I +.* Al B A MR 0 0 A S A IVi~ MA T E P I A L FOR R E I N F 0 R C I N G course XIII C 0 XC R E T E may , 1914 ) -o ' 4w A 'zi ~ rw #- NY: 'S -,, j P R E F A CE In the Winter of 1912, an order of bamboo was placed with a dealer in Shanghai, China. The bamboo was purchased for specimens to be used in testing its strength. Its extensive growth, its abun- dance, and its innumerable uses, rance of its properties, coupled with the igno- demand that such a test be made. The bamboo arrived in May of the following year after a journey of thousands of miles on board trans-Pacific ship and over trans-continental railroads. The whole batch numbered thirty-five of varying size, weight and age, of which several were injured, but ninety per cent was sound. Chikiang Province, They were native of China. Experiments were begun in the fall of 1913, and extended throughout the year while f6llowing the fourth year curriculum of the Coursee of Naval Archi- tecture in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in which these experiments were conducted. The great tensile strength of Bamboo inspired the author to attempt to use it as a material for reinforcing concrete. In this thesis report much space has been devoted to the discussion of the matter; and it is hoped that further experiments will be made to throw more light upon the subject. The author desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to the instructing staff in general of the De- partment of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Peabody, Instructor in the Department, to Mr. Dean whose kind as- sistance in the making and testing of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo has been most helpful to the author. Thanks are also due to all those who have bestowed their helping hand upon the author. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May, 1914. &ri C ONTENTS Page iv PREFACE ... ... Preliminary Calculation ... ... ... Design of Form- .. CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH BAMBOO ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... e 2 ... ... 9 ... Estimate of Material, Bending of Sti rrups... 10 Pouring of Concrete ... ... ... 11 Test of Beams ... ... ... ... .*.. Analysis of Results ... ... Notes on the Tests Conclusion ... ... ... 5 13 ... ... 24 ... ... ... 26 s.. ... ... 31 ... 33 ... 59 . s. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tests on the Tensile Strength of Bamboo Shearing Strength of Bamboo ... Colurimn Tests on Bamboo ... ... ... Specific Gravity of Split Bamboo ... ... ... .. ... Coefficient of Friction of Bamboo... ... Coefficient of Erpansion of Bamboo ... Relation of Number of Toints to Diameter Miscellaneous ..... ... *.. Veneering of Bamboo. Bamboo in Aeroplane Work. Gluing Quality of Bamboo. ... *.. ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 ... ... 67 ... 69 ... e 72 ... ... 71 e 74 CONTENTS 1. V11 (continued) Page Carpenters' Tools on Bamboo. Bending of Bamboo Strips. Cracks in Bamboo. Cross-sectioning of Bamboo. Review of Max Ulrich's Work .... Review of Captain Bond's Work ... Professor Johnson's Tests on Bamboo Appendix II *.. ... * * . .o. s.. e. ... ... 78 0 . ... ... *. 89 ...a .. ... ... 97 ... ... ... ... 100 s.. ... 116 ... ... Y111 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Bamboo as seen in the Institute Laboratory ... .. Drawing of Form - Blueprint... Frontispiece. . ... ... .0 ... ... .9.. 9 Wire Machine, used for testing Tension of Bamboo ... ... 31 Shear Block, used for testing the Longitu- dinal Shear of Bamboo. -. Photo and Drawing Emery Machine, --. ... ... 58 9... 300,000 pounds capacity 62 Bamboo Coluim Split under compression Drawing of 5-1/2 inch Extensometer, used in Column Test ... ... ... Bamboo Cracks at a Joint *.. ... Bamboo Trestles and Bridges... Butt of Bamboo, whole and split Bamboo Grove in China ... ... ... . .9.. 65 .9.. 65 ... ... .0. 9 75 89 After Appendix II " ... " II V II Bamboo Grove in China another view ... ... ... V " V / /1 Y .m I I -- C 0000** CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH BAMBOO. The high tensile strength of bamboo led the author to conceive the idea of applying this material to the reinforcing of concrete beams on its tension side. The abundance of growth of the wood and the ease with which it can be procured in the land of China would render it of practical value, should it prove to contribute to the strength of the member to which the reinforcement of the bamboo has been applied. There are several large cement factories in China that produce first grade cement at comparatively low cost. Although reinforced concrete has been used in China only to a limited extent, time will come when the wave of concrete construction in the West will spread far and wide in the East. For structures for which steel reinforcing will be too expensive, and where bamboo can do as well as steel, bamboo can displace steel. bungalows, cottages, watertanks, For instance, culvert pipes, foot bridges, etc., can be reinforced with this material. Preliminary Calculation. zt Test specimens of reinforced concrete beams are habitually of the dimensions 40 X 8' X 6' - 8". The beam is to be tested with a six feet span, loaded by two loads symmetrically placed at one third of the span from each end. Consequently the calculation should be made on this assumed beam. The Joint Committee recommends " The lateral spacing of parallel bars should not be less than two and one-half diameters, center to center, nor should the distance from the side of the beam to the center of the nearest bar be less than two diameters." This practically fixes the design of the section as shown in the following figure. 3 There remains, however, the calculation of maximum loads which may be expected of the beams to bear with such reinforcement. To do so, the common form- las for reinforced concrete has been used. long list of formilas numbering sixteen, From the the one of immediate application to this case is the. following: X where = 3 r+2n 1/6 bd 2 Cn ----------(r + n) 2 X = bending moment due to safe loads. b = breadth of beam. d = distance from center of tensile steel area to compression side of beam, or the effective depth. C = compressive stress in the concrete. *Brooks, John P. "Reinforced Concrete", p. 30. 4 n = ratio of Modulus of Elasticity of steel to that of concrete. r = ratio of tensile stress of steel to compres- sive stress of concrete. b In this case, concrete); d = 7"; = 4"; n = 15; C =650 (1 : 2 : 4 (The values of C, r = 15. n and r, are Joint Committee reconzrendations . ) 3 X 15 + 2 X 15 1/6 X 4 X 7 2 X 650 X 15 ----------------- *M (15 + 15 )2 = 26,600 inch lbs. (1) ..................... The weight of concrete beam is: 41/12 X 77t. per foot /12 222 --- = per cu.ft.) = 220# X 6.66 X 150 (lbs, = 666 33.4 4//ft. The maximum bending moments due to safe load W --- and its own weight is: 2) W --2 X 220 X 61 + - - - - .. 3 2' . . . . . .. (2) Equat ing ( 1 ) and (2 ) we have W M 26,600 = --2 W W = 220 X 6 X 2 X 12 +--------- X 12 8 2050# being the load which is expected of this beam to S s tand without failure. As will be seen later, the maximum load under which the beams fail is many times the above figure. This shows that in the design a good factor of safety has been used. There remains, however, the calculation of stirrup near the ends of support, in order that the beams will not fail by diagonal shear, and the tension in the reinforcing rods may be fully developed. The Joint Committee recommends a working -shearing stress of 40 lbs. per sq. in. V where = V b V = total shear that the concrete is capable to bear without the help of stirrups. v = allowable shear stress = 40#/.' j = vertical distance between points of application of horizontal tensile and compressive stresses. *Brooks "Reinforced Concrete" page 73. 3 r + 2 n = d ----------- But 3(r + n) 3 A 15 + 2 X 15 =7 X ----------------- -- 5.83" 3(15 + 15) Therefore V = 933# 40 X 4 X 5.83 There is at the support a shear of Then 1135 - 933 = 200# 1025#+ 110# = 1135#. must be taken up by stirrups. The proportion 1135 : 200 2' : x = will give the distance from support within which reinforcement by stirrups is necessary. Solving the equa- tion, x = .35' = 4.2" In the actual beam, the stirrup reinforcement extends as far as 20" from the ends of support to make it doubly sure failure will not occur at sections other than that of maximum bending moment. For stirrups 1/8" rods are used. The calculation for beams reinforced with bamboo Strips are identical with that for steel in *Brooks "Reinforced Concrete", page 40. however 7 every respect, with the difference that since bamboo is approximately 2/3 of the tensile strength of steel (from Ulrich's test), the sectional area of bamboo should be 3/2 times as much as that of steel; and the beams reinforced with bamboo are so designed. The author is aware of the unsoundness of this assumption; but in the absence of better information on this subject, other. this assumption is perhaps as good as any The ratio of sectional areas for steel and bamboo can be revised should the tests prove that the assumption is incorrect. The bamboo strips available are of the section .3" X .7" for one beam. = .21 . Three strips are used Hence 3 X .21 63 = Steel with cross-sectional area of 2/3 of bamboo should be as strong as the latter according to the assumption 2/3 X .63 = 42L Two 1/2" rods are used. Area = Actual ratio = 2 X .19637 .3926 ----- - = .3926 .623 .63 The following figure shows the beam in its final form. It should be noted that two small steel rods of 1/8" 8 diameter are put near the top of every beam, the idea being to prevent possible collapse due to making the top side the tension side when handling. Design of Form. The accompanying blueprint shows the forms The sides and used for the making of these beams. bottom are the same, but end pieces are different for different beams, as indicated, to make provision for the ends of the reinforcing rods to lodge in. actually constructed, As every joint is a mortise and tenon joint, and with numerous wood screws, every joint is made watertight. We must note here that by keeping the lower edges of both steel and bamboo pieces at an equal distance from bottom of beams, the value of d for steel in the preliminary calculation is not strictly correct for bamboo; neglected. but the discrepancy is small and can be Perhaps the assumption of ratio of cross sectional areas for steel and for bamboo takes care of this discrepancy. Four beams, two of which reinforced with bamboo, and the remainder with steel, have to be made. Two extra bottoms are made to make possible the pourtwo ing of concrete two weeks after the first/are finish- ed, using the same sides and end pieces, inasmuch as it is unsafe to remove the bottom in such a short period of time. 43x~ fvf 1 HJ;>f">P 9 JO /A V7& 3 /A OupE 'a0 77 Estimate of Material Required. 1/2" dia. 4 steel rods: 6'-11" each. Total 27'- 8" " Length of one stirrup 15.5" = Total 72.5" 4 beams each with 14 stirrups. 1 :2:4 concrete. 4x8 8" ------ X 6.66) X 4 + 6 X Total volume = 55'- 4" 144 12 8" X--x X-12 12 7.67 cu. ft. Cement = 1/7 Sand = 2/7 x x 7.67 = 1.09 cu. ft. 7.67 = 2.2 cu. ft. It is customary to have as many cubic feet of gravel as concrete, cement and sand filling up voids in the gravel. Gravel to pass through 1/2" sieve. Bending of Stirrups. To secure uniform results, a form was made of a thick pine plank 10" X 24" X 1-1/2" into which were driven from behind spike nails about 3" long at carefully marked points where the stirrup stopped or cornered. This insured the greatest degree of ac- curacy as well as uniformity. As the rod for the stirrup was only 1/8" diameter, bending with a pair of pliers was not difficult. The stirrups were fastened to the steel or bamboo rods by means of small iron wires. 