Water Reporters By: Stephon, Griffin, and Kevin States of water The states of water tonight that we will be explaining are, gases, liquids, and solids. Water vapor is water that has evaporated from bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, puddles, and ponds. Water is not unlimited because 97% is salt water which we can’t drink 2% is ice which is water in its solid form so we can’t drink it and 1% is fresh water which we can drink and luckily that 1% is enough for all the people on the planet earth. Ice is the solid form of water, and a solid is something where the molecules are so tightly packed that nothing can go straight through them. Ice is made when water freezes persentage of water on earth 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Fresh H2O ice Salt H2O The Water Cycle The water cycle starts out with evaporation (the water evaporates into the air) then condensation (the water condenses into clouds) and then perception (the water droplets fall back to earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail) and finally collection (water sits until it evaporates) and that is the water cycle, or the hydrological cycle. A liquid is something where the molecules are not tightly packed or all loose. It can move down a slope by itself. How Humans Impact Water!!!!!!!!! Some ways humans impact water is by releasing junk paint, oil, pop cans, tar, and soap into the sewer this poisons the water and a fact is that we use 35x more water than 300 years ago, wow! How water can be scarce in the world? In some places along the equator, water is so scarce the small amount that people have is poisonous and if they drink it they will get sick and die. What Do Humans Do When Where Done Using it? What do humans do with water when there done using it? They recycle it by pouring it on plants. Giving it to their pets, it goes to the septic tank, or the sewage water treatment plant, it depends where you live. Some of the ways humans get water is by: the river, aquifer, stream, or a lake. (just for information an aquifer is a layer of water, under layers of rocks, sand and dirt.). Resources Foss science book Water treatment plant Eagan MN Bill Nye the science guy The Water Cycle video Microsoft PowerPoint