Name: ____________________________ Group Members: _______________________________________________

Name: ____________________________
Group Members: _______________________________________________
You have been asked to create two frequent buyer programs for the Minnesota Twins! The program
has to be directed towards getting high school students to attend Twins games more often. This can
be a way to reach new customers and a way you are able to reward those who buy regularly.
Describe your target market/objectives.
Demographics: Male and Females 14-18 years old
Geographic’s: 70 mile radius of metro dome
Psychographics: __(Search for Baseball Fan Consumer Insight________
Describe your frequent buyer program.
How long will the program last? Explain why.
How is the target market going to learn about the program? How will your advertising reach them?
What types of media are you going to use?
How will customers sign up or what kind of application will there be? Look up 3 other frequency
program applications. Can this information be used for other marketing information?
Will your plan have a fee or could it incorporate one? Explain why or why not you chose to have a
fee for the program and the details of the fee.
What are the logistics? Decide what it is that will earn customers prizes? How will they redeem
their prize or reward?
Make a chart similar to below that shows the steps from signing up to acquiring rewards
What is the reward/prize for being a member of this program? Create a chart similar to below
How is this considered valuable for the customer?
How will you handle the fulfillment of the prizes? Can you accommodate all of the people who join
the program?
What is the ratio cost of the program? Customer cost vs. business cost.
Customer Cost Vs. Business Cost
Cost to Fans
Cost to MN Twins
Provide one possible cross-promotion idea to compliment this frequent buyer program. Explain.
How will both business partners benefit from the cross-promotion?
You will be presenting your frequency program plan to the class. With this presentation you must also include a press
release, enrollment application form, advertisement, and the membership card/program materials.
Enrollment Application:
This application is the way customers sign up for the program. Think about where they will sign up and how
accessible it will be. Think if you can ask any questions that could be used for other marketing projects. Go to and download a template for your application
Press Release:
This release will be used to communicate and report your newsworthy announcement to relevant media, and which
can result in free publicity you could never afford to buy. Think about what is important to the customer and what
this program can do for the customer.
No more than 250 words
Headline that summarize the story
Written in third person, never first person
Only four paragraphs
Paragraph #1 - The basic facts, the who, what, where, when and why
Paragraph #2 - A slightly broader explanation of the basic reason for the press release
Paragraph #3 - This is the where you place the quote from the key person or testimonials
Paragraph #4 - More information on the reason for the press release
Include contact name and telephone number in the header
Put the date on the release and the words FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE in the header
“###” at the end of the release
Time Line:
Provide a timeline when this entire plan will run. Start with when you first start promoting the program to the target
market and end with final day to redeem rewards. Don’t forget to include all the elements you described earlier in
your time line. This can be bullet points or a chart.
Do not expect staff to describe the frequency program to customers. You need to market the program to the
customers in other ways of advertisement so that customers are informed about the program. How will you do this?
This ad must have the following elements
1. Headline
2. Illustration
3. Copy
4. Identification
5. Call to action
Membership card/program materials:
Be creative! Remember how many activities go on at a Twins game. You want it to stand out so that the customer is
more likely to see it and use it.