4 such fastenings on one stirrup for the steel,.and five for ba0boo. Pouring of Concrete. It was on February 26, 1914, that the first The outside temperature was two beams were made. in the neighborhood of 320 F., which was, of course, objectionable as the concrete was liable to freeze before setting took place. Fortunately the pouring was executed in a shed adjoining the boiler room of the Instit-ite, which kept the temperature inside the shed always above 320 F. The forms having been previously oiled with cylinder oil to prevent concrete adhereing on to the form, the concrete was mixed according to the directions given in Baker's "Masonry Construction". In It was, of course, all hand mixing. this pouring, gravel larger than 1/2" grade was used by mistake; when discovered it was too late to correct the mistake. This made it'very difficult to pack well under and between the reinforc- This difficulty was more pronounced in ing rods. the bamboo beam in which three strips were crowded into the space occupied by two steel rods in the steel beam. Three 8" cubes were first course presented no difficulty. poured which of But when the beams were poured, packing the portion underneath the rods was a trying task. A maximum and minimum thermometer was put inside the shed to see if the temperature would fall sufficiently to freeze the concrete within a day or two. The temperature did not fall below 320 F. with- in several days after the pouring of the concrete. Water was occasionally sprinkled over the top of the beams to prevent sudden drying. Two weeks after the first pouring, the con- crete had set sufriciently to permit the removal of the sides and ends of the wooden forms, bottoms intact. leaving the Extra bottoms were screwed on to the sides and ends to make ready for the second pouring of the other two beams. The second pouring was performed on March 12, 1914. The process was identically the same as the previous; but the difficulty of packing was much less than before, inasmuch as 1/20 gravel was used in place of the larger size. Test of Beams. 60 days was the age chosen at which these beams and cubes were to be tested. first The test on the two beams and three cubes was performed on April 17, 1914, in the Beam Machine in the basement of the Applied Mechanics Laboratory of the Institute. The cubes, previously faced with plaster of Paris to give a good bearing, were tested for compression in the Emery Machine of 300,000# capacity in the same basement. They gave the following results: Compressive Strength of 8" Cubes. Concrete 1:2:4; age 60 days; stored gravel l". in air. No. of Specimen. Max. Load. Comp.Stress,lbs./sq.in. 1 129,000# 2020 2 132,000# 2060 3 130,0 0 0# 2030 Average 2040 Beams were then tested in the Beam Machine. The beams were placed on jack screws 6' apart from center to center with an overhang of 4" at each end. Be- tween the beam and jack screws were placed steel plates to distribute pressure. The load was a sin- gle load concentrated at the middle, and was applied by raising the jack screws, first one end then the other, This load was balanced by a weight or weights through a system of levers. The deflec- tion was measured by micrometers on both sides of the beam, with reference to two piano wires, one on each side, stretched taut by weights at each end at the middle height of the beam. intervals. Loads increased at 500 lbs. The following pages show the result of tests on the first two concrete beams. - Transverse Test April 17, 1914. Specimen: Concrete beam reinforced with steel rods. Concrete 1:2:4; l11 gravel; age 60 days, storage in air. R D 1 R1 Load 2 D2 - D 2 Sum Remarks. 2 .037 .066 500 2 1075 .077 .011 .048 .011 .011 .011 2000 .105 .028 .075 .027 .028 .039 2925 -141 .036 .036 .075 4000 .189 .048 .159 .048 e Cra1Lc shown at .048 .123 this load outside of stir- .111 .036 nups. R = R2= reading by micrometer No. 1. "f - " " No. 2. difference of readings on micrometer No. 1 " ifif if if V No. 2. IG Manner of Loading. Single concentrated load at middle. 6' Span Dimens ions Weight of yore beam 220 lbs. scale reading 4400 lbs. * Max. 25 lbs. Sket ches: - Transverse Test 1 - April 17, 1914. Specimen: concrete: Concrete beam reinforced with bamboo. 1:2:4; gravel 1"; age 60 days; storage in air. D2 2 - R R2 600 .294 .211 875 .363 .069 .263 .052 1100 . 423 .060 .325 .062 .061 .122 1300 . 474 .051 .372 .047 .049 .171 1600 .585 .111 .482 .110 .111 .282 Load 3120 Sun Remarks. 2 Small crack .061 4 small cra cks evenly spa ced. Bad crack at a bad spot patched with neat cement. Manner of Loading: 18 Single concentrated load at middle. Span 6' Dimens ions 46I 8* Weight of yore * beam Max, scale a"4 reading Sketch: 25 lbs. 220 lbs. 3120 lbs. S5TRES53 3TRAIN re-3T I Mu4N lOFOJ)N DIAGRAM The test for the second set of beams and cubes was performed on May 7, 1914. at the same place. The procedure and operation were practically the same as in the former tests. The manner of loading the beams was two concentrated loads dividing the span in- to three equal parts. The three cubes gave the following results: Compressive Strength of 8" Cubes. Concrete 1:2:4; No.of Specimen. age 60 days; Max. Load storage gravel 1/2" in air; Comp. stress in in lbs. Lbs./sq. in. 1 142,200 2220 2 141,500 2210 3 118,300 Average 2220 The following pages show the results of tests on the two beams. - Transverse Test 2 - May Concrete beam reinforced with steel rods. specimen: Concrete: Load R 500 1000 1500 -015 DI R2 D2 D 1+ D2 ~~2--w Sum storage in air. Remarks. .063 .065 .014 .121 .016 -079 .014 .137 .016 .094 .015 - 110 .016 .124 .014 .139 .015 .165 .026 -185 .020 5000 5500 6100 6500 age 60 days; gravel 1/2"; .005 .069 .006 .027 .007 -080 .029 .038 .011 .093 .013 -051 .013 .105 .012 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 1:2:4; .020 2000 7, 1914. -151 .166 .185 .204 .231 .250 .014 .015 .019 .019 .027 .019 .005 .012 .012 .012 .024 .015 .039 *054 .015 .015 .069 .085 *016 -017 .017 .026 .020 -102 .119 2 cracks, one .145 10 .165 to the right and other 4" to the left of C.L. Manner of Loading: 2 concentrated loads dividing the span into 3 parts. 6' Span Dimensions Wt. 1" of yoke, I-beam, etc. beam Max. scale reading Sketch: 220# 2 20# 6900# Transverse Test2 - May 7, 1914. Specimen: Concrete beam reinforced with bamboo. Concrete: 1:2:4; Load 500 1100 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 R1 D R2 gravel 1/20; 2 2 2 2 age 60 days; Sum storage in air. Remarks. .216 .285 *069 .009 .359 .074 .074 .065 .453 .094 .159 .085 .558 .105 .258 -099 .668 .110 .366 .108 -884 .216 .573 .207 .090 .160 .-102 .262 .214 .371 .585 .109 middle .743 Manner of loading: 2 concentrated loads equally spaced. Span 6' Dimens ions Wt. Cracks at pts. of application of loads and at .070 of yoke, I-Beam, etc 4H 18' 220# beam 220# Max. s cale reading 4600# Sketc24: -3TIR E5 M TIAIN DlAG C TE T MAN N E:40F LOfl N G 7. 4 pp '8 N) CA) C) Notes on the Tests. Beams reinforced with steel did not show cracks at low loads but at high loads, cracks began At maximum load, deflection was con- to develop. siderable and beam failed to pick up load. On the other hand, the beam reinforced with bamboo began to crack at very low loads; crack continued to develop as the load was added but the beam picked up load readily in spite of the hideous outside appearance of The explanation of this phenomenon will the beam. be attempted when we come to the "Analysis of Result" on page . It was feared thatencased in concrete, bamboo would rot, from causes for being either too wet or too dry. Accordingly one of the failed beams reinforced with bamboo was knocked open, and strips were taken out and tested. Care was taken that the hammering did not strain these strips. The result of test showed: Strips of Bamboo Encased in Concrete 60 days. Previously stressed by testing. No. Section Breaking Load. Tens. Lbs./sq.in, 1 0.293"X 0.260" 1600 lbs. 21,000 2 0.300"X 0.264" 1600 lbs. 20,200 3 0.273"X 0.225" 1400 lbs. 22,750 Average 21,320 Comment on this result will be found in "Analysis of Results" on page 2r. The strips showed perfect freshness when taken out from the concrete. The bonding between concrete and bamboo seemed to be perfect in every way. Stirrups did their share well as was shown by the breaks which in every beam occurred outside of the limit of the stirrup reinforcement. In the test of the second two beams, it was observed that beams failed at sections close or under the roller which transmitted half of the total load. If there were any explanation at all, it could be at- tributed to the excessive localized stress due to the point of contact of the roller and beam. this be the cause, Should it could be remedied by interposing a narrow steel plate between the roller and the concrete beam. Analysis of Results. It is necessary that the results be analyzed, and conclusion, if there can be any, be drawn as to the actual values of these investigations. 1. The compressive strength of the plain con- crete cutes agrees in remarkable closeness with that of others tested in the Institute Cement Laboratory. Thus, in 1905, a series of compression tests was made on concrete blocks of same mixture, age and storage, giving results of 2070 #/V". On page erage of three cubes was 2040#43", 202'0#/o" average. the av- while on page Smaller gravel, and therefore better uniformity of mixture accounts for the increase of strength of the last three cubes. Since the working compressive stress was taken at 650#In", we have a factor of safety of 2040 1st. set of tests ------ = 3.14 = 3.41 650 2nd. set of tests 2220 -----650 which are ample for the compression side under steady load. The character of cracks showed that the com- pression side was never stressed to its limit. It is test. The first (a) Load. The Mayi.mim 2. to be recalled that in the preliminary calcula- tion the loading was of two concentrated loads equally spaced, while the actual load in the test was of a sin- gle load concentrated at the middle of the span. is, It therefore, necessary to make the correction in or- der that the. theoretical load and actual load can be On page 4 compared. we have tie resisting mo- ment of the material: M = 26,600 in.lbs. and the bending moment for a load concentrated at middle = W --2 X 3' 220 X 6' +-------8 They should be equal W --2 220 X 6 X 3 +- ------8 W= 26,600 =--------= 2216 12 1365 lbos. The actual maxinua load, however, was: 4400 lbs. Steel bean Bamboo " 3120 lbs. For steel team we have a factor of safety of 4400 ------ = 1365 3.2 For bamboo beam we have a factor of safety of 3120 ------ = 2.3 1365 The ratio of maximum loads, steel to bamboo is: 4400 ------ = 1.1 3120 That is, the assumption in the preliminary calculation that for the two beams to stand equal loads, the areas of reinforcing rods should be inversely proportional to their fibre stress. For example, if the tensile strength of bamboo is 2/3 that of steel, the reinforcing area of bamboo should be 3/2 that of steel. Now if we would increase the area of bamboo to the amount of 3/2 X 1.41' = 2.12, we should expect the bamboo beam to stand as much load as did the steel beam. The discrepancy appeared to arise from the wrong value used of the tensile strength of bamboo. When the beam was designed, the only available information on the strength of bamboo was from the results of tests made by a German experimenter, Max Ulrich, whose work is reviewed elsewhere in this report, and the tensile stress was shown to be very nearly 2/3 that of steel. The subsequent investigation by the author showed this stress excessively high. The author's value of tensile strength as shown by the average of eight tests was 18,400 #/t". Taking the tensile stress of structural steel to be 60,000#/" we have the ratio of 60000 ------18400 =326 * If the bamboo area were proportioned with this ratio, the bean would have stood as much, as did steel. if not more, load The soundness of the assumption is sustained. (b ) The second test. Expected load ........... ...... Actual load, steel bamboo 6900# .................. ........... 