOSE MASK (JSGPM) $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JIP300 JOINT CHEMICAL ENSEMBLE $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JN0011 AERP AIRCRAFT MODS $$ 659 0 2,745 2,962 JN0013 NAVY INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE GEAR $$ 575 3,369 5,406 2,328 JN0015 JOINT PROTECTIVE AIRCREW ENSEMBLE $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JX0001 IP SYSTEM FIELDING SUPPORT/SPARES $$ 680 2,428 0 0 0 0 2,979 0 5,300 896 7,254 1,268 0 0 0 0 5,579 12,820 3,832 6,290 1,000 0 457 0 15,819 104,554 13,412 100,394 1,492 0 143 0 GP1000 INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION JX0055 INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION (IP) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M $$ M95801 PROTECTION ASSESSMENT TEST SYSTEM (PATS) M41 $$ Qty M99501 MASK, AIRCRAFT M45 $$ Qty M99601 MASK, CHEM-BIOLOGICAL PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 $$ Qty Page: 1 UNCLASSIFIED xi UNCLASSIFIED SCENARIO - FY02 AMENDED PB MODE - BLDOVR 9-JUL-2001 15:36:17 PCN 007 - PROCUREMENT FYDP (DOLLAR/QUANTITIES) FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 80,817 87,192 100,579 99,220 0 0 0 0 918 150 3,471 196,812 7,286 1,180 7,297 1,234 3,991 687 3,924 666 116,715 119,450 124,784 109,186 120,589 837 114,327 197,478 3,241 3,768 2,859 3,161 3,050 3,069 2,013 1,000 10,107 0 9,639 0 8,483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,557 8,647 2,146 0 JF0100 JOINT CHEM AGENT DETECTOR (JCAD) $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JF0101 IN-LINE WATER CHEM/BIO DETECTOR $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,060 1,093 0 0 MA0400 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING $$ MA0480 SECOND SKIN, MASK MCU-2/P $$ Qty N00020 CB RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - AIRCREW $$ Qty [T] GP1000 INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION $$ Qty GP2000 CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE B96801 RADIAC - POCKET AN/UDR - 13 $$ Qty G47101 JOINT WARNING & REPORTING NETWORK (JWARN) $$ Qty JA0001 JT SVC LASER ACTIVE STAND-OFF CM DET (JSWILD) $$ Qty JA0004 GUARD & RESERVE EQUIPMENT $$ JX0002 CA SYSTEM FIELDING SUPPORT/SPARES $$ M98801 AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT ALARM (ACADA), M22 Page: 2 UNCLASSIFIED xii UNCLASSIFIED SCENARIO - FY02 AMENDED PB MODE - BLDOVR 9-JUL-2001 15:36:17 PCN 007 - PROCUREMENT FYDP (DOLLAR/QUANTITIES) FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 29,437 3,594 41,445 4,890 69,434 8,562 595 0 25,873 25,591 57,808 6,356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N00041 SHIPBOARD DETECTOR MODIFICATIONS $$ 8,078 8,725 4,644 4,703 S02201 IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) $$ Qty 9,403 1,927 14,294 3,502 18,799 4,445 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,399 70 101,756 9,289 112,293 11,553 164,364 16,076 24,330 1,070 0 0 18,163 4 28,881 5 38,579 16 1,735 2,399 2,293 1,926 14,564 70 4,751 0 26,315 97 3,892 0 JPO240 JOINT BIO POINT DETECTOR SYSTEM BLK 2 $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JPOXX1 JOINT BIOLOGICAL AGENT IDENTIFICATION AND DIAGNO $$ 0 0 0 0 $$ Qty MA0601 RECON SYSTEM, FOX NBC (NBCRS) MODS $$ MC0100 JT SVC LTWT NBC RECON SYS (JSLNBCRS) $$ Qty S10801 JS LTWT STANDOFF CW $$ Qty AGT DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) [T] GP2000 CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE $$ Qty MA0800 JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROGRAM JP0100 JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) $$ Qty JPO210 CRITICAL REAGENTS PROGRAM (CRP) $$ JPO230 PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT $$ Qty Page: 3 UNCLASSIFIED xiii UNCLASSIFIED SCENARIO - FY02 AMENDED PB MODE - BLDOVR 9-JUL-2001 15:36:17 PCN 007 - PROCUREMENT FYDP (DOLLAR/QUANTITIES) FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 JX0005 DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT $$ 20,818 66,430 52,876 56,074 M93001 BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR SYSTEM (BIDS) $$ Qty 14,082 21 14,593 20 33,319 0 55,445 0 51,199 91 106,336 24 143,684 102 155,916 16 G47001 MODULAR DECON SYSTEM $$ Qty 5,950 64 7,520 71 2,429 0 5,032 27 JDE401 JS MINI DECON SYSTEM $$ 0 0 0 0 JN0010 JOINT SERVICE FIXED SITE DECON (JSFXD) $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,526 54,424 JN0016 JOINT SERVICE SENSITIVE EQUIPMENT DECON $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JN0018 SORBENT DECON $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 2,740 40,000 8,638 120,000 63 125 0 0 0 0 1,486 0 4,815 100 4,612 100 0 0 0 0 10,828 164 12,257 171 6,655 40,000 15,196 174,451 [T] MA0800 JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROGRAM $$ Qty PA1500 DECONTAMINATION JX0003 DE SYSTEM FIELDING SUPPORT/SPARES $$ JX0054 DECONTAMINATION (DE) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M $$ M67401 M17 LTWT DECON SYSTEM (LDS) $$ Qty [T] PA1500 DECONTAMINATION $$ Qty Page: 4 UNCLASSIFIED xiv UNCLASSIFIED SCENARIO - FY02 AMENDED PB MODE - BLDOVR 9-JUL-2001 15:36:17 PCN 007 - PROCUREMENT FYDP (DOLLAR/QUANTITIES) FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 0 0 2,731 3 5,909 8 3,017 3 JF0102 TRANSPORTABLE COLLECTIVE PROT SYS $$ 3,852 4,246 3,588 0 JN0014 COLLECTIVE PROT SYS AMPHIB BACKFIT $$ 1,000 11,991 17,530 17,834 0 1,186 1,043 2,395 JN0022 JT TRANSPORTABLE COLLECTIVE PROTECTION SHELTER $$ Qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JX0053 COLLECTIVE PROTECTION (CO) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M $$ 0 0 991 0 16,311 37 4,103 0 11,365 22 15,694 32 21,163 37 24,257 3 40,426 30 38,940 35 301,661 129,031 379,927 120,937 475,718 57,045 348,709 373,050 PA1600 COLLECTIVE PROTECTION JCP001 COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SYSTEM $$ Qty JN0017 JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SYSTEMS $$ & IMPROVEMENTS R12301 CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) $$ Qty [T] PA1600 COLLECTIVE PROTECTION $$ Qty [GT] $$ Qty Page: 5 UNCLASSIFIED xv THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 16 Budget Line Item #63 INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (GP1000) INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 217.8 116.7 124.8 120.6 114.3 217.8 116.7 124.8 120.6 114.3 217.8 116.7 124.8 120.6 114.3 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: Program provides for protective masks, respiratory systems, and protective clothing. The M40A1/M42A2 masks, currently in production, are replacements for the aging masks in the field. The new masks accommodate a greater portion of the current Service population, thus reducing or eliminating the need for specially-fitted masks. In addition, the Universal Second Skins (USSs), an integral part of the M40/M42 Series Masks will provide liquid agent protection. USS supports the "Go-To-War" Chemical Defense Equipment program and is being procured for the Army and Marine Corps. Other significant improvements have been made in field of view, communication, drinking capability, and compatibility with other equipment. The Protective Assessment Test System (PATS) is used to assess the fit of a mask to the individual. Interim service unique procurements required for protection to Aircrews include: the Army's M45 Aircrew Protective Mask (ACPM), which provides protection against chemical and biological (CB) agents and is more compatible with emerging optical and weapon sighting equipment; the Navy's CB Respiratory System, which fills an existing need for protection of Naval and Marine aircrews against CB agents; and the Air Force's Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protect ion (AERP) equipment provides a chemically protective barrier which protects the entire head and neck regions (eyes, ears, and respiratory system) from vapor CB agents, both in flight and on the ground. Also, the MCU-2/P second skin will be a molded rubber faceblank that will fit over the MCU-2/P protective mask and is being procured for the Air Force. The second skin will cover all exposed rubber portions of the MCU-2/P facepiece and integrate Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST) hood. In the area of protective clothing, the emphasis is on the JSLIST program, a Four-Service effort to procure and field a common chemical protective ensemble will replace all existing chemical biological suits in the Services' current inventories. JUSTIFICATION: Operational forces across the continuum of global, contingency, special operations/low intensity conflict, counternarcotics, and other high risk missions have an immediate need to survive and sustain operations in a CB threat environment. Individual protection is provided by means of masks, protective clothing, aircrew respiratory systems, and firefighters' and explosive ordnance disposal ensembles. The Joint NBC Defense program includes individual protection equipment that both improves current protection levels and reduces the physiological and logistical burden on the individual soldier, sailor, airman, or marine. The goal is to procure equipment which will allow for the individual to operate in a contaminated CB environment with minimal degradation in his/her performance. Item No. 63 Page 1 of 48 3 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40M, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (GP1000) INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION Code: Other Related Program Elements: A Description OSIP NO. Fiscal Years Classification PRIOR FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 14.9 0.0 2.7 3.0 14.9 0.0 2.7 3.0 Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection NA Totals Mission Capability Item No. 63 Page 2 of 48 4 Exhibit P -40M, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (GP1000) INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD FY 00 FY 01 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1479 1822 AERP Aircraft Modifications 2745 2962 5406 2328 3369 Individual Protection Items Less Than $5M (IP Items <$5M) 2979 Protection Assessment Test System M41 7254 Aircraft Mask M45 3832 1000 457 Protective Field Mask M40 13412 1492 143 Protective Clothing 87192 100579 99220 918 3471 3991 3924 Second Skin Mask MCU-2/P CB Respiratory System -Aircrew 7297 IP System Fielding Support/Spares * The FY01 funding for AERP is contained in the FY01 Omnibus Reprogramming request, and is from the congressional increase for C2A1 Canisters. 2428 TOTAL Date: June 2001 FY 02 Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP)* Navy Individual Protective Gear Weapon System Type: 124784 120589 Item No. 63 Page 3 of 48 5 114327 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 P-1 Item Nomenclature (AF0015) AIRCREW EYE/RESPIRATORY PROT (AERP) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) equipment provides a chemically protective barrier designed to protect the entire head and neck regions (eyes, ears, and respiratory system) from vapor chemical agents, both in flight and on the ground in a chemical warfare environment. The AERP consists of a hood/mask assembly, blower unit, and intercommunications unit. It is part of a second generation of chemical/biological warfare protection equipment. It provides greater chemical protection while improving fit, comfort, visibility, and survivability. JUSTIFICATION: USAF SON 004-85, Sustained Operations in a Chemical/Biological Environment, 19 Sep 1986. In critical chemical situations, the aircraft would fly without an adequately protected crew. FY02 will procure components of equipment, 808 hood/mask assemblies, 1,096 blower units, and 2,657 intercom units to fulfill USAF existing inventory requirements. NOTE: Quantities are not indicated because there are different inventory requirements for each specific component. Some components are not necessarily applicable to all aircraft. Item No. 63 Page 4 of 48 6 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD AERP EQUIPMENT 1. Hood/Masks 2. Blower Units 3. Intercom Units TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (AF0015) AIRCREW EYE/RESPIRATORY PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A A A Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 PROT (AERP) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1479 1869 1479 Item No. 63 Page 5 of 48 7 0.791 639 780 403 808 1096 2657 0.791 0.712 0.152 1822 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (AF0015) AIRCREW EYE/RESPIRATORY PROT (AERP) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Hood/Masks FY 01 FY 02 TBS TBS C/FP Brooks AFB, TX Brooks AFB, TX Sep-01 Mar-02 1869 791 Yes C/FP Nov-01 May-02 808 791 Yes Aug-01 TBS C/FP Brooks AFB, TX Nov-01 Jun-02 1096 712 Yes Aug-01 TBS C/FP Brooks AFB, TX Nov-01 Jun-02 2657 152 Yes Aug-01 Blower Units FY 02 Intercom Units FY 02 REMARKS: No support cost included. This is strictly a hardware component procurement. Quantities are different because all components are not necessarily applicable to all aircraft. Item No. 63 Page 6 of 48 8 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (AF0015) AIRCREW EYE/RESPIRATORY PROT (AERP) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 COST ELEMENTS 1. Hood/Masks M F R FY 1 FY 01 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 1869 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 TBS 45 225 450 0 2 TBS 90 500 500 0 3 TBS 200 1200 1200 0 2 3 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R A 1869 Calendar Year 01 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 1869 O C T M Fiscal Year 01 S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 7 8 REORDER 0 1 7 8 INITIAL 0 1 8 9 REORDER 0 1 8 9 INITIAL 0 1 8 9 REORDER 0 1 8 9 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 7 of 48 9 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (AF0015) AIRCREW EYE/RESPIRATORY PROT (AERP) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 1869 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Calendar Year 02 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY 1. Hood/Masks 1 FY 01 1. Hood/Masks 1 FY 02 A 808 808 A 2. Blower Units 2 FY 02 AF 1096 1096 3. Intercom Units 3 FY 02 A 2657 2657 COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION J A N F E B A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T 225 294 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 133 A 400 400 296 A 1000 1000 657 S E P O C T N O V REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 TBS 45 225 450 0 2 TBS 90 500 500 0 3 TBS 200 1200 1200 0 2 3 Calendar Year 03 M A R D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C 1869 O C T M Fiscal Year 03 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G ADMINLEAD TIME N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 7 8 REORDER 0 1 7 8 INITIAL 0 1 8 9 REORDER 0 1 8 9 INITIAL 0 1 8 9 REORDER 0 1 8 9 L A T E R REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 8 of 48 10 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: Prior Years FY 1999 1.4 FY 2000 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0011) AERP AIRCRAFT MODS Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 0.7 2.7 3.0 1.4 0.7 2.7 3.0 1.4 0.7 2.7 3.0 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) is a second generation chemical/biological oxygen mask designed to replace the current MBU-13 mask. The new mask will provide improved chemical/biological agent protection to all Air Force air crews in all chemical/biological theaters. The AERP is designed to improve visibility, fit, protection, and comfort. The AERP System is a combination of the individual protective equipment, which is worn by aircrew members. These aircrew members connect the AERP to aircraft interfaces - oxygen, communications, and electrical - for chemical/biological protection. This program modifies the aircraft's oxygen, communications, and electrical connections, to accept the AERP system. JUSTIFICATION: USAF SON 004-85, Sustained Operations in a Chemical/Biological Environment, 19 Sep 86. Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) is required for an aircrew member to operate in a chemical/biological warfare environment. FY02 continues the AERP Mod program for the E-3, RC/TC-135 and B-2 aircraft. Item No. 63 Page 9 of 48 11 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0604384BP, Project IP5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0011) AERP AIRCRAFT MODS Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The aircraft must be modified so as to allow each aircrew member the ability to use the Aircrew Eye Respiratory Protection system. This involves creating and installing separate modification kits that will allow the AERP system to integrate with the electrical, oxygen, and communication systems of the different aircraft types. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $42.4M; FY00 - $0.4M; FY01 - $0.1M; FY02 - $0.1M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE PROJECTED/ACTUAL E-3 modification kits and installations RC/TC-135 modification kits and installations FY99-FY03 FY99-FY03 Item No. 63 Page 10 of 48 12 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION Date: June 2001 MODIFICATION TITLE: Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection MODELS OF SYSTEM AFFECTED: Multi-Aircraft DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: USAF SON 004-85, Sustained Operations in a Chemical/Biological Environment, 19 Sep 1986. Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) is required for an aircrew member to operate in a chemical/biological warfare environment. The AERP System is a combination of the individual protective equipment, which is worn by aircrew members, and aircraft interfaces - oxygen, communications and electrical - to which the aircrew member connects the AERP for chemical/biological protection. This program modifies the aircraft's oxygen, communications, and electrical connections to accept the AERP system. DEVELOPMENT STATUS/MAJOR DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES: Milestone Planned B-2 Engineering design to complete RC/TC-135 Installations to complete Sep 01 Sep 02 Accomplished The AERP system is already fielded in the majority of Air Force aircraft. The design/installation of aircraft modifications is on going. Installation Schedule: Inputs Outputs Pr Yr Totals 110 110 1 FY 2000 2 3 4 1 FY 2001 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 7 7 FY 2002 2 3 7 7 7 7 4 6 6 Inputs Outputs METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION: Contract Dates: Delivery Date: Various FY 2000 FY 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADTIME: None FY 2001 None FY 2001 2 Months 12/2001 01/2002 Item No. 63 Page 11 of 48 13 PRODUCTION LEADTIME: FY 2002 12/2002 FY 2002 01/2003 2 Months Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION MODIFICATION TITLE (Cont): Date: June 2001 Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection FINANCIAL PLAN: ($ in Millions) FY 1999 and Prior Qty $ 42.4 RDT&E PROCUREMENT Kit Quantity Installation Kits 114 Installation Kits, Nonrecurring Equipment Equipment, Nonrecurring Engineering Change Orders Data Training Equipment Support Equipment Other Interim Contractor Support Installation of Hardware FY 1999 & Prior Eqpt -- Kits FY 2000 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2001 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2002 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2003 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2004 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2005 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2006 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2007 Eqpt -- Kits TC Equip-Kits Total Equip-Kits Total Procurement Cost 14.9 110 110 14.9 FY 2000 Qty $ 0.4 FY 2001 Qty $ 0.1 FY 2002 Qty $ 0.1 39 2.2 4 0.2 3 0.3 27 3.0 7 0.5 2.7 27 3.0 3.0 Item No. 63 Page 12 of 48 14 Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0013) NAVY INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE GEAR Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 0.2 0.6 3.4 5.4 2.3 0.2 0.6 3.4 5.4 2.3 0.2 0.6 3.4 5.4 2.3 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: This program continues the initial outfitting of Naval Construction Forces and Naval Shore Activities with protective equipment to counter the effects of chemical/biological (CB) warfare during deployments to high threat theaters. From 1992 to 1997 the Navy Operation & Maintenance (O&M) budget included the funds to procure these initial outfitting items for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) activities. In 1996, an Integrated Product Team refined the definition of what items should be centrally procured and funded through the CB Defense (CBD) program. The NAVFAC initial outfitting requirements met this definition and the FY98 through FY03 funds were transferred from the Navy budget into the Joint CBD budget. The Joint Services Materiel Group has reviewed and confirmed this requirement each year since the transition. This program is conducted in accordance with DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2A, Chapter 1, Section 010201 (Criteria for Determining Expense and Investment Costs). Operational Navy Instruction 3400.10F requires that U.S. Navy units maintain the ability to sustain operations in areas threatened or contaminated by Chemical/Biological/Radiological (CBR) materials, consistent with changing global defense priorities and strategies. Without adequate CBR protective equipment, personnel will not be able to maintain the capability to survive a tactical CB attack or execute approved operational plans. FY02 funds procure 32 Decontamination Apparatus (M-17), 1235 Decontamination Kits (M295), and individual protective equipment for Naval Construction Force Support Units, Naval Construction Regiments, and Naval Base Commands. JUSTIFICATION: Item No. 63 Page 13 of 48 15 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. Individual Protective Equipment (coveralls, boots, footwear covers, gloves, glove inserts, canteens and canteen covers) P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0013) NAVY INDIVIDUAL PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Weapon System Type: PROTECTIVE GEAR FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1244 1267 190 440 147 8 1240 3140 1848 4. Medical (Atropine injector, Pralidox injector, Diazepam injector, Pyridostigmine tablet) 207 638 57 5. System Fielding Support 238 214 225 2. Detection (M9 Paper, M8 Paper, DT-60 Dosimeter) 3. Decontamination (M291 Skin Decontaminating Kit, M295 Decontamination Kit, M17 Lightweight Decontamination System) TOTAL 3369 Date: June 2001 5406 Item No. 63 Page 14 of 48 16 2328 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JX0055) INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION (IP) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 Proc Qty Gross Cost 3.0 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) 3.0 Initial Spares Total Proc Cost 3.0 Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: This is a roll-up line which contains different individual protective equipment for which the annual procurement is less than $5 million each. The Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Enhanced Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (E-NBC) capability set will be procured under this funding line. This equipment will allow for increased NBC detection and identification capabilities and increased NBC force protection to warfighters. Item No. 63 Page 15 of 48 17 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. MEU Enhancement Kits TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JX0055) INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION (IP) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 ITEMS LESS THAN $5M FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 2979 6 496.500 2979 Item No. 63 Page 16 of 48 18 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 Proc Qty 3360 896 1268 Gross Cost 19.2 5.3 7.3 19.2 5.3 7.3 19.2 5.3 7.3 FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (M95801) PROTECTION ASSESSMENT TEST SYSTEM (PATS) M41 Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The M41 Protection Assessment Test System (PATS) is a non-developmental item, which consists of a small portable instrument, designed to provide the soldier with a simple and accurate means of validating the facepiece fit of their protective mask. The PATS insures that soldiers are wearing properly sized and operational masks. The PATS, approximately 200 cubic inches in size and 4 pounds in weight, is based on a miniature condensation nucleus counter (CNC). The CNC operates by continuously sampling and counting individual particles that occur naturally in the surrounding air. The PATS measures the concentration of these particles both inside and outside the mask and from these values calculates a fit factor (FF). The FF is a measure of the quality of the faceseal. Item No. 63 Page 17 of 48 19 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. PATS 2. Engineering Support (Gov't) TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M95801) PROTECTION ASSESSMENT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A Weapon System Type: TEST SYSTEM (PATS) M41 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 7038 1268 Date: June 2001 5.550 216 7254 Item No. 63 Page 18 of 48 20 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M95801) PROTECTION ASSESSMENT TEST SYSTEM (PATS) M41 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Option** IMMC, Rock Island, IL Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Jan-00 Apr-00 1268 5550 Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date PATS TSI Inc., St. Paul, MN FY 00 REMARKS: Yes **Option to FY98 Contract Item No. 63 Page 19 of 48 21 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M95801) PROTECTION ASSESSMENT TEST SYSTEM (PATS) M41 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 Calendar Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C 75 75 75 M F R FY PATS 1 FY 99 A 471 113 358 PATS 1 FY 99 AF 425 292 133 75 PATS 1 FY 00 A 1088 1088 A PATS 1 FY 00 N 180 180 A COST ELEMENTS O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION 1 TSI Inc., St. Paul, MN N O V D E C J A N J A N F E B M A R A P R 15 75 43 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 50 115 150 3 Calendar Year 01 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 77 77 77 77 65 10 15 15 3 3 3 3 15 60 55 38 J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 58 35 F E B MFR F Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 9 4 13 REORDER 2 3 4 7 S E P REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 20 of 48 22 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 22811 12820 6290 13.5 5.6 13.5 13.5 P-1 Item Nomenclature (M99501) MASK, AIRCRAFT M45 Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 3.8 1.0 0.5 5.6 3.8 1.0 0.5 5.6 3.8 1.0 0.5 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The M45 Aircrew Protective Mask (ACPM) replaces the currently fielded M49 and M24 aircraft masks for all Army aviation applications, except the AH-64 (Apache). The ACPM consists of a facepiece, hose assembly, second skin (removable overcover), filter canister, laser and ballistic eye lens covers, vision corrective eye lens, and carrier. The M45 addresses limitations of previous aircraft masks such as a high unit cost and requirements for a separate air motor/blower system. Improvements over previous aircraft masks include protection and defogging of lenses without the use of an air motor/blower, reduced weight and bulk, reduced logistics and support costs, and improved sizing and fitting. The ACPM will be the principal CB protective equipment for both pilots and aircrew. The M45 is also used to provide hard-to-fit soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen who cannot be fit with standard issue masks. JUSTIFICATION: The FY02 procurement supports the hard-to-fit requirement and continues the fielding of the M45 Aircrew and M48 Apache masks. The M45 mask provides the aviation community with a CB protective mask which provides easy compatibility with existing and emerging aviation weapon sighting and optical equipment. The M45 mask eliminates the use of a separate, battery operated motor and blower and is fully compatible with helicopter systems. The M45 mask radically improves safety of flight and provides compatibility with night vision goggles and weapon sighting systems, thereby increasing the safety, effectiveness, and comfort of the aircrew (ORD, CARDS #1273, approved 13 Sep 93). Item No. 63 Page 21 of 48 23 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. Hardware C2A1 Canister Mask M45 Land Warrior Carrier Assembly Land Warrior Waterproof Bag FY 00 FY 01 Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 A 82 1767 94 13 2. Engineering Changes 132 3. Leak Test - 100% of Production a. Government b. Contractor 275 155 4. Quality Control (Gov't) 488 5. Engineering Support (Gov't) 475 6. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & New Equipment Training) 351 7. Engineering Study (Low heat hoods for Special Operations Command) TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M99501) MASK, AIRCRAFT M45 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 6290 6290 6290 6290 0.013 0.281 0.015 0.002 368 457 632 3832 1000 Item No. 63 Page 22 of 48 24 457 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M99501) MASK, AIRCRAFT M45 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date C2A1 Canister FY 00 Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR C/FFP SBCCOM APG, MD Nov-99 Mar-00 6290 13 Yes Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR C/FFP SBCCOM APG, MD Jan-01 Aug-01 6290 281 Yes Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR C/FFP SBCCOM APG, MD Nov-99 Feb-00 6290 15 Yes Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR C/FFP SBCCOM APG, MD Nov-00 Feb-01 6290 2 Yes Mask M45 Land Warrior FY 00 Carrier Assembly Land Warrior FY 00 Waterproof Bag FY 00 REMARKS: 1. This program was originally procured through an 8(a) set -aside. 2. Additional quantities will be produced at Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR beginning August 2001. 3. The C2A1 Canister, Carrier Assembly Land Warrior, and Waterproof Bag are supplied as GFM to Pine Bluff Arsenal on a one-for-one basis with the M45 Mask. The canisters, assemblies, and bags are delivered in advance of Pine Bluff Arsenal's requirements to support the Aircraft M45 Mask production. Item No. 63 Page 23 of 48 25 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M99501) MASK, AIRCRAFT M45 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT A U G S E P L A T E R A 300 400 6800 2258 A 100 100 2058 6290 A 100 100 6090 A U G S E P BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY Mask M45 1 FY 99 A 3062 3062 Mask M45 2 FY 99 A 7500 7500 Mask M45 Land Warrior 2 FY 99 A 2258 Mask M45 Land Warrior 2 FY 00 A 6290 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C A O C T M Fiscal Year 01 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Campbell Plastics, Corona, CA 400 2500 6000 0 2 Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR 400 2500 6000 0 2 Calendar Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 257 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 8 5 13 18 REORDER 2 4 8 12 INITIAL 5 3 8 11 REORDER 2 1 4 5 INITIAL REORDER A P R A P R M A Y M A Y J U N J U N J U L J U L REMARKS 1. M45 production mask deliveries began Jan 99. Campbell has delivered approx 28,696 masks through Dec 00. We expect final deliveries of approximately 1,535 masks in February 01. All future quantities will be produced at Pine Bluff Arsenal. 2. Additional FY99 funding support Pine Bluff Arsenal production. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 24 of 48 26 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M99501) MASK, AIRCRAFT M45 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 Fiscal Year 03 Calendar Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L M F R FY Mask M45 2 FY 99 A 7500 700 6800 400 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 712 Mask M45 Land Warrior 2 FY 99 A 2258 200 2058 100 200 195 195 195 195 195 195 294 294 Mask M45 Land Warrior 2 FY 00 A 6290 200 6090 100 200 643 643 743 743 743 743 743 789 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L COST ELEMENTS M PRODUCTION RATES MFR F R NAME/LOCATION REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Campbell Plastics, Corona, CA 400 2500 6000 0 2 Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR 400 2500 6000 0 2 Calendar Year 03 A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 8 5 13 18 REORDER 2 4 8 12 INITIAL 5 3 8 11 REORDER 2 1 4 5 INITIAL REORDER L A T E R REMARKS 1. M45 production mask deliveries began Jan 99. Campbell has delivered approx 28,696 masks through Dec 00. We expect final deliveries of approximately 1,535 masks in February 01. All future quantities will be produced at Pine Bluff Arsenal. 2. Additional FY99 funding support Pine Bluff Arsenal production. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 25 of 48 27 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 85300 104554 100394 12.4 15.8 12.4 12.4 P-1 Item Nomenclature (M99601) MASK, CHEM -BIOLOGICAL PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 13.4 1.5 0.1 15.8 13.4 1.5 0.1 15.8 13.4 1.5 0.1 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The M40A1 mask is designed to protect the face, eyes, and respiratory tract against field concentrations of chemical and biological agents. This mask is issued to soldiers and marines and has a form-fitting facepiece with rigid binocular lenses attached to the facepiece. The canister is the air-filtering medium for the mask and is mounted on the facepiece either on the left or right side, as desired by the wearer. A front voicemitter is used for face-to-face communication and a side voicemitter used for communications with telephone and radio handsets. The M40A1 mask replaces the M17 and M9A1 series masks. A Pre-planned Product Improvement was incorporated in FY93 to upgrade the M40 mask to the M40A1 configuration. The M40A1 mask provides a significant improvement over the aging M17 and M9 series currently deployed. The new design accommodates a greater portion of the current soldier population, thus reducing or eliminating the need for hard-to-fit masks. Significant improvements in field of view, ability to communicate, drinking capability, and compatibility with other Army equipment are features of the new design. The M40A1 mask incorporates a quick-doff hood that allows doffing the hood without removing the mask. The M40 and M40A1 masks were designed to be compatible with and use NATO canisters. The externally mounted NATO interchangeable canister reduces time required to change filtration systems and allows the use of other countries' canisters, improving battlefield availability. Remanuf acturing efforts, conducted in a government facility at a significant cost savings, are upgrading all unissued M42 and M42A1 masks to the M42A2 configuration. Program also supports initial issue of the Universal Second Skin (USS) for the Army and United States Marine Corps (USMC). USS is an integral part of the M40/M42 Series Masks, providing optimum liquid agent protection for the mask and supports the "Go-To-War" Chemical Defense Equipment (CDE) program. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funding is for fielding support. The expedited replacement of aging masks in accordance with the Joint Service Integration Group (JSIG), Joint Operational Requirements Document (JORD) 30 Sep 98, is a necessity to maintain and improve the required state of combat readiness. Item No. 63 Page 26 of 48 28 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. M40A1 Protective Field Mask C2A1 Canister Engineering Support Cost Bearing ECPs A 2. Universal Second Skin (Army/USMC) A 3. Replating/Maintenance of tooling Weapon System Type: FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 6457 80535 1205 100394 933 600 0.080 0.012 1400 140000 0.010 286 200 900 90000 738 8559 0.086 5. M40A1 Protective Field Mask (New Contract) Engineering Support A 1559 320 11300 0.138 141 13412 0.010 165 A 6. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & New Equipment Training) Date: June 2001 PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 FY 00 4. M40A1 Protective Field Mask (Extended Option) TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M99601) MASK, CHEM-BIOLOGICAL PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 1492 Item No. 63 Page 27 of 48 29 143 143 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M99601) MASK, CHEM-BIOLOGICAL PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost C/FP-5(5) 3M Canada, Brockville, Ontario, Canada American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ SBCCOM IMMC, Rock Island, IL Jan-00 Oct-00 80535 80 Yes C/FP SBCCOM IMMC, Rock Island, IL Aug-00 Sep-00 100394 12 Yes SS/FP SBCCOM IMMC, Rock Island, IL Aug-00 Sep-00 140000 10 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date M40A1 Protective Field Mask ILC, Dover, DE FY 00 C2A1 Canister FY 00 Universal Second Skin (Army/USMC) FY 00 REMARKS: 1. The C2A1 Canister is supplied as GFM to ILC Dover, Inc. on a one-for-one basis with the M40A1 Mask. The canisters are delivered in advance of ILC Dover, Inc.'s requirements to support the M40A1 Mask production. 2. The Universal Second Skin (USS) with the quick-doff hood is replacing the old design for the one-piece hood. The USS is compatible with the quick-doff hood and the JSLIST and Saratoga overgarments. Item No. 63 Page 28 of 48 30 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M99601) MASK, CHEM-BIOLOGICAL PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost SS/FP Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ SBCCOM IMMC, Rock Island, IL Jan-01 Jun-01 90000 10 Yes C/FP-5(5) SBCCOM IMMC, Rock Island, IL Sep-00 Dec-00 8559 86 Yes C/FP SBCCOM IMMC, Rock Island, IL Mar-01 Feb-02 11300 138 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Universal Second Skin (Army/USMC) (cont) American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD FY 01 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (Extended Option) ILC, Dover, DE FY 00 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (New Contract) FY 00 REMARKS: TBS 1. The C2A1 Canister is supplied as GFM to ILC Dover, Inc. on a one-for-one basis with the M40A1 Mask. The canisters are delivered in advance of ILC Dover, Inc.'s requirements to support the M40A1 Mask production. 2. The Universal Second Skin (USS) with the quick-doff hood is replacing the old design for the one-piece hood. The USS is compatible with the quick-doff hood and the JSLIST and Saratoga overgarments. Item No. 63 Page 29 of 48 31 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M99601) MASK, CHEM-BIOLOGICAL PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 Calendar Year 01 FY COST ELEMENTS M F R M40A1 Protective Field Mask (Extended Option) 1 FY 99 A 41703 41703 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (Extended Option) 1 FY 99 MC 53185 53185 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (Extended Option) 1 FY 99 N 9666 9666 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (Extended Option) 1 FY 99 NG 231 231 M40A1 Protective Field Mask 1 FY 00 A 89094 89094 A 2161 8000 M40A1 Protective Field Mask 1 FY 00 NG 459 459 A 459 Universal Second Skin (Army/USMC) 3 FY 00 MC 140000 140000 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (New Contract) 2 FY 00 A 11300 11300 Universal Second Skin (Army/USMC) 3 FY 01 MC 90000 90000 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (WMD -CST) 2 FY 01 NG 614 614 O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION F E B M A R A P R M A Y 10297 12000 11000 11000 8888 MAX. D+ 14000 20000 6 2 TBS 4000 14000 20000 6 3 American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD 12000 14000 18000 0 4 3M Canada, Brockville, Ontario, Canada 4000 14000 20000 6 O C T 3554 11000 10000 10000 7149 N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 12000 13500 17000 6133 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 14000 15500 17000 17000 17000 17000 5600 5600 N O V D E C J A N F E B 2 3 4 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N 15000 F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 6 5 11 16 REORDER 5 3 10 13 INITIAL 6 5 12 17 REORDER 5 3 9 12 INITIAL 6 10 2 12 REORDER 5 3 6 9 INITIAL 0 0 0 0 REORDER 0 0 0 0 22400 11300 15000 15000 15000 A 1 1-8-5 4000 S E P A MFR MIN. A U G A Number ILC, Dover, DE J U L A REACHED 1 J U N 231 PRODUCTION RATES F R J A N 2112 7554 O C T M D E C L A T E R 30000 614 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS 1. Production fluctuations are based on facepiece demand. The facepiece is purchased with O&M funding not shown on these forms. The 1-8-5 rate of 14000/month is for combined masks and facepieces. 2. Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately (see JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). 3. Production rate decreases Dec 00 due to sizing tariff and tooling availability. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 30 of 48 32 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M99601) MASK, CHEM-BIOLOGICAL PROTECTIVE FIELD:M40/M40A1 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT 66694 22400 M F R FY M40A1 Protective Field Mask 1 FY 00 A 89094 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (New Contract) 2 FY 00 A 11300 Universal Second Skin (Army/USMC) 3 FY 01 MC 90000 M40A1 Protective Field Mask (WMD -CST) 2 FY 01 NG 614 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V 15000 30000 M A R 5650 5650 N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 ILC, Dover, DE 4000 14000 20000 6 2 TBS 4000 14000 20000 6 3 American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD 12000 14000 18000 0 4 3M Canada, Brockville, Ontario, Canada 4000 14000 20000 6 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 614 PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION F E B L A T E R 15000 614 F R J A N Calendar Year 03 5600 5600 5600 5600 O C T M D E C 11300 60000 Fiscal Year 03 2 3 4 M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 6 5 11 16 REORDER 5 3 10 13 INITIAL 6 5 12 17 REORDER 5 3 9 12 INITIAL 6 10 2 12 REORDER 5 3 6 9 INITIAL 0 0 0 0 REORDER 0 0 0 0 REMARKS 1. Production fluctuations are based on facepiece demand. The facepiece is purchased with O&M funding not shown on these forms. The 1-8-5 rate of 14000/month is for combined masks and facepieces. 2. Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately (see JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). 3. Production rate decreases Dec 00 due to sizing tariff and tooling availability. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 31 of 48 33 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Other Related Program Elements: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 116.7 80.8 87.2 100.6 99.2 116.7 80.8 87.2 100.6 99.2 116.7 80.8 87.2 100.6 99.2 217626 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Joint Service Protective Clothing program provides production of the following protective clothing ensembles: (1) The Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST) program, currently in production, to field a common chemical protective ensemble (suits, boots, and gloves) to US Forces. The program provides state-of-the-art chemical protection, reduced heat stress, full compatibility with all interfacing equipment, longer wear (45 days) and launderability, a single technical data package and technical data manual, a standard tariff, split issue to improve fit and reduce inventory, and flame retardancy. JSLIST promotes commonality and standardization to maximize resources and eliminate redundancy among the Services. (2) Interim aviator protective suits will be procured during FY01 and FY02 for the Joint Services to maintain a near-term Chemical/Biological (CB) protection capability for aviators and aircrew members until production of the Joint Protective Aircrew Ensemble (JPACE) in FY05. (3) Currently, there is no JSLIST approved CB protective glove. However, there is an interim glove program (JSLIST Glove Block I Upgrade) geared towards satisfying the urgent SOCOM CB protective glove requirement. Based on favorable outcome of the program, the services could adopt this glove as the solution to the JSLIST glove requirement. JUSTIFICATION: The JSLIST is a Joint Service chemical protective ensemble development, testing, and production program based on a 24 November 1993 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among the Services. The MOA defines the responsibilities and working relationships among the part icipants for program management, development, and logistics support. As the designated lead service, the Marine Corps has provided milestone decision approval following service approval of materials, designs, and final garments. JSLIST integrates technological improvements in protective military garments. These improvements provide Service members chemical/biological protection in all combat theaters. JSLIST provides more flexibility, comfort, durability, and maintainability. In addition, the program provides commonality, standardization, and full compatibility of all interfacing equipment. FY02 is continuing procurement of JSLIST Ensemble, which includes 361,024 overgarments and 286,128 boots. Item No. 63 Page 32 of 48 34 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: PE 064384BP, Project IP5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Other Related Program Elements: B RDT&E Code B Item JSLIST Block I: Conduct market research and operational assessment of commercial chemical protective glove material to satisfy Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and Joint Service urgent requirements for an improved interim CB protective glove to replace the current aging butyl rubber gloves. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $16.2M; FY00 - $3.0M; FY01 - $3.5M; FY02 - $1.5M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Award Prototype Production Glove Contract Test glove production Glove OT Glove MS IIIA PROJECTED/ACTUAL 1st Qtr FY01 2nd Qtr FY01 2nd Qtr FY01 3rd Qtr FY01 JSLIST Block II: Conduct research, development, and operational assessment of CB protective glove materials, concentrating on selectively permeable technology solution to satisfy the current 45-day requirements in JSLIST, JPACE, and USSOCOM ORDs. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior: None DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Award EMD contract for Second Source JSLIST PROJECTED/ACTUAL 2nd Qtr FY02 Item No. 63 Page 33 of 48 35 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD FY 00 FY 01 Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 JSLIST 1. Overgarment A 71833 359166 0.200 74370 371851 0.200 72450 361024 0.201 2. Boots A 12570 359166 0.035 10314 294710 0.035 10014 286128 0.035 3. Interim Aviator Protective Suit A 10500 0.350 10500 0.350 4. Engineering Support (Gov't) 5. Quality Control (Gov't) 6. Contract Support 7. System Fielding Support (NET/TAD/ FDT/DSCP Support Cost) 8. Production Lot Acceptance Testing (Gov't) TOTAL 1249 200 196 1144 87192 30000 1318 1000 468 1047 2169 1478 1562 500 100579 Item No. 63 Page 34 of 48 36 30000 2109 99220 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Creative Apparel, Belfast, ME NISH (El Paso TX/KY/MI/Belfast, ME) C/CPAF Creative Apparel, Belfast, ME NISH (El Paso TX/KY/MI/Belfast, ME) Option/3 NISH (El Paso TX/KY/MI/Belfast, ME) Creative Apparel, Belfast, ME C/FFP Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Apr-00 Sep-00 248671 200 Yes Apr-00 Sep-00 110495 200 Yes Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Apr-01 Sep-01 192000 200 Yes Apr-01 Sep-01 179851 200 Yes Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Apr-02 Sep-02 120000 201 Yes Apr-02 Sep-02 241024 201 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Overgarment FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 C/FFP C/FFP Option/4 REMARKS: Item No. 63 Page 35 of 48 37 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ MARCORSYSCOM, Quantico, VA Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA Def Supply Ctr - Phila., PA May-00 Sep-00 359166 35 Yes May-01 Aug-01 294710 35 Yes May-02 Jul-02 286128 35 Yes MARCORSYSCOM, Quantico, VA MARCORSYSCOM, Quantico, VA Feb-01 Apr-01 30000 350 Yes Feb-02 Apr-02 30000 350 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Overgarment (cont) Boots FY 00 Tingley Rubber Inc. NJ C/FFP FY 01 TBS C/FFP FY 02 TBS Option/2 FY 01 TBS C/FFP FY 02 TBS Option/1 Interim Aviator Protective Suit REMARKS: Item No. 63 Page 36 of 48 38 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY 1. Overgarment 1 FY 00 J 248671 248671 1. Overgarment 2 FY 00 J 110495 110495 2. Boots 3 FY 00 J 359166 359166 1. Overgarment 1 FY 01 J 192000 192000 1. Overgarment 2 FY 01 J 179851 179851 2. Boots 4 FY 01 J 294710 294710 3. Interim Aviator Protective Suit 5 FY 01 J 30000 30000 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ Creative Apparel, Belfast, ME 9750 16000 27000 0 2 NISH (El Paso TX/KY/MI/Belfast, ME) 6000 16000 19200 0 3 Tingley Rubber Inc. NJ 22000 30000 51000 0 4 TBS 16800 25000 31800 0 5 TBS 1800 2500 3400 0 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P A 16000 176000 A 14988 164863 24560 245590 2500 2500 15000 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N A 26950 26950 26950 26950 26950 26950 26950 26950 26950 6121 A 12300 12300 12300 12300 12300 12300 12300 12300 12095 29930 29930 29930 29930 29930 29930 29930 29930 29930 29930 J U L A U G 29930 29936 A REACHED 1 M A R L A T E R Calendar Year 01 A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C A O C T M Fiscal Year 01 2 3 4 5 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B 2500 M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 6 6 12 REORDER 0 6 6 12 INITIAL 0 6 6 12 REORDER 0 6 6 12 INITIAL 0 7 5 12 REORDER 0 7 5 12 INITIAL 0 7 4 11 REORDER 0 7 4 11 INITIAL 0 4 3 7 REORDER 0 4 3 7 Item No. 63 Page 37 of 48 39 A P R 24560 2500 2500 2500 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS MFR #2 has a contract with Def Supply Ctr Philadelphia which brings monthly production to 1-8-5. Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (MA0400) PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY 1. Overgarment 1 FY 01 J 192000 16000 1. Overgarment 2 FY 01 J 179851 2. Boots 4 FY 01 J 294710 3. Interim Aviator Protective Suit 5 FY 01 J 30000 1. Overgarment 1 FY 02 J 241024 241024 1. Overgarment 2 FY 02 J 120000 120000 2. Boots 4 FY 02 J 286128 286128 3. Interim Aviator Protective Suit 5 FY 02 J 30000 30000 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 176000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 14988 164863 14988 14988 14988 14988 14988 14988 14987 14987 14987 14987 14987 49120 245590 24560 24560 24560 24560 24560 24560 24560 24560 24560 24550 15000 15000 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION D E C J A N F E B MFR F R N O V REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Creative Apparel, Belfast, ME 9750 16000 27000 0 2 NISH (El Paso TX/KY/MI/Belfast, ME) 6000 16000 19200 0 3 Tingley Rubber Inc. NJ 22000 30000 51000 0 4 TBS 16800 25000 31800 0 5 TBS 1800 2500 3400 0 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 20187 9018 9949 A 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 23844 23844 23844 23844 23844 23844 23844 23844 23844 23844 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 2 3 4 5 23844 2500 2500 2500 2500 M A R Calendar Year 03 S E P A A O C T M Fiscal Year 03 A P R M A Y J U N J U L 23844 2500 2500 2500 2500 A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 6 6 12 REORDER 0 6 6 12 INITIAL 0 6 6 12 REORDER 0 6 6 12 INITIAL 0 7 5 12 REORDER 0 7 5 12 INITIAL 0 7 4 11 REORDER 0 7 4 11 INITIAL 0 4 3 7 REORDER 0 4 3 7 40 S E P 2500 2500 2500 2500 Prior 1 Oct Item No. 63 Page 38 of 48 A U G L A T E R S E P REMARKS MFR #2 has a contract with Def Supply Ctr Philadelphia which brings monthly production to 1-8-5. Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 P-1 Item Nomenclature (MA0480) SECOND SKIN, MASK MCU-2/P Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 Proc Qty 150 196812 Gross Cost 0.9 3.5 0.9 3.5 0.9 3.5 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The MCU-2/P second skin is a molded rubber faceblank that fits over the MCU-2/P protective mask. The second skin will cover all exposed rubber portions of the MCU-2/P facepiece. The second skin will either incorporate a visor outsert or will interface with the currently used MCU-2/P hardshell outsert to protect the visor from agent contamination. The function of the rubber hood is to protect the vulnerable mask material from agent contamination. When the JSLIST ensemble is fielded, the second skin rubber hood used with MCU-2/P will become obsolete. The second skin requirement will be integrated into the Joint Service Lightweight Suit Technology (JSLIST) hood. JUSTIFICATION: By making the current MCU-2/P mask compatible with the JSLIST suit, the second skin will effectively increase the usable service life of the MCU-2/P until the Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM) is fielded. The second skin is necessary to provide the needed protection for the mask and the warfighter. Without the hood, the warfighters who use the MCU-2/P are more vulnerable to the effects resulting from agent contamination. FY02 will procure 196812 MCU-2/P second skins. Item No. 63 Page 39 of 48 41 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (MA0480) SECOND SKIN, MASK PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 MCU-2/P FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1. MCU-2/P Second Skin 2 2. Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) 100 3. Engineering Support Government Contractor 341 202 4. Quality Assurance 104 5. Interface Testing of Advantage 1000 Spectacle Kit 167 6. System Fielding Support 150 2 0.016 3149 196812 0.016 127 95 100 Note: The Advantage 1000 Spectacle Kit is a commercially available vision correction system that will be tested for suitability and proper interface with the MCU 2/P facepiece. TOTAL 918 Item No. 63 Page 40 of 48 42 3471 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (MA0480) SECOND SKIN, MASK MCU -2/P PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date MCU-2/P Second Skin FY 01 FY 02 American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD C/FFP SBCCOM, Aberdeen, MD Apr-01 Feb-02 150 16 Yes C/FFP (Opt 1) SBCCOM, Aberdeen, MD Feb-02 Jul-02 196812 16 Yes REMARKS: Item No. 63 Page 41 of 48 43 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (MA0480) SECOND SKIN, MASK MCU -2/P Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 COST ELEMENTS MCU-2/P Second Skin M F R FY 1 FY 01 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 150 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION 1 American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 16000 78000 89000 0 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C Calendar Year 01 150 O C T M Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 6 11 17 REORDER 0 4 6 10 A P R L A T E R 150 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 42 of 48 44 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (MA0480) SECOND SKIN, MASK MCU -2/P Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each M F R FY MCU-2/P Second Skin 1 FY 01 A 150 MCU-2/P Second Skin 1 FY 02 AF 196812 COST ELEMENTS ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N 150 10 10 20 40 70 196812 A O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION 1 American Technologies Corporation, Baltimore, MD N O V D E C D E C J A N J A N F E B MFR F Fiscal Year 03 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 16000 78000 89000 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N Calendar Year 03 J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N 5000 7000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 21000 23000 23000 23000 24812 J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 6 11 17 REORDER 0 4 6 10 J U L A U G S E P J U L A U G S E P L A T E R REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 43 of 48 45 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (N00020) CB RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - AIRCREW Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 Proc Qty 3582 1180 1234 687 666 Gross Cost 21.8 7.3 7.3 4.0 3.9 21.8 7.3 7.3 4.0 3.9 21.8 7.3 7.3 4.0 3.9 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Chemical Biological (CB) Respiratory System provides CB respiratory protection to the aircrews of Navy and Marine Corps tactical, rotary-wing, and land-based fixed-wing aircraft to allow them to operate in a CB environment. JUSTIFICATION: Navy and Marine Corps tactical and Navy rotary-wing aircrews currently have no respiratory protection against CB warfare agents. This program procures Non-Developmental Items (NDI) respiratory systems to mitigate this deficiency. Procurement of these respiratory systems to cover the deficiencies will continue until the Joint Service Aircrew Mask (JSAM) can be fielded. FY02 funds procure an additional 666 NDI masks. Item No. 63 Page 44 of 48 46 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD CB Respiratory System Hardware Engineering Support In-house Support (Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD)) TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (N00020) CB RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A Weapon System Type: AIRCREW FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 5497 1234 4.455 3297 687 4.799 3197 400 103 127 1400 591 600 7297 Date: June 2001 3991 Item No. 63 Page 45 of 48 47 666 4.800 3924 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (N00020) CB RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - AIRCREW PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO FFP/Option 4 NAVAIR, Patuxent, MD NAVAIR, Patuxent, MD NAVAIR, Patuxent, MD Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date CB Respiratory System Hardware FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 REMARKS: Camlock LTD, UK Camlock LTD, UK Camlock LTD, UK FFP/Option 5 FFP/Option 6 Mar-00 Jun-00 1234 4455 Yes Feb-01 May-01 687 4799 Yes Feb-02 May-02 666 4800 Yes Options are to the FY97 competitive firm fixed price contract, N0001997C0034, awarded in March 1997. Item No. 63 Page 46 of 48 48 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (N00020) CB RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - AIRCREW Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 Calendar Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N 294 886 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 6 M F R FY CB Respiratory System Hardware 1 FY 99 A 1180 CB Respiratory System Hardware 1 FY 00 N 1234 1234 CB Respiratory System Hardware 1 FY 01 N 687 687 COST ELEMENTS A PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION 1 Camlock LTD, UK N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 28 150 400 0 106 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 57 57 57 57 57 402 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P Calendar Year 01 J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 8 A O C T M Fiscal Year 01 J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 5 7 12 REORDER 0 4 4 8 A P R REMARKS Reorder represents the FY01and FY02 options. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 47 of 48 49 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (N00020) CB RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - AIRCREW Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 Calendar Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y 285 402 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 3 M F R FY CB Respiratory System Hardware 1 FY 01 N 687 CB Respiratory System Hardware 1 FY 02 N 666 COST ELEMENTS 666 A O C T M PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Camlock LTD, UK N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R Fiscal Year 03 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 28 150 400 0 M A R A P R Calendar Year 03 J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y 52 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 9 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 5 7 12 REORDER 0 4 4 8 J U N J U L A U G S E P J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R REMARKS Reorder represents the FY01and FY02 options. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 63 Page 48 of 48 50 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Budget Line Item #64 DECONTAMINATION 51 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 52 Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (PA1500) DECONTAMINATION Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 2.9 10.8 12.3 6.7 15.2 2.9 10.8 12.3 6.7 15.2 2.9 10.8 12.3 6.7 15.2 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The decontamination programs will provide equipment to facilitate the removal and detoxification of contaminants from materials without inflicting injury to personnel or damage to equipment or environment. This Joint Service program facilitates the procurement of a more transportable, less labor intensive, and more effective system for applying decontaminating solutions and removing gross contamination from vehicle and equipment surfaces. Contamination control techniques have been developed which minimize the extent of contamination pickup and transfer and maximize the ability of units to remove contamination both on-the-move and during dedicated decont amination operations. The Modular Decontamination System (MDS), Lightweight Decontamination System (LDS), Sorbent Decontamination System (SORBDECON), and the Joint Service Fixed Site Decontamination (JSFXD) program will provide this capability. Lessons learned from Desert Storm validated the need for a deployable and efficient decontamination system. JUSTIFICATION: Operational forces, facilities, and equipment must be decontaminated to safely operate, survive and sustain operations in a nuclear, biological and chemical agent threat environment. Key factors are reduced weight, increased transportability, decreased labor intensity, reduced water usage, and a more effective system for applying decontaminating solut ions to vehicle and equipment surfaces. Decontamination of facilities frequently requires a large area to be covered, but weight, water usage and labor intensity factors may not be as important as mobility and the ability to decontaminate large areas rapidly. Item No. 64 Page 1 of 20 53 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Modular Decon System P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (PA1500) DECONTAMINATION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE FY 00 FY 01 Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 7520 2429 2740 Decontamination Items Less Than $5M (DE Items <$5M) 1486 TOTAL 5032 1526 Sorbent Decontamination System DE System Fielding Support/Spares Date: June 2001 FY 02 TotalCost Joint Service Fixed Site Decontamination (JSFXD) M17 Lightweight Decon System Weapon System Type: 8638 4612 125 12257 6655 Item No. 64 Page 2 of 20 54 15196 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (G47001) MODULAR DECON SYSTEM Other Related Program Elements: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2002 Proc Qty 64 71 Gross Cost 6.0 7.5 2.4 5.0 6.0 7.5 2.4 5.0 6.0 7.5 2.4 5.0 27 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Modular Decontamination System (MDS) fulfills the detailed equipment decontamination requirements of the primary wash, decontaminant application, and rinse steps described in the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Decontamination Field Manual (FM 3-5). The MDS includes one M21 Decontaminant Pumper (DP) module and two M22 High Pressure Washer (HPW) modules. The M21 DP is capable of delivering DS2 or liquid field expedient decontaminants such as formalin, household bleach, and diesel fuel. The M21 DP may be operated from the ground or trailer. When trailer mounted, it is capable of drawing the decontaminant directly from a container on the ground. Accessories include hoses and hose reels, two trigger controlled spray wands, and two electrical powered scrub brush assemblies. The M22 HPW will provide ambient or heated water at pressures up to 3,000-pounds/square inch (psi) at a rate of five gallons per minute (gpm) with the capability of injecting liquid detergents and providing a high volume (40 gpm) flow of cold water. Accessories include hoses and hose reels, trigger controlled spray wands, a shower bar, nozzles, and hydrant adapters. The M22 HPW will be capable of drawing water from natural water sources and delivering it at variable adjustable pressures, temperatures, and flow rates. The hydrant adapters will provide connections for using urban water supplies. Component major items include a 3,000-gallon flexible water tank (two per system), and a 125-gpm diesel pump (one per system). Associated Support Items of Equipment (ASIOE) include a trailer for each module (three per system). JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funding provides for the acquisition of the MDS and system fielding support in accordance with the Operational Requirements Document (ORD) dated June 93. There are no current systems which provide powered pumping and scrubbing capability for application of decontamination agent DS2, with the capability to also apply field expedient decontaminants such as formalin, household bleach, and diesel fuel. The M21 DP provides first time capability in this area. The M22 HPW will provide, for the first time, a high -pressure hot water capability to chemical companies. The MDS will be fielded to the dual-purpose smoke/decon companies for the purpose of conducting detailed equipment decontamination, replacing both the M12A1 Skid Mounted Decon Apparatus and the M17 Lightweight Decontamination System (LDS). Displaced M17 LDS will be cascaded to other non-chemical units to fill unit requirements. Some non-chemical units may be provided the M22 HPW and its components to be used in hasty decontamination operations. The standard logistics system, maintenance system, and standard tools will support the MDS. Item No. 64 Page 3 of 20 55 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. MDS Hardware M21 Decontaminant Pumper - 1 ea M21 Powered Brush - 1 ea M21 Spare Parts M22 High Pressure Washer - 2 each MDS System (1-M21+2 -M22) 125 GPM Pump 3000 Gallon Tank M1101 High Mobility Trailer FY 00 FY 01 Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 A 1328 824 122 2158 71 71 18.704 11.606 142 15.197 1781 61 110 972 2. Engineering Support Contractor Government 181 896 3. QA Support 350 4. ILS Contractor Government 662 191 5. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, NET & FDT) 6. ECPs/Contract Modification 7. Follow-on Operational Test 8. First Article Test P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (G47001) MODULAR DECON SYSTEM PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 1243 27 27 54 81 65.963 2.259 2.037 12.000 135 1010 106 116 108 112 175 300 508 112 1070 350 Note: The FY02 contract will be structured for a complete MDS buy compared to earlier efforts which purchased the M21 and M22 as separate items. TOTAL 7520 2429 Item No. 64 Page 4 of 20 56 5032 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (G47001) MODULAR DECON SYSTEM PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date M21 Decontaminant Pumper - 1 ea FY 00 The Centech Gp Inc., Alexandria, VA SS/FFP-2 (2) SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Aug-00 Jun-01 71 18704 Yes The Centech Gp Inc., Alexandria, VA SS/FFP-4 (2) SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Aug-00 Jun-01 142 15197 Yes TBS C/FFP TACOM, Warren, MI Jan-02 Jul-02 27 2259 Yes TBS C/FFP TACOM, Warren, MI Jan-02 Jul-02 54 2037 Yes TBS C/FFP SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Dec-01 Sep-02 27 65963 Yes TBS C/FFP TACOM, Warren, MI Dec-01 Nov-02 81 12000 Yes M22 High Pressure Washer - 2 each FY 00 125 GPM Pump FY 02 3000 Gallon Tank FY 02 MDS System (1-M21+2-M22) FY 02 M1101 High Mobility Trailer FY 02 REMARKS: The 125 GPM Pump, 3000 Gallon Tank, and High Mobility Trailer, required as additional support equipment beginning in FY02, will be procured by TACOM, funded through SBCCOM. These contracts are not connected to the M21 or M22 production. Item No. 64 Page 5 of 20 57 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (G47001) MODULAR DECON SYSTEM Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT FY M21 Decontaminant Pumper - 1 ea 1 FY 00 A 71 71 M22 High Pressure Washer - 2 each 1 FY 00 A 142 142 COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION N O V D E C D E C J A N J A N F E B F E B MFR F REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 The Centech Gp Inc., Alexandria, VA 4 15 30 0 2 TBS 4 15 30 0 3 TBS 8 20 40 0 4 TBS 16 40 80 0 J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R A 15 15 15 15 11 A 30 30 30 30 22 J U N J U L A U G S E P Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R Fiscal Year 01 2 3 4 M A R M A R A P R A P R M A Y M A Y J U N J U N J U L J U L A U G A U G Calendar Year 01 S E P S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T O C T N O V N O V D E C D E C J A N J A N F E B F E B M A R M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 3 10 11 21 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL 3 2 10 12 REORDER 0 2 3 5 INITIAL 0 3 7 10 REORDER 0 3 7 10 INITIAL 0 2 12 14 REORDER 0 2 5 7 A P R A P R M A Y M A Y REMARKS The FY02 contract will be structured for a complete MDS buy compared to earlier efforts which purchased the M21 and M22 as separate items. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 64 Page 6 of 20 58 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (G47001) MODULAR DECON SYSTEM Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each Calendar Year 02 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T M F R FY M21 Decontaminant Pumper - 1 ea 1 FY 00 A 71 60 11 11 M22 High Pressure Washer - 2 each 1 FY 00 A 142 120 22 22 MDS System (1-M21+2 -M22) 2 FY 02 A 27 27 125 GPM Pump 3 FY 02 A 27 27 3000 Gallon Tank 3 FY 02 A 54 54 M1101 High Mobility Trailer 4 FY 02 A 81 81 COST ELEMENTS N O V NAME/LOCATION J A N F E B N O V J U L A U G A 9 9 9 A 15 15 15 D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 The Centech Gp Inc., Alexandria, VA 4 15 30 0 2 TBS 4 15 30 0 3 TBS 8 20 40 0 4 TBS 16 40 80 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N Calendar Year 03 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B 3 4 6 6 6 2 9 15 30 27 2 3 4 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G N O V D E C J A N F E B S E P ADMINLEAD TIME M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 9 A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C A O C T M Fiscal Year 03 O C T MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 3 10 11 21 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL 3 2 10 12 REORDER 0 2 3 5 INITIAL 0 3 7 10 REORDER 0 3 7 10 INITIAL 0 2 12 14 REORDER 0 2 5 7 REMARKS The FY02 contract will be structured for a complete MDS buy compared to earlier efforts which purchased the M21 and M22 as separate items. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 64 Page 7 of 20 59 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 Proc Qty Gross Cost FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0010) JOINT SERVICE FIXED SITE DECON (JSFXD) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 54424 1.5 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) 1.5 Initial Spares Total Proc Cost 1.5 Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The JSFXD program will provide the warfighter with a family of environmentally friendly decontaminants and application systems to remove, neutralize, and eliminate NBC hazards posing threats to military operations. JUSTIFICATION: No capability exists to effectively decontaminate fixed sites such as ports and airfields. Existing systems provide only limited support for personnel and equipment while using large quantities of resources and decontaminates that are hazardous and corrosive. The JSFXD program will procure five percent of the Two MTW requirement for Block I decontaminants during FY02. Item No. 64 Page 8 of 20 60 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: JSFXD Family of Decontaminants B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0010) JOINT SERVICE FIXED SITE DECON (JSFXD) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The JSFXD family of decontaminants will provide the warfighter with an improved near term capability through the identification and fielding of COTS/NDI decontaminants and, where applicable, integral applicators. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $1.4M; FY00 - $2.5M; FY01 - $4.4M; FY02 - $5.5M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Award EMD contract for Block I Prepare documentation for MS C for Block I Conduct OT for Block I Complete MS C for Block I Award contract for decontamination applicators PROJECTED/ACTUAL 1st Qtr FY01 4th Qtr FY01 4th Qtr FY01 2nd Qtr FY02 2nd Qtr FY02 Item No. 64 Page 9 of 20 61 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0010) JOINT SERVICE FIXED SITE PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 DECON (JSFXD) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1. JSFXD Hardware Family of Decontaminants B 898 2. Quality Control 75 3. Production Support 35 4. First Article Test 53 5. Fielding Cost/Technical Manual 54424 0.017 465 TOTAL 1526 Item No. 64 Page 10 of 20 62 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0010) JOINT SERVICE FIXED SITE DECON (JSFXD) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ May-02 Jul-02 54424 Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Family of Decontaminants FY 02 REMARKS: TBS C/FFP MCSC, Quantico, VA 17 Yes Technology maturation may change quantity and unit cost. Item No. 64 Page 11 of 20 63 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JN0010) JOINT SERVICE FIXED SITE DECON (JSFXD) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 COST ELEMENTS Family of Decontaminants M F R FY 1 FY 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each J 54424 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION 1 TBS J A N F E B M A R A P R N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 5180 12949 19989 0 M A Y J U N A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C 54424 O C T M Fiscal Year 03 M A R A P R M A Y J U N Calendar Year 03 J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C 10000 10000 10000 10000 8000 6424 J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C ADMINLEAD TIME J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 7 3 10 REORDER 0 2 2 4 L A T E R REMARKS The unit of measure will vary by decontaminant (i.e. gallons, tube or each). INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 64 Page 12 of 20 64 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0018) SORBENT DECON Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 40000 120000 2.7 8.6 2.7 8.6 2.7 8.6 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The XM100 Sorbent Decontamination System (SORBDECON) meets the needs of immediate decontamination after a chemical agent attack. The SORBDECON is comprised of two packets filled with sorbent powder and two mitt applicators. The XM100 is packaged in a hardened case and mounted via two straps to a bracket. The sorbent powder is Aluminum Oxide doped with Silica, which is then physically blended with carbon for color. The mitt applicator is a commercial car wash type mitt. The mitt is donned and the sorbent powder is liberally applied to the palm of the mitt during the decontamination wiping process. The system is completely disposable and requires no spare or repair parts. The ease of use enhances the readiness of the war fighter. The XM100 replaces the M11 and M13 Decontamination Apparatuses, Portable (DAP) and their associated decontaminating solution #2 (DS2) configurations (1 1/3 quart and 14 liter) used in immediate decontamination. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 SORBDECON program continues acquisition to support Two Major Theater of War (MTW) requirements specified in Joint Operational Requirements Document (JORD), dated Feb 96. The XM100 will replace every M11 and M13 Decontamination Apparatus, Portable (DAP) used in immediate decontamination, as well as 1 1/3 quart and 14 liter DS2 configuration in the Joint Service inventory. The supply, quality, and environmental hazard of DS2 have made usage and storage very costly. Item No. 64 Page 13 of 20 65 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0603884BP, Project DE4/0604384BP, Project DE5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0018) SORBENT DECON Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The initial Sorbent Decon System (SORBDECON) provides a reactive sorbent for immediate decontamination for personal equipment wipedown and operator spraydown. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $7.3M; FY00 - $3.0M; FY01 - $.5M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Engineering Development Test/Initial Operational Test Development Test/Operational Test (RETEST) MS III (Equipment decon only) First Unit Equipped/Initial Operational Capability PROJECTED/ACTUAL 1Qtr FY00 1Qtr FY01 3Qtr FY01 4Qtr FY01 Item No. 64 Page 14 of 20 66 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. Hardware XM100 Sorbent Decon System Brackets 2. System Engineering P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0018) SORBENT DECON PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE B FY 00 Weapon System Type: FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 2000 160 40000 40000 580 3. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, New Equipment Training & First Destination Transportation) Date: June 2001 0.050 0.004 7200 120000 200 50000 0.060 0.004 1032 206 NOTE: Additional engineering support required in FY2002. Work anticipated supporting the first year of a production contract in the areas of logistics planning, technical modifications, packaging changes, and other areas not encountered during prior low rate production. TOTAL 2740 Item No. 64 Page 15 of 20 67 8638 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0018) SORBENT DECON PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Jun-01 Dec-01 40000 50 Yes Jan-02 May-02 120000 60 Yes SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Jun-01 Dec-01 40000 4 Yes Jan-02 Apr-02 50000 4 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date XM100 Sorbent Decon System FY 01 TBS C/FPM-5(1) FY 02 TBS C/FPM-5(2) FY 01 TBS C/FPM-5(1) FY 02 TBS C/FPM-5(2) Jan-01 Brackets REMARKS: Jan-01 FY01 contract award slippage from Dec 00 to Jun 01 is due to additional development and operation testing before Milestone III. Item No. 64 Page 16 of 20 68 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JN0018) SORBENT DECON Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 COST ELEMENTS XM100 Sorbent Decon System M F R FY 1 FY 01 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 40000 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION 1 TBS J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 5000 20000 20000 0 J U N J U L A U G S E P A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C Calendar Year 01 40000 O C T M Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 8 7 15 REORDER 0 2 5 7 A P R M A Y J U N L A T E R 40000 J U L A U G S E P REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 64 Page 17 of 20 69 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JN0018) SORBENT DECON Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY XM100 Sorbent Decon System 1 FY 01 A 40000 40000 XM100 Sorbent Decon System 1 FY 02 A 120000 120000 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 TBS J A N F E B M A R A P R 10000 10000 10000 A N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C 5000 5000 O C T M REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 5000 20000 20000 0 Fiscal Year 03 M A R A P R Calendar Year 03 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 10000 10000 10000 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N ADMINLEAD TIME F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 8 7 15 REORDER 0 2 5 7 L A T E R REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 64 Page 18 of 20 70 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JX0054) DECONTAMINATION (DE) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 Proc Qty Gross Cost 1.5 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) 1.5 Initial Spares Total Proc Cost 1.5 Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The M291 and M295 decontamination kits are currently the most efficient, proven, and safe methods to remove toxic chemical agents from skin and equipment. They are used by all Services and by civilian personnel responsible for responding to terrorist attacks. The FY01 procurement of M291 and M295 decontamination kits supplied critically needed additional kits to a severely depleted national inventory. M291 Skin Decontaminating (Decon) Kit: Each Skin Decon Kit consists of a wallet-like carrying pouch containing six individual decontaminating packets, which have enough powder to perform three complete skin decontamination applications. Each packet contains an applicator pad filled with decontamination powder that allows persons contaminated with liquid chemical warfare agents to completely decontaminate exposed skin through physical removal, absorption, and neutralization of toxic agent with no long-term harmful effects. M295 Individual Equipment Decontamination Kit: Each M295 kit consists of a carrying pouch that contains four individual decontamination packets, enough to do two complete personal equipment decontamination missions. Each packet contains a mitt filled with a decontamination powder that allows soldiers to decontaminate their individual equipment through physical removal and adsorption of chemical agents. Item No. 64 Page 19 of 20 71 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JX0054) DECONTAMINATION (DE) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Date: June 2001 ITEMS LESS THAN $5M FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1. M291 Decontamination Kit - Skin (Box of 20) A 420 2100 0.200 2. M295 Decontamination Kit - Individual Equipment (Box of 20) A 980 2800 0.350 3. System Engineering Support 71 4. System Fielding Support 15 TOTAL Weapon System Type: 1486 Item No. 64 Page 20 of 20 72 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Budget Line Item #65 JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROGRAM 73 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 74 Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (MA0800) JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROGRAM Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 95.8 51.2 106.3 143.7 155.9 95.8 51.2 106.3 143.7 155.9 95.8 51.2 106.3 143.7 155.9 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The detection component of the Joint Biological Defense Program consists of the following: (1) land-based Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS); (2) land-based Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS); (3) Critical Reagent Program (CRP); and (4) Air/Base Port Biological Detection (Portal Shield) System. BIDS is a vehicular platform, point detection system which will detect the presence of biological agents and identify the specific agent type. JBPDS is a detection suite consisting of complementary trigger, sampler, detector and identification technologies to detect and identify the full range of biological agents in real-time. CRP integrates and consolidates all Department of Defense (DoD) reagents/antibodies/DNA biological detection requirements. Air/Base Port Biological Detection (Portal Shield) is comprised of a suite of detection sensors that are networked via landline or radio frequency communications to a computer that resides within the installation Command Post/Emergency Operat ions Center. The vaccine acquisition components of the Joint Biological Defense Program is focused on a prime (systems) contract approach in which the prime contractor will manage biological defense medical products. The currently licensed Anthrax vaccine is to be procured directly from BioPort Corp., not the prime systems contractor. JUSTIFICATION: Operation Desert Storm (ODS) identified the inability of United States (U.S.) forces to effectively detect and identify BW agents. Current national military strategy specifies a worldwide force projection capability that requires BW detection in order to protect the force against potential threats. Operational forces, contingency, special operations/low intensity conflict, counter narcotics and other high-risk missions, have the immediate need to survive and sustain operations in a biological agent threat environment. Operating forces have a critical need for defense from worldwide proliferation of BW capabilities and medical treatment of BW related casualties. The Joint Biological Defense Program will provide a tiered strategy for detection and warning comprised of complementary detection/identification systems to provide theater protection against a large area and point attacks. The other biological defense mission requirement is to provide U.S. forces with enhanced survivability and force protection through the introduction of Food and Drug Administration