4600# Factor of safety, steel.............. " " " tamboo 2050# 3.37 ............ Max. Load of Steel -------------------Max. Load of Bamboo 2.25 6900 4600 1.5 If the area of bamboo were increased to 3/2 X 1.5 = 2.25 we would expect the bamboo beam to stand as much load as could steel. The limit of this ratio as shown 30 above, is 3 inasmuch as the tensile strength ratio of steel to bamboo is 3. The remarkable proximity of results of the two tests can be appreciated in the following table. Factor of safety for steel " " Test 1. Test 2. 3.2 3.37 2.3 2.3 1.4 1.5 2.12 2.25 ............ bamboo .......... Corrective ratio: Max. load of steel beam -----------------------Max. . load of bamboo beam Equal strength area ratio: Area of bamboo ------------ ........... ...... Area of steel From plots of the two tests, it can be seen that each additional load produced considerably more deflection on the bamboo beam than on the steel beam. This can be attributed to the small modulus of elas- ticity of bamboo. It also explains why cracks in bamboo beams developed at comparatively low loads. There seemed no way to remedy this except by putting in more reinforcing bamboo strips which is practicable when we remember that the material can be procured in superabundance and at low cost. The author is of the opinion that if the "equal-strength-area-ratio" be made equal to the strength ratio between steel and bamboo, the cracks will not develop at such low loads. Conclusion. It appears from the tests that bamboo does contribute to the strength of the beam to which the reinforcement has been applied, and such reinforcement is practicable both from considerations of durability and strength. The concordance of results of the tests showed that the bamboo in concrete behaves very much like steel and can be depended upon to act as we expect it. There can be no doubt that for small structures bamboo reinforced concrete can be used to advantage. Much more experimental data is needed to guide the designer. information, In the absence of any better the author recommends the following method of design: Design the beam as if with steel. it were reinforced Multiply the reinforcing area of steel thus obtained by the ratio of the tensile stress of steel to that of bamboo, (usually less than 3) and the product will be the reinforcing area for bamboo. This gives a factor of safety of 5. - - -- - I, -z 4~~ ~ ________________ 1 0 1 4 4 ~~1 A i aib a 4 1 0 . . 0 . - Tests on the Tensile Strength of Bamboo The difficulty of testing the tensile strength of wood in general was so well known that the author proceeded with every care. The difficulty, of course, lay in the clamping of ends of specimens such that the specimen should fail by tension and not by shear. Wood, in general, is strong in tension but very weak in shear. The fact that bamboo is a species of wood put it on the same ground of suspicion that ten- sion specimens of bamboo would fail by shear and not by tension. A method of preparing the tension specimen such that the full tension could be developed was proposed by Mr. Gescher*, under the direction of Professor Schramb. His specimen consisted of a narrow and thin strip of hard wood, necked down to about onehalf of the width in the middle for one-half of its length, to the ends of which were glued extra strips of the same kind of wood cross-pieced with wooden dowels set in with glue. as expected. neck; It did not, however, come out Some of them broke by shear at the others failed through tearing the holes into #M.I*T. Thesis - M.E. Department, 1913, .34 which the dowel pins were inserted. The ease with which bamboo could be bent naturally suggested a way by which the ends of the specimen could be secured in the testing machine and tensile strength determined. Accordingly specimens about 8' long were prepared with loops at ends, strappei together by wires. The loops were made by steam- ing the ends of the bamboo strips in a steaming vessel of the following construction: After steaming for an hour, the strips were talcen out and the ends were bent around the outside of the vessel, using the latter as a form. When one end was finished, the other end was steamed and the In this way bends or loops of 4" process repeated. The author attempt- diameter could be easily made. The ed to bend the ends of strips cold and dry. smallest diameter obtainable in this way was about 8". Moistened by immersion in water smaller diameters could be obtained. The specimen was then put into the Rope Testing Machine of the Institute, the loop ends being held by the pins in the Jaws. The aurvatures of the loop and pin were so different that extra wooden pieces conforming to both curvatures had to be interposed between them. Load was then applied. To our sur- prise, the extension bar clamped on the specimen for a gauge length of 3' , did not register any elongation as the load was increased. Upon investigation it was found that the wires that strapped the loop ends were giving way under load, and there was considerable bending at the place where the curve of loop began. Fur- ther pulling failed the specimen at that place under light load. It was clearly a case of bending in- stead of direct tension. It was concluded that this manner of testing should be abandoned. Failing these, a strip of bamboo was held in the jaws of a Wire Testing Machine in the Institute. It met with considerable success. The grip by the rough cieckered faces of the jaws was so perfect that the specimen broke in two by actual tension. aged by this success, made. a large number of specimens were They were about 4' long, 1/2" wide, necked down to 1/4" for a length of 3', leaving the gripping A gauge length of 30" was ends eaci about 6" long. chosen, Encour- and elongations measured. In every case the The jaws of the machine were so grip was perfect. designed that the harder the pull the firmer the grip, The ends of the specimen were actually compressed to form a nick which contributed direct resistance to pull. As will be seen in the following pages, the in- side fibres, the sap wood, cases gave way first, of the specimens in most followed by the inner fibres then the outside, the green skin. The tests made by ul- rich showed that the strengths of the t1hree-eeen-, inside, 4AR44 and outside fibres, varied in the ratio of 1 'r-k4, : 2.25. When the full thickness was tested we naturally expected the inside fibres to give first; and it actually did. The long gauge length chosen necessarily included one or two joints. The specimens in almost , all cases failed at one of these joints. The conWeak clusion suggested itself that they were the spots in the bamboo. Tests 1 and 2 were made upon specimens badly weathered. The curves seemed to have comparatively more curvature than the others. Tests 3, 4, 5 were made upon specimens seasoned four months. They showed better uniformity of results. Test 6 was made upon a specimen of short gauge length such that no joint was included in the This was done in order to ascertain wheth- length. er or not the joint was a weak spot and responsible for the failures of the other specimens. The spec- imen, however, did not show any appreciable increase in strength. The seventh test was made upon a specimen which had for a year been immersed in dirty water in the pumping well under the floor of the Pierce Labora- tory of the Institute. The specimen was so soaked with water that when strained under tension the water was squeezed out and trickled down the specimen. The curve presents the same general appearance as others, although the ultimate strength was lower B8 which was in all probability due to a local weakness near the joint rather than the general decay caused by the immersion in dirty water. From these tests it is justifiable in concluding that the weather quality of bamboo is good. With the exception of one or two, the curves are very flat, and for all practical purposes they can be assumed to be straight. The curvature would be scarcely appreciable, had the scale for the elongation been made half as large. The assumption that the curves are straight carries with it the inevitable con- clusion that the stress is proportional to strain, and any point on the curve can be used for figuring the modulus of elasticity. In the following table the Modulus of Elasticity is figured by using a point midway between the zero load and maximum load. The caaracteristic points of steel curves, namely, the Elastic Limit, the Yield Point, the Apparent Elastic Limit, are absent in bamboo curve, since the absence of such points is common to all woods, and bamboo is one kind of wood. If we should assume that the Elastic Limit coincides with the breaking point, then the former should be figured on the basis of the latter. The Elastic Limit in the following table is figured in this way. Table showing the results of tests on the modulus of elasticity and on the tensile strength of bamboo made by different experimenters. Prof. Johnson Max Ulrich ----------------------------- Captain Bond Author -------------------- f 2,420,000 Weathered 2,000,000 Seasoned , Ave. 2,300 ,000 one year in dirty water 2,000,000 (a) 0 3,270,000 m V Average 3,560,000 Value. (b) 4,270,000 1,565,000 ,000 19 2,380,000 (c) { ------ --------------- (a) (a -r4 Average Value. 29,150 29,000 Green Ave. Weathered 19,700 Seasoned 17,700 (b) 52,800 One year in 23,000 0 . ---- Seasoned Ave. 39,200 45,000 ~---------------- dirty water. 27,400* - 17,300t - 17,300 22,350 of (c) u . *Modulus of Ruipture, 23,500 (a------- ne (a) whole thickness, , (-------------------- (b) outer half , tModulus of strength at the apparent elastic limit. (c) inner half, From the table it is 40 readily seen that the author's results are lower than those obtained by the other experimenters. The discrepancy seems to arise from the following possible causes: (a) Difference in the kind of bamboo each experi- menter used, as there are no less than 200 varieties of bamboo. (b) Difference in the way of preparing the speci- mens. Captain Bond's specimens "were cut to shape similar to cement briquette ---- ", while Max Ulrich's specimens, as seen from the photograph, had unusually small reduced sections, and gauge lengths did not include one or two joints. Our knowledge of the results of tests on steel shows us that a briquetted specimen always gives high values. In Ulrich's specimen, a slight inaccuracy in measuring the cross-section will throw a large error upon the final result. The author's tension specimens were about 40" long, having a gauge length of 30" which included one or two joints, and a uniform reduced cross-section of about 1/4" X 1/4" was maintained about 3/4 of the length of the specimen. A larger cross see- tional area, a longer gauge length and there-fore less uniformity, accounts for the low values the author obtained. The author claims that his results are more representative and approach more nearly the actual working conditions than the rest. Captain Bond must have been handicapped by the lack of facility for testing in the field. His results are subject to question. The ab- sence of joints within the guage length in Max Ulrich's specimen is a serious defect which can not be slighted. 47 Tension Test No. 1. April 6, Spe cimen: R L 100 D .0320 .0545 .0763 .0965 1214 .1413 .1652 .1882 .2116 .2376 .2602 *0240 .0225 .0218 .0202 .0249 .0200 .0239 .0230 .0234 .0260 .0226 1200 .2902 .0307 1300 .3194 .0285 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 L = Load in D = Diff. lbs. 1914. Bamboo weathered. S Remarks. .0465 .0683 .0885 .1134 .1334 .1573 .1803 .2137 .2397 .2623 .2930 .3215 Grip perfect. Broke near joint. Inner fibres gave way first. R = Micro-meter Rdgs. of Rdgs. S = Sums. Gauge length inches 30 Dimensions of cross section, inches .247"X.296 Max. 1400 load on machine, lbs. Area of cross-section, sq. ins. Elastic Limit, Lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity . .................. .073 ......... . . . 19,200 1,710,000 BAMo 50 1NTE- .) I.- Ti5-T iN NA NP9I AGR \ M 6A MCTE- LE N RT H S AD L-f 7400 0 20 0"40" VE AT HE RE.D :10, 44 Tension Test To. 2. April 6, Sp ecimen: R 100 200 .0250 300 .0607 .0792 .0983 .1142 400o 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 .0435 .1380 .1578 .1784 *1990 .2200 .2398 .2600 .2838 L = Load in Bamboo weathered. Remarks. S L .0185 .0172 .0185 .0191 .0159 .0238 .0198 .0206 .0206 *0210 .0198 .0202 .0238 lbs. .0357 .0542 .0733 .0892 .1120 .1318 .1524 .1730 Grip perfect. Broke near joint. Inner fibres gave .1940 .2138 *2340 .2578 way first. R = Micrometer Rdgs. D = Diff. of Rdgs. Gauge length, 1914. S = Sums. inches 30 Dimensions of cross-section, inches ....... Max. load on machine, pounds Area of cross-section, sq. inches Elastic Limit, Lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity ................... .264X.281 1500 ......... .0742 20,200 2,190,000 13A M130 01NT ENi 0 N 60 GAU GEL E- N1T H DA DLY NEA T H E 5004 400 6 00 koo Loo 0" ED Tension Test No. 3. April 9, 1914. Specimen: L 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Bamboo, R -. 0015 .0095 .0213 .0328 .0453 .0556 .0701 .0824 .0941 .1052 .1200 .1317 .1430 .1556 -1692 .1807 .1949 seasoned 4 months. Remarks. S .0110 .0118 .0228 -0343 .0468 .0571 .0716 .0839 .0956 .1067 .0115 .0125 .0103 .0145 .0123 .0117 .0111 .0148 .0117 .0113 .0126 .0136 .0115 .0142 .1215 .1332 Grip perfect. Broke near joint. Inner ribres gave .1445 .1571 .1707 way first. .1822 .1964 L = Load in lbs. R = Micrometer Rdgs. D = Diff. of Rdgs. S =Sms. Gauge length, in inches 30 Dimensions of cross-sections, Max. load on machine, lbs. inches .... .............. Area of cross-section, sq.in. Elastic Limit, Lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity ........... .............. .413*I. 303 1980 .1255 15,800 .................. 2,130,000 -~~~~~ - -. i .. . . If . . . .... . . - ~~~~~~~~... -1 . - - . . - --- .-- -- - - -- t -*---* -- .. . ..-.- . -. - . . - 48 Tension Test No. 4. April 9, 1914. Specimen: Bamboo, seasoned 4 months. Remarks. L R D S 100 200 .0000 .0111 .0229 .0111 .0118 .0229 .0353 .0478 .0601 .0736 .0858 -0124 .0125 .0123 .0135 .0122 .0353 .0478 .0601 .0736 .0858 .1360 .1478 .1608 .1741 .1874 .0118 .0118 .0130 .0133 .0133 .1360 .1478 .1608 .1741 .1874 300 4oo 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 .0982 .1108 .1242 .0124 .0126 .0134 L = Load in lbs. .0982 .1108 .1242 Grip perfect. Broke between joints. Inner fibres gave way first. R = Micrometer Rdgs. D = Difference of Rdg's. S = sums. Gauge length, inches 30 Dimension of cross section, inches Max. .......... 1950 sq.in. ......... .1135 load on machine, ts. Area of cross-section, Elastic Limit, lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity .376 X .302 ........... ................ 17,100 2,310,000 TIO 0 Albo BAM W TK E 71 0.0. 100 YU GA u Gr F-LF- IqCtT-H A '3 NE.D m9 00 Z oo-': N TE. 14 5 10 K ...... . MAGMA TVI 50 Tension Test No. 5. April 9, 1914. specimen: L R 100 200 300 .60000 .0118 .0240 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 .0361 .0486 .0621 1200 .0750 .0879 .1010 .1141 .1266 .1396 1300 1400 1500 1600 .1661 .1800 .1946 .1535 Bamboo seasoned 4 months. D S .0118 .0122 .0121 .0125 .0135 .0129 .0129 .0131 .0131 .0125 .0130 .0139 .0126 .0139 .0146 .0230 .0351 .0476 .0611 .0740 .0869 .1000 .1131 .1256 .1386 .1525 .1651 .1790 .1930 Remarks. Broke near the joint, L = Load in lbs. R = Micrometer Rdge. D = Difft. of Rdgs. S = Sums. Gauge lengthinches 30 Dimensions of cross-sections, Max. inches.. load in lbs. Area of cross-section, 1990 sq. in. Elastic Limit, lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity......... .381"X.285 ...... .......... .1086 18,350 2,375,000 IA GOONT NO 9 00 U(4E L,N THo 30 NEb 4'40, 4 MMTRS Tension Test No. 6. April 27, Specimen: L Bamboo Remarks. D S .0035 .0041 .0040 .0046 .0043 .0036 .0046 .0034 .0044 .0070 .0056 .0076 .0116 .0162 -0205 .0241 .0287 .0321 .0365 .0435 .0491 R 1914. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 14.00 L = Load in lbs. D = Mean of diff. of Rdgs. No joint within gauge length. R = Micrometer Rdgs. S = Sums. 8 Gauge length, inches Dimensions of cross-section, inches .3168 X .2900 Max. load in lbs. Area of cross-section, sq. Elastic Limit, lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity i. ....... .0917 19,600 2,380,000 loo i0o BAMB60 MTEMSION 1000 TRE53-, TMI NDAG RPM Soo G.4 44r E L ENC-4TH 110JOIJ-41- WITHIN THF- LE-N -TIA 70o Soo -100 Zoo 400 .01 0 -z .04- 0 54 Tension Test No. 7. Spe cinen: L R 100 .0265 .0685 .1150 .1690 .2150 .2640 .3150 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 May 14, 1914. Bamboo,1 yr. in dirty water. S D Remarks. .0420 *0465 .0885 .1425 -1885 .2375 040 .0490 .0510 .2885 L = Load in lbs. R = Micrometer Rdgs. D = Diff. S = Sums. of Rdgs. Gauge length, inches 30 Dimensions of cross-section, inches * Max. load on machine, lbs. Area of cross-section, sq.in. 1300 ........ Elastic Limit, lbs./sq.in. Modulus of Elasticity .236 X .317 .0746 19,300 .. 2........ 2,o000,000 A B 500 INTE 14 616 11 TRE-3 -5TRAI NDIA( WAM A lJCjE LF-NCiTH 30" ON E YEAR INDIRTY WATE R __Solo ro OD 0 3c), Tests on Shearing Strength of Bamboo. Wood is as a rule very weak in longitudinal shearing strength, and bamboo, is no exception to the rule. being a species of wood, Many tension specimens have failed by shear, and yet how surprising it is to find so little attention has been paid to it. None of the experimenters who made tests on the strength of bamboo has given the subject its due consideration. It is the opinion of the author that in practice tension members on structures made of bamboo will never fail by tension but will in all shear. probability fail by For this reason it is worth while to look into the subject rather carefully. A preliminary test was made upon a section of bamboo so shaped that when placed between the heads of the testing machine and compressed, sections would slide by each other. longitudinal This method works well for testing shears of timbers where large blocks of wood can be easily gotten and good footing obtained. But it failed in the case of bainboo for the reason that good footing could not be obtained, and compression was always accompanied by spreading the footing, thus introducing tension into Stress. Various schemes were tried without good success. Finally, a shearing block was designed by the author as shown in the accompanying illustration. It con- sisted of two thick, rectangular steel plates bolted together by four bolts passing through four short pieces of piping which acted as distance pieces be- tween the steel plates. In the center of each plate was cut a slot, into which a plunger or punch fitfed accurately, taking care, however, that the close fit did not entail friction. section of bamboo 2" X 1 When in use, a was placed between the plates across the bolts, and clamped in place by screwing down the four nuts. Then the punch was put in- to the slot of the upper plate over the specimen, and the whole placed between the heads of the testing ma- chine. The scheme was attended with such success that it was employed in the whole series of shear tests. It is hardly necessary to add that the clamping of the specimen prevented the spreading of the footing. In the following table are shown the results of two series of tests, one on specimen with joint, SS and the other without joint. The column headed with "Number" gives the distance in inches that each specimien was originally situated from the butt of the cane. For example, the "number 92" specimen was cut from a section 92" from the butt of the pole. This was done primarily to study the shearing strength at different heights of a bamboo pole, as it is to be remem- bered that the thickness of the pole varies,diminish- ingly. always, from butt to tip. Specimens marked with an asterisk had notches at the shearing sections both at top and bottom. The idea was to study the influence of the specimen upon the shearing strength of the material from which such specimen was made. 41 / - Shearing Strength of Bamboo Table I. Specimens w-tht Joints. Number (Distance from Butt) Ins. Sectional Area of one Shearing Section. Sq. in. Load In-lbs. Shearing Strength. Lbs/sq.in. 5 .40 1900 2380 72 .34 1150 1690 92 .38 1570 2070 113 .35 1260 1800 138 .33 1330 2020 206 .37 1650 2230 255 .32 1150 1800 Av.value 2000 Shearing Strength of Bamboo. Table II. Specimens without Jo ints. Number (Dist.of Sec.from Dimensions of one-Shearing Section sq.in. Load Lbs. Shearing Strength Lbs./sq.in. 1670 3400 2740 butt ,in.) 25* 25 62* 57* 57 138* 138 160* 160 160 172* 172 210 232* 232 260* 260 282* 282 .39 1 . 4x .3 X .35 X .78 1.45 1.0 1.10 .37 X 1.44 .31 X 1.14 .33 X 1.45 .32 X 1.10 .33 x 1.45 .31 X 1.42 .29 X 1.11 .30 X 1.45 .30 X 1.46 .26 X 1.11 .27 X 1.47 .25 X 1.00 .25 X 1.46 .23 X 1.10 .25 X 1.4-5 1630 1700 3130 1580 2930 1890 3010 1960 1360 2790 2400 1580 2170 915 (?) 1920 900 P) 2000 Ave. *Specimens with notches. value 2930 2720 2670 2980 2230 3300 2690 3140 2230 2110 3200 2740 2740 2730 2630 2760 2740 It is evident that the joint is a weak spot in the bamboo inasmuch as the everage for shear for specimens with Joint was 2000#/bW, while without joint 2740#/o. It is also seen that the shearing strengths of top and bottom pieces from the same cane of bamboo do not differ in any material way. Notched speci- mens seem to give lower values than those from plain specimens, by which it is meant that the specimen is to be out from a section of bamboo in a band saw and left as it is without being subjected to further work- The notches in author's specimens were obtain- irig. ed by cutting the specimen in the band saw, which cutting might have injured some of the fibres near the shearing sections and might be responsible for the lower shearing strengths. In order to appreciate the value of these tests on shear, a simple problem will be solved here. it Let be required to design a joint in a bamboo structure secured by round hollow iron pins passing through holes drilled in the members connected, such that a load of 2000# can be transmitted by the joint. bamboo Is The to be of 3-1/2" outside diameter and 1/2" thick. From Captain Bond's test, the compressive strength (0 z of bamboo is 8800#/a". Using a factor of safety of 4 we have compressive strength = 2200#/fo0. Hence the outside diameter of the pin 2 (D I 1/2) X 2200 D = .91' say = 2000 1". The inside diameter of the hollow pin may be 3/4. How we mst determine the length from the pin to the end of the member so as to have sufficient shearing HLHI areas to stand the pull or push as the case may be. 500 X 4 X LX 1/'2 2000 L2' using a factor of safety of 5 for shear of bamboo. If made shorter than what is required, the shaded por. tion may be punched out. 300,000 POUNDS TESTING MACHINE Column Tests on Bamboo. The author at first had an ambitious program for the column tests on Bamboo, but the climate in Boston, where these investigations were conducted delivered a blow to the whole scheme, for it successfully cracked 80 per cent of twenty to thirty large canes that were especially ordered from China for these tests. It was clear that the whole plan must be abandoned. We are glad that Captain Bond and Mr. ilrich made some column tests, by which the designer can roughly be guided in the absence of better information. only criticism upon their test is specimens used by them. The the small size of Both of the experimenters made column tests on specimens whose outside diameter little exceeded one inch, while in actual practice columns of 4 or 5 inches outside diameter are not uncommon. We have reason to believe that results of tests on small specimens can not apply to large columns. There is need of tests on full size columns. Some experiments along this line however, were performed before the others cracked. The column had the following dimensions: Length ..