approved vaccines to protect against current and emerging threats which could be deployed against maneuver units or stationary facilities in the theater of operations. Item No. 65 Page 1 of 35 75 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Joint Bio Point Detection System P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (MA0800) JOINT BIO DEFENSE PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 28881 38579 Critical Reagent Program 2399 2293 1926 Portal Shield Equipment 4751 26315 3892 DoD Biological Vaccine Program 66430 52876 56074 Bio Integrated Detector System (BIDS) 14593 33319 55445 106336 Date: June 2001 PROGRAM 18163 TOTAL Weapon System Type: 143684 Item No. 65 Page 2 of 35 76 155916 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: FY 1999 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 4 5 16 18.2 28.9 38.6 18.2 28.9 38.6 18.2 28.9 38.6 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS) provides continuous, rapid and fully automated collection detection and identification of biological warfare agents. The JBPDS fully integrates a wetted wall cyclone collector, aerosol particle size counter, fluid transfer system, generic detection system, and automated hand held assay reader into a biological sensor suite. The sensor suite, which is operated by two on-board controllers and a touch-pad screen display, also includes commercial telemetry, global positioning, meteorological, and network modem devices. The basic suite weighs 220 lbs. and measures 36"Wx30"Hx20"D. The power control unit for shipboard and man portable platforms weighs 285 lbs and measures 36"Wx25'Hx20"D. The environmental control unit for man portable platform weighs 125 lbs. and measures 20"Wx13"Hx35"D. The system can be controlled and monitored locally and remotely, and automatically interfaces with global positioning, meteorological, and communication systems. It is fully hardened and configured for a variety of service designated mobile platforms and battle spaces, including surface ships, wheeled vehicles, air base, and man portable applications. The JBPDS's three configuration specific nomenclatures are XM96 Man Portable, XM97 Shelter Vehicle, and XM98 Ship. JBPDS provides both: (1) a means to limit the effects of Biological Warfare Agent (BWA) attacks and the potential for catastrophic effects to US forces and (2) assistance to me dical personnel in determining effective preventive measures, prophylaxis, and the appropriate treatment if exposure occurs. It is a first time defense capability for the US Marine Corps and US Air Force and replaces interim capabilities for the US Navy (Interim Biological Agent Detection System (IBADS)). The JBPDS replaces interim systems that are dependent upon accurate intelligence, suspicious munitions or events, time consuming laboratory analysis, or the onset of illness among US forces before a biological attack can be detected, and do not always provide operational commands a reliable means to effectively mitigate the possible effects of a BWA attack. JUSTIFICATION: Current national military strategy specifies a worldwide force projection capability that requires detection, identification, and vaccination in order to protect US forces against potential BWA threats. JBPDS meets the Joint Chief's urgent need to enhance the survivability of US forces. FY02 continues procurement of JBPDS as follows: 11 XM96 Man Portable, 4 XM97 Sheltered Vehicle, and one XM98 Shipboard for Navy. NOTE: This program was re-baselined due to: (1) the one remaining manufacturer was unable/unwilling to substantiate cost estimate for competitive fixed price contract; (2) allow for technological maturity and system design and manufacture; (3) and allow for additional risk reduction and operational testing. The re-baselining includes an extended Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) period. LRIP will be conducted in the following manner: (a) build production articles (9 (FY00/01)); (b) conduct Operational Assessment (OA) II (FY01); (c) retrofit the 9 OA II articles and build 16 production articl es (FY02) incorporating OA II findings; (d) conduct Initial Operations Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) on the 25 articles (9 +16) (FY02); (e) retrofit the 25 IOTE articles to production units. Item No. 65 Page 3 of 35 77 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0604384BP, Project BJ5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The JBPDS provides a first time capability to automatically collect, detect, and identify the presence of all Category A Biological Warfare Agents, as listed in the International Task Force-6 report dated Feb 90. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $60.3M; FY00 - $21.3M; FY01 - $5.3M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONES PROJECTED/ACTUAL Operational Assessment (OA) II Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) 4th Qtr FY01 4th Qtr FY02 Remarks: Formal government testing will be performed concurrently on the XM96, XM97 and XM98. OA II production articles will be fielded to training bases after retrofit to full rate production (FRP) configuration. IOT&E production articles will be fielded to training bases after retrofit to FRP configuration. Item No. 65 Page 4 of 35 78 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 SYSTEM (JBPDS) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1. Hardware (integrated components suite) XM96 Man-Portable M42 Alarm KW Generator NATO Slave Cable GPS B 1380 2 92 6 32 4 10 10 4 4 345.000 0.200 9.200 1.500 8.000 XM96 Man Portable - Platform Mechanical/Electrical & Data Hook-up/Site B XM97 Shelter Vehicle Mechanical/Electrical & Data Hook-up NATO Slave Cable B 1060 40 6 4 4 4 XM98 Ship Mechanical/Electrical & Data Hook-up B 325 75 1 1 3795 2 101 17 88 11 11 11 11 11 345.000 0.182 9.182 1.545 8.000 265.000 10.000 1.500 1060 40 6 4 4 4 265.000 10.000 1.500 325.000 75.000 325 75 1 1 325.000 75.000 2. Engineering Change Orders 3112 5907 3130 3. Acceptance / First Article Test 2774 4055 3387 4. Quality Assurance 2478 2678 2385 5. Engineering Support 4414 3937 3518 6. Tooling and Test Equipment 3584 6634 560 7. Retrofit LRIP Articles after OA II 2250 9 Item No. 65 Page 5 of 35 79 250.000 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 6250 9. Embedded Trainer 3350 10. Specifications and Drawings 8550 TOTAL 289 18163 Date: June 2001 SYSTEM (JBPDS) 8. Retrofit LRIP Articles after IOT&E 11. Technical Manuals Weapon System Type: 1914 28881 Item No. 65 Page 6 of 35 80 25 250.000 1940 38579 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Nov-00 Jun-01 4 378000 Yes Mar-00 Apr-00 Nov-01 Jun-02 11 363909 No Jul-01 Aug-01 SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Nov-00 Jun-01 4 276500 Yes Mar-00 Apr-00 Nov-01 Jun-02 4 276500 No Jul-01 Aug-01 SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Nov-00 Jun-01 1 400000 Yes Mar-00 Apr-00 Date XM96 Man Portable FY 00 FY 02 Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) SS/FP Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) SS/FP Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) SS/FP SS/FP XM97 Shelter Vehicle FY 01 FY 02 SS/FP XM98 Ship FY 01 REMARKS: 1. LRIP will be conducted as follows: (a) build production articles - 4 (FY00) and 5 (FY01); (b) conduct OA II (FY01); (c) retrofit the 9 OA II articles and build 16 production articles (FY02) incorporating OA II findings; (d) conduct IOT&E on the 25 articles (9 +16) (FY02); (e) retrofit the 25 IOT&E articles to production units (FY02). 2. Tooling, Test Equipment, Specifications, and Drawing will be provided to contractor selected for FRP. Item No. 65 Page 7 of 35 81 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Nov-01 Jun-02 1 400000 No Jul-01 Aug-01 SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD Nov-01 Jun-02 4 265000 Yes Date XM98 Ship (cont) Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) FY 02 SS/FP XM97 Shelter Vehicle FY 02 REMARKS: Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) 1. LRIP will be conducted as follows: (a) build production articles - 4 (FY00) and 5 (FY01); (b) conduct OA II (FY01); (c) retrofit the 9 OA II articles and build 16 production articles (FY02) incorporating OA II findings; (d) conduct IOT&E on the 25 articles (9 +16) (FY02); (e) retrofit the 25 IOT&E articles to production units (FY02). 2. Tooling, Test Equipment, Specifications, and Drawing will be provided to contractor selected for FRP. Item No. 65 Page 8 of 35 82 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT FY XM96 Man Portable 1 FY 00 AF 4 4 XM97 Shelter Vehicle 1 FY 01 A 4 XM98 Ship 1 FY 01 N 1 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R O C T N O V J U L A 2 2 4 A 2 2 1 A PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION D E C J A N J A N F E B F E B MFR F R N O V D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) 16 20 30 0 2 TBS 16 25 30 0 2 M A R M A R A P R A P R M A Y M A Y J U N J U N J U L J U L A U G Calendar Year 01 J U N O C T M Fiscal Year 01 A U G S E P S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T O C T N O V N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y A U G S E P A U G S E P L A T E R 1 D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 8 1 9 REORDER 0 1 8 9 INITIAL 0 6 8 14 REORDER 0 3 4 7 A P R M A Y J U N J U L REMARKS 1. FY00 - Build test articles. (LRIP) 2. FY01 - OA II, Retrofit, Build test articles. (LRIP) 3. FY02 - IOT&E, Retrofit & Build. (LRIP) INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 9 of 35 83 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JP0100) JOINT BIO POINT DETECTION SYSTEM (JBPDS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY XM96 Man Portable 1 FY 02 AF 11 11 XM97 Shelter Vehicle 1 FY 02 A 4 4 XM97 Shelter Vehicle 1 FY 02 A 4 XM98 Ship 1 FY 02 N 1 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V J U N J U L A 6 5 A 2 2 4 A 2 2 1 A O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION N O V D E C J A N F E B REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Intellitec, Deland, FL (LRIP) 16 20 30 0 2 TBS 16 25 30 0 2 M A R A P R M A Y Calendar Year 03 A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 1 D E C J A N F E B MFR F Fiscal Year 03 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 8 1 9 REORDER 0 1 8 9 INITIAL 0 6 8 14 REORDER 0 3 4 7 REMARKS 1. FY00 - Build test articles. (LRIP) 2. FY01 - OA II, Retrofit, Build test articles. (LRIP) 3. FY02 - IOT&E, Retrofit & Build. (LRIP) INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 10 of 35 84 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (JPO210) CRITICAL REAGENTS PROGRAM (CRP) Other Related Program Elements: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.9 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.9 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.9 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: Critical reagents are required for the detection and identification of biological warfare (BW) agents. Multiple medical and non-medical platforms require a continuous, quality supply of critical reagents for effective warning which significantly enhances force survivability. They are also required for rapid medical diagnosis and treatment of exposed personnel. A common set of reagents for all platforms is required. The Critical Reagent Program (CRP) will ensure the quality and availability of reagents that are critical to the successful development, test and operation of biological warfare detection systems and medical biological products. The CRP integrates and consolidates all Department of Defense (DoD) reagents/antibodies/DNA biological detection requirements Program Definition and Risk Reduction (PDRR) through production. The CRP will ensure the availability of high quality reagents, Hand Held Immunochromatographic Assays (HHA), throughout the life cycle of all systems managed by the Joint Program Office for Biological Defense to include Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS), Interim Biological Agent Detection System (IBADS), Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS), and the Airbase/Port Biological Detection (Portal Shield). The CRP also supports the Navy Forward Deployed Lab, the Theater Army Medical Lab (TAML), the Army Technical Escort Unit (TEU), the Marine Corps Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF), other counter-terrorist and special reconnaissance teams, and foreign countries. The CRP is also responsible for the production of Hand Held Immunochromatographic Assays (HHA). JUSTIFICATION: In FY02 60 grams of antibody are procured along with 4 grams of target agents and 20,000 Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) assays. Item No. 65 Page 11 of 35 85 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0604384BP, Project BJ5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JPO210) CRITICAL REAGENTS PROGRAM (CRP) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The Critical Reagent Program (CRP) will ensure the quality and availability of reagents that are critical to the successful development, test, and operation of biological warfare detection systems and medical biological products. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $6.4M; FY00 - $2.9M; FY01 - $1.1M; FY02 - $1.1M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE PROJECTED/ACTUAL Developed two new antibodies against an additional two threat agents in support of Joint Program Office for Biological Defense (JPO-BD) managed biological defense systems. FY00 Develop and transition antibodies against an additional three threat agents. FY01 Develop and transition antibodies against an additional three threat agents. FY02 Item No. 65 Page 12 of 35 86 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Antibodies (grams) P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JPO210) CRITICAL REAGENTS PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1500 134 11.194 542 21 25.810 Date: June 2001 PROGRAM (CRP) 1394 120 11.617 Gene Probes and Primers (per thousand assays) Target Agents (grams) Weapon System Type: 216 8 27.000 720 60 12.000 471 32000 0.015 110 4 27.500 Production Support Repository Costs Quality Assurance/Quality Control Support 34 214 196 323 469 429 * Note - Unit costs of Target Agents, Antibodies, Gene Probes, and Primers will vary between years as different products are purchased to conform with classified International Task Force (ITF) Lists. TOTAL 2399 2293 Item No. 65 Page 13 of 35 87 1926 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JPO210) CRITICAL REAGENTS PROGRAM (CRP) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost National Micrographics Systems, Silver Spring, MD National Micrographics Systems, Silver Spring, MD TBS C/FFP Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ Fort Detrick, MD Apr-00 Jul-00 134 11194 Yes C/FFP Fort Detrick, MD Nov-00 Feb-01 120 11617 Yes C/FFP Fort Detrick, MD Nov-01 Feb-02 60 12000 Yes TBS C/FFP Fort Detrick, MD Nov-01 Feb-02 32000 15 Yes DPG, Dugway, UT DPG, Dugway, UT DPG, Dugway, UT MIPR Falls Church, VA Falls Church, VA Falls Church, VA Nov-99 Jan-00 21 25810 Yes Nov-00 Jan-01 8 27000 Yes Nov-01 Jan-02 4 27500 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Antibodies (grams) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 Gene Probes and Primers (per thousand assays) FY 02 Target Agents (grams) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 REMARKS: MIPR MIPR *Anti-body quantities are in grams. **Gene probe/primer quantities are in number of assays. *** Target Agent quantities are in grams. Item No. 65 Page 14 of 35 88 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JPO210) CRITICAL REAGENTS PROGRAM (CRP) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 Calendar Year 01 M F R FY Antibodies (grams) 1 FY 99 J 134 134 Antibodies (grams) 1 FY 00 J 134 134 Target Agents (grams) 2 FY 00 J 21 21 Antibodies (grams) 4 FY 01 J 120 120 A Target Agents (grams) 2 FY 01 J 8 8 A COST ELEMENTS A A O C T M PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION D E C J A N 4 F E B MFR F R N O V 2 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 National Micrographics Systems, Silver Spring, MD 4 16 20 0 2 DPG, Dugway, UT 1 2 4 0 3 TBS 1000 4000 6000 0 4 National Micrographics Systems, Silver Spring, MD 4 16 20 0 5 TBS 4 16 20 0 2 3 4 5 4 M A R 2 2 A P R M A Y 2 J U N A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 2 2 1 J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 16 16 16 16 10 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 6 20 20 2 2 2 2 J A N F E B M A R A P R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 9 4 13 REORDER 0 6 4 10 INITIAL 0 1 3 4 REORDER 0 1 3 4 INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 1 4 5 INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 1 4 5 INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 1 4 5 Item No. 65 Page 15 of 35 89 L A T E R REMARKS Monthly delivery of anti-bodies is measured in grams. Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JPO210) CRITICAL REAGENTS PROGRAM (CRP) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 02 M F R FY Antibodies (grams) 5 FY 02 J 60 60 A 16 Gene Probes and Primers (per thousand assays) 3 FY 02 J 32000 32000 A 4000 Target Agents (grams) 2 FY 02 J 4 4 A COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION N O V D E C D E C J A N F E B REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 National Micrographics Systems, Silver Spring, MD 4 16 20 0 2 DPG, Dugway, UT 1 2 4 0 3 TBS 1000 4000 6000 0 4 National Micrographics Systems, Silver Spring, MD 4 16 20 0 5 TBS 4 16 20 0 2 3 4 5 M A R A P R M A Y 16 16 12 J U N J U L 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 1 1 1 1 J A N F E B M A R A P R MFR F Fiscal Year 03 M A Y J U N J U L A U G Calendar Year 03 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 4000 4000 A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 9 4 13 REORDER 0 6 4 10 INITIAL 0 1 3 4 REORDER 0 1 3 4 INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 1 4 5 INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 1 4 5 INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 1 4 5 Item No. 65 Page 16 of 35 90 L A T E R REMARKS Monthly delivery of anti-bodies is measured in grams. Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 70 FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JPO230) PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 97 14.6 4.8 26.3 3.9 14.6 4.8 26.3 3.9 14.6 4.8 26.3 3.9 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The XM99, Joint Portal Shield is comprised of a suite of detection sensors that are networked via landline or RF communications to a computer that resides within the installation Command Post (CP)/Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The system uses algorithms and decision logic to minimize false alarms and to provide installation commanders with an automated detection and warning of Biological Warfare (BW) attacks. Portal Shield provides a new capability to installation commanders. There are no other systems capable of providing reliable point detection of BW attack in the US inventory. Portal Shield has successfully demonstrated the ability to provide critical force protection of CINC designated high-value, fixed-site assets. JUSTIFICATION: In response to Operational Needs Statements from each of the sponsoring CINCs the JPO-BD has been directed to fabricate, install, and support additional Portal Shield systems to protect military sites in CENTCOM and PACOM areas of responsibility. FY02 funds procurement of contractor logistics support for Portal Shield systems to be fielded in PACOM and CENTCOM. NOTE: The Portal Shield program was initiated in FY96 as an ACTD (Air Base/Port Biological Detection System) program for Biological Detection of high-value CINC fixed sites (airbases and ports). The Mark II prototype system was successfully tested for operational utility in September 1997 at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah and was then successfully deployed to Kuwait in February 1998 in support of Operation Desert Thunder. The Department of Defense authorized $26 Million for additional systems to begin production in FY99 and the Contract Logistics Support (CLS) for those systems. The Department of Defense (DoD) provided funding for additional systems scheduled to begin production in FY 01. CLS funding for these additional systems was provided directly to the services. Currently, 140 sensors are deployed to nine sites located in two theaters. Item No. 65 Page 17 of 35 91 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0603884BP, Project BJ5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JPO230) PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The XM99, Joint Portal Shield is comprised of a suite of detection sensors that are networked via land line or RF communications to a computer that resides within the installation Command Post (CP)/Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The system uses algorithms and decision logic to minimize false alarms and to provide installation commanders with an automated detection and warning of Biological Warfare (BW) attacks. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $18.3M; FY00 - $2.7M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE PROJECTED/ACTUAL Initiated upgrades to trigger and sampling components. FY00 Provided depot repairs, spares, and Contractor Logistics Support for deployed detector networks. FY00 Item No. 65 Page 18 of 35 92 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Hardware Fabrication Technical/Program Documentation FY 00 FY 01 Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 B 19400 116 953 200.000 119 264 289 2590 603 500 500 2500 Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) 2378 2400 Management/Engineering Support 1304 1042 4751 97 Date: June 2001 FY 02 $000 Initial Spares TOTAL Weapon System Type: TotalCost Management/Engineering Support System Fielding P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JPO230) PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 26315 Item No. 65 Page 19 of 35 93 3892 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JPO230) PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Mar-01 Aug-01 200000 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Hardware Fabrication FY 01 Camber Corp. Inc., Wash, DC FFP/Option 1 Ft Detrick, MD 97 REMARKS: Item No. 65 Page 20 of 35 94 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JPO230) PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT 28 42 M F R FY Hardware Fabrication 1 FY 99 J 70 Hardware Fabrication 1 FY 01 J 97 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION Camber Corp. Inc., Wash, DC F E B 14 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B N O V Number 1 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 10 14 20 0 A P R M A Y J U N J U L D E C J A N A U G S E P 14 14 69 A U G S E P 14 F E B MFR REACHED MIN. M A R A PRODUCTION RATES 1 J A N L A T E R Calendar Year 01 97 F R D E C 14 O C T M Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 3 6 9 REORDER 0 3 5 8 A P R M A Y J U N J U L REMARKS Production line maturity allows for a shorter period of procurement in FY01. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 21 of 35 95 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JPO230) PORTAL SHIELD EQUIPMENT Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 COST ELEMENTS Hardware Fabrication M F R FY 1 FY 01 M PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B J 97 28 69 14 14 14 14 13 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION 1 Camber Corp. Inc., Wash, DC Calendar Year 02 S E R V MFR F REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 10 14 20 0 Fiscal Year 03 Calendar Year 03 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 3 6 9 REORDER 0 3 5 8 L A T E R REMARKS Production line maturity allows for a shorter period of procurement in FY01. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 22 of 35 96 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (JX0005) DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 37.9 20.8 66.4 52.9 56.1 37.9 20.8 66.4 52.9 56.1 37.9 20.8 66.4 52.9 56.1 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The currently licensed Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA) will be procured from the manufacturer, BioPort Corporation upon Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the Biologies License Application (BLA) for their renovated facility. Current direction is to provide 2.4M Troop Equivalent Doses (TED) of licensed Anthrax Vaccine. All other requirements are based on 1.2M TEDs of vaccines for high threat biological warfare (BW) agents, and 0.3M TEDs for all other BW threats. The Joint Biological Defense program focus for the other vaccine acquisition is on the prime systems contract approach of the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP) in which the prime contractor will manage biological defense medical products to include: full-scale licensed vaccine production, stockpiling, testing, and distribution. Products to be procured and stockpiled under the JVAP include: recombinant botulinum vaccine, next generation anthrax vaccine, plague vaccine, Ricin vaccine, smallpox vaccine, tularemia vaccine and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) vaccine, combined VEE/Eastern Equine Encephalitis/Western Equine Encephalitis (VEE/EEE/WEE) vaccine. Funding also supports potency and integrity testing as well as quality assurance for the Investigational New Drug (IND) vaccines transferred from the Salk Institute to support their availability for use in contingency situations. JUSTIFICATION: Operating forces have a critical need for defense from worldwide proliferation of biological warfare capabilities. The medical portion of the Joint Biological Defense Program provides U.S. forces with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccines to protect against current and emerging threats, which could be deployed against maneuver units or stationary facilities in the theater of operations. FY02 funding supports efforts to gain FDA approval to resume manufacturing and the procurement of the FDA-licensed Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA) doses to support the Secretary of Defense's immunization program. Funding also supports potency and integrity testing as well as quality assurance for the IND vaccines transferred from the Salk Institute to support their availability for use in contingency situations. Item No. 65 Page 23 of 35 97 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0603884BP, Project MB4/Project MB5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JX0005) DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The Joint Biological Defense Program will provide U.S. forces with FDA licensed vaccines to protect against current and emerging validated threat agents. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $46.8M; FY00 - $32.5M; FY01 - $49.7M; FY02 - $70.4M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE PROJECTED/ACTUAL Continued Phase I efforts for Tularemia, Botulinum, Smallpox, and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) vaccines. Initiated efforts for Plague vaccine. Continued Phase II efforts for Q- fever and Botulinum Pentavalent Toxoid vaccines. FY00 FY00 FY00 Continue Phase I efforts for Tularemia, Botulinum, VEE, and Plague vaccines. Initiate Phase I effort for Multivalent Encephalitis, Ricin, and Next Generation Anthrax vaccine. Continue Phase II efforts for Botulinum Pentavalent Toxoid vaccines; terminated Q-fever vaccine efforts. Initiate Phase II efforts for Smallpox vaccine. FY01 FY01 FY01 FY01 Continue Phase I efforts for Tularemia, Botulinum, VEE, Plague, Multivalent Encephalitis and Ricin vaccines. FY02 Item No. 65 Page 24 of 35 98 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Anthrax Vaccine - Redundant Testing and Validation at BioPort FY 01 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 2390 12200 A 18976 2460000 0.008 28569 2685000 29656 47153 19503 Anthrax Vaccine -Testing, Labeling, Shipping and Security 1286 1276 2162 1400 2057 5840 Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Date: June 2001 FY 02 Anthrax Vaccine - Achieve/Maintain FDA Product License. Other Bio Defense Medical Product Storage and Testing Weapon System Type: PROCUREMENT FY 00 1512 Anthrax Vaccine - Advance Payment to the state of Michigan Anthrax Vaccine Production (Doses) P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JX0005) DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE B 0.011 1400 Note: Anthrax Vaccine Production (Doses) FY 00 Unit Cost reflects up to 80% progress payments. TOTAL 66430 52876 Item No. 65 Page 25 of 35 99 56074 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JX0005) DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ Nov-99 Jun-00 246000 8 Yes Nov-01 Apr-0 268500 11 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Anthrax Vaccine Production (Doses) FY 00 BioPort, Lansing, MI SS/FFP FY 02 BioPort, Lansing, MI SS/FFP REMARKS: USAMRAA, Fort Detrick, MD USAMRAA, Fort Detrick, MD Contract award and delivery dates are in concert with the program changes as updated with the Memorandum of Decision and the contract modification dated 4 August 99 to facilitate upgrade of manufacturing plant to comply with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements. Item No. 65 Page 26 of 35 100 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JX0005) DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 COST ELEMENTS Anthrax Vaccine Production (Doses) M F R FY 1 FY 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 2460 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V 2460 PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 BioPort, Lansing, MI J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 300 400 500 0 M A R A P R M A Y A O C T M Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y Calendar Year 01 J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C 800 300 300 300 300 300 160 J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C ADMINLEAD TIME J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 8 9 REORDER 0 1 6 7 L A T E R REMARKS Quantities shown are doses in thousands. The November contract award is a modification of existing contract. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 27 of 35 101 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JX0005) DOD BIOLOGICAL VACCINE PROCUREMENT Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 COST ELEMENTS Anthrax Vaccine Production (Doses) M F R FY 1 FY 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 2685 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V 2685 PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 BioPort, Lansing, MI J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 300 400 500 0 M A R A O C T M Fiscal Year 03 M A R Calendar Year 03 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V 300 300 300 300 350 400 400 335 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V ADMINLEAD TIME D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 8 9 REORDER 0 1 6 7 L A T E R REMARKS Quantities shown are doses in thousands. The November contract award is a modification of existing contract. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 28 of 35 102 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 42 21 20 57.9 14.1 57.9 57.9 P-1 Item Nomenclature (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR SYSTEM (BIDS) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 14.6 33.3 55.4 14.1 14.6 33.3 55.4 14.1 14.6 33.3 55.4 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS) is an early warning and identification capability in response to a large area (theater) Biological Warfare (BW) attack. The system is a detection suite installed in a shelter that is mounted on a dedicated vehicle with generator and trailer power supply. Other BIDS elements include collective protection, environmental control, and storage for supplies, GPS, MET, and radios. The BIDS pre-planned product improvement BIDS (P3I) system is equipped with a detection suite to include a particle sampler, particle counter/sizer, biological detector and chemical-biological mass spectrometer. The shelter may be removed from the vehicle for fixed site application. The BIDS program was conducted in two phases. Phase I was the non-developmental item (NDI) BIDS. Phase II was the P3I, which provided technology insertion to upgrade from concurrent developmental efforts for the NDI (four agent detection capability) core configuration to an eight agent detection capability. The acquisition plan to procure the BIDS was phased as follows: (1) 45 NDI BIDS and (2) 82 P3I BIDS. JUSTIFICATION: Additional funding in FY01 supports the upgrade of the BIDS NDI from a manual system to a semi-automated BIDS P3I capability. The addition of the Biological Detector for identification will provide an automated capability, increased sensitivity, double the number of agents from four to eight, reduce identification time, and increase interoperability with the P3I. Current system requires manual operation and extensive training - while components and repair parts are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Funding in FY02 will pay for 41 additional systems for a third BIDS company. This effort will provide the initial operating capability by the required Army activation date of Sept 03. This will also standardize the biological detection assets across the Army, significantly reducing O&S costs and the logistics footprint. Item No. 65 Page 29 of 35 103 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. Mil Std Equipment S788 LW Multipurpose Shelter 2. Commercial Equipment HF Radio UVAPS - Supports 76 Operational Unit installs, 17 INCO spares, and 10 Trainer installations Mini-FCM - Supports 38 Operational Unit installs, 8 INCO spares, and 3 Trainer installations CBMS - Supports 38 Operational Unit Installs, 8 INCO spares, and 3 Trainer installations Bio Detector - Supports 76 Operational Unit installs, 17 INCO spares, and 10 Trainer installations HV Sampler - Supports 114 Operational Unit installs, 25 INCO spares, and 13 Trainer installations Liquid Sampler - Supports 76 Operational Unit installs, 17 INCO spares, and 10 Trainer installations Bio Sampler - Supports 38 Operational Unit installs, 8 INCO spares, and 3 Trainer installations P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Weapon System Type: SYSTEM (BIDS) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1044 41 25.463 3062 41 74.683 3. Auxiliary Equipment 3016 41 73.561 4. In-House Assembly (BIDS P31 Platform) 2791 14 199.357 6. Engineering Support 1248 Date: June 2001 704 34 20.706 5086 39 130.410 8487 64 132.609 3028 39 77.641 789 10 78.900 9689 39 248.436 2526 10 252.600 5233 39 134.179 8731 64 136.422 646 78 8.282 623 74 8.419 1050 39 26.923 1752 64 27.375 807 39 20.692 210 10 21.000 2568 41 62.634 1178 41 28.732 11772 82 143.561 1500 Item No. 65 Page 30 of 35 104 3120 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 7. QA Support FY 01 Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 421 Date: June 2001 FY 02 TotalCost 508 1041 2500 3011 9554 Note: There will be a total of 82 BIDS P3I systems. To support the BIDS companies, 5 training and 16 spares are provided. War Stock (consumables) TOTAL Weapon System Type: SYSTEM (BIDS) FY 00 8. Testing 9. System Fielding Support P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 5662 14593 33319 Item No. 65 Page 31 of 35 105 55445 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR SYSTEM (BIDS) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Oct-99 Jan-00 14 199357 Yes Nov-02 Dec-02 82 143561 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date In-House Assembly (BIDS P31 Platform) FY 00 SBCCOM, APG, MD In-House FY 02 SBCCOM, APG, MD In-House REMARKS: SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD FY02 Quantity reflects in house assembly of 82 BIDS P3I platforms, using component parts procured with FY01 and FY02 funding. Item No. 65 Page 32 of 35 106 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR SYSTEM (BIDS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 COST ELEMENTS In-House Assembly (BIDS P31 Platform) M F R FY 1 FY 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 14 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T 14 A N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION J A N F E B N O V REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 SBCCOM, APG, MD 2 3 8 0 2 SBCCOM, APG, MD 3 7 10 0 M A R D E C J A N 2 A P R Calendar Year 01 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 7 F E B MFR F R D E C 7 O C T M Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 0 4 4 INITIAL 0 1 2 3 REORDER 0 0 0 0 REMARKS 1. 1-8-5 for MFR #1 is 3 per quarter. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 33 of 35 107 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR SYSTEM (BIDS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 COST ELEMENTS In-House Assembly (BIDS P31 Platform) M F R FY 2 FY 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 82 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 SBCCOM, APG, MD 2 3 8 0 2 SBCCOM, APG, MD 3 7 10 0 D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P A 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 21 N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P Calendar Year 03 S E P O C T 82 F N O V L A T E R Calendar Year 02 O C T M Fiscal Year 03 2 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 0 4 4 INITIAL 0 1 2 3 REORDER 0 0 0 0 REMARKS 1. 1-8-5 for MFR #1 is 3 per quarter. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 34 of 35 108 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M93001) BIO INTEGRATED DETECTOR SYSTEM (BIDS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 04 COST ELEMENTS In-House Assembly (BIDS P31 Platform) M F R FY 2 FY 02 M PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C A 82 61 21 7 7 7 O C T N O V D E C PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION Calendar Year 04 S E R V REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 SBCCOM, APG, MD 2 3 8 0 2 SBCCOM, APG, MD 3 7 10 0 2 Calendar Year 05 J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR F Fiscal Year 05 MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 1 4 5 REORDER 0 0 4 4 INITIAL 0 1 2 3 REORDER 0 0 0 0 L A T E R REMARKS 1. 1-8-5 for MFR #1 is 3 per quarter. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 65 Page 35 of 35 109 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 110 Budget Line Item #66 COLLECTIVE PROTECTION 111 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 112 Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (PA1600) COLLECTIVE PROTECTION Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 29.6 21.2 24.3 40.4 38.9 29.6 21.2 24.3 40.4 38.9 29.6 21.2 24.3 40.4 38.9 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The objective of the Chemical/Biological (CB) Collective Protection program is to provide CB Collective Protection systems. The CB Collective Protection systems will be smaller, lighter, less costly, and more easily supported logistically at the crew, unit, ship, and aircraft level. Collective protection platforms include shelters, vehicles, ships, aircraft, buildings, and hospitals. Collectively Protected Deployable Medical System (CP DEPMEDS) is a kit that will be fielded with selected fielded DEPMEDS hospitals to convert the hospital into a fully operational environmentally controlled, collectively protected medical treatment facility. The Transportable Collective Protective System (M28CPS) procures components and assembling them into transportable kits that will provide CB collective protection facilities when deployed in high threat CB theaters. The Amphibious Ship Collective Protection System (CPS) installs the CPS in mission critical medical and command and control spaces on three Navy amphibious ship classes: LHA, LHD, and LSD. The Chemical Biological Protective Shelter (CBPS) is a new system designed to replace the M51 Chemical Protective Shelter. The CBPS provides a contamination free, environmentally controlled working area for medical, combat service, and combat service support personnel to obtain relief from the continuous need to wear chemical-biological protective clothing for greater than 72 hours of operation. The Joint Collective Protection Equipment (JCPE) and Improvement program will provide the latest improvements in filtration and shelter components which will be affordable, lightweight, easy to operate and maintain, and standardization to currently fielded systems. JUSTIFICATION: Operational forces across the continuum of global, contingency, special operations/low intensity conflict, counternarcotics, and other high-risk missions have immediate needs to safely operate, survive and sustain operations in a nuclear, biological and chemical agent threat environment. Operating forces have a critical need for defense against worldwide proliferation of NBC warfare capabilities and for medical treatment facilities. Item No. 66 Page 1 of 36 113 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40M, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Description OSIP NO. June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (PA1600) COLLECTIVE PROTECTION Code: Other Related Program Elements: Fiscal Years Classification PRIOR FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 0.9 10.9 17.5 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.1 0.0 1.9 1.0 12.0 17.5 17.8 Collective Protection Amphib Backfit (LHD) Collective Protection Amphib Backfit (LSD) Collective Protection Amphib Backfit (LHA) Totals Item No. 66 Page 2 of 36 114 Exhibit P -40M, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (PA1600) COLLECTIVE PROTECTION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD FY 00 FY 01 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 2731 5909 Transportable Collective Protective System (M28CPS) 4246 3588 11991 17530 17834 1186 1043 2395 Joint Collective Protection System & Improvements (JCPE) Collective Protection Items Less Than $5M (CO Items <$5M) Chemical Biological Protective Shelter (CBPS) TOTAL Date: June 2001 FY 02 Collectively Protected Deployable Medical System (CPDEPMEDS) Collective Protection Amphibious Backfit (CPBKFT) Weapon System Type: 3017 991 4103 24257 11365 40426 Item No. 66 Page 3 of 36 115 15694 38940 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: FY 1999 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JCP001) COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SYSTEM Other Related Program Elements: FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 3 8 3 2.7 5.9 3.0 2.7 5.9 3.0 2.7 5.9 3.0 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Collectively Protected Deployable Medical System (CP DEPMEDS) is a set that will be fielded with selected DEPMEDS hospitals to convert the hospital into a fully operational environmentally controlled, collectively protected medical treatment facility. The requirement is to sustain medical operations in a Chemical Biological (CB) environment for 72 hours. The following components are required to be added to existing DEPMEDS hospitals to provide a fully operational collectively protected field hospital: M28 Simplified Collective Protection Equipment; CB hardened International Standard Organizational (ISO) Shelter Seals; CB Protected Water Distribution System; CB Protected Latrines; Low Pressure Alarms; and CB Protected Environmental Control Units and Heaters. DEPMEDS hospitals will be reconfigured to a Medical Re-engineering Initiative (MRI) configuration beginning in FY02. This will result in an increase in the number of CB components necessary to field a DEPMEDS hospital. JUSTIFICATION: Currently fielded DEPMEDS hospitals do not have the ability to sustain medical operations in a CB environment. There is a critical need for medical functions requiring the need for removal of individual protective clothing and masks. FY02 funds will support procurement of components required to provide three fully operational collectively protected field hospitals. FY02 includes the funds necessary to procure additional CB components to support fielding CP DEPMEDS to the MRI configuration. Conversion of CP DEPMEDS to MRI ensures CB readiness of reconfigured field hospitals. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the Chemically Protected Deployable Medical System, dated 10 Mar 1998. Catalog of Approved Requirements Documents, Reference Number: 14011. (Note: This ORD is joint with the Air Force: Final Joint Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for a Chemically Hardened Air Transportable Hospital/Chemically Protected Deployable Medical System.) Item No. 66 Page 4 of 36 116 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. CPDEPMEDS M28 CPE & Retrofit CB Water Distribution CB Latrines CB ISO Shelters Low Pressure Alarms Overpack/Accessory Kit Assemblage Military Vans (MILVANS) CB Environmental Control Unit (ECU) Tent, Extendable Mobile Personnel (TEMPER) Components Power Distribution P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JCP001) COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SYSTEM FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 A 296 90 312 254 85 218 36 120 234 75 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 98.667 30.000 104.000 84.667 28.333 72.667 12.000 40.000 78.000 25.000 789 240 788 164 190 581 98 320 624 200 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 98.625 30.000 98.500 20.500 23.750 72.625 12.250 40.000 78.000 25.000 345 8 43.125 2. Engineering Support Government 582 594 3. Data 120 115 4. System Fielding Fielding Support/NET/TPF Training Sets Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS) 45 222 42 5 44.400 194 604 63 296 90 299 3 3 3 98.667 30.000 99.667 70 218 38 120 234 75 3 3 3 3 3 3 23.333 72.667 12.667 40.000 78.000 25.000 3 3 3 3 3 126.000 10.000 15.000 11.667 78.000 514 200 10 5. MRI Conversion/ CB Components M28 CPE MILVANS CB Water Distribution Low Pressure Alarms CB ECU 60.400 66 378 30 45 35 234 Item No. 66 Page 5 of 36 117 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JCP001) COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 75 2731 Date: June 2001 DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SYSTEM TEMPER TOTAL Weapon System Type: 5909 Item No. 66 Page 6 of 36 118 3 25.000 3017 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JCP001) COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SYSTEM PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO C/FFP SBCCOM, Natick, MA SBCCOM, Natick, MA SBCCOM, Natick, MA Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Sep-00 Sep-01 3 573333 Yes Mar-01 Nov-01 8 542375 Yes Dec-01 Sep-02 3 745667 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date CPDEPMEDS FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 REMARKS: Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR C/FFP/Option C/FFP/Option 1. Unit cost includes cost of all components and assemblage charge. Unit cost for CP DEPMEDS increased due to conversion of hospitals to the Medical Re-engineering Initiative configuration. Additional components required include CB protected ECUs, power distribution system, MILVANS to store and transport CP DEPMEDS specific components, and additional shelter components to house M28 CPE Patient Processing Units, supply airlocks, and CB water distribution system. These components were originally to be Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and reclaimed from the hospital units that are being replaced by CP DEPMEDS. However, suitable equipment could not be reclaimed. Initial procurement of power and power distribution system is not covered by interchange ag reements for FY00 quantities and is necessary to field fully operational systems. 2. Funding the CB protection of ISO Shelters for full production quantities in FY00-01 in order to exercise program savings and leverage expertise at Ogden Depot prior to closure. Procurement of CB Water Distribution System delayed until FY01 pending completion of DEPMEDS baseline water distribution system. 3. MSIII was conducted in Sep 00. Long lead item procurement authority has been obtained to mitigate production delays. Award of long lead items was initiated Jun 00. Delay in award of M28 CPE component due to M28 CPE contract was awarded late which delayed the initiation of first article testing. Funds will be placed on contract for CP DEPMEDS production quantities upon the successful completion of first article testing. 4. Award date is the contract award for the first component of the system and the delivery of the first assembled system is date of first delivery. 5. Fielding costs for FY 01 and 02 cover the costs for fielding 15 training sets and all 14 CP DEPMEDS sets. Item No. 66 Page 7 of 36 119 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JCP001) COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SY STEM Exhibit P21, Production Schedule Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT FY CPDEPMEDS 1 FY 00 A 3 3 CPDEPMEDS 1 FY 01 A 8 8 COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V NAME/LOCATION 1 Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 2 4 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 1 2 A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C L A T E R Calendar Year 01 A O C T M Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R June 2001 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 11 13 24 REORDER 2 2 10 12 INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER 8 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS Procurement of Long Lead Items has been authorized and award initiated in Jun 00. Award of remaining components is minimal and began in Sep 00 following MSIII approval. Award of FY00 production contract components was delayed until Sep 00. Furthermore, award of M28 CPE contract and conduct of First Article Testing was delayed. CP DEPMEDS is awaiting completion of first article testing on the M28 CPE contract prior to awarding M28 CPE quantities. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 66 Page 8 of 36 120 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JCP001) COLLECTIVELY PROTECTED DEPLOYABLE MEDICAL SYSTEM Exhibit P21, Production Schedule Fiscal Year 02 PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T 1 2 2 FY CPDEPMEDS 1 FY 00 A 3 CPDEPMEDS 1 FY 01 A 8 8 CPDEPMEDS 1 FY 02 A 3 3 COST ELEMENTS PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR D E C J A N F E B 2 2 2 2 N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R N O V REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 2 4 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G A O C T M Fiscal Year 03 Calendar Year 02 S E R V M F R June 2001 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G Calendar Year 03 S E P O C T 2 1 S E P O C T ADMINLEAD TIME N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 11 13 24 REORDER 2 2 10 12 INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER L A T E R REMARKS Procurement of Long Lead Items has been authorized and award initiated in Jun 00. Award of remaining components is minimal and began in Sep 00 following MSIII approval. Award of FY00 production contract components was delayed until Sep 00. Furthermore, award of M28 CPE contract and conduct of First Article Testing was delayed. CP DEPMEDS is awaiting completion of first article testing on the M28 CPE contract prior to awarding M28 CPE quantities. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 66 Page 9 of 36 121 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 4.7 3.9 4.2 3.6 4.7 3.9 4.2 3.6 4.7 3.9 4.2 3.6 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JF0102) TRANSPORTABLE COLLECTIVE PROT SYS Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Transportable Collective Protective System program supports Headquarters Pacific Air Force/Civil Engineer (HQ PACAF/CE), AF Special Operations, Air Mobility Command, AF Medical Services, and the Navy's Central Command by procuring components and assembling them into transportable kits that will provide Chemical Biological (CB) collective protection facilities when deployed in high threat CB theaters. Each kit uses the M28 Collective Protection Equipment (CPE) liner system (Tent, Extendable Modular Personnel [TEMPER] tent liner/suspension systems, and if necessary, tent material) that was designed to provide CB protection for the Army Deployable Medical Systems and the Air Force's Chemically/biologically Hardened Air Transportable Hospitals (CHATH). In addition, each kit contains the necessary CB filtration; air distribution, conditioning, and pressurization (Chem-Bio Hardened Air Management Plant); and the chemical air processing systems (for personnel decontamination). The components will be assembled into five kit configurations. One configuration uses a 64-foot TEMPER tent (with M28 CB liners) for stand-alone protection and will be used primarily for training. The second configuration allows a larger personnel capacity and provides operational stand-alone protection with a 96-foot TEMPER tent (with M28 CB liners). The third configuration (TEMPER frames with M28 liner) furnishes components for collective protection in existing non-CB protected facilities and it renders the largest personnel protection capacity. The fourth kit configuration is the same as the third except it can be deployed in a stand-alone mode (includes a 96-foot and 128-foot TEMPER tent with M28 liners). The fifth kit configuration uses the AF Small Shelter System (with M28 liners) to provide stand-alone protection. Item No. 66 Page 10 of 36 122 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. M28 Transportable Collective Protective System (M28 TCPS) Kits 64 Foot Stand Alone System 96 Foot Stand Alone System 96/128 Foot Indoor System 96/128 Foot Outdoor System Small Shelter Systems A A A A A Weapon System Type: FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 219 2462 291 672 497 3. M28 TCPS Kit Assembly 105 4246 3 24 2 3 73.000 102.583 145.500 224.000 Date: June 2001 COLLECTIVE PROT SYS FY 00 2. Engineering Support TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JF0102) TRANSPORTABLE PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 602 476 2 1 301.000 476.000 2030 7 290.000 10 14.000 340 32 3.281 140 3588 Item No. 66 Page 11 of 36 123 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JF0102) TRANSPORTABLE COLLECTIVE PROT SYS PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ Dec-99 Dec-00 32 3281 Yes Jan-01 Dec-01 10 14000 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date M28 TCPS Kit Assembly FY 00 FY 01 Management Consulting, Inc., San Antonio, TX Management Consulting, Inc., San Antonio, TX C/FFP C/FFP FOSSAC/ISSOP, Norfolk, VA FOSSAC/ISSOP, Norfolk, VA REMARKS: Item No. 66 Page 12 of 36 124 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JF0102) TRANSPORTABLE COLLECTIVE PROT SYS Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 Calendar Year 01 L A T E R M F R FY M28 TCPS Kit Assembly 1 FY 00 A 32 32 M28 TCPS Kit Assembly 1 FY 01 AF 7 7 A 7 M28 TCPS Kit Assembly 1 FY 01 N 3 3 A 3 COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Management Consulting, Inc., San Antonio, TX F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R J A N REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 3 8 10 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V A O C T M D E C M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R 5 7 8 8 4 D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 2 13 15 REORDER 0 3 12 15 A P R M A Y M A Y J U N J U N J U L J U L A U G A U G S E P S E P REMARKS FY 00 Chemically/biologically Hardened Air Management Plants (CHAMPS) were not required to complete the collective protection kits. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 66 Page 13 of 36 125 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JF0102) TRANSPORTABLE COLLECTIVE PROT SYS Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY M28 TCPS Kit Assembly 1 FY 01 AF 7 7 M28 TCPS Kit Assembly 1 FY 01 N 3 3 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Management Consulting, Inc., San Antonio, TX J A N F E B 3 3 1 N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 3 8 10 0 Calendar Year 03 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 3 O C T M Fiscal Year 03 MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 2 13 15 REORDER 0 3 12 15 REMARKS FY 00 Chemically/biologically Hardened Air Management Plants (CHAMPS) were not required to complete the collective protection kits. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 66 Page 14 of 36 126 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0014) COLLECTIVE PROT SYS AMPHIB BACKFIT Other Related Program Elements: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 1.0 12.0 17.5 17.8 1.0 12.0 17.5 17.8 1.0 12.0 17.5 17.8 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The anticipated threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) has reinforced the need to provide better defensive measures to protect personnel and vital ship spaces from toxic chemical, biological agents, and radioactive fallout. The Collective Protection System (CPS) Backfit Program was funded as a result of the 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) for installation of CPS in mission critical medical and command and control spaces on three Navy amphibious ship classes: Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA), Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), and Landing Ship Dock (LSD). CPS is integrated with the ship's heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and provides filtered supply air for over-pressurization of specified shipboard zones to keep toxic contamination from entering protected spaces. CPS eliminates the need for the ship's crew to wear individual protective equipment (IPE) (i.e., suits, masks). CPS will be backfitted on high priority ships and is adaptable to any ship airflow requirements. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funding will enable the Navy to conduct ship checks, complete Shipboard Installation Drawings (SIDs), procure long lead items, procure installation material, and initiate installations on three LHD class ships. In addition, FY02 funding will enable the Navy to conduct ship checks, complete SIDs, and procure long lead items on two LHA class ships. NOTE: Each quantity listed in this budget provides for a "protective zone". The LHD class of ships will have four protective zones per ship: the Combat Information Center (CIC) and three medical zones. The LHA 1 and 5 will also have four protective zones per ship: the CIC, two medical zones, and a berthing zone. LHA 2, 3, and 4 have three protective zones per ship: two medical zones and one berthing zone; the CIC zone for these ships already has CPS installed. The LSD will have two protective zones per ship: the CIC and a crew sustainability zone. Item No. 66 Page 15 of 36 127 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION Date: June 2001 MODIFICATION TITLE: (JN0014) Collective Protection System Amphibious Backfit on LHD class ships MODELS OF SYSTEM AFFECTED: LHD class 1-7 / Combat Information Center (CIC) and Medical Spaces Installation DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The CPS will be installed on ships LHD 1-7 in medical spaces and the CIC. CPS Backfit efforts will include ship surveys, engineering design analysis, detail design SIDs, development of modular installation packages, procurement of hardware, logistic warehousing and staging, and installation via Alteration Installation Teams (AITs). Procurement of government furnished equipment (GFE) is required. The CPS Backfit installation process is being designed to maximize flexibility in procuring, receiving, warehousing, and assembling the necessary material and equipment to meet the challenges associated with changing ship availabilities. Each quantity denotes a protected zone. LHD 1-7 will have four zones per ship (CIC and three medical zones). Note: Installation of equipment is driven by the availability of the ship in dry dock/port. Installation of four zones on LHD-1 (USS WASP) were completed 4QFY00. DEVELOPMENT STATUS/MAJOR DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES: Milestone Planned CPS Accomplished MS IIIB CPS Design Improvements QDR cites need for additional ship backfits Accomplished 1993 1994-1998 1997 Installation Schedule: Pr Yr Totals Inputs Outputs 1 FY 2000 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 FY 2001 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 1 2 FY 2002 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 1 3 Inputs Outputs METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION: Contract Dates: Delivery Date: AIT FY 2000 FY 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADTIME: 01/00 FY 2001 03/00 FY 2001 3 months 01/01 03/01 Item No. 66 Page 16 of 36 128 PRODUCTION LEADTIME: FY 2002 01/02 FY 2002 03/02 3 months Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION MODIFICATION TITLE (Cont): Date: June 2001 (JN0014) Collective Protection System Amphibious Backfit on LHD class ships FINANCIAL PLAN: ($ in Millions) FY 1999 and Prior Qty $ RDT&E PROCUREMENT Kit Quantity Installation Kits Installation Kits, Nonrecurring Equipment Equipment, Nonrecurring Engineering Change Orders Data Training Equipment Support Equipment Other Interim Contractor Support Installation of Hardware FY 1999 & Prior Eqpt -- Kits FY 2000 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2001 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2002 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2003 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2004 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2005 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2006 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2007 Eqpt -- Kits TC Equip-Kits Total Equip-Kits Total Procurement Cost FY 2000 Qty $ 5 4.7 FY 2001 Qty $ 10 8.7 FY 2002 Qty $ 5 4.2 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.9 1.5 1.0 4 4 0.9 4.3 4.3 10.9 1 5 1.1 5.3 6 6.4 17.5 5 5 5.2 5.2 10 10.4 15.9 Item No. 66 Page 17 of 36 129 Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION Date: June 2001 MODIFICATION TITLE: (JN0014) Collective Protection System Amphibious Backfit on LHA class ships MODELS OF SYSTEM AFFECTED: LHA class 1-5 / Combat Information Center (CIC), Berthing, and Medical Spaces Installation DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The CPS will be installed on ships LHA 1-5 in the CIC, berthing, and medical spaces. CPS Backfit efforts will include ship surveys, engineering design analysis, detail design SIDs, development of modular installation packages, procurement of hardware, logistic warehousing and staging, and installation via AITs. Procurement of government furnished equipment (GFE) is required. The CPS Backfit installation process is being designed to maximize flexibility in procuring, receiving, warehousing, and assembling the necessary equipment and material to meet the challenges associated with changing ship availabilities. Each quantity in this budget denotes a protective zone: LHA 1 and 5 have one CIC, two medical zones, and one berthing zone. LHA 2, 3, and 4 have two medical zones and one berthing zone (the CIC already has CPS installed on these ships). Note: Installation of the CIC zone on the LHA-5 was completed in July 2000. DEVELOPMENT STATUS/MAJOR DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES: Milestone Planned CPS Accomplished MS IIIB CPS Design Improvements SACPS installed on LHA-2 & LHA-4 CIC QDR cites need for additional ship backfits Accomplished 1993 1994-1998 1996 1997 Installation Schedule: Pr Yr Totals Inputs Outputs 1 FY 2000 2 3 1 4 1 FY 2001 2 3 4 1 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADTIME: 01/00 FY 2001 05/00 FY 2001 N/A N/A FY 2002 2 3 1 4 1 Inputs Outputs METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION: Contract Dates: Delivery Date: AIT FY 2000 FY 2000 4 months Item No. 66 Page 18 of 36 130 PRODUCTION LEADTIME: FY 2002 02/02 FY 2002 06/02 5 months Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION MODIFICATION TITLE (Cont): Date: June 2001 (JN0014) Collective Protection System Amphibious Backfit on LHA class ships FINANCIAL PLAN: ($ in Millions) FY 1999 and Prior Qty $ RDT&E PROCUREMENT Kit Quantity Installation Kits Installation Kits, Nonrecurring Equipment Equipment, Nonrecurring Engineering Change Orders Data Training Equipment Support Equipment Other Interim Contractor Support Installation of Hardware FY 1999 & Prior Eqpt -- Kits FY 2000 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2001 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2002 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2003 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2004 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2005 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2006 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2007 Eqpt -- Kits TC Equip-Kits Total Equip-Kits Total Procurement Cost FY 2000 Qty $ 1 0.5 FY 2001 Qty $ FY 2002 Qty $ 1 1.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.9 Item No. 66 Page 19 of 36 131 Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) Ships 1-7 Combat Information Center (CIC) and Medical Spaces Shipboard Installation Drawing (SID) Development Tech Support/Mgmt Ship Check Testing & Certification Ship Alteration Record (SAR) Procurement - Long Lead Items Procurement - Installation Material Installation (labor) Note: QTY=zones of protection Training Documentation 2. Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA) Ships CIC/Radar Room, Medical Spaces, and Berthing Tech Support/Mgmt Ship Check SAR Development SID Development Procurement - Long Lead Items Procurement - Installation Material Installation (labor) note: QTY = zones of protection Testing & Certification Training Documentation TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0014) COLLECTIVE PROT SYS PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Weapon System Type: AMPHIB BACKFIT FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 870 898 104 1735 2999 4316 611 1527 104 81 4 1079.000 2703 6003 6339 1139 120 6 81 81 63 78 412 469 16 26 5 11991 Date: June 2001 1056.500 4183 10359 10 1035.900 120 120 366 83 10 259 1075 1 469.000 17530 Item No. 66 Page 20 of 36 132 17834 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS Other Related Program Elements: FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 1.2 1.0 2.4 1.2 1.0 2.4 1.2 1.0 2.4 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Joint Collective Protection Equipment (JCPE) program provides an interim capability addressing needed improvements and cost saving standardization to currently fielded systems until Joint Transportable Collective Protection Shelter (JTCOPS) is ready for production. JCPE will use the latest improvements in filtration and shelter components to provide affordable, lightweight, easy to operate and maintain equipment. The objective of this program is to procure upgraded equipment to support the requirement for Chemical/Biological (CB) collective protection systems. The equipment to be procured is as follows: (1) M28 Liner (Variant) will provide collective protection liners, motor blowers, and nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) filter canisters which will harden the Modular General Purpose Tent System (MGPTS), the Expeditionary Medical Support (EMEDS), and the Small-Medium-Small (SMS) shelter against CB agents. (2) Bump Through Door (BTD) Airlock will improve efficiency in personnel and equipment entry into transportable collective protection systems, which is accomplished through an airlock to prevent contamination of the toxic free area. This improvement will allow up to 15 ambulatory personnel/patients or 2 litter patients with attending medical care personnel to process through the shelter in only three minutes. BTD airlocks will be used for both Transportable Collective Protection Systems (TCPS) and Chemically Hardened Air Transportable Hospitals (CHATH). (3) Environmental Control Unit (ECU) Improvements: Transportable collective protection systems require special ECUs to heat and cool the shelter, as needed, that do not allow contaminated air into the protected area. Current ECUs do not meet transportable collective protection systems' requirements for highly mobile equipment. The Lightweight ECU will provide a 25% reduction in weight and cube. In addition, most currently fielded ECUs are not compatible with existing collective protection systems. The Universal Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) ECU Adapter will provide improved compatibility with existing equipment. (4) Latrine and Water Distribution System will provide a closed latrine and water distribution system to meet the requirements of the CHATH Operational Requirements Document. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funds will continue/initiate procurement of CB hardened, more efficient and cost effective JCPE improvements. The improvements are as follows: 58 M28 Liners (54 for the MGPTS and four for the EMEDS); 50 Lightweight ECUs for EMEDS; and six closed Latrine and Water Distribution Systems for CHATH. NOTE: P-5/5a/21 prepared in lieu of P -3a Modification because installation will be performed at the organization level with no cost to the Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP). Item No. 66 Page 21 of 36 133 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS Other Related Program Elements: 0604384BP, Project C05 JCPE provides needed improvements and cost saving standardization to currently fielded systems. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - None; FY00 - $2.3M; FY01 - $2.5M; FY02 - $2.5M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONES PROJECTED/ACTUAL Improved Liner Components (M28 Liner Variant (MGPT, EMEDS, CHATH, AF Transportable CPS)) Initiate Development and Testing of M28 (Variant) for MGPTS Initiate Fielding of MGPTS CB Hardening Components Initiate Fielding of BTD Airlocks for Transportable Collective Protection System Initiate Fielding of BTD Airlocks for CHATH Initiate Fielding of EMEDS liner 2Qtr FY00 1Qtr FY01 1Qtr FY01 3Qtr FY01 3Qtr FY02 Improved Environmental Control Units (Various AF CP Expeditionary Medical Systems) Initiate Development of Universal ECU Adapter Initiate Development and Testing of Lightweight ECU Initiate Fielding of Lightweight ECU 1Qtr FY01 1Qtr FY00 1Qtr FY02 Improved Auxiliary Shelter Components (EMEDS, CHATH) Initiate Evaluation of Latrine & Water Distribution System 2Qtr FY02 Improved Filtration (Fixed Site and Shipboard Selected Area Collective Protection Systems (SACPS)) Item No. 66 Page 22 of 36 134 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. M28 Liner (Variant): MGPTS EMEDS SMS shelter liner 2. BTD Airlock: TCPS CHATH P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE FY 00 FY 01 Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 400 20 20.000 90 6 15.000 640 32 20.000 440 380 22 19 20.000 20.000 4. Latrine and Water Distribution System for CHATH TOTAL FY 02 TotalCost 146 1186 Date: June 2001 SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS 3. ECU Improvements: Lightweight ECU Universal NBC ECU Adapter 5. Production Support Weapon System Type: 133 1043 Item No. 66 Page 23 of 36 135 810 440 54 4 15.000 110.000 615 50 12.300 325 6 54.167 205 2395 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Feb-00 Oct-00 20 20000 Yes Jan-01 Aug-01 6 15000 Yes Jan-02 Sep-02 54 15000 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date MGPTS SBCCOM, Natick, MA (M28 Liner) SBCCOM, Natick, MA (M28 Liner) SBCCOM, Natick, MA (M28 Liner) MIPR FY 02 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (M28 Liner) MIPR NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Feb-02 Aug-02 4 110000 Yes FY 00 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (BTD Airlock) MIPR NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Feb-00 Nov-00 32 20000 Yes FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 MIPR MIPR EMEDS Jan-02 TCPS REMARKS: Item No. 66 Page 24 of 36 136 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date TCPS (cont) FY 01 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (BTD Airlock) MIPR NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Feb-01 Aug-01 22 20000 Yes SBCCOM, Natick, MA (BTD Airlock) MIPR NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Feb-01 Oct-01 19 20000 Yes Eglin AFB, FL (Lightweight ECU) MIPR NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Jan-02 Jun-02 50 12000 Yes Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX (Latrine & Water D Sys) MIPR NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA Feb-02 Sep-02 6 54167 Yes CHATH FY 01 Jan-01 Lightweight ECU FY 02 Latrine and Water Distribution System for CHATH FY 02 Aug-01 REMARKS: Item No. 66 Page 25 of 36 137 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 Calendar Year 01 M F R FY MGPTS 4 FY 00 MC 20 20 A TCPS 2 FY 00 AF 32 32 A MGPTS 4 FY 01 MC 6 6 TCPS 2 FY 01 AF 22 22 A CHATH 2 FY 01 AF 19 19 A COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R J A N REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX (Latrine & Water D Sys) 1 1 2 0 2 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (BTD Airlock) 5 6 9 0 3 Eglin AFB, FL (Lightweight ECU) 1 2 5 0 4 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (M28 Liner) 2 5 8 0 5 Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX (Univ ECU Adapter) 1 1 5 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 M A R A P R 6 6 M A Y J U N J U L A O C T M D E C 2 3 4 5 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 4 8 12 REORDER 0 4 7 11 INITIAL 0 10 4 14 REORDER 0 4 7 11 INITIAL 0 3 7 10 REORDER 0 3 6 9 INITIAL 0 4 9 13 REORDER 0 3 10 13 INITIAL 0 4 7 11 REORDER 0 4 6 10 138 S E P 4 2 5 5 12 19 Prior 1 Oct Item No. 66 Page 26 of 36 A U G L A T E R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS 1. MFR #2 BTD CHATH administrative lead time: Initial/Reorder 4 months. Production lead time (PLT): Initial/Reorder 9 months. 2. MFR #4 EMEDS & SMS Shelter PLT: Initial/Reorder 7 months. Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (JN0017) JOINT COLLECTIVE PROT SY STEMS & IMPROVEMENTS Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 Calendar Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V 10 M F R FY TCPS 2 FY 01 AF 22 12 6 6 CHATH 2 FY 01 AF 19 19 5 5 MGPTS 4 FY 02 MC 54 54 EMEDS 4 FY 02 AF 4 4 Lightweight ECU 3 FY 02 AF 50 50 Latrine and Water Distribution System for CHAT 1 FY 02 AF 6 6 COST ELEMENTS NAME/LOCATION J A N 5 4 F E B N O V 1 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 1 2 0 2 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (BTD Airlock) 5 6 9 0 3 Eglin AFB, FL (Lightweight ECU) 1 2 5 0 4 SBCCOM, Natick, MA (M28 Liner) 2 5 8 0 5 Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX (Univ ECU Adapter) 1 1 5 0 J U N 5 D E C J A N F E B MFR MIN. M A Y J U L A U G 5 2 3 4 5 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L Calendar Year 03 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B A Number Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX (Latrine & Water D Sys) A P R A REACHED 1 M A R A PRODUCTION RATES F R D E C A O C T M Fiscal Year 03 A U G ADMINLEAD TIME M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 4 8 12 REORDER 0 4 7 11 INITIAL 0 10 4 14 REORDER 0 4 7 11 INITIAL 0 3 7 10 REORDER 0 3 6 9 INITIAL 0 4 9 13 REORDER 0 3 10 13 INITIAL 0 4 7 11 REORDER 0 4 6 10 Item No. 66 Page 27 of 36 139 S E P L A T E R S E P REMARKS 1. MFR #2 BTD CHATH administrative lead time: Initial/Reorder 4 months. Production lead time (PLT): Initial/Reorder 9 months. 2. MFR #4 EMEDS & SMS Shelter PLT: Initial/Reorder 7 months. Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years P-1 Item Nomenclature (JX0053) COLLECTIVE PROTECTION (CO) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 Proc Qty Gross Cost 1.0 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) 1.0 Initial Spares Total Proc Cost 1.0 Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: Fixed Installation Filters (FIF) are designed for chemical-hardened fixed shelters, office command and control, and underground shelters during life support operations and other critical activities. Implementation of collective protection equipment in the air filtration system minimizes infiltration of nuclear, biological and chemical agents into the pressurized shelter. Typical systems consist of three stages: (1) a pre-filter to collect large particle size dust, (2) a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to collect sub-micron size particles, and (3) a gas filter to filter toxic vapors and gases. These systems are installed within the existing ventilation ducts and a separate blower system must be installed to accommodate for the extra static head present in the collective protection filter system. The FIF is comprised of modular, stainless steel 600 cubic feet per minute (CFM) and 1200 CFM gas filters that can be stacked in parallel for larger airflow capacities. Each gas filter contains refillable, 55 lb gas filter trays (5 trays per 600 CFM filter; 10 trays per 1200 CFM filter). The FIF is a stainless steel gas filter containing ASZM Teda carbon - a chrome-free, non-hazardous material. NOMENCLATURE NSN DIMENSION WEIGHT (H x W x L inches) (Pounds) 1200 CFM Gas Filter Assembly 4240-01-312-2940 24 x 24 1/5 x 50 3/5 780 600 CFM Gas Filter Assembly 4240-01-313-0721 24 x 24 1/5 x 28 3/20 120 CFM Gas Filter (Tray) 4240-01-312-9146 3 1/2 x 23 4/5 x 22 3/5 433 55 The FY01 funding procured Fixed Installation Filters to be used in critical Government facilities to protect against toxic vapors and gases. These filters are required to replace existing systems that had shown degradation that made them incapable of protecting against deadly vapors. Item No. 66 Page 28 of 36 140 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JX0053) COLLECTIVE PROTECTION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 A 640 16 40.000 2. Gas Filer Assembly - 120 CFM A 60 20 3.000 3. Packaging Support and Materiel 65 4. Production Verification Testing 60 100 6. Quality Assurance Support 25 7. System Fielding Support 41 TOTAL Date: June 2001 (CO) ITEMS LESS THAN $5M 1. Gas Filter Assembly - 1200 CFM 5. System Engineering Weapon System Type: 991 Item No. 66 Page 29 of 36 141 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: Prior Years FY 1999 85 37 24.4 16.3 24.4 24.4 FY 2000 P-1 Item Nomenclature (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2001 FY 2002 22 32 4.1 11.4 15.7 16.3 4.1 11.4 15.7 16.3 4.1 11.4 15.7 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Chemical Biological Protective Shelter (CBPS) is a new system designed to replace the M51 Chemical Protective Shelter. It consists of a Lightweight Multipurpose Shelter (LMS), mounted on an Expanded Capacity High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) variant, and a 300 square foot soft shelter. The CBPS provides a contamination free, environmentally controlled working area for medical, combat service, and combat service support personnel to obtain relief from the continuous need to wear chemical-biological protective clothing for greater than 72 hours of operation. All ancillary equipment required to provide protection, except the generator, is mounted within the shelter. JUSTIFICATION: The M-51 Shelter System currently in use is obsolete, lacks sufficient usable floor space, degrades mobility, and requires excessive time for set up and teardown. There is a critical need for medical functions requiring the removal of individual protective clothing and masks. The Army needs a highly mobile, self-contained collective protection system which can provide a contamination free working area for Echelon I and II medical treatment facilities and other selected units. The CBPS will satisfy this need. Total procurement through FY01 is 144 systems. FY02 funding will procure 32 systems. Total procurement will support fielding of 361 CBPS systems. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the Chemically and Biologically Protected Shelter System (CBPSS), dated 21 Jan 2000. Catalog of Approved Requirements Documents, Reference Number: 12011. Item No. 66 Page 30 of 36 142 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: PE 0604384BP, Project MC5/CO5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The CB Protective Shelter replaces the M51 CB Shelter and provides increased mobility, reduced system weight and increased floor space. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $21.2M; FY02 - $.8M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE PROJECTED/ACTUAL Development al Test & Evaluation Logistics Demonstration Initial Operational Test & Evaluation I Production Verification Test Customer User Test * LUTE and Technical RAM Test ** Type Classification Limited Procurement (152 systems) Type Classification for Treatment Squads MC/FST Initial Evaluation MC/FST LUTE MC/FST Materiel Release and Type Classification Standard 4Qtr FY94 4Qtr FY97 2Qtr-3Qtr FY98 4Qtr FY98 4Qtr FY99 4Qtr FY00 - 1Qtr FY01 1Qtr FY94 3Qtr FY01 4Qtr FY01 2Qtr FY02 3Qtr FY02 Item No. 66 Page 31 of 36 143 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: PE 0604384BP, Project MC5/CO5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item * To resolve doctrinal issues. ** Validate issues identified at IOT&E-Phase I and is required to support MSIII and fielding to treatment squads only. Validation for use for fielding to Medical Companies required. Initial evaluation for use in Medical Companies and Forward Surgical t eams is scheduled for Aug 01 in support of a second LUTE. The LUTE for Medical Companies (MC) and Forward Surgical Teams (FST) will be conducted in 2QFY02, followed by materiel release approval to these units in 3QFY02. The TDP is available. Item No. 66 Page 32 of 36 144 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. CB Protective Shelter 4. ILS Data 8. Limited User Test and Evaluation and Reliability Validation Testing 9. User Validation Testing for Medical Companies and Forward Surgical Teams TOTAL FY 01 Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 B 817 640 Date: June 2001 FY 02 TotalCost 6520 22 296.364 9768 32 305.250 1401 176 506 266 132 22 22 22 22 22 63.682 8.000 23.000 12.091 6.000 2099 256 736 397 192 32 32 32 32 32 65.594 8.000 23.000 12.406 6.000 704 100 757 26 5. First Article Validation 7. System Fielding Initial Spares Support Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS) New Equipment Training (NET) / Total Package/Fielding (TPF) Weapon System Type: (CBPS) FY 00 2. Other Equipment HMMWV High Mobility Trailer LMS 10KW Tactical Quiet Generator NBC Filters 3. Engineering Government Contractor P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE 60 220 235 200 425 390 255 261 250 723 2400 250 4103 11365 Item No. 66 Page 33 of 36 145 15694 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? C/FFP-Option SBCCOM, Natick, MA Apr-01 Jan-02 22 409136 Yes C/FFP SBCCOM, Natick, MA Jan-02 Oct-02 32 420344 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date CBPS FY 01 FY 02 REMARKS: Engineered Air Systems, St. Louis, MO TBS Aug-01 Deliveries of initial production systems delayed until Jun 00 due to production contractor delay. Therefore, the FY00 production quantity is zero. Item No. 66 Page 34 of 36 146 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY CB Protective Shelter 1 FY 99 A 113 113 CBPS 1 FY 01 A 22 22 COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V R NAME/LOCATION D E C J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ Engineered Air Systems, St. Louis, MO 3 7 10 2 2 TBS 3 7 10 2 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P 3 3 3 5 5 7 7 10 10 10 10 30 Calendar Year 01 S E P O C T 4 A REACHED 1 M A R 6 PRODUCTION RATES F N O V L A T E R Calendar Year 00 O C T M Fiscal Year 01 2 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR TOTAL After 1 Oct After 1 Oct Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 2 6 8 REORDER 2 3 10 13 INITIAL 2 10 3 13 REORDER 2 3 10 13 INITIAL REORDER M A R A P R 22 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS Deliveries of initial production systems delayed until Jun 00 due to production contractor delay. Therefore, the FY00 production quantity is zero. Contractor slow to ramp up into production for quantity of 113 systems prior to FY00, however will meet delivery of quantities through FY99 by 31 Dec 01. Therefore, FY01 will slip three months. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 66 Page 35 of 36 147 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (R12301) CB PROTECTIVE SHELTER (CBPS) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C 83 30 10 10 10 FY CB Protective Shelter 1 FY 99 A 113 CBPS 1 FY 01 A 22 CBPS 2 FY 02 A 32 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 S E R V M F R J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N 22 4 4 4 4 3 3 32 A O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F Fiscal Year 03 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Engineered Air Systems, St. Louis, MO 3 7 10 2 2 TBS 3 7 10 2 2 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L J U L A U G A U G Calendar Year 03 S E P S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y MFR TOTAL After 1 Oct After 1 Oct Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 2 6 8 REORDER 2 3 10 13 INITIAL 2 10 3 13 REORDER 2 3 10 13 INITIAL REORDER J U N J U L A U G S E P J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R REMARKS Deliveries of initial production systems delayed until Jun 00 due to production contractor delay. Therefore, the FY00 production quantity is zero. Contractor slow to ramp up into production for quantity of 113 systems prior to FY00, however will meet delivery of quantities through FY99 by 31 Dec 01. Therefore, FY01 will slip three months. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 66 Page 36 of 36 148 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Budget Line Item #67 CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE 149 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 150 Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (GP2000) CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 159.7 101.8 112.3 164.4 24.3 159.7 101.8 112.3 164.4 24.3 159.7 101.8 112.3 164.4 24.3 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: Contamination Avoidance encompasses detection, warning and reporting, and reconnaissance systems. In the area of chemical and radiological detection, the program procures point and remote (stand-off) detection systems, to include: the M22 Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm (ACADA) which is more sensitive and responsive than current detectors and is capable of concurrent nerve and blister agent detection; the shipboard Improved (Chemical Agent) Point Detection System (IPDS) providing an upgrade to current capability by automatically detecting low concentrations of both blister and nerve agents; the Pocket Radiac (AN/UDR-13) a tactical radiation dosimeter and ratemeter which provides a first time capability to both detect and indicate an immediate event and residual radiation doses received by troops; the Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM) a hand-held, soldier operated device for monitoring chemical agent contamination on personnel and equipment, which provides a mission essential capability for monitoring nerve and mustard agents contamination. In the warning and reporting area, the Joint Warning and Reporting Net work (JWARN) provides a first time capability to the warfighter and battle space commanders to fully automate the NBC detection and warning process throughout the battlespace. The NBC Reconnaissance System (NBCRS) Block I modification provides an upgrade to the current Army and Marine Corps M93A1 system to meet all Operational Requirements, and reduces crew size to three. The Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (JSLSCAD) is a ruggedized, passive, infrared detection system that automatically searches the 7 to 14 micron region of the surrounding atmosphere for chemical agent vapor clouds. The JSLSCAD is the first chemical vapor detection system to furnish 360 degree on-the-move coverage from ground, air, and sea-based platforms at distances of up to five kilometers. JUSTIFICATION: Contamination Avoidance is the primary objective of the Joint NBC Defense program. Operational forces have an immediate need to safely operate, survive, and sustain operations in an NBC agent threat environment. Contamination Avoidance is necessary to maintain operational efficiency and minimize the need to decontaminate vehicles, equipment, and areas. Advanced chemical defensive equipment is required to enhance U.S. capability to detect and identify threat agents in the battlespace. Item No. 67 Page 1 of 40 151 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40M, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Description OSIP NO. June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (GP2000) CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE Code: Other Related Program Elements: Fiscal Years Classification PRIOR FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 RECON System, Fox NBC (NBCRS), Block I NA Mission Capability 154.3 25.6 58.0 6.4 Mission Capability 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.5 8.7 4.7 4.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 170.5 34.3 62.7 11.1 NBCRS Block II NA Improved Point Detection System NA Mission Capability Shipboard Automatic Liquid Agent Detector (SALAD) NA Totals Mission Capability Item No. 67 Page 2 of 40 152 Exhibit P -40M, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (GP2000) CONTAMINATION PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Weapon System Type: AVOIDANCE FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 RADIAC - Pocket AN/UDR - 13 2859 3050 Joint Warning and Reporting Network (JWARN) 9639 8483 Guard and Reserve Equipment 8647 2146 Auto Chemical Agent Alarm (ACADA), M22 41445 69434 595 RECON System, FOX NBC (NBCRS) MODS 25591 57808 6356 8725 4644 4703 14294 18799 264 Shipboard Detector Modifications Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM) JS Ltwt Standoff CW Agent Detector (JSLSCAD) System Fielding Support/Spares TOTAL Date: June 2001 2013 10399 1093 112293 164364 Item No. 67 Page 3 of 40 153 24330 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (B96801) RADIAC - POCKET AN/UDR - 13 Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 13365 3768 3161 3069 1000 10.2 3.2 2.9 3.1 2.0 10.2 3.2 2.9 3.1 2.0 10.2 3.2 2.9 3.1 2.0 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The AN/UDR-13 (Pocket Radiac) is a tactical radiation dosimeter and ratemeter. The Pocket Radiac provides a first time capability to measure and directly read cumulative dose from both prompt (neutron and gamma) and fallout (residual gamma) radiation. The Pocket Radiac continuously accumulates dose data and can independently display either total dose or dose rate when activated. The pocket size (less than 2.54 cm by 12.7 cm) and weight (approximately 9.5 oz.) permit convenient use by dismounted soldiers. Programmable warning alarms are provided for both the total dose and dose rate functions. JUSTIFICATION: The fielded AN/UDR-13 replaces 40-year old, obsolete fielded equipment (IM -93), which can not measure prompt radiation and has significantly lower accuracy than the AN/UDR-13. The AN/UDR-13 also measures much lower doses than the IM-93 which makes it much more usable in Low Level Radiation Environments (ROC, CARDS #1206P, Approved Jul 91). FY 02 funds continue acquisition of 1,000 Pocket Radiacs to meet operational requirements and contract termination costs. Item No. 67 Page 4 of 40 154 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. Item Hardware 2. Engineering Change Test P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (B96801) RADIAC - POCKET AN/UDR - PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1998 50 3161 0.632 Date: June 2001 13 1946 3069 0.634 634 1000 0.634 50 3. Contract Termination Costs 326 4. Engineering Support (Gov't) 450 450 463 5. Quality Assurance 361 352 338 252 252 6. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & New Equipment Training) TOTAL Weapon System Type: 2859 3050 Item No. 67 Page 5 of 40 155 2013 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (B96801) RADIAC - POCKET AN/UDR - 13 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO CECOM, Ft Monmouth, NJ CECOM, Ft Monmouth, NJ CECOM, Ft Monmouth, NJ Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ Nov-99 May-00 3161 632 Yes Nov-00 May-01 3069 634 Yes Nov-01 May-02 1000 634 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Item Hardware FY 00 Aptec-NRC, Dover, NJ C/FP-5(2) FY 01 Aptec-NRC, Dover, NJ C/FP-5(3) FY 02 Aptec-NRC, Dover, NJ C/FP-5(4) REMARKS: Item No. 67 Page 6 of 40 156 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (B96801) RADIAC - POCKET AN/UDR - 13 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 01 M F R FY Item Hardware 1 FY 00 A 3161 3161 A Item Hardware 1 FY 00 NG 984 984 A Item Hardware 1 FY 01 A 3069 3069 A Item Hardware 1 FY 01 NG 220 220 A COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V O C T M PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Aptec-NRC, Dover, NJ J A N F E B M A R 424 423 423 REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 100 1000 2000 5 A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T 90 N O V D E C 700 1101 200 D E C J A N F E B MFR F R N O V D E C M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V J A N F E B M A R A P R 196 196 196 196 2104 D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 7 1 8 REORDER 3 1 7 8 REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER J U N J U L A U G S E P 241 241 241 242 J U N J U L A U G S E P 220 Prior 1 Oct INITIAL M A Y L A T E R A P R M A Y REMARKS 1. Guard and Reserve equipment funding shown separately. (See JA0004). Guard quantities are for WMD-CST. 2. FY00 quantity of 1270 delivery was accelerated from May 00 to Jan -Mar 00 per contractor request. Phase-out of microprocessor by original supplier. 3. Apr/May/Jun - select new microprocessor supplier, no production, testing and redesign of circuit board. 4. Jul-Oct initial re-start of production, production testing, full production in Nov. 5. FY01 quantity of 2104 delivery was accelerated fro m May 01 to Dec 00 per contractor request. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 7 of 40 157 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (B96801) RADIAC - POCKET AN/UDR - 13 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 COST ELEMENTS Item Hardware M F R FY 1 FY 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each A 1000 ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Calendar Year 02 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V 1000 PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Aptec-NRC, Dover, NJ J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 100 1000 2000 5 M A R A P R A O C T M Fiscal Year 03 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G 256 256 256 232 M A Y J U N J U L A U G Calendar Year 03 S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 7 1 8 REORDER 3 1 7 8 INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER L A T E R REMARKS 1. Guard and Reserve equipment funding shown separately. (See JA0004). Guard quantities are for WMD-CST. 2. FY00 quantity of 1270 delivery was accelerated from May 00 to Jan -Mar 00 per contractor request. Phase-out of microprocessor by original supplier. 3. Apr/May/Jun - select new microprocessor supplier, no production, testing and redesign of circuit board. 4. Jul-Oct initial re-start of production, production testing, full production in Nov. 5. FY01 quantity of 2104 delivery was accelerated from May 01 to Dec 00 per contractor request. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 8 of 40 158 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 7.0 10.1 9.6 8.5 7.0 10.1 9.6 8.5 7.0 10.1 9.6 8.5 P-1 Item Nomenclature (G47101) JOINT WARNING & REPORTING NETWORK (JWARN) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Joint Warning & Reporting Network (JWARN) will provide standard integration and analysis of Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) detection information with Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Information and Intelligence (C4I2) on the battlespace, automating the NBC warning and reporting processes currently performed manually throughout the Services. The JWARN will collectively consist of: Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) materiel and JWARN software for C4I2. The JWARN is being developed for deployment with NBC detectors in the following battlespace applications: combat and armored vehicles, tactical vehicles, vans, shelters, shipboard application, area warning, semi-fixed sites, and fixed sites. The JWARN materiel consists of: a Display/Control for operator and subsystem interfaces; interfaces (known as universal and communications interface units) which link together to form an "Interface Architecture", a Sample Transfer System designed to function with existing chemical detectors (e.g. the Telemetry Link Radio for area warning and fixed site NBC detector operations); Personnel Alarms; and installation kits to mount components and tailor the Software Version 3 JWARN for specific hosts. The JWARN interfaces with the ACADA/NDI, the AN/VDR-2 RADIAC Set, the M21 Remote Standoff Chemical Agent Alarm, the Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (LSCAD), NBC Reconnaissance System (NBCRS) sensors, Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS), meteorological and communications equipment, other existing and developmental NBC detectors, existing and future command and control radios, appliques, vehicle navigation systems, collective protection equipment, and NBC analysis software. The JWARN will monitor and display NBC information received from the NBC detectors or via C4I2 and will automatically format and transmit compatible NBC reports within C4I2. Block I was the initial acquisition and fielding of COTS and Government Off the Shelf (GOTS) software to standardize NBC warning and reporting throughout the Armed Forces. Block II will integrate NBC legacy and future detector systems, NBC Warning and Reporting Software Modules, and NBC Battlefield Management Modules in the Joint Services C4I2 systems. Item No. 67 Page 9 of 40 159 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0604384BP, Project CA5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (G47101) JOINT WARNING & REPORTING NETWORK (JWARN) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item The JWARN will facilitate uniform integration and analysis of NBC detection with C4I2. JWARN will provide new capability for the digital battlespace. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $62.4M; FY00 - $8.4M; FY01 - $7.1M; FY02 - $17.4M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Block II DT & Integration MSII/Award EMD Contract Block II DT/OT Operational Assessment PROJECTED/ACTUAL 1st Qtr FY00 2d Qtr FY01 4th Qtr FY02 1st Qtr FY02 Item No. 67 Page 10 of 40 160 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD JWARN (MICAD) A Quality Assurance JWARN Block I Software Support Contract TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (G47101) JOINT WARNING & PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Weapon System Type: REPORTING NETWORK (JWARN) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 7759 79 98.215 Date: June 2001 7857 80 98.213 1880 A 626 9639 8483 Item No. 67 Page 11 of 40 161 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (G47101) JOINT WARNING & REPORTING NETWORK (JWARN) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Delivery Each $ Mar-00 Aug-00 79 98215 Yes Dec-00 Jan-01 80 98213 Yes Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date JWARN (MICAD) FY 00 FY 01 Lockheed Martin, Manassas, VA Lockheed Martin, Manassas, VA Option/2 Option/3 SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD SBCCOM, Edgewood, MD REMARKS: Item No. 67 Page 12 of 40 162 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (G47101) JOINT WARNING & REPORTING NETWORK (JWARN) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT M F R FY JWARN (MICAD) 1 FY 00 A 79 79 JWARN (MICAD) 1 FY 01 A 80 80 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 00 O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION 1 Lockheed Martin, Manassas, VA J A N F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 10 25 80 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A O C T M Fiscal Year 01 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L Calendar Year 01 A U G S E P O C T 23 23 33 A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R A 23 23 23 11 D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 5 6 11 REORDER 0 2 2 4 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R REMARKS INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 13 of 40 163 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 14.6 8.6 2.1 14.6 8.6 2.1 14.6 8.6 2.1 P-1 Item Nomenclature (JA0004) GUARD & RESERVE EQUIPMENT Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 Proc Qty Gross Cost Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: This program funds for the acquisition of Chemical and Biological Defense equipment to support the Reserve Component (RC) unit requirements as outlined in the RC Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Plan. Initiates equipping (1)WMD Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST) to provide on-site rapid response elements at the state level, (2) RC chemical companies and medical patient decontamination teams to augment hospital patient decontamination capabilities, and (3) ARNG and Army Reserve chemical elements with initial-complement equipment required for RC deployment for WMD Reconnaissance. Program equipment deliveries are displayed on the schedules for appropriate items. DOD currently deploys the Marine Corps Chem/Bio Incident Response Force (CBIRF), the Army's Technical Escort Unit, and other Chem/Bio and medical assets to assist civil authorities respond to WMD incidents. In order to respond to the emerging terrorist threat of Chem/Bio attacks on American cities, this effort allows for the equipping of Reserve Component units to provide enhanced response capabilities and to provide for additional support to communities in emergency and disaster situations. This effort will allow for selected National Guard and other reserve component units to respond to and contain the effects of CB incidents in this country. Item No. 67 Page 14 of 40 164 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. M40 Chemical Mask * P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (JA0004) GUARD & RESERVE PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 459 0.089 92 614 0.150 2. ICAM * 1539 342 4.500 332 97 3.423 3. ICAM Simulator * 1110 111 10.000 200 20 10.000 4. ACADA * 2745 298 9.211 939 100 9.390 661 984 0.672 151 220 0.686 1291 238 5.424 111 20 5.550 421 238 1.769 34 20 1.700 28 1571 0.018 6. Alpha RADIAC 7. Beta RADIAC 8. C2A1 Canister Refill Date: June 2001 EQUIPMENT 41 5. Pocket RADIAC * Weapon System Type: 9. JCAD* 10. Training Support 400 161 11. Fielding Support 411 126 * Production schedules appear on individual program P-21s. Difference in unit costs includes associated items and support. TOTAL 8647 2146 Item No. 67 Page 15 of 40 165 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (M98801) AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT ALARM (ACADA), M22 Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 Proc Qty 3646 3594 4890 8562 Gross Cost 35.0 29.4 41.4 69.4 0.6 35.0 29.4 41.4 69.4 0.6 35.0 29.4 41.4 69.4 0.6 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm/Non-Developmental Item (ACADA/NDI) is a man-portable automatic alarm system capable of detecting blister and nerve agents/vapors. The ACADA/NDI has improved agent sensitivity, response time, and interference rejection. The ACADA/NDI operates with no human interference after system start -up, detects automatically for a minimum of 24 hours, provides audio and visual alarms, and has a communication interface to support battlespace automation systems. The ACADA/NDI buy provides a first time point detection capability to automatically detect blister agents. The ACADA/NDI allows battlespace commanders to use information obtained to make rapid and effective decisions concerning adjustment of the protective posture of their soldiers. The ACADA/NDI meets the critical needs of the US Forces for an automatic point sampling chemical agent alarm. A shipboard ACADA variant was developed to operate under shipboard specific environments. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funding provides Joint Service system fielding support and contract closeout. ACADA meets the needs of service users as specified in the Joint Service Operational Requirements Document (JSORD), dated February 90. Item No. 67 Page 16 of 40 166 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (M98801) AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT ALARM (ACADA), M22 Other Related Program Elements: 0604384BP, Project CA5 Preplanned Product Improvement (P3I) for surface sampling provides the M22 ACADA with a first time capability to detect agents/vapor on surface at cold temperatures. RDT&E: FY 99 and Prior - $2.2 M. DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Development Test/Operational Test Technical Data Package Type Classification - Ship ACADA Milestone III (Surface Sampler) PROJECTED/ACTUAL 1Qtr FY00 - complete 2Qtr FY00 - complete 3Qtr FY00 - complete 1Qtr FY01 - complete Type classification of Surface Sampler is not required. Item No. 67 Page 17 of 40 167 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Hardware - M22 Engineering Support System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & New Equipment Training) Quality Assurance Support Technical Data Package, ECPs M42 Vehicle Mount Brackets A Hardware - XM279 Surface Samplers PVT - Surface Sampler Shipboard Detectors Hardware- Ship ACADA First Article Testing Technical Data Logistics Engineering Change Proposals System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & New Equipment Training) Engineering Support Acceptance Testing Contract Administration TOTAL P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M98801) AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A Weapon System Type: ALARM (ACADA), M22 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 32650 746 100 4655 7.014 55717 987 1557 8202 6.793 304 196 250 100 22 350 80 2 210 700 300 0.700 200 8640 360 24.000 5290 132 100 254 77 521 235 22.511 Date: June 2001 25 250 50 666 818 185 200 41445 69434 Item No. 67 Page 18 of 40 168 95 595 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (M98801) AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT ALARM (ACADA), M22 PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date Hardware - M22 Graseby Dynamics, LTD, Watford, UK Graseby Dynamics, LTD, Watford, UK FY 00 FY 01 FFP/Opt10 SBCCOM, APG, MD Dec-99 Apr-00 4655 7014 Yes FFP/Opt12 SBCCOM, APG, MD Nov-00 Mar-01 8202 6793 Yes In house SBCCOM, APG, MD Dec-00 Mar-01 300 700 Yes SS(8A)/FFP Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Dahlgren, VA NSWC, Crane, IN Apr-00 Sep-00 235 22511 Yes Jun-01 Nov-01 360 24000 Yes Sep-00 Hardware - XM279 Surface Samplers SBCCOM, APG, MD FY 01 Hardware- Ship ACADA FY 00 Science & Tech Res. Inc, Fulton, MD FY 01 TBS REMARKS: C/FFP FY96 through FY00 programs are priced options to the Graseby Dynamics, LTD. The contract was awarded Dec 95. Option 11 is Operation and Maintenance, Army (OMA) funded and buys provisioning spare and repair parts for maintenance and replenishment stockage. No production funds were used in option 11. FY01 program option 12 awarded to Graseby Dynamics, LTD. Milestone slippage in FY00, the production of all XM279 Surface Sampler will be in FY01. A market survey was issued and no viable vendor was found, so production was brought in house. The shipboard ACADA variant has a different engineering design resulting from unique shipboard requirements. Unit cost for Shipboard ACADA is considerably higher due to unique requirements. A new production contract is being used to meet the shipboard specific requirements. Item No. 67 Page 19 of 40 169 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M98801) AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT ALARM (ACADA), M22 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R 324 208 164 M F R FY Hardware - M22 1 FY 99 A 2684 769 1915 300 300 300 319 Hardware - M22 1 FY 99 MC 695 374 321 100 100 100 21 Hardware - M22 1 FY 99 N 166 20 146 20 20 20 20 20 46 Hardware M22 WMD -CST 1 FY 99 NG 438 1 437 25 50 76 60 91 35 Hardware - M22 1 FY 00 A 4655 4655 Hardware- Ship ACADA 3 FY 00 N 235 235 Hardware M22 WMD -CST 1 FY 00 NG 398 398 Hardware - M22 1 FY 01 A 7852 7852 A Hardware - M22 1 FY 01 AF 350 350 A Hardware - XM279 Surface Samplers 2 FY 01 A 300 300 Hardware- Ship ACADA 4 FY 01 N 360 360 COST ELEMENTS A R NAME/LOCATION N O V 8 D E C J A N F E B MFR Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ Graseby Dynamics, LTD, Watford, UK 20 270 700 6 2 SBCCOM, APG, MD 20 50 70 4 3 Science & Tech Res. Inc, Fulton, MD 20 230 300 6 4 TBS 20 230 300 6 A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B A U G S E P 478 429 430 420 420 420 435 440 440 443 10 25 25 25 25 25 39 39 39 39 39 39 650 650 650 650 3302 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 M A R A P R M A Y J U N 39 39 39 39 25 25 25 25 650 650 650 50 50 50 50 A REACHED 1 J U L A PRODUCTION RATES F J U N A O C T M M A Y 100 300 A J U L L A T E R Calendar Year 01 2 3 4 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 5 2 7 REORDER 0 2 5 7 INITIAL 3 2 4 6 REORDER 0 2 4 6 INITIAL 3 6 6 12 REORDER 0 2 4 6 INITIAL 3 6 6 12 REORDER 0 2 4 6 A P R M A Y J U N 360 J U L A U G S E P REMARKS 1. Operational requirement necessitates an accelerated, 2-8-5 production schedule. 2. Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately. (See JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction - Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). 3. FY00 Surface Sampler production pushed into FY01 due to milestone slippage. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 20 of 40 170 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (M98801) AUTO CHEMICAL AGENT ALARM (ACADA), M22 Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B 4550 3302 700 700 700 700 502 60 60 60 N O V D E C J A N FY Hardware - M22 1 FY 01 A 7852 Hardware- Ship ACADA 4 FY 01 N 360 COST ELEMENTS Calendar Year 02 S E R V M F R 360 O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION M A R A P R 60 60 60 F E B M A R A P R MFR F REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Graseby Dynamics, LTD, Watford, UK 20 270 700 6 2 SBCCOM, APG, MD 20 50 70 4 3 Science & Tech Res. Inc, Fulton, MD 20 230 300 6 4 TBS 20 230 300 6 Fiscal Year 03 2 3 4 Calendar Year 03 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 2 5 2 7 REORDER 0 2 5 7 INITIAL 3 2 4 6 REORDER 0 2 4 6 INITIAL 3 6 6 12 REORDER 0 2 4 6 INITIAL 3 6 6 12 REORDER 0 2 4 6 L A T E R REMARKS 1. Operational requirement necessitates an accelerated, 2-8-5 production schedule. 2. Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately. (See JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction - Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). 3. FY00 Surface Sampler production pushed into FY01 due to milestone slippage. INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 21 of 40 171 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (MA0601) RECON SYSTEM, FOX NBC (NBCRS) MODS Other Related Program Elements: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 81.6 25.9 25.6 57.8 6.4 81.6 25.9 25.6 57.8 6.4 81.6 25.9 25.6 57.8 6.4 80 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The NBC Reconnaissance Systems (NBCRS) Fox provides nuclear and chemical sampling, detection, and warning equipment and biological sampling equipment integrated into a high speed, high mobility, armored carrier capable of performing reconnaissance on primary, secondary, and cross-country routes wherever combat forces are deployed. The system contains a vehicle-mounted surface sampler, chemical mass spectrometer, chemical agent monitor, chemical agent detector alarm, radiation detection device, navigation system, secure communications, area marking, and collective protection. In addition to the already fielded capabilities, the NBCRS Block (Blk) I modification: will be capable of remote chemical vapor detection at a distance up to five kilometers; will add a communications link to the digitized battlespace thus giving battlefield commanders more response time and improved soldier survivability; and will reduce crew size from four to three. The Blk II modification adds newly developed detectors that allow remote chemical detection on the move, biological detection, improved chemical detection, and improved digitization/communication. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 M93A1 NBCRS Fox Blk I procurement continues legacy M93 system modification program to update and field M93A1 systems to the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. Requirements are specified in the Requirements Operational Capability (ROC), dated 22 Feb 91. The M93A1 fully integrates for the first time the stand-off M21 chemical vapor detector into the mobility platform, and thus enables the crew to remotely deploy and operate the sensor from the fully protected crew compartment. The M93A1 also for the first time digitally integrates the on board NBC detection sensors, communications and navigation systems. This enhancement provides the crew commander full real time visibility into the operational status of system sensors and communications and provides the linkage to the digitized battlefield C4I architecture. The M93A1 modification also reduces the operational cost of the system by reducing the crew size to three soldiers/marines. The internal crew level human factors engineering changes improve crew workload distribution and reduces task complexity. M93A1 is being fielded under the unit level total package fielding concept, U.S. Army Fox equipped unit fielding is in six or eight system increments and USMC equipped unit fielding is in two or four system increments. All ozone depleting substances (Halon) will be removed from the Fox systems automatic fire extinguishing systems. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT: A Cooperative Agreement between the U.S. and German governments, to provide supply support and configuration management of common hardware on the NBCRS, was signed on 18 Apr 95. This agreement formalizes and optimizes U.S. Non-Developmental Item NBCRS fleet supply support and enhances system life cycle Contractor Logistic Support. Item No. 67 Page 22 of 40 172 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION Date: June 2001 MODIFICATION TITLE: NBCRS Fox Block I MODELS OF SYSTEM AFFECTED: M93 Fox NBC Reconnaissance System DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The M93 is upgraded to the M93A1 NBCRS Fox to meet Operation Requirements specified in the Requirements Operational Capability (ROC), dated 22 Feb 91, and reduce operations and support costs by reducing crew size to three. The M93A1 has the capability to detect chemical contamination at a distance of up to five kilometers; automatically integrate contamination information from sensors with input from on-board navigation and meteorological systems and transmit digital warning messages through the Maneuver Control System; thus increasing warning times and improving soldier survivability. A U.S. Army Chemical School study shows that the M93A1 Fox provides a significant force multiplier. Specifically, Fox equipped divisions gain the equivalent of an additional 3.8 maneuver companies firepower, per day, when the Fox is employed in a chemical war. DEVELOPMENT STATUS/MAJOR DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES: Milestone Planned Accomplished IPR Production Decision Production Contract Award First Modification Delivery (FUE) Jun 95 May 96 Oct 98 Jun 95 May 96 Oct 98 FY 2000 2 3 2 4 5 4 4 6 FY 2001 2 3 4 1 4 Contractor/Depot FY 2000 FY 2000 1/00 6/01 Installation Schedule: Inputs Outputs Pr Yr Totals 58 38 1 6 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADTIME: FY 2001 FY 2001 1/01 6/02 FY 2002 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 Inputs Outputs METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION: Contract Dates: Delivery Date: 3 Months Item No. 67 Page 23 of 40 173 PRODUCTION LEADTIME: FY 2002 1/02 FY 2002 4/03 18 Months Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION MODIFICATION TITLE (Cont): Date: June 2001 NBCRS Fox Block I FINANCIAL PLAN: ($ in Millions) RDT&E PROCUREMENT Kit Quantity Installation Kits Installation Kits, Nonrecurring Equipment Equipment, Nonrecurring Engineering Change Orders Data Training Equipment Support Equipment Other Interim Contractor Support Installation of Hardware FY 1999 & Prior Eqpt -- Kits FY 2000 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2001 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2002 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2003 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2004 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2005 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2006 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2007 Eqpt -- Kits TC Equip-Kits Total Equip-Kits Total Procurement Cost FY 1999 and Prior Qty $ 168.0 FY 2000 Qty $ 3.9 FY 2001 Qty $ 62 14 21 73.6 3.8 3.5 9.7 55 55 9.0 39.5 3 15.2 7 15.2 154.3 7 19.7 FY 2002 Qty $ 35.3 0.5 6.8 1.0 2.2 3.9 4.3 2.2 2.2 25.6 14 16 5.6 6.4 30 12.0 58.0 5 2.0 5 2.0 6.3 Item No. 67 Page 24 of 40 174 Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (N00041) SHIPBOARD DETECTOR MODIFICATIONS Other Related Program Elements: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 11.7 8.1 8.7 4.6 4.7 11.7 8.1 8.7 4.6 4.7 11.7 8.1 8.7 4.6 4.7 36 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The objective of this program is to procure and install Chemical and Biological (CB) defensive systems for surface ships to support the requirement to sustain operations in a CB threat environment. Systems to be fielded include the Improved Point Detection System (IPDS). IPDS replaces the Chemical Agent Point Detection System MK 21 Mod 1 and provides expandable point detection of chemical warfare vapor agents. Milestone (MS) III occurred in 3QFY95. The program provides for the installation of IPDS on amphibious, combat, select combat support ships, and Coast Guard vessels by Alteration Installation Teams headed by Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Crane, IN. The inventory objective is 254 systems and three training systems. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funds will be used to continue installation of Improved Point Detection Systems on deployable U.S. Navy surface ships through coordination with Fleet Commanders in Chief to allow ship operation in a CB contaminated environment. NOTE: The Milestone Decision Authority in 3QFY00 terminated Shipboard Automatic Liquid Agent Detector (SALAD), previously covered by this program. Item No. 67 Page 25 of 40 175 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION Date: June 2001 MODIFICATION TITLE: Improved Point Detection System MODELS OF SYSTEM AFFECTED: To be installed on amphibious, combat, and selected combat support ships and selected Coast Guard vessels. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: IPDS replaces the Chemical Agent Point Detection System (CAPDS) MK 21 Mod 1 and provides greater sensitivity, faster response time, increased agent detection (nerve and blister) and is expandable for new and novel chemical warfare agent vapors. The program provides for the installation of IPDS on amphibious, combat, and selected combat support ships, and Coast Guard vessels by Alteration Installation Teams headed by NSWC, Crane, IN. The inventory objective is 254 systems and 3 training systems Notes: 1. Installation costs per unit vary with installation location. 2. First article test units will be used as trainers. 3. The installation quantity columns include systems that will be installed with Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy (SCN) funds, but the associated costs are not included. 4. The long production lead-time is due to extensive engineering change proposals early in the contract causing delays in production. DEVELOPMENT STATUS/MAJOR DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES: Milestone Planned Accomplished MS III Contract Award First Delivery 2nd Contract Award Jun 95 Sep 96 Feb 99 Jan 99 Jun 95 Oct 96 Jun 99 Feb 99 Installation Schedule: Inputs Outputs Pr Yr Totals 21 20 1 18 15 FY 2000 2 3 18 18 15 15 4 18 15 1 18 14 FY 2001 2 3 18 18 13 13 4 18 13 1 18 13 FY 2002 2 3 18 18 13 13 4 18 13 Inputs Outputs METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION: Contract Dates: Delivery Date: Alteration/Installation TM ADMINISTRATIVE LEADTIME: FY 2000 2/00 FY 2001 FY 2000 6/02 FY 2001 4 Months None N/A Item No. 67 Page 26 of 40 176 PRODUCTION LEADTIME: FY 2002 None FY 2002 N/A 29 Months Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification INDIVIDUAL MODIFICATION MODIFICATION TITLE (Cont): Date: June 2001 Improved Point Detection System FINANCIAL PLAN: ($ in Millions) FY 1999 and Prior Qty $ 22.8 RDT&E PROCUREMENT Kit Quantity Installation Kits Installation Kits, Nonrecurring Equipment 202 Equipment, Nonrecurring 3 Engineering Change Orders Data Training Equipment Support Equipment Other Interim Contractor Support Installation of Hardware FY 1999 & Prior Eqpt -- Kits FY 2000 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2001 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2002 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2003 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2004 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2005 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2006 Eqpt -- Kits FY 2007 Eqpt -- Kits TC Equip-Kits Total Equip-Kits Total Procurement Cost 11.2 0.2 0.6 0.2 FY 2000 Qty $ 52 1.2 FY 2001 Qty $ FY 2002 Qty $ 3.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.4 1.5 1.4 20 2.1 60 4.1 53 3.1 52 3.2 20 2.1 15.5 60 4.1 8.7 53 3.1 4.7 52 3.2 4.7 Item No. 67 Page 27 of 40 177 Exhibit P -3a, Individual Modification Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: P-1 Item Nomenclature (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) Other Related Program Elements: Prior Years FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 Proc Qty 2368 1927 3502 4445 Gross Cost 12.3 9.4 14.3 18.8 0.3 12.3 9.4 14.3 18.8 0.3 12.3 9.4 14.3 18.8 0.3 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) Initial Spares Total Proc Cost Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM) is a hand-held, service member operated device for monitoring chemical agent contamination on personnel and equipment. The ICAM detects vapors from chemical agents on the surface by sensing the molecular ions of specific mobilities (time-of-flight). It uses special timing and microprocessor techniques to reject interference and false alarms. The ICAM detects and discriminates between vapors of nerve and mustard agents. It identifies and provides a positive in dication of specific areas and relative levels of contamination hazard. The ICAM consists of a drift tube, electronics board, molecular sieve, vacuum pump, and buzzer. It includes expendables such as batteries, a battery pack, test stimulant, and dust filters. The ICAM weighs five (5) pounds and measures 4" x 7" x 15". The ICAM upgrades the CAM by significantly reducing maintenance burdens and improving reliability and maintainability. JUSTIFICATION: FY02 funds will be used for total package fielding, new equipment training, and first destination transportation of approximately 3200 systems. The ICAM is an improved version of the already -fielded Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM). The CAM provided a first time, mission essential, capability for monitorin g nerve and mustard agent contamination according to the Required Operational Capability dated 7 Sep 84. The FY00 program was increased by 390 ICAMs as a result of the funding increase to fill a new Navy requirement. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT: The CAM was developed by Graseby Dynamics Ltd., Watford, England for the United Kingdom (UK) Ministry of Defense (MOD). The improvements leading to the ICAM were developed by Graseby for the U.S. The U.S. government has a license agreement with Graseby, which requires payment of a $208 royalty for each of the first 30,000 units (CAM and ICAM combined). The FY96 procurement was the first competitive procurement permitted under this agreement. Item No. 67 Page 28 of 40 178 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD 1. ICAM Hardware P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE A Date: June 2001 MONITOR (ICAM) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 10854 3374 3.217 13673 4445 3.076 2. Royalty Payment (Graseby) 702 3374 0.208 924 4445 0.208 3. Batteries 146 208 4. Battery packs 170 243 5. Replacement Assemblies 212 128 1.656 6. CAM Training Simulator 1166 122 9.557 116 9.078 1053 7. Engineering Support 849 1835 8. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & New Equipment Training) 195 863 14294 18799 TOTAL Weapon System Type: Item No. 67 Page 29 of 40 179 264 264 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date ICAM Hardware FY 00 FY 01 Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL C/FPM-(OP) SBCCOM, APG, MD SBCCOM, APG, MD Nov-00 May-01 390 3217 Yes C/FPM-(OP) Nov-99 May-00 2984 3217 Yes Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL C/FPM-(OP) SBCCOM, APG, MD Nov-00 Jul-01 4445 3076 Yes Graseby, Watford, UK Graseby, Watford, UK SS/FP Dec-99 2984 208 Yes SS/FP SBCCOM, APG, MD SBCCOM, APG, MD Dec-00 390 208 Yes Graseby, Watford, UK SS/FP SBCCOM, APG, MD Dec-00 4445 208 Yes Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL C/FPM-(OP) SBCCOM, APG, MD Nov-99 Jun-00 128 1656 Yes Argon Electronics, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK SS/FP SBCCOM, APG, MD Jan-00 Jan-01 122 9557 Yes Royalty Payment (Graseby) FY 00 FY 01 Replacement Assemblies FY 00 CAM Training Simulator FY 00 REMARKS: CAM Training Simulator (CAMSIM) - Sole source contract awarded to procure a commercial item produced exclusively by Argon Electronics. The CAMSIM price drop between FY00 and FY01 is due to the fact that FY00 prices reflected startup costs not repeated in FY01. Royalties - See Cooperative Agreement information on P -40. The FY00 program was increased by 390 ICAMs as a result of the funding increase to fill a new Navy requirement. Item No. 67 Page 30 of 40 180 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Jan-01 Aug-01 Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date CAM Training Simulator (cont) FY 01 REMARKS: Argon Electronics, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK SS/FP SBCCOM, APG, MD 116 9078 Yes CAM Training Simulator (CAMSIM) - Sole source contract awarded to procure a commercial item produced exclusively by Argon Electronics. The CAMSIM price drop between FY00 and FY01 is due to the fact that FY00 prices reflected startup costs not repeated in FY01. Royalties - See Cooperative Agreement information on P -40. The FY00 program was increased by 390 ICAMs as a result of the funding increase to fill a new Navy requirement. Item No. 67 Page 31 of 40 181 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R 135 293 300 300 284 300 295 M F R FY ICAM Hardware 1 FY 99 A 1907 1907 ICAM Hardware 1 FY 99 N 20 20 20 ICAM Hardware 1 FY 99 NG 414 384 193 191 CAM Training Simulator 1 FY 99 A 36 36 CAM Training Simulator 1 FY 99 AF 94 94 CAM Training Simulator 1 FY 99 N 6 6 2 CAM Training Simulator 1 FY 99 NG 138 138 2 ICAM Hardware 1 FY 00 A 2984 2984 ICAM Hardware 1 FY 00 N 390 390 Replacement Assemblies 1 FY 00 A 128 128 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 00 A 52 52 A 4 9 9 9 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 00 AF 70 70 A 6 11 11 11 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 00 NG 111 111 A WMD -CST 1 FY 00 NG 342 342 A 84 258 A P R M A Y COST ELEMENTS 30 4 R NAME/LOCATION N O V 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 100 300 600 19 2 Argon Electronics, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK 10 20 40 3 3 Graseby, Watford, UK 0 0 0 0 S E P O C T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 9 9 7 1 9 N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R D E C J A N F E B 2 3 M A R A P R 8 9 8 9 9 9 20 20 10 87 7 274 300 300 300 300 300 300 M A Y 300 300 216 S E P 8 20 20 63 J U L A U G S E P J U N J U L 42 300 48 9 9 3 11 11 9 J U N 26 J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 8 2 34 36 REORDER 2 2 11 13 INITIAL 0 8 4 12 REORDER 0 3 13 16 INITIAL 0 0 0 0 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL A U G M A Y 1 102 MFR Number Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL A U G 6 A REACHED 1 J U L A PRODUCTION RATES F J U N 10 A O C T M M A Y L A T E R Calendar Year 01 J U N REMARKS Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately (see JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). FY00 & FY01 MFR lead time shortened to 7 & 9 months by use of long lead components authorization. FY00/01 pushed forward to prevent break in production. REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 32 of 40 182 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 00 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Fiscal Year 01 Calendar Year 00 J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 252 300 300 3203 Calendar Year 01 M F R FY ICAM Hardware 1 FY 01 A 4055 4055 A ICAM Hardware 1 FY 01 N 390 390 A CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 A 23 23 A 23 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 AF 33 33 A 33 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 MC 60 60 A 60 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 NG 20 20 A 20 WMD -CST 1 FY 01 NG 97 97 COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION F E B N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR F R J A N REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL 100 300 600 19 2 Argon Electronics, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK 10 20 40 3 3 Graseby, Watford, UK 0 0 0 0 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N 390 A O C T M D E C 2 3 M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V 97 D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 8 2 34 36 REORDER 2 2 11 13 INITIAL 0 8 4 12 REORDER 0 3 13 16 INITIAL 0 0 0 0 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P REMARKS Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately (see JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). FY00 & FY01 MFR lead time shortened to 7 & 9 months by use of long lead components authorization. FY00/01 pushed forward to prevent break in production. REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 33 of 40 183 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (S02201) IMPROVED CHEMICAL AGENT MONITOR (ICAM) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 Fiscal Year 03 Calendar Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT O C T N O V D E C J A N M F R FY CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 00 NG 111 48 63 20 20 20 3 ICAM Hardware 1 FY 01 A 4055 852 3203 300 300 300 ICAM Hardware 1 FY 01 N 390 390 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 A 23 23 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 AF 33 33 4 6 6 6 6 5 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 MC 60 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 CAM Training Simulator 2 FY 01 NG 20 20 WMD -CST 1 FY 01 NG 97 97 COST ELEMENTS NAME/LOCATION A P R M A Y 300 300 300 300 203 3 4 4 4 4 N O V D E C J A N F E B MFR REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Intellitec, Inc. Deland, FL 100 300 600 19 2 Argon Electronics, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK 10 20 40 3 3 Graseby, Watford, UK 0 0 0 0 J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T 210 300 300 90 A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 90 4 1 19 J U N J U L 97 PRODUCTION RATES F R M A R 300 O C T M F E B Calendar Year 03 2 3 M A R A P R M A Y MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 8 2 34 36 REORDER 2 2 11 13 INITIAL 0 8 4 12 REORDER 0 3 13 16 INITIAL 0 0 0 0 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL REMARKS Guard & Reserve equipment funding is shown separately (see JA0004). Guard quantities are for the Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST). FY00 & FY01 MFR lead time shortened to 7 & 9 months by use of long lead components authorization. FY00/01 pushed forward to prevent break in production. REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 34 of 40 184 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule Date: Exhibit P-40, Budget Item Justification Sheet June 2001 Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Prior Years Proc Qty Gross Cost Code: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (S10801) JS LTWT STANDOFF CW AGT DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) Other Related Program Elements: FY 2002 70 10.4 Less PY Adv Proc Plus CY Adv Proc Net Proc (P-1) 10.4 Initial Spares Total Proc Cost 10.4 Flyaway U/C Wpn Sys Proc U/C DESCRIPTION: The Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (JSLSCAD) is the first chemical vapor detection system to furnish 360 degree on-the-move coverage from ground, air, and sea-based platforms at distances of up to five kilometers. JSLSCAD will provide war fighters of the Joint Service with state-of-the-art, early warning capability to avoid contaminated battlespaces or, if avoidance is not possible, time to don protective masks and clothing. JSLSCAD is a ruggedized, passive, infrared (IR) det ection system that automatically searches the 7 to 14 micron region of the surrounding atmosphere for chemical agent vapor clouds. Using sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms, JSLSCAD detects, classifies, and identifies chemical agent vapors while discriminating against both natural and manmade battlespace interferents. Once a detection is made, JSLSCAD identifies the agent cloud and alerts the war fighter with audible and/or visual alarms. It also indicates the direction and extent of the agent cloud on a graphical computer display and forwards the NBC report details through the Joint Warning and Reporting Network (JWARN). JSLSCAD applications include ground vehicle, aerial, shipboard, and fixed-emplacement platforms such as the following: M93A1 Fox Vehicle; NBCRS Block II; Joint Service Light NBC Reconnaissance System (JSLNBCRS); High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV); C-130 Aircraft; CH-53 Helicopter; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV); Ships; and Fixed-Site Installations. JSLSCAD will communicate with both JWARN and the Multipurpose Integrated Chemical Agent Detector (MICAD). JUSTIFICATION: JSLSCAD is a passive, remote, on-the-move chemical agent detector development, testing, and production program established to meet Joint Service requirements specified in the 16 June 1997 Joint Operational Requirements Document (JORD). FY02 funds procure 70 JSLSCAD systems to integrate onto the Joint Service Light NBC Reconnaissance System (JSLNBCRS). Item No. 67 Page 35 of 40 185 Exhibit P -40, Budget Item Justification Sheet Date: Exhibit P-40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: PROCUREMENT DEFENSE-WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE Program Elements for Code B Items: Code: 0604384BP Project CA5 B June 2001 P-1 Item Nomenclature (S10801) JS LTWT STANDOFF CW AGT DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) Other Related Program Elements: RDT&E Code B Item Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (JSLSCAD) - This program is designed to develop, test, and type classify the Joint Service's first passive, remote, on-the-move, chemical agent vapor detection system. JSLSCAD will be integrated onto a variety of ground vehicle, aerial, shipboard, and fixed-emplacement platforms. RDT&E: FY99 and Prior - $35.3M; FY00 - $18.1M; FY01 - $18.8M; FY02 - $5.9M DEVELOPMENT/TEST STATUS AND MAJOR MILESTONE Production Qualification Test (PQT) Shipboard Operational Test (OT) Production Performance Specification Initial Operation Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) Milestone III/Type Classification (TC) PROJECTED/ACTUAL 2Qtr FY01-2Qtr FY02 1Qtr FY01 3Qtr FY01 4Qtr FY01 3Qtr FY02 Item No. 67 Page 36 of 40 186 Exhibit P -40C, Budget Item Justification Sheet Exhibit P-5, Weapon Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No. P-1 Line Item Nomenclature: (S10801) JS LTWT STANDOFF CW AGT PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WPN SYST Cost Analysis Weapon System ID Cost Elements CD Weapon System Type: Date: June 2001 DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost TotalCost Qty UnitCost $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 $000 Each $000 1. Hardware JSLSCAD B JSLSCAD - with FAT B 7687 40 192.175 JSLSCAD - refurb PQT/IOT&E prototypes B 1979 30 65.967 2. 3. 4. 5. Engineering Support Contract Support Quality Assurance Support Technical Data, Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) 6. System Fielding Support (Total Package Fielding, First Destination Transportation & NET) 308 55 142 88 140 Remarks FY02 u/c for JSLSCAD with First Article Test (FAT) is the average of contractor target and ceiling prices for the minimum production quantity of 50 units. FY02 u/c for refurbished JSLSCAD Production Qualification Test/Initial Operation Test & Evaluation (PQT/IOTE) prototypes in FY02 is the average of contractor target and ceiling prices for refurbishment (refurb). TOTAL 10399 Item No. 67 Page 37 of 40 187 Exhibit P -5, Weapon System Cost Analysis Date: Exhibit P-5a, Budget Procurement History and Planning Appropriation/Budget Activity/Serial No: June 2001 Weapon System Type: P -1 Line Item Nomenclature: (S10801) JS LTWT STANDOFF CW AGT DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) PROCUREMENT DEFENSE -WIDE/3/CHEM-BIO DEFENSE WBS Cost Elements: Contractor and Location Contract Method and Type Location of PCO Award Date 1st QTY Unit Cost Date Delivery Each $ Spec/TDP Avail Now? Date Revsn Avail RFP Issue Date JSLSCAD - refurb PQT/IOT&E prototypes FY 02 Intellitec, DeLand, FL C/FFP (1) SBCCOM, APG, MD Aug-02 May-03 30 65967 Yes Jun-01 Intellitec, DeLand, FL C/FFP (2) SBCCOM, APG, MD Aug-02 Dec-03 40 192175 Yes Jun-01 JSLSCAD - with FAT FY 02 REMARKS: 1. FY02 unit cost (u/c) for refurbished JSLSCAD PQT/IOT&E prototypes is the average of contractor target and ceiling prices for refurbishment under contract option 1 (refurb). Contract award for refurbishment immediately follows Milestone III Type Classification, scheduled for June 02. 2. FY02 u/c for JSLSCAD with FAT is the average of contractor target and ceiling prices for the minimum production quantity of 50 units with FAT under contract option 2 (initial production). Contract award for First Article Test (FAT) units immediately follows Milestone III Type Classification, scheduled for June 02. Item No. 67 Page 38 of 40 188 Exhibit P -5A, Procurement History and Planning P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (S10801) JS LTWT STANDOFF CW AGT DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 02 S E R V PROC QTY Each ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Fiscal Year 03 Calendar Year 02 Calendar Year 03 M F R FY JSLSCAD - with FAT 2 FY 02 A 30 30 A JSLSCAD - with FAT 2 FY 02 MC 10 10 A JSLSCAD - refurb PQT/IOT&E prototypes 1 FY 02 A 15 15 A 5 5 5 JSLSCAD - refurb PQT/IOT&E prototypes 1 FY 02 MC 15 15 A 5 5 5 M A Y J U N J U L COST ELEMENTS O C T N O V O C T M PRODUCTION RATES NAME/LOCATION D E C J A N J A N F E B F E B MFR F R N O V D E C REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Intellitec, DeLand, FL 4 40 75 9 2 Intellitec, DeLand, FL 4 40 75 9 3 Intellitec, DeLand, FL 4 40 75 9 2 3 M A R M A R A P R A P R M A Y M A Y J U N J U N J U L J U L A U G A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P L A T E R 30 10 S E P ADMINLEAD TIME O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 10 10 20 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL 0 10 17 27 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL 0 5 15 20 REORDER 0 0 0 0 A P R A U G S E P REMARKS 1. Contract Option 1 is for refurbishment of test units. 2. Contract Option 2 is for initial production, which includes set- up time and first article tests. 3. Production rate is below 1-8-5 rate to ensure continuity of the production line. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 39 of 40 189 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule P -1 Item Nomenclature: Date: (S10801) JS LTWT STANDOFF CW AGT DETECTOR (JSLSCAD) Exhibit P21, Production Schedule June 2001 Fiscal Year 04 S E R V PROC QTY Each M F R FY JSLSCAD - with FAT 2 FY 02 A 30 JSLSCAD - with FAT 2 FY 02 MC 10 COST ELEMENTS ACCEP PRIOR TO 1 OCT BAL DUE AS OF 1 OCT Calendar Year 04 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R 30 6 6 6 6 6 10 2 2 2 2 2 D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R O C T M PRODUCTION RATES R NAME/LOCATION N O V MFR F REACHED Number 1 MIN. 1-8-5 MAX. D+ 1 Intellitec, DeLand, FL 4 40 75 9 2 Intellitec, DeLand, FL 4 40 75 9 3 Intellitec, DeLand, FL 4 40 75 9 Fiscal Year 05 2 3 Calendar Year 05 M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P MFR TOTAL Prior 1 Oct ADMINLEAD TIME After 1 Oct After 1 Oct After 1 Oct INITIAL 0 10 10 20 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL 0 10 17 27 REORDER 0 0 0 0 INITIAL 0 5 15 20 REORDER 0 0 0 0 L A T E R REMARKS 1. Contract Option 1 is for refurbishment of test units. 2. Contract Option 2 is for initial production, which includes set- up time and first article tests. 3. Production rate is below 1-8-5 rate to ensure continuity of the production line. INITIAL REORDER INITIAL REORDER Item No. 67 Page 40 of 40 190 Exhibit P -21, Production Schedule