-----...... Average outside diameter ......... Average inside diameter .......... Weight . ..----------......... Number of joints ----------....... '414 3.34" 2.76" . 6.5 5 lbs. The column failed under a load of 16,950 lbs. and cracked radially into three pieces with a loud report. The column did not show any permanent set, -Lut, instead, sprang back taking up any back lash or clearance of At high load the the parts of the testing machine. specimen began to buckle not by the whole column but by one or two portions between joints. It is to be particularly noted that the specimen weigh ed only 6.5 lbs. Area of ring -----2 -- (3.34 Compressive stress ----2 2.76 ) - 16,950 2.65 = 2.65 sq. in. = 6400 lbs/sq.in. 64 1 1.5 Another column test was made in which the deforma- tion due to compression was measured with an extensometer set at 10 inches a pound. The results of the test are shown in the accompanying plot. The com- pressive strength per square inch was only 5500 for 1 16. This is to be explained by the initial curvature which the specimen had. The accompanying drawing shows the extensometer used in Column Tests on Bamboo. i -J& MA K B,Li _C0 L UMN T r-J4 6 'R to " Ila IqC',f,, ......... . ............. dt ASO N AVE, L r rillt T;R -BREANJAGT '51 R EL 00 Z r -q 0 1 ------ 6 tict - .5 -: -- --- Jcesfhrrs-- n r r 00~ -~ f -- ?-rkee/O m0 m frc / <JeCllO.,7 A 3 0 07e m EX TENJOM~ETEl Rfor M1E DEPT Mlz7 rk64 /' 11 O ON , M - R ri3 -U I -i7 Specific Gravity of Split Bamboo. The specific gravity of bamboo was obtained by the ordinary method of weighing the substance in water. But since bamboo absorbs water, an absorption test must first be performed. Wt. of specimen, " dry "after imme rs ion ... ... 9.0163 grams. ... 20 mins. ... ... ... ... Wt. of water gained ... ... 9.2100 .0937 ... AS the error resulting from this 20 minutes ab- sorption is less than one per cent, and as two or three minutes time is all that is needed to weigh the specimen in water, the correction is not worth while. Wt. of specimen in air " ... ... copper sinker in air (sp.gr. = 8.65) --.... in water Wt. of bamboo + sinker 8.8153 gr. ... 57.5988 gr. and in air wire + special pan ... ... 159.7348 gr.+ pan wt. of wire and special pan in air ... ... ... 110.205 gr.+ pan Wt. of bamboo + sinker in water Hence the equation: ... ... 49.529 gr. 57.5988 8.8153 (8.8153 + 57.5988) - 8.65 -c667, X being sp. gr. of bamboo specimen. It is interesting to compare the specific gravi- ty of bamboo with that of other hard woods. Thus: Subs tafn ce Gr. Bamboo ........ Ash, white, red Chestnut Elm, white .... Hemlock Hickory ....... Sp. 0.862 .. . .................. .. 3 ..... .. 3 Maple, hard. .. 3 .................. .. 3 .............. white Oak, Chestnut i live ..... if red, black .... ... 3 3... .. .. .. " white .... Pine yellow, long-leaf Walnut,, black white ... .. 3 Locust I 3 .................. .. ............... ............... ........ ........ 3........ Bamboo is only second to live oak in 0.62-0.65 0.66 0.72 0.42-0.52 0.74-0.84 0.73 0.68 0.53 0.86 0.95 0.65 0.74 0.70 0.61 0.41 this respect. 69 Coefficient of Friction. A series of tests was made upon the Coefficient of Friction of unpolished bamboo, that is, upon its natural hard smooth surface, by the common inclined plane experiment. The cosine of angle of repose was measured by suspending a plumb-bob thread from the inclined plane, ten inches from the tip of the angle, which thread pointed out the reading on a ten-inch scale on the side of the horizontal base. In this way cosines to three decimal places can be obtained. T. Bamboo on Bamboo. Natural Surfaces. Green skin to Green skin. Cos4 el With the grain. f = tan , Wt. of .963 Specimen only. 15 -40' .280 .970 .960 .960 lO-10' 16*-20' 160-20' .252 .293 .293 Average 2 lbs. wt. 4 lbs. wt. 8 lbs. wt. .972 .978 .980 13*-40' 120- 0' 11*-30' ,279 .243 .213 .203 II. Steel*on Bamboo. Smooth steel on green skin of bamboo. With grain. tan"a Cos at Wt. of steel only .941 19*-50' 2 lbs. wt. .941 .950 .955 19*-50' 4 lCs. wt. 8 lbs, wt. .361 .361 18*-10' 17*-20' .328 .312 *Steel was thoroughly covered with grease which was wiped as clean as possible, but it is suspected that sufficient grease still remained to render the coefficient high. It is to be noted that the coefficiencts responded readily to the increase in pressure, a slight increase of few pounds causing the coefficient to decrease appreciably. It is hoped that further study will make it possible to use split bamboo to face launciing ways in the hope that the troublesome grease for lubricating launching ways may be eliminated. The hard surface of bamboo,- perhaps harder than that of any existing wood - will stand the pressure due to the hull of the ship, and the low coefficient of friction of bamboo due to increased pressure will make the ship and cradle slide with ease. Coefficient of Expansion of Bamboo. Several attempts were mamde to determine the coefficient of expansion of bamboo. The available ap- paratus was crude and experiments were little short of failure. tion here. The results obtained do not warrant quotaHowever, it is sufficient to say that the coefficient of expansion of bamboo is practically the same as that of concrete. If bamboo is to be used for reinforcing concrete, as has been used by the author, there should be no fear of trouble arising from the.equal expansion or contraction of the two materials. The temperature of the specimen was raised by passing a current of electricity througn a coil of wire wrapped upon the specimen. In one experiment, the heat was so excessive that the specimen charred. This led the author to study the charring point of bamboo in order that temperature may be raised without charring the specimen. It was found that bamboo charred at a temperature of 1600 C. or 3200 F. The charred- specimen showed that the fibres stood fire better than pulp that gave adhesive force to fi- bres - a property not possessed by common woods. Relation of Number of Joints to Diameter. In the accompanying plot, the abscissae represent outside diameter of the larger end of a stalk of bamboo, and the ordinate represents number of joints per foot length. It is seen that the latter varies with the former in inverse ratio, i.e., larger stalks have more joints than do smaller ones. drawn somewhat at random. The curve has been Perhaps a straight line will accomplish the same purpose. ut 0- tz -0 - - 0115- d . F-PF A Mis cellaneous. Veneering of Bamboo. The varied use of split bamboo for ropes, baskets, mats, etc., calls for a rapid process of splitting bamboo into thin slices. The thing that suggests it- self is the veneering machine for timbers. But bam- boo can neither be worked in plane veneering machine, nor in that of a rotary kind. A machine designed upon distinctly different principles from the existing veneering machines must be invented. The machine will be of great economical value. Bamboo in Aeroplane Work. There has been much speculation as to the possibility of employing bamboo canes for struts in aeroplanes. It seems that by having special caps fitted to the ends of the canes, there should be no difficulty in attaching them wherever they are needed. Its strength coupled with its lightness are all in favor of its introduction into the fascinating art of aeroplane construction. Gluing quality of Bamboo. Bamboo takes glue very well, perhaps not as good as other wood whose structure is coarser than bamboo. The author glued together pieces of bamboo with different surfaces (all unworked) of contact. They all seemed to unite perfectly. Carpenter's Tool on Bamboo. A neat hole, neater than one in mahogany, can be easily drilled with an ordinary brace and bit. Bam- boo seemed to take any carpenter's tool of good quality. But pocket knife failed to make cuts on bamboo as desired. The auther had one occasion to trim a piece of bamboo with a pocket knife, and the blade at once became ragged. According to Professor Johnson's scale of hardness for wood, bamboo is certainly the hardest wood. Bending of Bamboo Strips. Loops can be easily formed by steaming the strips, and bending the end around. probably be sufficient. An hour's steaming will But the experiments of the author demonstrated the fact that the temperature in the steaming is not an essential factor in bending. 4 A 7. 7- I, G By merely immersing the strips in cold water for a peI riod of several days, the same result can be accomplish- ed. Persons recommend the method of bending bamboo by imparting a flame to the inside of curve of bending. With experience as well as care, it can be done very But where both experience and care expeditiously. are absent, good results can be obtained by steaming the bamboo or immersing it in water. The Cracks in Bamboo. In a climate like that of Boston, where weather changes abruptly, cracks invariably develop in unsplit, whole bamboo canes in air storage. Once split, how- ever, the individual strips will not crack. It is therefore, recommended that bamboo poles should be split in places of like climatic condition as that of Boston, if it is to be used in split form. storing bamboo in water, we can, of course, By obviate this difficulty readily. The cracks seem to occur anywhere,- at the joint between joints - all having longitudinal directions. A cracked section close to joint was sawed off and examined. It was found that owing to the solidity of '77 the partition, the cracks only penetrated skin deep; that is, to the depth of the thickness between joints. This shows that cracks must be a case of unequal conThe co- traction of the inside and outside fibres. hesion between adjacent fibres is weak, and will naturally give way under the force of contraction. Cross Sectioning of Bamboo. Mr. Romeyn Hough of Lowville, N.Y., the only per- son in the world who makes a specialty of preparing cross sections of wood so thin that they permit the transmission of light through the specimen rendering the latter transparent, sectioning bamboo. reported his failure of cross Mr. Hough did not attempt to explain the cause of failure and the author does not seem competent to give any explanation. It is be- lieved, however, that the weak, and somewhat porous, matter cementing the fibres together is responsible for the failure since it breaks so easily under the least pressure of handling. - Review of Max Ulrich's Work In "Zeitschrift fur Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt", september, 1913, there appear- ed an article by Max Ulrich on the strength of bamboo, and other woods. That part which treated the strength of bamboo is herewith reviewed, and amplified at some places, by the author. Transverse Test. Experiments were made with test pieces whose length was 25 times the outside diameter of the bamboo. The specimen was supported at both ends and loaded at the middle. These tests showed the coefficient of elongation (---) for bamboo between --------2,410,000 and --------3,140,000, 1 with pine, this value is ---------- , i.e., twice as 1,130,000 great as bamboo. In other words bamboo is twice as stiff (or rigid) as ordinary wood. The observed breaking loads as shown in Fig. 1 vary with the size of the outside diameter, and are proportional to it. For many practical purposes, it will be sufficient to assume that the points obtained experimentally lie on a straight line, i.e., = P where 240 d P = breaking load in lbs., and D = outside diameter of bamboo in inches. It is to be noted here that in each case the span is 25 times the diameter, 1 = 25 D. i.e., With this manner of loading the Maximum Bending Moment is P 1 4 Substituting 1 = 25 D in this equation, we have P 1 25 D P 4 X4 But P = 240 D 25 D X 240 D Mb ----------- D 4 D-/ 1500 where = 1500 D2 = -- 38.7 40 b = Bending Moment in in. lbs. This expression gives the relation between diameter and Bending Moment. For example: Find the size of bamboo that will stand a load of 2000 lbs. Here concentrated at middle of span 5' long. M = 80 5 X 12 X 2000 --------- 30,000 in. lbs. b =30,000 D - 40 = -- 40 = 173 ---40 = 4.3 The diameter should be increased with factor of safety. From this it follows that the rule for calculating the size of canes loaded transversely is very s imple, that is, the diameter of bamboo cane must be equal to 1/40 of the square root of the effective bending moment multiplied by the factor of safety. 8\ In order to make comparison with other ma-terials the fibre stress has been figured with the usual formula for bending, i.e., fR y The results are plotted as shown in Pig. 2. It seen that the fibre stress varies inversely as the is 8z To prove the validity, the author pro- diameter. ceeds as follows: D My f = --. =- K D 2 x ___ 2 - I where -(K Mb = K D2 D ! (see foregoing paragraphs) a constant. K being K' = ratio of inside and outside diameters. *f D3 1 cc --- 1- oc-D D ig. 3 shows a cross-section of a small cane and Pig. 4, a large cane, both enlarged eight times. An inspection of the figures shows the uneven distribution of fibres, being denser near the skin than the The influence of such unevenness will be- inside. come evident when we come to the Tension Test. F I93 Fig. 4 83 - Tension Test - The tests were made upon strips cut f rom the sides of bamboo. Tensile Series I. 1.18' Outside Diam. Strength Lbs. per sq. In. (a) Whole thickness Coefficient of Elongation, 1 39,200 3,270,000 (b) Outer half 52,800 ( c) Inner half 23,500 4,270,000 ---- 1--1,710,000 Series II. 3.15" Outside Diam. (a) Whole thickness 29,150 (b) Outer half 45,000 (c) Inner half It 22,350 21,420 ,000 3,560,000 -1------- is seen from this Table that the outer half , (The darker portions in Fig. 4 and 5) than twice as strong as the inner half. is more Reference to this point has been made in the section of this re- 84 port which deals -with the tension tests by the author. The breaks are usually of the character as shown in Fig. 5. - Compression Tests The test pieces were made with smooth and parallel bearing surfaces at ends. Coefficient of Compression (-!-) for compression) was found to be i'.a rl J 20 ,Io1 1 in the middle of a specimenA The com- 2 ,650,000 pressive strength of the same specimen was found to be 9040 lbs. /sq. in. In further compression tests, the specimens, 3-4 cm diarfeter and 30 cm long, were wrapped between joints with wire. The compressive strength varied between 10,450 lbs./sq.in. and 12,300 lbs./sq.in. One of the specimens which before testing had cracks did no better after being wrapped with wire and gave 7,800 lbs./sq.in. The effect of wire wrapping upon the strength was not apparent. This is to be ex- plained by the fact that the bamboo when breaking split in the direction of length. Compression Test with Bamboo Poles -- -------- Spec- Outer imen la 2b 3c 3 9. ----- ---- Thick- 4* (30 cm. ) long. Length Compres- Load. sive Strength. Lbs/sq.in Diai. ness of Ins. wall. Ins. Ins. Lbs. 1.08 .146 36*2 2730 1.16 .126 37.4 .150 39.4 1.18 I------ -------- Max. 6370 Not 2210 5400 with 3960 8200 Average 6660 1.12 .170 36.2 3526 7080 2b 1.10 .122 37.4 1750 4650 3c 1.06 .138 39.4 2440 6120 Average 5950 la wound wire. Wound with wi re. 4 1.14 .146 38.6 2970 6580 Not 5 1.23 .130 39.0 3650 8170 wound 6 1.20 .142 39.4 2860 6070 with 7 1.09 .134 39.4 2290 3950 wi re. Average 6190 The average values are 6660, 5950 and 6190, the average of which gives 6270 lbs./sq.in. Those not wound with wires splintered completely upon breaking. Those wound with 2 mm diam- eter wires between joints did not present such full 81 length splinter, and failure came not very sudden. Apart from this elimination of splintering, the ad- vantage of winding wire outside of bamboo is very slight. Strength does not seem to be affected by the reinforcing. The stress brought to bear upon the bamboo is always applied under ideal conditions, i.e., the ends are smooth and square, and there is no eccentriBut in practice such ideal condi- city of loading. tions can never be realized, and allowance must be made for free side motion due to eccentric loading. The allowance may be from 30 j to 50 16. Suddenly Applied Load. The test pieces were supported at ends (Span = 25 Diameter ), and were struck at middle with a swinging hammer, and were broken. Work done by the swinging hammer in breaking the specimen was measured. The test on 1" or 1.18" poles gives, with small variation, the consumption of energy equal to 126 ft.lbs, per sq. in. of cross sectional area. It was found to be immaterial as far as the energy ,consumed was concerned, tween joints. whether the blow hit on or be- Those which hit in between knots made 88 a break perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the specimen; while those which struck on the knot split the bamboo lengthwise as shown in Fig. 6. 89 - Review of Captain Bond's Work In the 1913 September-October issue of the "Professional Memoirs", a magazine published by the corps of engineers, United States Army, there appeared an article entitled "Some Experiments in the Use of Bamboo for Hasty Bridge Construction" by Captain P. S. Bond, corps of engineers on duty in the Philippine Islands. He first made brief reference to the phy- sical characteristics of bamboo, then enumerated the advantages and disadvantages of its use; then pro- ceeded to relate the results of tests on bamboo trestles used in bridge work. One large lithographic sheet showed the constructional drawing of these trestles, including connections, bracing. lashings, flooring and Two of the half-tone photographs illus- trated the mode of testing these trestles, and the other two showed the construction and disposition of balks and flooring; reproduced here. all the illustrations have been He concluded that while a tim- ber bridge is superior to one constructed from bamboo stalks, yet in the absence of the former, the latter can be used to advantage and when properly designed to suit conditions, kind of service. can be depended upon to perform any Fig. 12 (upper). Showing fooring sstem, using both urdinary banboo poles and wattling made of bamboo. Bath to he covered with earth, straw, etc. Fig. 38 (lower). Shows simple hamboo trestk and halk made of 4 bamboos eah. - Tests of Trestles and Balk "Two trestles of the type shown in Fig. 1 and 2 were tested up to 5000 pounds each. One of them endured the test without any signs of failure. In the other, the cap, being made of a weak piece, crushed and collapsed. The failure of cap was so gradual the men performing the test had time to leave the bridge. A trestle on the design shown in Fig. 6 was tested up to 6000 pounds, which was all that could conveniently be put upon it. it showed no signs of weakness. trestle was 21 feet. Under this load The height of this Two balk, consisting of three stalks each, were tested on a span of 20 feet. They failed under a load of 1200 pounds (600 pounds each). The average diameter of all the stalks was 2.85 inches and the average thickness of fibre 3/8 inch. balk, consisting of four stalks each, a span of 12 feet. pounds. Two were tested in They failed under a load of 5250 The average diameter of sticks was 3.375 inches and the average thickness of fibre 1/4 inch. Of the test loads referred to, the first (1200 pounds) was concentrated at the center of the two balk, whereas the other load (5250 pounds) was uniformly distrib- uted. The wattling was tested by being covered with men placed as closely together as possible, which test it endured without damage." It is interesting to calculate the stresses to which the individual stalks of the balk was subjected. (a) First Two Balk. 20 X 600 X 12 M = ------------- 4 f -- Sy in. lbs. 20 X 600 X 12 X 255 2 ------------------- I.(285)4 4 X 3 ' = 5300#c'" -----64 (b) Second Two Balk. 12 X 2625 X 12 8 3.375 12 X 2625 X 12 X ----2 3140 #/ f = ---------------------- * 8 X 4 X 'T X (-----4 64 The stresses are considerably lower than those obtained in laboratory experiments. It seems that a factor of safety of 5 should be allowed in practice. It is also interesting to see how Ulrich's formula on page -1.e can be applied to these cases. (a) First Two Balks. D = ----- = Mb in English Units. (D X 40)2 W X 20 X 12 = 4 (2.85 X 40) W = 220# W = 1320# A ctual load = 1200# for one stalk for six stalks. (b) Second Two Balks. W X 12 X 122 -- = (3.375 X 4-0) W = 1010# for one stalk W = 8080# for eight stalks. 8 Actual loa d It is =5250# evident that Ulrich's formula gives good ap- proximations. In practice a factor of safety from 2 to 5 should be allowed. - Strength Tests "Twenty small beams of bamboo were tested for transverse strength. The average fibre stress at the instant of failure was: Seasoned Bamboo, 17,060#/0" Green Bamboo, 16,O00#/C3" "TThe highest recorded test was 24,000 pounds and the lowest 10,000 pounds. Most of the speci- mens were quite near the average. Rupture was al- ways preceded by a considerable deflection. The specimens were tested bark up and bark down, there being no difference observable. "A number of specimens were tested for tensile strength by direct pull. The specimens were cut to a shape similar to a cement briquette, having a carefully measured minimum section. An astonishing strength was developed, as follows: Seasoned Bamboo, average tests Green " " " 29,000#/0" 23,000#/|" *It is evident that Captain Bond used split bamboo for specimen.- Author. "The highest recorded test was 34,000#/t" The fibre near the out- and the lowest 21,000#/1". side of the tree was found to be somewhat stronger The minimum cross sec- than that near the center. Was 1/8" square. tion of the pieces tested w4 "The test pieces for the compressive tests were 1/4" to 3/16" square in cross section, and 1/2" The average strength in compression between high. two iron platecs was as follows: Seasoned Bamboo, Av. Comp. Green " " Strength 8,800#/O w " 7,000#/ " "As has already been noted, failure resulted from splitting of the fibre as well as direct com- It pression. is quite probable that specimens hav- ing a greater cross-section would have developed a higher compressive strength. It is to be noted that the transverse fibre stress was computed by the formula for beams, My in and which M y was assumed as half the depth of the beam the bending moment of the known breaking load. The average depth of beams tested was 11/32". The difference between the fibre stress resulting from the application of the fornila, and the tensile stress as determined by actual tension is accounted for by the considerable variation between the tensile and compressive strengths of the material. "The following is the result of tests of small columns. These had square ends and were test- ed between two iron plates. five were tested bare. The first series of The second series were wrap- ped at each end with marline. The first failed by crushing and splitting at ends, the last by buckling near the center. Dimension of Columns. -----------------------Length DiaM. Thickness of Fibre. Ins. Ins. 1 12 17-1/l.4 1-5/16 18 1-1/2 12-1/2 13-1/8 18 13-1/2 1-1/32 1-1/32 1-1/2 1-1/8 15 15 17-1/4 1-1 4 1-1/4 1-7/16 Breaking Load. Ins. Compressive Stress. Lbs. / sq. in. 1 * (0 Founds. 3/16 3/16 Seasoned 3/16 Green 3440 2340 Half seasoned 2025 2220 1280 " V 1/8 1/8 " 9 Seasoned 1-118 13-518 15 Kind of Bamboo. 3/16 2430 3800 Green 3/ 16 Half seasoned Seasoned Half seasoned 30 31 28 28 4500 2780 3480 " 3/16 1/4 3/16 2750 5130 3560 5030 5500 5 50 4950 500 3000 3860 3110 2360 2900 29 26 27 30 30 30 30 28 ----------------------------------------- *Computed by anthor. is taken equal to r + 2 where r1 and r2 are outside and inside diameters respectively. From the foregoing table it is seen that the average compressive stress may be taken to be 5000#/" for --- = 30. 9~j Johnson's Tests on Small Specimens of Bamboo - In that admirable work "The Materials of Construction", its author, Professor J. B. Johnson, made a brief reference to the strength of bamboo as tested by him. It seems expedient that the whole para- graph be quoted here. "The Strength of Bamboo is very great for its weight as shown in the following table. Thus, taking 17,300 lbs. per square inch as the apparent elastic limit strength per square inch of bamboo in cross- breaking (using the formula , and computing y I for the actual annular section), we find, by compar- M = --- ing with results of tests on other strong timbers, that the strongest timber, namely, pignut hickory, is far below it in strength, having a modulus at this limit of only 12,600 lbs. If we compare the bamboo weight for weight with this, the strongest timber found in the Forestry Division tests, to give a certain cross-breaking strength on a given span, as for instance 28 inches, and taking the timber in the formf of a solid rectangular cross-section, we find that to carry a load of 440 lbs. at the center, which was carried by the second specimen in the following table, it would require a stick 1.14 inch square in crosssection. This would weigh 1.4 lb., whereas the bamboo specimen weighed only 0.58 lb. That is to say, BAIBOO IS JUST TWICE AS STRONG AS THE STRONGEST WOOD IN CROSS-BENDING, WEIGHT FOR WEIGHT, WHEN THE WOOD IS TAKEN IN SPECIMENS WITH A SQUARE AND SOLID CROSS-SECTION. crushing endwise#. The same holds true also for 0 0% "H -4 P 0 -_j 0 0 0 M r'.) -14 \In V zv %I " 00000000 00000000 V \J'.0 N O001% ao1 0 0000000 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0% o -4 0 -o'o C n H0~ 00 0 ro ro \A H PNH.HHHHH 0 HrN v N % oa \ N' r\) N r\) P 00000000 00000000 0 PH- A;r 000000 00000000 00000000 " 0 -A Jq 0 Mr0 0 H0A4 a 00000000 to to 0 '0H 0 3_r " " i o0 \-\J40\ \.n PHH\\J4\.W 1IO\km I. * OOOOfHPH Inches. Inches. I of Specimen beeen Supports in Elastic Resilience in Inch-rounds per Pound Weight of Specimen. Deflection at the Apparent Elastic Limit in Inches. Ult imate Deflection of Specimen in Ins. El astic Limit. at the Apparent Mod ulus of Strength 1 Mod ulus of Rupture in Cross-Bending. Square Inch. Mod ulus of Elastici-f ty in Pounds per I Po unds. Wt. po rts. w~5 I CD 0s Ii bM 0 0 o 0 Cq C+ co I 0 0 C4 c+ C+ I NumTber of Joint Sec- 1 t i ons between Sup- orts in Len gth between Sup- Joints in Inches. Ir side Dia. between Joints in Out side Dia. between to0 APPENDIX I. BAMBOO: ITS SOURCES AND USES.* Bamboo canes are the stems of giant grasses belonging to the genus Bambusa and allied genera, whose species are found in most tropical and sub-tropical regions. Arundo, The allied genera include Arundinaria, Dendrocalamus, and some others; Melocanna, Gigantochloa, and their species, numbering, alto- gether two or three humdred, if not more, may be as small and slender as pampas grass, or as large as the Gigantocjloa aspera of Java, which in one instance was found to be 170 ft. high, and whose stem may be more than 20 ins, thick. Except only one or two species, bamboos are indigenous to some particular locality; the principal of these exceptions is Bambusa vulgaris, which is cul- tivated extensively in sub-tropical Asia, the West Indies, and South America, 20 ft. to 120 ft., and which has a height of from the stems of the larger kinds hav- ing a diameter of from 4 ins, to 8 ins. #From "Bamboo Works", edited by Paul N. Hasluck, 1911. Page 9 to 18. \ C! All bamboo plants have stems that are very slender in proportion to their height, and these stems grow to their full length without any branches forming; when at their greatest possible heightthe plants throw out straight, horizontal branches at the top, and these form a dense thicket. All bamboo plants shoot forth jointed root-stocks or rhizomes beneath the surface of the ground, and from one of these may grow fram ten to one hIndred stems. The stems of bamboo plants are very strong, but hollow, with the exception of partitions at the nodes; and to these two qualities is due the great popularity and usefulness of bamboo canes, which to the Chi- nese, Japanese, Indo-Chinese, and West Indians are essentials to everyday life, and have been so for many centuries; to the European they have been known popu- larly for only a few years. Bamboo stems resemble the stems of all grasses in being jointed; hard, light as regards weight, they are elastic, and, as has been said, hollow, containing only a light, spongy pith, and the partitions at the nodes, these partitions increasing the strength of the stems greatly. Most bamboos are of approximate circular section, but one species is square; this, when three years old, has a sectional area of one square inch. The species of Bambusa number about thirty; all those of similar height have much the same appearance, the only iarked difference being the stem, which va- ries in color through dozens of shades, and in size from a diameter of the human finger to a diameter of twenty-two inches. Perhaps the most beautiful and typical bamboo is B. arundinacea, and it is this plant that is illustrated by Fig. 1. There is little doubt but that this is one of the most useful bamboos of which the Western peoples have any knowledge. Bamboo plants flower but rarely, but when flowering does occur, a large amount of seed results. of the -Indian bamboos bear berries, Some the species noted in this respect being Melocanna bambusoides, on which grows an edible and fleshy fruit, from 3 in. to 5 in. long, having the shape of a pear; M. bambusoides grows to a height of 70 ft. or 80 ft., and attains a diameter of 12 ins. is Another berry-bearing bamboo the Nandina domestica of China and Japan, which is used chiefly for decorative purposes, and whose berries are red. A silicious solution contained by the stems of 1o some bamboos , amongst them Melocanna bambusoides, This already mentioned, is known as tabasheer. Fig. 1.-The Bamboo. hardens to a white, opaque, or sometimes translucent, variety of opal, which breaks up into what appears to be dry starch of irregular size and shape. A sug- gestion has been made that the presence of tabasheer in a bamboo plant denotes disease, or is some previous injury. caused by Tabasheer will absorb its (o+ own weight of water, being then quite transparent; calcined and powdered, it is of high esteem in India as medicine. It would not serve any useful purpose to tabulate here all the species of bamboo that are known; perhaps the names, sources, but and the leading character- istics of the principal bamboo plants may be found of The table on the following pageigives an ar- use. bitrary selection of bamboos to the number of about thirty; the complete list would number two or three hundred. The use of bamboo in Great Britain and the westem part of Europe generally is increasing, but as yet most of its applications are in furniture making. Compared with China,, Japan, ca, India, and tropical Ameri- its use in this country is restricted, due, of course, to its being a new material, practically. Europeans can have but little idea as to the great number of the exceedingly varied uses to which bamboo is put in the countries of its source. There is hardly any purpose for which iron, stone, or wood is used here but what is answered nearly, if not quite as well, in the Eastern countries named above by the use of bamboo. Species Arundinaria Souce Species~~ Sources Japan and South- :ear7 Remarks. Dwarf species; hardy. japonica ern England. Arundinaria North America 10 ft. to 40 ft. high. North America Small or switch macrosperma. Arundinaria t e cta. Anrndo cane. South Europe & North Africa. 10'high; tough Arundo b engalens is. China & India Arundo conspicua. New Zealand & 10'high; variegated white & violet leaves. 10high; decorative plant. Arundo donax. Europe, North Africa & Asia. ampelodesmes Arundo iarka. Arundo sellowiana. Chatham Isls. flower stems & leaves. 9' or 10' high; very slender reed. Japan, China & India. Stem when split is material for Durma mats. Lower South Flowering reed; one Ame rica. kind of Pampas South-east Asia. grass. Crooked and some- India. times creeping stems. Thorny; one of the most useful bamboos. Bambusa bitung. India. Young shoots boiled for food. Bambusa China. Dwarf species; very Bambu s a agrestis. Bambusa arundinacea. flexuosa. 3amnbus a guada. Bambusa latifolia. hardy. South America. Stem 16'in dian. & contains water. South America. Stem contains water. --e- Species.* --------o--rce-Sources. - -ar---R --Remarks. Bambusa spinosa. Bengal. Bambusa tabacaria South-east Asia. Bambusa Asia & South America. 20' to 120' high. Malay ,Archipelago. Very tall. vulgaris. Dendrocalamus giganteus. 100'high; stem has thick walls. Exceedingly hard stem. Dendrocalamus hamiltoni. Himalayas,India. Tall; young shoots Dendro calanus Malay, Archipelago. About 100' high; Java. Probably tallest st ri ctu s, Gigantochloa aspera. Gigantochloa Rpus. used as food. stem nearly solid. bamboo; Indian Archipelago. exceeds 150' high. Very flexible and strong; ropes. used for GCiganto chloa maxima, Malay Archipelago. Very tall & thick, Gigantochloa nigro ciliata. India, 130' Gigantochloa robusta. Java 120'to 1.30'high, 22" in diameter. India. Tall; young shoots used as food. India. 70' or 80' high; Gigantochloa verticillata. Melocanna bambusoides. to 140' high. berry-bearing. c5 It is interesting to give here a few brief notes descriptive of the many uses to which banboo canes are applied, chiefly, be it said, in the East. In China, the tender, but tasteless, bamboo shoots are used as food, being either boiled or pickled, the seeds furnishing a farina suitable for cakes. The gnarled roots are oat into fantastic carvings, or into handles for the Chinese lanterns, or are turned in a lathe to form oval sticks for the use of worshipThe tapering canes are used for all purposes pers. that poles can be applied to in carrying, supporting, propelling, and measuring, and in all cases where strength, lightness, and length are requisite. The joists of houses and the ribs of sails, the shafts of spears and the wattles of hurdles, ducts and the rafters of roofs, brellas and the ribs of fans, the tubes of aque- the handles of um- all are made of bamboo. The leaves are sewn in layers upon cords to make rain cloaks, swept into heaps for manure, matted into thatches, or used as cloths in which to cook rice dumplings. Cut into splints and slivers of various sizes, bamboo cane is worked into baskets and trays of every form and fancy, twisted into cables, plaited into awnings for boats, houses, and streets, and woven into mats which find employment in theatre scenery, house roofs, and casings for goods of all kinds. The chips are picked into a sort of oakum and mixed with shavings to form a stuffing for mattresses. The bam- boo furnishes material for the bed and the lounge, chopsticks for use in eating, pipes for smoking, flutes and other nusical instruments of a like nature, for windows and doors, brooms, screens, curtains stools, coops, stands, and almost every article of furniture that can be thought of. From bamboo is made a serviceable paper by a modern and Eastern process; had bamboo paper; but the Chinese long have and antiquaries clain that as early as 3000 B.C. the Chinese national records were written on thin plates of bamboo. Builders' scaffolds can be made of bamboo canes, and are found light and serviceable, for the material does not decay in water or in earth, and dryness makes it harder than ever; is very strong. in proportion to its Canes 4 in. scaffolds 25 ft. hugh, It is it thick may be used for and such scaffolds will bear iron beams weighing 20 cwt. for scaffolds, weight, Bamboo poles, are obtainable 65 ft. suitable high. the ease with which bamboo canes may be transformed into serviceable articles that, perhaps, is one of the chief reasons for its wide use. Bam- boo can be obtained nearly 2 ft. in diameter, and a section of such a cane can be fitted very easily with a bottom and handle to form a basket or pail, for instance. Bamboo flower pots, from 3 in. to 1 ft. in diameter, having wooden bottoms, can be constructed at something under one penny each; bamboo is very durable in damp situations, and makes almost as good a flower pot as earthenware, whilst it has not the fragile nature of this latter material. In the Castle- ton botanical gardens, Jamaica, are some thousands of these bamboo flower pots, which, however, have not come much, if at all, into use in Great Britain. one curious use of bamboo is as a whetstone, another being in the making of knives. For both these purposes is required the superior kinds of bamboo having surfaces as hard as flint. has a stem so hard that it B. tabacaria strikes fire when cut with a hatchet. The Annamites of Indo-China use bamboo for the making of domestic utensils, weapons of the chase and of war, furniture, water pipes, ropes, paper, and 1(0 buildings. In common with the inhabitants of China and Japan, the Annamites are so skilled that they can apply bamboo canes to many of the uses for which the hardest wood or even iron or steel is considered necessary in this and in other parts of the Western hemisphere. Thus, for hydraulic and mechanical work, bamboo is made to serve, tools for preparing it though the only available are of the roughest kind. In the distilleries, where alcohol is made from rice, bamboo pipes, having joints luted with clay, conduct the spirit to and from bamboo receivers. and rope-making frames are made from bamboo, Weaving and the products of these frames probably will bear conparison with goods produced in any part of the Western hanisphere. Young and tender bamboo stalks provide food for human beings, and the leaves are eaten by horses and cattle. Perhaps the most remarkable use of the bamboo among the annamites is these are wheels which, in the constriction of norias; during the dry season, water from streams and distribute it to the parched fields. raise through aqueducts The spot on the bank for the establishment of a noria having been selected, small dams are constructed a little higher up by planting long and substantial bamboo rods in the bed of the river so as to constitute a jetty. A passage is left free in the middle of the river so that navigation is not interrupted. In putting together a noria, two bamboo wheels, each 30 ft. in diameter, are connected together at a distance of 3 ft. apart by twenty-six paddles, alternating with twenty-six bamboo vessels arranged obliquely; the vessels are mere canes of large diameter, with one end closed. The paddles are struck by the current and cause the noria to revolve around its bamboo axle, the bearings of which are the sides of the canes in the structural support; the axle rests where certain of the canes cross each other. Each vessel in the water becomes full and is carried to the top of the wheel, but on the downward half-revolution its position, of course, is inverted, and the water flows into a woven bamboo conduit which communicates with a system of aqueducts. The speed of the wheel varies with the current, but usually the wheel revolves once in about forty seconds; and as each of the twenty-eight vessels contains about 2 qt. of water, the noria should raise about 21 gals. per minute, or 1260 gals, per hour; more than 18 gals, or 19 gals, in practice, not would be raised per minute under such conditions. Sometimes, eight no- rias will work together, raising between them about 150 gals. per minute, VLen the current is weak the noria is made narrower, and by substituting steps for the paddles, a tread-wheel is formed, which can be worked by one coolie. Sometimes the top of the no- ria has a big wooden pinion which receives the motion of a horizontal wheel turned by a bullock. The Chinese house may be bamboo from "foundations" to roof; on plan, the house is a rectangle divided into three, and the walls and two partitions are upright bamboos of large diameter, to which are lashed horizontals of the same material but smaller in diameter, still smaller canes or laths of riven cane being interlaced and plastered over with mud or clay. The door has stiles and rails of bamboo, the panels being interlaced bamboo strips. The roof is constructed by supporting bamboo purlins longitudinally on the tops of the partitions, rafters of smaller bamboos being lashed to the purlins and then overlaid with small cane, which supports a thatch of leaves obtained from the bamboo plant. The floor is of earth well rammed down. Enough has been said to convince the reader that the possibilities of bamboo as a constructional mateThough, rial are practically unlimited. of course, its use in this country will never be so great as in the countries of its source, yet as its properties desirable, and indeed unique - come to be better known there can be no doubt but that it will be very generally used for many purposes for which the far more costly woods are now employed. . The supply of bamboo cannot be exhausted, for, in addition to the probable fact that its species ,grow over a more extended area than do those of timber trees in general, its growth is so much more rapid; whereas, timber trees are useless for constructional purposes until they are several years old, many young bamboos add from 10 ft. to 25 ft. to their height per month, and their stems are strong enough for use in but a few years. The kinds of bamboo canes used in Great Britain and in Europe generally are black, brown, yellow, mottled, mahogany, and spotted, these colors being approx- imate only, and varying greatly in a bundle of canes, traded as being all of one color. The black and ma- hogany canes which are colored artificially, are more uniform than those sold in their natural state, the 94 yellow canes being excepted. Besides the plain stained canes, some resemble tortoise-shell with fancy mottling artificially produced, and this kind has be- come very popular for furniture. The sizes of bamboo canes in ordinary use vary from 1/2 in. to 3 ins, in diameter, and from 18 ins. to 12 ft. long; for special purposes, canes very much thicker and very much longer can be obtained. Deal- ers in bamboo sell the canes as a rule by the dozen or by the hundred, all of one size as nearly as possible as regards both diameter and length, but generally an assorted bundle can be obtained for a few shillings, such a.bundle containing, perhaps, from 18 ins. 150 canes ranging to 7 ft. long, and from 1/2 in. in diameter. to 2 ins. Canes with roots are slightly dearer than the plain ones. Generally, bamboo dealers sup- ply also matting, Japanese leather paper, lacquer panels and trays; from them also can be obtained the small white solid canes sometimes used for filling in open spaces in furniture instead of employing panels. Matting, used very largely for covering the tops of bamboo tables, may be either white or fancy-colored, and is sold by the square yard or by the roll, gener- ally containing about 4-0 yards. Japanese leather paper is sold by the roll, and may be had in many designs executed in gold, gold, black and gold, red and etc. Japanese lacquer panels are almost a necessity in making up bamboo furniture. kinds, 15 ins, They are of many qualities, and sizes, the latter ranging from square to 24 ins. square, obtainable for special purposes. larger panels being These remarks on panels apply also to the shallow trays in used for tea-tables and similar furniture. lacquer work II6 APPENDIXI II. Properties of Fibres from Bamboo, and Chemical Treatment of Bamboo , in Paper-Making. Bamboo, like esparto, was first introduced as a fibre-yielding plant by the late Mr. Routledge, who suggested it as an ally to esparto. It is not so easily reduced as esparto by either the soda or sulphite processes, but yields a fibre strong and flexi- ble, possessing good felting properties. It bulks well and can be treated in the beater with ease to yield a close sheet of paper. very abundant, The plant itself is of rapid growth, and comparatively cheap. It belongs to the same botanical order as straw. Length of fibre is eter = 0.00063 of an inch. regular, and smooth; nal small. o.354 inches. Dian- The fibres are fine, walls uniform, and central ca- They are surrounded by much intercel- lular matter, the bulk of which can be removed by washing. The author has submitted various kinds of bamboo cane to both the soda and sulphite treatment, with th~e following results:*From "Paper Makers' Pocket Book" James Beveridge, 1911. by 1'/ SODA PROCESS.- The cane contained 1.62 per cent 51.25 per cent. of ash, of the following composition: It Mg 003. ter and 6.07 per cent. Ca 003, Si 02P 9.25 per cent. was crushed before placing in the diges- - Weight of bamboo per charge ... .g Volume of C. soda per charge ... 52 cwts. ... 1600 gals. ... 1741 lbs. ... 90 lbs. ... 331Fah. Weight of 60 per cent. C. soda per charge ... Steam pressure (maximum)... Maximum temperature ... .... ... g ... Number of hours under pressure Proportion of 60 per cent. ... ee. 15 C. soda = 33.6 lbs. to 1 cwt. of cane The black lye, after blowing off pressure = 16-1/2 Twaddell at 600 Fah. The pulp obtained was well boiled but dark in appearance, resembling soda wood pulp. It bleached readily at a temperature of 1200 Fah. to a pale yellow color, with 25 per cent. powder (35 per cent. of its weight of bleaching avail. did not exceed 40 per cent. dry cane. chlorine). The yield of air-dry fibre on air- BISULPHITE PROCESS.- A similar cane to the above was crushed between rollers and boiled in bisulphite of lime solution having a sp. gr. of 1.040 = 80 Twaddell, and of the usual composition prevailing in sul- phite pulp works, precisely as in the case of wood boiling. The pulp obtained was sort, a pale yellow color, and was readily washed with water. The boiled fibre was lighter in color than the corresponding pulp obtained by the soda process, but turned a deep red on addition of bleaching powder solution. With 23 per cent. of its weight of bleaching powder it remained a pale yellow tint, which could only be removed with permangarates. The actual yield of bleached air-dry pulp (10 per cent. water) was 42.7 parts per 100 parts operated upon. obtained References. Snow, Charles Henry: "Principal Species of Wood" Page 190. Their Characteristic Properties. 1 Page of illustrations. 2 Pages. Hubbard, Henry G.: "U.S. Forestry Bulletin No. 11". Page 29, 4 pp. A Brief Description of Scanty Growth of Bamboo in Florida. Gamble, J. S. : "A Manual of Indian Timbers" 14 Pages. Page 742. A Brief Botanical Dee "BambuseaE of British e scription of Bambuseat. India". Annals of the Royal Botanical Garden of Calcutta." Krz: Vol. VII. "Bamboo and Its Uses". Vol. I. Freeman, Mitford, A.B.: Riviere, Messrs A. and C.: Hasluck, "Indian Forester", Paul N.: "Bamboo Garden". "Les Bambous". comprising the "Bamboo Works" construction of Furniture, Household Fitments, and other articles in Bamboo. Beveridge, James: "Paper Makers' 160 pages. Pocket Book". Properties of Fibre from Bamboo, cal Treatment. Page 82, and its Chemi- 1 page. Articles appeared in current Engineering Magazines on the Strength of Bamboo. Ulrich, Max: et c. Stuttgart Zeitschrift fur Flugtecnik und Motor- luftschiffahrt. Bond, "Investigations on Bamboo, Captain P.S., Jahrgang IV, Heft 18. Corps of Engineers, U.S.A. "Some Experiments in the Use of Bamroo for Hasty Bridge Construction". Professional Memoirs Vol. V, September -October issue, 1913. JohLnson, Professor J.B.: "Materials of Construction". 1ambxi (rve, China. 5f inche, diameter.